第5单元 金融考试题 西南财经大学天府学院


1) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage ofthe rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as theA) inflation rate.B) exchange rate.C) interest rate.D) aggregate price level.Answer: C2) Financial markets and institutionsA) involve the movement of huge quantities of money.B) affect the profits of businesses.C) affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only (A) and (B) of the above.Answer: D3) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporationʹs stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.E) None of the above.Answer: E4) The purpose of diversification is toA) reduce the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.B) raise the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.C) reduce the average return on a portfolio.D) raise the average return on a portfolio.Answer: A5) When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.A) below; demand; riseB) below; demand; fallC) below; supply; riseD) above; supply; fallAnswer: C6) In a recession when income and wealth are falling, the demand for bonds _________ and thedemand curve shifts to the _________.A) falls; rightB) falls; leftC) rises; rightD) rises; leftAnswer: B7) When people begin to expect a large stock market decline, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _________ and the interest rate _________.A) right; fallsB) right; risesC) left; fallsD) left; risesAnswer: A8) The spread between interest rates on low quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds_________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C9) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C10) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected torise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer:E11) According to the efficient market hypothesisA) one cannot expect to earn an abnormally high return by purchasing a security.B) information in newspapers and in the published reports of financial analysts is alreadyreflected in market prices.C) unexploited profit opportunities abound, thereby explaining why so many people getrich by trading securities.D) all of the above are true.E) only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E12) To say that stock prices follow a ʺrandom walkʺ is to argue thatA) stock prices rise, then fall.B) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.C) stock prices tend to follow trends.D) stock prices are, for all practical purposes, unpredictable.Answer:D13) The efficient market hypothesis suggests thatA) investors should purchase no-load mutual funds which have low management fees.B) investors can use the advice of technical analysts to outperform the market.C) investors let too many unexploited profit opportunities go by if they adopt a ʺbuy andholdʺ strategy.D) only A and B of the above are sensible strategies.Answer: A14) Which of the following is empirical evidence indicating that the efficient market hypothesismay not always be generally applicable?A) Small-firm effectB) January effectC) Market OverreactionD) All of the aboveAnswer: D15) An open market purchase of securities by the Fed willA) increase assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the banking system.B) decrease assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the Fed.C) decrease assets of the banking system and increase assets of the Fed.D) have no effect on assets of the nonbank public but increase assets of the Fed.E) increase assets of the banking system and decrease assets of the Fed.Answer: D16) Under usual circumstances, an increase in the discount rate causesA) the federal funds rate to fall.B) the federal funds rate to rise.C) no change in the federal funds rate.D) the supply of reserves to increase.E) the supply of reserves to decrease.Answer: C17) Which of the following is not an operating target?A) Nonborrowed reservesB) Monetary baseC) Federal funds interest rateD) Discount rateE) All are operating targets.Answer: D18) Money market instrumentsA) are usually sold in large denominations.B) have low default risk.C) mature in one year or less.D) are characterized by all of the above.E) are characterized by only A and B of the above.Answer: D19) If the Fed wants to lower the federal funds interest rate, it will _________ the banking system by _________ securities.A) add reserves to; sellingB) add reserves to; buyingC) remove reserves from; sellingD) remove reserves from; buyingAnswer: B20) Money market transactionsA) do not take place in any one particular location or building.B) are usually arranged purchases and sales between participants over the phone by tradersand completed electronically.C) both (a) and (b).D) none the the above.Answer: C21) The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.Answer:False22) Typically, the interest rate on corporate bonds will be higher the more restrictions areplaced on management through restrictive covenants, because the bonds will beconsidered safer by bondholdersAnswer: False23) A change in the current yield always signals a change in the same direction of the yield tomaturity.Answer: True24) A bankʹs balance sheet indicates whether or not the bank is profitable. Answer: False25) Deposits that banks keep in accounts at the Federal Reserve less vault cash is called reserves.Answer: False26) Since a bankʹs assets exceed its equity capital, the return on assets always exceeds the return on equity.Answer: False27) Adverse selection refers to those most at risk being most aggressive in their search for funds.Answer: True28) Financial innovation has provided more options to both investors and borrowers. Answer: True28) When the federal governmentʹs budget deficit decreases, the demand curve for bonds shifts tothe right.Answer: False29) An increase in the inflation rate will cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the right.Answer: False30) A positive liquidity premium indicates that investors prefer long-term bonds over short-termbonds.Answer: False31) When yield curves are downward sloping, long-term interest rates are above short-terminterest rates.Answer: False32) In an efficient market, abnormal returns are not possible even using inside information.Answer: False33) Technical analysis is a popular technique used to predict stock prices by studying past stock price data and search for patterns such as trends and regular cycles. Answer: True34) An open market sale leads to an expansion of reserves and deposits in the banking system and hence to a decline in the monetary base and the money supply.Answer: False35) Open market purchases by the Fed increase the supply of nonborrowed reserves. Answer: True36) In general, money market instruments are low risk, high yield securities. Answer: False37) Money markets are referred to as retail markets because small individual investors are theprimary buyers of money market securities.Answer: False38) Capital market securities are less liquid and have longer maturities than money marketsecurities.Answer: True39) The current yield on a bond is a good approximation of the bondʹs yield to maturity when the bond matures in five years or less and its price differs from its par value by a large amount.Answer: False40) A bankʹs largest source of funds is its borrowing from the Fed. Answer: False1.Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate Current Price3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?(10分)Solution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its face value. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a given maturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises.For a given yield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals the coupon rate, a bond’s current price equal s its facevalue regardless of years to maturity.2. At your favorite bond store, Bonds-R-Us, you see the following prices:1-year $100 zero selling for $90.193-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $10002-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $1000Assume that the pure expectations theory for the term structure of interest rates holds, no liquidity or maturity premium exists, and the bonds are equally risky. What is the implied 1-year rate two years from now? (10分)Solution:From (a), you know that the 1-year rate today is 10.877%.Using this information, (c) tells you that:2-year rate)^2+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 2-year rate today is 9.95%.Using these two rates, (b) tells you that:3-year rate)3+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.09952 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 3-year rate today is 9.97%⨯ 9.97% – 2 ⨯ (3 =year rate 2 years from now 10.01%=9.95%)3. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years. (15分)What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments 3.33 6.18 103.83Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price 0.08 0.15 2.53 2.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s 2.86= (2.76) ⨯ 4/7 + (3) ⨯ 3/ 7 =durationIf rates increased,4. According to the loanable funds frameworks, draw two figures to explain the changes of interest rates during expansion and recession. (5分)Problems1. The following table lists foreign exchange rates between US dollars and British pounds during April.Date US Dollars perGBP Date US Dollars perGBP4/1 1.9564 4/18 1.75044/4 1.9293 4/19 1.72554/5 1.914 4/20 1.69144/6 1.9374 4/21 1.6724/7 1.961 4/22 1.66844/8 1.8925 4/25 1.66744/11 1.8822 4/26 1.68574/12 1.8558 4/27 1.69254/13 1.796 4/28 1.72014/14 1.7902 4/29 1.75124/15 1.7785Which day would have been the best day to convert $200 into British pounds?Which day would have been the worst day? What would be the difference in pounds?2. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Complete the following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate CurrentPrice3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?3. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay you and your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity?4. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years.a. What is th e duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?b. What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?5. Consider a bond that promises the following cash flows. The required discount rate is 12%.Year 0 1 2 3 4Promised Payments 160 170 180 230You plan to buy this bond, hold it for 2½ years, and then sell the bond.a. What total cash will you receive from the bond after the 2½ years? Assume that periodic cash flows are reinvested at 12%.b. If immediately after buying this bond, all market interest rates drop to 11% (including your reinvestment rate), what will be the impact on your total cash flow after 2½ years? How doesthis compare to part (a)?c. Assuming all market interest rates are 12%, what is the duration of this bond?Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a).6. You own a $1,000-par zero-coupon bond that has 5 years of remaining maturity. You plan on selling the bond in one year, and believe that the required yield next year will have the following probability distribution:Probability Required Yield0.1 6.60% 0.2 6.75% 0.4 7.00% 0.2 7.20% 0.17.45%a. What is your expected price when you sell the bond?b. What is the standard deviation?Multiple Choice1.When the inflation rate is expected to increase, the real cost of borrowing declines at any given interest rate; as a result, the _________ bonds increases and the _________ curve shifts to the right. A) demand for; demand B) demand for; supply C) supply of; demand D) supply of; supplyIn Figure 4.1, the most likely cause of the increasein the equilibrium interest rate from i1 to i2 isA)an increase in the price of bonds. B) a business cycle boom.C) an increase in the expected inflation rate. D) a decrease in the expected inflation rate.In Figure 4.2, one possible explanation for the increase in the interest rate from i1 to i2 is a(n) _________ in _________. A) increase; the expected inflation rateB) decrease; the expected inflation rateC) increase; economic growthD) decrease; economic growthSolution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its facevalue. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a givenmaturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises. For a given y ield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals thecoupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its face value regardless of years to maturity.Solution: To find your yield to maturity, Perpetuity value = PMT/I.So, 15625 = 1250/I. I = 0.08The answer to the final part, using a financial calculator:N = 20; I = 8; PMT = 1250; FV = 0Compute PV : PV = 12,272.69Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a). c. The duration is calculated as follows:Year1 2 3 4 Sum Payments160.00 170.00 180.00 230.00 PV of Payments142.86 135.52 128.12 146.17 552.67Time Weighted PV of Payments142.86 271.05 384.36 584.68 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.260.490.701.062.50Since the duration and the holding period are the same, you are insulated from immediate changes in interest rates! It doesn’t always work out this perfectly, but the idea is important.Solution: The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year1 2 3 Sum Payment3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments3.33 6.18 103.83 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.080.152.532.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s duration = 3/7 ⨯ (3) + 4/7 ⨯ (2.76) = 2.86If rates increased, 0.005DUR 2.8670,000,000926,852.1 1.08i P P i ∆∆=-⨯⨯=-⨯⨯=-+ ASMT 02_1112A1. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Yield to MaturityCurrent Price3 5 3 7 6 7 9 7 9 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?2. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay youand your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity? 3. Assume you just deposited $1,000 into a bank account. The current real interestrate is 2% and inflation is expected to be 6% over the next year. What nominal interest rate would you require from the bank over the next year? How much money will you have at the end of one year? If you are saving to buy a stereo that currently sells for $1,050, will you have enough to buy it? 4. A 10-year, 7% coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 is currently selling for$871.65. Compute your rate of return if you sell the bond next year for $880.10.。

Financial Markets and Institutions, 7e (Mishkin)Chapter 5 How Do Risk and Term Structure Affect Interest Rates?5.1 Multiple Choice1) The term structure of interest rates isA) the relationship among interest rates of different bonds with the same risk and maturity.B) the structure of how interest rates move over time.C) the relationship among the terms to maturity of different bonds from different issuers.D) the relationship among interest rates on bonds with different maturities but similar risk. Answer: D2) The risk structure of interest rates isA) the structure of how interest rates move over time.B) the relationship among interest rates of different bonds with the same maturity.C) the relationship among the terms to maturity of different bonds.D) the relationship among interest rates on bonds with different maturities.Answer: B3) Which of the following long-term bonds should have the lowest interest rate?A) Corporate Baa bondsB) U.S. Treasury bondsC) Corporate Aaa bondsD) Municipal bondsAnswer: D4) Which of the following long-term bonds should have the highest interest rate?A) Corporate Baa bondsB) U.S. Treasury bondsC) Corporate Aaa bondsD) Municipal bondsAnswer: A5) The risk premium on corporate bonds becomes smaller ifA) the riskiness of corporate bonds increases.B) the liquidity of corporate bonds increases.C) the liquidity of corporate bonds decreases.D) the riskiness of corporate bonds decreases.E) either B or D of the above occur.Answer: E6) Bonds with relatively low risk of default are calledA) zero coupon bonds.B) junk bonds.C) investment-grade bonds.D) none of the above.Answer: C7) Bonds with relatively high risk of default are calledA) Brady bonds.B) junk bonds.C) zero coupon bonds.D) investment-grade bonds.Answer: B8) A corporation suffering big losses might be more likely to suspend interest payments on its bonds, therebyA) raising the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to rise.B) raising the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to fall.C) lowering the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to rise.D) lowering the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to fall.Answer: B9) (I) If a corporation suffers big losses, the demand for its bonds will rise because of the higher interest rates the firm must pay.(II) The spread between the interest rates on bonds with default risk and default-free bonds is called the risk premium.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: B10) Holding everything else constant, if a corporation begins to suffer large losses, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the expected return on those bonds will ________.A) increase: increaseB) decrease; increaseC) increase; decreaseD) decrease; decreaseAnswer: C11) Holding everything else the same, if a corporation's earnings rise, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the expected return on those bonds will ________.A) increase; decreaseB) decrease; decreaseC) increase; increaseD) decrease; increaseAnswer: D12) If a corporation begins to suffer large losses, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the equilibrium interest rate on these bonds will ________.A) increase; decreaseB) decrease; increaseC) increase; increaseD) decrease; decreaseAnswer: C13) If a corporation's earnings rise, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the equilibrium interest rate on these bonds will ________.A) increase; decreaseB) decrease; decreaseC) increase; increaseD) decrease; increaseAnswer: B14) When the default risk on corporate bonds decreases, other things equal, the demand curve for corporate bonds shifts to the ________ and the demand curve for Treasury bonds shifts to the ________.A) right; rightB) right; leftC) left; leftD) left; rightAnswer: B15) (I) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for corporate bonds to the right.(II) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for Treasury bonds to the left.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: D16) (I) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for corporate bonds to the left.(II) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for Treasury bonds to the right.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: C17) The spread between interest rates on low-quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C18) As a result of the subprime collapse, the demand for low -quality corporate bonds ________, the demand for high-quality Treasury bonds ________, and the risk spread ________.A) increased; decreased; was unchangedB) decreased; increased; increasedC) increased; decreased; decreasedD) decreased; increased; was unchangedAnswer: B19) Moody's and Standard and Poor's are agencies thatA) help investors collect when corporations default on their bonds.B) advise municipal bond issuers on the tax exempt status of their bonds.C) produce information about the probability of default on corporate bonds.D) maintain liquid markets for corporate bonds.Answer: C20) If Moody's or Standard and Poor's downgrades its rating on a corporate bond, the demand for the bond ________ and its yield ________.A) increases; decreasesB) decreases; increasesC) increases; increasesD) decreases; decreasesAnswer: B21) Corporate bonds are not as liquid as government bonds becauseA) fewer bonds for any one corporation are traded, making them more costly to sell.B) the corporate bond rating must be calculated each time they are traded.C) corporate bonds are not callable.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: A22) (I) The risk premium widens as the default risk on corporate bonds increases.(II) The risk premium widens as corporate bonds become less liquid.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: C23) When the corporate bond market becomes less liquid, other things equal, the demand curve for corporate bonds shifts to the ________ and the demand curve for Treasury bonds shifts to the ________.A) right; rightB) right; leftC) left; leftD) left; rightAnswer: D24) When the corporate bond market becomes more liquid, other things equal, the demand curve for corporate bonds shifts to the ________ and the demand curve for Treasury bonds shifts to the ________.A) right; rightB) right; leftC) left; leftD) left; rightAnswer: B25) (I) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the demand for the bond will fall, causing the interest rate to rise.(II) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the demand for Treasury bonds does not change.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: A26) (I) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the interest rate on the bond will fall.(II) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the interest rate on Treasury bonds will fall.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: B27) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C28) If income tax rates rise, thenA) the prices of municipal bonds will fall.B) the prices of Treasury bonds will rise.C) the interest rate on Treasury bonds will rise.D) the interest rate on municipal bonds will rise.Answer: C29) An increase in marginal tax rates would likely have the effect of ________ the demand for municipal bonds and ________ the demand for U.S. government bonds.A) increasing; increasingB) increasing; decreasingC) decreasing; increasingD) decreasing; decreasingAnswer: B30) A decrease in marginal tax rates would likely have the effect of ________ the demand for municipal bonds and ________ the demand for U.S. government bonds.A) increasing; increasingB) increasing; decreasingC) decreasing; increasingD) decreasing; decreasingAnswer: C31) Which of the following statements are true?A) Because coupon payments on municipal bonds are exempt from federal income tax, the expected after-tax return on them will be higher for individuals in higher income tax brackets.B) An increase in tax rates will increase the demand for municipal bonds, lowering their interest rates.C) Interest rates on municipal bonds will be lower than on comparable bonds without the tax exemption.D) All of the above are true statements.E) Only A and B are true statements.Answer: D32) Which of the following statements are true?A) Because coupon payments on municipal bonds are exempt from federal income tax, the expected after-tax return on them will be higher for individuals in higher income tax brackets.B) An increase in tax rates will increase the demand for Treasury bonds, lowering their interest rates.C) Interest rates on municipal bonds will be higher than on comparable bonds without the tax exemption.D) Only A and B are true statements.Answer: A33) When a municipal bond is given tax-free status, the demand for municipal bonds shifts ________, causing the interest rate on the bond to ________.A) leftward; riseB) leftward; fallC) rightward; riseD) rightward; fallAnswer: D34) When a municipal bond is given tax-free status, the demand for Treasury bonds shifts ________, and the interest rate on Treasury bonds ________.A) leftward; risesB) leftward; fallsC) rightward; risesD) rightward; fallsAnswer: A35) If municipal bonds were to lose their tax-free status, then the demand for Treasury bonds would shift ________, and the interest rate on Treasury bonds would ________.A) rightward; fallB) rightward; riseC) leftward; fallD) leftward; riseAnswer: A36) The Bush tax cut passed in 2001 reduces the top income tax bracket from 39 percent to 35 percent over the next ten years. As a result of this tax cut, the demand for municipal bonds should shift to the ________ and the interest rate on municipal bonds should ________.A) right; declineB) right; increaseC) left; declineD) left; increaseAnswer: D37) The relationship among interest rates on bonds with identical default risk but different maturities is called theA) time-risk structure of interest rates.B) liquidity structure of interest rates.C) yield curve.D) bond demand curve.Answer: C38) Yield curves can be classified asA) upward-sloping.B) downward-sloping.C) flat.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: D39) Typically, yield curves areA) gently upward-sloping.B) gently downward-sloping.C) flat.D) bowl shaped.E) mound shaped.Answer: A40) When yield curves are steeply upward-sloping,A) long-term interest rates are above short-term interest rates.B) short-term interest rates are above long-term interest rates.C) short-term interest rates are about the same as long-term interest rates.D) medium-term interest rates are above both short-term and long-term interest rates.E) medium-term interest rates are below both short-term and long-term interest rates.Answer: A41) Economists' attempts to explain the term structure of interest ratesA) illustrate how economists modify theories to improve them when they are inconsistent with the empirical evidence.B) illustrate how economists continue to accept theories that fail to explain observed behavior of interest rate movements.C) prove that the real world is a special case that tends to get short shrift in theoretical models.D) have proved entirely unsatisfactory to date.Answer: A42) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate on long-term bonds will exceed the average of expected future short-term interest rates.B) interest rates on bonds of different maturities move together over time.C) buyers of bonds prefer short-term to long-term bonds.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: B43) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to rise in the future.B) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to decline in the future.C) buyers of bonds prefer short-term to long-term bonds.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: E44) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to rise in the future.B) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.C) investors have strong preferences for short-term relative to long-term bonds, explaining why yield curves typically slope upward.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: A45) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to rise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: E46) If the expected path of one-year interest rates over the next four years is 5 percent, 4 percent, 2 percent, and 1 percent, then the pure expectations theory predicts that today's interest rate on thefour-year bond isA) 1 percent.B) 2 percent.C) 4 percent.D) none of the above.Answer: D47) If the expected path of one-year interest rates over the next five years is 1 percent, 2 percent, 3 percent, 4 percent, and 5 percent, then the pure expectations theory predicts that the bond with the highest interest rate today is the one with a maturity ofA) one year.B) two years.C) three years.D) four years.E) five years.Answer: E48) If the expected path of one-year interest rates over the next five years is 2 percent, 4 percent, 1 percent, 4 percent, and 3 percent, then the pure expectations theory predicts that the bond with the lowest interest rate today is the one with a maturity ofA) one year.B) two years.C) three years.D) four years.Answer: A49) According to the market segmentation theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate for bonds of one maturity is determined by the supply and demand for bonds of that maturity.B) bonds of one maturity are not substitutes for bonds of other maturities; therefore, interest rates on bonds of different maturities do not move together over time.C) investors' strong preference for short-term relative to long-term bonds explains why yield curves typically slope upward.D) all of the above.E) none of the above.Answer: D50) According to the market segmentation theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate for bonds of one maturity is determined by the supply and demand for bonds of that maturity.B) bonds of one maturity are not substitutes for bonds of other maturities; therefore, interest rates on bonds of different maturities do not move together over time.C) investors' strong preference for short-term relative to long-term bonds explains why yield curves typically slope downward.D) only A and B of the above.Answer: D51) The liquidity premium theory of the term structureA) indicates that today's long-term interest rate equals the average of short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the life of the long-term bond.B) assumes that bonds of different maturities are perfect substitutes.C) suggests that markets for bonds of different maturities are completely separate because people have different preferences.D) does none of the above.Answer: D52) The liquidity premium theory of the term structureA) assumes investors tend to prefer short-term bonds because they have less interest-rate risk.B) assumes that interest rates on the long-term bond respond to demand and supply conditions for that bond.C) assumes that an average of expected short-term rates is an important component of interest rates on long-term bonds.D) assumes all of the above.E) assumes none of the above.Answer: D53) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate on long-term bonds will equal an average of short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the life of the long-term bonds plus a liquidity premium.B) buyers of bonds may prefer bonds of one maturity over another, yet interest rates on bonds of different maturities move together over time.C) even with a positive liquidity premium, if future short-term interest rates are expected to fall significantly, then the yield curve will be downward-sloping.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: D54) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure,A) because buyers of bonds may prefer bonds of one maturity over another, interest rates on bonds of different maturities do not move together over time.B) the interest rate on long-term bonds will equal an average of short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the life of the long-term bonds plus a term premium.C) because of the positive term premium, the yield curve cannot be downward-sloping.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: B55) If the yield curve slope is flat, the liquidity premium theory indicates that the market is predictingA) a mild rise in short-term interest rates in the near future and a mild decline further out in the future.B) constant short-term interest rates in the near future and further out in the future.C) a mild decline in short-term interest rates in the near future and a continuing mild decline further out in the future.D) constant short-term interest rates in the near future and a mild decline further out in the future. Answer: C56) If the yield curve has a mild upward slope, the liquidity premium theory indicates that the market is predictingA) a rise in short-term interest rates in the near future and a decline further out in the future.B) constant short-term interest rates in the near future and further out in the future.C) a decline in short-term interest rates in the near future and a rise further out in the future.D) a decline in short-term interest rates in the near future and an even steeper decline further out in the future.Answer: B57) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure, a downward-sloping yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected toA) rise in the future.B) remain unchanged in the future.C) decline moderately in the future.D) decline sharply in the future.Answer: D58) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure, when the yield curve has its usual slope, the market expectsA) short-term interest rates to rise sharply.B) short-term interest rates to drop sharply.C) short-term interest rates to stay near their current levels.D) none of the above.Answer: C59) In actual practice, short-term interest rates are just as likely to fall as to rise; this is the major shortcoming of theA) market segmentation theory.B) expectations theory.C) liquidity premium theory.D) separable markets theory.Answer: B60) Which theory of the term structure proposes that bonds of different maturities are not substitutes for one another?A) market segmentation theoryB) expectations theoryC) liquidity premium theoryD) separable markets theoryAnswer: A61) Since yield curves are usually upward sloping, the ________ indicates that, on average, people tend to prefer holding short-term bonds to long-term bonds.A) market segmentation theoryB) expectations theoryC) liquidity premium theoryD) both A and B of the aboveE) both A and C of the aboveAnswer: E62) ________ cannot explain the empirical fact that interest rates on bonds of different maturities tend to move together.A) The market segmentation theoryB) The expectations theoryC) The liquidity premium theoryD) Both A and B of the aboveE) Both A and C of the aboveAnswer: A63) Of the four theories that explain how interest rates on bonds with different terms to maturity are related, the one that views long-term interest rates as equaling the average of future short-term rates expected to occur over the life of the bond is theA) pure expectations theory.B) preferred habitat theory.C) liquidity premium theory.D) segmented markets theory.Answer: A64) Of the four theories that explain how interest rates on bonds with different terms to maturity are related, the one that assumes that bonds of different maturities are not substitutes for one another is theA) expectations theory.B) segmented markets theory.C) liquidity premium theory.D) preferred habitat theory.Answer: B65) A moderately upward-sloping yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected toA) neither rise nor fall in the near future.B) remain relatively unchanged, but that long-term rates are expected to fall.C) neither rise nor fall, but that long-term rates are expected to rise moderately.D) rise moderately in the near future.Answer: A66) A steep upward-sloping yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected toA) neither rise nor fall in the near future.B) remain relatively unchanged, but that long-term rates are expected to fall.C) neither rise nor fall, but that long-term rates are expected to rise moderately.D) rise moderately in the near future.Answer: D67) A bond rating of Aa or AA would mean that the quality of the bond isA) the highest.B) high.C) medium grade.D) speculative.Answer: B68) ________ bonds are the most liquid of all long-term bonds.A) CallableB) MunicipalC) Corporate AaaD) U.S. TreasuryAnswer: D69) ________ bonds are exempt from federal income taxes.A) Corporate AaaB) U.S. TreasuryC) Corporate BaaD) MunicipalAnswer: D70) The risk structure of interest rates is explained byA) default risk.B) liquidity.C) tax considerations.D) all of the above.Answer: D71) The ________ theory is the most widely accepted theory of the term structure of interest rates because it explains the major empirical facts about the term structure so well.A) liquidity premiumB) market segmentationC) expectationsD) none of the aboveAnswer: A72) ________ are investment advisory firms that rate the quality of corporate and municipal bonds in terms of probability of default.A) Financial institutionsB) Credit-rating agenciesC) Securities companiesD) none of the aboveAnswer: B73) If a bond has a favorable tax treatment, its required interest rate (all else equal)A) will be higher.B) will not be affected.C) will be lower.D) all of the above could happen.Answer: C。


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A、hs-next=s;B、s-next=hs; hs=s;C、s-next=hs-next; hs-next=s;D、s-next=hs; hs=hs-next;6、对于顺序存储的有序表{5,12,20,26,37,42,46,50,64},若采用折半查找,则查找元素26的比较次数为()。
第二单元 金融考精彩试题 西南财经大学天府学院

Financial Markets and Institutions, 7e (Mishkin)Chapter 2 Overview of the Financial System2.1 Multiple Choice1) Every financial market performs the following function:A) It determines the level of interest rates.B) It allows common stock to be traded.C) It allows loans to be made.D) It channels funds from lenders-savers to borrowers-spenders.Answer: D2) Financial markets have the basic function ofA) bringing together people with funds to lend and people who want to borrow funds.B) assuring that the swings in the business cycle are less pronounced.C) assuring that governments need never resort to printing money.D) both A and B of the above.E) both B and C of the above.Answer: A3) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporation's stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.E) None of the above.Answer: E4) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporation's stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) A corporation buys commercial paper issued by another corporation.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper from the issuing corporation.D) Both A and B of the above.E) Both B and C of the above.Answer: B5) Which of the following can be described as involving indirect finance?A) A corporation takes out loans from a bank.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A corporation buys commercial paper in a secondary market.D) All of the above.E) Only A and B of the above.Answer: E6) Which of the following can be described as involving indirect finance?A) A bank buys a U.S. Treasury bill from one of its depositors.B) A corporation buys commercial paper issued by another corporation.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the primary market.D) Both A and C of the above.Answer: D7) Financial markets improve economic welfare becauseA) they allow funds to move from those without productive investment opportunities to those who have such opportunities.B) they allow consumers to time their purchases better.C) they weed out inefficient firms.D) they do all of the above.E) they do A and B of the above.Answer: E8) A country whose financial markets function poorly is likely toA) efficiently allocate its capital resources.B) enjoy high productivity.C) experience economic hardship and financial crises.D) increase its standard of living.Answer: C9) Which of the following are securities?A) A certificate of depositB) A share of Texaco common stockC) A Treasury billD) All of the aboveE) Only A and B of the aboveAnswer: D10) Which of the following statements about the characteristics of debt and equity are true?A) They both can be long-term financial instruments.B) They both involve a claim on the issuer's income.C) They both enable a corporation to raise funds.D) All of the above.E) Only A and B of the above.Answer: D11) The money market is the market in which ________ are traded.A) new issues of securitiesB) previously issued securitiesC) short-term debt instrumentsD) long-term debt and equity instrumentsAnswer: C12) Long-term debt and equity instruments are traded in the ________ market.A) primaryB) secondaryC) capitalD) moneyAnswer: C13) Which of the following are primary markets?A) The New York Stock ExchangeB) The U.S. government bond marketC) The over-the-counter stock marketD) The options marketsE) None of the aboveAnswer: E14) Which of the following are secondary markets?A) The New York Stock ExchangeB) The U.S. government bond marketC) The over-the-counter stock marketD) The options marketsE) All of the aboveAnswer: E15) A corporation acquires new funds only when its securities are sold in theA) secondary market by an investment bank.B) primary market by an investment bank.C) secondary market by a stock exchange broker.D) secondary market by a commercial bank.Answer: B16) Intermediaries who are agents of investors and match buyers with sellers of securities are calledA) investment bankers.B) traders.C) brokers.D) dealers.E) none of the above.Answer: C17) Intermediaries who link buyers and sellers by buying and selling securities at stated prices are calledA) investment bankers.B) traders.C) brokers.D) dealers.E) none of the above.Answer: D18) An important financial institution that assists in the initial sale of securities in the primary market is theA) investment bank.B) commercial bank.C) stock exchange.D) brokerage house.Answer: A19) Which of the following statements about financial markets and securities are true?A) Most common stocks are traded over-the-counter, although the largest corporations have their shares traded at organized stock exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange.B) A corporation acquires new funds only when its securities are sold in the primary market.C) Money market securities are usually more widely traded than longer-term securities and so tend to be more liquid.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: D20) Which of the following statements about financial markets and securities are true?A) A bond is a long-term security that promises to make periodic payments called dividends to the firm's residual claimants.B) A debt instrument is intermediate term if its maturity is less than one year.C) A debt instrument is long term if its maturity is ten years or longer.D) The maturity of a debt instrument is the time (term) that has elapsed since it was issued.Answer: C21) Which of the following statements about financial markets and securities are true?A) Few common stocks are traded over-the-counter, although the over-the-counter markets have grown in recent years.B) A corporation acquires new funds only when its securities are sold in the primary market.C) Capital market securities are usually more widely traded than longer-term securities and so tend to be more liquid.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: B22) Which of the following markets is sometimes organized as an over-the-counter market?A) The stock marketB) The bond marketC) The foreign exchange marketD) The federal funds marketE) all of the aboveAnswer: E23) Bonds that are sold in a foreign country and are denominated in that country's currency are known asA) foreign bonds.B) Eurobonds.C) Eurocurrencies.D) Eurodollars.Answer: A24) Bonds that are sold in a foreign country and are denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which they are sold are known asA) foreign bonds.B) Eurobonds.C) Eurocurrencies.D) Eurodollars.Answer: B25) Financial intermediariesA) exist because there are substantial information and transaction costs in the economy.B) improve the lot of the small saver.C) are involved in the process of indirect finance.D) do all of the above.E) do only A and B of the above.Answer: D26) The main sources of financing for businesses, in order of importance, areA) financial intermediaries, issuing bonds, issuing stocks.B) issuing bonds, issuing stocks, financial intermediaries.C) issuing stocks, issuing bonds, financial intermediaries.D) issuing stocks, financial intermediaries, issuing bonds.Answer: A27) The presence of transaction costs in financial markets explains, in part, whyA) financial intermediaries and indirect finance play such an important role in financial markets.B) equity and bond financing play such an important role in financial markets.C) corporations get more funds through equity financing than they get from financial intermediaries.D) direct financing is more important than indirect financing as a source of funds.Answer: A28) Financial intermediaries can substantially reduce transaction costs per dollar of transactions because their large size allows them to take advantage ofA) poorly informed consumers.B) standardization.C) economies of scale.D) their market power.Answer: C29) The purpose of diversification is toA) reduce the volatility of a portfolio's return.B) raise the volatility of a portfolio's return.C) reduce the average return on a portfolio.D) raise the average return on a portfolio.Answer: A30) An investor who puts all her funds into one asset ________ her portfolio's ________.A) increases; diversificationB) decreases; diversificationC) increases; average returnD) decreases; average returnAnswer: B31) Through risk-sharing activities, a financial intermediary ________ its own risk and ________ the risks of its customers.A) reduces; increasesB) increases; reducesC) reduces; reducesD) increases; increasesAnswer: B32) The presence of ________ in financial markets leads to adverse selection and moral hazard problems that interfere with the efficient functioning of financial markets.A) noncollateralized riskB) free-ridingC) asymmetric informationD) costly state verificationAnswer: C33) When the lender and the borrower have different amounts of information regarding a transaction,________ is said to exist.A) asymmetric informationB) adverse selectionC) moral hazardD) fraudAnswer: A34) When the potential borrowers who are the most likely to default are the ones most actively seeking a loan, ________ is said to exist.A) asymmetric informationB) adverse selectionC) moral hazardD) fraudAnswer: B35) When the borrower engages in activities that make it less likely that the loan will be repaid,________ is said to exist.A) asymmetric informationB) adverse selectionC) moral hazardD) fraudAnswer: C36) The concept of adverse selection helps to explainA) which firms are more likely to obtain funds from banks and other financial intermediaries, rather than from the securities markets.B) why indirect finance is more important than direct finance as a source of business finance.C) why direct finance is more important than indirect finance as a source of business finance.D) only A and B of the above.E) only A and C of the above.Answer: D37) Adverse selection is a problem associated with equity and debt contracts arising fromA) the lender's relative lack of information about the borrower's potential returns and risks of his investment activities.B) the lender's inability to legally require sufficient collateral to cover a 100 percent loss if the borrower defaults.C) the borrower's lack of incentive to seek a loan for highly risky investments.D) none of the above.Answer: A38) When the least desirable credit risks are the ones most likely to seek loans, lenders are subject to theA) moral hazard problem.B) adverse selection problem.C) shirking problem.D) free-rider problem.E) principal-agent problem.Answer: B39) Successful financial intermediaries have higher earnings on their investments because they are better equipped than individuals to screen out good from bad risks, thereby reducing losses due toA) moral hazard.B) adverse selection.C) bad luck.D) financial panics.Answer: B40) In financial markets, lenders typically have inferior information about potential returns and risks associated with any investment project. This difference in information is calledA) comparative informational disadvantage.B) asymmetric information.C) variant information.D) caveat venditor.Answer: B41) Which of the following financial intermediaries are depository institutions?A) A savings and loan associationB) A commercial bankC) A credit unionD) All of the aboveE) Only A and C of the aboveAnswer: D42) Which of the following is a contractual savings institution?A) A life insurance companyB) A credit unionC) A savings and loan associationD) A mutual fundAnswer: A43) Which of the following are not investment intermediaries?A) A life insurance companyB) A pension fundC) A mutual fundD) Only A and B of the aboveAnswer: D44) Which of the following are investment intermediaries?A) Finance companiesB) Mutual fundsC) Pension fundsD) All of the aboveE) Only A and B of the aboveAnswer: E45) The government regulates financial markets for two main reasons:A) to ensure soundness of the financial system and to increase the information available to investors.B) to improve control of monetary policy and to increase the information available to investors.C) to ensure that financial intermediaries do not earn more than the normal rate of return and to improve control of monetary policy.D) to ensure soundness of financial intermediaries and to prevent financial intermediaries from earning less than the normal rate of return.Answer: A46) Asymmetric information can lead to widespread collapse of financial intermediaries, referred to as aA) bank holiday.B) financial panic.C) financial disintermediation.D) financial collapse.Answer: B47) Foreign currencies that are deposited in banks outside the home country are known asA) foreign bonds.B) Eurobond.C) Eurocurrencies.D) Eurodollars.Answer: C48) U.S. dollars deposited in foreign banks outside the United States or in foreign branches of U.S. are referred to asA) Eurodollars.B) Eurocurrencies.C) Eurobonds.D) foreign bonds.Answer: A49) Banks providing depositors with checking accounts that enable them to pay their bills easily is known asA) liquidity services.B) asset transformation.C) risk sharing.D) transaction costs.Answer: A50) A ________ is when one party in a financial contract has incentives to act in its own interest rather than in the interests of the other party.A) moral hazardB) riskC) conflict of interestD) financial panicAnswer: C51) Fire and casualty insurance companies are what type of intermediary?A) Contractual savings institutionB) Depository institutionsC) Investment intermediariesD) None of the aboveAnswer: A52) The country whose banks are the most restricted in the range of assets they may hold isA) Japan.B) Canada.C) Germany.D) the United States.Answer: D53) The largest depository institution (value of assets) at the end of 2009 wasA) commercial banks.B) pension funds.C) credit unions.D) mutual funds.Answer: A。
第一单元 考试题 西南财经大学天府学院

Financial Markets and Institutions, 7e (Mishkin)Chapter 1 Why Study Financial Markets and Institutions?1.1 Multiple Choice1) Financial markets and institutionsA) involve the movement of huge quantities of money.B) affect the profits of businesses.C) affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only A and B of the above.Answer: D2) Financial market activities affectA) personal wealth.B) spending decisions by individuals and business firms.C) the economy's location in the business cycle.D) all of the above.Answer: D3) Markets in which funds are transferred from those who have excess funds available to those who havea shortage of available funds are calledA) commodity markets.B) funds markets.C) derivative exchange markets.D) financial markets.Answer: D4) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage of the rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as theA) inflation rate.B) exchange rate.C) interest rate.D) aggregate price level.Answer: C5) The bond markets are important becauseA) they are easily the most widely followed financial markets in the United States.B) they are the markets where interest rates are determined.C) they are the markets where foreign exchange rates are determined.D) all of the above.Answer: B6) Interest rates are important to financial institutions since an interest rate ________ the cost of acquiring funds and ________ the income from assets.A) decreases; decreasesB) increases; increasesC) decreases; increasesD) increases; decreasesAnswer: B7) Typically, increasing interest ratesA) discourages individuals from saving.B) discourages corporate investments.C) encourages corporate expansion.D) encourages corporate borrowing.E) none of the above.Answer: B8) Compared to interest rates on long-term U.S. government bonds, interest rates on ________ fluctuate more and are lower on average.A) medium-quality corporate bondsB) low-quality corporate bondsC) high-quality corporate bondsD) three-month Treasury billsE) none of the aboveAnswer: D9) Compared to interest rates on long-term U.S. government bonds, interest rates on three-month Treasury bills fluctuate ________ and are ________ on average.A) more; lowerB) less; lowerC) more; higherD) less; higherAnswer: A10) The stock market is important becauseA) it is where interest rates are determined.B) it is the most widely followed financial market in the United States.C) it is where foreign exchange rates are determined.D) all of the above.Answer: B11) Stock prices since the 1980s have beenA) relatively stable, trending upward at a steady pace.B) relatively stable, trending downward at a moderate rate.C) extremely volatile.D) unstable, trending downward at a moderate rate.Answer: C12) The largest one-day drop in the history of the American stock markets occurred inA) 1929.B) 1987.C) 2000.D) 2001.Answer: B13) A declining stock market index due to lower share pricesA) reduces people's wealth and as a result may reduce their willingness to spend.B) increases people's wealth and as a result may increase their willingness to spend.C) decreases the amount of funds that business firms can raise by selling newly issued stock.D) both A and C of the above.E) both B and C of the above.Answer: D14) Changes in stock pricesA) affect people's wealth and their willingness to spend.B) affect firms' decisions to sell stock to finance investment spending.C) are characterized by considerable fluctuations.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: D15) (I) Debt markets are often referred to generically as the bond market.(II) A bond is a security that is a claim on the earnings and assets of a corporation.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: A16) (I) A bond is a debt security that promises to make payments periodically for a specified period of time.(II) A stock is a security that is a claim on the earnings and assets of a corporation.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: C17) The price of one country's currency in terms of another's is calledA) the foreign exchange rate.B) the interest rate.C) the Dow Jones industrial average.18) A stronger dollar benefits ________ and hurts ________A) American businesses; American consumers.B) American businesses; foreign businesses.C) American consumers; American businesses.D) foreign businesses; American consumers.Answer: C19) A weaker dollar benefits ________ and hurts ________A) American businesses; American consumers.B) American businesses; foreign consumers.C) American consumers; American businesses.D) foreign businesses; American consumers.Answer: A20) From 1980 to early 1985 the dollar ________ in value, thereby benefiting American ________A) appreciated; businesses.B) appreciated; consumers.C) depreciated; businesses.D) depreciated; consumers.Answer: B21) Money is defined asA) anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the repayment of debt.B) bills of exchange.C) a riskless repository of spending power.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: A22) The organization responsible for the conduct of monetary policy in the United States is theA) Comptroller of the Currency.B) U.S. Treasury.C) Federal Reserve System.D) Bureau of Monetary Affairs.Answer: C23) The central bank of the United States isA) Citicorp.B) The Fed.C) Bank of America.D) The Treasury.24) Monetary policy is chiefly concerned withA) how much money businesses earn.B) the level of interest rates and the nation's money supply.C) how much money people pay in taxes.D) whether people have saved enough money for retirement.Answer: B25) Economists group commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, mutual funds, mutual savings banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and finance companies together under the heading financial intermediaries. Financial intermediariesA) act as middlemen, borrowing funds from those who have saved and lending these funds to others.B) produce nothing of value and are therefore a drain on society's resources.C) help promote a more efficient and dynamic economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only A and C of the above.Answer: E26) Economists group commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, mutual funds, mutual savings banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and finance companies together under the heading financial intermediaries. Financial intermediariesA) act as middlemen, borrowing funds from those who have saved and lending these funds to others.B) play an important role in determining the quantity of money in the economy.C) help promote a more efficient and dynamic economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only A and C of the above.Answer: D27) Banks are important to the study of money and the economy because theyA) provide a channel for linking those who want to save with those who want to invest.B) have been a source of financial innovation that is expanding the alternatives available to those wanting to invest their money.C) are the only financial institution to play a role in determining the quantity of money in the economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only A and B of the above.Answer: E28) Banks, savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unionsA) are no longer important players in financial intermediation.B) have been providing services only to small depositors since deregulation.C) have been adept at innovating in response to changes in the regulatory environment.D) all of the above.E) only A and C of the above.29) (I) Banks are financial intermediaries that accept deposits and make loans.(II) The term "banks" includes firms such as commercial banks, savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, credit unions, insurance companies, and pension funds.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: A30) ________ was the stock market's worst one-day drop in history in the 1980s.A) Black FridayB) Black MondayC) Blackout DayD) none of the aboveAnswer: B31) The largest financial intermediaries areA) insurance companies.B) finance companies.C) banks.D) all of the above.Answer: C32) In recent yearsA) interest rates have remained constant.B) the success of financial institutions has reached levels unprecedented since the Great Depression.C) stock markets have crashed.D) all of the above.Answer: C33) A securityA) is a claim or price of property that is subject to ownership.B) promises that payments will be made periodically for a specified period of time.C) is the price paid for the usage of funds.D) is a claim on the issuer's future income.Answer: D34) ________ are an example of a financial institution.A) BanksB) Insurance companiesC) Finance companiesD) All of the above35) Monetary policy affectsA) interest rates.B) inflation.C) business cycles.D) all of the above.Answer: D36) A rising stock market index due to higher share pricesA) increases people's wealth and as a result may increase their willingness to spend.B) increases the amount of funds that business firms can raise by selling newly issued stock.C) decreases the amount of funds that business firms can raise by selling newly issued stock.D) both A and B of the above.Answer: D37) From the peak of the high-tech bubble in 2000, the stock market ________ by over ________ by late 2002.A) collapsed; 75%B) rose; 35%C) collapsed; 30%D) rose; 50%Answer: C。

1) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage ofthe rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as theA) inflation rate.B) exchange rate.C) interest rate.D) aggregate price level.Answer: C2) Financial markets and institutionsA) involve the movement of huge quantities of money.B) affect the profits of businesses.C) affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only (A) and (B) of the above.Answer: D3) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporationʹs stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.E) None of the above.Answer: E4) The purpose of diversification is toA) reduce the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.B) raise the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.C) reduce the average return on a portfolio.D) raise the average return on a portfolio.Answer: A5) When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.A) below; demand; riseB) below; demand; fallC) below; supply; riseD) above; supply; fallAnswer: C6) In a recession when income and wealth are falling, the demand for bonds _________ and thedemand curve shifts to the _________.A) falls; rightB) falls; leftC) rises; rightD) rises; leftAnswer: B7) When people begin to expect a large stock market decline, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _________ and the interest rate _________.A) right; fallsB) right; risesC) left; fallsD) left; risesAnswer: A8) The spread between interest rates on low quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds_________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C9) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C10) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected torise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer:E11) According to the efficient market hypothesisA) one cannot expect to earn an abnormally high return by purchasing a security.B) information in newspapers and in the published reports of financial analysts is alreadyreflected in market prices.C) unexploited profit opportunities abound, thereby explaining why so many people getrich by trading securities.D) all of the above are true.E) only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E12) To say that stock prices follow a ʺrandom walkʺ is to argue thatA) stock prices rise, then fall.B) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.C) stock prices tend to follow trends.D) stock prices are, for all practical purposes, unpredictable.Answer:D13) The efficient market hypothesis suggests thatA) investors should purchase no-load mutual funds which have low management fees.B) investors can use the advice of technical analysts to outperform the market.C) investors let too many unexploited profit opportunities go by if they adopt a ʺbuy andholdʺ strategy.D) only A and B of the above are sensible strategies.Answer: A14) Which of the following is empirical evidence indicating that the efficient market hypothesismay not always be generally applicable?A) Small-firm effectB) January effectC) Market OverreactionD) All of the aboveAnswer: D15) An open market purchase of securities by the Fed willA) increase assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the banking system.B) decrease assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the Fed.C) decrease assets of the banking system and increase assets of the Fed.D) have no effect on assets of the nonbank public but increase assets of the Fed.E) increase assets of the banking system and decrease assets of the Fed.Answer: D16) Under usual circumstances, an increase in the discount rate causesA) the federal funds rate to fall.B) the federal funds rate to rise.C) no change in the federal funds rate.D) the supply of reserves to increase.E) the supply of reserves to decrease.Answer: C17) Which of the following is not an operating target?A) Nonborrowed reservesB) Monetary baseC) Federal funds interest rateD) Discount rateE) All are operating targets.Answer: D18) Money market instrumentsA) are usually sold in large denominations.B) have low default risk.C) mature in one year or less.D) are characterized by all of the above.E) are characterized by only A and B of the above.Answer: D19) If the Fed wants to lower the federal funds interest rate, it will _________ the banking system by _________ securities.A) add reserves to; sellingB) add reserves to; buyingC) remove reserves from; sellingD) remove reserves from; buyingAnswer: B20) Money market transactionsA) do not take place in any one particular location or building.B) are usually arranged purchases and sales between participants over the phone by tradersand completed electronically.C) both (a) and (b).D) none the the above.Answer: C21) The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.Answer:False22) Typically, the interest rate on corporate bonds will be higher the more restrictions areplaced on management through restrictive covenants, because the bonds will beconsidered safer by bondholdersAnswer: False23) A change in the current yield always signals a change in the same direction of the yield tomaturity.Answer: True24) A bankʹs balance sheet indicates whether or not the bank is profitable. Answer: False25) Deposits that banks keep in accounts at the Federal Reserve less vault cash is called reserves.Answer: False26) Since a bankʹs assets exceed its equity capital, the return on assets always exceeds the return on equity.Answer: False27) Adverse selection refers to those most at risk being most aggressive in their search for funds.Answer: True28) Financial innovation has provided more options to both investors and borrowers. Answer: True28) When the federal governmentʹs budget deficit decreases, the demand curve for bonds shifts tothe right.Answer: False29) An increase in the inflation rate will cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the right.Answer: False30) A positive liquidity premium indicates that investors prefer long-term bonds over short-termbonds.Answer: False31) When yield curves are downward sloping, long-term interest rates are above short-terminterest rates.Answer: False32) In an efficient market, abnormal returns are not possible even using inside information.Answer: False33) Technical analysis is a popular technique used to predict stock prices by studying past stock price data and search for patterns such as trends and regular cycles. Answer: True34) An open market sale leads to an expansion of reserves and deposits in the banking system and hence to a decline in the monetary base and the money supply.Answer: False35) Open market purchases by the Fed increase the supply of nonborrowed reserves. Answer: True36) In general, money market instruments are low risk, high yield securities. Answer: False37) Money markets are referred to as retail markets because small individual investors are theprimary buyers of money market securities.Answer: False38) Capital market securities are less liquid and have longer maturities than money marketsecurities.Answer: True39) The current yield on a bond is a good approximation of the bondʹs yield to maturity when the bond matures in five years or less and its price differs from its par value by a large amount.Answer: False40) A bankʹs largest source of funds is its borrowing from the Fed. Answer: False1.Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate Current Price3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?(10分)Solution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its face value. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a given maturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises.For a given yield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals the coupon rate, a bond’s current price equal s its facevalue regardless of years to maturity.2. At your favorite bond store, Bonds-R-Us, you see the following prices:1-year $100 zero selling for $90.193-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $10002-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $1000Assume that the pure expectations theory for the term structure of interest rates holds, no liquidity or maturity premium exists, and the bonds are equally risky. What is the implied 1-year rate two years from now? (10分)Solution:From (a), you know that the 1-year rate today is 10.877%.Using this information, (c) tells you that:2-year rate)^2+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 2-year rate today is 9.95%.Using these two rates, (b) tells you that:3-year rate)3+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.09952 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 3-year rate today is 9.97%⨯ 9.97% – 2 ⨯ (3 =year rate 2 years from now 10.01%=9.95%)3. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years. (15分)What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments 3.33 6.18 103.83Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price 0.08 0.15 2.53 2.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s 2.86= (2.76) ⨯ 4/7 + (3) ⨯ 3/ 7 =durationIf rates increased,4. According to the loanable funds frameworks, draw two figures to explain the changes of interest rates during expansion and recession. (5分)Problems1. The following table lists foreign exchange rates between US dollars and British pounds during April.Date US Dollars perGBP Date US Dollars perGBP4/1 1.9564 4/18 1.75044/4 1.9293 4/19 1.72554/5 1.914 4/20 1.69144/6 1.9374 4/21 1.6724/7 1.961 4/22 1.66844/8 1.8925 4/25 1.66744/11 1.8822 4/26 1.68574/12 1.8558 4/27 1.69254/13 1.796 4/28 1.72014/14 1.7902 4/29 1.75124/15 1.7785Which day would have been the best day to convert $200 into British pounds?Which day would have been the worst day? What would be the difference in pounds?2. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Complete the following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate CurrentPrice3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?3. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay you and your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity?4. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years.a. What is th e duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?b. What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?5. Consider a bond that promises the following cash flows. The required discount rate is 12%.Year 0 1 2 3 4Promised Payments 160 170 180 230You plan to buy this bond, hold it for 2½ years, and then sell the bond.a. What total cash will you receive from the bond after the 2½ years? Assume that periodic cash flows are reinvested at 12%.b. If immediately after buying this bond, all market interest rates drop to 11% (including your reinvestment rate), what will be the impact on your total cash flow after 2½ years? How doesthis compare to part (a)?c. Assuming all market interest rates are 12%, what is the duration of this bond?Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a).6. You own a $1,000-par zero-coupon bond that has 5 years of remaining maturity. You plan on selling the bond in one year, and believe that the required yield next year will have the following probability distribution:Probability Required Yield0.1 6.60% 0.2 6.75% 0.4 7.00% 0.2 7.20% 0.17.45%a. What is your expected price when you sell the bond?b. What is the standard deviation?Multiple Choice1.When the inflation rate is expected to increase, the real cost of borrowing declines at any given interest rate; as a result, the _________ bonds increases and the _________ curve shifts to the right. A) demand for; demand B) demand for; supply C) supply of; demand D) supply of; supplyIn Figure 4.1, the most likely cause of the increase in the equilibrium interest rate from i1 to i2 isA)an increase in the price of bonds. B) a business cycle boom.C) an increase in the expected inflation rate. D) a decrease in the expected inflation rate.In Figure 4.2, one possible explanation for the increase in the interest rate from i1 to i2 is a(n) _________ in _________. A) increase; the expected inflation rateB) decrease; the expected inflation rateC) increase; economic growthD) decrease; economic growthSolution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its facevalue. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a givenmaturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises. For a given y ield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals thecoupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its face value regardless of years to maturity.Solution: To find your yield to maturity, Perpetuity value = PMT/I.So, 15625 = 1250/I. I = 0.08The answer to the final part, using a financial calculator:N = 20; I = 8; PMT = 1250; FV = 0Compute PV : PV = 12,272.69Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a).c. The duration is calculated as follows:Year1 2 3 4 Sum Payments160.00 170.00 180.00 230.00 PV of Payments142.86 135.52 128.12 146.17 552.67Time Weighted PV of Payments142.86 271.05 384.36 584.68 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.260.490.701.062.50Since the duration and the holding period are the same, you are insulated from immediate changes in interest rates! It doesn’t always work out this perfectly, but the idea is important.Solution: The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year1 2 3 Sum Payment3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments3.33 6.18 103.83 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.080.152.532.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s duration = 3/7 ⨯ (3) + 4/7 ⨯ (2.76) = 2.86If rates increased, 0.005DUR 2.8670,000,000926,852.1 1.08i P P i ∆∆=-⨯⨯=-⨯⨯=-+ ASMT 02_1112A1. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Yield to MaturityCurrent Price3 5 3 7 6 7 9 7 9 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?2. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay youand your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity? 3. Assume you just deposited $1,000 into a bank account. The current real interestrate is 2% and inflation is expected to be 6% over the next year. What nominal interest rate would you require from the bank over the next year? How much money will you have at the end of one year? If you are saving to buy a stereo that currently sells for $1,050, will you have enough to buy it? 4. A 10-year, 7% coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 is currently selling for$871.65. Compute your rate of return if you sell the bond next year for $880.10.。

1) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage ofthe rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as theA) inflation rate.B) exchange rate.C) interest rate.D) aggregate price level.Answer: C2) Financial markets and institutionsA) involve the movement of huge quantities of money.B) affect the profits of businesses.C) affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only (A) and (B) of the above.Answer: D3) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporationʹs stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.E) None of the above.Answer: E4) The purpose of diversification is toA) reduce the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.B) raise the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.C) reduce the average return on a portfolio.D) raise the average return on a portfolio.Answer: A5) When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.A) below; demand; riseB) below; demand; fallC) below; supply; riseD) above; supply; fallAnswer: C6) In a recession when income and wealth are falling, the demand for bonds _________ and thedemand curve shifts to the _________.A) falls; rightB) falls; leftC) rises; rightD) rises; leftAnswer: B7) When people begin to expect a large stock market decline, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _________ and the interest rate _________.A) right; fallsB) right; risesC) left; fallsD) left; risesAnswer: A8) The spread between interest rates on low quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds_________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C9) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C10) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected torise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer:E11) According to the efficient market hypothesisA) one cannot expect to earn an abnormally high return by purchasing a security.B) information in newspapers and in the published reports of financial analysts is alreadyreflected in market prices.C) unexploited profit opportunities abound, thereby explaining why so many people getrich by trading securities.D) all of the above are true.E) only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E12) To say that stock prices follow a ʺrandom walkʺ is to argue thatA) stock prices rise, then fall.B) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.C) stock prices tend to follow trends.D) stock prices are, for all practical purposes, unpredictable.Answer:D13) The efficient market hypothesis suggests thatA) investors should purchase no-load mutual funds which have low management fees.B) investors can use the advice of technical analysts to outperform the market.C) investors let too many unexploited profit opportunities go by if they adopt a ʺbuy andholdʺ strategy.D) only A and B of the above are sensible strategies.Answer: A14) Which of the following is empirical evidence indicating that the efficient market hypothesismay not always be generally applicable?A) Small-firm effectB) January effectC) Market OverreactionD) All of the aboveAnswer: D15) An open market purchase of securities by the Fed willA) increase assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the banking system.B) decrease assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the Fed.C) decrease assets of the banking system and increase assets of the Fed.D) have no effect on assets of the nonbank public but increase assets of the Fed.E) increase assets of the banking system and decrease assets of the Fed.Answer: D16) Under usual circumstances, an increase in the discount rate causesA) the federal funds rate to fall.B) the federal funds rate to rise.C) no change in the federal funds rate.D) the supply of reserves to increase.E) the supply of reserves to decrease.Answer: C17) Which of the following is not an operating target?A) Nonborrowed reservesB) Monetary baseC) Federal funds interest rateD) Discount rateE) All are operating targets.Answer: D18) Money market instrumentsA) are usually sold in large denominations.B) have low default risk.C) mature in one year or less.D) are characterized by all of the above.E) are characterized by only A and B of the above.Answer: D19) If the Fed wants to lower the federal funds interest rate, it will _________ the banking system by _________ securities.A) add reserves to; sellingB) add reserves to; buyingC) remove reserves from; sellingD) remove reserves from; buyingAnswer: B20) Money market transactionsA) do not take place in any one particular location or building.B) are usually arranged purchases and sales between participants over the phone by tradersand completed electronically.C) both (a) and (b).D) none the the above.Answer: C21) The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.Answer:False22) Typically, the interest rate on corporate bonds will be higher the more restrictions areplaced on management through restrictive covenants, because the bonds will beconsidered safer by bondholdersAnswer: False23) A change in the current yield always signals a change in the same direction of the yield tomaturity.Answer: True24) A bankʹs balance sheet indicates whether or not the bank is profitable. Answer: False25) Deposits that banks keep in accounts at the Federal Reserve less vault cash is called reserves.Answer: False26) Since a bankʹs assets exceed its equity capital, the return on assets always exceeds the return on equity.Answer: False27) Adverse selection refers to those most at risk being most aggressive in their search for funds.Answer: True28) Financial innovation has provided more options to both investors and borrowers. Answer: True28) When the federal governmentʹs budget deficit decreases, the demand curve for bonds shifts tothe right.Answer: False29) An increase in the inflation rate will cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the right.Answer: False30) A positive liquidity premium indicates that investors prefer long-term bonds over short-termbonds.Answer: False31) When yield curves are downward sloping, long-term interest rates are above short-terminterest rates.Answer: False32) In an efficient market, abnormal returns are not possible even using inside information.Answer: False33) Technical analysis is a popular technique used to predict stock prices by studying past stock price data and search for patterns such as trends and regular cycles. Answer: True34) An open market sale leads to an expansion of reserves and deposits in the banking system and hence to a decline in the monetary base and the money supply.Answer: False35) Open market purchases by the Fed increase the supply of nonborrowed reserves. Answer: True36) In general, money market instruments are low risk, high yield securities. Answer: False37) Money markets are referred to as retail markets because small individual investors are theprimary buyers of money market securities.Answer: False38) Capital market securities are less liquid and have longer maturities than money marketsecurities.Answer: True39) The current yield on a bond is a good approximation of the bondʹs yield to maturity when the bond matures in five years or less and its price differs from its par value by a large amount.Answer: False40) A bankʹs largest source of funds is its borrowing from the Fed. Answer: False1.Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate Current Price3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?(10分)Solution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its face value. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a given maturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises.For a given yield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals the coupon rate, a bond’s current price equal s its facevalue regardless of years to maturity.2. At your favorite bond store, Bonds-R-Us, you see the following prices:1-year $100 zero selling for $90.193-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $10002-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $1000Assume that the pure expectations theory for the term structure of interest rates holds, no liquidity or maturity premium exists, and the bonds are equally risky. What is the implied 1-year rate two years from now? (10分)Solution:From (a), you know that the 1-year rate today is 10.877%.Using this information, (c) tells you that:2-year rate)^2+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 2-year rate today is 9.95%.Using these two rates, (b) tells you that:3-year rate)3+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.09952 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 3-year rate today is 9.97%⨯ 9.97% – 2 ⨯ (3 =year rate 2 years from now 10.01%=9.95%)3. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years. (15分)What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments 3.33 6.18 103.83Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price 0.08 0.15 2.53 2.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s 2.86= (2.76) ⨯ 4/7 + (3) ⨯ 3/ 7 =durationIf rates increased,4. According to the loanable funds frameworks, draw two figures to explain the changes of interest rates during expansion and recession. (5分)Problems1. The following table lists foreign exchange rates between US dollars and British pounds during April.Date US Dollars perGBP Date US Dollars perGBP4/1 1.9564 4/18 1.75044/4 1.9293 4/19 1.72554/5 1.914 4/20 1.69144/6 1.9374 4/21 1.6724/7 1.961 4/22 1.66844/8 1.8925 4/25 1.66744/11 1.8822 4/26 1.68574/12 1.8558 4/27 1.69254/13 1.796 4/28 1.72014/14 1.7902 4/29 1.75124/15 1.7785Which day would have been the best day to convert $200 into British pounds?Which day would have been the worst day? What would be the difference in pounds?2. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Complete the following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate CurrentPrice3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?3. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay you and your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity?4. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years.a. What is th e duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?b. What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?5. Consider a bond that promises the following cash flows. The required discount rate is 12%.Year 0 1 2 3 4Promised Payments 160 170 180 230You plan to buy this bond, hold it for 2½ years, and then sell the bond.a. What total cash will you receive from the bond after the 2½ years? Assume that periodic cash flows are reinvested at 12%.b. If immediately after buying this bond, all market interest rates drop to 11% (including your reinvestment rate), what will be the impact on your total cash flow after 2½ years? How doesthis compare to part (a)?c. Assuming all market interest rates are 12%, what is the duration of this bond?Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a).6. You own a $1,000-par zero-coupon bond that has 5 years of remaining maturity. You plan on selling the bond in one year, and believe that the required yield next year will have the following probability distribution:Probability Required Yield0.1 6.60% 0.2 6.75% 0.4 7.00% 0.2 7.20% 0.17.45%a. What is your expected price when you sell the bond?b. What is the standard deviation?Multiple Choice1.When the inflation rate is expected to increase, the real cost of borrowing declines at any given interest rate; as a result, the _________ bonds increases and the _________ curve shifts to the right. A) demand for; demand B) demand for; supply C) supply of; demand D) supply of; supplyIn Figure 4.1, the most likely cause of the increasein the equilibrium interest rate from i1 to i2 isA)an increase in the price of bonds. B) a business cycle boom.C) an increase in the expected inflation rate. D) a decrease in the expected inflation rate.In Figure 4.2, one possible explanation for the increase in the interest rate from i1 to i2 is a(n) _________ in _________. A) increase; the expected inflation rateB) decrease; the expected inflation rateC) increase; economic growthD) decrease; economic growthSolution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its facevalue. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a givenmaturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises. For a given y ield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals thecoupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its face value regardless of years to maturity.Solution: To find your yield to maturity, Perpetuity value = PMT/I.So, 15625 = 1250/I. I = 0.08The answer to the final part, using a financial calculator:N = 20; I = 8; PMT = 1250; FV = 0Compute PV : PV = 12,272.69Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a). c. The duration is calculated as follows:Year1 2 3 4 Sum Payments160.00 170.00 180.00 230.00 PV of Payments142.86 135.52 128.12 146.17 552.67Time Weighted PV of Payments142.86 271.05 384.36 584.68 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.260.490.701.062.50Since the duration and the holding period are the same, you are insulated from immediate changes in interest rates! It doesn’t always work out this perfectly, but the idea is important.Solution: The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year1 2 3 Sum Payment3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments3.33 6.18 103.83 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.080.152.532.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s duration = 3/7 ⨯ (3) + 4/7 ⨯ (2.76) = 2.86If rates increased, 0.005DUR 2.8670,000,000926,852.1 1.08i P P i ∆∆=-⨯⨯=-⨯⨯=-+ ASMT 02_1112A1. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Yield to MaturityCurrent Price3 5 3 7 6 7 9 7 9 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?2. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay youand your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity? 3. Assume you just deposited $1,000 into a bank account. The current real interestrate is 2% and inflation is expected to be 6% over the next year. What nominal interest rate would you require from the bank over the next year? How much money will you have at the end of one year? If you are saving to buy a stereo that currently sells for $1,050, will you have enough to buy it? 4. A 10-year, 7% coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 is currently selling for$871.65. Compute your rate of return if you sell the bond next year for $880.10.。

1) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage ofthe rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as theA) inflation rate.B) exchange rate.C) interest rate.D) aggregate price level.Answer: C2) Financial markets and institutionsA) involve the movement of huge quantities of money.B) affect the profits of businesses.C) affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only (A) and (B) of the above.Answer: D3) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporation?s stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.E) None of the above.Answer: E4) The purpose of diversification is toA) reduce the volatility of a portfolio?s return.B) raise the volatility of a portfolio?s return.C) reduce the average return on a portfolio.D) raise the average return on a portfolio.Answer: A5) When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.A) below; demand; riseB) below; demand; fallC) below; supply; riseD) above; supply; fallAnswer: C6) In a recession when income and wealth are falling, the demand for bonds _________ and thedemand curve shifts to the _________.A) falls; rightB) falls; leftC) rises; rightD) rises; leftAnswer: B7) When people begin to expect a large stock market decline, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _________ and the interest rate _________.A) right; fallsB) right; risesC) left; fallsD) left; risesAnswer: A8) The spread between interest rates on low quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds_________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C9) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C10) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected torise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer:E11) According to the efficient market hypothesisA) one cannot expect to earn an abnormally high return by purchasing a security.B) information in newspapers a nd in the published reports of financial analysts is alreadyreflected in market prices.C) unexploited profit opportunities abound, thereby explaining why so many people getrich by trading securities.D) all of the above are true.E) only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E12) To say that stock prices follow a ?r andom walk? is to argue thatA) stock prices rise, then fall.B) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.C) stock prices tend to follow trends.D) stock prices are, for all practical purposes, unpredictable.Answer:D13) The efficient market hypothesis suggests thatA) investors should purchase no-load mutual funds which have low management fees.B) investors can use the advice of technical analysts to outperform the market.C) investors let too many unexploited profit opportunities go by if they adopt a ?buy andhold? strategy.D) only A and B of the above are sensible strategies.Answer: A14) Which of the following is empirical evidence indicating that the efficient market hypothesismay not always be generally applicable?A) Small-firm effectB) January effectC) Market OverreactionD) All of the aboveAnswer: D15) An open market purchase of securities by the Fed willA) increase assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the banking system.B) decrease assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the Fed.C) decrease assets of the banking system and increase assets of the Fed.D) have no effect on assets of the nonbank public but increase assets of the Fed.E) increase assets of the banking system and decrease assets of the Fed.Answer: D16) Under usual circumstances, an increase in the discount rate causesA) the federal funds rate to fall.B) the federal funds rate to rise.C) no change in the federal funds rate.D) the supply of reserves to increase.E) the supply of reserves to decrease.Answer: C17) Which of the following is not an operating target?A) Nonborrowed reservesB) Monetary baseC) Federal funds interest rateD) Discount rateE) All are operating targets.Answer: D18) Money market instrumentsA) are usually sold in large denominations.B) have low default risk.C) mature in one year or less.D) are characterized by all of the above.E) are characterized by only A and B of the above.Answer: D19) If the Fed wants to lower the federal funds interest rate, it will _________ the banking system by _________ securities.A) add reserves to; sellingB) add reserves to; buyingC) remove reserves from; sellingD) remove reserves from; buyingAnswer: B20) Money market transactionsA) do not take place in any one particular location or building.B) are usually arranged purchases and sales between participants over the phone by tradersand completed electronically.C) both (a) and (b).D) none the the above.Answer: C21) The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.Answer:False22) Typically, the interest rate on corporate bonds will be higher the more restrictions areplaced on management through restrictive covenants, because the bonds will beconsidered safer by bondholdersAnswer: False23) A change in the current yield always signals a change in the same direction of the yield tomaturity.Answer: True24) A bank?s balance sheet indicates whether or not the bank is profitable. Answer: False25) Deposits that banks keep in accounts at the Federal Reserve less vault cash is called reserves.Answer: False26) Since a bank?s assets exceed its equity capital, the return on assets always exceeds the return on equity.Answer: False27) Adverse selection refers to those most at risk being most aggressive in their search for funds.Answer: True28) Financial innovation has provided more options to both investors and borrowers. Answer: True28) When the federal government?s budget deficit decreases, the demand curve for bonds shifts tothe right.Answer: False29) An increase in the inflation rate will cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the right.Answer: False30) A positive liquidity premium indicates that investors prefer long-term bonds over short-termbonds.Answer: False31) When yield curves are downward sloping, long-term interest rates are above short-terminterest rates.Answer: False32) In an efficient market, abnormal returns are not possible even using inside information.Answer: False33) Technical analysis is a popular technique used to predict stock prices by studying past stock price data and search for patterns such as trends and regular cycles. Answer: True34) An open market sale leads to an expansion of reserves and deposits in the banking system and hence to a decline in the monetary base and the money supply.Answer: False35) Open market purchases by the Fed increase the supply of nonborrowed reserves.Answer: True36) In general, money market instruments are low risk, high yield securities.Answer: False37) Money markets are referred to as retail markets because small individual investorsare theprimary buyers of money market securities.Answer: False38) Capital market securities are less liquid and have longer maturities than moneymarketsecurities.Answer: True39) The current yield on a bond is a good approximation of the bond?s yield tomaturity when the bond matures in five years or less and its price differs from itspar value by a large amount.Answer: False40) A bank?s largest source of funds is its borrowing from the Fed.Answer: False1.Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate Current Price3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the currentmarket value?(10分)Solution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its face value. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the couponrate. For a given maturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises.For a given yield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals the coupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its facevalue regardless of years to maturity.2. At your favorite bond store, Bonds-R-Us, you see the following prices:1-year $100 zero selling for $90.193-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $10002-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $1000Assume that the pure expectations theory for the term structure of interest rates holds, no liquidity or maturity premium exists, and the bonds are equally risky. What is the implied 1-year rate two years from now? (10分)Solution:From (a), you know that the 1-year rate today is 10.877%.Using this information, (c) tells you that:2-year rate)^2 1100/(1 100/1.10877 1000So, the 2-year rate today is 9.95%.Using these two rates, (b) tells you that:3-year rate)3 1100/(1 100/1.09952 100/1.10877 1000So, the 3-year rate today is 9.97%9.97% – 2 (3 year rate 2 years from now 10.01%9.95%)3. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years. (15分)What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments 3.33 6.18 103.83Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price 0.08 0.15 2.53 2.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.2.86 (2.76) 4/7 (3) 3/ 7 durationSo, the portfolio’sIf rates increased,4. According to the loanable funds frameworks, draw two figures to explain the changes of interest rates during expansion and recession. (5分)Problems1. The following table lists foreign exchange rates between US dollars and British pounds during April.Date US Dollars perGBP Date US Dollars perGBP4/1 1.9564 4/18 1.75044/4 1.9293 4/19 1.72554/5 1.914 4/20 1.69144/6 1.9374 4/21 1.6724/7 1.961 4/22 1.66844/8 1.8925 4/25 1.66744/11 1.8822 4/26 1.68574/12 1.8558 4/27 1.69254/13 1.796 4/28 1.72014/14 1.7902 4/29 1.75124/15 1.7785Which day would have been the best day to convert $200 into British pounds?Which day would have been the worst day? What would be the difference in pounds?2. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Complete the following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate CurrentPrice3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?3. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay you and your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity?4. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years.a. What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?b. What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?5. Consider a bond that promises the following cash flows. The required discount rate is 12%.Year 0 1 2 3 4Promised Payments 160 170 180 230You plan to buy this bond, hold it for 2? years, and then sell the bond.a. What total cash will you receive from the bond after the 2? years? Assume that periodic cash flows are reinvested at 12%.b. If immediately after buying this bond, all market interest rates drop to 11% (including your reinvestment rate), what will be the impact on your total cash flow after 2? years? How doesthis compare to part (a)?c. Assuming all market interest rates are 12%, what is the duration of this bond?Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you:$733. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%.$733. that this is only $0.05 different from part (a).6. You own a $1,000-par zero-coupon bond that has 5 years of remaining maturity. You plan on selling the bond in one year, and believe that the required yield next year will have the following probability distribution:Probability Required Yield0.1 6.60% 0.2 6.75% 0.4 7.00% 0.2 7.20% 0.17.45%a. What is your expected price when you sell the bond?b. What is the standard deviation? Multiple Choice1.When the inflation rate is expected to increase, the real cost of borrowing declines at any given interest rate; as a result, the _________ bonds increases and the _________ curve shifts to the right. A) demand for; demand B) demand for; supply C) supply of; demand D) supply of; supplyIn Figure 4.1, the most likely cause of the increase in the equilibrium interest rate from i1 to i2 isA)an increase in the price of bonds. B) a business cycle boom.C) an increase in the expected inflation rate. D) a decrease in the expected inflation rate.In Figure 4.2, one possible explanation for the increase in the interest rate from i1 to i2 is a(n) _________ in _________. A) increase; the expected inflation rateB) decrease; the expected inflation rateC) increase; economic growthD) decrease; economic growthSolution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its facevalue. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For agivenield tomaturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises. For a given ymaturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equalsthecoupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its face value regardless of years tomaturity.Solution: To find your yield to maturity, Perpetuity value PMT/I.So, 15625 1250/I. I 0.08The answer to the final part, using a financial calculator:N 20; I 8; PMT 1250; FV 0Compute PV : PV 12,272.69Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you:$733. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%.$733. that this is only $0.05 different from part (a). c. The duration is calculated as follows:Year 1 2 3 4 SumPayments160.00 170.00 180.00 230.00 PV of Payments142.86 135.52 128.12 146.17 552.67 Time Weighted PV of Payments142.86 271.05 384.36 584.68 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.260.490.701.062.50Since the duration and the holding period are the same, you are insulated from immediate changes in interest rates! It doesn ’t always work out this perfectly, but the idea is important.Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60 PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03 Time Weighted PV of Payments3.33 6.18 103.83 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.080.152.532.76 The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio ’s duration 3/7 (3) 4/7 (2.76) 2.86If rates increased, 0.005DUR2.8670,000,000926,852.1 1.08i P P iASMT 02_1112A1. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Yield to MaturityCurrent Price3 5 3 7 6 7 9 7 99What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?2. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay youand your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity? 3. Assume you just deposited $1,000 into a bank account. The current real interestrate is 2% and inflation is expected to be 6% over the next year. What nominal interest rate would you require from the bank over the next year? How muchmoney will you have at the end of one year? If you are saving to buy a stereo that currently sells for $1,050, will you have enough to buy it? 4. A 10-year, 7% coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 is currently selling for$871.65. Compute your rate of return if you sell the bond next year for $880.10.。

西南财经大学天府学院《中级会计》期末复习资料题目汇总一、飞富股份有限公司2005年12月份发生以下经济业务,编制下列业务的会计分录(写出明细科目)1. 12月2日,因生产产品需要购进一项M专利权,用银行存款一次性支付转让费及手续费100万元(不考虑相关税费),该无形资产的预计使用年限为10年借:无形资产——M专利权 1000000贷:银行存款 10000002. 12月2日,从银行取得短期借款20万元,借款利率6%,期限3个月借:银行存款 200000贷:短期借款 2000003. 12月3日,购入K产品包装专利,以银行存款支付买价87000,公证费2000元,律师费1000元K产品包装专利的成本=87000+2000+1000=90000元借:无形资产——K产品包装专利 90000贷:银行存款 900004. 12月4日,以收取手续费方式交付乙企业委托销售A商品2000件,实际成本150/件借:委托代销商品 300000贷:库存商品 3000005. 12月6日,出售商标权,其账面余额为50000元,已计提摊销10000,未发生减值,取得出售价款为60000元,款项已收存银行,营业税率为5%应交营业税=60000x5%=3000元借:银行存款 60000累计摊销 10000贷:无形资产——账面价值 50000应交税费——应交营业税 3000营业外收入——处置非流动资产利得 170006. 12月7日,原材料一批,买价20万元,其增值税专用发票上注增值税为34000,材料以验收入库,款项未付借:原材料 200000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 34000贷:应付账款 2340007. 12月11日,企业账户资金不足,开出商业承兑汇票一张,抵付12月7日的购货款借:应付账款 234000贷:应付票据 2340008. 12月12日,5月份销售的B产品退回30件,每件售价3000元,增值税税率为17%,单位成本2500元,货款以通过银行退回应交增值税=30x3000x17%=15300借:主营业务收入 90000应缴税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 15300贷:银行存款 105300借:库存商品 75000贷:主营业务成本 750009. 应付银行承兑汇票100000元到期,企业银行账上无钱支付借:应付票据 100000贷:短期借款 10000010. 自行研发的一项新产品专利技术已达到预定用途,其中符合资本化条件的支出为150000元,费用化条件的支出为30000元借:无形资产 150000贷:研发支出——资本化支出 150000借:管理费用 30000贷:研发支出——费用化支出 3000011. 12月18日,委托证券公司以90万元的价格发行3年公司债券,该债券面值为85万元,款项已收存银行借:银行存款 900000贷:应付债券——面值 850000——利息调整 5000012. 12月20日,经批准正式处理上月固定资产非常损失15000元借:营业外支出 15000贷:待处理财产损益——待处理固定资产损益 1500013. 12月21日,接受现金捐款50000元借:银行存款 50000贷:营业外收入——捐赠利得 5000014. 为10个部门经理每人配备汽车一辆免费使用,每辆汽车每月计提折旧1000元借:管理费用 10000贷:应付职工薪酬——非货币性福利 10000借:应付职工薪酬——非货币性福利 10000贷:累计折旧 1000015. 12月25日,以银行存款缴纳职工医疗保险费100000元(企业承担的部分)借:应付职工薪酬——社会保险费 100000贷:银行存款 10000016. 12月26日,C投资者投入人民币500000元,只有450000元作为企业注册资本借:银行存款 500000贷:股本 450000资本公积——股本溢价 5000017. 12月26日,按照面值发行4年期债券5000000 元,债券年利率6%借:银行存款 5000000贷:应付债券——面值 500000018. 12月27日,发生广告费用20000元,尚未支付借:销售费用——广告费 20000贷:应付账款 2000019. 12月31日,按规定计算职工代扣代缴个人所得税10000元借:应付职工薪酬——工资 10000贷:应交税费——应交个人所得税 1000020. 12月31日,计提长期借款利息5000元,该长期借款正在用于新生产线建设借:在建工程 5000贷:应付利息 500021. 12月31日,销售W产品200件,标价100元,增值税17%,经协商给予买方10%的商业折扣,款项尚未收到发票金额=(200x100)x(1-10%)=18000应交增值税=18000x17=3060借:应收账款——W产品 21060贷:主营业务收入 18000应缴税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 306022. 12月31日,本月固定资产出租收入4000元,租金已收存银行借:银行存款 4000贷:其他业务收入 400023. 12月31日,销售B产品50件,每件售价1000元,增值税税率为17%,收到商业汇票一张,单位成本为800元货款=50x1000=50000应交增值税=50000x17%=8500主营业务成本=800X50=40000借:应收票据 58500贷:主营业务收入 50000应缴税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 8500借:主营业务成本 40000贷:库存商品 4000024. 12月31日,有一项应付款无法支付,金额为30000元,以批准转销借:银行存款 30000贷:营业外收入 3000025. 12月31日,接受某股东出资,该股东出300万元,在注册资本中所占的份额为270万元借:银行存款 3000000贷:股本 2700000资本公积——股本溢价 30000026. 12月31日,计提本月12月31日负担的短期借款利息利息=200000x6%/12=1000借:财务费用 1000贷:应付利息 100027. 12月31日,支付本季度短期借款利息10000元(已计提8000元)借:应付利息 8000财务费用 2000贷:银行存款 1000028. 本月应付职工工资总额为50万元,工资费用分配汇总表中列示的产品生产工人工资为35万元,车间管理人员工资为3万元,企业行政人员的工资为2万元,销售人员的工资为10万元借:生产成本 350000制造费用 30000管理费用 20000销售费用 100000贷:应付职工薪酬——工资 50000029. 12月31日,采用直线法对12月2日购入的M专利权进行价值摊销,且预计该专利权的可回收金额为95万元累计摊销=1000000/10/12=8333借:管理费用 8333贷:累计摊销 8333借:资产减值损失 41667贷:无形资产减值损失 4166730. 本月发生的管理费用为50000元,销售费用70000,财务费用为30000元,均已银行存款支付借:管理费用 50000销售费用 70000财务费用 30000贷:银行存款 150000二、ABC公司20X8年12月发生的经济业务如下,要求编制业务的会计分录:1. 销售E产品100件,每件售价1000元,货款100000元,增值税为17%,已收到货款,单位成本800元借:银行存款 117000贷:主营业务收入 100000应缴税费——应交增值税(销项税费) 17000借:主营业务成本 80000贷:库存商品 800002. 销售F产品60件,每件售价2000元,增值税17%,收到商业汇票一张,单位成本为1800元主营业务收入=60x2000=120000应交增值税=120000x17%=20400主营业务成本=1800x60=108000借:应收票据 140400贷:主营业务收入 120000应缴税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 20400借:主营业务成本 108000库存商品 1080003. 采用分期收款的方式销售G产品100件,每件2000元,增值税为17%,本月收到50%的货款,余款下月未收取,每件单位成本1500元借:应收账款 117000银行存款117000贷:主营业务收入 200000应缴税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 34000借:主营业务成本 150000贷:库存商品 1500004. 有一项应付款无法支付,金额40000元,已批准转销借:银行存款 40000贷:营业外收入 400005. 本月固定资产盘亏净损失10000元,已批准转销借:营业外支出 10000贷:待处理财产损益——待处理固定和资产损益 100006. 本月发生管理费用15000元,销售费用10000元,财务费用5000元,均已银行存款支付借:管理费用 15000销售费用 10000财务费用 5000贷:银行存款 200007. 按规定计算应纳的城市维护建设税3000元,教育费附加1000元借:营业税金及附加 4000贷:应缴税费——应交城市维护建设税 3000——教育费附加 10008. 计算本月应交所得税(假定甲公司不存在税务调整因素,所得税率为25%)所得税费用=78000x25%=19500借:所得税费用 19500贷:应缴税费——应交所得税 195009. 结转本月损益类账户借:本年利润 401500贷:在主营业务成本 338000管理费用 15000销售费用 10000财务费用 5000营业税金及附加 4000营业外支出 10000所得税费用 19500借:主营业务收入 420000营业外收入 40000贷:本年利润 46000010. 结转本月净利润借:本年利润 58500贷:利润分配——未分配利润 58500(1)注销无形资产及附属账户(2)确认与处置收入,费用对应资产和负债计算净损益=处置收入-处置成本费用=处置收入-无形资产净值-处置费用三、方正公司为增值税一般纳税企业,适用税率为17%,2006年5月1日,向甲公司销售A商品2100件,每件标价1000元,每件成本800元,实际售价900元(售价中不含增值税额),已开出增值税专用发票,商品已交付给甲公司,为了及早收回货款,方正公司在合同中规定了现金折扣条件为2/10,1/20,n/30,甲公司在验收A产品时,发现有100件有质量问题,要求退货,5月3日方正公司为甲公司办理退货手续。

财大天府专升本试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 会计的基本职能是()A. 记账、算账、报账B. 预测、决策、控制C. 计划、组织、指挥D. 监督、评价、分析答案:A2. 企业会计核算的基本原则是()A. 真实性、合法性、及时性B. 合法性、合理性、及时性C. 真实性、合理性、及时性D. 真实性、合法性、有效性答案:A3. 以下哪项不属于流动资产()A. 现金B. 应收账款C. 存货D. 固定资产答案:D4. 利润表反映的是()A. 企业的财务状况B. 企业的经营成果C. 企业的现金流量D. 企业的资产负债情况答案:B5. 企业对外投资的收益属于()A. 营业收入B. 投资收益C. 营业外收入D. 其他收益答案:B6. 以下哪项是企业会计核算的基本原则()A. 谨慎性原则B. 重要性原则C. 一致性原则D. 所有以上选项答案:D7. 资产负债表的编制基础是()A. 权责发生制B. 收付实现制C. 历史成本原则D. 公允价值原则答案:A8. 企业利润表中的利润总额由以下哪项组成()A. 营业利润B. 投资收益C. 营业外收入和支出D. 所有以上选项答案:D9. 以下哪项不是会计信息质量要求()A. 可靠性B. 相关性C. 可理解性D. 可比性答案:D10. 会计报表的编制原则不包括()A. 真实性B. 合法性C. 及时性D. 预测性答案:D二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述会计信息的使用者及其对会计信息的需求。
2. 解释什么是会计的“权责发生制”原则。
第3单元 金融考试题 西南财经大学天府学院

Financial Markets and Institutions, 7e (Mishkin)Chapter 3 What Do Interest Rates Mean and What Is Their Role in Valuation?3.1 Multiple Choice1) A loan that requires the borrower to make the same payment every period until the maturity date is called aA) simple loan.B) fixed-payment loan.C) discount loan.D) same-payment loan.E) none of the above.Answer: B2) A coupon bond pays the owner of the bondA) the same amount every month until the maturity date.B) a fixed interest payment every period, plus the face value of the bond at the maturity date.C) the face value of the bond plus an interest payment once the maturity date has been reached.D) the face value at the maturity date.E) none of the above.Answer: B3) A bond's future payments are called itsA) cash flows.B) maturity values.C) discounted present values.D) yields to maturity.Answer: A4) A credit market instrument that pays the owner the face value of the security at the maturity date and nothing prior to then is called aA) simple loan.B) fixed-payment loan.C) coupon bond.D) discount bond.Answer: D5) (I) A simple loan requires the borrower to repay the principal at the maturity date along with an interest payment.(II) A discount bond is bought at a price below its face value, and the face value is repaid at the maturity date.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: C6) Which of the following are true of coupon bonds?A) The owner of a coupon bond receives a fixed interest payment every year until the maturity date, when the face or par value is repaid.B) U.S. Treasury bonds and notes are examples of coupon bonds.C) Corporate bonds are examples of coupon bonds.D) All of the above.E) Only A and B of the above.Answer: D7) Which of the following are generally true of all bonds?A) The longer a bond's maturity, the lower is the rate of return that occurs as a result of the increase in the interest rate.B) Even though a bond has a substantial initial interest rate, its return can turn out to be negative if interest rates rise.C) Prices and returns for long-term bonds are more volatile than those for shorter-term bonds.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: D8) (I) A discount bond requires the borrower to repay the principal at the maturity date plus an interest payment.(II) A coupon bond pays the lender a fixed interest payment every year until the maturity date, when a specified final amount (face or par value) is repaid.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: B9) If a $5,000 coupon bond has a coupon rate of 13 percent, then the coupon payment every year isA) $650.B) $1,300.C) $130.D) $13.E) None of the above.Answer: A10) An $8,000 coupon bond with a $400 annual coupon payment has a coupon rate ofA) 5 percent.B) 8 percent.C) 10 percent.D) 40 percent.Answer: A11) The concept of ________ is based on the notion that a dollar paid to you in the future is less valuable to you than a dollar today.A) present valueB) future valueC) interestD) deflationAnswer: A12) Dollars received in the future are worth ________ than dollars received today. The process of calculating what dollars received in the future are worth today is called ________.A) more; discountingB) less; discountingC) more; inflatingD) less; inflatingAnswer: B13) The process of calculating what dollars received in the future are worth today is calledA) calculating the yield to maturity.B) discounting the future.C) compounding the future.D) compounding the present.Answer: B14) With an interest rate of 5 percent, the present value of $100 received one year from now is approximatelyA) $100.B) $105.C) $95.D) $90.Answer: C15) With an interest rate of 10 percent, the present value of a security that pays $1,100 next year and $1,460 four years from now is approximatelyA) $1,000.B) $2,000.C) $2,560.D) $3,000.Answer: B16) With an interest rate of 8 percent, the present value of $100 received one year from now is approximatelyA) $93.B) $96.C) $100.D) $108.Answer: A17) With an interest rate of 6 percent, the present value of $100 received one year from now is approximatelyA) $106.B) $100.C) $94.D) $92.Answer: C18) The interest rate that equates the present value of the cash flow received from a debt instrument with its market price today is theA) simple interest rate.B) discount rate.C) yield to maturity.D) real interest rate.Answer: C19) The interest rate that financial economists consider to be the most accurate measure is theA) current yield.B) yield to maturity.C) yield on a discount basis.D) coupon rate.Answer: B20) Financial economists consider the ________ to be the most accurate measure of interest rates.A) simple interest rateB) discount rateC) yield to maturityD) real interest rateAnswer: C21) For a simple loan, the simple interest rate equals theA) real interest rate.B) nominal interest rate.C) current yield.D) yield to maturity.Answer: D22) For simple loans, the simple interest rate is ________ the yield to maturity.A) greater thanB) less thanC) equal toD) not comparable toAnswer: C23) The yield to maturity of a one-year, simple loan of $500 that requires an interest payment of $40 isA) 5 percent.B) 8 percent.C) 12 percent.D) 12.5 percent.Answer: B24) The yield to maturity of a one-year, simple loan of $400 that requires an interest payment of $50 isA) 5 percent.B) 8 percent.C) 12 percent.D) 12.5 percent.Answer: D25) A $10,000, 8 percent coupon bond that sells for $10,000 has a yield to maturity ofA) 8 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 12 percent.D) 14 percent.Answer: A26) Which of the following $1,000 face value securities has the highest yield to maturity?A) A 5 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000B) A 10 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000C) A 12 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000D) A 12 percent coupon bond selling for $1,100Answer: C27) Which of the following $1,000 face value securities has the highest yield to maturity?A) A 5 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000B) A 10 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000C) A 15 percent coupon bond selling for $1,000D) A 15 percent coupon bond selling for $900Answer: D28) Which of the following are true for a coupon bond?A) When the coupon bond is priced at its face value, the yield to maturity equals the coupon rate.B) The price of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity are negatively related.C) The yield to maturity is greater than the coupon rate when the bond price is below the par value.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: D29) Which of the following are true for a coupon bond?A) When the coupon bond is priced at its face value, the yield to maturity equals the coupon rate.B) The price of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity are negatively related.C) The yield to maturity is greater than the coupon rate when the bond price is above the par value.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E30) Which of the following are true for a coupon bond?A) When the coupon bond is priced at its face value, the yield to maturity equals the coupon rate.B) The price of a coupon bond and the yield to maturity are positively related.C) The yield to maturity is greater than the coupon rate when the bond price is above the par value.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: A31) A consol bond is a bond thatA) pays interest annually and its face value at maturity.B) pays interest in perpetuity and never matures.C) pays no interest but pays its face value at maturity.D) rises in value as its yield to maturity rises.Answer: B32) The yield to maturity on a consol bond that pays $100 yearly and sells for $500 isA) 5 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 12.5 percent.D) 20 percent.E) 25 percent.Answer: D33) The yield to maturity on a consol bond that pays $200 yearly and sells for $1000 isA) 5 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 20 percent.D) 25 percent.Answer: C34) A frequently used approximation for the yield to maturity on a long-term bond is theA) coupon rate.B) current yield.C) cash flow interest rate.D) real interest rate.Answer: B35) The current yield on a coupon bond is the bond's ________ divided by its ________.A) annual coupon payment; priceB) annual coupon payment; face valueC) annual return; priceD) annual return; face valueAnswer: A36) When a bond's price falls, its yield to maturity ________ and its current yield ________.A) falls; fallsB) rises; risesC) falls; risesD) rises; fallsAnswer: B37) The yield to maturity for a one-year discount bond equalsA) the increase in price over the year, divided by the initial price.B) the increase in price over the year, divided by the face value.C) the increase in price over the year, divided by the interest rate.D) none of the above.Answer: A38) If a $10,000 face value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $8,000, then its yield to maturity isA) 10 percent.B) 20 percent.C) 25 percent.D) 40 percent.Answer: C39) If a $10,000 face value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $9,000, then its yield to maturity is approximatelyA) 9 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 11 percent.D) 12 percent.Answer: C40) If a $10,000 face value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $5,000, then its yield to maturity isA) 5 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 50 percent.D) 100 percent.Answer: D41) If a $5,000 face value discount bond maturing in one year is selling for $5,000, then its yield to maturity isA) 0 percent.B) 5 percent.C) 10 percent.D) 20 percent.Answer: A42) The Fisher equation states thatA) the nominal interest rate equals the real interest rate plus the expected rate of inflation.B) the real interest rate equals the nominal interest rate less the expected rate of inflation.C) the nominal interest rate equals the real interest rate less the expected rate of inflation.D) both A and B of the above are true.E) both A and C of the above are true.Answer: D43) If you expect the inflation rate to be 15 percent next year and a one-year bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond isA) 7 percent.B) 22 percent.C) -15 percent.D) -8 percent.E) none of the above.Answer: D44) If you expect the inflation rate to be 5 percent next year and a one-year bond has a yield to maturity of 7 percent, then the real interest rate on this bond isA) -12 percent.B) -2 percent.C) 2 percent.D) 12 percent.Answer: C45) The nominal interest rate minus the expected rate of inflationA) defines the real interest rate.B) is a better measure of the incentives to borrow and lend than the nominal interest rate.C) is a more accurate indicator of the tightness of credit market conditions than the nominal interest rate.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: D46) The nominal interest rate minus the expected rate of inflationA) defines the real interest rate.B) is a less accurate measure of the incentives to borrow and lend than is the nominal interest rate.C) is a less accurate indicator of the tightness of credit market conditions than is the nominal interest rate.D) defines the discount rate.Answer: A47) In which of the following situations would you prefer to be making a loan?A) The interest rate is 9 percent and the expected inflation rate is 7 percent.B) The interest rate is 4 percent and the expected inflation rate is 1 percent.C) The interest rate is 13 percent and the expected inflation rate is 15 percent.D) The interest rate is 25 percent and the expected inflation rate is 50 percent.Answer: B48) In which of the following situations would you prefer to be borrowing?A) The interest rate is 9 percent and the expected inflation rate is 7 percent.B) The interest rate is 4 percent and the expected inflation rate is 1 percent.C) The interest rate is 13 percent and the expected inflation rate is 15 percent.D) The interest rate is 25 percent and the expected inflation rate is 50 percent.Answer: D49) What is the return on a 5 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $1,200 one year later?A) 5 percentB) 10 percentC) -5 percentD) 25 percentE) None of the aboveAnswer: D50) What is the return on a 5 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $900 one year later?A) 5 percentB) 10 percentC) -5 percentD) -10 percentE) None of the aboveAnswer: C51) The return on a 5 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $1,100 one year later isA) 5 percent.B) 10 percent.C) 14 percent.D) 15 percent.Answer: D52) The return on a 10 percent coupon bond that initially sells for $1,000 and sells for $900 one year later isA) -10 percent.B) -5 percent.C) 0 percent.D) 5 percent.Answer: C53) Which of the following are generally true of all bonds?A) The only bond whose return equals the initial yield to maturity is one whose time to maturity is the same as the holding period.B) A rise in interest rates is associated with a fall in bond prices, resulting in capital losses on bonds whose term to maturities are longer than the holding period.C) The longer a bond's maturity, the greater is the price change associated with a given interest rate change.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: D54) Which of the following are true concerning the distinction between interest rates and return?A) The rate of return on a bond will not necessarily equal the interest rate on that bond.B) The return can be expressed as the sum of the current yield and the rate of capital gains.C) The rate of return will be greater than the interest rate when the price of the bond falls between time t and time t + 1.D) All of the above are true.E) Only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E55) If the interest rates on all bonds rise from 5 to 6 percent over the course of the year, which bond would you prefer to have been holding?A) A bond with one year to maturityB) A bond with five years to maturityC) A bond with ten years to maturityD) A bond with twenty years to maturityAnswer: A56) Suppose you are holding a 5 percent coupon bond maturing in one year with a yield to maturity of 15 percent. If the interest rate on one-year bonds rises from 15 percent to 20 percent over the course of the year, what is the yearly return on the bond you are holding?A) 5 percentB) 10 percentC) 15 percentD) 20 percentAnswer: C57) (I) Prices of longer-maturity bonds respond more dramatically to changes in interest rates.(II) Prices and returns for long-term bonds are less volatile than those for short-term bonds.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: A58) (I) Prices of longer-maturity bonds respond less dramatically to changes in interest rates.(II) Prices and returns for long-term bonds are less volatile than those for shorter-term bonds.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: D59) The riskiness of an asset's return that results from interest rate changes is calledA) interest-rate risk.B) coupon-rate risk.C) reinvestment risk.D) yield-to-maturity risk.Answer: A60) If an investor's holding period is longer than the term to maturity of a bond, he or she is exposed toA) interest-rate risk.B) reinvestment risk.C) bond-market risk.D) yield-to-maturity risk.Answer: B61) Reinvestment risk is the risk thatA) a bond's value may fall in the future.B) a bond's future coupon payments may have to be invested at a rate lower than the bond's yield to maturity.C) an investor's holding period will be short and equal in length to the maturity of the bonds he or she holds.D) a bond's issuer may fail to make the future coupon payments and the investor will have no cash to reinvest.Answer: B62) (I) The average lifetime of a debt security's stream of payments is called duration.(II) The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average of the durations of the individual securities, with the weights reflecting the proportion of the portfolio invested in each.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: C63) The duration of a ten-year, 10 percent coupon bond when the interest rate is 10 percent is 6.76 years. What happens to the price of the bond if the interest rate falls to 8 percent?A) It rises 20 percent.B) It rises 12.3 percent.C) It falls 20 percent.D) It falls 12.3 percent.Answer: B64) When the lender provides the borrower with an amount of funds that must be repaid to the lender at the maturity date, along with an additional payment for the interest, it is called a ________.A) fixed-payment loanB) discount loanC) simple loanD) none of the aboveAnswer: C65) A discount bondA) is also called a coupon bond.B) is also called a zero-coupon bond.C) is also called a fixed-payment bond.D) is also called a corporate bond.Answer: B66) The interest rate that is adjusted for actual changes in the price level is called theA) ex post real interest rate.B) expected interest rate.C) ex ante real interest rate.D) none of the above.Answer: A67) The change in the bond's price relative to the initial purchase price isA) the current yield.B) coupon payment.C) yield to maturity.D) rate of capital gain.Answer: D68) The return on a bond is equal to the yield to maturity whenA) the holding period is longer than the maturity of the bond.B) the maturity of the bond is longer than the holding period.C) the holding period and the maturity of the bond are identical.D) none of the above.Answer: C69) Bonds whose term to maturity is shorter than the holding period are also subject toA) default.B) reinvestment risk.C) both of the above.D) none of the above.Answer: B70) A ________ is a type of loan that has the same cash flow payment every year throughout the life of the loan.A) discount loanB) simple loanC) fixed-payment loanD) interest-free loanAnswer: C。
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Financial Markets and Institutions, 7e (Mishkin)Chapter 5 How Do Risk and Term Structure Affect Interest Rates?5.1 Multiple Choice1) The term structure of interest rates isA) the relationship among interest rates of different bonds with the same risk and maturity.B) the structure of how interest rates move over time.C) the relationship among the terms to maturity of different bonds from different issuers.D) the relationship among interest rates on bonds with different maturities but similar risk. Answer: D2) The risk structure of interest rates isA) the structure of how interest rates move over time.B) the relationship among interest rates of different bonds with the same maturity.C) the relationship among the terms to maturity of different bonds.D) the relationship among interest rates on bonds with different maturities.Answer: B3) Which of the following long-term bonds should have the lowest interest rate?A) Corporate Baa bondsB) U.S. Treasury bondsC) Corporate Aaa bondsD) Municipal bondsAnswer: D4) Which of the following long-term bonds should have the highest interest rate?A) Corporate Baa bondsB) U.S. Treasury bondsC) Corporate Aaa bondsD) Municipal bondsAnswer: A5) The risk premium on corporate bonds becomes smaller ifA) the riskiness of corporate bonds increases.B) the liquidity of corporate bonds increases.C) the liquidity of corporate bonds decreases.D) the riskiness of corporate bonds decreases.E) either B or D of the above occur. Answer: E6) Bonds with relatively low risk of default are calledA) zero coupon bonds.B) junk bonds.C) investment-grade bonds.D) none of the above.Answer: C7) Bonds with relatively high risk of default are calledA) Brady bonds.B) junk bonds.C) zero coupon bonds.D) investment-grade bonds.Answer: B8) A corporation suffering big losses might be more likely to suspend interest payments on its bonds, therebyA) raising the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to rise.B) raising the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to fall.C) lowering the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to rise.D) lowering the default risk and causing the demand for its bonds to fall.Answer: B9) (I) If a corporation suffers big losses, the demand for its bonds will rise because of the higher interest rates the firm must pay.(II) The spread between the interest rates on bonds with default risk and default-free bonds is called the risk premium.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: B10) Holding everything else constant, if a corporation begins to suffer large losses, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the expected return on those bonds will ________.A) increase: increaseB) decrease; increaseC) increase; decreaseD) decrease; decrease Answer: C11) Holding everything else the same, if a corporation's earnings rise, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the expected return on those bonds will ________.A) increase; decreaseB) decrease; decreaseC) increase; increaseD) decrease; increaseAnswer: D12) If a corporation begins to suffer large losses, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the equilibrium interest rate on these bonds will ________.A) increase; decreaseB) decrease; increaseC) increase; increaseD) decrease; decreaseAnswer: C13) If a corporation's earnings rise, then the default risk on its bonds will ________ and the equilibrium interest rate on these bonds will ________.A) increase; decreaseB) decrease; decreaseC) increase; increaseD) decrease; increaseAnswer: B14) When the default risk on corporate bonds decreases, other things equal, the demand curve for corporate bonds shifts to the ________ and the demand curve for Treasury bonds shifts to the ________.A) right; rightB) right; leftC) left; leftD) left; rightAnswer: B15) (I) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for corporate bonds to the right.(II) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for Treasury bonds to the left.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false. Answer: D16) (I) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for corporate bonds to the left.(II) An increase in default risk on corporate bonds shifts the demand curve for Treasury bonds to the right.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: C17) The spread between interest rates on low-quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C18) As a result of the subprime collapse, the demand for low -quality corporate bonds ________, the demand for high-quality Treasury bonds ________, and the risk spread ________.A) increased; decreased; was unchangedB) decreased; increased; increasedC) increased; decreased; decreasedD) decreased; increased; was unchangedAnswer: B19) Moody's and Standard and Poor's are agencies thatA) help investors collect when corporations default on their bonds.B) advise municipal bond issuers on the tax exempt status of their bonds.C) produce information about the probability of default on corporate bonds.D) maintain liquid markets for corporate bonds.Answer: C20) If Moody's or Standard and Poor's downgrades its rating on a corporate bond, the demand for the bond ________ and its yield ________.A) increases; decreasesB) decreases; increasesC) increases; increasesD) decreases; decreases Answer: B21) Corporate bonds are not as liquid as government bonds becauseA) fewer bonds for any one corporation are traded, making them more costly to sell.B) the corporate bond rating must be calculated each time they are traded.C) corporate bonds are not callable.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: A22) (I) The risk premium widens as the default risk on corporate bonds increases.(II) The risk premium widens as corporate bonds become less liquid.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: C23) When the corporate bond market becomes less liquid, other things equal, the demand curve for corporate bonds shifts to the ________ and the demand curve for Treasury bonds shifts to the ________.A) right; rightB) right; leftC) left; leftD) left; rightAnswer: D24) When the corporate bond market becomes more liquid, other things equal, the demand curve for corporate bonds shifts to the ________ and the demand curve for Treasury bonds shifts to the ________.A) right; rightB) right; leftC) left; leftD) left; rightAnswer: B25) (I) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the demand for the bond will fall, causing the interest rate to rise.(II) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the demand for Treasury bonds does not change.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false. Answer: A26) (I) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the interest rate on the bond will fall.(II) If a corporate bond becomes less liquid, the interest rate on Treasury bonds will fall.A) (I) is true, (II) false.B) (I) is false, (II) true.C) Both are true.D) Both are false.Answer: B27) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C28) If income tax rates rise, thenA) the prices of municipal bonds will fall.B) the prices of Treasury bonds will rise.C) the interest rate on Treasury bonds will rise.D) the interest rate on municipal bonds will rise.Answer: C29) An increase in marginal tax rates would likely have the effect of ________ the demand for municipal bonds and ________ the demand for U.S. government bonds.A) increasing; increasingB) increasing; decreasingC) decreasing; increasingD) decreasing; decreasingAnswer: B30) A decrease in marginal tax rates would likely have the effect of ________ the demand for municipal bonds and ________ the demand for U.S. government bonds.A) increasing; increasingB) increasing; decreasingC) decreasing; increasingD) decreasing; decreasingAnswer: C31) Which of the following statements are true?A) Because coupon payments on municipal bonds are exempt from federal income tax, the expected after-tax return on them will be higher for individuals in higher income tax brackets.B) An increase in tax rates will increase the demand for municipal bonds, lowering their interest rates.C) Interest rates on municipal bonds will be lower than on comparable bonds without the tax exemption.D) All of the above are true statements.E) Only A and B are true statements.Answer: D32) Which of the following statements are true?A) Because coupon payments on municipal bonds are exempt from federal income tax, the expected after-tax return on them will be higher for individuals in higher income tax brackets.B) An increase in tax rates will increase the demand for Treasury bonds, lowering their interest rates.C) Interest rates on municipal bonds will be higher than on comparable bonds without the tax exemption.D) Only A and B are true statements.Answer: A33) When a municipal bond is given tax-free status, the demand for municipal bonds shifts ________, causing the interest rate on the bond to ________.A) leftward; riseB) leftward; fallC) rightward; riseD) rightward; fallAnswer: D34) When a municipal bond is given tax-free status, the demand for Treasury bonds shifts ________, and the interest rate on Treasury bonds ________.A) leftward; risesB) leftward; fallsC) rightward; risesD) rightward; fallsAnswer: A35) If municipal bonds were to lose their tax-free status, then the demand for Treasury bonds would shift ________, and the interest rate on Treasury bonds would ________.A) rightward; fallB) rightward; riseC) leftward; fallD) leftward; rise Answer: A36) The Bush tax cut passed in 2001 reduces the top income tax bracket from 39 percent to 35 percent over the next ten years. As a result of this tax cut, the demand for municipal bonds should shift to the ________ and the interest rate on municipal bonds should ________.A) right; declineB) right; increaseC) left; declineD) left; increaseAnswer: D37) The relationship among interest rates on bonds with identical default risk but different maturities is called theA) time-risk structure of interest rates.B) liquidity structure of interest rates.C) yield curve.D) bond demand curve.Answer: C38) Yield curves can be classified asA) upward-sloping.B) downward-sloping.C) flat.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: D39) Typically, yield curves areA) gently upward-sloping.B) gently downward-sloping.C) flat.D) bowl shaped.E) mound shaped.Answer: A40) When yield curves are steeply upward-sloping,A) long-term interest rates are above short-term interest rates.B) short-term interest rates are above long-term interest rates.C) short-term interest rates are about the same as long-term interest rates.D) medium-term interest rates are above both short-term and long-term interest rates.E) medium-term interest rates are below both short-term and long-term interest rates. Answer: A41) Economists' attempts to explain the term structure of interest ratesA) illustrate how economists modify theories to improve them when they are inconsistent with the empirical evidence.B) illustrate how economists continue to accept theories that fail to explain observed behavior of interest rate movements.C) prove that the real world is a special case that tends to get short shrift in theoretical models.D) have proved entirely unsatisfactory to date.Answer: A42) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate on long-term bonds will exceed the average of expected future short-term interest rates.B) interest rates on bonds of different maturities move together over time.C) buyers of bonds prefer short-term to long-term bonds.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: B43) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to rise in the future.B) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to decline in the future.C) buyers of bonds prefer short-term to long-term bonds.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: E44) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to rise in the future.B) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.C) investors have strong preferences for short-term relative to long-term bonds, explaining why yield curves typically slope upward.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: A45) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to rise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: E46) If the expected path of one-year interest rates over the next four years is 5 percent, 4 percent, 2 percent, and 1 percent, then the pure expectations theory predicts that today's interest rate on thefour-year bond isA) 1 percent.B) 2 percent.C) 4 percent.D) none of the above.Answer: D47) If the expected path of one-year interest rates over the next five years is 1 percent, 2 percent, 3 percent, 4 percent, and 5 percent, then the pure expectations theory predicts that the bond with the highest interest rate today is the one with a maturity ofA) one year.B) two years.C) three years.D) four years.E) five years.Answer: E48) If the expected path of one-year interest rates over the next five years is 2 percent, 4 percent, 1 percent, 4 percent, and 3 percent, then the pure expectations theory predicts that the bond with the lowest interest rate today is the one with a maturity ofA) one year.B) two years.C) three years.D) four years.Answer: A49) According to the market segmentation theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate for bonds of one maturity is determined by the supply and demand for bonds of that maturity.B) bonds of one maturity are not substitutes for bonds of other maturities; therefore, interest rates on bonds of different maturities do not move together over time.C) investors' strong preference for short-term relative to long-term bonds explains why yield curves typically slope upward.D) all of the above.E) none of the above.Answer: D50) According to the market segmentation theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate for bonds of one maturity is determined by the supply and demand for bonds of that maturity.B) bonds of one maturity are not substitutes for bonds of other maturities; therefore, interest rates on bonds of different maturities do not move together over time.C) investors' strong preference for short-term relative to long-term bonds explains why yield curves typically slope downward.D) only A and B of the above.Answer: D51) The liquidity premium theory of the term structureA) indicates that today's long-term interest rate equals the average of short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the life of the long-term bond.B) assumes that bonds of different maturities are perfect substitutes.C) suggests that markets for bonds of different maturities are completely separate because people have different preferences.D) does none of the above.Answer: D52) The liquidity premium theory of the term structureA) assumes investors tend to prefer short-term bonds because they have less interest-rate risk.B) assumes that interest rates on the long-term bond respond to demand and supply conditions for that bond.C) assumes that an average of expected short-term rates is an important component of interest rates on long-term bonds.D) assumes all of the above.E) assumes none of the above.Answer: D53) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure,A) the interest rate on long-term bonds will equal an average of short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the life of the long-term bonds plus a liquidity premium.B) buyers of bonds may prefer bonds of one maturity over another, yet interest rates on bonds of different maturities move together over time.C) even with a positive liquidity premium, if future short-term interest rates are expected to fall significantly, then the yield curve will be downward-sloping.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: D54) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure,A) because buyers of bonds may prefer bonds of one maturity over another, interest rates on bonds of different maturities do not move together over time.B) the interest rate on long-term bonds will equal an average of short-term interest rates that people expect to occur over the life of the long-term bonds plus a term premium.C) because of the positive term premium, the yield curve cannot be downward-sloping.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer: B55) If the yield curve slope is flat, the liquidity premium theory indicates that the market is predictingA) a mild rise in short-term interest rates in the near future and a mild decline further out in the future.B) constant short-term interest rates in the near future and further out in the future.C) a mild decline in short-term interest rates in the near future and a continuing mild decline further out in the future.D) constant short-term interest rates in the near future and a mild decline further out in the future. Answer: C56) If the yield curve has a mild upward slope, the liquidity premium theory indicates that the market is predictingA) a rise in short-term interest rates in the near future and a decline further out in the future.B) constant short-term interest rates in the near future and further out in the future.C) a decline in short-term interest rates in the near future and a rise further out in the future.D) a decline in short-term interest rates in the near future and an even steeper decline further out in the future.Answer: B57) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure, a downward-sloping yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected toA) rise in the future.B) remain unchanged in the future.C) decline moderately in the future.D) decline sharply in the future.Answer: D58) According to the liquidity premium theory of the term structure, when the yield curve has its usual slope, the market expectsA) short-term interest rates to rise sharply.B) short-term interest rates to drop sharply.C) short-term interest rates to stay near their current levels.D) none of the above.Answer: C59) In actual practice, short-term interest rates are just as likely to fall as to rise; this is the major shortcoming of theA) market segmentation theory.B) expectations theory.C) liquidity premium theory.D) separable markets theory.Answer: B60) Which theory of the term structure proposes that bonds of different maturities are not substitutes for one another?A) market segmentation theoryB) expectations theoryC) liquidity premium theoryD) separable markets theoryAnswer: A61) Since yield curves are usually upward sloping, the ________ indicates that, on average, people tend to prefer holding short-term bonds to long-term bonds.A) market segmentation theoryB) expectations theoryC) liquidity premium theoryD) both A and B of the aboveE) both A and C of the aboveAnswer: E62) ________ cannot explain the empirical fact that interest rates on bonds of different maturities tend to move together.A) The market segmentation theoryB) The expectations theoryC) The liquidity premium theoryD) Both A and B of the aboveE) Both A and C of the aboveAnswer: A63) Of the four theories that explain how interest rates on bonds with different terms to maturity are related, the one that views long-term interest rates as equaling the average of future short-term rates expected to occur over the life of the bond is theA) pure expectations theory.B) preferred habitat theory.C) liquidity premium theory.D) segmented markets theory.Answer: A64) Of the four theories that explain how interest rates on bonds with different terms to maturity are related, the one that assumes that bonds of different maturities are not substitutes for one another is theA) expectations theory.B) segmented markets theory.C) liquidity premium theory.D) preferred habitat theory.Answer: B65) A moderately upward-sloping yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected toA) neither rise nor fall in the near future.B) remain relatively unchanged, but that long-term rates are expected to fall.C) neither rise nor fall, but that long-term rates are expected to rise moderately.D) rise moderately in the near future.Answer: A66) A steep upward-sloping yield curve indicates that short-term interest rates are expected toA) neither rise nor fall in the near future.B) remain relatively unchanged, but that long-term rates are expected to fall.C) neither rise nor fall, but that long-term rates are expected to rise moderately.D) rise moderately in the near future.Answer: D67) A bond rating of Aa or AA would mean that the quality of the bond isA) the highest.B) high.C) medium grade.D) speculative.Answer: B68) ________ bonds are the most liquid of all long-term bonds.A) CallableB) MunicipalC) Corporate AaaD) U.S. TreasuryAnswer: D69) ________ bonds are exempt from federal income taxes.A) Corporate AaaB) U.S. TreasuryC) Corporate BaaD) MunicipalAnswer: D70) The risk structure of interest rates is explained byA) default risk.B) liquidity.C) tax considerations.D) all of the above.Answer: D71) The ________ theory is the most widely accepted theory of the term structure of interest rates because it explains the major empirical facts about the term structure so well.A) liquidity premiumB) market segmentationC) expectationsD) none of the aboveAnswer: A72) ________ are investment advisory firms that rate the quality of corporate and municipal bonds in terms of probability of default.A) Financial institutionsB) Credit-rating agenciesC) Securities companiesD) none of the aboveAnswer: B73) If a bond has a favorable tax treatment, its required interest rate (all else equal)A) will be higher.B) will not be affected.C) will be lower.D) all of the above could happen.Answer: C。