
2.0 GDi
My FordTM
Active City Stop
车门测试 我 们 福 特 车 门 测 试 工 程 师 ,每 天 反 复 开 关 车 门 8 4 0 0 0 次 来 确 保 质 量 和 耐 久 性 ,只 为 让 你 拥 有 一 辆 高 品 质 座 驾 。
极端天气测试 从 零 下 3 0 度 严 寒 到 4 6 度 高 温 ,经 历 如 此 极 端 的 温 度 考 验 ,让 你 无 论 在 哪 ,遭 遇 何 种 极 端 气 候 ,均 能 应 付 自 如 ,坐 拥 高 品 质 座 驾 。
SLA Control Blade 全独立悬挂系统(含后副车架+后防倾杆)
为了进一步提升驾驭品质,在新福克斯上福特工程师们对后悬挂进行了优化设计,有效 提升驾驶舒适性和噪音阻隔性。
完美衔接向后舒展的侧面线条,独特的鲨鱼鳍 造型,强悍十足,搭配炫亮尾灯组,光彩熠熠, 令动感无限延伸。
每时每刻你都对它充满了渴望,因为当你驾驭一辆新福克斯时,你感受到的不只是驾驭乐趣,更是一种刺激 过 瘾 的 体 验 ,G D i + Powe r S h i f t ™ 锋 芒 动 力 组 合 ,百 公 里 综 合 油 耗 仅 6.8 L( 2 .0 L 发 动 机 ),点 滴 燃 油 迸 发 澎 湃 动力,任你肆意狂飙!体验这种美妙过瘾的感觉,终将变成每天的一种习惯!

新福克斯怎么样非常难得体验了一番朋友刚入手的新福克斯两厢2.0A T豪华运动型,其目前还未上牌,也只是跑了八百多公里,还算是非常新的了!其实我对于长安福特的车型,向来是喜欢,毕竟总感觉在福特的车型身上能找到那种真正的驾驭快感,福特汽车操控优异这一点确实名不虚传。
其中方向盘左下方的按键是定速巡航控制按键,右下方是则是语音控制按键,包括连接中控的SYNC 系统!仪表盘中间的液晶显示屏,能显示车身上的多方面信息。
看看刚试驾回来的油耗(10公里市区,20公里市郊,100公里高速),虽然试驾的大部分是高速,但是对于一款搭载2.0L 自然吸气发动机的汽车来说,这样的油耗确实有点让人惊讶!中控相当豪华,功能也比较齐全,SONY音响确实不是一般的音响能比。



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 安全带紧张器(后排座椅中央) 侧安全气帘 安全带紧张器(前排) 侧面碰撞传感器 驾驶侧安全气囊 带安全气囊和安全带警告灯的 仪表 7. 前碰撞传感器 8. 前乘客侧安全气囊 10. RCM 11. 座椅入座传感器 (乘客侧) 12. 侧气囊(驾驶侧与乘客侧)
17.蓝牙测试:系统将会提示你有来电,如下菜单;如 不行请多按几次MIT左下角的PAIR/CALL按钮,按下 接听按钮。
18.蓝牙测试:若蓝牙设备正常你将会听到“经SYNC 输入检测工具测试,蓝牙配对工作正常”语音。
除吸附灰尘花粉外,还可吸附有害的 或有异味的气体,使车内空气保持清新 C346 的独有的标配
A/C 压缩机:
• 低配车型:
5.如音频工作正常,车载喇叭会反复自动播放“经SYNC 输入检测工具测试,音频输入插口工作正常”。
B接口测试:按下MIT右下角ENTER按钮,将指示 灯调到USB。
5.PTS将会显示出该车的出厂数据。在网页顶部选择 “OASIS”选项,然后在下拉菜单中选择“SYNC” 。
6.PTS现在将确认该车配备的APIM/SYNC模块的版本。第 一步先选择菜单下部的“自定义的”,然后选择 “读取SYNC”。

这款车用的是DURATEC HE 反置式全铝合金发动机,采用铝合金材质铸造,导入以开发F1赛车动力闻名的COSWORTH的技术。

第三部分 动力系统 ......................................................................................... 28
2.0L Duratec-HE GDi (汽油缸内直喷)发动机 ................................................................... 28 1.6L ratec 16V Ti-VCT (Sigma) ..................................................................................... 46 手动变速箱 .......................................................................................................................... 60 DPS6 双离合自动变速箱(6DCT250) ............................................................................ 61
第二部分 车身与底盘 ....................................................................................... 8
车辆尺寸规格 ........................................................................................................................ 8 前悬架 .................................................................................................................................. 10 后悬架 .................................................................................................................................. 12 转向系统 .............................................................................................................................. 13 制动系统 .............................................................................................................................. 24


2.0L GTDi 两驱精锐型 S S S S S S S 2.0L GTDi 两驱铂锐型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S 2.0L GTDi 两驱豪锐型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S 2.0L GTDi 四驱豪锐型 S S S S S S S S 2.0L GTDi 四驱尊锐型 S S S S S S S S 2.7L GTDi 四驱运动型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S S 2.7L GTDi 四驱尊锐型 S S S S S S S S 皮质座椅 S -
S S S S S Ⅰ代 S S 1 6 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
S S S S S Ⅱ代 S S 2 S 9 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
皮质座椅 皮质座椅 S S 10向电动动调节座椅 10向电动动调节座椅 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Ⅱ代 S S S 2 S 9 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Ⅱ代 S S S 2 S S 12 S S S S S S S S S S S S O/A S S S S S S S S S S S S O/A O/A O/A S
2.0L GTDi 两驱精锐型 基本参数 长(mm) 宽(mm) 高(mm) 轴距(mm) 轮距 前/后(mm) 整备质量(kg) 油箱容积(L) 后备厢容积(L) 最小转弯直径(m) 卓越性能 发动机 排量(mL) 最大净功率(kW/rpm) 最大扭矩(Nm/rpm) 最大转速 压缩比 自动启停 变速箱形式 驱动方式 综合工况油耗(L/100km) * 推荐油品 排放标准 悬挂系统 制动系统 轮胎规格 铝合金轮圈 最高车速(km/h) 0-100km/h加速时间(s) 外观设计 投射式卤素前大灯 LED前大灯(带随动转向) 自动开闭前大灯 前大灯自动远光感应调节系统 Glare free防眩目LED前大灯 LED日间行车灯 前雾灯 LED组合式后尾灯 LED高位刹车灯 电动调节外后视镜(带LED转向灯) 电加热外后视镜 电动折叠外后视镜 照地灯(集成在外后视镜下方) 自动防眩外后视镜 外后视镜倒车自动下翻 Follow me home伴我回家功能 电动全景天窗 车顶行李架 前格栅镀铬 镀铬装饰外门把手 后备箱盖拉手镀铬 后排隐私玻璃 高配徽标 玻璃天线 双镀铬排气尾管 侧防护板 运动包围 无盖式加油系统 内装配置 内饰颜色 多功能4向可调方向盘 4向电动调节方向盘(带记忆功 能) 方向盘电加热 前座遮阳板附化妆镜(带化妆 灯) 太阳镜盒 220V电源接口*1+12V电源接口*3 前排双层中央扶手置物盒 后备箱隔板 迎宾踏板 后排中央扶手置物盒带杯架 七色LED可调节座舱氛围灯 带锁式手套箱 2.0L GTDi 两驱铂锐型 2.0L GTDi 两驱豪锐型 2.0L GTDi 四驱豪锐型 4878 1925 1770 2850 1648/1648 2030 2.0L GTDi 四驱尊锐型 2.7L GTDi 四驱运动型 2.7L GTDi 四驱尊锐型

A 参见“锁定和解锁”(页码27)。
B 参见“检查雨刷片”(页码39)。
C 参见“保养”(页码136)。
D 参见“拖曳点”(页码134)。
E 参见“更换灯泡”(页码47)。
F 胎压参见“技术规格”(页码162)。
G 参见“更换车轮”(页码155)。
E133220BCDE F GE133222A 参见“电动车窗”(页码57)。
参见“远光和近 光”(页码41)。
2017款全新福特福克斯三厢报价 配置详解

“Ford Power”智能无钥匙启动系统。
带上钥匙进入驾驶舱,踩下刹车踏板,同时按下“Ford Power”启动按钮,引擎即刻启动,超越一触即发。

1NEW FORD FOCUS SPECIFICATIONSPERFORMANCE AND ECONOMYFocus 5drFuelconsumption l/100 km 1Performance EnginePower (PS) CO 2 (g/km) 1 CombinedMax speed (km/h) 0-100 km/h 0-62 mph (sec) 50-100 km/h 31-62 mph (sec) 21.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)100 116-146 5.1-6.4 186 12.1 12.5 1.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)125 116-146 5.1-6.4 200 10.2 10.0 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)125 116-138 5.1-6.1 200 10.2 9.7 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)155 115-134 5.1-5.9 211 9.0 8.8 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)125 121-149 5.3-6.6 195 10.2 N/A 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)155 117-143 5.2-6.3 208 8.4 N/A 1.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)95 106-126 4.0-4.8 183 12.0 10.8 1.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)120 106-126 4.0-4.8 196 9.8 9.4 1.5-litre EcoBlue (8-spd automatic) 120115-1394.4-5.3 19310.6 N/AFocus wagonFuelconsumption l/100 km 1PerformanceEnginePower (PS) CO 2 (g/km) 1 CombinedMax speed (km/h) 0-100 km/h 0-62 mph (sec) 50-100 km/h 31-62 mph (sec) 21.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)100 116-146 5.1-6.4 184 12.5 12.9 1.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)125 116-146 5.1-6.4 198 10.5 10.4 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)125 116-138 5.1-6.1 198 10.4 9.9 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)155 115-134 5.1-5.9 209 9.1 9.0 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)125 121-149 5.3-6.6 193 10.4 N/A 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)155117-1435.2-6.32068.6N/A21.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)95 106-126 4.0-4.8 181 12.2 10.9 1.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)120 106-126 4.0-4.8 194 9.9 9.6 1.5-litre EcoBlue (8-spd automatic) 120115-1394.4-5.319110.9N/A1CO 2 emission and fuel efficiency ranges may vary according to vehicle variants offered by individual markets.The declared WLTP fuel/energy consumptions, CO 2-emissions and electric range are determined according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EU) 2017/1151 as last amended. The applied standard test procedures enable comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers.2In 4th gearWEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONSWeightsFocus 5drKerb weight (kg) 3Gross Vehicle Mass (kg) GrossTrainMass(kg)Max.TowableMass(braked)(kg) 4 Max. Towable Mass (unbraked) (kg) 4Nose weight (kg)Roof load (kg) 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)1330 1895 2995 1100 665 90 75 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)1330 1895 2995 1100 665 90 75 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)1349 1895 2995 1100 670 90 75 155 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)1349 1895 2995 1100 670 90 75 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)1387 1910 3410 1500 690 75 75 155 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)1387 1910 3410 1500 690 75 75 95 PS 1.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)1384 1910 3110 1200 690 90 75 120 PS 1.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)1384 1910 3310 1400 690 90 75 120 PS 1.5-litre EcoBlue (8-spd automatic)141519103310140070560753Focus wagonKerb weight (kg) 3Gross Vehicle Mass (kg) GrossTrainMass(kg)Max.TowableMass(braked)(kg) 4 Max. Towable Mass (unbraked) (kg) 4Nose weight (kg)Roof load (kg) 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)1394 1950 2950 1000 695 90 75 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost (6-spd manual)1394 1950 2950 1000 695 90 75 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)1413 1970 2970 1000 705 90 75 155 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (6-spd manual)1413 1970 2970 1000 705 90 75 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)1451 2005 3505 1500 725 90 75 155 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid (7-spd automatic)1451 2005 3505 1500 725 90 75 95 PS 1.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)1431 1955 3155 1200 715 80 75 120 PS 1.5-litre EcoBlue (6-spd manual)1431 1955 3355 1400 715 80 75 120 PS 1.5-litre EcoBlue (8-spd automatic)147920353435140073590753Represents the lightest kerbweight assuming driver at 75 kg, full fluid levels and 90 per cent fuel levels, subject to manufacturing tolerances and options, etc., fitted. Weights represent base model specification. 4Towing limits quoted represent the maximum towing ability of the vehicle at its Gross Vehicle Mass to restart on a 12 per cent gradient at sea level. The performance and economy of all models will be reduced when used for towing. Gross Train Mass includes trailer weight.DimensionsFocus 5drDimensions (mm)Titanium (inc. Vignale)Active (inc. Vignale)ST-Line (inc. Vignale)ExteriorOverall length4382 4397 4392 Overall width with/without mirrors 1979/18251979/1844 1979/1825 Overall width with folded back mirrors1848 1848 1848 Overall height 1471 1502 1459 Wheelbase 2700 2700 2700 Front overhang 913 918 913 Rear overhang769 779 779 Min ground clearance (unloaded)1351631234Min ground clearance (loaded) 102 141 104 InteriorFront headroom987 987 987 Front max legroom (lowest rearmost seating position) 1109 1109 1109 Front shoulder room 1421 1421 1421 Rear headroom 965 965 965 Rear legroom918 918 918 Rear shoulder room1395 1395 1395 Width between wheelhouses 1016 1016 1016 Effective load opening width 1018 1018 1018 Effective load opening height 613 613 613 Lift over height at kerb (empty vehicle)680 712 667 Length at floor to 2nd row 844 844 844 Luggage capacity (litres) 5 5-seat mode, laden to seat back height (with tyre repair kit)392 392 392 2-seat mode, laden to roof (with tyre repair kit)1354 1354 1354 Fuel tank capacity (litres) Petrol 52 52 52 Diesel474747 Focus wagonDimensions (mm)Titanium (inc. Vignale)Active (inc. Vignale)ST-Line (inc. Vignale)ExteriorOverall length4672 4693 4672 Overall width with/without mirrors 1979/18251979/1844 1979/1825Overall width with folded back mirrors1848 1848 1848 Overall height 1497 1536 1487 Wheelbase 2700 2700 2700 InteriorFront headroom987 987 987 Front max legroom (lowest rearmost seating position) 1109 1109 1109 Front shoulder room 1421 1421 1421 Rear headroom 1008 1008 1008 Rear legroom918 918 918 Rear shoulder room1395 1395 1395 Width between wheelhouses 1150 1150 1150 Effective load opening width10511051105155Measured in accordance with ISO 3832. Dimensions may vary dependent on the model and equipment fitted.DRIVER ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIES 6, 7Active Park AssistAdaptive Cruise Control with Stop & Go, Speed Sign Recognition and Lane Centring Adjustable Speed LimiterAutonomous Emergency Braking Blind Spot AssistBlind Spot Information System with Trailer Coverage Cross Traffic Alert with Active Braking Distance Indication Driver AlertForward Collision Warning Front and Rear Park Aid Glare-Free High Beam Hill Launch AssistIntelligent Speed Assistance Intersection Assist Lane Keeping Aid Lane Keeping AlertLocal Hazard Information 8Dynamic Pixel LED headlights with Camera-based Dynamic Bending Pre-Collision Assist with Active Braking and Pedestrian Detection Rear Occupant Alert Rear-view cameraTraffic Sign Recognition Wrong Way AlertCOMFORT AND CONVENIENCE 612.3-inch TFT digital instrument cluster Apple CarPlay & Android Auto™ Automatic rear view mirror B&O Premium audio system 9 Connected Navigation 8Effective load opening height 702 702 702 Lift over height at kerb (empty vehicle)625 665 616 Length at floor to 2nd row1047 1047 1047 Luggage capacity (litres) 55-seat mode, laden to package tray (with tyre repair kit)635 635 635 2-seat mode, laden to roof (with tyre repair kit)1653 1653 1653 Fuel tank capacity (litres) Petrol 52 52 52 Diesel4747476FordPass Connect modem 10 Ford Secure 8Hands-free tailgate (wagon only) Heated seats and steering wheel Keyless Start & Entry Openable panoramic roofPower heated folding door mirrors Quickclear heated windscreen Rain-sensing windscreen wipersSYNC 4 with 13.2-inch touchscreen 11 Wireless charging pad6 Feature availability dependent on vehicle specification7Driver-assist features are supplemental to and do not replace the driver’s attention, judgement and need to control the vehicle. 8Feature may require activation. Subscription required after initial trial period. 9BANG & OLUFSEN™ and B&O™ are registered trademarks of Bang & Olufsen Group. Licensed by Harman Becker Automotive Systems Manufacturing Kft. All rights reserved. 10FordPass app, compatible with selected smartphone platforms, is available via download. Message and data rates apply. FordPass Connect, the FordPass app and complimentary Connected Service are required for remote features (see FordPass terms for details). Connected Service and features depend on Vodafone or Vodafone partner mobile network availability. Evolving technology/mobile networks/vehicle capability may limit functionality and prevent operation of connected features. Connected Service excludes Wi-Fi hotspot. 11Don’t drive distracted. Use voice operated systems where possible and don’t use handheld devices while drivingSTEERING SystemRack and pinion with column-mounted Electronic Power Assisted Steering module Ratio14.3:1Turning circle (m)11.0 (16/17-inch tyres) 11.6 (18-inch tyres)CHASSISFront suspensionIndependent MacPherson struts with offset coil spring over gas filled twin-tube damper units and lower L-arms with optimised front rubber bushings and rear rubber bushings (or hydro-bush on selectedpowertrains) mounted on separate reinforced cross-member sub-frame, anti-roll bar.10 mm lowered suspension, unique spring and damper tuning (ST-Line).Unique steering knuckle geometry, spring and damper tuning (Active). Rear suspensionTwist-beam geometry with force vectoring springs. Mono-tube rear damper with optimised dual path body mountsRear suspension (wagon and selected 5-door powertrains)Short-long-arm, multi-link independent geometry with isolated subframe. Unique geometry for wagon models. Twin-tube rear damper withoptimised dual path body mounts. Unique dampers for wagon models. Optional Continuously Controlled Damping7BRAKESFront RearBrakingHydraulically operated dual-circuit system with diagonaldistribution. Vented front discs. Solid rear discs. Electronic four-channel anti-lock braking system (ABS) with electronic brake-force distribution (EBD), Electronic Stability Program (ESP) andEmergency Brake Assist (EBA). Autonomous emergency braking (AEB) as part of Pre-Collision Assist with Pedestrian Detection. Electric Brake Booster for selected models Disc/Drum dimensions (mm) Ø282 x 27 or Ø308 x 27 depending on vehicle configuration Ø282 x 27 or Ø308 x 27 depending on vehicleconfigurationPiston dimensions (mm)Ø57 Ø57WHEELS & TYRESSteel wheels Tyres 16-inch x 6.5-inch 205/60 R16 Alloy wheels16-inch x 6.5-inch 205/60 R16 17-inch x 7-inch 215/55 R17 17-inch x 7-inch 215/50 R17 18-inch x 8-inch 215/50 R18 18-inch x 8-inch235/40 R18HYBRID ENGINES1.0-litre EcoBoost Hybrid(125, 155 PS)TypeIn-line three-cylinder turbo petrol, 48-volt mild hybrid, Ti-VCT, transverseDisplacement cm 3 999 Bore mm 71.9 Strokemm 82.0Compression ratio10.5:110.0:1Max power PS (kW) 125 (92) 155 (114) at rpm 6000 6000 Max torque steady state Nm 170 190 at rpm 1400-4500 2100-5500Max torque overboost Nm 200 220 at rpm 1750 3000 Max torque e-assistNm 210 240 at rpm 1750 2500Valve gear DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder, twin independent variable cam timingCylinders3 in-line8Cylinder head Cast aluminium Cylinder block Cast ironCamshaft driveChain drive with hydraulic tensioner Crankshaft Cast iron, 6 counterweights, 4 main bearingsEnginemanagement Bosch CAN-Bus and individual cylinder knock control. FGEC software Fuel injection 250bar (max) High pressure direct fuel injection with 5-hole injectorsEmission level Euro 6dEmission controlRapid light-off catalyst, gasoline particulate filterTurbocharger Fixed geometry turbochargerElectric motor 11.5kW Belt Integrated Starter-Generator Battery 48V 8Ah Li-ion air cooled battery packLubrication system Electronically controlled variable displacement oil pump for improved fueleconomyCooling systemSplit cooling system with 2 thermostats Transmission6-speed manual7-speed Powershift dual-clutch automatic 6-speed manual7-speed Powershift dual-clutch automatic Gear ratios6th 0.634 5th 0.757 4th 0.943 3rd 1.276 2nd 1.958 1st 3.417Reverse 3.833 FDR 4.3537th 0.64 6th 0.77 5th 0.85 4th 1.11 3rd 1.59 2nd 2.82 1st 4.46 R 3.87FDR 4.18 (ratios 1,2,6,7) 4.72 (ratios 4,5,6,R)6th 0.634 5th 0.757 4th 0.943 3rd 1.276 2nd 1.958 1st 3.417Reverse 3.833 FDR 4.6437th 0.64 6th 0.77 5th 0.85 4th 1.11 3rd 1.59 2nd 2.82 1st 4.46 R 3.87FDR 4.18 (ratios 1,2,6,7) 4.72 (ratios 4,5,6,R)910PETROL ENGINES 1.0-litre EcoBoost(100, 125)TypeInline three cylinder turbo petrol, Ti-VCT, transverseDisplacement cm 3 999 Bore mm 71.9 Strokemm 82.0 Compression ratio10.5:1 Max power PS (kW) 100 (74) 125 (92)at rpm 4500-60006000 Max torque steady state Nm 170170at rpm 1500-4000 1400-4500Valve gear DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder, twin independent variable cam timingCylinders 3 in line Cylinder head Cast aluminium Cylinder block Cast ironCamshaft driveChain drive with hydraulic tensionerCrankshaft Cast iron, 6 counterweights, 4 main bearingsEnginemanagement Bosch CAN-Bus and individual cylinder knock control. FGEC software Fuel injection High pressure direct fuel injection with 6 hole injectors High pressure direct fuel injectionwith 5 hole injectorsEmission level Euro 6dEmission controlRapid light-off catalyst, gasoline particulate filter Turbocharger Fixed geometry turbochargerLubrication system Electronically controlled variable displacement oil pump for improved fueleconomyCooling systemSplit cooling system with 2 thermostatsTransmission 6-speed manualGear ratios6th 0.6345th 0.757 4th 0.943 3rd 1.276 2nd 1.958 1st 3.417 Reverse 3.833 FDR 4.3531112DIESEL ENGINES 1.5-litre EcoBlue (95, 120 PS)TypeIn-line four cylinder turbo diesel, transverseDisplacement cm 3 1500 Bore Mm 75.0 StrokeMm 84.8Compression ratio16.4:1Max power PS (kW) 95 (70) 120 (88)at rpm 4000 4000 Max torque Nm 300 300at rpm 1750-20001750-2250Valve gear DOHC with 4 valves per cylinderCylinders 4 in-line Cylinder head Cast aluminium Cylinder block Cast aluminiumCamshaft drive Low-friction, Kevlar-reinforced primary drive belt. Cam-to-cam chainCrankshaft Steel forging, 4 counter-weights, 5 main bearingsEnginemanagement Bosch FDECFuel injection Common rail direct fuel injection; 2000 bar injection pressure; 8-holeinjectors Emission level Euro 6dEmission controlHigh-pressure exhaust gas recirculation; water-air charge cooling; selectivecatalytic reductionTurbocharger Low-inertia variable geometry turbocharger with electronic controlLubrication system Pressure-fed lubrication system with full flow oil filter, variable displacementoil pumpSystemcapacity with filterlitres6.0Cooling system Water pump with electrically switchable thermostatSystem capacity litres 6.7 manual/7.3 autoTransmission 6-speed manual8-speed automaticGear ratios6th 0.578 5th 0.690 4th 0.868 3rd 1.194 2nd 1.952 1st 3.727 Reverse 3.455 FDR 3.684 6th 0.578 5th 0.690 4th 0.868 3rd 1.194 2nd 1.952 1st 3.727 Reverse 3.455 FDR 3.684N/A13Note: The data information in this press release was correct at the time of going to print. However, Ford policy is one of continuous product improvement. The right is reserved to change these details at any time.# # #About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company (NYSE: F) is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan, that is committed to helping build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. The company’s Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines existing strengths, new capabilities and always-on relationships with customers to enrich experiences for and deepen the loyalty of those customers. Ford designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of connected, increasingly electrified passenger and commercial vehicles: Ford trucks, utility vehicles, vans and cars, and Lincoln luxury vehicles. The company is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, connected vehicle services and mobility solutions, including self-driving technology, and provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. Ford employs about 182,000 people worldwide. More information about the company, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company is available at .Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 42,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and consolidated joint ventures and approximately 55,000 people when unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 14 manufacturing facilities (10 wholly owned facilities and four unconsolidated joint venture facilities). The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 – the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.Contact: Finn ThomasenFord of Europe*****************14。

排量不一样性能参数当然也有区别.具体参数如下:发动机类型 1。
8福克斯MT/AT 2。
0福克斯MT/AT排量 1798cc 1998cc最大功率 92kw/6000rpm 107kw/6000rpm最大扭矩 165Nm/4000rpm 185Nm/45000rpm压缩比 10.8:1 10.8:1缸径 83.0mm 87。
5mm行程 83。
1mm 83。
1mm断油转速 6850rpm 6850rpm正时驱动链条链条发动机材质气门室盖和进气歧管是塑钢的,看起来和塑料差不多,但是这个东东的材料不会比铁的便宜。

10.8:1 国IV
Sequential Sport Shift
齿轮齿条式/EHPAS 电子液压动力辅助转向系统
SLA Control Blade 全独立悬挂系统(含后副车架+后防倾杆)
1.8AT 时尚型
S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 11个
195/65 R15
≥180 8.1 Sequential Sport Shift 手自动一体变速器+ESSC电子同 步换档系统
S(镀铬) S S S S S S S S S
S(镀铬) S S S S S S S S S
S(镀铬) S S S S
S(含天窗) S S S S S S
S(镀铬) S S S S
S(含天窗) S S S S S S
星际灰+花岗岩米色 S
防潜滑包覆式座椅 高级织布
4向手动调节 S
S S S S S S S -
星际灰+花岗岩米色 S
防潜滑包覆式座椅 高级织布
4向手动调节 S
S S S S S S S -
星际灰+花岗岩米色 S

后门儿童安全锁 电动中控门锁 倒车雷达 车门双层密封胶条 高强度吸能式车身 车身冲击力分散路径规划 GOR 塑钢车头紧密组织结构 A 柱间防撞加强横梁 高强度轻质不等厚 B 柱 超高强度门槛防撞钢板 四门高刚性侧面防撞梁 人性化设计 高效率电子手动空调 左右双区独立控制自动恒温空调 活性炭过滤器 定速巡航功能 LED 风雅座舱环境灯 前后排灵活使用烟灰缸 Z 型飞航手刹 前大灯未关提醒 后备箱开启自动照明 个性化置物清洗装置 智能弯道辅助照明功能 前大灯水平自动调节 LED 车位行车灯 Follow Me Home "伴您回家"功能 高位刹车灯 鲨鱼鳍组合式尾灯 投射式前雾灯 高亮度后雾灯 大型双开启模式电动防夹天窗 驾驶侧车窗一键升降 全车一键升降电动车窗 车钥匙可遥控开启关闭车窗和天窗 电动调节外后视镜(带侧向高亮度警 示灯) 外后视镜除雾功能 前挡声学隔音玻璃 后窗除雾功能 后窗间歇性雨刮 蝶式无骨前窗雨刷 动感车窗镀铬饰条 车身同色外拉式把手 空气动力学前保险杠 运动型镀铬排气管 质感炫亮前格栅 内装配备 座舱色调
S S S S S S S S 22
S S S S S S S S 22
S S 19
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S S 21
1. "S"-标准配置,"O"-选装配置,"-"-无此配置 2. **此油耗指标为理论值,实际情况下须视不同燃油品质,路面情况,驾驶习惯与驾驶条件等因素而定。 3. 所有配置均以实车为准,为了不断研发及改进产品以满足客户需求,长安福特马自达汽车有限公司有权对上述配置规格作修改,并不 作另行通知。
S (带换挡提
示功能) 3.5" Dot Matrix 中控台显示屏 4.2" TFT 中控台多功能显示屏 人体工程学中控台 皮质门内饰 ISOFIX 儿童座椅固定点 铝合金质感内把手 前座遮阳板附化妆镜 前座中央扶手储物盒 前座双置杯架 仪表板亮度调节功能 点烟器 大型手套箱 四辐方向盘(带四向调节功能) 多功能 4 辐 4 向真皮方向盘 多功能缓升式安全把手(含衣钩功能) 音响娱乐 SYNC 车载多媒体通讯娱乐系统 中控台 CD 音响系统 方向盘音响控制系统 SONY 音响系统 高保真 4 喇叭环绕系统 高保真 6 喇叭环绕系统 高保真 9 喇叭环绕系统 AUX(支持 MP3 等外置音频播放) iPod / USB 高灵敏度玻璃天线 安全科技 前座双安全气囊 前座侧气囊 侧安全气帘 ABS(双回路 4 轮防抱死制动系统) EBD(电子制动力分配系统) ESC(车身动态稳定系统) EBA(紧急制动辅助系统) TCS(牵引力控制系统) HSA 坡道起步辅助系统 前排安全带未系提醒 前排爆燃预紧限力式安全带 P.A.T.S 电子防盗系统 防盗声响报警器 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S

–T-MAF式的进气计量 –双VCT系统 –燃油缸内高压直喷
内部资料 电子版非受控
2.0L Duratec HE (M14) GDi
内部资料 电子版非受控
内部资料 电子版非受控
–传递到巡航控制系统的按键 控制信号
–传递到音响和多功能显示屏 的按键控制信号 –安全气囊的控制/反馈信号 –喇叭开关控制信号
内部资料 电子版非受控
RCM内集成了YAW传感器、横向加速度传感器和 纵向加速度传感器
内部资料 电子版非受控
内部资料 电子版非受控
–编程 –传感器校准 –启动模块
内部资料 电子版非受控
内部资料 电子版非受控
1.6L Duratec 16V Ti-VCT (Sigma)
内部资料 电子版非受控
1.6L Duratec 16V Ti-VCT (Sigma)
内部资料 电子版非受控
1.6L Duratec 16V Ti-VCT (Sigma)
内部资料 电子版非受控

N EWS/fordofeurope /FordEuRELEASE AT 09:00 CET ON FEBRUARY 18, 2019All-New Ford Focus ST Blends Track-Day Performance,B-road Fun and Everyday Usability Without Compromise•Ford Performance-developed all-new Focus ST enhanced with advanced sports technologies will go on sale in the summer in five-door and wagon body styles•Powerful, free-revving powertrains include 280 PS, 420 Nm, 2.3-litre EcoBoost petrol with twin-scroll turbo and anti-lag; 190 PS 2.0-litre EcoBlue diesel with 400 Nm from 2,000 rpm•First Ford front-wheel drive electronic limited-slip differential improves traction and stability.Rev-matching offered for short-shift six-speed manual gearbox. Seven-speed auto available •Selectable Drive Modes a first for Focus ST, adjusting features including Electronic Brake Booster and fastest Ford electric power-assisted steering to match performance to scenario •Comfort and driving experience optimised with Recaro sports seats and advanced independent rear suspension configuration with available Continuously Controlled DampingCOLOGNE, Germany, Feb. 18, 2019 – Ford today revealed the all-new Focus ST – developedby Ford Performance to deliver nimble hot-hatchback thrills in a stylish, comfortable andpractical family car.The all-new Focus ST builds on the class-leading driving dynamics of the fourth generationFocus in five-door and wagon body styles. Ford’s new C2 architecture is enhanced with unique suspension, braking and powertrain configurations for the most responsive and agile Focus ST driving experience ever – on road and track.A new engine line-up makes available to drivers up to 12 per cent more power and 17 per centmore torque compared with the previous generation Focus ST. Ford’s 280 PS 2.3-litre EcoBoost petrol and 190 PS 2.0-litre EcoBlue diesel engines* both deliver a broad spread of power andtorque across the rev-range, for fast-revving sports performance.Ford’s first application of an electronic limited-slip differential (eLSD) for a front-wheel drivevehicle further enhances as standard the cornering and stability of the EcoBoost-poweredvariant – sharpening responses to changing grip levels and driver inputs using computer-controlled pre-emptive actuation.A choice of six-speed manual or quick-shifting new seven-speed automatic transmissions is offered, and Selectable Drive Modes technology is introduced to the Focus ST for the first time, enabling drivers to adjust the vehicle’s character to suit the driving scenario. Continuously Controlled Damping (CCD) – standard for five-door EcoBoost variants – enhances the shortlong arm (SLA) independent rear suspension configuration for ultimate refinement.“Intelligent technologies like eLSD and CCD make our all-new Focus ST the most ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ yet, able to switch from refined tourer to focussed performance car at the push of a button,” said Leo Roeks, Ford Performance director, Europe. “We’ve incorporated learnings from programmes including our Ford GT supercar and the acclaimed Focus RS to develop a mid-size performance car with a degree of flexibility that’s unique in its segment.”The all-new Focus ST will be manufactured with best-ever craftsmanship and quality following a €600 million investment at Ford’s Saarlouis assembly facility, Germany.Responsive power deliveryA new generation of Ford’s 2.3-litre EcoBoost all-aluminium engine is the most powerful ever offered for a Focus ST. Using advanced turbocharging technology to deliver 280 PS power at 5,500 rpm and 420 Nm of torque from 3,000 rpm to 4,000 rpm, it is also the most free-revving Focus ST engine ever, and supports anticipated 0-100 km/h (0-62 mph) acceleration in less than 6 seconds.Engine response is enhanced using a low-inertia twin-scroll turbocharger, which scavenges exhaust gas energy more effectively using separated channels to minimise interference between gas pulses. An electronically actuated waste-gate allows closer control of boost pressures for optimised engine performance. In addition, a unique exhaust system that reduces back pressure, bespoke air intake system and optimised intercooler further improve breathing. Innovative anti-lag technology developed for the Ford GT supercar and F-150 Raptor pick-up is introduced to the Focus ST, for immediate power delivery in Sport and Track Drive Modes.Anti-lag keeps the throttle open when the driver lifts off the accelerator pedal, alleviating the reversal of air flow from the turbocharger to maintain compressor wheel speed and enabling boost pressure to build faster on demand.Ford’s 190 PS 2.0-litre EcoBlue is the most powerful diesel engine ever offered for a Ford Focus model, delivering peak power at 3,500 rpm and 400 Nm of torque between 2,000 rpm and3,000 rpm – and 360 Nm from 1,500 rpm – for immediate and linear acceleration.A low-inertia variable geometry turbocharger; steel pistons for less expansion when hot; and an integrated intake system with innovative mirror-image porting for optimised combustion help to deliver a diesel powertrain that produces 10 per cent more power and more than twice as much torque as the 2.0-litre Duratec ST petrol engine in the first generation Focus ST.The Focus ST’s six-speed manual transmission enables more urgent gear-changes and provides a sportier feel with a shift-throw reduction of 7 per cent compared with the standard all-new Focus. Ford’s new rev-matching technology that debuted on the new Ford Mustang is also introduced as part of an optional Performance Pack for 2.3-litre EcoBoost manual models. Delivering smoother, faster downshifts, the technology is accompanied by a shift indicator light, and uses the engine’s electronic control system to briefly “blip” the throttle as the driver engages a lower gear – matching the engine rotation speed to that of the gear that is being selected. Rev-matching enables less-experienced performance drivers to benefit from the seamless, momentum-maintaining gearshifts delivered by the “heel-and-toe” driving technique, while also enabling experienced performance drivers to deactivate the system if they prefer.A new seven-speed variant of Ford’s latest intelligent automatic transmission family complements the rewarding, engaging and sporty 2.3-litre EcoBoost driving experience. Gear differentiation is optimised for performance, and Adaptive Shift Scheduling – which assesses individual driving styles to optimise gearshift timings – is enhanced to offer more flexibility and the ability to differentiate between road and track use. Drivers can select gears manually using steering wheel-mounted paddle-shifters.“The EcoBoost petrol and EcoBlue diesel powertrains have unique characters, but are equally charismatic,” Roeks said. “The Focus ST’s sporty ‘pops and bangs’ soundtrack perfectly matches the car’s feisty performance and is an essential part of the ST experience.”Intuitive dynamics enhanced with technologyBuilding on accomplished Ford Focus driving dynamics, the new Focus ST was developed to blend B-road fun-to-drive, legitimate track-day performance, and everyday usability better than any vehicle in its class.The SLA suspension configuration helps optimise the vehicle’s responses to driver inputs without sacrificing comfort, and includes a unique geometry for wagon models that repositions the dampers helping the vehicle remain nimble and responsive even when fully loaded. The agile and energetic character of the standard Focus is retained using the original spring specifications, with damping stiffness increased up to 20 per cent at the front and 13 per cent at the rear, and ride height reduced by 10 mm, to improve road-holding and response in performance driving scenarios.Ford’s sophisticated CCD technology every 2 milliseconds monitors suspension, body, steering and braking inputs to adjust damping responses for outstanding ride quality and driving dynamics.The driving experience is further enhanced using eLSD technology for Focus ST2.3 litre EcoBoost models. Incorporated into the transmission, the system uses hydraulically activated clutches to limit the engine torque delivered to a wheel that has reduced traction on the road surface, and redistributes up to 100 per cent of available torque to the wheel with more traction to counteract wheelspin that can hamper acceleration through, and out of, corners.The Borg Warner-developed technology is faster to deploy and offers greater precision than a traditional mechanical LSD. The system can pre-emptively adjust torque distribution using inputs from powertrain and vehicle dynamics sensors, rather than responding to wheelspin as it occurs, and can apply differential locking gradually for fine-tuning performance.Focus ST 2.0-litre EcoBlue models feature Torque Vectoring Control technology, which improves road holding and reduces understeer by applying brake force to the inside front wheel when cornering.The all-new Focus ST steals Ford’s fastest-steering-response crown from the acclaimed Fiesta ST. The electric power-assisted steering (EPAS) system is 15 per cent faster than the standard Focus, requiring just two turns lock-to-lock.Class-leading connected feel is supported by unique steering knuckle geometry, with a rod attachment point 9 mm further forward and 6.5 mm higher than the standard Focus for sharper responses. New Steering Torque Disturbance Reduction software for EPAS also helps reducetorque steer, making it even easier to deploy with precision the Focus ST’s power and torque via bespoke-specification Michelin Pilot Sport 4S tyres.Larger front and rear brake components provide the foundation for a high performance braking system with improved stopping power and fade resistance. Front disc dimensions have grown to 330 mm x 27 mm and feature dual-piston callipers. Rear discs now measure 302 mm x 11 mm. Focus ST braking performance was verified using the same demanding test procedures as the Ford GT supercar, and achieved almost four-times the fade resistance performance of the previous generation Focus ST in testing.The C2 architecture’s Electric Brake Booster (EBB) further demonstrates its advantages in the Focus ST application. The technology builds brake pressure faster than a hydraulic system for a more connected, confident and consistent pedal feel across a broader range of operating conditions. For the Focus ST, this means the system can both mitigate for changes in braking behaviour experienced during high performance driving, and can adjust the braking feel and dynamics to match the selected Drive Mode.In addition, Slippery/Wet, Normal, Sport and – for models equipped with the Performance Pack – Track Drive Modes adjust eLSD, CCD, EPAS, throttle mapping, automatic transmission shift scheduling, electronic stability control, electronic sound enhancement (ESE) and climate settings to suit the driving scenario. A dedicated “Sport” button on the flat-bottomed steering wheel gives direct access to Sport mode, and an additional “Mode” button allows drivers to quickly scroll through the Drive Mode options.“Selecting Track mode instantly makes braking response more direct and edgy; introduces higher steering efforts for more feedback; tunes the throttle to be more aggressive; instructs the eLSD to deliver maximum traction; and gives drivers more leeway within the ESC system,” said David Put, Ford Performance vehicle dynamics. “Drivers can have full confidence in the Focus ST’s ability to deliver on the track.”The traditional Focus ST gauge cluster benefits from a contemporary execution inspired by the Ford GT supercar. Digital turbocharger boost pressure, oil pressure and oil temperature gauges are now displayed in a bespoke Ford Performance screen on the 4.2-inch, TFT colour instrument display. Launch Control for consistently fast standing starts on track is also delivered via the Performance Pack for 2.3-litre EcoBoost models.Developed for form and functionDeveloped to be as comfortable as it is fun-to-drive, the all-new Focus ST exploits the class-leading roominess and exceptional refinement of the standard Focus range, and features an upscale interior that balances everyday practicality and a true sporty driving experience.Ford Performance engineers fine-tuned the positioning of supportive Recaro front seats to complement the connected and in-control feel for the driver, while ESE technology amplifies genuine engine and exhaust noise in Sport and Track modes – heightening the sports driving sensation and delivering additional feedback to assist performance drivers.Tuned engine mounts and an isolated subframe – alongside available CCD technology – increase refinement for all occupants. Generous front shoulder room and best-in-class rear knee clearance combine with maximum 1,653-litre wagon luggage capacity and a boot space that can comfortably accommodate a large dog crate, for maximum comfort and practicality.In addition to the sports steering wheel and Ebony coloured Recaro seats with a choice of high-quality cloth, leather, or partial leather and Miko Dinamica materials, the unique Focus ST interior intensifies the sporty atmosphere with an ST-embossed aluminium gear knob and scuff plates; alloy pedals; metallic hexagonal and satin silver decorative elements; and metal grey stitching for the seats, door inserts and centre console soft side pads.The Focus ST builds on the premium, sporting Focus silhouette with subtle, functional styling changes and unique alloy wheel designs. Revised upper and lower front grille designs are optimised for increased cooling capability, and bold signature lower wing elements channel air in to the air-curtain inlets for improved aerodynamic performance.A larger, more steeply angled rear roof spoiler increases downforce to support the Focus ST’s driving dynamics. A twin exit tailpipe configuration borders the aggressively styled rear diffuser element, and improves practicality by delivering the towing capability that was prevented by the centre-exit tailpipes of the previous generation Focus ST. The Performance Pack also adds red brake callipers.Exterior colour options chosen to emphasise the Focus ST’s dynamic styling include exclusive Ford Performance Blue and Orange Fury, alongside Frozen White, Magnetic grey, Race Red, Ruby Red and Shadow Black. Bold alloy wheel options include 18-inch Dark Sparkle and Magnetite designs, with a 19-inch wheel also offered in Magnetite.The Focus ST also benefits from the comprehensive range of sophisticated Ford driver assistance technologies that have helped the all-new Focus win 13 awards and a 5-star safety rating since going on sale in 2018.Seamlessly integrated technologies that enable an intuitive, stress-reducing and refined driving experience include:•Adaptive Cruise Control now enhanced with Stop & Go, Speed Sign Recognition and Lane-Centring for effortlessly negotiating stop-start traffic•Ford’s Adaptive Front Lighting System with new camera-based predictive curve light and sign-based light that pre-adjust headlamp patterns for improved visibility by monitoringbends in the road and – for the first time in the industry – road signs•Active Park Assist 2 that operates gear selection, acceleration and braking in addition to steering, to enable fully-automated manoeuvres at the push of a button •Ford’s first Head-up display to be offered in Europe, helping drivers focus their attention on the road ahead•Evasive Steering Assist, a segment-first technology that helps drivers steer around stopped or slower vehicles to help avoid collisionsFord’s SYNC 3 connectivity system allows drivers to control audio, navigation and climate functions plus connected smartphones using simple voice commands supported by an 8-inch colour touchscreen. The system provides Apple CarPlay and Android Auto™ compatibility free of charge, and available FordPass Connect embedded modem technology turns the vehicle into a mobile WiFi hotspot with connectivity for up to 10 devices“Our target was to deliver an all-new Focus ST that is as effortless to drive day-to-day as the rest of the Focus line-up,” Roeks said. “The model’s comprehensive range of technologies means customers gain exhilarating ST performance without sacrifice.”The all-new Focus ST will go on sale across Europe in summer 2019.# # #Android and Android Auto are trademarks of Google Inc.*Officially homologated fuel-efficiency and CO2 emission figures will be published closer to on-sale date. Anticipated fuel-efficiency and CO2 emission figures from:Powertrain and body style Anticipated CO2 emissionscombined (g/km) Anticipated fuel efficiency combined (l/100 km)2.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, 5-door,6-speed manual175 7.62.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, wagon,6-speed manual176 7.62.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, 5-door,7-speed automatic182 8.02.3-litre EcoBoost petrol, wagon,7-speed automatic183 8.02.0-litre EcoBlue diesel, 5-door,6-speed manual124 4.82.0-litre EcoBlue diesel, wagon,6-speed manual124 4.8The declared Fuel/Energy Consumptions, CO2 emissions and electric range are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC)692/2008 as last amended. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are specified for a vehicle variant and not for a single car. The applied standard test procedure enables comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers. In addition to the fuel-efficiency of a car, driving behaviour as well as other non-technical factors play a role in determining a car's fuel/energy consumption, CO2 emissions and electric range. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming.From 1 September 2017, certain new vehicles will be type-approved using the World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) according (EU) 2017/1151 as last amended, which is a new, more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. From 1 September 2018 the WLTP will fully replace the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC), which is the current test procedure. During NEDC Phase-out, WLTP fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are being correlated back to NEDC. There will be some variance to the previous fuel economy and emissions as some elements of the tests have altered i.e., the same car might have different fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, autonomous vehicles and mobility solutions. Ford employs approximately 199,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company, please visit .Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 53,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and approximately 67,000 people when joint ventures and unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford MotorCredit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 24 manufacturing facilities (16 wholly owned or consolidated joint venture facilities and eight unconsolidated joint venture facilities). The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 – the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.Contact: Kim BennsFord of Europe+44 (0) 126 840 4837***************。

如老童的《福克斯宝典》、黄福特的《focus 技术常识》等,都堪称是focus技术方面的经典之作。
多谢!目录设计理念福特WRC征战史FOCUS与中国CCC赛事福克斯的构造发动机介绍变速箱介绍悬挂转向轮胎制动安全设计福克斯技术特点和分析1、异响类2、发动机启动问题3、福克斯的使用及特点4、油品的选择和添加剂的使用使用与维护提车注意事项、新车磨合日常检查、定期保养、实用帖子福克斯日常保养新手入门(链接)国产福克斯常见故障或异常解决实例福克斯爆震现象的分析、爆震解决实例半轴异响异响类离合故障类变速箱类点火失败类行驶异常类信号异常类水泵、油泵、钥匙类起源1991年“New Edge”设计革命性风暴1991年,福特正式展出名为Ghia概念车,这就是Focus的原型。
其新边锋“New Edge”设计理念,为小型车带来外观设计的革命性风暴。
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