
公元前一世纪罗马大将恺撒征服高卢,大批罗马人随军队涌入高卢,他们与当地以克尔特为主的土人贸易,必需使用拉丁语,时间长了就形成了一种古拉丁语混杂克尔特语的难懂的、走了音的协和语,名为Sermo Rustics(土语),广泛流行于纪元世纪的全高卢境内,后脱俗为拉丁语。
前述的高卢罗马语被法兰克人接受,同时又复合法兰克人原有的日耳曼语,就产生了与古拉丁语越来越远的新语言,名为Lingue Romanica . 到了公元十世纪初,以丹麦人为主的北方民族侵入原高卢地区后,已改为法兰克区,因而在原有Franco-Gallo-Romans 语中又引入了北欧的斯堪地纳维亚语汇(主要是丹麦语),这就形成了早期法语,也就无怪法语中的拉丁词多了。

1. Café(咖啡馆):虽然在英语中我们通常将这个词翻译为coffee shop,但是café一词仍然保留原始的拼写和发音。
2. déjàvu(已经看过):这个法语词语在英语中广泛使用,指的是一种既熟悉又陌生的感觉。
3. bon appétit(用餐愉快):这是一个源自法语的词语,在用餐前向对方表示愉快的用餐。
4. rendezvous(约会):这个词源于法语,表示约会或集会的地点。
5. tsunami(海啸):这个词源自日本,用来描述巨大的海浪。

现将英语中常用词汇的语源情况列表如下:本族语法语(拉丁语)其它前1000词 83% 13% 4%前2000词 34% 57% 9%前3000词 29% 60% 11%前4000词 27% 63% 11%前5000词 27% 64% 9%前20000词 15% 81% 4%历史:英法两国隔英吉利海峡相望,英伦三岛的人要去欧洲大陆,必经法国。

--泰戈尔法语与英语词汇中的伪同源词列表(5)Sale vs SaleSale is an adjective - dirty. Saler means to salt.Sale is the noun for vente or solde.Scène vs SceneScène refers to the stage as well as all senses of scene.Scene means scène or décor.Secret vs SecretSecret is a semi-false cognate; in addition to the English sense of secret, the French word can mean rese rved or reticent: Il est secret - He is reserved.Secret refers to something that is not public knowledge.Sécuritévs SecuritySécuritémeans safety as well as security.Security can refer to une caution or guarantie in addition to la sécurité.Seize vs SeizeSeize is the number sixteen.Seize is the verb saisir.Sensible vs SensibleSensible means sensitive or even nervous, as in pas recommandéaux sensibles - not recommended for pe ople of a nervous disposition.Sensible means to show good sense, e.g., in making decisions: sensé, raisonnable, sage.Simple vs SimpleSimple is a semi-false cognate. It can mean plain, one-way (as in a street or a plane ticket), or singles (as in tennis).Simple is equivalent to its French cognate.Situation vs SituationSituation is a semi-false cognate. In addition to situation, it can refer to location or position.Situation refers to situation or conjoncture.Social vs SocialSocial is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the English sense, it often refers to the world of industrial or labor relations: partenaires sociaux - management and labor.Social describes someone/something that enjoys the company of others: a social creature - une créature s ociale.Son vs SonSon is the third person singular possessive adjective as well as the French noun for sound.Son is the English word for fils.Sortir vs SortSortir means to go out or to leave.Sort as a verb means classer, trier, or séparer, while the noun means genre or espèce.Source vs SourceSource is a semi-false cognate. In addition to source, it can refer to a spring (source of water).Source is une source or une origine.Souvenir vs SouvenirSouvenir is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the English sense, it is the French verb "to remember" a s well as a noun for memory, recollection, and remembrance.Souvenir is a keepsake or memento.Spécial vs SpecialSpécial is a semi-false cognate. In addition to special, it can mean strange: Elle est très spéciale - She is very peculiar.Special refers to something out of the ordinary: a special event - un événement spécial.Spectacle vs SpectacleSpectacle refers to any sort of exhibition: un spectacle de danse - a dance performance or to something t hat others can watch: le spectacle de la rue - the bustle on the street.Spectacle is a semi-false cognate. It can mean an exhibition, but is usually used with a negative connotat ion: you made a spectacle of yourself - tu t'es donnéen spectacle. Spectacles is the British English wordfor lunettes.Sportif vs SportiveSportif refers to something related to sports: un journal sportif - a sports magazine or someone who is f ond of sports: un homme sportif - an athletic man.Sportive means playful or merry - folâtre, badin.Stable vs StableStable means stable, steady, or unmoving.Stable is a semi-false cognate. In addition to meaning the adjective stable, it can be the noun écurie. Stage vs StageStage is an internship or training period.Stage is une scène, le théâtre, un estrade, or une étape.Store vs StoreStore refers to a blind, shade, or awning.Store is any sort of magasin or provision as well as the verb mettre en réserve or conserver.Suit vs SuitSuit is from the verb suivre - to follow.Suit can be a noun - costume, tailleur, tenue, etc. or a verb - convenir à.Supplier vs SupplierSupplier is the verb to beseech or implore.Supplier is a noun for one who supplies - fournisseur.Supporter vs SupportSupporter means to support or hold up, as well as to endure or put up with something.Support means all of these things, but in the sense of enduring something, soutenir is the more common translation.Thévs TheThémeans tea.The is the definite article le, la, or les.Tirer vs TireTirer means to pull.Tire as a verb means fatiguer or lasser, as a noun it means un pneu.Trépasser vs TrespassTrépasser means to pass away.Trespass means to invade another's property: s'introduire sans permission.Truc vs TruckTruc refers to an unnamed or unknown object: thing, trick, thingamajig.Truck is a heavy motor vehicle for carrying things: un camion.Truculent vs TruculentTruculent means vivid, colorful, racy, larger than life, etc.Truculent describes someone who is aggressive or predisposed to fight: brutal, aggressif.Ultérieur vs UlteriorUltérieur means later or subsequent: la séance est reportée àune date ultérieure - the meeting is postpon ed to a later date.Ulterior is followed by motive, meaning a hidden or secret purpose: he had an ulterior motive - il avait un motif secret.Usuel vs UsualUsuel means ordinary, everyday, or common.Usual is slightly different: it leans more toward typical or normal - habituel or courant.Vent vs VentVent is the noun wind.Vent can refer to any of the following: un orifice, un conduit, un tuyau, une cheminée, un trou, une fent e.Vexévs VexedVexémeans hurt, upset, or offended, while Vexed means angry - fâché.Vie vs VieVie is the French word for life: C'est la vie - That's life.Vie means to struggle or fight: I struggled with him for the gun - J'ai luttéavec lui pour le pistolet. Volatil(e) and Volatile vs VolatileVolatil(e) means volatile when referring to a chemical. It can also mean fleeting: une valeur volatile - a fleeting value. Une volatile is a bird or other winged creature.Volatile can only be translated by volatil(e) in the chemistry lab. A volatile situation - une situation explosive. A volatile person - une personne versatile.Waters vs WatersWaters is one of many words for a bathroom: oùse trouvent les waters ? - where is the bathroom? Wat ers is simply the plural of water - eau.。

1.法语字母组合eau,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:bureau(办公室),plateau(高原), tableau(场面), chapeau(帽子), beau(花花公子), nouveau(爆发户)等。
2.法语字母组合ette,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:cigarette(烟卷), silhouette(剪影), croquette(油炸丸子), etiquette(礼仪)。
3.法语字母组合oir或oire, 借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:memoir(回忆录), soiree(晚会), reservoir(水库), repertoire(全部节目), armoire(大橱), mouchoir(手帕)。
4.法语字母组合eur,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:amateur(业余爱好者), chauffeur(司机), grandeur(壮观), monsieur(先生)。
5.法语字母组合eon,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:dungeon(城堡), pigeon(鸽子), surgeon(外科医生), luncheon(午餐)。
6.法语字母组合et,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:ballet(芭蕾舞), beret(贝雷帽), buffet(小卖部), crochet(钩针编织品), bouquet(花束), croquet(棒球游戏)。
7.法语字母组合que,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:plaque(匾), clique(小集团), pique(生气), mosque(清真寺), unique(独一无二的), oblique(倾斜的)等。
8.法语字母组合gue,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写,如:fatigue(疲劳), vague(模糊的), vogue(时尚), plague(瘟疫), colleague(同事), league(联盟)。

[关键词]外来语法语借用词汇的移植照搬间接借用诺曼底征服文艺复兴[中图分类号]H31 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2013)07-0026-01在英语语言的历史上,英语词汇对外部语言的“借用”是广阔的,英语中两万个左右的常用词汇里,有约3/5的部分是源自欧洲其他种类的语言,这种借用既有对词汇方面的借用也有对词素方面的借用。
如ballet、bouquet、chauffeur、trait、vis-à-vis、résumé、régime、débris、finesse、coquette、carte blanche,等等,这些词汇都是从法语中直接借用到英语词汇当中的。

此外,两种语言都是由26 个字母组成。
法语与英语在其语言发展过程中产生了广泛的互借,如:interview,kidnapper,lock - out,blue - jean,tee - shirt,coca - cola,chewing - gum,poster,star 等,在法国把这种现象叫做langlicisme,意思是英式表达法。
法语与英语的单词60%左右是极其相近的,无论语义还是拼写完全一样的单词很多,如:mission,menu,minute,place,impression,mu-sique,transport,condition,po ssible,probable,important 等。
(三)以tion 结尾的词。
法英拼写与语义相同,一般表示行为或行动结果,如:composition,question,solution,station,ob-servation,imagination,inspirati on,destination,construction,pollu-tion,production 等。
(四)以ture 结尾的词。
法英拼写与语义相同,如:cul-ture,lecture,structure,agriculture,nature,future,creature,adven-ture,r upture 等。
(五)以ment 结尾的词。
法英拼写与语义相同,一般表示方式,如:monument,compliment,moment,instrument,docu-ment,element,argument 等。

英语中⼗⼤来⾃法语的词汇savoir-faire 处世能⼒“savoir-faire”是知道在如何在任何场合都变现得体、圆滑处世的能⼒。
Ennui 厌倦,⽆聊“ennui”源于古法语“enui”,表⽰“不悦、烦恼”。
Bon Vivant 喜爱美⾷,讲究享受的⼈在法国,⼈们把那些喜爱美⾷,⽣活讲究的⼈为“bon vivant”,字⾯上的意思是“活的很好的⼈”。
如果这是⼀位⼥性,法语中则要⽤阴性表达⽅式“bonne vivante”。
Carte Blanche 全权“carte blanche”的说法来⾃法国的⼀种纸牌游戏——⽪克牌。
在这种游戏中,所谓的“carte blanche”是指⼿上没有花牌。
Je Ne Sais Quoi 难于⾔述的品质“Je ne sais quoi”的意义就如同不懂法语的⼈听到这句话的发⾳⼀样令⼈迷惑。
今天,“Je ne sais quoi”⼤多⽤来形容令⼈愉悦的特质。
首先,这些词汇通常保留了法语的发音和拼写方式,比如châtea u(城堡)、résumé(摘要)、entrepreneur(企业家)等。
比如在法语中,形容词通常位于名词之后,而在英语中则是位于名词之前,比如le livre intéressant(有趣的书)在英语中则是an interesting book(一个有趣的书)。

这些外来词已经被广泛使用,并被纳入英语词汇中:1. Cliché(陈词滥调)2. Fiancé(未婚夫)3. Rendezvous(约会)4. Déjà vu(似曾相识)5. Faux pas(失礼,失态)6. Adieu(告别)7. Elite(精英)8. Encore(再来一次)9. Genre(体裁,类型)10. Naïve(天真的,幼稚的)11. Chic(时尚,优雅)12. Facade(正面,表面)13. Décor(装饰)14. Fiasco(彻底失败)15. Blitz(闪电战)16. Safari(狩猎旅行)17. Baguette(法式长棍面包)18. Cliché(陈词滥调)19. Toupee(假发)20. Pièce de résistance(最引人注目的部分)21. Avant-garde(先锋派)22. Ballet(芭蕾舞)23. Veto(否决权)24. Vice versa(反之亦然)25. Vis-à-vis(面对面)26. Rendezvous(约会)27. Carte blanche(白卡,完全自由裁量权)28. Sauté(炒)29. Aficionado(狂热爱好者)30. Coup d'état(政变)31. Décor(装饰)32. Risqué(危险的,不雅的)33. Crescendo(渐强,高潮)34. Bravado(虚张声势)35. Carpe diem(抓住今天)36. Chic(时尚,优雅)37. Elite(精英)38. Faux pas(失礼,失态)39. Incognito(隐姓埋名)40. Ad nauseam(令人厌烦地,过度地)41. Status quo(现状)42. Al fresco(在户外)43. Eureka(我找到了!)44. Echelon(梯队,等级)45. Exposé(揭露)46. Gourmet(美食家)47. Café(咖啡馆)48. Cliché(陈词滥调)49. Doppelgänger(仿冒者,影子)50. Entrepreneur(企业家)51. Façade(正面,表面)52. Gourmet(美食家)53. Hors d'oeuvre(开胃菜)54. Juggernaut(无法阻挡的力量)55. Kitsch(庸俗,拙劣)56. Laissez-faire(自由放任)57. Liaison(联系,暧昧关系)58. Magnum opus(杰作)59. Nouveau riche(新贵,暴发户)60. Omelette(煎蛋卷)61. Pastiche(模仿,拼凑)62. Quid pro quo(交换条件,等价物)63. Renaissance(文艺复兴)64. Sabotage(破坏)65. Tête-à-tête(私人会谈)66. Voyeur(窥淫者)67. Wunderkind(神童)68. Zeppelin(齐柏林飞艇)69. Cul-de-sac(死胡同)70. Déjà vu(似曾相识)71. Ensemble(整体,合奏)72. Faux pas(失礼,失态)73. Gestalt(整体形象)74. Haute couture(高级时装)75. Incognito(隐姓埋名)76. Jamboree(盛会,联欢会)77. Kowtow(磕头,卑躬屈膝)78. Laissez-faire(自由放任)79. Machismo(男子气概,大男子主义)80. Nirvana(涅槃,至福)81. Panache(风格,神气十足)82. Quiche(法式蛋批)83. Rendezvous(约会)84. Silhouette(轮廓)85. Tête-à-tête(私人会谈)86. Voyeur(窥淫者)87. Wunderkind(神童)88. Zeppelin(齐柏林飞艇)89. Cul-de-sac(死胡同)90. Déjà vu(似曾相识)91. Ensemble(整体,合奏)92. Faux pas(失礼,失态)93. Gestalt(整体形象)94. Haute couture(高级时装)95. Incognito(隐姓埋名)96. Jamboree(盛会,联欢会)97. Kowtow(磕头,卑躬屈膝)98. Laissez-faire(自由放任)99. Machismo(男子气概,大男子主义)100. Nirvana(涅槃,至福)这些词汇在英语中已经被广泛使用,形成了丰富的语言文化。

【英语】angle['æŋgl]n. ⾓; ⾓落, 突出部分; ⾓度#⾓度; 观点, ⽴场v. 谋取, 猎取; 在...钓鱼;钓鱼请特别注意:现代英语中的-le绝⼤多数是古英语、德语、荷兰语中的名词后缀-el的变化。
【法语】angle[ɑ~gl]n.m. [数]⾓;拐⾓,⾓落,隅;Arrondir les ~ 缓和冲突,调解⽭盾;排除困难;~ mort 死⾓法语中的-le实际上是把拉丁语中的指⼩后缀和表“性别”的后缀简化⽽来。
【拉丁语】angulus:angulus, anguli n. m. angle, apex;corner, nook, niche, recess, out-of-the-way spot;-ul, -cul是拉丁语的指⼩后缀,认识它,很多英语中的长难单词⽴即会变简单。
英语字根 词缀 法语 外来词

英语字根1,ag=do,act 做,动2,agri=field 田地,农田(agri也做agro,agr) 3,ann=year年4,audi=hear听5,bell=war战争6,brev=short短7,ced,ceed,cess=go行走8,cept=take拿取9,cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀10,circ=ring环,圈11,claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫12,clar=clear清楚,明白13,clud=close,shut关闭14,cogn=known知道15,cord=heart 心16,corpor=body体17,cred=believe,trust相信,信任18,cruc=cross 十字19,cur=care关心20,cur,curs,cour,cours=run跑21,dent=tooth牙齿22,di=day 日23,dict=say说24,dit=give给25,don=give给26,du=tow二27,duc,duct=lead引导28,ed=eat吃29,equ=equal等,均,平30,ev=age年龄,寿命,时代,时期31,fact=do,make做,作32,fer=bring,carry 带拿33,flor=flower花34,flu=flow流35,fus=pour灌,流,倾泄36,grad=step,go,grade步,走,级37,gram=write, draw写,画,文字,图形38,graph=write, records写,画,记录器,图形39,gress=go, walk 行走40,habit=dwell居住41,hibit=hold拿,持42,hospit=guest客人43,idio=peculiar,own,private,proper特殊的,个人的,专有的44,insul=island岛45,it=go行走46,ject=throw投掷47,juven=young年轻,年少48,lect=choose,gather选,收49,lev=raise举,升50,liber=free自由51,lingu=language 语言52,liter=letter文字,字母53,loc=place地方54,log=speak言,说55,loqu=speak言,说56,lun=moon月亮57,man=dwell,stay居住,停留58,manu=hand手59,mar=sea海60,medi=middle中间61,memor=memory 记忆62,merg=dip,sink 沉,没63,migr=remove,move迁移64,milit=soldier兵65,mini=**all,little小66,mir=wonder 惊奇67,miss=send 投,送,发(miss也作mit)68,mob=move 动69,mort=death死70,mot=move移动,动71,nomin=name名72,nov=new新73,numer=number 数74,onym=name 名75,oper=work工作76,ori=rise升起77,paci=peace和平,平静78,pel=push,drive推,逐,驱79,pend,pens=hang悬挂/weigh称量/pay支出,付钱,花费80,pet=seek追求81,phon=sound声音82,pict=paint画,描绘83,plen=full满,全84,plic=fold折,重叠85,pon=put放置86,popul=people人民87,port=carry拿,带,运88,pos=put放置89,preci=price价值90,punct=point,prick点,刺91,pur=pure清,纯,净92,rect=right,straight正,直93,rupt=break破94,sal=salt盐95,scend,scens=climb爬,攀96,sci=know 知97,sec,sequ=follow跟随98,sect=cut切割99,sent,sens=feel感觉100,sid=sit坐101,sist=stand站立102,son=sound声音103,spect=look看104,spir=breathe 呼吸105,tail=cut切割106,tain,ten,tin=hold握,持,守107,tect=cover掩盖108,tele=far远109,tempor=time时110,tend(tens,tent)=stretch伸111,terr=land,earth土地,陆地112,text=weave纺织113,tract=draw拉,抽,引114,un=one一115,urb=city城市116,vac,vacu=empty空117,vad,vas=walk,go行走118,vari=change变化119,ven=come来120,vert,vers=turn转121,vi,via=way道路122,vis,vid=see看123,vit=life生命124,viv=live活第二部分,多认词根,多识单词。

法语学习与英语词汇中的伪同源词列表(2)Rang vs RangRang is a row, line, or rank. In Canadian French, it can be a country road.Rang is the past participle of ring - sonner.Rape/Raper vs RapeRape is a grater or grinder. Raper means to grate, rasp, or grind.Rape is the noun viol or the verb violer.Rater vs RateRater means to misfire, miss, mess up, or fail.Rate is the noun proportion or taux or the verb évaluer or considérer.Récipient vs RecipientRécipient is a container or receptacle.Recipient refers to la personne qui re?oit, la déstinataire, or le bénéficiaire.Refus vs RefuseRefus means refusal or insubordinationRefuse (as a noun)refers to garbage: détritus, ordures, déchets. The verb Refuse is equivalent to refuser in French.Regard vs RegardRegard can mean a glance, expression (on one's face), manhole, or peephole.Regard can mean attention, considération, respect, or estime.Rein vs ReinRein is a kidney.Rein is une rêne or une guide.Remarquer vs RemarkRemarquer is a semi-false cognate. It can mean to notice or to remark. Une remarque is a comment or remark.Remark is both the noun and the verb - remarque(r).Replacer vs ReplaceReplacer means to put something back in its place: to re-place it.Replace means remplacer or remettre.Reporter vs ReportReporter means to postpone or to take back.Report as a verb means rapporter, déclarer, or dénoncer. The noun refers to un rapport or une rumeur.Représentation vs RepresentationReprésentation is a semi-false cognate. In addition to the English meanings of the word, it can also refer to theatrical performances.Representation refers to a notation or a graphic, as well as representation in government.Responsable vs ResponsibleResponsable is a semi-false cognate. In addition to an adjective, Responsable is a noun meaning responsible party, official, representative, or person in charge.Responsible is equivalent to its French cognate.Rester vs RestRester is a semi-false cognate. It usually means to stay or remain: Je suis restée à la maison - I stayed at the house. When it is used idiomatically, it is translated by rest: He refused to let the matter rest - Il refusait d'en rester là.The verb Rest in the sense of getting some rest is translatedby se reposer: Elle ne se repose jamais - She never rests.Résumer vs ResumeRésumer means to summarize.Resume means to begin again: reprendre, recommencer.Revenu vs RevenueRevenu is the equivalent of revenue or income, but it is also the past participle of revenir - to come back.Revenue means revenu or rentes.Revue vs RevueRevue is a semi-false cognate. In addtion to revue, it often means a magazine as well as review or inspection.Revue is a revue or spectacle.Route vs RouteRoute is a semi-false cognate. It can refer to a maritime or trade route or else to a road.Route means itinéraire, voie, or parcours.Gentil vs GentleGentil usually means nice or kind: Il a un gentil mot pour chacun - He has a kind word for everyone. It can also mean good, as in il a été gentil - he was a good boy.Gentle can also mean kind, but in the more physical sense of soft or not rough. It can be translated by doux, aimable, modéré, or léger: He is gentle with his hands - Il a la main douce. A gentle breeze - une brise légère.Grand vs GrandGrand is a semi-false cognate. It means both great (e.g., un grand homme - a great man) and large or tall: elle est grande - she's tall, une grande quantité - a large quantity.Grand is a very versatile term. It can mean large or impressive in size, scope, or extent; rich and sumptuous; pleasing; and/orimportant/principal.Grappe vs GrapeGrappe is a cluster: une grappe de raisins - a bunch of grapes, grappes humaines - clusters of grapes.Grape is un raisin.Gratuité vs GratuityGratuité refers to anything that is given for free: la gratuité de l'éducation - free education.Gratuity is un pourboire or une gratification.Grief vs GriefUn grief is a grievance: Il me fait grief d'être au ch?mage - He holds my unemployed status against me.Grief refers to great sadness or chagrin: I'd never felt such grief - Je n'ai jamais senti une telle douleur.Habit vs HabitHabit means one's dress or outfit; Habits means clothes.Habit refers to something a person does regularly, even to the point of addiction: habitude, coutume. It can also refer to a nun's outfit: habit de religieuse.Haineux vs HeinousHaineux is from haine - hatred. It means malevolent or full of hatred.Heinous means atrocious/horrific: odieux, atroce, abominable.Hasard vs HazardHasard is a semi-false cognate. In addition to hazard, it can mean coincidence, chance (e.g., a chance meeting), or fate. Par hasard - by chance.Hazard refers to un risque, danger, o r péril.Ignorer vs IgnoreIgnorer is a semi-false cognate. It nearly means to be ignorant or unaware of something: j'ignore tout de cette affaire - I know nothing about this business.Ignore means to deliberately not pay attention to someone or something. The usual translations are ne tenir aucun compte de, ne pas relever, and ne pas prêter attention à.Inconsistant vs InconsistentInconsistant indicates poor consistency: flimsy, weak, colorless, runny, or watery. In a more general sense, it can be translated by inconsistent.Inconsistent means lacking consistency or being erratic: inconséquent, incompatible.Instance vs InstanceInstance means authority, official proceedings, or insistence.Instance refers to something that is representative of a group, an example - un exemple.Intéressant vs InterestingIntéressant is a semi-false cognate. In addition to interesting, it can mean attractive, worthwhile, or favorable (e.g., a price or offer).Interesting means captivating, worth looking at, etc.Intoxiqué vs IntoxicatedIntoxiqué means poisoned, while intoxicated means drunk - ivre.Jars vs JarsJars is the French word for gander - a male goose.Jars are wide-mouthed containers made of glass or pottery: pots, jarres.Journée vs JourneyJournée refers to a day.Journey is un voyage or trajet.Kidnapper vs KidnapperKidnapper is the French verb to kidnap.Kidnapper refers to the person who does the deed - un ravisseur / une ravisseuse.Lac vs LackLac is a large body of water - lake.Lack is a deficiency or absence - un manque.Laid vs LaidLaid is an adjective meaning ugly.Laid is the past tense of the English verb to lay: he laid his briefcase on the table - il a posé son porte-documents sur la table, she was laid on the ground - elle était déposée au sol.Lame vs LameLame is a noun: strip (of wood or metal), slide (of a microscope), or blade.Lame is an adjective: boiteux, estropié, faible.Large vs LargeLarge is the French adjective for wide, broad, or expansive. It can also mean generous or ample.Large is synonomous with big - grand, vaste, gros, important.Lecture vs LectureLecture refers to reading in all senses of the word.Lecture indicates a speech on a particular subject, especially for academic purposes: une conférence.Librairie vs LibraryUne Librairie is a bookstore, while Library in French is une bibliothèque.Liqueur vs LiquorLiqueur is a sweet, flavored alcoholic beverage: J'ai bu uneliqueur après le d?ner - I drank a cordial after dinner.Liquor can mean any alcoholic beverage, but most often refers to hard liquor: Liquor is his only vice - L'alcool est son vice unique.Lit vs LitLit is a bed.Lit is the past participle of to light: allumer or éclairer.Location vs LocationLocation refers to something that is available for rent, such as a house or car. C'est pour un achat ou pour une location ? - Is it to buy or to rent?Location indicates the position or placement of someone/something: It's a suitable location for a bakery - C'est une emplacement convenable à une boulangerie.Logeur vs LodgerLogeur is the landlord - the person who rents out rooms, while a Lodger is the opposite - the person who rents/stays in the rooms: locataire, pensionnaire.Losange vs LozengeLosange means diamond (in shape).Lozenge is une pastille (pour la toux).Magasin vs MagazineMagasin is the general word for a store. It is also equivalent to the magazine of a gun.Magazine is une revue or un périodique.Mail vs MailMail is the French word for the old-fashioned meaning of mall, i.e., a tree-lined walk or square.Mail as a noun = poste or courrier; as a verb = envoyer or expédier (par la poste), poster.Main vs MainMain is the French noun for hand.Main is the English adjective for principal, premier, majeur, or essentiel.Malice vs MaliceMalice is a semi-false cognate; it can mean malice or simply mischievousnous or mischief.Malice has only the stronger meaning of deliberate cruelty: méchanceté or malveillance.Marron vs MaroonWhile both of these are colors, Marron is brown and Maroon is a reddish color, besttranslated by bordeaux.Mécanique vs MechanicMécanique is an adjective which means mechanical or machine-made.Mechanic is a worker skilled in making, repairing, or using machines: un mécanicien.Menteur vs MentorMenteur can be a noun - liar or an adjective - false. Mentir - to lie.Mentor is a noun - mentor, ma?tre spirituel.Merci vs MercyMerci i is the French word for thank you. It can also mean mercy, but this is quite uncommon.Mercy refers to pitié, indulgence, or miséricorde.Mère vs MereMère means mother.Mere is an adjective meaning simple, pur, seul, etc.Mode vs ModeMode is a semi-false cognate. Normally, it means fashion; à la mode literally means in fashion or fashioable.Mode is a manner or way of doing something: a mode of life - un e manière de vivre or a particular form, variety, or manner: a mode of communication - une fa?on de communiquer. It can also refer to status: The computer is in interactive mode - L'ordinateur est en mode conversationnel.Monnaie vs MoneyMonnaie can refer to currency, coin(age), or change.Money s the general term for argent.Mousse vs MousseMousse is a semi-false cognate. It does refer to the dessert and hair product, but it also means such diverse things as moss, lather, or foam - so it's very important to pay attention to the context! This includes the foam in beer or a bottle of champagne.Mousse simply refers to the dessert: chocolate mousse - mousse au chocolat or a styling product: hair mousse - mousse coiffante.Mouton vs MuttonMouton can refer both to the animal (sheep) as well as the meat (mutton).Mutton refers only to the meat.Napkin vs NapkinNapkin is not in any of my dictionaries, but I learned the hard way :-) that it means a sanitary napkin: J'ai besoin d'un napkin - I need a sanitary napkin.Napkin is correctly translated by serviette: I need a napkin - J'ai besoin d'une serviette.[1][2]。

se baigner洗澡
se laver洗澡
se tromper弄错
avoir tort错
à moins que除非…
se mettre开始、着手
prêter attention à注意到

词义词性法语英语丰富n. abondance abundance缩写字n. abréviation abbreviation 荒谬的a. absurde absurd附件n. accessoire accessory地址n. adresse address事件n. affaire affair愉快的a. agréable agreeable警报n. alarime alarm气氛n. ambiance ambience野心的a. ambitieux ambitious修正n. amendement amendment异常的a. anormal abnormal套房n. appartement apartment大炮n. artillerie artillery袭击n. assaut assault天文学n. astronomie astronomy自动化n. automatisation automation 竹子n. bambou bamboo同志n. camarade comrade杆茎n. canne cane大教堂n. cathédrale cathedral灰烬n. cendre cinder谷物n. céréale cereal卧室n. chambre chamber清楚n. clarté clarity巧合n. co?ncidence coincidence彗星n. comète comet卧铺包厢n. compartiment compartment 能力n. compétence competence接合n. connexion connection消耗n. consomption consumption受拘束的 a. contraint constraint符合n. correspondance correspondence 圆柱体n. cylindre cylinder政令n. décret decree揭露v. dénoncer denounce命运n. destinée destiny发展n. developpement development 晚餐n. dîner dinner文凭n. diplôme diploma谨慎的a. discret discreet神的a. divin divine信封n. enveloppe envelope香料n. épice spice时期n. époque epoch配偶n. épouse spouse永恒的a. éternel eternal榜样n. exemple example面n. face facet虚弱的a. faible feeble肋部n. flanc flank外形n. forme form未来的n. futur future政府n. gouvernement government脂肪n. graisse grease烤肉架n. gril grill历史学家n. historien historian假说n. hypothèse hypothesis数不清的a. innombrable innumerable 完整n. intégrité integrity残疾者n. invalide invalid象牙n. ivoire ivory传说n. légende legend住宅n. maison mansion 雄性n. male male操纵n. manoeuvre manueuver手稿n. manuscrit manuscript大理石n. marbre marble结婚n. mariage marriage信使n. messager messenger大都市的n. métropolitain metropolitan 悲惨n. misère misery传教士n. missionnaire missionary模型n. modèle model妖怪n. monstre monster致命的a. mortel mortal可忽略的n. négligeable negligible可转让的n. négociable negotiable数字n. nombre number规范n. norme norm气味n. odeur odour装饰n. ornement ornament公开的a. ouvert overt天堂n. paradis paradise香水n. parfum perfume牧场n. pature pasture半岛n. péninsule peninsula危险n. péril peril持久的a. persistant persistent私人的a. personnel personal小的 a. petit petty人民n. peuple people手枪n. pistolet pistol石膏n. platre plaster极地的a. polaire polar猪肉n. porc pork画像n. portrait portray追赶n. poursuite pursuit可行的a. praticable practicable职业的a. professionnel professional深的a. profond profound宣传n. propagande propaganda纯洁n. pureté purity尘埃n. poudre powder叛乱n. rébellion rebellion相互的a. réciproque reciprocal介绍n. recommandation recommendation 过剩的a. redondant redundant制度n. régime regime责备n. reproche repoach相像n. ressemblance resemblance责任n. responsabilité responsibility仪式的a. rituel ritual竞争n. rivalité rivalry神圣的a. sacré sacred连续的a. sériel serial孤独的a. solitaire solitary肯定的a. sûr sure期限n. terme term平台n. terrasse terrace柔软的a. tendre tender论题n. thèse thesis痛苦n. tourment torment转移n. transfert transfer 部落n. tribu tribe王位n. trône throne诗句n. vers verse品德,美德n. vertu virtue 粗俗的a. vulgaire vulgar。

1. acceptation - acceptionacceptation n.f. 接受,采纳,顺从acception n.f. 词义(acception propre本义)sans ~ de qch 对······不偏袒2. acquis - acquitacquis a.(m) & n.m. 获得的,忠诚于(acquis à 完全同意);既得利益,知识,经验acquit n.m. (付款)收据,为了问心无愧(par acquit de conscience)3. adhérence - adhésionadhérence n.f. 紧贴,附着adhésion n.f. 赞同,拥护,(国际法)加入4. affectation - affectionaffectation n.f. 划拨,假装affection n.f. 挚爱,深情5. air - aire - èreair n.m. 空气,天空;神情(avoir l'air 似乎,好像);乐曲,曲调aire n.f. 场地,空地;区域;面积ère n.f. 纪元,时代6. allocation - allocutionallocation n.f. 津贴,补助金allocution n.f. 讲话,简短演说7. amande - amendeamande n.f. 杏仁amende n.f. 罚款8. aménager - emménageraménager v.t. 布置,整理,调整emménager v.i. 迁入新居9. ancre - encreancre n.f. 锚encre n.f. 墨水10. annuaire - annulaireannuaire n.m. 年鉴,年报annulaire adj. 环形的; | n.m. 无名指11. astrologue - astronome - astronauteastrologue n. 占星家astronome n. 天文工作者astronaute n. 宇航员12. au terme de - aux termes deau terme de 经过(多长时间)aux termes de 根据,按照13. avènement - événementavènement n.m. 降临,登基,到来événement n.m. 事件,重大事件14. balade - balladebalade n.f. 溜达,闲逛ballade n.f. 叙事诗,叙事曲15. balai - balletbalai n.m. 扫帚ballet n.m 芭蕾16. bibliographie - biographiebibliographie n.f. 目录学,新书目录biographie n.f. 传记17. cane - cannecane n.f. 母鸭子canne n.f. 茎杆;手杖,拐棍;钓鱼竿(~ à pêche)18. cap – capecap n.m. 海角,海峡;从头到脚(de pied en cap)cape n.f. 斗篷19. cep – cèpecep n.m. 葡萄枝蔓cèpe n.m.(食用)牛肝菌20. cession – sessioncession n.f. 让与,放弃session n.f. 会期,学期21. chair - chaire - cherchair n.f. 肌肉,肉体chaire n.f. 讲台,教授的职位cher adj. 贵的,珍贵的22. champ – chantchamp n.m. 田野chant n.m. 歌,唱歌23. chœur - cœurchœur n.m. 合唱团cœur n.m. 心,心脏24. clinger - clignoterclinger 没有这个词clignoter v.i. 停的眨眼25. compréhensible – compréhensif compréhensible adj. 可懂的,易理解的compréhensif adj. 能理解别人的,宽容的26. comte - contecomte n.m. 伯爵conte n.m. 故事27. contacter – contractercontacter v.t. 联系contracter v.t. 使收缩;约定,缔结28. continuation - continuité continuation n.f. 继续,连续continuité n.f. 连续性29. cote - côtecote n.f. 编号,标签côte n.f. 肋骨;山坡;海岸30. cou - coup - coûtcou n.m. 脖子coup n.m. 击,打coût n.m. 费用,成本31. cour - cours - courtcour n.f. 院子,操场,宫廷cours n.m. 水流,运行court adj. 短小的| n.m. 网球场32. cygne - signecygne n.m. 天鹅signe n.f. 迹象,征兆;符号33. décerner - discernerdécerner v.t. 颁发,授予discerner v.t 认出,看清,察觉,辨别34. différend - différentdifférend n.m. 争论différent adj. 不同的35. dessein - dessindessein n.m. 打算,企图(à ~ 故意)dessin n.m. 画,绘画36. égaler - égaliserégaler v.t. 等于,比得上égaliser v.t. 使平等,v.i. 成平局37. émerger - immergerémerger v.i. 浮现,显现immerger v.t. 浸入38. émigrer - immigrerémigrer v.i. 出境移居immigrer v.i. 入境移居39. éminent - imminentéminent adj. 杰出的,高尚的imminent adj. 紧迫的40. empreinte - empruntempreinte n.f. 印记,标记emprunt n.m. 借入,债41. enfantin - infantileenfantin adj. 孩子般的,(简单的)幼稚的infantile adj. 幼儿期的,(贬义)幼稚的42. éruption - irruptionéruption n.f. 出疹子,(火山)喷发,冒出irruption n.f. 突然闯入,泛滥43. estival - festivalestival adj. 夏季的festival n.m. 节日44. évaluer - évoluerévaluer v.t. 估价,评估évoluer v.t. & v.i. 进化,演变,改变45. évoquer - invoquerévoquer v.t. 回想,使人想起invoquer v.t. 祈求,恳求,哀求46. explicite - impliciteexplicite adj. 清楚的,明晰的implicite adj. 暗示的,含蓄的47. exprès - expressexprès adj. 明确的| n.m. 快递| adv. 故意的express 快车| adj. 浓缩的(咖啡)48. foi - foie - foisfoi n.f. 信条,信义foie n.m. 肝脏fois n.f. 次数49. fond - fonds - fontsfond n.m. 底部,尽头fonds n.m. 土地,地产;资金fonts n.m.pl. 洗礼盆50. for - fors– fortfor n.m. 道德,良心(en/dans mon ~ intérieur 在良心上)fors perp. 除...之外fort adj. 强壮的,胖的,强烈的,重要的| n.m. 强者,优点51. golf –golfegolf n.m. 高尔夫球运动golfe n.m. 海湾52. gourmand – gourmetgourmand adj. & n. 贪吃的(人)gourmet n.m. 美食家53. habileté - habilitéhabileté n.f. 熟练,灵巧,巧妙habilité n.f.(法律)资格,权力54. hiberner - hivernerhiberner v.i. 冬眠hiverner v.i. 过冬,避寒55. infecter - infesterinfecter v.t. 传染,污染infester v.t.(害虫等)大批出没,为害于56. jeter l'éponge - jeter le gantjeter l'éponge 认输jeter le gant 挑战,挑衅57. judiciaire - juridiquejudiciaire adj. 司法的,审判的,通过司法途径的juridique adj. 法律的,法学的58. légal - légitimelégal adj. 合法的,法定的légitime adj. 合法的,合理的,正当的59. marocain - maroquinmarocain adj. & n. 摩洛哥的(人)maroquin n.m. 摩洛哥皮60. matériau - matérielmateriau n.m. (建住方面的)材料matériel n.m. 设备,器材,装备,材料61. médical - médicinalmédical adj. 医学的,医疗的médicinal adj. 药用的62. morbide - mortelmorbide adj. 疾病的,生病的mortel adj. 要死的,致死的,枯燥的63. officiel - officieuxofficiel adj. 法定的,官方的officieux adj. 半官方的64. oisif - paresseuxoisif adj.&n. 空闲的(人)paresseux adj. 懒惰的65. pacifique - pacifistepacifique adj. 热爱和平的,温和的,太平的pacifiste adj. & n. 和平主义的(人)66. pair - pair - paire - pèrepair 同等的人(物),同辈,平价pair adj. 偶数的paire n.f. 一对,对称的物件(une paire de lunettes)père n.m. 父亲67. palier - pallierpalier n.m. 平台,平道,阶段pallier v.t. 掩饰,遮盖,暂时应付68. panser - penserpanser v.t. 把(家畜)洗刷干净,包扎penser v.t. 思考,想念69. partial - partielpartial adj. 偏心的,不公正的partiel adj. 局部的70. patricien - praticienpatricien n. & adj. 贵族(的)praticien n. 实践家,实践者71. pause - posepause n.f. 暂停pose n.f. 放置,安装,姿势72. péché - pêcherpéché n.m. 罪孽pêcher n.m. 桃树| v.t. 钓鱼,捕鱼73. perpétrer - perpétuerperpétrer v.t. 犯,做(犯罪行为)perpétuer v.t. 使永存74. personnaliser - personnifierpersonnaliser v.t. 拟人化,有特色化personnifier v.t. 使人格化75. perspective - prospectiveperspective n.f. 透视法,景色prospective adj. 未来的,前景的76. piété - pitiépiété n.f. 虔诚pitié n.f. 可惜77. pire - pispire adj. mauvais 比较级,更坏的pis adv. mal的比较级78. plastic - plastiqueplastic n.m. 塑性炸弹plastique adj. 塑造的,可塑的,塑料的| n.f. 造型艺术79. porc - portporc n.m. 猪port n.m. 港口,毛孔80. près - prêtprès prép. 靠近prêt a. 准备好的| n.m. 借81. procédé - procédureprocédé n.m. 待人的态度,技艺方法,过程procédure n.f. 手续,诉讼程序,工艺流程82. prodige - prodigueprodige n.m. 奇迹,鬼才prodigue adj. 挥霍的,滥用的,慷慨的| n.m. 挥霍者,浪子83. production - productivitéproduction n.f. 生产,产量,产生,作品productivité n.f. 生产力,生产率84. raisonner - résonnerraisonner v. 推理,思考,辩论résonner v. 回响,共鸣85. rapport - reportrapport n.m. 报告,报导;关系report n.m. 推迟,延期86. rassembler - ressemblerrassembler 集中,搜集ressembler 和...相似87. reine - rêne - rennereine n.f. 女王rêne n.f. 缰绳renne n.m. 驯鹿(的皮)88. relever - révélerrelever v.t. 使...重新站起,振兴révéler v.t. 揭露89. roder - rôderroder v.t. 磨合rôder v.i. 闲逛,游荡90. romain - romanromain adj. 古罗马的,罗马的roman n.m. 长篇小说91. sceau - seausceau n.m. 印章seau n.m. 桶92. sécurité - sûretésécurité n.f. 安全sûreté n.f. 确定93. sensation - sentimentsensation n.f 感觉(听觉);轰动sentiment n.m. 感觉,意识,观念;情感94. simuler - stimulersimuler v.t. 假装,佯作,模拟stimuler v.t 刺激,激发95. statue - statutstatue n.f. 塑像statut n.m. 法规,身份地位96. tache - tâchetache n.f. 斑点,污点tâche n.f. 工作任务,分内之事97. ver - verre - vers - vertver n.m. 虫verre n.m. 玻璃vers n.m. 诗;prép. 朝向vert a. 绿色的98. vertige - vestige vertige n.m. 头晕目眩vestige n.m. 遗迹,痕迹99. voie - voixvoir n.f. 道路voix n.f. 声音100. voir - voirevoir v. 看voire adv. 甚至,此外。

英法孪生词汇:Les faux-amis or false cognates are a common pitfall among language students. The following are some common words that you may be deceived by:假对应词是语言系学生常犯的一类错误。
如下就是写容易欺骗你的常见单词:Abus is used to mean excess or overindulgence, and usually not abuse. Abus用来指过度或者放纵,而不是辱骂。
Disposer means to arrange or to have available, not to dispose of. Disposer的意思是安排或者有空,而不是处置。
Une injure is an insult, not an injury.Une injure是辱骂,而不是受伤。
Actuel and actuellement mean current and currently.Actuel和actuellement的意思是"现在的"和"目前"。
Avertissement is a warning, not an advertisement.Avertissement是一种警告,而不是一个广告。
Une recette is a recipe, not a receipt.Une recette是一个食谱,而不是收据。
Fournitures refers to supplies, not furniture. Fournitures是指供应,而不是家具。
Original means new or innovative.Original的意思是新的或创新的。
Humeur means mood, not humor.Humeur是一种心情而不是幽默。

来看看法国总结的5个词汇吧!5 mots anglais surprenants dont vous ne devineriez pas qu'ils viennent du français5个你没有发现是从法语演变而来的英语词汇L'anglais et le français ont beaucoup plus de similarités qu'on n'imagine à première vue : il est estimé que 25% – soit un quart- des mots anglais proviennent du français. Faisons un peu d'étymologie (étude de l'origine des mots): en comprenant le lien entre le mot anglai s et le mot français, vous mémoriserez le vocabulaire plus simplement.英语和法语比我们想象中有更多相似之处:据估计,25%(即四分之一)的英语词是来自法语。
1. An agreement(英语)同意un accord, une autorisation(法语)同意Le mot anglais provient de l'ancien fra nçais agreement ou agrément, la deuxième forme existe toujours et conserve le même sens mais s'utilise dans des contextes spécifiques.这个英语词来源于古法语里的agreement或agrément,后一种形式如今仍存在且保留相同的含义,但是需在特定背景下使用。

英语中常用的来自法语的词汇英语中常用的来自法语的词汇词汇,又称语汇,是一种语言里所有的(或特定范围的)词和固定短语的总和,下面店铺为大家带来英语中常用的来自法语的词汇,希望大家喜欢!英语中常用的来自法语的词汇1genre 题材(指文学),类型(指影视,如动作片,恐怖片)(现在好象很火的词汇,很多影视明星被采访时常用的词)rendezvous 地点(常指约会的地点,您会发音吗?听听是不是比place浪漫多了)cul-de-sac 死胡同 (我在爱尔兰时,在小街道口常见到它,没见到用dead-end的)coup d'eta 军事政变 (注意发音,和上面的词还挺对仗呢)deluxe 豪华的 (国内的很多商品上常印的词,酒店也常用)salon 沙龙 (就是文人墨客,影视名流开的party)scenario 脚本,情节,事态(口语中很常用的,请google一下老外例句,必须掌握)parasol 阳伞 (小伙子学会此词,为女友遮风避日)elite 精英分子(电视广告中好像出过此词,我们都是社会栋梁,国家的精英)resume 简历 (国内招聘常用,说时注意发音特别;国外都用 CV ) mirage 海市蜃楼 (和普通以age结尾的英语词发音不同)fiance 未婚夫 (未婚妻是fiancee,多个e,但发音两词是相同的) cuisine 烹饪(老外一般都用cooking,但厨师一般不说cook,而叫chef )aperitif 开胃酒(餐前餐后后可以喝的,一般都是甜类酒等不strong 的)avalanche 雪崩 (常年积雪的山区能常用,外国公司还有用它的,雪崩company)chic 时髦的 (时尚方面很常用)naive 天真的 (很常用的词了,会它的.名词吗? naivete 会读吗?) blase 厌倦享乐的(这样的人目前还不算多,美女来陪我,我怎能厌倦吗?你能吗? )nonchalant 冷漠的 (比indifferent要显得有学问)bourgeoisie 资产阶级(现在不太火了,也分不清了,好象全世界都是....,怎么读了)connoisseur 行家,鉴赏家(现在电视都在搞鉴宝,行家也常花眼纯胡闹)liaison 联络 (最常用词,会读就行了)brochure 小册子 (国外学校,单位等做宣传用的,免费提供)cliche 陈词烂调 (要是每天用英语能说上两个点,哪怕都是cliche 也让敬佩)souvenir 纪念品 (常用的词)envoy 特使 (现在的朝核六方谈判,电视中亮相的美方特使鲍尔森就是envoy)avant-garde 先锋(就是pioneer,但常用在提及文学艺术等高雅的方面)hauteur 傲慢 (阅读文章时常见,特别在时代周刊的著名刊物中) entrepreneur 企业家(常用的词汇,和企业enterprise很相像,但发音相差甚远)finale 大结局(要和final最后的区分,意思相近,但发音很不一样)collage 拼贴画 (和学院college一起记,但发音相差甚远)regime 政权,政体(注意发音,并和regimen摄生法,regiment 军团一同分记忆)detente 缓和(指国际关系)facade 正面 (指一些物体的,如建筑物)gendarme 宪兵 (即监管士兵的军事警察)英语中常用的来自法语的词汇21.法语字母组合eau,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写bureau 办公室plateau 高原tableau 场面chapeau 帽子beau 花花公子nouveau 爆发户2.法语字母组合ette,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写cigarette 烟卷silhouette 剪影croquette 油炸丸子etiquette 礼仪3.法语字母组合oir或oire,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写memoir 回忆录soiree 晚会reservoir 水库repertoire 全部节目armoire 大橱mouchoir 手帕4.法语字母组合eur,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写amateur 业余爱好者chauffeur 司机grandeur 壮观monsieur 先生5.法语字母组合eon,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写dungeon 城堡pigeon 鸽子surgeon 外科医生luncheon 午餐6.法语字母组合et,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写ballet 芭蕾舞beret 贝雷帽buffet 小卖部crochet 钩针编织品bouquet 花束croquet 棒球游戏7.法语字母组合que,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写plaque 匾clique 小集团pique 生气mosque 清真寺unique 独一无二的oblique 倾斜的8.法语字母组合gue,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写fatigue 疲劳vague 模糊的vogue 时尚plague 瘟疫colleague 同事league 联盟9.法语字母组合ch,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写mustache 胡子chef 男厨师长brochure 小册子parachute 降落伞10.法语字母组合gn,借入到英语中仍然保留其拼写assign 分配campaign 战役foreign 外国的design 设计。

法语与英语词汇中的伪同源词列表(1)◆ Décevoir vs DeceiveDécevoir means to disappoint: Il va te décevoir - He's going to disappoint you.To deceive means to deliberately trick or lead someone astray: I didn't mean to deceive you - Je n'avais pas l'intention de te tromper.◆ Défaut vs DefaultDéfaut is a flaw, fault, drawback, or lack.Default is un défaut in judiciary proceedings. To default = manquer à ses engagements or prendre une valeur par défaut.◆ Défi vs DefyDéfi is a noun: defiance or challenge.Defy is the verb défier or braver.◆ Défiler vs DefileDéfiler means to march past: les visiteurs défilaient devant le musée - the visitors marched past the museum and it can mean to unthread (a needle): Je dois défiler l'aiguille - I need to unthread the needle.To defile is to dirty or deface something or to ruin someone's name: It's wrong to defile a great man - C'est mal de profaner un grand homme.◆ Délai/Délayer vs DelayDélai is a time limit or deadline: dans un délai de 15 jours - within two weeks. Délayer means to water down or thin down, as in cooking or mixing paint.Delay has a slightly negative connotation - it indicates that the time was unexpected and is usually translated by "retard" : They arrived with an hour's delay - Ils sont arrivés avec une heure de retard.◆ Demander vs DemandDemander means to ask for: Il m'a demandé de chercher son pull - He asked me to look for his sweater. However, the French noun demande does correspond to the English noun demand.(to) Demand is usually translated by exiger: He demanded that I look for his sweater - Il a exigé que je cherche son pull.◆ Détail vs DetailDétail is a semi-false cognate. In addition to detail, it can refer to retail.Detail means détail or renseignements.◆ D ire vs DireDire means to say or to tell.Dire is an adjective which means affreux, terrible, or extrême.◆ Divers vs DiversDivers means diverse, varied, or several.Divers is the plural of diver - plongeur.◆ Douche vs Doucheune Douche is a shower, while Douche refers to a method of cleaning a body cavity with air or water: lavage interne.◆ Draguer vs DragDraguer informally means to flirt. Formally, it means to fish with a dragnet or to dredge.Drag means traîner or tirer.◆ Émerg ence vs EmergencyÉmergence is the equivalent of the English words emergence or source.Emergency is un cas urgent or un imprévu.◆ Engagement vs EngagementEngagement is any agreement, commitment, promise, or obligation.Engagement usually refer s to les fiançailles.◆ Entrée vs EntréeEntrée is another word for hors-d'oeuvre; an appetizer.Entrée refers to the main course of a meal: le plat principal.◆ Envie vs EnvyAvoir envie de means to want or to feel like something: Je n'ai pas envie de travailler - I don't want to work (feel like working). The verb envier, however, does mean to envy.Envy means to be jealous or desirous of something belonging to another. The French verb is envier: I envy John's courage - J'envie le courage à Jean.◆ Étiquette vs EtiquetteÉtiquette is a semi-false cognate. In addition to etiquette or protocole, it can be a sticker or label.Etiquette can mean étiquette, convenances, or protocole.◆ Éventuel vs EventualÉventuel means possible: le résultat éventuel - the possible outcome.Eventual describes something that will happen at some unspecified point in the future; it can be translated by a relative clause like qui s'ensuit or qui a résulté or by an adverb like finalement.◆ Éventuellement vs EventuallyÉventuellement means possibly, if need be, or even: Vous pouvezéventuellement prendre ma voiture - You can even take my car / You can take my car if need be.Eventually indicates that an action will occur at a later time; it can be translated by finalement, à la longue, or tôt ou tard : I will eventually do it - Je le ferai finalement / tôt ou tard.◆ Évidence vs EvidenceÉvidence is a semi-false cognate. In addition to evidence or the facts, it can mean obviousness, an obvious fact, or prominence.Evidence means évidence, témoignage, or preuve.◆ Évident vs EvidentÉvident usually means evident or obvious, but there is a familiar expression that always catches me: ce n'est pas évident - it's not that simple.E vident means évident or manifeste.◆ Expérience vs ExperienceExpérience is a semi-false cognate, because it means both experience and experiment: J'ai fait une expérience - I did an experiment. J'ai eu une expérience intéressante - I had an interesting experience.Experience can be a noun or verb refering to something that happened. Only the noun translates into expérience : Experience shows that ... - L'expérience démontre que... He experienced some difficulties - Il a rencontré des difficultés.◆Expérimenter vs ExperimentExpérimenter is a semi-false cognate. It is equivalent to the English verb, but also has the added sense of to test an apparatus.Experiment as a verb means to test hypotheses or ways of doing things. As a noun, it is equiva lent to the French word expérience (see above).◆ Fabrique vs FabricFabrique is a factory. De bonne fabrique means good workmanship.Fabric is equivalent to tissu or étoffe. When speaking figuratively, e.g., the fabric of society, the French word is structure.◆ Facilité vs FacilityFacilité means ease, easiness, ability, or aptitude.Facility is a semi-false cognate. It usually refers to a structure that serves a particular function, although it can mean easiness, aptitude, etc.◆ Façon vs F ashionFaçon means way, as in voilà la façon dont il procède - this is the way he does it. It can be translated by fashion when it is synonymous with way or manner, as in à ma façon - in my fashion or my way.Fashion is a style or custom, usually in clothing: mode or vogue. For all of you apple pie eaters out there, now you know that à la mode really means in fashion.◆ Fastidieux vs FastidiousFastidieux means tedious, tiresome, or boringFastidious means attentive to detail or exacting: minutieux,méticuleux, tatillon.◆ Fendre vs FendFendre means to split or to chop.Fend is se débrouiller, to fend off means parer or détourner.◆ Figure vs FigureFigure is a semi-false cognate. It is the French word for face, but can also refer to an illustrated or mathematical figure.Figure refers to numbers chiffres as well as to the form of a person's body: forme, silhouette.◆ File/Filer vs FileFile is a line or queue. Filer means to spin (e.g., cotton or thread) or to prolong.File can refer to une lime (as well as the verb limer), un dossier, or un classeur (and the verb classer).◆ Film vs FilmFilm refers to a movie.Film can mean un film as well as la pellicule.。
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法语与英语词汇中的伪同源词列表(1)◆ Décevoir vs DeceiveDécevoir means to disappoint: Il va te décevoir - He's going to disappoint you.To deceive means to deliberately trick or lead someone astray: I didn't mean to deceive you - Je n'avais pas l'intention de te tromper.◆ Défaut vs DefaultDéfaut is a flaw, fault, drawback, or lack.Default is un défaut in judiciary proceedings. To default = manquer à ses engagements or prendre une valeur par défaut.◆ Défi vs DefyDéfi is a noun: defiance or challenge.Defy is the verb défier or braver.◆ Défiler vs DefileDéfiler means to march past: les visiteurs défilaient devant le musée - the visitors marched past the museum and it can mean to unthread (a needle): Je dois défiler l'aiguille - I need to unthread the needle.To defile is to dirty or deface something or to ruin someone's name: It's wrong to defile a great man - C'est mal de profaner un grand homme.◆ Délai/Délayer vs DelayDélai is a time limit or deadline: dans un délai de 15 jours - within two weeks. Délayer means to water down or thin down, as in cooking or mixing paint.Delay has a slightly negative connotation - it indicates that the time was unexpected and is usually translated by "retard" : They arrived with an hour's delay - Ils sont arrivés avec une heure de retard.◆ Demander vs DemandDemander means to ask for: Il m'a demandé de chercher son pull - He asked me to look for his sweater. However, the French noun demande does correspond to the English noun demand.(to) Demand is usually translated by exiger: He demanded that I look for his sweater - Il a exigé que je cherche son pull.◆ Détail vs DetailDétail is a semi-false cognate. In addition to detail, it can refer to retail.Detail means détail or renseignements.◆ D ire vs DireDire means to say or to tell.Dire is an adjective which means affreux, terrible, or extrême.◆ Divers vs DiversDivers means diverse, varied, or several.Divers is the plural of diver - plongeur.◆ Douche vs Doucheune Douche is a shower, while Douche refers to a method of cleaning a body cavity with air or water: lavage interne.◆ Draguer vs DragDraguer informally means to flirt. Formally, it means to fish with a dragnet or to dredge.Drag means traîner or tirer.◆ Émerg ence vs EmergencyÉmergence is the equivalent of the English words emergence or source.Emergency is un cas urgent or un imprévu.◆ Engagement vs EngagementEngagement is any agreement, commitment, promise, or obligation.Engagement usually refer s to les fiançailles.◆ Entrée vs EntréeEntrée is another word for hors-d'oeuvre; an appetizer.Entrée refers to the main course of a meal: le plat principal.◆ Envie vs EnvyAvoir envie de means to want or to feel like something: Je n'ai pas envie de travailler - I don't want to work (feel like working). The verb envier, however, does mean to envy.Envy means to be jealous or desirous of something belonging to another. The French verb is envier: I envy John's courage - J'envie le courage à Jean.◆ Étiquette vs EtiquetteÉtiquette is a semi-false cognate. In addition to etiquette or protocole, it can be a sticker or label.Etiquette can mean étiquette, convenances, or protocole.◆ Éventuel vs EventualÉventuel means possible: le résultat éventuel - the possible outcome.Eventual describes something that will happen at some unspecified point in the future; it can be translated by a relative clause like qui s'ensuit or qui a résulté or by an adverb like finalement.◆ Éventuellement vs EventuallyÉventuellement means possibly, if need be, or even: Vous pouvezéventuellement prendre ma voiture - You can even take my car / You can take my car if need be.Eventually indicates that an action will occur at a later time; it can be translated by finalement, à la longue, or tôt ou tard : I will eventually do it - Je le ferai finalement / tôt ou tard.◆ Évidence vs EvidenceÉvidence is a semi-false cognate. In addition to evidence or the facts, it can mean obviousness, an obvious fact, or prominence.Evidence means évidence, témoignage, or preuve.◆ Évident vs EvidentÉvident usually means evident or obvious, but there is a familiar expression that always catches me: ce n'est pas évident - it's not that simple.E vident means évident or manifeste.◆ Expérience vs ExperienceExpérience is a semi-false cognate, because it means both experience and experiment: J'ai fait une expérience - I did an experiment. J'ai eu une expérience intéressante - I had an interesting experience.Experience can be a noun or verb refering to something that happened. Only the noun translates into expérience : Experience shows that ... - L'expérience démontre que... He experienced some difficulties - Il a rencontré des difficultés.◆Expérimenter vs ExperimentExpérimenter is a semi-false cognate. It is equivalent to the English verb, but also has the added sense of to test an apparatus.Experiment as a verb means to test hypotheses or ways of doing things. As a noun, it is equiva lent to the French word expérience (see above).◆ Fabrique vs FabricFabrique is a factory. De bonne fabrique means good workmanship.Fabric is equivalent to tissu or étoffe. When speaking figuratively, e.g., the fabric of society, the French word is structure.◆ Facilité vs FacilityFacilité means ease, easiness, ability, or aptitude.Facility is a semi-false cognate. It usually refers to a structure that serves a particular function, although it can mean easiness, aptitude, etc.◆ Façon vs F ashionFaçon means way, as in voilà la façon dont il procède - this is the way he does it. It can be translated by fashion when it is synonymous with way or manner, as in à ma façon - in my fashion or my way.Fashion is a style or custom, usually in clothing: mode or vogue. For all of you apple pie eaters out there, now you know that à la mode really means in fashion.◆ Fastidieux vs FastidiousFastidieux means tedious, tiresome, or boringFastidious means attentive to detail or exacting: minutieux,méticuleux, tatillon.◆ Fendre vs FendFendre means to split or to chop.Fend is se débrouiller, to fend off means parer or détourner.◆ Figure vs FigureFigure is a semi-false cognate. It is the French word for face, but can also refer to an illustrated or mathematical figure.Figure refers to numbers chiffres as well as to the form of a person's body: forme, silhouette.◆ File/Filer vs FileFile is a line or queue. Filer means to spin (e.g., cotton or thread) or to prolong.File can refer to une lime (as well as the verb limer), un dossier, or un classeur (and the verb classer).◆ Film vs FilmFilm refers to a movie.Film can mean un film as well as la pellicule.。