The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens (English - Chinese)


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

15 / GE /
Paradigm Shift
如果我们想要有重大的改变,我们必须先改变 我们的思维方式。 《科学革命的构架》(The Structure of Scientific Revolutions)一书的作者汤姆斯.肯 指出:每一项科学研究的重大突破几乎都是先 打破传统打破旧观念,然后取得成功的。
创造一个充满爱与和谐轻松愉快修 身养性的氛围。 提供每一个家庭成员既独立承担责 任又互相依赖的机会,从而使人生 更有意义。
36 / GE /
我视每一日为新的开始,因此我有更多机会书写人生新的篇章。我从宝贵 的生活经历中学习得到成长。我把握每一个机会, 不畏艰难,不怕失败。勇于承担责任。
• 信任只给值得被信任 的人
个人 可信度
11 / GE /
Character and Competence
品格:品格良好的人具有正直、 成熟以及富足的心态。 能力:能力强的人具有专业知识 与技能。
信任度 Trustworthines s
习惯 持续成熟模式 原则 思维 产能/产出平衡效能的原则
知识是做什么以及为何去做; 技能是如何去做; 意愿是想要去做。
习惯 技巧 ( 如何做 ) 意愿 ( 想做 ) 知识 ( 做什么, 为何做 )
6/ GE /
• 长期形成
• 自然流畅 • 不思而为
我是个负责的丈夫(妻子)和父(母)亲,我很重视这两个角色。我努力 同家人朋友商业伙伴建立良好的双赢关系。我每日在他人的情感帐户内存 款,以保持良好人际关系并建立高度信任。

2023年安徽省合肥市瑶海区中考英语二模试卷 (2)(含解析及听力原文,无音频)

2023年安徽省合肥市瑶海区中考英语二模试卷 (2)(含解析及听力原文,无音频)




1.(1分)What will the weather be like tomorrow?A. B. C.2.(1分)What might the girl get for her mum?A. B. C.3.(1分)What time is it now?A.11:45.B.12:00.C.12:15.4.(1分)What can George do?A.Swim.B.Play soccer.C.Play basketball.5.(1分)What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A village.B.A park.C.A film.二、长对话理解你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。

请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。


6.(2分)(1)What is Tom's father?A.A doctor.B.A teacher.(2)What is Tom's mother like?A.Thoughtful.B.Quiet.C.Serious.7.(3分)(1)What does the woman hate doing?A.Dancing.B.Jogging.C.Weightlifting.(2)What should the woman do first to sign up for the class?A.Join the gym.B.Make a plan.C.Choose classes.(3)How does the woman feel about the classes?A.Doubtful.B.Worried.C.Excited.三、短文理解你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。

7-Habits of highly effective people (English Revision)7个习惯

7-Habits of highly effective people (English Revision)7个习惯
– An “inside-out” approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness
Can we create a HABIT?
• • • • We are what we repeatedly do Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit Habits are learned and unlearned We are not the habits, hence we can change them
The Key for Successful Living
Personality Ethic Character Ethic
Focus on attitude and To change the situation first behavior minor change we have to change ourselves and our perceptions significant, quantum change
Principles of Personal Leadership
• Prepare yourself for interpersonal leadership • Build a changeless inner core, from which your attitude and behavior flow • Build the he wisdom and power to adapt to change and to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.
Character & Competence

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens The Ultimate Teenage

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens The Ultimate Teenage

Get in the Habit
“We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” -English Poet
Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with an End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 4: Think Win-Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood Habit 6: Synergize Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Positive Self-Paradigms Bring Out The Best….
- King Louis
- The Cookie Thief
Paradigms of Life
• • • • • • • Friend-centered Stuff-centered Boyfriend/Girlfriend-centered School-centered Parent-centered Enemy-centered Self-centered
Self-awareness Conscience Imagination Willpower
Baby Steps
- The next time someone flips you off, give them the peace sign back. - Do something today that you have wanted to do but never dared. Leave your comfort zone and go for it. - Listen carefully to your words today. Count how many times you use reactive language, such as “You make me….” “I have to…” “Why can’t they…..” “I can’t….”


the rity.”
~ Oprah Winfrey ~
Things which matter the most must
never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
The place to start is not with
the assumption that work is non-negotiable; it’s with the assumption that family is nonnegotiable. That one shift of mind-set opens the door to all kinds of creative possibilities.
Have the end in mind: A Beautiful Family Culture
We do not
have to love.
We choose
to love.
To do carefully and constantly and kindly
Slide presentation by Ken du Pisanie
Written by Stephen R. Covey
You’re Going to be
“Off Track” 90% of the Time. So What?
Good families – even great families – are off track 90% of the time.
Create a
clear, compelling

英语演讲the 7 habits of highly effective teens

英语演讲the 7 habits of highly effective teens

I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it there. I still fall in ... it's a habit ... But, my eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Habit 1: Be Proactive (积极处世) Take responsibility for your life Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind(先定目标后有行动) Define your mission and goals in life Habit 3: Put First Things First (重要的事情先做) Prioritize, and do the most important things first. Habit 4: Think Win-Win (双赢的想法) Have an everyone-can-win attitude Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Who am I ?
I am habit.
Sharpen the Saw
Synergize Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Think Win-Win
Put First Things First Begin with the End in Mind Be Proactive



▪ Desire success for others.
▪ Have a strong self-image.
▪ Enjoy the rewards of hard work.
▪ Make sure their words and actions show respect
for all team members.
Habit 2
© 2004 FranklinCovey
Habit 2
Begin With the End in Mind®
Habit 2: See-Do-Get
I visualize results.
I live according to my Get mission.
© 2004 FranklinCovey
• Respond to all phone calls.
• Spend time on trivial questions.
• Engage in too much TV, Web surfing or video games.
• Engage in timewasters.
• Become absorbed in escape activities.
Habit 3: See-Do-Get
I focus on what’s
I achieve my goals.
© 2004 FranklinCovey
I plan my time according to my priorities.
Life Management Quadrants

The seven habits of highly effective people

The seven habits of highly effective people

The seven habits of highly effective peoplePart one: Paradigms and Principles 范例和原则Inside-out 由内而外全面造就自己There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living.David Starr Jordan人世间,真正的卓越离不开真确的生活方式。

In more than 25 years of working with people in business, university, and marriage and family settings, I have come in contact with many individuals who have achieved an incredible degree of outward success, but have found themselves struggling with an inner hunger, a deep need for personal congruency and effectiveness and for health, growing relationships with other people. I suspect some of the problems they have shared with me may be familiar to you.25余年来,我在商界、大学与担任家庭婚姻顾问的工作经验中,接触过形形色色表面上事业有成、内心却感到匮乏的人,他们极渴望过和谐、圆满的生活,并享有不断开展的良好人际关系。

我相信他们所面临的问题,也是你所关注的I’ve set and met my career goals and I am having tremendous professional success. But it is cost me my personal and family life. I don ’t know my wife and children any more. I am not even sure I know myself and what ’s really important to me. I have had to ask myself---is it worth it?我曾为自己定下许多目标,也都一一达成。

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(成功人士的七个习惯)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(成功人士的七个习惯)
Lose/Lose Win/Lose 两败俱伤 损人利己

Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 知彼解己
• Listening is an important but often neglected part of communication. 用心聆听是重要的但却经常在沟通中被忽视.
– Imagination (visualizing beyond experience and present reality).
– Conscience (understanding right and wrong, and following personal integrity).
Habit 3 - Put First Things First 要事第一
• First things are those things we find most worth doing. They move you in the right direction. 把最值得做的事务放在第一位。他们使你往对的方向 发展.
• People with an Abundance Mentality believe that there is plenty for everyone. 充裕概念的人相信世界之大,人人都有足够的立足空间.
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win 双赢思维

Courage 勇气
Lose/Win Win/Win 损己利人 利人利己


考试前为拿到A而努力学习,属于“影响圈”; 一味祈求拿A,而不去努力,属于“关注圈”
个人可以直接影响的 问题
个人可以间接影响的 问题
改变自己的习惯解决 之(习惯一二三)
发挥影响力借助他人 解决之(习惯四五六)
以微笑平和的态度接 纳这些问题,学习和 问题共处,把问题的 影响减至最低
消极被动的人常将自己的态度及行为归因于 他们认为无法控制的事情。 *遗传决定论——认为人的本性是祖先遗传而来 *心理决定论——强调个性是教养方式的产物 *环境决定论——主张环境决定人的本性
自我认知——审视自己的思想、情绪和行为 想 象 力——超越我们当前的现实设想的能力 良 知——明辨是非善恶的能力 独立意志——不受外力影响、自行抉择的能力
研究你所仰慕的人的生活 重读那些催人奋进的作品 参阅别人的使命宣言 充分发挥想象力,10年20年以后…… 通过日记来探索自己重视的一些原则 不断提升四大需求
人生使命宣言是个人行动处事的 根本大法,无论世事多变,环境多险, 它依然不为所动。只有心中 秉持真理,才能立于动荡的 环境中,以不变的原则应万 变的环境。
抗争 不要浪费时间和精力于你无法改变的事情上 发现错误后,立即承认,纠正,并从中学到东
Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。
习惯1:操之在我; 习惯2:确立目标; 习惯3:掌握重点。



1. 《新环境,新挑战》by Nancy L. Carlson

2. 《The New Kid: Surviving Middle School Is Tough!》by Linda Gondosch

3. 《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens》by Sean Covey

4. 《How to Win Friends and Influence People for Teen Girls》by Donna Dale Carnegie

5. 《The Teen's Guide to World Domination: Advice on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Awesomeness》by Josh Shipp

china daily双语新闻7 habits of highly ineffective people

china daily双语新闻7 habits of highly ineffective people

7 habits of highly ineffective people低效能人士的7个习惯In 1989 Steven R Covey wrote a business and self-help book titled, "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." It became a chartbuster that influenced millions to believe that those seven habits would make them better leaders.1989年,史蒂夫?R?科维写了一本自助励志书,名字叫《高效能人士的7个习惯》。


However, great leadership isn’t only about what you are doing right. It is also about what you’re not doing wrong. Just as there are habits that make leaders effective, there are habits that cripple them.但良好的领导能力不仅在于你做对了什么事,还在于不做错事。


Here’s the list in order, from the least to the most fatal:以下就是这7个习惯,其危害性依次递增:Failure to Coach and Develop Others不指导手下员工Ineffective leaders get into the habit of focusing only on getting their jobs done. They fail to show concern for the development of a group of people who will take over when they are no longer around.无效能的领导习惯于关注自己的工作。

高效能人士的七个习惯 -7 Habits of Highly Effective People

高效能人士的七个习惯 -7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Reactive Behavior
Reactive Behavior
Proactive Behavior
Proactive Behavior
Proactive Challenge
Think about tomorrow and anticipate one thing that will push your reactive buttons. Decide what you can do to be proactive in this situation. Do it.
1. Judge
2. Probe
3. Advise
Do’s of Empathic Listening
1. Reflect Feeling
2. Reflect Meaning
3. Use Empathic Listening Starters
Empathic Listening Starters
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood®
HOW DO I LISTEN EFFECTIVELY? • Practice Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood • Use Empathic Listening®
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
1 2 3
Be Proactive
Take responsibility for your life.
Begin With the End in Mind



The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 中文版阅读题要1.第一章: 由内而外地改变自己:a.要改变现状,就要改变自己,要改变自己,先得改变我们看待外界的观点.b.150年前的著作注重的是(Character Ethic)品德;如正直、谦虚、诚信、勤勉、朴实、耐心、勇气、公正等;近代则是强调(Personality Ethic)个人魅力,如个性、社会形象、人际关系技巧、积极进取心态等以及由此衍生出来的行为习惯如“态度决定成败”、“微笑比皱眉更能赢得朋友”等。






e.Paradigm “思维”,广义是指我们看待外在世界的观点。



f.顿悟—思维转换Paradigm shift.思维与品德是息息相关的,什么样的人就有什么样的思维。



h.原则Principle 不同于价值观Value ,价值观有正误。











the7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople读后感In the book the 7 habits of highly effective people, the author tells us a lot of principles about how individuals and enterprises succeed for a long time in a proper way. From the experiences told by the author, I thought a lot and reflected on who I was and how I did before. And some ideas really impressed me. I have a self-criticism to myself and make up my mind to improve myself in these following ways.Firstly, translate myself in a all-round way. Our ability is always limited, so we are likely to fail to change the environment we are in. What we can do is just to adapt ourselves to the environment. However, we are easily affected by our stereotyped views which is formed from the time when we were young. As a result, we fail to treat everything in a objective attitude. Therefore, we should change our traditional ideas when we meet new issues or creative ideas. Only in this way can we have a full understanding of ourselves and accept the opposite ideas objectively. Here, I say to translate myself, but I do not mean that I can change myself without principle. First of all, we ought to set up a moral outlook by ourselves and follow close to it. Otherwise, we can not have permanent happiness an achievement. T o translate ourselves is a long and hard way, and we should accomplish the goal step by step. One we can not forget is that sometimes we should admit our ignorance. For example, image that we are studying in the classroom, and the teacher is talking in the front of the classroom. If we do not ask question when we are faced with some difficult details, how can the teacher know our levels of understanding? At last, we may miss much knowledge so that we fail to pass the exam. Learned from thissituation, I know that only when we admit our fault and imperfection can we successfully realize our disadvantages and improve ourselves thoroughly.Secondly, prepare for the perfectly satisfactory life. There is a say goes, thoughts determine actions; actions determine habits; habits determine morality; morality determines destiny. Habits have a big influence on our life because they can make us reveal our natural characters unconsciously, which control our fortune to a large extent. We all know that the process of getting rid of bad habits and fostering healthy habits is full of challenges, but it is worthy. After hardworking and sacrifice, the fruits we get will be more sweet. In the book, the author also put forward a new suggestion that we should put emphasis not only on outcome, but also on the people or the machines that contribute to the output. Let me take an example. Someone was too tired to work, but he never think of having a rest. In the end, he got sickness and could not work any more. Do you think he was wise enough to be such a sightless hardworking person? Surely not! Thus, to be more effective, you should learn how to relax yourself so as to get enough energy which supports you to go even further.Thirdly, benefit other people as well as myself. One can not be an islet in today's society because he is always related to the people, units and environment around him. To get along well with others, most importantly, you must have great virtues, such as kindness, honesty, politeness and so on. What is more, you should try to understand others putting yourself in his position instead of just setting yourself against the people who do not have the same ideas with you. In this way, we lose nothing but get a lot that we never think of before. In addition, we can depend on each other as well as draw on collective wisdom andabsorb all useful ideas. Besides, we should learn tokeep our eyes on details. Some people often overlook the details because they think that those are out of matter. But they are wrong. Details can determine one's success. If you just ignore the details, they can be a harmful hit in a crucial moment. When we make friends, details can also have an influence on the impression that you give your friends. The last point is to be brave to apologize to others. To admit your fault and apologize really need a lot of courage. However, if you succeed to do that, others will think highly of you and much more willing to be friends with you. As a result, what you get is not just friendship, but something far more valuable.Fouthly, seize the key point of my life. There are so many trivial matters around us that make us feel disturbed all the time. If we do not manage these things in order, we will always suffer from restless annoyance. Therefore, it is necessary to have time management and personal management. When we are managing our time, we should be flexible. We are expected to know what is more important, what is less important, what is more urgent and what is less urgent. Only when we clearly understand what is much more important and urgent can we finish our task perfectly. Otherwise, we will be flown away by the flood of trifles and unable to get rid of it. When it comes to personal management, first, we should be clear about the rules we are playing of in the society. Then, set up an ambitious goal and make every effort to achieve it. Also, not forger to adjust the goal according to the situation daily.Lastly, be a good listener. And I think this is what I have done well. It is not easy to be a good listener for we tend to judge what others say by our values. What's worse, we are in favor of gettingto the root and teaching others by our own experience. In this way, we can not say that we have though of others sincerely without selfishness. Maybe you are just desirable to show off your own unique experience or be proud of being a "teacher". What we should do is to put ourselves in others' shoes, looking for the sake of others. Meanwhile, it also applies when we negotiate in business. Conflicts of interest often occur in commercial negotiation because both sides want the maximum benefit. If you only consider your interest from your perspective, the negotiation will break down. So why not put aside the prejudice and give our suggestions bases on how others understand? In this way, our suggestions can be more acceptable.。



7 Habits of Highly Effective TeensBy Sean CoveyREADING/REFLECTIVE SCHEDULEWeek 1: Oct 1-5 Part I The Set-Up Pg. 3-28 Reflections on:a.From reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Ihope to be able to do?b.The 7HHET can do what for me?c.What is a paradigm? Would your paradigm change afterlistening to others paradigm?d.What is a principle? Create a “t” chart of principles thatare important to you on the left and why they are importantto you on the right.e.Create you own “personal wheel”. What is your life centeredon and what are the things that you tend to spend your timeon? (Refer to pg. 25)Week 2: Oct 8-12 Part II The Personal Bank Account Pg. 31-46 Reflections on:plete 3 RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) without theperson receiving find out. How did that make you feel?Refer to pgs. 35-36.b.What have you done lately to exercise self-discipline? Drawor write your answer.c.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg. 45-46Week 3: Oct 15-19 Part II Habit 1-Be Proactive Pg. 47-72 Reflections on:a.What does proactive mean? Give an example of a proactivechoice you’ve made?b.What does reactive mean? When and where do you tend tobe the most reactive?c.Listen to your language. Is it proactive or reactive? Listsome examples. Refer to pg. 51.d.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg 71-72.Week 4: Oct 22-26 Part II Habit 2-Begin with the End in MindPg. 73-104Reflections on:a.List some crossroads you will encounter in the net fewmonths?b.What qualities do I want to develop in my life?c.What contributions do I want to make to others and mycommunity?d.What things will I need to have for the kind of future Iwant?plete the “Great Discovery” on pg. 86-89?f.Make a list of the most important things you want yourpersonal mission statement to include. Review the “GreatDiscovery” and the previous question and write all of theideas that come to your mind.g.Creat you own personal missiona statement. Refer to pg. 81-82; 90-91.h.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg 104.Week 5: Oct 29-Nov 2 Part II Habit 3-Put First Things FirstPg. 105-130Reflections on:a.Where do you spend most of you time? Write down how youspent your time yesterday. What took up most of your time?Did the things that filled up your day matter most to you?Where did you waste time? Where were you mostproductive?b.Create you own “time quadrant” and reflect on where all yourabove activities fit in the graph. Refer to pg. 112.c.Think of a time when you acted in the face of fear and tooka risk to move outside of your comfort zone. What did youlearn?d.Under what circumstances do you need to step outside ofyour comfort zone and exercise more courage?e.What holds you back from moving outside your courage zone?f.How can you act more courageously?g.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg. 128.Week 6: Nov 5-9 Part III The Relationship BankPg. 131-144Reflections on:a.How would you define “public victory”?b.Describe to someone and write down how the “relationshipbank account” works and why it is important and what theirresponse was?c.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg. 144.Week 7: Nov 12-16 Part III Habit 4-Think Win-WIN!!!Pg. 145-162Reflections on:a.Write your definition of win-win thinking. Once you haveyour description, share it with a friend. Use examples fromyour own life.b.It is hardest for me to think win-win when ____________?It is easiest for me to think win-win when _____________?When I practice win-win thinking, I enjoy the followingbenefits________?c.Write about an experience where you had a win-losementality. How did you feel about it? Would you do thingsdifferently now?d.Write about an experience where you practiced lose-win orsomeone acted in a lose-win way toward you. How did youfeel?e.List a specific situation that you may face in the next sevendays that will require win-win thinking? How will you prepareyourself to think win-win? Later, record the experience asit actually happened. Write what the experience taught youabout thinking win-win.f.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg 162.Week 8: Nov 19-23 Part III Habit 5-Seek First to Understand Pg. 163-180Reflections on:a.When was the last time you tried walking in someone else’sshoes? What was the experience like-actually trying toco nsider another person’s point of view or idea beforesharing yours? Describe what happened and what youlearned?b.Write your own definition of the following listening styles:Spacing out, pretend listening, selective listening and wordlistening. Also self-centered listening: judging, advising andprobing. Lastly what is genuine listening? Refer to pg 168-171.c.When do you have the most difficult time giving feedback toothers? Why?d.If you genuinely listen to another person, what happens whenyou then express your feelings, ideas, suggestions, oropinions?e.When was the last time you kept your thoughts and feelingsto yourself even though you really wanted to share them?Why didn’t you share them? How did you feel about it?f.Now that you have analyzed your actions, what can you do toimprove your practice of the second half of Habit 5, then tobe understood?g.Reflect on the “baby steps” of pg 180.Week 9: Nov 26-30 Part III Habit 6-SynergizePg. 181-204Reflections on: some synergistic relationships in nature, in your schooland in your home.b.Some people love to be with groups of people. Some peoplelike to spend much of their time alone. How do you prefer tospend your time? Why?c.Some people are dreamers; they’re always thinking of newpossibilities, new ways of doing things. Some people are verypractical; they like to study the world and know how to dothings. Which type of person are you? Why?d.Some people make decisions based on their feelings and howthey think others might feel. Other people make decisionsbased on facts. How do you prefer to make decisions? Why?e.Some people like their lives planned out and scheduled.Other people like to be surprised or just see what happens.Which way do you prefer and why?f.Write down an important issue that you, your community,your school, or your family is facing right now. Organize agroup of 4 people to discuss the issue you chose. Think ofways to improve or change the problem (solutions). Together,decide which solutions will make the biggest difference.Write your group’s idea into an action plan for change. UseSYNERGY to make it happen.g.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg 202.Week 10: Dec 3-7 Part IV Habit 7-Sharpen the Saw Pg. 205-242 Keep Hope Alive Pg. 243-246Reflections on:a.List all the things you want to do to “sharpen your saw” ineach of the four categories: BODY, HEART, SOUL, &BRAIN.b.What physical activities do you like to do? Are thereactivities you haven’t tried, but would like to? Make a list.c.What type of a plan can you set that will help you focus onthe nutritional elements of sharpening the saw physically?d.To care for your brain is to sharpen the saw mentally. Makea list of skills or talents you enjoy or might like to learn.e.Caring for your heart is how you sharpen the saw socially andemotionally. Look at it as a RELATIONSHIP BANACCOUNT. Care for your heart by making deposits. Createa list of how you can make deposits.f.Write a thank-you not to ______ (Create a list and followthru)g.Which of your relationships are the most important? Areyou making deposits into these relationships? What are youdoing? How can you improve your most importantrelationships?h.To boost your emotional well being, why not start your ownhumor corner today? Write your favorite joke out andshare it with someone.i.Caring for your soul is how you sharpen the saw spiritually.The following activities will help you do this; meditate,volunteer to read to a child for an hour or listen to inspiringmusic. What other activities do you enjoy that will helpawaken your soul. List them out.j.Reflect on the “baby steps” on pg 242.k.KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!!!!l.Did you meet your expectations? If you feel you didn’t,what do you need to do now?m.What valuable things did you learn that yo u didn’t expect to learn?n.How will you apply the 7habits in the next week? Month?Year?o.Did you share what you learned? How did it make adifference?p.How will you continue to share what you’ve learned from the7 habits?q.OTHER INSIGHTS??????Be prepared to DISCUSS on each Monday for the previous weeks reading andreflective questions!!!BOOK STUDY SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY WINTER BREAK: DEC 19TH.。

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Part I – The Set-up設置
Get in the Habits养成习惯
They Make You or Break You 成、败的选择
Paradigms and Principles观点与原则
What You See Is What You Get所见所得(种瓜得瓜)
Part II – The Private Victory个人胜利
The Personal Bank Account个人修养
Starting with the Man in the Mirror 从镜中人开始
Habit 1: Be Proactive习惯一:主动积极
I Am the Force我是动力
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind习惯二:以终为始
Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will主宰你的命运或由别人来主宰Habit 3: Put First things First习惯三:要事第一
Will and Won’t Power要与不要的力量
Part III – The Public Victory公众胜利
The Relationship Bank Account社交修养
The Stuff That Life Is Made of组成生命的元素
Habit 4: Think Win-Win 习惯四:双赢思维
Life is An All-You-Can-Eat Buffet生命是一顿任你吃的自助餐
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 习惯五:知彼解己
You Have Two Ears and One Mouth… Hel-lo!你有两耳一口…你好!
Habit 6: Synergize习惯六: 集思广益
The “High” Way高速公路
Part IV – Renewal更新
Habit 7 –Sharpen the Saw习惯七: 不断更新
It’s “Me Time”轮到我了
Keep Hope Alive!希望长存!
Kid, You’ll Move Mountains小孩,你志可移山!
Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First things First, Think Win-Win,
Seek First to Understand - Then to be Understood, Synergize, Sharpen the Saw 主动积极、以终为始、要事第一、双赢思维、知彼解己、集思广益、不断更新
Before Signing Off 书末寄语
So be sure when you step每当你迈出一步时,
Step with care and great tact要小心翼翼。

And remember that life’s要紧记生命是
A Great Balancing Act.一场怎样保持平衡的大表演。

Yes! You will, indeed!会!你当然会!
(98 and ¾ percent guaranteed)(百份之九十八又四份之三的保证)
Kid, you’ll move mountains.孩子,你志可移山。

Dr. SEUSS from Oh, the Places You’ll go 摘自《你要去的地方》,瑟斯博士著。

You can’t make footprints in the sands of time by sitting on your butt, And who wants to leave buttprints In the sands of time?
Sean Covey 本书作者:宋魁伟
