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2.2 理解和运用类文学术语 Gothic Novel (哥特式小说) Image(意象) Irony (反讽) Metaphor (隐喻) Meter (格律): Picaresque Novel (流浪汉小说) Pun (双关语) Rhyme (韵律)
Literary Terms (文学术语)
V. Literary Terms (文学术语)
1. 3 须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解) Alliteration (头韵) Ballad (民谣) Blank Verse(无韵诗) Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄) Conceit (巧思妙喻) Dramatic Monologue (戏剧化独白) Point of View (视点,观点)
Theodore Dreiser;Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, Scott Fitzgerald,John Steinbeck,William Faulkner
欧文,爱伦·坡,霍桑,惠特曼,迪金森, 马克•吐温,詹姆斯,德莱塞,海明威,庞德, 斯蒂文斯,菲茨杰拉德, 斯坦贝克,福克纳
(人物分析,主题,写作特色等) The Scarlet Letter Huckleberry Finn Gone with the Wind The Joy Luck Club The Hours
V. Literary Terms (文学术语)
1. 1 须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解) Renaissance (文艺复兴) Humanism (人文主义) Sentimentalism (感伤主义) Romanticism (浪漫主义) Realism (现实主义) Critical Realism (批判现实主义) Modernism (现代主义) Feminism (女性主义)
2.3 理解和运用类文学术语 Rhyme Scheme (韵式,押韵格式) Rhythm (节奏) Satire (幽默讽刺) Setting (背景): Simile(明喻) Stanza (诗节) Style (文体) Setting (文学背景)
Literary Terms (文学术语)
2.4 理解和运用类文学术语 Suspense (悬念) Tetrameter (四音步诗行) Theme (主题) Pentameter (五音步诗行) Tragedy(悲剧) Tone (语气) University Wits (大学才子)
Hamlet (Act III) Sonnet 18 The Chimney Sweeper A Red, Red Rose I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud She Walks in Beauty Eagle Pride and Prejudice (Chapter I) He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven Araby
Percy Bysshe Shelley,John Keats,Jane Austen
Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Bernard Shaw, Thomas Hardy,
James Joyce, D.H. Lawrence
乔叟, 莎士比亚, 弥尔顿,笛福,斯威夫特
Biblioteka Baidu
III-2. 美国文学精读部分
I’m Nobody! Who Are You? Theme for English B In a Station of the Metro A Story Wet as Tears Anecdote of the Jar A Well-lighted Place The Story of an Hour My Oedipus Complex Christmas Day in the Morning
华兹华斯, 拜伦,雪莱,济慈, 简•奥斯丁
萧伯纳,哈代, 乔伊斯,劳伦斯
美国重点作家(姓名,文学地位,代表作): -Washington Irving,Edgar Allan Poe,
Nathaniel Hawthorne; Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson,Mark Twain,Henry James,
IV-1. 英国作品理解
(人物分析,主题,写作特色等) Romeo and Juliet Oliver Twist Pride and Prejudice Jane Eyre Wuthering Heights Tess of the D’Urbervilles Pygmalion
IV-2. 美国作品理解
英国重点作家 (姓名,文学地位,代表作):
Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare,
John Milton,Daniel Defoe,Jonathan Swift
William Wordsworth, George Gordon Byron
Literary Terms (文学术语)
2.1 理解和运用类文学术语 Aestheticism (唯美主义) Allegory (寓言,讽喻) Allusion (引喻) Climax (高潮) Comedy(喜剧) Conflict (冲突) Elegy (挽诗) Foot (音步)
Literary Terms (文学术语)
V. Literary Terms (文学术语)
1. 2 须掌握的文学术语(定义和理解) Narrative Poem(叙事诗) Epic (史诗) Lyric (poem) (抒情诗) Sonnet (十四行诗) Free Verse(自由诗) Heroic Couplet(英雄联韵体) Metaphysical Poetry (玄学诗) Lost Generation (迷惘的一代) Stream of Consciousness (意识流)