Butterfly Valve EUROSTOP Manual type - Reinforced version (Abu Dhabi)Flanged Butterfly Valve (flange-flange) with joint in the automatic but-terfly (JPA) with double eccentricity and long spacing between theflanges.Ductile iron body and butterfly covered with blue epoxy powder 300microns mini.Range from DN150 to DN2000mm for pressures of PFA10 to 25 bar.Field of applicationButterfly valves are isolating valves used on water supply networks, in the interconnections of network, in the factories, in pumping stations, on the general networks and on the fire protection networks in the industrial sites.Butterfly valves are compatible with drinking water and raw water with grid filtration. They will be installed on water networks in factories, in valves chambers or buried.Their main advantages are:•Low pressure loss•Good performance thanks to the choice of the materials, the coatings and the design•Easy operation per mechanism of the worm type/without end•Mechanisms equipped with a standardized flange carry-accessory for buried version and motorizable version RangeThe EUROSTOP butterfly valve is available in different configuration: manual, buried service, motorized and motorizable (for this three last configuration see the specific TDS).References Manual TypeMaterial and coatingValve equipped with 4 holes for the lifting of the valves DN>600. The gear box of the mechanism is in ductile iron FGS 400-15 type.Dimensions and massManual Version PN10Manual Version PN16Manual Version PN25Gearbox type and handwheel Manual type PN10Manual type PN16Manual type PN25Applicable StandardsHydraulic testEvery single butterfly valve is subjected to hydraulic final test with the purpose of verifying the accordance with the prescrip-tions ISO 5208:•Body test at 1,5 time the PFA (open valve);•Seat test at 1,1 time the PFA (closed valve).Product test•Control of manoeuvre torque (MOT and mST) as defined in the EN1074•Control of coating: test of thickness, holiday test, impact test, MIBK testConformity to the standardsProduct:•EN 1074 – 1 and 2•EN 593•ISO 10631Plant test:•ISO 5208Flanges dimension:•ISO 5752 series 14Flanges drilling:•EN 1092-2•ISO 7005-2Suitability for potable water:•Italian CM 102 of 02/12/78•Conformity to foreign norms: KTW (Germany), WRC (U.K.), ACS (France)MarkingOn the body like EN19:•Nominal diameter in mm (DN);•Nominal pressure in bar (PN);•Type of ductile iron;•Manufacturer’s logo;•Model code;•Fusion date.On the label like EN19:•Nominal diameter in mm (DN);•Nominal pressure in bar (PN);•Maximum operating pressure (PFA);•Closing direction;•Model code;•Manufacturing order, Order confirmation;•Manufacturer’s logo.On the disc:•Nominal diameter in mm (DN);•Nominal pressure in bar (PN);•Type of ductile iron;•Manufacturer’s logo;•Model code.The marking of the valves manufactured by Saint-Gobain refers to the EN 1074-2 and EN 19 international standards. Markings are either integral markings, cast in the body, or markings made on plates, securely fixed to the body, in accordance with the EN 19 standard specifications.Valve selectionThe butterfly valves are generally used as isolating devices type on/off. In some particular case, in which there’s low differ-ences of pressure and low flow rate variation can be used like regulating devices, considering the hydraulic parameters necessary to avoid the cavitation risk.To do the right dimensioning of butterfly valve it’s necessary to know the followings parameters:•Upstream hydrostatic pressure (that is the hydrostatic pressure with valve in closed position)•The maximum speed in water pipe (generally expressed in l/s) or the nominal diameter and the project flow rate from which it is gained the speed V=Q/AMoreover it’s necessary to control that the maximum speed in water pipe have to be equal or inferior to 5m/s, and the exercise temperature have to be between 0°C and 40 °C.Hydraulic featuresThe head loss Δh are variable in function of valve open degree and can be calculated with the following expression:with Δh = head loss (m), ζ = head loss coefficient (dimensional), v = nominal speed (m/s), g = 9,81 (m/s²)The head loss coefficient can be estimated from this diagram:Determinates the head loss Δh it’s possible to calculate the flow rate Q in m3/h with the following expression (the same expression can be used to, having the project flow rate Q, to determinate the head loss Δh without using the head loss coefficient):in which 10,2 is a corrective factor in meters, and Kv is the flow rate coefficient in m3/h, determinable from the following diagram in function of valve open degree:Example: Valve DN600 mm - Δh = 3 mFrom the diagram with valve open to 100% the coefficient Kv is 20000 m3/h. Using this date in the flow rate expression:Otherwise it’s possible to calculate the head loss with valve completely open, having the project flow rate Q, in function of DN, using the following diagram:CavitationIf the butterfly valve is used only like isolating device there’s not cavitation risk.In the particular case in which it’s used like regulating device, this can be possible only respecting the following parameters:•The valve open degree have to be between 30° and 90° (valve completely open)•The downstream pressure P2 have to be: P2 ≥ 0,7 .P1 - 2,8 with P1 upstream pressure.Instructions for useStorageThe butterfly valve will have to be held (if possible) in covered places, the most possible protected from the sun (maximum allowable temperature 70°C in accordance to EN 1074), from the rain and generally from the atmospheric agents. Moreover it will have to be avoided that the seal of the same air valves come to contact with powder or earth.InstallationThe butterfly valves are generally installed with retaining ring mounted in the opposite way respect to the direction of flow rate to permit the substitution of gasket without dismounting the valve from pipeline. In any case it is possible to install the butterfly valve with flow rate in opposite direction and also, if required, in vertical position. We recommend to install the butterfly with the operating device on the hydraulic right side of pipeline.It’s possible to install the butterfly valve both in chamber valve that underground (choosing the right configuration).We recommend to insert a dismounting joint for the operation of maintenance.MaintenanceThe butterfly valve does not require a particular maintenance, all parts subjected to wear are perfectly auto-lubricating. In any case, if for a long time will be not used, it is necessary to evaluate the functioning of valve doing (at least one time for year) some manoeuvre of opening-closing.All the maintenance operation have to be do after the total emptying of pipeline (no flow rate and pressure) to avoid every risk to the people during this operation.In presence of particularly exercise condition or damage due to external cause, it will be necessary some maintenance operation. In this case the particular shape of EUROSTOP butterfly valve permits the simple gasket substitution without the dismounting of valve from pipeline (if the dismounting joint is present).AccessoriesTo adapt the butterfly valves to the different exercise and installation conditions required, they can be equipped with particular accessories used in combination with control devices: please refer to data sheet for accessories.The technical features in this document are not contractual and can be changed without preliminary notification due to the continuous technical progress of product.。
蝶阀使用说明书1.范围本说明书包括了公称通径DN50mm~1600mm(2”~64”)、公称压力PN1.0MPa~4.0MPa(ANSI CLASS150~300)法兰和对夹连接的手动、齿轮传动、电动和气动操作蝶阀。
1 概述
1.1 主要用途及适用规范:
1.2 品种及规格:
1.3 型号组成及代表意义:
D 3 7 3 — H 600Lb
2 结构特征与工作原理:
3 技术特性
4 主要外形尺寸和连接尺寸见图一。
5 主要零件的材料
6 保管、使用和安装
7 故障分析与排除方法见表3
检修内容如下:(1) 密封座(2) O型圈(3) 阀杆和填料(4) 阀体和蝶板上的锈斑3.2安装3.2.1保证阀门标志(型号、公称通径、公称压力、材质、)在安装前符合管道系统的要求。
3.3使用和操作3.3.1 在介质高速流动时,阀门必须完全开或全闭式,以避免密封面损伤。
3.3.2 当开启或关闭阀门时,可用其它工具代替手轮。
唯特利蝶阀(FireLock Butterfly Valve)说明书
1.0 产品描述供货尺寸• 2 – 8"/DN50 – DN200.管道材料• 碳钢,壁厚10、壁厚40。
如需使用其他材料,请与 Victaulic (唯特利)联系。
最大工作压力• 经 cULus 认证、LPCB 认证、FM 和 VdS 批准可在不超过 300 psi/2068 kPa /20 bar 的压力下使用。
应用• 蝶阀带有经认证的全天候执行机构外壳,适合室内或室外使用。
• 设计仅用于消防应用场合。
• 设计用于闭合状态监控。
• 专用于管端符合Victaulic OGS 沟槽管道系统规格的管道和Victaulic (唯特利)产品(有关参考材料,请参见7.0节)。
适用的管端连接• Victaulic (唯特利)传统沟槽系统(OGS )标准沟槽。
2.0 认证/列名G410013LPS 1185:Issue 3.1Cert/LPCB Ref. 104j/01846a/01FireLock ™ 蝶阀带全天候执行机构的 707C 系列 – 监控常闭10.75-CHI2.1 认证/列名707C 系列3.0 规格 – 材料阀体:符合ASTM A-536之65-45-12等级要求的球墨铸铁端面,2 – 6英寸/DN50 – DN150:符合ASTM A-536之65-45-12等级要求的球墨铸铁密封定位器,8 英寸/DN200:符合ASTM A-536之65-45-12等级要求的球墨铸铁阀体涂层:黑色醇酸树脂漆阀板:符合ASTM A-536之65-45-12等级要求的球墨铸铁,带符合ASTM B-733标准要求的化学镀镍涂层阀座:三元乙丙橡胶 (EPDM)阀杆:符合ASTM A-582标准要求的416不锈钢阀杆密封套:C36000黄铜轴承:内衬四氟乙烯的不锈钢阀杆密封材料:三元乙丙橡胶 (EPDM)阀杆定位环:碳钢执行机构: 2 – 8"/DN50 – DN150 :位于钢质导向螺杆上的可移动黄酮或青铜螺母,球墨铸铁外壳注• 可选配½英寸/15毫米锥螺纹孔。
良工蝶阀 安装使用说明
1、蝶阀在搬运过程中,应对两密封面加以保护,以防止碰伤。 2、蝶阀应在防雨、防尘、干燥处存放,使蝶板处于开启 5°-10°状态,并加以覆盖,防止杂物进入
1、安装前应该对蝶阀规格、压力、温度、耐腐性是否满足使用要求。应检查各部零件是否损坏或松动。 2、本蝶阀可安装在任意角度的管道上,应关闭安装为宜;焊接管道法兰时应将阀门密封口用板档住以
80 114 445 97 200 160 132 20 8-18 200 160 132 20 8-18 200 160 132 24 8-18
100 127 485 107 220 180 156 22 8-18 220 180 156 22 8-18 235 190 156 24 8-22
125 140 560 122 250 210 184 22 8-18 250 210 184 22 8-18 270 220 184 26 8-26
150 140 632 198 285 240 211 24 8-22 285 240 211 24 8-22 300 250 211 28 8-26
200 152 754 236 340 295 266 24 8-22 340 295 266 24 12-22 360 310 274 30 12-26
随着科学技术的进步和产品的更新,工业阀门的需求已有显著的变化。本蝶阀广泛用于电站供热系 统和催化裂化主风机管道系统、钢铁、冶金、石化、电力炼油、矿山等工业管道上作切断和调节流量用。
KIESELMANNF L U I D P R O C E S SG R O U PMANUAL LEVEROur ergonomic thermal protection handle in the plasticblack/red design. Other colours are available on request.A stainless steel handle is also available.2ContentINTRODUCTION 4Valve technology:The standard and the ballBUTTERFLY VALVES 6Butterfly valves, intermediate flangebutterfly and three-way butterfly valvesLEAKAGE BUTTERFLY VALVES 8BALL VALVES 10Ball valves, three-way ball valves,rinsing connection and heating jacketCONTROL AND SWITCHING 12Manual levers, actuators, control headsand positioners34Save space and costs: KIESELMANN butterfly valves are the space-saving, inexpensive solution. Our ball valves The standard and the ballKIESELMANN VALVE TECHNOLOGY5 HAND LEVERBUTTERFL Y VALVE BALL VALVE THREE-WAY BUTTERFL Y VALVEPNEUMATIC ACTUATORWITH POSITION INDICATORAND SENSOR MOUNTINGPNEUMATIC ACTUATORWITH CONTROL HEAD/POSITIONER KIESELMANN stainless steel valves:Highest quality in dimensional accuracy and surface finish. All sealing elements used havethe necessary approvals for the food industry.The modular design of our valves allows quickand easy switching from a manual lever to apneumatic actuator with sensors or control head.6 |BUTTERFLY VALVESKIESELMANN butterfly valves are the space-saving solution for shutting off product flows in process systems such as on panels and tanks in a hygienic and inexpensive way. They are also available as intermediate flange butterfly valves as well as numerous other connection variants, such as welding and threaded ends. We manufacture all valves at our headquarters in Knittlingen.The space-saving solutionBUTTERFLY VALVESBUTTERFLY VALVES | 7The sealing elements used all have suitability certifications for use in the food industry.The ergonomic thermal protection handle of our butterfly valves is available with a 90° lock oroptionally with shift limit. Alternatively, these valves are also available with a stainless steel handle.Automatically cost-effectiveAutomation is also possible with this cost-effective valve solution. Our modular system makes it possible to quickly and inexpensively convert the manual lever to a pneumatic actuator without disconnecting any pipeline connections to the pipeline. The actuators are available with sensors or control head KI-TOP.Intermediate flange butterfly valve with k-flex seal to the flange closures> E rgonomic thermal protection handle, 90° lock or optional shift limit > S tandard or shortened handle design, fiberglass (reinforced plastic material), available in your choice of colours or stainless steel > Vacuum insert suitable> Easy installation, many connection options> Three-way butterfly valves with switching combinations > Service-friendly intermediate flange design > Tailor-made and long-term spare parts supplyADVANTAGESPlain bearingEnd plugLocking discPlain bearing*V alves with flanged connection PN10 may only be operated with an operating pressure of up to 10 bar.**Nominal size only available as intermediate flange butterfly valves.DOCUMENTATIONHere you can download all important data, information and certificates about our products as PDF files.8 | LEAKAGE BUTTERFLY VALVESKIESELMANN leakage butterfly valves provide increased process security. Mix-proof separation of different media is ensured via the dual-sealing, one-piece valve disc. Runoff-drains allow direct detection of any leaks. Identified, eliminated: Thanks to our maintenance-friend-ly valve design. The drains can also function as rinse connections, ideal for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) processes.Secure and adaptiveLEAKAGE BUTTERFLY VALVESLEAKAGE BUTTERFLY VALVES | 9> Cost-effective leakage protection > Sealing materials EPDM, HNBR > H ygienically safe due to easy cleaning of the leakage chamber, CIP appropriate > E asy-to-maintain design with just one sealing elementKIESELMANN leakage butterfly valves are generally available in intermediate flange version.This design and the split housing allow the seals to be easily and quickly replaced.Functional principleWhen closed, the butterfly valve with a tandem seal ensures that different media remain separated without leaking.Any leaks at the butterfly valve seal flow without pressure through the leakage drain port at the leakage outlets.The leakage chamber can be integrated into a CIP circuit via the rinsing connections. For demanding products, we generally recommend cleaning theleakage chamber.ADVANTAGESLeakage drainLeakage drain ring-groovePlain bearingPRODUCT VIDEOVisit us on YouTube. Get to know the functions of our leakagebutterfly valves.10 |BALL VALVESKIESELMANN straight-way ball valves provide pipe-level, piggable passages for liquid, viscous and particulate media. Your solution for almost all applications in the beverage and food industry.A nice piece of workBALL VALVESThree-way ball valveBALL VALVES | 11Safe, robust and flexible: Three-way ball valves from KIESELMANN offer additional options for process control.The best solution for every requirementKIESELMANN three-way ball valves have been used successfully in the beverage and food industry for many years.KIESELMANN ball valves are easily adaptable:Our intelligent modular system makes it easy to switch from a manual lever to an automated, pneumatic actuator at any time. The actuators of the ball valvescan be equipped with a sensor or control head.> Robust, designed to be easy to install > Spring preloaded shaft seal > PiggableOptional:> Full PTFE cavity fillers with minimal clearance volume > Rinsing connections for cleaning > Heating jacketADVANTAGESGap-free housing sealing by pressure ringsPlain bearingBall valve with heating jacketDID YOU KNOW...Our ball valves are also available with rinsing connections?Straight-way ball valve12 | CONTROL AND SWITCHINGManually great. And automatically better.Whether simply manual, automatic pneumatic or With hand and headCONTROL AND SWITCH INGCONTROL AND SWITCHING | 13Automate valves easily. The modular design of the KIESELMANN valves makes it possible to convert from a manual lever to a pneumatic actuator at any time. Our actuators are equipped with mechanical position indicator, sensor mounting and compressed air connection.Power & brains: Actuators with KI-TOP control heads. Our control heads already contain control electronics and pilot valves. They support all commoncommunication interfaces, such as PLC, AS-i and IO-Link, and can be connected via various ways, such as cable entry or M12 connectors.The connection to the supply air is made bycompressed air quick connector on the control head.The control board can be fitted with an LED all-round display. For optimal visual control.Extra safe in Ex-zonesIn areas with highly flammable and explosive substances, such as spirits, our TÜV tested control heads ensure maximum safety. Two versions are available: Zones 1 and 21 as well as 2 and 22, which comply with Directive 2014/34/EU.> E rgonomic thermal protection handle (also in colour of choice)> Different sizes depending on nominal diameterADVANTAGESVersion withinductive sensorsDigital feedback is also pos-sible for the hand lever.OPERATIONManual leverThe handy way.The KIESELMANN thermal protection handles fit well in your hand and are easy and safe to operate. The handles are available with a 90° lock or with shift limit. Optional also asstainless steel hand lever.14 | CONTROL AND SWITCHINGThe actuators PDA 75, PDA 100 and PDA 125 provide the perfect performance for yourprocesses. The flexibility of our modular valves is also continued with our actuators. They are compatible with all KIESELMANN rotary valves and can be exchanged in a few simple steps.The actuator has the position indicator with sensor mounting. The installation of inductive sensors with M12x1 thread can be used to query the “open” and “closed” positions. By screwing the sensor to the limit position the required switching gap for the signal transmission is established.>S tandard delivery: Actuator with position indicator and sensor mounting >P recise positioning of the sensors, no adjustment required>Clearly visible optical position indicatorADVANTAGESPNEUMATIC ACTUATORin three sizesPNEUMATIC ACTUATORwith position indicator and sensor mounting> Three actuator sizes PDA 75/100/125> Five year warranty> Three functions can be chosen • air-opening – air closing • air-opening – spring closing • spring opening – air closingADVANTAGESWhen the valve is closed, the position indicator is at 90° angle from the valve passage, and when the valve is open it is even to the valve passage.55 YEAR WARRANTYCONTROL AND SWITCHING | 15The alternative to the central control cabinet: The digital control head KI-TOP with automation components. The integrated electronics controls the solenoid valve, detects status and returns it. The control heads consist of a bottom part with bayonet lock and a plastic or stainless steel cover (protection class IP 65).Positioners offer the highest flexibility in metering and flow reduction. They are the intelligent solution for cost-effectively implementing simple control tasks with butterfly valves. For high control accuracy, the control valve series is the right choice.> Regulation of volume flows > Space-saving > Cost-effective> Can be used for simple regulationADVANTAGESADVANTAGESPNEUMATIC ACTUATORwith control head KI-TOPPNEUMATIC ACTUATORwith positioner> P recise position monitoring, optionally with automatic learn mode > C ontrol and indication of up to four valve positions > Fully automatic> Optional: LED all-round displayKIESELMANN WORKSHOP In this video we show you thesimple installation of a positioneron a KIESELMANN actuator.Control head KI-TOP, ASi ESwith selective emergency stop (optional) and two freely assignable control inputs.Visual control of the valve position e. g. green = open, red = closed,flashing = shift.Electro-pneumatical positioner 8615.For precise, safe process control: our control valves with digital, electro-pneumatic positioner.KIESELMANN Online ShopFrom anywhere, at any time: search, find,enquire and order.More than 8,000 articles accessible atshop.kieselmann.de/enKIESELMANN GmbHPaul-Kieselmann-Str. 4–1075438 Knittlingen+49 7043 371-0******************** F L U I D P R O C E S S G R O U P S u b j e c t t o a l t e r a t i o n s . A S O 3 5 2 2 -e n。
1将被试阀门按阀体上的箭头方向,将阀门进、出口两侧均匀固定在试验装置上(偏心蝶阀按阀体箭头方向安 装)。
2测试阀门密封性能时,充水溢过密封面,排除空气后将阀门关闭。 3给阀门施加规定的静水压力(如下表所示),保持规定的时间(如下表所示),检查阀座密封处渗漏情况和
PN16蜗轮式法兰中线蝶阀 手柄型 蜗轮型 DN50~DN150(手柄型) DN50~DN1200(蜗轮型) 1.6MPa -20℃~+120℃ 水 GB/T17241.6-2008 GB/T12221-2005 GB/T13927-2008 球墨铸铁QT450-10,表面环氧喷涂蓝色 1球墨铸铁QT450-10,表面环氧喷涂蓝色 2不锈钢CF8 EPDM橡胶 不锈钢
用于蝶阀的可配置的角行程执行器• 运行扭矩 最大 90 Nm• 额定电压 AC/DC 24 V• 控制方式 调节型 2...10 V 可调• 位置反馈 2...10 V 可调• 电机运行时间 35 s• 可用于室外技术数据电气参数额定电压AC/DC 24 V额定电压频率50/60 Hz额定电压范围AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 V运行功耗9 W保持功耗 3 W变压器容量12 VA连接方式接线端子并联运行否功能参数运行扭矩最大 90 Nm (非恒定扭矩)运行范围 Y 2...10 V输入阻抗100 kΩ运行范围 Y 可调起点 0.5...30 V终点 2.5...32 V运行模式可选开关型三态(仅限AC)调节型 (DC 0...32 V)位置反馈信号U 2...10 V位置反馈信号U说明最大 0.5 mA位置反馈信号U可调起点 0.5...8 V终点 2.5...10 V位置精确度±5%手动操作按下手动操作钮,执行器齿轮机构解锁电机运行时间35 s / 90°电机运行时间可调35...150 s自适应设置手动按下“自适应”按钮 (默认第一次通电时自动进行自适应)自适应设置可调无动作每次通电时进行自适应按下手动操作按钮后进行自适应超驰控制MAX (最大位置) = 100%MIN (最小位置) = 0%ZS (中间位置, 仅AC) = 50%超驰控制范围MAX = (MIN + 33%)...100%MIN = 0%...(MAX – 33%)ZS = MIN...MAX噪音等级(电机)45 dB(A)位置指示机械式,内置型安全参数防触电保护等级IEC/EN III ,安全特低电压 (SELV)电源 UL 认证Class 2 Supply 电气防护等级IEC/EN IP66/67NEMA/UL 防护等级NEMA 4X附件UL Enclosure Type 4X EMC CE 遵循 2014/30/EUIEC/EN 认证IEC/EN 60730-1 和 IEC/EN 60730-2-14运行方式类型 1额定冲击电压0.8 kV 污染等级4环境湿度最大 95% 相对湿度,无结露环境温度-30...50°C [-22...122°F]存储温度-40...80°C [-40...176°F]维护免维护机械参数连接法兰F05重量重量 5.5 kg••••••••••••安全注意事项该设备是专为供热、通风及空调行业所设计。
简介蝶阀(butterfly valve):又称碟阀蜗轮蝶阀释义:启闭件为盘形蝶板并能绕阀体内轴线旋转的一种阀门。
功能用途气动蝶阀蝶阀(英文:butterfly valve)是指关闭件(阀瓣或蝶板)为圆盘,围绕阀轴旋转来达到开启与关闭的一种阀,在管道上主要起切断和节流作用。
蝶阀全开到全关通常是小于90° ,蝶阀和蝶杆本身没有自锁能力,为了蝶板的定位,要在阀杆上加装蜗轮减速器。
EUROSTOP 蝶阀 DN 150-800说明书
Butterfly Valve EUROSTOP NGL2 Epoxy seat - Manual VersionField of applicationButterfly valves are isolating valves used on water supply networks, hydroelectric plants, industrial plants, pumping stations, fire protection networks.Butterfly valves can be used both for drinking water and for untreated or irrigation water where a suitable filtering system is present.Butterfly valves have limited head losses when the valve is fully open and ensure perfect tightness when the valve is fully closed in both directions. They can also be used as safety valves.RangeButterfly valve EUROSTOP epoxy seat is available in manual version for DN150-800 with PN10 and 16 operating pressures (other versions or diameters are available upon request).DN Closing directionPN10 PN16 mm150 Clockwise (refer to PN16) 265565200 Clockwise265566 265567250 Clockwise265569 265571300 Clockwise265572 265574350 Clockwise265577 265578400 Clockwise265579 265583450 Clockwise265584 265586500 Clockwise265587 265588600 Clockwise265589 265590700 Clockwise265592 265593800 Clockwise265594 -Materials and coatingDN150-800 PN10 and 16 manual versionItem Description Materials Coating1 Body Ductile iron GJS 500-7 Epoxy powder, minimum thickness 250 micron, RAL 5005, according to EN 149012 Disc Ductile iron GJS 500-73 Spring clip (*) Carbon steel SR235JR5 Rear shaft STAINLESS steel EN 10088 X30Cr13 (420) -6 Drive shaft STAINLESS steel EN 10088 X30Cr13 (420) - 8 Cylindrical ring (rear shaft) STAINLESS steel EN 10088-3 X5CrNiCuNb 16-4 (630) - 9 Cylindrical ring (drive shaft)STAINLESS steel EN 10088-3 X5CrNiCuNb 16-4 (630)- 10 Bush Bronze EN 1982 CuSn12 - 11 Screw STAINLESS steel A2 - 12 Spring washer STAINLESS steel A2- 13 keyfeather Steel C40 - 14 Gasket EPDM - 15-16 O-ring EPDM- 17CirclipsSTAINLESS steel EN 10088-3 X5CrNi 18-10-(*) DN150-200: STAINLESS steel AISI 316LDimensions and weightsManual version PN 10DN G H I J K L M D R Weightmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg150 210 204 136 249 143 52 150 285 100 35200 230 229 165 249 170 52 180 340 100 46250 250 293 208 284 200 71 230 400 150 67300 270 317 232 284 228 71 250 455 150 86350 290 336 251 284 253 71 260 505 150 111400 310 367 303 319 283 71 310 565 250 139450 330 412 330 307 308 86 340 615 250 183500 350 443 355 348 335 104.5 320 670 250 215600 390 497 409 348 390 104.5 300 780 350 302700 430 575 482 350 448 53 440 895 300 453800 470 655 556 419 508 130 480 1,015 250 640 Manual version PN 16DN G H I J K L M D R Weightmm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg150 210 204 136 249 143 52 150 285 100 35200 230 229 165 249 170 52 180 340 100 46250 250 293 208 284 200 71 230 400 150 67300 270 317 232 284 228 71 250 455 150 88350 290 336 272 319 260 71 260 520 250 132400 310 392 310 307 290 86 310 580 300 170450 330 418 330 348 320 104.5 340 640 250 207500 350 451 355 350 358 53 320 715 250 265600 390 531 438 350 420 53 300 840 350 414700 430 607 508 419 455 130 440 910 250 543Gearbox type and handwheel Manual type PN10DNGearbox ROTORK type Handwheel ØNumber of turns at 90°Operating torque Input shaftmm mm Nm mm 150AB210 (37:1) F10 V2002009.31115 200AB210 (37:1) F10 V2002009.31815 250AB550 (34:1) F10 V3003008.52920 300AB550 (34:1) F10 V300300 8.5 42 20 350AB550 (34:1) F12 V3003008.55520 400AB550 (34:1) F12 V5005008.58320 450AB880 (38:1) F14 V5005009.59720500AB1250 (55:1) F14V50050013.88620600AB1250 (55:1) F16V70070013.813120700AB2000 106:1 F16 V60060026.511220 800AB1950/PR4 217:1 F2550054.38520Manual type PN16DNGearbox ROTORK type Handwheel ØNumber of turns at 90°Operating torque Input shaftmm mm Nm mm 150AB210 (37:1) F10 V2002009.31115 200AB215 (37:1) F10 V2002009.32415 250AB550 (34:1) F10 V3003008.54020 300AB550 (34:1) F12 V3003008.55920 350AB550 (34:1) F12 V5005008.58220 400AB880 (38:1) F14 V6006009.511420450AB1250 (55:1) F14V50050013.89620500AB2000 106:1 F14V50050026.57120600AB2000 106:1 F16 V70070026.512620DN Gearbox ROTORK type Handwheel ØNumber of turns at 90°Operating torqueInput shaftmm mm Nm mm 700AB1950/PR4 217:1 F2550054.39320Applicable StandardsHydraulic testEvery single butterfly valve is subjected to hydraulic final test with the purpose of verifying the accordance with the prescriptions ISO 5208:• Body test at 1,5 time the PFA (open valve); • Seat test at 1,1 time the PFA (closed valve). Product test• Control of manoeuvre torque (MOT and mST) as defined in the EN1074 • Control of coating: test of thickness, holiday test, impact test, MIBK test Conformity to the standards Product:• EN 1074 – 1 and 2 • EN 593 • ISO 10631 Test in Works:• EN 12266-1 (ISO 5208) Flanges dimension: • ISO 5752 series 14 Flanges drilling: • EN 1092-2 • ISO 7005-2Suitability for potable water:• Italian CM 102 of 02/12/78• Conformity to foreign norms: KTW (Germany), WRC (U.K.), ACS (France)MarkingOn the body like EN19:• Nominal diameter in mm (DN); • Nominal pressure in bar (PN); • Type of ductile iron;• Manufacturer’s logo;• Model code;• Fusion date.On the label like EN19:• Nominal diameter in mm (DN);• Nominal pressure in bar (PN);• Maximum operating pressure (PFA);• Closing direction;• Model code;• Manufacturing order, Order confirmation;• Manufacturer’s logo.On the disc:• Nominal diameter in mm (DN);• Nominal pressure in bar (PN);• Type of ductile iron;• Manufacturer’s logo;• Model code.The marking of the valves manufactured by Saint-Gobain refers to the EN 1074-2 and EN 19 international standards. Markings are either integral markings, cast in the body, or markings made on plates, securely fixed to the body, in accordance with the EN 19 standard specifications.Specifications EN19Saint-Gobain valves process Table1–Valve markings Requirements1DNEN 19 § 4.2.1Mandatory markingsShall be integral markings or on amarking plateIntegral 2PN Integral3Material Integral4Manufacturer's name or trade mark Plate11Reference to StandardEN 19 § 4.3Supplementary markingsItems 7 to 21 in Table 1 are optionalIntegral 12Melt identification Integral16Quality test Printed on body18Manufacturing date Plate21Closing direction Plate + sticker on bodyValve selectionThe butterfly valves are generally used as isolating devices type on/off. In some particular case, in which there’s low differences of pressure and low flow rate variation can be used like regulating devices, considering the hydraulic parameters necessary to avoid the cavitation risk.To do the right dimensioning of butterfly valve it’s necessary to know the followings parameters:• Upstream hydrostatic pressure (that is the hydrostatic pressure with valve in closed position)• The maximum speed in water pipe (generally expressed in l/s) or the nominal diameter and the project flow rate from which it is gained the speed V=Q/AMoreover it’s necessary to control that the maximum speed in water pipe have to be equal or inferior to 5m/s, and the exercise temperature have to be between 0°C and 50 °C.Hydraulic featuresThe head loss Δh are variable in function of valve open degree and can be calculated with the following expression:Δh = head loss (m)ζ = head loss coefficient (dimensional)v = nominal speed (m/s)g = 9,81 (m/s²)The head loss coefficient can be estimated from this diagram:Determinates the head loss Δh it’s possible to calculate the flow rate Q in m3/h with the following expression (the same expression can be used to, having the project flow rate Q, to determinate the head loss Δh without using the head loss coefficient):In which 10,2 is a corrective factor in meters, and Kv is the flow rate coefficient in m3/h, determinable from the following diagram in function of valve open degree:Example: Valve DN600 mm - Δh = 3 mFrom the diagram with valve open to 100% the coefficient Kv is 20000 m3/h. Using this date in the flow rate expression:m3/hOtherwise it’s possible to calculate the head loss with valve completely open, having the project flow rate Q, in function of DN, using the following diagram:CavitationIf the butterfly valve is used only like isolating device there’s not cavitation risk.In the particular case in which it’s used like regulating device, this can be possible only respecting the following parameters:• The valve open degree have to be between 30° and 90° (valve completely open)• The downstream pressure P2 have to be: with P1 upstream pressure.Instructions for useStorageThe butterfly valve will have to be held (if possible) in covered places, the most possible protected from the sun (minimum allowable temperature 0°C and maximum allowable temperature 70°C in accordance to EN 1074), from the rain and generally from the atmospheric agents. Moreover it will have to be avoided that the seal of the same air valves come to contact with powder or earth.InstallationThe butterfly valves are generally installed with retaining ring mounted in the opposite way respect to the direction of flow rate to permit the substitution of gasket without dismounting the valve from pipeline. In any case it is possible to install the butterfly valve with flow rate in opposite direction and also, if required, in vertical position. We recommend to install the butterfly with the operating device on the hydraulic right side of pipeline.It’s possible to install the butterfly valve both in chamber valve that underground (choosing the right configuration).We recommend to insert a dismounting joint for the operation of maintenance.MaintenanceThe butterfly valve does not require a particular maintenance, all parts subjected to wear are perfectly auto-lubricating. In any case, if for a long time will be not used, it is necessary to evaluate the functioning of valve doing (at least one time for year) some manoeuvre of opening-closing.All the maintenance operation have to be do after the total emptying of pipeline (no flow rate and pressure) to avoid every risk to the people during this operation.In presence of particularly exercise condition or damage due to external cause, it will be necessary some maintenance operation. In this case the particular shape of EUROSTOP butterfly valve permits the simple gasket substitution without the dismounting of valve from pipeline (if the dismounting joint is present).AccessoriesTo adapt the butterfly valves to the different exercise and installation conditions required, they can be equipped with particular accessories used in combination with control devices: please refer to data sheet for accessories.The technical features in this document are not contractual and can be changed without preliminary notification due to the continuous technical progress of product.NOTESaint-Gobain PAM Italia:- reserves the right to modify the products anyway fully respecting the Laws in force.- always use products fully complying with the European Directives to which the products themselves have to comply with.FOR ANY FURTHER POSSIBLE TECHNICAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONSULT SAINT-GOBAIN PAM ITALIA AND/OR OTHER PAM SISTER COMPANIES。
D942X/D342X蝶阀Butterfly Valve说明书(Instructions)南通市力沛流体阀业有限公司Nantong Lipei Fluid Valves Co., Ltd.一、阀门概述(Valve overview)D942X/D342由阀体+阀板+密封圈等组合而成。
D942X/D342 is composed of valve body + valve plate + sealing ring.The double eccentric structure design reduces the friction between the sealing surface and the sealing valve seat during the opening and closing process. The sealing effect is good, the leakage rate is small, and the service life of the seal is increased. Flange connection is convenientfor connection and disassembly with pipelines, valve seat surfacing stainless steel sealing material is corrosion-resistant, applicable medium: water, steam, oil, powder, etc., medium temperature ≤100℃,widely used in metallurgy, power, oil It is used to regulate flow and connect/disconnect fluid on industrial pipelines such as chemical industry, water supply and drainage, and municipal construction.二、结构特点(Structural features)1、双偏心密封结构,阀座与蝶板几乎无磨损,具有越观越紧的密封功能1.Double eccentric seal structure, the valve seat and the butterfly plate are almost no wear, and have the sealing function of tighter and tighter2、蝶板密封面堆焊不锈钢,密封面耐磨损,使用寿命长2. Welded stainless steel on the sealing surface of the butterfly plate, the sealing surface is wear-resistant and has a long service life3、密封圈选用NBR橡胶制作,具有耐腐蚀,使用寿命长等特点3.The sealing ring is made of NBR rubber, which has the characteristics of corrosion resistance and long service life.4、大规格蝶板采用绗架结构,强度高,过流面积大,流阻小4. Large size butterfly board adopts quilting structure, high strength, large flow area, small flow resistance5、驱动装置可以多工位(旋转90°或180°)安装,便于用户使用5. The driving device can be installed in multiple positions (rotation90° or 180°), which is convenient for users三、主要技术参数( Main technical parameters)四、安装(Installation)本阀安装时,先关闭阀门,后进行安装,以防碰伤蝶板密封面。
DN2200 蝶阀控制液压系统使用说明书
DN2200 蝶阀控制液压系统使用说明书1铁岭大沃阀门(集团)有限公司DN2200 蝶阀控制液压系统使用说明书派克漢尼汾流体传动产品有限公司DN2200 蝶阀控制液压系统使用说明书技术文件1.范围本操作说明书适用于铁岭大沃阀门(集团)有限公司DN2200 蝶阀控制液压系统(以下简称系统);本操作说明书规定了系统的使用方法,常规保养和一般故障的处理方法。
2.2.主要工作参数a)液压泵齿轮泵:PARKERPGP511A0190CA1H2NL2L2B1B1 1台最大工作压力:175bar泵最大工作流量:大泵19ml/revb)电动机:ABB电机型号:M2BAX132MA-4-B5 1台输出功率:7.5KW转数:1450r/minc)供电要求电动机:380V,50Hz所有控制电源:24VDCf) 液压工作油液46号抗磨液压油,寒冷地区(-10°C以下)推荐使用10号航空液压油2DN2200 蝶阀控制液压系统使用说明书2.3.外形及安装说明动力站总成外形尺寸:1250X1000X1930 mm由于动力站总成重量较大,起吊时一定要使用与动力站总成重量匹配的起重设备。
动力站总成安装为地脚螺栓安装,见如下安装基础图:3DN2200 蝶阀控制液压系统使用说明书3.功能说明:系统液压回路见液压系统原理图10003290。
3.1.1 油箱及其附件油箱用于存储系统所需的工作介质,本液压系统使用46#号抗磨液压油。
3.1.2 电机泵组该泵组由电机驱动齿轮泵组成。
费希尔 A41 系列高性能蝶阀 说明书
PF51.6:A41(IV )2004年8月A41型1费希尔A41系列高性能蝶阀目录前言手册内容范围.......................................................1应用场合..............................................................2执行机构..............................................................2附件 (2)选择阀体部件阀体规格..............................................................3阀体结构材质与温度极限 (5)选择执行机构1035型执行机构 (6)选择附件FIELDVUE 数字式阀门控制器............................113710和3720型阀门定位器..............................12其它附件 (12)参考信息流量系数............................................................14其它计算等式的转换.........................................17外形尺寸............................................................18近似重量............................................................21订购信息 (22)前言手册内容范围本产品简介只包括一些比较常用的产品材质、尺寸、选项、以及附件。
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3" 80 49 114 125 380 190 152.5 127 M18 4-19 11 4" 100 56 127 145 415 229 190.5 157 M18 8-19 13 5" 125 64 140 165 455 254 216 186 M20 8-22 16 6" 150 70 140 175 545 279 241.5 216 M20 8-22 26 8" 200 71 150 210 645 343 298.5 270 M20 8-22 34 10" 250 76 160 250 695 406 362 324 M24 12-25 51 12" 300 86 178 285 830 483 432 381 M24 12-25 72 14" 350 92 190 320 900 533 476 413 M27 12-29 106 16" 400 102 216 355 980 597 540 470 M27 16-29 133 18" 450 114 222 380 1030 635 578 533 M30 16-32 176 20" 500 127 229 415 1110 699 635 584 M30 20-32 190 24" 600 154 267 475 1305 813 749.5 692 M33 20-35 394 30" 750 165 292 580 1525 985 914 857 M33 28-35 476 32" 800 190 318 630 1585 1060 978 914 M39 28-41 618 36" 900 203 330 680 1765 1168 1085 1022 M39 32-41 762