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1 有业务往来的客户谈判

Dialogue 1

Yang 举行会议和William准备进行贸易谈判。

Yang: Good moring, Mr. William. It’s nice to see you again. William : It’s nice to see you, too, Mr.Wang.

Yang: How do you feel our Export modities Fair, Mr.William? William: There is no doubt that you’ve made great proress in your arts and crafts and do you do businrss more

actively and more flexibly.

Yang: Yes. It’s just in this way that we have achieved a total sales volume of one hundred million U.S. dollars a year. William: I think you will benefit from the expanding market if you have close cooperation with us in the future. Yang: I hope so. Now let’s get dusiness.

Dialogue 2

Richard 和Chen 在生意上合作一直会很愉快,他这次来中国是为了签订独家代理协议。

Richard: Nice to meet you again, Mr. Chen.

Chen : Nice to meet you, too, What brought you to China this


Richard: I’ve e for discussint an exclusive agency.

Chen: Oh, we’ve been doing business for sixyears, haven’t we ?

Richard: Yes, I’m very glad we have had very pleasant coperation in the past years. Through our joint efforts, your

products have enjoyed fast sales.

Chen: We very much appriciate your effort in promoting the sale of our products.

Richad: To expand our businss scope, I hope that we can sign an exclusive agency agreement. If so, you’ll secure a stable

sales volume, and for me, without petitors we’ll control

the market more easily. That’s benifical to both parties,

isn’t it?

Dialogue 3

Liu 与Bill 会面,准备与他商讨建立合资企业一事。

Liu: It’s a great peasure to see you again.

Bill: Me, too. Our two panies have had tade relations for ten years.

Liu: Yes. In the past ten years, our cooperation has been quite pleasant.

Bill: Yes, and very fruitful too. We’ve never had any difficulties with our Chinese partners, and we’d like to make as many

new products as we can.

Liu: Certainly. Shall we talk about the reason why I’m here? In view of the rapid development of our business in your pany,

we think it’s necessary to estanlish a joint venture.

Bill: Excellent! That’s exactly what I think. We have been working on expanding our scope of cooperation with your


Liu: OK. Now let’s talk about the details.

2. 新客户谈判

Dialogue 1

Mr. Osman 第一次来到Wang的公司谈判。

Wang: Wele to our pany. Sit down, please.

Osman: Thank you. I’m glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation. I hope we can transact business


Wang: It’s also our hope to trade with businessmen from al countries.

Osman: I’m told you speciize in textiles. What can you offer in this line?
