

泰勒公式及其应用 毕业论文

泰勒公式及其应用  毕业论文

泰勒公式及其应用摘 要 文章主要对泰勒公式在近似计算、求极限、证明不等式、外推、求曲线的渐近线方程和判断级数收敛性,对函数凹凸性及拐点判断、广义积分敛散性中的应用关于界的估计、和泰勒公式展开的唯一性问题做了简单系统的介绍和分析,从而体现泰勒公式式在微分学中占有很重要的地位.关键词 泰勒公式; 佩亚诺余项; 拉格朗日余项; 不等式; 根的唯一存在性; 极值; 近似计算.一.引言近代微积分的蓬勃发展,促使几乎所有的数学大师都致力于相关问题的研究,特别是泰勒,笛卡尔,费马,巴罗,沃利斯等人作出了具有代表性的工作.泰勒公式是18世纪早期英国牛顿学派最优秀代表人物之一的英国数学家泰勒在微积分学中将函数展开成无穷级数而定义出来的.泰勒将函数展开成级数得到泰勒公式,对于一般函数f ,设它在点0x 存在直到n 阶的导数,由这些导数构成一个n 次多项式()20000000()()()()()()()(),1!2!!n n n f x f x f x T x f x x x x x x x n '''=+-+-++-称为函数f 在点0x 处的泰勒多项式,若函数f 在点0x 存在直至n 阶导数,则有0()()(()),n n f x T x x x ο=+-即()200000000()()()()()()()()(()).2!!n n n f x f x f x f x f x x x x x x x x x n ο'''=+-+-++-+-称为泰勒公式.我们都知道,泰勒公式是数学分析中非常重要的内容,它的理论方法已经成为研究函数极限和估计误差等方面不可缺少的数学工具,集中体现了微积分“逼近法”的精髓。

在近似计算上有着独特的优势,利用它可以将非线性问题化为线性问题,并能满足很高的精确度要求,在微积分的各个方面都有重要的应用. 泰勒公式在分析和研究数学问题中有着重要作用,它可以应用于求极限、判断函数极值、求高阶导数在某些点的数值、判断广义积分收敛性、近似计算、不等式证明等方面. 这篇主要在于探索泰勒公式及其应用的新方法,借助泰勒公式的广泛应用,将泰勒公式的知识应用到数学解题的各个方面和领域中去,得出泰勒公式在数学各方面的应用和解求方法的简便性.二.预备知识2.1泰勒公式的定义定义2.1]1[ 若函数()f x 在0x 存在n 阶导数,则有'''200000()()()()()()1!2!f x f x f x f x x x x x =+-+-+()00()()(),!n n n f x x x r x n +-+ (1)其中 0()()(())n n n r x r x o x x =-满足 上述公式称为()f x 在点0x x =处带有佩亚诺余项的的泰勒公式.当0x =0时,(1)式变成)(!)0(!2)0(!1)0()0()()(2'''n nn x o x n f x f x f f x f +++++= ,称此式为(带有佩亚诺余项的)麦克劳林公式.定义2.2]2[ 若函数 ()f x 在0x 某邻域内为存在直至 1+n 阶的连续导数,则''()'20000000()()()()()()()...()()2!!n n n f x f x f x f x f x x x x x x x r x n =+-+-++-+, (2)这里()n r x 为拉格朗日余项(1)10()()()(1)!n n n f r x x x n ξ++=-+,其中ξ在x 与0x 之间,称(2)为f 在0x 的泰勒公式.当0x =0时,(2)式变成''()'2(0)(0)()(0)(0)...()2!!n nn f f f x f f x x x r x n =+++++ 称此式为(带有拉格朗日余项的)麦克劳林公式.常见函数的展开式:12)!1(!!21+++++++=n xn xx n e n x x x e θ .)()!12()1(!5!3sin 221253++++-+-+-=n n n x o n x x x x x . 24622cos 1(1)()2!4!6!(2)!nnn x x x x x o x n =-+-++-+.2311ln(1)(1)()231n nn x x x x x o x n +++=-+-+-++.)(1112n n x o x x x x+++++=- , +-++=+2!2)1(1)1(x m m mx x m 定理 2.1]3[(介值定理) 设函数 f 在闭区间 ],[b a 上连续,且 )()(b f a f ≠,若0μ为介于 )(a f 与)(b f 之间的任何实数,则至少存在一点0x ),(b a ∈,使得00)(μ=x f .2.2泰勒公式的意义泰勒公式的意义是,用一个n 次多项式来逼近函数()f x .而多项式具有形式简单,易于计算等优点.泰勒公式由()f x 的n 次泰勒多项式()n P x 和余项0()(())n n R x o x x =-组成,我们来详细讨论它们.当n =1时,有 1000()()()()P x f x f x x x '=+-,是()y f x =的曲线在点00(,())x f x 处的切线(方程),称为曲线()y f x =在点00(,())x f x 的一次密切,显然,切线与曲线的差异是较大的,只是曲线的近似. 当n =2时,有2020000()()()()()()2!f x P x f x f x x x x x '''=+-+-, 是曲线()y f x =在点00(,())x f x 的“二次切线”,也称曲线()y f x =在点00(,())x f x 的二次密切.可以看出,二次切线与曲线的接近程度比切线要好.当次数越来越高时,接近程度越来越密切,近似程度也越来越高. 2.3泰勒公式余项的类型泰勒公式的余项分为两类,一类佩亚诺型余项0(())n o x x -,一类是拉格朗日型余项(1)101()()(1)!n n f x x n ξ++-+,它们的本质相同,但性质各异.佩亚诺型余项0(())n o x x -是定性的余项,仅表示余项是比0()n x x -(当0x x →时)高阶的无穷小.如33sin ()6x x x o x =-+,表示当0x →时,sin x 用36x x -近似,误差(余项)是比3x 高阶的无穷小.拉格朗日型余项(1)101()()(1)!n n f x x n ξ++-+是定量的余项(ξ也可以写成00()x x x θ+-).定量的余项一般用于函数值的计算与函数形态的研究.三.泰勒公式的应用3.1 .利用泰勒公式求极限简化极限运算,就可用某项的泰勒展开式来代替该项,使得原来函数的极限转化为类似多项式有理式的极限.例1. 求极限sin 2lim sin cos x x xe x xx x x →0-1--- .分析 : 此为00型极限,若用罗比达法求解,则很麻烦,这时可将cos x 和sin x , xe 分别用泰勒展开式代替,则可简化此比式.解: 由1sin 2xx e x x ---=233331()())2626x x x x x o x x x o x ++++-1--(-+=34333()()6126x x x o x o x ++=+, 3233sin cos ()(1())62x x x x x x o x x o x -=-+--+=33()3x o x + 于是1sin 2lim sin cos xx x e x x x x x →0----3333()162()3x o x x o x +==+,3. 2 利用泰勒公式证明不等式当所要证明的不等式是含有多项式和初等函数的混合物,不妨作一个辅助函数并用泰勒公式代替,往往使证明方便简捷.例1. 当0x ≥时,证明31sin 6x x x ≥-.证明 取31()sin 6f x x x x =-+,00x =,则'''''''''(0)0,(0)0,(0)0,()1cos ,(0)0.f f f f x x f ====-≥带入泰勒公式,其中n =3,得31cos ()0003!x f x x θ-=+++,其中10<<θ. 故当0x ≥时,31sin 6x x x ≥-.例2. 设()f x 在[0,1]二次可导,而且(0)(1)0f f ==,01lim ()1x f x ≤≤=-,试求存在(0,1)ξ∈,使()8f ξ''≥.证: 由于()f x 在[0,1]的最小值不等于在区间端点的值,故在[0,1]内存在1x ,使1()1f x =-,由费马定理知,1()0f x '=. 又21111()()()()()()2!f f x f x f x x x x x η'''=+-+- 21()1()2!f x x η''=-+-,(η介于x 与1x 之间) 由于(0)(1)0f f ==,不令0x =和1x =,有211()0(0)1(0)2f f x ξ''==-+-, 所以21112()2(1)(1)f x x ξξ-''=-<<,当1112x <≤时,2128x -≥,而当1112x <<时,212(1)8x --≥,可见1()f ξ''与2()f ξ''中必有一个大于或等于8.3.3 利用泰勒公式判断广义积分的敛散性当级数的通项表达式是由不同类型函数式构成的繁难形式时,就可以利用泰勒公式将级数通项简化成统一形式,以便利用判敛准则.在判定广义积()a f x dx +∞⎰敛散性时, 通常选取广义积分1(0)p a dx p x +∞>⎰进行比较, 在此通过研究无穷小量()()f x x →+∞的阶来有效地选1pa dx x +∞⎰中的p 值,从而简单地判定()af x dx +∞⎰的敛散性(注意到:如果()af x dx +∞⎰得收敛,则()af x dx +∞⎰得收敛). 例 1. 研究广义积分4(332)x x x dx +∞++--⎰的敛散性. 解 : 22(1)(1)1()2!x x x o x αααα-+=+++()332f x x x x =++--112233(1)(1)2x x x=++--22223191131911(1())(1())22828x o o x x x x x x=+⋅-⋅++-⋅-⋅+-3/23/2911()4o x x=-⋅+ ,因此,3/2()9lim14x f x x →+∞=,即()0f x →是1()x x →+∞的32阶,而3/241dx x +∞⎰收敛,故4()f x dx +∞⎰收敛,从而4(332)x x x dx +∞++--⎰.例2. 讨论级数111(ln )n n n n∞=+-∑的敛散性.注意到11lnln(1)n n n+=+,若将其泰勒展开为1n 的幂的形式,开二次方后恰与1n相呼应,会使判敛易进行. 解: 因为2341111111lnln(1)234n n n n n n nn+=+=-+-+<, 所以11ln1n n<+, 所以11ln 0n n u n n+=->,故该级数是正项级数. 又因为332332322111111111111ln()()23422n o n n n n n n n n n nn n +=-++>-+=-=-, 所以3322111111ln ()22n n u n n n nn n +=-<--=.因为31212n n∞=∑收敛,所以由正项级数比较判别法知原级数收敛.3.4 利用泰勒公式判断函数的凸凹性及拐点例 1. 设()f x 在[a,b]上连续在(a,b)上具有一阶和二阶导数,若在(a,b)内 ()0f x ´´>()f x 在[a,b]上是凹向的. 12x x 证明:设c <d 为[a,b]内任意两点,且[c,d]足够小.<为[c,d]中的任意两点,1202x x =+记x 由定理条件得泰勒公式: 2000000()()()()()()((-))2n x x f x f x f x x x f x o x x ´´´-=+-++!,22102012001002000()()()()()()()()()()()22x x x x f x f x f x f x x x f x x x f x f x ´´´´´´--+=2+-+-++!!221020())())o x x o x x +(-+(-212()n x x x x 因为余项为-的高阶无穷小,[,]又为足够小,202000()()())()2x x f x o x x f x ´´´´-所以泰勒公式中+(-的符号与相同。



泰勒定理(Taylor's theorem)是一个数学定理,描述了一个实数或复数函数在某个点附近的函数值与它在该点处的函数值及各阶导数之间的关系。

泰勒公式(Taylor series)是泰勒定理的一个特例,表达了一个实数或复数函数在某个点附近的函数值为无限次可导函数在该点处的函数值及各阶导数的线性组合。

f(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x-a) + f''(a)(x-a)^2/2! + f'''(a)(x-a)^3/3! + ...




类似于法语四级的题型,例如单选、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译及写作(暂不设听力)。 三、 考试内容 时态及各语式、介词、冠词、连词及连词短语、代词,阅读理解,翻译(中翻法、法翻中), 写作(80-120 字)。
243 英语二外 一、考试目的 本试卷是为以英语为第二外语的学习者参加北京邮电大学语言学与应用语言学方向的硕士研 究生入学考试设计的。该试卷旨在测试考生英语的综合运用能力,特别是读、写、译的能力, 要求考生较系统地掌握英语基础语法知识,具备 5000 左右的词汇量并掌握常用短语和搭配知 识。 二、考试内容 英语二外试题的难度相当于大学英语四、六级之间的水平,主要测试考生的词汇、短语、语法
二、考试性质与范围 本考试是一种测试应试者单项和综合语言能力的尺度参照性水平考试。考试范围包括 MTI 考生应具备的英语词汇量、语法知识以及英语阅读与写作等方面的技能。 三、考试基本要求 1. 具有良好的英语基本功,认知词汇量在 10,000 以上,掌握 6,000 个以上(以英语为 例)的积极词汇,即能正确而熟练地运用常用词汇及其常用搭配。 2. 能熟练掌握正确的英语语法、结构、修辞等语言规范知识。 3.具有较强的阅读理解能力和英语写作能力。 四、考试形式 本考试采取客观试题与主观试题相结合,单项技能测试与综合技能测试相结合的方法。 五、考试内容 本考试包括以下部分:词汇语法、阅读理解、英语写作和翻译四个部分。总分为 100 分。 一.词汇语法 1. 要求
【育明教育】 中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌 5 育明教育官方网站: 【全国 58 所名校定向保录】 【院校人脉一对一 】 【出题人阅卷人领衔辅导】 【独家保录 不过全退!】
各 15 个,每个 1 分,总分 30 分。考试时间为 60 分钟。 II. 英汉互译 1. 考试要求 要求应试者具备英汉互译的基本技巧和能力;初步了解中国和英语国家的社会、文化等背景知 识,具备一定的英汉科技知识;译文忠实原文,无明显误译、漏译;译文通顺,用词正确、表 达基本无误;译文无明显语法错误。 2. 题型 要求考生较为准确地翻译出所给的文章,英译汉为 250-350 个单词,汉译英为 150-250 个汉字, 各占 60 分,总分 120 分。考试时间为 120 分钟。 《英语翻译基础》考试内容一览表 序号 题型 题量 分值 时间(分钟) 1 词语翻译 英译汉 15 个外文术语、缩略语或专有名词 15 30 汉译英 15 个中文术语、缩略语或专有名词 15 30 2 英汉互译 英译汉















实行进度:研究时间为第8 学期,研究周期为9周。





正文:18世纪早期英国牛顿学派最优秀代表人物之一的英国数学家泰勒(Brook Taylor),于1685 年8月18日在米德尔塞克斯的埃德蒙顿出生。





最后在1731年1 2月29日于伦敦逝世。























数学专业外文翻译---幂级数的展开及其应用In the us n。

we XXX its convergence n。

a power series always converges to a n。

We can use simple power series。

as well as XXX quadrature methods。

to find this n。


this n will address another issue: can an arbitrary n f(x) be expanded into a power series?XXX n will address this XXX power series can be seen as an n of reality。

so we can start to solve the problem of expanding a n f(x) into a power series by considering f(x) and polynomials。

To do this。

we will introduce the following formula without proof:Taylor'XXX that if a n f(x) has derivatives of order n+1 in a neighborhood of x=x0.then we can use the following XXX:f(x)=f(x0)+f'(x0)(x-x0)+f''(x0)(x-x0)^2+。


r_n(x) represents the remainder term.XXX (x) is given by (x-x)n+1.This formula is of the (9-5-1) type for the Taylor series。



On Taylor’s formula for the resolvent of a complex matrixMatthew X. Hea, Paolo E. Ricci b,_Article history:Received 25 June 2007Received in revised form 14 March 2008Accepted 25 March 2008Keywords:Powers of a matrixMatrix invariantsResolvent1. IntroductionAs a consequence of the Hilbert identity in [1], the resolvent )(A R λ= 1)(--E A λof a nonsingular square matrix A (E denoting the identity matrix) is shown to be an analytic function of the parameter λ in any domain D with empty intersection with the spectrum ∑A of A .Therefore, by using Taylor expansion in a neighborhood of any fixed D ∈0λ, we can find in [1] a representation formula for )(A R λ using all powers of )(0A R λ.In this article, by using some preceding results recalled, e.g., in [2], we write down a representation formula using only afinite number of powers of )(0A R λ. This seems to be natural since only the first powers of )(0A R λ are linearly independent.The main tool in this framework is given by the multivariable polynomials ),...,,(21,r n k v v v F (,...1,0,1-=n ;r m k ≤=,...,2,1) (see [2–6]), depending on the invariants ),...,,(21r v v v of )(A R λ); heremdenotes the degree of theminimalpolynomial.2. Powers of matrices a nd n k F ,functionsWerecall in this section some results on representation formulas for powers of matrices (see e.g. [2–6] and the referencestherein). For simplicity we refer to the case when the matrix is nonderogatory so that r m =.Proposition 2.1. Let A be an )2(≥⨯r r r complex matrix, and denote by r u u u ,...,,21 the invariants of A , and by∑=--=-E =rj j r j j u A P 0)1()det()(λλλ.its characteristic polynomial (by convention 10-=u ); then for the powers of A with nonnegative integral exponents the following representation formula holds true:E +++=-----),,(),...,,(),...,(211,2211,2171,1r n r r r n r i n n u u uF A u u u F A u u F A . (2.1) The functions ),,(1,r n k u u F that appear as coefficients in (2.1) are defined by the recurrence relation),()1(),(),,(),,(,1,1,12,211,11,r r n k r r r n k r n k r n k u u F u u u F u u u F u u u F -----++-=,)1;,,1(-≥=n r k (2.2)and initial conditions:,),,(,12,17h k h k r u u F σ=-+- ),,1,(r h k =. (2.3)Furthermore, if A is nonsingular )0(≠r u , then formula (2.1) still holds for negative values of n, provided that we define the n k F , function fornegative values of n as follows:)1,,,(),,(7112,171,u u u u u F u u F r r r r n k r n k --+-+-=,)1;,,1(-= n r k . 3. Taylor expansion of the resolventWe consider the resolvent matrix )(A R λ defined as follows:1)()(--E =≡A A R R λλλ. (3.1)Note that sometimes there is a change of sign in Eq. (3.1), but this of course is not essential.It is well known that the resolvent is an analytic (rational) function of λ in every domain D of the complex plane excludingthe spectrum of A , and furthermore it is vanishing at infinity so the only singular points (poles) of )(A R λare the eigenvaluesof A .In [6] it is proved that the invariants r v v v ,,,21 of )(A R λ are linked with those of A by the equations∑=-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=lj j l j j l u j l j r v 0()1()(λλ,),,2,1(r l =. (3.2) As a consequence of Proposition 2.1, and Eq. (3.2), the integral powers of )(A R λ can be represented as follows.For every ∑∉A λand N n ∈,∑-=--=10211,)())(,),(),(()(r k k r n k r nA R v v v F A R λλλλλ , (3.3) where the )(λl v ),,2,1(r l =are given by Eq.(3.2).Denoting by )(A ρthe spectral radius of A , for every λ,μ such that ),,min()(μλρ A the Hilbert identity holds true(see [1]):)()()()()(A R A R A R A R μλμλλμ-=-. (3.4)Therefore for every ∑∉A λ, we have)()(2A R d A dR λλλ-=, (3.5) and in general)()1()(1A kR d A R d k k k k +-=λλλ,);,2,1(∑∉=A k λ (3.6) so, for every )(,0A R D λλ∈can be expanded in the Taylor seriesk k k k A kR A R ))(()1()(0010λλλλ--=∑∞=+, (3.7) which is absolutely and uniformly convergent in D.Defining)(,),(000110λλr r v v v v == , (3.8) ),,(010,,0r n k n k v v F F =, (3.9)where the )(λl v are defined by Eq. (3.2), we can prove the following theorem.The Taylor expansion (3.7) of the resolvent )(A R λ in a neighborhood ofany regular point 0λ can be written in the form)()()1()(01000,0A R F A R n r h k k k n r k λλλλ∑∑-=∞=-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=. (3.10) Therefore we can derive as a consequence:For every ∑∉A 0λand r L ,2,1=the series expansions∑∞=--00,0)()1(k k k l k F λλ(3.11) are convergent.Proof. Recalling (3.3), we can writeE +++=--+k r r k r k kF R F R F R ,02,201,101000 λλλ,)N k ∈, )()(01,021,2011,10000λλλλλλ-⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡E +++-=--r R R F R F R F R A R --⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡E ++++--202,022,2012,10)(00λλλλr r r F R F R F +-⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡E +++-+--k k r r k r k k F R F R F )()1(0,02,201,1000λλλλ Therefore, taking into account the initial conditions (2.3) we can write+⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--+⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--=∑∑∞=-∞=000,1000,0)()1()()1()(λλλλσλλR F F A R k k k r k k k k r k 100,100)()1(-∞=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--+∑R k k k k R F λλλ, so (3.10) holds true. The convergence of series expansions (3.11) is a trivial consequence of the convergence of the initial expansion (3.7).4. Concluding remarksIt is worth noting that the resolvent )(A R λis a keynote element forrepresenting analytic functions of a matrix A . In fact,denoting by )(z f a function of the complex variable z , analytic in a domain containing the spectrum of A , and denoting by ),2,1(s k k =λthe distinct eigenvaluesof A with multiplicities k μ, the Lagrange –Sylvester formula (see [4]) is given by∑∑=-==s k j j k k j k jf A f 110)()()(μελ, where ),,2,1()0(s k k k ==εεis the projector associated with the eigenvalue k λ, and)1,,1,0;,,2,1(,)()0()(-==-=k k j k j k j s k A l μελε .Denoting by k γ a Jordan curve, the boundary of the domain k D , separating a fixed k λ from all other eigenvalues, recalling theRiesz formula, it follows that⎰=k d A R ik γλλπε)(21. When k λis only known approximately, this projector cannot be derived by using the residue theorem.In this case it is necessary to integrate )(A R λ along k γ (being possibly a Gershgorin circle), by using the knownrepresentation of the resolvent (see [3])k r k k r j j k r j j A P A R ∑∑-=--=---⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-=10101)1()(1)(λμλλ, (4.1) or by substituting )(A R λ with its Taylor expansion, and assuming asinitial point any K λλ≠0 inside k D .Which is the best formula depends on the relevant stability and computational cost. From the theoretical point of view,formulas (3.7), (3.10) and (4.1) seem to beequivalent from the stability point of view, since all require knowledge ofinvariants of the given matrix A . However, in our opinion, in the situation considered, Eq. (3.10) seems to be less expensivewith respect to (3.7), since it requires one to approximate r series of elementary functions instead of an infinite series ofmatrices. AcknowledgementsWe are grateful to the anonymous referees for comments that led usto improve this paper.References[1] I. Glazman, Y. Liubitch, Analyse linéaire dans les espaces de dimensionfinies: Manuel et problèmes, in: H. Damadian (Ed.), Traduit du russe par, Mir,Moscow, 1972.[2] M. Bruschi, P.E. Ricci, Sulle potenze di una matrice quadrata dellaquale sia noto il polinomio minimo, Pubbl. Ist. Mat. Appl. Fac. Ing.Univ. Stud. Roma,Quad. 13 (1979) 9–18.[3] V.N. Faddeeva, Computational Methods of Linear Algebra, Dover Pub.Inc., New York, 1959.[4] F.R. Gantmacher, The Theory of Matrices, Vols. 1, 2 (K.A. Hirsch,Trans.), Chelsea Publishing Co., New York, 1959.[5] M. Bruschi, P.E. Ricci, Sulle funzioni Fk,n e i polinomi di Lucas diseconda specie generalizzati, Pubbl. Ist. Mat. Appl. Fac. Ing. Univ. Stud.Roma, Quad. 14(1979) 49–58.[6] M. Bruschi, P.E. Ricci, An explicit formula for f (A) and the generatingfunction of the generalized Lucas polynomials, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 (1982)162–165.。



本科生毕业论文题目: 泰勒公式及其应用研究专业代码: 070101作者姓名: 范文朝学号: **********单位: 2008级1班****: ***2012年5 月20 日原创性声明本人郑重声明: 所提交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下, 独立进行研究取得的成果. 除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 论文中不含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果, 也不包含为获得聊城大学或其他教育机构的学位证书而使用过的材料. 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确方式标明。


学位论文作者签名: 日期指导教师签名: 日期目录摘要 (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)1.引言 (1)2.泰勒公式的形式........................................... (1)2.1 带有佩亚诺型余项的泰勒公式.............................. .. (1)2.2 具有拉格朗日余项的泰勒公式 (2)2.3 带有积分型余项的泰勒公式 (2)2.4带有柯西型余项的泰勒公式 (2)3.泰勒公式的应用...... ....................... . (2)3.1利用泰勒公式求不定式的极限 (3)3.2利用泰勒公式估算误差 (5)3.3用泰勒公式判断级数的敛散性....................... . (9)3.3.1数项级数的敛散性判断............. .............. ........ ..93.3.2函数项级数的敛散性判断............... .............. .. (10)3.4利用泰勒公式证明中值问题.............. ............. (12)3.5利用泰勒公式证明不等式和等式............. .............. .. (13)3.5.1利用泰勒公式证明积分不等式或积分等式................ .. (13)3.5.2利用泰勒公式证明导数不等式.............. ............. (15)3.5.3利用泰勒公式证明代数不等式............... . (16)结束语 (19)参考文献 (20)致谢 (21)摘要泰勒公式是数学分析中重要的公式,它的基本思想是用多项式来逼近已知函数,而这个多项式的系数由给定函数的各阶导数确定.阐述了泰勒公式的定义及其各种形式,着重对泰勒公式在极限计算、误差估计、敛散性的判断、中值问题以及等式与不等式的证明这五个方面中的应用进行了研究论述.泰勒公式在多方面的应用可以提高我们对泰勒公式的认识,有利于把泰勒公式的研究推向更深处.关键词:泰勒公式; 不定式的极限;误差估计; 级数的敛散性;不等式证明AbstractTaylor formula is a important formula in the mathematical analysis. Its basic idea is that the known function with a polynomial approximation determines the coefficients of the polynomial by the first derivative of the given function. The definition and its various forms of the Taylor formula are elaborated. The applications of Taylor formula in five aspects are studied and discussed, such as the limit calculation, error estimation, the judgment of convergence and divergence, median problems, as well as equality and inequality proof. Taylor formula in many applications can improve our understanding of the Taylor formula , and it benefit to push the research of Taylor formula to deeper.Key words:Taylor formula; the infinitive limits; error estimates; convergence and divergence of the series; Proof of Inequality泰勒公式及其应用研究1. 引言泰勒公式是数学分析中一个非常重要的内容,几个微分中值定理中一般的情形是泰勒公式, 它建立了函数的增量,自变量增量与一阶及高阶导数的关系,将一些复杂的函数近似地表示为简单的多项式函数,这种化繁为简的功能使它成为分析和研究其他数学问题的有力杠杆。



重庆理工大学文献翻译二级学院数学与统计学院班级 111010101 学生姓名学号 11101010110复杂矩阵用泰勒公式的解决方法一个复杂的R×R矩阵A中的解决方法Rλ(A)是与A的频谱ΣA空交集的任何域名的解析函数。








二权力矩阵和F k,n功能我们还记得在本节一定的成效上表示公式矩阵的权力(见[2][3][4][5][6]和其参考文献)。

为简单起见,我们指的是情况下,当基质是非贬损使得M = R。


设A是一个矩阵,由U1表示,U2,...,UR A的不变量,并通过∑=--=-=rj jr j j U A I p 0)1()det()(λλλ其特征多项式(按照惯例u0≔1);那么对于A 的非负整数指数的权力下表示公式也是如此:Iu u F A u u F A u u F r n r r r n r r n n )...,(...)...,()...,(A 11,211,2111,1-----+++=功能Fk,n(u1...ur)该显示为系数(2.1)由递推关系定义)....,()1(...)....,()....,()....,(1,112,211,11,r r n k r r r n k r n k r n k u u F u u u F u u u F u u u F -----++-=)1;......1(-≥=n rk 和初始条件:)....1,(,).....(,12,1r h k u u F h k r h k r ==-+-δ此外,如果A 是非奇异(ur ≠0),则式(2.1)仍然保持对于n 的负值,只要我们定义FK ,n 功能对于n 的负值如下:)1,......,()...(113,11,rr r r r n k r r n k u u u u u F u u F --+-+-=)1;...1(-<=n r k三 泰勒展开式的解决对策我们认为解决方法矩阵R λ(A )定义如下:.)(:)(1--=≡A I A R R λλλ注意,有时有标志的公式的变化。















大连科技学院毕业设计(论文)外文翻译学生姓名专业班级指导教师职称所在单位教研室主任完成日期 2016年4月15日Translation EquivalenceDespite the fact that the world is becoming a global village, translation remains a major way for languages and cultures to interact and influence each other. And name translation, especially government name translation, occupies a quite significant place in international exchange.Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. While interpreting—the facilitating of oral or sign-language communication between users of different languages—antedates writing, translation began only after the appearance of written literature. There exist partial translations of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2000 BCE) into Southwest Asian languages of the second millennium BCE. Translators always risk inappropriate spill-over of source-language idiom and usage into the target-language translation. On the other hand, spill-overs have imported useful source-language calques and loanwords that have enriched the target languages. Indeed, translators have helped substantially to shape the languages into which they have translated. Due to the demands of business documentation consequent to the Industrial Revolution that began in the mid-18th century, some translation specialties have become formalized, with dedicated schools and professional associations. Because of the laboriousness of translation, since the 1940s engineers have sought to automate translation (machine translation) or to mechanically aid the human translator (computer-assisted translation). The rise of the Internet has fostered a world-wide market for translation services and has facilitated language localizationIt is generally accepted that translation, not as a separate entity, blooms into flower under such circumstances like culture, societal functions, politics and power relations. Nowadays, the field of translation studies is immersed with abundantly diversified translation standards, with no exception that some of them are presented by renowned figures and are rather authoritative. In the translation practice, however, how should we select the so-called translation standards to serve as our guidelines in the translation process and how should we adopt the translation standards to evaluate a translation product?In the macro - context of flourish of linguistic theories, theorists in the translation circle, keep to the golden law of the principle of equivalence. The theory of Translation Equivalence is the central issue in western translation theories. And the presentation of this theory gives great impetus to the development and improvement of translation theory. It‟s not diffi cult for us to discover that it is the theory of Translation Equivalence that serves as guidelines in government name translation in China. Name translation, as defined, is the replacement of thename in the source language by an equivalent name or other words in the target language. Translating Chinese government names into English, similarly, is replacing the Chinese government name with an equivalent in English.Metaphorically speaking, translation is often described as a moving trajectory going from A to B along a path or a container to carry something across from A to B. This view is commonly held by both translation practitioners and theorists in the West. In this view, they do not expect that this trajectory or something will change its identity as it moves or as it is carried. In China, to translate is also understood by many people normally as “to translate the whole text sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph, without any omission, addition, or other changes. In both views, the source text and the target text must be “the same”. This helps explain the etymological source for the term “translation equivalence”. It is in essence a word which describes the relationship between the ST and the TT.Equivalence means the state or fact or property of being equivalent. It is widely used in several scientific fields such as chemistry and mathematics. Therefore, it comes to have a strong scientific meaning that is rather absolute and concise. Influenced by this, translation equivalence also comes to have an absolute denotation though it was first applied in translation study as a general word. From a linguistic point of view, it can be divided into three sub-types, i.e., formal equivalence, semantic equivalence, and pragmatic equivalence. In actual translation, it frequently happens that they cannot be obtained at the same time, thus forming a kind of relative translation equivalence in terms of quality. In terms of quantity, sometimes the ST and TT are not equivalent too. Absolute translation equivalence both in quality and quantity, even though obtainable, is limited to a few cases.The following is a brief discussion of translation equivalence study conducted by three influential western scholars, Eugene Nida, Andrew Chesterman and Peter Newmark. It‟s expected that their studies can instruct GNT study in China and provide translators with insightful methods.Nida‟s definition of translation is: “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” It i s a replacement of textual material in one language〔SL〕by equivalent textual material in another language(TL). The translator must strive for equivalence rather than identity. In a sense, this is just another way of emphasizing the reproducing of the message rather than the conservation of the form of the utterance. The message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the source language to reproduce as literally and meaningfully as possible the form and content of the original. Translation equivalence is an empirical phenomenon discovered bycomparing SL and TL texts and it‟s a useful operational concept like the term “unit of translati on”.Nida argues that there are two different types of equivalence, namely formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. Formal correspondence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content, whereas dynamic equivalence is based upon “the principle of equivalent effect”.Formal correspondence consists of a TL item which represents the closest equivalent of a ST word or phrase. Nida and Taber make it clear that there are not always formal equivalents between language pairs. Therefore, formal equivalents should be used wherever possible if the translation aims at achieving formal rather than dynamic equivalence. The use of formal equivalents might at times have serious implications in the TT since the translation will not be easily understood by the target readership. According to Nida and Taber, formal correspondence distorts the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language, and hence distorts the message, so as to cause the receptor to misunderstand or to labor unduly hard.Dyn amic equivalence is based on what Nida calls “the principle of equivalent effect” where the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message. The message has to be modified to the receptor‟s linguistic needs and cultural expectation and aims at complete naturalness of expression. Naturalness is a key requirement for Nida. He defines the goal of dynamic equivalence as seeking the closest natural equivalent to the SL message. This receptor-oriented approach considers adaptations of grammar, of lexicon and of cultural references to be essential in order to achieve naturalness; the TL should not show interference from the SL, and the …foreignness …of the ST setting is minimized.Nida is in favor of the application of dynamic equivalence, as a more effective translation procedure. Thus, the product of the translation process, that is the text in the TL, must have the same impact on the different readers it was addressing. Only in Nida and Taber's edition is it clearly stated that dynamic equivalence in translation is far more than mere correct communication of information.As Andrew Chesterman points out in his recent book Memes of Translation, equivalence is one of the five element of translation theory, standing shoulder to shoulder with source-target, untranslatability, free-vs-literal, All-writing-is-translating in importance. Pragmatically speaking, observed Chesterman, “the only true examples of equivalence (i.e., absolute equivalence) are those in which an ST item X is invariably translated into a given TL as Y, and vice versa. Typical examples would be words denoting numbers (with the exceptionof contexts in which they have culture-bound connotations, such as “magic” or “unlucky”), certain technical terms (oxygen, molecule) and the like. From this point of view, the only true test of equivalence would be invariable back-translation. This, of course, is unlikely to occur except in the case of a small set of lexical items, or perhaps simple isolated syntactic structure”.Peter Newmark. Departing from Nida‟s receptor-oriented line, Newmark argues that the success of equivalent effect is “illusory “and that the conflict of loyalties and the gap between emphasis on source and target language will always remain as the overriding problem in translation theory and practice. He suggests narrowing the gap by replacing the old terms with those of semantic and communicative translation. The former attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original, while the latter “attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.” Newmark‟s description of communicative translation resembles Nida‟s dynamic equivalence in the effect it is trying to create on the TT reader, while semantic translation has similarities to Nida‟s formal equivalence.Meanwhile, Newmark points out that only by combining both semantic and communicative translation can we achieve the goal of keeping the …spirit‟ of the original. Semantic translation requires the translator retain the aesthetic value of the original, trying his best to keep the linguistic feature and characteristic style of the author. According to semantic translation, the translator should always retain the semantic and syntactic structures of the original. Deletion and abridgement lead to distortion of the author‟s intention and his writing style.翻译对等尽管全世界正在渐渐成为一个地球村,但翻译仍然是语言和和文化之间的交流互动和相互影响的主要方式之一。



























目录摘要 (1)英文摘要 (2)第一章绪论 (3)第二章泰勒公式 (5)泰勒公式的意义 (5)泰勒公式余项的类型 (5)泰勒公式 (6)第三章泰勒公式的实际应用 (7)利用泰勒公式求极限 (7)利用泰勒公式进行近似计算 (8)在不等式证明中的应用 (9)泰勒公式在外推上的应用 (10)求曲线的渐近线方程 (11)泰勒公式在函数凹凸性及拐点判断中的应用 (13)在广义积分敛散性中的应用 (14)泰勒公式在关于界的估计 (15)泰勒公式展开的唯一性问题 (15)结束语 (16)致谢 (17)参考文献 (18)第一章 绪论近代微积分的蓬勃发展,促使几乎所有的数学大师都致力于相关问题的研究,特别是泰勒,笛卡尔,费马,巴罗,沃利斯等人作出了具有代表性的工作.泰勒公式是18世纪早期英国牛顿学派最优秀代表人物之一的英国数学家泰勒,在微积分学中将函数展开成无穷级数而定义出来的.泰勒将函数展开成级数从而得到泰勒公式,对于一般函数f ,设它在点0x 存在直到n 阶的导数,由这些导数构成一个n 次多项式()20000000()()()()()()()(),1!2!!n n n f x f x f x T x f x x x x x x x n '''=+-+-++- 称为函数f 在点0x 处的泰勒多项式,若函数f 在点0x 存在直至n 阶导数,则有0()()(()),n n f x T x x x ο=+-即()200000000()()()()()()()()(()).2!!n n f x f x f x f x f x x x x x x x x x n ο'''=+-+-++-+- 称为泰勒公式.众所周知,泰勒公式是数学分析中非常重要的内容,它的理论方法已经成为研究函数极限和估计误差等方面不可或缺的数学工具,集中体现了微积分“逼近法”的精髓,在近似计算上有着独特的优势,利用它可以将非线性问题化为线性问题,并能满足很高的精确度要求,在微积分的各个方面都有重要的应用. 泰勒公式在分析和研究数学问题中有着重要作用,它可以应用于求极限、判断函数极值、求高阶导数在某些点的数值、判断广义积分收敛性、近似计算、不等式证明等方面.关于泰勒公式的应用,已有许多专家学者对它产生了浓厚的兴趣,它们对某些具体的题目作出了具体的解法,如求极限,判断函数凹凸性和收敛性,求渐近线,界的估计和近似值的计算等等.虽然泰勒公式应用到各个数学领域很多,但也还有很多方面学者还很少提及,因此在这泰勒公式及其应用方面我们有研究的必要,并且有很大的空间.泰勒公式不仅在极限和不等式证明中能解决许多问题,同时也是研究分析数学的重要工具.其原理是很多函数都能用泰勒公式表示,又能借助于泰勒公式来研究函数近似值式和判断级数收敛性的问题.因此泰勒公式在数学实际应用中是一种重要的应用工具,我们必须掌握它,用泰勒公式这一知识解决更多的数学实际问题.第二章 泰勒公式 泰勒公式的意义泰勒公式的意义是,用一个n 次多项式来逼近函数f .而多项式具有形式简单,易于计算等优点.泰勒公式由()f x 的n 次泰勒多项式()n P x 和余项0()[()]n n R x o x x =-组成,我们来详细讨论它们.当n =1时,有1000()()()()P x f x f x x x '=+-,是()y f x =的曲线在点00(,())x f x 处的切线(方程),称为曲线()y f x =在点00(,())x f x 的一次密切,显然,切线与曲线的差异是较大的,只是曲线的近似.当n =2时,有2020000()()()()()()2!f x P x f x f x x x x x '''=+-+-, 是曲线()y f x =在点00(,())x f x 的“二次切线”,也称曲线()y f x =在点00(,())x f x 的二次密切.可以看出,二次切线与曲线的接近程度比切线要好.当次数越来越高时,接近程度越来越密切,近似程度也越来越高.泰勒公式余项的类型泰勒公式的余项分为两类,一类是定性的,一类是定量的,它们的本质相同,但性质各异.定性的余项如佩亚诺型余项0(())n o x x -,仅表示余项是比0()n x x -(当0x x →时)高阶的无穷小.如33sin ()6x x x o x =-+,表示当0x →时,sin x 用36x x -近似,误差(余项)是比3x 高阶的无穷小.定量的余项如拉格朗日型余项(1)101()()(1)!n n f x x n ξ++-+(ξ也可以写成00()x x x θ+-)、柯西余项(如在某些函数的幂级数展开时用).定量的余项一般用于函数值的计算与函数形态的研究.泰勒公式的定义(1)带有佩亚诺(Peano)型余项的泰勒公式如果函数()f x 在点0x 的某邻域内具有n 阶导数, 则对此邻域内的点x ,有()200000000()()()()()()()()(()).2!!n n f x f x f x f x f x x x x x x x x x n ο'''=+-+-++-+- 当00x =时, 上式称为麦克劳林(Maclaurin)公式.即()(1)21(0)(0)(0)()(0)(0)(01)2!!(1)!n n n n f f f f x f f x x x x n n θθ++'''=+++++<<+(2)带有拉格朗日(Lagrange)型余项的泰勒公式如果函数()f x 在点0x 的某邻域内具有1n +阶导数, 则对此邻域内的点x , 有()(1)2100000000()()()()()()()()()()2!!(1)!n n n n f x f x f f x f x f x x x x x x x x x n n ξ++'''=+-+-++-+-+ (ξ介于0x 与x 之间)第三章 泰勒公式的实际应用利用泰勒公式求极限对于待定型的极限问题,一般可以采用洛比达法则来求,但是,对于一些求导比较繁琐,特别是要多次使用洛比达法则的情况,泰勒公式往往是比洛比达法则更为有效的求极限工具.利用泰勒公式求极限,一般用麦克劳林公式形式,并采用佩亚诺型余项.当极限式为分式时,一般要求分子分母展成同一阶的麦克劳林公式,通过比较求出极限.例1 求2240cos lim x x x e x -→-分析:此题分母为4x ,如果用洛比达法则,需连用4次,比较麻烦.而用带佩亚诺余项的泰勒公式解求较简单.解: 因为2211()2!x e x x o x =+++ 将x 换成22x -有 222222211()()(())22!22x x x x e o -=+-+-+- 又244cos 1()2!4!x x x o x =-++ 所以 24442111cos ()()()2484x x e x o x o x --=-+- 441()12x o x =-+ 故2442441()cos 112lim lim 12x x x x o x x ex x -→∞→∞-+-==- 例2 求极限2240cos lim sin x x x e x -→-.解: 因为分母的次数为4,所以只要把cos x ,22x e-展开到x 的4次幂即可.24411cos 1()2!4!x x x o x =-++ 22224211()()22!2x x x e o x -=-+-+ 故 2240cos lim sin x x x e x -→-444011()()4!8lim x x o x x→-+= 112=- 带有佩亚诺型余项的泰勒公式是求函数极限的一个非常有力的工具 ,运用得当会使求函数的极限变得十分简单.利用泰勒公式进行近似计算例1 用x e 的10次泰勒多项式求e 的近似值i ,并估计误差. 解:在x e 的泰勒公式中取1,10x n ==,则有111112!3!10!e ≈+++++ 2.718281801= 由于e 的精确度值e 2.718281801=,可以看出这么算得的结果是比较准确的.关于计算的误差,则有如下的估计11813() 6.81011!11!x e d x ξ==<≈⨯. 必须注意,泰勒公式只是一种局部性质,因此在用它进行近似计算时,x 不能远离0x ,否则效果会比较差,甚至产生完全错误的结果.如在ln(1)x +的泰勒多项式中令x =1,取它的前10项计算ln 2的近似值,得到111111111ln 212345678910≈-+-+-+-+- = 634 92…而ln 2= 147 28…,误差相当大,但如改用其他泰勒多项式,如1ln ln(1)ln(1)1x x x x +=+--- 23223221()232232n n n x x x x x x x x o x n n ⎡⎤⎡⎤=-+--------+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦352122()3521n n x x x x o x n -⎡⎤=+++++⎢⎥-⎣⎦, 令1,3x =只取前两项便有3111ln 22()333⎡⎤≈+=⎢⎥⎣⎦…, 取前四项则可达到3571111111ln 22()()()3335373⎡⎤≈+++⎢⎥⎣⎦= 124 75…, 效果比前面好得多.例2 当x 很小时,推出331111x x x x +-⎛⎫⎛⎫-- ⎪ ⎪-+⎝⎭⎝⎭的简单的近似公式. 解: 当x 很小时,111133331122111111x x x x x x x x +-⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫-=+-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪-+-+⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭2224[1][1]3(1)3(1)3(1)x x x x x x ≈+--=--- 43x ≈ 在不等式证明中的应用关于不等式的证明,我们已经在前面介绍了多种方法,如利用拉格朗日中值定理来证明不等式,利用函数的凸性来证明不等式,以及通过讨论导数的符号来得到函数的单调性,从而证明不等式的方法.下面我们举例说明,泰勒公式也是证明不等式的一个重要方法. 例1 设()f x 在[0,1]二次可导,而且(0)(1)0f f ==,01lim ()1x f x ≤≤=-,试求存在(0,1)ξ∈,使()8f ξ''≥.证: 由于()f x 在[0,1]的最小值不等于在区间端点的值,故在[0,1]内存在1x ,使1()1f x =-,由费马定理知,1()0f x '=.又21111()()()()()()2!f f x f x f x x x x x η'''=+-+- 21()1()2!f x x η''=-+-(η介于x 与1x 之间) 由于(0)(1)0f f ==,不令0x =和1x =,有211()0(0)1(0)2f f x ξ''==-+- 所以21112()2(1)(1)f x x ξξ-''=-<< 当1112x <≤时,2128x -≥,而当1112x <<时,212(1)8x --≥,可见1()f ξ''与2()f ξ''中必有一个大于或等于8. 泰勒公式在外推上的应用外推是一种通过将精度较低的近似值进行适当组合,产生精度较高的近似值的方法,它的基础是泰勒公式,其原理可以简述如下. 若对于某个值a ,按参数h 算出的近似值1()a h 可以展开成231123()a h a c h c h c h =++++ (*)(这里先不管i c 的具体形式),那么按参数2h 算出的近似值1()2h a 就是231123111()2248h a a c h c h c h =++++ (**)1()a h 和1()2h a 与准确值a 的误差都是()o h 阶的. 现在,将后(**)式乘2减去(*)式,便得到11232232()()2()21h a a h a h a d h d h -==+++-也就是说,对两个()o h 阶的近似值化了少量几步四则运算进行组合之后,却得到了具有2()o h 阶的近似值2()a h .这样的过程就称为外推.若进行了一次外推之后精度仍未达到要求,则可以从2()a h 出发再次外推,22343344()()2()41h a a h a h a e h e h -==+++-,得到3()o h 阶的近似值3()a h .这样的过程可以进行1k -步,直到 11112()()2()()21k k k k k k h a a h a h a o h -----==+-, 满足预先给定的精度.外推方法能以较小的待解获得高精度的结果,因此是一种非常重要的近似计算技术.例 1 单位圆的内接正n 边形的面积可以表示为1()sin(2)2S h h hπ=, 这里1h n=,按照泰勒公式351(2)(2)()223!5!h h S h h h πππ⎡⎤=-+-⎢⎥⎣⎦ 246123c h c h c h π=++++因此,其内接正2n 边形的面积可以表示为351()()()23!5!h h h S h h πππ⎡⎤=-+-⎢⎥⎣⎦24612314c h c h c h π=++++,用它们作为π的近似值,误差都是()o h 量级的.现在将这两个近似的程度不够理想的值按以下方式组合:4()()()()22()()4123h h S S h S S h h S h S --==+- 那么通过简单的计算就可以知道4623()S h d h d h π=+++2h 项被消掉了!也就是说,用()S h 近似表示π,其精度可以大大提高. 求曲线的渐近线方程若曲线()y f x =上的点(,())x f x 到直线y ax b =+的距离在x →+∞或x →-∞时趋于零,则称直线y ax b =+是曲线()y f x =的一条渐近线.当0a =时称为水平渐近线,否则称为斜渐近线.显然,直线y ax b =+是曲线()y f x =的渐近线的充分必要条件为lim[()()]0x f x ax b →+∞-+=或lim[()()]0x f x ax b →-∞-+=如果y ax b =+是曲线()y f x =的渐近线,则()()lim 0x f x ax b x →+∞-+=(或()()lim 0x f x ax b x→-∞-+=). 因此首先有()lim x f x a x →+∞=(或()lim x f x a x→-∞=). 其次,再由lim[()()]0x f x ax b →+∞-+=(或lim[()()]0x f x ax b →-∞-+=)可得 lim[()]x b f x ax →+∞=-(或lim[()]x b f x ax →-∞=-) 反之,如果由以上两式确定了a 和b ,那么y ax b =+是曲线()y f x =的一条渐近线.中至少有一个成立,则称直线y ax b =+是曲线()y f x =的一条渐近线,当0a =时,称为水平渐近线,否则称为斜渐近线.而如果()f x 在x 趋于某个定值a 时趋于+∞或-∞,即成立lim ()x f x →∞=±∞则称直线x a =是()f x 的一条垂直渐近线.注意,如果上面的极限对于x →∞成立,则说明直线y ax b =+关于曲线()y f x =在x →+∞和x →-∞两个方向上都是渐近线.除上述情况外,如果当x a +→或a -时,()f x 趋于+∞或-∞,即lim ()x a f x +→=±∞或lim ()x a f x -→=±∞,则称直线x a =是曲线()y f x =的一条垂直渐近线.例1 求 2(1)3(1)x y x -=+的渐近线方程. 解: 设 2(1)3(1)x y x -=+的渐近线方程为y ax b =+,则由定义 2(1)1lim lim 3(1)3x x y x a x x x →∞→∞-===+ 2(1)lim[]3(1)x x b ax x →∞-=-+ 2(1)1lim[]3(1)3x x x x →∞-=-+ =131lim 131x x x →∞-+=-+ 由此13x y =-为曲线y =2(1)3(1)x x -+的渐近线方程。





泰勒公式得名于英国数学家布鲁克·泰勒,他在 1712 年的一封信里首次叙述了这个公式。


除此之外,泰勒公式在应用于求极限, 判断级数的敛散性和多种不等式的证明中,这对深刻体会泰勒公式的重要作用, 拓宽我们的解题思维,提高分析与解决问题的能力以及综合运用知识的能力有着巨大的指导作用。

关键词:泰勒公式;近似计算;函数;敛散性;极限一、 引言1715 年,泰勒在其著作《正的和反的增量方法》中首先提出了著名的泰勒 f (x )=f (x )+f ′(x )(x − x ) + f ′′(x 0) (x − x )2 + ⋯ + f (n )(x 0)(x − x )n 当 x = 0 时2!n !O便称作麦克劳林公式。

1772 年,拉格朗日强调了这条公式的重要性,而且称之为微分学基本定理,但是泰勒在 证明中并没有考虑级数的收敛性,因而使证明不严谨,直到十九世纪二十年代才由柯西完成。



如果能将有理分式函数,特别是无理函数和初等超越函数用多项式函数近似代替,而误差 又能满足要求,显然, 这对函数性态的研究和函数值的近似计算都有重要意义。

那么一个函数只有什么条件才能用多项式函数近似代替呢?这个多项式函数的各项系数与这个函数有什么关系呢?用多项式函数近似代替这个函数误差又怎么样呢? 通过对数学分析的学习,我感觉到泰勒公式是微积分学中的重要内容,在函 . 数值估测及近似计算,用多项式逼近函数, 求函数的极限和定积分不等式、等式的证明等方面,泰勒公式是非常有用的工具。

















关键词(Key words):泰勒展开式放缩引言(Introduction):高等数学中,e^{x} 的幂级数展开式是像霉霉一样特别优美。

具体表现为通过泰勒展开式能将一些较为复杂的函数e^{x} ,\ln(1+x)用较为简单的函数1+x,x-\frac{x^{2}}{2} (二阶展开式)表示之。


上图为f(x)=e^{x} (yellow )和它在x=0处的线性逼近P_{1}=1+x (blue ),通俗来说就是f(x)=e^{x} 在x=0处的切线方程为P_{1}=1+x。

由上图可直观感知到一个重要的不等关系:e^{x}\geq 1+x (x\in R),可以毫不夸张的说,高考导数涉及到的以泰勒展开式为题设背景的题都是以这个重要不等式变换而来的。







洛必达法则失效的种种情况及处理方法我看到这样一道题⎰+∞→x x x x x 0d sin 1lim ,说是不可以使用洛必达法则,我对照这本书上关于使用洛必达法则的条件,觉得还不太清楚,好像应该是符合条件的,谢谢你抽空给我指点一下。

洛必达法则是计算极限的一种最重要的方法,我们在使用它时,一定要注意到该法则是极限存在的充分条件,也就是说洛必达法则)()(lim )()(limx g x f x g x f a x a x ''=→→的三个条件: (1)0)(lim =→x f a x (或∞),0)(lim =→x g a x (或∞);(2))(x f 和)(x g 在a x =点的某个去心邻域内可导;(3)A x g x f a x =''→)()(lim(或∞)。




而对于极限问题⎰+∞→x x x x x 0d sin 1lim 来说,因为x x g x f x x sin lim )()(lim +∞→+∞→=''不存在(既不是某个常数,也不是无穷大),而可知洛必达法则的第三个条件得不到验证。



【问题】求极限⎰+∞→x x x x x 0d sin 1lim。

【解】对于任何足够大的正数x ,总存在正整数n ,使ππ)1(+<≤n x n ,也就是说总存在正整数n ,使r n x +=π,其中π<≤r 0。

这样+∞→x 就等价于∞→n ,所以⎰⎰+∞→+∞→+=r n n x x x x r n x x x ππ00d sin 1lim d sin 1lim⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++=⎰⎰+∞→r n n n n x x x x r n ππππd sin d sin 1lim 0 ππππ22lim d sin d sin 1lim 00=++=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++=∞→∞→⎰⎰r n R n t t x x n r n n r n , 这里前面一项注意到了函数x sin 的周期为π,而后面一项作了令t n x +=π的换元处理。

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Ta yl or 's Formu la an d the St udy of Ext rema1. Tay lor's Form ula for M apping sTh eore m 1. If a mapping Y U f →: from a neigh bo rho od ()x U U = of a point x in a no rm ed space X into a no rmed spac e Y ha s d eriva tiv es up to o rde r n -1 in clus ive in U an d h as an n-th orde r deriv ati ve ()()x f n at t he p oint x, the n()()()()()⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++++=+n n n h o h x f n h x f x f h x f !1,(1)as 0→h .Equ ali ty (1) i s one of the variet ie s of Ta ylor's fo rmu la, writte n here for ra ther ge neral c las ses of ma ppings.Proof . We p rov e T ay lor's fo rmu la by ind ucti on. For 1=n it is tru e by d efinition of ()x f ,.As sume form ul a (1) is true for so me N n ∈-1.Then b y the mean -val ue th eo rem, fo rm ula (12) o f Sec t. 10.5, and the in duc tion h ypot hesis , we obtain.()()()()()()()()()()()()()⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+++-+≤⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+++-+--<<n n n n n n h o h h o hh x f n h x f x f h x f h x f n h f x f h x f 11,,,,10!11sup !1x θθθθθ ,as 0→h .W e s hall not take t he t ime h ere t o di scuss o th er v er si ons of Tayl or 's f ormu la, whic h are so meti mes quite useful . They wer e discu sse d earlier in detail for nume rica l fun cti ons . At thi s point w e le av e it to th e reader to derive them (s ee, for e xample , Pro blem 1 below).2. Meth od s of St udying Inte rior Ext remaUsin g Ta ylor's formul a, we sha ll exhib it nece ssar y condi tio ns a nd a lso suffic ie nt c ondi tions for a n inte rior l ocal ex tre mum of r eal -val ue d fun ctions def ined on an op en su bse t of a nor med sp ace. As we sha ll see , these cond it io ns are an alogous to t he diffe renti al conditi ons alr eady known t o us fo r an ex tr emum o f a real -val ue d func tion of a re al variabl e.Theorem 2. Let R U f →: be a real-v al ued functio n d efined o n ano pen set U in a norm ed spa ce X a nd having continuous derivatives up to order 11≥-k inclu siv e in a neig hb orh ood of a point U x ∈ an d a d erivative()()x f k of order k at th e p oi nt x i tself. If ()()()0,,01,==-x f x f k an d ()()0≠x f k , then for x to be an e xt rem um of the fu nct ion f it is:n eces sary that k be ev en and th at the form()()k k h x f b e s emid efini te,a nd sufficient th at the v alues o f t he for m()()k k h x f on th e unit s phere 1=h be b ound ed away fr om ze ro; mo reov er, x i s a lo cal minimum if the i nequali ti es()()0>≥δk k h x f ,h old o n that sphere, and a lo cal ma ximum if()()0<≤δk k h x f ,Proof. For the pr oof we con si de r the Taylor expansio n (1) of f i n a neigh bo rhood of x . Th e ass umptions e nable u s to w rite()()()()()k k k h h h x f k x f h x f α+=-+!1where ()h α is a re al-valued f unc tio n, and ()0→h α as 0→h .W e fi rs t prove th e neces sary co nditions.Since ()()0≠x f k , th er e exist s a v ector 00≠h on w hic h()()00≠k k h x f . The n for values of th e real pa ram eter t suffici ently close to zero ,()()()()()()k k k th th th x f k x f th x f 0000!1α+=-+()()()kk k k t h th h x f k ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=000!1αa nd the ex pr ession in the outer pa rent heses h as the same sign a s()()k k h x f 0.For x to be an e xtre mum i t i s neces sary for the left-hand sid e (an d h ence also the right-h and side) of this last e quality to be of co nstan t sign when t c han ges sig n. B ut th is is pos sible only if k is ev en .Thi s reaso ning sho ws that if x is an ex tre mum, then the sign o f the diffe ren ce ()()x f th x f -+0 is th e same a s th at of ()()k k h x f 0 fo r suffi ci ent ly sma ll t; hen ce in that ca se th ere cann ot be two vect ors0h , 1hat whi ch th e for m ()()x f k as sum es val ues wi th o ppo si te s igns. We now turn to t he pro of of t he su fficie ncy con dit io ns. For de fi nitene ss we consider the ca se w hen()()0>≥δk k h x f for 1=h . Then()()()()()k k k h h h x f k x f h x f α+=-+!1()()()k k k h h h h x f k ⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=α!1 ()k h h k ⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+≥αδ!1and , sinc e ()0→h α as 0→h , the l as t ter m i n this ine quality is pos itive for all vect or s 0≠h suff iciently clo se to zero. Thu s, for al l su ch ve ctors h, ()()0>-+x f h x f ,t hat i s, x is a stri ct loc al m inimu m.Th e suf ficie nt cond itio n for a strict lo cal m ax imum i s v erified sim il iarly .Remark 1. If t he space X is fi nite-dimensi onal, t he u nit sp here ()1;x S with cente r at X x ∈, bein g a clo sed bo und ed subset of X, is c ompac t. T he n the co ntinuous fun ctio n ()()()()k k i i i i k k h h x f h x f ⋅⋅∂= 11 (a k-f orm) h as bot h a maxim al and a minimal value on ()1;x S . If thes e val ues are of opposite s ign, t hen f does no t have a n ex tr emu m a t x. If they are both of the same sig n, then, as wa s sh ow n in Theorem 2, there is an extr emum. In the latter case , a s ufficient con dition fo r an extr em um ca n ob viously be state d as the equi vale nt req uirement that the for m ()()k k h x f be eithe r p ositiv e- o r negativ e-defi nit e.It was t his form of the conditio n tha t we en coun te re d in studying realvalu ed functi ons o nn R .Rem ark 2. As w e h ave seen in the exam ple of function sR R fn →:, t he se mi-de fini teness of th e form ()()k k h x f e xhibit ed i n th e nec ess ary condit io ns for an ex tr em um is not a suffi cie nt crit eri on for a n extremum.R emar k 3. In practice, when studying extrema of dif fer entiabl e fu nct ion s o ne no rmally u ses only the first or se con d dif feren tia ls. Ifthe un iq uene ss and type o f extremum are ob vious from th e mea ning o f th e probl em being stud ied, one can r es tri ct atte nt ion to the first di ff erential wh en s eeking a n extr emum, si mp ly fin ding the point x w her e()0,=x f3. S ome Exam pl esE xample 1. Le t()()R R C L ;31∈ and ()[]()R b a C f ;,1∈. In oth er words, ()()321321,,,,u u u L u u u i s a co nti nuousl y di ffe renti able r ea l-v alued fun ct ion d ef ined in 3R and ()x f x a smoot h r eal-va lued f unction defined o n the closed interv al []R b a ⊂,.C onsid er the fu nction()[]()R R b a C F →;,:1(2)d ef ine d by t he re lat ion()[]()()f F R b a C f ;,1∈()()()R dx x f x f x L ba ∈=⎰,,,(3)Thus , (2) i s a r ea l-value d fun cti on al defin ed on the set of functi ons ()[]()R b a C ;,1.The b asi c v ar iati on al pri ncipl es connect ed with motio n are kno wn in physics and mechan ic s. Accord ing t o thes e pri nci ple s, th e a ct ual motion s are distinguishe d among al l the c onceiva ble motions in that they proc eed alo ng tra je ctor ies alon g whic h cert ai n functio nals have a n e xtremu m. Que st ions conne cte d wi th the extrem a of f un ct ionals are ce ntral i n opt imal co ntrol theory . Thu s, finding a nd st udying t he e xtrem a of functio nals is a p rob lemof int rinsic impo rta nce, an d th e t heo ry a ssoc iate d with it is th e subjec t of a larg e are a of anal ysis - the calculu s of va riatio ns. We ha ve alr eady done a fe w th in gs to make the tr an si tion from the analysis o f t he e xtre ma of n umer ical f unctions t o t he problem of finding an d stud yi ng extr ema of functiona ls s eem natura l to t he r eader. Ho weve r, w e shall no t go de eply into the sp ecial probl ems o f variation al ca lcul us, but ra ther use the e xa mple of the f unctional (3) t o illu stra te on ly the gene ral ide as o f di fferen tiat ion a nd study of local extrema considered above .We sh all s how tha t th e func tion al (3) is a di ffe re nt iate ma ppi ng an d f in d i ts diffe rential.W e remark t hat th e func ti on (3) can b e regarde d as the c omp os ition o f the m apping s()()()()()x f x f x L x f F ,1,,= (4)de fine d by the formul a()[]()[]()R b a C R b a C F ;,;,:11→(5)f ollo wed by the mapping[]()()()R dx x g g F R b a C g ba ∈=∈⎰2;, (6)B y prop er ties of the integ ral, the map pi ng 2F is ob viously linear an d c ontinuou s, so t hat its different iab ility is c le ar. We shall s how that t he mappi ng1F is also d iffer en tiabl e, and t hat()()()()()()()()()()x h x f x f x L x h x f x f x L x h f F ,,3,2,1.,,,∂+∂=(7)fo r ()[]()R b a C h ;,1∈.Indeed, by the cor oll ary to th e mea n-value theo rem, we c an wr ite in the pre se nt ca se()()()i i i u u u L u u u L u u u L ∆∂--∆+∆+∆+∑=32131321332211,,,,,,()()()()()()∆⋅∂-∆+∂∂-∆+∂∂-∆+∂≤<<u L u L u L u L u L u L 3312211110sup θθθθ ()()ii i i u L u u L i ∆⋅∂-+∂≤=≤≤=3,2,110max max 33,2,1θθ(8)whe re ()321,,u u u u = a nd ()321,,∆∆∆=∆.If we no w recall t hat the norm()1c f of t he fun ction f in ()[]()R b a C ;,1 is ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧c c f f ,,max (where c f i s the max imum ab solute value of the f unct io n o n the closed interval []b a ,), the n, se ttin gx u =1,()x f u =2, ()x f u ,3=, 01=∆, ()x h =∆2, and ()x h ,3=∆, we ob tain f rom inequa li ty (8), taking a ccount o f th e uni form contin uity o f the functi ons ()3,2,1,,,321=∂i u u u L i , on bo unded sub sets o f3R , t ha t ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()x h x f x f x L x h x f x f x L x f x f x L x h x f x h x f x L b x ,,3,2,,,0,,,,,,,,max ∂-∂--++≤≤ ()()1c h o = as ()01→c hBut thi s means tha t Eq. (7) hold s.B y t he c hain rule for dif ferenti ating a com posite functi on, we now c on clude that the f unctional (3) is in deed di ffer entiab le , and()()()()()()()()()()⎰∂+∂=ba dx x h x f x f x L x h x f x f x L h f F ,,3,2,,,,,(9)We of ten cons ide r the re strict ion o f th e fu nct io na l (3) to the affine spac e cons isti ng of the functio ns ()[]()R b a C f ;,1∈ that assum e fixed v alue s ()A a f =, ()B b f = at the end poi nts of the closed inter val []b a ,. In thi s case, the fu nction s h in the tangent s pac e()1f TC , must have the value zero at the endpoints o f the clo sed interval []b a ,. Taking t hi s f act i nto account, we may int egrate by parts in (9) and bring it int o the for m()()()()()()()()⎰⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∂-∂=b a dx x h x f x f x L dx d x f x f x L h f F ,3,2,,,,,(10)o f course un der the assu mption th at L and f belo ng to the co rrespon ding clas s ()2C .In particula r, if f is an e xtr emum (ex tremal) of suc h a func tiona l, then b y Theorem 2 we ha ve ()0,=h f F f or every function ()[]()R b a C h ;,1∈ s uch that ()()0==b h a h . Fro m this and re lation (10) one c an easily co nclu de (see P robl em 3 be low) th at th e function f mu st sa ti sfy the e qu at io n()()()()()()0,,,,,3,2=∂-∂x f x f x L dx d x f x f x L(11)This is a fr eq uen tl y-enc ountered form of the equ ation kn ow n in the calcul us of var iat ions as th e Euler -Lag range e quation. Le t us now c onsid er some sp eci fic exa mples.Exam ple 2. The sh or tes t-path pro blemAmo ng all the c ur ves in a pl ane joining tw o f ixed p oi nts, find the cur ve that has min imal le ngth.The an swer in this cas e is o bvio us , a nd i t r ath er serve s as a chec k o n th e forma l co mputa ti on s we wi ll b e d oi ng later.We shal l a ssume that a fixed Cart es ian coord inate sy stem has been chosen i n t he pl ane, in which th e tw o poin ts are, for e xa mple, ()0,0 an d ()0,1 . We confine our selve s to jus t the cu rves tha t are the g rap hs of funct ions ()[]()R C f ;1,01∈ assuming t he va lue zero at both en ds of t he c lo se d interval []1,0 . T he length of such a c urve()()()⎰+=102,1dx x f f F(12)depe nds on the fun ction f and is a func tiona l of the t ype cons idered in Ex ample 1. In thi s c ase the f un ct ion L has the for m ()()233211,,u u u u L +=and ther efo re the n ecess ary condition (11) for an e xtrem al here re duces to th e equation ()()()012,,=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+x f x f dx d fr om whic h it fol lows that ()()()常数≡+x f x f 2,,1(13)on the clos ed i nt erv al []1,0Since the fu nc tion21u u + i s not co nstant o n any int er val, Eq. (13) is possi ble onl y if ()≡x f ,const on []b a ,. Thus a sm oot h ex tr emal of this pro blem must be a linea r f un ction w hose graph pass es throu gh th e p oints ()0,0 a nd ()0,1. It fo llows that ()0≡x f , and w e a rri ve at the clo sed interva l o f th e line joining t he two g iv en poi nt s.Exa mpl e 3. The bra chist ochro ne problemTh e class ic al brach isto chrone prob lem, p osed by J oha nn Bern oulli I in 1696, was to find th e sh ape of a track a lon g which a poi nt mass would pas s from a prescr ibed po int 0P t o another fi xed point 1P at alowe r le vel under t he ac tio n of gra vity in the sh orte st t ime.We neglect fricti on, of co urs e. In addi tio n, we sha ll a ss ume that the tr ivial case in whic h bo th po int s li e o n the sam e v ert ica l line is ex cluded.In th e v er tical p lane pa ssing throug h the points 0P a nd1P we introduce a recta ng ul ar c oo rd in ate system such t hat 0P is at theori gi n, the x -axis is d irecte d ve rt icall y do wnward, and th e p oi nt1P has positive coordinate s ()11,y x .We shal l find the shape of t he track amo ng the gr aphs of s mooth fun ctio ns defined on th e cl osed i nt erval []1,0x an d s atisfy ing the co nditi on ()00=f ,()11y x f =. At the mo ment we shall n ot ta ke time to d isc uss this by no mean s uncontrove rsial assumption (see Pr obl em 4 bel ow).I f the particle be gan i ts de scen t f ro m t he poi nt 0P with zer o vel oci ty, the la w of var iation of its vel ocity in th ese coor din at es c an be w rit ten asgx v 2=(14)Rec al lin g t hat the di fferen tial of th e ar c le ngth is comp uted by the formula ()()()()dx x f dy dx ds 2,221+=+= (15)we fi nd t he tim e of de scen t()()()⎰+=102,121x dx x x f g f F(16)along the tr aject ory defi ned by the g raph of the fu nction()x f y = on the clos ed in terv al []1,0x .For the fu nc tional (16) ()()1233211,,u u u u u L +=,and t herefo re the condition (11) fo r an extre mu m reduc es i n t his case to the equ ation()()()012,,=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+x f x x f dx d , fr om whic h it fo llow s that ()()()x c x f x f =+2,,1(17)wh ere c i s a nonzero cons ta nt, since the po int s a re not both o n t he same vert ical li ne.Takin g accoun t of (15), we can rewr ite (17) i n the formx c ds dy =(18)However, fr om the g eom etric po int of vi ewϕcos =ds dx ,ϕsin =ds dy(19)w here ϕ is the angle be tween t he tan gent t o the t ra jectory and the po sitiv e x-axis.By co mparing Eq . (18) wit h the second e quation in (19), we fin dϕ22sin 1c x =(20)But it f ol lows f rom (19) and (20) th at dx dy d dy =ϕ,2222sin 2sin c c d d tg d dx tg d dx ϕϕϕϕϕϕϕ=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛==,fro m whi ch we fin d()b c y +-=ϕϕ2sin 2212 (21)Settinga c =221 and t =ϕ2, we wr ite r ela tions (20) a nd (21)as ()()b t t a y t a x +-=-=sin cos 1(22)Since 0≠a , it fo llow s th at 0=x on ly f or πk t 2=,Z k ∈. It f ol low s from th e form of t he func tion (22) that we m ay a ssu me w ith out l oss of gener ality tha t the p arame ter value 0=t corre sponds to th e po int ()0,00=P . In t his case Eq. (21) implies 0=b , and we ar rive at the simpler form()()t t a y t a x sin cos 1-=-= (23)fo r the parame tric def inition of this cu rve.Thus th e br ach is to chrone is a cyc lo id havi ng a c usp at the ini tia l po int 0P where the tan gent is vertic al. The consta nt a, which is a sca lin g co ef fic ient, mus t be ch osen so that the curve (23) also pa sse s throu gh the poi nt 1P . Suc h a c hoic e, as one c an see by sketc hing the c urve (23), is by n o mea ns a lw ay s un iq ue, and this s hows tha t t he ne cess ary cond ition (11) fo r an extrem um is i n general not su fficient. However, from physical cons iderati ons i t is cle ar w hic h of t he poss ible v alues of the para meter a sh ould be pre fe rred (and thi s, o f cours e, c an be confi rmed by dir ect com putati on).泰勒公式和极值的研究1.映射的泰勒公式定理1 如果从赋范空间X 的点x的邻域()x U U =到赋范空间Y的映射Y U f →:在U 中有直到n-1阶(包括n -1在内)的导数,而在点x 处有n 阶导数。
