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Unit 1 The Evolution of Managementas a Fieldof Study

evolution n.the process of developing发展

generalize v.toinfer frommany particulars概括

autobiographyn.the biography of a person written by that person 自传memoir n.anaccountofthe personexperiencesof anauthor 回忆录,自传

extremely ad. Beingin or attainingthe greatest orhighest degree 极度地

anthropologist n。someone whostudies anthropology人类学家

perspectiven。the wayin whicha situationor problem in judged sothat properconsideration isgivento each part 合理


turnover n. thenumber of workers hired by anestablishment to replace those who have left in a givenperiodof time 人员


approachn。the method used indealing withoraccomplishing方法contingency n. a possibility thatmust be prepared for可能事件,可能出现的情况

dynamic a.characterized by continuous change不断变化的

confrontationn. discord or a clashof opinions and ideas观点或思想的不断冲撞

incur v。to acquire or come into获得

compromise v. somethingthat combinesqualities or elements of different things折中

interdependent a.mutually dependent 互相依存的

characteristic n.afeature that helpstoidentify 特性

popularityn。the quality or state of being popular 普及

sole a。of or relating to only one individualorgroup单独的

reliance n.the actof relying or thestate ofbeing reliant依赖,依靠

sufficient a. being asmuchas is needed 充足的

alliance n。the act ofbecoming allied or the condition of beingallied 结盟

demographicn. ofor relating to demography 人口统计

complement v.toserve as a complement to补足

Unit2The Scopeof Managementﻫentail v。to have, impose, or require asanecessary accompaniment or consequence伴随

conform v.to act orbe in accord oragreement使和谐一致

envision v。topicturein the mind 想象

affordable a。thatcan be afforded买得起的

strive v。to exert much effort or energy 努力

missionn.specialassignment given toapersonor group 任务

informercialn. a commercialtelevisionprogram or relatively long c

ommercial segment offering consumerinformation商业信


franchise n.authorization grantedto someone to sellordistribute a company's goods or services inacertain area 特许


tactical a.of,relating to,orusingtactics 战术的

departmental a.部门的

peern.a person whohasequalstanding with another or others同等的人,与他人在爵位、阶级或年龄上相当的人

interpersonal a。relating to, occurring among,orinvolving several p eople 人与人之间的

foster v.to promote the growth and developmentof促进

pervasive a.having thequality ortendency to pervade or permeate 渗透性的

stakeholder n.one who hasa share or an interest 股东

flourish v.tobe in a periodof highestproductivity活跃

automotivea。moving by itself 自动的


analoguen。something that bears an analogy tosomething else 类似情况Unit 3 What are Orgnizations?

beast n.something a thing事物

organization n. a group of people with specialpurpose, suchas

a clubor business 团体,组织,机构,社团

invention n.somethinginvented发明物

contrivance n.device or tool,esp。one made byan individual for a p articular puipose 发明物;器械

patronage n.all thepatrons of a shop,hotel, etc,asagro up为了赞助而产生的

impact n。the force of anidea,invention,system,etc。影响力

perspective n。thewayin which a matteris judged,so that considerationand importance is five toeach part 判断事物的


association n.the actof joiningor the stateof being joined with somebody orsomething 联合;结合;结交

very a. (used for givingforce to an expression)(用于强调)正是;完全;实在whimn。a sudden ideaor wish, oftennotreasonable 突起的(怪)念头;一时的兴致

fancyn. an image,opinion, or idea imagined andnot based on fact无事实根据的幻觉,意见或看法

achieve v。to finish successfully完成;实现

souln. a person 人;灵魂

guidelinesn.the mainpoints aboutsomething which isto bedeal twith 指导方针;行动纲领

bridge v.tobuild a brige across 架桥
