

DOC 9261 岸基直升机场手册说明书

DOC 9261 岸基直升机场手册说明书

D OC 9261 PART II ONSHORE HELIPORT MANUAL Jim Lyons HDWG (RAeS)Heliport Manual –Part II (contents) Chapter 1 –IntroductionChapter 2 –Site Selection, Management and Heliport Data Chapter 3 –Physical CharacteristicsChapter 4 –Obstacle EnvironmentChapter 5 –Visual AidsChapter 6 –Heliport Emergency ResponseChapter 1 –Historical backgroundIntroductionScop and purposeContents of documentChapter 2 –Site selection, management and heliport data (contents of chapter) Site SelectionHeliport DataCertification of HeliportsSafety Management SystemsHeliport WinterisationSafeguarding of HeliportsInspection Qualifications and TrainingAppendix A –A Sample Aviation Safeguarding ProcedureChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics GeneralThe FATOThe TLOFHelicopter taxiways and taxi-routesAprons and standsAppendix A –The design helicopterAppendix B –Surface loadingAppendix C –Establishing the rejected take-off distance Appendix D –Establishing a virtual clearwayAppendix E –Rotor downwash and outwashChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (principal defined areas)FATOTLOFHelicopter Stand Helicopter Taxiway Ground Taxi-route Air Taxi-route ObjectivesAttributesAssociationsChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (FATO –objective, attributes and associations)3.1.1 A FATO shall:a) provide:1) an area free of obstacles, except for essential objects which because of their function arelocated on it, and of sufficient size and shape to ensure containment of every part of the design helicopter in the final phase of approach and commencement of take-off in accordance with the intended procedures; 2) when solid, a surface which is resistant to the effects of rotor downwash; andi) when collocated with a TLOF, is contiguous and flush with the TLOF, has bearingstrength capable of withstanding the intended loads and ensures effectivedrainage; or ii)when not collocated with a TLOF, is free of hazards should a forced landing be required; and b) be associated with a safety area.Attribute -ContainmentAttribute -Surface ConditionsChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (PC 2/3 FATO)Minimum FATO size = 1.5 Design DChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (PC1 FATO with rejected take-off area)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (PC1 restricted and helipad FATO with rejected take-off areas)FATO does not haveto have a surfaceChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics Associations (side slope at 45 degrees to 10 m)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics Associations (PC1 back-up area -schematic)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics Associations (Back-up area –3D visualisation)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (TLOF –objective, attributes and associations)3.1.21 A TLOF shall:a) provide:1)an area free of obstacles and of sufficient size and shape to ensure containment of theundercarriage of the most demanding helicopter the TLOF is intended to serve inaccordance with the intended orientation;2) a surface which:i)has sufficient bearing strength to accommodate the dynamic loads associatedwith the anticipated type of arrival of the helicopter at the designated TLOF;ii)is free of irregularities that would adversely affect the touchdown or lift-offof helicopters;iii)has sufficient friction to avoid skidding of helicopters or slipping of persons;iv)is resistant to the effects of rotor downwash; andv)ensures effective drainage while having no adverse effect on the control orstability of a helicopter during touchdown and lift-off, or when stationary;andb) be associated with a FATO or a stand.Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Helicopter Taxiways and Taxi-routes)Taxiway Attributes –Containment (wheels) and Surface LoadingTaxi-route Attributes –Containment (helicopter)Note.-the taxiway is always associated with a taxi-route –either ground or airChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Helicopter Taxiways and Taxi-routes)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (stand –shown in context) Stand Attributes –Containment (helicopter)Note.-the stand is always associated with a TLOF (whichprovides wheel containment and surface loading attributes)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Stand) A more complex stand –for ground taxiingChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix A –the design helicopter)1.3 In order to define the critical design helicopter, the following elements have to be established:a) MTOM;b) largest dimension of the helicopter with the rotors turning (D);c) largest width of the helicopter (which is generally accepted to be RD);d) largest UCW;e) largest containment area for all undercarriages (length and width (TLOF));f) largest distance between the Main Rotor Centroid and the mid-point of the D;g) required dimensions for hover and, if applicable, ground turning;h) wheel/skid loading (to establish the surface loading requirements);i) fuselage length/width (for the RFFS calculations); andj) critical obstacle avoidance criteria for obstacle limitation surfaces.Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix A –establishing minimum undercarriage containment)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix A –establishing minimum turning circle)3.5.2 Turning on the ground (wheeled undercarriage) Theoretically, a wheeled helicopter can be turned around its rotor centroid; however, it can place anunacceptable strain on the undercarriage if the helicopter is forced to rotate in its own length. In addition, a short run along the longitudinal axis may be required for the releasing and setting of wheel locks. If a helicopter is precisely manoeuvred around a radius-of-turn of 0.25D, it will be contained within acircle of 1.25D; and for a radius of turn of 0.5D, 1.75D, as shown in Figure II-3-A- In practice, most wheeled helicopters will have a minimum radius of turn established by the manufacturerwhich should be used in the design process. In the absence of data, the minimum radius of turn should be 0.5D.Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix B –surface loading)Surface loading has a substantial effect on the requirements for heliport design. Two terms commonly used in the provision of surface loading are defined in common language:a) static: having no motion; being at rest; quiescent; andb) dynamic: of, or relating to, energy or objects in motion.Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix C –rejected take-off distance vis-a-visTLOF and FATO)Physical dimensionsUndercarriage containment area (UC)/width/lengthRotorcraft overall length (D)Reference area of 1DTouchdown reference pointPerformance/measured informationTouchdown performance scatter (aircraft reference point scatter – 2X)Undercarriage containment area plus two times the touchdown performance scatterMinimum elevated heliport size demonstrated (AC 29-2C Para 29-75(b)(2)(viii) – includes UC + two times visual cues (2V) plus two times touchdown performance scatter (2X))Minimum rotorcraft containment area (MRCA) – overall length (D) plus the touchdown performance scatter (2X)Minimum TLOF sizeMinimum FATO sizeChapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix D –establishing a virtual clearway outside heliport) All Category A vertical procedures (i.e. other than runway-types)require a clearway (within or outside the heliport boundary)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix D –establishing a virtual clearway outside heliport)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix D –establishing a virtual clearway outside heliport)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix D –establishing a virtual clearway outside heliport)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix E –rotorcraft downwash and outwash)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix E –rotorcraft downwash and outwash)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix E –rotorcraft downwash and outwash)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix E –rotorcraft downwash and outwash)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix E –rotorcraft downwash and outwash)Chapter 3 –Physical Characteristics (Appendix E –rotorcraft downwash and outwash)Chapter 4 –Obstacle EnvironmentObstacle limitations surfaces and sectorsApproach surfaceTransitional surfaceTake-off surfaceSurface with and without PinSApplication of obstacle limitationsAppendix A –Elevating the origin of take-off and or approach surfaces and utilizing PC1 vertical proceduresChapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (slope design categories)Surface and dimensionsSlope design categoriesA B CApproach and take-off climb surface:Length of inner edge Width of safety area Width of safety area Width of safety areaLocation of inner edge Safety area boundary(Clearway boundaryif provided)Safety area boundary Safety area boundaryDivergence:(1st and2nd section)Day use onlyNight use10%15%10%15%10%15%First section:LengthSlopeOuter width3 386 m4.5%(1:22.2)(b)245 m8%(1:12.5)N/A1 220 m12.5%(1:8)(b)Second section:LengthSlopeOuter widthN/AN/AN/A830 m16%(1:6.25)(b)N/AN/AN/ATotal length from inner edge(a) 3 386 m c 1 075 m c 1 220 m c Transitional surface:SlopeHeight50%(1:2)45 m d50%(1:2)45 m d50%(1:2)45 m da.The approach and take-off climb surface lengths of3386m,1075m and1220m associated with the respective slopes brings the helicopter to152m(500ft)above FATO elevation.b.Seven rotor diameters overall width for day operations or10rotor diameters overall width for night operations.c.This length may be reduced if vertical procedures are in place or increased if the approach surface is extended to meet the OCS of the PinSarrival/departure procedure.This table contains the required surface and dimensionfor any Obstacle Limitation Surface(OLS)but each,in accordance with the notes,can be modified by elevatingthe surfaces-when vertical procedures are in place.The specific case of elevating the clearway,OLS and protection surfaces is addressed in Appendix A.Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (approach surface –type C)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (transitional surface -for limited visibility procedures)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (take-off climb surface –type A)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (take-off climb surface –type A with clearway)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (take-off climb surface –type B)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (take-off climb surface –type C)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (example of PinS –proceed visually with DP)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (example of PinS –with proceed visually DP)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (example of PinS –proceed visually)Chapter 4 –Obstacle Environment (example of PinS –proceed visually)Chapter 4 –Appendix A -elevating the origin of the take-off climb surfaceChapter 4 –Appendix A -elevating the origin of the approach surfaceElevating surfaces for landingChapter 4 –Appendix A -elevating the take-off climb/approach surfaces (with side-slope protection)Chapter 5 –Visual AidsIndicatorsMarking AidsLightsAppendix A –Visual alignment guidance systemsAppendix B –Helicopter rapproach path indicator (HAPI)Appendix C –Example of the UK specifications for a hospital heliport lighting system。









本系统与其他系统的关系如下:1.3定义1.3.1 专门术语SQL SERVER: 系统服务器所使用的数据库管理系统(DBMS)。

SQL: 一种用于访问查询数据库的语言事务流:数据进入模块后可能有多种路径进行处理。



ROLLBACK: 数据库的错误恢复机制。

1.3.2 缩写系统:若未特别指出,统指本机票预定系统。

SQL: Structured Query Language(结构化查询语言)。

ATM:Asynchronous Transfer Mode (异步传输模式)。

1.4参考资料以下列出在概要设计过程中所使用到的有关资料:1.机票预定系统项目计划任务书浙江航空公司1999/32.机票预定系统项目开发计划《**》软件开发小组1999/33.需求规格说明书《**》软件开发小组1999/34.用户操作手册(初稿)《**》软件开发小组1999/45.软件工程及其应用周苏、王文等天津科学技术出版社1992/16.软件工程张海藩清华大学出版社1990/117.Computer Network A.S.Tanenbaun Prentice Hall 1996/01文档所采用的标准是参照《软件工程导论》沈美明著的“计算机软件开发文档编写指南”。



花卉奇园转机大厅6米高的钢铁雕塑与植物并列,再搭配五颜六色的灯光,除了为过境区增添了梦幻 的神采也同时表现出独特的对比。

樟宜机场最新航站楼的必备指南机场购物用餐时出示会员卡赚取积分,即可兑换独家好礼和优惠积分可兑换新加坡航空常客计划里程铂金级会员可免费享受机场贵宾室使用权参与100%中奖小游戏赢得积分奖励或精美礼品立即免费登记成为樟宜奖励计划会员!还未成为会员?立即用微信扫码登记会员尊享礼遇加入樟宜奖励计划恣享超优厚特权嘿,大叔!公共区域“嘿,大叔!”是新加坡文化奖得奖者 张华昌所创作的青铜雕塑作品。

新加坡人和外国友人能轻易地认出 这具描绘了20世纪50年代一位母亲和儿子逛完市场后向一位骑三轮脚踏车的车夫打招呼的怀旧景象雕塑。

旅行一家亲转机大厅“旅行一家亲”是由著名瑞士艺术家Kurt Lawrence Metzler创作的铝材雕塑作品。


快来沉醉于4号航站楼的独特文化设计 及建筑特色!独一无二 精彩景点羽之灵公共区域“羽之灵”是三只手工打造的不锈钢铁丝鸟结构雕塑,十分精巧,由法国艺术家Cedric Le Borgne创作。



过境与 转机位于转机大厅,在中转厅F 和往3号航站楼的轻轨列车之间,靠近往入境大厅的电动扶梯(2楼)登记柜台位置(转机大厅内)抵达4号航站楼的旅客,可于4号 航站楼转机贵宾室乘搭短程巴士, 前往2号航站楼 办理登记手续。

您亦可到最近的 服务台查询详情。

文化之旅您可以参加我们的文化之旅,通过古今建筑和特殊文化 地区认识新加坡的过去和现代。




– Document present and projected development patterns of relevance to the impact area.
November 2018
(RGS WG/5)
Airport Master Planning Process Cont.
• Physical Planning
– Airspace and air traffic control provisions. – Airfield configuration (including approach zones). – Terminal complex. – Circulation, utility and communications networks. – Support and service facilities. – Ground access systems. – Over‐all land use patterns.
budgets. – Prepare and evaluation and decision format. – Establish coordination and monitoring procedures. – Establish data management and public
information system.
needs among aerodrome authority, businesses
and community.
November 2018
(RGS WG/5)
Changi Airport Master Plan
November 2018
(RGS WG/5)



机场能源管理系统设计方案重庆江北机场能源管理系统设计方案1 概述 (3)1.1 系统概述 (3)1.2 设计思路 (4)2 设计方案概述 (5)2.1 系统建设目标 (5)2.2 系统设计原则 (6)2.3 设计依据与技术规范 (7)2.4 能耗的分类采集 (8)2.5 系统架构 (12)2.6 技术支持平台体系 (15)2.7 典型应用案例 (16)3 数据中心设计 (18)3.1 数据容量设计 (18)3.2 数据中心配置 (18)3.2.3 数据中心平台软件组成 (19)4 系统功能 (21)4 主要设备介绍 (29)4.1 采集网关 (29)4.2 数据集中器 (33)4.3 组合式热量表(电磁型) (34)4.4 网络电表 (37)4.5 网络水表 (39)4.6 网络温控器 (43)5 项目案例表 (46)1.1 系统概述随着社会经济的快速发展,能源问题已经成为制约经济和社会发展的重要因素。

















本系统与其他系统的关系如下:1.3定义1.3.1 专门术语SQL SERVER: 系统服务器所使用的数据库管理系统(DBMS)。

SQL: 一种用于访问查询数据库的语言事务流:数据进入模块后可能有多种路径进行处理。




ROLLBACK: 数据库的错误恢复机制。

1.3.2 缩写系统:若未特别指出,统指本机票预定系统。

SQL: Structured Query Language(结构化查询语言)。

ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode (异步传输模式)。

1.4参考资料以下列出在概要设计过程中所使用到的有关资料:1.机票预定系统项目计划任务书浙江航空公司1999/32.机票预定系统项目开发计划《**》软件开发小组1999/33.需求规格说明书《**》软件开发小组1999/34.用户操作手册(初稿)《**》软件开发小组1999/45.软件工程及其应用周苏、王文等天津科学技术出版社1992/16.软件工程张海藩清华大学出版社1990/117.Computer Network A.S.Tanenbaun Prentice Hall 1996/01文档所采用的标准是参照《软件工程导论》沈美明著的“计算机软件开发文档编写指南”。

ARJ21-700飞机特性手册 (机场计划)说明书

ARJ21-700飞机特性手册 (机场计划)说明书

ARJ21-700用于机场计划的飞机特性手册ACAP编号:TP700051(PMC:ARJ21-SVV19-50009-00)初版版:2014.10.31R9:2022.12.29有 意 留 白本技术出版物的使用者,对于本出版物的使用、披露、管理等行为,需遵循中国商用飞机有限责任公司(“中国商飞”)技术出版物适用的任一国家/地区出口管制和经济制裁相关法律法规。









有 意 留 白—发送函2022.12.29发给:技术出版物的持有者。









融入空间要素控制 明确刚性控制与弹性控制 单元编码图 规划文本
“五线”控制图则 现状图则

划 成 果
规划图则 城市设计引导图则
地块编码图 地块图则 分图图则用规划 公共服务设施规划 道路交通规划 绿地与景观系统规划 市政与公共安全设施规划
2 土地使用规划
2 土地使用规划
总体规划相关规定 结合城市功能需求 城市设计空间形象
2 土地使用规划
用地性质 用地性质名称 用地面积(ha) 占总用地(%) 建筑面积(万平方米)
C C1 C2
C3 C5 D
D1 E E1 G G1 G2 R R2 S S1 S2 S3 U U2 U9 总用地
2 土地使用规划
已批、已建、已有规划意向用地 现状保留单位 涉及大量拆迁的用地
2 土地使用规划

借鉴《北京中心城控制性详细规划》 A类——小类(公益+基础): G、S、U 、C(除C2)、R22、R24 B类——中类(商业开发):C2、R2(除R22、R24)
















Civil Aviation University of China机场目视助航技术与系统基于CAD软件的机场设计*名:***学号: *********专业:自动化学院:航空自动化学院随着民用航空业的日渐发展壮大,飞机从小型化到大型化发展,各个机场的年旅客吞吐量增加,对民用机场的要求越来越高,从航站楼、跑道、滑行道、机坪、助航灯光、维护等各个方面每时每刻都是一个严峻的考验。

民航业永不灭的话题安全在机场同样重要,起飞、着陆的黑色13分随时影响机场,此次设计是基于CAD软件,主要设计跑道、滑行道、跑道滑行道有关灯光、机场跑道滑行道附近的标志牌标志物,本次设计的机场属于4F 级别机场,两条平行独立4000米跑道,宽60米+20米道肩,允许目前国内最大飞机起降,滑行道有宽60米的两条,长1600米,其余滑行道30米宽,灯光、标志牌、标志物按国家飞行区民用标准设定,符合标准。

1、前期研究说明 (1)2、总体设计说明 (1)3、跑道设计说明 (2)3.1 跑道入口 (3)3.2 跑道长度 (3)3.3 平行跑道之间的距离 (4)3.4 道道肩的宽度 (4)3.5 跑道号码和滑行道代号 (5)3.6 跑道中线标志 (5)3.7跑道入口标志 (6)3.8 瞄准点标志 (6)3.9 接地带标志 (7)4、滑行道设计说明 (8)4.1 基本要求 (8)4.2 滑行道宽度 (8)4.3 快速滑行道及滑行道中线设计 (9)4.4 普通滑行道 (10)4.5 滑行道号码 (11)5、总结 (11)6、参考文献 (14)1、前期研究说明随着航空产业的不断发展,机场建设已经成为一个很重要的话题,机场建设考虑的因素多,如当地的地形、海拔、经济的发展状况、当地的吞吐量、旅游或者工业发展状况、需要发展什么航空业、军事战略、风向、气候、降水量、交通发展状况、便捷程度、机场建设密度、通用航空需要程度、物流产业的发展状况等众多的因素综合考虑,建设高效、绿色、便捷、经济的机场,为当地的发展提供最好的服务。



机场空管工程设计方案规范1. 总则1.1 本规范适用于新建、扩建和改建机场的空管工程设计。

1.2 空管工程设计应遵循国家相关法律法规、标准和规范,结合机场运行特点、地域环境、工程规模和投资预算,确保空管系统安全、可靠、先进、经济和环保。

1.3 空管工程设计应充分考虑航空业务发展需求,满足现有机型和未来发展规划,提高空管保障能力,确保机场运行效率和航班正常性。

2. 空管工程设计内容2.1 空管工程设计应包括以下内容:1)通信系统;2)导航系统;3)气象系统;4)监视系统;5)航空交通管理系统;6)飞行服务系统;7)自动化办公系统;8)信息安全系统;9)电源及接地系统;10)环境与控制系统;11)建筑及设施布局;12)网络安全及防护措施;13)其他相关系统及设施。

2.2 通信系统设计应满足以下要求:1)通信设备应具备高可靠性、高性能、易于维护和扩展;2)通信网络应采用冗余设计,确保通信畅通;3)通信线路应采取防护措施,防止电磁干扰和信号衰减;4)通信设备及线路应满足不同业务需求,具备灵活配置和调整能力。

2.3 导航系统设计应满足以下要求:1)导航设备应具备高精度、高可靠性、抗干扰能力强;2)导航系统应采用冗余设计,确保导航信号连续性;3)导航设备应适应不同飞行程序和机场运行需求;4)导航设备及设施布局应符合民航局相关规定。

2.4 气象系统设计应满足以下要求:1)气象设备应具备高精度、高可靠性、快速响应;2)气象系统应具备多要素观测能力,满足不同气象需求;3)气象数据处理和预报系统应具备较强运算能力和图形显示功能;4)气象系统应与其他空管系统紧密集成,实现信息共享。

2.5 监视系统设计应满足以下要求:1)监视设备应具备高分辨率、高可靠性、抗干扰能力强;2)监视系统应采用冗余设计,确保监视画面清晰稳定;3)监视设备及设施布局应符合民航局相关规定;4)监视系统应与其他空管系统紧密集成,实现信息共享。

2.6 航空交通管理系统设计应满足以下要求:1)航空交通管理系统应具备高度自动化、智能化和集成化特点;2)系统应具备实时监控、动态调度、飞行计划管理等功能;3)系统应具备较强的信息处理和决策支持能力;4)系统应与其他空管系统紧密集成,实现信息共享。



目录一、机场名称及logo介绍 (1)1、机场名称 (1)2、logo介绍 (1)二、航空业务量预测 (2)三、机场场址选择 (2)1、地理位置 (3)2、自然条件 (3)四、飞行区规划 (5)(一)跑道系统规划 (5)1、跑道构型与方位 (5)2、跑道技术参数 (5)3、跑道附属区域规划 (5)4、道面物理性质设置 (6)(二)滑行道系统规划 (6)1、技术参数 (6)2、间距参数 (6)(三)机坪布局规划 (7)(四)机场目视助航设施规划 (8)1、标志和标记牌 (8)2、助航灯光系统 (8)(五)净空障碍物限制 (8)五、旅客航站区规划 (9)(一)航站楼构型及布局规划 (9)1、形象整体说明 (9)2、各区域规划及参数 (9)3、航站楼内部介绍 (11)(二)停车场 (14)六、其他分区规划 (14)(一)货运区规划 (14)(二)机务维修区规划 (15)(三)工作区规划 (15)七、其他设施规划 (15)(一)机场空中交通管制设施规划 (15)1、航管、通信设施——塔台 (15)2、气象设施 (16)(二)机场供油设施规划 (16)(三)救援和消防设施 (16)(四)机场安全保卫设施规划 (17)(五)机场公用设施规划 (17)八、机场地面综合交通设施规划 (17)1、城内交通 (17)2、城际交通 (18)九、机场环境保护与绿化美化布局规划 (19)1、噪声影响控制 (19)2、野生动物危害防治 (19)3、航空垃圾及机场废物的处理 (19)4、污水处理 (19)5、环境监测 (20)十、机场分期建设规划 (20)1、跑道容量分析 (20)2、扩建规划 (20)一、机场名称及logo介绍1、机场名称我们的机场名称为青岛蓝海机场,代码为LHG蓝海,正如其字面意思而言,蓝色的大海,与航站楼航空母舰的造型交相呼应;青岛蓝海机场,位于山东半岛南端、黄海之滨,就和作为海滨城市的青岛一样,犹如这蓝色的大海,包罗万象,欢迎各地旅客来此旅游,旅客在这里既可以享受到美丽的景色,更能感受到蓝色的大海带来的那份宁静;从经济学角度看,所谓的蓝海,指的是未知的市场空间,我们的蓝海机场本身就是一块蓝海,既指它的新,更指它技术上的创新,和服务上的一流,给旅客带来全新的体验。








1.客运量先尝试直线模型bx a +=y 年份 x y (万人) xy 2x2y2009 -2 750 -1500 4 562500 2010 -1 780 -780 1 608400 2012 1 850 850 1 722500 2013 2 950 1900 4 902500 2014 31100 3300 9 1210000 n=5∑=3x44303770194005900为简化计算,取2011年的x =0(这样x 的代数和较小)209.847319537703443019)(a 2222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑∑x x n xy x y x 651.6431954430337705)(b 222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑x x n y x xy n 客运量每年增加64.651万人 计算相关系数γ的值[][]9426.0)443040059005)(3195(4430337705)()(222222=-⨯-⨯⨯-⨯=---=∑∑∑∑∑∑∑y y n x xn yx xy n γ再尝试指数曲线模型x ab y =,两边取对数,令'log y y =、'log a a =、'log b b =,代入得x b a y '''+=年份 x y (万人) y ’(logy) xy ’ 2x2)'y (2009 -2 750 2.87506 -5.75012 4 8.26597 2010 -1 780 2.89209 -2.89209 1 8.36418 2012 1 850 2.92942 2.92942 1 8.58150 2013 2 950 2.97772 5.95544 4 8.86682 20143 1100 3.04139 9.124179 9.25005 5=n∑=3x443014.71568 9.366821943.3285392438.2319536682.9371568.1419)('''2222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑∑x x n xy x y x a 212.84092438.2log 'log 11===--a a03125.0319571568.14336682.95)('''222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑x x n y x xy n b075.103125.0log 'log 11===--b b客运量每年增加%5.7075.01==-b 计算相关系数γ的值[][]9583.0)71568.1432853.435)(3195(71568.14336682.95)'()'()(''222222=-⨯-⨯⨯-⨯=---=∑∑∑∑∑∑∑y y n x xn y x xy n γ比用直线模型得出的9426.0=γ大,这说明用指数曲线模型计算较精确。



机场设计说明书机场中文名称:大连五洲国际机机场外文名称:Dalian Wuzhou lnternational Airport年旅客吞吐量:1000万人次年起降架次:45万架次跑道:长3800米,宽50米(双跑道)停机坪面积:22万平米航站楼面积:5万平米机场位置:大连西北部,距市中心10公里机位数量:40-60适用机型:B747-400、B777、B767、B737,空客A320、321、319等世界上各种大型飞机LOGO设计理念:此LOGO设计灵感来自于麦田怪圈,图形的整体是一颗繁茂的大树,象征大连的欣欣向荣;同时它又是机场航站楼的缩影,直观的体现了五洲机场的设计特色。








机场选址因素:1.大连地质状况清楚、稳定,地形、地貌较简单2. 平坦开阔,利于跑道建设,利于飞机起降3. 全年风向比较一致,无地质灾害或很少发生4. 与城市距离适中,机场运行和发展与城市规划协调机场内交通:大连机场拥有各种航班保障车辆。


家、 学者、 机场建设与运行单位的意见和建议ꎬ 多次组织技术论证审查ꎬ 形成本
本指南共分 11 章ꎬ 第 1 章由王国钰、 路海空、 张立轩、 张海林、 张立斌、 高宇
峰、 刘冠编写ꎬ 第 2 章由蓝业顷、 黄敏、 徐金春编写ꎬ 第 3 章由黄飙、 颜昭昊、 张
海林、 李颖、 姜鹏、 黄啸编写ꎬ 第 4 章由张海林、 李强、 李娟、 王勇、 李名杰、 魏
中国民用航空局 发布
2021 - 11 - 01 施行
Technical guidance for data infrastructure of airport
MH / T 5053—2021
主编单位: 华为技术有限公司
批准部门: 中国民用航空局
— Ⅲ —
机场数据基础设施技术指南 ( MH / T 5053—2021)
11 运维及运营技术要求 21
标准用词说明 22
引用标准名录 23
编写ꎬ 第 10 章由张立斌、 王勇、 温华山、 黄敏编写ꎬ 第 11 章由张海林、 李强、 王
洋、 刘圣哲编写ꎬ 附录由徐金春编写ꎮ 全文由黄敏、 蓝业顷、 徐金春、 刘圣哲负责
本指南为首次编写ꎬ 由主编单位负责日常维护ꎮ 执行过程中如有意见或建议ꎬ
请函告本 规 范 日 常 管 理 组 ( 地 址: 深 圳 市 龙 岗 区 坂 田 华 为 基 地 H2 区ꎬ 邮 编:
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ICS:CCS:团体标准T/AOPA000X—2023跑道型通用机场建设指导手册Instruction manual for construction of runways general airport202X-XX-XX发布202X-XX-XX实施中国航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会发布目次前言 (II)引言 (III)1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语 (1)4机场性质与航空业务量 (2)5飞行区 (4)6目视助航设施 (7)7空中交通管制设施 (9)8安全保卫设施 (10)9消防及救援设施 (11)10供油设施 (13)11服务保障设施 (15)12公用设施 (18)13弱电及信息设施 (21)14机场用地及绿化 (24)15抗震设防与环境保护 (25)附录A (26)(资料性) (26)常用机型参数表 (26)附录B (30)(规范性) (30)跑道标志线图 (30)附录C (31)(规范性) (31)机坪布局示意图 (31)附录D (32)(资料性) (32)通用机场功能及业务类别 (32)前言本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2020《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。

本标准由中国航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会(Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of China,以下简称中国AOPA)提出、制定、发布、解释并组织实施。



丹麦机场X - 辛达尔说明书

丹麦机场X - 辛达尔说明书

Add-on for MicrosoftFlight Simulatorand FS2004!DO W N LOADAdd-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator Danish Airfi elds- Sindaland Prepar3DDanish Airfields X - SindalCopyright: © 2014 / Aerosoft GmbHAirport Paderborn/LippstadtD-33142 Bueren, GermanyTel: +49 (0) 29 55 / 76 03-10Fax: +49 (0) 29 55 / 76 03-33E-Mail: ****************Internet: www.aerosoft.deAll trademarks and brand names are trademarks or registered of their respective owners. All rights reserved.Danish Airfields XSindalManualAdd-on forMicrosoft Flight Simulator Xand Prepar3DDanish Airfields X - SindalContentDanish Airfields X – Sindal (5)Installing (5)Removing the Scenery (6)FSX display settings (6)Locating Sindal Airport EKSN (8)Hangar door animation (8)Texture size - Optional tweak (8)Seasons EKSN (9)Compatibility with other Flight Simulator add-ons (10)Development tools and credits (10)Support (10)Copyrights (11)Map and documentation (12)Danish Airfields X – SindalThank you for purchasingDanish Airfields X –Sindal.Danish Airfields X – Sindal isa realistic and highlydetailed rendition of SindalAirport EKSN, the northern-most airport in Denmark,situated on the top of theJutland peninsula betweenFrederikshavn at theKattegat Sea and Hirtshals at the North Sea coast. The scenery features a 19 cm/pixel photoreal terrain with day/night and seasonal variation, uniquely modeled airport buildings, custom made farm buildings, objects, vehicles and ai traffic. The airport has been recreated in extreme details and the scenery includes many high resolution textures (2048x2048 pixels) based on hundreds of photos taken on-site by Vidan Design. Sindal Airport EKSN is a municipally owned airport which was established in 1977. The airport has a 1200 meter long asphalt runway. The airport is home to Sindal Flying Club which was establiched in 1985. The airport is also home to the ScanTech aircraft maintenance facility which has specialized on HawkerBeechcraft and Cessna Citation piston and turbine powered aircraft. The scenery is designed to be used on a standard FSX Acceleration/SP2 installation under DirectX 9.InstallingYou have to be logged in with administrator rights before you start the installation.After you have chosen your preferred installation language, the welcome-screen appears and with some important information andthe license agreement. Please read it carefully.Danish Airfields X - SindalYou will be asked to insert your email address and the product key.Please insert them exactly the way they were written in theconfirmation mail you received of our online shop.The installation program will attempt to locate the correct path ofMicrosoft Flight Simulator. If this path cannot be successfully located, or if you wish to install to another location, then you will have to enter the correct path for installation manually. In order to do this, click on “Browse“ and navigate to the correct path. Before theinstallationprogram starts to copy the files onto your hard disc, you will be presented with all the installation detailsRemoving the SceneryNever remove the product manually, always used the control panel applet to do so. Failing to do so could create serious problems. FSX display settingsThe recommended graphics settings and scenery settings for thisscenery are shown on the pictures below. The settings that are most important for showing the scenery in the best possible way are marked in red. In the graphics settings, it is generally recommended to keep Target frame rate set to Unlimited, Filtering set to Anisotropic andGlobal texture resolution set to Very high. In order to change thegraphics settings in FSX, go to Settings > Customize and select the Graphics tab.In the scenery settings it is recommended to set Autogen density to Dense or higher. This scenery includes a 19 cm. pr. pixel aerial image and in order to get the full resolution, it is recommended to set Texture resolution to 15 cm. or 7 cm. In order to change the scenery settingsin FSX, go to Settings > Customize and select the scenery tab.Danish Airfields X - SindalLocating Sindal Airport EKSNWhen the installation is completed and the scenery has been activated correctly (see above), you can find the airport by selecting “Freeflight”. Under “Current location”, click the “Change” button. On the next screen, search for the airport by typing in the airport name (Sindal), the city name (Sindal) or the Airport ID (EKSN).Hangar door animationIn this scenery you canchoose to start from insideone of the ScanTechhangars. When planningyour flight, select startlocation Sindal EKSN Parking10. This will place you insideone of the ScanTechhangars. You will need toopen the hangar door byusing the aircraft radio. Select NAV2 frequency 112,000 MHz and wait a few moments. The door opens. To close the door again, simply select another NAV2 frequency. Please note: The parking spot might be occupied by another plane, when you return to the airport!Texture size - Optional tweakThe tweak described below is optional. If you are not comfortable with changing the setting in FSX by modifying the configuration file, it is better not to make these changes. The scenery will run completely smoothly without these changes. This scenery makes use of high resolution textures on many buildings and objects. Some of thetextures are the size 2048 x 2048 pixels. The max size texture that FSX will load is by default 1024x1024 pixels. There is a simple tweak thatwill allow FSX to load larger textures sizes.In the FSX configuration file fsx.cfg, change:TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024to this:TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=2048The file fsx.cfg is by standard located here: C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX. You may need to set Windows to displayhidden files and folders to find the file. Here is how to set Windows to display hidden files: /en-US/windows7/Show-hidden-files Please note: FSX will revert back to the defaultsetting of max load 1024 pixels textures when the user makes changes in display settings in FSX.Seasons EKSNSome of the tree models and vegetation textures (grass and flowers) that are used in this scenery does not change with the seasons in FSX, but stays fixed regardless of the season. Three sets of tree models and vegetation textures is included in the scenery: fall, winter and summer. You can manually switch between summer, fall and winter textures by using the configuration tool Seasons EKSN which is included in the scenery. The tool is located in the Manual folder. This folder is bydefault located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Vidan Design\Danish Airfields X\Sindal\Manual. Simply run the tool and follow the instructions. You can also use the Seasons EKSN shortcut created by the installer.Danish Airfields X - SindalThis shortcut is located in your Windows Start-menu > Vidan Design > Danish Airfields X – Sindal. Please note. After using the tool, you must restart FSX.Compatibility with other Flight Simulator add-onsThis scenery is designed to be used on a standard FSX Acceleration/SP2 installation under DirectX 9. The scenery is tested together with the freeware scenery “Denmark Scenery 1.3” and no problems have been found. The scenery has not been tested with “DAN VFR” or other “photo terrain” add-ons. Users of “Real Environment X 2.0” might experience blue lights on light poles and buildings. This is caused by modifications made by “Real Environment X 2.0” to the default FSX effect texture “fx_2.bmp”, which is used in the scenery to create light effects.Development tools and creditsDanish Airfields X - Sindal is designed with Gmax by Discreet, Airport Design Editor by Jon …Scruffyduck“ Masterson and others, SbuilderX by Luis Sá, Library Creator XML, MDL Tweaker, ModelconverterX and CAT by Arno Gerretsen and Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK by Microsoft. Special thanks to betatester Lars Nielsen.SupportSupport for this product is offered by Aerosoft. We prefer to have a support forum for the simple reason that it is fast and efficient because customers help customers when we are sleeping:and we advise the Customer Support > Scenery Discussions & Support section for any questions on this product. This should be your first stop for any support.If you prefer support by email do accept that this could take a bit longer as it might be send from persons to person and that email support in the weekends is always slow: ********************. We feel strongly about support. Buying one of our products gives you the right to waste our time with questions you feel might be silly. They are not. CopyrightsThis product, Danish Airfields X - Sindal, is protected by copyright laws. You may install and run one copy of the software on one computer for your personal, non-commercial use. Danish Airfields X- Sindal, must not be copied, reproduced or disassembled in any way, neither completely nor in part. The product must not be published or redistributed, neither completely nor in part, in any way without the written permission of Vidan Design. It is expressly forbidden to make this product available on websites, servers and any internet hosted domains without the written permission of Vidan Design. The dynamic windsock in this product is copyright Jörg Dannenberg. The dynamic windsock is used by kind permission.© 2012 Vidan DesignMicrosoft Flight Simulator X is a © Copyrighted trademark of Microsoft CorporationVisual Approach Chart: http://www.slv.dk/Dokumenter/dsweb/Get/ Document-1985/EKSN-3.pdfAerodrome Chart: http://www.slv.dk/Dokumenter/dsweb/Get/ Document-1987/eksn-5.pdfAircraft Parking Chart: http://www.slv.dk/Dokumenter/dsweb/Get/ Document-1988/eksn-6.pdfSindal Flying Club: http://www.eksn.dkScanTech: www.scantech.aero/index.htm12Aerosoft GmbH 2014Your fight continues...E x c i t i n gD o g -F i g h t s f o r a c e p i l o t s !Take to the skies of war torn Europe and experience daring air combat at the dawn of aviation. The Felixstowe F .2a flying boat is inclu ded. Warships, U-boats and merchant ships are now sailing the open seas as new targets for you to destroy.Do you have the skills and the courage to become an Ace?Add-ons for FSX The Airport Heraklion has one of the most scenic approaches in the Mediterranean demanding the highest skills from the virtual pilot.The scenery features the international Fly to The Airports of Greece!N o w a v a il a b l e !。

Orthogon Airside Monitor 机场轨道监控与规划解决方案说明书

Orthogon Airside Monitor 机场轨道监控与规划解决方案说明书

A VERSATILE PLATFORM FOR AIRPORT APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES At the heart of the Orthogon Airside Monitor is the airport map. It allows intuitive online in-system configuration of areas used for event monitoring and alerting. It offers added value to Departure Management (DMAN) by providing continuous Variable Taxi Time calculations complemented by the user friendly online definition of taxi times for future planning horizons. With its modular design and short installation period, extensions with additionalORTHOGON AIRSIDE MONITORAirport surface monitoring and planningOrthogon Airside Monitor is an airport surface movement monitoring and planning solution. It uses real-time surveillance and inputs from multiple airport and air traffic systems to improve collaboration between stakeholders.functionality are easily implemented such as integration of Arrival Manager (AMAN) timeline views.Airside situational awareness andpredictability through precise departure sequences is crucial at busy, capacity constrained airports. The Orthogon Airside Monitor helps enhance Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) in order to help improve this. The solution is designed to navigate these demands while meeting international standards such as the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUS) to create harmony in airport operations.Improving collaboration between stakeholdersBENEFITS>Situational awareness: provides awareness and visibility for aircraft that have left the stand and airside service vehicles >Accuracy: Improves Taxi Time (TT) accuracy through real-time Variable Taxi Time (VTT) update and online taxi time planning >Predictability: better predicts Estimated In-Block Times (EIBTs) and Target Take-Off Times (TTOT) >Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM): monitors and improves A-CDM process and supports operations in adverse conditionsFEATURES>Creates alerts for situationalawareness>Displays airfield map>Calculates variable Taxi Times>Integrates with other modules likeAMAN timeline views>Provides A-CDM toolsOrthogon Airside Monitor© 2019 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. | 07/2019 JPNon-Export Controlled InformationL3Harris Technologies is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-end solutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs. The company provides advanced defense and commercial technologies across air, land, sea, space and cyber domains. 1025 W. NASA Boulevard Melbourne, FL 32919CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF AIRCRAFT MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF AIRFIELD GEO-FENCED AREAS WITH ORTHOGON AIRSIDE MONITOR ENABLES:Detection of A-CDM Milestones:>ALDT, AIBT, AOBT and ATOT Creation of alerts: situational awarenessfor stakeholders>Expiration of de-icing before take-off >Entry of restricted airside areas>Runway incursion>Area Congestion>A-CDM milestone alerts (late pushback) >Automatic and manual alerts Taxi time definition for future planning horizonsVariable Taxi Time (VTT) calculations>Based on times for unimpeded taxi movements during standard weather conditions>Additional Adjustments via global time factors (e.g., adverse weather)>Updating remaining taxi times when flights traverse certain areas of the airfieldTHE ORTHOGON AIRSIDE MONITOR HMI IS BUILT WITH THE ORTHOGON ODS™ OPEN PLATFORMOpen development and runtime environment for Orthogon Airside Monitor is designed to facilitate collaborative design and development of operational ATM display application software. It is built with ODS™ Open Platform, a flexible solution that allows the Orthogon Airside Monitor HMI to be highly configurable and adaptable. Its modular architecture allows for easy additions and modifications of functionality to the user interface.。

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1.客运量先尝试直线模型bx a +=y为简化计算,取2011年的x =0(这样x 的代数和较小)209.847319537703443019)(a 2222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑∑x x n xy x y x 651.6431954430337705)(b 222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑x x n y x xy n客运量每年增加64.651万人 计算相关系数γ的值[][]9426.0)443040059005)(3195(4430337705)()(222222=-⨯-⨯⨯-⨯=---=∑∑∑∑∑∑∑y y n x xn yx xy n γ再尝试指数曲线模型x ab y =,两边取对数,令'log y y =、'log a a =、'log b b =,代入得x b a y '''+=92438.2319536682.9371568.1419)('''2222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑∑x x n xy x y x a212.84092438.2log 'log 11===--a a03125.0319571568.14336682.95)('''222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑x x n y x xy n b 075.103125.0log 'log 11===--b b客运量每年增加%5.7075.01==-b 计算相关系数γ的值[][]9583.0)71568.1432853.435)(3195(71568.14336682.95)'()'()(''222222=-⨯-⨯⨯-⨯=---=∑∑∑∑∑∑∑y y n x xn y x xy n γ比用直线模型得出的9426.0=γ大,这说明用指数曲线模型计算较精确。

所以,机场年客运量计算公式为x y 075.1212.840⨯=万人。

预测2020年的客运量886.1610075.1212.8409=⨯=y 万人2.货运量同理,货运量的推算我们也使用指数曲线模型,原因同客运量的计算,因35466.1319547758.5399651.619)('''2222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑∑x x n xy x y x a 628.2235466.1log 'log 11===--a a07440.0319599651.6347758.55)('''222=-⨯⨯-⨯=--=∑∑∑∑∑x x n y x xy n b187.107440.0log 'log 11===--b b货运量每年增加%7.18187.01==-b所以,机场年货运量计算公式为x y 187.1628.22⨯=万吨。

预测2020年的货运量853.105187.1628.229=⨯=y 万吨(二)机型选择与组合、高峰小时起降架次到2020年,机场年客运量为国内约1286万人,国外约324万人1.平均客座数国内 4.15880.0)20.031030.022050.0140=⨯⨯+⨯+⨯(座国际 25.20170.075.031025.0220=⨯⨯+⨯)(座 2.飞机起降架次国内 811874.158********=÷架次 国际 1610025.2013240000=÷架次 共计 972871610081187=+架次 3.各种飞机年起降架次经过分析和推算,2020年高峰小时客运量为年客运量的0.038% 1.高峰小时客运量:国内 4887%038.012860000=⨯人 国际 人1232%038.03240000=⨯ 2.高峰小时飞机起降架次(2)货运量到2020年,机场年货运量为国内86万吨,国外20万吨1.平均货运数 国内 5.4090.050.06050.030=⨯⨯+⨯)(吨 国际 (4880.000.160=⨯⨯)(吨2.飞机起降架次国内 212355.40860000=÷架次 国际 416748200000=÷架次 共计 25302416721235=+家次 3高峰小时飞机起降架次国内 1.8%038.021235=⨯架次 国际 6.1%038.04167=⨯架次 共计架次综上所述,高峰小时客运货运飞机起降架次共计 7.467.90.37=+架次。




机场需要起降的最大型号飞机是B747-SP 和MD11,而且机场年起降架次比较多,需要飞行区的设施较为完善和高级,所以飞行区等级定位4E. 1.升降带升降带由跑道、停止道和土质地区组成。

(1)跑道根据B747-SP 这类巨型客机的对跑道的要求,保证它们在飞机质量较大、气温较高、气压较低、无风、逆坡起飞、顺坡着陆以及驾驶不够准确等不利条件下起飞着陆安全,比较正常起飞所需跑道长度,起飞出现一发故障所需跑道长度,以及着陆所需跑道长度,取最大值来决定跑道长度。

跑道长度:m L 3300c =跑道入口设置防吹坪,长度为50m,宽度为45m 。

跑道最小宽度为45m ,适当放宽一些宽度,跑道宽度:m 60 道肩宽度:m 5.1(2)停止道跑道长度较长,且机场处于长三角地区,地皮稀缺,征地不易,所以决定不设置停止道。

(3)升降带及土质地区:自跑道向外延伸60m,跑道两侧土质地区做到土地平整且压实,自跑道中线算起每侧宽度为75m,坡度不宜过大,一般定为3%,向外侧排水;跑道两端升降带在临近跑道端30m 内区域要铺设道面,纵坡尽量与跑道端部相同。

自跑道中线算起两侧60m 内不准有固定物体,升降带每侧最小宽度150m 。


3.净空道净空道长度设置为600m,自跑道中线算起每侧宽度75m ,坡面坡度控制在1%以内。


按规定4E 飞行区需要的滑行道最小宽度是23m 。

本机场滑行道道面宽度定为25m 。


滑行道间距要求:滑行道中线与跑道中线的最小间距 =1/2翼展+1/2升降带宽度 =33m+150m =183m滑行道中线与滑行道中线最小间距 =1.2⨯翼展+3m =m m 3662.1+⨯ =82.2m滑行道中线至固定物体最小间距 =0.7⨯翼展+3m =0.7⨯66m+3m =49.2m 滑行道的弯道中线半径:550m快速出口滑行道至跑道入口端的距离:2500m(四)客、货站坪尺寸及机位分布 1.站坪的基本布局站坪布局和航站楼布局综合考虑,飞机在航站楼前以单廊道的指廊式集结,旅客通过登机桥等级 2.站坪的平面尺寸站坪的机位数量 客机机位 (1)确定参数值飞机出发或到达的架次占飞机起降总架次的0.65倍 机位利用系数6.0=U国内飞机占用机位时间)(h t i :中型0.75、大型0.9、巨型1.1 国际飞机占用机位时间)(h t i :大型1.1、巨型1.4 (2)停机机位数量计算,中型 5.126.0)075.04.15(65.01=+⨯=N ,取131=N 机位 大型 8.106.0)⨯+⨯=N ,取112=N 机位巨型 4.146.0)⨯+⨯=N ,取153=N 机位共计 39=N 个客机机位 货机机位中型 3.36.0)075.01.4(65.01=+⨯=N ,取31=N 机位大型 9.56.0)⨯+⨯=N ,取62=N 机位共计 9=N 个货机机位 3.净距要求按照飞行区等级4E 的标准,停放飞机距机位滑行通道中线43m ,距机位滑行通道外的滑行道中线最少为47.5m;停放飞机距邻近停放飞机及建筑物8m 。


(五)导航设备设置1.无方向性信标台NDB (测相对方向角)在航路转弯点及检查点和空中走廊进出口设置;保证复杂气象飞行的远近无方向性信标台,设置在跑道中线的延长线上,远的距跑道端7200m ,近的距跑道端1050m 。

2.全向信标台VOR(引导飞机沿着预定航线飞行、归航和进场着陆)在远离航站楼的跑道的一侧设置机场全向信标台,距跑道中线300m;跑道东西两端外延长6000m 各设置一个航线全向信标台。

3.测距台DME(不断为飞机提供距离信息) 每个全向信标台边都设置一个测距台。

4.精密进近雷达站PAR(通过雷达反馈飞机位置)设置在跑道中部远离航站楼的一侧,距离跑道中线180m 。

5.仪表着陆系统ILS (在复杂气象条件下引导飞机进场)跑道的西往东为主要着陆方向,所以跑道的西端为入口,东端为出口。

(1)航向台(LLZ )设置在跑道中线延长线上,距跑道终端300m. (2)下滑台(GP)设置在跑道着陆端内跑道的一侧,距离跑道中心线120m ,距离跑道入口纵向距里300m. (3)指点信标台内中外三个指点信标台,分别设置在跑道中线延长线上距入口200m,1200m,7200m 的地方。

(六)航站楼面积计算及功能分布 1.航站楼面积计算高峰小时客运量 国内 4887人、国际 1232人。

建筑面积配置标准为国内24/2m 人、国际32/2m 人。

国内航站楼面积 2117288244887m =⨯,取2120000m国际航站楼面积 239424321232m =⨯,取240000m 共计 2160000m2.航站楼功能分布航站楼设置为两层。
