A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Animal Idioms 对英汉动物习语的对比研究

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A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Animal Idioms




Language is the carrier of culture, and idioms are the essence of language, which has a strong expressive function and national colors. In both English and Chinese idioms, animal idioms occupy a large number. Along with the development and progress of human society, many animals are tamed to become domestic animals serving people, and many others have become people’s pets. Many animals have become a kind of symbol in people’s thinking and this symbol is reflected in the language. These animal idioms reflect different cultural connotations of different nationalities. This paper aims to disclose the differences between English culture and Chinese culture through comparing the connotation of animal idioms in both languages.

Key words: animal idiom; comparison; cultural connotation




Contents Abstract (2)

摘要 (3)

Introduction (5)

1. Similarities between English and Chinese animal idioms (5)

1.1 Same vehicle with the same meaning (5)

1.2 Same vehicle with different meanings (6)

1.3 Different vehicles with the same meaning (7)

2. Differences between English and Chinese animal idioms (9)

2.1Differences in agricultural production mode (9)

2.2 Differences in aesthetic orientation (9)

2.3 Differences in the standard of value (10)

Conclusion (11)

Bibliography (13)


As a part of culture, language plays an important role. Language is the carrier of culture. The idiom is the essence of language, and the cultural information it carries has strong national characteristics. Animals, as living in the long-term intimate contact with people, are used in a large number as metaphor in English and Chinese, which not only has its lexical meaning , but also contains a deeper and more important cultural connotation. And each nation's historical culture, living environment, traditional customs, religious beliefs, moral values, aesthetic values, etc, have their own unique characteristics. In some animal idioms, though their English and Chinese figurative meanings are consistent, the connotation they express often means the opposite. Therefore, compared with Chinese and English animal cultural characteristics, it is conducive to understand a foreign culture and increase the interest in learning a new language and promote cross-cultural communication.

1. Similarities between English and Chinese animal idioms 1.1 Same vehicle with the same meaning

Humans cannot live and labour without animals and some animals even become friends. During the close association with animals, people carefully observe the habits of animals and gradually sum up the characteristics of different animals, and add them to the expression in everyday language. People's way of thinking and their worldview have a
