A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Animal Idioms 对英汉动物习语的对比研究
一、翻译方向选题(编号为FY+序号)(预计导师16人,约可指导90人)1.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice翻译实践中的社会和文化因素2.On Translation Methods of Numerals in Chinese and English中英文数字翻译理论3.On the Cross-Culture Pragmatic Failure in English Translation英语翻译跨文化中的语用失误4.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-Phrase论中国习语的翻译5.On Translating the Passive Voice in Scientific and Technology English intoChinese关于科技英语中的被动语态翻译成中文的转化6.The Application of Semiotic Approach in Translation符号学理论在翻译中的应用7.On the Translation of Advertisement and Brand Name关于广告和商标名称的翻译8.Discourse Analysis of the Dialogues in Films电影中对话的篇章分析9.On Cultural Impact on Translation of Idioms习惯用语中得文化影响10.The Comparison of English and Chinese Euphemisms for Death中英“死亡”委婉语对比11.On Translating English Negative Sentence into Chinese关于英文否定句的翻译12.A Study on Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese中英文动物隐喻研究13.On Foreignization and Domestication of Cultural Factors in Translation翻译中文化因素的异化和归化14.An Approach to the Translation of Poetic Image探究诗歌意象翻译15.A Study of the Chinese Foreignization and Domestication of Titles of EnglishFilms英语电影的标题的中文异化和归化的研究16.On Culture Translation under Foreignization异化中得文化翻译17.On Fidelity and Expressiveness in Translation翻译中的富达和表现18.Cultural Equivalence in Translation翻译中文化对等19.On Transformation between Parts of Speech in E-C Translation英翻中20.A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Allusions中英典故的对比研究21.On Translation of Humor in Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见中的幽默翻译22.On Cultural Discrepancies in Translation翻译中的文化差异23.On the Translation of English Pun into Chinese英语双关语的中文翻译24.On Translation of Chinese and English Idioms from Cultural Perceptive从文化角度看中英习语翻译25.Cultural Connotation and Translation for Color Words颜色词的文化含义和翻译26.Lexical Rhetorical Devices in English-Chinese Translation英译中中词语修辞手法27.Social-cultural Context and the Translator’s Choice Words ——A Comparisonof Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre28.On the Translation Strategy of Chinese Classics----With Special Reference toArthur Waley’s English Version of THE ANALECTS29.On the Translation of English and Chinese Proverbs from the Perspective ofIntercultural Communication30.Cross-cultural Awareness in Translating Tourist Materials from Chinese intoEnglish中翻英旅游材料翻译中得跨文化意识31.Connotative Comparison and Translation of Chinese “Hong” and English“Red”中英文的“红”的含义对比和翻译32.On the Principles of Equivalence in the Translation of English Idioms intoChinese and Their Practical Application33.The Subjectivity of the Translator in Literary Translation34.Translation of English Advertisement under Aesthetic Principles ofRhetoric35.The Influence of Feminism on Translation 翻译中女权主义的影响36.On the Role of Context in Literal Translation and Free Translation37.Idioms’ Practice and Translation in Advertising广告中得实践与翻译38.Application of Functional Equivalence in Translating English Humor39.On the Impact of Translation on Chinese Culture --- To Cherish Chinese Culture40.On the Role of Negation in Translation41.Probing the Translation of Classical Chinese Poems from the Perspective of"Three Beauties42.A Brief Discussion Of the Active Role of the Translation Subject43.On The Translation Of Tourist Brochures -----From The Perspective Of SkoposTheory44.Public Visual Threshold’s Limitation to Translation45.On the Cultural Differences in Translation Viewed from Tourist Text从旅游语境看翻译中的文化差异46.Metaphor Phrase -- Culture Factors and Translation47.Non-equivalence at Word Level and Strategies For Translation48.On Cultural Features in Costume Advertisement Translation49.On Features and Translation of English News Headline50.On the Linguistic Features of Long Sentences in EST and Translation Techniques51.On Translating the Allusions in Six Chapters of a Floating Life: anIntertextuality Approach52.The Effect of Readers on Translation53.On the Semantic Gaps between English and Chinese and Their TranslatingStrategies54.On the Translation of Numeral Fuzziness55.On Translation of Idioms from the Perspectives of Processing Imagesnguage Features of Public Speech and Its Translation57.The Application of Skopostheorie in Hotel Introduction Translation58.On the Translation of Animal Words Viewed from the Cultural Differencesbetween English and Chinese59.Attributive Clauses in Translation Viewed from the Relations betweenStructures and Functions60.The Translation of Cosmetic Instruction from the Perspective of Text TypologyTheory61.On the Importance of Diction Viewed from the Approaches to the Character “Chi”in Translation62.The Disposal of Cultural Differences in the English Version of FortressBeisieged二、教学法方向论文选题(编号为JXF+序号)(预计导师11人,约可指导65人)1.影响二语词汇习得的因素2.网络环境下英语教师的角色3.论二语习得过程中僵化现象4.影响第二语言习得的非智力因素5.个体差异对第二语言习得的影响6.英语课堂上的教师纠错策略7.论二语习得中的语言迁移现象8.论英语课堂提问的技巧9.英语词汇习得中的障碍和策略10.模因论对英语教学启示的研究11.高职学生英语听力焦虑及应对策略12.大学英语泛读中偶然词汇学习效率及对策探讨13.听力理解中的意图推导14.学习动机与学生英语写作15.中国外语学习者的自主意识分析16.试论英语阅读教学中词汇教学的重要性17.大学英语写作错误分析18.汉语方言对学生英语语音的影响19.英语教师的教学反思能力研究20.内在动机对英语学习效果的影响21.个体学习风格与课堂教学策略调整22.英语学习中的性别差异及其对策23.非英语专业大学生英语听说能力封闭式培养模式探索24.任务型教学中学生自主学习能力的培养研究25.合作学习法在高中英语教学中的应用26.任务型教学在高中英语听力教学中的应用27.网络环境下高中生自主学习能力培养研究28.交际教学法在高中英语教学中的应用29.高中生英语词汇学习策略研究30.网络环境下中学生英语学习策略研究31.元认知策略对提高学生自主学习能力的研究32.元认知策略在英语词汇学习中的应用研究33.新课程标准下高中生英语自主学习模式的构建34.高中英语学习动机及影响因素研究35.基于图式理论的英语听力教学研究36.任务型教学法在高中英语教学中的应用研究37.交际英语教学法的优势和具体应用38.任务型教学法中教师角色探析39.浅析交际法与传统语法教学的结合40.性别偏见与歧视性语言及在英语教学中的处理41.(某某地区/某某县)小学开设英语课程情况的调查研究42.农村小学/初中英语教学现状调查43.城市和农村学生英语水平差异研究44.农村/某某地区/某某县小学/初中英语师资状况调查45.情感与英语学习/英语教学效果之间的关系研究46.高中/初中/小学...英语教材和...英语教材的对比研究47.小学/初中/高中学案的编写方法研究48.网络上的英语视听材料在英语学习中的作用研究49.情感教育与大学(中学)英语教学的有效性研究50.大学(中学)英语教学中的委婉语教学51.任务型教学法在非英语专业大学英语教学中的应用52.(非)英语专业阅读课堂教学模式探讨53.原版电影与英语听力教学效果研究54.背景知识(上下文)对阅读理解的影响55.中学英语词汇学习策略研究56.非智力因素对大学英语教学的影响57.如何提高中学生英语听力理解能力的策略58.初/高中课堂英语导入的艺术59.初/高中英语教师心理暗示对学困生的影响60.初/高中学生语言焦虑及其对策研究三、跨文化交际方向选题(编号为:KWH+序号)1.英文原声电影赏析与跨文化交际能力的培养2.跨文化非语言交际语用失误研究3.公示语翻译中的语用失误探析4.国内广告语言语用失误研究现状与分析5.全球化语境下跨文化交际失误语用归因6.跨文化交际中的语用失误类型及对策研究7.基于礼貌原则的跨文化语用失误分析8.跨文化言语交际中的语用负迁移9.浅析化妆品广告中的语用预设10.中西方饮食文化的比较研究11.中美时间观之对比12.浅析汉英问候语中的文化差异13.英汉词汇的文化内涵差异探析14.英语身体语的交际功能研究15.浅谈英汉身势语的表意功能之差异16.目标语文化的理解与跨文化交际17.中西文化差异对中国学生英语学生的影响18.跨文化交际中的文化误读19.浅析文化差异对商务谈判的影响20.英语禁忌语的文化内涵异同研究21.英语学习中的文化习得22.英汉思维模式的差异对跨文化交际的影响23.外语学习者的思辨能力与跨文化交际之成效24.培养英语学习者跨文化交际能力之策略25.英汉道歉语差异及原因26.中西跨文化礼貌语差异探析27.英汉语言中礼貌表达法之比较28.英汉习惯用语的文化内涵探源29.英语称赞语及其回应的异同研究30.中美(西)家庭教育理念的差异及其对孩子的影响31.中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的主要障碍研究32.试析跨文化交际中角色互动的作用33.本土文化与异国文化的冲突对跨文化交际的影响34.跨文化交际中的时间观差异35.论跨文化交际中的中西餐桌礼仪36.关于提升英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的培养37.涉外婚姻中的中西文化冲突38.论跨文化广告传播中食品商标的翻译39.多媒体教学与跨文化交际能力的培养40.中西方儿童文学的差异41.中西体育文化的差异及其受全球化发展的影响42.中西传统休闲文化及其价值观的对比分析43.简爱与林黛玉不同命运的文化透析44.国际商务活动中礼貌原则的应用45.论文化背景知识在外语阅读教学中的作用46.国际商务交际活动中的非语言交际47.浅析英汉汽车商标的特点及其翻译48.英汉隐喻差异的文化阐释49.文化语境下的英汉植物词50.文化语境下的英汉动物词51.从体态语探析中西文化差异52.浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵53.文化视野下英语谚语的比较54.从广告语言特色看中西文化异同55.从数字喜好看中西文化差异56.中西非语言行为的文化内涵探析57.从中英文动物比喻的不同看中西文化差异58.英汉概念隐喻的文化认知对比分析59.英汉成语文化内涵比较研究60.从神话看中西文化异同61.文化视角下英汉时间隐喻比较研究62.英汉情感隐喻文化内涵对比研究63.从文化语境看英汉爱情隐喻64.英汉动物隐喻的文化内涵65.论中英文中颜色隐喻的差异及其文化根源66.英汉习语中中西文化差异探源67.从英汉委婉语中看中西文化心理差异68.文化视阈中的汉英典故69.美国俚语的基本特征与社会功能70.从旅游广告看中西文化差异四、语言学方向论文选题(编号为:YYX+序号)1.论英语语言的歧义现象On the Ambiguity of English Language2.谈英语的禁忌语Reflection on the English Taboo Words3.略论现代美国俚语Remarks on Modern American Slang4.美国俗语与美国现代语言的区别 The Different Usage of American Folk Languageand Modern American Language5.英式英语与美式英语比较A Comparative Analysis of British and American English6.论英语否定句的语用功能On Pragmatic Functions English Negative Sentences7.英汉存在句比较 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese ExistentialSentences8.英汉定语和状语的位置比较Positions of Attributes and Adverbials in English:A Comparative Study9.英语的含蓄条件句A Study of English Sentences of Implied Condition10.英语中表达强调意义的语言手段The Ways of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English11.常用英语谚语与汉语谚语比较A Comparative Study of Some Important English andChinese Proverbs12.语法规则在英语学习中的地位 The Role of Grammatical Rules in English LanguageLearning13.外语测试中交际能力的重要性 The Significance of Communicative Competence inForeign Language Testing14.母语对外语学习的影响 The Influence of L1 on the Learning of a ForeignLanguage15.英语变体在网络用语中的体现16.英语阅读中的障碍及解决策略17.英语政治演讲中的隐喻Metaphors in English Political Speeches (可细化为某一特定人物的演讲,如布什等)18.标志语与概念隐喻19.新闻标题的语言特征 The Language Characteristics of News Headlines20.我校英语专业本科毕业生论文写作中的问题调查A Survey of HIEU English Majors’Problems in Graduation Thesis Writing21.英语小词“to”的用法研究22.浅析中西思维方式差异的原因及主要表现23.外事用语中的委婉表达Euphemistic Expressions in Foreign Affairs24.网络英语的特点Features of Network English25.外语学习中学习动机的影响Effects of Learner’s Motivation in Foreign LanguageLearning26.二语与母语习得的比较研究A Comparative Study of L1and L2 Acquisitions27.科学技术发展对英语词汇的影响Influence of Development of Science andTechnology on English Vocabulary28.母语对外语学习的影响 The Influence of L1 on the Learning of a ForeignLanguage29.定语从句的理解与翻译 Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clause30.身势语在日常交际中的重要作用31.英语与汉语中的称谓对比研究32.浅谈英语虚拟语气的语用功能33.英汉被动句对比研究34.从句法层面看英语式汉语表达35.浅谈英汉语言禁忌的一致性与差异性36.礼貌原则与英语委婉语37.英汉存在句对比研究38.浅析二语习得者英语写作中的负迁移现象39.从词汇角度解读中国人的价值观40.合作原则的中西方差异初探41.论国际商务谈判中的语言交际技巧42.浅谈英汉句子结构差异43.中介语在外语学习中的作用44.英译汉中词序的特征45.从礼貌准则看中英文化的异同46.从习语看英汉民族的文化差异47.对母语在英语写作中词汇负迁移现象的思考48.功能语法视角下的英语报刊新闻标题49.基于概念隐喻的诗歌解读50.论汉英谚语的语言特征51.浅谈英语虚拟语气及其语用功能52.浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象及其根源53.浅析英语禁忌语及其发展54.社会语言学视野中的网络语言55.新闻英语中的语法特点研究56.以认知为基础的颜色隐喻研究57.隐喻认知功能研究的新视角58.隐喻与一词多义的关系59.英汉被动句对比研究60.英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因61.英汉动词非谓语用法之比较研究62.英汉否定问句的答句对比研究63.英汉双关语及其翻译研究64.英汉合成词构词对比研究65.英汉名词短语修饰模式比较66.英汉拟声词异同探讨67.英汉人称代词运用对比研究68.英汉隐喻性词汇对比研究69.英语道歉方式研究70.英语复合词的语义分析及其类型71.英语惯用句型的意义及汉译72.英语情态助动词的主客观区别73.英语委婉语的褒与贬74.英语定语的表达方式及翻译75.网络发展中的英语进化五、商务英语方向论文选题(编号为:SW+序号)(预计导师7人,约可指导40人)1.On Cultural Turn in Translation of Business English论商务英语翻译中的文化转向(也可作为翻译类选题)2. A Study of Politeness Strategies in English Business Letter商务英语信函中的礼貌策略研究(也可作为语言学类选题)3. A Pragmatic Study on the Vague Language in Business Correspondence商务信函中模糊语言的研究(也可作为语言学类选题)4.On Translation of English and Chinese Trademarks From the Approach ofFunctional Equivalence从功能对等的角度论英汉商标翻译(也可作为翻译类选题)5. A Tentative Study on the Principles and Mechanism of Brand Name Translation试论商标名称的翻译原则与机制(也可作为翻译类选题)6. A Study of Cultural Factors in the Sino-American Business Negotiation中美商务谈判中的文化因素研究(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)7.The Grand Strategy of Politeness in International Business Negotiation礼貌大同策略在国际商务谈判语言中的体现8. A Contrast Study on Compliment and Compliment Response in Chinese-AmericanBusiness Negotiation中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答对比研究(也可作为语言学/跨文化交际类选题)9. A Study of the Variety of Move Structures in English Business Letters英语商务信函语步结构的多样性研究(也可作为语言学类选题)10.Face Considerations in China and the Us and its Implications for Cross-CulturalBusiness中美面子观差异及其对跨文化商务谈判的影响(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)11.The Analysis of Fuzziness in Advertising English广告英语的模糊性探析(也可作为语言学类选题)parative Study of Language in Advertising between English &Chinese中西方广告语言比较(也可作为语言学类选题)13.Cultural Differences in Advertising between English &Chinese中西方广告中的文化差异(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)14.English Syntax in Advertising广告英语的句法特点(也可作为语言学类选题)15.Rhetorical Devices in Advertising English广告英语的修辞方法(也可作为语言学类选题)16.Figure of Speech in Advertising in English & Chinese比喻在中西广告中的运用(也可作为语言学类选题)17.Developing Cross Culture Culture Communication Skill in Business EnglishStudy 商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养(也可作为跨文化交际/二语习得类选题)18.The Lexical Features of E-commerce English and Its Translation电子商务英语的词汇特点及翻译19.On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation论商务英语翻译中语境因素的作用(也可作为翻译类选题)20.Adjusting the Tone in International Business English 国际商务英语缓和口吻表达方法研究(也可作为语言学类选题)21.On the Cliché Expressions in Business English 商务英语中陈词腐语探析(也可作为语言学类选题)22.The Use of English in Business with Non-native English Speakers与非英语国家商务谈判中英语的运用23.On the Characteristics & Translating Skills of Business English24.On the Characteristics & Feature of International Commercial Contracts 浅谈涉外合同英语特色(也可作为语言学类选题)25.A tentative study of Cultural Similarities and Differences from the PublicService Advertisement in English and Chinese 中英公益广告语言中的中西文化异同初探(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)26.Linguistic analysis of metaphor in Business Reading经贸英语阅读中隐喻现象的语言学分析(也可作为语言学类选题)27.Acronym in International Trade English and its translation国际贸易英语中的缩略语及其翻译(也可作为翻译类选题)28.Semantic analysis of Business English writing 商务英语写作的语义学分析(也可作为语言学类选题)29.Translation of Business Words of Chinese Characteristic 具有中国特色商业词汇的英译(也可作为翻译类选题)30.Analysis on the feature of Business English vocabulary and its translationtactics商务英语词汇的特征分析及翻译策略(也可作为语言学/翻译类选题)31.Non-verbal communication in Business Negotiation商务谈判中的非语言交际(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)32.Social Factors in the Evolution of Business English Words and Expressions 商务英语语词演化的社会因素(也可作为语言学类选题)33.试论普通英语与商务英语的句法差异(也可作为语言学类选题)34.谈外贸口语的特点及在实际中的应用35.商务英语学习中的文化习得(也可作为二语习得类选题)36.浅谈商务英语学生应具备的知识结构37.商务英语翻译中的不对等性(也可作为翻译类选题)38.商务函电写作中的语气分析(也可作为语言学类选题)39.浅谈文化差异对国际营销活动的影响(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)40.商务谈判中的礼仪及作用41.商务谈判的沟通艺术42.中西方跨文化商务交际中的非语言因素(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)六、文学方向论文选题(编号为:WX+序号)(预计导师14人,约可指导75人)1.托尼·莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》里的意象分析2.论《理想丈夫》的主题及其表现艺术3.论《爵士乐》中维奥莱特的形象4.浅析斯威夫特《一个小小的建议》中的讽刺艺术5.《日常家用》的主题及其表现艺术6.从《拇指姑娘》、《卖火柴的小女孩》和《她是一个废物》看安徒生写作风格的转变7.爱伦·坡心理小说特点浅析8.解读《傲慢与偏见》中的班纳特太太9.从《一杯茶》看曼斯菲尔德的人物刻画技巧10.浅析《紫色》中西丽的人物形象11.论《街头女郎玛吉》中玛吉的悲剧成因12.论托尼·莫里森《宠儿》中暴力型的爱13.“快弃旧从新吧”——试论马克吐温《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》中的主题14. 浅析奥尔科特《小妇人》中的美国梦15.论海明威短篇小说《乞力马扎罗的雪》的语言艺术16.浅析凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的孤独主题17.爱伦·坡的短篇小说中的哥特主义18.论田纳西·威廉斯的《欲望号街车》中的矛盾冲突19.论柯勒律治《古舟子之咏》中的宗教主题20.文化的碰撞与交融——解读《喜福会》中的母女关系(也可作为跨文化交际类选题)21.论《人与鼠》中不可实现的美国梦22.唯美主义的典范—-以奥斯卡·王尔德《道连·格雷的画像》为例23. 赫斯顿超前的婚姻意识--以《他们眼望上苍》为例24. 无尽的道路,无尽的乐园-----迪安·莫里亚蒂精神特质的分析25. 论梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》对中国作家的影响26. 《莫比·迪克》中阿哈布的人物性格分析27. 少女米克的烦恼——浅析《心是孤独的猎手》中米克·凯利的精神孤独28. 论《动物庄园》中的象征主义29. 对比艺术在《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》中的应用30. 论曼斯菲尔德小说中的悲剧色彩31. 论斯蒂芬·克莱恩《红色英勇勋章》中的自然主义32. 浅析《无名裘德》中裘德悲剧人生产生的原因33. 一个边缘人的孤独——霍尔顿对纯真童年的留恋与对虚伪成人世界的厌恶34. 幽默背后的人性悲哀——论《百万富翁》的写作手法35. 安德森的《我想知道为什么》与乔伊斯的《阿拉比》的对比分析36. 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中埃德加·爱伦·坡对哥特式风格的诠释37. 欧·亨利《警察与赞美诗》中独特的创作风格38. 凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的《布里尔小姐》的女性主义解读39. 浅析《黛西.米勒》情感冲突背后的文化差异40. 论《蝇王》中的兽性与人性的抗争41. 在“魔鬼”和“天使”之间——论伊坦·弗洛美的悲剧命运42. 《简爱》的生态女性主义解读43. 资本主义的创业英雄——论《鲁宾逊漂流记》44. 论《儿子与情人》中家庭悲剧的根源45. 论奥斯卡·王尔德童话中的审美悖论46. 透过Daisy Miller 的形象看文化冲突47. 《泄密的心》中的犯罪者心理48. 论《蝇王》中的象征49. 论马丁·伊登的毁灭50. 浅论欧文诗歌“奇异的相遇”中的主题、技巧及成因义51. 论《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》的悲剧色彩及其根源52. 论《外婆的日用家当》中的象征主义53. 《琼斯皇》中的表现主义及其作用54. 试析《伤心咖啡馆之歌》中哥特式风格和象征主义55. 浅析欧·亨利短篇小说中的女性形象56. 从《命运之路》中看美国梦的破灭57. 论《野性的呼唤》中布克特性的转变58. 论埃米莉·迪金森诗文中“海”的象征意义59. 论《织工马南》的道德成长主题60. 浅析《喜福会》中的女性主义61. 对比分析海明威《白象似的群山》及《雨里的猫》中的两性视角62. 《傻瓜威尔逊》中罗克珊的人物分析63. 论帕梅拉的反抗意识64. 论《觉醒》中象征手法的运用65. 《在路上》中的反叛意识66. 论康纳德《进步前哨》中孤独意识67. 论《贵妇画像》的国际主题68. 浅析J.K.罗琳小说中的成长主题69. 论《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义70. 从美学角度浅析庞德译作《长干行》71. 浅析霍桑作品中的爱情观72. 查尔斯·狄更斯《远大前程》中金钱与爱的矛盾对立分析73. 浅析《啊!拓荒者》中西部拓荒的女性形象74. 论托马斯.哈代《还乡》中三个女性的悲剧75. 论《还乡》中“夜的女王”游苔莎的悲剧命运76. 论《厄舍古屋》中哥特效果的表现手法77. 《野性的呼唤》中的拟人法78. 《夏日》——一个女人在男权社会的抗争79. 从《小妇人》看新女性形象的几个特质80. 《推销员之死》——一部美国家庭悲剧81. 论《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克82. 从存在主义看《土生子》别格的自由选择83. 约翰·米尔顿《失乐园》的句法探讨84. 《傲慢与偏见》的幽默与讽刺85. 论查尔斯·狄更斯《双城记》的语言与风格86. 论《名利场》的观点及言语方式87. 《呼啸山庄》主题的表现手法88. 《简·爱》男友平等思想的探索89. 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的语言特点90. 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观91. 战争对美国文学的影响92. 论T.S.艾略特的神话意识93. 关于《儿子与情人》中保罗恋母情结的分析94. 论简·爱的性格发展95. 《西厢记》与《天路历程》主题之比较96. 评哈代的宿命论97. 《告别武器》的修辞及描写手法98. 《红字》中的红与黑99. 解析《长腿叔叔》中朱蒂的生活态度100.《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中汤姆形象的分析。
A Comparative Study of English and Chinese1
2. As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it. 我们就住在路边,过路人或外乡人常到 我们这里,尝尝我们家酿的醋栗酒。这 种酒很有名气。我敢说,尝过的人,从 没有挑剔过。我这话像历史学家的话一 样靠得住。
Illustrative examples: 1. The moon is so far from the earth that even if huge trees were growing on the mountains and elephants were walking about, we could not see them through the most powerful telescopes which have yet been invented. 月球离地球非常遥远,即使那边山上长 着大树,有大象在移动,我们用当今发 明的最高倍率的望远镜,也不能看见它 们。
Hypotactic vs. Paratactic (形合与意合)
★ As E. A. Nida points out in his “Translating Meaning”, …so far as English and Chinese are concerned, the most important difference linguistically is the contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis. ★ Hypotaxis: The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses arranged with connectives; ★ Parataxis: The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them;
Subject prominent vs topic prominent
A subject will govern a sentence in English in principle. A topic will be the focus while a subject will change to meet the requirements of the elucidation of a topic.
3. In the 6000 square meters exhibition hall carpets of various style and sizes will be on display, with a wide range to facilitate customers’ selection. These products will surely impress Chinese and foreign business people.
theme and rheme (1)
• In recent linguistics, the role of a constituent as for instance, a subject, object, complement, or adverbial has been understood to one of the roles that that constituent may play in the sentence. How many such roles and levels we wish to distinguish is a matter of dispute. In a programmatic paper on a third levels approach to syntax first published in 1966, Frantisek Danes expressed a view which has often been read as a codification of the Prague-school position: every sentence has a semantic structure, a grammatical structure, and a structure of utterance organization. The semantic structure has subsequently been explicated with the aid of different theories, for instance by Chrles Fillore in terms of semantic roles labeled as ‘cases’; agent, patient, benefactor, locative, and so forth. In these terms, the syntactic role of subject does not necessarily coincide with the semantic role of agent. The third level of structure—that of utterance organization- is best approached with the aid of concepts such as theme and rheme( or topic and comment, as many linguists prefer to call them), focus, and presupposition. There is great deal of disagreement among linguists as to how concepts such as theme and rheme, focus, and presupposition ought to be approached and defined. To some linguists, theme and rheme are matters of the deepest semantic level of structure. Thus the Soviet linguist Melkuk has distinguished thematic and rhematic regions of underlying networks of semantic elements. And Peter Sgall of also reckons with theme and rheme as part of the underlying semantic representation. Some scholars rely on psychological intuitions in defining theme as what one is talking or writing about, and theme as what one says or writes about the theme. Others equate themes with old and familiar in formation, rhemes with old information. Yet others have sought more unambiguous formal criteria for their theme-rheme definitions: themes come first in the sentence, rhemes later. 20
总第244期2013年6月(上)The Science Education Article Collects Total.244June2013(A)摘要本文从形态、语音和结构格式等方面对英汉复合词进行比较研究,其结果表明:英汉复合词在以上三方面都存在异同。
关键词英语汉语复合词比较研究Comparative Study of English and Chinese Compound Words//Liang JieAbstract This paper makes a comparative study of English and Chinese compound words from form,pronunciation and structure. The result shows that there are differences between English and Chinese compound words in all the three aspects.The compara-tive study of English and Chinese compound words is of greatsignificance to vocabulary,translation and teaching.Key words English;Chinese;compound words;comparative study1引言复合词可被定义为是“由两个分离的词构成的单词”[1][2]或是“由两个或两个以上词根合成的词”[3]。
A Comparative Study of Views of Nature in English and Chinese poetry
Similar and Different views of moon in English and Chinese poetry • The similarities • They both use the moon as a vector or personification to express certain kind of feelings.
The differences
Chinese poets showed their absolute love for mountains and rivers. For English, their feelings about the sea were more complicated with love, fear and a strong desire to conquer it.
Chinese Mountain-and-River Poetry
Three elements in this poem: the colorful words, rich imagination and rhetorical exaggeration. Chinese mountain-and-river poetry feeds on beautiful scenery of China and reflects Chinese unique appreciation of natural beauty affected by Lao Tse and Zhuang Zi, as “Nature is beauty.” and “Nature is truth”. “Man should return to the simplicity and truth of nature”. In this convention, Chinese mountain-andriver poetry has the theme that human being and nature are harmoniously integrated.
comparison between English and Chinese (1)-推荐下载
Topic 6 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English (Part I)Teaching aims: to learn about the similarities and differences of Chinese and English in word forming and? vocabulary so as to translate them accurately.Main Language points: 1. Comparative studies of vocabulary in Chinese and English 2. Comparative studies of word forming in English and Chinese. 3. Techniques employed in translating the differences. Teaching emphasis: the techniques employed in translating the differences.Teaching references:1. 孙致礼. 新编英汉翻译教程[M]. 上外教出版社;彭长江. 英汉-汉英翻译教程[M]. 湖南师大出版社;2. 冯伟年,最新简明英语翻译教程[M],世界图书出版公司,20013. 陈宏薇,新编汉英翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,20044. 张培基,《英汉翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社,1983Teaching methods: Analysis and PracticeTime arrangement: 2 periodsI. Lexical Comparison of Chinese and English1、Comparison of script(文字对比):English (alphabetic script)(只有词)Chinese (ideographic-oriented syllabic script): (有字又有词)象形字(pictograph),指事字(indicative character),会意字(associative character),形声字(morpheme-phonetic character)2、Comparison of pronunciationChinese ( tonal language)English (intonation language)3、Comparison of word formation(见书上P36-41汉英)4、Difference of morphologyEnglish 有屈折变化(inflections):性、数、格、时、体、态、语气、人称、比较级等;Chinese 没有形态变化,但有量词(动量词)、语气词、形态助词;II. Semantic comparison of Chinese and English(词义对比)A、the meanings of the word(词的意义方面):1、英语中有些词所表示的意义,在汉语里可以找到完全对应的词来表达。
2019年A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Language.doc
A C o m p a r a t i v e S t u d y o f E n g l i s h a n d C h i n e s eL a n g u a g e1.The Comparative Study in Grammar of English and Chinese•1.1 Part of Speech•1.1.1 Classification in part of speech•There are 11 parts of speech in Chinese, while there’re 10 in English. Articles do not exist in Chinese, and “量词” and “助词”do not exist in English.E-C•增加量词•A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea.•一轮红日从风平浪静的海面冉冉升起。
•Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon.•一钩新月渐渐隐没在朦胧的云彩里了。
E-C•A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river. •一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇合到江里去。
E-C•增加语气助词•Don’t take it seriously. I’m just making fun of you.•不要认真嘛,我不过是开个玩笑罢了。
•The little boy had brought with him knife, scissors and what not, tinkling in his pocket.•这个小孩随身带着刀子啦,剪子啦,以及诸如此类的东西,在口袋里丁零当啷地直响。
C-E•I saw a boy and a girl on my way home. The boy had a book and the girl a doll.•我回家时看见一个男孩子和一个女孩子。
A Comparative Study of Taboos in English and Chinese
云南大学旅游文化学院本科生毕业论文(设计)题目A Comparative Study of Taboos in English and Chinese系别: 外语系姓名: 陈洁学号: 20091200715专业及班级: 09英语3班指导教师: 唐润光(教授)2013年6月11日云南大学旅游文化学院毕业论文(设计)诚信承诺书我承诺:1.本人在毕业论文(设计)撰写过程中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范,毕业论文(设计)是在指导教师的指导下独立完成。
承诺人签名:年月日AcknowledgementsMy college study at Tourism and Culture College of Yunnan University will soon come to an end. Graduation thesis is a very important part of college study, at the completion of my thesis , I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who have offered me invaluable help during the four years of my undergraduate study here.First, I would like to express my great appreciation to my teacher professor Tang who encouraged me and gave me advices. He read and revised my thesis over and over again. Without his help and guidance, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Thank you very much for your hard work during such a long time.Second, I will owe my sincere gratitude to my friends who helped me to find information from books, websites, and introduced several related materials to me.Third, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these four years.ContentsAbstract (ⅰ)摘要 (ⅱ)I Introduction (1)II. Brief Introduction of taboos (2)2.1 The definition of taboos (3)2.2 The Origin of taboos (3)III . The main characteristics of taboos (4)3.1 Universality (4)3.2 Diversity (4)3.3 Stability (4)IV. Similarities between English and Chinese taboos (5)4 .1 In death and disease (5)4.2 In religion (5)4.3 In excretion of the body (6)4.4 In discrimination (6)V Differences between English and Chinese taboos (7)5.1 In number (7)5.2In color (7)5.3In privacy (8)5.4 In names (8)VI. Strategies of avoiding taboos (9)6.1 Using euphemism (9)6.2 Telling white lies (10)6.3Putting oneself in other's shoes (10)VII.Conclusion (11)Bibliography (12)AbstractTaboo touches all aspects of social lives and plays a significant role in people‘s communication. It is a linguistic phenomenon, as well as a cultural phenomenon. Due to different social systems, value orientations and religions, there are many differences exist in English and Chinese taboos. Many linguists at home and abroad have studied taboo from the aspects of sociolinguistics, rhetoric, pragmatics and discourse analysis. Taboo is a common phenomenon in all kinds of human language. And language is a part of culture, a reflection of the social culture. The present thesis aims to make a comparative study of English and Chinese taboos in terms of culture, especially psychological culture and interpersonal culture. And if learners have a better understanding of the different cultures, they will improve their communication ability and communicate fluently and effectively.Key Words:taboos comparative study psychological culture interpersonal culture摘要禁忌涉及到社会生活的各个方面,在人们的交流中扮演着重要的角色。
A contrastive study of Chinese and English
姓名丁佳文班级英语097 学号0 9 0 9 6 7 0 2A contrastive study of Chinese and English1. The difference of using function words between Chinese and English2. Idiomatic use and collocation of words2.1 The meaning of words3. Words Order3.1 words order in phrases3.2 word order in a sentenceThere are many commons as well as differences between Chinese and English. Compared with Chinese, English words are believed to be characterized by great vacillation and flexibility and it depends much on the contextual relationship.English words are believed to be characterized by great vacillation and flexibility; the meaning of a word may range widely and it depends much on the contextual relationship as is said”Words do not have meanings; People have meanings for words.”Unlike those of English words, Chinese words are comparatively rigorous, accurate and fixed in meaning which do not range as widely as English words do. They depend less on the context and are comparatively independent of the context.English and Chinese employ different types of function words. English function words include the articles, Prepositions, auxiliary verbs, coordinators and subordinates. For example, “She was with a child” and“she was with child”the two sentences above have extremely different meanings. The first sentence meansa woman was stay with a child, but the second sentence means a woman waspregnant. While Chinese function words comprise particles, connectives, and prepositions,each has its own features in the use of these words. Chinese is rich in particles, which can be classified into aspect particles, structural particles, and emotional particles. The frequent use of Chinese particles is a hard nut for foreignlearners of Chinese. For example这回我可亲眼看见啦!(感叹语气)This time I have actually seen it for myself你呀,老这样下去可不行啊!(加重语气)Look! You can’t go on like this.•In English, one word often has many meanings in different sentences. For example,“Oh, what a story!”and“He stories about his academic career and his professional career”in these two sentences, the word “story”has different meanings. In the first sentence, story means “lie”,while in the second sentence, it means “fabricated”. Another example is“kill”.⒈He killed the man 他杀死了那个人⒉They killed the proposal他们断然拒绝建议 3.Please kill the engine请把发动机熄灭⒋He is dressed to kill他穿的很时髦,十分吸引人.⒌She kills her child with kindness.她宠坏了小孩⒍He killed time every day at the park他每天上公园消磨时间⒎He killedthree bottles of whisky in a week 他一周内喝了三瓶威士忌The less inflective a language, the more rigid the words order. Word order in English is not as rigid as in Chinese. More ways of inversion are often seen in English. For example“What in the world do you mean?”and “Not a finger did I lay on him?”. How about the words order in phrases? Here are some examples. The first situation is the same, such as “黑白black and white,好恶like or dislike”. Then the second situation is the reverse, such as“钢铁iron and steel,田径track and field”.“Inversion", as one of the translation techniques, means the necessary or even inevitable change of word-order in a sentence according to the usage of the language to be translated into. This "change of word-order" is necessary because, first of all, each language has its own "natural word-order" and its own peculiarities in word-order; secondly, "inversion", as a stylistic device, is often used for emphasis.•。
英汉翻译 1comparative study in sentence
• The commonly used Chinese SPs • VPS general No object无宾句 • (动谓句) (一般) mono-object单宾句 • di-object 双宾句 • with 是 • SP with 有 • (主谓句) special with 把 • with 被 • Single double-verb 连动句 Sentence with object compliment 兼语录句 judgement判断句 existential 现存句 APS形谓句 NPS名谓句 SPPS 主谓谓语句 no subject Non-SP mono-word (单词句)
“If you had told me that you wouldn’t go, I wouldn’t have waited for you there.”
eg 你先告诉我你不去,我就不会在那里 等你了.
• 1、跑得了和尚跑不了庙。 • The monk may run away, but the temple won's run with him. • 2、你死了我去当和尚。 • If you died, I would go and become a monk. • 3、他不去我去。 • I would like to go if he wouldn't go. • 4、他不去我也去。 • I'd go there even if he wouldn't go with me. • 5、他不去我才去。 • I'd go there only if he won't.
Comparative Studies of the Languages
Substitute vs. Repetitive(替换与重复)
Generally speaking, English doesn’t use so many repetitions as Chinese does. 英语多用替换词语;汉语多用重复形式。 You should help her since you have promised to do so. Men and nations working apart created these problems; men and nations working together must solve them.
During the wartime, years like these would have meant certain death for many people. Many would have become beggars and others would have been compelled to sell their children. 战争期间碰到这样的年景,很多人肯定会 死去,很多人会逃荒要饭,很多人会被迫 卖儿卖女。 Thus encouraged , they made a small bolder plan for the next year. 由于受到这样的鼓励,他们为第二年制定 了一个更大胆的计划。
Synthetic vs. Analytic (综合性与分析性)
English is a Synthetic language marked with inflexnguage without any inflexion, which is usually implied in the context or explicitly shown in such words as “ 着 ” “了”“过”etc. 英语属综合性语言,其标志为词的曲折 变化形式; 汉语为分析性语言,靠 “着”, “了”“过”之类的助动词表 达不同的时间关系。
A comparative study of sentences in Chinese and English.
A comparative study of Chinese and EnglishID number: 201855820Name: LI MINGMINProfessor:박순혁Abstruct: English belongs to the Indo-European languages, is a synthetic language, grammatical relations between words in a sentence depends mainly on the morphological changes of words and maintained by the consistent relation between subject predicate structure to express; and the Chinese are different, the Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family, is an analytical language, grammatical relations between words not by morphological changes and maintained by the consistent relation between subject predicate structure to express, but through the function words and word order to express, so the Chinese passive sentence mainly with "is", "by", "have" to express. On the features of Chinese grammar, Chinese unlike English has various forms, so the Chinese passive sentence and the semantic relations are often more closely. Modern language school attaches great importance to the study of the passive sentence, and try to use the case grammar, valence theory, cognitive theory to the analysis of Chinese passive sentences, the theory has achieved significant results in the analysis of the characteristics of Chinese passive sentence in the.I am on the basis of previous studies, mainly on the syntax, semantics and pragmatics, further study of English and Chinese sentence similarities and differences between the historical evolution of the problem, to effectively solve the difficult points in learning Chinese and English passive sentences.Key words:Chinese and English difference grammar type comparison1.Introduction about Chinese and EnglishSubjects and predicates in English and Chinese have active and passive relations. Because English belongs to Indo European language and Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language, so it is different in terms of morphology and syntax. English is a comprehensive language. The grammatical relations between words and words in a sentence depend mainly on the morphological changes of the word itself.In Chinese and English, the form, development, and semantic, syntax, pragmatic of sentences have a great difference. Moreover, the comparative study of Chinese and English sentences is an important aspect of contrastive linguistics. There is a close relationship between Chinese and English historical grammar studies and Synchronic Grammar Studies. Chinese and English sentences have always been an important issue in the study of Chinese grammar. This issue has been actively discussed and studied by many scholars. Therefore, on the basis of drawing on the achievements of predecessors, I will continue to learn about it.2.The difference of cognitive science and typology between Chinese and English2.1The difference of cognitive scienceFrom the perspective of thinking mode, thinking mode is the way of thinking exercise, and it is the unity of thinking structure and thinking exercise. There is a great relationship between thinking and language. Language structure determines theprocess of thinking, and different national language form different ways of thinking. Therefore, the differences between Chinese and English form a different way ofthinking between Chinese and English nations.Westerners are accustomed to antagonisming between subject and object, and regard nature as an external thing. So they emphasize concepts, avoid generality, emphasize human rights, and advocate the opposition between man and nature, andman's request for nature. Therefore, the opposite thinking mode has been formed between subjects and objects. The Chinese are accustomed to unifying the subjectand object and regard man and nature as a whole. They emphasize human relations,ignore utensils, emphasize morality, and advocate the unity of man and nature, and harmony between man and nature. Therefore, the western philosophical view of the opposition between the subject and object and the unified Chinese subject and object determine that Chinese and English expressions have their own characteristics.2.1.1Chinese focus on parataxis, English focus on hypotaxisThe English speakers always use words and sentences structures to show meanings and realize the connection between words or sentences by logical relations between semantics or sentences. English lays stress on the tightness of formal structure in order to make the relationship between parts of sentences clear, and they usually use related words, parts of speech, and function words. However, Chinese expressions are relative random and implicit in form, and the conjunction of words or sentences is achieved by means of connectives or linguistic forms. Chinese does not attach importance to the tightness of formal structure, so they rarely use relevant words and sentences. In Chinese, the sentence coherence mainly depends on the semantic connection, and makes full use of the causal relation between the words and sentences to show the action sequence to cohere. Moreover, they hardly use related words but phrases and clauses. Connection between sentences in Chinese the inherent logic and formless relation to connect the combination of sentences, so in Chinese sentences, there is not exist any changes in words and often saves the connection between sentences.The connective elements in Chinese are not necessary, but express meanings of words and sentences in contexts. From the whole, we can understand the specific meaning and the relationship between sentences. It highlights the flexibility and conciseness of Chinese when use some logical connectives.Compare with Chinese passive sentences, English sentences are more compact and tight because of the various connectives which play a role in bonding the relationship within words. The relationship in English sentences needs the morphological changes of all forms of words to emphasize the syntactic forms and syntactic functions, and focus on the relationship between sentence meanings and logical forms. In the sentence structure components, with the verb as the core, the subject and the predicate form a spindle, andthe object and the complement extend along the main spindle, the attributive and the adverbial are branch line in the extension, and are connected with the main line with related words. Conjunctions (such as however, but, so, since, etc.), relation words (such as which, when, that, where, who, how, etc.), and preposition ( such as about, to , with, in , of , to, etc) are very important in English sentences. Try to compare these two sentences as below:1) Wo men wei pei yang si wei he xun lian er jiao jiao xue,zhe liang zhe dou neng kuo zhan si wei,zeng qiang xue sheng wei she hui zuo gong xian de neng li,zhe shi jiao yu de zhong ji mu di.We teach math for thinking and discipline, both of which expand the mind and increase the students’ability to function as a contributing individual in society: the ultimate goals of education.Chinese do not need to use connection words to express logical relations between sentences, but English must use word order to show conjunctions between sentences. Because Chinese words do not have any twists and turns, so when express ideas in Chinese sentences, there is not any change of grammatical forms, but use direct combination of various components within a sentence. In contrast, when English vocabulary changes, which leading to the characteristics of English syntactic changes mainly rely on words forms. Moreover, the change in the English language mainly focuses on verbs, such as predicates change according to the subjects, verbs have non-finite form. In English, numbers, case of nouns, tense and voice of the verbs; relative pronouns, relative adverbs and conjunctions between main clauses and subordinate clauses, play an important role to link up sentences. Thus, Chinese and English sentences are two different patterns.2.1.2Chinese focus on subject , English fo cus on objectThe Chinese people are accustomed to way of thinking of the unity between subject and object. The thinking mode of Chinese nationality is unitary subjective thinking mode. Its characters are the subject intervening in the object, and the object integrating into the subject, which posses a strong subjective initiative, but lack some objective scientific nature. This way of thinking is expressed in language: Chinese sentences are often used to personal subject, and often they are omitted when it is self-evident. For example, the Chinesesentence "I suddenly thought of a good idea", the focus of its thinking is "I", while the object "idea" is secondary.In contrast to Chinese, Westerners are accustomed to the way of thinking of the opposite of the subject and the object. The thinking mode of the Westerners has dual characters, subject and object,and the latter occupies the dominant position, because the traditional western thinking takes ‘nature’ as the cognitive object. This object thinking way makes Westerners focus on things rather than the subject themselves when observing things. Expressed in language, Objects are often used as subjects in English sentence, and generally cannot be omitted, and thus the passive form of predicate is produced. For example, the same meaning as the previous one, used to say in English: "A good idea suddenly struck me." Here object "a good idea" becomes the focus of thinking, and the thinking subject "me" is placed in a secondary position.2.1.3Chinese—‘scatter’ language, English—‘focus’ languageFrom the morphology change of sentence, western language is a "focus" language, while Chinese is "scattered " language. Generally speaking, Chinese often uses SVO sentence patterns, so many sentences have no focus, and clauses are arranged in logical order of development. While English is different, the predicate of English sentence must be a finite verb, which must be consistent with subject in person and number. If there are other verbs in a sentence, it must be consistent with the subject. Therefore, the predicate verb is the soul and focus in English sentences. Compared with Chinese, the way of English sentence-making is according to form chains, and the way of Chinese sentence-making is according to natural temporal and spatial order.In terms of the characteristics of the sentence, there are great differences in the way of observing things between Chinese and English. English people always pay attention to the individuality of thinking, the refinement and concretion of thinking, and grasp the most important information and focus from the complex and changeable things, and put the most important information in the main sentence and put subordinate information in the secondary position. In contrast, Chinese pay more attention to the generalization and comprehensiveness of the thinking, and are not good at catching the most importantinformation from the complex and changeable things, neglecting the relationship and priority between individuals.Try to compare:2) Lulled by the motion and soothed by the rippling music of the waves the babies soon fell asleep.Zhuan er qing qing yao dang,bo sheng chan chan yue er,hai zi men bu jiu jiu shui zhao le.In this example, ‘fell asleep’ is the predicate and the center in the whole sentence, and other verbs like ‘lull’ and ‘soothe’ use only –ing form. Therefore, it is very clear to see key information and sentence structure in English sentence, however, the Chinese one is just not clear and blurry, moreover, we cannot tell the difference in three sub-clauses above.2.2The difference of typology2.2.1 Chinese—analysis mode , English—integrate modeFrom the point of morphological classification, the world's languages can be classified into comprehensive and analytic languages. Analytic language means that the grammatical relation is not expressed through the morphological changes of the words themselves, but by means of function words and word order etc. Comprehensive language means that a language changes through the form of a word itself to express grammatical meaning, such as case, number, tense etc. According to this, we can infer that Chinese is a language based on analysis. In other words, grammatical relations are not expressed by the morphological changes of the words themselves, but by functional words and word order. On the other hand, English is a language developed from comprehensive to analytical language, that is, English mainly express grammatical meaning by means of its own change of forms.There are not any changes or turns in Chinese. Nouns will not change their form into plural, and verbs do not change their form to express the past tense, present tense and future tense. Modern English still holds some character of the comprehensive language, but it has the character of the analytic language: there are morphological changes; Word orders are more flexible than Chinese, but relatively fixed; Many of function words are used quite frequently. There are no morphologic changes in Chinese like Indo-European languages. But Chinese also has its own special features. There are two tense words exist in Chinesesentences: tense auxiliaries and time adverbs. There are three tense auxiliary words in Chinese: "着(zhe, v-ing)", "了(liao, v-ed)", "过(guo, have been)" and its collocation forms; And the usually used time adverbs are as follows: 总(zong, always), 又(you, again), 老(lao, again), 再(zai, again), and a large number of special time adverbs, such as 现在(xianzai, now),过去(guoqu, past)and so on. However, English belongs to a comprehensive language, whose symbol is the inflection form of the predicate. An English verb itself has four forms: present, present participle, past and past participle, such as the four forms of the verb go: go, went, going, gone and so on. Then use these four forms can change into sixteen different tenses. At the same time, English verb forms must abide by various norms, and have strict requirements in terms of number, tense, and voice. The difference in tense between English and Chinese is mainly reflected in the diversification of verb forms. In Chinese sentences, the verb forms are more stable than English.2.2.2 Pronunciation differenceChinese phonemes are divided into two categories: vowels and consonants, and the same with English. A Chinese syllable is usually composed of one single vowel and one single consonant. The vowel (V) is the central component of a syllable, and consonant (C) is an auxiliary part of a syllable. There are four types of syllables in Chinese: V, CV, VC and CVC, and we can see that vowels are dominant ones when syllables are formed. In contrast, the syllable compositions in English are much more complicated. Besides the above four types, it can also be linked by three or four consonants, such as Aus-tra-li-a. Chinese is a tone language, and its tone feature endows Chinese with a cadence of musical beauty. Every Chinese character has four voices: high level, high rising, falling and rising, and falling. Tone is an indispensable part of syllables, and if the tone of Chinese character is different, although vowel consonants are same, meaning can be different. Such as: 韩(hán,family name)喊(hǎn,shout)汗(hàn, sweat)旱(hàn, dry)and so on. The rhythm of voice, degree, length, speed and the timbre of the speaker enables Chinese to express the rich thoughts and exquisite feelings accurately. Chinese sentences have intonation, which is generally displayed on the stressed words at the end of a sentence, but it cannot change the tone and is restricted by the tone.English is not a tone language, but an intonation language. The unit of the intonation is usually a sentence group or a clause, and the stress is usually at the end of a sentence. Intonation has not only abundant grammatical functions, but also can separate declarative sentences, interrogative sentences or disjunctive questions. Besides, they also have unique expressive effect. Different intonation can express different attitudes, tone, thoughts and feelings, and posses a melody beauty in English sentences. There is no tone in English words, but there is a stress. The regular arrangement of stress is an important phonetic feature of English. The difference of the position of stress indicates the different word class or meaning. The change of the position of sentence stress can strengthen the tone and highlight the contrast meaning.2.2.3 Vocabulary differenceChinese is one of the oldest languages in the world. Chinese vocabulary is rich and its meaning is abundant. With the development and change of language, Chinese vocabulary has developed from "monosyllabic" to "double syllable". The development trend of vocabulary makes it easier to clear the meaning of homophones, which makes the meaning of words become more accurate. Idioms are one of the most characteristic words in Chinese. They play a very important role in Chinese vocabulary. They are concise and comprehensive, which can be replaced and regulated, which giving Chinese expression more strong. There are many synonyms in Chinese. The nuances between synonyms not only enrich the expressive power of Chinese, but also embody the implicit beauty of word meanings. With the rapid expansion of foreign exchange communication, Chinese has absorbed many foreign words (such as computer, sofa, Coca-Cola, software, mouse and so on). They are not only products of foreign culture nut also embodiment of cultural integration.English is the most widely used language in the world. It absorbs Latin, Greek, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Chinese with its development and formation, which are the most important words in the world. It also has flexible methods of word formation, which can be used to form new words and new meanings by changing the inflection. The vocabulary of English is very rich, which makes the English ideographic both accurate and vivid, and can vividly express the delicate thoughts and feelings; the meaning of Englishwords are wide, the phenomenon of polysemy and many characters in one word are very common. The division of words in Chinese and English is different. There are two categories of Chinese notional words and function words. Notional words include nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, and quantifiers. Functional words have prepositions, conjunctions, interjection and auxiliary words. English is also divided into two categories: notional words and function words. Notional words are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronoun and numerals. There are no quantifiers in English; the function words include prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs and articles, and there are no articles in Chinese.2.2.4 Grammatical differenceThe difference in grammar between Chinese and English is mainly embodied in the following aspects: (I) there is no sign of the word class in Chinese, except for some limited suffixs such as子(zi),员(yuan) and auxiliary words such as 的(de), 地(de), 得(de). For example, "画(huà)" is a verb and a noun. We cannot know the feature only we see the whole sentence and analysis its structure. A Chinese verb itself does not have any grammatical form to express tense, voice and tone. There are articles in English and other Indo-European languages. Articles are used to mark nouns, and nouns are also the main parts of sentence grammar. After determining nouns, verbs can be basically determined in form accordingly. The changes in the tense of English verbs are expressed in the form of inflection, such as "He studies (studied, has studied, is studying)." Moreover, Adjectives pass through -ful, and adverbs are easier to identify by -ly. Second, nouns and pronouns in Chinese do not change in nominative or objective form. For example, "she loves me" and "I love her" as the subject of "she" and "I" are the same character to "I" and "she" as objects. In English, the nominative and the objective are the same and the forms are different. Third, subject and predicate of Chinese sentences only require the semantic consistency, without the corresponding change in form. In English, the subject predicate language is strict in terms of number, person and verb tense.For example:3) wo xihuan huahua, ta xihuan huahua, wo men da jia dou xihuan huahua.I like painting,she like painting,we all all like paintingI like drawing. She likes drawing. We all like drawing.3.ConclusionThe similarities between any two languages are universal and differences are relative. All human languages are symbolic and important tools of human life. The evolution of language has been developed from imperfection to perfection. Grasping of the differences accurately between Chinese and English helps us to understand the characteristics of these two languages better.。
Topic 7 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English (Part I)
Topic 7 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English(Part I)Teaching aims: to learn about the similarities and differences of Chinese and English in word forming and vocabulary so as to translate them accurately. Main Language points:1. Comparative studies of vocabulary in Chinese and English2. Comparative studies of word forming in English and Chinese.3. Techniques employed in translating the differences.Difficult teaching points: the techniques employed in translating the differences.Teaching references:1.孙致礼. 新编英汉翻译教程[M]. 上外教出版社;彭长江. 英汉-汉英翻译教程[M]. 湖南师大出版社;2. 冯伟年,最新简明英语翻译教程[M],世界图书出版公司,20013. 陈宏薇,新编汉英翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,20044. 张培基,《英汉翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社,1983Teaching methods:Analysis and PracticeTime arrangement: 2 periods1. Lexical Comparison of Chinese and English1. Comparison of script(文字对比):English (alphabetic script,拼音文字) :只有词Chinese (ideographic-oriented syllabic script):有字又有词象形字(pictograph),指事字(indicative character),会意字(associative character),形声字(morpheme-phonetic character)2. Comparison of pronunciation(发音对比):Chinese :tonal language 声调语言(阴、阳、上、去, 如:优、游、友、幼)English:intonation language 语调语言3. Comparison of word formation(构词法很大不同):4. Difference of morphology(词法不同):English:有屈折变化(inflections):性、数、格、时、体、态、语气、人称、比较级等;Chinese:没有屈折变化,但有量词、语气词、形态助词;表现如下:①冠词:A cup of teaAn English bookHe is a student in our class. 他是我们班的学生。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作王尔德童话中的毁灭与拯救英文电影片名的汉译研究旅游翻译中的跨文化语用失误An alysis of Cross Cultural Busin ess Communi cati on Failure语结与英语长句的翻译反复在格特鲁德?斯泰因的作品《三个女人》中的运用《乱世佳人》中的清教主义思想解析英语广播新闻与报纸新闻的文体比较学习动机对大学生英语学习的影响模糊语用交际策略在政治语言中的运用分析中美餐桌文化差异比较研究A Study of Transl ation of Chinese Idioms with Numeral “ San”A Study of Neo-Classicism浅析广告英语的修辞特点归化与异化在文学翻译中的融合应用——评《红楼梦》两英译本中的习语汉英翻译中的中国式英语产生的原因及对策《海狼》主人公汉弗莱?韦登成长新论Dicke ns ' Huma nitaria nism in The Two Cities从卡明斯的L(a看视觉诗的可译潜势影响英语专业学生阅读理解因素的分析及对策探讨Analysis on Paul Mo rel ' s Life Passages from the Perspective of Lawrenee ' s Unconscious 商务英语信函中礼貌策略初探The Study of the Positive Effects of Native Lan guage on Junior School En glish Teach ingA Brief Analysis of Willy Loman ' s Tragedy in Death of a Salesman论英语俚语的汉译一以奈达的功能对等理论为指导从文化角度简要分析词语的意义Why is Valentine ' s Day More Popular than Qi XCultural Analysis of Traditional Festivals一位绝望的主妇——从女性主义角度诠释《林中之死》英语体育新闻标题的特点及其翻译礼貌策略的英汉对比研究一以《傲慢与偏见》及其译本为例An alysis of Gone with the wi nd from the Perspective of Femi nism英语委婉语之初探从消费文化角度看《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的破灭文化差异对商务谈判的影响及策略《威尼斯商人》中的关键社会元素一一莎士比亚心中的乌托邦社会透过中西谚语的对比分析中西文化异同The Lon ely and Desperate Moder n Man: A Close Readi ng of The Hairy Ape from the Perspectiveof Expressi onism《爱玛》的婚姻观分析狄更斯的人道主义思想在《双城记》中的体现《红字》中的基督教因素初探A Comparative Study of America n and Chin ese Spatial Lan guage in Busin ess Negotiati onThe Postmoder n Story In the Victoria n Age ---- The French Lieute nan t's Woma n《汤姆•索亚历险记》中所反映的社会问题外语学习焦虑与口语成绩的相关性研究批评与重新解读《日瓦戈医生》论远大前程中皮普的道德观论《紫色》的社会意义中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响The Comparis on of Diet Culture betwee n Chi na and AmericaStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening的三中译本------- 各译作对原作忠实度的对比评析Con trariety of William Blake ------- I mage An alysis of Songs of Innocence and of Experie neeA Comparative Study of Drago n Images in Chin ese & Western Literary Classics《哈利?波特》系列里恐怖美的研究文化差异对跨国公司在华本土化战略的影响从社会习俗角度分析中西方文化差异和谐与冲突:弗罗斯特和陶渊明田园诗的比较研究新课标下初中英语教师角色转变的研究On Paul ' s Sdlivelopment in Sons and LoversWomen s Image in Pygmalion《苔丝》中的女性与自然《双城记》中的人道主义文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响《愤怒的葡萄》中的圣经原型年世博会吉祥物所体现的中国元素中译英口译活动中母语负迁移现象的实证研究英文中"and”的用法及译法探析大学生英语听力两种辅助活动实证研究论《龙年》中呈现的中国文化《红楼梦》中的颜色词及其翻译中国文学作品中的歇后语的英译-以红楼梦为例中西方悲剧爱情故事折射出的文化差异一《穆斯林的葬礼》与《荆棘鸟》之比较Comparis on of models of Huma n Resource Man ageme nt betwee n East and West从《嘉莉妹妹》看德莱塞的女性观网络环境下英语专业学生学习策略研究《可以吃的女人》的女性主义解读初中英语课堂教学的任务型活动设计隐喻视角下的政治新闻语篇分析当爱遇见不爱——浅析《马可百万》中的三对情爱关系On Con tradict ion Betwee n Comprehe nsion and Expressi on in Tran slati on论中西教育观的差异跨文化交际中的禁忌习俗任务教学法在初中英语阅读中的应用试论英语中的歧义与翻译从功能派翻译理论的角度研究中国菜单翻译试比较《汤姆索亚历险记》与《哈克贝利芬历险记》中主人公性格异同点解析《红字》中的红与黑游戏在初中英语教学中的作用论《爱玛》中的新女性形象任务型教学模式在初中英语课堂教学中的现状分析--以XX学校初一学生为例浅析中美家庭教育的差异英汉颜色词语义对比研究解析女性主义在DH劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》人物塑造中的体现Purita nism in The Scarlet Letter中国文化元素在功夫熊猫中的体现及其翻译《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》的艺术特色分析试论库珀的种族观以《最后一个莫西干人》为例语用学理论在经贸英语口译中的应用论《金色笔记》的多元主题英汉颜色词在文化背景下的不对应性对《魂断蓝桥》女主角悲惨性命运原因的分析In flue nee of Cross-Cultural Differences on the Tran slati on of Chin ese and En glish Idioms 艾米丽的心理性格分析西方饮食文化对中国饮食的影响宗教枷锁下的人性挣扎一一《红字》中丁梅斯代尔形象解读从生态批评视域解读《热爱生命》A Study on Effective Multimedia-assisted SEFC Teach ingIn flue nee of Wester n Food Culture upon Chin ese People人格、环境与命运--- 以弗洛伊德"人格结构理论”分析《还乡》中的主要人物命运中西方婚姻观的差异《蝇王》中象征意义浅析浅谈来自《圣经》的英语习语英汉鸟类词汇文化内涵比较英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析《呼啸山庄》中窗的意象中国菜名翻译的技巧与准则An An alysis of Middlemarch from the Perspective of EthicsOn the Cultural Signification and Translation of Animal Idioms功能对等视角下记者招待会古诗词翻译策略研究电影名称的翻译特点Non verbal Communi cati on Used in Differe nt En glish Teach ing StagesA CP-based An alysis of Humor in Frie ndsOn Tran slati on of Culture-Loaded Words in Subtitle of Ashes of Time Redux论《天路历程》的批判精神战争、归乡、爱情一《冷山》的多元主题研究形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响一一以《快乐王子》中译本为例电影片名的翻译研究En glish to Chin ese Tran slati on Methods 从餐桌礼仪看中西文化差异浅议提高英语阅读速度的方法《觉醒》与《欢乐之家》中的女性形象和女权思想之比较从体育舞蹈看中西方社会的审美文化差异《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶运用超验主义解读《小妇人》中的女性形象《飞屋环游记》的人物设置特色分析《乞力马扎罗的雪》中概念隐喻分析Gen der Differe nee in Daily En glish Con versati on挣脱枷锁,走向自由——从《人性的枷锁》看毛姆的人生观试论霍桑小说《胎记》中的象征主义A Con trastive Study on Meanings of Ani mal Words in En glish and Chin ese英语教学中合作学习策略的初步研究拒绝话语跨空间映射的认知解读一以商务洽商为例迪斯尼动画《木兰》中的中美文化融合分析中西校园流行语的文化对比“爵士时代”的女性一一对比分析《伟大的盖茨比》和《太阳照常升起中》的女性角色埃德加•爱伦•坡幽默小说研究《紫色》中黑人男性形象研究浅析欧洲中世纪骑士和中国侠士精神的差异一西欧中世纪初期骑士和中国秦汉游侠从《傲慢与偏见》两个汉译本看翻译策略的选择《麦琪的礼物》的叙事技巧分析语用移情及其在英语学习中的运用盖茨比美国梦的幻灭——透视现实生活中的爱情比较研究王维与华兹华斯的自然观Childhood PTSD in Anne of Green Gables中美两国家庭文化差异s Nana The Comparison of the Two Main Characters in Daniel Defoe ' s Roxana and Emily Zola跨文化视野下的中国形象一一以好莱坞电影为例论《简爱》中的女性意识On the Ways to Develop Junior Middle School Students ' Autonomous AbilityCulture Teach ing in College En glish Liste ning Classrooms《道连•格雷的画像》中意识与潜意识的对抗与结合从《悲悼三部曲》看尤金?奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承性超越从《喧哗与骚动》中看复合式意识流手法广告英语中语言的性别差异Tragedy of a Margin alized Man ------ An An alysis of Shylock in The Mercha nt of Venice英语网络语言特点研究Risk Compari ng of Docume ntary Collectio n and Letters of Credit从跨文化角度浅析化妆品商标翻译论《双城记》中卡登形象的塑造及其意义英语外贸信函的特点及翻译从语用等效角度透析旅游景点名称英译《蝴蝶梦》中的女性成长主题研究浅析小组合作在小学英语教学中的应用浅谈象征在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用从《爱玛》看简?奥斯丁的女性主义意识试析《推销员之死》中威利?洛曼的美国梦从精神分析和人格面具理论看“我”和吕蓓卡的对立统一消除不良商标翻译的策略《白鲸》主人公埃哈伯人物形象分析从《打鱼人和他的灵魂》看王尔德的唯美主义《愤怒的葡萄》中圣经的象征和隐喻Study of Tran slati ng Skills of Busin ess Corresp ondence《觉醒》女主人公-艾德娜追求自我的过程从电影《暮光之城》浅析吸血鬼文化的改变隐喻在英语政治演讲辞中的认知功能一以奥巴马的竞选演讲辞为例中美婚姻价值观对比跨文化视角下研究英汉民俗词语的不等值翻译从《西风颂》初析雪莱的反传统人格特征论《第二十二条军规》的写作手法试析与地理环境有关的英语成语及其文化内涵论罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求中西方聚会文化差异比较研究马斯洛需要层次理论下的《奥兰多》试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信“美国梦”的幻灭一一论《人与鼠》的社会悲剧中西方文学作品中复仇的异同——《基督山伯爵》和《连城诀》比较研究A Comparative Study of Chin ese and En glish Polite Lan guages功能对等理论视角下英语言语幽默的翻译一以《老友记》为例《呼唤》中倒装句汉译策略研究。
A Comparative Study on English and Chinese Tones and Intonations
B.A. ThesisA Comparative Study on English and Chinese Tones and IntonationsB.A. Candidate: Li QiaozhenAdvisor: Zheng SanliangForeign Language DepartmentJiaying UniversityMay 21, 2008AcknowledgementsOne must be indebted to many people for various kinds of help and support in a study like this. I am most grateful to Ms. Zheng Sanliang, who inspired and encouraged me with her enlightening ideas and insightful remarks. Thanks for her continuous supports and comments in my writing of this dissertation.I am extremely grateful to the reference room of our department and the library of our university and the computer room, which have provided various reading publications and materials relevant to my study. My special thanks to my friend Kevin, who has given me many helps to collect the valuable materials and the drawings on this paper.AbstractEnglish and Chinese belong to two different language systems. A lot of linguists have done researches on the English and Chinese phonetics, but they hold different views on the concept of tone and intonation. So far as the English and Chinese languages are concerned, C.L. Wrench pointed out that Chinese is a tone language and English is an intonation language on which Lian Shu’neng agrees with in his book Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese. Some even consider that both English and Chinese are tone and intonation languages. Different from the above points of view, the writer comes to a different conclusion through the comparative research and analysis that Chinese is both a kind of tone language and intonation language, while English is an intonation language in that the change of tone causes the change of characters and their meanings in Chinese, but almost has no influence on the meaning of the words in English. However, the change of intonation has an influence on the mood and the meaning of sentences in both English language and Chinese language.Through the comparative study of tones and intonations, types and functions of tone and intonation are analyzed. As mentioned above, Chinese is a tone language while English is not. There are four basic tones in Chinese i.e. yīng píng, y áng píng, shǎng shēng and qùshēng which have special functions of distinguishing Chinese characters and their meanings especially when the characters’vowels and consonants are the same. Besides this, the different tones in Chinese can also distinguish the part of speech of the same word. On the contrary,English, which is a non-tone language, the meaning of an English word which was uttered with various tones does not change at all.As for intonation, though there are two more patterns of intonation in English than in Chinese, the functions of the intonation are more or less the same. In both languages, intonation can be used to indicate the speaker’s attitude, convey different meanings of the utterance and indicate the stressed part of the utterance. However, differences of intonation between English and Chinese are still clearly shown through comparison. It can be seen that the tone value is different, the tone for expressing the utterance of same meaning is different and the unique modal particles in Chinese can not be found in English. Therefore, it is quite necessary to pay more attention to the differences and similarities in the language learning.Key Words: tone intonation comparative study摘要英语和汉语是两种不同的语言体系。
A Comparative Study on the Compliments in English and Chinese
2. Mitigating Responses (缓和式应答): avoid self – praise and other-disagreement eg. a. A: I like your sweater. B: I bought it on sale. b. A: Tom, you really did a good job. B: Did I? Thanks to my father, he helped me a lot .
1.2 In Chinese, adj(46%),adv(47%),V(7%). Adv is widely used. eg.你这件衣服真漂亮。 你学习很刻苦,进步很大。 你的英语讲得很流利、棒极了。 2.1 In English, these kinds of sentences are widely used in compliment:
Compliment is one of the most commonly used devices since it intends to lead the communication in everyday lives going on the desired direction. Generally, compliments express admiration or positive attitude which usually results in good sense on the receiver. So, the appropriate use of complimentary words and responses would be benefit to the effectiveness of communication.
A Comparative Study on Chinese and English Idioms
A Comparative Study on Chinese and English IdiomsWe all know that Idioms are the important part of a language. No matter in written language or oral language,idioms has its special language patterns and characteristics. Idioms are used in high frequency. A lot of language and cultural information can be conveyed by idioms when people talk with each other.But what is the concept of idiom?Different people have different opinions to idioms. So there are more definitions of idioms. Some experts regard idioms as treasury of a language,others consider idioms as the quintessence of language. These opinions reflect the idioms’characteristics in some degree. But they couldn’t express the idioms’definition. Different dictionaries always have different definitions. For example,Longman Active English-Chinese Dictionary (1990)defines an idiom as “a phrase which means something different from the meanings of the separate words”. The concise Oxford Dictionary (2000)gives such a definition as “a group of words established by usage and having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words”. LongmanDictionary of contemporary English (1998)gives the definitive “a phrase which means something different from them meanings of the separate words from which it is formed”.Now we have already known what the idioms are,but what are the differences between English and Chinese idioms. Chinese idioms generally include:set phrase especially the four-word set phrases “气贯长虹”,“国泰民安”;proverbs “好事不出门,坏事传千里”;common saying “天下无难事,只怕有心人”;allusion “青女素娥”; a two-part allegorical saying “肉包子打狗-有去无回”. As to the English idioms,English idioms generally include:Set phrase,idiomatic phrases such as “to have one's head in clouds”;Proverbs such as “many men,many minds”;Common sayings “to charge someone an arm and a leg”;Allusion such as “much cry and little word ”;Slang “slang off”.Differences in classification of English and Chinese idioms1. The four groups of English idioms1)Set phrases :The set phrases include idioms and abbreviated expressions. They function as a word in sentence and should be used as a whole without change of their forms.Bear a grudge against somebody(耿耿于怀):dislike someone because of something,that has happened in thepast.Wet behind the ears(乳臭未干):lacking experience,training or knowledge,na?ve and immature.2)Colloquialisms:An informal word or expression which is more suitable for use in speech than in writing Hand in there:not to give up.Big wheel:an influential or important person.3)ProverbsNothing ventured,nothing gained:one cannot obtain anything unless one risks something or makes an effort to obtain it.All work and no play make Jack a dull boy:it is not wise to concentrate only on work and not to allow time for relaxation. Without proper leisure time,the worker and therefore the work will suffer.4)Slang expressionsDish the dirt:gossip or spread rumors about others.Hit the sack:go to bed.2. The four groups of Chinese idiom1)成语(set phrases):Chinese set-phrases are a kind of special and fixed expressions with brief form,regular structure and rich and profound meaning. Set phrase is a group of wordsthat together has a particular meaning,especially when they express the meaning well in a few words.Bury the hatchet(偃旗息鼓):restore a relationship after a long quarrel.Split hairs(吹毛求疵):find and unimportant differences as if the differences are important.2)俗语(common saying):Common saying is a well known short statement that expresses an idea,most believe is true and wise. In Chinese,common saying is created for ordinary people,which is passed down from one generation to the next.坐失良机,后悔已迟It is too late to grieve when the chance is past.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人It never rains but it pours.3)谚语(proverbs):Proverb is short well-known statement that contains advice about life in general. Proverbsare created and developed by people and passed down fromone to another by spoken language. It is combination of people’s wise and experience. Using proverbs can make the language and dialogue more humorous and vivid,and also can prove the expression ability of text.“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”:foolish peoplesay and do things too hastily. A wise person avoids rash action.4)歇后语(two-part allegorical sayings):Two-part allegorical sayings are special language form which are created by the people from daily life. It usually consists two parts. The front part is brought alive by its masterful use of metaphor. The latter part is explanation,which is suitable.肉包子打狗――有去无回Throw a meat-stuffed bun at a dog ?C something gone,never to return铁打的公鸡――一毛不拔Iron cock ?C stingy personEnglish has a rich repertoire of idioms. Getting a good knowledge of English idioms can help us understand English culture,express ourselves clearly and avoid using Chinese English. English idioms are very important in our daily life. In order to learn English,we have to master the commonly-used idioms or phrases. If not,we may make many silly mistakes. So I hope this text can help us to master more and more English and Chinese idioms,in order to prove our English level.参考文献:[1]戴炜栋,何兆熊.新编简明英语语言学教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,2002.[2]王振亚.语言与文化[M].高等教育出版社(第二版),2001.[3]牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第六版)[Z].牛津大学出版社,2004.[4]包惠南,包昂.中国文化与汉英翻译[M].外文出版社,2004.[5]蒋咏梅.英、汉数字文化与翻译[J].保山师专学院,2005,2.[6]王秀银.英汉数字词语的比较及翻译[J].湖北三峡学院学报,1999,2.。
comparative study of En & Ch
Comparative Study of English and ChineseLi LupingIntroduction我相信,对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他认识英语和汉语的差别,在每一个具体问题——词形、词义、语法范畴、句子结构上,都尽可能用汉语的情况来跟英语作比较,让他通过这种比较得到更深刻地领会。
——吕叔湘《中国人学英语》Course Objectives:This course consists of a series of lectures on a comparative study of English and Chinese, aiming to enhance the students' awareness of the essential differences of the two languages and improve their English reading comprehension and expression and increase their ability in the conversion of the two languages.Time: 10 lectures, 2 hours each.Discussion Topics:A Macroscopic Comparison of English and ChineseA Comparative Study of English and Chinese at Word LevelA Comparative Study of English and Chinese at Sentence LevelDifferences Concerning English and Chinese Logic and RhetoricA Comparative Study of English and Chinese at Textual LevelReference Books:何善芬,《英汉语言对比研究》,上海外语教育出版社,2002连淑能,《英汉对比研究》,高等教育出版社,1993方梦之,《英语汉译实践与技巧》,天津科技翻译出版公司,1994陆国强,《英汉和汉英语义结构对比》,复旦大学出版社,1999倜西等,《英译汉理论与实例》,北京出版社,1984姚念庚等,《英汉翻译论稿》,辽宁大学出版社,1987张今等,《英汉比较语法纲要》,商务印书馆,1981张培基等,《英汉翻译教程》,上海外语教育出版社,1980Evaluation:1. A test consisting of questions, comments and translations.注:请同学们自己留下记笔记的空间;讲义中的例句可以自己先试着理解或翻译一下。
A Comparative Study of Chinese and English 1
• 5)这三个县经历了那场1中国2七十年代3 第四次4极为严重的5遍及数省的6自然7灾 害。 • The three counties underwent the1 fourth4 most serious 5natural 7disaster that plagued several provinces 6in China 2in the 1970’s3.
• 3.英语用词力戒重复 英语用词力戒重复,常常用替代、省略和变 英语用词力戒重复 换的表达方法避免重复;汉语用词不怕重复,常 常运用实称、还原和复说的表达方法。如: • 1)Translation from English into Chinese is not so easy as that from English into French. • 译:英译汉不如英译法容易。 • 2)During his visit to China, the Korean foreign minister conferred with his Chinese counterpart a number of times. • 译:在中国访问期间,韩国外交部长与中国外交 部长举行了数次会商。
• D. Translating Strategies • 1.英语的词汇有形态变化 英语的词汇有形态变化,英语通过词汇的形 英语的词汇有形态变化 态变化,表示句子丰富多彩的语言关系和逻辑关 系。而汉语基本没有形态变化 汉语基本没有形态变化,它主要靠词语、 汉语基本没有形态变化 词序及暗含逻辑关系来表达句子的语言意义。 • 主要对策:翻译英语的形态变化时, 汉语一般 用加词或变换说法的办法来表示。如: • (1)前置的时态副词:过去、曾经、已经、现 在、正在、将要……; • (2)附着的时态助词:过、着、了、起来…… • (3)后置的时态语气词:了,来着……
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A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Animal Idioms对英汉动物习语的对比研究外国语学院AbstractLanguage is the carrier of culture, and idioms are the essence of language, which has a strong expressive function and national colors. In both English and Chinese idioms, animal idioms occupy a large number. Along with the development and progress of human society, many animals are tamed to become domestic animals serving people, and many others have become people’s pets. Many animals have become a kind of symbol in people’s thinking and this symbol is reflected in the language. These animal idioms reflect different cultural connotations of different nationalities. This paper aims to disclose the differences between English culture and Chinese culture through comparing the connotation of animal idioms in both languages.Key words: animal idiom; comparison; cultural connotation摘要语言作为文化的组成部分,在文化中起着重要的作用,语言是文化的载体。
关键词:动物习语;对比;文化内涵Contents Abstract (2)摘要 (3)Introduction (5)1. Similarities between English and Chinese animal idioms (5)1.1 Same vehicle with the same meaning (5)1.2 Same vehicle with different meanings (6)1.3 Different vehicles with the same meaning (7)2. Differences between English and Chinese animal idioms (9)2.1Differences in agricultural production mode (9)2.2 Differences in aesthetic orientation (9)2.3 Differences in the standard of value (10)Conclusion (11)Bibliography (13)IntroductionAs a part of culture, language plays an important role. Language is the carrier of culture. The idiom is the essence of language, and the cultural information it carries has strong national characteristics. Animals, as living in the long-term intimate contact with people, are used in a large number as metaphor in English and Chinese, which not only has its lexical meaning , but also contains a deeper and more important cultural connotation. And each nation's historical culture, living environment, traditional customs, religious beliefs, moral values, aesthetic values, etc, have their own unique characteristics. In some animal idioms, though their English and Chinese figurative meanings are consistent, the connotation they express often means the opposite. Therefore, compared with Chinese and English animal cultural characteristics, it is conducive to understand a foreign culture and increase the interest in learning a new language and promote cross-cultural communication.1. Similarities between English and Chinese animal idioms 1.1 Same vehicle with the same meaningHumans cannot live and labour without animals and some animals even become friends. During the close association with animals, people carefully observe the habits of animals and gradually sum up the characteristics of different animals, and add them to the expression in everyday language. People's way of thinking and their worldview have agreat similarity, and both Chinese people and English people have nearly the same knowledge of animal’s instincts and ways of life. So the same animals with the same cultural connotations in English and Chinese culture, often express the same emotion. For example, if you want to say a person who is industrious, English people will say“as busy as a bee”, and at the same time Chinese people can understand it. Another example is that Chinese people will use“披着羊皮的狼”to describe a bad person,and in English it is said“a wolf in sheep’s clothing”. This example indicates that seen from the outside, the person is pretty kind but inside is extremely malicious. This example also states that different languages and cultures endow “wolf”the same cultural associative meaning. The following animal vehicles have the same associative meanings in both Chinese and English. Pig can be regarded as a kind of animal with lazy, dirty, greedy and rude characteristics. So “pig”is used to show the character of greedy and stupid both in English and in Chinese, e.g. “to make a pig/hog of oneself(过分贪嘴,贪婪)”, “if a pig had wings he might fly(除非猪能上树)”,and this example indicates an improbable state of affairs.1.2 Same vehicle with different meaningsAs English and Chinese people living in different cultural backgrounds, their worldview and values have significant differences. It is natural that they will create different associations towards the same animal. Let’stake the dragon for example, in Chinese, especially in ancient time, dragon was regarded as a positive image, a symbol of good luck in traditional Chinese culture, and it is enshrined as the totem of the Chinese nation. It is the respected name of emperor, the metaphor of all outstanding figures. Chinese people are proud to call themselves “Descendan ts of the Dragon” and in the hope that their son could become a “dragon”, that is a Chinese people’s idiom “望子成龙”. But in English,“dragon”is a derogatory term. In western stories and legends, a dragon is an animal like a big lizard, it has wings and claws, and breathes out fire. Dragons are described as monsters in most western countries. “There is an example from Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary,‘If you call a woman a dragon, you mean that she is fierce and unpleasant.(如果把一个女人叫做dragon,是说她很凶,很令人讨厌。