



Unit 1一、词汇短语Text Astatuette [] n. 小雕像【词组】a china statuette瓷雕【例句】A china statuette of a shepherdess stood on the table. 桌上有一个牧羊女的小瓷像。

eternal [] adj. 永恒的,不朽的;无穷的,无限的【例句】①She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life. 她终生感激他的救命之恩。

②I am tired of your eternal arguments. 我讨厌你那没完没了的争论。

【助记】外部(external)世界是永恒的(eternal)诱惑【派生】eternally adv. 永恒地;不朽地eternity n. 来世,来生;不朽;永世lest [] conj. 惟恐,免得【例句】He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.为了预防回来以前天就黑了,所以他带着手电筒。

leopard [] n. 豹;美洲豹【词组】snow leopard 雪豹spring [] n. 春天;弹簧,发条,弹性;根源,源泉;泉水v. 跳,跃,使跳跃【例句】She sprang out of her chair to greet her father. 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲。

【词组】in spring 在春天spring up 涌现,发生,出现spring from 起源于,出身于spring sth. on sb. 向某人突然说出或提出某事物(令人惊奇或猝不及防)muscular [] adj. 肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的【例句】Like most female athletes, she was lean and muscular.像大多数女运动员一样,她精瘦而健壮。



❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
现代大学英语精读4第二版 unit1ThinkingasaHobby概要
16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 勇敢的 人才能 所向披 靡。



Unit1Anguish / aspire / atheist / bitterly / bulge catholic / costly / deficiency / delinquent/ detestation / devise / disinterested / draught / exalt / fault / file / fuss / heady / hideous / high-minded / hindquarter / hustle / hypocrisy / impediment / league / leopard / lest / libertine / majesty / masterpiece / Methodist / monologue / muscular / navy / oratory / outnumber / penal / pious / proficient / prominent / reel / remorselessly / restively / rotten / rug / ruinous / solidarity / spectacles / spring / statuette / symbolize / trifle / unaccustomed / underserved / writheUnit 2Assert / bad-humored / breed / bundle / cock / commence / coop / crunch / dejected / dotted / felt / flannel / fowl / freckled / furrowed / gruffly / grumble / hamlet / hearth / henceforth / hobble / homespun / hop / imminence / knoll / limestone / low / manure / mating / merciless / mitten / peg / pore / pretend / rake / rasping /rawhide / revel / rim / rod / seaweed / shawl / sideways / skull / sod / sow /spotted / streak / striped /subjugate / swear / tremor / triangular / turfUnit3afresh / anecdote / antagonism / attribute / belittle / brain-center / bungle / compel / conceive / conversely / cowardice / cue / dispose / dogma / energetic / extend / fogeyism / gladiatorial / gramophone / grudge / headhunting / improvident / inheritance / merit / originate / recollection / staunch / stock / striking / tedious / wickedUnit4abdomen / administrator / architect / atop / authoritative / beckon / blonde / bolt / boulder / bridle / characterize / classical / conspicuous / contrived / crisscross / diarist / disembowel / domain / drizzle / element / embolden / firefly/ foliage / forthrightly / garrotter / glaringly / herb / hoot / horn-rimmed / impenetrable / indefatigable / intestine / involuntarily / lair /legendary / loch / loon / magnify / mineral / muggy / nocturnal / nutcase / observatory / obtrusive / ominous / outdoorsy / pee / plaid / pointedly / pulse / raccoon / ramble / rampage / reservoir /resident / resume / rigid / rotate / rucksack / scurry / searchlight / secluded / shrew / snatch / spot / staggering / stern / stuff / tame / tissue / yoga /zoomUnit 5apparatus / aquifer / arid / breed / capacious / category / chronically / deity / delta / desalination / diminish /distribute / diversion / endangered / equilibrium / ethanol / evaporate / extinct / extract / famine / finite / flush / girder / glacier / hydroelectricity / ill-conceived / insatiable / irrigate / jackal / lap / litre / medium / microchip / migration / miraculous / overblown / overwhelm / perforate / permafrost / pestilence / petroleum / quadruple / remedy / respectively / routine / sacred / sewage / silt / soybean / squander / substitute / sustain / thermal / triple / trudge /tube / turbine / wetlandUnit 6Amid / bustling / chickenpox / chime / congregate / crank / curse / deli / desolate / devout / divine / drill / dropping / escalate / flare / forcefully / forsaken / grapple / hailstorm / heel / homey / incorporate / Iraqi / knockdown / Lebanese / locust / maimed / outshout / panty / piaster / raspy / ravine / rumor / shun / sinewy / sticky / tag / terraced / timepiece / tingle / troublemaker / Turkish / vineyard / whirlpool / whoop / whore / wriggle / wringUnit 9Allegiance / anaconda / ancestor / appease / ascent / atrocious / avaricious / bloodshed / brood / brute/ captive / colonel / concubine / crucial / conjecture / degenerate / descent / disposition / exterminate / gory / gouge / harem / humiliating / incurably / indecency / jackass / microscopic / miserly / mutilation / miserly / mutilation / oblige / obscenity /postulate / rabid / reptile / salvation / scruple / sketch / soiled / sordid / speculate / tame / trait / turban / vulgarity / wantonlyUnit 10Abdicate / agonizing / astronaut / buggy / cosmonaut / cybernation / dazzling / dilemma / dungeon / dweller / exploitation / fluster / fraternity / gargantuan / incandescent / indictment / interstellar / manifest / napalm / notorious / peer / presupposition / redeem / scale / serenity / stagecoach / status / stratosphere / tidal / underscore / unduly / unfathomable / vulnerable / warrant / wrought Unit11Aftermath / airborne / ammunition / battalion / burden / carbine / casualty / colloquium / console / controversy / convulse / current / discharge / disorder / division / engagement / folder / foxhole / graveyard / hedgerow / infantry / irremediable / machine / mortar / onset / parallel / paratrooper / permanent / prose / range / rhythmic / sanity / shovel / sly /stocky / strew / stump / symptom / terminate / traumatic / trench / tripod / Vietnam / waggle / ward / windmill。



Unit11) into Chinese.(1)浴巾a bath towel(2) (美)小学a grammar school(3)永恒的真理the eternal truth(4)文件柜a falling cabinet(5)纯属无稽之谈utter nonsense(6)违规行为delinquent behavior(7)常客a frequent visitor(8)新鲜空气fresh air(9)格调很高的独自(一个人唱高调) high-minded monologue(10)一种固定的观点a settled view(11)时事(当前国内外大事) current affairs(12)身体障碍a physical impediment(13)可怕吓人的风a hideous wind(14)令人厌恶的景象a hideous sight(15)言语障碍 a speech impediment(16)使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情heady patriotism(17)无情的人侵者the remorseless invaders(18)首相the Prime Minister(19)国际联盟(国联) the League of Nations(20)思维过程(思想方式) a mental process(21)条理清楚的文章a coherent article(22)一个完整的体系a coherent system(23)一位口译好手a proficient interpreter(24)一种不可阻挡的趋向an irresistible trend(25)烂苹果rotten apples(26)根据事实(启示)写成的literally inspired(27)一位点头之交 a nodding acquaintance2) into English.(1) to sink one's head 低头(2) to sink the ship 使船沉没(3) to contemplate the meaning of life 思考人生的意义(4) to catch the light 让阳光一下照着(5) to ruin one's health 毁了一个人的身体(6) to ruin the country 毁了国家(7) to bang the desk 猛击桌子(8) to play a prominent role 扮演一个重要角色(9) to hold a prominent position 占有重要位子(10) a pious Buddhist 一个虔诚的佛教徒(11) to gain a reputation 获得一种名声(12) to satisfy one's ego 满足一个人的虚荣心(13) to give sb the third degree 严刑逼供(14) to devise a teaching method 发明一种教学方法(15) to slide a gun into sb's hand 在某人手中悄悄塞一支枪Unit21. TranslateInto Chinese夜生活evening life吃和住board and lodging供吃住的寄宿舍boarding-housing一秒钟都不到 a split second玻璃弹子glass marbles抽打死马(做徒劳无益的事)whipping the dead horse阿司匹林片aspirin tablets在此情况下in the circumstance提前,事先in advance走过场a matter of form楼梯间平台的窗户landing window紧张气氛the tense atmosphere毛线针knitting needles梦游to walk in one’s sleep飞机翼展the wingspan of a planeInto Englishto whip up a little interest 引起一些兴趣to keep the ball rolling 让谈话/活动继续下去to set the ball rolling让谈话/活动开始起来an eccentric millionaire 一个作风古怪的百万富翁to allot capital 分配资金to tighten one’s belt 勒紧裤带to make a remark 讲一句话to stretch out one’s hand 伸出一只手to moisten one’s lips 润润嘴唇to complain of the weather 抱怨天气to plunge the stick into the sand 将棍子用力插入沙中to turn on me 突然冲我来了(批评或责备我)to get on one’s nerve 使某人心烦to put something out of someone’s mind 使某人将某事忘得精光to come off the hook 脱钩to do a crossword puzzle 做填字游戏to blow one’s nose 擤(xing)鼻涕to powder one’s nose 在鼻子上搽粉(女人上厕所的委婉说法)to give an alibi 提出案发时不在场证明unit3into Chinese专业的历史工作者professional historians基于常识的反应a common-sense reaction 事物的这种状况the state of affairs意见不一的历史学家contending historians 已经准备好了的现成的东西 a cut-and-dried matter一个个人喜好不同的问题 a matter of personal preference截然不同的观点diametrically opposed points of view民间故事folk tales书面文件written documents过去的遗留物the remains of the past人的动机和行为human motivations and behavior复杂和精细sophisticated and subtlety商船merchant ships一旦发生潜艇战in the event of a submarine warfare一个粗糙的理论a crude theory好战的行为;战争行为belligerent acts宣传机器a propaganda machine德国外交部长the German foreign secretary 实力平衡the balance of the power(事物的)因果the cause and effect海岸炮兵the shore batteries终极关怀the ultimate concern (事物的)近因a proximate cause人们常说的一句话 a well-used phrase不会出错的解释a foolproof explanation绝对有效的模式a model of unquestioned永不停止的探索a never-ending quest一个难以达到但又十分诱人的目标an elusive yet intriguing goal2)into English(1) to gain new insights 获得新的深刻认识(2) to revise one’s ideas 修改一个人的观点(3) to trace the cause 追查起因(4) to begin from this premise 从这前提出发(5) to open fire on/at 朝目标开火(6) to give equal weight to sth 给以同等重视(7) to support a certain view 支持某一观点(8) to influence the government 对政府施加影响(9) to destroy the balance of power 破坏实力平衡(10) to form an alliance 组成同盟(11) to repay the loans 还贷(12) to contemplate war 考虑战争问题(13) to fill in the gaps 填补空缺(14) to conclude the quest 结束探索(15) to view sth from a certain perspective 从某一角度看问题(16) to benefit from the comparison 从比较中获益(17) to eliminate from the comparison 消灭差别(18) to dig into the problem 深入探究问题(19) to be immersed in a vast sea 淹没在大海中(20) to stem from a different point of view 从不同观点出发(21) to be destined to do sth 命中注定要做某事(22) to ignore the fact 无视这个事实(23) to make an assumption 作出假设(24) to defeat the enemy 打败敌人(25) to win back one’s lost territory 夺回失土(26) to sink a boat 沉船(27) to intercept the secret message 截获机密(28) to piece together evidence 将证据凑在一起(29) to approximate the truth 接近真理(30) to master new techniques 掌握新技术Unit4难以解决的问题an insoluble dilemma一本难以看懂的书an incomprehensible book一个爱交际的女人 a sociable woman黑市the black market黑色幽默black humor害群之马black sheep黑人权利black power缺少表达能力的人inarticulate people全国性运动a nationwide campaign赞扬或恭维的话complimentary remarks调皮的男孩a mischievous boy某些大人物们certain powerful quarters种族隔离的学校segregated school他的无可争议的权威his indisputable authority一个地位很高的人士a high personage公海high seas上流社会high society机密消息confidential information冷淡而缺少人情味的门impersonal doors冷淡的公文式的信 a impersonal letter真诚的羡慕an unselfish envy不自然的,紧张的说话的声音 a strained voice2)Into English1. to celebrate the Golden Jubilee 庆祝它的50年华诞2. to excite admiration 引起赞慕3. to touch the conscience 触动良心4. to win the prize 得奖5. to receive the reprimand 受到训斥6. to omit the words 省去这些字7. to renounce the prizes 宣布放弃奖金8. to avert a crisis 避免一场危机9. to attend the ceremony 参加(发奖)仪式10. to exhibit a works of art 展示一件艺术品11. to indulge the pleasures 尽情享受乐趣12. to guard a child 保护一孩子13. to feel up to it 感到有能力做某事14. to bring sth. to a close 使某事正式结束15. to weave sb. In 挥手让某人进去16. to save sb. from a situation 使某人不必处于某种场合17. to talk out one’s heart to sb. 向某人说心里话18. to knock sb. Down 将某人打翻在地19. to pour sb. a drink 给某人斟酒20. to raise (lift ) one’s glass 举杯庆祝。



unit1:aspire to sth.渴望.;有志成为be given to (doing) sth. 经常做;习惯于catch the light发光;闪光confer sth. on/upon sb.授予某人do away with sth.废除;取消;结束endow sb. with sth. 赋予某人few and far between 稀少;稀疏;不常发生findout (about sb. /sth.)查明,弄清(情况)for my money依我看;我觉得give sb. the third degree对某人逼供(或疲劳询问)leap to one's feet快速站起来leave sb. /sth. out (of sth.)不包括,不提及make for sth.促成..think well of sb. /sth.对.有好感;对..评价很高unit2:as it were从某种程度上;可以说be chained to sb. /sth.被锁(栓)在...上;为...所束缚be worthy of sb. /sth.值得(或应得)的be/ become dotted with布满;遍布carry along way (声音或气味)传得很远cross one's mind (想法等)掠过某人心头,出现在某人脑海fix sth. on sb. /sth.集中(目光、注意力、思想等)于...give/ pay no head to sb. /sth.不听从...不理会...revel in sth.陶醉于;着迷于;纵情于rob sb. /sth. of sth. 剥夺(某人所需或应得之物) take... for把..看做unit3:a shadow of一丁点:少许as a rule一般说来;通常attribute sth. to sb. /sth.把...归因于,认为..是由于be consistent with sth.与.一致be on sb. 's guard警惕;提防;警戒”beyond qustion毫无疑问;毋庸置疑consist in sth.在于;存在于enquire into sth.调查;查究;查问fit in with sb. /sth.与..合得来;适应get at sth.获悉;了解;查明;发现in (the) light of sth.考虑到;鉴于make allowance(s) for sth.考虑到; 估计到.rest upon/on sth.基于;以...为基础.shake off摆脱tendto趋于think sth. out认真考虑;仔细盘算....to sb. 's satisfaction使某人确信(或信服)unit4:call sth. up使回忆起;使回想起curlup蜷曲着坐(或躺)drop off打盹儿;小睡get/ find/ take one's bearings判明方位;弄清自己所处的位置;熟悉环境just about几乎;近乎;差不多make for sth.向...移动needless to say不用说;不必说.......not to mention更不用说;且不说pat sb. /oneself on the back表扬,称赞(某人/自己)put sth.in安装;修建stuff sth. with sth. 用..填满或装满...unit5:above all最重要的是;尤其是account for sth. (数量上、比例上)占the imune to sth.不受.的影响be set to do sth.有可能做...的be well off (for sth. )(某事物)充裕....carry on with sth.继续做某事;坚持做某事draw on/upon sth.凭借;利用;动用for (the) want of sth.因为缺乏have access to有(使用或见到..的)机会head for.. .朝..行进in due course在适当的时候;到一定的时候in rticular尤其;特别;格外......in pinciple原则上;理论.........in print已刊印;已出版set off动身;出发;启程takenote (of sth.)注意到..);(将...)铭记在心up to sth.到达(某数量程度等);至多有unit6:attend to sb. /sth.处理;对付call sb. names辱骂;谩骂cave in (on sb./sth. )塌落;塌陷;坍塌chime in (with sth.)插嘴;打断谈话come into view看得见;进人视野get anywhere有所进展keep track of sb. /sth.了解..的动态;与...保持联系out of one's hair不打扰某人roll by (时间)流逝talk sb. out of (doing) sth. 说服某人不做某事talk sense 讲话有道理trail off声音逐渐减弱到停止;逐渐消wring one's hands (尤指出于焦虑或烦恼而)扭绞双手unit8:be up to sth.胜任chew through sth.咀嚼嚼碎...churn out sth. (粗制滥造地)大量生产,出大量炮制drumsth. intosb.向某人反复灌输;对某人反复讲述get by (on/in/with sth. )(靠..)维持生计,设法过活,勉强应付hit the nail on the head说到点子上;正中要害live off sb. /sth.靠..过活;依赖.生活mountains of sth.许多;大量next to nothing几乎没有on one's own terms按照某人自己的件;根据某人自己的主张pileup堆积;积压play out发生;出现prime the pump投资以振兴(新的或不景气的企业或行业)ramp up sth. 使...的数量增加.......the lion's share最大的最好的一份....tip the balance/ scales使天平倾斜;使结果倾向某方;起决定性作用translate (sth. ) into sth. (把..)转变为unit9:at one's pleasure根据.的意愿;随意be alive to意识到;注意到.brood over sth.为-.感到焦虑;为--而沉思cheat sb.out of sth.从某人那里骗取某物engage in sth.从事..;参加...in truth (强调真实情况)的确,事实上...oddsandends琐碎的东西;小玩意.....on hand现有(尤指帮助)。

现代大学英语精读4 单词

现代大学英语精读4 单词

精读4: 1. acquaintance alas anguish atheist Buddhist bulge centralized compensation compulsive confer confront contemplate contempt contradiction conversion current affairs deficiency delinquentdetestation disintegrate disinterested draught ego exalted flee gloom heady hideous high-mindedhindquarters hustle hypocrisy impediment indignant integrated irresistible irreverent lag leopardlest libertine majesty masterpiece Methodist modest monologue muscular oratory patriotism penalpious prewar Prime Minister proficient prominent remorselessly repetition restively RomanCatholics rotten rug ruinous solidarity spectacles stampede statuette towel trifle unaccustomedundeserved utterly vanish Venus visitation writhe ----------2. aggression allotted allot apologize approximately ascend aspirin assumption blow one’s noseboarding-house bony chilling clear up clear up a little ground crossword cushion drawing-roomeccentric ejaculate emphatic get on one’s nerves guinea gulp hook in advance inconvenientinquiringly instantaneous keep the ball rolling knit latchkey lodging marble mess moisten obligepassage powder one’s nose shriek stall tablet tense triumphantly viciously whip up ----------3. admittedly alliance ally approximately artifact balance of power battery belligerent commonsensecut-and-dried deem denote (be) destined to diametrically disproportionate exhilarating factorfoolproof garrison haberdasher (the) high seas immersed in the event of insight interceptionmemorize minister model moreover never-ending note opposed oversleep persuasively premisepresumable probe pro-British proximate quest relevant remains restricted restrict revise stem fromsubmarine thereby validity whereby ----------4. abreast Africaans avert brandy ceremony cognac complimentary confidentially constrainedcontemplation demonstrator deserted disgusting envy exhibit expel flat for God’s sake goodwillherald inarticulateness incomprehensible indisputably insoluble jubilee lift liquor literature lobbyluxurious mansion mate nationwide omit outcry oversight passageway personage polished quarterrenounce sculptor sculpture segregate slumped squint statue strained suspend testimonial unselfish5. apologetically astride baba bad-tempered baker bastard bloody bugle charger crook cross disfiguredex- fantasize fend fork frenzied furiously gateway glaze greedy grunt haul heave hospitalityimpotence instrumental joint mortgage obscene onslaught overweight pant partial personalitypinion pork prop up raid reserve rib rum sarcastic scrap self-centered selfish shade sourly sprinklestanding straightforward thrash topple torment trickle unattainable undaunted vanish vigorouslyvilla weight whale ----------6. agreeable allowance to make an allowance for something anecdote antagonism as a rule attributebelittle bungle classify competent conceive consistent conversely coward cowardice cuedeep-rooted dogma dogmatic duel energetic enormous established fogey fundamental gladiatorialgramophone grudge headhunting improvident in fashion infant infanticide inherit inheritancejustify legitimate livelihood necessitate originate polygamy prestige prohibition run out sentimentsentimental skilful staunch uncritically undesirable ----------7. appetite assert atmosphere block bundle cluster commence coop crow crunch dotted draughtferociously flannel fowl freckled furrowed glimmer glisten gruffly hamlet hateful heartily henceforth homespuns hop imminence ivy-covered knoll limestone low manure mating mitten overpower pore primeval rake (out) rasp raw rebellion revel rheumatism ridge rim rod seaweed shawl shrewd sideways slavery sod sore sow spade stoop streak striped subjugate throb tremor triangular turf whiten woollen worm yawn ----------8. abreast abruptly acquisition adjust alien antidote backlash binge boom Bulgaria bust cable centurychampion clamor complement component consequence conspicuously constituent controversial crony daunting discriminate downturn dwarf Ecuador ensue entity erode Estonia exceed export fare financing forecast genetically globalization glut hamstring implode indicator industrialize inept instability interdependence internet investor irreversible Kyrgyztan Latin America Latvia liberalization lopsided materialize maximize membership merger modify Mongolia multilateral multinational nationalism negotiation neutralize optimism Panama percentage peril plausible presumption prevail project prone propel purchase recession relentless relieve retard scary seattle shield slowdown slump snowball South Korea sovereignty sub-Sahara succession a succession of takeover tariff transportation treasury trendy undersea unification upheaval volume widespread wireless ----------9. agility alertness ape Au revoir bay bloodhound brighten businesslike chateau concealment Cossackcourtly cove cower crotch deplorable dingy dodge exceedingly expanse fable flask flatten furnish grapevine hogshead hound hum huskily insane lash leash leech legweary lightning-charred lore mainland Malay metallic moccasins mock moss muck mutter ooze outspread panther pastime pent-up pit placid postpone quarry quicksand recoil repast rude sack sapling savagely shin sip stake stalk stamina suck suicide swamp torch trigger twig Uganda uncanny utmost varnish wilderness wind woodcraft zealous ----------10. amid apron backgammon bustle cave in checkers chickenpox chime (in) clay clearing communionconfessor congregate crank curse deli desolate devout ditch dragout droppings drought dung earthquake escalate fingernail firsthand fish-bearing forcefully forsaken full-blown gravity hailstorm hide-and-seek homey Iraqi jet-back knockdown Lebanese locust lucrative lukewarm lure maimed mayor New Zealand oasis panty pestilence piaster prostitute ravine reassuring relay reveal rumor scholarship sergeant shoo shun sinewy skeleton soda sticky tag temper terraced tingle troubleshooter Turkish unfaithful vineyard weary whooping cough wring --11. acclimatize anathema apt assent Balkan barbarism beck bedclothes belated billet blacksmith blot(out) bundle civilian collaborator combatant comply (with) conformity consign consult consume corporal corset cream credential crossroad crochet cue one’s cue deceitful deceive deduce defensive disapproving disastrous discharge discourtesy distinguishable emergency enthusiastic exterior fair fiend fling flout gelatin hairpin hastily hearten hypothetical implement implication in the meantime incredulous inexplicable inkwell laissez passer laundry liable lottery Madame manhandle miscreant mistress monsieur nephew non-commissioned offend pajama pry (into) quill reassuring repressive routine saucer score (off) shave sin steamroller sundry all and sundry testily the Levant tin usage valid varicose wink ----------12. abdomen architect authoritatively bearings to lose one’s bearings blonde bolt boulder contrivedcrawl crisscross curl (up) diarist disembowel domain drizzle embolden empire firefly flashlight foliage forthrightly garotter herb hoot horn-rimmed huddle immigrant indefatigable intestine involuntarily irony lair loon magnify mineral water muggy nocturnal nutcase obliterate ominous outdoorsy pee perplex plaid shirt platitude pointedly purse raccoon rampage rigid rip (out) rotate row rucksack scurry searchlight secluded Shit siren skinny skyline snatcher stern strawberry sway tame tear toothbrush transverse whip (around ) yoga ----------13. aftermath airborne ammunition battalion bullet burden carbine casualty colloquium companyconsole controversy convulse current deconstructionist disorder division engagement explosion export folder foxhole graveyard gulf guts hedgerows Holland import infantry irremediable level-headed machine gun mortar onset parallel paratrooper post-(prefix) poststructuralist prose range rhythmic sanity shovel sly sordid stocky strew structuralist stump symptom terminate to and fro traumatic tripod Vietnam waggle ward wheelchair windmill -----14. addict addictive advocacy alcoholic analogy anew bail (out) ban boot camp to boot bureau criticcartel citizenry cocaine confiscation consumption cop corruption crack down (on) criminalization czar demon disprove dramatic enforcement enrich enslave exhortation gaping glamorize glamorous governor gram heroic heroin hooked illusory impoverish intoxicant label legalize liquor mainliner marijuana marine minimize moralist multifaceted narcotics opium paradigm prescription proponent proverbial pusher rationale rebuttal recreation repeal repression resolve rum sanction sane segment smuggle stigma Surgeon General undercut underworld vested whiff ----------15. affectionately allegiance anaconda appease ascent assassin atom atrocity atrocious Australianavaricious bloodshed blush brethren brotherhood calf captive chaos concubine confined conjecture crucial degenerate disposition distinction earl exterminate gory gouge (out ) grace harbor harem hereafter heretic in the course of indecency inquisition interval laughing jackass loose microscopic multitude multitudinous mutilation obscenity odds and ends plaid postulate prior questionable rabid religious render reptile rightful rooster Scotch scruple shilling slaughter slice soiled speculate theology trait transition turban Turk vulgarity wantonly zealot zoological zoological garden。


Modern College English Intensive Reading 4 Second
目 录
• Course Introduction • Textbook analysis • Teaching Focus and Difficulties • Teaching strategies and techniques • Course evaluation and feedback
The textbooks cover a range of topics, including culture, science, history, and more. The topics are relevant and up-to-date, providing students with a broad understanding of English language and culture.
The textbooks include a variety of exercises, such as multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and critical thinking questions. These exercises help students practice and consolidate their learning.
Enhance students' vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
Prepare students for further academic studies and professional development.

最新现代大学英语第二版精读Unit4lions and tigers and bears单词

最新现代大学英语第二版精读Unit4lions and tigers and bears单词

• glare /ɡlɛə/ CET6 TEM4 ( glaring, glared, glares ) • 1. V-I glare at sb 怒目而视 • 例:The old woman glared at him. • 那个老妇人怒视着他。 • 2. N-COUNT 怒视 • 例:His glasses magnified his irritable glare. • 他的眼镜使他怒视的目光显得更凶了。 • 3. V-I 发出刺眼的光 • 例:The sunlight glared.太阳光很刺眼。 • 4. N-UNCOUNT 刺眼的光 • 例:...the glare of a car's headlights.…汽车前灯刺眼的强光。 • 5. N-SING the glare of publicity or public attention显眼; 张扬 • 例:Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity. • 据说诺尔玛不喜欢张扬。
• 艾伦对政治根本不关心。
• horn-rimmed adj. (指眼镜)角质架的 • horn n. 喇叭,号角;角
• impenetrable /ɪmˈpɛnɪtrəbəl/ TEM8 • 1. ADJ (障碍或森林等) 难以穿越的 • 例:...the Caucasus range, an almost impenetrable
• bolt /bəʊlt/ CET4 TEM4 ( bolting, bolted, bolts ) • 1. N-COUNT 螺钉 • 2. V-T 栓牢 • 例:Bolt the components together. • 把所有的部件栓接起来。 • 3. N-COUNT (门或窗的)闩 • 例:I heard the sound of a bolt being slowly and reluctantly slid open. • 我听到门闩被人缓慢而费劲地抽出来的声音。 • 4. V-T 闩 (门或窗) • 例:He reminded her that he would have to lock and bolt the kitchen door



现代大学英语精读4短语中英文对照1.猛然敲门2.向国王陛下欢呼3.凝视那雕像4.设计/发明一种新方法5.获得一种名声6.鼓舞人民7.低下头8.象征/代表国家9.暖和双手10.毁了某人的健康11.起十分重要的作用12.解决这个问题1.永恒的真理2.档案柜3.无稽之谈4.有违法倾向的行为5.常客6.新鲜空气7.格调很高的独白8.一个固定的观点9.语言障碍10.可怕的风11.使人兴奋的爱国热情12.无情的入侵者13.首相14.思维过程15.国际联盟16.一篇有条理的文章17.一位口译好手18.一个不可避免的趋势19.腐烂的苹果20.点头之交1.bang the door2.cheer his Majesty3.contemplate the statue4.devise a new method5.gain a reputation6.inspire the people7.sink one’s head8.symbolize the nation9.warm one’s hands10.ruin one’s health11.play an important role12.settle the issue1.the eternal truth2.a filing cabinet3.utter nonsense4.delinquent behavior5.a frequent visitor6.fresh air7.high-minded monologue8.a settled view9.a speech impediment10.a hideous wind11.heady patriotism12.the remorseless invaders13.the Prime Minister14.a mental process15.the League of Nations16.a coherent article17.a proficient interpreter18.an irresistible trend19.rotten apples20.a nodding acquaintance1.表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概2.在头脑中掠过3.丈量土地4.设法弄到食物5.驱散黑暗6.揉揉他的眼睛7.大声咀嚼她的面包和黄油8.抑制住了恐惧的感觉9.(声音)传得很远10.弯下他们的腰1.燃烧着的煤2.他那张长着雀斑的脸3.淡淡的八字胡4.事情的紧迫性5.一位精明的妇女6.一家之主7.一颗怦怦直跳的心8.一群山间小屋9.一块狭长地带10.一副凶猛严厉的表情1.assert one’s manhood2.cross one’s mind3.measure the ground4.secure one’s food5.scatter the darkness6.rub his eyes7.munch her bread and butter8.overpower that feeling of dread9.carry a long way10.bend their backs1.live coals2.his freckled face3. a fair moustache4.the imminence of the event5. a shrewd woman6.the head of the family7. a throbbing heart8. a cluster of cabins9. a strip of ground10.a fierce and hard lookUnit31.将这些动物归类2.持不同看法3.引申该词的意思4.建立一种新理论5.放弃他的信念6.把这个过程颠倒过来7.珍惜他们的尊敬8.质疑它的真理性9.轻视他们的意见10.接受/采取一种新的思路11.把……考虑在内12.证明结果完全相反13.怀有/心存种种乌托邦思想14.鹦鹉学舌/重复他人1.非理性因素2.社会地位3.过去的好日子4.思维方式5.怀疑的余地6.老掉牙的趣闻轶事7.一个教条的观点8.一个鲜明的对照9.长期的斗争10.矛盾冲突的想法11.一场恶吵12.根深蒂固的观念13.毫无根据的意见14.仅仅是断言;完全是强词夺理1.classify these animals2.hold a different view3.extend the meaning of thisword/term4.establish a new theory5.abandon his conviction6.reverse the process7.value their respect8.question/doubt/challenge itstruth9.belittle their views10.adopt a new thought pattern/wayof thinking11.make allowance for sth12.demonstrate the opposite13.entertain all kinds of utopianideas14.parrot other people1.non-rational factors2.social position3.the good old days4.thought patterns5.room for doubt6.stock anecdotes7. a dogmatic view8. a striking contrast9.age-long struggle10.conflicting ideas11.a bitter quarrel12.deeply-rooted convictions13.groundless opinions14.bare assertion1.回避某物2.蜿蜒而上直达山顶3从窗户窥视4..对大学生发表讲话5.抓住某人的胳膊6.朝某地出发7..避免目光接触8.加快脚步9.抢钱包10.练习瑜伽11.始终低着头12.划船13..逃避惩罚14.迷失方向15.打开睡袋16.急速转弯17.拽出肠子18.露营1.一件花格子衬衫2.矿泉水3.角质镜架的眼镜4.公园创建时期的主管5.享有特权的人的土地6.老年公民7.拦路强盗8.娱乐中心9.一帮男孩10.一条供人跑步的小路11.密不透风的树叶12.帝国大厦13.方向感14.在伸手可及的地方15.野蛮、缺乏教养的人16.一次美的体验17.横冲直撞18.从不间断写日记的人19.供游人骑马的小道1. stay away from sth2. wind its way up to the top of the mountain3. peek through the windows4.address university students5.grab sb’s arm6. set out for a place7. avoid eye contact8. pick up one’s path9. snatch a purse10. do yoga11. keep one’s head down12 row a boat13. escape punishment14.lose one’s bearings15 unroll the sleeping bag16 whip round17 rip out the intsestines18 camp out1. a plaid shirt2. mineral water3. horn-rimmed glasses4 .founding commissioners5. the domain of the privileged6. a senior citizen7. a high way robber8. a recreation center9. a gang of kids10. a running track11. impenetrable foliage12 the Empire State Building13.a sense of direction14. within arm’s reach15. rough elements16. an aesthetic experience17. on a rampage18. the indefatigable diarist19. a bridle path1.使墙体开裂2.拯救灵魂3.玩捉迷藏4.减慢流速成涓涓细流5.抓住某人的头发6.谩骂某人7.撕破她的衬衫8.泄露秘密9.拒绝进步10.进入视野11.捡柴火12.说服某人放弃做某事13.慢慢挤出人群14.跑腿/出去办事15.救某人于水火16.确保供应稳定17.减轻某人的压力18.让他不至于添乱1.梯田2.多岩石的群山3.百日咳4.周围的村庄5.林中的一块空地6.粉尘7.羊粪8.黏糊糊的双手9.精瘦强健的妇女10.旌旗如林11.第一手资料12.漆黑的头发13.一位虔诚的天主教徒14.家务事15.一种让人感到在家般自在的声音16.手卷香烟17.有利可图/十分挣钱的生意18.一家肉铺19.它原来模样的空架子20.一所教会学校1.crack the walls2.save souls3.play hide-and-seek4.show to a trickle5.grab sb. by the hair6.call sb. names7.rip her shirt8.reveal the secret9.resist progress/doc/c411726796.html,e into view11.gather firewood12.talk sb. out of doing sth.13.wriggle one’s way out of crowd14.run errands15.deliver sb. from suffering16.assure a steady supply17.take the pressure off sb.18.keep him out of one’s hair1.terraced fields2.rocky mountains3.whooping cough4.surrounding villages5. a clearing in the wood6.fine dust7.goat dropping8.sticky hands9.sinewy women10.a forest of flags11.firsthand information12.jet-black hair13.a devout Catholic14.household chores15.a reassuring homey sound16.hand-rolled cigarettes17.lucrative business18.a butcher-shop19.a skeleton of its former self20.a missionary school1.进一步加深分析2.阻碍批判性思维3.增加GDP4.反复给我们灌输5.推动政府政策6.消耗/用尽大量资源7.吸收废物8.为全球经济提供动力9.腾出一点空地10.粗制滥造出产品11.消耗储存的资源12.经济倒退1.自由市场吹鼓者2.核心思想/中心观点3.最近出乎意料的变化4.房地产价格5.税收减免6.贫富分化7.诱人的幻象8.永久的经济增长9.水循环10.全球渔业11.自然界废物处理12.碳排放13.技术/能源效率14.生命科学15.人均GDP16.生态系统评估1.hone one’s analysis2.stymie critical thought3.ramp up GDP4.drum into us5.drive government policy6.chew through massive quantitiesof resources7.absorb waste8.power the global economy9.clear some place10.churn out goods11.liquidate resource stocks12.ratchet back economy1.free market cheerleaders2.core idea3.recent turn of events4.property values5.tax breaks6.poor-rich divide7.alluring myth8.perpetual economic growth9.the water cycle10.global fisheries11.natural waste treatment12.carbon emissions13.technological/energy efficiency14.life sciences15.per capita GDP16.ecosystem assessmentUnit8(2)1.促进投资2.污染地球3.击中要害(一针见血)4.扭转局势5.耗尽资源6.注资(以促进生产)7.设定刚性边界8.稳定碳排放量9.驶入波涛汹涌的水域(进入艰难的阶段)10.在黑暗中吹口哨给自己壮胆(故作镇静)11.继续努力12.将社会正义置于繁荣之上13.靠利息生活14.跟上不断增长的需求15.转换成平均数16.施沉重压力于……17.强调我们对经济增长的依赖18.靠吃面包屑过活1.开创性的作品2.正统的观点3.激烈的公开辩论4.现代生命科学的基石5.原教旨主义者6.“智能设计论”的倡导者7.一种长期存在的幻象8.社会弊病9.生物圈里的物质资源10.可靠的数据11.危险的速度12.一项共同完成的工作13.气候调节14.最大的一份15.生态难民16.盲目的消费主义17.人类的聪明才智18.凯恩斯经济学的复兴19.财政刺激手段20.全球(金融)崩溃21.温室气体排放22.矿物燃料1.boost investment2.foul the planet3.hit the nail on the head4.tip the balance5.deplete resources6.prime the pump7.set rigid boundaries8.stabilize carbon emissions9.sail into choppy waters10.whistle in the dark11.sustain human endeavor12.place social justice above prosperity13.live off the interest14.keep up with our demands15.translate into an average16.put a heavy strain on17.underline our reliance on growth18.get by on the crumbs1.groundbreaking work2.orthodox view3.intense public debate4.the bedrock of modern life science5.religious fundamentalists6.intelligent design proponents7. a sustaining myth8.social pathologies9.the physical resources of the biosphere10.the hard statistics11.a breakneck speed12.a collaborative work13.climate regulation14.the lion’s share15.environmental refugees16.mindless consumerism17.human ingenuity18.resurgence of Keynesian economics19.fiscal stimulus20.global meltdown21.greenhouse gas emissions22.fossil fuelsUnit 91.宣布放弃忠于某人2.使某事物接受实验3.牵涉到好几个月的工作4.扔到那里任其腐烂5.满足其胃口6.从某人那里骗走某物7.将侮辱牢记在心8. 对所受伤害耿耿于怀9.报仇10.家里妻妾成群11.有做某事的时机或场合12把它当一顿美餐吃了13.蓄某人为奴14铺平道路1.合法的所有者2 四海之内皆兄弟/人类的博爱3.道德败坏4.肮脏的思想5.蛮力/暴力6.唯一可取的一点7.极度渴望的8 宗教狂9动物园10科学方法11食品的大量储存12零碎物品13战争暴行14值得怀疑的口味选择15性格特点和气质16艰苦的努力1. renounce allegiance on sb.2. subject sth to the test3. cover many month’s work4. leave sth to rot5. appease one’s appetite6. cheat sb out of sth7. harbor insults8. brood over injury9. Take revenge10. keep harems11. have an occasion to do sth12 make a meal of it13 hold sb in bondage/to enslave sb14. smooth the path1. the rightful owner2. the universal brotherhood of man3 loose morals4 a soiled mind5 brute force6 a saving grace7 rabid hunger8.a religious zealot9.zoological garden10. the scientific method11 vast stores of food12 odds and ends13 war atrocities14 questionable taste15 traits and dispositions16 painstaking workUnit101.改变人类历史发展的进程2.消除鸿沟3.缩短距离4.逃脱谴责5.横跨(江河)水域6.显现出来7.探索到大洋深处8.坦率地描述我们现在的困境9.延长人的寿命10.雨点般地落到头上11.攀越大山12.签下同意书13.重建道德目标14.彻底改造社会15.倒拨时钟16.亲眼见证一场全球性的革命1.海啸;潮汐波;浪潮2.基本的人生观和世界观3.惊人的速度4.被剥夺权利的广大群众5.压迫人的地牢6.导弹7.十分明显的对照8.历史上容易出现的困难9.历史的转折点10.被误导的人们11.心态的平静12.大洋深处13.泰然自若;宁静安详14.摩天大楼15.超音速喷气发动机16.强烈的抱怨声17.福地;极乐世界18.现状19.灵丹妙药1.alter the course of human history2.bridge the gulf3.dwarf distance4.escape the indictment5.span the water6.manifest itself7.penetrate oceanic depths8.portray our dilemma in candid terms9.prolong the lives of men10.rain down death11.scale the mountain12.sign the warrant13.reestablish the moral ends14.transform the society15.turn back the clock16.witness a worldwide revolution1. a tidal wave2. a basic outlook3.bewildering speed4.disinherited masses5.dungeons of oppression6.guided missiles7. a glaring contrast8.liabilities of history9. a turning point in history10.misguided men11.peace of mind12.oceanic depths13.serenity of spirit14.skyscraping buildings15.supersonic jets16.the deep rumbling of discontent17.the promised land18.the status quo19.wonder drugsUnit111.脸朝下趴着2.使用最后一招3.埋葬死者4.消失不见5.隐约记得6.与敌人交战7.使某人退伍8.接受休克疗法9.管理各种机构10.忍受被限制在同一个地方11.留心某事/某物12.澄清对某人的怀疑13.建议某人做某事14.想象做某事15.近距离射击1.无动于衷2.以相当快的(行军)速度3.弹药箱4.人类永远会有的问题5.空降师6.人间地狱7.遍地尸体8.一家进出口公司9.忙于玩音乐10.敌人的阵营11.铁路路堤12.无法修复的伤害13.(子弹型的)小圆头14.食指(扣扳机的手指)15.就我而言16.战斗疲劳症17.创伤后应激障碍18.高年级的学生19.橡皮船20.平行线1.lie face down2.scrape the bottom of the barrel3.bury the dead4.vanish from sight5.have a vague recollection6.engage the enemy7.discharge sb. from the army8.receive shock treatment9.administer all the institutions10.stand being confined11.keep an eye peeled for sth.12.clear sb.13.recommend sb. doing/that sb. do14.imagine doing sth.15.shoot at close range1.deaf to the music2.at a good pace3.ammunition boxes4. a permanent human condition5.an airborne division6.hell on earth7.strewn with dead bodies8.an important-export firm9.taken up with music10.the enemy position11.a railroad embankment12.irremediable harm13.a bullet head14.the trigger finger15.speaking only for myself/doc/c411726796.html,bat fatigue17.post-traumatic stress disorder18.upper division students19.rubber boats20.parallel linesUnit121.控制心中猿猴的本性2.在自己的理想上妥协3.克制自己不去抗议4.满足要求;不负众望5.象征道德进步6.保证言论自由7.过着有价值的生活8.符合标准9.衡量幸福10.悼念死者11.缩小范围12.重铸信念13.扭转局势14.穿越历史15.停滞不前16.带来数不尽的好处1.全神贯注于2.不敢苟同3.大体上,基本上4.与人类进步同步5.驾驭市场6.对精英统治具有强烈的信心7.认为某人负有责任8.对……实行制裁9.以上帝的名义10.在追求进步过程中11.使穷人脱贫翻身12.履行诺言13.将腐败官吏从政府中清理出去14.上升到新高度15.从一开始延续至今16.满脑子的主意1.cage the ape within/doc/c411726796.html,promise one’s ideals3.contain one’s protests4.deliver the goods5.embody moral progress6.guarantee free speech7.lead worthy lives8.match the standards9.measure welfare10.mourn the dead11.narrow the scope12.restore one’s faith13.tip the balance14.traverse history15.tread water16.yield untold benefits1.be preoccupied with2.beg to differ3.by and large4.correspond to human progress5.harness the market6.have strong faith in rule by the elite7.hold sb. to account8.impose sanctions on9.in the name of God10.in the pursuit of progress11.lift the poor out of theirmisery12.live up to the promise13.purge the government of corrupt officials14.rise to new heights15.stretch back to the very beginning16.teeming with ideas1.投射出静谧的光2.表达厌倦之情3.必须有辆车4.补救/赔偿5.没有够着烟灰缸6.嘟囔着道了个歉7.演练和解的话8.就像一场真正的战斗9.在仪表盘上做手脚10.违反条例/规定11.断绝关系12.再次确认邀请13.整理房间14.说出自己的要求15.表达希望16.滴酒不沾1.蜡像馆2.伦敦塔3.白金汉宫4.海关人员5.机场候机室6.打包用的粗线或绳子7.经济舱机票8.体面的妆容9.正反两用的雨衣10.航班号11.慢慢穿针过去12.品味那几秒的温情13.出发去访问14.和不三不四的人来往1.cast a restful light2.convey weariness3.entail having a car4.make amends5.miss the ashtray6.mutter an apology7.rehearse the conciliatoryremarks8.resemble a true combat9.rig meters10.violate rules11.sever relationship12.substantiate the invitation13.tidy the room14.voice one’s needs15.state one’s wishes16.never touch a drop1.waxworks museum2.the Tower of London3.Buckingham Palace4.customs men5.an airport lounge6.binding twine7.an economy ticket/doc/c411726796.html,plexion of decency9. a reversible raincoat10.a flight number11.ease the needle through12.savor those seconds of tenderness13.set out on a visit14.mix with queer people1.相信这种荒唐的说法2.要求完全控制3.谴责这项政策4.将所有巴勒斯塔人驱逐出境5.使用不同的逻辑6.进一步完善我们的特殊处理办法7.遵守停火协议8.忘掉道德和良心9.阐明计划10.招惹我们11.迅速向某人扑去12.将部队从某地撤走13.对……唱催眠曲14.把……单独挑出来15.抱观望态度16.如雨后春笋般出现17.(情况或关系)变坏18.听起来很熟悉19.减轻猜忌20.加紧控制21.破坏团结22.使它失去意义23.担起重任1.国防部长2.转折点3.安全区4.无人地带5.占领区6.刚刚开始的和平过程7.产生恐怖活动的温床8.宣传机器9.外科手术式的自卫10.刑期11.(陆海空军的)参谋长12.集中营13.民意测验14.庇护所15.新进的政治明星16.纳粹的语言17.使人毛骨悚然的恐惧18.情报官员1.buy the crap2.demand full control3.denounce the policy4.deport all Palestinians5.employ a different logic6.perfect our special treatment7.adhere to the ceasefire/doc/c411726796.html,y morality and conscience tosleep/doc/c411726796.html,y out the plans10.mess with us11.pounce upon sb12.pull troops out of a place13.sing lullabies to sb14.single sb out15.sit on the fence16.sprout up like mushroom17.turn sour18.ring a bell19.soothe one’s paranoia20.tighten the death grip21.undermine the unity22.void its meaning23.bear the burden1.defense minister2. a turning point3.the Security Zone4.on man’s la nd5.the Occupied Territories6. a fledgling peace process7. a greenhouse for growing terror8. a propaganda machine9.surgical acts of defense10.a jail term11.chief of staff12.a concentration camp13.opinion polls14.a safe haven15.a rising political star16.Nazi rhetoric17.hair-raising horror18.an intelligence officer。



现代大学英语精读4短语翻译短语翻译(IntoEnglih)10个某1=10分Unit11.猛然敲门bangthedoor2.向国王陛下欢呼cheerHiMajety3.凝视那雕像contemplatethetatue4.设计/发明一种新方法devieanewmethod5.获得一种名声gainareputation6.鼓舞人民inpirethepeople Unit21.表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概aertone'manhood2.在头脑中掠过croone'mind3.丈量土地meauretheground4.设法弄到食物ecureone'food5.驱散黑暗catterthedarkne6.揉揉他的眼睛rubhieyeUnit31.将这些动物分类claifytheeanimal2.持不同看法holdadifferentview3.引申该词的意思e某tendthemeaningofthiword/term4.建立一种新理论etablihanewtheory5.放弃他的信念abandonhiconviction6.把这个过程颠倒过来reveretheproce7.珍惜他们的尊敬valuetheirrepect8.质疑它的真理性Unit41.回避某物tayawayfromth2.蜿蜒而上直达山顶winditwayuptothetopofthemountain3.从窗户窥视peekthroughthewindow4.对大学生发表讲话addreuniveritytudent5.抓住某人的胳膊grabb.’arm7.低下头inkone'head8.象征/代表国家ymbolizethenation9.暖和双手warmone'hand10.毁了某人的健康ruinone'health11.扮演重要的角色/起十分重要的作用playaprominentrole12.解决这个问题ettletheiue7.大声咀嚼他的面包和黄油munchherbreadandbutter8.抑制住了恐惧的感觉overpowerthatfeelingofdread9.(声音)传得很远carryalongway10.弯下他们的腰bendtheirbackquetion/doubt/challengeittruth9.轻视他们的意见belittletheirview10.接受/采取一种新的思路accept/adoptanewthoughtpattern/wayofthinking11.把…考虑在内makeallowanceforth12.证明结果完全相反demontratee某actlytheoppoite13.怀有/心存种种乌托邦思想entertainvariou/allkindofutopianidea14.鹦鹉学舌/重复他人parrotother people6.朝某地出发etoutforaplace7.避免目光接触avoideyecontact8.加快脚步pickupone’pace9.抢钱包natchapure10.练习瑜伽doyoga11.始终低着头keepone'headdown12.划船rowaboat13.逃避惩罚ecapepunihment14.迷失方向loeone'bearing15.打开睡袋unrolltheleepingbag16.急速转身whiproundUnit51.分配财富ditributewealth2.钻孔drillahole3.驱动涡轮机drivetheturbine4.提炼石油refine/e某tractoil5.招来灾难invitediater6.灌溉土地irrigateland7.挥霍金钱quandermoney8.保持三角洲和湿地utaindeltaandwetlandUnit61.使墙体开裂crackthewall2.拯救灵魂aveoul3.玩捉迷藏playhide-and-eek4.减慢流速成涓涓细流lowtoatrickle12.说服某人放弃做某事talkb.outofUnit91.宣布放弃忠于某人renounceallegiancetob2.使某事物接受实验ubjectthtoatet3.牵涉到好几个月的工作covermanymonth’work4.扔在那里任其腐烂leavethtorot5.满足其胃口appeaeone'appetite6.从某人那里骗走某物cheatb.outofth17.拽出肠子ripouttheintetine18.露营campout9.席卷全球weeptheglobe10.排除污水drain/removetheewage11.节约用水avewater12.保护土壤conerveoil13.满足需要atifythedemand/meettheneed14.治理江河湖泊harneriverandlakedoingth.13.慢慢挤出人群wriggleone'wayout ofthecrowd14.跑腿/出去办事runerrand15.救某人于水火deliverb.from uffering16.确保供应稳定aureateadyupply17.减轻某人的压力takethepreure offb18.让他不至于添乱keephimoutof one'hair7.将侮辱牢记在心harborinult8.对所受伤害耿耿于怀broodover injurie9.报仇takerevenge10.家里妻妾成群keepharem11.有做某事的时机或场合havean occaiontodoth12.把它当一顿美餐吃了makeamealofit13.蓄某人为奴holdb.inbondage14.铺平道路mooththepath短语翻译(IntoChinee)10个某1=10分Unit11.永恒的真理theeternaltruth2.文件柜afilingcabinet3.无稽之谈utternonene4.违规行为delinquentbehavior5.常客afrequentviitor6.新鲜空气frehair7.格调很高的独白(一个人唱高调)high-mindedmonologue8.一种固定的观点aettledview9.言语障碍apeechimpediment10.可怕的风ahideouwind11.使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情headypatriotim12.无情的入侵者theremoreleinvader13.首相thePrimeMiniter14.思维过程(思想方式)amentalproce15.国际联盟theLeagueofNation16.一篇条理清楚的文章acoherentarticle17.一位口译好手aproficientinterpreter18.一种不可阻挡的趋向/潮流anirreitibletrend19.烂苹果rottenapple20.一位点头之交anoddingacquaintanceUnit21.livecoal燃烧着的煤2.hifreckledface他那张长有雀斑的脸3.afairmoutache淡淡的八字须4.theimminenceoftheevent事情的紧迫性5.ahrewdwoman一位精明的妇女6.theheadofthefamily一家之主7.athrobbingheart一颗砰砰直跳的心8.acluterofcabin一群山间小屋9.atripofground一块狭长的地10.afierceandhardlook一副凶猛严厉的表情Unit31.non-rationalfactor非理性因素2.ocialpoition社会地位3.thegoodolddav过去的好日子4.thoughtpattern思维方式5.roomfordoubt怀疑的余地6.tockanecdote老掉牙的趣闻轶事7.adogmaticview一个教条的观点8.atrikingcontrat一个鲜明的对照9.age-longtruggle长期的斗争10.conflictingidea矛盾冲突的想法11.abitterquarrel一场恶吵12.deeply-rootedconviction根深蒂固的观念13.groundleopinion 毫无根据的意见14.bareaertion仅仅是断言/完全是强词夺理Unit41.aplaidhirt一件花格子衬衣2.mineralwater矿泉水3.horn-rimmedglae角质镜架的眼镜10.arunningtrack一条供人跑步的小路11.impenetrablefoliage密不透风的树叶12.theEmpireStateBuilding帝国大厦13.aeneofdirection方向感14.withinarm'reach在触手可及的地方15.roughelement没有教养的人16.anaethetice某penence一次美的体验17.onarampage横冲直撞18.theindefatigablediarit从不间断记日记的人19.abridlepath 供游人骑马的小道Unit51.inatiabledemand无法满足的需求2.ill-conceivedremedie不明智的补救方法3.groundwatertable地下水水位4.rivernolongerflowingtotheea已经断流的河流5.famine,petilenceandmamigration饥荒,瘟疫以及大规模的移民6.upplyanddemand供应与需求7.capacioubath,powerhowerandfluhlavatorie大澡盆,电热淋浴以及抽水马桶8.cropbreed作物品种9.theareaunderirrigation灌溉区10.thelawofconervationofma物质不灭定律/质量守恒定律11.eawaterdealination海水淡化12.outgrowupplie(demand)供不应求13.endangeredpecie濒危物种14.acoolingytem冷却系统15.thermalpower火电Unit61.terracedfield梯田2.rockymountain多岩石的群山3.whoopingcough百日咳4.urroundingvillage周围的村庄5.aclearinginthewood林中的一块空地6.finedut粉尘7.goatdropping羊粪8.tickyhand黏糊糊的双手9.inewywomen精瘦强健的妇女10.aforetofflag旌旗如林13.adevoutCatholic一位虔诚的天主教徒14.houeholdchore家务事15.areauringhomeyound一种让人感到在家般自在的声音16.hand-rolledcigarette手卷香烟17.lucrativebuine有利可图/十分挣钱的生意18.abutcher-hop一家肉铺19.akeletonofitformerelf它原来模样的空架子20.amiionarychool 一所教会学校Unit91.therightfulowner合法的所有者2.theuniveralbrotherhoodofman人类的博爱3.looemoral道德放荡4.aoiledmind肮脏的思想5.bruteforce暴力/蛮力6.aavinggrace唯一的可取之处7.rabidhunger极度渴望8.areligiouzealot一个宗教狂9.zoologicalgarden动物园10.thecientificmethod科学方法11.vattoreoffood食品的大量储存12.oddandend零碎物品13.waratrocitie战争暴行14.quetionabletate值得怀疑的选择标准15.traitanddipoition特点和性情16.paintakingwork艰苦的工作。

现代大学英语精读4 第二版 Unit 1 -2

现代大学英语精读4  第二版 Unit 1 -2
for another week. ▪ devise:想出,设计
▪ 51. Of course, as I readily admitted, conversion of the world to my way of thinking might be difficult, since my system did away with a number of trifles, such as big business, centralized government, armies, marriage. (para.31)
--In those prewar days when many people were fully worked up to a political frenzy, it was very dangerous to voice different opinions. You might lose friends or your job. ▪ game :his grade-one thinking which he takes as a hobby
--According to the author, grade-one thinking must be based
on a coherent and logical system for living, in other words, a
moral system, without which you cannot prove yourself to be
▪ --Of course I knew very well that it might be difficult to change the world to my way of thinking.



精读四 Unit 1 bang the door 猛然敲门 1. cheer His Majesty 向国王陛下欢呼 2. contemplate the statue 凝视那雕像 3. 发明一种新方法/设计 4.devise a new way gain a reputation 获得一种名声 5. inspire the people 鼓舞人民6. s head ’sink one 低下头 7. 代表国家/象征8.symbolize the nation s hands ’warm one 暖和双手 9. s health ’ruin one 毁了某人的健康 10. play an important role/part in 扮演重要的角色 11. 解决这个问题 12. settle the issue the eternal truth 永恒的真理 1. a filing cabinet 档案柜 2. utter nonsense 无稽之谈 3. delinquent behavior 有违法倾向的行为 4.常客 5.a frequent visitor fresh air 新鲜空气 6. high-minded monologue 格调很高的独白 7. a settled view 一个固定的观点 8. a speech impediment 语言障碍 9.可怕的风10.a hideous wind heady patriotism 使人兴奋的爱国热情11. the remorseless invaders 无情的入侵者 12. the Prime Minister 首相 13.a mental process 思维过程 14.国际联盟 15.the League of Nations a coherent article 一篇有条理的文章 16. a proficient interpreter 一位口译好手 17. an irresistible trend 一个不可避免的趋势 18. rotten apples 腐烂的苹果 19.点头之交 20.a nodding acquaintance (前五)他因收受贿赂而正在接受调查。



Unit 10一、词汇短语Text Aprominent [] adj. 突出的,杰出的;突起的,凸出的【例句】A single tree in a field is prominent. 田地里一棵孤零零的树是很显眼的。

【助记】pro(向前)+min(突出)+ent(形容词后缀)→向前突出→显著的【派生】prominence n. 突出;显著;突出物;卓越fascinate [] v. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒,入迷【例句】Anything to do with old myths and legends fascinates me.任何与上古神话传说有关的东西都会使我着迷。

【词组】be fascinated by被…迷住【助记】fasc(看作fast牢固的)+in(里面的)+ate→牢牢地困在里边→迷住,强烈地吸引【派生】fascinating adj. 迷人的;吸引人的;使人神魂颠倒的fascinated adj. 着迷的;被深深吸引的fascination n. 魅力;魔力;入迷posit [] vt. 安置;假定n. 假设;设想【例句】If she needs salvation, she will posit a savior. 如果她需要救助,她就会设想一个救助者。

napalm [] n. 凝固汽油;凝固汽油弹;汽油胶化剂interstellar [] adj. [航] [天] 星际的【例句】We will be interested in the heat capacity of interstellar gases. 我们感兴趣的是星际气体的热容量。

stratosphere [] n. 同温层;最上层;最高阶段【例句】This was enough to launch their careers into the stratosphere. 这足够将他们的事业推上顶峰了。

astronaut [] n. 太空人,宇航员【例句】He is an American astronaut. 他是美国宇航员。



Unit 13一、词汇短语Text Astrap [] n. 带,皮带v. 捆扎,用带子系住;用绷带包扎【例句】He strapped the bag onto his bicycle. 他用带子把包捆在自行车上。

【词组】strap on带上strap in拴上安全带strap sth. (up)(用皮带)包扎(伤口﹑肢体等)strap (for sth.) 短缺(尤指钱)【派生】strapping n. 鞭打;皮带材料;裹伤胶带waspish [] adj. 尖刻的;易怒的;如黄蜂的;腰细的【例句】He became prickly and spiteful; witty and waspish about his colleagues.他变得敏感、爱记恨;对他的同事揶揄、刻毒。

twine [] v. 搓,织,编饰;(使)缠绕【例句】The weed had twined itself round the branches. 杂草盘绕着树枝。

【词组】twine (sth.) round sth.(使某物)盘绕、缠绕或卷绕某物navigate [] vi. 航行,航海,航空vt. 航行于,驾驶,操纵,使通过【例句】I don’t like having to navigate London’s crowded streets.我不愿意在伦敦拥挤的街道上穿行。

【派生】navigation n. 航行;航海navigator n. 航海家;领航员;驾驶员amend [] vt. 修改;改善,改进vi. 改正,改善;改过自新n. [ pl. ] 赔罪,赔偿【例句】We amended the earlier proposal so as to make it more comprehensive.我们修改建议书初稿使之内容更全面。

【词组】make amends for 补偿;赔偿…损失【助记】a(一种)+mend(修补)→一种修补→法律文件的修正。

现代大学英语 精读4 Unit 2

现代大学英语 精读4 Unit 2

Unit 2. Spring Sowingsow [səʊ]v.播种;种to plant or spread seeds in or on the ground* You reap what you sow. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

Para. 1rub[rʌb] v.擦;搓to move one’s hand or cloth backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly.* He sat there, rub bing his chin thoughtfully.他坐在那里,若有所思地抚摸着下巴。

rake [reɪk] v.耙;梳理to pull a rake over a surface in order to make it level or to remove sth* Lightly rake the surface once more.再次轻轻地耙平土壤表面。

hearth [hɑ:θ]n.壁炉边;炉床the floor at the bottom of a fireplace ( =the space for a fire in the wall of a room )cock [kɒk] v. 翘起,竖起to tilt(v.倾斜)or slant(v.倾斜)to one side* The dog cock ed its ears at the sound of footsteps.狗听到脚步声竖起了耳朵。

crow[krəʊ] v.啼叫make the cry of a cock* It was drawn, and I could hear a cock crow ing somewhere.天亮了,我听到从某处传来雄鸡的报晓声。

streak [stri:k] n.条纹;条痕 a long thin mark or line that is a different color from the surface it is on* There are steak s of grey in her hair.她已有缕缕白发。

现代大学英语 精读4 UNIT1-UNIT6 短语、句子翻译(全)另附重点课文全文翻译

现代大学英语 精读4 UNIT1-UNIT6 短语、句子翻译(全)另附重点课文全文翻译

浴巾a bath towel 文法学校a grammar school永恒的真理the eternal truth文件柜a filling cabinet 新鲜空气fresh air纯属无稽之谈utter nonsense 违规行为delinquent behavior常客a frequent visitor高品德的high-minded monologue 固定的观点a settle view 时事current affairs身体障碍a physical impediment一阵狂风a hideous wind令人厌恶的景象a hideous sight言语障碍 a speech impediment 使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情heady patriotism无情的人侵者the remorseless invaders 首相the Prime Minister 烂苹果rotten apples国际联盟the League of Nations 思维过程a mental process 条理清楚的文章a coherent article一位点头之交a nodding acquaintance一个完整的体系a coherent system一位口译好手a proficient interpreter 一种不可阻挡的趋向an irresistible trend逐字逐句的激励literally inspired夜生活evening life食宿board and lodging 供吃住的寄宿舍boarding-house瞬间a split second玻璃弹子glass marbles做徒劳无益的事whipping the dead horse阿司匹林片aspirin tablets在此情况下in the circumstances提前in advance走过场a matter of form 楼梯间平台的窗户landing window紧张气氛the tense atmosphere毛线针knitting needles梦游to walk in one’s sleep飞机翼展the wingspan of a plane专业的历史工作者professional historians基于常识的反应a common-sense reaction事物的这种状况this state of affairs意见不一的历史学家contending historians老生常谈的事a cut-and-dried matter一个个人喜好的问题a matter of personal preference截然不同的观点diametrically opposed points of view 民间故事folk tales书面文件written documents过去的遗留物the remains of the past人的动机和行为human motivations and behavior 复杂和精细sophistication and subtlety 商船merchant ships 一旦发生潜艇战in the event of a submarine warfare一个粗糙的理论a crude theory 好战的行为belligerent acts宣传机器a propaganda machine 德国外交部长the German foreign secretary权力平衡the balance of power因果关系the cause and effect海岸炮兵the shore batteries 终极关怀the ultimate concern 近因a proximate cause人们常说的一句话 a well-used phrase不会出错的解释 a foolproof explanation绝对有效的模式a model of unquestioned validity 永不停止的探索 a never-ending quest 一个难以达到但又十分诱人的目标an elusive yet intriguing goal难以解决的两难困境an insoluble dilemma 一本难以看懂的书an incomprehensible book一个爱交际的女人 a sociable woman 黑市the black market黑色幽默black humor 害群之马black sheep黑人权利black power表达能力不强的人inarticulate people 全国性活动a nationwide campaign赞美的话complimentary remarks 淘气男孩a mischievous boy一些有权力的人物certain powerful quarters 种族隔离的学校segregated schools 不可争议的权威indisputable authority公海high sea 上流社会high society 机密的消息confidential information 冷漠的门impersonal doors客观的信an impersonal letter 真诚的羡慕an unselfish envy紧张的声音a strained voice度假别墅holiday villa 一个著名的电视名人a famous television personality 刻薄下流语言obscene language 下流故事an obscene story银行袭击a bank raid 生产双层玻璃公司a double-glazing company联合抵押joint mortgage 拌嘴a cross word永远达不到的目标an unattainable goal 乡村和西部音乐country and western music加重了的潜水腰带a weighted diving belt 心碎heart-broken以自我为中心的人a self-centered man光是重量sheer weight光是运气sheer luck 一派胡言sheer nonsense军号声bulge call 人工呼吸kiss of life一串气泡 a trail of bubbles一点点关心one tiny scrap of care 非理性因素non-rational factors 过去的好日子good old days思想模式thought patterns 陈旧的故事stock anecdotes思路brain path 鲜明的对比 a striking contrast 强烈的满足感keen satisfaction 感情上的联想sentimental association 一场恶吵a bitter quarrel 酸葡萄sour grapes毫无根据的意见groundless opinions社会地位social position重要而有说服力的因素 a potent factor怀疑的余地room of doubt一种教条的观点great intellects大学者们great intellects不可避免的结果inevitable result 长期的斗争age-long struggle互相矛盾冲突的观点conflicting ideas鲜明的例子striking examples根深蒂固的信仰deeply-rooted convictions仅仅是断言bare assertion低头to sink one's head 使船沉没to sink the ship思考生命的意义to contemplate the meaning of life让阳光一下照着to catch the light毁了一个人的身体to ruin one's health 毁了国家to ruin the country猛敲桌子to bang the desk 扮演一个重要的角色to playa prominent role占有重要的位置to hold a prominent position 一个虔诚的佛教徒a pious Buddhist获得一种名声to gain a reputation 满足一个人的虚荣心to satisfy one's ego严刑逼供to give sb the third degree 发明一种教学方法to devise a teaching method在某人手中悄悄塞一支枪to slide a gun into sb's hand引起一些兴趣to whip up a little interest让谈话继续下去to keep the ball rolling让谈话开始to set the ball rolling一个作风古怪的百万富翁an eccentric millionaire分配资金to allot capital 勒紧裤带to tighten one‟s belt 讲一句话to make a remark伸出一只手to stretch out one‟s hand 润润嘴唇to moisten one‟s lips抱怨天气to complain of the weather将棍子用力插入沙中to plunge the stick into the sand 突然冲我来了to turn on me 使某人心烦to get on one‟s nerve是某人将某事忘得精光t o put something out of someone‟s mind脱钩t o come off the hook做填字游戏t o do a crossword puzzle 擤鼻涕to blow one‟s nose 在鼻子上涂粉to powder one‟s nose 提出案发时不在现场的证据to give an alibi获得新的深刻认识to gain new insights 修改一个人的观点to revise one‟s ideas追查起因to trace the cause 从这前提出发to begin from this premise朝目标开火to open fire on/at 给以同样重视to give equal weight to sth支持某一观点to support a certain view 对政府施加影响to influence the government破坏实力平衡to destroy the balance of power 组成联盟to form an alliance偿还贷款to repay the loans 考虑战争的问题to contemplate war填补缺口to fill in the gaps 结束探索to conclude the quest从某一角度看问题to view sth from a certain perspective从比较中获益to benefit from the comparison消灭差别to eliminate from the comparison 深入研究问题to dig into the problem 淹没在大海之中to be immersed in a vast sea从不同的观点出发to stem from a different point of view命中注定要做某事to be destined to do sth 无视这个事实to ignore the fact作出假设to make an assumption 打败敌人to defeat the enemy夺回失土to win back one‟s lost territory沉船to sink a boat截获机密to intercept the secret message将证据凑在一起to piece together evidence接近真理to approximate the truth 掌握新技术to master new techniques庆祝他的50华诞to celebrate its Golden Jubilee 引起羡慕to excite admiration触动良心to touch the conscience 得奖to win the prize受到训斥to receive a reprimand 省去这些字to omit the words宣布放弃奖金renounce the prizes 避免一场危机avert a crisis参加仪式attend the ceremony 展示一件艺术品exhibit a work of art尽情享受乐趣to indulge in pleasures 保护一个孩子guard a child感到有能力做某事feel up to do something 使某事正式结束bring sth to a close挥手让某人进去wave sb in 使某人不必处于某种场合to save sb from a situation向某人说说心里话to talk out one‟s heart to sb 把某人打翻在地knock sb down给某人斟酒pour sb a drink 举杯祝酒raise one‟s glass从大腿上慢慢流下来trickle down her legs像鲸鱼一样喷水puff like a whale想雪一样融化掉melt down like snow 一眼看清了当时的情况sum up the scene进行电视采访do their interview 心存怨恨bear resentment难受的想吐feel sick in the stomach 突然大声的怒气冲冲的冲进来come in like thunder 渐渐散去drift away gradually 看中某人的意见value one‟s opinion提高在某人心中的地位increase one‟s standing with sb使自己振作起来pull oneself together 开始提供晚餐serve dinner 禽抱一个拿枪的劫匪tackle an armed robber和某人厮守下去stick with sb 系上腰带fasten the seat belt虐待妻子abuse one‟s wife 和很多人乱搞男女关系screw his way around碰某人一个手指头lay a finger on sb 进行人工呼吸catch sb trying to do sth用力把自己身体升起heave oneself up浮出水面float to the surface在水下拼命挣扎thrash about under the water 使自己依靠在某物上prop oneself against冲出水面break surface 抓住某物seize hold of sth 把自己用力拉起来haul oneself up 紧紧锁住某人双手pinion one‟s arms 把某人挡开fend sb off击中某处land a blow 呆在水下stay under in the water将这些观点加以归类to classify propositions 持有一种意见to hold an opinion 建立信念to establish convictions 颠倒过程to reverse the process 对是否是真相提出疑问to question the truth 获得财富to acquire wealth接受一种新的信念to adopt a new belief 放弃信念to abandon belief证明完全相反to demonstrate the contrary 相信这一事实to credit the fact 怀有一种意见to entertain an opinion使这个字的意思延伸一下to extend the term珍惜他们的尊敬to value their respect轻视他们的意见to belittle their opinions考虑某一点to make an allowance改变我们的思维模式to alter our thought patterns走同样的路to take the same course鹦鹉学舌般重复他人的思想to parrot others' ideasUNIT 11、我知道,不管发生什么I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened.2、一般情况下As a general rule, young people tend to be more interest in the present and the future.3、如果他们双方不妥协Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise.4、我们希望使我们It is our hope to make all the courses and teaching materials integrated.5、中国的书面文字The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.6、在中国的传统艺术中In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo often stands for moral integrity and uprightness.7、绝大多数人都赞成深化改革The great majority of the people stand for further reform.8、伊丽莎白一世Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule.9、真理一开始The truth is always in the hand of a small minority at first. That's the rule.10, 民主意味着由Democracy mean s that the majority rules, but the minority‟s right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.11、一个国A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.12、那次晚会很乏味The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.13 路很泥泞The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.14、有一天,我因为One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand.15、佛罗里达州The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes.16、认为太阳绕着地球The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.17、这些胡同The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.18、日子一天天过去Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress.19、他怕犯错He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake.20、她的身体糟糕到了Her health was such terrible that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she get sun-stroke.你能强迫一个Y ou can force a student to attend classes, but you cannot force him to think.学习文学The study of literature can help you to understand not only other people but also yourself.通过阅读范文Y ou can improve your writing by reading good models and by practicing writing.在中世纪In the Middle Ages, people believed that the earth was flat and that it was the center of the universe.我既没有时间I can afford neither the time nor the money to play golf with those big cheeses.小金Xiao Jin could not decide whether to apply for graduate studies right after college or to get a job first.爱能改善人们Love cures people-both those who give it and those who receive it.优秀的企业Excellent firms don't believe in perfection, only in constant improvement and constant change.许多东西Many things cannot be learned in the classroom, such as planning one's time, working on one's own and managing one's own affairs.在过去的10年里In the past ten years people, especially old people, have been concerned more about their health than about their income.UNIT21、我们公司在这么短It is a miracle how our company has developed into a multinational in sucha short span of time.2、那个国家的平均寿命The average life span of that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades.3、这两个国家的冲突The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century.4有四座大桥There are four bridges spanning the river.5、我对你非常感谢I'm much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book.6、不,这个聚会No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don't have to go if you don't want to.7 人们找她She‟s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.8 山谷里有一个小湖In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for picnic .9、他坐在一个阴凉Sitting in that shady spot he soon dozed off.10、他看见我把一个塑料He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bag by the roadside.11 那是一件白底蓝点It is a white shirt with blue spots. It looks quite pretty.12、这位侦探发现了The detective spotted the suspect and he walked and arrested him.13、有一个气球爆了One of the balloons popped and it gave me quite a start.14 在上课的时候进It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.15、当他看见那位小伙子When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head.16、在那些国家里水比油In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring dollars' worth of water as a gift.17、这个项目完成When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment.18、这电影不值得看两遍This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it's not worth seeing at all.19 我觉得那地方值得I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional houses intact-houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.20、贾宝玉当他父亲Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father's worthy son. He yearned for freedom.1.看来病人在这个城市It seems the patient has no relatives in this city.2.交朋友易It‟s easy to make friends but difficult to keep them.3.他总是懂的朋友He can always understand what his friends are thinking and worrying about.4.或许根本就不是Perhaps it wasn‟t Xiao Jiang at all who had left the tap running all night.5.那男孩一点也不The boy had no idea how he had become an old man in half a day.6.不知道王宁I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I haven‟t heard from himfor almost a year.7.你出生于什么样的家庭It doesn‟t matter what family you were born into. The real test ishow far you can go from where you started.8.她简直不相信She simply couldn‟t believe what she saw. It was only yesterday that the twintowers were standing there.9.第八号陪审员Juror No. 8 pointed out that it might have been someone else who had stabbedthe boy‟s father to death.10.在市场经济中In the market economy, it is primarily by individuals and firms rather than bygovernment agencies that decisions about what to produce, how much to produce are made.UNIT31.尚不知飞The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.2.地球转The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.3.他把他的一He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.4.历史上这条The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.5.你认为国际恐怖主义的What do you think caused the upsurge of international terrorism?6.我们必须团结那些反对We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.7.任何进步和改革都会There is always opposition to any progress and reform.8.有些人对新事物总是Some people are always opposed to new things.9.这些贷款中不少从未归还A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.10.工商银行现在给The Business Bank now offers a special loan for students who can't pay for their education.11.这男孩问斯多太太能否将她的The boy asked Mrs.Stow for the loan of her binoculars.12.她在结束讲话时Her concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again some day and see more of the country.13.他们一结束调查就As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council.14.在他访问期间,During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India.15根据这些有理疑点,陪审团只能得出结论,这个少Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.16.他将经东京飞往纽约She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.17.我想谈谈上世界60年代的情I'd like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie.18.他们决定召They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.1.英雄是具有非凡品Heroes and heroines are people with unusual qualities.2.名流是因媒体炒作而出名Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media.3.在中国大陆,“爱人In China mainland, "sweet heart" often refers to a person's husband or wife.4.一个不能共患难的朋友A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble.5.从广义上说,货币指Broadly speaking, money refers to anything generally accepted in exchange for other goods and services.6.一个坐在扶手椅里的An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution, but who doesn't put what he says into practice.7.鲁教授说一个好教师应努力使自己成Professor Lu says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herself unnecessary for the students.8.经济学定义为研究商品和服务的生产、分配和消费的社会Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. 9.DVD是上面能储藏大量在计算机DVD is a disk on which large amounts of information, especially photographs and video can be stored, for use on a computer.10.《牛津高级学生词典》The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "workaholic" as "a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working in order to do other things".UNIT41、因为疯牛病Import of that country‟s beef was suspended because of the mad cow scare.2、在战争期间During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway.3、吸毒是一件严重It was a serious offence to take drugs. Robert was suspended from school for two weeks.4、她正躺在悬挂She was reading in a hammock suspended from two tree branches.5 这次暂停销售The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.6 这也许是亚洲This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.7 这个作家善于制造悬念。



精读4 Unit 2 课后练习答案Vocabulary1. Into English1. assert one’s manhood 6. rub his eyes2. cross one’s mind 7. munch her bead and butter3. measure the ground 8. overpower that feeling of dread4. secure one’s food 9. carry a long way5. scatter the darkness 10. bend their backsInto Chinese1. 燃烧着的煤 6. 一家之主2. 他那长满雀斑的脸7. 一颗怦怦直跳的心3. 淡淡的八字须8. 一组山间小屋4. (不好的)事情迫在眉睫9. 一块狭长的地5. 一位精明的妇女10. 一副凶猛严厉的表情3.1. Zhuge Liang pretended to be very calm and succeed in hiding the fact from Sima Yi that the city was really ungrounded. He proved himself worthy of the admiration he had received.2. He knew that a bloody battle was imminent and his army was terribly outnumbered. So he pretended to be retreating quickly to the rear. Actually he was laying a trap for the enemy troops.3. Social Darwinists asserted that we can compare human society to the animal world. It did not cross their minds that human beings could be different from other animals. They relied on their brain rather than their instinct.4. These mass-produced chickens can not compare with the chickens we used to raise at home. Chicken farms may have increased the output, but they have robbed the chickens of their good taste.5. The financial bubbles finally burst, causing a serious crisis that swept over the whole world.6. Thanks to our price edge, our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year.7. The reporters were all bursting with questions. But the government spokesman/spokesperson said that all she knew was that people were watching a play when some thirty armed terrorists burst into the theater.8. When the prisoners burst out singing, the prison warden was frightened.9. The area is dotted with factories. It also has holiday inns dotted around the whole island. But there are already signs that many local people will rebel against this trend.10. He declared that all the rebels would be pardoned if they laid down their arms.41 B2 A3 C4 C5 B6 D7 D8 C9 A10 D51.1.bosom, brest, bosom2. chest3. chest4. brest,bosom5. breast6. breast21. jump/leap2. leaped3. skip, jumped/sprang4. jumping5. hopping/jumping, leaping/skipping6. skip/jump31. verge2. verge3. border4. edge5. brim6. rim7. edge41. swearing2. curse, curse3. abused4. calling names/ name-calling51. rubbing2. scraped3. scratch4. scraped5. scratched6. rub, scrape6ScatteredSpreadSprayedSpreadingScattered6.1. clearly/evidently/obviously whole-heartedly/heartily/greedily/hungrily2. fiercely/furiously/feverishly3. gruffly/sharply/rudely/roughly4. doubtlessly/undoubtedly/unquestionably/undeniably/ indisputablyproudly/arrogantly/boastfully5. cruelly/brutally/heartlessly/mercilessly/pitilessly/remorselessly/savagely/ruthlessly6. oddly/strangly7. coolly/calmly/evenly/placidly8. convincingly/persuasively/rationally completely/entirely/wholly/thoroughly9. greatly/ dramatically/considerably/enormously/immenselyGrammar1.if2.suppose/ supposing3.If4.only if5.If6.even if7.unless8.Suppose/Supposing9.If10.If2. 2.1. As the saying goes, there’s no smoke without fire.2. There’s no denying that the film has no equal in cinema history.3. I warned him about the danger involved, but he paid no heed to my warning.4. There’s no generally accepted definition of happiness.5. These are no ordinary students; they are going to be trained as astronauts.’s financial problems.6. There are no easy or painless solutions to the company7. Away from home for the first time, college students have to do day-day chores themselves. It’s no bad thing.8. The two sides are so far apart on key issues that there’s no telling how long the talks could drag on.9. That’s the kind of holiday I dream of—no telephone, no TV and no worries.10. Some of the nation’s top economists say that they see no sign of economicrecovery in the country.4此时此刻西里尔●博吉斯先生装扮成一位身着袍服的牧师,除此之外,倒也看不出他有什么邪恶阴险之处。

现代大学英语精读4 Unit Four

现代大学英语精读4 Unit Four

8. In one respect/ in some respects: in one way/ some ways 在某个/些方面
eg: In many respects the new version is not as good as the old one.
Mum is very stubborn, and Kim takes after her in that respect.
Introduction: The author’s purpose of spending a night in Central Park (para. 1) the first couple of hours
II. His experiences in the Park during
(paras. 2—6)
During an eclipse, the moon blocks our view of the sun.
We have a good/bad/wonderful view of the mountains from our balcony.
The visitors gradually disappeared/vanished from view.
The Delacorte Theater is a 1,800-seat open-air theater located in Central Park that serves as home to free summertime performances which, during the June, July and August, include at least one Shakespeare production. The summertime performances are one of the New York City’s most beloved cultural events.
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词汇Unit 11.aspire aspiring aspiration aspirantaspire to sth. /doing2.anguish (n./v)anguished3.atheist 无神论者4.bitterly 极度地5.bulge 向外鼓起激增be bulging with6.Catholic7.costly8.!9.counter 反驳10.deficiency11.delinquent 有违法倾向的12.detestation 憎恨detest13.devise 设计14.disintegrated integrated integrity15.disinterested16.draught 一阵风17.exalt 兴奋增强exaltation exalted18.fault19.{20.file21.flag 偃旗息鼓22.fuss 无事自扰23.heady 鲁莽的24.hideous 丑恶的25.high-minded 高尚的26.hindquarters (四足动物的)臀部及后腿27.hustle 催促hustle to do28.hypocrisy 伪善hypocrite 伪君子hypocritical 虚伪的29.》30.impediment 阻碍口吃impediment to sth31.immense巨大的immensity32.league33.leopard34.lest +should be 35.libertine 浪荡子36.majesty37.masterpiece38.Methodist39.monologue 一个人滔滔不绝地讲话40.…41.mock mockery42.muscular (adj.)muscle43.navy44.oratory 演讲技巧oration演讲oratorical 雄辩的45.outnumber46.penal 刑罚的penalty47.pious 虔诚的48.proficient 熟练的49.prominent 显著的50.(51.reel 蹒跚52.remorselessly 无同情心地,无休止地53.restively 不安地,难以控制地54.rotten (adj.)55.rug 小地毯,垫子56.ruinous57.Solidarity 团结,齐心协力solidarity into sthsolidify58.spectacles 眼镜,场面,奇观59.spring 弹簧60.:61.statuette62.symbolize63.trifle 琐事trivial64.unaccustomed65.undeserved66.writhe 翻腾,蠕动67.withdraw withdrawal68.contempt 鄙视contemptuous69.contemplate 凝视,端详contemplative70.endow 捐赠endowment71.*72.protrude 突出73.project (v.)突出74.acquaintance acquaint with75.confer 授予,协商76.stampede 惊跑Unit 21.assert assert oneself assertive assertion2.cluster a cluster of cluster together clustered3.depressed4.》5.gruff 粗暴地说,生硬的(adj./v.)6.imminence imminent(adj.)7.overpower 征服8.numb9.revel 沉醉revel in10.streak 划出条纹,一丝 a streak of 有...气质streaker11.subjugate 使臣服subjugate A to B subjugation12.throb 悸动13.tremor 小地震tremulous a tremor down myspine14."15.gleam16.secure 通过努力获得17.hearty heartily18.mechanic机械师mechanical mechanismmechanize mechanistic 机械的19.bad-humored 无精打采的20.breed 物种21.bundle 捆,束22.cock 倾斜mence(v.)commencement24.coop 笼子25.【26.crunch 嘎吱嘎吱响27.dejected28.dotted29.felt30.flannel31.fowl 家禽32.freckled 有雀斑的33.furrowed34.grumble 发牢骚grumble about/at35.hamlet 小村庄36.:37.hearth 壁炉38.henceforth 从现在开始39.hobble 跛行40.homespun 土布41.hop42.knoll 土墩43.limestone44.low 哞哞叫45.manure46.mating47.;48.merciless49.mitten 手套50.peg 桩51.pore 毛孔52.pretend53.primeval 处于原始天性的54.rake 梳理55.rasping 刺耳的56.rawhide 生皮57.rim58.#59.rod 棒60.seaweed61.shawl 围巾62.shrewd 精明的63.sideways 向一旁地64.skull65.sod 带草的土块66.sow67.spotted68.striped69.~70.swear swear at sb./sth71.triangular72.turf 泥煤Unit 31.afresh2.anecdote 轶事3.antagonism 敌意antagonist 敌人antagonize 激怒antagonistic4.attribute attributable5.、6.allowance7.belittle8.brain-center9.bungle 冒冒失失地做bunglerpel compel sb. to do sth.feel compelled to do11.conceive conceive of/that conceive a plan12.cowardice13.cue14.dispose?dispose sb. to/towards sth 使某人倾向于做某事be disposed to do well-disposed to sb.15.dogma16.energetic17.extend18.Fogeyism落伍的fogey19.gladiatorial 角斗士的20.gramophone21.grudge 怨恨grudge to bear a grudge against sb22.;23.headhunting24.improvident 没有长远打算的25.inheritance inherit heritage26.legitimate legitimacy legitimize27.merit 优点demerit28.originate originate form/in29.recollection 回忆30.staunch 坚定的(adj.)31.stock 普通的32.striking33.¥34.tedious35.keen36.wicked 邪恶的37.prestige prestigious earn prestige38.consist consist of consist in consist with39.justice justifiable justify justification40.classify classified classificationUnit 61.amid2.>3.bustling bustling with忙于4.chickenpox5.chime chime in with6.congregate congregation congregational7.crank 曲柄8.curse9.deli 熟食店10.desolate 荒芜的desolation11.devout 虔诚的12.divine 神圣的13.!14.drill sergeant 负责新兵训练的中士15.droppings16.escalate升级escalator escalation17.fish-bearing18.flare闪耀flare up19.forcefully20.forsaken 被抛弃的21.full-blown22.grapple 扭打grapple with23.hailstorm24.】25.heel26.hide-and-seek27.homey28.incorporate包含incorporation29.Iraqi Iraq30.jet-black31.knockdown-dragout 暴怒的32.Lebanese Lebanon33.locust 蝗虫34.maimed 使残废35.<36.marble-sized37.outshout38.panty39.piaster40.raspy41.ravine 峡谷42.rumor43.shoo44.shun 避免45.sinewy 精瘦的46.;47.sticky 粘粘的48.tag49.terraced50.timepiece51.tingle 刺痛,使激动52.troubleshooter53.Turkish Turkey54.vineyard55.whirlpool 漩涡56.whirlwind 旋风57.·58.whoop59.whore60.wriggle 蜿蜒61.wring 拧wringer wring out62.rip 撕坏Unit 91.allegiance allegiance to sb/sth2.anaconda3.ancestor4.;5.appease appeasement6.ascent ascent to heaven7.atrocious邪恶的atrocity8.avaricious 贪婪的avarice9.bloodshed 杀戮10.brood brooding broody brood over11.brute蛮力的,残忍的brutality12.captive13.colonel14.concubine 妾15.-16.conjecture 猜想conjecture that17.crucial18.degenerate 堕落degeneration19.descent descendant20.disposition21.exterminate extermination22.gory 血淋淋的23.gouge gouge out24.harem 妻妾25.humiliating humiliate humiliation humility 26.>27.incurably28.indecency29.jackass蠢货30.microscopic31.miserly吝啬的32.mutilation 致残,损毁mutilate33.oblige be obliged to34.obscenity 淫秽obscene(adj.)冒犯的35.postulate(n.)假设36.rabid 狂热的rabies狂犬病37.-38.reptile爬行动物39.salvation40.Scotch41.scruple 顾虑scrupulous 谨慎的scruple todo42.sketch43.soiled 肮脏的44.sordid 污秽的45.speculate猜测speculation speculateon/that46.tame47.trait48.'49.turban 包头巾50.vulgarity 粗俗vulgar(adj.)51.wantonly 恣意地wanton52.inflict53.prior priority prioritize54.grace be in one’s grace55.loose a loose woman56.assassin(n.) assassinate57.heresy heretic异教徒]词组Unit 11.the virtue of2.be given to习惯3.be exalted by4.turn of oneselfe to a settled detestation6.confront sb (about/with) sth7.best of times8.~9.stand to可能10.if anything11.catch the light反光12.think well of = think highly of13.lecture sb about sth 批评14.set sb doing15.set out to do 着手做g behind17.put in the place of18.for the money 不管怎样19.]20.too much for sb 对某人来说太过了21.be deficient in22.make for 导致23.out of one’s depth 超过某人能力24.tumble down 轰然倒下25.do away with = get rid of26.be trifled with 不能轻视27.猛然敲门bang the door28.向国王陛下欢呼cheer His Majesty29.凝视那雕像contemplate the statute30.{31.设计一种新方法devise a new method32.获得一种名声gain an reputation33.鼓舞人民inspire the people34.低下头sink one’s head35.代表国家symbolize the nation36.暖和双手warm one’s hands37.扮演重要角色play an important role38.解决这个问题settle the issue39.the eternal truth 永恒的真理40. a filing cabinet 文件柜41.`42.utter nonsense 无稽之谈43.delinquent behavior 违规行为44. a frequent visitor 常客45.fresh air 新鲜空气46.high-minded monologue 一个人唱高调47. a settled view 一种固定的观点48. a speech impediment 言语障碍49. a hideous wind 可怕的风50.heady patriotism 使人兴奋冲动的爱国热情51.the remorseless invaders 无情的侵入者52.>53.the Prime Minister 首相54. a mental process 思维过程55.the League of Nations 国际联盟56. a coherent article 一篇条理清晰的文章57. a proficient interpreter 一位口译好手58.an irresistible trend 一种不可阻挡的潮流59.rotten apples 烂苹果60. a nodding acquaintance 点头之交Unit 21."2.on fire with= be excited with3.be fixed on4.be worthy of sth./doing sth.be worth doing5. a well-off society 小康社会be better off doing...than6.cross with 生气7.embrace a change/idea/system 接受8.take complete hold of9.take for10.…11.gaze at12.drive out 清除13.draw back 回收14.be chained to15.in the open16. a draught of wind17.be weary of18.rob of19.revel in20.mutter in oneself 喃喃自语21.@22.pay no heed to = pay no attention to23.hobble away蹒跚24.vanish from/into sth25.straighten up26.bend one’s back27.表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概assert one’s manhood28.在头脑中掠过cross one’s mind29.丈量土地measure the ground30.设法弄到食物secure one’s food31.、32.驱散黑暗scatter the darkness33.揉揉他的眼睛rub his eyes34.大声咀嚼她的面包和黄油munch her bread and butter35.抑制住了恐惧的感觉overpower that feeling of dread36.声音传得很远carry a long way37.弯下他们的腰bend their backs38.live coals 燃烧着的煤39.his freckled face 他那张长着雀斑的脸40.;41. a fair mustache 淡淡的八字须42.the imminence of the event 事情的紧迫性43. a shrewd woman 一位精明的妇女44.the head of the family 一家之主45. a throbbing heart 一颗怦怦直跳的心46. a cluster of cabins 一群山间小屋47. a strip of ground 一块狭长的地48. a fierce and hard look 一副严厉凶狠的表情Unit 31.—2.as a rule=usually, generally3.make allowance for 把...考虑在内(不好)4.in fashion5.in the light of sth6.run out of sthrun sb/sth out 去除7.on the ground that因为8. a shadow of 某事的证据without a shadow of doubt 毫无疑问9.at all costs 无论如何10.`11.be astonished at12.rest upon=base on13.class sth as sth14.be consistent with=fit in with 15.establish a conviction16.be true of17.other than18.bring up to19.cease to do/sth20.at a time21.·22.be on guard 对...警惕guard againstcatch sb off guard 突然袭击23.entertain an opinion 持有观点24.enquire into25.find sth doing26.be tempted to = would like to27.break down = collapse28.beyond question毫无疑问29.conceive of sth/doing"conceive as = regard as30.shake off = get rid of31.credit the fact = believe the fact32.demonstrate the opposite 证明结果完全相反33.leave no room for34.attribute to35.extend the term36.cling to37.stand for 支持38.play a big part39.}40.bear a grudge against41.dispose sb to do42.be it true or not43.stamp in 嵌进去44. a stock argument 老套回答45.tell sb straight46.get at sth = find sth47.将这些动物归类classify these animals48.持不同看法hold a different view49.引申该词的意思extend the meaning of thisword50.|51.建立一种新理论establish a new theory52.放弃他的信念abandon his conviction53.把这个过程颠倒过来reverse the process54.珍惜他们的尊敬value their respect55.质疑它的真理性question its truth56.轻视他们的意见belittle their views57.接受一种新的思路adopt a new thought pattern58.怀有种种乌托邦思想entertain all kinds of Utopian ideas59.鹦鹉学舌parrot other people60.}61.non-rational factors 非理性因素62.social position 社会地位63.the good old days 过去的好日子64.thought patterns 思维方式65.room for doubt 怀疑的余地66.stock anecdotes 老掉牙的轶事趣闻67. a dogmatic view 一个教条的观点68. a striking contrast 一个鲜明的对照69.age-long struggle 长期的斗争70.conflicting ideas 矛盾冲突的想法71.{72. a bitter quarrel 一场恶吵73.deeply-rooted convictions 根深蒂固的观点74.groundless opinions 毫无根据的意见75.bare assertion 仅仅是断言Unit 61.call sb names 骂人call sb by name2.chime in3.escalate into 升级到4.[5.incorporate into/with 吸收,合并6.keep sb out of one’s hair 使某人不被烦扰7.keep track of sth 追踪,看清楚8.talk sb out of sth 说服不做某事talk sb into doing 说服做某事9.trail off 逐渐减弱10.on track 走上正轨on the track of 找某物信息11.have need of12.cave in 凹陷13.*14.be packed with15.at the elbows of = very close to 16.wriggle one’s way through费力穿过17.attend to = deal with18.be bustling at/with 忙于19.object to sth oppose sth20.toss back and forth 扔来扔去toss and turn 辗转反侧21.deliver from = free from22.in it for 有报酬23.、24.congregate at25.使墙体开裂crack the walls26.拯救灵魂save souls27.玩捉迷藏play hide-and-seek28.减慢速度成涓涓细流slow to a trickle29.抓住某人的头发grab sb by the hair30.撕破她的衬衫rip her shirt31.泄露秘密reveal the secret32.拒绝进步resist progress33.进入视野come into view34.#35.捡柴火gather firewood36.说服某人放弃做某事talk sb out of doing sth37.慢慢挤出人群wriggle one’s way out of thecrowd38.跑腿run an errand/errands for39.救某人于水火deliver sb from suffering40.确保稳定供应assure a steady supply41.减轻某人压力take the pressure off sb42.让他不至于添乱keep him out of one’s hair43.terraced fields 梯田44.rocky mountains 多岩石的群山45.…46.whooping cough 百日咳47.surrounding villages 周围的村庄48. a clearing in the wood 林中一块空地49.fine dust 粉尘50.goat droppings 羊粪51.sticky hands 黏糊糊的手52.sinewy women 精瘦强健的妇女53. a forest of flags 旌旗如林54.firsthand information 第一手资料55.jet-black hair 漆黑的头发56.`57. a devout Catholic 一位虔诚的天主教徒58.household chores 家务事59. a reassuring homey sound 一种让人感到在家般自在的声音60.hand-rolled cigarettes 手卷香烟61.lucrative business 有利可图62. a butcher-shop 一家肉铺63. a skeleton of its former self 它原来的空架子64. a missionary school 一所教会学校Unit 91.$2.oblige sb to3.in proceeding = in the process of4.subject ... to5.present itself to = existing6.in the course of7.for the entertainment of 宴请某人8.be descended from9. a disposition to dohave no disposition to10.cause sb to do、cause sb/sth to be done11.facts stand proven12.scruple to13.appease that appetite14.furnish sb sth/ with sth 提供15.brood over16.offer oneself17.take revengerevenge sb 为... 复仇revenge oneself on sb 向某人复仇18.be unknown to19.by consent of20.be allowed no hand in doing21.loose in22.the saving grace 仅剩的23.excuse sb24.be alive to = be aware of25.have occasion to = have the necessity to26.gouge out27. a multitude of28.tear off 29.be alone in that distinction30.engage in31.deal in = involve in32.sordid wage33.inflict harm on sb34.hold sb in bondage under sb 奴役某人35.provide one’s living36.set oneself apart from37.sneer at38.on hand = available39.with one’s mouth = pay lip service to40.be at = be engaged in a certain activity41.open to dispute42.be left out43.odds and ends 零碎物品44.宣布放弃效忠于某人renounce one’sallegiance45.使某事物受到实验subject sth to a test]46.牵涉到好几个月的工作cover months’ work47.扔在那里任其腐烂leave sth to rot48.满足其胃口appease one’s appetite49.从某人那里骗走某物cheat sb out of sth50.将耻辱牢记在心harbor insult51.对所受伤害耿耿于怀brood over injuries52.报仇take revenge53.家里妻妾成群keep harems in house54.有做某事的时机或场合have ab occasion to dosth55.把它当作一顿美餐吃了make a meal of sth56.蓄某人为奴hold sb in bondage57.铺平道路smooth the path58.the rightful owner 合法所有者59.the universal brotherhood of man 人类的博爱60.loose morals 道德败坏61. a soiled mind 肮脏的思想62.brute force 蛮力63. a saving grace 唯一可取之处64.rabid hunger 极度渴望65. a religious zealot 宗教狂热分子66.zoological garden 动物园67.the scientific method 科学方法68.vast stores of food 食物大量储存69.war atrocities 战争暴行70.questionable taste 值得怀疑的口味选择71.traits and dispositions 性格特点和气质72.painstaking work 艰苦的努力。
