
普陀区2015学年度第二学期初三质量调研英语试卷2016.4(满分150分,考试时间100分钟)考生注意:本卷有7 大题,共94小题。
Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (共6分)A B C DE F G H1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______5. ______6. ______B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (共8分)7. A) 9:00. B) 9:30. C) 10:00. D) 10:30.8. A) She will see her uncle off. B) She will visit her uncle.C) She will take a plane. D) She will go to the beach.9. A) Football. B) Basketball. C) Tennis. D) Table tennis.10. A) The service. B) The food. C) The price. D) The smell.11.A) By making phone calls. B) By going out with them.C) By sending messages. D) By chatting online.12. A) In a field. B) On a farm. C) On a train. D) At a bus stop.13.A) She was the writer of the book. B) She believes the man knows Mary well.C) She thinks books are the best gifts for writers. D) She suggests the man change the gift.14. A) An earthquake. B) A traffic accident.C) A terrible bus. D) A running race.1C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (共6分)15. Monty’s father trained horses for people on the farms.16. Monty drew a picture of a horse farm in the composition about his dream.17. Monty got a low mark for the composition because it was too long.18. The teacher explained to the class about her opinions of Monty’s composition.19. Monty changed some parts of the composition though he didn’t quite agree with her.20. His teacher’s words didn’t make him change his mind and he finally realized his dream.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。

2016学年度第二学期普陀区初三质量调研理 化 试 卷(满分150分 考试时间100分钟)物 理 部 分考生注意:1.本试卷物理部分含五个大题。
一、选择题(共16分)下列各题均只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项的代号用2B 铅笔填涂在答题纸的相应位置上,更改答案时,用橡皮擦去,重新填涂。
1.在原子中不带电的是A 质子B 原子核C 电子D 中子2.合唱时“低音声部”、“高音声部”中的“低”和“高”指的是A 响度B 音调C 音色D 声音传播速度3.下列各现象中能说明分子做无规则运动的是A 八月桂花盛开,香气四溢B 扫地时的尘土飞扬C 泡茶时,茶叶末在水中浮动D 汽车在大街上奔驰4.下列选项中,当色光等比例混合后能得到白光的是A 红、黄、蓝B 红、绿、蓝C 红、黄、绿D 黄、绿、蓝5.下列有关物理学家和他的主要贡献,说法正确的是A 托里拆利——测出大气压的值B 阿基米德——光的色散现象C 牛顿——杠杆原理D 安培——电流周围存在磁场6.某凸透镜的焦距为10厘米,物体经凸透镜能在离凸透镜15厘米的光屏上成像,所成的像是A 倒立、放大、实像B 倒立、缩小、实像C 正立、放大、虚像D 正立、缩小、实像7.P 、Q 是同一直线上相距80米的两点,甲、乙两车分别从P 、Q 同时同向开始运动,它们的S -t 图像分别如图1(a )和(b )所示,运动4秒钟,甲、乙两车之间的距离变化了ΔS 。
甲、乙的速度分别为v 甲、v 乙,则A v 甲>v 乙,ΔS =16米B v 甲>v 乙,ΔS =64米C v 甲<v 乙,ΔS =16米D v 甲<v 乙,ΔS =64米图1(a ) (b )秒秒8.在图2所示的电路中,电源电压恒定不变,闭合电键S ,当R 2全部接入电路时,电压表V 的示数为U ;移动滑片P ,当R 2一半接入电路时,电压表V 的示数为U ′,则下列关于U ′和U 的关系正确的是A U ′一定等于U /2B U ′可能等于U /2C U ′一定大于U /2D U ′可能大于U /2二、填空题(共23分)请将结果填入答题纸的相应位置。

2016学年第二学期高三质量调研 思想政治试卷 第1页(共7页) 2016学年第二学期普陀区高三质量调研思想政治试卷考生注意:1.本场考试时间60分钟。
4.用2B 铅笔作答选择题,用黑色字迹钢笔、水笔或圆珠笔作答非选择题。
..1. 2016年被许多人称为VR (虚拟现实)元年,VR 设备用户大幅上升,全年约销售2000 万台VR 设备,越来越多的资本看好包括影视、游戏等内容的VR 市场,大量投资蜂拥而至。
大量投资进入VR 内容领域的依据是( )A .作为消费的新需求,VR 内容消费将决定VR 产业的发展B .作为享受资料,VR 内容消费将完全取代发展资料的消费C .作为新消费热点,VR 内容生产能为投资者带来丰厚利润2. 随着劳动力价格上涨,中国制造业的“人口红利”正在不断消失,传统制造企业逐渐兴起了“机器换人”的浪潮。
不考虑其他因素,下图正确描述劳动力价格对机器人需求变化影响的是( )A .B .C .3.银行向某企业发放了一笔年利率为5%的两年期贷款100万元。

Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力)1、Listening Comprehension(听力理解)A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应图片)(共6分)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(共8分)7.A) 9:00 B) 930 C)10:00 D) 10:308.A)She is will see her uncle off. B)She is will visit her uncle.C)She is will take a plan. D).She is will go to the beach.9.A)Football. B)Basketball. C) Tennis D) Table tennis.10.A)The service. B)The food C) The price D) The smell11.A)By making phone calls. B)By going out with them.C)By sending messages. D) By chatting with them.12.A)In a field. B)On a farm. C) On a train. D) At a bus stop.13.A) She was the writer of the book. B)She believes the man knows Mary well.C)She thinks books are the best gifts for writers. D) She suggests the man change the gift.14.A) An earthquake. B) A traffic accident. C)A terrible. D) A running race.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(共6分)15.Monty’s father trained horses for people on the farms.16.Monty’s drew a picture of a horse farm in the composition about his dream.17.Monty’s got a ow mark for the composition because it was too long.18.The teacher explained to the class about her opinions of Monty’s composition.19.Mont y changed some parts of the composition though he didn’t quite agree with her.20.His teacher’s words didn’t make him change his mind and he finally realized his dream.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。

2016普陀区高三英语二模试卷及答案(20200223160951)普陀区2015学年第二学期高三英语质量调研(考试时间 120分钟试卷满分 150分)第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection A Short ConversationsDirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.1. A. At a booking office. B. In a Hong Kong hotel.C. On a busy street.D. At an airport.2. A. Customer and assistant. B. Father and daughter.C. Dentist and patient.D. Teacher and student.3. A. It is 4: 10 now. B. It is 4: 20 now. C. It is 4: 50 now. D. It is 5:00 now.4. A. The tape was missing. B. Paul brought the tape to the party.C. The tape had been returned to Jack.D. Paul lent his tape to Jack.5. A. At home. B. At the riverside.C. At the health center.D. At his office.6. A. The woman has been complaining too much.B. The woman’s headache will go away by itself.C. The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.D. The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor.7. A. She is quite. B. she is talkative.C. She is sociable.D. She is active.8. A. People should have taken things more seriously.B. People should avoid being killed unexpectedly.C. People should have made greater achievement.D. People should not spend their time doing nothing.9. A. The man was the only survivor of an air crash.B. People on board were frightened and tried to escape.C. The man has always been very lucky in accidents.D. A few passengers came back home safe and sound.10. A. It’s quiet in the restaurant. B. The price is high in the restaurant.C. The restaurant serves good food.D. The restaurant is too far from their school.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questionson each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken onlyonce. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide whichone would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. When directions are long. B. When directions are short.C. When homework is given.D. When your mother talks.12. A. Your pen and paper. B. A few words. C. Your mind and ears. D. Some pictures.13. A Topics or page numbers. B. Key words or a picture in mind.C. Some details.D. School assignments.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. A hurricane may occur within the next 36 hours.B. A hurricane may occur within the next 24 hours.C. A hurricane may occur within the next 14 hours.D. A hurricane may occur within the next 12 hours.15. A. You should store some medicine for diseases like the flu.B. You should keep a cell phone with you to keep informed of the storm’s path.C. You should transfer your valuables to safe places first.D. You should plan your escape route and an alternative route early.16. A. A camera. B. A working radio.C. A list of your valuables.D. A water proof container.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be readtwice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the followingconversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.World Health DayDate: __17__ 7th is World Health Day.Purpose: To raise the __18___ of health around the world.Ways of keeping fit: Don’t take the bus for short __19___ and use the ___20_____ and notthe lifts.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Mr. Miller ‘s Job Interview NoteWhich country does he live in? He lives in __21___.What kind of job does he want? He wants the job as __22___ .What are his strengths? He is good at __ 23__.What are his weaknesses then? He may be __24__when plans go off schedule.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form ofthe given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)William H. Gates, 40, is chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation, the leading provider of software forpersonal computers worldwide. With net revenues (税收)of $5.94 billion for the fiscal year(财政年) ending in June 1995, Microsoft employs more than 18,000 people in 48 countries.Gates began his career in personal computer software (25)______ he started programming at age 13 while a student at the Lakeside school. In 1974, (26)_____an undergraduate at Harvard University, he developed BASIC for the first microcomputer, the MITS Altair, (27)____ started the era of hobbyist computing . (28)______ (lead) by the belief that the personal computer would eventually be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, Gates formed Microsoft with Paul Alien in 1975 (29)____ (develop) software for personal computers.Gates’early foresight about personal computing and his continuing vision have been central to Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively (30)_____ (involve) in significant operating and strategic decisions at development and management of the company. A significant portion of his day is also devoted to (31)____(meet) with customers and staying in contact with Microsoft’s employees around the world through e-mail. Gates is married and lives in Bellevue, Washington. Gates is interested in biotechnology and sits on the boards of Darwin Molecular andthe Icos Corporation. He is an avid(渴望的)reader and enjoys playing golf and bridge. (32)_____ technology, the company wants to make it easier and more enjoyable for people to use software. The company is committed to the long term by investing in new technology, state-of-the-art projects and new products for the further expansion of personal computing.(B)Cigarette smoking kills. That we know. So, manufactures made electronic cigarettes as a safer smoking choice---safer than tobacco.E-cigarettes contain the drug nicotine like cigarettes. But they do not use tobacco. And youdo not light (33) . They are powered by battery.So, if e-cigarettes are so safe, why have poison control centers around the United States seen an increase(34) telephone calls about e-cigarette poisonings? The answer is children.Most of the calls are from people worried about children who have played with the devices.In the period of one month this year, the United States Centers for Disease Control say 215 peoplecalled the Center with e-cigarette concerns. More than half of these calls were for children(35)_______(age) five and younger. The devices apparently had made them sick.Office on Smoking and Health. He says the problem is Tim McAfee is director of the CDC’sregulation, meaning the U.S. Federal government does not control e-cigarettes(36) ____they contain liquid nicotine.Mr. McAfee adds that liquid nicotine is a well-known danger.―Nicotine historically has been used as a pesticide in the United States. And that’s have really had for many, many decades significant poisonings when people got exposed to nicotine that was in liquid solutions.‖Mr. McAfee explains that nicotine poisoning happens(37) the substance gets into theskin, gets into the eyes or is swallowed. Even a small amount,he says,(38) make a personsick. Nicotine poisoning can cause stomach pain or a sense of imbalance. Headaches and seizures(突发疾病)are also common sighs of nicotine poisoning. And too much nicotine can kill.Tim McAfee says e-cigarettes do not create the level of risk to people as tobacco productsdo. He notes that almost 500,000 Americans die each year from cigarettes.―So, cigarettes are the winner in that contest. And we don’t really know what’s goi happen with e-cigarettes.‖E-cigarettes do not contain hundreds of harmful chemicals(39) _____ are found in realcigarettes. So, the U.S. Surgeon General has suggested that e-cigarettes may be a useful tool foradults(40) (try) to end their tobacco use, or quit.But McAfee worries that teenagers may think electronic cigarettes are harmless. They couldbecome addicted, or hooked, on the nicotine and then start smoking real cigarettes. In other words,he fears that for young people fake (假装)e-cigarettes could be a ―gateway‖ to the real thing.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can onlybe used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.predictsB. operationC. employD. limitedE. majorityF. environmentallyG. depositH. similarI. dreamsJ. necessaryK. estimateWe’re waiting to take trips to outer space. When will it happen? According to individuals inthe growing field of space tourism, it may be in five or fifty years.Space Adventures is taking reservations for the flights, __41__ to the first mannedspaceflights. The trip will cost $90,000, with a $6,000 __42__ required. More than 200 peoplehave made reservations, said Sarah, Dalton, the company spokeswoman.John Spencer of the Space Tourism Society says that a more realistic __43__ for regularspace travel is 50 years. Issues of expense, difficulty, and danger must still be resolved. Oh yes – areusable vehicle must also be invented. He adds, however, that ten years from now, a __44__number of people may be able to visit a space station. He says he expects a fleet of private spaceyachts‖ (游艇) to be in __45__ in 20 to 25 years. They will do what he callsvehicles or ―spaceAfter that, there will be cruise lines, like those that travel theEarth’s―orbital s uper yachting.‖oceans, as well as space hotels and resorts.There have been only a few studies to dete rmine the public’s interest in space tourism, butthey all conclude that a __46__ of people would like to visit space and would be willing to paygood money for it.According to expert Patrick Collins, between 5 million and 20 million people will head forspace by 2030. He also __47__ 100 flights a day leaving Earth. It would be __48__ to have moreorbit(轨道), a few more orbiting the moon, and a few on the moon's than 100 hotels in Earth’ssurface. These hotels would __49__ more than 100,000 people, who would work month-long shifts. Each hotel would have a service station. Such service stations would provide oxygen, water, and hydrogen. They might also ship __50__ safe electric power back to Earth.If all the issues can be resolved, Collins says that space tourism could one day become a $1 trillion.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can suffer from a different kind of poverty — of the spirit.51 , one Western country alone now sees 14, 000 attempted suicides ( 自杀) every year by children under 15, and one child 52five needs psychiatric (心理) advice.There are many good things about 53 in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbours for example. In the West, the very nature of work puts distance between 54 and children. But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices. 55 , the child sees mother and father, relations and neighbours working 56 and often shares in that work.A child 57 in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community's work : helping to dig or build, look after animals or babies --- rather than through playing withwater and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets 58 playing with dolls.These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the western children. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world, 59 , are provided with a watch as one of the 60 signs of growing up, so that they can 61 along with their parents about being late for school times, meal times, bed times, the times of TV shows.Third World children do not usually 62 to stay indoors, still less in highrise apartments(公寓) . Instead of dangerous roads, "keep off the grass" signs and "don't speak to strangers", there is often a sense of 63 to study and play. Parents can see their children outside rather than observe them 64 from ten floors up.65 , twelve million children under five still die every year through hunger and disease. But childhood in the Third World is not all bad.51. A. As usual B. For instance C. In fact D. In other words52. A. by B. in C. to D. under53. A. childhood B. poverty C. spirit D. survival54. A. adults B. fathers C. neighbours D. relatives55. A. Anyhow B. However C. Instead D. Still56. A. away B. alone C. along D. nearby57. A. growing up B. living through C. playing D. working58. A. and B. but C. or D. so59. A. at any moment B. at the same time C. on the other hand D. on the whole60. A. easiest B. earliest C. happiest D. quickest61. A. care B. fear C. hurry D. worry62. A. dare B. expect C. have D. require63. A. control B. danger C. disappointment D. freedom64. A. anxiously B. eagerly C. impatiently D. proudly65. A. Above all B. In the end C. Of course D. What'sSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)West End theatre is a popular term for mainstream professional theatre in London, or sometimes more specifically for shows staged in the large theatres of London’s ―Theatreland‖. Along with New York’s Broadway Theatre, West End theatre is usually considered to represent the highest level of theatre in the English speaking world. Seeing a West End show is a common tourist activity in London.Total attendances broke the 12 million in 2002, and in Mayand June 2005. The Times reported that this record might be broken in 2005. Factors behind high ticket sales in the first half of 2005 included new hit musicals such as Billy Elliot, the Producers and Mary Poppins and thehigh number of film stars appearing. Since the late 1990s there has been an increase in the number of American actors on the London stage.London’s main theatre district is located in the heart of the West End of the city centre. Renowned theatre streets include Drury Lane, Shaftesbury Avenue, and the Strand. This area contains approximately forty large theatres and is often referred to Theatreland. The works staged are mainly musicals, classic or plays, and comedy performances.Most of the theaters in ―Theatreland‖ are late Victorian of Edwardian, and they are privately owned. Most of them have their own characteristics with a splendid past. On the other hand, present audience will find them not comfortable as the leg room of the seat is often cramped (people were smaller a hundred years ago) and audience facilities such as bars and restrooms are often much smaller than those in modern theatres. The protected status of the buildings and their confined urban locations, combined with financial limit, mean that it is very difficult to make through improvements to the level of comfort offered. In 2004, it was estimated that an investmentof £250 million was required for modernization, and the theatre owners failed to request a lower tax to help them meet the costs.66. Which of the following statement does not describe West End theatre right?A. West End theatre refers to the professional theatre inLondon.B. West End theatre is one of the famous theatres in London.C. West End theatre also refers to the plays in the theatreland in London.D. Seeing West End theatre show is a must for tourists to London.67. What might not be the reason for the increasing ticket sale?A. West End theatre often stages best musicals.B. West End theatre has attracted quite a number of film stars.C. Theatreland is located in the heart of the West End.D. The facilities of traditional theatres have been improved.68. What is the word cramped in the last paragraph mean?A. LimitedB. SmallC. ComfortableD. Spacious69. Which can you not infer from the passage?A. Broadway theatre also reflects the high level of theatre in the English-speaking world.B. West End theatre came into existence around 100 years ago.C. West End theatre used to belong to Queen Victoria and King Edward.D.The theatre owners did not succeed in persuading government to reduce their tax to rebuildthe theatres.(B)Vancouver(温哥华)Natural ResourcesAs a major centre for the global forestry industry, Vancouver is host to many international forestry conferences and events, and the natural home of the massive BC forestry business. Companies such as Canfor and West Fraser Timber Co., the second and third largest lumber(木材)producers in the world, are headquartered in Vancouver. Vancouver is also a major centre for the mining industry.International tradeInternational trade is a key part for Vancouver's economy. The city has Canada's largest port and is one of North America's major gateways for Pan-Pacific(泛太平洋)trade. The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports and second on the West Coast intotal goods volume.Banking and FinancialThe headquarters for HSBC Canada (汇丰银行)is located in the Financial District in downtown. Canada's third largest commercial entity (实体), Jim Pattison Group is also based in Vancouver.International relationVancouver is a major centre for diplomacy (外交) and foreign relations. Most countries of the world have consulate(领事馆)or general offices in the Central Business District. In fact, many major diplomatic conferences are hosted by the city - including the world famous G7 summit with President Clinton, APEC, and the World Trade Organization. Greenpeace has its world headquarters in the city. Therefore, Vancouver was among the first North American cities to declare itself a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.TourismTourism is a leading industry to Vancouver. The Whistler-Blackcomb Resort is among the most popular skiing resorts in North America, and will be the site of the downhill events of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Vancouver's beaches, parks, waterfronts, and mountain backdrops and its multi- cultural character attract more and more tourists.FilmVancouver was the source of the sobriquet(绰号)"Hollywood North", for hosting the production of about ten percent of Hollywood's movies. Many U.S. television and films series are shot exclusively in Vancouver. This has partly been because of the favourable Canadian dollar exchange rate.70. Which of the following description about Vancouver is NOT true according to the passage?A.The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports.B.Vancouver is a film production centre and called ―Hol lywood North".C.International forestry conferences and events were held in Vancouver.D.Vancouver is a leading centre for the global agriculture and industry.71. Which of the following organizations or events is not related to Vancouver?A. Jim Pattison GroupB. WHOC. GreenpeaceD. The 2010 Winter Olympics72. If you are a graduate from Shanghai Finance and Economics University, what is it thatwill probably attract you to visit Vancouver?A. Its international trade.B. Its film industry.C. HSBC Canada.D. Its beautiful natural scenery.73. We can infer______ from the part: International relation.A. Vancouver is a major centre for foreign relations.B. Vancouver has hosted many major diplomatic conferences.C. APEC and WTO are headquartered in Vancouver.D. Canada is a peace-loving country.(C)Jogging has become the most popular individual sport in America. Many theories, even some mystical (神秘的) ones, have been advanced to explain the popularity of jogging. The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap, quick and efficient way to maintain (or achieve )physical fitness.The most useful sort of exercise is exercise that develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory(循环的)systems. If these systems are fit, the body is ready for almost any sport and for almost any sudden demand made by work or emergencies. One can train more specifically, as by developing strength for weight lifting or the ability to run straight ahead for short distances with great poweras in football, but running trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently to allparts of your body. It is worth doing that this sort of exercise is the only kind that can reduce heartdisease, the number one cause of death in America.Only one sort of equipment is needed – a good pair of shoes. Physicians advise beginningjoggers not to run in a tennis or gym shoe. Many design advances have been made in only the lastseveral years that make an excellent running shoe indispensable(不可缺少的)if a runner wishesto develop as quickly as possible, with as little chance of injury as possible. A good running shoewill have soft pads for absorbing shock, as well as slightly built-up heels and full heel cups(后跟垫)that will give the knee and ankle more stability. A wise investment in good shoes willprevent blisters (水泡)and the foot, ankle and knee injuries and will also enable the wearer torun on paved or soft surfaces. No other special equipment is needed; you can jog in any clothingyou desire, even your street clothes.Many joggers wear expensive, flashy(华丽的) warm –up suits, but just as many wear asimple pair of gym shoes and T-shirt; in fact, many people just jog in last year’s clothes. In cold weather, several layers of clothing are better than one heavy sweater or coat. If joggers are wearing several layers of clothing, they can add or subtract layers as conditions change.It takes surprisingly little time to develop the ability to run. The American JoggingAssociation has a twelve – week program designed to move from a fifteen-minute walk (whichalmost anyone can manage who is in reasonable health) to a thirty-minute run. A measure ofcommon sense, a physical examination, and a planned schedule are all it takes.74.They main purpose of this passage is to _____.A. discuss jogging as a physical fitness programB. describe the type of clothing needed for joggingC. provide scientific evidence of the benefits of joggingD. launch a nationwide physical fitness campaign75. The most effective kind of exercise should be the one that __________.A. trains the body for weight liftingB. enables a person to run straight aheadC. is both beneficial and inexpensiveD. develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems76.We can conclude from this passage that ______.A. jogging makes heart disease no longer an American problemB. jogging can be harmful if the runner is not properly preparedC. warm-up suits are preferable to gym shoes and T-shirtsD. jogging is bad for the ankles and knees77.What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. For beginning joggers,tennis or gym shoes are better choices.B.A pair of good running shoes is necessary for a runner to develop quickly.C.A pair of good running shoes with a full heel-cup is designed to prevent shock.D. Comfortable pads will give the knees and ankles more stability.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possiblewords.Most people look forward to retirement as a time when they can finally take up activities that they never had the time or energy to pursue before.But some recent studies on people in their golden years are disturbing: they suggest that retirees are more likely to suffer from depression and possibly higher rates of other diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure.Th at’s why a new study of French workers is welcome news.Led by Hugo Westerlund, a professor of psychology at Stockholm University, the study ofmore than 14,000 workers found lower rates of depression and fatigue (疲劳) in people after they got tired while they were still employed.The scientists followed the employees of the French national gas and electric company for 14 years.They found in the year immediately after retirement, the volunteers reported 40% fewer depressive symptoms than they had in the year before their retirement.The researchers also found an 81% drop in reports of both mental and physical fatigue over the same time period.Clearly, said Westerlund, much of these decrease in physical and mental fatigue can be traced back to relief from the stresses of work.The decline in depressive symptoms suggests that retirement may be having a positive mental effect, too, which may have a lot to do with the generous pensions (养老金) that French workers enjoy.Most retirees in that country still benefit from about 80% of their yearly salaries.―The economic or financial situation in retirement is very important,‖ Westerlund says.―We don’t know if the decrease in fatigue and depressive symptoms is because of the removal ofsomething bad while in work or the addition of something good while in retirement.But no matter what the reason, if life in retirement is not comfortable, then we won’t see the improvements we did.‖However, in European nations like France, governments are considering changes to pension plans, which may affect retirees’ health after they leave their jobs-with less of a financial safety net, workers may no longer seem so mentally and physically happy to be out of work.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.) 78.According to some recent studies, retired people may have depression and higher rates of other diseases like __________.79.Westerlund’s group found that in the year just after the retirement most retired French workers felt much less tired both _______________.80.What does the word ―improvements‖ in paragraph 5 refer to? ______________________ 81.Retirement may make people happier with ________________.第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1、商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。

2016年普陀区高考数学二模试卷含答案2016.04一 填空题(本大题共有14题,满分56分)考生应在答题及纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分; 1.、若集合{}R x x y x A ∈-==,1|,{}R x x x B ∈≤=,1|||,则=B A I _______2.、若函数xx f 11)(+=()0>x 的反函数为)(1x f -,则不等式2)(1>-x f 的解集为____ 3、(理)若53sin =α且α是第二象限角,则=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-42cot πα________ (文)若53sin =α且α是第二象限角,则=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-4tan πα________4.、若函数)(x f 是定义在R 上的奇函数,且满足)()2(x f x f -=+,则=)2016(f _______5.、在831⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-x x 的展开式中,其常数项的值为_________6、若函数x x f 2sin )(=,⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=6)(πx f x g ,则函数)(x g 的单调递增区间为_______ 7、(理)设P 是曲线⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==θθtan sec 22y x (θ为参数)上的一动点,O 为坐标原点,M 为线段OP 的中点,则点M 的轨迹的普通方程为_______(文)设P 是曲线1222=-y x 上的一动点,O 为坐标原点,M 为线段OP 的中点,则点M 的轨迹方程为_______8、(理)在极坐标系中,O 为极点,若⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛6,1πA ,⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛32,2πB ,则△AOB 的面积为______ (文)不等式组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥+-≥+≤0203y x y x x 所表示的区域的面积为________9、(理)袋中装有5只大小相同的球,编号分别为5,4,3,2,1,现从该袋中随机地取出3只,被取出的球中最大的号码为ξ,则=ξE _________(文)袋中装有5只大小相同的球,编号分别为5,4,3,2,1,若从该袋中随机地取出3只,则被取出的球的编号之和为奇数的概率是__________(结果用最简分数表示) 10、若函数x x f 5log )(=(0>x ),则方程1)3()1(=-++x f x f 的解=x ________ 11、某同学用球形模具自制棒棒糖.现熬制的糖浆恰好装满一圆柱形容器(底面半径为3cm ,高为10cm ),共做了20颗完全相同的棒棒糖,则每个棒棒糖的表面积为_______2cm (损耗忽略不计)12.、如图所示,三个边长为2的等边三角形有一条边在同一直线上,边33C B 上有10个不同的点1021,,,P P P Λ,记i i AP AB M ⋅=2(10,,2,1Λ=i ),则=+++1021M M M Λ________13、设函数⎩⎨⎧>-≤+=-0),1(0,2)(x x f x a x f x ,记x x f x g -=)()(,若函数)(x g 有且仅有两个零点,则实数a 的取值范围是________14.、已知*N n ∈,从集合{}n ,,3,2,1Λ中选出k (N k ∈,2≥k )个数k j j j ,,,21Λ,使之同时满足下面两个条件:①n j j j k ≤<<≤Λ211; ②m j j i i ≥-+1(1,,2,1-=k i Λ),则称数组()k j j j Λ,,21为从n 个元素中选出k 个元素且限距为m 的组合,其组合数记为()m k n C ,. 例如根据集合{}3,2,1可得()31,23=C .给定集合{}7,6,5,4,3,2,1,可得()=2,37C ______ 二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分)每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 15、若a 、b 表示两条直线,α表示平面,下列命题中的真命题为( ) (A )若α⊥a ,b a ⊥,则α//b (B )若α//a ,b a ⊥,则α⊥b (C )若α⊥a ,α⊆b ,则b a ⊥ (D )若α//a ,α//b ,则b a //16、过抛物线x y 82=的焦点作一条直线与抛物线相交于A 、B 两点,且这两点的横坐标之和为9,则满足条件的直线( )(A )有且只有一条 (B )有两条 (C )有无穷多条 (D )必不存在 17、若z C ∈,则“1Im ,1Re ≤≤z z ”是“1||≤z ”成立的( )条件(A )充分非必要 (B )必要非充分 (C )充要 (D )既非充分又非必要18、对于正实数α,记αM 是满足下列条件的函数)(x f 构成的集合:对于任意的实数R x x ∈21,且21x x <,都有()()121212)()(x x x f x f x x -<-<--αα成立.下列结论中正确的是( )(A )若21)(,)(ααM x g M x f ∈∈,则21)()(αα⋅∈⋅M x g x f (B )若21)(,)(ααM x g M x f ∈∈且0)(≠x g ,则21)()(ααM x g x f ∈ (C )若21)(,)(ααM x g M x f ∈∈,则21)()(αα+∈+M x g x f(D )若21)(,)(ααM x g M x f ∈∈且21αα>,则21)()(αα-∈-M x g x f三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分74分)解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤. 19、(本题满分12分)(文)在正四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,底面边长为1,体积为2,E 为AB 的中点;证明:E A 1与B C 1是异面直线,并求出它们所成的角的大小(结果用反三角函数值表示)(理)在正四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -中,底面边长为1,B C 1与底面ABCD 所成的角的大小为2arctan ,如果平面11C BD 与底面ABCD 所成的二面角是锐角,求出此二面角的大小(结果用反三角函数值)20、(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分.(理)已知函数x x x f cos 3sin 2)(⋅⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=π (文)已知函数)(x f x x x 2cos 3cos sin += (1)若20π≤≤x ,求函数)(x f 的值域;(2)设ABC ∆的三个内角C B A ,,所对的边分别为c b a ,,,若A 为锐角且23)(=A f ,2=b ,3=c ,求)cos(B A -的值;21、(本题满分14分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分, 某企业参加A 项目生产的工人为1000人,平均每人每年创造利润10万元.根据现实的需要,从A 项目中调出x 人参与B 项目的售后服务工作,每人每年可以创造利润⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-500310x a 万元(0>a ),A 项目余下的工人每人每年创造利润需要提高%2.0x ;(1)若要保证A 项目余下的工人创造的年总利润不低于原来1000名工人创造的年总利润,则最多调出多少人参加B 项目从事售后服务工作?(2)在(1)的条件下,当从A 项目调出的人数不能超过总人数的%40时,才能使得A 项目中留岗工人创造的年总利润始终不低于调出的工人所创造的年总利润,求实数a 的取值范围;22、(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分. 第3小题满分6分.已知椭圆Γ:14522=+y x 的中心为O ,一个方向向量为),1(k =的直线l 与Γ只有一个公共点M ;(1)若1=k 且点M 在第二象限,求点M 的坐标;(2)若经过O 的直线1l 与l 垂直,求证:点M 到直线1l 的距离25-≤d ;(3)若点N 、P 在椭圆上,记直线ON 的斜率为1k ,且为直线OP 的一个法向量,且541=k k ,求22OP ON +的值; 23、(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.已知各项不为零的数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且11=a ,121+⋅=n n n a a S (*N n ∈); (1)求证:数列{}n a 是等差数列;(2)设数列{}n b 满足:122+-=n n a a n b ,且()3841lim 1211=+++++++∞→n n k k k k n b b b b b b Λ,求正整数k 的值;(3)若m 、k 均为正整数,且2≥m ,m k <,在数列{}k c 中,11=c ,11++-=k k k a mk c c ,求m c c c +++Λ21;2015学年第二学期普陀区高三数学质量调研评分细则二 填空题(本大题共有14题,满分56分)考生应在答题及纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.{}1 2. ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛231, 3.【理科】2 【文科】7- 4. 0 5. 286.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-12,125ππππk k ,z k ∈7.14822=-y x .8.【理科】1.【文科】16 9.【理科】29【文科】5210.4. 11.π9. 12. 18013. 2->a 14. 10二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分)每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分74分)解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤. 19.(本题满分12分)【文科】【解】根据已知条件,C C 1为正四棱柱1111D C B A ABCD -的高 底面四边形11ABB A 是正方形,且面积为1, 故由sh V =2=,可得21=C C .……2分假设E A 1与B C 1不是异面直线,则它们在同一平面内由于点1A 、E 、B 在平面11ABB A 内,则点1C 也在平面11ABB A 内,这是不可能的,故E A 1与B C 1是异面直线.…………5分取11B A 的中点为E ,连接BE ,1EC ,所以E A BE 1//,1EBC ∠或其补角,即为异面直线E A 1与B C 1所成的角.……7分在1BEC ∆,51=BC ,217=BE ,251=EC ,……9分 由余弦定理得,8585821752454175cos 1=⨯-+=∠EBC 0>,即85858arccos 1=∠EBC 所以异面直线E A 1与B C 1所成的角的大小为85858arccos.……12分 【理科】【解】根据题意,可得⊥C C 1底面ABCD ,所以BC 是B C 1在平面ABCD 上的射影,故BC C 1∠即为直线B C 1与 底面ABCD 所成的角,即BC C 1∠=2arctan .……2分 在BC C RT 1∆中,2tan 11=∠⋅=BC B BC C C ……3分以D 为坐标原点,以射线1,,DD DC DA 所在的直线分别为z y x ,,轴, 建立空间直角坐标系,如图所示:由于D D 1⊥平面ABCD ,故1DD 是平面的一个法向量,且1DD ()2,0,0=……5分()0,1,1B ,()1,0,01D ,()2,1,01C ,故()2,1,11--=BD ,()2,0,11-=BC ……7分设()z y x ,,=是平面11C BD 的一个法向量,所以⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=⋅=⋅0011BC n BD ,即⎩⎨⎧=-=-+0202z x z y x ,不妨取1=z ,则⎩⎨⎧==02y x ,即()1,0,2=……9分设平面11C BD 与底面ABCD 所成的二面角为θ,则5552120002cos =⨯⨯+⨯+⨯==θ, 即55arccos=θ……11分 所以平面11C BD 与底面ABCD 所成的二面角大小为55arccos.……12分 20.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分. 20.【解】(1)()x x x x f cos cos 3sin )(+=x x x 2cos 3cos sin +=232cos 232sin 21++=x x 2332sin +⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=πx …………2分 由20π≤≤x 得,34323πππ≤+≤x ,132sin 23≤⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+≤-πx …………4分 2312332sin 0+≤+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+≤πx ,所以函数)(x f 的值域为⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+231,0………6分(2)由232332sin )(=+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=πA A f 得,032sin =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+πA 又由20π<<A 得,34323πππ<+<A ,只有ππ=+32A ,故3π=A (8)分在ABC ∆中,由余弦定理得,A bc c b a cos 2222-+=73cos 32294=⨯⨯⨯-+=π,故7=a …………10分由正弦定理得,B bA a sin sin =,所以721sin sin ==a A b B 由于a b <,所以772cos =B …………12分 ()B A B A B A sin sin cos cos cos +=-14757212377221=⨯+⨯=……14分 21.(本题满分14分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分,【解】(1)根据题意可得,()()≥⨯+-%2.010101000x x 101000⨯……3分 展开并整理得,05002≤-x x ……5分 解得5000≤≤x ,最多调出的人数为500人……6分(2)⎩⎨⎧⨯≤≤≤%4010005000x x ,解得4000≤≤x ……7分()()%2.010101000500310x x x x a ⨯+⋅-≤⨯⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-,对于任意的[]400,0∈x 恒成立……9分 即%210201010005031022x x x x ax --+⨯≤- 即10002502++≤x x ax 对于任意的[]400,0∈x 恒成立……10分 当0=x 时,不等式显然成立; 当4000≤<x 时,1250000250111000250+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=++≤x x x x a ……11分 令函数x x x f 250000)(+=,可知函数)(x f 在区间[]400,0上是单调递减函数……12分故()1025400)(min ==f x f ,故1.511000250≥++xx ……13分 故1.50≤<a ,所以实数a 的取值范围是1.50≤<a ……14分22.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分. 第3小题满分6分.【解】(1)设直线l :m x y +=,根据题意可得:……1分⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=++=14522y x mx y ,消去y 并整理得()04510922=-++m bx x ……①…………2分 ()()045941022=-⨯⨯-=∆b b ,解得92=m ,因为M 在第二象限,故3=m ,……3分代入①得0253092=++x x ,解得35-=x ,进而34=y ,故⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-34,35M .……4分(2)根据题意可得,直线1l :0=+ky x ……5分设直线l :m kx y +=(0≠m ),则⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=++=14522y x m kx y ……5分 消去y 得()()0451054222=-+++m kmx x k……6分()()()0454*******=-⋅+-=∆m k km ,解得04522=+-m k ,即4522+=k m ……7分 且4552+-=k km x ,4542+=k m y ,故⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++-454,45522k m k kmM ……8分 点M 到直线1l 的距离222221451454455kk km kk km k km d ++=++++-=()()22541k k k++=① 当0=k 时,0=d ;……9分 ② 当0≠k 时,=d 25945122-≤++kk ,当且仅当454±=k 时等号成立. 综上①②可得,点M 到直线1l 距离25-≤d .……10分(3)根据条件可得直线OP 的斜率kk 12-=,……11分 由于541=k k ,则直线ON 的斜率的k k 541=……12分 于是直线ON 的方程为kx y 54=,由⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧==+kxy y x 5414522,可得224525k x +=……13分 设点),(11y x P ,则222122121245162525161k kx k y x OP ++=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=+=……14分 同理2ON ()22222245120kk y x ++=+=……15分 22ON OP +=22451625k k +++()2245120k k ++945364522=++=k k ……16分23.(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.【解】(1)当1=n 时,121211==a a S ,11=a ,故22=a ;……1分 当2≥n 时,=-=-1n n n S S a -⋅+121n n a a n n a a ⋅-121变形得()112-+-⋅=n n n n a a a a ,由于0≠n a ,所以211=--+n n a a ……2分所以1212-=-n a n ,n a n 22=,*N n ∈,于是n a n =,*N n ∈.……3分由于11=-+n n a a ,所以数列{}n a 是以1首项,1为公差的等差数列.…………4分 (2)由(1)得n a n =,所以122+-=n n a a n b nn n ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⋅==+-21412)1(2……5分 52121++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⋅n n n b b ,且128121=b b ,当2≥n 时,4111=-+n n n n b b b b …………7分 故数列{}1+n n b b 是以1281为首项,41为公比的等比数列.……8分 于是()=+++++++∞→1211lim n n k k k k n b b b b b b Λ=-+4111k k b b 3841,即912-+=⋅k k b b ……9分 k kk k b b 251241321--+=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⋅,故92522---=k ,解得2=k .…………10分 (3)则由(1)得k a k =,11++-=k k k a m k c c 1+-=k m k ,12211c cc c c c c k k k k k ⋅⋅⋅=---Λ……12分 ()()km k k k C mk k k m k m c 1112)1()2)(1(111⋅-=⋅⋅-⋅+-+-⋅-=--Λ…………14分m c c c +++Λ21()[]m mm m m m C C C C m 132111--+-+-=Λ…………16分 故m c c c +++Λ21m1=.……18分。

上海市普陀区2016年⾼三英语⼆模普陀区2015-2016学年第⼆学期⾼三英语质量调研(考试时间120分钟试卷满分150分)第I卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection A Short ConversationsDirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.1. A. At a booking office. B. In a Hong Kong hotel.C. On a busy street.D. At an airport.2. A. Customer and assistant. B. Father and daughter.C. Dentist and patient.D. Teacher and student.3. A. It is 4: 10 now. B. It is 4: 20 now. C. It is 4: 50 now. D. It is 5:00 now.4. A. The tape was missing. B. Paul brought the tape to the party.C. The tape had been returned to Jack.D. Paul lent his tape to Jack.5. A. At home. B. At the riverside.C. At the health center.D. At his office.6. A. The woman has been complaining too much.B. The woman’s headache will go away by itself.C. The woman should have seen the doctor earlier.D. The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor.7. A. She is quite. B. she is talkative.C. She is sociable.D. She is active.8. A. People should have taken things more seriously.B. People should avoid being killed unexpectedly.C. People should have made greater achievement.D. People should not spend their time doing nothing.9. A. The man was the only survivor of an air crash.B. People on board were frightened and tried to escape.C. The man has always been very lucky in accidents.D. A few passengers came back home safe and sound.10. A. It’s quiet in the restaurant. B. The price is high in the restaurant.C. The restaurant serves good food.D. The restaurant is too far from their school.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. When directions are long. B. When directions are short.C. When homework is given.D. When your mother talks.12. A. Your pen and paper. B. A few words. C. Your mind and ears. D. Some pictures.13. A Topics or page numbers. B. Key words or a picture in mind.C. Some details.D. School assignments.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. A hurricane may occur within the next 36 hours.B. A hurricane may occur within the next 24 hours.C. A hurricane may occur within the next 14 hours.D. A hurricane may occur within the next 12 hours.15. A. You should store some medicine for diseases like the flu.B. You should keep a cell phone with you to keep informed of the storm’s path.C. You should transfer your valuables to safe places first.D. You should plan your escape route and an alternative route early.16. A. A camera. B. A working radio.C. A list of your valuables.D. A water proof container.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)William H. Gates, 40, is chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation, the leading provider of software for personal computers worldwide. With net revenues (税收)of $5.94 billion for the fiscal year(财政年) ending in June 1995, Microsoft employs more than 18,000 people in 48 countries.Gates began his career in personal computer software (25)______ he started programming at age 13 while a student at the Lakeside school. In 1974, (26)_____an undergraduate at Harvard University, he developed BASIC for the first microcomputer, the MITS Altair, (27)____ started the era of hobbyist computing . (28)______ (lead) by the belief that the personal computer would eventually be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, Gates formed Microsoft with Paul Alien in 1975 (29)____ (develop) software for personal computers.Gates’ earl y foresight about personal computing and his continuing vision have been central to Microsoft and the software industry. Gates is actively (30)_____ (involve) in significant operating and strategic decisions at development and management of the company. A significant portion of his day is also devoted to (31)____(meet) with customers and staying in contact with Microsoft’s employees around the world through e-mail. Gates is married and lives in Bellevue, Washington. Gates is interested in biotechnology and sits on the boards of Darwin Molecular and the Icos Corporation. He is an avid(渴望的)reader and enjoys playing golf and bridge. (32)_____ technology, the company wants to make it easier and more enjoyable for people to use software. The company is committed to the long term by investing in new technology, state-of-the-art projects and new products for the further expansion of personal computing.(B)Cigarette smoking kills. That we know. So, manufactures made electronic cigarettes as a safer smoking choice---safer than tobacco.E-cigarettes contain the drug nicotine like cigarettes. But they do not use tobacco. And you do not light (33) . They are powered by battery.So, if e-cigarettes are so safe, why have poison control centers around the United States seen an increase(34) telephone calls about e-cigarette poisonings? The answer is children.Most of the calls are from people worried about children who have played with the devices.In the period of one month this year, the United States Centers for Disease Control say 215 people called the Center with e-cigarette concerns. More than half of these calls were for children(35) _______(age) five and younger. The devicesapparently had made them sick.Tim McAfee is director of the C DC’s Office on Smoking and Health. He says the problem is regulation, meaning the U.S. Federal government does not control e-cigarettes(36) ____ they contain liquid nicotine.Mr. McAfee adds that liquid nicotine is a well-known danger.―Nicotine historically has been used as a pesticide in the United States. And that’s where we have really had for many, many decades significant poisonings when people got exposed to nicotine that was in liquid solutions.‖Mr. McAfee explains that nicotine poisoning happens(37) the substance gets into the skin, gets into the eyes or is swallowed. Even a small amount, he says,(38) make a person sick. Nicotine poisoning can cause stomach pain or a sense of imbalance. Headaches and seizures (突发疾病)are also common sighs of nicotine poisoning. And too much nicotine can kill.Tim McAfee says e-cigarettes do not create the level of risk to people as tobacco products do. He notes that almost 500,000 Americans die each year from cigarettes.―So, cigarettes are the winner in that contest. And we don’t really know what’s going to happen with e-cigarettes.‖E-cigarettes do not contain hundreds of harmful chemicals(39) _____ are found in real cigarettes. So, the U.S. Surgeon General has suggested that e-cigarettes may be a useful tool for adults(40) (try) to end their tobacco use, or quit.But McAfee worries that teenagers may think electronic cigarettes are harmless. They could become addicted, or hooked, on the nicotine and then start smoking real cigarettes. In other words, he fears that for young people fake (假装)e-cigarettes could be a ―gateway‖ to the real thing. Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.We’re waiting to take trips to outer space. When will it happen? According to individuals in the growing field of space tourism, it may be in five or fifty years.Space Adventures is taking reservations for the flights, __41__ to the first manned spaceflights. The trip will cost $90,000, with a $6,000 __42__ required. More than 200 people have made reservations, said Sarah, Dalton, the company spokeswoman.John Spencer of the Space Tourism Society says that a more realistic __43__ for regular space travel is 50 years. Issues of expense, difficulty, and danger must still be resolved. Oh yes – a reusable vehicle must also be invented. He adds, however, that ten years from now, a __44__ number of people may be able to visit a space station. He says he expects a fleet of private space vehicles or ―space yachts‖ (游艇) to be in __45__ in 20 to 25 years. They will do what he calls ―orbital super yachting.‖ After that, there will be cruise lines, like those that travel the Earth’s oceans, as well as space hotels and resorts. There have been only a few studies to determ ine the public’s interest in space tourism, butthey all conclude that a __46__ of people would like to visit space and would be willing to pay good money for it. According to expert Patrick Collins, between 5 million and 20 million people will head for space by 2030. He also __47__ 100 flights a day leaving Earth. It would be __48__ to have more than 100 hotels in Earth’s orbit(轨道), a few more orbiting the moon, and a few on the moon's surface. These hotels would __49__ more than 100,000 people, who would work month-long shifts. Each hotel would have a service station. Such service stations would provide oxygen, water, and hydrogen. They might also ship __50__ safe electric power back to Earth.If all the issues can be resolved, Collins says that space tourism could one day become a $1 trillion.III. Reading ComprehensionSection A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can suffer from a different kind of poverty — of the spirit.51 , one Western country alone now sees 14, 000 attempted suicides ( ⾃杀) every year by children under 15, and one child52 five needs psychiatric (⼼理) advice.There are many good things about 53 in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbours for example. In the West, the very nature of work puts distance between 54 and children. But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices. 55 , the child sees mother and father, relations and neighbours working 56 and often shares in that work.A child 57 in this way learns his or her role through joining in the community's work : helping to dig or build, look after animals or babies --- rather than through playing with water and sand in kindergarten, keeping pets 58 playing with dolls.These children may grow up with a less oppressive sense of space and time than the western children. Their sense of days and time has a lot to do with the change of seasons and positions of the sun or the moon in the sky. Children in the rich world, 59 , are provided with a watch as one of the 60 signs of growing up, so that they can 61 along with their parents about being late for school times, meal times, bed times, the times of TV shows.Third World children do not usually 62 to stay indoors, still less in highrise apartments(公寓) . Instead of dangerous roads, "keep off the grass" signs and "don't speak to strangers", there is often a sense of 63 to study and play. Parents can see their children outside rather than observe them 64 from ten floors up.65 , twelve million children under five still die every year through hunger and disease. But childhood in the Third World is not all bad.51. A. As usual B. For instance C. In fact D. In other words52. A. by B. in C. to D. under53. A. childhood B. poverty C. spirit D. survival54. A. adults B. fathers C. neighbours D. relatives55. A. Anyhow B. However C. Instead D. Still56. A. away B. alone C. along D. nearby57. A. growing up B. living through C. playing D. working58. A. and B. but C. or D. so59. A. at any moment B. at the same time C. on the other hand D. on the whole60. A. easiest B. earliest C. happiest D. quickest61. A. care B. fear C. hurry D. worry62. A. dare B. expect C. have D. require63. A. control B. danger C. disappointment D. freedom64. A. anxiously B. eagerly C. impatiently D. proudly65. A. Above all B. In the end C. Of course D. What's Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)West End theatre is a popular term for mainstream professional theatre in London, or sometimes more specifically for shows staged in the large theatres of London’s ―Theatreland‖. Along with New York’s Broadway Theatre, West End theatre is usually considered to represent the highest level of theatre in the English speaking world. Seeing a West End show is a common tourist activity in London.Total attendances broke the 12 million in 2002, and in May and June 2005. The Times reported that this record might be broken in 2005. Factors behind high ticket sales in the first half of 2005 included new hit musicals such as Billy Elliot, the Producers and Mary Poppins and the high number of film stars appearing. Since the late 1990s there has been an increase in the number of American actors on the London stage.London’s main theatre district is located in the heart of the West End of the city centre. Renowned theatre streets include Drury Lane, Shaftesbury Avenue, and the Strand. This area contains approximately forty large theatres and is often referred to Theatreland. The works staged are mainly musicals, classic or plays, and comedy performances.Most of the theaters in ―Theatreland‖ are late Victorian of Edwardian, and they are privately owned. Most of them have their own characteristics with a splendid past. On the other hand, present audience will find them not comfortable as the leg room of the seat is often cramped (people were smaller a hundred years ago) and audience facilities such as bars and restrooms are often much smaller than those in modern theatres. The protected status of the buildings and their confined urban locations, combined with financial limit, mean that it is very difficult to make through improvements to the level of comfort offered. In 2004, it was estimated that an investment of £250 million was required for modernization, and the theatre owners failed to request a lower tax to help them meet the costs.66. Which of the following statement does not describe West End theatre right?A. West End theatre refers to the professional theatre in London.B. West End theatre is one of the famous theatres in London.C. West End theatre also refers to the plays in the theatreland in London.D. Seeing West End theatre show is a must for tourists to London.67. What might not be the reason for the increasing ticket sale?A. West End theatre often stages best musicals.B. West End theatre has attracted quite a number of film stars.C. Theatreland is located in the heart of the West End.D. The facilities of traditional theatres have been improved.68. What is the word cramped in the last paragraph mean?A. LimitedB. SmallC. ComfortableD. Spacious69. Which can you not infer from the passage?A. Broadway theatre also reflects the high level of theatre in the English-speaking world.B. West End theatre came into existence around 100 years ago.C. West End theatre used to belong to Queen Victoria and King Edward.D.The theatre owners did not succeed in persuading government to reduce their tax to rebuildthe theatres.(B)Vancouver(温哥华)Natural ResourcesAs a major centre for the global forestry industry, Vancouver is host to many international forestry conferences and events, and the natural home of the massive BC forestry business. Companies such as Canfor and West Fraser Timber Co., the second and third largest lumber(⽊材)producers in the world, are headquartered in Vancouver. Vancouver is also a major centre for the mining industry.International tradeInternational trade is a key part for Vancouver's economy. The city has Canada's largest port and is one of North America'smajor gateways for Pan-Pacific(泛太平洋)trade. The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports and second on the West Coast in total goods volume.Banking and FinancialThe headquarters for HSBC Canada (汇丰银⾏)is located in the Financial District in downtown. Canada's third largest commercial entity (实体), Jim Pattison Group is also based in Vancouver.International relationVancouver is a major centre for diplomacy (外交) and foreign relations. Most countries of the world have consulate(领事馆)or general offices in the Central Business District. In fact, many major diplomatic conferences are hosted by the city -including the world famous G7 summit with President Clinton, APEC, and the World Trade Organization. Greenpeace has its world headquarters in the city. Therefore, Vancouver was among the first North American cities todeclare itself a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone.TourismTourism is a leading industry to Vancouver. The Whistler-Blackcomb Resort is among the most popular skiing resorts in North America, and will be the site of the downhill events of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Vancouver's beaches, parks, waterfronts, and mountain backdrops and its multi- cultural character attract more and more tourists.FilmVancouver was the source of the sobriquet(绰号)"Hollywood North", for hosting the production of about ten percent of Hollywood's movies. Many U.S. television and films series are shot exclusively in Vancouver. This has partly been because of the favourable Canadian dollar exchange rate.70. Which of the following description about Vancouver is NOT true according to the passage?A.The Port of Vancouver ranks first in North America in total foreign exports.B.Vancouver is a film production centre and called ―Hollywood North".C.International forestry conferences and events were held in Vancouver.D.Vancouver is a leading centre for the global agriculture and industry.71. Which of the following organizations or events is not related to Vancouver?A. Jim Pattison GroupB. WHOC. GreenpeaceD. The 2010 Winter Olympics72. If you are a graduate from Shanghai Finance and Economics University, what is it thatwill probably attract you to visit Vancouver?A. Its international trade.B. Its film industry.C. HSBC Canada.D. Its beautiful natural scenery.73. We can infer______ from the part: International relation.A. Vancouver is a major centre for foreign relations.B. Vancouver has hosted many major diplomatic conferences.C. APEC and WTO are headquartered in Vancouver.D. Canada is a peace-loving country.(C)Jogging has become the most popular individual sport in America. Many theories, even some mystical (神秘的) ones, have been advanced to explain the popularity of jogging. The plain truth is that jogging is a cheap, quick and efficient way to maintain (or achieve )physical fitness.The most useful sort of exercise is exercise that develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory(循环的)systems. If these systems are fit, the body is ready for almost any sport and for almost any sudden demand made by work or emergencies. One can train more specifically, as by developingstrength for weight lifting or the ability to run straight ahead for short distances with great power as in football, but running trains your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen more efficiently to all parts of your body. It is worth doing that this sort of exercise is the only kind that can reduce heart disease, the number one cause of death in America.Only one sort of equipment is needed – a good pair of shoes. Physicians advise beginning joggers not to run in a tennis or gym shoe. Many design advances have been made in only the last several years that make an excellent running shoe indispensable(不可缺少的)if a runner wishes to develop as quickly as possible, with as little chance of injury as possible.A good running shoe will have soft pads for absorbing shock, as well as slightly built-up heels and full heel cups(后跟垫)that will give the knee and ankle more stability. A wise investment in good shoes will prevent blisters (⽔泡)and the foot, ankle and knee injuries and will also enable the wearer to run on paved or soft surfaces. No other special equipment is needed; you can jog in any clothing you desire, even your street clothes.Many joggers wear expensive, flashy(华丽的) warm –up suits, but just as many wear a simple pair of gym shoes and T-shirt; in fact, many people just jog in last year’s clothes. In cold weather, several layers of clothing are better than one heavy sweater or coat. If joggers are wearing several layers of clothing, they can add or subtract layers as conditions change.It takes surprisingly little time to develop the ability to run. The American Jogging Association has a twelve – week program designed to move from a fifteen-minute walk (which almost anyone can manage who is in reasonable health) to a thirty-minute run. A measure of common sense, a physical examination, and a planned schedule are all it takes.74.They main purpose of this passage is to _____.A. discuss jogging as a physical fitness programB. describe the type of clothing needed for joggingC. provide scientific evidence of the benefits of joggingD. launch a nationwide physical fitness campaign75. The most effective kind of exercise should be the one that __________.A. trains the body for weight liftingB. enables a person to run straight aheadC. is both beneficial and inexpensiveD. develops the heart, lungs, and circulatory systems76.We can conclude from this passage that ______.A. jogging makes heart disease no longer an American problemB. jogging can be harmful if the runner is not properly preparedC. warm-up suits are preferable to gym shoes and T-shirtsD. jogging is bad for the ankles and knees77.What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. For beginning joggers,tennis or gym shoes are better choices.B.A pair of good running shoes is necessary for a runner to develop quickly.C.A pair of good running shoes with a full heel-cup is designed to prevent shock.D. Comfortable pads will give the knees and ankles more stability.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Most people look forward to retirement as a time when they can finally take up activities that they never had the time or energy to pursue before.But some recent studies on people in their golden years are disturbing: they suggest that retirees are more likely to suffer from depression and possibly higher rates of other diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure.That’s why a new study of French workers is welcome news.Led by Hugo Westerlund, a professor of psychology at Stockholm University, the study of more than 14,000 workers found lower rates of depression and fatigue (疲劳) in people after they got tired while they were still employed.The scientists followed the employees of the French national gas and electric company for 14 years.They found in the year immediately after retirement, the volunteers reported 40% fewer depressive symptoms than they had in the year before their retirement.The researchers also found an 81% drop in reports of both mental and physical fatigue over the same time period.Clearly, said Westerlund, much of these decrease in physical and mental fatigue can be traced back to relief from the stresses of work.The decline in depressive symptoms suggests that retirement may be having a positive mental effect, too, which may have a lot to do with the generous pensions (养⽼⾦) that French workers enjoy.Most retirees in that country still benefit from about 80% of their yearly salaries.―The economic or financial situation in retirement is very important,‖ Westerlund says.―We don’t know if the decrease in fatigue and depressive symptoms is because of the removal of something bad while in work or the addition of something good while in retirement.But no matter what the reason, if life in retirement is not comfortable, then we won’t see the improvements we did.‖However, in European nations like France, governments are considering changes to pension plans, which may affect retirees’ health after they leave their jobs-with less of a financial safety net, workers may no longer seem so mentally and physically happy to be out of work.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.) 78.According to some recent studies, retired people may have depression and higher rates of other diseases like __________.79.Westerlund’s group found that in the year just after the retirement most retired French workers felt much less tired both _______________.80.What does the word ―improvements‖ in paragraph 5 refer to? ______________________ 81.Retirement may make people happier with ________________.第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1、商店⾥的商品琳琅满⽬,让我们眼花缭乱。
2016普陀二模 1

上海市普陀区2016届初三二模数学试卷2016.04一. 选择题1. 据统计,2015年上海市全年接待国际旅游入境者共80016000人次,80016000用科学记数法表示是( )A. 68.001610⨯B. 78.001610⨯C. 88.001610⨯D. 98.001610⨯2. 下列计算结果正确的是( )A. 428a a a ⋅=B. 426()a a =C. 222()ab a b =D. 222()a b a b -=- 3. 下列统计图中,可以直观地反映出数据变化的趋势的统计图是( )A. 折线图B. 扇形图C. 条形图D. 频数分布直方图4. 下列问题中,两个变量成正比例关系的是( )A. 等腰三角形的面积一定,它的底边和底边上的高B. 等边三角形的面积与它的边长C. 长方形的长确定,它的周长与宽D. 长方形的长确定,它的面积与宽5. 如图,已知1l ∥2l ∥3l ,4DE =,6DF =,那么下列结论正确的是( )A. :1:1BC EF =B. :1:2BC AB =C. :2:3AD CF =D. :2:3BE CF =6. 如果圆形纸片的直径是8cm ,用它完全覆盖正六边形,那么正六边形的边长最大不能超过( )A. 2cmB.C. 4cmD. 二. 填空题7. 分解因式:22ma mb -=8. x =的根是9. 不等式组20231x x ->⎧⎨+>⎩的解集是 10. 如果关于x 的方程2704x x a ++-=有两个相等的实数根,那么a 的值等于 11. 函数14x y x-=的定义域是 12. 某飞机如果在1200米的上空测得地面控制点的俯角为30︒,那么此时飞机离控制点之间的距离是 米13. 一个口袋中装有3个完全相同的小球,它们分别标有数字0、1、3,从口袋中随机摸出一个小球记下数字后不放回,摇匀后再随机摸出一个小球,那么两次摸出小球的数字的和为素数的概率为14. 如图,在四边形ABCD 中,点M 、N 、P 分别是AD 、BC 、BD 的中点,如果BA a =,DC b =,那么MN = (用a 和b 表示)15. 如果某市6月份日平均气温统计如图所示,那么在日平均气温这组数据中,中位数是 C ︒16. 已知点11(,)A x y 和点22(,)B x y 在反比例函数k y x=的图像上,如果当120x x <<,可得12y y <,那么k 0(填“>”“=”“<”) 17. 如图,点E 、F 分别在正方形ABCD 的边AB 、BC 上,EF 与对角线BD 交于点G ,如果5BE =,3BF =,那么:FG EF 的比值是18. 如图①,在矩形ABCD 中,将矩形折叠,使点B 落在边AD 上,这时折痕与边AD 和边BC 分别交于点E 、点F ,然后再展开铺平,以B 、E 、F 为顶点的△BEF 称为矩形ABCD 的“折痕三角形”,如图②,在矩形ABCD 中,2AB =,4BC =,当“折痕△BEF ”面积最大时,点E 的坐标为 x y D C A (B )O ②①。

2016年上海市普陀区高考物理二模试卷一、单项选择题(共16分,每题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1.(2分)所谓元电荷是指()A.电子B.质子C.中子D.自然界中已知的最小电荷量2.(2分)下列属于原子核裂变的链式反应的是()A.核电站发电B.氢弹爆炸C.石油的形成D.利用太阳能发电3.(2分)在杨氏双缝实验中,若两缝之间的距离稍为加大,其他条件不变,则干涉条纹将()A.变密B.变疏C.不变D.消失4.(2分)用单色光通过小圆盘和小圆孔做衍射实验时,在光屏上得到衍射图形,它们的特征是()A.中央均为亮点的同心圆形条纹B.中央均为暗点的同心圆形条纹C.用小圆盘时中央是暗的,用小圆孔时中央是亮的D.用小圆盘时中央是亮的,用小圆孔时中央是暗的5.(2分)下列说法正确的是()A.气体温度升高,则每个气体分子的动能都将变大B.分子间距离增大时,分子间的引力和斥力都增大C.气体的压强是由于大量分子频繁撞击器壁产生的D.一定质量理想气体的温度升高,内能不一定增大6.(2分)在α粒子散射实验中,我们并没有考虑到α粒子跟电子碰撞,这是因为()A.电子体积非常小,以至于α粒子碰不到它B.电子质量远比α粒子的小,所以它对α粒子运动的影响极其微小C.α粒子跟各个电子碰撞的效果相互抵消D.电子在核外均匀分布,所以α粒子受到电子作用的合外力为零7.(2分)如图为含逻辑电路的一个简单电路图,L为小灯泡.光照射光敏电阻时,其阻值R′将变得远小于R.当光照射光敏电阻时,则()A.R两端的电势差变小 B.R′两端的电势差变大C.小灯泡L发光D.小灯泡L不发光8.(2分)现有一台落地电风扇放在水平地面上,该电风扇运行时,调节它的“摇头”旋钮可改变风向,但风向一直水平.若电风扇在地面上不发生移动,下列说法正确的是()A.电风扇受到5个力的作用B.地面对电风扇的摩擦力的大小和方向都不变C.空气对风扇的作用力与地面对风扇的摩擦力大小相等D.风扇对空气的作用力与地面对风扇的摩擦力互相平衡二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分,每小题只有一个正确选项)9.(3分)某放射性元素的原子核发生两次α衰变和六次β衰变,关于它的原子核的变化,下列说法中正确的是()A.核子数减小8 B.质子数减小2 C.质子数增加2 D.中子数减小10 10.(3分)如图,站在向右作匀加速直线运动的车厢内的人向前推车壁,下列说法正确的是()A.人对车的作用力仅是手的推力B.车对人的摩擦力大于车对人的推力C.因为人相对车没有动,所以合外力为零D.该人对车做正功11.(3分)如图所示为安检门原理图,左边门框中有一通电线圈,右边门框中有一接收线圈.工作过程中某段时间通电线圈中存在顺时针方向均匀增大的电流,则()A.无金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流方向为顺时针B.无金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流增大C.有金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流方向为顺时针D.有金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流大小发生变化12.(3分)如图是物体做匀变速曲线运动轨迹的示意图,已知物体在B点的加速度方向与速度方向垂直,下列说法正确的是()A.A点的加速度比C点的加速度大B.物体在AB段做匀加速运动曲线运动C.物体在BC段做匀减速运动曲线运动D.物体从A点到C点加速度与速度的夹角一直在减小,速率是先减小后增大13.(3分)将质量为m的小球在距地面高度为h处竖直向上抛出,抛出时的速度大小为v,小球落到地面时的速度大小为3v,若小球受到的空气阻力不能忽略,则对于小球整个运动过程,下列说法正确的是()A.重力对小球做的功等于﹣mghB.合外力对小球做的功为4mv2C.小球落地时的机械能会变大D.小球克服空气阻力做的功为mv214.(3分)如图,两列水波波源S1和S2的振幅分别为2A和A,某时刻它们形成的波峰和波谷分别由实线和虚线表示.下列说法正确的是()A.两列波在相遇区域发生干涉B.波谷和波谷相遇处位移为零C.A点的位移始终为零D.此刻A点和B点的位移大小分别是A和3A15.(3分)如图,某杂技演员在做手指玩盘子的表演.设该盘的质量为m=0.2kg,手指与盘之间的滑动摩擦因数μ=0.5,最大静摩擦等于滑动摩擦,盘底处于水平状态,且不考虑盘的自转.下列说法正确的是()A.若手指支撑着盘,使盘保持静止状态,则手对盘的摩擦力大小为1NB.若盘随手指一起水平向右做匀速运动,则手对盘的摩擦力大小为1NC.若盘随手指一起水平向右做匀加速运动,则手对盘的作用力大小为2N D.若盘随手指一起水平向右做匀加速运动,则手对盘的作用力大小不可超过2.24N16.(3分)如图甲,轻杆一端与一小球相连,另一端连在光滑固定轴上.现使小球在竖直平面内做圆周运动,到达某一位置开始计时,取水平向右为正方向,小球的水平分速度v x随时间t的变化关系如图乙所示.不计空气阻力,下列说法正确的是()A.在t1时刻小球通过最低点B.图乙中S1面积的数值为0.8mC.图乙中S1和S2的面积不相等D.图线第一次与横轴的交点对应小球的速度为4m/s三、多项选择题(共16分,每小题4分.每小题有二个或者三个正确选项.全选对,得4分;选对但不全的,得2分;有选错或不答的,得0分)17.(4分)如图,把塑料匙在干燥的布上摩擦几下,然后去舀爆米花,爆米花就会到处乱蹦.发生这种情况的原因是()A.爆米花与带电的勺子接触,带同种电荷B.爆米花与带电的勺子接触,带异种电荷C.爆米花受到塑料匙的作用力而到处乱跳D.爆米花带电后,因质量很小而到处乱跳18.(4分)一个质量m=0.05kg的小球做平抛运动时,测出小球在不同时刻速率v的数据,并作出v2﹣t2图线,如图所示.不计空气阻力,下列说法正确的是()A.小球的初速度为2m/sB.图线的斜率大小为100m2•s﹣4C.横轴读数在0.16时,小球离抛出点的位移大小为2mD.横轴读数在0~0.25区间内,小球所受重力做功的平均功率为1.25W 19.(4分)如图,s﹣t图象反映了甲、乙两车在同一条直道上行驶的位置随时间变化的关系,已知乙车做匀变速直线运动,其图线与t轴相切于10s处,下列说法正确的是()A.5s时两车速度相等B.甲车的速度为4m/sC.乙车的加速度大小为1.6m/s2D.乙车的初位置在s0=80m处20.(4分)如图,将质量均为M=2kg的A、B重物用轻绳连接后,跨放在定滑轮上,处于静止状态.在B的下端挂上质量为m=1kg的物块C后,重物A、B以及物块C由静止开始运动.轻绳与定滑轮间的摩擦不计,绳子不可伸长.下列说法正确的是()A.同自由落体相比,C下落相同的高度,所花费的时间要短B.当A的速度v=2m/s时,A上升的竖直距离h=1mC.若不断增大物块C的质量,B的加速度a将不断减小D.若不断增大物块C的质量,C的加速度a的值将趋近于g四、填空题(共20分,每小题4分)21.(4分)如图,吊灯A通过绳子悬挂在天花板上的B点和C点,OB与天花板的夹角为α,OB、OA的长均为l.若灯的大小和线的长度相比是很小的,则吊灯在垂直于纸面内作小幅振动时的悬点为点(填写图中的字母),周期为.22.(4分)甲、乙两物体在光滑水平地面上沿一直线相向而行,甲质量为6kg,速度大小为8m/s,乙质量为4kg,速度大小为6m/s,它们的总动量大小为kgm/s.两者碰撞后,甲沿原方向运动,速度大小为2m/s,则乙的速度大小为m/s.23.已知火星表面附近的重力加速度为g,火星的半径为R,火星自转周期为T,万有引力常量为G.则绕火星表面飞行的卫星运行速度v=,火星的同步卫星距火星表面的高度h=.24.(4分)如图,水平杆DE在D处用铰链连接,斜杆CA的一端插在墙壁内,另一端与水平杆光滑接触.用F1、F2分别垂直作用在两杆的E点和B点.已知F1=F2=40N,CB=BA=40cm,DC=CE=30cm,α=37°,β=53°,不计两杆的重力.则水平杆在C点受到的作用力大小为N,斜杆在固定端A处受到的作用力大小为N.25.(4分)扫地机器人是一款能自动清扫的智能家用电器,如图所示.当剩余电量减为电池容量的30%时,机器人会主动寻找充电器充电.表为某扫地机器人的部分参数.机器人中吸尘电机的吸入功率是衡量其优劣的重要参数,测得某吸尘电机的吸入功率与真空度、风量间的对应关系如表.真空度指主机内部气压与外界的气压差,风量指单位时间内通过吸尘电机排出的空气体积,吸尘电机吸入功率与输入功率的比值叫作效率.则该机器人充满电后至下一次自动充电前能够连续正常工作的最长时间为min,当风量为0.017m3/s时,若吸尘电机的输入功率为25W,则此时其效率为%.26.(4分)如图,两根电阻不计的平行光滑金属导轨放在同一水平面内,左端与电阻R相连,在导轨x>0一侧存在着磁感应强度B=1.5+0.5x(T)的磁场.在外力F作用下,一阻值为r的金属棒从A1运动到A3,此过程中电路中的电功率保持不变.A1、A2、A3的坐标分别为x1=1m,x2=3m,x3=5m.则在A1与A3处的速度之比为,从A1到A2与A2到A3的过程中安培力做的功之比为.五.实验题(共24分)27.(4分)在“测定直流电动机的效率”的实验中,我们有以下实验器材:直流电动机、电源、电压表、电流表、滑动变阻器、电键、砝码盘、砝码若干、刻度尺、停表、弹簧秤、细绳一根、天平和导线若干.(1)以上实验器材中哪些是多余的:(2)写出直流电动机的效率的表达式:28.(4分)某同学利用图示装置验证系统机械能守恒定律,图中P、Q、R是三个完全相同的物块,P、Q用细绳连接,放在光滑水平桌面上,物块R与轻质滑轮连接,放在两定滑轮的中间.a、b、c是三个光电门,调整三个光电门的位置,能实现同时遮光.整个装置无初速度释放,已知P、Q、R经过三个光电门的遮光时间分别为t1、t2、t3,R的遮光片到c的距离为H,三个遮光片的宽度均为x.(1)本实验中验证机械能守恒的表达式为(2)为提高实验结果的准确程度,请对此实验提出一条建议:29.(6分)如图为一个测温装置,图中C为测温泡,装入水银的U形管B管开口向上,A管通过细玻璃管与测温泡C相通,U形管的下端通过软管相连.测温时,调节B管的高度,使A管中的液面保持在a处,此时根据U形管A、B两管水银面的高度差就能知道测温泡所处环境的温度.假设该测温装置在制定刻度时的大气压为76cmHg,该温度计的0℃和30℃刻度线间的距离正好是30cm.(1)当测温泡中气体温度升高时,为使A管中的液面保持在a处,则B管应向(填“上”或“下”)移动;(2)该测温装置的刻度应刻在管(填“A”或“B”);(3)由于天气的原因会导致大气压发生变化,当实际温度为16℃时,该温度计的读数为17℃,则此时大气压为cmHg.30.(10分)某同学在测定电源电动势E、内电阻r实验中,用下列器材组装成了一个电路:电压表V1、电压表V2、电流表、滑动变阻器R、小灯泡、电池、电键一个,导线若干.实验时,调节滑动变阻器的阻值,多次测量后发现若电压表V1的示数增大,则电压表V2的示数减小.该同学每一次操作后,同时记录电流表A、电压表V1和电压表V2的示数,经多次测量后分别描绘了a、b两条U﹣I图线,如图所示.(1)请在方框内画出电路图.(2)电池的电动势E=V、内阻r=Ω.(3)在U﹣I坐标中两条图线相交时电池的效率为.六、计算题(50分)31.(10分)如图,滑块a、b的质量均为m=1kg,a套在固定竖直杆上,与光滑水平地面相距h=0.2m,b放在地面上.a、b通过铰链用刚性轻杆连接,由静止开始运动.不计摩擦,a、b可视为质点.(1)画出当a即将落地前(杆尚未转至水平方向)滑块a、b的受力分析图;(2)求当a的机械能最小时,地面对b支持力的大小(要有过程分析);(3)求a落地时速度的大小.32.(12分)如图,有一个在水平面上固定放置的气缸,由a、b、c三个粗细不同的同轴绝热圆筒组成,a、b、c的横截面积分别为2S、S和3S.已知大气压强为p0.两绝热活塞A和B用一根长为4l的不可伸长的细线相连,两活塞之间密封有温度为T0的空气,开始时,两活塞静止在图示位置.现对气体加热,使其温度缓慢上升,两活塞缓慢移动,忽略两活塞与圆筒之间的摩擦.求:(1)加热前被封闭气体的压强和细线中的拉力;(2)气体温度上升到多少时,其中一活塞恰好移至其所在圆筒与b圆筒连接处;(3)气体温度上到时,封闭气体的压强.33.(14分)如图,轨道CDGH位于竖直平面内,其中圆弧段DG与水平段CD 及倾斜段GH分别相切于D点和G点,圆弧段和倾斜段均光滑,在H处固定一垂直于轨道的绝缘挡板,整个轨道绝缘,且处于水平向右的匀强电场中.一个可视为质点的带电物块由C处静止释放,经挡板碰撞后滑回CD段中点P处时速度恰好为零.已知物块的质量m=4×10﹣3kg,所带电荷量q=+3×10﹣6C,电场强度E=1×104N/C,物块与轨道CD段的动摩擦因数µ=0.25,CD段的长度L=2m,圆弧DG的半径r=0.5m,GH段与水平面的夹角θ=37°,不计物块与挡板碰撞时的动能损失.求:(1)物块第一次到达H点时的速率;(2)物块在轨道CD段运动的总路程;(3)物块碰撞挡板时的最小动能.34.(14分)如图,在金属导轨MNC和PQD中,MN与PQ平行且间距为L=1m,MNQP所在平面与水平面夹角α=37°.N、Q连线与MN垂直,M、P间接有阻值R=10Ω的电阻.光滑直导轨NC和QD在同一水平面内,与NQ的夹角均为θ=53°.ab棒的初始位置在水平导轨上与NQ重合.ef棒垂直放在倾斜导轨上,与导轨间的动摩擦因数为μ=0.1,由导轨上的小立柱1和2阻挡而静止.金属棒ab和ef质量均为m=0.5kg,长均为L=1m.空间有竖直方向、磁感应强度B=2T的匀强磁场(图中未画出).两金属棒与导轨保持良好接触,ef棒的阻值R=10Ω,不计所有导轨和ab棒的电阻.假设最大静摩擦力与滑动摩擦力大小相等.忽略感应电流产生的磁场.若ab棒在拉力F的作用下,以垂直于NQ的速度v1=1m/s在水平导轨上向右匀速运动,且运动过程中ef棒始终静止(g取10m/s2,sin 37°=0.6,cos 37°=0.8).(1)求金属棒ab运动到x=0.3m处时,经过ab棒的电流大小;(2)推导金属棒ab从NQ处运动一段距离x过程中拉力F与x的关系式;(3)若ab棒以垂直于NQ的速度v2=2m/s在水平导轨上向右匀速运动,在NQ 位置时取走小立柱1和2,且运动过程中ef棒始终静止.求此状态下磁感应强度B的最大值(此问结果可只保留一位有效数字).2016年上海市普陀区高考物理二模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择题(共16分,每题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1.(2分)所谓元电荷是指()A.电子B.质子C.中子D.自然界中已知的最小电荷量【解答】解:元电荷是自然界最小的电量,可作为电量的一种单位,不是实物粒子.故选:D2.(2分)下列属于原子核裂变的链式反应的是()A.核电站发电B.氢弹爆炸C.石油的形成D.利用太阳能发电【解答】解:A、核电站是利用原子核的链式反应在可控制的核反应堆中进行,故A正确;B、氢弹爆炸是利用核聚变释放能量的原理制成的,故B错误;C、石油的形成,是复杂的过程,属于化学变化,故C错误;D、太阳能辐射是以热传递的形式传递热量,故D错误.故选:A.3.(2分)在杨氏双缝实验中,若两缝之间的距离稍为加大,其他条件不变,则干涉条纹将()A.变密B.变疏C.不变D.消失【解答】解:根据公式△x=λ,若两缝之间的距离稍为加大,即d变大,则△x 变窄,即干涉条纹变密,故A正确,BCD错误.故选:A.4.(2分)用单色光通过小圆盘和小圆孔做衍射实验时,在光屏上得到衍射图形,它们的特征是()A.中央均为亮点的同心圆形条纹B.中央均为暗点的同心圆形条纹C.用小圆盘时中央是暗的,用小圆孔时中央是亮的D.用小圆盘时中央是亮的,用小圆孔时中央是暗的【解答】解:圆孔衍射实验图样,与单色光通过小圆盘得到的泊松亮斑,它们中央均为亮点的同心圆形条纹.故A正确,BCD错误故选:A.5.(2分)下列说法正确的是()A.气体温度升高,则每个气体分子的动能都将变大B.分子间距离增大时,分子间的引力和斥力都增大C.气体的压强是由于大量分子频繁撞击器壁产生的D.一定质量理想气体的温度升高,内能不一定增大【解答】解:A、温度是分子热运动平均动能的标志,气体温度升高,则分子热运动的平均动能增加,但不是每个气体分子的动能都变大,故A错误;B、分子间距离增大时,分子间的引力和斥力都减小,只是斥力减小的更快,故B错误;C、气体的压强是由于大量分子频繁撞击器壁产生的,与分子数密度和分子热运动的平均动能有关,故C正确;D、理想气体是没有分子力的,故分子间没有分子势能,故温度越高,分子热运动平均动能越大,故内能越大;故D错误;故选:C6.(2分)在α粒子散射实验中,我们并没有考虑到α粒子跟电子碰撞,这是因为()A.电子体积非常小,以至于α粒子碰不到它B.电子质量远比α粒子的小,所以它对α粒子运动的影响极其微小C.α粒子跟各个电子碰撞的效果相互抵消D.电子在核外均匀分布,所以α粒子受到电子作用的合外力为零【解答】解:α粒子碰到电子,像子弹碰到灰尘,损失的能量极少,不改变运动的轨迹.故B正确,A、C、D错误.故选:B.7.(2分)如图为含逻辑电路的一个简单电路图,L为小灯泡.光照射光敏电阻时,其阻值R′将变得远小于R.当光照射光敏电阻时,则()A.R两端的电势差变小 B.R′两端的电势差变大C.小灯泡L发光D.小灯泡L不发光【解答】解:A、当电阻R′受到光照时,其阻值将变得远小于R.则R两端的电势差大,R′两端间的电势差小.故A错误,B错误;C、该逻辑电路为非门电路.非门的特点输入状态和输出状态相反,当电阻R′受到光照时,其阻值将变得远小于R.则R两端的电势差大,R′两端间的电势差小,则输入端为低电势,那么输出端为高电势,故a点电势为高电势;小灯泡L发光.故C正确;D错误;故选:C.8.(2分)现有一台落地电风扇放在水平地面上,该电风扇运行时,调节它的“摇头”旋钮可改变风向,但风向一直水平.若电风扇在地面上不发生移动,下列说法正确的是()A.电风扇受到5个力的作用B.地面对电风扇的摩擦力的大小和方向都不变C.空气对风扇的作用力与地面对风扇的摩擦力大小相等D.风扇对空气的作用力与地面对风扇的摩擦力互相平衡【解答】解:A、电风扇受重力、支持力、风的反冲力及静摩擦力,共4个力,故A错误;BC、由于风扇平衡,故风的反冲力(空气对风扇的作用力)与静摩擦力大小相等,而风的反冲力大小不变,故静摩擦力的大小不变,当风的方向是改变的,故静摩擦力的方向也是改变的,故B错误,C正确;C、风扇对空气的作用力与地面对风扇的摩擦力互相平衡不是作用在同一条直线上,故不是平衡,故D错误;故选:C二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分,每小题只有一个正确选项)9.(3分)某放射性元素的原子核发生两次α衰变和六次β衰变,关于它的原子核的变化,下列说法中正确的是()A.核子数减小8 B.质子数减小2 C.质子数增加2 D.中子数减小10【解答】解:设该原子核的质量数(核子数)为m,电荷数(质子数)为n,衰变后的质量数为x,电荷数为y,则有:m=x+8;n=﹣6+4+y由此可知衰变后核子数减小8,质子数直接2,中子数减小10,故B错误,ACD 正确.故选:ACD.10.(3分)如图,站在向右作匀加速直线运动的车厢内的人向前推车壁,下列说法正确的是()A.人对车的作用力仅是手的推力B.车对人的摩擦力大于车对人的推力C.因为人相对车没有动,所以合外力为零D.该人对车做正功【解答】解:A、对人分析可知,人受重力、车向左的弹力以及地面向右的摩擦力;故人对车有向左的摩擦力和推力;故A错误;B、对人分析由牛顿第二定律可知,人受到的合力向右,故摩擦力大于车对人的推力;故B正确;C错误;D、由于车对人的合力向右,则可知人对车的合力一定向左,则由功的公式可知,人对车做负功;故D错误;故选:B.11.(3分)如图所示为安检门原理图,左边门框中有一通电线圈,右边门框中有一接收线圈.工作过程中某段时间通电线圈中存在顺时针方向均匀增大的电流,则()A.无金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流方向为顺时针B.无金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流增大C.有金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流方向为顺时针D.有金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流大小发生变化【解答】解:A、当左侧线圈中通有不断增大的顺时针方向的电流时,知穿过右侧线圈的磁通量向右,且增大,根据楞次定律,右侧线圈中产生逆时针方向的电流;故A错误;B、通电线圈中存在顺时针方向均匀增大的电流,则通电线圈中的磁通量均匀增大,所以穿过右侧线圈中的磁通量均匀增大,则磁通量的变化率是定值,由法拉第电磁感应定律可知,接收线圈中的感应电流不变.故B错误;C、结合A的分析可知,即使有金属片通过时,接收线圈中的感应电流方向仍然为逆时针.故C错误;D、有金属片通过时,则穿过金属片中的磁通量发生变化时,金属片中也会产生感应电流,感应电流的方向与接收线圈中的感应电流的方向相同,所以也会将该空间中的磁场的变化削弱一些,引起接收线圈中的感应电流大小发生变化.故D 正确.故选:D12.(3分)如图是物体做匀变速曲线运动轨迹的示意图,已知物体在B点的加速度方向与速度方向垂直,下列说法正确的是()A.A点的加速度比C点的加速度大B.物体在AB段做匀加速运动曲线运动C.物体在BC段做匀减速运动曲线运动D.物体从A点到C点加速度与速度的夹角一直在减小,速率是先减小后增大【解答】解:A、质点做匀变速曲线运动,则有加速度不变,所以质点经过C点时的加速度与A点相同,故A错误;B、质点从A运动到C,质点运动到B点时速度方向与加速度方向恰好互相垂直,则有A点速度与加速度方向夹角大于90°,BC点的加速度方向与速度方向夹角小于90°,则物体在AB段做匀减速运动,在BC段做匀加速运动,从A点到C点加速度与速度的夹角一直在减小,速率是先减小后增大,故BC错误,D正确;故选:D13.(3分)将质量为m的小球在距地面高度为h处竖直向上抛出,抛出时的速度大小为v,小球落到地面时的速度大小为3v,若小球受到的空气阻力不能忽略,则对于小球整个运动过程,下列说法正确的是()A.重力对小球做的功等于﹣mghB.合外力对小球做的功为4mv2C.小球落地时的机械能会变大D.小球克服空气阻力做的功为mv2【解答】解:A.重力做的功为W G=mgh,故A错误;B.由动能定理可得:合外力对小球做的功W合=m(3v)2﹣mv2=4mv2,故B 正确;C.小球在运动过程中,受到的空气阻力不能忽略,有机械能损失,机械能要减小,故C错误;D.由动能定理可得:W合=mgh﹣W f=W合=m(3v)2﹣mv2=4mv2,所以阻力做功为:W f=mgh﹣4mv2,故D错误.故选:B.14.(3分)如图,两列水波波源S1和S2的振幅分别为2A和A,某时刻它们形成的波峰和波谷分别由实线和虚线表示.下列说法正确的是()A.两列波在相遇区域发生干涉B.波谷和波谷相遇处位移为零C.A点的位移始终为零D.此刻A点和B点的位移大小分别是A和3A【解答】解:A、由图看出,波源S l形成的水波波长大于波源S2是形成的水波波长,两列波在同一介质中传播,波速相等,由波速公式v=λf得知,两列波的频率不等,不会形成干涉现象,但能发生叠加现象,故A错误;B、因两列水波波源S1和S2的振幅不相等,当波谷和波谷相遇处位移为3A,并不为零,故B错误.C、因两列水波波源S1和S2的振幅分别为2A和A,由图可知,此时A是波峰与波谷相遇,则x A=A,随着时间的推移,位移大小变化,不可能总为零,故C错误;。

....题,选出正确选项得1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10.C11.B 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.B16.C第.17~20.....0.分.。
2017 思想政治答案第1页(共6页)(2)答案示例:从量变和质变辩证关系角度看,“宏观经济必须保持在合理区间运行,不得超过临界点”这一观点是正确的。


2016年上海市普陀区中考英语二模试卷一、I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)1.(6分)123456.一、B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7.(1分)A)9:00.B)9:30.C)10:00.D)10:30.8.(1分)A)She will see her uncle off.B)She will visit her uncle.C)She will take a plane.D)She will go to the beach.9.(1分)A)Football.B)Basketball.C)Tennis.D)Table tennis.10.(1分)A)The service.B)The food.C)The price.D)The smell.11.(1分)A)By making phone calls.B)By going out with them.C)By sending messages.D)By chatting online.12.(1分)A)In a field.B)On a farm.C)On a train.D)At a bus stop.13.(1分)A)She was the writer of the book.B)She believes the man knows Mary well.C)She thinks books are the best gifts for writers.D)She suggests the man change the gift.14.(1分)A)An earthquake.B)A traffic accident.C)A terrible bus.D)A running race.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F 表示)15.(6分)15.Monty's father trained horses for people on the farms.16.Monty drew a picture of a horse farm in the composition about his dream.17.Monty got a low mark for the composition because it was too long.18.The teacher explained to the class about her opinions of Monty's composition.19.Monty changed some parts of the composition though he didn't quite agree with her.20.His teacher's words didn't make him change his mind and he finally realized his dream.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文完成下列内容,每空格限填-词)(共10分)21.(10分)21.Julian,a 17﹣year﹣old.was the only person alive after the accident 22.She had a terrible headache and a bad cut on the arm when she23.In the forest,she knew that the most important thing was to find24.When the animals attacked her,she with a stick.25.After,the police decided to give up searching for people who might be alive.二、II. Choose the best answer.(20%)26.(1分)Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation from others?()A.Her clothes are always modernB.How can I improve my EnglishC.Please focus your mind on the workD.I saw a rabbit come out of the hole27.(1分)He was tired after running a quarter of a mile.Which of the following is correct for the underlined letters in the word?()A./ɔ:/ B./e/ C./a:/ D./ʌ/28.(1分)Our parents are always ready to help us and ask for nothing in return.()A.a B.an C./ D.the29.(1分)The film,Ice Age 5,produced by 20th Century Fox,will be shown July,2016.()A.in B.on C.by D.at30.(1分)The government officials in Shanghai will do best to reduce PM2.5.()A.they B.them C.their D.theirs31.(1分)I phoned Peter's office several times this morning but answered.()A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody32.(1分)Susan is keen collecting models of Japanese cartoon characters.()A.on B.of C.to D.with33.(1分)A number of old houses have been pulled down,and lots of new will be built.()A.one B.the one C.ones D.the ones34.(1分)Mark Twain was thought to be one of play writers of his time.()A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest35.(1分)Nowadays many people travel abroad to spend the Spring Festival it is a bit expensive.()A.because B.though C.since D.if36.(1分)Andrew's honesty and wisdom will surely make him a businessman.()A.succeed B.success C.successful D.successfully37.(1分)Most people in the high﹣rise when the big fire broke out on the eighth floor.()A.sleep B.sleptC.have slept D.were sleeping38.(1分)The doctor has worked in the operation room all night without any rest.()A.take B.takes C.to take D.taking39.(1分)To escape the noise,Jacob would rather out of the city centre.()A.live B.living C.to live D.lived40.(1分)The show on for ten minutes by the time Jennifer got to the theatre.()A.is B.was C.has been D.had been41.(1分)The Zhangs sightseeing in Hangzhou for their next holiday.()A.go B.will go C.went D.have gone42.(1分)﹣﹣did it take you to prepare this big family meal?﹣﹣About six hours.()A.How long B.How soonC.How often D.How many times43.(1分)She be crazy to wear a short skirt in such freezing weather.()A.ought to B.must C.can D.need44.(1分)﹣﹣How about raising some money for the people in need?﹣﹣.()A.Never mind B.Not at allC.Good idea D.That's all right45.(1分)﹣﹣Can you teach me how to use iCloud?﹣﹣.()A.Yes,of course B.No,thanksC.Yes,please D.No,you needn't三、III. Complete the following passage with the words and phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.(8%)46.(4分)A.independent B.considered C.freedom D.give up E.grow upIn Western society,many young people,when they finish school at the age of 18,take a gap year before they go to university.The chance for young people to see the other countries and experience life is (46)important by their parents.Parents often want their children to (47) a little and see what the real world is like when they finish school.Although they are worried about the hard times their children might have,many think that the advantages of being(48)and getting experience are worth the worries.Children are encouraged to be brave and to explore the world on their own or with friends.Young people also want to experience(49)and see what life is like on the other side.This other side could be the other side of the world or just the other side of life.50.(4分)A.volunteers B.feed C.widely D.especially E.precious A gap year after school is also an important chance for young people to spend time thinking about what they want to do with their lives.It will help them make their important life decisions,(50)when they are no sure about what they want to study.So much of the world has been travelled and explored.The young people are looking for more(51)experiences nowadays.Some of them work as(52)to do something for teh country they are visiting.Many young people are now spending a few months teaching English in Thailand,helping to (53)giant pandas in China or building a well in a village in Africa.These young people's wish to explore the world the world is an expression of the values of the societies that they are part of.四、IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.(8%)54.(1分)After the heavy rain,the river rose seven high.(inch)55.(1分)In our first English class,the teacher asked us to introduce.(we)56.(1分)The pop star will join the season of the TV play next year.(nine)57.(1分)Life has changed greatly since the of the Internet.(invent)58.(1分)The nurse washed off the blood from the patient's cut.(gentle)59.(1分)The in the right corner is Martin's youngest aunt.(act)60.(1分)Although he is a lucky man in others'eyes,he is about his life.(happy)61.(1分)A team from Shanghai will arrive in Yunnan in three days.(medicine)五、V. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(14%)62.(2分)The young parents lost their kid while shopping in a mall.一般疑问句the young parents their kid while shopping in a mall?63.(2分)People get drinking water by taking away the salt from sea water.划线提问people get drinking water?64.(2分)It if fun to ride a bike on a sunny day like this.感叹句it is to ride a bike on a sunny day like this?65.(2分)Ray takes his personal cup everywhere,so he doesn't use paper cups.句意不变Ray drinks with his personal cup paper cups.66.(2分)We must take care of all the books in our school library.被动句All the books in our school library must care of by us.67.(2分)"I have left the umbrella in the classroom."Thomas said to me.宾语从句Thomas told me that he the umbrella in the classroom.68.(2分)mt,often,during,I,with,go travelling,parents,holidays.连词成句.六、VI. Reading comprehension(50%)A.Choose the best answer(12%)69.(12分)The small Italian city of Siena sits on top of a hill.It makes for beautiful views.But if you're trying to get a piano to the top,it means a lot of work.But Dothan Negron was not afraid of the challenge.For him,pushing a piano from place to place is a regular task.In five year'time Dothan travelled to over 300cities in 21countries with his piano sharing his love of music with people from USA,Mexico,Canada and a number of European countries.When Dothan first graduated from college,he changed jobs very often.The young man never felt like he had a real interest in these jobs.He wanted to do something unusual with his life.Finally,in 2010,Dothan left his own city of New York and began working as a travelling pianist.He first travelled to some other cities in USA,then farther to more cities abroad.Of course,his life is by no means easy.Moving a 5﹣pongd piano is really hard.Dothan once had his piano fall on his hand,which broke two of his fingers.His can was broken into in Mexico.And he also had problems when he tired to park his can on narrow European streets.But it has never stopped Dothan from getting to the next place.He loves meetingpeople of all kinds.All through these years,he has had over 1200contacts in his phone book."Who would have though that playing the piano is the best way to clear up misunderstanding?"Dothan said.Now,Dothan plans to travel to Asia and Australia,and continue to meet more aspiring people.69.For Dothan Negron,pushing a piano to different places is a/an task.A.regularB.newC.easyD.boring70.Dothan travelled to over 300cities in.A.year 2010B.21monthsC.5yearsD.500days71.After graduation from college,Dothan changed jobs very often because.A.he wanted to have experience of different jobsB.he found those jobs not attractive enough to himC.he liked to know more people doing various jobsD.he hoped to have more time to go travelling72.We learn from the passage that Dothan Negron is a pianist from.A.MexicoB.CanadaC.ItalyD.USA73.The underlined part in Paragraph 4is closest in meaning with.A.his life is made hard by his fansB.his life is not easy at allC.he has no idea about real lifeD.he doesn't know how to enjoy life74.The best title for this passage is.A.Playing the Piano With Special SkillsB.A Young Man Who Loves TravellingC.Making Friends in Hundreds of CitiesD.Travelling Around the World With a Piano.75.(12分)Today,more and more popular novels,both modern and old,are being turned into films in Hollywood.Yet why are some of these films so successful,while others seem to lose the main idea of the book completely?CharactersOne of the most important things in a film is having characters that the audience can relate(与…有某种联系).It doesn't not matter what job they do,where they live,or even whether they are good or bad.However,the audience must be able to recognize something of themselves in them.(75),no one wants to spend two hours watching people they do not like or understand.ActorsWhen you read a book,you often build a picture of the(76)in your mind.For example,if you have imagined a character as short and dark﹣haired,it can be quite a surprise when you go to the cinema and see a tall actor with blond hair.Producers often feel the need to (77)famous actors,but they should not do this unless these actors are completely right for the story.When they put the wrong person in the film,they often ruin the effect of the film as a whole.Learning (78)Books can be rad over a long period of time.So writers can look very closely at every little detail,and spend a lot of time thinking about the best descriptions.People producing films have to make them move more(79),or they are afraid that their audience will get bored.That's why the most important is learning which parts should stay,which should be cut from the film.EndingsThe biggest problem with some films is that they change the ending to make it happier,and this may let part of the audience feel pleased.To many people,however,it loses the meaning of the book.A film needs to stay true to the main idea of a book,even if it makes some people(80).There are few things worsethan seeing a book you love turned into a terrible film.75.A.After all B.By the way C.In addition D.At last 76.A.famous actors B.main characters C.beautiful houses D.attractiveviews 77.A.choose B.become C.report D.meet 78.A.where to start B.when to finish C.how to act D.what tocut 79.A.easily B.carefully C.quickly D.clearly 80.A.frighted B.tired C.disappointed D.unlucky 81.(14分)We all remember seeing hitchhikers(搭便车者).They stood by the side of the road,thumb sticking out,waiting for a lift.But hitchhiking is getting rare nowadays.What killed it?S(81)is often mentioned as a reason.Movies about hitchhiking killers and real﹣life crimes have stopped many drivers from picking up hitchhikers.No single women picked me up on my journey to Manchester.This fact show people's fear:a large,strangely dressed man is though to be a d(82)person.But the reason my be more complex(复杂的):hitchhiking happens where people don't have cars and transport services are p(83).Plenty people still hitchhike in some countries.Perhaps the rising level of car ownership in the U.K.makes the few hitchhiking people look strange.Why can't these people a(84)cars?Why can't hey take the bus or the train?Three﹣quarters of the UK population have cars;many of those that have no cars are quite old.So the potential(潜在的)hitchhiking population is small.Yet on my way to Manchester,I got a lift from several people.My t(85)proves that it's still possible to hitchhike.Those who picked me up i(86) a lawyer,a retired doctor,a tank commander,a worker,a man who lives in a lonely farmhouse and a couple living up in the mountains.Most people just wanted to do someone a favour;a few said they were so surprised to see a hitchhiker that they couldn't help stopping.The future of hitchhiking most likely lies with car﹣sharing which is organized over the Internet.But for now,you can still stick your thumb out a(87),I didn'tdo much of that.I preferred to hold up the sign of the place I wanted to go)and people﹣wonderful,caring,sharing,unafraid people﹣will stop.In the UK,with its cheap buses and reasonable railway service,I don't think I'll form a habit of hitchhiking.88.(12分)My day started just like all the other days.I left from the train station at 7:30a.m to arrive at work by 8:30."Just another day,"I thought.I didn't know why but for some reason when I got on the train that day,it was unusually full.I sat down in the only seat beside a man who had his head down an seemed to be lost in his though.Shortly after the train left I found myself wondering what could be so important that the man didn't even see me.I tried to forget about it.However,for some strange reason this"inner voice"kept asking me to talk to this man.At last I made up my mind and though of an excuse to ask him a question.When h e raised his head,I could see that he must have been really sad as he had red eyes and still had tears rolling down the side of his face.We talked for about 20minutes and he seemed to be feeling better.As we were leaving the train,he thanked me politely for spending the time talking with him.I never found out what made him so sad,but was glad I listened to the"voice"that day.Several weeks later,I noticed a letter on my desk.It was from the man I met on the train,thanking me for saving his life.In it he explained that with no hope he shouted to God that if God really cared about him he would send someone to stop him from taking his own life.In his eyes I was that someone sent by God.So next time,you know why you should follow your"inner voice"to talk to a friend,a relative or even a stranger.88.The writer usually started work at 7:30,didn't he?89.Where did the story take place?90.What did the writer wonder about the man?91.How did the writer start the conversation?92.How did the man feel after they talked for a period of time?93.According to the writer,what may the"inner voice"enable us to do?.七、VII. Writing(20%)94.(20分)Complete the title"I learned to be/do after the failure"and write a composition about it in at least 60words.2016年上海市普陀区中考英语二模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解)(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)1.(6分)1略2略3略4略5略6略.【解答】A.1.D 2.G 3.B 4.F 5.A 6.E一、B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)7.(1分)A)9:00.B)9:30.C)10:00.D)10:30.【解答】B8.(1分)A)She will see her uncle off.B)She will visit her uncle.C)She will take a plane.D)She will go to the beach.【解答】A9.(1分)A)Football.B)Basketball.C)Tennis.D)Table tennis.【解答】D10.(1分)A)The service.B)The food.C)The price.D)The smell.【解答】C11.(1分)A)By making phone calls.B)By going out with them.C)By sending messages.D)By chatting online.【解答】B12.(1分)A)In a field.B)On a farm.C)On a train.D)At a bus stop.【解答】C13.(1分)A)She was the writer of the book.B)She believes the man knows Mary well.C)She thinks books are the best gifts for writers.D)She suggests the man change the gift.【解答】D14.(1分)A)An earthquake.B)A traffic accident.C)A terrible bus.D)A running race.【解答】AC. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F 表示)15.(6分)15.Monty's father trained horses for people on the farms.16.Monty drew a picture of a horse farm in the composition about his dream.17.Monty got a low mark for the composition because it was too long.18.The teacher explained to the class about her opinions of Monty's composition.19.Monty changed some parts of the composition though he didn't quite agree with her.20.His teacher's words didn't make him change his mind and he finally realized his dream.【解答】15.T 16.T 17.F'l8.F 19.F 20.TD. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文完成下列内容,每空格限填-词)(共10分)21.(10分)21.Julian,a 17﹣year﹣old.was the only person alive after the accident 22.She had a terrible headache and a bad cut on the arm when she23.In the forest,she knew that the most important thing was to find24.When the animals attacked her,she with a stick.25.After,the police decided to give up searching for people who might be alive.【解答】21.German girl 22.woke up 23.Fresh water 24.fought them 25.240 hours二、II. Choose the best answer.(20%)26.(1分)Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation from others?()A.Her clothes are always modernB.How can I improve my EnglishC.Please focus your mind on the workD.I saw a rabbit come out of the hole【解答】答案:B cloth名词,衣服,音标是/kləʊðz/;improve动词,提高,音标是/ɪm'pruːv/;focus动词,集中,音标是/'fəʊkəs/;hole名词,洞,音标是/həʊl/,故选B.27.(1分)He was tired after running a quarter of a mile.Which of the following is correct for the underlined letters in the word?()A./ɔ:/ B./e/ C./a:/ D./ʌ/【解答】答案:A quarter 名词,四分之一;音标是/'kwɔːtə/.根据句意:跑了四分之一英里后,他累了.故选A.28.(1分)Our parents are always ready to help us and ask for nothing in return.()A.a B.an C./ D.the【解答】答案:Cin return为固定搭配,意为"作为回报",其中间不需要添加冠词a/an/the.29.(1分)The film,Ice Age 5,produced by 20th Century Fox,will be shown July,2016.()A.in B.on C.by D.at【解答】答案:A具体的某个月应用介词in,具体的某天用介词on,由…来完成(常用于被动语态引出动作的执行者)用介词by,具体的时间点用介词at;根据题干具体的2016年的7月份,故此处应用介词in.故选A.30.(1分)The government officials in Shanghai will do best to reduce PM2.5.()A.they B.them C.their D.theirs【解答】正确答案:C.根据句意上海的政府官员将尽他们最大的努力降低PM2.5值,其中do one's best to do sth.表示尽某人最大的能力做某事,此处one's是形容词物主代词,则划线处应填写their,故选择C.31.(1分)I phoned Peter's office several times this morning but answered.()A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody【解答】答案:D.somebody意思是"某人";anybody意思是"任何人";everybody意思是"每个人";nobody意思是"没人".根据"but"表示转折,可知虽然打了好几次电话,但是没有人接听,故选D.32.(1分)Susan is keen collecting models of Japanese cartoon characters.()A.on B.of C.to D.with【解答】答案:A根据be keen on 为固定搭配"热衷于…",后接动词ing形式,故选A.33.(1分)A number of old houses have been pulled down,and lots of new will be built.()A.one B.the one C.ones D.the ones【解答】答案:C.one意思是"一个"指的是相同种类当中的一个,也就是同类异物;ones是one的复数形式;the ones表示特指.根据"A number of old houses have been pulled down"以及"lots of new will be built"可知老房子被拆除了,还要建造一些新房子,新房子是与老房子属于同类,但不是同一个,所以要用one来填空,又根据空格前面的是"lots of"所以后面要用one的复数形式ones,本题只是介绍建了很多新房子,没有特指是那些新房子,所以不能用the ones,故选C.34.(1分)Mark Twain was thought to be one of play writers of his time.()A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest【解答】答案:D.结合句意是说最伟大的剧作家之一用one of+the+最高级+名词复数,great的最高级greatest,前面加上定冠词the,故答案是D.35.(1分)Nowadays many people travel abroad to spend the Spring Festival it is a bit expensive.()A.because B.though C.since D.if【解答】答案:B.because意思是"因为"引导原因状语从句;though意思是"尽管,虽然"引导让步状语从句,表示虽然存在某种情况,但是也不妨碍另一种情况的发生;since意思是"自从…以来"引导时间状语从句;if意思是"如果"引导条件状语从句.根据"it is a bit expensive"以及"many people travel abroad to spend the Spring Festival"可知虽然花费有点大,但是也阻挡不了很多人到国外去过春节,所以要用though,故选B.36.(1分)Andrew's honesty and wisdom will surely make him a businessman.()A.succeed B.success C.successful D.successfully【解答】正确答案:C.四个选项都关于"成功"的单词,succeed的动词,succeed in doing sth.表示成功做某事,success是名词,成功,successful是形容词,成功的,successfully是副词,成功地.句意是安德鲁的诚实和智慧一定会让他成为一个成功的商人,划线处缺一个形容词作定语修饰businessman,故选择C.使役动词make sb.+名词,表示使某人成为….37.(1分)Most people in the high﹣rise when the big fire broke out on the eighth floor.()A.sleep B.sleptC.have slept D.were sleeping【解答】答案:D.根据when引导的时间状语从句用了一般过去时,判断设空处的动作在过去某个时刻,即"火灾发生时"正在进行着,且动作在一段时间内持续进行,所以用过去进行时,过去进行时的构成是:主语+was/were+动词的现在分词,故选D.38.(1分)The doctor has worked in the operation room all night without any rest.()A.take B.takes C.to take D.taking【解答】正确答案:D.根据句意医生在手术室里工作了一整夜,没有休息,其中without是介词,其后跟动名词,故选择D.39.(1分)To escape the noise,Jacob would rather out of the city centre.()A.live B.living C.to live D.lived【解答】答案A根据句意和联系后面的语境可知,本题中出现的是固定句型would rather 后接动词原形,意为"宁愿做某事",可知live为动词原形,故选A.40.(1分)The show on for ten minutes by the time Jennifer got to the theatre.()A.is B.was C.has been D.had been【解答】答案:D.by the time 当…的时候,…通常引导一个时间状语从句,电影的开始发生在got to到达之前,故用过去的过去,故用过去完成时had+过去分词,电影的开始这里用be on表状态,be的过去分词been,故答案是D.41.(1分)The Zhangs sightseeing in Hangzhou for their next holiday.()A.go B.will go C.went D.have gone【解答】答案:B根据时间状语next holiday,下一个假期,所以考虑用一般将来时态,结构为will+动词原形,结合句意:张家一家人将在下一个假期去杭州旅游,故选B.42.(1分)﹣﹣did it take you to prepare this big family meal?﹣﹣About six hours.()A.How long B.How soonC.How often D.How many times【解答】答案:A根据各个选项A.How long 意为"多长时间"用于提问时间段;B.How soon意为"多久"答语常用in+时间段;C、How often意为"多长时间一次"用于提问频率;D、How many times 意为"多少次"用于提问次数,由答语About six hours"大约六小时"表达的是花了多长时间,可推知上文提问时间段,故选A.43.(1分)She be crazy to wear a short skirt in such freezing weather.()A.ought to B.must C.can D.need【解答】答案:B.ought to应该;must一定,必须;can可能;need需要.根据in such freezing weather,可知天气很冷,所以再穿着短裙一定很疯狂.must一定,必须.故选B.44.(1分)﹣﹣How about raising some money for the people in need?﹣﹣.()A.Never mind B.Not at allC.Good idea D.That's all right【解答】答案:C根据句意"给那些需要的人捐点儿钱怎么样"可知,此处应该对别人的建议进行回应.A 不客气;B 没关系;C 好主意;D 没关系.只有C符合语境,故答案为C45.(1分)﹣﹣Can you teach me how to use iCloud?﹣﹣.()A.Yes,of course B.No,thanksC.Yes,please D.No,you needn't【解答】答案:A根据句意"你能教我怎么使用云端服务吗?"可知,此处应该对别人的请求进行回答.A 好的,当然啦;B 不了,谢谢;C 是的,请;D 不,你不需要.只有A 符合语境,故答案为A三、III. Complete the following passage with the words and phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.(8%)46.(4分)A.independent B.considered C.freedom D.give up E.grow upIn Western society,many young people,when they finish school at the age of 18,take a gap year before they go to university.The chance for young people to see the other countries and experience life is (46)B important by their parents.Parents often want their children to (47)E a little and see what the real world is like when they finish school.Although they are worried about the hard times their children might have,many think that the advantages of being(48)A and getting experience are worth the worries.Children are encouraged to be brave and to explore the world on their own or with friends.Young people also want to experience(49)C and see what life is like on the other side.This other side could be the other side of the world or just the other side of life.【解答】46.B 考查动词联系上下文推断句意是"这个让年轻人到外面看世界并且体验生活的机会被家长认为很重要,",根据设空处前面的is结合句意判断填动词的过去分词,故选:B47.E 动词动词联系上下文推断句意是"家长们总是想要孩子长大一点,当他们毕业的时候看看外面真正的世界是什么样子的.",根据设空处前面的want their children to 判断填动词原形,故选:E48.A 考查形容词联系上下文推断句意是"很多人认为孩子学会独立和体验生活的好处是值得的.",根据设空处前面的being判断填形容词,故选:A49.C 考查名词联系上下文推断句意是"年轻人也想体会自由的感觉",根据设空处前面的experience判断填名词,故选:C50.(4分)A.volunteers B.feed C.widely D.especially E.precious A gap year after school is also an important chance for young people to spend time thinking about what they want to do with their lives.It will help them make their important life decisions,(50)D when they are no sure about what they want to study.So much of the world has been travelled and explored.The young people are looking for more(51)E experiences nowadays.Some of them work as(52)A to do something for teh country they are visiting.Many young people are now spending a few months teaching English in Thailand,helping to (53)B giant pandas in China or building a well in a village in Africa.These young people's wish to explore the world the world is an expression of the values of the societies that they are part of.【解答】A.volunteers 志愿者B.feed 喂养C.widely 广泛地D.especially 特别E.precious贵重的50.D 考查副词联系上下文推测句意是"这将帮助他们做出生活中的重要决定.尤其是当他们不确定他们想学习什么的时候.",结合句意用副词"尤其",故答案是:D51.E 考查形容词联系上下文推测句意是"到很多地方旅行和探索过后,现在的年轻人在寻找更多的宝贵的经历,",根据设空处修饰后面的名词experiences,所以填形容词"宝贵的",故答案是:E52.A 考查名词联系上下文推测句意是"他们当中有的人从事志愿者工作,为他们参观的国家做一些事情,",根据设空处前面的work as 判断填名词,故答案是:A53.B 考查动词联系上下文推测句意是"很多年轻人花费几个月在泰国教英语,帮助喂养中国的大熊猫",根据设空处后面的宾语giant pandas 判断用动词,故答案是:B四、IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.(8%)54.(1分)After the heavy rain,the river rose seven inches high.(inch)【解答】答案:inches.提示词是名词,意思是"英寸",根据所给单词结合语境可以推测句意为"大雨过后,河水上涨了7英寸.",根据设空处前面的基数词seven判断填名词复数形式,故答案为:inches55.(1分)In our first English class,the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves.(we)【解答】答案:ourselves.提示词是代词,意思是"我们",根据所给单词结合语境可以推测句意为"在我们的第一趟英语课上,老师要求我们做自我介绍.",根据句意结合设空处前面的动词introduce判断填反身代词,故答案为:ourselves56.(1分)The pop star will join the ninth season of the TV play next year.(nine)【解答】答案:ninth.提示词是基数词,意思是"九",根据所给单词结合语境可以推测句意为"那个流行巨星明年将参加电视剧的第九季.",根据设空处前面的the和后面的单数名词判断填序数词,故答案为:ninth57.(1分)Life has changed greatly since the invention of the Internet.(invent)【解答】答案:invention.考查名词.句意:自从互联网发明以来,生活发生了很大的变化.the invention of…:…的发明.用invent的名词形式.答案是invention.58.(1分)The nurse gently washed off the blood from the patient's cut.(gentle)【解答】答案:gently.考查副词.句意:护士轻轻地洗掉病人切口上的血.gentle 温和的.washed动词,应用副词修饰,gentle的副词是gently轻轻地.答案是gently.59.(1分)The actress in the right corner is Martin's youngest aunt.(act)【解答】答案:actress.考查名词.句意"在右上角的那个女演员是马丁的小姨.",act,表演.根据aunt阿姨,可知,应该是女演员.答案是actress.60.(1分)Although he is a lucky man in others'eyes,he is unhappy about his。

若电风扇在地面上不发生移动,下列说法正确的是(A)电风扇受到5个力的作用(B)地面对电风扇的摩揩力的大小和方向都不变(C)空气对风扇的作用力与地面对风扇的摩揩力大小相等(D)风扇对空气的作用力与地面对风扇的摩揩力互相平衡二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分,每小题只有一个正确选项)9.某放射性元素的原子核发生两次α衰变和六次β衰变,关于它的原子核的变化,下列说法中正确的是(A)中子数减小8 (B)质子数减小2 (C)质子数增加2 (D)核子数减小1010.如图,站在向右作匀加速直线运动的车厢内的人向前推车壁,下列说法正确的是(A)人对车的作用力仅是手的推力(B)车对人的摩揩力大于车对人的推力(C)因为人相对车没有动,所以合外力为零(D)该人对车做正功11.如图为安检门原理图,左边门框中有一通电线圈,右边门框中有一接收线圈。
2016年 普陀二模(文理)

(A)若 f ( x ) M 1 , g ( x ) M 2 ,则 f ( x ) g ( x ) M 1 2 (B)若 f ( x ) M 1 , g ( x ) M 2 且 g ( x ) 0 ,则
f ( x) M 1 g ( x) 2
(B)若 a // , a b ,则 b (D)若 a // , b // ,则 a // b
16、过抛物线 y 2 8 x 的焦点作一条直线与抛物线相交于 A 、 B 两点,且这两点的横坐标 之和为 9 ,则满足条件的直线( (A)有且只有一条 (B)有两条 ) (C)有无穷多条 (D)必不存在 )条件 (D)既非充分又非必要
a 2 x , x 0 f ( x ) 13、 设函数 , 记 g ( x) f ( x) x , 若函数 g ( x) 有且仅有两个零点, f ( x 1), x 0
则实数 a 的取值范围是________
* 14.、已知 n N ,从集合 1, 2, 3, , n 中选出 k ( k N , k 2 )个数 j1 , j2 , , jk ,使
3x 万 500
(2)在(1)的条件下,当从 A 项目调出的人数不能超过总人数的 40% 时,才能使得 A 项 目中留岗工人创造的年总利润始终不低于调出的工人所创造的年总利润, 求实数 a 的取值范 围;
22、 (本题满分 14 分)本题共有 2 个小题,第 1 小题满分 4 分,第 2 小题满分 6 分. 第 3 小题满分 6 分. 已知椭圆 : 公共点 M ; (1)若 k 1 且点 M 在第二象限,求点 M 的坐标; (2)若经过 O 的直线 l1 与 l 垂直,求证:点 M 到直线 l1 的距离 d

20、Q 放=C 水·m·△t=4.2×103 J/(Kg·℃)]×1Kg×(30°C-20°C)=4.2×104J
U1 R1
= 6V 10
② P2=U2I2=9V 0.6A=5.4W
③电压表 V2 连在 bc 两点,且量程为 0-15V,偏转与 V1 相同
则 U1=U2,R2=R1=10
匀速上坡时机械能 (选填“增大”、“不变”或“减小”);行驶过程中汽车轮胎温度会升
13.甲、乙两车分别从相距800 米的P、Q 两点同时沿水平直线相向而行,它们的s-t 图像如
图6(a)、(b)所示。第4 秒内甲车通过的距离为 米;若以甲车为参照物,乙车是
的(选填“静止”或“运动”);在同时相向行驶的过程中,若要使甲、乙两车距离400 米,所需的
14.10 秒钟内通过某导体的电量为6 库,则通过它的电流为
的电压为3 伏,则导体的电阻为 欧;现将导体截去一半,若保持导体中电流不变,
3 伏(选填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”)。
15.如图7 所示的电路,L、R 出现故障,闭合电键S 后,电
流表A 和电压表V 的示数均不变。
D.胆矾 CuSO4
个焦距为15 厘米的凸透镜B 替换透镜A,移动光屏,若光屏上再度成像,则跟原来的像相比