幻灯片1 南师大附中新城初级中学共43页文档
幻灯片1 - 南京师大附中新城初级中学-PPT精品文档
) D
D 北美洲
D北冰洋 ) D南极洲
• 5、北美洲的西面和东面分别濒临 ( C ) • A大西洋、太平洋 B太平洋、印度洋 • C太平洋、大西洋 D印度洋、太平洋
• 6、下列大洲,不濒临印度洋的是 ( B ) • A 亚洲 B 欧洲 C 非洲 D 大洋洲 • 7、下列大洲中,全部位于北半球的( B ) • A 亚洲 B 欧洲 C 非洲 D 大洋洲
大西洋:世界第二大洋,轮 廓略象“S”形。
北冰洋:四大洋中面积最小、 深度最浅的一个。海岸线曲折,岛 屿很多,洋面上终年覆盖着冰,所 以叫做“冰洋”。
第一节 大洲和大洋
孟景闻 新城初级中学
世界海陆分布 不均匀 ,从南北半球看:陆地 主要分布在 北半球,海洋主要分布在 南半球 。但 无论哪个半球,都是 海洋 面积大于 陆地 面积。
水半球中海洋分布最集中,面积占90%; 陆半球中陆地面积最集中,面积占48%。
欧洲是欧罗巴洲的简称,在古代地中海人的语言中是 “西方日落之地”
非洲是阿非利加洲的简称。源自古希腊文,是“阳光 灼热的大陆”。
美洲是亚美利加洲的简称,以意大利航海家亚美 利哥的名字命名。它又分为北美洲和南美洲。
太平洋:面积最大,约占世界海洋 总面积的一半以上。表层水温最高, 水体最深;岛屿最多,岛屿面积约占 世界岛屿总面积的一半以上。太平洋 西部海底的马里亚纳海沟深达11034米, 是世界上最深的地方。
八上期中复习思考:看到下列词,你怎么想?①角平分线②垂直③垂直平分线④线段长⑤最小值(最短)⑥翻折⑦等腰直角三角形(一个或两个)⑧两线段关系⑨边边角⑩等边三角形(一个或两个)1.如图,在5×5 的正方形网格中,每个小正方形的边长为1,在图中找出格点C,使得△ABC 是腰长为无理数的等腰三角形,点C 的个数为()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.7第1 题第2 题第3 题第4 题第5 题2.如图,在△ABC 中,AC=BC,∠ACB=90°,点D、E 在AB 上,将△ACD、△BCE 分别沿CD、CE 翻折,点A、B 分别落在点A′、B′的位置,再将△A′CD、△B′CE 分别沿A′C、B′C 翻折,点D 与点E 恰好重合于点O,则∠A′OB′的度数是()A.90° B.120°C.135°D.150°=7,DE=2,AB=4,则AC 长是()3.如图,AD 是△ABC 的角平分线,DE⊥AB,垂足为E,S△ABCA.6 B.5 C.4 D.34.如图,在三角形纸片ABC 中,已知∠ABC=90°,AC=5,BC=4,过点A 作直线l 平行于BC,折叠三角形纸片ABC,使直角顶点B 落在直线l 上的点P 处,折痕为MN,当点P 在直线l 上移动时,折痕的端点M、N 也随之移动,若限定端点M、N 分别在AB、BC 边上(包括端点)移动,则线段AP 长度的最大A B C1 D15.如图,圆柱体的母线AB=1cm,直径BC=2cm.一只蚂蚁从点A 出发,沿着圆柱的侧面爬行到点C,那么蚂蚁的最短行程是()A C.(π2+1)cm D.3cm6.如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠BAC=90°,AB=2,M 为边BC 上的点,连接AM.如果将△ABM 沿直线AM 翻折后,点B 恰好落在边AC 的中点处,那么点M 到AC 的距离是.第6 题第7 题第8 题第9 题7.如图,已知点P 为∠AOB 的角平分线上的一点,点D 在边OA 上.爱动脑筋的小刚经过仔细观察后,进行如下操作:在边OB 上取一点E,使得PE=PD,这时他发现∠OEP 与∠ODP 之间有一定的相等关系,请你写出∠OEP 与∠ODP 所有可能的数量关系.8.如图,长方体的长为15,宽为10,高为20,点B 离点C 的距离为5,一只蚂蚁如果要沿着长方体的表面从点A 爬到点B,需要爬行的最短距离是.9.如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠ACB=90°.在同一平面内,将△ABC 绕点C 逆时针旋转70°与△EDC 重合,恰好使点D 在AB 上,则∠E=°.10.如图,长方体的底面边长分别为1cm 和2cm,高为4cm,点P 在边BC 上,且BP=14B C.如果用一根细线从点A 开始经过3 个侧面缠绕一圈到达点P,那么所用细线最短需要cm.第10 题第11 题第12 题第13 题11.如图,Rt△ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,AC=12,BC=5,D 是AB 边上的动点,E 是AC 边上的动点,则BE+ED 的最小值为.12.如图,在△ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,∠CAB=30°.以AB 长为一边作△ABD,且AD=BD,∠ADB=90°,取AB 中点E,连DE、CE、C D.则∠EDC=°.13.如图,每个小正方形的边长为1,A、B、C 是小正方形的顶点,连接AB、BC,则∠ABC 的度数为.14.如图,在2×2 方格纸中,有一个以格点为顶点的△ABC,请你找出方格纸中所有与△ABC 成轴对称且也以格点为顶点的三角形,这样的三角形共有个.第14 题第15 题第16 题第17 题15.如图,a∥b,点A 在直线a 上,点C 在直线b 上,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC,点B 到a、b 的距离分别为1 和2,则△ABC 的面积为.16.如图,在△ABC 中,AB=AC=5,BC=6,点M 为BC 中点,MN⊥AC 于点N,则MN 的长是.17.如图,△ABC 中,AB=AC,∠BAC=50°,∠BAC 的平分线与AB 的垂直平分线交于点O,将∠C 沿EF(E 在BC 上,F 在AC 上)折叠,点C 与点O 恰好重合,则∠OEC 为度.18.观察下列勾股数组:①3,4,5;②5,12,13;③7,24,25;④9,40,41;….若a,144,145 是其中的一组勾股数,则根据你发现的规律,a=.(提示:5=2312+,13=2512+,…)19.探索与应用.先填写下表,通过观察后再回答问题:(1=;(2数位的规律,并利用这个规律解决下面两个问题:≈;180,则a=.20.如图,已知直线l1∥l2∥l3,且l1,l2 之间的距离为1,l2,l3 之间的距离为2,点A、C 分别在直线l2,l1 上,(1)利用直尺和圆规作出以AC 为底的等腰△ABC,使得点B 落在直线l3 上(保留作图痕迹,不写作法);(2)若(1)中得到的△ABC 为等腰直角三角形,求AC 的长.21.如图,△ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,AB=5cm,BC=3cm,若点P 从点A 出发,以每秒2cm 的速度沿折线A﹣C﹣B 向点B 运动,设运动时间为t 秒(t>0),(1)在AC 上是否存在点P 使得PA=PB?若存在,求出t 的值;若不存在,说明理由;(2)若点P 恰好在△ABC 的角平分线上,求出t 的值.22.等边三角形ABC 的边AB 在直线l 上,动点D 也在直线l 上(不与A,B 点重合),△ADE 为等边三角形.(1)如图①,当点D 在线段BA 的延长线上且△ADE 与△ABC 在直线l 的同侧时,试猜想线段BE 与CD的大小关系为(2)如图②,当点D 在线段BA 上且ADE 与ABC 在直线l 异测时,(1)中的结论是否仍然成立?若不成立,请说明结论发生了怎样的变化;若成立,说明理由,并求出此时线段BE 与CD 所在直线的夹角α(0°<α<90°)(3)当点D 在线段AB 的延长线上且△ADE 与△ABC 仍然在直线l 的异测时,试在图中画③出相应的图形,并直接判断此时BE 与CD 的关系(不必说明理由).23.某小区有A、B、C、D 四栋居民楼,经测量发现A、C、D 三栋居民楼两两距离相等,且∠ACB=90°,物业打算在A、B 两楼之间的小路AB 上修建一个休闲运动区域E,且D 楼居民恰好能沿着小路DE 直达该区域,小路DE 和小路AC 恰好互相垂直,垂足为F.(1)说明:AE=CE=BE;(2)若AB=35m,P 是直线DE 上的一点.则当P 在何处时,PB+PC 最小,并求出此时,PB+PC 的值.24.阅读探索题:(1)如图1,OP 是∠MON 的平分线,以O 为圆心任意长为半径作弧,交射线ON,OM 为C,B 两点,在射线OP 上任取一点A(O 点除外),连接AB,AC,求证:△AOB≌△AO C.(2)请你参考这个作全等三角形的方法,解答下列问题:①如图2:在Rt△ABC 中,∠ACB=90°,∠A=60°,CD 平分∠ACB,试判断BC 和AC、AD 之间的数量关系;②如图3,在四边形ABCD 中,AC 平分∠BAD,BC=CD=10,AC=17,AD=9,求AB 的长.25.(1)如图(1),在△ABC,AB=AC,O 为△ABC 内一点,且OB=OC,求证:直线AO 垂直平分B C.以下是小明的证题思路,请补全框图中的分析过程.(2)如图(2),在△ABC 中,AB=AC,点D、E 分别在AB、AC 上,且BD=CE.请你只用无刻度的直尺画出BC 边的垂直平分线(不写画法,保留画图痕迹).(3)如图(3),在五边形ABCDE 中,AB=AE,BC=DE,∠B=∠E,请你只用无刻度的直尺画出CD 边的垂直平分线,并说明理由.26.有这样的一个定理:夹在两条平行线间的平行线段相等.下面经历探索与应用的过程.探索:已知:如图1,AD∥BC,AB∥C D.求证:AB=C D.应用此定理进行证明求解.应用一、已知:如图2,AD∥BC,AD<BC,AB=C D.求证:∠B=∠C;应用二、已知:如图3,AD∥BC,AC⊥BD,AC=4,BD=3.求:AD 与BC 两条线段的和.27.如图1,在△ABC 中,AB=AC,点D,E 分别在AB 和AC 上,且∠ADC=∠AEB=90°,则CD=BE.探究发现:如图2,在△ABC 中,仍然有条件“AB=AC,点D,E 分别在AB 和AC 上”.若∠ADC+∠AEB=180°,则CD 与BE 是否仍相等?若相等,请证明;若不相等,请举反例说明.28.已知:在∠ABC 中,D 是∠ABC 平分线上一点,E、F 分别在AB、BC 上,且DE=DF.试判断∠BED 与∠BFD 的关系并证明.下面方框中是小明的判断与证明:解:∠BED=∠BFD,证明如下:如图:过点D 作DM⊥AB,DN⊥BC,垂足分别为M、N,∴△DEM 和△DFN 是直角三角形,∵BD 是∠ABC 的平分线,DM⊥AB,DN⊥BC,∴DM=DN.在Rt△DEM 与Rt△DFN 中,DE DF DM DN=⎧⎨=⎩,∴Rt△DEM≌Rt△DFN(HL),∴∠MED=∠NFD,∴∠BED=∠BF D.数学老师认为小明的判断不完整,请你认真思考给出完整的判断并证明.29.先阅读材料,再结合要求回答问题.【问题情景】如图①:在四边形ABCD 中,AB=AD,∠B=∠ADC=90°.E,F 分别是BC,CD 上的点,且线段BE,EF,FD 满足BE+FD=EF.试探究图中∠EAF 与∠BAD 之间的数量关系.【初步思考】小王同学探究此问题的方法是:延长FD 到G,使DG=BE,连结AG.先证明△ABE≌△ADG,再证明△AEF≌△AGF,可得出∠EAF 与∠BAD 之间的数量关系是.【探索延伸】若将问题情景中条件“∠B=∠ADC=90°”改为“∠B+∠D=180°”(如图②),其余条件不变,请判断上述数量关系是否仍然成立,若成立,请证明;若不成立,请说明理由.【实际应用】如图③,在某次军事演习中,舰艇甲在指挥中心(O)北偏西30°的A 处,舰艇乙在指挥中心南偏东70°的B 处,并且两舰艇到指挥中心的距离相等.接到行动指令后,舰艇甲向正东方向以60 海里/小时的速度前进,舰艇乙沿北偏东50°的方向以80 海里/小时的速度前进,1.5 小时后,指挥中心观测到甲、乙两舰艇分别到达E,F 处且相距210 海里.试求此时两舰艇的位置与指挥中心(O 处)形成的夹角∠EOF 的大小.。
江苏省南京师范大学附属中学新城初级中学怡康街分校语文人教版七年级语文上册开学第一课 课件(共23张PPT)
语文是殿堂,巍峨而冷峻;是大厦,文明而庄严; 有着一条条迷人的雨线,每一根线条都洋溢着生命的 真谛。语文是鲜花,悦目而幽香;是你的后花园,丰 润而妩媚;有着一串串诗意的忧伤、温暖、清凉。 语文很重要。它不仅是我们每个人学习、工作和 生活的工具,而且还负载着丰富的情感、深邃的思想 和人类绵绵不绝的文明;语文学科不仅是工具性学科, 而且对形成一个人的品格一个人的底蕴、培养一个人 对社会的责任和今后终身教育的能力具有重要的奠基 作用。
多积累,“肚里有粮,心里不 慌”。 2、写亲身经历,表真实情感。 3、学习写作技巧
一抹真诚的笑 一股蕴藏的爱 一个未完成的理想 一颗 正待燃烧的心 向美好的明天出发
作业: 向同学介绍你自己,题 目自拟,300字左右。
四( )山光接水光 ()我林壑清 ()烛,
音 趣
字 趣
句 趣
篇 趣
音 趣
季姬寂,集鸡,鸡即棘鸡。 棘鸡饥叽,季姬及箕jī稷jì济 鸡。鸡既济,跻姬笈jí,季姬 忌,急咭鸡,鸡急,继及几, 季姬急,即籍箕击鸡,箕疾击 几伎jì ,伎即齑jī ,鸡叽集 几基,季姬急极屐jī击鸡,鸡 既殛jì ,季姬激,即记《季姬 击鸡记》。 同音文 (78字)
语文的魅力 语文是炫目的先秦繁星,是皎洁的 汉宫秋月;是珠落玉盘的琵琶,是高山 流水的琴瑟;是“推”“敲”不定的月 下门,是但求一字的数茎须;是庄子的 逍遥云游,是孔子的颠沛流离;是魏王 的老骥之志,是诸葛的锦囊妙计;是君 子好逑的《诗经》,是魂兮归来的《楚 辞》;是执过羊鞭的《兵法》,是受过
2023-2024学年江苏省南京师范大学附属中学新城初级中学七年级上学期期末英语试题1. —I love this pair of ________ so much. Can I try them on?—Yes, of course. They are very popular this year and fit for a long walk.A.B.C.D.2. My father always goes running in the early morning, ________ 5:30 to 6 o’clock.A.at B.on C.from D.between3. We like our English teacher Mrs. Black, because we can learn a lot from ________.A.he B.him C.she D.her4. Which of the following underlined part has a different sound from the other three?A.f oo t B.b oo t C.sm oo th D.sch oo l5. Which of the following words has the same number of syllables as “pardon”?A.potato B.packet C.phone D.point6. Look! Here ________ the twin brothers. They are wearing the same style of clothes.A.comes B.come C.is coming D.are coming 7. What good news! It only ________ 10 minutes to get to school by underground after the south section of Nanjing Metro Line 7 is put into use.A.costs B.spends C.takes D.pays8. —________ do people in Nanjing celebrate the Lantern Festival?—It depends. They may go the Confucius Temple to watch lanterns.A.How B.What C.When D.Why9. —Do you think people should ________ fireworks in some certain places during festivals? —Yes. I think so.A.take off B.let off C.turn off D.put off10. —My parents will take me to Harbin’s ice and snow festival during the winter holiday.— ________A.Really? It’s too cold.B.Oh, I don’t think it’s cool.C.Great! Have fun. D.Yes. That’s OK.In Western countries, most people buy a lot of presents before Christmas, but some people think they buy too much. They begin to celebrate Buy Nothing Day. They want people ______ shopping on that day.When is Buy Nothing Day? It is on the fourth Friday o f every ______. It’s right after Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is always on Thursday, ______ the day after it is Friday. This day has also been known as Black Friday. It’s about 25 days before Christmas and usually the busiest shopping day of the year. During the time, Western people can always ______ ads on TV telling them to “buy, buy, buy”!The ______ of Buy Nothing Day is from Canada. Now people all over the world celebrate the day. In the USA, parents and children usually get together on this day. They can do a lot of things, like ______ pictures, singing songs and reading stories. The children tell each other ______ they don’t want a lot of toys. In England, some people ______ on this day to tell others not to buy too much. In New Mexico, school students have a dinner party to tell people about the day.Do you want to celebrate Buy Nothing Day like those people? It’s not ______ for everyone. You can just stay at home with a good book and ______ interesting stories with your parents.11.A.stop B.stops C.stopping D.to stop12.A.September B.October C.November D.December13.A.so B.or C.but D.if14.A.see B.look C.get D.give15.A.game B.idea C.story D.history16.A.draw B.draws C.drawing D.to draw17.A.what B.which C.why D.how18.A.put up B.dress up C.wake up D.get up19.A.easy B.difficult C.boring D.funny20.A.talk B.listen C.take D.shareCome to the school Lost and Found office (失物招领处), and you may get back what you’ve lost or give back what you’ve found.Lost: My glovesThey are red and white. I lost them in the morning in the dining hall.My name is Jane Smith. My telephone number is 4335-9654. Lost: My schoolbagIt is purple. There is an eraser, three books and a purse in it. I lost it on the playground. My name is Cindy. Email me at******************.Found: A box of crayonsI found a box of crayons in the school library this afternoon, Is it yours? Now, it is in the Lost and Found office.Henry Found: A T-shirtIs this T-shirt yours? It is blue. There is a picture of two ducks on it.Please call me at 6965-7743 or e-mail me at *****************.21. Who is looking for a pair of gloves?A.Jane. B.Cindy. C.Henry. D.Kelly.22. Where is the box of crayons now?A.In the dining hall. B.On the playground.C.In the school library. D.In the Lost and Found office.23. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?A.The gloves are red and yellow.B.Cindy’s schoolbag has a purse inside.C.The box of crayons is Henry’s.D.There’s a picture of two ducks on a shirt.Three students from Sunshine Middle School are facing some problems these days. They are asking the youth worker, Dr Advice for help. Please choose the right way to solve his or her problem.242526A. Firstly, it’s important to keep healthyThe little prince leaves his planet (星球) to visit other planets. When he comes to the sixth planet, he sees an old man. The man is reading a big book with a magnifier (放大镜).The old man: Where are you from, boy?The little prince: What’s that big book? What are you doing?The old man: I’m a geographer. The book is about all the seas, rivers, mountains and…The little prince: Your planet is very beautiful. Does it have any mountains?The old man: I don’t know.The little prince: How about rivers and lakes?The old man: I have no idea, either.The little prince: Why? You are a geographer!The old man: Rig ht! But… Well, where are you from?The little prince: My planet is very far away from yours. It’s very small. There is only a rose and three volcanoes (火山) on my planet. Not so interesting, right? That’s why I want to visit other planets.The old man thi nks for a minute. Then he says to the little prince, “The Earth can be a good place for you to visit.” The little prince says thanks and leaves.—Taken from The Little Prince27. The little prince visited ________ planets before coming to this old man’s p lanet.A.six B.five C.four D.three28. What does the underlined sentence mean?A.Why do you work as a geographer?B.Why do you live on this planet?C.Why do you know all the seas and mountains?D.Why do you know little about your planet?29. Which is TRUE about the little prince’s planet?① It’s far from the Earth. ② It’s not very small.③ It has a flower. ④ It has volcanoes.A.①③B.①③④C.②③④D.①②③④30. We probably find this reading material in a ________.A.story book B.film posterC.science newspaper D.geography magazineThe “big four” fashion weeks—London, Milan, Paris and New York Fashion Week—are witnessing (见证) many Chinese designers to show their fashion brands (品牌). “Made in China” is more and more popular now—and it’s a fa shinable one.The story of Chinese fashion began in 2011 when Feiyue and Huili, Chinese sports shoes brands, made the world look. Chinese sports brand Li Ning also had a new design at New York Fashion Week in February 2019—it is the second time the brand shows its design at the NYFW. Chen Lijie, the brand’s designer, says his design comes from old Chinese truth (真理) that man is part of nature. “Chinese brands don’t use ‘cheap’ as a selling point any more. They are impressive and can go head to head with foreign brands (外国品牌).” says Shaun Rein, director of China Market ResearchGroup. Rome is not built in a day. Chinese designers spend much time trying to design the best and most fashionable clothes.These Chinese brands become so popular perhaps because of the easy online shopping and the fact that China is growing stronger than before. Also, more and more people begin to like Chinese culture.“We want to replace (代替) the words ‘made in China’ with ‘designed in China’, but there is a long way to go.” said Chinese designer Aric Chen. We’re happy to show Chinese fashion ideas to the whole world.31. Which fashion week did Li Ning show its design at?A.Milan Fashion Week. B.Paris Fashion Week.C.New York Fashion Week. D.London Fashion Week.32. What does the underlined word “impressive” in the third paragraph mean?A.Making people worried. B.Making people surprised.C.Making people nervous. D.Making people dangerous.33. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.People around the world all like Chinese design very much.B.Li Ning is the first Chinese brand to show its design to the world.C.It is easy for Chinese designers to design the most fashionable clothes.D.There’s a long way to replace “made in China” with “designed in China”.34. Why do Chinese brands become so popular now?A.People can spend less money on Chinese brands.B.More people show an interest in Chinese culture.C.China becomes the strongest country in the world.D.Chinese brands make online shopping become easy.35. What is the best title for this article?A.Li Ning’s fashion show in New York.B.Chinese design heading to the world.C.Chinese designers’ wonderful fashion ideas.D.“Designed in China” replaces “made in China”.36. Nanjing is a ________ (现代化的) city with so many places of interest.37. Who ________ (其他) wants to visit Nanjing University with me today?38. Attention, please! I have some ________ (/'pi:sɪz/) of good news to tell you.39. Luckily, we can spend ________ (/ə'nʌðə/) two weeks staying in Nanjing.40. We will have ________ (as much as we want) time to finish the whole project.41. I don’t know much about fashion but I am really ________ (interest) in it.42. The scarf must be one of those ________ (lady). They talked here just now.43. The young man is so lazy. Look! He ________ (lie) on the sofa once again.44. Dad, I’m still hungry. Can I have ________ (some) snacks to eat?45. There’s only one apple left. Let’s cut it into ________ (half) with a knife.46. The new car costs too much. (同义句转换)The price of the new car is ________ ________.47. The green and white shirt is Daniel’s. (对划线部分提问)________ ________ is Daniel’s?48. Simon would like two kilos of beef. (对划线部分提问)How ________ beef ________ Simon like?49. 安迪穿那件黑色的夹克衫看起来很精干。
(3)比较序号为 56 的两组数据,可得出的结论是:在同一深度处,不同
例题:通过学习,同学们知道了液体压强的特点. 在此基础上,老 师提出了这样的问题:有两只杯子,分别盛有清水和盐水,但没有 标签,你能否用压强计将它们区别开? (1)当压强计的金属盒在空气中时,U形管两边的液面应当相平,而 小明同学却观察到如图(a)所示的情景. 出现这种情况的原因是: U形管左支管液面上方的气压_大__于__大气压(填“大于”、“小于”
1、通过实验探究,学习压强的概念。 2、能用压强公式进行简单计算。知道增大和 减小压强的方法。 3、通过实验,探究液体的压强跟哪些因素有 关。 4、了解测量大气压强的方法。 5、通过实验探究,初步了解流体压强与流速 的关系。 6、通过实验探究,认识浮力。经历探究浮力 大小的过程,知道阿基米德原理。 7、知道物体浮沉的条件。
体重475N,每只脚尖着地面积 9.5cm2
F2 S2
G2 S2
475N 9.5104 m2
5105 Pa
例1 在海滩上的案发现场留下了罪犯清 晰的行走脚印,公安人员立即用蜡浇注了 一只鞋模,测出鞋模的平均厚度为5cm, 质量为1125g,又经测试知道要造成与脚 印同样深度所需的压强为3×104Pa,则罪 犯的体重为多少?(ρ蜡 ) =0.9×103kg/m3
结论:当压力相同时,受力面积越小, 压力作用效果越明显。
南京市南京师范大学附属中学新城初级中学2018初二上 8A第一次调研卷
八年级英语第一学期第一次阶段性调研英语(满分:100分)(请将第Ι卷答案填涂在答题卡上,第ΙΙ卷答案写在答题纸上,否则无效)命题人:李不言审批人:张萍花第Ι卷(45分)一、单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,共计15分)1.—What if you have three days ?—I’d like to go on a trip to Shanghai.A. onB. offC. toD. for2.If you are going to make a vocabulary tree, which of the following words belongs to “Personality”?A. generousB. ponytailC. handsomeD. good-looking3.We can add “-ly”to the word to form a adjective.A. finalB. suddenC. timeD. active4.—Would you please in that way?That’s not safe!—Sorry. I won’t do it any more.A. not drivingB. not to driveC. no drivingD. no drive5.Fourteen-year-old often share and sadness with their teachers and friends.A. teenager, joyB. teenager, joysC. teenagers, joyD. teenagers, joys6.A lot of students in our class League Members, and the number of them28.A. is, isB. are, areC. are, isD. is, are7.School is over, but I can still see students in the classroom.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little8.10000 d ollars is a large amount of money, but it’s still than they need.A. much moreB. very littleC. very muchD. much less9.—What’s your cousin Emma like?— .A. She is fine, thank you.B. She is a good doctor.C. She likes reading books.D. She is helpful and kind.10.You’d better all the questions before having the test.A. look afterB. look atC. look outD. look through11.—I am writing about my friend. By the way, how tall is kate?—She is .A. the same heightB. as high as IC. the same height as ID. as height as I am12.—The teacher always tells us too much in class.—Of course, we should listen to the teacher carefully in class.A. Don’t talkB. not to talk C doesn’t talk D. not talk13.—Hey, Jason, could you tell me homework do you have everyday. —OK, about 2 hours of it.A. how longB. how muchC. how manyD. how much time14.—Do you have a plan for the future, Mike?—Sure. .A. you’re wrongB. I don’t have one yet.C.I think most people doD. I think it’s a good idea15.—Shall we go for a drink at 1 o’clock this afternoon?—, I’m going to visit my grandma.A. Sure, it’s up to youB. Sure, no probl emC. Sorry, I can’t make itD. Oh I’m sorry you can’t二、完形填空(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)Life in the 22nd century will be different from life in the 21st century, because many changes will take place in the new century. But what will the changes be?First, the population is 16 fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be 17 in the future, and there will be 18 one in every home. And computerstudies will be one of the most important subjects at schools.Second, people will work 19 hours than they did in the 21st century, and they will have more free time for sports, 20 TV and traveling. More people will go to 21 countries for holidays.Third, Our food would change , too. People will use more land to build new towns and houses. Cows and sheep will have no place to live, so 22 will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day, 23 , they eat morevegetables and fruit. Maybe people will be healthier in the future.At last, work in the future will be different, too. Robots(机器人) will do most of the24 work. Because of the robots, many people will not have much 25work to do. This will be a new problem.16. A. Making B. growing C. running D. doing17. A. bigger B. heavier C. smaller D. dearer18. A. less than B. no more than C. at least D. at most19. A. less B. more C. little D. fewer20. A. watch B. watching C. see D. seeing21. A. another B. the other C. others D. other22. A. meat B. milk C. fruit D. beard23. A. Instead B. Sometimes C. Still D.However24. A. happy B. dangerous C. easy D.interesting25. A. job B. works C. work D. things三、阅读理解(共20小题,每题1分,共计20分)ABasketball Club in Benjamin ParkIt’s free!--- Do you remember those exciting PE classes during school days?--- Are you ever interested in playing basketball but have never tried it?--- How long haven’t you run or jumped as you like?--- If you are a good player, do you want to help people to practice?People over 12 are welcome to join us at 5:00 pm every Saturday!Bob Miller, the best national player of the year, will come to teach us this month.Don’t miss the chance!26.Which is TRUE about the basketball club?A. People can join the club without paying.B. Bob Miller started the basketball club.C. People in the club play the sport in the early morning27.Who CANNOT join the club?A. Steven, a high school student, and he is also a basketball fan.B. A school teacher called John, and he can play basketball well.C. Maggie, a ten-year-old girl, enjoys playing basketball on the computer.D. Barbara, a taxi driver who has great interest in basketball when she wasyoung.BLong, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal(偷) the bell on his neighbor’s door, he walked up to the do or, took hold of (抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home. Then he sat down to think, "I must do something ab out the noise," he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. "Ah, I'll put s ome cotton in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise." The next day he wen t to the door of his neighbor, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even har der. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbor came running out. “Steal my bell? I'll teac h you a lesson (教训), "the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose. The foolish thief did not know how the neighbor found out he was stealing the bell. "Why did he come out just then?" he wondered (感到疑惑).28. The thief was trying to get _____.A. his neighborB. his neighbor’s doorbellC. some cottonD. a door with a bell on it29. The thief put some cotton in his ears. He thought it would be _____ for him to ste al the doorbell.A. safeB. difficultC. dangerousD. easy30. The neighbor ran out probably (很可能) because _____.A. he knew his doorbell was being stolenB. he thought someone was eager (渴望的) to visit himC. He realized (意识到) something strange happenedD. Both B and C31. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The thief understood why he was hit on the nose.B. The thief knew why the neighbor came out.C. he thief thought the neighbor could not hear the bell.D. The thief didn't want to know why the neighbor ran outCYou may feel curious (好奇的) about students in other countries: Do they also have so much homework? What do they do in their free time?On April 8, a report came out on the life of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 students from the four countries last year. You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report.Who studies hardest?Chinese students spend the most time studying. Nearly half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day. That's much more than students of the US (26.4%), Japan (8.2%) and South Korea (5.2%).Who sleeps most often in class?Japanese students fall asleep in class most often. About 45% of them said they sometimes doze off (打瞌睡) in class. In South Korea is 32%; in the US, 21%; and 5% in China.South Korean students don't like taking notes. About 70% said they write down what the teacher says in class, many fewer than in Japan (93%), China (90%) and the US (89%).Who is the most distracted (分心的)?American students are the most active in class, but also the most distracted: 64.2% said they talk with friendsin class; 46.9% said they eat snacks (点心) in class; and 38.9% said they send e-mails or read unrelated (无关的) books in class.What do they do after school?In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students go out with their friends. Most Japanese students do physical exercises. Most South Korean students watch TV.32. In the report, who studies hardest?A. Japanese students.B. Chinese students.C. American students.D. South Korean students.33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. 93% Japanese students like taking notes in class.B. Most Chinese students do physical exercises after class.C. 38.9% American students talk with friends in class.D. South Korean students fall asleep in class most often.34. In China, how many students fall asleep in class?A. 45%.B. 32%.C. 21%.D. 5%.35. What do American students do in their free time?A. Do physical exercises.B. Study or surf the Internet.C. Watch TV.D. Go out with friends.36. What is the article about?A. It is a report about the students' lessons in four countries.B. It is an article about the students' study and life in four countries.C. It is a story about students' sports after class.D. It tells us that American students don't like studying.DIf you are looking for your next place for holiday, Sweden, this year’s most reputable(声誉好的) country, is a good place to go.Sweden takes up an area of 450,295 square kilometers. It is quite advanced in many areas.You may not think that a small country is so strong in military technologies(军事科技). But Sweden was the first country to make a stealth warship(隐形战舰). Visby Class Corvette(维斯比级巡逻舰) is such kind of ship. It is hard to find by redar. And it was also the first to make an AIP engine(不依赖空气推进的引擎). With this engine, submarines(潜艇) can get power just under the water.Sweden also has a famous car brand called Volvo. You can see them a lot in some places in China.Some of you may also know IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer(零售商),Yes, It is Swedish ,too. In China, you can find IKEA in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing and Shenzhen.When you want to listen to music, you may open QQ music. But many US teens prefer the Swedish one called Spotify. As of June 2016, Spotify had more than 100 million users.How can such a small country do well in so many fields? Rich resources like iron and wood may be one reason. They give the country a strong economy(经济). More importantly, Sweden has a good welfare system(福利制度). It allows people to live in a safe, equal andcomfortable place. And their free education, from kindergarten to university, focuses on science and innovation(创新). This provides the country with many talented people.37.Which of the following is a name for Swedish furniture brand?A. AIP engineB. VolvoC. IKEAD. Spotify38.Sweden can be advanced in so many fields because of .a. its rich resourcesb. its good welfare systemc. its strong military weaponsd. its good education systemA. abcB. abdC. acdD. bcd39.Which is TRUE according to this passage?A.There are several talented people in Sweden.B.Many US teens like Spotify better than QQ music.C.Sweden is smaller than Gansu province in China.D.With an AIP engine, submarines can get power above the water.40.The best title of this passage could be .A. Rich Resources in SwedenB. A Big and Pretty Country——SwedenC. Famous Brands in SwedenD. A Country Full of Wonders——SwedenELanguage changes all the time. New words and phrases appear and develop. The words and pronunciations used by young people in UK can be different to those used by grown-ups Living in a multicultural(多元文化的) society has an effect on language, especiallyon young people, whose friends are often from a mix of backgrounds. TV and music also have big influence on the language of the young. Often UK singers sing in American accents (口音) without realizing.Young British people use lots of language that you usually can’t find in most dictionaries. These informal words and expressions are known as ‘slang’. It is not possible ti make a complete list of modern British slang. By the time people finish the list, it would be out of date!New words come and go like fashions. However, here are a few examples:Safe, sorted, sound, cool or wicked all mean “That’s good” or “I understand”.People seldom use different tag question like … isn’t it?, can’t you? or don’t they?, they use innit.No longer say very, really or completely, people use well.Whatever means I don’t care.’He’s fine‘ or ‘He’s fit’ both mean ‘He looks good’. Fine and fit can describe a boy or a girl.Not everybody uses slang and not everybody likes it. A school in Sheffield, in the north of England, recently stopped its pupils using slang words such as hiya(hello), cheers and ta (both mean thank you). The head teacher says that if young people learn to speak‘correctly’ this will help them get a place at university and a good job.When British people use language like this, it’s no surprise that some students say they can’t unde rstand native(本土的) speakers. But perhaps learners don’t need to worry about communicating with native speakers so much. Research shows that most of the English spoken in the world today is spoken between non-native speakers of the language. In fact, when w e think about “International English”, there is no such things as a native or non-native speaker.41.In the UK, you can find little slang in ____________.A. young people’s languageB. TV programmesC. most dictionariesD. pop songs42.The writer uses the example of a school in Sheffield to say that _________.A. slang words can be used easilyB. slang is changing quicklyC. some people don’t like slangD. slang is out of date43.Which slang can be used in the following dialogue?—But the teacher says we can’t leave if we don’t finish.—_____________. I’m going.A. SoundB. FineC. CheersD. Whatever44.IF you want to learn more about the topic of this passage, you can search the Internet with the key words “_____________”.A. British peopleB. Language changesC. English slangD. English cultures45.You may find this passage in a book of _____________.A. novel(小说)B. cultureC. travelD. history第二卷(共55分)四、基础知识(共15小题,每题1分,计15分)A. 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整准确46.I learned so many things about the world in my _________(物理) class.47.The ______________(总统) of the USA will come to our country.48.—Do you know that Chinese Team ____________(赢得) 26 golden medals in 2016 Rio Olympic Games.—How exciting!49.Everyone in modern society faces different kinds of _____________(竞争).50. Ann looked even __________(悲伤) when I told her the news.B. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空51.Students in Moonlight Town Middle School have their lunch in the _________(dine) hall.52.Kitty, who jumps _________(far) in your class?53.Keep ____________(exercise), and you’ll be healthier.54.Some boys can’t wait __________(play) football after schools.55.----Hey Sandy, how about your trip to the UK?----Fantastic! We really enjoyed _____________.(us)C. 根据句子意思在框中选择正确的单词或词组填空Good afternoon, boys and girls. Here are some travel notes you need to pay attention to before travelling. First of all, If you want to ________56 , make a plan. You will know what you are going to do 57 the whole period. Second, make sure you58 your body. Take some medicines with you if necessary. Third, you must respect people with different habits and 59 anyway. Finally, if you60 , don’t be scared. Look around yourself and try to find a police station. I hope all of you have a great trip!五.汉翻英(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)61.小明是一个诚实的孩子,从不说谎。
江苏省南京师范大学附属中学新城初级中学20152015-2016学年江苏省南京师大附中新城中学七年级期末生物试卷一、选择题1.地球上现存的生物中,除病毒外,绝大多数都具有相似的结构和功能单位是A.系统B.细胞C.组织D.器官2.“山上多植树,胜似修水库,有雨它能吞,无雨它能吐”这句谚语形象地说明了森林可以A.根冠B.成熟区C.伸长区D.分生区4.面粉主要是小麦种子的哪一部分加工成的A.子叶B.胚C.胚乳D.种皮5.下列不属于生态系统的是A.一片农田B.一块草地C.生物圈D.一条河中的所有的鱼6.下列各项中,属于生产者与消费者关系的是A.老虎吃野兔B.蛇吃老鼠C.青蛙吃昆虫D.蝗虫吃庄稼7.生活在沙漠地区的仙人掌叶呈针状,主要是哪种生态因素的影响造成的A.阳光B.水C.土壤D.温度8.使用显微镜时,如果光线较暗,应使用A.大光圈或用平面镜B.大光圈或用凹面镜C.小光圈或用平面镜D.小光圈或用凹面镜9.制作临时装片时,须让盖玻片的一侧先接触水滴,然后再轻轻地盖上,其主要目的是A.避免盖玻片下面出现气泡B.防止水溢出C.增强透明度D.防止实际材料被损坏10.吃西瓜时会感到很甜,是因为西瓜中有大量的糖.这些糖主要存在于西瓜细胞的)A.细胞质中B.细胞核中C.液泡中D.细胞壁中11.当用实验法进行科学研究时,应按照一定的步骤来进行.你认为正确的顺序是①提出假设②验证假设③发现问题④得出结论.A.①②③④B.①②④③C.③①②④D.①④②③12.在显微镜下观察画在载玻片的“↗”符号时,在视野内所见的图象是A.↘B.↖C.↙D.→13.在制作洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞临时装片和人口腔上皮细胞临时装片时,第二步操作都是在载玻片的中央滴一滴液体,两者滴的液体分别是A.都是清水B.都是生理盐水C.生理盐水、清水D.清水、生理盐水14.若显微镜下观察到的物像在视野右上方,要想把物像调到视野中央,应将玻片标本移向A.右上方B.左下方C.左上方D.右下方15.动物和植物都有的能量转换器是A.叶绿体B.细胞质C.线粒体D.细胞核16.下列有关人体构成正确的是A.组织→器官→系统→人体B.细胞→器官→组织→人体C.细胞→组织→系统→人体D.细胞→组织→器官→系统→人体17.导管的功能是A.上向下输导水分和无机盐B.下向上输导水分和无机盐C.输导有机物D.输导各种体内营养物质18.绿色开花植物体的结构层次是A.细胞→器官→组织→人体B.细胞→器官→组织→体系→人体C.细胞→组织→器官→系统→个体D.细胞→组织→器官→个体19.绿色开花植物在开花之后,必须要完成哪两项主要过程后才能形成果实和种子A.开花和传粉B.传粉和受精C.开花和受精D.自花传粉和异花传粉20.刚收获的种子应尽快晒干的主要原因是A.抑制光合作用B.促进光合作用C.抑制呼吸作用D.促进蒸腾作用21.种子的主要部分是A.胚B.胚芽、胚根C.子叶D.胚乳22.储存水果、粮食、蔬菜时充加一定量的二氧化碳,可以延长储藏时间,这是因为A.二氧化碳可以促进呼吸作用B.二氧化碳可以抑制呼吸作用C.二氧化碳可以促进光合作用D.二氧化碳可以抑制光合作用23.观察下列图形,阴影部分表示四种植物的共同特征,这一特征是A.有种子B.种子有果皮包被C.种子无果皮包被D.叶形为针形叶24.下列生物中属于单细胞生物的是A.草履虫B.水稻C.蝗虫D.蘑菇25.汗腺和大脑分别主要哪种组织构成A.神经组织和结缔组织B.神经组织和上皮组织C.神经组织和肌肉组织D.上皮组织和神经组织二、判断题,错的打“×”,对的打“√” 26.植物的叶片结构主要属于营养组织..27.作出假设是实验研究的一个重要环节,它是对问题作出各种准确性解释..28.动、植物体的细胞都是有细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核构成,所以没有差异..29.心脏主要心肌细胞构成,所以心脏属于肌肉组织..30.细胞能够从周围环境中吸收营养物质而持续生长..31.动、植物细胞的呼吸作用都是吸收氧气,产生二氧化碳和水..32.植物的每个细胞都能进行光合作用..33.叶绿素是绿叶进行光合作用的主要场所..34.植物可以通过控制保卫细胞的形状和大小来控制气体和水分的进出..35.在花的结构中,雄蕊没有雌蕊重要,因为它和果实的形成无关..。
十三五 教育立项课题开题、结题工作培训课件完美版
• 3、课题界定的内容包括: • 基本概念的界定、研究视角的界定、研究
范围的界定、研究对象的界定、研究方式的界 界定、相关概念的辨识与界定、相 同概念的不同理解。
不能停留在词语解释上:更进一步要揭 示概念之间的联系,从而构成课题所要呈现的 规定情景或空间…… 不能照搬照抄已有的概念解释:更要通 过概念界定提出你对课题的独到见解,体现你 的思想和观点。
• 课堂提问的设计与策略的研究假设:改进课堂提问 的设计与策略促进学生多元思维能力——分析性思 维能力、创造性思维能力和实用性思维能力的发展。 • (该课题通过假设把研究内容具体化:一、是设想 通过改进课堂提问的设计与策略,促促进学生多元 思维能力的发展;二是研究假设将该课题研究的多 元思维能力“定义在”分析思维能力、创造性思维 能力和实用性思维能力“三方面。)
“实施方案”与“研究方案”也存在很大的 差别 行文时间 文本格式 内容深度 操作层面
课题实施方案的 撰写
1、课题的研究背景 2、课题的研究价值 3、课题要解决的问题 4、课题核心概念界定 5、国内外同类课题研究现状 6、课题的理论依据 7、课题的研究目标 8、课题的研究内容及重点 9、课题的主要观点及拟创新之处 10、课题的研究方法 11、课题的研究过程 12、课题的预期成果 13、课题完成的可行性条件分析
• 寻找理论依据也是从理论上论证
课题的可行性和可靠性。 • 包括研究的政策法规依据、 教育学、心理学依据、学科教学 法依据以及与课题相关的其他理 论等。
切忌理论的大段摘抄,堆砌。要结合自 己所研究的问题,把相关的理论和课题 结合起来,语言简洁、概括。
江苏省南京师范大学附属中学新城初级中学怡康街分校七年级地理上册 第1章 地球和地图复习提纲 (新版)新人
2.地球的最大周长又叫做赤道,约 4万千米,地球表面积约 5.1亿平方千米。
南纬用字母 S 表示,北纬用字母 N 表示,东经用字母 E 表示,西经用字母W 表示。
6.北极的纬度是 90°N ,南极的纬度是 90°S 。
7.低纬度范围是 0°~30°,中纬度范围是 30°~60°,高纬度范围是60°~90°。
(1)A点的纬度是 25°N,B点的经度是25°E,C点的经纬度是(20°N,150°W)(2)从南北半球来看,A位于北半球,B位于南半球。
用原文回答下面三道问题: (1)作者为什么惟独喜爱莲花?
(3)作者对爱菊者、爱莲者、爱牡丹者发出 了怎样的感慨?
“小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上 头” -----宋、杨万 里
接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。 ——宋、杨万里
清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。 ——李白 ——乐府民歌
说 “说”是一种议论文 的文体,可以直接说 明事物或论述道理, 也可以借人借事或借 物的记载来论述道理。 《爱莲说》就是说说 爱好莲花的问题。
周敦颐 水陆草木之花,可爱者甚蕃。晋陶渊明独爱菊。 自李唐来,世人甚爱牡丹。予独爱莲之出淤泥而不 染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益 清,亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。 予谓菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也; 莲,花之君子者也。噫!菊之爱,陶后鲜有闻。莲 之爱,同予者何人?牡丹之爱,宜乎众矣。
惋惜 鄙视 赞美
A、妖艳 B、妖怪
2、香远益清( A、更加 B、有意
B、耸立的样子 C、美丽的姿态
周敦颐(1017-1073) , 宋代道洲(现在湖南省道 县)人,字茂叔,原名敦 实,亦称敦颐。谥号元公, 著名的哲学家。因他世居 道县濂溪,后居庐山莲花 峰前,峰下有溪,也命名 为濂溪,学者们称他为濂 溪先生。
第九单元溶液【知识梳理】一、溶液的形成1、溶液(1)定义:一种或几种物质分散到另一种物质里形成的、的混合物,叫做溶液(2)溶液的特征:①均一性,是指溶液;②稳定性,是指_____ _______ 。
注意:a、溶液不一定无色,如CuSO4为色,FeSO4为色, Fe2(SO4)3为色b、溶质可以是、、(填状态);是最常用的溶剂c、溶液的质量 = +溶液的体积≠ 溶质的体积 + 溶剂的体积d、溶液的名称:溶质的溶剂溶液(如:碘酒——碘的酒精溶液)2、溶质和溶剂的判断固体、气体溶于液体,为溶剂,液体溶于液体有水,为溶剂,无水,为溶剂。
(2)判断方法:继续加入该溶质,看能否溶解(3)饱和溶液和不饱和溶液之间的转化硝酸钾:不饱和溶液饱和溶液注:①Ca(OH)2和气体等除外,它的溶解度随温度升高而降低(4)浓、稀溶液与饱和不饱和溶液之间的关系三、溶解度1、固体的溶解度四要素:①条件:一定②标准:溶剂③状态:达到④质量:单位:(2)溶解度的含义:20℃时NaCl的溶液度为36g:含义_____________________________________________ 20℃时,氯化钠的饱和溶液中,溶质:溶剂:溶液的质量比为:(3)影响固体溶解度的因素:①、的性质(种类)②(唯一外界因素)大多数固体物的溶解度随温度升高而升高;如少数固体物质的溶解度受温度的影响很小;如极少数物质溶解度随温度升高而降低。
泰山佛光是岱顶奇观之一。每当云雾弥漫的清晨或傍晚,游人 站在较高的山头上顺光而视,就可能看到缥缈的雾幕上,呈现出一 个内蓝外红的彩色光环,将整个人影或头影映在里面,恰似佛象头 上方五彩斑斓的光环,故得名“佛光”或“宝光”。泰山佛光是一 种光的衍射现象,它的出现是有条件的。据记载,泰山佛光大多出 现在6-8月中半晴半雾的天气,而且是太阳斜照之时。
泰山,古称东岳,又名岱山、岱岳、岱 宗、泰岳,为五岳之首。 泰山拔起于齐鲁丘 陵之上,长达二百公里。主峰突兀,山势险 峻,峰峦层叠,形成“一览众山小”和“群 峰拱岱”的高旷气势。泰山多松柏,更显其 庄严巍峨葱郁;又多溪泉,故而不乏灵秀与 缠绵。缥缈变幻的云雾则使它凭添了几分神 秘与深奥。它既有秀丽的麓区、静谧的幽区、 开阔的旷区,又有虚幻的妙区、深邃的奥区; 还有旭日东升、云海玉盘、晚霞夕照、黄河 金带等大自然奇观及石坞松涛、对松绝奇景 观,宛若一幅天然的山水画卷。
1、诗人“望”见了什 么?
造化钟神秀 阴阳割昏晓
荡 胸 生 曾 云
• 3、《望岳》中每一联都有“望”的意思,但望的角度不 同。试对此做具体的解释。
吟诵有所得,众神卫我形。 仙人游碧峰,处山河在,城春草木深。 • 感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。
• 烽火连三月,家书抵万金。
• 白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。
天宝十四载(755)十一月,诗人赴奉先(今陕西 蒲城)探亲,未几,安禄山发动叛乱。次年五月,贼破 潼关,诗人被迫北上避难。七月,肃宗即位于灵武(今 属宁夏),诗人闻讯后前往投奔,不料中途为贼兵所俘, 被押至长安;因他官卑职小,未被囚禁。第二年四月, 他乘隙逃离长安,历尽千辛万苦,终于到达了当时朝廷 的所在地—凤翔县。
2. 亚洲大陆沿北纬30°纬线由西向东,地势呈现出“_低-高-低_”的变化。
3. 亚洲的大河多发源于中部_山地_、__高原_,呈_放射状_流向周边的海洋。
4. 长江、黄河注入__太平洋__;鄂毕河、叶尼塞河、勒拿河注入__北冰洋_;印度河、恒河注入__印度洋_。
5. 亚洲地理集锦:世界最高的高原__青藏高原_;世界最高大的山脉__喜马拉雅山_;世界最高峰__珠穆朗玛峰_;亚洲最大的平原__西西伯利亚平原_;世界最大的半岛__阿拉伯半岛_;世界最大群岛__马来群岛__;世界最大湖泊_里海_;世界最深湖泊__贝加尔湖__;世界陆地最低点___死海____。
复杂的气候1. .亚洲地跨热带、北温带、北寒带。
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大 赤道
印度 洋
大 赤道
印度 洋
• 2、赤道穿过哪几个大洲?东半球主要有哪 几个大洲?西半球主要有哪几个洲?
大 赤道
印度 洋
• 3、世界上纬度最高的大洲和大洋?跨经度 最广的大洲和大洋分别是什么?
4、七大洲跨经度最广的是( D )
B北美洲 C南美洲
• 5、北美洲的西面和东面分别濒临 ( C )
• A大西洋、太平洋
• C太平洋、大西洋
• 6、下列大洲,不濒临印度洋的是 ( B )
• A 亚洲
B 欧洲 C 非洲 D 大洋洲
• 7、下列大洲中,全部位于北半球的( B )
• A 亚洲
B 欧洲 C 非洲 D 大洋洲
大 西
北 美 洲 与 南 美 洲 的 分 界 线
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
格 陵 兰 岛
亚洲是亚细亚洲的简称。在古代,居住在地中海沿岸的 人们,把地中海东的地方称“亚细亚”,是“东方日出之 地” 。
北④美洲 洲⑤美 南
南 ⑦极 洲
欧洲② 亚
①洲 大 ⑥洋 洲
南 ⑦极 洲
1、地球表面,海洋与陆地的面积比为( D )
A 2:8
B 8:2
C 3:7
2、七大洲面积最大的是 ( A )
A 亚洲
B 非洲 C 南极洲
D 北美洲
3、四大洋面积最小的是 ( D )
A太平洋 B大西洋 C印度洋
水半球中海洋分布最集中,面积占90%; 陆半球中陆地面积最集中,面积占48%。
大陆: 面积广大的陆地 (亚欧大陆) 岛屿: 面积较小的陆地 (格陵兰岛)
大洲: 大陆和它附近的岛屿 (亚洲)
半岛: 陆地伸进海洋的凸出部分(三面环水)
大西洋:世界第二大洋,轮 廓略象“S”形。
北冰洋:四大洋中面积最小、 深度最浅的一个。海岸线曲折,岛 屿很多,洋面上终年覆盖着冰,所 以叫做“冰洋”。
幻灯片1 南师大附中新城初级中学
第一节 大洲和大洋
孟景闻 新城初级中学
世界海陆分布 不均匀,从南北半球看:陆地 主要分布在 北半球,海洋主要分布在 南半球 。但 无论哪个半球,都是 海洋 面积大于 陆地 面积。 海洋彼此相连,而陆地被海洋分割成大大小小的陆块。
欧洲是欧罗巴洲的简称,在古代地中海人的语言中是 “西方日落之地”
非洲是阿非利加洲的简称。源自古希腊文,是“阳光 灼热的大陆”。
美洲是亚美利加洲的简称,以意大利航海家亚美 利哥的名字命名。它又分为北美洲和南美洲。
太平洋:面积最大,约占世界海洋 总面积的一半以上。表层水温最高, 水体最深;岛屿最多,岛屿面积约占 世界岛屿总面积的一半以上。太平洋 西部海底的马里亚纳海沟深达11034米, 是世界上最深的地方。
乌拉尔山脉、乌拉尔河、里海、 大高加索山脉、黑海、土耳其 海峡
南、北美洲的分界线: 巴拿马运河
亚、北美洲的分界线: 白令海峡
欧、非洲的分界线: 南极、南美分界线:
直布罗陀海峡 德雷克海峡
西 印度 洋 洋
太 平
洋: 面积广阔的海域。
(阿拉伯半岛 )
海: 大洋的边缘部分。 海峡: 是沟通两个海洋的狭窄水道。(白令海峡)
北冰 洋
印 度 洋
太 平 洋
大 西 洋
总结归纳: 亚、欧的分界线: