



• • • • • • • • •
• • • • 传播和系统测量及它们的分析(EMOS) 宽带信道的特性和建模 实时测量的收集和离线性能分析 认知无线电
• 基于传感器网络的创新技术的发展,将支持在同 一个区域的持牌及无牌的无线用户共存 • 认知无线电的设计,规模尺寸和网络互联
• 参考信号 特定小区的参考信号:在UE中用于信道估计和频 率偏移估计 特定用户的参考信号:用于给特定用户接收量身 定制信号中的信道估计 • 同步信号 主同步信号:用于UE中的定时采集 次同步信号:用于UE物理信道解调中的基本帧接 收
• LTE支持多达4个物理的天线 单天线配置,(P ={0}) 双天线配置,(P ={0,1}) 四天线配置,(P ={0,1,2,3})在中目 前不支持(ExpressMIMO和ExpMIMO-Lite...) • 第五个“虚拟”的天线,(P ={4})被列入以表明 MBSFN(MBMS)的参考和物理信道 这在中不支持 • 第六个“虚拟”的天线,(P ={5}),包括用户特定的 天线处理(如波束形成与物理天线的数目不详的指示) 这在中不支持
• PRBS可以被置换成虚拟RBS(VRBs)以应对 日益多样化的衰落和小区间干扰 • 目前不支持
• 资源元组是用于描述PRBS中用来控制信号 的部分
• 下行物理信道的基带信号处理过程包括以下步骤, • 对在物理信道上传输的每个码字中的信道编码后比 特进行加扰; • 对加扰后的比特进行调制,得到复数调制符号; • 将所得复数调制符号映射在一个或多个传输层; • 对每层上的复数调制符号进行预编码,用于在天线 端口上的发射; • 将每个天线端口上的复数调制符号映射到RE 上; • 在每个天线端口上产生复数的时域OFDM信号。

口罩式空气净化器 等

口罩式空气净化器 等





Mundus Pro消毒盒在“新冠”肺炎疫情期间,你可能每天都戴着口罩,一天洗手多次……但你多久对钥匙、钱包、眼镜、手机等物品进行一次消毒呢?Mundus Pro消毒盒配有2层托盘和多个UV-C灯,可以用它来存放随身小物品并对其进行消毒。

Mundus Pro带有两个无线充电线圈,可为设备充电。

(设计师:Oliva&Lu)Split Drum洗衣机Split Drum分离式滚筒洗衣机通过隔板将洗衣桶分为三个独立的部分,可以在一台洗衣机里一次清洗所有你认为“不可混洗”的衣服。



(设计师:Wanki Kim)取暖加湿二合一使用取暖器通常会使房间里的空气变得干燥,而这款叫Heattle的小电器不仅能将空气中的湿度保持在40%~60%,还能让房间保持较长时间的温暖。


(设计师:Dongje Park)台灯式应急安全工具+MET项目是一个新的应急产品系列,旨在将应急包无缝地融入日常生活中。



可拍照智能眼镜Wagii Smart Eyewear是一副可以让你以第一视角拍摄视频的眼镜,秘密武器就是它镜框内嵌有高分辨率摄像头。

西门子 风机盘管温控器 说明书

西门子 风机盘管温控器 说明书

间/间 程周程 序末序

式度 自传 动感 转器







2P ●
● 2P ●
RDD10 ●

RDD10.1 ●






AC24…250V AC24…250V AC24…250V AC24…250V AC24…250V AC24…250V AC24…250V

● ● ● AC230V


● ● ● AC230V
◆ 流量
◆ 空气质量
◆ P或PI控制 ◆ 各种辅助控制功能可选
◆ 多样输入可选(有源/无源)
◆ 操作简单且有大型清晰的LCD显示,易于控制






1. `--debug`: 启用调试模式,输出详细的日志信息,用于排查问题。

2. `--config`: 指定配置文件的路径。


3. `--port`: 指定服务器监听的端口号。


4. `--adminconsole.port`: 指定管理控制台的端口号。


5. ``: 指定管理控制台的主机名或IP地址。

6. `--adminconsole.contextPath`: 指定管理控制台的上下文路径。

7. `--proxy.externalip`: 指定外部代理服务器的IP地址或主机名。


8. `--proxy.port`: 指定外部代理服务器的端口号。


您可以参考Openfire的官方文档或使用`openfire --help`命令获取更多参数的详细说明。





推动部署Open RAN将使沃达丰和电信⾏业能够引⼊⼀批新的2G、3G、4G和5G技术供应商,可望增加电信设备供应商的数量,从⽽改善供应链的弹性。




TIP,即Telecom Infra Project,电信基础设施项⽬,于2016年由Facebook发起,旨在基于开源软/硬件部署电信⽹络。




⽐如,传统基站的BBU和RRU来⾃同⼀家⼚家,⽽Open RAN让运营商可以从A供应商采购软件,从B供应商采购COTS服务器,再从不同的供应商采购RRH设备,来实现模块化组站。

⽬前,TIP联盟中已脱颖⽽出三⼤OpenRAN供应商,分别是三家美国公司:Altiostar、Mavenir和Parallel Wireless。

open inventor 标准

open inventor 标准

open inventor 标准
Open Inventor是一种用于三维图形开发的标准和工具包。

它最初由Silicon Graphics开发,现在由FEI公司维护。

Open Inventor标准的主要目标是提供一个统一的接口和工具,使开发人员能够轻松地创建和管理复杂的三维图形应用程序。

Open Inventor标准包括一组API和文件格式,用于描述和操作三维场景中的对象。


从技术角度来看,Open Inventor标准基于面向对象的设计原则,提供了一组类和方法,用于创建和管理三维图形对象,如几何图形、光照、动画等。


除了技术角度,从应用角度来看,Open Inventor标准被广泛应用于医学成像、工程设计、科学可视化等领域。


总的来说,Open Inventor标准是一个强大的工具和标准,为开发人员提供了丰富的功能和接口,使他们能够轻松地创建和管理复杂的三维图形应用程序。




STUDER ON AIR 500 MODULO 模块化数字调音台用户使用操作手册目录1 功能简介 ........................................................................................... 1-11.1 主要特点................................................................................... 1-21.2 特性一览................................................................................... 1-31.3 STUDER ON AIR 500结构图................................................... 1-42 通常功能 ........................................................................................... 2-12.1 Utilization for the Purpose Intended ......................................... 2-12.2 第一步 ...................................................................................... 2-12.2.1 开包,检查......................................................................... 2-12.2.2 安装 ................................................................................... 2-12.2.3 调整,修复......................................................................... 2-22.3 数据指标................................................................................... 2-32.3.1 典型值................................................................................ 2-32.3.2 尺寸 ................................................................................... 2-43 操作 .................................................................................................. 3-13.1 开关.......................................................................................... 3-13.2 推子条 ...................................................................................... 3-33.3 编辑条 ...................................................................................... 3-53.4 监听部分................................................................................... 3-93.5 主推子部分 ............................................................................. 3-113.6 表头部分................................................................................. 3-144 菜单页............................................................................................... 4-14.1 模拟输入................................................................................... 4-24.2 推子分配................................................................................... 4-44.3 自动静音................................................................................... 4-64.4 通道相位................................................................................... 4-74.5 时钟源 ...................................................................................... 4-84.6 数字输出................................................................................... 4-94.7 数字输出(高级) .................................................................. 4-104.8 显示设置................................................................................. 4-124.9 外来信号输入增益 .................................................................. 4-124.10 嘉宾耳机电平.......................................................................... 4-134.11 高通滤波器 ............................................................................. 4-134.12 输入接口命名.......................................................................... 4-144.13 线路/N-1输出......................................................................... 4-144.14 系统锁定密码.......................................................................... 4-174.15 系统锁定设置.......................................................................... 4-184.16 系统锁定状态.......................................................................... 4-194.17 推子启动................................................................................. 4-204.18 主输出推子 ............................................................................. 4-224.19 MIDI备份 ............................................................................... 4-224.20 单声道输出 ............................................................................. 4-244.21 CUE自动清除 ........................................................................ 4-244.22 RCS推子选择 ........................................................................ 4-254.23 RCS设置 ............................................................................... 4-254.24 遥控输入................................................................................. 4-264.25 软件版本................................................................................. 2-274.26 系统设置................................................................................. 2-274.27 对讲分配................................................................................. 2-284.28 TDIF输出............................................................................... 4-294.29 TDIF输出(高级)................................................................. 4-304.30 2#表头显示内容...................................................................... 4-315 对讲 .................................................................................................. 5-15.1 第一种情况(播音员在CR).................................................... 5-15.2 第二种情况(播音员在STUDIO) ........................................... 5-26 动态处理 ........................................................................................... 6-16.1 门 ............................................................................................. 6-16.2 压缩器 ...................................................................................... 6-26.3 限制器 ...................................................................................... 6-36.4 压缩器+门/限制器+门 ............................................................... 6-36.5 分配动态处理............................................................................ 6-46.6 调整动态处理设置 .................................................................... 6-46.7 动态处理预置............................................................................ 6-56.7.1 存储和命名动态处理预置 ................................................... 6-56.7.2 调用动态处理预置.............................................................. 6-56.7.3 删除动态处理预置.............................................................. 6-67 Lexicon™效果 .................................................................................. 7-17.1 设定一个效果............................................................................ 7-17.2 为一个信号加入效果................................................................. 7-27.3 编辑、存储和命名一个效果预置............................................... 7-27.4 删除效果预置............................................................................ 7-38 场景预置 ........................................................................................... 8-18.1 存储场景预置............................................................................ 8-28.2 重命名场景预置........................................................................ 8-28.3 调用场景预置............................................................................ 8-38.4 删除场景预置............................................................................ 8-48.5 调用出厂设置............................................................................ 8-49 计时器............................................................................................... 9-19.1 手动操作................................................................................... 9-19.2 自动操作................................................................................... 9-110 自动播出控制.................................................................................. 10-110.1 ON AIR 500和STUDER DIGIMEDIA .................................... 10-110.1.1 控制连接和设置............................................................. 10-110.1.2 音频连接 ....................................................................... 10-210.1.3 操作 .............................................................................. 10-210.2 ON AIR 500和RCS系统....................................................... 10-310.2.1 连接和设置.................................................................... 10-310.2.2 操作 .............................................................................. 10-411 软件升值/重新初始化 ...................................................................... 11-111.1 软件升级................................................................................. 11-111.1.1 准备硬件设备 ................................................................ 11-111.1.2 准备PC电脑................................................................. 11-211.1.3 传输并升级软件............................................................. 11-311.2 ON AIR 500重新初始化 ......................................................... 11-511.2.1 ON AIR 500的设置全部归零......................................... 11-511.2.2 效果/动态处理预置归零................................................. 11-511.2.3 场景预置归零 ................................................................ 11-611.2.4 恢复出场设置 ................................................................ 11-612 连接,检测...................................................................................... 12-112.1 接口面板................................................................................. 12-112.1.1 接口板........................................................................... 12-212.2 接口针脚分配.......................................................................... 12-212.2.1 音频输入 ....................................................................... 12-212.2.2 音频输出 ....................................................................... 12-212.2.3 其他音频输入/输出........................................................ 12-312.2.4 控制输入/输出 ............................................................... 12-412.2.5 外置24V支流供电........................................................ 12-612.3 检测连接................................................................................. 12-712.3.1 准备 .............................................................................. 12-712.3.2 音频测试连接 ................................................................ 12-712.3.3 输入分配 ....................................................................... 12-812.3.4 输入命名 ....................................................................... 12-812.3.5 连接一个输入 ................................................................ 12-912.3.6 通道输出分配 ................................................................ 12-912.3.7 为信号加入均衡........................................................... 12-1012.3.8 为信号加入混响........................................................... 12-1012.3.9 恢复常规配制 .............................................................. 12-1113 索引 ................................................................................................ 13-11 功能简介STUDER ON AIR 500被设计为一款广播用直播调音台,可以方便的进行设置,并将使用中可能遇到的误操作间小到最低。

openAI sora介绍

openAI sora介绍

Sora可以应用于医疗领 域,帮助医生进行诊断 和治疗,提高医疗水平。
Sora可以应用于金融领 域,帮助投资者进行投 资决策,降低投资风险。
OpenAI Sora的引入将大大提高企业的工作效率,减少人 工成本,提高企业的竞争力。
OpenAI Sora的引入将推动行业的创新,促进新技术、新 理念的应用,推动行业的发展。
快速响应客 户需求
通过OpenAI Sora, 企业可以快速响应 客户的需求,提高 客户满意度。
提供个性化 服务
OpenAI Sora可以 根据客户的需求和 偏好提供个性化的 服务,提高客户满 意度。
提高客户忠 诚度
通过提供高质量的 服务,OpenAI Sora可以帮助企业 提高客户忠诚度, 从而提高客户满意 度。
OpenAI Sora使用了先进的优化算法,如Adam、 RMSprop等,以快速有效地训练模型,提高模型 的性能和效率。
知识图谱技 术
知识图谱通过将知识表示 为实体、属性和关系的形 式,实现对知识的结构化 表示。
知识图谱通过推理算法, 实现对知识的推理和推断, 提高知识应用的效率和准 确性。
根据输入的文本信息,生成相 应的文本,如摘要、翻译、改
对输入的文本进行编辑和修改, 如拼写检查、语法纠错、情感
OpenAI Sora使用了多层神经网络结构,包括卷积 神经网络、循环神经网络等,以处理文本和语音数 据。

FLAT-PAK SERIES Model FP-TPX3A 三路远程控制音频混音器说明书

FLAT-PAK SERIES Model FP-TPX3A 三路远程控制音频混音器说明书

FLAT-PAK ™ SERIESModel FP-TPX3AFormat-A Twisted Pair Remote Controlled Mixer∙ 3-Channel Remote-Controlled Audio Mixer ∙ VCA Level Control for Each Input Pair ∙ Format-A Twisted Pair Inputs∙ Balanced and Unbalanced Outputs∙ Two Mono Unbalanced Outputs to Feed Stereo Amplifier ∙ Inputs and Outputs on Detachable Connectors ∙ Twisted Pair Interconnection to Remote Control ∙ Directly Controlled by RDL Remote Controls∙ Two and Three Channel Remote Controls Available∙ Local Input Available if Only Two Twisted Pair Inputs Used ∙ Paging Source May Connect to Local Input∙ Front-Panel Gain Trim Matches Active or Passive Format-A Senders ∙ Dual-LED VU Meter Displays Mixer Output Level ∙ Audio Presence Detector Controls Open-Collector Outputs ∙ Detector Outputs Intended to Enable Power Amplifiers or System Power∙ Energy Savings Possible Using Detector Outputs∙Selectable 10 or 20 Minute Detector Release DelayThe FP-TPX3A is a mono audio mixer in the convenient line of FLAT-PAK products, featuring the superior engineering and components common to RDL products. The FP-TPX3A may be rack or surface mounted with optional FLAT-PAK series accessories. The FP-TPX3A gives you the advantages of a quality audio mixer with the added convenience of remote control!The FP-TPX3A is the ideal choice where a user-accessible mixer must control the volume of multiple sources in a zone. RDL Format-A twisted pair audio senders connect directly to the mixer, allowing each user input to be balanced or unbalanced, mic or line level. FP-TPX3A outputs are provided in balanced and unbalanced formats. Two unbalanced outputs are available to feed the mono mixer output to a stereo amplifier input. Remote control of the mixer allows audio signals to be kept at a single equipment location. Audio is mixed by VCA circuits that are adjusted by control signals from the remote control.Two Format-A jacks are provided for signal inputs. If the Format-A senders are daisy-chained, only one of the input jacks is used. The other input jack may be used to receive another Format-A sender, or may be used to loop the received Format-A signals out to additional Format-A mixers or receivers. The FP-TPX3A provides power to all connected active senders. The FP-TPX3A is designed to mix the three Format-A audio signals from pairs A, B and C. A front-panel switch allows the PAIR C mixer input to be fed either from the twisted pair C input signal or from a local input. A detachable terminal block is provided to connect a local paging or music source to the LOCAL INPUT . Note: Pair C signals are passed through both Format-A input jacks even if the mixer is set to use a local source instead of the PAIR C twisted pair source.Format-A senders are available in active and passive models. Passive Format-A models with unbalanced input jacks send a lower signal level to the mixer than is sent by active senders or by passive senders with balanced inputs. Each INPUT GAIN control is calibrated to be adjusted clockwise for an unbalanced passive sender; counter-clockwise for an active sender or passive sender with a balanced input. A standard RDL dual-LED VU meter provides visual indication of the output level from the mixer. Each input channel operates at unity gain when the corresponding remote control is adjusted to maximum. This assures ample headroom at all normal operating levels. The mixer output is mono. The output is available on a single balanced detachable terminal block or on two unbalanced RCA jacks intended to connect directly to the stereo input of a power amplifier.The AUDIO LED illuminates whenever audio is present at the output of the mixer, defined as greater than 35 dB below +4 dBu. This threshold triggers the AUDIO DETECT OUTPUTS . Two open collectors are provided on a detachable terminal block. One of these terminals switches low when audio is present, and may be used to switch amplifiers or other system components on. The other terminal is pulled low when audio is not present. It is intended for muting the digital carrier of power amplifiers equipped for remote muting. Either of these terminals may be used to trigger a variety of other RDL modules or OEM equipment. The use of these terminals to shut down unused equipment can produce effective system energy and cost savings. These control terminals normally remain triggered for 10 minutes after audio is absent. The delay can be increased to 20 minutes using a ground jumper on the terminal block.The mixer levels are set by RDL remote controls that connect directly to the FP-TPX3 through an RJ45 jack using standard twisted pair cable. The control ports on the mixer and remote controls are color-coded light blue to distinguish them from standard Format-A jacks. The mixer provides power to the remote control. Either a two or three channel remote control may be used. If remote mixing of only two channels is needed, a two channel remote may be used. Pair C becomes the input channel that is not remotely controlled. The PAIR C /LOCAL INPUT can be left active at unity gain, typically for a paging source, or may be disabled by a switch set during installation. If the cable connected to the remote control becomes disconnected, the mixer output mutes.RDL ∙ 659 6th St. ∙ Prescott, AZ., USA 86301 ∙ (928) 443-9391 ∙ FAX (928) 443-9392 ∙ TYPICAL APPLICATIONS:► Meeting Rooms ► Boardrooms ► Classrooms► Restaurant or Residential Patios ► Retail Stores ASSOCIATED REMOTE CONTROL EXAMPLES: ► D-RC2 and DS-RC2 Two-channel remote controls ► D-RC2M and DS-RC2M Two-channel remote controls with muting► D-RC3 and DS-RC3 Three-channel remote controls ► D-RC3M and DS-RC3M Three-channel remote controls with mutingFLAT-PAK ™SERIESModel FP-TPX3AFormat-A Twisted Pair Remote Controlled MixerTYPICAL PERFORMANCEInputs (3): RDL FORMAT-A; Balanced line levelInput Connections: RJ45 (FORMAT-A); Detachable Terminal Block (Pair C) Outputs (3): 150 Ω balanced; 1 k Ω unbalanced (2)Output Connections: Detachable Terminal Block (balanced); RCA Phono Jacks (unbalanced) Output Level: +4 dBu balanced, -10 dBV unbalanced Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 20 kHz (+/- 0.25 dB)THD+N: < 0.05% (20 Hz to 20 kHz); <0.02% (1 kHz)Noise below +4 dBu: < -100 dB (all channels off); <-75 dB (any channel on); <-70 dB (all channels on) Headroom above +4 dBu: > 18 dBCMRR: > 80 dB (50 Hz to 150 Hz)VCA attenuation: >90 dB (each input, remote control volume off)Indicators (3): Dual-LED VU meter (2); Audio present (threshold = 35 dB below +4 dBu output) Power Connections (3): Terminal block; dc power jack (2)Power Requirement: 24 Vdc @ 120 mA plus connected FORMAT-A sender currents Overall Dimensions: Height: 1.42 in.3.61 cm Width: 3.25 in. 8.26 cmLength: 8.14 in. 20.68 cmInstallation/OperationDeclaration of Conformity available from . Specifications are subject to change without notice.Radio Design Labs Technical Support CentersU.S.A. (800) 933-1780, (928) 778-3554; Fax: (928) 778-3506Europe [NH Amsterdam] (++31) 20-6238 983; Fax: (++31) 20-6225-287891-2145E。



货号全称中文名称图片背包系列681070BOOST短途技术背包681068OCTANE短途技术背包681066NITRO短途技术背包681071FLARE短途技术背包681069SPARK短途技术背包681067PULSE短途技术背包681039INSTINCT短途技术背包681094BURN短途技术背包681095BLAST短途技术背包681003MAGNUM短途技术背包681093MAGNUM短途技术背包681042FLASH短途技术背包681096FLASH短途技术背包681000BBEE短途技术背包681092BBEE短途技术背包681077INFINITY 60长途耐力行程背包背包长途耐力行程背包681074AXIOM 40长途耐力行程背包681076INFINITY 50681072AXIOM 30长途耐力行程背包681078INNOVA 50长途耐力行程背包背包681075ASTRAL 40长途耐力行程背包68106350 CALIBER技术攀登背包681049DEMON技术攀登背包681065DEMONDUFFEL技术攀登背包681064SHOT技术攀登背包681006QUANTUM65登山背包359997SUPERCHUTEROPE BAG绳包681007QUANTUM55登山背包681008QUANTUM45登山背包50681047PREDATOR50登山背包681027SPHYNX 32登山背包681028SPHYNX 42登山背包681017SPEED 40登山背包681016SPEED 30登山背包681041RPM登山背包681088MISSION 75登山背包681087MISSION 50登山背包681086EPIC 45登山背包681086EPIC 45登山背包681085EPIC 35登山背包681084AXIS 33登山背包681083SPEED 55登山背包681082SPEED 40登山背包681081SPEED 30登山背包681043DART日常背包681044HOLLOWPOIT日常背包681004PROWLERLumbarPack腰包681045BULLET日常背包681009FUSELumbarPack腰包681005PROWLER.5 LumbarPack腰包680085HERCULES100装备行李包680086HERCULES60装备行李包680081HUEY100装备行李包680082HUEY60装备行李包681058COVERT滑雪背包681056AGENT滑雪背包681056AGENT滑雪背包681050BANDIT滑雪背包简介产地尺码/颜色数量炭灰大码COAL L 钢蓝中码BLUE STEEL M钢蓝大码BLUE STEEL L 炭灰中码COAL M 黏土红中码RED CLAY M 黏土红大码RED CLAY L2010新款,采用ergoACTIVE 背负系统,能承载全天所需装备,通过顶部取放的大号背包专利申请中的ergoACTIVE 背负系统,可滑动肩带、自由转动腰带的紧密配合,让你在前后、左右、上下三个方向上都能不受约束的移动。



• 不支持TD-SCDMA SDR和IPv6 互联 • 网状和蜂窝状拓扑 • 室内 MIMO-OFDMA TDD波形 (像WiMAX 2004一样) • 分布式信号处理和网状拓扑功能(L2.5中继) • LTE-DL的标准波形 • 像状网扩展,对WIDENS/CHORIST进行整合 • 正在进行整合WIDENS/CHORIST的协议栈(openair2)
• 蜂窝拓扑结构,单一的频率资源分配,跨层宽带调度,网 状拓扑结构,分布式资源控制
• OPENAIR3:无线网络 • 全IP移动性管理,802.21,蜂窝/网状路由协议,网状拓扑
当前的 OpenAirInterface 网络拓扑
第一种 蜂窝状拓扑
第一部分 OpenAir 教程
2012年4月13日 王梅梅
• Openairinterface简介 • 当前PHY/MAC 的发展 • OpenAirInterface模拟/仿真方法 • 提供的开源软硬件无线电技术平台
• 实时无线电信号处理 • 硬件/软件架构支持实时信号处理(软件无线电,多处理器系统级芯片) • 物理层的算法优化(UMTS的LTE和802.16m技术) • PHY层支持蜂窝状和网状网络拓扑结构 • 全IP无线网络
全IP移动网络协议802.21(基站的IPv6路由器,IPv6的移动性管理) • IP/ MPLS协议适应网状拓扑 • 蜂窝状和网状网络拓扑的第二层协议(MAC调度,无线资源控制,无线链路控制) • 灵敏射频系统设计 • 宽带无线电设计,线性范围宽动态接收机 • “智能”射频(RF/ DSP的协同设计) • 设计与仿真方法 • 有效的模拟方法(性能,功能和行为) • 抽象技术(硬件建模,PHY子系统建模,交通建模等) • 分布式实时无线网络仿真的射频仿真架构

欧迅 遥控智能救生器 使用说明书

欧迅 遥控智能救生器 使用说明书

上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-0298遥控智能救生器使用说明书V2.3上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司生产依据:企业标准Q31/0117001005C001-2018-04目录一、智能救生器主机结构介绍 (2)二、遥控器结构介绍 (4)三、可充电移动箱 (6)四、使用步骤说明 (8)五、充电说明 (12)六、维护说明 (143)七、存储说明 (13)八、不建议使用场合 (14)九、故障处理 (14)十、附件 (16)1上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-02982上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-0298一、智能救生器主机结构介绍智能救生器主机结构示意图智能救生器主机电量显示屏显示屏外框电池电量显示3上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-0298OBT1000pro-2主机状态速查表(报警声)OBT1000pro-2主机规格4上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-0298二、遥控器结构介绍遥控器结构示意图5上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-0298ORT100遥控器状态速查表6上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-0298三、可充电移动箱7上海欧迅睿智能科技有限公司Shanghai Oceanring Technology Inc.Tel:+400-021-0298四、使用步骤说明步骤一:主机电量确认将主机从可充电移动箱取出并观察主机上电量显示模块,确保主机每次工作之前至少有4格电量,否则请更换机器,或者继续充电直至电量显示模块至少有4格电量后方可使用(充电后请检查充电口是否拧紧,如未拧紧,请继续拧好,确保不会漏水)。





本文将根据Open 本人公司的常见问题解答,为读者详细介绍与Open本人相关的重要问题及其回答。

1. Open本人公司是什么?答:Open本人公司是一家人工智能研究和开发公司,致力于推动人工智能技术的发展和应用。



2. Open本人公司的技术优势是什么?答:Open本人公司在人工智能领域有着丰富的经验和领先的技术优势。



3. Open本人公司的研发方向有哪些?答:Open本人公司的研发方向包括但不限于机器学习、自然语言处理、计算机视觉和强化学习。


4. Open本人公司的产品和服务有哪些?答:Open本人公司推出了一系列优秀的人工智能产品和服务,如GPT-3自然语言处理模型、Open本人 Gym强化学习开发工具包、Open本人 Codex编程模型等。


5. Open本人公司的商业模式是什么?答:Open本人公司的商业模式主要是基于人工智能技术的研发和推广。



Litter-Robot III Open Air 厨具说明书

Litter-Robot III Open Air 厨具说明书

GUÍA DE INICIO RÁPIDO¡EMPECEMOS!Su Litter-Robot se envía completamente ensamblado. Siga estos pasos para comenzar y consulte el Manual de instrucciones para obtener más información.Conozca los principales componentes de su Litter-Robot.BASE ALFOMBRA DE PASOCAJÓN DE RESIDUOSCAPÓGLOBO LUCES INDICADORASPANEL DE CONTROL BOTÓN DE ENCENDIDOFILTRO DE CARBONOLUZ DE NOCHE ENTRADA/SALIDA DEL GATOVea el vídeo.MANIJA LLAVECAPÓGLOBOENTRADA DE ALIMENTACIÓNSENSOR DEL GATO¿Tiene un nuevo gato?PREPARÁNDOSEKit de bienvenida1.1QUÉ HAY EN LA CAJA1Coloque alfombras o tapetes delante de la unidad o completamenteunidad. Use solo alfombras y tapetes de pelo bajo (¼ de pulgada/ 0,6 cm).Al llenar el Litter-Robot por primera vez, es mejor continuar usando la marca de arena que estaba usando anteriormente, siempre que sea un tipo de arena aglomerada. Si actualmente está utilizando una arena sin aglomeración, deberá cambiar a aglomeración. Tenga en cuenta que su gato necesitará adaptarse a la nueva caja de arena, y la introducción de unaLlene el globo a través de la abertura con arena aglomerante hasta que alcance la Línea de Relleno cuando se extienda8-10 libras/ 4,5 kg en peso o 1 ½ galones/ 5,5 l por volumen).El sistema de limpieza de arena Litter-Robot requiere que la arena aglomerante funcione correctamente. Recomendamos una arena aglomerante de arcilla de alta calidad. Las perlas de arena y los cristales suficientemente pequeños como para pasar a través de la pantalla también funcionarán (Se requiere un cambio periódico de este tipo de arena).NO UTILICE arenas que sean estrictamente absorbentes, no aglomerantes, semi-aglomerantes, pelotillas a base de SinoestásegurodesisumarcaactualdearenaesadecuadaparaelLitter-Robot,contá********************************.PRESENTANDO EL LITTER ROBOT A SU GATO¡Disfrute de su libertad al no limpiar cajas de arena! QUE LA ANTIGUA CAJA DE LITRAS ES MENOS ATRACTIVASi sus gatos no están usando el Litter-Robot dentro de unos días, continúe usando la vieja marca de arena en la caja de arena vieja y déjelo pasar el mayor tiempo posible sin limpiarlo. Los gatos prefieren una caja de arena limpia y una caja de arena sucia podría persuadirlos a usar el Litter-Robot limpio. También considere reemplazar la arena en el Litter-Robot con una arena específicamente formulada para el entrenamiento de la caja de arena.DIGA ADIÓS A LA LIMPIEZA MANUALUna vez que sus gatos utilicen constantemente el Litter-Robot, puede encender la unidad y dejarla enfuncionamiento en modo automático.LA UBICACIÓN ES CLAVEColoque el Litter-Robot en la misma ubicación que la caja de arena actual, configúrelo (asegúrese de agregar arena al Globo) y asegúrese de que estéapagado. Dele a sus gatos uno o dos días para explorar el Litter-Robot. Si sus gatos no muestran interés, invítelos a acercarse al Litter-Robot usando un poco de hierba de gatos o su regalo favorito.AROMAS FAMILIARESAgregue una cucharada de arena de la caja de arena vieja al Litter-Robot para proporcionar un aroma familiar para su gato.UTILICE REGALOSColoque golosinas en el escalón o alrededor del Litter-Robot para que su gato asocie recompensas con la unidad.INTRODUCE EL CICLO DE LIMPIEZAUna vez que note que sus gatos han usado el Litter-Robot, encienda la unidad para realizar el ciclo. Aliente a sus gatos a estar presentes, para que puedan observar el movimiento y familiarizarse con el sonido del Litter-Robot mientras está allí para tranquilizarlos. Apague la unidad una vez que se complete el ciclo (el Litter-Robot debe estar en la posición de Inicio). Recomendamos que ya no limpie la vieja caja de arena una vez que sus gatos hayan usado el Litter-Robot.¿Necesita ayuda?Si tiene alguna pregunta, nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente está listo paraayudarlo. Puede comunicarse con nosotros de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 7 p.m. ET.Teléfono:Correo electrónico:Solucionador de problemas:+1 (877) 250-7729support@Lo más probable es que su gato se adapte rápidamente al Litter-Robot. Aquí hay algunas formas de facilitar la transición:LR3-8010-0c。









(二)等离子表面处理技术的优势等离子表面处理技术是干式处理法,替代了传统的湿法处理技术具有以下优势:1. 环保技术:等离子体作用过程是气固相干式反应,不消耗水资源、无须添加化学药剂2. 效率高:整个工艺能在较短的时间内完成3. 成本低:装置简单,容易操作维修,少量气体代替了昂贵的清洗液,同时也无处理废液成本4. 处理更精细:能够深入微细孔眼和凹陷的内部并完成清洗任务5. 适用性广:等离子表面处理技术能够实现对大多数固态物质的处理,因此应用的领域非常广泛(三)等离子表面处理技术前景随着电子信息产业的发展,特别是通信产品、电脑及部件、半导体、液晶及光电子产品对超精密工业清洗设备和高附加值设备的比例要求逐步增大,等离子表面处理设备已经成为很多电子信息产业的基础设备。


OpenAI 智能机器人指南说明书

OpenAI 智能机器人指南说明书

User GuideIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe device has been tested for conformance to safetyregulations and requirements, and has been certified forinternational use. However, like all electronic equipment, thedevice should be used with care. Please read and follow thesafety instructions to protect yourself from possible injury and tominimize the risk of damage to the unit.Please do not place the display screen towards the ground to avoid scratching the LCD surface.Please avoid heavy impact.Please do not use chemical solutions to clean this product. Simply wipe with a clean soft cloth to maintain the brightness of the surface.Please do not block any vent hole.Please follow the instructions and trouble-shooting to adjust the product.Internal adjustments or repairs must be performed by a qualified technician.Please keep user guide for future reference.Please unplug the power and remove the battery if long-term no-use, or thunder weather.FEATURESSupport multiple signal inputs 3G-SDI, HDMI, DVI and VGA.Multiple View Display supports quad view split from different input singles simultaneously.Ultra HD 4K screens containing 8.3 million pixel (3840×2160), so the resolution is four times that of Full HD.3D LUT for Accurate Color Reproduction and Color space display(Native/Rec.709/User1~User3).Support to upload 3D LUT table via USB port.Equip HDR function.Image flip offers great convenience for user’s user to place the monitor with various mounting methods under different conditions. Users can view the monitor normally no matter what mounting angles.Perfect size for both suitcase and rack mount.Wireless HDMI function for optional.Contents1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION (3)2. SUN SHADE INSTALLATION (7)3. MENU SETTING (8)4. ACCESSORIES (23)5. PARAMETERS (25)6. TROUBLE SHOOTING (26)1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Front1. Speaker2. SDISignal switch to SDI mode when light on.3. HDMI 1 ~ 4Signal switch to HDMI mode when light on.4. DVISignal switch to DVI mode when light on.5. VGASignal switch to VGA mode when light on.6. MENUPress to enter menu.Press to enter option in the menu.7. ◄Select option in the menu.Decrease the option value.Before enter the menu, single press to activate volume, press again to decrease the volume.8. ►Select option in the menu.Increase the option value.Before enter the menu, single press to activate volume, press again to increase the volume.9. EXITBack or exit.10. F1~F4 User definable buttonsDefault function options:F1:Color Space F2:Display ModeF3:Safety Marker F4:Aspect(functions can be customized by long keep pressing any one of the4 buttons)11.Power indicating light (green light: working).12.Earphone jackBack1. Handle (Only available for BM230/BM280)2. VESA 75×75 & VESA 100×100 mounting port3. USB port4. TALLY port5. VGA input port6. DVI input port7. HDMI input port×4。

OpenText ALM Quality Center产品介绍说明书

OpenText ALM Quality Center产品介绍说明书

ALM/Quality CenterT o innovate your business through software, ensuring application quality is more critical than ever. This doesn’t mean achieving quality is easy, however. OpenT ext ALM/Quality Center serves as the single pane of glass for software quality management and enables rigorous, auditable lifecycle processes.Product HighlightsEnterprises are turning from software con-sumers to producers and creating many new applications to innovate business digitally. T o succeed in a competitive market, ensuring application quality is essential. Quality affects your digital business in several ways: brand reputation, business growth, competitive ad-vantage, and customer experience. To give a few examples, users will quickly abandon a buggy mobile app, and your business growth will suffer. Launching a poor-quality business web site will lose customer trust and likely cause compliance issues. Without quality, any great initiative won’t succeed. However, achiev-ing quality goals is easier said than done. The challenges of inter-team alignment, complex-ity, visibility, and regulatory compliance make delivering high-quality software difficult.OpenT ext™ Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)/Quality Center empowers you to meet these challenges. It helps you achieve high efficiency in testing and manage quality with a requirements-driven, risk-based approach, align people with processes, mitigate appli-cation complexities, automate manual tasks, and establish end-to-end traceability. Gaining a complete view across all releases and proj-ects grants you insights that help informed decisions. Multiple deployment options, open integrations with common tools, and strong data control make ALM/Quality Center ideal for ensuring compliance and adapting to changes.Key FeaturesT rack and Consolidate T esting EffortsA lack of coordination and visibility leads to unsynchronized teams and delayed releases. Plus the absence of centralized testing efforts across the business increases cost and testing time. Y ou need a way to:■ Visualize and manage quality and testingprocesses.■ Drive cross-organization collaborationamong analysts, QA, and developers.ALM/Quality Center saves a large percentageof testing effort with automatic test execution and test result collection, reusable assets, and a shared library. It takes little effort to create reports and analyze data. ALM/Quality Center consolidates information from various sources and generates graphs and a dashboard. Using business process models and business pro-cess testing (BPT), you can see clearly if teams are correctly implementing business require-ments. Leverage the traceability matrix to change and test the right part of your applica-tion. The risk-based quality management fea-ture helps you focus on the most critical parts. These capabilities enable you to optimize lim-ited resources.The OpenT ext™ UFT One integration further boosts efficiency—granting automatic test cre -ation from requirements and converting manual tests to automated ones. Y ou will also gain a rich set of choices for testing tools, OpenT ext™ or 3rd-party, open-source or proprietary.“ALM/Quality Center tracks and manages the entire testing process and defect management for us, and we introduced automation for 72 percent of all test cases.”JOSÉ JIMÉNEZSAP Delivery Center T est Management Lead, IT Global Development Center Japan T obacco InternationalData SheetData SheetALM/Quality CenterEnable End-to-End T raceabilityEnterprise applications contain complex rela-tionships among existing features, new require-ments, and their associated artifacts. Without a way to keep track of these relationships, any change to the application requires a significant amount of work. This challenge makes measur-ing application quality more difficult because you have to identify what code to change and which tests to perform.ALM/Quality Center provides comprehensive traceability to manage these relationships. Y ou can use business process models to trace rela-tionships between different requirements, and traceability matrix to trace from any require-ment to its tests, defects, releases, and service desk tickets—and vice versa. These build end-to-end traceability throughout the application lifecycle, helping verify that requirements are met and identify the impact of changes.Achieve T ransparency with Analytics and ReportingT esting doesn’t equal quality. Y ou need a holis-tic view of all application components across all releases. ALM/Quality Center drills down into individual projects and offers insights that as -sist your decisions.ALM/Quality Center provides intuitive experi-ences to create holistic reports, such as:■ Aggregated project status metrics.■ Application quality metrics.■ Requirements coverage.■ Defect trends.■ Health reports for both an enterpriserelease (cross-project) and individual project view.■ Executive dashboard of KPIs.■ Graphs for discovering correlations,or anomalies.Its analytics and graphing capabilities simplify status tracking, provide real-time insight, and reveal correlations and trends from historicaland current data.Figure 1. Example of ALM/Quality Center reportingBesides built-in graphs, ALM/Quality Center features a graph wizard that helps users cre-ate custom reports and charts—without the need of scripting or query language expertise.Automate Workflow and Standardize ProcessesFrom planning through delivery, creating high-quality applications requires governance across teams and releases. Even the strongest development teams suffer quality setbacks and timeline slippage if inter-team dependen-cies are lost.ALM/Quality Center provides a sound founda-tion for alignment by facilitating:■ A common release cadence ■ Advanced dependency mapping ■ Automated workflows ■ T emplates ■ Library sharing■ Cross-project customizationYou maintain a consistent way of working across your organization and synchronizeall stakeholders with a unified data reposi-tory. The workflow controls change manage -ment, minimizing the risks of side-effects and human errors.Adapt to Highly Regulated EnvironmentsManaging application development in a highly regulated environment can be time-consum-ing, labor-intensive, and costly—especially with paper-based or manual processes. Auditors execute audits throughout the application development lifecyle against regulations and guidelines, such as 21 CFR Part 11, GAMP5, SOX, HIPAA, and GDPR to ensure that organi-zations follow the right processes and proce-dures required. Periodically providing detailed evidence of compliance is not a trivial task.ALM/Quality Center helps you efficiently achieve compliance by enforcing processes, standards, and security. Creating audit reports is easy through end-to-end traceability, ver-sion control, baselines, automated audit trails, and detailed test results for each step. ALM/Quality Center secures sensitive product and project data with the right measures, such as:■ SSO authentication and API keyauthentication■ Role-based permissions ■ Encrypted communication■ Data hiding when creating reports or graphsThese capabilities facilitate a fully traceable and auditable validation process using ALM/Quality Center and a OpenT ext or a third-party e-signature or e-approval solution on top. Sign off ALM entities electronically after ev-ery human interaction, such as rejection and approval. Meanwhile, you can leverage out-of-the-box add-ins to accelerate the implemen-tation of compliance processes, including the GDPR Content Pack, e-Signature QuickStart Project, and SOX IT Assessment Accelerator.Moreover, the offline testing its QoT (Quality of Things) client enables on portable devices em-powers your users to perform tests in various places without ALM server connectivity, whilerecording test results and defects electronically.Figure 2. Sample defect workflow with ALM e-SignatureIntegrate across Y our Enterprise EcosystemIn today’s development ecosystem, it is criti-cal for enterprises to seamlessly integratevarious tools into a toolchain. Consolidating proper data from these tools into a central repository provides a complete and accurate picture of the lifecycle. You can then use this data to continuously improve. This process often involves integration at each stage of the application lifecycle.ALM/Quality Center continues adding capa-bilities that support the solutions you use to-day—and tomorrow. It integrates with a wide range of open-source and proprietary tools from OpenT ext and third-party, including:■ Portfolio management and requirementmanagement tools.■ Common Enterprise Agile Planning tools.■ T esting tools.■ Service management solutions.■ Collaborative software.In the testing tool category, besides UFT One, OpenT ext™ UFT Digital Lab, OpenT ext™ LoadRunner Professional and OpenText™ Fortify, ALM/Quality Center also supports many third-party automation tools and frameworks, such as JUnit, NUnit, Selen i um, Appium, JMeter, SonarQube, and even homegrown tools.Additionally, OpenText Connect provides a single integration hub for data synchronizationacross teams, projects, and locations. Best of all, it’s included with ALM/Quality Center.Facilitate Agile and DevOps T ransformationIf you are among the enterprises adopting Agile and DevOps practices, you know the trans-formation is gradual instead of overnight. You need a transition period where you can access both your traditional and Agile tools. Striking the right balance can make or break teams and projects during the process.ALM/Quality Center works with OpenText™ ALM Octane to make the transition smooth. While the two products are similar in their quality focus, ALM Octane aligns Agile and DevOps development with testing processes to improve the flow of work throughout the software delivery value stream. The T est Run Injection allows you to leverage existing assets in ALM/Quality Center while using ALM Octane as the central hub for management. In short, you transition at the pace you want.When you want to practice value stream management (VSM) to accelerate your Agile and DevOps initiatives, you have a smooth path to adopt our VSM platform—ValueEdge,which lets you leverage what you’ve investedFigure 3. ALM/Quality Center integrationsin ALM/Quality Center—data, testing assets and licenses.Adapt with an Open andSecure ArchitectureBeing able to respond flexibly to business needs helps your organization stay competi-tive. There are numerous considerations when choosing a solution that can adapt to potential changes in scale, processes, and integration. ALM/Quality Center facilitates a customizable, scalable approach for enterprises. You can tailor it to fit the needs and standards of your business and scale it to handle an increase in projects, users, and tests. In addition, it is highly extensible with its REST APIs, covering user and administrator operations.You also want to easily and securely manage access to sensitive lifecycle data while giving users a simplified way to manage logins. ALM/ Quality Center supports single sign-on (SSO), API key authentication and importing users from an LDAP directory to help you achieve it. It also offers security measures to protect data integrity from unauthorized access and manipulation, and manages users with differ-ent security clearances to work on the same project without exposing sensitive data. Flexible Deployment andLicensing OptionsNo two organizations are alike in how they want to consume or acquire their software. ALM/ Quality Center has flexible options for deploy-ment and licensing to suit any specific needs. Y ou can deploy your way to minimize infrastruc-ture maintenance and improve resilience.While on-premises deployment gives youcomplete control of both infrastructure and theALM server, it requires more effort to maintain.Business resiliency is mandatory and remotework has become normal. You may be con-sidering moving to the cloud. After all, cloudsolutions simplify infrastructure managementand increase availability and scalability. ALM/Quality Center can run as a container or virtualmachine on any cloud infrastructure (public orprivate) that meets the system requirements.OpenT ext also provides ALM/Quality Centeron SaaS to let you kickstart deployment fast,minimize maintenance, and pay as you go.Similarly, you have a variety of licensing op-tions. Y ou can choose between perpetual andterm licenses. Or select the license type basedon the functions your users need. The globalconcurrent licensing model offers flexibilityand value to enterprises with distributed teams.The SaaS Flex model lets you pay as you goand make the best use of your money.ALM/Quality Center Editionsand SaaS OfferingsALM/Quality Center provides several editionsand SaaS offerings to meet different businessneeds. Whether small teams, individual proj-ects, or a large cross-organization effort, youhave options to help you gain the right func-tionality at the right cost.Refer to ALM/Quality Center Editions and Of-ferings Comparison Chart for details.ALM/Quality Center ServicesOur services help maximize the value of yourALM/Quality Center and transition it to a statebetter serving your needs of cost reduction, ef-ficiency boost, and strategic move.■OpenT ext Software as a Service (SaaS)■ALM/Quality Center to ALM OctaneMigration Service■E-Signature Implementation Service■ALM/Quality Center Upgrade Service■ALM/Quality Center Optimization ServiceSystem RequirementsSee online documentation.Learn more at/alm/opentext。



Copyright © Pixel CrushersTable of Contents Introduction (2)We’re Here to Help (2)Quick Start (2)OpenAI and the Dialogue System for Unity (2)Language Models (3)ElevenLabs Speech Synthesis (3)Dialogue Smith (4)Welcome Window (5)Main Window (6)Generate Conversation (7)Revise Text (9)Translate Field (11)Translate Database (12)Freeform Chat (13)Generate Portraits (15)ElevenLabs V oiceover Audio Generation (17)Dialogue Smith Integration (20)Runtime Dialogue (23)Questions? Feature Suggestions? (27)IntroductionThank you for supporting the Dialogue System for Unity and the Addon for OpenAI! This addon requires the Dialogue System for Unity. Using the Dialogue System Addon for OpenAI, you can use OpenAI’s generative AI to write narrative content faster, get suggestions when you’re stuck, fix spelling and grammar, and translate your text to other languages. You can also use the addon for freeform chat similar to ChatGPT, generate portraits using DALL-E, and voiceover using ElevenLabs. We want your project to be a success! If you have any questions or feature requests, please contact us any time at *************************.We’re Here to Help•Email: *************************•Forum: https:///phpbb•Discord:•Web: Tools → Pixel Crushers → Dialogue System → Help → Report a BugQuick Start•Read the documentation and/or watch the tutorial videos.•Import the Dialogue System for Unity into your project.•Import the Dialogue System Addon for OpenAI into your project.•The addon’s Welcome window will appear. Configure the addon to proceed.•Click the OpenAI Addon Window button in the Welcome window or the AI buttons in the Dialogue System’s Dialogue Editor window.OpenAI and the Dialogue System for UnityOpenAI is an AI research company best known for technology designed to generate human-like language, in particular using a language model called Generative Pre-trained Transformer, or GPT. OpenAI has a public API that applications such as the Dialogue System Addon for OpenAI can use to leverage the power of its language models. Modest charges for the use of the API are handled through an API key that you can create on OpenAI’s website. (OpenAI Pricing) The Dialogue System Addon’s Welcome window will step you through the process if you don’t already have an API key.The Dialogue System Addon for OpenAI is a third party product (i.e., not affiliated with OpenAI) that allows you to leverage the OpenAI API to enhance your content creation. It’s designed to work seamlessly with the Dialogue System for Unity.Note: Language models are not sentient. They are essentially just very advanced pattern matchers. Results may contain grammatical or factual errors, so review them carefully before using them.Language ModelsThe OpenAI API provides access to several language models and parameters. In the Dialogue System Addon, the UIs to specify language models and parameters look like this:Model: This dropdown allows you to choose a language model for content generation:Model DescriptionGPT_3_5_Turbo Best for most cases. Similar performance to Davinci at 10% of the price. GPT_3_5_Turbo_16K Same as GPT-3.5 Turbo but with 4x the context window for longer responses. GPT_4Newest, most powerful language model. Improves on GPT-3.5.GPT_4_32K GPT-4 with larger 32k context window that allows for very long responses. Davinci Powerful model but slow. Good at complex intent and cause & effect. Curie: Second most powerful model. Good at language translation.Babbage Second fastest model. Good at classification.Ada Smallest, fastest, and least expensive model, but results may be poor. Temperature: Specifies the amount of “randomness” to include in the content. A value of zero generates plain, straightforward responses. A value of one generates more unexpected or “creative” responses.Max Tokens: Specifies the maximum number of tokens to spend on a response. Lower numbers generate shorter responses; higher numbers can generate longer responses. OpenAI pricing is based on the number of tokens used, so you can use this slider to reduce expenses.ElevenLabs Speech SynthesisYou can use the API provided by ElevenLabs, a separate company from OpenAI that specializes in speech synthesis, to generate voiceover audio for your dialogue.ElevenLabs uses a separate API key. Any charges for using the API are applied to your API key account. (See Pricing.)You can use the addon’s ElevenLabs features to generate audio at design time and at runtime.Dialogue SmithYou can also use the API provided by Dialogue Smith, a separate company from OpenAI that specializes in advanced dialogue generation, to fill in dialogue for branching conversation trees. Dialogue Smith uses a separate API key. Any charges for using the API are applied to your API key account.Welcome WindowUse menu item Tools → Pixel Crushers →Dialogue System → Addon for OpenAI → Welcome Window to open the Welcome window.The Addon for OpenAI will use your OpenAI API key, which you can create on OpenAI’s website. You are responsible for any usage charges that OpenAI applies to your API key.You can use the Welcome window to create and enter an OpenAI API key, and to open the Main Window.Main WindowYou can access the Main window from the addon’s Welcome window or menu item Tools → Pixel Crushers →Dialogue System → Addon for OpenAI → Main Window.On the Main Window, you can access these windows:•Generate Conversation: Generate a new conversation or set of barks.•Translate Database: Translate your database to one or more languages.•Freeform Chat: Talk with OpenAI in a format similar to ChatGPT.The Addon for OpenAI also adds AI buttons to several locations in the Dialogue System’s Dialogue Editor window. You can click these AI buttons to access additional features.Generate ConversationAccess the Generate Conversation window from the Main Window. Here, you can create a new linear conversation between two actors or create a bark conversation.Generate ConversationTo create a conversation, specify a title, participants, action, and topic. For example, the screenshot above will prompt the GPT_3_5_Turbo language model to generate a conversation titled “War” between Private Hart and Sergeant Graves regarding the purpose of war. Then click Generate. When the Addon receives a response from OpenAI, it will show the generated conversation. If you want to adjust the conversation, enter Refinement Instructions and click Refine. To add the conversation to your dialogue database, click Accept.When creating a conversation, the prompt will also include the participants’ Description fields and any actors mentioned in the topic. Include the actor’s name in the Description field, such as:To generate branching dialogue, you can use the addon’s Dialogue Smith integration.Generate BarksTo generate barks, click the Generate Barks toolbar. The UI will appear the same as Generate Conversation with the addition of a Num Barks slider. Set the slider to the number of barks you’d like to generate, and click Generate Barks.When you’re satisfied with the results, click Accept to add a conversation containing the barks.Revise TextAccess the Revise Text window by clicking the AI button next to a field in the Dialogue Editor such as the Dialogue Text field:You can specify how you want to refine the text by specifying refinement instructions and clicking Refine, or click Fix Grammar & Spelling to fix grammar and spelling.If the Num Variations slider is set to 1, you will receive one proposed revision. To accept it, click Accept.If Num Variations is greater than 1, you will receive multiple suggestions. To accept one of the suggestions, click the Accept button next to it. Or you can click Use All to add them all to the conversation, replacing the original dialogue entry node. If the original node was a non-player node, it will be replaced by a group node that calls RandomizeNextEntry() to randomly choose from the variations.Translate FieldAccess the Translate Field window by clicking the AI button next to any localization field in the Dialogue Editor, such as this field in a dialogue entry node: (See Localization)Enter optional refinement instructions, then click Translate. To accept the translation, click Accept. Note: Translate Field defaults to the Curie language model, but you can change it to GPT3_5_Turbo if you prefer.Translate DatabaseAccess the Translate Database window from the Main Window. This window allows you to translate the entire database. Define the languages that you want to translate to in the Dialogue Editor first. (See Localization)By default, to minimize costs, this window will only translate localization fields that are blank. To retranslate fields that already have content, tick Retranslate All.Then tick the languages that you want to translate to, and click Translate.If you have a medium or large database, this operation will take some time. OpenAI limits API calls to 60 per minute, so the operation will batch several requests and then wait a little before continuing. Note: Translate Field defaults to the Curie language model, but you can change it to GPT3_5_Turbo if you prefer.Freeform ChatAccess the Freeform Chat window from the Main Window. This window operates similarly to ChatGPT. You can repeatedly enter text in the Prompt field to continue a dialogue with the OpenAI language model. You can then copy this to the clipboard for use elsewhere, such as pasting generated code into a script, such as: (continued on next page)Generate PortraitsTo access the Generate Portraits window, inspect an actor in the Dialogue Editor and click Generate AI Portraits:Under Main Portrait, the actor’s current portrait appears on the left. If you have generated new potential images, they will be shown to the right of the Current image:To use one of these potential images as the main portrait, click the Use button. You can then save the image as an asset in your project, and it will be assigned to the actor.To add more portraits to the actor’s Portrait Sprites list, click Add Portrait.For each additional portrait, you can enter a Variation Prompt. Then click Generate Portrait to generate a variation of the actor’s main portrait image based on the prompt.ElevenLabs Voiceover Audio GenerationYou can use ElevenLabs’ speech synthesis API to generate voiceover audio for your dialogue. First create a profile on and create an API key. Then enter this API key in the addon’s Welcome window. Then you can assign voices to actors and generate audio for dialogue entries. Assign Voices To ActorsIn the Dialogue Editor, inspect an actor and click Select next to the V oice field.Then select an AI voice actor from the dropdown. To preview what the voice actor sounds like, enter some preview text and click Preview. To assign the selection to your actor, click Accept.Generate Voiceover AudioTo generate voiceover audio for a dialogue entry, click the Sequence field’s AI button:This will open the Generate V oiceover window:Click Generate to use the ElevenLabs API to generate voiceover audio. When the operation is done, it will play the audio. If you want to hear it again, click Preview. To accept the audio, click Accept. Save the audio file as an asset in your project. Some notes on saving audio: (see next page)Notes on Saving Audio Files•If the open scene has a Dialogue Manager, the default filename will be entrytag name for the dialogue entry as specified by the Dialogue Manager’s Entrytag Format selection. Otherwise it will use the default entrytag format: ActorName_ConversationID_EntryID.•If you’ve enabled Addressables support by clicking the Dialogue System’s Welcome Window > USE_ADDRESSABLES checkbox, the audio file will be marked Addressable, and theaddressable key will be set to the entry’s entrytag.•Otherwise save the file in a Resources folder.•Clicking Accept will not add a sequencer command to the entry’s Sequence field. To handle it manually for a single entry, you can drag the audio file into the Sequence field. However, acommon way to set up voiceover is to set the Dialogue Manager’s Default Sequence tosomething like: AudioWait(entrytag) and leave the Sequence field blank.Dialogue Smith IntegrationDialogue Smith can fill in dialogue for a pre-constructed dialogue tree. Create a conversation tree without dialogue text, and put prompts in the dialogue entries’ Title fields. For example, the conversation below is for a quest giver NPC that offers a quest:This is especially powerful if you create conversation templates and then create conversations from the templates using Menu > Templates > New From Template. In fact, the conversation tree above was created by selecting the built-in quest template.Then inspect the conversation’s properties, put the conversation’s context (e.g., background information) in its Description field, and click the AI button:This will open the Dialogue System Addon window to the Branching Dialogue panel. Verify that the Context is what you want to use, and click Generate:Dialogue Smith will generate up to three dialogue text variations for every dialogue entry whose Dialogue Text field is blank. This will take some time, so please be patient. When the operation is done, the panel will show the dialogue text variations for each dialogue entry:Tick the ones you want to use. If you tick more than one variation for an NPC dialogue entry, the conversation will randomly choose from the variations at runtime. If you tick more than one variation for a PC dialogue entry, they will be presented as a player response menu. Then click Accept.Runtime DialogueThe Dialogue System Addon for OpenAI can also use the OpenAI API at runtime to generate conversations and barks. Runtime operation is entirely optional. If you decide to use runtime generation, consider how you will handle API keys. To avoid excessive charges, it’s probably best to require end users (e.g., players) to provide their own API keys.To configure runtime generation, add a Runtime AI Conversation Settings component to your dialogue UI:Add three UI elements to your dialogue UI, and assign them to the component:•Waiting Icon: A GameObject that will be shown while waiting for a response from OpenAI.For example, this could be an animated hourglass or a spinning ball.•Chat Input Field: Input field where the player will enter freeform text responses if running a freeform text input conversation. You can usually assign the existing Text Field UI here.•Goodbye Button: Button that the player can click to end the conversation instead of entering text into the Chat Input Field. You do not need to assign anything to its OnClick() event.You can also add these optional elements:•Image & Image Size: Used to show generated images in CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) mode.•Record Button: Starts recording speech input.•Submit Recording Button: Stops recording speech input and submits the recording to OpenAI for text transcription.•Microphone Devices Dropdown: Dropdown that lets user select which microphone to record.•Max Recording Length: Limits recorded audio clip size to this length in seconds.•Recording Frequency: Records from microphone at this frequency.Then add a Runtime AI Conversation component to your scene. This component holds the configuration for a single conversation or bark. To activate it at runtime, call its Play() method. For example, you can add it to an NPC with a Usable component, and configure the Usable’s OnUse() event to call RuntimeAIConversation.Play. In the screenshot below, the Runtime AI Conversation component’s Play() method is invoked by a UI Button’s OnClick() event:Set these fields:•Actor: For conversations, typically the player. For barks, the barking character.•Conversant: The other participant, typically an NPC.•Topic: What the conversation or bark is about.•Assistant Prompt: Optional guiding instructions for OpenAI.•Mode: Can be:◦Freeform Text Input: Plays a conversation line by line, generating responses to each line of player input. The player can end the conversation by clicking the Goodbye button. The NPCwill end the conversation if the conversation history approaches Max Tokens.◦Response Menu: Generates a complete conversation up-front and runs it like a prewritten conversation using the regular player response menu and/or player subtitle panel.◦Bark: Generates and plays a single bark through the Actor.•Text Input Prompt: Only used in Freeform Text Input mode. The label shown in front of the Chat Input Field.•Max Text Input Length: Only used in Freeform Text Input mode.Adding Runtime ContextNote: You can use the markup tags [var=variable] and [lua(code)] in your Topic. This allows you to change information in the topic text at runtime based on Dialogue System variable values and/or the values of Lua expressions.The next pageRuntime DemoThe Demo folder contains a bare bones scene that demonstrates all five types of runtime dialogue generation:•Freeform text input conversing with an NPC. This conversation is generated line by line. If you’ve specified an ElevenLabs API key in your dialogue UI’s Runtime AI ConversationSettings component, it will also generate voiceover audio immediately after generating eachline of dialogue. You can use text input or microphone speech input.•Response menu-based conversation. Demonstrates a conversation between an NPC and the player using the dialogue UI’s response menu. The conversation is generated first and thenplayed. V oiceover audio is generated as each line is played.•NPC-NPC conversation. Demonstrates a conversation involving two NPCs, without player interaction. The conversation is generated first and then played. V oiceover audio is generated as each line is played.•Bark. Demonstrates a generated bark.•CYOA. Choose-your-own-adventure story with freeform text input or speech input.To play the Runtime Demo, you must first enter your OpenAI API key in the Runtime AI Conversation Settings component located on Dialogue Manager > Canvas > Basic Standard Dialogue UI.You may also enter an ElevenLabs API key if you want the demo to generate voiceover audio. If you’ve entered an ElevenLabs API key, make sure you’ve assigned voices to the actors in your dialogue database.CYOA mode can optionally use DALL-E to generate images for each stage of the adventure. To enabled this, add an Image to the Dialogue Panel and assign it to Runtime AI Conversation Settings.Questions? Feature Suggestions?If you’re stuck or have feature suggestions, please contact us. We’re here to help!。



你不知道的一些电子烟术语名词释义:一. 常用术语:Rebuildable (可重建式)- 指雾化芯可以被重建,即雾化芯可以DIY。

RBA = Rebuildable Atomizer的缩写,即可重建式雾化器的统称。

RTA = Rebuildable Tank Atomizer的缩写,即可重建式储油雾化器。

RDA = Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer,即可重建式滴油雾化器。

【小知识:RBA是所有可重建式雾化器的总称,它包含了两个主要分支,即RTA(储油式雾化器)和RDA(滴油雾化器)】RSST - 创世纪类雾化器,是以一种原名就叫做创世纪的雾化器为设计蓝本的雾化器类型,即“上吸油式”雾化器,因为只有这种结构才可以使用不锈钢网子来做导油材料,因此有时候RSST也称为网子雾化器。

KFLP - KayFun Lite Plus 的缩写,它并不是指某一类雾化器,而是指Kayfun公司的一款经典的雾化器产品。

2. 发热器件:机械杆- 不能预设功率的电子烟输出器件,特点是结构简单,相当于电池正负极直接接在雾化器上,在低电阻芯子下输出非常粗暴而有力,但存在一定安全隐患。

机械盒子- 方形机械杆,一般来说采用两节电池并联供电,因其并联结构决定了其输出功率与单电的机械杆是相等的,并不会“更暴力”,但在持续稳定输出和续航上比单电机械杆有优势。

带保护机械杆- 原理与机械杆大致相同,增加了比如电池正负极、过流、短路等保护功能,但正因为增加了一些保护器件,它的输出不如纯机械杆那么"暴力"。

调压盒子- 也称盒子,指可以预设功率的电子烟输出器件,除了一系列完善的保护措施外,还可以对输出功率进行加减调节或者温度控制等功能。

欧姆盒子- 调压盒的一种,内置DC-DC模块,只有有限的几档功率可调,但除了功率输出这部分外摒弃了调压盒其余的所有功能,因此它比标准调压盒更为“暴力”调压杆子- 与调压盒子一致,只是做成了圆杆状。

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• 蜂窝拓扑结构,单一的频率资源分配,跨层宽带调度,网 状拓扑结构,分布式资源控制
• OPENAIR3:无线网络 • 全IP移动性管理,802.21,蜂窝/网状路由协议,网状拓扑
当前的 OpenAirInterface 网络拓扑
第一种 蜂窝状拓扑
• 物理下行共享信道(PDSCH) 携带用户和控制平面流量。它是由ENB动态计划每子帧
• 物理广播信道(PBCH) 携带少量的指定小区的控制平面流量(1 kbit / s) 在实施(用turbo码取代1/3的尾比特码)
• 物理多播信道(PMCH) 携带特定小区的用户平面广播/多播流量(E-MBMS) 还没实现
CardBusMIMO 1
• 当前平台上的应用试验和测试网络部署蜂 • 窝部署 • 网状部署 • EMOS信道探测 • 32位CBMIMO1 - V2卡的制作 • 23 dBm的输出功率
基于软件无线电的CBMIMO1 x86
基于软件无线电的CBMIMO1 x86
• MAC / PHY是基于RTAI下的RT线程实现的 • 它们和PCI上的子系统DAQ 的DMAs同步 • 第三层网络充分使用Linux网络栈
• LTE被指定为1.08 MHz和19.8 MHz之间的任何带宽, 且是180 kHz的倍数 “共同”的大小将会是 1.08 MHz的传输带宽有1.25 MHz的间距 2.7 MHz传输带宽有3 MHz的间距 4.5 MHz传输带宽有5 MHz间隔的(为 上的CardBus MIMO1的兴趣) 9 MHz的传输带宽有10 MHz信道间隔(为 上ExpressMIMO的兴趣) 13.5 MHz的传输带宽有15 MHz的间距 18 MHz传输带宽有20 MHz信道间隔(为 上ExpressMIMO的兴趣
端口上的发射; • 将每个天线端口上的复数调制符号映射到RE 上; • 在每个天线端口上产生复数的时域OFDM信号。
• 一个或两个码字 • 仍然被列入为DLSCH • QPSK,16QAM64 QAM(每个流可能不同) • 调制映射(modulation mapper) • 层的映射(layer mapper) • 预编码(Precoding) • 资源元素映射(resource element mapper) • OFDM信号的产生(OFDM signal generation)源自软件线路图软件线路图
• 不支持TD-SCDMA SDR和IPv6 互联 • 网状和蜂窝状拓扑 • 室内 MIMO-OFDMA TDD波形 (像WiMAX 2019一样) • 分布式信号处理和网状拓扑功能(L2.5中继) • LTE-DL的标准波形 • 像状网扩展,对WIDENS/CHORIST进行整合 • 正在进行整合WIDENS/CHORIST的协议栈(openair2)
• 物理控制格式指示信道(PCFICH) 携带特定小区控制格式的信息。这个通道是让UE控制当前子帧格式 (包括PDCCH符号,PHICH)。 目前尚未实现
• 物理下行控制信道(PDCCH) 携带用户和特定小区的控制信息(调度,资源分配等)。这种信道收 集提供给子帧中有DLSCH分配的UE 在OpenAirInterface中实施(用turbo码取代1/3的尾比特码)
第一部分 OpenAir 教程
2019年4月13日 王梅梅
• Openairinterface简介 • 当前PHY/MAC 的发展 • OpenAirInterface模拟/仿真方法 • 提供的开源软硬件无线电技术平台
• 实时无线电信号处理 • 硬件/软件架构支持实时信号处理(软件无线电,多处理器系统级芯片) • 物理层的算法优化(UMTS的LTE和802.16m技术) • PHY层支持蜂窝状和网状网络拓扑结构 • 全IP无线网络
• 目前OpenAirInterface所支持PDCCH的仍在整 合,但是
• 尾比特C.代码和速率匹配已经实现 • 性能测试仍在被执行
• 传播和系统测量及它们的分析(EMOS) • 宽带信道的特性和建模 • 实时测量的收集和离线性能分析 • 认知无线电 • 基于传感器网络的创新技术的发展,将支持在同
一个区域的持牌及无牌的无线用户共存 • 认知无线电的设计,规模尺寸和网络互联
• OpenAirInterface SVN存储库 所有的开发都可以通过openairinterface 的SVN知识 库实现,它包括 OPENAIR0(开源实时的硬件和软件) OPENAIR1(开源的实时和离线的软件) OPENAIR2(开源的实时和离线的软件) OPENAIR3(蜂窝状和网状网络的开源Linux软件套件)
• 资源元组是用于描述PRBS中用来控制信号 的部分
• 下行物理信道的基带信号处理过程包括以下步骤, • 对在物理信道上传输的每个码字中的信道编码后比
特进行加扰; • 对加扰后的比特进行调制,得到复数调制符号; • 将所得复数调制符号映射在一个或多个传输层; • 对每层上的复数调制符号进行预编码,用于在天线
• 第六个“虚拟”的天线,(P ={5}),包括用户特定的 天线处理(如波束形成与物理天线的数目不详的指示) 这在中不支持
• PRBS可以被置换成虚拟RBS(VRBs)以应对 日益多样化的衰落和小区间干扰
• 目前不支持
• 因为不同的信道带宽有共同的PRB大小,所 以系统规模是针对不同带宽而言的
• OFDMA/ SC-FDMA的子载波被称为“资源要 素”(RE)
• 直流载波和高频率载波被归零
Example: 300 REs, 25 RBs (5 MHz 信道)
• 目标:LTE的用户平面的特点 完全符合LTE的帧(正常的和扩展的前缀) 符合全下行共享信道 完全符合的DL先导结构 支持传输模式的一个子集(2x2的操作) 模式1,2,4,5,6(包括研究模式3) 在一个ENB中最多支持3个扇区 对测量活动有用 对作为面向研究的起点的扩展有用(对LTE有潜在的影响) 提供逼真(和快速)的PHY / MAC LTE仿真环境
• 预编码提供两种用途:
• 通过空频分组编码或单流延迟分集实现天线分集 • 较高等级的闭环技术(双数据流MIMO和MU-MIMO)
从左到右分别是空间复用,大循环延迟分集,前者已经实现,后 者还未实现
空间复用/ MU-MIMO
根据ENB反馈选择预编码码字,实施(QPSK/ QPSK的QPSK/16QAM,16QAM/16QAM)
• LTE支持多达4个物理的天线 单天线配置,(P ={0}) 双天线配置,(P ={0,1}) 四天线配置,(P ={0,1,2,3})在中目 前不支持(ExpressMIMO和ExpMIMO-Lite...)
• 第五个“虚拟”的天线,(P ={4})被列入以表明 MBSFN(MBMS)的参考和物理信道 这在中不支持
的2x2 MIMO操作
• 提供卡的最新固件 • 后果 • 要求 • 否则
Linux 设备
• /dev/openair0 • Nasmesh
PHY/ MAC地址的特点 (OpenAirInterface-LTE)
• 目的:在OpenAirInterface 的软硬件平台上开发符合LTER8 标准的一个开源基带实现
• LTE定义了一个资源块的概念,代表上行和 下行传输的最小调度资源
• 物理资源块(PRB),相当于180千赫的频 谱
• 在时域上PRBS被映射成连续的(6或7)个 OFDMA/ SC-FDMA符号
• 在频域上每个PRB等于每个OFDMA符号对应 的12个子载波(相邻子载波间隔15KHZ)
RTAI 和用户空间
• RTAI被使用在OpenAirInterface PC环境,是为了 • 提供CBMIMO1资源的硬实时支持 • 提高几十微秒调度的准确性 • 足够的LTE子帧反应时间(500us) • 为Linux网络子系统和内核功能提供简单的接口使
用调度机制在内核RTAI中执行DSP(高度优化的 SIMD代码!)
全IP移动网络协议802.21(基站的IPv6路由器,IPv6的移动性管理) • IP/ MPLS协议适应网状拓扑 • 蜂窝状和网状网络拓扑的第二层协议(MAC调度,无线资源控制,无线链路控制) • 灵敏射频系统设计 • 宽带无线电设计,线性范围宽动态接收机 • “智能”射频(RF/ DSP的协同设计) • 设计与仿真方法 • 有效的模拟方法(性能,功能和行为) • 抽象技术(硬件建模,PHY子系统建模,交通建模等) • 分布式实时无线网络仿真的射频仿真架构
• 物理HARQ指示信道(PHICH) 携带用户特定的HARQ控制信息(ACK / NACK) 已经实施
• 参考信号 特定小区的参考信号:在UE中用于信道估计和频 率偏移估计 特定用户的参考信号:用于给特定用户接收量身 定制信号中的信道估计
• 同步信号 主同步信号:用于UE中的定时采集 次同步信号:用于UE物理信道解调中的基本帧接 收
CBMIMO1 嵌入式系统
当前 CBMIMO1 V2 的设计
• CBMIMO1提供 • 基于LEON3的一个Xilinx XC2V3000 FPGA嵌入式处理