字号:大中小石油化工企业配管工程常用英语缩写1 管子及管件编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.1 P 管子 Pipe1。
2 EL 弯头 Elbow1。
2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1.2。
2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1。
3 T 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1。
1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1。
4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer1。
5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1。
1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1。
5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1。
6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing1。
7 UN 活接头 Union1。
8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler1。
9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1。
1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap1。
12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1。
13 BLK 盲板 Blank1。
13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2 法兰编号缩写中文名称英文名称2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange2.1。
1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2。
管子及管件 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称1.1 P 管子 Pipe1.2 EL 弯头 Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow 1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow 1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow 1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow 1.3 T 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee 1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling 1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling 1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing 1.7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler 1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple 1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap 1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank 1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2 法兰 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange 2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange 2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange 2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange 2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face 2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face 2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face 2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face 2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face 2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3 垫片 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称3.1 G 垫片 Gasket 3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket 3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4 坚固件 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt 4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母 Nut 4.3 TB 花蓝螺母 Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Washer 4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5 阀门 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称5.1 GV 闸阀 Gate valve 5.2 GLV 截止阀 Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀 Check valve 5.4 BUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve 5.6 PV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀 Control valve 5.8 SV 安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve 5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valve 5.12 BV 呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀 Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀 5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀 5.17 SGV 插板阀6 管道上用的小型设备 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator 6.2 FA 阻火器 Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer 6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer 6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer 6.4 SIL 消声器 Silencer6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass 6.6 SC 取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel 6.8 LM 管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice 6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk 6.11 EJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7 隔热、伴热 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称7.1 INS 隔热 Thermal insulation 7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation 7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulation7.2 T&I 伴热 Tracing and insulation 7.3 T 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing 7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing 7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8 配管材料和等级 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material 8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel 8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel 8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUST SS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron 8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron 8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass 8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper 8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel 8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy8.2 THK 壁厚 Thickness 8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard 8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9 装置布置 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称9.1 CN 建北 Construction north 9.2 E 东 East9.3 W 西 West 9.4 S 南 South9.5 N 北 North 9.6 H 水平 Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立 Vertical 9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9 UG 地下 Underground 9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站 Hose station 9.13 ML 接续分界线 Match line 9.14 PS 管道支架(管架) Piping support9.15 PR 管桥 Pipe rack 9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物) Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building 9.18 PD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 Pit 9.20 SHLT 棚 Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰 Cofferdam 9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23 PF 平台 Plateform10 尺寸标注 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称10.1 EL 标高 Elevation 10.2 BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心 Center of pipe 10.4 TOP 管顶 Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom 10.6 FOT 顶平 Flat on top10.7 CL(屯) 中心线 Center line 10.8 TL 切线 Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的 Symmetrical 10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶 Top of support 10.12 CL 净距(净空) Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心 Center to center 10.14 CTF 中心至面 Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部 Center to end 10.16 ETE 端到端 End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and face 10.18 FTF 面到面 Face to face10.19 D 直径 Diameter 10.20 DN 公称直径 Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径 Inside diameter 10.22 OD 外径 Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸 Dimension 10.24 MAX 最大 Maximum10.25 MIN 最小 Minimum 10.26 AVG 平均 Average10.27 APP 约、近似 Approximate 10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11 图表 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称11.1 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagram 11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument 11.3 COD 接续图 Continued on drawing 11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing)11.6 DWGNO 图号 Drawing number 11.7 DWGI 所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 List of material 11.9 MTO 汇料 Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录 Appendix 11.11 JOB. No. 工号 Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据Detail engineering design data11.14 REV. No. 修改号 Recision number 11.15 REF DWG 参考图 Reference drawing11.16 SC 采样接口 Sample connection12 操作方式及工作参数 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称12.1 AUT 自动 Automatic 12.2 ML 手动 Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作 Chain operated 12.4 CSC 铅封关 Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开 Car seal open 12.6 LC 锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开 Lock open 12.8 NC 正常关 Normally close12.9 NO 正常开 Normally open 12.10 ATM 大气压 Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力 Nominal pressure 12.12 A 绝压 12.13 G 表压 12.14 (T) 温度 Temperature12.15 (P) 压力 Pressure13 施工 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称13.1 W 焊接 Welding 13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding 13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion 13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding 13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding 13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding 13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding 13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing 13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT 热处理 Heat treatment 13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief 13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing 13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual 13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test) 13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test)13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing 13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing 13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire 13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field 13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field faricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field 13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening 13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening 13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out 13.3.19 ANNY 退火 Annealed13.4 PE 平端面 Plain end 13.5 BE 坡口端 Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹 Thread 13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度 13.9 AT 酸洗14 其他 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称14.1 FDN 基础 Foundation 14.2 INF 信息(资料) Information14.3 REF 参考 Reference 14.4 REV 修改 Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序) Sequence 14.6 W/E 设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来 With instrument 14.8 CM 色标 Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowance 14.10 UTL 公用系统 Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头 Utility connection 14.12 QTY 数量 Quantity14.13 WT 重量 Weight 14.14 MHR 工时 Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circle 14.16 HP 高点 High point14.17 LP 低点 Low point 14.18 SUC 吸入(口) Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge 14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread14.23 DR 排液 Drain 14.24 VT 放气 Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating 14.26 CL 等级 Class14.27 SMLS 无缝 Seamless 14.28 螺旋缝。
reducing tee
reducerຫໍສະໝຸດ 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) concentric reducer
偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) eccentric reducer
welding neck flange
slip-on flange
缩写 中文名称
process flow diagram ['prəuses] ['daiəɡræm] pfd 管段图
piping & instrument diagram ['instrumənt] pid 图号
continued on drawing
[kən'tinju:d] cod 所在图号
缩写 tb wsr
螺母 5 阀门 中文名称 闸阀 截止阀 止回阀 蝶阀 球阀 6 管道上用的设备 中文名称 气液分离器 消声器 LHGFDSA. 7 隔热、伴热 中文名称 隔热
防烫伤隔热 伴热和保温 管道伴热 8 配管材料和等级
金属材料 碳钢 铸钢
英文名称 gate valve globe valve check valve butterfly valve ball valve
cop 法兰端面
top 面到面
fob 直径
flat [flæt]
fot 公称直径
cl tangent ['tændʒənt] tl
内径 外径
symmetrical [si'metrikəl] sym 尺寸
1 管道组成件 Piping component1.1 管子 Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管 steel pipe铸铁管 cast iron pipe衬里管 lined pipe复合管 clad pipe碳钢管 carbon steel pipe合金钢管 alloy steel pipe不锈钢 stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe塑料管 plastic pipe玻璃管 glass tube橡胶管 rubber tube直管 run pipe; straight pipe1.2 管件 Fitting弯头 elbow异径弯头 reducing elbow带支座弯头 base elbowk半径弯头 long radius elbow短半径弯头 short radius elbow长半径180°弯头 long radius return短半径180°弯头 short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向) side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand) 双支管弯头(形) double branch elbow三通 tee异径三通 reducing tee等径三通 straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向) side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand) 异径三通(分支口为异径) reducing tee (reducing on outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)带支座三通 base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet)异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式) reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head)45°斜三通45° lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45° lateral (reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true “Y”四通 cross等径四通 straight cross异径四通 reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one outlet) 异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet)异径四通(两个分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on both outlet) 异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet)异径管 reducer同心异径管 concentric reducer偏心异径管 eccentric reducer锻制异径管 reducing swage螺纹支管台 threadolet焊接支管台 weldolet承插支管台 sockolet弯头支管台 elbolet斜接支管台 latrolet镶入式支管嘴 sweepolet短管支管台 nipolet支管台,插入式支管台 boss管接头 coupling, full coupling半管接头 half coupling异径管接头 reducing coupling活接头 union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯) bushing管帽 cap (C)堵头 plug短节 nipple异径短节 reducing nipple; swage nipple1.3 弯管 Bend预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形) cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形) offset bend90°弯管 quarter bend环形弯管 cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形) single offset quarter bendS形弯管“S” bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形)single offset “U” bendU形弯管“U” bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion “U” bend斜接弯管 mitre bend三节斜接弯管 3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管 corrugated bend圆度 roundness1.4 法兰 Flange (FLG)整体管法兰 integral pipe flange钢管法兰 steel pipe flange螺纹法兰 threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰) slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰 socket welding flange松套法兰 lap joint flange (LJF)对焊法兰 welding neckflange (WNF)法兰盖 blind flange, blind孔板法兰 orifice flange异径法兰 reducing flange盘座式法兰 pad type flange松套带颈法兰 loose hubbed flange焊接板式法兰 welding plate flange对焊环 welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环 welding-on collar突缘短节 stub end, lap翻边端 lapped pipe end松套板式法兰 loose plate flange压力级 pressure rating, pressure rating class压力—温度等级 pressure-temperature rating法兰密封面,法兰面 flange facing突面 raised face (RF)凸面 male face (MF)凹面 female face (FMF)榫面 tongue face槽面 groove face环连接面 ring joint face全平面;满平面 flat face; full face (FF)光滑突面 smooth raised face (SRF)法兰面加工 facing finish粗糙度 roughness光滑的 smooth齿形 serrated均方根 root mean square (RMS)算术平均粗糙高度 arithmetical average roughness height (AARH) 配对法兰 companion-flange螺栓圆 bolt circle (B.C.)1.5 垫片 Gasket (GSKT)垫片的型式 type of gasket平垫片 flat gasket环形平垫片 flat ring gasket平金属垫片 flat metal gasket夹棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with cotton fabric insertion夹石棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement无石墨压缩白石棉垫片 non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket 天然白橡胶垫片 natural white rubber gasket压缩石棉垫片 compressed asbestos class gasket浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片 PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片 spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler 内环 inner ring外环,外定位环 outer ring波纹金属垫片 corrugated metal gasket波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片 corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted 双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片 corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket双夹套垫片 double jacketed gasket金属包石棉平垫片 flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket整体金属齿形垫片 solid metal serrated gasket槽形金属垫片 grooved metal gasket环形连接金属垫片 ring joint metal gasket八角环形垫片 octagonal ring gasket椭圆环形垫片 oval ring gasket透镜式垫片 lens gasket非金属垫片 non-metallic gasket1.6 阀门 Valve1.6.1 阀门结构、零件阀轭 yoke外螺纹阀杆及阀轭 outside screw and yoke (OS & Y) 阀杆 stem内螺纹 inside screw (IS)阀轭套 yoke sleeve阀杆环 stem ring阀座 valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈 seat ring整体(阀)座 integral seat堆焊(阀)座 deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件) trim阀盘 disc阀盘密封圈 disc seat阀体 body阀盖 bonnet阀盖衬套 bonnet bush螺纹阀帽 screw cap螺纹阀盖 screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖 bolted bonnet (BB)活接阀盖(帽) union bonnet (cap)螺栓连接的阀帽 bolted cap (BC)焊接阀盖 welded bonnet (WB)本体阀杆密封 body stem seal石棉安全密封 asbestos emenen seal倒密封 back seal压力密封的阀盖 pressure-tight bonnet动力操纵器 powered operator电动操纵器 electric motor operator气动操纵器 pneumatic operator液压操纵器 hydraulic operator快速操纵器 quick-acting operator滑动阀杆 sliding stem正齿轮传动 spur gear operated伞齿轮传动 bevel gear operated扳手操作 wrench operated链轮 chain wheel手轮 hand wheel手柄 hand lever (handle)气缸(或液压缸)操纵的 cylinder operated链条操纵的 chain operated等径孔道 full bore; full port异径孔道 reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port 短型 short pattern紧凑型(小型) compact type笼式环 lantern ring压盖 gland阀杆填料 stem packing阀盖垫片 bonnet gasket升杆式(明杆) rising stem (RS)非升杆式(暗杆) non-rising stem (NRS)指示器/限位器 indicator/stopper注油器 grease injector可更换的阀座环 renewable seat ring1.6.2 常用阀(1)闸阀 gate valve平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板 split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳 flexible solid wedge整体楔形闸板 solid wedge塞型闸阀 plug gate valve直通型闸阀 through conduit gate valve(2) 截止阀 globe valve球心型阀盘 globe type disc塞型阀盘 plug type disc可转动的阀盘 swivel disc(3) 节流闪阀 throttle valve针阀 needle valve(4) 角阀 angle valve(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀) Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)(6) 球阀 ball valve三通球阀 3-way ball valve装有底轴的 trunnion mounted耐火型 fire safe type浮动球型 floating ball type防脱出阀杆 blowout proof stem(7) 蝶阀 butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型) wafer type凸耳式 lug type偏心阀板蝶阀 offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve(8) 柱塞阀 piston type valve(9) 旋塞阀 plug valve三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀 four-way plug valve旋塞 cock衬套旋塞 sleeve cock(10) 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve堰式隔膜阀 weir diaphragm valve(11) 夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12) 止回阀 check valve升降式止回阀 lift check valve旋启式止回阀 swing check valve, flap check valve 落球式止回阀 ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve双板对夹式止回阀 dual plate wafer type check valve 无撞击声止回阀 non-slam cheek valve底阀 foot valve切断式止回阀 stop check valve; non-return valve活塞式止回阀 piston check valve斜翻盘止回阀 tilting disc check valve蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve1.6.3 其它用途的阀安全泄气阀 safety valve (SV)安全泄液阀 relief valve (RV)安全泄压阀 safety relief valve杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀 pilot operated safety valve复式安全泄气阀 twin type safety valve罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve电磁阀 solenoid valve, solenoid operated valve电动阀 electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve气动阀 pneumatic operated valve低温用阀 cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀 steam trap机械式疏水阎 mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀 open bucket trap, open top bucket trap浮球式疏水阀 float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap恒温式疏水阀 thermostatic trap金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀 metal expansion steam trap液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀 liquid expansion steam trap双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀 bimetallic expansion steam trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀 thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap放气阀(自动放气阀) air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (疏水阀用)平板式滑动闸阀 slab type sliding gate valve盖阀 flat valve换向阀 diverting valve, reversing valve热膨胀阀 thermo expansion valve自动关闭阀 self-closing gate valve自动排液阀 self-draining valve管道盲板阀 line-blind valve挤压阀 squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀 breather valve风门、挡板 damper减压阀 pressure reducing valve, reducing valve控制阀 control valve膜式控制阀 diaphragm operated control valve执行机构 actuator背压调节阀 back pressure regulating valve差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve 压力比例调节阀 pressure ratio regulating valve1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀 block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve调节阀 regulating valve快开阀 quick opening valve快闭阀 quick closing valve隔断阀 isolating valve三通阀 three way valve夹套阔 jacketed valve非旋转式阀 non-rotary valve排污阀 blowdown valve集液排放阀 drip valve排液阀 drain valve放空阀 vent valve卸载阀 unloading valve排出阀 discharge valve吸入阀 suction valve多通路阀 multiport valve取样阀 sampling valve手动阀 hand-operated valve; manually operated valve 锻造阀 forged valve铸造阀 cast valve(水)龙头 bibb; bib; faucet抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve旁路阀 by-pass valve软管阀 hose valve混合阀 mixing valve破真空阀 vacuum breaker冲洗阀 flush valve第一道阀;根部阀 primary valve根部阀 root valve总管阀 header valve事故切断阀 emergency valve1.7 管道特殊件 Piping Specialty1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)粗滤器 strainer过滤器 filter临时粗滤器(锥型) temporary strainer (cone type)y 型粗滤器 y-type strainerT型粗滤器 T-type strainer永久过滤器 permanent filter丝网粗滤器 gauze strainer洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower视镜 sight glass阻火器 flame arrester喷嘴;喷头 spray nozzle取样冷却器 sample cooler消声器 silencer膨胀节 expansion joint波纹膨胀节 bellow expansion joint单波 single bellow双波 double bellow多波 multiple bellow压力平衡式膨胀节 pressure balanced expansion带铰链膨胀节 hinged expansion joint轴向位移型膨胀节 axial movement type expansion joint自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint 带接杆膨胀节 tied expansion joint万向型膨胀节 universal type expansion joint球形补偿器 ball type expansion joint填函式补偿器 slip type (packed type) expansion joint单向滑动填料函补偿器 single actionpacked slip joint1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element软管接头 hose connection (HC)快速接头 quick coupling金属软管 metal hose橡胶管 rubber hose挠性管 flexible tube鞍形补强板 reinforcing saddles补强板 reinforcement pad特殊法兰 special flange漏斗 funnel排液环 drip ring排液漏斗 drain funnel插板 blank垫环 spacer8字盲板 spectacle blind; figure 8 blind 限流孔板 restriction orifice爆破片 rupture disk法兰盖贴面 protective disc费托立克接头 victaulic coupling1.8 端部连接 End Connection法兰端 flanged end坡口端 beveled end (BE)对焊端 butt welded end平端 plain end (PE)承插焊端 socket welding end螺纹端 threaded end (TE)承口 bell end焊接端 welding end法兰连接(接头) flanged joint对焊连接(接头) butt welded joint螺纹连接,管螺纹连接 threaded joint, pipe threaded joint 锥管螺纹密封焊连接 seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint 承插焊连接(接头) socket welded joint承插连接(接头) bell and spigot joint环垫接头 ring joint (RJ)万向接头 universal joint软钎焊连接(接头) soldered joint搭接接头,松套连接 lapped joint外侧厚度切斜角 bevel for outside thickncss内侧厚度切斜角 bevel for inside thickness内外侧厚度切斜角 bevel for combined thickness法兰式的 flanged (FLGD)对焊的 butt welded (BW)螺纹的 threaded (THD)承插焊的 socket welded (SW)小端为平的 small end plain (SEP)大端为平的 large end plain (LEP)两端平 both ends plain (BEP)小端带螺纹 small end thread (SET)大端带螺纹 large end thread (LET)两端带螺纹 both end thread (BET)一端带螺纹 one end thread (OET)支管连接 branch connection焊接支管 branch pipe welded directly to the run pipe2 管道用紧固件及螺纹2.1 紧固件螺栓 bolt六角头螺栓 hexagonal head bolt方头螺栓 square head bolt螺柱,双头螺栓 stud bolt环头螺检 eye bolt沉头螺栓 countersunk (head) screw地脚螺栓 anchor bolt; foundation bolt 松紧螺旋扣(花篮螺丝) turnbuckleU形螺栓 U-boltT形螺栓 T-bolt圆头螺钉 round head bolt机螺栓,机螺钉 maehine bolt顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓 Jack screw自攻螺钉 self tapping screw膨胀螺栓 expansion bolt粗制的 coarse精制的 finished, fine螺母 nut六角螺母 hexagonal nut方螺母 square nut蝶形螺母 wing nut扁螺母 flat nut锁紧螺母 lock nut垫圈 washer平垫圈 plain washer球面垫圈 spherical washer弹簧垫圈 spring washer方垫圈 square washer斜垫圈 slant washer销轴 pinned shan销 pin开口销 cotter pin定位销 dowel pin带孔销 pin with hole圆锥销 taper pin铆钉 rivet键 key2.2 螺纹左螺纹left hand thread右螺纹 right hand thread管螺纹 pipe thread锥管螺纹 taper pipe thread直管螺纹straight pipe thread梯形螺纹 trapezoid thread螺距pitch of thread粗牙螺纹coarse thread细牙螺纹 fine thread特细牙螺纹extra fine thread通长螺纹full thread惠氏螺纹whitworth thread公制螺纹 metric ibread美国标准锥管螺纹 American standard taper pipe thread (NPT) 螺孔 tap3 材料、型钢及填料3.1 金属材料3.1.1 黑色金属 Ferrous Metal碳素钢 carbon steel (CS)低碳钢 low-carbon steel中碳钢 medium-carbon steel高碳钢 high-carbon steel普通碳素钢 general carbon steel优质碳素钢 high-quality carbon steel普通低合金结构钢 general structure low-alloy steel 合金结构钢 structural alloy steel合金钢 alloy steel低合金钢 low alloy steel中合金钢 medium alloy steel高合金钢 high alloy steel耐热钢 heat resisting steel高强度钢 high strength steel复合钢 clad steel工具钢 tool steel弹簧钢 spring steel钼钢 molybdenum steel镍钢 nickel steel铬钢 chromium steel铬钼钢 chrome-molybdenum steel铬镍钢 chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢 stainless steel (S.S.)奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢 Martensitic stainless steel司特来合金(钨铬钴台金) Stellite耐蚀耐热镍基合金 Hastelloy铬镍铁合金 inconel耐热铬镍铁合金 incoloy20合金 20 alloy平炉钢(马丁钢) Martin steel镇静钢 killed steel半镇静钢 semi-killed steel沸腾钢 rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel锻钢 forged steel铸钢 cast steel铸铁 cast iron (C.I.)灰铸铁 grey cast iron可锻铸铁 malleable iron (MI)球墨铸铁 nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron 生铁 pig iron熟铁,锻铁 wrought iron铸件 casting高硅铸铁 high silicon cast iron3.1.2 镀层及制造方法渗铬钢,镀铬钢 chromized steel镀铬的 chromium-plated, chrome-plated镀层 plating锻造,型钢 swage锻造的,锻造 forging轧制 rolling热轧 hot rolling冷轧 cold rolling挤压 extruding冷加工 cold working热加工 hot working拔制 drawing3.1.3 有色金属Non-ferrous Metal铝 aluminum铜,紫铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze铝青铜 aluminum bronze磷青铜 phosphor bronze铝镁合金 aluminum magnesium锰青铜 manganese bronze蒙乃尔(注:镍及铜合金) Monel 镍铜台金 nickel copper alloy非铁合金 nonferrous alloy钛 titanium铅 lead硬铅 hard lead3.1.4 材料性能极限强度 ultimate strength抗拉强度 tensile strength屈服极限 yield limit屈服点 yield point延伸率 percentage elongation抗压强度 compressive strength抗弯强度 bending strength弹性极限 elastic limit冲击值 impact value疲劳极限 fatigue limit蠕变极限 creep limit持久极限 endurance limit布氏硬度 Brinell hardness洛氏硬度 Rockwell hardness维氏硬度 Vickers diamond hardness, diamond penetrator hardness 蠕变断裂强度 creep rupture strength断面收缩率 reduction of area韧性 toughess脆性 brittleness延性 ductility冷脆 cold shortness冷流 cold flow3.2 非金属材料 Non-metallic Material塑料 plastic丙烯腈—丁二烯—苯乙烯 acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) 聚乙烯 polyethylene (PE)聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride (PVC)苯乙烯橡胶 styrene-rubber (SR)聚丁烯 polybutylene (PB)聚丙烯 polypropylene (PP)聚苯乙烯 polystyrene (PS)氯化聚醚 chlorinated polyether (CPE)聚酰胺 polyamide (PA)聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate (PC)聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)醋酸丁酸纤维素cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)氯化聚氯乙烯 chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)聚偏二氟乙烯 polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)缩醛塑料 acetal plastic尼龙塑料 nylon plastic聚烯烃 polyolefin (PO)石墨酚醛塑料 graphite phenolic plastics聚四氟乙烯 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)纤维增强热塑性塑料 fiber reinforced thermoplastics热塑性塑料 thermoplastic热固性塑料 thermosetting plastics胶粘剂 adhesive溶剂胶接剂 solvent cement树脂 resin环氧树脂 epoxy, epoxy resin聚酯树脂 polyester resin聚酯纤维 polyester fibers氟塑料 fluoroplastics聚氨基甲酸酯 polyurethane丙烯酸树脂 acrylic resin脲醛树脂 urea resin呋哺树脂 furan resin乙烯丙烯二烃单体 ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM)合成橡胶 synthetic rubber橡胶 rubber丁腈橡胶 nitrile butadiene rubber氯丁橡胶 neoprene天然橡胶 natural rubber乙丙橡胶 ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) 玻璃 glass硼硅玻璃 borosilicate glass耐火砖 fire brick陶瓷 ceramic搪瓷 porcelain enamel木材 wood3.3 型材型钢 shaped steel, section steel, swage 角钢 angle steel槽钢 channel工字钢 I-beam宽缘工字钢或H钢 wide flanged beamT型钢 T-bar方钢 square bar扁钢 flat bar角钢 hexagonal steel bar圆钢 round steel; rod钢带 strap steel钢板 plate网纹钢板 checkered plate腹板(指型钢的立板) web翼缘(指型钢的缘) wing3.4 填料及填料函填料 packing石棉绳 asbestos rope, asbestos cord.O形环 O-ring自密封 self-sealing四氟带 Teflon tap带铬镍合金丝的石棉绳 asbestos rope with inconel wire, inconel wire asbestos浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉填料 Teflon impregnated asbestos packing金属填料 metallic stuffing填料箱,填料函 packing box, stuffing box填料函压盖 stuffing box gland4 管道等级及材料统计4.1 管道材料规定 Piping Material Specification管道等级 piping class; piping classification管道等级号 class designation公称直径 nominal diameter (DN); nominal (pipe) size公称压力 nominal pressure (PN)压力级,等级,类别 class (CL)低压 low pressure (L.P.)中压 medium pressure (M.P.)高压 high pressure (H.P.)大气压 atmosphere (ATM)真空 vacuum工作压力 operating pressure; working pressure设计压力 design pressure工作温度 operating temperature设计温度 design temperature环境温度 ambient temperature腐蚀裕量 corrosion allowance管道附件 piping attachment管道元件 piping element壁厚 wall thickness (WT)壁厚系列号 schedule number (SCH. No.)加厚的,加强的 extra heavy, extra strong双倍加厚的,双倍加强的 double extra heavy, double extra strong 通用连接组 typieal installation分组(类)形式(如管道等级表) block form数据库 data base文件 file4.2 材料统计 Material Take-off (MTO)汇总表 summary sheet材料表 bill of material (BM)综合管道材料表 consolidated piping material summary sheet (CPMSS) 统计材料准确度 accuracy of take-off材料情况报告 material status report (MSR)散装材料 bulk material编位号的 itemized代码 code number短代码 short code数量 quantity (QTY)重力 weight净重 net weight毛重 gross weight5设备布置及管道布置Plot Plan and Piping Layout,Equipment and Piping Arrangement 5.1 设备名称 Equipment Name5.1.1 容器 Vessel(1) 塔 tower, column洗涤塔 scrubber吸收塔 absorber冷却塔 cooling tower精馏塔 fractionating tower蒸馏塔 distillation tower再生塔 regenering tower造粒塔 prflling tower汽提塔 stripper脱气塔 degasifier合成塔 synthesis tower(2) 反应器 reactor聚台釜 polymerizer转化器,变换器 converter脱硫反应器 desulphurization reactor甲烷化器 methanator(3) 气柜 gas-holder螺旋式气柜 helical gas-holder湿式气柜 wet gas-holder干式气柜 dry gas-holder(4) 槽罐贮罐 tank; storage tank缓冲罐 knock out drum球罐 spheroid, spherical tank 罐 drum接受槽 receiver计量槽 measuring tank加料槽 feed tank排污罐 blow down tank闪蒸罐 flash drum汽包 steam drum溶液贮槽 solution storage tank 地下槽 sloptank(5) 其它设备分离器 separator旋风分离器 cyclone分子筛 molecular sieve脱氧器 deaerator搅拌器 agitator干燥器 dryer混合器 mixer萃取器 extractor结晶器 crystallizer澄清器 gravity settler净化器 purifier气化器 vaporizer吸附器 adsorber融解槽 melter减温器 desuperheater升压器 booster喷射器 ejector喷头 sprayer火炬 flare消声器 silencer(6) 换热器、加热器、冷却器换热器 heat exchanger空冷器 air cooler水冷却器 water cooler冷凝器 condenser螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 蒸发器 evaporator再沸器 reboiler急冷器 quencher深冷器 chiller预热器 preheater再热器 reheater加热器 heater电加热器 electric heater过热器 super heater给水加热器 feed water heater中间冷却器 inter cooler后冷却器 after cooler5.1.2 工业炉及锅炉炉子 furnace烧嘴 burner锅炉 boiler烟囱 stack废热锅炉 waste heat boiler辅助锅炉 auxiliary boiler省煤器 economizer回热炉 direct-fired heater辐射段 radiant section对流段 convection section裂化炉 reformer焚烧炉 incinerator回转窑 rotary kiln炉管 furnace tube吹灰器 soot blower观察孔 observation door, peep door防爆门 explosion door5.2 辅助用房名称5.2.1 生产用房分析室 analyzer room变压器室 transformer room配电室,变电所 substation, switch room 蓄电池室 battery room控制室 control room通风室 ventilating room贮藏室 storage room维修间 maintenance room办公室 office5.2.2 生活用房更农室 locker room盥洗室,厕所 closet, lavatory, toilet管道布置平面 piping arrangement plan (PAP)管道布置 piping layout轴测图 isometric drawing分区索引图 key plan初版设备布置图(“A”版)preliminary plot plan ( “A” issue)内部审查版设备布置图(“B”版) inrernal approval plot pla n ( “B” issue)用户审查版设备布置图(“C”版) owner approval plot plan ( “C” issue)确认版设备布置图(“D”版)confirm plot plan ( “D” issue)研究版设备布置图(“e”版)planning plot plan ( “E” issue)设计版设备布置图(“F”)designing plot plan ( “F” issue)施工版设备布置图(“G”版)construction plot plan ( “G” issue)5.4 厂房、站、单元压缩机房 compressor house (room)泵房 pump house (room)洗眼站 eye washer station泡沫站 foam station软管站,公用工程站 hose station (HS), utility station成套设备 package unit设施 facilities罐区 tank yard空分装置 air separation facility5.5 设备布置设备位号 equipment item number工厂区界 plant limit项目区界内侧 inside battery limit (I.S.B.L.) 项目区界 batterylimit (BL)区界 area limit区域边界 zone iimit界外 off site东 east (E)西 west (W)南 south (S)北 north (N)上 up下 down工厂北向 plant north真实北向 true north道路 road小过道 cat walk, cat way走道,过道 walk way, gangway, access way污水坑(井) sump pit集水池 catch basin沟槽 through预留区 trough场地 future area铺砌区 paving area非铺砌区 unpaved area碎石铺面 gravel paving橡皮铺面 rubber paving面积,区域 area体积,容积 volume (VOL)5.6 管道布置管道设计 piping design管道研究 piping study走向研究 routing study重要管道 critical piping地上管道 above ground piping地下管道 under ground piping管网 network of pipes管廊 pipe rack管沟 piping trench管间距 line spacing管道跨距 line span总管 header, manifold旁路 by pass排液 drain放空 vent上升管,垂直管 riser导管 canduit裸管 bare iine管件直接 fitting to fitting (FTF)管段,接口 spool piece, spool取样接口 sampling connection集液包 drip leg伴热管 tracing pipe蒸汽伴热 steam tracing热水伴热 hot-water tracing电伴热 electrical tracing夹套管 jacketed line, jacketed piping全夹套的 full jacketed平面 plan详图 detail“ ”视图X view “X”“ ”剖视A-A section “A-A”连接图 hook up drawing接续图 continue on drawing (COD)接续线 match line (M.L.)比例 scale图例 legend符号 symbol管口表 list of nozzles方位 orientation管口方位 nozzle orientation定位 location相交 intersection水平的 horizontal垂直的,立式的 vertical垂直,正交,垂直的 perpendicular平行,平行的 parallel水平安装 horizontal installation垂直安装 vertical installafion对称的 symmetric相反(的),对面(的) opposite顺时针方向 clock wise逆时针方向 counter clock wise计算机辅助设计 computer aided design (CAD)5.7 图面标注绝对标高 abselute elevation海平面标高 over-sea mean level (OSL)标高,立面 elevation (EL)混凝土顶面 top of concrete架顶面 top of support (TOS)钢结构顶面 top of steel梁项面 top of beam (TOB)支撑点 point of suppon (POS)管顶 top of pipe (TOP)管底 bouom of pipe (BOP)沟底 boaom of trench管子内底 invert (inside bottom of pipe) 底平 flat on bottom (FOB)顶平 flat on top (FOT)工作点 working point (W.P.)面至面 face to face (F-F)中心至端面 center to end (C-E)中心至面 center to face (C-F)中心至中心,中至中 center to center (C-C) 坐标 coordinate坐标原点 origin of coordinate出口中心线 center line of discharge入口中心线 center line of suction中心线 centerline (CL)入口 inlet, suction出口 outlet, discharge排出口 exhaust距离 distance5.8 相关专业的专业词汇5.8.1 工艺(1) 图及表流程图 flow diagram工艺流程图 process flow diagram (PFD)管道及仪表流程图 piping andinstrument flow diagram (PID)公用工程流程图 utility flow diagram (UFD) 管线表 line list; line schedule命名表;管道表 nomenclature设备表 equipment list (schedule)(2) 流体 fluid空气 air仪表空气 instrument air工艺空气 process air低压蒸汽 low pressure steam中压蒸汽 medium pressure steam高压蒸汽 high pressure steam伴热蒸汽 tracing steam饱和蒸汽 saturated steam过热蒸汽 superheated steam氧气 oxygen氢气 hydrogen氮气 nitrogen燃料气 fuel gas天然气 natural gas火炬气 flare gas酸性气 sour gas液化石油气 liquefired petroleum gas (LPG) 氨气 ammonia gas冷却水 cooling循环水 circulating water锅炉给水 boiler feed water热水 hot water蒸汽冷凝水 steam condensate盐水 brine工艺水 process water化学污水 chemical sewage防腐剂 corrosion inhibitor重油 heavy oil石脑油 naphtha燃料油 fuel oil润滑油 lubricating oil密封油 sealing oil冷冻剂 refrigerant载热体 heating medium溶剂 solvent溶液 solution母液 mother liquor单体 monomer聚合物 polymer均聚物 homopolymer共聚物 copolymer工艺液体 process liquid工艺气体 process gas硫酸 sulphuric acid盐酸 chlorhydric acid硝酸 nitric acid烧碱 caustic soda(3) 流体特性 fluid characteristics 蒸汽压 vapor pressure临界温度 critical temperature临界点 critical point临界压力 critical pressure比热 specific heat湿度 humidity密度 density比重 specific gravity粘度 viscosity闪点 flash point融点 melting point凝固点 freezing point浓度 concentration爆炸极限 limit of explosion有毒的 toxic可燃的;易燃的 flammable(4) 其它回收 recovery再生 regeneration循环 cireulatlon再循环;再生 recycle补充 make-up制备 preparation蒸汽吹扫 steaming out吹扫 purge抽空;排空 evacuation吹出 blow-off排污 blow down破真空 vacuum breaker大气腿 barometric leg备用 stand-by化学清洗 chemical cleaning净正吸入压头 net positive suction head (NPSH) 进料 feed成品 product污染 contamination大气污染 atmospheric pollution环境温度 ambient temperature5.8.2 建筑、结构建筑物 building钢结构 steel structure已有钢结构 existing steel structure钢筋混凝土结构 reinforced concrete construction 楼面 floor平台 platform (PF)地面 ground level栏杆 handrail楼梯 stair; stair way直梯 ladder柱 column; post; stanchion基础 foundation; footing粱 beam斜撑;支撑 bracing桁架;主粱 girder构件 member隔墙 partition wall墙 wall篦子板 grate; grating吊装孔 erection opening吊梁 hoisting beam棚 shelter窗 window天窗 skylight门 door防火门 fire door地漏 floor drain防火层 fire-proofing总图 general plot plan路肩 shoulder桩 pile灌浆 grouting风荷载 wind load雪荷载 snow load动力荷载 dynamic load静荷载 dead load活荷载 live load风速 wind velocity主导风向 most frequent wind direction5.8.3 仪表盘(操作盘) panel就地盘 local panel仪表盘 instrument panel常开 normally open常闭 normally closed电缆槽(架) cable tray (channel); cable rack 仪表电缆槽(架) instrument cable tray (duct) 压力计 manometer; pressure gauge热电偶 thermocouple温度计 thermometer液位计 level gauge玻璃液位计 gage glass温度计保护管 thermowell流量计 flow meter孔板 orifice变送器 transmitter联锁 interlock仪器;设备 apparatus仪器分析 instrumental analysis自动分析 automatic analysis气体分析 gas analysis化学分析 chemical analysis气相色谱仪 gas chromatograph液相色谱仪 liquid chromatograph质谱分析 mass spectrometric analysis5.8.4 电气危险区划分 hazardous area classification 危险区平面图 hazardous area plan电气盘 electrical panel配电盘 switch board电缆沟 cable trench电流 current直流 direct current交流 alternating current频率 frequency相位 phase功率因数 power factor电压 voltage电阻 resistance电容 capacitance静电 static electricity接地 grounding; easthing照明 lighting; illumination避雷针 lightning preventer电话 telephone电线 wire接线箱(盒) junction box导线管 conduit tube5.8.5 设备固定鞍座 fixed saddle滑动鞍座 sliding saddle管口 nozzle。
1 管子及管件编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.1 P 管子 Pipe1.2 EL 弯头 Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1.3 T 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing1.7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2 法兰编号缩写中文名称英文名称2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3 垫片编号缩写中文名称英文名称3.1 G 垫片 Gasket3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket3.1.1.2 RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasket3.1.2.1 MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket3.1.2.2 SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket3.1.3.1 FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasket3.1.3.4 OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket3.1.3.5 OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gakset3.1.3.6 IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4 坚固件编号缩写中文名称英文名称4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母 Nut4.3 TB 花蓝螺母 Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Washer4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5 阀门编号缩写中文名称英文名称5.1 GV 闸阀 Gate valve5.2 GLV 截止阀 Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀 Check valve5.4 BUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve5.6 PV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀 Control valve5.8 SV 安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valve5.12 BV 呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀 Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀5.17 SGV 插板阀6 管道上用的小型设备编号缩写中文名称英文名称6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator6.2 FA 阻火器 Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer6.4 SIL 消声器 Silencer6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass6.6 SC 取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel6.8 LM 管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk6.11 EJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7 隔热、伴热编号缩写中文名称英文名称7.1 INS 隔热 Thermal insulation7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulation 7.2 T&I 伴热 Tracing and insulation7.3 T 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8 配管材料和等级编号缩写中文名称英文名称8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUSTSS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steel8.2 THK 壁厚 Thickness8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9 装置布置编号缩写中文名称英文名称9.1 CN 建北 Construction north9.2 E 东 East9.3 W 西 West9.4 S 南 South9.5 N 北 North9.6 H 水平 Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立 Vertical9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9 UG 地下 Underground9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站 Hose station9.13 ML 接续分界线 Match line9.14 PS 管道支架(管架) Piping support9.15 PR 管桥 Pipe rack9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物) Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building9.18 PD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 Pit9.20 SHLT 棚 Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰 Cofferdam9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23 PF 平台 Plateform10 尺寸标注编号缩写中文名称英文名称10.1 EL 标高 Elevation10.2 BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心 Center of pipe10.4 TOP 管顶 Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom10.6 FOT 顶平 Flat on top10.7 CL(屯) 中心线 Center line10.8 TL 切线 Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的 Symmetrical10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶 Top of support10.12 CL 净距(净空) Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心 Center to center10.14 CTF 中心至面 Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部 Center to end10.16 ETE 端到端 End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and face10.18 FTF 面到面 Face to face10.19 D 直径 Diameter10.20 DN 公称直径 Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径 Inside diameter10.22 OD 外径 Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸 Dimension10.24 MAX 最大 Maximum10.25 MIN 最小 Minimum10.26 AVG 平均 Average10.27 APP 约、近似 Approximate10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11 图表编号缩写中文名称英文名称11.1 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagram11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagram11.3 COD 接续图 Continued on drawing11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing) 11.6 DWGNO 图号 Drawing number11.7 DWGI 所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 List of material11.9 MTO 汇料 Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录 Appendix11.11 JOB. No. 工号 Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design data 11.14 REV. No. 修改号 Recision number11.15 REFDWG 参考图 Reference drawing11.16 SC 采样接口 Sample connection12 操作方式及工作参数编号缩写中文名称英文名称12.1 AUT 自动 Automatic12.2 ML 手动 Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作 Chain operated12.4 CSC 铅封关 Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开 Car seal open12.6 LC 锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开 Lock open12.8 NC 正常关 Normally close12.9 NO 正常开 Normally open12.10 ATM 大气压 Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力 Nominal pressure12.12 A 绝压12.13 G 表压12.14 (T) 温度 Temperature12.15 (P) 压力 Pressure13 施工编号缩写中文名称英文名称13.1 W 焊接 Welding13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion welding13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT 热处理 Heat treatment13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual examination13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test)13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) 13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field faricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out13.3.19 ANNY 退火 Annealed13.4 PE 平端面 Plain end13.5 BE 坡口端 Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹 Thread13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度14 其他编号缩写中文名称英文名称14.1 FDN 基础 Foundation14.2 INF 信息(资料) Information14.3 REF 参考 Reference14.4 REV 修改 Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序) Sequence14.6 W/E 设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来 With instrument14.8 CM 色标 Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowance14.10 UTL 公用系统 Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头 Utility connection14.12 QTY 数量 Quantity14.13 WT 重量 Weight14.14 MHR 工时 Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circle14.16 HP 高点 High point14.17 LP 低点 Low point14.18 SUC 吸入(口) Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread 14.23 DR 排液 Drain14.24 VT 放气 Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating14.26 CL 等级 Class14.27 SMLS 无缝 Seamless14.28 螺旋缝。
英语日常用语——工艺管道PROCESS PIPING1 The design of the process piping is performed directly ona model of the project.工艺配管的设计是直接按照工程项目的一个模型完成的。
2 The model is an actual working tool for piping.模型是配管用的实际工具。
3 Piping erection work include: prefabrication, placing, aligning, welding and bolting.管道安装工作包括:预制加工、安置、对准、焊接和连接。
4 Our piping prefabrication workshop covers a total area of 1000m2.我们的管道预制加工厂拥有一千平方米的面积。
5 We can perform the pipe by following operations: cutting and mechanical chamfering, manual and automatic welding.我们可以对管子进行下列预制加工:切割和机械加工坡口,手工和自动焊接等。
6 The computer generates isometric drawings and prints out bill of materials.计算机绘出管道空视图,并打印出材料明细表。
7 We shall complete the manhour requirements for the site fabrication (site erection ) of this drawing.我们将制订这张图纸现场制作(现场安装)所需的工时条件。
8 Seamless steel tube is made in sizes for 1/8 to 24 inches.无缝钢管制作的尺寸从八分之一寸到二十四寸。
管道专业英语解释及法兰形式1. 管道材料:包括金属管材、塑料管材、陶瓷管材等。
例如,metal piping(金属管道),plastic piping(塑料管道)等。
2. 管道安装与维修:涉及到管道的安装、拆卸、维修和保养等方面的词汇。
例如,pipe installation(管道安装),pipe maintenance(管道维修)等。
3. 管道连接方式:包括焊接、螺纹连接、法兰连接等。
例如,welded joint(焊接接头),threaded joint(螺纹接头)等。
4. 管道设备与工具:涉及到用于管道安装、维修和检测的设备和工具。
例如,pipe cutter(管道切割机),pipe bender(管道弯曲机)等。
5. 管道系统:包括供水系统、排水系统、暖通系统等。
例如,water supply system(供水系统),drainage system(排水系统)等。
6. 管道标准与规范:涉及到管道的设计、生产、安装和使用方面的标准和规范。
例如,pipe standards(管道标准),pipespecifications(管道规范)等。
7. 管道测量与检测:包括用于管道测量和检测的仪器和方法。
例如,pipe measurement(管道测量),pipe inspection(管道检测)等。
法兰形式主要有以下几种:1. 平焊法兰(Flat face flange):平焊法兰是指两个法兰面是完全平行的,没有凸起或凹陷。
2. 凸缘斜焊法兰(Raised face flange):凸缘斜焊法兰是在管道法兰面上加工了一定的斜角,使螺栓连接变得更牢固。
3. 舌形法兰(Tongue and groove flange):舌形法兰是指法兰面上有舌和沟槽相互嵌合,可以防止法兰在管道连接中的滑动和旋转。
油气田建设工程汉英常用分类词汇一、管道工程Pipeline Engineering首站initial station末站last station门站gate station分输站off-take station压缩机站compressor station管沟trench对口line up下沟low in法兰flange弯管机pipe bender大小头reducer偏心大小头eccentric reducer堆管场pipe yard布管string绝缘dope; coat & wrap汇管manifold增压站booster station计量站meter station盲板blind倒链chain block标高elevation跨越overhead crossing穿越crossing支线lateral阀井valve pit阀室valve chamber空压站air compressor绝缘检漏仪holiday detector喷灯burner管道施工队spread管道施工队长spread superintendent施工作业带right of way回填backfilling地貌恢复rehab连头tie in测量survey施工便道access road管道施工通道pipeline construction roadway临时堆管场temporary stockpile area地貌恢复reinstatement配管piping工艺管process piping管沟挖掘机trencher铺管机sideboom管架pipe carrier割管器pipe cutter膨胀接头expansion joint清管器pig; go-devil管钳pipe spanner管道吹扫pipeline purging作业带清理clearing right of way挖土方soil excavation湿土moist soil淤泥mud水下土方soil under water水下石方rock under water土方回填soil backfill石方回填rock backfill细土回填fine soil backfill土方临时堆放soil temporary relocation石方外运(运距10km)rock disposal (within a ten kilometer radius) 刨石方rip rock爆破石方blast rock三层聚乙烯普通级防腐3-layer polythene ordinary coating布管string pipe冷弯管cold bend热弯管hot bend制作、安装冷弯管make and install cold bend补口补伤coat welds and repair pipe coating开挖穿越公路excavate road crossing顶混凝土套管穿公路push concrete casing road crossing横钻孔机钻孔穿公路horizontal drilling machine drill road crossing 定向钻穿越河流directional drill river crossing开挖穿越河流excavate river crossing隧道穿越河流micro-tunneling river隧道穿越山体micro-tunneling hill穿越地下管道pipe crossing underground pipeline穿越地下电缆pipe crossing underground cable水工保护hydraulic protection河流护岸river bank protection河流护底riverbed protection坡地截水墙slope water retaining wall坡地挡土墙slope retaining wall护坡slope protection排水沟drain线路截断阀室(站)line block valve chamber (station) 线路分输阀室(站)line off-take valve chamber (station) 线路岸边阀室(站)line bank valve chamber (station)标志桩maker peg固定墩(50t) anchor pile (50t thrust)拆迁楼房removal buildings拆迁平房removal Bungalow拆迁牲蓄棚removal livestock shed稻田Paddy field鱼塘fishpond菜地vegetable land草坪lawn苗圃nursery果林fruit trees香蕉林banana garden荔枝林Lichee trees橘子林orange trees山林mountain forest阴极保护cathodic protection清管pigging试压testing干燥drying联合试运commissioning管道巡线员pipeline walker管线pipeline管件pipe fittings三通tee弯头bend; elbow对管器lineup clamp风动对管器pneumatic lineup clamp内对管器internal lineup clamp外对管器external lineup clamp(穿越时)顶管pipe driving短管pipe junction二、焊接工程Welding Engineering坡口焊groove welding手工电弧焊manual arc welding氩弧焊argon arc welding下向焊downward welding technique电焊条electrode无损检测non-destructive inspection裂纹crack焊接电流welding current焊道pass点焊spot welding定位点焊tack welding焊接缺陷weld defect焊逢金属weld metal电焊钳electrode holder电焊导线welding lead焊工手套welding glove接地夹earthing clamp钢丝刷wire brush面罩welder’s helmet黑玻璃welding glass对焊butt welding仰焊overhead position welding气体保护焊gas shielded arc welding埋弧焊union-melt welding电焊机welding machine咬边undercut超声波探伤ultrasonic flaw detection & instrumental 测量survey施工便道access road三、电气,仪表工程Electrical Engineering变电所power substation整流器rectifier继电器relay万用表avometer变压器transformer偏压bias阳极anode线圈coil检波器detector三极管triode晶体管transistor反馈feedback增益gain电感inductance并联parallel相位phase扫描scan信号signal接线柱terminal仪表用风instrument air仪表回路instrument loop流量开关flow switch校表calibration供风管线air supply piping配电盘control panel; switch board 电流计galvanometer box配电箱distribution box电枢armature阴极cathode放大器amplifier电容器condenser二极管diode失真distortion调频frequency modulation阻抗impedance绝缘子insulator串联series射频radio frequency短路short circuit三相开关tee示波器oscilloscope仪表电源instrument power仪表布置instrument layout配管及仪表(流程)P & I (piping & instrument) 空气短路器air circuit breaker面积流量计area flow meter四、机械工程Mechanical Engineering机床machine tool车床lathe镗床milling machine磨床grinding machine刨床planer钻床drilling machine内燃机internal combustion engine 皮带轮pulley皮带belt三角皮带v-belt滚珠轴承ball bearing齿轮gear曲轴crank shaft活塞piston套筒sleeve凸轮cam公差tolerance大修overhaul五、土建工程Civil Engineering 图纸drawings平面图plan立面图elevation plan大样detail夯实ramming建筑面积building area马赛克mosaic踢脚skirting board缸砖quarry tile脚手架scaffolding梁beam过梁lintel檩条purling屋顶roof楼梯平台landing油毛毡asphalt sheet沥青asphalt防潮层damp course基础foundation构件member桩pile女儿墙parapet wall瓷砖ceramic tile水磨石terrazzo柱column砖石工程masonry截面cross section预应力混凝土prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 预制混凝土precast concrete现浇混凝土cast concrete测量survey跨度span砂浆mortar水泥砂浆cement mortar灰缝mortar joint油漆paint挡土墙retaining wall外圈梁outside stringer便道makeshift road塔式起重机tower crane混凝土搅拌机concrete mixer混凝土震捣器concrete vibrator六、人员,工种Personnel , Category总经理general manager项目经理project manager现场经理site manager总工程师chief engineer主任工程师principal engineer领队superintendent土建工程师civil engineer电气工程师electrical engineer机械工程师mechanical engineer焊接工程师welding engineer仪表工程师instrument engineer会计师accountant翻译(口译)interpreter翻译(笔译)translator助理工程师junior engineer监工supervisor工(头)长foreman管工pipe fitter电焊工welder起重工rigger砂轮工grinder普通电工electrician仪表电工instrument electrician 绝缘工insulator机修工mechanic仪表工instrument fitter钳工fitter木工carpenter钢筋工bar bender车工turner铆工riveter铣工miller刨工planner泥瓦工mason吊车司机crane driver橱师cook七、施工设备Construction Equipment 履带式推土机crawler bulldozer履带式挖掘机crawler excavator履带式装载机crawler loader轮式装载机wheel loader拖式铲运机towed scraper履带式吊车crawler crane叉车fort lift拖拉机tractor钻孔机piercing machine坡口机beveling machine发电机组generator unit绞车winch自卸车dump truck油罐车tank car打桩机pile hammer顶管机pipe pusher运管拖车pipe hauling trailer平地机grader面包车minibus皮卡(小货)车pickup (truck)工具车window van大客车coach八、常用工具,零配件等Tools, Spare Parts, etc. 锤子hammer扳手spanner手钳pliers改刀screw driver钢锯hacksaw老虎钳vice气泡水平尺spirit level扁铲flat chisel手动板牙hand die冲头center punch十字改刀cross point screw driver手虎钳hand vice卡尺caliper丝攻screw tap角尺try square砂轮机grinder电烙铁soldering iron砂轮grinding wheel砂纸sand paper千分尺micrometer游标卡尺vernier锉刀file铲shovel螺栓bolt螺母nut角钢angle工字钢I-beam槽钢U-steel护目镜goggles安全帽safety helmet氧气瓶oxygen cylinder木材timber水泥cement汽油gasoline柴油diesel九、其他Miscellaneous夜班night (dog) shift加班overtime work考勤表work attendance活动房caravan空调器air conditioner救护车anbulance设备材料名称equipment and material钢管steel pipes聚乙烯三层结构3-layer compound polyethylene气液联动阀pneumatic-hydraulic combined valve电动阀门motor-operated valve手动球阀manual operated spherical valve安全阀safety valve针性阀needle valve闸阀gate valve电动调节阀motor-operated regulating valve安全切断阀safety isolating valve温度测量仪表instrument for temperature measurement 温度变送器temperature transducer压力测量仪表instrument for pressure measurement压力表manometer智能型压力变送器intelligent pressure transducer差压变送器pressure difference transducer流量测量仪表flow metering instrument气体超声流量计gas ultrasonic flow meter流量计算机flow computer分析仪表instrument for analysis气相色谱分析仪gas chromatograph analyzed自动采样系统automatic sampling system调压计量箱metering box for pressure regulation可燃气体报警器flammable gas annunciator可燃气体探测器flammable gas detector便携式可燃气体探测器portable flammable gas detector清管指示器pigging indicator火灾探测器fire detector火灾报警器fire annunciator效验仪表checking instrumentSCADA系统SCADA system服务器server操作员工作站operator workstation泄漏检测工作站leak detection workstation工程师工作站engineer workstation经理终端manager terminal便携式计算机portable computer站控系统网络设备net equipment of station control system调度控制中心网络设备net equipment of dispatch and control center激光打印机laser printer彩色激光打印机color laser printer点阵打印机dot-matrix printer打印终端printing terminal投影机projector机柜cabinetPLC柜PLC cabinet操作台penalRTU机柜RTU cabinet软件softwareSCADA系统软件SCADA system software服务器操作系统软件software for server operation systemMMI操作系统软件MMI operation system software泄漏检测软件leak detection software网络管理软件net management software人机界面组态软件software for man-machine interface configurationPLC编程软件PLC programming softwareRTU软件RTU software系统组态及调试system configuration and debuggingSCADA系统组态及调试SCADA system configuration and debugging人机界面应用软件组态及调试configuration and debugging of man-machine interfaceapplication softwarePLC应用软件编制及调试PLC application software programming and debuggingRTU应用软件编制及调试RTU application software programming and debugging变压器transformer燃气发电机组gas-fired generating set小型燃气发电机组small gas-fired generating set低压开关柜low-voltage switchgear电涌保护器surge protector架空线路aerial line10KV高压电缆线路10KV high-voltage cable line低压电力电缆low-voltage power cable控制电缆control cable接地装置grounding unit工业电视部分industrial TV part全天侯防爆摄象机video camera with weatherproof explosion protection防爆预置位平台explosion protection pre-location platform全天侯解码器weatherproof decoder压力球型摄象机pressure spherical camera视频编解码器(2M端门)video frequency programming and decoder (2M ports)视频控制矩阵(含32路输入,8路输出)video frequency control matrix (including 32-way inputand 80 way output)16路数字移动报警器16-way digital mobile annunciator彩色双工16画面分割器(带硬盘录象)color dual 16-image picture divider21英寸监视器(450线)21in monitor (450 ways)多CPU选择器multi-CPU selector多接口单元multi-port unit电源配电箱distribution box of power supply控制台control panel电视墙TV wall安装材料(线缆接头及主材附件)installation material (cable joints and other main fittings)光通信部分optical communication part光缆optical cable终端站155M设备155M equipment in terminal station分路站155M设备155M equipment in dispatching station终端站622M设备622M equipment in terminal station分路站622M设备622M equipment in dispatching station多业务光传输设备MSTP综合业务接入设备(各站)comprehensive input equipment (each station)安装材料installation material工具tools电源设备power supply equipment100调度交换机100 dispatching exchangers锅炉boiler天然气换热器gas heat exchanger清管设备(包括快开盲板等)pigging equipment (including quick-open blind plate)清管发送装置pigging launcher清管接收装置pigging receiver清管三通pigging straight tee清管球spherical pigs工艺设备process part分离过滤器separating filter汇气管header绝缘接头insulating joint输气站用管件fittings for gas station仪表阀instrument valve站内防腐材料coating materials used in station序号item No.项目名称description of items单位unit数量amount单价unit price合价total price石油勘探PETROLEUM EXPLORATION 石油聚集petroleum accumulation 断层露头fault outcrop地层倾角angle of bedding重力异常gravity anomaly台背斜;陆背斜auteclise背斜anticline区域背斜regional anticline砂屑岩arenyte泥质岩argillite长石砂岩arkose断层盆地fault basin湖盆lake basin海盆sea basin沉积盆地sedimentary basin生物碎屑岩bioclastic天然沥青natural bitumen石灰岩limestone等厚图isopach map地质图geological map气田gas field油田oil field地层超复stratigraphic overlap地蜡earth wax岩石的导电性conductivity of rocks长石砾岩arkose conglomerate地层对比stratigraphic correlation 地质剖面geological section陆坡沉积aktian deposit陆相沉积continental deposit近海沉积offshore deposit岩性油藏lithologic deposit海相沉积marine deposit深海沉积pelagic deposit层壮油藏stratified deposit地震检波器seismic detector不整合unconformity区域不整合regional unconformity 地层划分stratigraphic division 白云岩;白云石dolomite背斜穹窿anticlinal dome地质资料geological data地层厚度thickness of bed储量估计estimation of reserves 普查reconnaissance survey 地质调查geological survey陆相continental facies三角洲相delta facies海相marine facies断层fault构造圈闭;构造闭合度closure of structure围岩;相邻地层adjacent formation礁灰岩reef limestone含油层oil-bearing formation 钻井勘探prospect drilling新区预探钻井new field wildcatting 化石fossil含气gas bearing区域向斜;地向斜regional syncline油层oil reservoir构造油藏structural oil pool断层阶地fault bench重力仪gravimeter砂岩sandstone标准层structure indicator油苗oil seepage气苗gas seepage等厚线isopach磁力仪magnetometer断块fault block地震勘探法seismic method石油运移petroleum migration 毫伽milligal地壳运动earth movement反射波refection wave折射波refraction wave地震波seismic wave有机岩organolite石油生成petroleum origin圈闭trap向斜圈闭synclinal trap地层褶皱stratigraphic fold石油显示标志evidence of oil occurence 地球物理勘探geophysical prospecting磁力勘探magnetic prospecting电阻率法勘探resistivity prospecting放射性勘探radioactivity prospecting 气井gas well油井oil well油页岩pyroshale石油储量petroleum reserves可能储量possible reserves远景石油储量prospective oil reserves探明储量proved reserves可采储量recoverable reserves不渗透层impermeable bed岩石基体;生油岩层rock matrix ; source rock 变质岩metamorphic rock可渗透岩层permeable rock火成岩pyrogenetic rock再生岩regenerated rock储集层岩石reservoir rock砂质岩arenaceous rock沉积岩sedimentary rock油砂oil sand构造剖面structure section沉积sedimentation沉积层序sequence of sedimentation 地震仪seismograph磁带地震仪magnetic tape seismograph 储油构造reservoir structure地质变迁geological change褶皱带belt of folded strata石油钻井petroleum drilling扣上;扣好吊卡latch-on井架工derrickman岩心分析core analysis水龙头提环swivel bail钻井设备;钻机drilling rig双根double shaft单根single shaft粘土clay压井killing a well泥浆池slush pit ; mud pit清洗井底bottom hole scavenging重晶石barite膨润土bentonite钻头bit打印模impression block防喷器blowout preventer (BOP) 水基泥浆water-base mud油基泥浆oil-base mud低固相泥浆low-solids mud在用泥浆active mud钻井泥浆drilling mud盐水泥浆brine mud乳化泥浆emulsion mud油侵泥浆oil-cut mud气侵泥浆gas-cut mud钻头泥包bit balling起下各类钻井柱或管stringing沙桥阻卡bridge-up死绳dead line猫头cat head猫头绳cat line导绳guideline游动钢丝绳rotary line钻井速度drilling rate空气包air chamber取岩心;取心钻进coring ; core drilling井壁取心side-wall coring岩心core方钻杆补心Kelly bushings K.B传动链条罩drive chain guard转盘链条罩rotary drive guard套管casing套管扶正器centralizer保险链safety chain缓冲室surge chamber钻井领班;钻井技师toolpusher胶质水泥bentonite cement多级注水泥many-staged cementing挤水泥squeeze job泥浆管线mud circuit , mud manifold 立管stand pipe打捞筒overshot射孔系数perforation coefficient鹅颈管goose neck总管;井口连接器manifold , wellhead connector 油层套管;采油套管oil string ; long string割缝衬管slotted liner完成completion多层完井multiple completion衬管完成liner completion永久完井permanent completion上水(吸水)管线suction line大钩rotary hook套管柱casing string钻井岩屑drilling cuttings井架斜拉筋derrick brace开钻spudding in拆卸钻机rigging down旁通管by-bass井架derrick松扣breakout测井logging声波测井acoustic logging感应测井induction logging密度测井density logging井径测井caliper logging水泥胶结测井图bond logging测井图;测井曲线borehole logging电测井electrical logging中子测井neutron logging放射性测井radioactivity logging核子测井nuclear logging吊卡elevators泥封to mud off井架横拉筋girt钻井队drilling crew井距spacing of wells钻杆测试drill stem test定向井造斜building angle电法勘探;电测井electrical survey开采exploitation提取extraction人字架gin pole钻井drilling初探井wild cat电钻钻井electrical drilling冲击钻井percussion drilling旋转钻井rotary drilling转盘补心master bushing水力刹车hydraulic brake钻杆柱drill string泥浆槽mud return ditch入扣to stab胶粘土gumbo标准层;对比层reference horizon井斜borehole inclination井队长drilling super-intendent 注水泥浆cement injection密度测井仪densilog instrument井喷blowout无控制的井喷blow wild刃;钻头刮刀blade供水管线water supply line高压井口注泥浆管fill-up line泥浆返出管mud returned line套管柱liner井位选定location of wells防喷器密封件ram全封式防喷器的闸板blind rams泥浆搅拌漏斗mud mixing hopper水龙带rotary hose钻铤drill collar泥浆枪mud gun声速测井图acousitic velocity log下钻测井深measure in起钻测井深measure out密度-中子测井法density-neutron method 安装钻机rigging up井架大腿derrick leg微晶高岭土;蒙脱石montmorillonite钻井动力机drilling engine天车crown block游动滑车traveling block紧急密封装置emergency seal assembly 喷射式钻头jetbit牙轮钻头roller bit金刚石钻头diamond bit钻具drilling tools封隔器packer井场管架pipe rack“狗腿”(弯拐井段)dogleg钻入;打开生产层drilling in射孔;穿孔perforation指重表weight indicator钻台derrick floor二层台runaround动力机台engine platform钻压bit weight落鱼;井中落物fish泥浆泵mud pump水灰比water-cement ratio钻压(水力给进加压)bit thrust柱状剖面columnar section进尺drilling footage总井深total depth最优化钻井程序optimized drilling program 钻井日进尺daily drilling progress井well废井abandoned well邻井;毗邻井adjoining well初探浅井trial pit探井exploratory well扩边井;扩展井;甩开井stepout well生产井;出油井producing well偏斜井;定向井deviating well定向井directional well非生产井duster干井dry well钻杆接头tool joint四通cross tee连管节;活接头;由壬union井架的坡板ramp substructure套管修补casing patch钻井日志driller’s log钻速记录rate-of- penetration log钻井日报表daily drilling report泥浆回收mud recirculation钻头给进bit feed井温测量well temperature survey灌泥浆filling the hole循环液的漏失lose returns管端顿粗upset大捞fishing套管鞋casing shoe导管鞋guide shoe坍塌slough屈服值yield value侧钻side tracking造斜器whipstock井架大腿底板base plate司钻driller井架底座derrick substructure卡瓦打捞筒bowl slip-socket稳定器stabilizer套管支撑系统casing support system井架天台车water table转盘rotary table震动式泥浆筛shale shaker氢氟酸仪测斜acid-dip survey地层测验器formation tester水龙头swivel井口wellhead套管头casing head方钻杆kelly钻杆drill rod井漏leakage泥浆处理treatment of mud钻头bit , drilling bit刮刀钻头drag type bit取心钻头core bit绞车draw work小鼠洞mouse hole鼠洞rathole套管casing技术套管protection casing表层套管surface casing岩心筒core barrel导管conductor pipe涡轮钻井turbodrilling阀valve井口控制阀门cellar control gate生产总闸门master gate视粘度apparent viscosity塑性粘度plastic viscosity射孔层段perforated zone油气开采oil and gas production 支撑剂proppant ; propping agent 乳化剂emulsifying agent稠化剂;增稠剂thickening agent压裂液break down agent ;fracturing fluid表面活性剂surface active agent颗粒分析;粒径分析grain size analysis井口采油装置;采油树Christmas tree油层清扫(系数)reservoir sweep桶/天barrels per day (bpd)地沥青asphaltic bitumen暂时性堵塞temporary plug高含硫量的原油high sulfur crude含硫原油sour crude环烷基原油naphtenic crude含蜡原油waxy crude储量计算calculation of reserves泵输生产率;泵排量pumping capacity开采速度;产率;产量producing rate最终产量ultimate capacity油田oil field气田gas field水驱油田water-controlled field火烧油层;原地燃烧combustion in-situ压气机gas compressor压缩性;压缩系数compressibility岩层压缩性formation compressibility凝析气gas condensate见水井排breakthrough pattern碳酸盐含量carbonate content石油收缩oil shrinkage薄油层oil sheet压力恢复曲线pressure build-up curve压降曲线;产量下降曲线draw-down curve泵冲程pumping stroke刮蜡片;刮蜡器paraffin knife临界凝析压力cricondenbar麻花钻头auger bit达西darcy吸水能力;吸水速度water-intake rate油井日产量daily flow流速计;流量表flow meter浸酸;pickling驱动drive火烧驱油;火驱combustion drive富化气驱动enriched gas drive混相驱油miscible displacement of reservoir oil ; miscible drive 热力驱油thermal drive抽油井架pumping derrick相图;相态图phase diagram压力差pressure differential气水混合驱动combination gas and water drive内能消耗方式驱动depletion drive重力泄油gravity drainage气顶驱动gas-cap drive溶解气驱solution gas drive水驱water drive边水驱动edge water drive重力驱动segregation drive油咀;喷油咀bean共生水;伴生水associated water束缚水;间隙水;化合水combined water(油层下部的)底水basal water边水edge water底水,油罐的底水bottom water地层水formation water束缚水irreducible water束缚水;结合水bound water矿化水mineralized water原生水;初生水primary water井底样品bottom hole sample取样sampling回声仪echo sounder(水)驱油效率flushing efficiency乳化液;乳状液emulsion底漆;第一层漆priming coat相平衡phase equilibrium修井设备workover equipment示踪测井tracer survey清蜡;除蜡paraffin removal关井shut in ( a well )封水;堵水shutoff洗井液;替置液flush fluid粘弹性流体viscoelastic fluid多孔隙地层porous formation溶解气gas in solution湿气;富气wet gas游离气free gas残余气residual gas滞留气retained gas井网;布井方案pattern of wells生产层,产油层producing horizon ; oil-yielding stratum残油;渣油residual oil滞留油retained oil芬香烃aromatic hydrocarbon环烷烃cycloparaffinic hydrocarbon石蜡族烃;烷属烃paraffinic hydrocarbon边水侵入edge water incursion原油采收率producible oil index采油指数productivity factor (index)混相段塞驱动solution flood醇类驱油(法)alcohol flooding注水water injection ; water flooding注气gas injection生产井段;采油层段producing interval地层岩性formation lithology修井机;井下作业机service machine压力计pressure gauge水力压裂法penetrating fluid method强化增产法stimulation method润湿性wettability优先润湿preferential wettability浸酸作业pickling operation油层动态performance of the reservoir渗透性;渗透率permeability有效渗透率effective permeability相对渗透率relative permeability沥青基石油asphalt base petroleum深井泵的气锚gas anchor临界点critical point泡点bubble point冷凝点;露点condensation point露点dew point沉没泵;深井泵drowned pump ; bottom pump孔隙率porosity油井生产潜力well’s potential采收率percentage recovery ; output factor 油层枯竭压力abandonment pressure井底压力bottom hole pressure井底压裂压力bottom-hole fracturing pressure出油管压力flow line pressure饱和压力saturation pressure关井时套管头压力;关井井口压力well head pressure油层压力reservoir pressure关井压力closed-in pressure初始压力original pressure井底关井压力bhpsi (bottom-hole pressure shut-in) 泡沫驱油法foam-drive process酒精段塞驱油法alcohol-slug method采气;采气量gas production日产量;日输送量daily output机械采油mechanical production气举采油gas-lift production潜产量;最大产量potential production最终开采量ultimate production注水剖面;吸水剖面water injection profile油管下放深度tubing depth假塑性;拟塑性pseudo-plastic间歇自喷井surging well出砂油井sand well抽油井pumping well自喷油井gusher自喷井;自流井blow well水侵井;水淹井drowned well油管接箍tubing coupling流(动)度比mobility ratio油气比gas-oil ratio泄油半径drainage radius恢复油藏压力repressuring of oil-pool pressure凝析油开采condensate recovery注水采油;注水采油量water flood recovery初次开采;一次开采primary recovery热力采油thermal recovery总开采量;最终开采量ultimate recovery天然气回注gas recycling驱油成带banking修理;油井大修workover修井;油井修理well repair储集层;油层reservoir衰竭的油(气)层depleted reservoir流动阻力flow resistance原始储量primary reserves油井大修top overhaul储油砂岩reservoir sandstone储油(或气)岩石reservoir rock支撑砂propping sand脱气gas-free含水饱和率water saturation含油饱和率oil saturation油水分离器oil-water separator注入井intake well自喷blowing油井爆炸squibbing强化stimulation油井增产措施stimulation of well核爆炸增产nuclear stimulation低产井;枯竭井stripper well井底温度bottom hole temperature压力恢复时间build-up time油层温度reservoir temperature含蜡量wax content含砂量sand content含硫量sulphur content界面张力interfacial tension系统试井well performance testing套管头casing head油管头tubing head抽油杆pumping rod深井泵的光杆polish rod修井钻机service rig起油管(或抽油杆的)装置pulling unit抽油杆柱string of rods压裂处理fracture treatment酸化压裂处理acid fracturing treatment酸化;酸处理acid treatment游梁式抽油机beam-pumping unit抽油机oil pumping unit生产阀门production valve套管阀门casing valve扫油面积sweep area井的泄油面积drainage area of well过渡带belt of transition生产层厚度;生产层段pay section油气储存和运输storage and transportation of oil and gas 储罐storage tank油桶oil drum油罐汽车tank truck滴油器oil feeder管道输送能力pipeline transmission capacity堵塞plugging细菌腐蚀bacterial corrosion阴极腐蚀cathodic corrosion脱乳demulsification维护maintenance干线加热炉trunk line heating furnace油罐灌满报警器telltale油罐区tank farm防腐油漆anticorrosive paint输油管道pipe line管道铺设pipe laying阴极防蚀cathodic protection管道吹洗;管道清扫pipeline purging净化purification防腐涂料anticorrosive coating脱气gas separation储气罐gas tank输油站transfer station泵站pumping station加压站booster station集油站;选油站gathering station原油库crude storage集输气storage and transportation of gas 集输油storage and transportation of oil 石油泵送系统oil pumping system自流输送系统gravity system防腐处理anticorrosive treatment污水处理sewage treatment管线通讯pipeline communication铁路油槽车tank wagon近海油田offshore field系泊系统;系泊用具moorings单点系泊single point mooring锚定anchor动力定位dynamic positioning禁止抛锚(区)anchorage prohibited供应船tender (vessel)潜水装置diving gear自动推进self-propelling自升式平底船self-elevating barge油驳船tank barge锚泊泊位;系泊浮筒处anchoring berth浮筒buoy单点系泊浮筒monobuoy出油管支撑浮筒flowline support buoy双体平底船catamaran , twin hull边际油田marginal field潜水钟diving bell油轮油舱tanker oil compartment升沉补偿器heave compensator运动补偿器motion compensator钻柱补偿器drillstring compensator出油管flow line人造卫星定位satellite fix可移动的装置mobile device抓斗式挖泥船clamshell dredger ; grapple dredger系泊设备mooring equipment潜水装备diving outfit系泊试验mooring trial活动连接轭articulated yoke挖掘机;挖沟机;抓斗式挖土机clamshell shovel近海勘探offshore exploration油轮队tanker fleet驳船钻井;浮船钻井barge drilling水下操作室underwater habitat导管架jacket伸缩接头telescopic joint ; slip joint挠性接头uniflex joint海底井口外壳subsea wellhead housing埋管机pipeline burying machine隔水导管紧轴riser mandrel浮箱装置buoyant modules大船井moonpool钻井船drilling ship储油生产船storage production vessel近海钻井作业offshore drilling operations五角平台pentagon油轮;油船oil ship ; tanker远洋油轮seagoing tanker穿梭运输油轮shuttle tanker海底管道;过海管道seagoing pipe line ; submerged pipeline 近海海底管线offshore pipeline大陆架continental shelf系泊平台mooring platform绳系浮动平台tethered buoyant platform自升式平台self-elevating platform ; jack-up platform 自足式平台self-contained platform悬臂式平台cantilever platform近海钻井设备;近海钻井平台offshore rig ; offshore drilling platform 采油平台production platform浮式采油平台floating production platform近海工作平台offshore work platform固定式海上平台fixed offshore platform浮式平台floating platform重力平台gravity platform坐底式平台bottom-supported platform半潜式钻井平台semi-submersible platform稳定平台stabilized platform潜水平台;坐底式水上平台submersible platform油驳;油船oil hulk ; oil barge动力定位dynamic positioning ; power locating边际生产marginal production滨外井;近海井offshore well水下油井subsea well“卫星式”水下井组satellite underwater well隔水导管连接器riser connector装油栈桥;灌油桥台oil loading rack撇油器oil skimmer干检修dry repair湿检修wet repair浮箱buoyancy tank水下油罐;地下油罐submerged tank隔水管riser浮筒系统SPAR abrev. Submersible pipe alignment rig 半浮筒系统semi-spar系索箍handling spider系泊系统;锚泊系统mooring system浮式钻井系统floating drilling system早期生产系统early production system浮式采油系统floating production system井口回接系统wellhead re-entry system海底遥控操作;遥控水下操作subsea telemanipulation隔水导管张紧器riser tensioner油轮装油码头tanker loading terminal储油生产转运站storage production terminal海洋转运油库ocean terminal浮船式钻井和作业两用钻机barge job系泊用绞车;锚索绞车mooring winch近海钻井装置offshore drilling unit钻井驳船;船载装置barge unit石油炼制petroleum refining丙酮acetone乙炔acetylene丙烯acrylonitrile醇;乙醇alcohol醛;乙醛aldehyde沥青pitch隔油池oil separation tank贮油罐storage tank苯benzene丁二烯butadiene丁烷butane丁烯butylene催化catalysis蜡wax石油焦petroleum coke催化装置coking unit填充塔packed column气提塔stripping tower蒸发塔evaporating column接触塔contact tower分馏塔fractionating column精馏塔rectifying tower冷凝塔condenser石油馏分petroleum cuts裂化cracking热裂化thermal cracking脱蜡dewaxing脱沥青de-asphalting脱水dehydration脱氢dehydrogenation脱硫desulfurization脱硫塔desulfurizer原油拔头蒸馏topping真空分馏vacuum distillation热交换器exchanger乳化emulsification炼油设备refining equipment汽油petrol ; gasoline抗爆汽油anti-knock gasoline乙烷ethane石油醚petroleum ether乙胺ethylamine乙烯ethylene乙二醇ethylene glycol提取extraction芳香烃抽提aromatic hydrocarbon extraction 甲醛formaldehyde蒸馏釜still。
1. Construction - 施工2. Project - 项目3. Engineer - 工程师4. Contractor - 承包商5. Architect - 建筑师6. Supervisor - 监理7. Blueprint - 建筑图纸8. Foundation - 基础9. Column - 柱子10. Beam - 梁11. Slab - 楼板12. Wall - 墙体13. Roof - 屋顶14. Floor - 地板15. Ceiling - 天花板16. Flooring - 地板材料17. Partition - 墙隔断18. Stairs - 楼梯19. Elevator - 电梯20. Door - 门21. Window - 窗户22. HVAC - 供暖、通风和空调系统23. Electrical - 电气24. Plumbing - 给排水25. Concrete - 混凝土26. Steel - 钢筋27. Reinforcement - 砼加固28. Grout - 填缝料29. Trench - 挖沟30. Excavation - 挖掘31. Backfill - 回填32. Foundation excavation - 基础挖掘33. Foundation trench - 基础沟槽34. Footing - 承台35. Piling - 桩基36. Soil - 土壤37. Grading - 土方平整38. Compaction - 压实39. Drainage - 排水40. Drainage system - 排水系统41. Pipeline - 管道42. Pipe - 管子43. Valve - 阀门44. Faucet - 水龙头45. Faucet installation - 水龙头安装46. Pump - 泵47. Electrical installation - 电气安装48. Lighting - 照明49. Socket - 插座50. Cable - 电缆51. Transformer - 变压器52. Generator - 发电机53. Welding - 焊接54. Cutting - 切割55. Drilling - 钻孔56. Grinding - 磨削57. Sawing - 锯切58. Painting - 涂装59. Waterproofing - 防水60. Insulation - 隔热以上单词只是工程施工中常见的一部分,实际应用中还会遇到更多专业术语。
铁路、航空、水路、管道、公路 专业英语
![铁路、航空、水路、管道、公路 专业英语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/730515e8d0f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a7303766c7c.png)
题目:铁路、航空、水路、管道、公路专业英语解析1. 先容:铁路:railway航空:aviation水路:waterway管道:pipeline公路:highway2. 铁路的专业英语解析:- 铁路系统:railway system- 铁路建设:railway construction- 铁路运输:rail transportation- 铁路维护:railway maintenance- 铁路交通:railway traffic3. 航空的专业英语解析:- 航空公司:airline- 航空运输:air transportation- 航空安全:aviation safety- 航空工程:aviation engineering- 航空管理:aviation management4. 水路的专业英语解析:- 水路航行:waterway navigation- 水路运输:water transportation- 水路工程:waterway engineering- 水路开发:waterway development- 水路管理:waterway management5. 管道的专业英语解析:- 石油管道:oil pipeline- 天然气管道:natural gas pipeline- 管道工程:pipeline engineering- 管道运输:pipeline transportation- 管道设计:pipeline design6. 公路的专业英语解析:- 公路建设:highway construction- 公路交通:road traffic- 公路规划:road planning- 公路网:road network- 公路安全:road safety总结:通过本文对铁路、航空、水路、管道、公路专业英语的解析,我们可以更好地理解在相关领域的专业术语,为日常学习和工作提供了便利。
Pipeline和Piping区别管道和仪表流程图Pipeline and Instrument Diagram(P&ID)管道布置图piping layout管道平面布置图piping plot-plan石油工程英语中pipeline有管线、管道的意思,piping也有管道、管系的意思,pipeline与piping在上面的举例中似乎是习惯用词,那么是否可以互换呢?国外设计公司专业分得很细,pipeline和piping是两个专业,可以认为是管道专业和配管专业,这是分工合作不可互换的。
pipeline多指石油天然气的(长距离)运输管道,piping指管道系统,多见piping system,plant多指成套设备或整个设施(比如核电站nuclear power plant,coal fire power plant火电站),equipment是单一设备的意思,与plant相比范围比较小,体积比较小。
2、pipe是符合ASNI B36.10和B36.19(用于不锈钢)所列公称尺寸的圆形截面的tube,它的直径用NPS号表示,NPS号与实际外径是不一致的,如NPS8其外径是8.625英寸。
管子壁厚用schedule No.表示,同一NPS号可以有各种Sch.No.。
因此,tube和pipe 的基本差别是制造所依据的尺寸标准。
第三,无论tube 还是pipe都是指材料生产厂生产出的原材料。
3.1 管子 pipe 一般为长度远大于直径的圆筒体,是管道的主要组成部分。 3.2 管道(管路) piping (pipe line) 由管子、管件、阀门等连接成的,输送流体或传递流体压力的通道口。 3.3 管道系统(管系) piping system 单独一组设计条件相互联系的管道。 3.4 管道组成件 piping components 连接或装配成管道系统的元件,包括管子、管件、法兰、阀门、支撑件以及补偿器等。 3.5 管子表号 pipe schedule number 工作压力与工作温度下的管子材料许用应力的比值乘以一个系数,并经圆整后的数值,是表征管子壁厚系 列的代号。 3.6 无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 钢坯经穿孔轧制或拉制成的管子,以及用浇注方法制成的管子。 3.7 有缝钢管 seamed steel pipe 由钢板、钢带等卷制,经焊接而成的管子。 3.7.1 电阻焊接钢管 electric-resistance-welded steel pipe 具有纵向对接焊缝的钢管,利用管子的电阻热经加压将预先成型的管坯焊合而成。 3.7.2 电熔焊接钢管 ①“正常操作过程”是相对意外事故而言的,但包括允许的波动、再生情况。 electric-fusion-welded steel pipe 具有纵向对接焊缝的钢管,利用人工或自动电弧焊将预先成型的管坯焊合而成。 3.7.3 双面埋弧焊接钢管 double submerged -arc welded steel pipe 具有纵向对接焊缝的钢管,利用埋弧焊双面焊接而成。 3.7.4 螺旋焊缝钢管 spiral welded steel pipe 用卷材制成的、焊缝为螺旋形的钢管。 3.7.5 镀锌焊接钢管 galvanized welded steel pipe 管壁镀锌的焊接钢管。
Pipeline Engineering Construction EnglishPipeline engineering is a vital industry that is essential for the transportation of various fluids, such as oil, natural gas, water, and other chemicals. The construction of pipelines involves a complex process, and effective communication is crucial for the successful completion of a project. In order to facilitate smooth communication, it is essential for all stakeholders involved in the pipeline engineering construction process to have a good understanding of construction-related English terminology.The first step in the pipeline construction process is the planning and design phase. This involves the assessment of the route, the determination of the pipeline size, and the selection of the appropriate materials. During this phase, engineers and construction workers need to communicate effectively to ensure that the design specifications are met. Some of the key terms used in this phase include route survey, pipeline design, material specification, and pressure rating.Once the planning and design phase is complete, the construction phase begins. This involves the excavation of the trench, the placement of the pipeline, and the backfilling of the trench. During this phase, it is important for construction workers to communicate about the progress of the project, any issues that may arise, and the safety of the crew. Some of the key terms used in this phase include trenching, pipeline laying, jointing, and backfilling.After the pipeline is constructed, it needs to be tested to ensure that it is functioning correctly. This involves pressure testing, leak testing, and flow testing. During this phase, engineers and construction workers need to communicate about the test results and any necessary adjustments that need to be made. Some of the key terms used in this phase include pressure test, leak test, flow test, and valve operation.Once the pipeline is operational, it needs to be maintained and monitored to ensure its longevity and safety. This involves regular inspections, maintenance work, and repairs. During this phase, engineers and construction workers need to communicate about the condition of thepipeline, any necessary maintenance work, and any potential safety concerns. Some of the key terms used in this phase include inspection, maintenance, repair, and safety audit.In addition to the technical terminology, effective communication in pipeline engineering construction also requires a good understanding of English grammar and sentence structure. This is important for the clear and concise communication of instructions, safety procedures, and project specifications. Some of the key grammatical concepts that are important in construction communication include verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and prepositions.In conclusion, effective communication is crucial for the successful completion of a pipeline engineering construction project. A good understanding of construction-related English terminology and grammatical concepts is essential for the communication between engineers, construction workers, and other stakeholders. By improving their English language skills, all stakeholders can work together more effectively to ensure the safe and efficient construction, operation, and maintenance of pipelines.。
06 5管道工程英语词汇(按工作分类编制) 1
![06 5管道工程英语词汇(按工作分类编制) 1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/976114bf19e8b8f67d1cb939.png)
管道施工英语词汇手册EnglishNomenclatorforPipelineConstruction目录Catalogue第一章线路施工MainlineConstruction1、焊接、防腐补口Welding,FieldJointCoating2.技术资料和图纸TechnicalDataInformationandDrawings3.材料和管件MaterialandPipepiece4.管沟开挖、下沟和回填Trenching,Lowering-inandBackfilling第二章无损检测NonDestructiveTesting(NDT)1.无损检测NonDestructiveTesting(NDT)2.射线检测RadiographyTesting(RT)3.全自动超声波检测AutomaticUltrasonicTesting(AUT)第三章穿跨越UndergroundCrossingandOverhead-Crossing第四章站场、阀室ProcessingStationsandValveStations第五章试压HydrostaticTesting第六章进度、变更与投资控制Schedule,VariationandInvestmentControl第七章健康、安全、环境Health,SafetyandEnvironment第八章文档控制DocumentControl第一章线路施工MainlineConstruction1、焊接、防腐补口Welding,FieldJointCoatingAdvancegasinjection提前注气Ambienttemperature环境温度Anemoscope风速仪Annulartorch环形火炬加热器Arcburn引弧烧伤Argonarcwelding氩弧焊Argonshieldedarcwelding氩气保护电弧焊Automaticsubmergedarcwelding自动埋弧焊Automaticwelding自动焊BatchNumber批号Bevel坡口Bevellingmachine坡口机Buttwelding对接焊Capwelding盖面焊Carbondioxidegasarcwelding二氧化碳气体保护焊Carbondioxide二氧化碳Carbonsteel碳钢Crack裂纹Current电流DCweldingmachine直流焊机Deepfilletwelding深熔角焊Defect缺陷Deficiency缺欠Downhandwelding俯焊Dryextension干伸长度Electrode[electricalarc]welding电弧焊Electrodeoffset焊条偏心度Electrode/weldingrod/weldingstick焊条weldingwire焊丝fluxcoredwelding药芯焊丝焊Electrogaswelding气电焊Electropercussivewelding电冲击焊Eutecticwelding低温焊Exothermicwelding铝热焊Externalline-upclamp外对口器FaceBendtest面弯试验Fillerwelding/bead填充焊Finewelding精密焊接Finewirewelding细丝焊接positionwelding定位焊接Flatpositionwelding平焊Flowrate流速Flux药皮Forehandwelding顺手焊接Frequency频率Fusionpressurewelding熔化压接Gasmetalarcwelding气体保护金属极电弧焊Gasporosity气孔Gasshieldedmagneticfluxarcwelding磁性焊剂气体保护焊Girthwelding环缝焊接Gravitywelding重力焊Grinding打磨- 1 - / 29Groundwire地线Hardnesstest硬度试验Heliumshieldedwelding氦气保护焊接HICtest氢致裂纹(HIC)试验Highfrequencyinductionwelding高频感应焊接Horizontalfilletwelding水平角焊接Hotwelding/bead热焊Impacttest冲击试验Indirectspotwelding间接点焊Inertgasshieldedarcwelding惰性气体保护焊Inertgastungstenarcwelding钨板惰性气体保护焊Inertgas惰性气体activegas活性气体Inertialwelding惯性焊接Internalline-upclamp内对口器Internalpit/rootconcave内凹Inter-passtemperature层间温度Lackoffusion未熔合Lackofpenetration未焊透Lapfilletwelding搭角焊Lapwelding搭焊;搭头焊接Liquidmetalwelding熔焊Longitudinalseamwelding纵向缝焊接Lowcarbonsteel低碳钢Lowhydrogenelectrode低氢焊条Macrotest宏观试验Magneticdischargewelding电磁焊Magneticforcewelding磁力焊接法Manualwelding手工焊Mitrewelding斜接焊接Multipleprojectionwelding多点凸焊Multipleresistancewelding复式电阻焊Multipleelectrodewelding多焊条焊接Multipleimpulsewelding多脉冲焊Multiplewiremultiplepowersubmergedarcwelding多丝埋弧焊Multirunwelding多道焊NickBreaktest刻槽锤断试验Nongasshieldedarcwelding无气体保护电弧焊Offset错边量Onsitehandoverstake现场交桩Openarcwelding明弧焊接Openbuttgaspressurewelding开式加压气焊Oscillation摆幅Overheadpositionwelding仰焊Overlapwelding搭接焊Overlayingwelding堆焊,补焊Oxygencut氧气切割Padwelding垫块焊接Penetrationfusionwelding深熔焊接Penetrationtest渗透检测Pileupwelding堆焊Pinpointwelding点焊Pipealignment管对口Positionwelding定位焊Postheattreatment焊后热处理Powerpolarity电源极性Preheat预热Pushwelding手压点焊(接)Radiofrequencywelding射频焊接Repair返修Resistancebuttseamwelding电阻对缝焊接Resistancespotwelding接触点焊Resistancestudwelding电阻栓焊RootBendtest背弯试验Rootface钝边Rootgap对口间隙Rootwelding/bead根焊Rotatingarcwelding旋转电弧焊Selfprocuredmaterial自购材料Selfadjusting[selfregulating]arcwelding自动调节电弧焊Semiautomaticwelding半自动焊Shapewelding异形焊ShieldingGas保护气体SideBendtest侧弯试验- 2 - / 29Singlepass[run]welding单焊道焊接Skipblockwelding分段多层跳焊Skyswelding间隔焊接Slantingbuttseamwelding斜对接缝焊Solidphase(pressure)welding固相压焊Solidstatewelding固态焊Spatter飞溅Specialbuildupwelding特殊堆焊Spinwelding旋转熔接Springtypewelding弹力式焊接Stackwelding多层接触点焊Staggeredwelding错列焊Staggeredintermittentfilletwelding错综式间断角焊Stitchwelding叠焊(法),跳焊Stitchandseamwelding点线焊,断续焊缝Straightbeadwelding直线焊接Studwelding螺柱焊接Submergedarcwelding埋弧焊Submergedslagpoolwelding埋弧电渣焊接Superlowhydrogenelectrode超低氢焊条Symmetrywelding对称焊接Sackwelding平头焊接,点焊TensileStrengthtest抗拉强度试验Testplate试板Thermalcompressionwelding热压焊接Threephasearcwelding三相电弧焊接Tie-inWelding连头焊Torchbrazewelding焊矩钎焊Trackwelding轨道焊接Undercut咬边Undersidewelding仰焊Vacuumdiffusionwelding真空扩散焊(接) Verticaldownhillwelding垂直下向焊VerticalFillerWelding立填焊Verticalpositionwelding立焊Verticaluphillwelding垂直上向焊Visualinspection/examination外观检查Voltage电压Wallthickness壁厚Watergaswelding水煤气焊接Watervaporarcwelding水蒸汽保护焊接Weavingwelding摆动焊Weldbead焊缝、熔敷焊道,焊珠Weldcrater/weldingpool/weldingtub焊接熔池Weldgauge焊缝量规Weldholder焊接架Weldinterval焊接时间间隔Weldjoint焊接接头Weldjunction熔合线Weldlength焊缝长度Weldmetaldeposition焊缝金属熔敷(法)Weldmetal焊接[焊缝]金属Weldpass焊道,焊层Weldedbody焊体Weldedcathode焊接阴极Weldedconnection焊接头Weldedeye焊眼Weldedjoint焊接缝Weldedplategirder焊接板梁Weldingabovetrench沟上焊Weldingbeading焊瘤Weldingbench焊接工作台Weldingblowlamp焊炬Weldingbooth焊接棚Weldingburner焊炬喷嘴Weldingcontactor电焊接触器Weldingcutbit焊割工具Weldingdirection焊接方向Weldingdynamo焊接发电机Weldingequipment焊接设备Weldingfixture/jig焊接夹具Weldingflash弧光灼伤Weldingfluid/weldingflux焊剂Weldinggang焊工班,焊接组- 3 - / 29Weldinggenerator电焊发电机Weldinghandle焊条夹,电极夹钳Weldingintrench沟下焊Weldingmanipulator焊件支架,焊接机械手Weldingmask电焊面罩Weldingpowerlead焊接用输电线WeldingProcedureQualification焊接工艺评定WeldingProcedureSpecification(WPS)焊接工艺规程Weldingprocessparameters焊接参数Weldingregulator焊接(电流)调节器Weldingresidualstress焊接残余应力Weldingrodcore焊条药芯Weldingscreen电焊遮光罩Weldingslag焊渣WeldingSpeed焊接速度Weldingspot焊点Weldingstation焊接站Weldingstress焊接应力Weldingtorchpipe焊枪管Weldingtorch/weldinggun焊枪Weldingtransformator焊接变压器Wiredrivefeeder送丝机Wirefeedspeed送丝速度2.技术资料和图纸TechnicalDataInformationandDrawingsAirscape/bird’seyeview鸟瞰图Auxiliaryview辅助图Basemap底图Biddingdocument投标文件Constructioncontract施工合同Constructiondrawingbudget施工图预算Constructiondrawingjointreview施工图会审ConstructionExecutionPlan施工方案ConstructionOrganizationPlan施工组织设计Constructionstandardandacceptancespecification,施工标准和验收规范Cutawayview剖视图Designdocument设计文件Designdrawing设计图纸Designhandover设计移交Drawingnumber图号Drawingsize/scale图纸尺寸/图纸比例Factory/fieldprefabrication工厂/现场预制Frontview正视图Generallayoutdrawing总平面图Generalview总图KickoffApplicationReport开工申请报告Operationprocedure操作规程Pipeinstallationdimension/elevation/orientation/direction管道安装尺寸/标高/方位/方向Rearview后视图Rightview右视图Sideview/sideelevation侧视图Socialsupport社会依托Technicalhandover技术交接Technicalinstruction/manual/document技术说明书/手册/文件Technicalspecification技术规程Topview顶视图(俯视图)3.材料和管件MaterialandPipepieceBendingAngle弯曲角度Bend弯管elbow弯头Breastwall护壁Coatedpipe防腐管Curvatureradius曲率半径Curvature曲率Distortionslot变形缝Groove坡口Internalandexternalcoatings内外涂层Materialandfittingtype材料和管件类型Specification/qualitycertificate规格/合格证Qualitycertification/instructions质量证明文件/使用说明Pressuregrade压力等级Spiral/longitudinalseam螺旋焊缝/直焊缝4.管沟开挖、下沟和回填Trenching,Lowering-inandBackfillingAirtightpressuretest气密性实验- 4 - / 29Annularholidaydetector环形检漏仪Buildingwithbricksandstones砖石砌筑建筑Civilworks土建项目ConstructionSupervisionTeam(CST)施工监理组Cross-sectiontypeanddimension断面形式及尺寸CSTHeadquaters(CSTHQ)监理总部CSTSiteOffice监理分部ConstructionContrator施工承包商InspectionCompany检测公司Dozer推土机Fieldstringing现场布管Finesoil细土Fit-up组对Groundholidaydetector地面检漏仪HighDensityPolyethylene(HDPE)硅管High-pressureairgun高压气枪Kilometerstake里程桩Landformrestoration地貌恢复Man(Hand)hole人(手)孔Markerstake标志桩Mountainousarea山区地段Primarybackfill一次回填Rightofway(ROW)clearning施工作业带清理Sandblasting喷砂Secondarybackfill二次回填Slopestake边坡桩Stationalignment站场放线Stopperairblowtest通棒试验Swamp沼泽Towtractor牵引机Trenchexcavation管沟开挖Turningpointstake转角桩第二章无损检测NDT1.无损检测NonDestructiveTesting AcousticEmission(AE)声发射探伤法Automaticultrasonictesting(AUT)自动超声波检测MagneticParticleInspection(MT)磁粉探伤法Magnetictesting(MT)磁粉探伤法NonDestructiveTesting(NDT)无损检测Opticalholographytechniques光学全息技术PenetrantTesting(PT)渗透探伤法Radiographytesting(RT)射线检测2.射线检测RadiographyTestingAbsorbdose吸收计量Acceptabledefectlevel缺陷合格等级Acceptablequalitylevel(AQC)像质验收等级,像质验收标准Acceptancecriterion验收准则Acceptancestandard验收标准Accessorydevice辅助装置Accessoryequipment附属设备Accidenterror偶然错误。
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stake No. 桩号elevation标高coordinates坐标mileage(chainage)里程obstacle/ barrier障碍物instrument 仪器alignment sheet 线路图/定线图benchmark 基准点restricted 受限制的
ROW/ right-of-way 作业带Clear/clean the ROW 清理作业带
land scraper (grader) 平地机excavator 挖掘机dozer 推土机width 宽度pipe yard 堆管场camp 营地crane 吊车load 装车offload 卸车
side boom 吊管机low-bed trailer 低板车move forward往前移
know well of 对…熟悉pipe hauling 运管destination目的地
preheat 加热be in charge of 负责tie-in 连头pipe jacking 顶管quality control/QC 质量控制root face钝边manual welding 手工焊
lower-in 下沟backfill 回填complete完成bedding material 垫层材料spread 摊铺compact 压实interval间隔partial backfilling 小回填
conform to 符合,遵照cubic meter立方米carry out 执行
hydro testing试压section管段tightness 严密性strength强度
flow rate流速filling pig注水球dewater 排水density密度
foam pig泡沫球swab扫水dryer干燥机epoxy resin 环氧树脂
inspect检验coincident with 与……一致solidify凝结,冻结
holiday detector 电火花检漏仪embed 埋设temporary 临时的calibration 校验permanent 永久的verify 核实test pole 测试桩tape ruler 卷尺parallel to 与……平行
radically 根本上furthermore 此外respectively分别地diagram 简图veragely平均地clay泥土,粘土rotate旋转failure 失败,失误exceed 超过guarantee 保证jacking work 顶管施工duty-on-shift 轮流值班round o’clock 24小时fatigue 疲劳hose 软管refuel 加油grouting 灌浆bentonite 膨润土,泥浆ream 扩孔bore pipe 钻杆bore bit 钻头pilot hole 导孔slurry 泥浆friction 摩擦stability 稳定性facility设施satisfactory 满意sufficient充足的strictly 严格地
risk assessment 风险评估frac-out 漏浆dispose 处理fluid 液体,泥浆
municipality 市政occupy占用obtain获取pollute污染absolutly 绝对地turf 草皮slant 使倾斜periodically 定期地sprout 发芽
timber木料guarding tape警示带personnel 人员,人事
concrete saddle weight混凝土压块adjacent 相邻的rubber 胶皮perform 执行torque 扭矩approximately 大约penetrate 渗透
cutting machine 切割机plate roller滚板机wall plate, shell plate 壁板annular plate边缘板accessories 附件material yard 料场
the 2nd layer plate二层板top angle 角钢stairway 盘梯
termination 停工defect缺陷welding slag焊渣thermometer 温度计roundnes圆度verticalit垂直度concavit凹度convexity凸度diameter直径height 高度flange法兰gasket 垫圈feeding pump 上水泵flow rate流量oxygen cylinder 氧气瓶hoisting devices起吊设备nacelle吊篮wire rope钢丝绳grounding接地resistance 电阻acetylene乙炔
oxygen cylinder 氧气瓶weather forecast 天气预报chord length弦长cater-corner对角线quality certificates质量证明书product certificate 出厂合格证re-inspection report复验报告foundation基础calibrate校验sample inspection 抽检check and accept验收embedded bolts预埋螺栓embedded steel plate预埋钢板safetyinspection安全检查potential safety hazard安全隐患safety risk安全风险work at height高空作业in place就位steel wire rope钢丝绳
tie-rod支柱拉杆wedge 斜垫铁misplacement移位rectify调整adjustment next procedure consolidate加固assessment评估
technical kick-off 技术交底gap 间隙preheat repair
safety valves安全阀rust removal 除锈coating 刷漆mechanical property 机械性能lay-out 布置图location plan 位置图installation record 安装记录process curve 工艺曲线trenchless非开挖micro tunneling微型盾构settlement calculation 沉降计算traffic flow交通量NOC许可undertaking letter保证书bank guarantee银行保函indispensable不可缺少的
authority 权威;权力;当局method statement 施工方案
alignment sheets 线路施工图legislations 立法,法律
essential 基本的,必须的repatriate遣返temporary vacancy临时空缺subsidiary津贴,补贴recruiting招聘,聘请release 发布,发表reinforce加强emergency exit紧急出口fire extinguishers 灭火器professional quality专业素质consciousness意识concentrate on 集中精力aspect方面strengthen加强humanized management人性化管理dedication spirit 奉献精神humanistic care 人文关怀
basic salary 基本工资interview 面试periodically定期地accommodation allowance住房津贴traffic allowance交通补贴overtime salary加班工资Muslim canteen穆斯林餐厅transfer 转移,转让leak泄露inconvenience不便 i nconsideration考虑不周in particular尤其comply with遵守hygiene卫生cooperation合作logistics后勤
run into遭遇,陷入personal affairs私人事情life garbage生活垃圾sewage污水,污物reasonable合理的reliable值得信赖的
domestic enterprises 国内企业technician技术员
make an investigation调查look forward to期待
come to an agreement达成一致on-the-spot investigation现场调查reserve预订check in办理宾馆入住手续cash or credit card receipt收据Burma缅甸 Vietnam越南 Laos老挝 Cambodia柬埔寨 Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Sigapore Bengal孟加拉 Nepal Pakistan Afghan Bhutan不丹Brunei文莱 UAE( united arab emirates)SaudiArabia。