



19 Univ Michigan - Ann Arbor USA 美国密歇根大学
20 Univ Washington - Seattle USA 美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)
21 Kyoto Univ Japan 日本京都大学
22 Johns Hopkins Univ USA 美国约翰·霍普金斯大学
(iv)高等教育(higher education) 专科/大学及硕士以上。
幼儿园称为preschool或pre-K,一般都 是私立的为主。有半日课程与全日课程之 分,课程与学费差异很大,以加州L.A.华人 较接受的幼儿园为例:全日课程130~180美 金/周,家长需自行接送。
幼儿园课程内容 (一)语言方面 吸力与成句会话,对书本有兴趣,并能讲故事,了解字母次序和 大小写法,书写姓名,区分颜 色的相似和不同,区分字音和母音, 听习各种文学作品,口述表达、谈阅读感想,拼写字词。
76 Univ Arizona USA 美国亚利桑那大学 77 King\'s Coll London UK 英国伦敦国王学院 78 Univ Manchester UK 英国曼彻斯特大学 79 Univ Goettingen Germany 德国古腾堡大学 80 Michigan State Univ USA 美国密歇根州立大学 81 Univ Nottingham UK 英国诺丁汉大学 82 Brown Univ USA 美国布朗大学 83 Univ Melbourne Australia 澳大利亚墨尔本大学 84 Univ Strasbourg 1 France 法国斯特拉斯堡第一大学 85 Ecole Normale Super Paris France 法国巴黎高等师范学院 86 Boston Univ USA 美国波士顿大学 87 Univ Vienna Austria 奥地利维也纳大学 88 McMaster Univ Canada 加拿大麦克马斯特大学 89 Univ Freiburg Germany 德国佛雷堡大学 90 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem Israel 以色列希伯莱大学 91 Univ Basel Switzerland 瑞士巴塞尔大学 92 Lund Univ Sweden 瑞典兰德大学 93 Univ Birmingham UK 英国伯明翰大学 94 Univ Roma - La Sapienza Italy 意大利罗马大学 95 Humboldt Univ Berlin Germany 德国柏林洪堡大学 96 Univ Utah USA 美国犹他大学 97 Nagoya Univ Japan 日本名古屋大学 98 Stockholm Univ Sweden 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学 99 Tufts Univ USA 美国塔夫茨大学 100 Univ Bonn Germany 德国波恩大学



Custom Packaging of Lebanon, Tennessee, makes cardboard sales displays used in grocery stores and movie theaters. The company recently hired sustainability consultant William Paddock to help them "green" their operations. Paddock showed them how to generate less waste and recycle what trash they did produce. He also convinced the company to install one of the area's largest solar arrays on the factory roof, reducing their carbon footprint.Paddock says there are many motivations for being socially responsible."For us it's about protecting the environment, being better to society, but also there's an economic piece to it. We love to, you know, find our passions, but also save somebody money."Paddock's been helping companies save money with green solutions for about ten years, but recently added a little green to his own resume. Last year, he completed an advanced degree in business administration from nearby Lipscomb University; a degree that included a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability. Paddock says the classes improved his ability to connect with his customers."The biggest benefit of going through a program like that is to learn how to talk about a subject like sustainability,so it's fairly complecated. How do you convince a business that looking at their carbon emissions is a viable business option?"Belmont University, in Nashville, takes a different approach for those interested in a for-benefit career. These students will be among the first to graduate with the university's new bachelor's degree in Social Entrepreneurship. Today, they are arranging senior internships with local charities.Bernard Turner, director of Belmont's Center for Social Entrepreneurship, says American universities were slow to offer degrees in for-benefit fields of study, and are now being forced to quickly add those programs."Students are saying, 'Now, listen, I want to be an entrepreneur, but I want to do something that deals with a social problem or a social issue that's dear to me.' So what has happened is that a lot of these programs have come to fruition because they are student-driven; student desires about this."Students are driven by very personal motivations."We've even had students that said, you know, 'Alcoholism was an issue in my family. So how can I study social entrepreneurship and do something about giving these folks a second chance when they come out of treatment?'"Andrew Bishop is one of the program's star students. He launched his first charity when he was still in high school. Turner is helping him launch a second charity that connects professors with opportunities to volunteer in the community.Bishop says he and his peers are motivated by what they see in the media."Even 20 years ago, you really only knew what was going on in your community. But now, you have more of this world and worldwide sense of what's going on and I think it's challenged young people as they're growing up to kind of look at 'How can I make a difference and how can I solve some of these world issues with what I do with my career?'"That growing desire to make a difference and a living at the same time, is why Bishop says American universities are likely to continue expanding their degree offerings in socially-centered areas of study."I think more people want to be able to say that when they retire, 'I did make a difference in my work, and I did make a difference in the life of someone else through what I did each and every day.'"From just a handful of offerings 20 years ago, there are now more than 60 American universities offering "green" business degrees alone.。


• Specialized institutions/Training technical schools(专业机构,技术培训学校,eg:学挖掘机找蓝翔) • Two-year institutions/community colleges(两年制的社区大学)
Harvard University
General introduction(王文昊)
Goal of education:
To achieve universal literacy and provide individuals with knowledge and skill necessary to promote the welfare (福利) for individuals and the general public.
普及教育,并使每个人掌握必要的知识和技能以利于 自身发展,并为公众谋福利。
General introduction
19th US Education development:
• cational management system to establish and perfect(v.使完美) • 2.Public education campaign(公共教育活动) • 3.Types of secondary education
Higher education -------college and university (杨雨昂)
General introduction
• There are over 2000 universities and colleges or other institution in the United State. The tern (三个一组)college referrers to an institution requiring a secondary school certificate for admission .It is often used in place of the word university. A college may or may not be part of a university ,a college may have many branches.



--- Chinese Proverb
The goal of education is to achieve
universal literacy and to provide
individuals with educational
II. Education –a local matter
Elementary School
1st GradeGrade 5th Grade
6th Grade
Middle School
7-8 8-9
9 - 10 10 - 11 11 - 12
❖ In some school system, the 12 grades are divided into two stages, the first 6 grades for elementary school and the next 6 grades for secondary school.
III. Expenditure of Education
❖ Educational funds are from several sources.
❖ Funds for elementary and secondary schools come from 3 sources:
1. about 50% from local property taxes,
❖ Most schools offer foreign languages. Spanish is the most popular foreign language for Americans .

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• Parties
High School
• Students have a guidance counselor to help prepare for the future • Each student takes an SAT or ACT test – SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test (Mathematics & English Reading &English Writing) – ACT: American College Test
High School - Sports
• Boys –Soccer
High School - Sports
• Girls – Volleyball
High School - Sports
• Both – Basketball
High School - Sports
• Both – Track
• Graduate Assistant –Work part-time at the school
Master’s Degree
• Graduate Assistant –Work part-time at the school –Attend class part-time –The work pays for your tuition and room fees –Sometimes called a “GA”
The American education system
Primary school
Secondary school
Undergraduate school
Graduate school

American Education 美国教育PPT

American   Education 美国教育PPT
在应试教育的制约下,传统观念的影响下,采取的是初级阶 段打基础,高级阶段才能做学问的相互脱节的两阶段
Chinese:In restricting the examination-oriented
US: Many kinds of language courses and have "Family Life" course like Sewing, cooking, and enhance self-confidence Chinese:Students in basic education is only one kind of English (except for specialized outside)
学龄前儿童没有强制性的托儿所,不过有政府补助方案来资助低收入家 庭的儿童,所以大部分家庭需要自己付费托儿所的费用。
The United States generally refers to pre-school year ~ 5 grade for children in kindergarten and elementary school
Secondary School 中学教育 (12~18岁):
Contains two years of junior high school (12 ~ 14 years old) and four years of high school (15 ~ 18 years old) 包含2年的初中(12~14岁)和4年的高中(15~18岁) The smooth completion of grade 12 studies, can get a high school diploma. 顺利完成12年级的学业,就可以拿到高中文凭了。

美国教育英文简单介绍 ppt课件

美国教育英文简单介绍 ppt课件
❖ The most popular tests are Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT) and the American College Testing (ACT)
❖ The SAT is a three-hour, multiplechoice exam measuring verbal, math, and reasoning skills.
❖ American educator believe that children learn better when they are happy and interested, so every effort has been made to arouse the interests of the individual.
❖ In other school system, there are three divisions: elementary school (grades1—6), junior high school (7— 9), and senior high school (10—12).
Education in the United States
It comprises four categories of institutions:
❖ The university ❖ The four-year undergraduate
institution—the college ❖ The technical training institution ❖ The two-year, or community college
❖ It is required by most higher education institutions in the United States for the admission to undergraduate degree programs.


? Kindergarten--- from 5-year-old (beginning of compulsory 【义务的】 education)
Early Childhood Education陈霄依
? In most areas, free public school education begins with kindergarten classes for five-year-olds.
majority ride a school bus. 2. Class size—20 to 30 students
Secondary education(肖淑赫)
? Courses: more specialized—English, social studies, algebra, geometry, etc.
(K-5th Grade)
Secondary education (6th Grade12th Grade )
Higher education
Middle school: 6th Grade-8th Grade
High school: 9th Grade-12th Grade (freshman 【一年级新生】, sophomore 【二 年级学生】, junior and senior )
? 2.Public education campaign (公共教育活动) ? 3.Types of secondary education ? 4.Higher education development
American edmentary education
American Education
Group happy


Introduction to British and American Culture
Americans regard education as the means by which the inequalities among individuals are to be erased and by which every desirable end is to be achieved. --George S. Counts (1889-1974)
Introduction to British and American Culture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
It was founded in 1861. It is well known from its scientific and
technological training and research. It consists of five schools.
Introduction to British and American Culture
Graduate Study
Master’s degree and Doctoral degree It aims to prepare students for
professional work.
Introduction to British and American Culture
Higher Education
University history and types Undergraduate study Graduate study Famous universities



Education in the United States
Educational Opportunities (18th Century)
n Business-oriented and Trade-oriented for the middle classes
democratic nature ladder system
Education in the United States
1. Colonial Days
Education in the United States
Enormous Attention on Education
Among the first settlers, there was an unusually high proportion of educated men.
Education in the United States
Education in this period was concerned with building a natural aristocracy in contrast to that of Europe.
Education in the United States
Education in the United States
Development in Colonial Days
By the end of 17th century, all colonies had had their public schools set up;
Settlers of the English colonies were in the position to receive education of some kind.

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美国教育介绍 完整英文版
different topic • Students are given a lot of flexibility in choosing what they
will study
• University students use the following titles:
– Grade 1 = Freshmen – Grade 2 = Sophomore – Grade 3 = Juniors – Grade 4 = Seniors
40,000 dollars • Community colleges are much less expensive
University - GPA
• GPA – Grade Point Average • The total average grade of all of your
classes and hours at university • Highest being 4.0 and lowest being
Master’s Degree
• Also called a post-graduate degree • Usually takes two or three years to
complete • Some students take a position at
the school called Graduate Assistant
Master’s Degree
• Graduate Assistant –Work part-time at the school
Master’s Degree
• Graduate Assistant –Work part-time at the school –Attend class part-time –The work pays for your tuition and room fees –Sometimes called a “GA”
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