
w w w w w w w w w w w w w
As firm as a rock As mute as a fish As strong as a horse As brave as a lion As obstinate as a cow As white as snow As black as ink / pitch As changeable as the weather As wet as a drowned rat As blind as a bat As fat as a pig As proud as a peacock As fresh as a rose
Type One: like
w Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. w Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are without want to get in, and those within want to get out.
A figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another. (Webster‘s New World Dictionary)
All the world‘s a stage, And all men and women merely players; They have their exits and entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages… (Shakespeare, As you Like it ) The first clause sets up the basic comparison. The tenor and vehicle invoked by the first line are elaborated in the lines that follow. The metaphor makes possible for the literary writer to explain things vividly in great detail.


A professor tapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentlemen—order!” The entire class yelled: “Beer!”
For reading and better appreciation The language of English.
4. It can be beneficial for our thesis or even for further study . (a specific one or one in a specific work with examples) Comparison of the similar figures of speech Comparison of the same one in Chinese and English Comparison of the same one in different fields (literature-ad. Speaking-writing) One special figure of speech in a work and its functions
Some usages in life: your thesis
The Differences between Puns in Literature and Advertisements The Death Euphemism in The Dream of the Red Chamber
Some usages in life: humor or persuasion in communication
What we try to achieve:
2. We will compare figures of speech in Chinese and English and know how to translate them and related sentences into Chinese.

to the entire cream
Personality and anthropology
Personalization is a rhetorical device where abstract ideas or inanimate objects are given human qualities or attributes For example, "the waves dance in the moonlight" personalizes the waves by giving them the ability to dance
Rhetoric plays a critical role in communication, allowing individuals to express their ideas clearly and persistently It is essential in various fields such as politics, law, education, and business, where the ability to influence and supervise others is key to success

普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材现代英语修辞学Moder n English Rhetor ic胡曙中编著上海外语教育出版社图书在版编目(CIP)数据现代英语修辞学/胡曙中编著.—上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004ISBN7-81095-185-8Ⅰ.现…Ⅱ.胡…Ⅲ.英语修辞教材Ⅳ.H315中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2004)第014498号早在1982年,我的导师杨小石先生有意要编一本适合我国英语专业使用的英语修辞学教材,为此,他邀请了包括我在内的三位教师一起参加编写,我们商定了编写大纲,也作了具体的分工。
在这儿,我想概括一下本书的各章内容和目的:第0章导论解释英语修辞的种种意义,并说明本书的目的———对英语修辞现象的描述、应用和阐释第1章影响修辞活动的要素论述信息、使用场合、受话者之间的关系,说明语气如何反映其间的关系第2章词汇的修辞描述英语选字遣词的修辞规律及其应用第3章句子的修辞描述英语连词组句的修辞规律及其应用第4章 段落的修辞 描述英语段落构成的修辞规律及其应用第5章 语篇的修辞 描述英语语篇构成的修辞规律及其应用第6章 语篇的种类 描述语篇的种类及其特点第7章 语体 描述作为修辞活动综合体的语体特征第8章 修辞手段 描述修辞布局和辞格的规律第9章 理论阐释 简述主要的英语修辞理论第10章 传统与发展 回顾英语修辞学的传统,预测其发展本书主要适合英语专业高年级学生和研究生使用。

The book Rhetoric falls in three parts treating respectively (1) the nature of rhetoric, (2) invention, and (3) arrangement and style. two categories of arguments based on the kinds of proof: artistic and inartistic. Inartistic proofs external evidence such as witnesses, contracts, evidence based on torture. Artistic proofs three means of persuasion:
about education: Education is the savior of the world. The teacher should explain principles and provide examples as models; The teacher should guide his students to the acquisition of practical wisdom. Contribution: His trained a large amount of political figures, and statesmen, promoted the practical use of rhetorical arts.
Pathos--emotional appeal The effects of emotional appeal include moral anger, ambition, excitement, fear, happiness, pity, jealousy, etc. Emotional appeal depends on the skillful and witty handling of language.

英语修辞与文体课程教学大纲English Rhetoric and Stylistics学时数:32学分数:2适用专业:英语本科专业一、课程性质、目的与任务本课程是为英语专业高年级学生开设的一门专业限选课。
英语修辞学 Onomatopoei apotrophe pun

杜甫的《登高》一是一著例。“风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回,无 边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。万里悲秋常作客,百年多病独登台。 艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯。” The wind so swift, the sky so wide, apes wail and cry, Water so clear and beach so white, birds wheel and fly. The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower, The endless river rolls its waves hour after hour. 作者当时流落夔州,重九登高,心中有无限悲凉之情。前四句,作者为
• O Nature, how hair is thy face, And how lights is thy heart. • “You Heavens, give me that patience, patience I need!” 上帝,赐予我耐力,我梦寐以求的耐力吧 ! -- Shakespeare: King Lear
Expressed by persons
• O Captain! My Captain; our fearful trip is done. The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won… --- Walt Whitman
"Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own." (Lorenz Hart, "Blue Moon")

《英语修辞学》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息1.课程编号:325025062.课程名称:英语修辞学3.英文名称:English Rhetoric4. 课程简介:《英语修辞学》是为英语专业本科高年级开设的一门专业选修课,适用于英语专业教师教育方向和应用翻译方向,于第五学期开设,主要讲授英语修辞的基本原理及其应用,以及各类英语文体的语言风格特征,旨在引导学习者全面认识英语的语体特征、文体风格及其修辞要求和技巧,从本质上了解英语语体,掌握各类文体的修辞手段和语言特点,熟悉各种修辞手法,各类英语的功能,掌握语言使用中的“常规”和变异及其在各种文体中所表现出的规律,提高语言使用中的修辞与文体意识,使学习者具备一定的文学批评和对各类文体的分析和鉴赏水平。

Aristotle's Modes of Persuasion
According to Aristotle, persuasion can be achieved through three modes: ethos (credibility), pathos (emotional appeal), and logos (logical reasoning). Each mode plays a vital role in effective communication.
Celebrity Endorsements
Utilizing the credibility and influence of famous personalities to promote products or causes.
Effective Call to Action
Encouraging immediate response or purchase by utilizing strong and compelling language.
Alliteration, assonance, and rhyme schemes that enhance the musicality and impact of the text.
Narrative Techniques
Foreshadowing, irony, and suspense that engage readers and create memorable experiences.
Expand Vocabulary
Increase your repertoire of words to effectively convey emotions, ideas, and arguments.

English Rhetoric
Chapter Two Brief History of Western Rhetoric
By Song Pingfeng
Page 9
/NewInfor/html/30370.htm • 拉斐尔最著名的壁画是为梵蒂冈宫绘制的《雅典学院》。这幅巨型壁画把古希腊以来
的50多个著名的哲学家和思想家聚于一堂,包括柏拉图、亚里士多德、苏格拉底、 毕达哥拉斯等,以此歌颂人类对智慧和真理的追求,赞美人类的创造力。
• 然而,柏拉图对修辞的看法并非一成不变。海德格尔在1924-1925年讲授 《智者篇》时提出,柏拉图的修辞观念有一个演变的过程,其轨迹可以通过 比较三篇对话勾勒出来(Brogan:3-15)。《高尔吉亚篇》代表了早期柏拉 图全盘否定修辞的态度;海德格尔认为,在《智者篇》中,柏拉图的态度有 了重大变化,转而相信修辞对“不在”(non-being)或者说“存在”之外的 领域的关注应当在哲学中占据一席之地,辩证(dialectic)能够克服修辞的 欺骗倾向,使之为哲学服务;《斐德若篇》(Phaedrus)则是发生这一转变的 关 键 场 所 。 在 这 篇 对 话 中 , 柏 拉 图 着 重 探 讨 了 真 理 ( aletheia ) 与 语 言 (logos)的关系。
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1.4 Some Ancient Greek Rhetoricians and their theory
(1). Corax (科拉克斯)
Corax of Syracuse and his students Tisias(蒂西亚斯,有名的捉刀人,专 门为诉讼者撰写诉状) were the first rhetoricians in history. His theory: the first is a theory of how arguments should be developed from probabilities; the second is their first concept of organization of a message. According to Corax, legal arguments should consist of four parts: introductory, explanation, argumentation and conclusion. (Corax 将法律演说分成四个部分:前言,解释,论辩和结论。)

He lost the game and his temper. 他输了这一局,大发脾气。
It’s fair and square affair from the beginning to the end. 这件事自始至终都是光明正大的。
All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
双关(pun) 就是用发音相似的词来表达特殊意义的修辞手法,它非常能够体现使用者的睿智机敏、幽默俏皮,造成印象隽永的效果。它的使用场合亦庄亦谐,既常见于故事、笑话、谜语、儿歌等,又可用于正式场合,表达严肃的思想和深邃的感情。 — Why is an empty parse always the same? — Because there is never any change in it.(change既表示“零钱”,又表示“变化”。“空钱包”里边没“零钱”当然就永远瘪着,毫无“变化”了。)
希腊语Metapherein (transfer )转换
无需借助比喻词,直接将甲事物当作乙事物来描写。也称隐喻,是依据比喻和被比喻两种不同事物的相似或相关关系而构成的修辞格。 例如:

2. Metaphor (1-3)
“隐喻”又称暗喻,是用于两个不同类别对象之间的比喻。隐喻与明喻的 区别在于,明喻将本体和喻体说成是相似的,而隐喻则将两者说成是一 致的。明喻中必须有比喻词,而隐喻中则不需要,因此隐喻被称为“压 缩了的明喻”(condensed simile)。
18. Antonomasia (换称)
19. Parody
20. Reverse
21. Anadiplosis
22. Regression
23. Paregmenon
(同源) 24. Malapropism (误用)
25. Correction
Exercise 1
Exercise 1 simile & metaphor (2-2)
Identification of simile or metaphor: 1. Life was like a journey studded (布满了) with pitfalls(陷阱(xiànjǐng)). 2. A real friend is like a mirror that can help you see your mistake clearly. 3. Slimy cannels crept like green snakes beside the road. 4. Applications for jobs flooded the Employment Agency. 5. Not all slim girls are paper tigers. 6. He was a walking encyclopedia.

本文拟从词汇学的角度,采用构词法理论及FU DGE衡量准则研究英语新词这一语言现象。

(五)教学内容与学时分配教学章节教学内容学时安排备注1修辞学定义22西方修辞学简史44词语的选择35句子的选择27语音类修辞格48-9句法类修辞格610语义类修辞格611逻辑类修辞格4机动2测验二、大纲内容Chapter 1 What Is Rhetoric?1.1 Rhetoric and oratory1.2 Connotation of rhetoric1.3 Definitions of rhetoric1.4 Five assumptions说明和要求:(1)了解修辞与演说之间的关系(2)修辞学的定义Chapter 2 Brief History of Western Rhetoric2.1 Classical rhetoric (5th c. B.C.---5th c. A.D.)2.2 Rhetoric in the Middle Ages (5th---14th c.)*2.3 Rhetoric in the Renaissance (15th---16th c.)*2.4 New Classical Rhetoric (17th---19th c.)2.5 Contemporary Rhetoric说明和要求:(1)了解西方修辞学产生与发展的历史(2)了解亚里士多德等学者对西方修辞学的贡献(3)了解当今修辞学发展的现状和主要趋势Chapter 4 Choice of Words4.1 Use suitable words4.2 Denotation and connotation4.3 General words and specific words4.4 Abstract words and concrete words4.5 Short words and long words说明和要求:(1)了解词的本义与衍生义(2)了解概括词与特指词的语用功能(3)了解抽象词和具体词的语用功能(4)了解大词和小词的来源和对语体色彩的影响Chapter 5 Choice of Sentences5.1 Types of sentences5.2 Long and short sentences说明和要求:(1)了解不同句子结构的修辞作用(2)了解长句和短句的语用功能Chapter 7 Phonetic Figures of Speech7.1 Alliteration7.2 Assonance7.3 Consonance7.4 Onomatopoeia7.5 Aposiopesis7.6 Apostrophe7.7 Pun说明和要求:(1)本部分从语音在语言中的地位讲起,适当介绍语音学方面的知识,重点提示音韵法在诗歌中所起的重要作用及其对散文、广告等各语体的影响。

• 2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.
• •
这里用“she”和“babies”把蜜蜂比作人类 妇女的生育。
2、My only worry was that January would find me hunting for ajob again. 我唯一担心的是,到了一月份我又得去找工
在学校房屋的屋顶上一些鸽子正轻轻地咕咕 叫着。
2、She brought me into touch with everything that could be reached or felt—— sunlight,the rustling of silk,the noises of insects,thecreaking of a door,the voice of a loved one.
“Both”一词一语双关,既指拿破仑和这位 士兵都是疯子,又指这位战士参加过拿破仑指挥 的两次战役。
• 是摹仿自然界中非语言的声音,其发音和 所描写的事物的声音很相似,使语言 显得 生动,富有表现力。 • 1、On the root of the school house some pigeons were softlycooing.

Figures of speech (修辞)are ways of making our language figurative. When we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. Now we are going to talk about some common forms of figures of speech.第一部分:Figures of Resemblance and RelationshipSimile(明喻) Metaphor(暗喻) (隐喻) Metonymy(转喻) (借代)Synecdoche(提喻)Personification(拟人)Antonomasia (换称)一Simile(明喻)Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as, as...as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. Simile is a comparison between two different things that resemble each other in at least one way. In formal prose the simile is a device both of art and explanation, comparing an unfamiliar thing to some familiar thing (an object, event, process, etc.) known to the reader.1. Simile通常由三部分构成:本体(tenor or subject),喻体(vehicle or reference)和比喻词(comparative word or indicator of resemblance)。
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1.2 The social and political organizations of Ancient Greece:
(1) Polis or City-state: In 508 B.C., the city of Athens became one of the first polis, or one of the first city-states in ancient times.
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• 柏拉图的著作中很多地方都表达了对修辞的贬斥。在《高尔吉亚篇》中,苏 格拉底声称,修辞“发明的是这样一种劝服方式:它只制造对正义与非正义 的看法,却对如何认识它们毫无教益”(Plato:455a);修辞家“不需要了 解事物的真实面目,他只需找到某种方式让那些无知的人相信他比真正有 知识的人更有知识就行了”(459b)。因此,修辞与真理无关,根本不关心 真理,甚至带有明显的欺骗意味。
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/NewInfor/html/30370.htm • 拉斐尔最著名的壁画是为梵蒂冈宫绘制的《雅典学院》。这幅巨型壁画把古希腊以来
的50多个著名的哲学家和思想家聚于一堂,包括柏拉图、亚里士多德、苏格拉底、 毕达哥拉斯等,以此歌颂人类对智慧和真理的追求,Байду номын сангаас美人类的创造力。
Page 3
1. Classical rhetoric (5th B.C – 5th A.D.)
In the ancient times, rhetoric evolved as an important art, one that provided the orator with the forms, means, and strategies for persuading an audience of the correctness of the orator's arguments. Rhetoric originates from the ancient Greece. It provides two necessary conditions for the classical rhetoric.
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1.4 Some Ancient Greek Rhetoricians and their theory
(1). Corax (科拉克斯)
Corax of Syracuse and his students Tisias(蒂西亚斯,有名的捉刀人,专 门为诉讼者撰写诉状) were the first rhetoricians in history. His theory: the first is a theory of how arguments should be developed from probabilities; the second is their first concept of organization of a message. According to Corax, legal arguments should consist of four parts: introductory, explanation, argumentation and conclusion. (Corax 将法律演说分成四个部分:前言,解释,论辩和结论。)
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(3). Aristotle (亚里士多德) and his theory about rhetoric
Aristotle, Plato's student (384-322 BC) famously set forth an extended treatise on rhetoric that still repays careful study today.
It was the Council that provided people a place of public speaking.
Page 5
1.3 Sophists and their practices of rhetoric
Out of growing demand for education in the 5th century B.B., Greece called into existence a class of teachers known as sophists. Sophist were a professional class rather than a school, and as such they were scattered over Greece and exhibited professional rivalries.
The sophists undertook to provide a stock of arguments on any subject, or to prove any position. They boasted of their ability to make the worse appear the better reason, to prove that black is white. One representative of them was Gorgias. “Man is the measure of all things.”人类是衡量所有事物的标准。
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The concept of rhetoric in general
Along with grammar and logic or dialectic, rhetoric is one of the three ancient arts of discourse. Rhetoric normally explains the three arts of using language as a means to persuade (logos, pathos, and ethos), as well as the five canons of Rhetoric: memory, invention, delivery, style, and arrangement. From ancient Greece to the late 19th Century, it was a central part of Western education, filling the need to train public speakers and writers to move audiences to action with arguments.
• 然而,柏拉图对修辞的看法并非一成不变。海德格尔在1924-1925年讲授 《智者篇》时提出,柏拉图的修辞观念有一个演变的过程,其轨迹可以通过 比较三篇对话勾勒出来(Brogan:3-15)。《高尔吉亚篇》代表了早期柏拉 图全盘否定修辞的态度;海德格尔认为,在《智者篇》中,柏拉图的态度有 了重大变化,转而相信修辞对“不在”(non-being)或者说“存在”之外的 领域的关注应当在哲学中占据一席之地,辩证(dialectic)能够克服修辞的 欺骗倾向,使之为哲学服务;《斐德若篇》(Phaedrus)则是发生这一转变的 关 键 场 所 。 在 这 篇 对 话 中 , 柏 拉 图 着 重 探 讨 了 真 理 ( aletheia ) 与 语 言 (logos)的关系。
English Rhetoric
Chapter Two Brief History of Western Rhetoric
By Song Pingfeng
Contents of This Chapter
• 1. Classical rhetoric • 2. Rhetoric in the Middle Ages • 3. Rhetoric in the Renaissance • 4. New Classic Rhetoric • 5. Contemporary Rhetoric
(2) Great thinkers/ scholars: There are a lot of great thinkers/ scholars in the ancient Greece, such as Socrates(苏格拉底), Plato(柏拉图), and Aristotle(亚里士多德). Their great Words and thoughts are still taught in universities to this day. Most of them are great rhetoricians.
1.1 Necessary conditions of classical rhetoric
(1) Greek Democracy : Democracy provides a necessary condition for the birth of classical rhetoric. The ancient Greeks are a unique people. They believed that individuals should be free as long as they acted within the laws of Greece. This allowed them the opportunity to excel any direction they chose. Individuality was the basis of their society. The ability to strive for excellence was what Athenians dearly believed in.