




时间状语: now, at this time, these days, look, listen

基本结构: am/is/are+doing

否定形式: am/is/are+not+doing.

一般疑问句:把 be 动词放于句首。



1)give______ 2)skate______ 3)draw______ 4)tell______ 5)ring______ 6)wear______ 7)get______ 8)put______ 9)hit______ 10)stop______ 11)keep______ 12)hurt______ 13)know______ 14)lie______ 15)die______ 16)begin______17)forget______ 18)close______ 19)see______ 20)carry______


1)Mike is climbing the hill.

2)We are having an English lesson now.

3)Li Ping is jumping like a monkey.

4)The students are reading the text now.

5)I am studying English.


1)The baby is listening to the music.

2)I am looking for a jacket for my son.

3)She is smiling to herself in the mirror.

4)The boys are visiting the history museum.

5)The old man is sleeping right now.


1)The woman is making a cake in the kitchen.

2)We are having lunch now.

3)The boy is waiting for his mother under the big tree. 4)You are playing the violin.


1)I________(talk).You________(listen)to me now.

2)Look, the boy__________(run)fast.

3)----What are you doing? ----I_________(do) my homework. 4)----_______the students_______(read) , they are.

5)Tom_______(not study)English .He is studying Chinese. 6)----Who_______(sing)a song?----Li Ying is.

7)The girl_______(not eat)bananas now.

8)----Where______ they________(stand)?

----They are standing over there.

9)Look! The boy over there_______(ply) a model plane.

10)----What is Meimei doing now?

----She______(watch)TV with her parents


1)Jack is_____ with Jim .They are good____.

A. running ;friend;

B. running; friends;

C. running ;friends

D. run; friend's

2)Look! Mary____ doing____ homework.

A. is; one's

B. is; her

C. are; his

D. are; her

3)The Greens____ supper now.

A. is having

B. are ;having

C. is having

D. are; having

4)The children are____ TV.

A. watch

B. seeing

C. watching

D. reading

5)Are the boys looking at the blackboard? Yes, they____.

A. aren't

B. do

C. don't

D. are

6)There's____ girl, she is very tall.

A. second

B. two

C. a second

D. all second

7)--Do you have a red pen? Which of the following is wrong?


A. Yes; I have one

B. Yes, I have it

C. Yes, I do

D. Sorry, I don't 8)--Excuse me. May I borrow a pen, please?


A. It doesn't matter;

B. Thank you;

C. Certainly, here you are;

D. Not at all.

9)The boy is late for class. So he says to the teacher,"________".

A. I'm sorry

B. Excuse me, May I come in?

C. Let me in,

D. don't want to be late.

10)I don't want a red apple. I want____.

A. green apple

B. a green

C. a green one

D. one green



时间状语: at this time yesterday, at that time, from 6 to 8 last night, at 5 yesterday evening或以 when/while 引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。

基本结构: was/were+doing

否定形式: was/were + not + doing.

一般疑问句:把 was 或 were 放于句首。


( )1. What _____ your grandfather _____ this time yesterday ?

A. is ... doing

B. was ... doing

C. did .. do

D. had ... done

( )2. ____ you ______ a meeting at four yesterday afternoon ?

A. Were ... having

B. Was ... having

C. Did ... have

D. Do ... have

( )3. A: I called you at about half past eight last night , but nobody answered . B: Oh , I ______ in my office at that time .

A. will work

B. was working

C. worked

D. had worked

( )4. His family _____ TV from ten to twelve last night .

A. watched

B. were watching

C. had watched

D. was watching

( )5. Li Lei ______ a letter to his friend last night .

A. was writing

B. was written

C. will write

D. writes

( )6. A: Hi , Lin Tao . I didn’t see you at the party .

B: Oh, I ________ ready for the maths exam .

A. am getting

B. was getting

C. got

D. have got

( )7. A: I called you yesterday evening ,but there was no answer.

B: Oh ,I am sorry I dinner at my friend’s home.

A.have B.had C.was having D.have had

( )8. A: Did you notice him come in?

B: No. I _____ a football game.

A. have watched

B. had watched

C. am watching

D. was watching

( )9. You must tell us what you _______ at ten yesterday evening .

A. did

B. was doing

C. were done

D. were doing

( )10. He asked _______ outside .

A. who are singing

B. who was singing

C. who singing was

D. who is singing


1. I , with my sister , sometimes ______ swimming in the river. (go)

2. He __________ the film with us last night. (not see)

3. You draw quite well. I think you _______ a good painter in the future. (be)

4. One Sunday morning the man upstairs heard the sound of children ________ in the park. (play)

5. Mother __________ vegetables in the garden now. (grow)

6. My father ______________ some washing when I got home yesterday evening. (do)

7. Somebody knocked on my window when I __________ TV last night. (watch)

8. Grandma ___________ breakfast while I was doing my homework this morning. (cook)

9. The man downstairs found it very difficult ____________ and he was very angry with the woman upstairs. (sleep)

10. Do you know an English girl ________ Jenny ? (call)













二.1. Li Ping is learning to speak English.

2. It is raining now.

3. They are watching a football match on TV.

4. He is looking out of the window.

5. Look! The dog is sleep.

6. Listen! The baby is crying.

7. They are having a meeting at seven o’clock.

8. The students are preparing for English test now.

三.1): Is Mike climbing the hill?

2):Are we having an English lesson now?

3):Is Li Ping jumping like a monkey?

4):Are the students reading the text now?

5):Are you studying English?

6):Is he closing the window?

四. 1):Who is listening to the music?

2):Whom/Who are you looking for a jacket for?

3):Where is she smiling to herself?

4):What are the boys doing?

5):When is the old man sleeping?

6):What are the children doing?

7):What are the cats running?

五.1):The woman is not making a cake in the kitchen。

2):We are not having lunch now。

3):The boy isn’t waiting for his mother under the big tree。

4):You aren’t playing the violin。

5):Mary is not doing her best to study English well。

6):The students are not doing their homework now。

7):Please don’t open the door。


;talking;are listening; running; doing;;reading; not studying; singing;’t eating; standing; plying; watching;;; not eating。


1-5 BBDCD;6-10CBCBC。

讲解 second不定冠词+序数词表示“又一”;;因为a red pen是指,而it是特指。

