英语演讲与辩论课件Lecture Two

Language Use in Debate
• Precision Vocabulary: Use accurate and specific vocabulary to express one's views and positions, avoiding the use of vague and vague words.
• Clear Expression: Maintain fluent and clear language, allowing the other party and audience to accurately understand their own viewpoints and arguments.
Addressing the challenges of globalization
With the accelerated development of globalization, English speaking and debating skills have become important skills for international communication and cooperation. This course aims to help students adapt to the challenges of globalization and enhance their international competitiveness.
Opening statement
Attract the audience's attention, establish a connection with them, and lay a solid foundation for the speech.
英语演讲与辩论课件Lecture Five

An argument can be a fight or a
quarrel, but it can also mean a set of reasons given in support of something in order to persuade. Argument is the process of explaining why a point of view should be accepted. ▼
which investigate the truth of opinions that challenge and question conventional wisdom. These discussions make us search for greater understanding of the world around us, and think about and look for better solutions to the problems we encounter.
英语辩论格式 ppt课件

• 团体部分:
• 审题:对所持立场是否能从逻辑、理论、事实等多层次、多角度理解,论据 是否充 足,推理关系是否明确,对本方的难点是否有较好的处理方法。
• 论证:论证是否有说服力,论据是否充分,推理过程是否合乎逻辑,事实引 用是否得当。
• 辩驳:提问是否能抓住对方的要害,问题是否简单明了。是否能正面回答对 方的问题,能否给人以有理有据的感觉。不回答或不正面回答应相应扣分。
• 配合:是否有团队精,能否互相支持,论辩衔接是否流畅,自由辩论时发言 是否错落有致,回答是否形成一个有机整体
• 辩风:语言是否流畅清晰、用词得当、语速适中、语调正确,是否尊重对方 辩友、尊重评委、尊重观众;表演是否得当,落落大方,且有幽默感。
• 个人部分:
• 仪表:举止是否落落大方,是否能适当的运用身体语言。 • 论证:陈词是否流畅,说理是否透彻,逻辑性是否强,引用实力是否得当。 • 辩风:英语口语是否流利清晰,提问是否合适,回答是否中肯,反驳是否有
English Debation Contest
Debate topics :
Real life and virtual life, which is better?
the For-side :
Real life is better
contestants :
the first debater the second debater the third debater the fourth debater
赵梦the Against-side :
• 团体部分:
• 审题:对所持立场是否能从逻辑、理论、事实等多层次、多角度理解,论据 是否充 足,推理关系是否明确,对本方的难点是否有较好的处理方法。
• 论证:论证是否有说服力,论据是否充分,推理过程是否合乎逻辑,事实引 用是否得当。
• 辩驳:提问是否能抓住对方的要害,问题是否简单明了。是否能正面回答对 方的问题,能否给人以有理有据的感觉。不回答或不正面回答应相应扣分。
• 配合:是否有团队精,能否互相支持,论辩衔接是否流畅,自由辩论时发言 是否错落有致,回答是否形成一个有机整体
• 辩风:语言是否流畅清晰、用词得当、语速适中、语调正确,是否尊重对方 辩友、尊重评委、尊重观众;表演是否得当,落落大方,且有幽默感。
• 个人部分:
• 仪表:举止是否落落大方,是否能适当的运用身体语言。 • 论证:陈词是否流畅,说理是否透彻,逻辑性是否强,引用实力是否得当。 • 辩风:英语口语是否流利清晰,提问是否合适,回答是否中肯,反驳是否有
English Debation Contest
Debate topics :
Real life and virtual life, which is better?
the For-side :
Real life is better
contestants :
the first debater the second debater the third debater the fourth debater
赵梦the Against-side :
debate 英语辩论 PPT

• to demand the same sort of proof for the statements of others.
• to present ideas in a clear and effective manner, and in a way, which wins others to your way of thinking.
• Accurate pronunciation • Articulation • Diverse pace and pitch • Vocabulary. • Avoid speaking too quickly. • Try to avoid being too nervous
Hale Waihona Puke Content• Content can be divided into arguments and supporting materials.
• the flexibility to react quickly to new ideas, and to remain unflustered in crises.
Preparing for a debate, you should learn …
• to use a library, and to find the exact information you need in the shortest possible time.
• Doubtful authority
An argument supported by a person who is not accepted as an expert is considered ineffective. Here is one example:

Prime minister:
1、定义权(解释议题) 2、有条理地铺展开己方的理由与依据(相关事例) 注意:
不能歪曲题意 定义特殊词关键词 抓准议题中心
Leader of the Opposition:
1、直接间接驳斥prime minister的观点(逐个击破) 2、有条理地铺展开己方的理由与依据(相关事例) 注意:
一般除非对方给出的定义有根本上的理解错误,或 者完全抓错了重点,否则绝对不要去challenge他的定 义!!哪怕对方给出的定义和自己准备的不一样
Deputy prime minister:
2、支持prime minister的观点(完善补充)
注意: closing proposition的两名成员虽然与我方支持同一观
General Advice
• First, you’d better get prepared physically and psychologically. Otherwise, you will certainly feel afflicted
• Secondly, you have nothing to enjoy except the game itself.
Leader of the Opposition
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Member of the Opposition Opposition Whip
( 第一次响铃 )
( 响铃两下 )

English Debate Skills and Strategies
Listening skills
Active listening
Paying close attention to the opponent's argument and actively
seeking out key information.
The Importance of English Debate Competition
• Enhances English proficiency: Competing in English debate tournaments requires competitors to use English constantly, which helps improve their language skills.
Preparation of Debate Questions
The competitors need to prepare arguments and counter-arguments for both sides of the debate question. They should also research any relevant facts or statistics that could strengthen their argument.
The History and Development of English Debate
English debate tournaments originated in the UK in the 19th century, when debating clubs were formed to discuss political and social issues of the time.

Art is more important
❖ Say from industrial products, everything is used by the designers carefully designed, If only pay attention to the transformation of technology, we have all kinds of brand mobile phones? Apple mobile phone is just advanced, it loses simple atmosphere filled with a sense of design shape, humane phone operating page, you can also become fruit powder? Will you still crazy for it quarterly appear cool products? Don't anticiof technology needs the support of society. Without mind emancipation movements, people would bend to the authority of churches and there would not be three industrial revolution even though there might be some invention by chance. Without humanism spirit in Renaissance, people would think it is the anger of gods when faced natural disasters and no one would do research of them. Without the proposition of innate rights of man in the Enlightenment, there would not be intellectual foundations of modern society and overlords would regard advanced technology as dreadful monster just like the government of Qing Dynasty.
Art is more important
❖ Say from industrial products, everything is used by the designers carefully designed, If only pay attention to the transformation of technology, we have all kinds of brand mobile phones? Apple mobile phone is just advanced, it loses simple atmosphere filled with a sense of design shape, humane phone operating page, you can also become fruit powder? Will you still crazy for it quarterly appear cool products? Don't anticiof technology needs the support of society. Without mind emancipation movements, people would bend to the authority of churches and there would not be three industrial revolution even though there might be some invention by chance. Without humanism spirit in Renaissance, people would think it is the anger of gods when faced natural disasters and no one would do research of them. Without the proposition of innate rights of man in the Enlightenment, there would not be intellectual foundations of modern society and overlords would regard advanced technology as dreadful monster just like the government of Qing Dynasty.
英语演讲与辩论课件Lecture Five

Collect evidence and materials
Widely collect evidence and factual materials that support one's own position, while also understanding the possible viewpoints that the other party may raise, and be prepared to respond.
• Exploiting the opponent's weaknesses for attack: In debates, it is important to observe the opponent's weaknesses and loopholes, and cleverly exploit these weaknesses for attack. This can weaken the other party's position and enhance the persuasiveness of one's own viewpoint.
Dealing with nervousness
Using methods such as deep breathing and positive thinking to alleviate nervousness and maintain confidence.
Adapt to different occasions
Non verbal communication
Using nonverbal means such as body language, facial expressions, and eye contact to enhance the effectiveness of expression.
Widely collect evidence and factual materials that support one's own position, while also understanding the possible viewpoints that the other party may raise, and be prepared to respond.
• Exploiting the opponent's weaknesses for attack: In debates, it is important to observe the opponent's weaknesses and loopholes, and cleverly exploit these weaknesses for attack. This can weaken the other party's position and enhance the persuasiveness of one's own viewpoint.
Dealing with nervousness
Using methods such as deep breathing and positive thinking to alleviate nervousness and maintain confidence.
Adapt to different occasions
Non verbal communication
Using nonverbal means such as body language, facial expressions, and eye contact to enhance the effectiveness of expression.

2nd Negative
Tearing down the affirmative
Continue building and supporting
Rebuts the 2nd affirmative’s argument
could also continue to rebut first two affirmative
(reinforces the idea/ argument by 1st speaker)
Delivers arguments (2nd affirmative’s argments).
Most of the 2nd affirmative’s time should be dealing with new material/arguments
Debating Basics
A debate is held between two teams of four members each
Affirmative Vs Negative
1st negative-
Tearing down the affirmative building up the negative
Rebuts the points/arguments raised by the first two negative speaker.
The 3rd affirmative is mainly entrusted with the duty of responding to the arguments of the negative that were not previously dealt with by the first two affirmative speaker.

Use of notes Tips: (1) Don’t read (2) Do use notes: to remind you what to say, to remind
you when to say it, to remind you how to say it. How to Use Notes: (1)Main points: the headings not a full script (2)The order of the points: structure of speech
I. Quality of definition
The strategic choices made in a debate
Includes the actual Arguments you use
Includes body language and delivery
It is the delivery style a debater uses to persuade the audience. It is involved in physical and vocal aspects: Appearance( dress appropriately) Stance ●physical aspect Gestures Eye contact Style(be yourself but plan for variety) Use of notes
(2) the standard British style: it brings a greater level of complexity by having four competing teams, two teams on each side each compromising of two people making a total of 8 speeches. Each team has a specific role to play depending on their order of speaking. For example; the summing up for the whole side is done by the last speaker of the second teams.
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Speaking for myself站在自己的立场 上说
In my experience…根据我的经验… I suppose... I'd rather..., I'd prefer... The way I see it... If it were up to me... I'm pretty sure that... It is fairly certain that...
Debate Phases
一辩:first debater 二辩:second debater 以此类推 正方 positive side 反方 negative side 对方辩友:my fellow debaters 开 始 的 陈 词 : Honorable judges,
distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen 结束要说THANK YOU
Why debate?
1) Not everyone can debate in public. It takes courage, quick thinking and flexibility.
2) Debate is fundamental to the use of the English language.
新社员:上台演讲3分钟;不背熟直接不及格 老社员:在台下打分,每人都有评分表(评分
不打小数点);每人都要上台点评 秘书处:韦彩叶计时 技术部:何紫缘统分 最后会发放有排名的成绩条
Phase 6:评分
How you behave in debating
Use notes
Don’t read
Do use notes: to remind you what to say, to remind you when to say it, to remind you how to say it.
Phase 4:结辩陈词(5分钟)
由双方最后一名辩手进行结辩陈词。先讨论 2分钟,再总结陈词3分钟包括三部分:对对 方之前论点的驳论、己方观点的总结再陈述 和人文呼唤。最后发言可以“下猛料”,即 使用一些有漏洞但攻击力巨大的论点或实例 ,因为没有人会再次站起来驳斥你。
Phase 5:提问
观众可向正反方各提一个问题,双方选派一 名选手作答。
Topic 2:Which one is more important
Debate Standards
内容:观点陈述明确,有条理,论点和论据内容正ebate in education ➢ Debate at work ➢ Debate for life
Debate language
Stating an opinion I believe that… In my opinion… The point is that… I’d like to point out that… As far as I’m concerned… According to my research…
语言:语音语调标准,口齿清楚,语句流畅,说理、 分析透彻,说服力和逻辑性强。
能力:识辩能力强,接句合适,回答中肯,反驱有 力、有理,反应机敏。
团队合作:全队各辩手的论点一致,结构完整,队 员配合默契
Tasks for next week: assessment of speech
well…what do you think about…你怎么看…
Do you agree? 你同意吗?
What's your view on the matter?就这件事你的看法 呢?
Let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见!
Do you think that…?你认为…吗
凌丽文 组 彭铭鑫 组 陈俊宇 组 刘金婵 组
葛心怡 陆满庭
莫舒祺 莫北凤 陈玫多 韦晓雪
韦彩叶 何紫缘 玉童 梁莘苧 马冬兰 李思茵
严家祥 陆奕君 文雪程 莫海莹 黄泽容
庄思敏 张煜曼 邓景元 黄霄 黄珏
Topic 1:Whether it would be beneficial to develop personal career in big city?
I'm convinced that..., I honestly feel that…, I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt..., While others may argue that…,
Considering the current …, It’s safe to say that…, In fact…, It’s a fact that…, A recent study has shown that…, It has been suggested that…,
辩论由正方和反方组成,选手可自行分工,分别担 任一辩、二辩、三辩、四辩等。 Phase 1:阐明立场阶段(2分钟) 由双方一辩针对辩论赛主题进行观点阐述。 Phase 2: 攻辩阶段(每个辩手2分钟) 正方二辩选择反方二辩 反方二辩选择正方二辩 以此类推 直到每个辩手都发言完毕 Phase 3:自由辩论阶段(10分钟) 正反双方任意辩手自由轮流发言2分钟。同一方的 发言次序不限,但不得超时
Agreeing with an opinion
That’s true. Exactly what I say. I completely agree. I can’t agree with you more.
Disagreeing with an opinion I don’t agree. That’s not true. I’m afraid I disagree. I’m afraid you are wrong there.
Asking for an opinion from the other party
I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐 意听听你对…的意见。
I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对…问题怎么看