Agilent GC-MS 7980B 5977

安捷伦7890B-5977气质联用仪1技术参数(一)质谱部分:1、质谱性能1)、全自动调谐2)、质量数范围:1.6-1050amu,以0.1amu递增3)、分辨率:单质量数分辨4)、质量轴稳定性: 不劣于0.10amu/48小时5)、灵敏度:全扫描灵敏度(电子轰击源):1pg八氟萘,信/噪比>400︰1 (扫描范围:50-300amu)选择离子检测(电子轰击源):20fg八氟萘,信/噪比>10︰16)、最大扫描速率:12500u/s 1 ms SIM驻留时间7)、动态范围:全动态范围为1068)、选择离子检测模式:可取100组离子,60个离子/组9)、具有痕量离子检测功能2、离子源1)、完全惰性材料制做(非涂层,非不锈钢材料)2)、EI源备有两根长效灯丝,可由软件自动切换3)、离子化能量:5-241.5eV4)、离子源温度:独立温控,150-350˚C可调3、质量分析器:1)、整体石英镀金双曲面四极杆2)、特殊设计的Turner-Kruge透镜,可提高灵敏度,保护四极杆,3)、可独立控温,最高温度可≧200˚C4、检测器:长效高能量电子倍增器5、真空系统:高性能分子涡轮泵(二)色谱部分:1、色谱性能:1)、保留时间重现性<0.008% 或<0.0008 min2)、峰面积重现性<1%RSD2、电子压力控制(EPC):1)、自动海拔高度压力及室温补偿;2)、★控制精度0.001psi;3)、压力/流量程序:3级4)、具有恒流,恒压,程序增加流速,程序升压及压力脉冲等操作模式的电子气路控制3、加热区域:1)、除柱箱外,可加热控温的区域应不少于6个,2)、最高温度可达400˚C4、柱温箱:1)、温度范围:室温以上4˚C~450˚C2)、温度设定:1˚C;程序设定升温速率0.1˚C3)、最大升温速度:120˚C/分钟4)、温度稳定性:当环境温度变化1˚C时,优于0.01˚C5)、程序升温:20阶21平台6)、最大运行时间:999.99分钟7)、降温速率:从400˚C降至50˚C<240秒4、分流/不分流毛细柱进样口:1)、带电子气路控制,控制精度:0.001Psi2)、适用于所有毛细管柱:50~530μm内径3)、分流比可达7500:14)、最高使用温度:400 ℃5)、总流量设定范围:N2 从0 ~200mL/min。

MGM310A 型
COD 测定
COD 测定装置
COD 测定
COD 测定仪
COD 测定
COD 测试仪
COD 测定
COD 恒温加热器

HP8920A/B综合测试仪使用方法一、测试线的连接MAX PWR 60W——仪器射频信号输入输出(注意观察标注的最大功率值,可能有些仪器只能测试5W或者10W的功率)。
(此处不能接错!200mw的那个头不要输入大功率,否则,会损坏仪器!)AUDIO IN (HI)——音频信号输入(接对讲机外接耳机插孔,输入信号后仪器显示相应指标)。
AUDIO OUT——音频信号输出(接对讲机外接话咪插孔,仪器里面模拟出来的音频信号经过话咪插孔进入到对讲机里面进行调制,然后通过仪器显示相关指标)。
连接好对讲机各测试线并打开电源,按下对讲机的PTT按键,发射时,主要看仪器屏幕上的三个指标:Tx Frequency :频率误差(实际发射出来的频率值和该信道标称频率的差值,一般±500Hz即可。
Tx Power:功率大小FM Deviation:最大频偏(一般在4KHz左右,加亚音频之后,会高0.7KHz。
在发射状态下,把仪器的滤波器调小:即把“Filter 1”选择到“<20Hz”,再把“Filter 2”选择到“300Hz”,即可以在“FM Deviation”这一栏直接查看到该信道所加的模拟亚音频数值。
2、接收测试:按仪器面板上的“RX”按键,在该界面,要设置以下参数:转动面板上的那个大的旋钮,让光标停留在“RF Gen Freq”处,直接按数字键和单位按键,即输入要测试对讲机的接收频率(如458.825MHz),然后,再把光标移到“Amplitude”这一项,分别输入1mv和0.25uv两种场强参数(看你自己的习惯,也可以用“-DBm”的单位),以检测机器的失真度和灵敏度。

HP 8903B是一款性能卓越的音频分析仪,具有多种技术指标。
这些技术指标使得HP 8903B成为一款功能强大、性能卓越的音频分析仪,能够满足各种音频测试和分析的需求。
安捷伦N9330B 使用说明全新

字体大小:大| 中| 小2009-05-11 13:26 - 阅读:125 - 评论:0关于安捷伦的N9330A/B天馈线测试仪的简易操作一、硬键说明:1、MODE----测量模式键:用于选择仪表的测量模式。
二、硬键/软键的结合功能:A、MODE—测量模式键:包括:1、FREQ(频率模式):该模式下包括:1.1 驻波比1.2 回波损耗1.3 电缆损耗2、DTF(故障定位模式):该模式下包括:2.1 驻波比2.2 回波损耗1、FREQ(频率模式):1.1、FREQ—驻波比:在这种模式下,按动下列硬键,将会分别出现相关的软键,其功能分别为:1.1.1 FREQ/DIST—频率设置键(此时只能设置频率):此时的软键分为:起始---用于设置测试的起始频率。

5.1 调整函数显示和光标读数 ..........................................................................27 5.2 如何自动生成试验报告(前提是 Windows 英文版+Office 英文版).........28 5.3 如何将测量数据读入 Excel 电子表格 .......................................................29 5.4 测量值与极限值进行比较(适用于 9.0 版本以下).....................................29 5.5 使用加速度计测量振动时, 可以两种方式得到速度或位移: ...............29 5.6 如何在 Windows 2000/XP 中使用中文编辑 PULSE Report.....................30
与 PULSE 平台上的其他应用软件相结合,可以满足用户在 数据记 录与管理、结构动力学分析(如模态分析)、机械故障诊断(如包络分 析、阶次分析、转子动平衡、飞行器振动检测)、声品质、声学材料 测试、电声测试等方面的多种要求。
本手册分为三个部分,第一部分是 PULSE 系统安装和软件操作快 速入门,第二部分是测量分析过程中的常见问题解答,第三部分是做 试验报告的指导和客户支持联络方式。
第二部分 常见问题解答 ....................................................................12
Agilent U8903A - 无论是倾听单音、立体声还是环绕声

图 3: 使用提供低失真和低噪声电平的高质量测试信号
为实现工作台上和测试系统中的 自动化控制,U8903A 配有 GPIB, LAN 和 USB 接口。如果您的系统现在 使用的是 HP 8903B 音频分析仪,应 用指南“从 8903B 至 U8903A 的代码 移植 (5990-4153EN)”描述兼容的等 效命令,并提供把老 R2D2 代码与新 U8903A SCPI命令进行比较的范例测 试程序。
表 3: 频率范围和残余 THD+N 测量比较
您能通过U8903A的图形用户界面 (GUI) 和对主要工作模式的单键选择更 快更好的地进行您的测量。彩色屏幕能观看一个或两个通道的双参数显示,以 及扫描、频谱和其它信息的图形显示 (图 4)。
5.7 英寸彩色显示
单键访问分析仪, 发生器和扫描模式
通过提供符合国际标准的加权网 络,选择内置滤波器可简化音频测 量。这些滤波器包括 CCIR,CCIR/ ARM 和 CCIT 加权滤波器,C 消息滤 波器和 ANSI“A”加权滤波器。除标 准滤波器外,您还可用 MATLAB 和 Agilent VEE 等应用软件建立自定义 滤波器,然后通过分析仪的USB端口 上载这些滤波器。U8903A 还包括用 以抑制有害带外信号和噪声的可选 15 kHz,20 kHz,30 kHz低通滤波器。
图 4: 新 U8903A 音频分析仪多方改进了广为使用的 HP 8903B
频率范围 频率精度
表 1: 频率范围和精度比较
AC 电压输入范围 AC 精度 DC 电压输入范围 DC 精度
U8903A DC 和 10 Hz 至 100 kHz 5 ppm (0.0005%)
U8903A 0 V 至 140 Vrms ±1% 0 V 至 ±200 V ±1%

Agilent NFA系列噪声分析器配置指南说明书

AgilentN8972A, N8973A, N8974A, N8975A NFA Series Noise Figure AnalyzersConfiguration GuideThis configuration guide will assist withoptimization of an NFA series noise figureanalyzer for specific applications.Models• N8972A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 1.5 GHz)• N8973A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz)• N8974A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 6.7 GHz)• N8975A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 26.5 GHz) 1981NFA series noise figure analyzersN8972A 10 MHz to 1.5 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerN8973A 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerN8974A 10 MHz to 6.7 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerN8975A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerStandard NFA seriesnoise figure analyzers include:• A flexible and intuitive user interface•Easy measurement setup•Low instrument uncertainty•Color graphical display of noise figure and gain versus frequency•Enhanced PC and printer connectivity•SNS series noise source compatible•Ability to automatically upload ENR calibrationdata from SNS series noise sources•Local oscillator control through second dedicated GPIB•3-year warranty as standardUpgrading a modelAll options other than those marked with *, can be ordered at any time for use with an instrument.Noise sources(required to make noise figure measurements)The Agilent SNS Series of noise sources are recommended for use with the Agilent NFA. These noise sources work in conjunction with the NFA Series analyzers to simplify measurement set-up and improve accuracy.Frequency range:N4000A nominal ENR 6dB 10MHz to 18GHzN4001A nominal ENR 15dB 10MHz to 18GHzN4002A nominal ENR 15dB 10MHz to 26.5GHzThe new SNS Series of noise sources are designed specifically for use with the NFA Series of noise figure analyzers. The new noise sources cover the majority of applications with a range of frequencies, ENR and also coaxial connector types.Unique calibration data is stored electronically inside the SNS and is automatically downloaded when connectedto the Agilent noise figure analyzer. The SNS Series also has the capability to measure it’s own temperature so that compensation can be applied to it’s calibration. These features will lead to more reliable measurements.Other compatible noise sources include the Agilent 346 (co-axial) series and the 347 (waveguide) series. Compatible local oscillatorsThe NFA Series noise figure analyzers support the use ofa local oscillator as part of your measurement setup, if you are making measurements on frequency translating devices or making measurements our of one standard frequency range of your noise figure analyzer. SCPI compatible signal generators are recommended, but users may also use their own custom command set.Please note: Care must be taken when specifying a local oscillator, as factors such as phase noise, spectral purity and noise floor of the signal generator may affect noise figure measurements. Filtering may therefore be required on some models of signal generators to enable accurate noise figure measurements to be made. Compatible printersA supported printer is defined as one that is equipped with a parallel interface and accepts printer control language (PCL) level 3 or 5. Purchase an IEEE 1284 compliant printer cable to enable the printer to be used.For further informationAgilent NFA Series – noise figure analyzer applicationand product information is listed below.Key literaturePlease visit the Agilent noise figure analysis web site for on-line access to literature or contact your local Agilent sales office or representative.NFA Series - Noise Figure Analyzers, Brochure,literature number 5980-0166ENFA Series - Noise Figure Analyzers,Technical Specifications, literature number 5980-0164E NFA Series – Noise Figure AnalyzerProgramming Examples,literature number 5968-9498E Fundamental of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements, Application Note 57-1,literature number 5952-8255ENoise Figure Measurement Accuracy ApplicationNote 57–2, literature number 5968-4545E10 Hints for Making Successful Noise Figure Measurements, Application Note 57-3,literature number 5980-0288ESNS Series – Noise Sources, Product Overview,literature number 5988-0081ENKey web resourcesFor the latest information on our noise figure solutions, visit our web page at:/find/nfFor the latest news on the component test industry,visit our web page at:/find/component_testFor on-line manuals, visit our web page at:/find/manualsFundamentals of Noise Figure Measurements Net Seminar (archived version)3Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while mini-mizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them success-fully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the prod-uct. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choos-ing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase accord-ing to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems effi-ciently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration,extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, opti-mize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems,and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products.Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test & measurement needsOnline assistance:/find/assistPhone or Fax Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2002Printed in USA, June 5, 20025980-0163EUnited States:(tel) 800 452 4844Canada:(tel) 877 894 4414(fax) 905 282 6495China:(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 800 820 2816Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Korea:(tel) (82 2) 2004 5004 (fax) (82 2) 2004 5115Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Taiwan:(tel) 0800 047 866 (fax) 0800 286 331Other Asia Pacific Countries:(tel) (65) 6375 8100 (fax) (65) 6836 0252Email:*******************/find/emailupdatesGet the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent Email Updates。
Audio filters-音频滤波器

Standard Audio FiltersHP 8903B and HP 8903E Analyzer Specifications30 kHz LOW-PASS FILTER3 dB Cutoff Frequency: 30 kHz ±2 kHz,Rolloff: Third-order Butterworth; 18 dBper octave or 60 dB per decade.80 kHz LOW-PASS FILTER3 dB Cutoff Frequency: 80 kHz ±4 kHz.Rolloff: Third-order Butterworth; 18 dBper octave or 60 dB per decade.Plug-in Audio Filters400 Hz HIGH-PASS FILTER3 dB Cutoff Frequency: 400 Hz ±40 Hz.Rolloff: Seventh-order Butterworth;42 dB per octave or 140 dB per decade. CCITT WEIGHTING FILTER (CCITT rec. P53)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.2 dB at 800 Hz.±1.0 dB, 300 Hz to 3 kHz.±2.0 dB, 50 Hz to 3.5 kHz.±3.0 dB, 3.5 kHz to 5 kHz.CCIR WEIGHTING FILTER (CCIR rec, 468-2)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.1 dB at 6.3 kHz.±0.2 dB, 6.3 kHz to 7.1 kHz.±0.4 dB, 7.1 kHz to 10 kHz.±0.5 dB, 200 Hz to 6.3 kHz.±1.0 dB, 31.5 Hz to 200 Hz, 10 kHz to20 kHz.±2.0 dB, 20 kHz to 31.5 kHz.C-MESSAGE WEIGHTING FILTER (Per BSTM 41004)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.1 dB at 1 kHz.±1.0 dB, 60 Hz to 5 kHz.Plug-in Audio FiltersCCIR/ARM WEIGHTING FILTER (CCIR rec. 468-2,average-responding meter, Dolby Labs Bulletin No. 19/4) Deviation from Ideal Response:Same as listed under CCIRWEIGHTING FILTER above.“A” WEIGHTING FILTER(IEC rec. 179 and ANSI S1.4,type 1 sound-level meter)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.1 dB at 1 kHz.±0.5 dB, 20 Hz to 10 kHz.±1.0 dB, 10 kHz to 20 kHz.Plug-in Audio Filters10。

The Agilent Technologies 8902A measuring receiver delivers the accuracy and resolution of a high per-formance power meter at frequencies from 150 kHz to 1.3 GHz (50 MHz to 26.5 GHz with the Agilent 11793A microwave converter) and levels from+30 dBm to –127 dBm. It accurately measures AM, FM, and f M, including residuals and incidentals, with a single keystroke. The 8902A measuring receiver, with the 11793A, counts RF signals to 26.5 GHz with 10 Hz resolution and excellent long-term frequency stability. The 8902A measuring receiver with Option 050 offers increased power measurement accuracy. This option specifies Tuned RF Level on the 8902A measuring receiver to an accuracy of ±(0.015 dB + 0.005 dB/10 dB step). Agilent 8902AMeasuring Receiver Technical SpecificationsAgilent 11722A Sensor ModuleAgilent 11792A Sensor ModuleAgilent 11793A Microwave ConverterAgilent 11812A Verification Kit2AGILENT 8902A MEASURING RECEIVER*TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSpecifications describe the test set’s warranted performance and are valid over the entire operation and environmental ranges unless otherwise noted. All specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period of continuous opera-tion, and within the frequency ranges defined below.Supplemental characteristics are intended to provide additional information useful in applying the instru-ment by giving typical, but non-warranted performance parameters. These characteristics are shown in Italics and labeled as “nominal,” “typical,” or “supplemental.”*Shaded text signifies measurements made with the 8902A measuring receiver using the 11793A microwave converter and 11792A sensor module. With this config-uration, all standard 8902A specifications apply except where changes are shown as shaded text.Frequency ModulationRATES 1:20 Hz to 10 kHz, 150 kHz ≤f c <10 MHz.20 Hz to 200 kHz, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤1300 MHz.20 Hz to 200 kHz, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤26.5 GHz.DEVIATIONS 1:40 kHz peak maximum, 150 kHz ≤f c <10 MHz.400 kHz peak maximum, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤1300 MHz.400 kHz peak maximum, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤26.5 GHz.ACCURACY 1, 2, 3:FM Accuracy Frequency Range Rates Deviations ±2% of reading 250 kHz – 10 MHz 20 Hz – 10 kHz ≤40 kHz peak ±1 digit ±1% of reading 10 MHz – 1300 MHz 50 Hz – 100 kHz ≤400 kHz peak ±1 digit ±5% of reading 10 MHz – 1300 MHz 20 Hz – 200 kHz ≤400 kHz peak ±1 digitFor rms detector add ±3% of reading.DEMODULATED OUTPUT DISTORTION 1, 4:THD Frequency Range Rates Deviations <0.1%400 kHz – 10 MHz 20 Hz – 10 kHz <10 kHz <0.1%10 MHz – 1300 MHz 20 Hz – 100 kHz <100 kHz AM REJECTION (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW)3:AM RejectionFrequency Range Rates AM Depths <20 Hz peak 150 kHz – 1300 MHz 400 Hz or 1 kHz ≤50%deviation RESIDUAL FM (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW):<8 Hz rms at 1300 MHz, decreasing linearly with frequency to <1 Hz rms for 100 MHz and below.<17 Hz rms'1300 MHz <f c ≤6.2 GHz.<33 Hz rms'6.2 GHz <f c ≤12.4 GHz.<49 Hz rms'12.4 GHz <f c ≤18.6 GHz.<65 Hz rms'18.6 GHz <f c ≤26.5 GHz.Supplemental Characteristics:MAXIMUM FM DEVIATION, RESOLUTION, AND MAXIMUM DEMODULATED OUTPUT SENSITIVITYACROSS AN OPEN CIRCUIT (600 Ωoutput impedance)5:Maximum Maximum Demodulated Deviations Resolution Output Sensitivity(D F)100 Hz 0.01 mV/Hz D F peak ≥40 kHz 10 Hz 0.1 mV/Hz 4.0 kHz ≤D F peak <40 kHz 1 Hz 1.0 mV/Hz D F peak < 4 kHz 0.1 Hz1.0 mV/ HzD F rms < 0.3 kHz(rms detector only)Resolution is increased one digit with 750 µs de-empha-sis and pre-display on.The demodulated output signal present at theModulation Out/Audio In connector is increased in amplitude by a factor of 10 with 750 µs de-emphasis.DEMODULATED OUTPUT DISTORTION 1, 4:THD Frequency Range Rates Deviations <0.3%150 kHz – 400 kHz 20 Hz – 10 kHz <10 kHz DETECTORS:+peak, – peak, ±peak/2, peak hold, average (rms sinewave calibrated), rms.STEREO SEPARATION (50 Hz to 15 kHz): >47 dB.1.But not to exceed: 20 kHz rates and 40 kHz peak deviations with 750 µs de-emphasis filter.2.Not to exceed for stated accuracy: 50 Hz to 40 kHz rates with rms detector.3.Peak residuals must be accounted for in peak readings.4.With 750 µs de-emphasis and pre-display "off," distortion is not specified for modulation outputs >4V peak. This condition can occur near maximum deviation for a measurement range, at rates <2 kHz.5.For optimum flatness, cables should be terminated with their characteristic impedance.3Amplitude ModulationRATES:20 Hz to 10 kHz, 150 kHz ≤f c <10 MHz.20 Hz to 100 kHz, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤1300 MHz.DEPTH:to 99%.ACCURACY 2, 3, 6:AM Accuracy Frequency Range Rates Depths ±2% of reading 150 kHz – 10 MHz 50 Hz – 10 kHz 5% – 99%±1 digit ±3% of reading 150 kHz – 10 MHz 20 Hz – 10 kHz to 99%±1 digit ±1% of reading 10 MHz – 1300 MHz 50 Hz – 50 kHz 5% – 99%±1 digit ±3% of reading 10 MHz – 1300 MHz20 Hz – 100 kHz to 99%±1 digitFLATNESS 5, 7:Flatness Frequency Range RatesDepths±0.3% of reading10 MHz – 1300 MHz 90 Hz – 10 kHz 20% – 80%±1 digit DEMODULATED OUTPUT DISTORTION:<0.3% THD for ≤50% depth. <0.6% THD for ≤95% depth.For f c >1300 MHz add 0.4% THD.FM REJECTION (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW)3:FM Rejection Frequency Range Rates Deviations <0.2% AM250 kHz – 10 MHz 400 Hz or 1 kHz <5 kHz peak <0.2% AM 10 MHz – 1300 MHz 400 Hz or 1 kHz <50 kHz peak RESIDUAL AM (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW):<0.01%rms .Supplemental Characteristics:DETECTORS:+peak, –peak, ±peak/2, peak hold, average (rms sinewave calibrated), rms.MAXIMUM DEPTH, RESOLUTION, AND MAXIMUM DEMODU-LATED OUTPUT SENSITIVITY ACROSS AN OPEN CIRCUIT (600 Ωoutput impedance)5:Maximum Maximum Demodulated DepthsResolution Output Sensitivity0.1%0.01V / percent AM peak ≥40.0%0.01%0.1V / percent AM peak <40.0%0.001%(rms detector only)0.1V / percentAM rms <3.0%Phase ModulationRATES:200 Hz to 10 kHz, 150 kHz ≤f c <10 MHz.200 Hz to 20 kHz, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤1300 MHz.200 Hz to 20 kHz, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤26.5 GHz.ACCURACY 3:±4% of reading ±1 digit, 150 kHz ≤f c <10 MHz.±3% of reading ±1 digit, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤1300 MHz.±3% of reading ±1 digit, 10 MHz ≤f c ≤26.5 GHz.For rms detector add ±3% of reading.DEMODULATED OUTPUT DISTORTION:<0.1% THD.AM REJECTION (for 50% AM at 1 kHz rate)3:<0.03 radians peak (50 Hz to 3 kHz BW).MAXIMUM DEVIATION, RESOLUTION, AND MAXIMUM DEMODULATED OUTPUT SENSITIVITY ACROSS AN OPEN CIRCUIT (600 Ωoutput impedance)5:Supplemental Characteristics:MODULATION RATES:usable from 20 Hz to 100 kHz with degraded performance.DETECTORS:+peak, – peak, ±peak/2, peak hold, average (rms sinewave calibrated), rms.2.Not to exceed for stated accuracy: 50 Hz to 40 kHz rates with rms detector.3.Peak residuals must be accounted for in peak readings.5.For optimum flatness, cables should be terminated with their characteristic impedance.6.For peak measurements only: AM accuracy may be affected by distortion generat-ed by the measuring receiver. In the worst case this distortion can decrease accu-racy by 0.1% of reading for each 0.1% of distortion.7.Flatness is the variation in indicated AM depth for constant depth on input signal.Modulation ReferenceAM CALIBRATOR DEPTH AND ACCURACY:33.33% depth nominal, internally calibrated to an accuracy of ±0.1%. FM CALIBRATOR DEVIATION AND ACCURACY:34 kHz peak deviation nominal, internally calibrated to an accuracy of ±0.1%.Supplemental Characteristics:CARRIER FREQUENCY:10.1 MHz.MODULATION RATE: 10 kHz.OUTPUT LEVEL:– 25 dBm.Frequency CounterRANGE:150 kHz to 1300 MHz.150 kHz to 26.5 GHz.SENSITIVITY:12 mV rms(–25 dBm), 150 kHz ≤f c≤650 MHz.22 mV rms(–20 dBm), 650 MHz ≤f c≤1300 MHz.40 mV rms(–15 dBm), 150 kHz ≤f c≤650 MHz.71 mV rms(–10 dBm), 650 MHz <f c≤1300 MHz.40 mV rms(–15 dBm), 1300 MHz <f c≤26.5 GHz.MAXIMUM RESOLUTION:1 Hz.10 Hz.ACCURACY:±reference accuracy ±3 counts of least-significant digit,f c<100 MHz.±reference accuracy ±3 counts of least-significant digit, or30 Hz, whichever is larger, f c≥100 MHz.Supplemental Characteristics:MODES:Frequency and Frequency Error (displays the difference between the frequency entered via the keyboard and the actual RF input frequency).SENSITIVITY IN MANUAL TUNING MODE:Approximate frequency must be entered from keyboard.0.22 mV rms(–60 dBm).0.71 mV rms(–50 dBm).Using the RF amplifier and the IF amplifiers, sensitivity can be increased to approximately:–100 dBm.–90 dBm, f c≤1300 MHz.–75 dBm, 1300 MHz <f c≤26.5 GHz.8.After 30-day warm-up.9.The 8902A fundamental RF power measurement units are watts. Further internalprocessing is done on this number to display all other units.10.When using a power sensor, the noise specification may mask the linearity speci-fication and become the predominant error. When operating on the top RF power range, add the power sensor's linearity percentages found in the power sensor's specifications.Internal Time Base ReferenceFREQUENCY:10 MHz.AGING RATE:<1 x 10–6/month.<1 x 10–9/day (Option 002)8.Supplemental Characteristics:INTERNAL REFERENCE ACCURACY:Overall accuracy is a function of timebase calibration, aging rate, temperature effects, line voltage effects, and short-term stability.Standard Option 002 Aging Rate<1 x 10–6/mo.<1 x 10–9/day Temperature Effects<2 x 10–7/°C<2 x 10–10/°CLine Voltage Effects(+5%, –10% Line<1 x 10–6<6 x 10–10Voltage Change)Short-Term Stability—<1 x 10–9for1 second averageRF PowerThe Agilent 8902A measuring receiver, with11722A sensor module, performs RF power meas-urements from –20 dBm (10 µW) to +30 dBm (1 W) at frequencies from 100 kHz to 2.6GHz.The 8902A measuring receiver, with 11792A sensor module, performs RF power measurements from–20 dBm (10µW) to +30 dBm (1 W) at frequencies from 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz.RF POWER RESOLUTION9:0.01% of full scale in watts or volts mode.0.01 dB in dBm or dB relative mode.LINEARITY (includes sensor non-linearity):RF range linearity ±RF range-to-range change error.RF RANGE LINEARITY (using recorder output)10:±0.02 dB, RF ranges 2 through 5.±0.03 dB, RF range 1.Using front-panel display add ±1 count of least-significant digit. RF RANGE-TO-RANGE CHANGE ERROR (using recorder output): ±0.02 dB/RF range change from reference range.Using front-panel display add ±1 count of least-significant digit. INPUT SWR:Using 11722A sensor module: <1.15.Using 11792A sensor module:<1.15, 1300 MHz ≤f c.<1.25, 1300 MHz <f c≤18.0 GHz.<1.40, 18.0 GHz <f c≤26.5 GHz.4ZERO SET (digital settability of zero):±0.07% of full scale on lowest range.Decrease by a factor of 10 for each higher range. Supplemental Characteristics:ZERO DRIFT OF METER:±0.03% of full scale/°C on lowest range. Decrease by afactor of 10 for each higher range.NOISE (at constant temperature, peak change over any one-minute interval for the 11722A or 11792A sensor modules):0.4% of full scale on range 1 (lowest range).0.13% of full scale on range 2.0.013% of full scale on range 3.0.0013% of full scale on range 4.0.00013% of full scale on range 5.ZERO DRIFT OF SENSORS (1 hour, at constant temperature after 24-hour warm-up):±0.1% of full scale on lowest range for 11722Aand 11792A sensor modules.RF POWER RANGES OF AGILENT8902A MEASURING RECEIVER WITH 11722A AND 11792A SENSOR MODULES:–20 dBm to –10 dBm (10 µW to 100 µW), range 1.–10 dBm to 0 dBm (100 µW to 1 mW), range 2.0 dBm to +10 dBm (1 mW to 10 mW), range 3.+10 dBm to +20 dBm (10 mW to 100 mW), range 4.+20 dBm to +30 dBm (100 mW to 1 W), range 5. RESPONSE TIME (0 to 99% of reading):<10 seconds, range 1.<1 second, range 2.<100 milliseconds, ranges 3 through 5.DISPLAYED UNITS:Watts, dBm, dB relative, %relative, volts, mV, µV, dB V, dB mV, dB µV. INTERNAL NON-VOLATILE CAL-FACTOR TABLES(user-modifiable using special functions):Maximum number of cal factor/frequency entries:Table #1 (primary):16 pairs plus Reference Cal Factor.Table #2(frequency offset): 22 pairs plus Reference Cal Factor. Maximum Allowed Frequency Entry:42 GHz.Frequency Entry Resolution: 50 kHz.Cal Factor Range:40 to 120%.Cal Factor Resolution: 0.1%.Power ReferencePOWER OUTPUT:1.00 mW. Factory set to ±0.7%, traceable to the U.S. NationalBureau of Standards.ACCURACY:±1.2% worst case (±0.9% rss) for one year (0 °C to 55 °C).Supplemental Characteristics:FREQUENCY:50 MHz nominal.SWR:1.05 nominal.FRONT PANEL CONNECTOR:N-type female.Tuned RF LevelPOWER RANGE:–127 dBm to 0 dBm, using IF synchronous detector (200 Hz BW).–100 dBm to 0 dBm, using IF average detector (30 kHz BW). POWER RANGE (Using 11792A Sensor Module):For IF Synchronous Detector:+10 dBm to –117 dBm, 2.5 MHz ≤f c≤1300 MHz.+5 dBm to –105 dBm, 1300 MHz ≤f c≤12.4 GHz.+5 dBm to –100 dBm, 12.4 GHz ≤f c≤18.0 GHz.+5 dBm to –95 dBm, 18.0 GHz ≤f c≤26.5 GHz.For IF Average Detector:+10 dBm to –90 dBm, 2.5 MHz ≤f c≤1300 MHz.+5 dBm to –80 dBm, 1300 MHz ≤f c≤12.4 GHz.+5 dBm to –75 dBm, 12.4 GHz ≤f c≤18.0 GHz.+5 dBm to –70 dBm, 18.0 GHz ≤f c≤26.5 GHz.1.9 Special Function degrades Tuned RF Level minimumsensitivity by 10 dB.FREQUENCY RANGE:2.5 MHz to 1300 MHz.2.5 MHz to 26.5 GHz.DISPLAYED RESOLUTION11:4 digits in watts or volts mode.0.01 dB or 0.001 dB in dBm or dB relative mode.4 digits in watts or volts mode.0.01 dB in dBm or dB relative mode.RELATIVE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY (at constant temperature and after RF range calibration is completed)12:Detector linearity + IF range-to-range error + RF range-to-range error + frequency drift error + noise error ±1 digit.Detector linearity + mixer linearity + IF range-to-range error + RF range-to-range error + frequency drift error + noise error ±1 digit.11.The 8902A fundamental Tuned RF Level measurement units are volts. Furtherinternal processing is done on this number to display all other units.12.Tuned RF Level accuracy will be affected by residual FM of the source-under-test.If the residual FM peak is >50 Hz measured over a 30 second period in a 3 kHz BW.Tuned RF Level measurements should be made using the IF average detector (30 kHz BW) by using Special Function 4.4. The Tuned RF Level measurement sensi-tivity when using the IF average detector is –100 dBm.56Carrier Noise (Options 030-037)FREQUENCY RANGE:10 MHz to 1300 MHz.CARRIER POWER RANGE: +30 dBm to –20 dBm;12.5 kHz, 25 kHz and 30 kHz filters.+30 dBm to –10 dBm; carrier noise filter.DYNAMIC RANGE:115 dB.CARRIER REJECTION (temp. ≤35 °C):>90 dB; for offsets of at least 1 channel spacing or 5 kHz, whichever is greater. RELATIVE MEASUREMENT ACCURACY:±0.5 dB; levels ≥–95 dBc; 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz and30 kHz filters.±0.5 dB; levels ≥–129 dBc/Hz; carrier noise filter.CARRIER NOISE FILTER:Filter Noise Bandwidth:2.5 kHz nominal.Noise Bandwidth Correction Accuracy (stored in non-volatile memory): ±0.2 dB.Supplemental Characteristics:ADJACENT/ALTERNATE CHANNEL FILTERS:6 dB Filter Bandwidth:8.5 kHz, 12.5 kHz adjacent-channel filter.16.0 kHz, 25 kHz adjacent-channel filter.30.0 kHz, 30 kHz (cellular radio) alternate-channel filter. TYPICAL NOISE FLOOR:–150 dBc/Hz, 0 dBm carrier power level. For system noise performance add LO contribution.14.With the low-pass and high-pass audio filters used to stabilize frequency readings.Audio Frequency CounterFREQUENCY RANGE:20 Hz to 250 kHz. (Usable to 600 kHz.)MAXIMUM EXTERNAL INPUT VOLTAGE:3V rms.ACCURACY(for demodulated signals)14:Accuracy Frequency Modulation (Peak)±3 counts of least-significant digit>1 kHz AM ≥10%±Internal Reference Accuracy FM ≥1.0 kHzf M≥1.5 radians±0.02 Hz≤1 kHz AM≥10%±Internal Reference Accuracy FM≥1.0 kHzf M≥1.5 radians±0.2 Hz≤3 kHz 1.5%≤AM<10% ±Internal Reference Accuracy0.15 kHz≤FM (3 kHz low-pass filter inserted)<1.0 kHz0.15 radian≤f M<1.5 radiansACCURACY (for external signals)14:Accuracy Frequency Level±3 counts of least-significant digit>1 kHz≥100 mV rms ±Internal Reference±0.02 Hz≤1 kHz≥100 mV rms±Internal Reference AccuracySupplemental Characteristics:DISPLAYED RESOLUTION:6 digits.MEASUREMENT RATE: 2 readings per second.COUNTING TECHNIQUE: Reciprocal with internal 10 MHz timebase. AUDIO INPUT IMPEDANCE: 100 kΩnominal.Audio RMS LevelFREQUENCY RANGE:50 Hz to 40 kHz.VOLTAGE RANGE:100 mV to 3 V.ACCURACY:±4.0% of reading.Supplemental Characteristics:FULL RANGE DISPLAY: 0.3000 V, 4.000 V.AC CONVERTER: True-rms responding for signals with crest factor of ≤3.MEASUREMENT RATE: 2 readings per second.AUDIO INPUT IMPEDANCE:100 kΩnominal.7Audio DistortionFUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCIES:400 Hz ±5% and 1 kHz ±5%. MAXIMUM EXTERNAL INPUT VOLTAGE: 3 V.DISPLAY RANGE:0.01% to 100.0% (–80.00 dB to 0.00 dB). DISPLAYED RESOLUTION: 0.01% or 0.01 dB.ACCURACY: ±1 dB of reading.SENSITIVITY:Modulation:0.15 kHz peak FM, 1.5% peak AM or0.6 radian peak f M.External:100 mV rms.RESIDUAL NOISE AND DISTORTION15:0.3% ( –50 dB), temperature<40 °C.Supplemental Characteristics:MEASUREMENT 3 dB BANDWIDTH:20 Hz to 50 kHz. DETECTION: True rms.MEASUREMENT RATE: 1 reading per second.AUDIO INPUT IMPEDANCE: 100 kΩnominal.Audio FiltersDE-EMPHASIS FILTERS:25 m s, 50 m s, 75 m s, and 750 m s. De-emphasis filters are single-pole, low-pass filters with 3 dB frequen-cies of: 6366 Hz for 25 m s, 3183 Hz for 50 m s, 2122 Hz for 75 m s, and 212 Hz for 750 m s.50 Hz HIGH-PASS FILTER (2 pole):Flatness:<1% at rates ≥200 Hz.300 Hz HIGH-PASS FILTER (2 pole):Flatness:<1% at rates ≥1 kHz.3 kHz LOW-PASS FILTER (5 pole):Flatness:<1% at rates ≤1 kHz.15 kHz LOW-PASS FILTER (5 pole):Flatness:<1% at rates ≤10 kHz.>20 kHz LOW-PASS FILTER (9 pole bessel)16:Flatness:<1% at rates ≤10 kHz.Supplemental Characteristics:DE-EMPHASIS FILTER TIME CONSTANT ACCURACY:±3%. HIGH PASS AND LOW PASS FILTER 3 dB CUTOFF FREQUENCY ACCURACY: ±3%.>20 kHz LOW PASS FILTER 3 dB CUTOFF FREQUENCY: 100 kHz nominal.OVERSHOOT ON SQUARE WAVE MODULATION16: <1%.RF InputFREQUENCY RANGE:150 kHz to 1300 MHz.150 kHz to 26.5 GHz when using the 11793A sensor module.OPERATING LEVEL:Minimum Maximum Frequency Range Operating Level Operating Level12 mV rms(–25 dBm)7 V rms(1 W peak)150 kHz – 650 MHzSource SWR <422 mV rms(–20 dBm)7 V rms(1 W peak)650 MHz – 1300 MHzSource SWR <4Supplemental Characteristics:TUNING:Normal Mode: Automatic and manual frequency entry.Track Mode: Automatic and manual frequency entry, f c≥10 MHz. Normal and Track Mode: Manual entry of approximate frequency. Acquisition Time (automatic operation): ~1.5 seconds.INPUT IMPEDANCE:50 Ωnominal.MAXIMUM SAFE DC INPUT LEVEL:5 V dc.General SpecificationsTEMPERATURE:Operating: 0 °C to 55 °C.Storage:– 55 °C to 75 °C.REMOTE OPERATION:GPIB; all functions except the line switch are remotely controllable.DEFINED IN IEEE-488.2 GPIB COMPATIBILITY: SH1, AH1, T5, TE0, L3, LE0, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E1.EMI:Conducted and radiated interference is within the require-ments of VDE 0871 (Level B), and CISPR publication 11.POWER: 100, 120, 220, or 240V (+5%, –10%); 48 to 66 Hz; 200 VA maximum.WEIGHT: Net 23.4 kg (52 lb); Shipping 31.4 kg (69 lb).DIMENSIONS:190 mm H x 426 mm W x 551 mm D(7.5" x 16.8" x 21.7").15.For demodulated signals, the residual noise generated by the 8902A must beaccounted for in distortion measurements (that is residual AM, FM or f M).16.The >20 kHz low-pass filter is intended for minimum overshoot with squarewavemodulation.8OPTION 050 SPECIFICATIONSFREQUENCY RANGE:2.5 MHz to 26.5 GHz.TUNED RF LEVEL DYNAMIC RANGE:–120 dBm to 0 dBm.–110 dBm to –15 dBm.POWER ACCURACY:Using an Agilent 8902A Option 050 with 11722A sensor module (10 to 1300 MHz):Relative accuracy:±0.005 dB/10 dB step (0 to –100 dBm).±0.050 dB/10 dB step (–100 to –120 dBm).±0.015 dB ±1 digit.Absolute accuracy:±0.005 dB/10 dB step (0 to –100 dBm).±0.050 dB/10 dB step (–100 to –120 dBm).±0.120 dB ±1 digit.Using an Agilent 8902A Option 050 with 11722A sensor module and 11793A microwave converter(1300 to 2600 MHz, –15 to –110 dBm):Relative accuracy, 85 dB dynamic range:±0.005 dB/10 dB step (0 to 60 dB).±0.050 dB/10 dB step (60 to 85 dB).±0.015 dB ±1 digit.Absolute accuracy:±0.005 dB/10 dB step (–15 to –100 dBm).±0.050 dB/10 dB step (–100 to –110 dBm).±0.120 dB ±1 digit.Using an Agilent 8902A Option 050 with 11792A sensor module and 11793A microwave converter(1300 MHz to 26.5 GHz, –15 to –100 dBm):Relative accuracy, 85 dB dynamic range:±0.005 dB/10 dB step (0 to 60 dB).±0.050 dB/10 dB step (60 to 85 dB).±0.015 dB ±1 digit.Absolute accuracy:±0.005 dB/10 dB step (–15 to –100 dBm).±0.120 dB ±1 digit.INPUT SWR:<1.18, RF range 1 and 2.<1.40, RF range 3.TEMPERATURE:Operating:15 °C to 30 °C.Storage:–55 °C to 74 °C.Supplemental Characteristics:MEASUREMENT TIME:10 to 30 seconds.AGILENT 11793A MICROWAVE CONVERTER SPECIFICATIONSLO AMPLITUDE RANGE:+8 dBm to +13 dBm, 2 GHz to 18 GHz.+7 dBm to +13 dBm, 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz.0 dBm to + 5 dBm, 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz with Option 001,011, or 021.TEMPERATURE:Operation:0 °C to 55 °C.Storage:–55 °C to 75 °C.–25 °C to 75 °C (Options 001, 011, and 021).POWER:100, 120, 220, or 240 (+5%, –10%); 48 to 66 Hz;20 VA maximum.WEIGHT: Net 7.5 kg (16.5 lb); shipping 10.9 kg (24 lb). DIMENSIONS:88 mm H x 425 mm W x 528 mm D. Supplemental Characteristics:RF INPUT CONNECTOR:3.5 mm male.LO INPUT CONNECTOR:3.5 mm male.IF OUTPUT CONNECTOR:N-type female.REAR PANEL CONTROL CONNECTOR:BNC female. INCLUDED ACCESSORIES:Control Cable: 11170A BNC cable.LO Output to 11793A LO Input Cable:3.5 mm female to 3.5 mm female flexible cable and 3.5 mm male to N-type male adapter; Options 001, 011, and 021 delete the 3.5 mm to N-type adapter. 8902A RF input to 11793A IF output cable: N-type male to N-type male flexible cable.9AGILENT 11722A SENSOR MODULE SPECIFICATIONSFREQUENCY RANGE:100 kHz to 2.6 GHz.POWER RANGE:+30 dBm (1 watt) to – 20 dBm (10 m W). INPUT SWR (connected to an 8902A):<1.15, for RF Power measurements.<1.33, for Tuned RF Level measurements, RF range 1 and 2.<1.5, for Tuned RF Level measurements, RF range 3.<1.33, for Tuned RF Level measurements, RF range 3 withSpecial Function 1.9.POWER SENSOR LINEARITY:+2%, – 4%; +30 dBm to +20 dBm.Negligible deviation, levels <+20 dBm.CALIBRATION FACTORS:Each 11722A sensor module is individually calibrated. The calibra-tion factors are printed on the 11722A sensor module for easy ref-erence.CAL FACTOR UNCERTAINTY:Frequency RSS Uncertainty Worst Case (MHz)Uncertainty0.10.7 % 1.6%0.30.7% 1.6%1.00.8% 1.7%3.00.8% 1.7%10.00.9% 2.0%30.00.9% 2.0%50.00.0% (ref)0.0% (ref)100.0 1.1% 2.2%300.0 1.1% 2.2%1000.0 1.1% 2.2%2600.0 1.2% 2.3%Supplemental Characteristics:MAXIMUM PEAK POWER:100 Wpeak or 300 W ms per pulse. INPUT IMPEDANCE:50 Ωnominal.INPUT CONNECTOR:N-type male.SWITCH LIFE: >1,000,000 switchings.SWITCH ISOLATION:>90 dB.WEIGHT:Net 0.8 kg (1.75 lb); Shipping 1.2 kg (2.6 lb). DIMENSIONS:51.2 mm H x 62.4 mm W x 1935 mm D(2" x 2.5" x 76.2").AGILENT 11792A SENSOR MODULE SPECIFICATIONSFREQUENCY RANGE:RF Power measurements:50 MHz to 26.5 GHz.50 MHz to 18.0 GHz, Option 001.POWER RANGE:+30 dBm (1 watt) to – 20 dBm (10 m W). INPUT SWR (connected to an Agilent 11793A):<1.15, 1300 MHz ≤f c.<1.25, 1300 MHz <f c≤18.0 GHz.<1.40, 18.0 GHz <f c≤26.5 GHz.POWER SENSOR LINEARITY:+2%, – 4%; +30 dBm to +20 dBm.Negligible deviation, levels <+20 dBm.CALIBRATION FACTORS:Each 11792A sensor module is individually calibrated. The calibra-tion factors are printed on the 11792A sensor module for easy ref-erence.CAL FACTOR UNCERTAINTY:Frequency RSS Uncertainty Worst CaseUncertainty2.0 GHz 2.3 4.6%6.0 GHz 2.5 5.0%10.0 GHz 2.9 5.7%14.0 GHz 3.4 6.6%18.0 GHz 3.7 6.9%22.0 GHz 3.87.8%26.5 GHz 4.18.3%Supplemental Characteristics:INPUT CONNECTOR: 3.5 mm male (N-type male, Option 001). INPUT IMPEDANCE: 50 Ωnominal.SWITCH LIFE: >1,000,000 switchings.WEIGHT: Net 0.8 kg (1.75 lb); Shipping 1.2 kg (2.6 lb). DIMENSIONS: 51.2 mm H x 62.4 mm W x 1935 mm D(2" x 2.5" x 76.2").10AGILENT 11812A VERIFICATION KITSPECIFICATIONSFREQUENCY:30 MHz.11812A ACCURACY:±(0.003 dB + 0.003 dB/10 dB step).OPTION 050 WORST CASE CUMULATIVE TUNED RF LEVELACCURACY VERIFIED WITH 11812A:±0.010 dB/10 dB step (0 to –100 dBm).±0.050 dB/10 dB step (–100 to –120 dBm).±0.015 dB ±1 digit.TEMPERATURE:Operation:15 °C to 30 °C.Storage:–55 °C to 74 °C.AGILENT 8902A REAR PANELINPUTS/OUTPUTSSupplemental Characteristics:FM OUTPUT: 10 kΩimpedance, –9 V to 6 V into an open circuit,~6 V/MHz, dc coupled, 16 kHz bandwidth (one pole).AM OUTPUT: 10 kΩimpedance, –4 V to 0 V into an open circuit,~8 mV/%, dc coupled, 16 kHz bandwidth (one pole).RECORDER OUTPUT: DC voltage proportional to the measuredresults, 1 kΩimpedance, 0 V to 4 V for each resolution range intoan open circuit.IF OUTPUT: 50 Ωimpedance, 150 kHz to 2.5 MHz, –27 dBm to –3dBm.10 MHz REFERENCE OUTPUT: 50 Ωimpedance, TTL levels (0 V to>2.2 V into an open circuit). Available only with Option 0021x10–9/day internal reference.10 MHz REFERENCE INPUT 17:>500 Ωimpedance, 0.5 V peak-to-peakminimum input level.LO INPUT (Option 003): 50 Ωimpedance, ~1.27 MHz to 1301.5MHz, 0 dBm nominal.RF SWITCH REMOTE CONTROL OUTPUT: Provides output signalsnecessary to remotely control either an Agilent 33311B,C Option011 or an 8761A RF switch.FREQUENCY OFFSET MODE REMOTE CONTROL OUTPUT:TTLhigh output if in frequency offset mode (Special Function 27.1 or27.3) with an external LO frequency >0, TTL low output for allother cases.17.External reference accuracy affects accuracy of all measurements.11Agilent Technologies’ Test and MeasurementSupport, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paidfor and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the produc-tion life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our Promise“Our Promise” means your Agilent test and measurement equip-ment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifica-tions and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabili-ties, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your Advantage“Your Advantage” means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration,extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional services. Experienced Agilent engineers and tech-nicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracyfor the life of those products.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test and measurement needs.Online Assistance/find/assistPhone or FaxUnited States:(tel) 1 800 452 4844Canada:(tel) 1 877 894 4414(fax) (905) 206 4120Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Australia:(tel) 1 800 629 485(fax) (61 3) 9210 5947New Zealand:(tel) 0 800 738 378(fax) (64 4) 495 8950Asia Pacific:(tel) (852) 3197 7777(fax) (852) 2506 9284Product specifications and descriptions in thisdocument subject to change without notice.Copyright © 1985, 2000 Agilent TechnologiesPrinted in U.S.A. 10/005968-5312E。
Agilent U8903A Data Sheet说明书

Agilent U8903A Audio AnalyzerMake an Audible DifferenceData SheetStep up from the HP 8903BThe U8903A is the next-generation replacement for the widely used HP 8903B audio analyzer. Application note ‘Migrating Code from the 8903B to U8903A (5990-4135EN)’ provides compatible equivalent commands, and sample test programs comparing the old R2D2 codes with new U8903A SCPI commands’.Whether listening to mono, stereo or surround, the human ear knows what sounds good.Measuring “how good,” however, can be a challenge. The Agilent U8903A audio analyzer helps you measure and quantify audio performance in applications such as wireless audio, analog components and ICs, and consumer audio.Across the audio spectrum and beyond, this scalable, single-unit solution provides versatile measurement functions, diverse test signals and powerful analysis capabilities. Whatever your application, the U8903A can help you make an audible difference in device performance.CapabilitiesSelect generator, analyzer, graph and sweep modes with one-button access Measure at DC and from 10 Hz to 100 kHzCharacterize signal-to-noise ratio, SINAD, IMD, DFD, THD+N ratio, THD+N level, crosstalk, and more Apply weighting functions, standard filters and custom filtersStimulate your device with high-quality signals and arbitrary waveforms View numerical and graphical displays of measurement resultsConnect to a PC through GPIB, LAN/ LXI - C and USB interfacesThe U8903A audio analyzer combines the functionality of a distortion meter, SINAD meter, frequency counter, AC voltmeter, DC voltmeter and FFT analyzer with a low-distortion audio source. On the bench or in a test system, its accuracy and versatility will help you make an audible difference in your end product.Measure and analyze essential audio parametersWith the U8903A, you can measure below, across and above the audio spectrum with its 10 Hz to 100 kHz frequency range and built-in DC measurements. Its dual input channels let you perform stereo audio, frequency response, wireless and component tests—all at a single-channel price.Easily characterize parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio, SINAD, intermodulation distortion (IMD), different-frequency distortion (DFD), total harmonic distortion (THD+N ratio, THD+N level), crosstalk and more. Additional measurement capabilities include AC level, DC level, frequency count and frequency spectrum (through FFT analysis; see Figure 1).For all measurements, you can apply weighting functions as well as low-pass, high-pass and standard filters (Figure 2). You can also create custom filters using MATLAB® and other applications and upload them through the analyzer’s USB port. Filters and weighting functions can be applied one, two or three at a time.Generate high-quality test signalsThe built-in, dual-channel signal generator lets you stimulate your device with a variety of high-quality signals: sine (–105 dB noise floor), square, rectangular, noise (Gaussian and rectangular), two-tone and multi-tone (up to 60) (Figure 3). To simulate complex and real-world signals, you can also create arbitrary waveforms with up to 16,384 points and a 321.5 kHz sampling rate.The output voltage range is 0 V to 8 Vrms with 1% accuracy. For unbalanced connections, you can select 50 W or 600 W output impedance.Figure 1:Perform FFT analysis with up to 32 Kpointsand a wide selection of informative graphingfunctions.Figure 2:Apply an extensive selection of filters,including a variety of weighting functions.Figure 3:Utilize high-quality test signals that provide low distortion and low noise level.Easily perform manual and automated testsOne-button access makes it easy to select the four main operating modes: analyzer, generator, graph and sweep. The 5.7-inch color display provides numeric readouts as well as graphical views of analog sweeps, FFT spectra and more.For PC-based control on the bench or in a test system, the U8903A includes GPIB, LAN/ LXI – C and and USB interfaces. If your system currently uses an HP 8903B audio analyzer, the application note ‘Migrating Code from the 8903B to U8903A (5990-4135EN)’ describes compatible equivalent commands, andprovides sample test programs comparing the old R2D2 codes with new U8903A SCPI commands’.Figure 4: The new U8903A audio analyzer offers numerous improvements over the widely used HP 8903B.Replace your 8903B and add next-generation capabilitiesFor nearly two decades, the HP 8903B provided unparalleled versatility and performance in audio applications. Today, the U8903A audio analyzer builds on the legacy of the 8903B by offering faster single-point measurements (0.4 sec vs. 3.0 sec) as well as a wider frequency range, expanded performance and greater functionality (Tables 1, 2 and 3). Because the U8903A is based on the latest digital technologies, we also predict greaterinstrument uptime on the bench and in test systems.With the U8903A, you can configuremeasurements faster through its graphical user interface (GUI) and one-button selection of major operating modes. The color screen lets you view dual-parameter displays from one or two channels as well as graphical displays of sweeps, frequency spectra andmore (Figure 4).Frequency range Frequency accuracyU8903ADC and 10 Hz to 100 kHz 5 ppm (0.0005%)HP 8903B20 Hz to 100 kHz 0.004%Table 1: Comparison of frequency range and accuracyAC voltage input range AC accuracyDC voltage input range DC accuracyU8903A0 V to 140 Vrms ± 1%0 to ± 200 V ± 1%HP 8903B0.3 mVrms to 300 Vrms ± 4%4 V to 300 V ± 1%Table 2: Comparison of accuracy and ranges in AC and DC level measurementsFrequency range Residual THD+N (signal distortion)at 80 kHz BWU8903A10 Hz to 100 kHz~ –101 dB (at 1 kHz, 1 Vrms), 20 Hz to 20 kHz HP 8903B20 Hz to 100 kHz –80 dB (or 15 μV), 20 Hz to 20 kHzTable 3: Comparison of range and residual THD+N measurementsTake a closer lookPlug-and-play USB 2.0 connectivityFront panel5.7-inch color displayOne-button access to analyzer, generator and sweep modesQuick buttons for graphical analysis Front-panel output on/offbutton for DUT protectionSoftkeys for easy function selectionDual-channel generator outputs and analyzer inputs with XLR connectorsRear panelGPIB, LAN/ LXI – C and USB interfacesUpgraded rear panelTwo DB-25 connectors for multi-channel connections Six additional input and output channelsDB-25-to-XLR cableThe next release of the U8903A will include multi-channel measurement capabilities designed for the testing of consumer audio products. Total channel count will expand from two to eight with the additional six inputs and outputs accessible through the rear panel of the instrument. For the latest information, please visit /find/audioanalyzer.Address challenging audio applicationsGeneral audio testingThe U8903A provides essential measurement capabilities that enable efficient analysis of audio amplifiers and other devices in the audio chain. For example, the analyzer includes balanced and unbalanced outputs and inputs. It also provides a wide selection of filters and enhances your flexibility by making it easy to upload customized filters. With an array of sweep functions and flexible data display formats for each measurement, you’ll be ready to address a wide range of challenging audio applications.Balanced inputsIn the quest for higher output power, many audio amplifiers use bridged output stages. Such amplifiers can be difficult to characterize because their outputs cannot be grounded. To test these devices, the usual approach has been to use a balanced, calibrated isolation transformer connected to an analyzer with an unbalanced input.The widely used HP 8903B eliminated the need for a transformer, but it was still necessary to float the analyzer input before connecting the bridged device and making measurements. With Agilent U8903A, you simply make a balanced connection with an XLR connector and make measurements—no floating required.Standard and custom filtersA selection of built-in filters simplifies audio measurements by providing weighting networks required by international standards. These include CCIR, CCIR/ARM and CCIT weighting filters; a C message filter; and an ANSI “A” weighting filter. In addition to the standard filters, you can create custom filters using applications such as MATLAB or Agilent VEE and upload the filters through the analyzer’s USB port. The U8903A also includes selectable 15 kHz, 20 kHz and 30 kHz low-pass filters to reject unwanted out-of-band signals and noise.Display scaling and formattingU8903A gives you flexible control over data displays. For example, you can choose volts, millivolts, dBm into 600 ohms (or other resistance values), or watts for AC level measurements, and select percent or dB for distortion measurements.Amplifier testingGenerator outputAudio amplifier AnalyzerinputFigure 5: Use a single button to access the swept measurement mode.Swept measurementsWith its internal audio source and precise digital control, the U8903A can perform automatic swept measurements of frequency response, distortion and signal-to-noise. For example, to check the frequency response of an active filter, only a few steps are required. After connecting the deviceand setting the required source level, simply enter the start and stop frequencies, and then press the “Sweep” key (Figure 5).Transmitter and receiver testingThe U8903A includes several measurement features that simplify the testing of the transceivers used in devices such as car radios, telephones, mobile radios, broadcast radios, FM tuners and television. The U8903A can handle all of these applications when combined with a modulating signal generator for receiver testing and a signal analyzer for transmitter testing (see diagrams).Receiver testingGenerator outputModulated signalSignal generatorTwo-way radioAnalyzer inputTrue-RMS detectionTo accurately characterize signals with high noise content, true-RMS detection is required. The U8903A employs true-RMS detection for all signals with crest factor less than three. In addition, quasi-peak detection (CCIR 468-4) and peak-to-peak detection are also available through softkey selections.Built-in filtersThe U8903A includes a variety of essential filters for transmitter and receiver testing. Its CCITT, CCIR, and C-message weighting filters meet international standards for receiver testing. For transmitter testing, the seven-pole 400 Hz high-pass filter provides better than 40 dB rejection of signals up to 250 Hz, letting you measure transmitter audio distortion to 1% without disabling squelch signals.For even greater flexibility, you can apply custom filters created using applications such as MATLAB and Agilent VEE. Once you’ve uploaded a filter via the U8903A’s USB port, it can be applied to your measurements through a softkey selection. In all, you can apply up to three filters at a time.SINAD measurementsCommonly used to test FM receivers, SINAD measurements must be made repeatedly when checking receiver sensitivity or adjacent-channel selectivity. To smooth out the typically noisy signals that are present during receiver testing, the analyzer’s SINAD mode employs extra filtering circuits. These have been optimized for high speed and excellentrepeatability: The U8903A provides distortion and SINAD measurements with an acquisition time of less than 1.5 seconds and ameasurement rate of greater than two reading per second after locking.Signal-to-noise ratioTo characterize signal quality in AM receivers, the U8903A can automatically make the necessary signal-to-noise ratio measurements. It does this by monitoring the incoming AC signal level while turning its low-distortion source on and off.Transmitter testingModulated signalSpectrum analyzerTwo-way radioCharacteristicsPower Consumption250 VAPower Requirements• 100 V ac to 240 V ac• 47 Hz to 63 HzOperating Environment• Operating temperature from 0 °C to 55 °C• Relative humidity at 30% to 80% RH (noncondensing)• Altitude up to 3000 m• Pollution Degree 2• Installation Category IIStorage Compliance–55 °C to 75 °CSafety ComplianceCertified with:• IEC 61010-1:2001/EN61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition)• Canada: CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04• USA: Ansi/Ul 61010-1:2004Emc Compliance• IEC 61326-1:2005/EN 61326-1:2006• Canada: ICES-001:2004• Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS CISPR11:2004Dimensions (W x D x H)426.80 x 405.00 x 141.35 mmWeight< 8.5 kg (without cards)WarrantyOne year for U8903AThree months for standard-shipped accessories (see page 13)SpecificationsThe following specifications are based on performance with a 30 minutes warm-up time and at a temperature from 0 °C to 55 °C unless stated otherwise.Audio generatorGenerated waveformSine, Dual Sine, And Variable Phase FrequencyRangeAccuracyResolutionOutputRange (Balanced)Range (Unbalanced/Common) Amplitude accuracyAmplitude resolution Sine, Dual sine, Variable Phase, Square, Noise (Gaussian and Rectangular), Arbitrary, DC, Multitone, SMPTE IMD (1:1, 4:1, and 10:1), DFD (IEC 60118/IEC 60268)5 Hz to 80 kHz5 ppm0.1 Hz0 V to 16 V rms0 V to 8 V rms± 1%1 μV rms (limited to five digits of resolution)± 0.01 dB ± 0.1 dB~ –95 dB (at 23 °C ± 5°C)0 V to 7.2 V rms (Gaussian), 0 V to 13.16 V rms (Rectangular)0 V to 3.6 V rms (Gaussian), 0 V to 6.58 V rms (Rectangular)–22.6 V to 22.6 V –11.3 V to 11.3 V ± 1.5%Flatness20 Hz to 20 kHz 5 Hz to 80 kHzTHD + N at 1 kHz, 1 V rms , Range (Balanced)Range (Unbalanced/Common)DC OutputRange (Balanced)Range (Unbalanced/Common)Amplitude accuracy~ –101 dB (at 23 °C ± 5 °C)~ –99 dB (from 0 °C to 55 °C)~ –85 dBDC Offset20 Hz to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 80 kHz Audio analyzerXLR BNC DC, AC30 kHz 100 kHz400 mV to 140 V rms < 1 μV [1] to 140 Vrms200 Vp for altitude up to 3000 m 200 k W 100 k W± 0.01 dB [2] (at 23 °C ± 5 °C) ± 0.012 dB [3] (from 0 °C to 55 °C)± 0.1 dB (at 23 °C ± 5°C)± 0.15 dB (from 0 °C to 55 °C)~ –101 dB¡ 70 dB [4] ¡ 40 dB[4]~ –101 dBOverload protection for all ranges, onscreen warning message on the front panelInput Characteristics Connection type Balanced Unbalanced CouplingMeasurement bandwidth Low HighInput rangesMeasurement range Maximum rated input Impedance Balanced Unbalanced Flatness20 Hz to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 100 kHzTHD + N at 1 kHz, 1 V rms , 20 Hz to 20 kHz bandwidth CMRR~ 20 kHz (input range ~ 6.4 V)~ 20 kHz (input range > 6.4 V)Crosstalk20 Hz to 20 kHz Input protection[1] Defined by 24-bit measurement.[2] ± 0.01 dB – 0.001 dB/Hz below 50 Hz.[3] ± 0.012 dB – 0.001 dB/Hz below 50 Hz.[4] When AC coupled, CMRR will deteriorate at low frequencies.0.01 °~ 0.0025% (–92 dB)Triggering Resolution SMPTE IMD Residual IMDGraph mode256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768Rectangular, Hann, Hamming, Blackman-Harris, Rife-Vincent 1 and 3, Flattop ± 0.1 dB (± 1.2%)Normal, Interpolate, Peak, Absolute Value Displays highest FFT bin between graph pointsSize/Acquisition length WindowAmplitude accuracy (Flattop window)Display mode Time domainFrequency domainAudio filters• 15 kHz low pass • 20 kHz low pass • 30 kHz low pass• User-defined [1]• 20 Hz high pass • 100 Hz high pass • 400 Hz high pass• User-defined[1]• A-Weighting (ANSI-IEC “A” weighted, per IEC Rec 179)• CCIR 1K weighted (CCIR Rec. 468)• CCIR 2K weighted (Dolby 2K)• C-Message (C-Message per IEEE 743)• CCITT (ITU-T Rec. O.41, ITU-T Rec. P.53)• User-defined[1]Low pass filterHigh pass filterWeighting filter[1] User-defined filters can be uploaded through standard I/O connections.Sweep capabilityFrequency Sweep (Sine And Dual Sine Waveforms)[1] This range is applicable for sine wave only.Ordering InformationModel Number U8903A – 200Description2-channel audio analyzerStandard-shipped accessoriesLAN and USB cables, power cord, ProductReference CD-ROM (contains U8903A QuickStart Guide and User Guide), Quick Start Guide,1GB USB Flash Memory device and Certificateof Calibration.Optional accessoriesU8903A - 101Male BNC to Male BNC cable;1.2 mU8903A - 102Male BNC to Male RCA cable; 2mU8903A - 103Male XLR to Female XLR cable; 2mU8903A - 908Rack mount kit – standard 3UU8903A – ABJJapanese User Guide (hardcopy)/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent Email UpdatesRemove all doubtOur repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you,p e r f o r m i n g l i k e n e w, w h e n promised. You will get full value outof your A gilent equipment through-out its lifetime. Your equipmentwill be serviced by A gilent-trainedtechnicians using the latest factorycalibration procedures, automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. You will always have the utmost confidence in your measurements. For information regarding self maintenance of this product, please contact your Agilent office.Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services for your equipment, including initial start-up assistance onsite educationand training, as well as design, systemintegration, and project management.For more information on repair andcalibration services, go to:/find/removealldoubt For more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericas Canada Latin America United States (877) 894 4414305 269 7500(800) 829 4444Asia Pacific Australia China Hong Kong India Japan Korea Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Thailand 1 800 629 485800 810 0189800 938 6931 800 112 9290120 (421) 345080 769 08001 800 888 848180****81000800 047 8661 800 226 /find/audioanalyzerEurope & Middle East Austria BelgiumDenmark Finland FranceGermany Ireland Israel Italy Netherlands Spain Sweden SwitzerlandUnited Kingdom Other European Countries:/find/contactus43(0)136****157132 (0) 2 404 93 4045 70 13 15 15358 (0) 10 855 21000825 010 700**0.125/minute49 (0) 7031 464 63331890 924 204972-3-9288-504/54439 02 92 60 848431 (0) 20 547 211134 (91) 631 33000200-88 22 550800 80 53 5344 (0) 118 9276201Revised: October 1, 2009© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009Printed in USA, December 4, 20095990-3831ENProduct specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.LXI is the LAN-based successor to GPIB, providing faster, more efficient connectivity. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium./find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channelpartner convenience.Agilent Channel Partners。

您将发现单键的功率测量套件会 通过简化键区∕菜单选择而缩短例行测 试的设置时间。
直接从软键菜单选择这些单键 例程将保证测试设置和测量的精度 及重复性,而无论是哪位操作员按 这些按键。
选定感兴趣的信号所占的功率百 分比,在波形上会出现高低频的两个 光标,这两个光标就刻画了这部分功 率所占的带宽。
6.5 能选择键和软键 为每一测量步骤提供简明直接 的操作
USB 接口 用U盘 实现方便 的数据 存储
跟踪发生器 Cal Out 探头电源 RF 输入
输出用于频率 (50 MHz, 用于高阻抗 (N 型, 阴头)
-10 dBm) RF 探头
提高 RF 相关课程教学效率的最好方法是把讲授和动手实践相结合。我们猜想您可能希望通过 利用精心设计和价廉的 RF 教学实验室来节省指导教师的时间。N9320B 频谱分析仪和它的教学套 件(订货代码: N9320B-TR1),以及 Agilent 基础信号发生器 N9310A 为您和您的学生提供了新的和系 统性的 RF 教学环境。您可为学生设计和开展几乎任何 RF 电路实验,从发射器和接收器到关键 RF 元件,如混频器、放大器和滤波器。
该 RF 培训套件包括两块电路板。一块作为 TX 电路,另一块作为 RX 电路。每块板上的主要 RF 元件都可作为分立元件独立使用。我们给予了套件很高的灵活性,您会发现使用 Agilent RF 教 学解决方案是方便、省时和高效的。
无论您的应用领域是电子制造、工作台维修、射频教育,还是研发项目,您都需要一款价格经济的、 能提供必要功能和性能的频谱分析仪。N9320B 恰好可满足您的需求。
增强的功率测量和轻松的 自动化测试编程特性
HP 8903B音频分析仪中文说明书

优化的 SINAD 显示 为了减少数字闪烁,对于小于 25 dB 的 SINAD 比率,分析仪会将显示四舍五入到最接近的 0.5 dB。作
为读取噪声信号的额外帮助,HP 8903B 添加了一个模拟 SINAD 仪表,该仪表显示的比率小于 24 dB。用于 发射器和接收器的滤波器具有两个内部滤波器位置和六个可选的插入式滤波器可供选择,您可以定制分析 仪以适合您的应用。 CCITT,CCIR 和 C-MESSAGE 加权滤波器符合接收机测试的国际标准。为了进行发射机 测试,可使用一个七阶 400 Hz 高通滤波器来滤除可听见的静噪信号。分析仪的 400 Hz 高通滤波器可对高 达 250 Hz 的信号提供大于 40 dB 的抑制,使您能够将发射机音频失真测量到 1%,而无需禁用静噪信号。
号源和微处理器,可自动执行 扫频响应、扫频和信噪比测量。 使用 HP 8903B 进行扫频测量非 常容易。例如,要检查有源滤 波器的频率响应,只需执行几 个步骤。连接设备并设置所需 的信号源电平后,只需输入扫 描开始和停止频率,然后按扫 描键。您可以使用带有一些额 外按键的模拟 X-Y 记录器来对 结果进行硬拷贝图。
为了寻求更高的输出功率,许多音频放大器使用桥接输出级。由于此类放大器的输出无法接地,因此可能难以表征。为了测试这些设备,通常的方法是使用一个平衡、 校准的隔离变压器,该变压器连接到具有不平衡输入的分析仪。 HP 8903B 和 HP 8903E 上的平衡输入无需使用变压器。只需将分析仪输入悬空并直接连接桥接设备,即可开 始进行测量。
30kHz 低通
80kHz 低通
400Hz 高通
Agilent N9340B手持电磁波分析器配置指南说明书

Agilent N9340BHandheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA) Configuration GuideThis configuration guide will help you determine which perfor-mance options, measurement application software, accessories, and services to include with your new N9340B HSA, or to add asupgrades to an existing N9340B HSA. 1981This step-by-step process will help you configure your N9340B HSA. Capabilities that are listed as standard come with the instrument at no additional charge. Tailor the performance, and service packages to meet your requirements. Ordering optional capabilities at the time of purchase provides the lowest overall cost.For performance information, refer to the N9340B Handheld Spectrum Analyzer Data Sheet.Spare battery N9340B-BAT Lithium ion, 10.8 V, 4.56 A-hrSpare external battery charger N9340B-BCGSpare AC/DC adapter N9340B-ADP 1 output: 15 V, 5.33 AAutomotive 12 V DC adapter N9340B-1DC Provides DC power supply, no chargingAutomotive 12 V DC adapter and charger N9340B-1DN Provides DC power supply and power chargingHard transit case N9340B-1TCAdaptor, 50 Ω to 75 Ω N9340B-TAD Type N(m) 50 Ω to type N(f) 75 ΩCalibrator N9311x-201Precision mechanical calibrator, 3-in-1 OSL, DC to 7 GHz, N(m) Antenna N9311x-50070 MHz to 1000 MHz, 65 g, 180 degree tilt angle adjustable, N(m)telescopic whip antennaAntenna N9311x-501700 MHz to 2500 MHz, 70 g, 210 mm x 20 mm, omni-directional,N(m)Antenna N9311x-504700 MHz to 4 GHz, 4 dBi gain, 270 g, 340 mm x 200 mm x 25 mm,logarithmic-periodic, N(m)Antenna N9311x-508680 MHz to 8 GHz, 5 dBi gain, 250 g, 340 mm x 200 mm x 25 mm,logarithmic-periodic, N(m)Antenna N9311x-518680 MHz to 18 GHz, 5 dBi gain, 250 g, 340 mm x 200 mm x 25 mm,logarithmic-periodic, N(m)Bandpass filter N9311x-550 3 dB passband 814 to 850 MHzrejection ≥ 36 dBc at 740 MHz/≥ 36 dBc at 915 MHzinsertion loss ≤ 0.5 dBVSWR ≤ 1.52(continued)data available at time of purchase; provides measurement resultsCalibration service:Agilent calibration support plan, 3 year R-51B-011-3Agilent tests your instrument against its original specifications,and automatically makes adjustments if the instrument isoutside of its specified parameters; pre- and post-adjustmentmeasurement data reports are also provided; must be ordered attime of purchase3Instrument UpgradesUpgrade your existing Agilent N9340B (HSA)Agilent provides a fast upgrade process for performance options that do not require additional hardware.1. Place an order for the upgrade with Agilent and ask to receive the option upgrade entitlement certificate through email.2. Redeem the certificate through the Web by following the instructions on the certificate.3. Install the license file and latest software on the N9340B.4. Begin using the new capability.Installation, calibration, and verification information is available at: /find/N9340B_upgradesInstrument upgradesPreamplifier, 1 MHz to 3 GHz N9340BK-PA3Tracking generator, 5 MHz to 7 GHz N9340BK-TG3Output level -25 dBm to 0 dBm, 1 dB stepSpectrogram monitoring N9340BK-INM Adds dual-display (spectrogram and trace), continuousspectrogram monitoring and unlimited data loggingAM/FM modulation analysis N9340BK-AMA Provides modulation metrics, including carrier power,modulation rate, and AM depth/FM deviationASK/FSK modulation analysis N9340BK-DMA Provides modulation metrics, including carrier power, ASKdepth/index, and FSK deviationHardware UpgradesAdd additional accessories to your existing Agilent N934xC (HSA)Hardware upgradesSpare battery N9340BK-BAT Lithium ion, 10.8 V, 4.56 A-hrSpare external battery charger N9340BK-BCGSpare AC/DC adapter N9340BK-ADP 1 output: 15 V, 5.33 AAutomotive 12 V DC adapter N9340BK-1DC Provides DC power supply, no chargingAutomotive 12 V DC adapter and charger N9340BK-1DN Provides DC power supply and power chargingHard transit case N9340BK-1TCAdaptor, 50 to 75 Ω N9340BK-TAD Type N(m) 50 Ω to type N(f) 75 Ω45Other InformationAdditional ResourcesRelated Agilent literaturePublicationPublication numberPublication title5989-7847ENAgilent N9340B Handheld Spectrum Analyzer Technical OverviewN9340B HSA RoHS addendum USB cable Battery Li-Ion Screwdriver Help kit CD Ear phoneAC/DC power supply Quick start tutorialSoft carrying case/find/HSA /find/hsa-videosAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. Agilent Channel Partnersw w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.For more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Agilentoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada (877) 894 4414Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800United States (800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle EastBelgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125€/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, May 22, 20125991-0542ENAgilent Advantage Services is committedto your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive,we continually invest in tools andprocesses that speed up calibration andrepair and reduce your cost of ownership.You can also use Infoline Web Servicesto manage equipment and services moreeffectively. By sharing our measurementand service expertise, we help you createthe products that change our world./quality/find/advantageservicesQuality Management SystemQuality Management SysISO 9001:2008DEKRA Certified。

下 , 测 定 材 料 变 形 时 的 模 量
温度范围:-170~600°C 样品大小:最大60×12×6mm 温度梯度:<±1K 模量范围:
2. DMA242可测高分子材 料的模量、粘度、玻璃化转变 温度、凝胶化作用、高分子形 态、重结晶、固化程度、阻尼 特性、固化速率、相关冲击强
分子量: 3 ~ 800 amu;灵敏度: 110-10 ~10-12 g 主要功能及特色: 1. 用于对沸点较高的相对较纯的有机物进行快速分析,具有 使用量较少的特点. 2. 可分析沸点在450 ℃以下的稳定的有机化合物、有机污 染物,通过测定在高能电子轰击下产生的碎片离子的种类极 其相对含量来确定未知物的化学组成和结构. 主要附件与配置:质谱谱库(13万张标准化合物谱库) 测试地点:材料化工学院B308
1. 综合热分析仪是热重分重量变化和转变温度的求定。
析TG与差热分析 DTA联用仪 主要附件与配置:
时定量测定物质的重量和热焓 测试地点:
材料化工学院 B210
型号规格: DMA242C
1. 三种真空模式:高真空、低真空、ESEM环境真空。 能适应任何种类的样品观察;
2. 全数字化计算机扫描控制,图像最大3584×3094像素, 格式:TIFF、BMP、JPEG.
主要附件及配置: 固体背散射电子探头、Peltier 冷却样品台、1000 °C加热

众所周知, A类、B类和AB类功放均是线形功放,那么D类功放与它们究竟有什么不同?我们首先应作讨论。


欧阳歌谷(2021.02.01)信噪比、失真率、频率响应这三个指标是音响器材的“基础指标”或“基本特性”,我们在评价一件音响器材或者一个系统水准之前,必须先要考核这三项指标,这三项指标中的任何一项不合格,都说明该器材或者系统存在着比较重大的缺陷1、信噪比SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio):(1)简单定义:狭义来讲是指放大器的输出信号的电压与同时输出的噪声电压的比,常常用分贝数表示,设备的信噪比越高表明它产生的杂音越少。
音频信噪比是指音响设备播放时,正常声音信号强度与噪声信号强度的比值(2)计算方法:信噪比的计量单位是dB,其计算方法是10LG(PS/PN),其中Ps和Pn分别代表信号和噪声的有效功率,也可以换算成电压幅值的比率关系:20LG(VS/VN),Vs和Vn 分别代表信号和噪声电压的“有效值”。

音频分析仪HP8903B使用手册●测量失真度、SINAD、信噪比●测量真正的均方根交流电压、直流电压、频率●低失真可编程序信号源●均方根值、平均值和准峰值检测HP 8903B音频分析仪HP 8903B音频分析仪提供空前末有的多方面适应功能,完成20Hz~100kHz的音频测量。
HP 8903B把低失真音频信号源、高性能失真度分析器、频率计数器、交流电压表、直流电表和SINAD计的功能综合在一紧凑的机框里。
通过对信号源及分析仪的微处理机控制,HP 8903B 无需另外的设备就可以自动地完成对诸如信噪比和扫描失真等激励响应测量。
HP 8903E失真度分析仪是HP 8903B音频分析仪的分析部分(HP 8903E没有音频信号源)。
HP 8903B使用方便,只用一个或两个键就能进行大多数的测量,这种仪器以最大精度和分辨率自动地调谐和调整量程。
低频应用HP 8903B有很多使复杂音频测量变得容易的性能。
可用比率按键,建立以%或dB为基准,并且不用计算直接进行频率响应和3 dB带宽的测量。
HP 8903B对复杂波形和噪声的精确测量使用真均方根值检测(所有信号的波形因子为3)。
在HP 8903B上,滤波器自动地调谐到信号源频率上。
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HP 8903B Audio AnalyzerHP 8903E Distortion Analyzer20 Hz to 100 kHzThe Versatile Choice for Technical SpecificationsAudio Analysis2provides a scaled output of the input signal. In SINAD and distortion modes, the fundamental is removed.frequency response and swept distortion automatically .control detector response: rms,average (rms calibrated), andquasi-peak responses are available .the user to lock the notch filter at any measured input frequency . This is useful when measuring very noisy signals in distortion and SINAD modes.SINAD mode provides easier reading when measuring noisy .signals.rms or average (rms calibrated)detector response . Quasi-peakdetector response available via HP-IB programming.HP 8903B Audio AnalyzerSpecial function 47 switches sourceOUTPUT IMPEDANCE- (50 or 600 ohms) to 0.6 mV to 6 V open circuit,20 Hz to 100 kHz.HP 8903E Distortion AnalyzerRA TIO key permits display in dB or percent relative to an entered LOG/LIN key allows results to be displayed in linear or log units.Low-noise input amplifier provides allows testing of bridged amplifiers and other devices with floating outputs. Maximum input voltage is a full 300 volts,differential or applied to either the high or low inputRA TIO key permits display in dB or percent relative to an entered LOG/LIN key allows results to bedisplayed in linear or log units. Log mode Low-noise input amplifier provides superior analyzer maximum input voltage of 300 volts differentially or applied from the high input to ground, and 30 volts applied from the low input to ground.measurement flexibility to the HP 8903B and HP 8903E. Bothinstruments have two slots which can be filled with any combination of six optional filters.HP-IB Not just IEEE-488, but the hardware, documentation and support that delivers the shortest path to a measurement system.measurement flexibility to the HP 8903B and HP 8903E. Both instruments have two slots which can be filled with any combination of six optional filters.Transceiver TestsBoth the HP 8903B and HP 8903E have been optimized for receiver testing. For SINAD measurements, extra filtering and smoothing circuits yield more accurate and repeatable results. With its built-in source, the HP 8903B makes signal-to-noise measurements on AM receivers using similar smoothing techniques. Transmitter testing is also easy. In conjunction with the HP 8901A , HP 8901B , or HP 8902A modulation analyzers you can measure transmitter distortion, frequency response, and count squelch tones. The HP 8903B also provides the audio tones to modulate the transmitter.Audio ApplicationsThe HP 8903B Audio Analyzer and HP 8903E Distortion Analyzer make your audio measurements fast and easy. The analyzers automatically tune and autorange for maximum accuracy and resolution. Distortion, frequency response, ac and dc voltage measurements are only a single keystroke away. With a built-in low distortion audio source, the HP 8903B is ideally suited to stimulus-response applications. Microprocessor control of source and analyzer allows the HP 8903B to perform swept measurements. For applications where a separate source is used, the HP 8903E is an ideal lower-cost solution.ATE SystemsHP-IB control of all measurement functions makes analyzers valuable tools for ATE applications. These analyzers combine the power of a digital voltmeter, frequency counter, and distortion analyzer into one instrument. Since these functions are all available at one input connector, interfacing requirements, hardware costs, andsoftware development time are reduced. The HP 8903B also includes a low-distortion programmable audio source.3VersatileThe HP 8903B Audio Analyzer and HP 8903D Distortion Analyzer provide unparalleled versatility and performance for audio measurements from 20 Hz to 100 kHz. Both instruments combine the functionality of ahigh-performance distortion analyzer, frequency counter, ac voltmeter, dc voltmeter, and SINAD meter into one compact package. In addition, the HP 8903B has a low-distortion audio source which allows it to perform stimulus-response measurements, such as signal-to-noise ratio, automatically with no additional equipment.SimpleFor ease of use, most measurements are made with one or two keystrokes. Both analyzers automatically tune and autorange for maximum accuracy and resolution. For quick identification of input signals, the analyzers count and display the input frequency in all ac measurement modes. The HP 8903B can also measure distortion of one signal while generating another frequency, because analyzer tuning and source frequency are independent.AccurateFor accurate measurement of complex waveforms and noise, the analyzers use true-rms detection. Average (rms calibrated) and quasi-peak detection are also available via front panel control, Accurate distortion measurements can typically be made down to less than –90 dB (0.003%) between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Over the same frequency range, flatness measurements are possible to 0.05 dB (0.5%). The analyzers, precision reciprocal counters give you fast, accurate characterizations of audio frequencies. For example, when counting a 1 kHz signal, the analyz-ers will be accurate within ±.14 Hz.Audio ApplicationThe analyzers have many features which make difficultaudio measurements easy. These include flexible datadisplay formats, balanced analyzer input, plug-in filters,fully-automatic notch filter tuning, and for theHP 8903B, convenient audio source control and sweptmeasurements. Complete control over display format-ting gives you a choice between volts, millivolts, dBminto 600 ohms, and watts for ac level measurements orpercent and dB for distortion measurements. Using theratio key, you can establish a reference in percent or dBand directly make frequency response and 3 dB band-width measurements without computation.Balanced Analyzer lnputIn the quest for higher output power, many audio ampli-fiers use bridged output stages. Such amplifiers can be difficult to characterize because their outputs cannot be grounded. To test these devices, the usual approach has to been to use a balanced, calibrated isolation transformer connected to an analyzer with an unbal-anced input. Balanced inputs on the HP 8903B and HP 8903E make transformers unnecessary. Simply float the analyzer input and connect the bridged device directly and you are ready to make measurements.Balanced analyzer inputs make testing bridged amplifiers easy and fast45Audio ApplicationsChoose the Filters for Your ApplicationsInternal plug-in filters simplify your audio measure-ments by providing weighting networks required by in-ternational standards. Among the filters available are the CCIR weighting filter, CCIR/ARM weighting filter,and the ANSI “A” weighting filter. In addition to these filters, both analyzers come with selectable 30 kHz and 80 kHz low-pass filters to reject unwanted out-of-band signals and noise.X-Y Recorder setup diagram.High-Performance Distortion CapabilityDistortion measurements are fast and accurate. With a single keystroke, the analyzers count the input signal,autorange for maximum performance, and display the result. Typical time to return the first distortion mea-surement is 1.5 seconds with a measurement rate of two readings per second thereafter. Residual distortion and noise for the analyzer sections is specified to be less than –80 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in an 80 kHz measurement bandwidth.Simplicity in Stimulus-Response TestingWith its internal audio source and microprocessor, the HP 8903B performs swept frequency response, swept distortion, and signal-to-noise measurements automati-cally.Making swept measurements with the HP 8903B is very easy. For example, to check the frequency response of an active filter, only a few steps are required. After con-necting the device and setting the required source level,you need only to enter the sweep start and stop fre-quencies, and then press the sweep key. You can have a hard-copy plot of your results using an analog X-Y recorder with a few extra keystrokes.80 kHz low-pass 30 kHz low-pass 400 Hz high-pass CCITT weighting CCIR weightingC-Message weighting CCIR/ARM weighting “A” weightingFilters Standard Optional*yes yesyes yes yes yes yes yes Automatic Signal-To-Noise MeasurementsFor signal-to-noise measurements, the HP 8903B moni-tors the ac input level while turning the source on and off and displaying the ratio. With optional plug-in fil-ters, you can perform weighted signal-to-noise mea-surements easily, accurately, and in real time.*These are plug-in filters: any two can be installed in either analyzer.6The HP 8903B is an integral part of HP’s total solution for transceiver testing.The HP 8903B’s analog SINAD meter helps smooth out noisy signals found in receiver testing.The analyzers have several measurements and features which have been designed specifically for transceiver tests. These include SINAD measurements, optional plug-in weighting filters for testing to CEPT, EIA, CCIR,and Bell standards, rms detection for accurate noise readings, a reciprocal counter for measuring squelch tones and, with the HP 8903B, signal-to-noise ratio mea-surements.SINAD... Designed for the Real WorldSINAD measurements, which are one of the most com-mon FM receiver tests, must be made repeatedly when checking receiver sensitivity or adjacent-channel selec-tivity. In order to smooth out the noisy signals found in receiver testing, the analyzers’ SINAD mode employs extra filtering circuits. These circuits have been opti-mized for high speed (more than two readings per sec-ond) and excellent repeatability. The HP 8903B over-comes the tendency of many automatic analyzers to be-come unlocked in SINAD mode by tuning its notch filter to the source frequency. Since it has no internal audio source, the HP 8903E tunes its notch filter to the input frequency. To make sure that the HP 8903E does not be-come unlocked when measuring noisy signals, a front-panel notch-hold key allows you to lock the filter to a given input frequency.Optimized SINAD DisplayTo reduce digit flicker, the analyzers round off the dis-play to the nearest 0.5 dB for SINAD ratios less than 25 dB. As an extra aid in reading noisy signals, the HP 8903B adds an analog SINAD meter which displays ratios less than 24 dB.Filters for Transmitter and Receiver ApplicationsWith two internal filter positions and six optional plug-in filters to choose from, you can tailor the analyzers to fit your applications. The CCITT, CCIR, and C-MES-SAGE weighting filters meet international standards for receiver testing. For transmitter testing, a seven-pole 400 Hz high-pass filter is available to reject subaudible squelch signals. Providing greater than 40 dB rejection of signals up to 250 Hz, the analyzers’ 400 Hz high-pass filter allows you to measure transmitter audio distor-tion to 1 percent without disabling squelch signals.Transmitter and Receiver TestsATE SystemsAccurate Signal DetectionIn order to accurately characterize signals with high noise content, as found in receiver SINAD measure-ments, true-rms detection is required. The analyzers employ true-rms detection for all signals with crest fac-tor less than three. In addition, average detection (rms calibrated) and quasi-peak detection (CCIR 468-4) are also available via front panel control.You can choose between rms, average, or quasi-peak detec-tion. (Shown above: HP 8903E front panel)Generate and Count Tone BurstsUnder HP-IB control, the analyzers use their reciprocal counters to count tone-burst sequences. Maximum count rate for the Rapid Frequency Count mode is six milliseconds per reading. With the HP 8903B, you can generate tone burst sequences. Minimum tone duration is three milliseconds, which is fast enough for such ap-plications as unsquelching pagers.Signal-to-Noise Ratio for ReceiversJust as SINAD measurements are most often per-formed on FM receivers, signal-to-noise ratio measure-ments are usually employed as a measure of signal quality on AM receivers. The HP 8903B automatically makes signal-to-noise ratio measurements by monitor-ing the ac level while turning its source on and off. Like SINAD, signal-to-noise mode in the HP 8903B uses dis-play rounding and filtering to reduce the effects of noise on the measurement.Simple but powerful programming, combined withHP-IB control of all major functions, make the analyz-ers valuable tools for the automatic test equipment en-vironment. All analyzer functions are available at one input connector, reducing hardware and software de-velopment time and costs. Many ATE systems require automated measurements to determine the quality of audio signals. The analyzers provide distortion and SINAD measurements with an acquisition time of less than 1.5s and a measurement rate of greater than two readings per second after locking. Another application often found in ATE systems involves measuring low-level ac signals. With a full-range ac-level display of.3000 mV and an accuracy of 2 percent of reading (Vin> 50 mV, 20 Hz to 20 kHz), the analyzers accurately char-acterize these small ac signals.Flexible ATE SourceThe HP 8903B has enhanced ATE capabilities with its internal low-distortion source. Rapid-source program-ming mode enables the internal oscillator to be directly programmed through HP-IB with five bytes. Addition-ally, the source has switchable output impedance(50 or 600 ohms). With a choice of source output impedance, you can match the HP 8903B to the instru-ments in your ATE system. In the 50-ohm position, the HP 8903B delivers +17 dBm into a 600-ohm load.The HP 8903E provides high performance distortion analysis for ATE applications where an external audio source is used.78HP 8903B SpecificationsSystem SpecificationDistortionRESIDUAL DISTORTION AND NOISE (the higher of):80 kHz BW:–80 dB or 17 µV, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.500 kHz BW:–70 dB or 50 µV, 20 Hz to 50 kHz.–65 dB or 50 µV, 50 kHz to 100 kHz.Supplementaltal Characteristics(HP 8903B only)Signal-To-NoiseFREQUENCY RANGE: 50 Hz to 100 kHz.DISPLAY RANGE: 0 to 99.99 dB.ACCURACY:±1 dB.INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 mV to 300 V.RESIDUAL NOISE (the higher of):80 kHz BW;– 85 dB or 17 µV.500 kHz BW:– 70 dB or 50 µV.Supplemental CharacteristicsTIME TO RETURN FIRST MEASUREMENT: < 2.5s.MEASUREMENT BATE: 1 reading per second.RESOLUTION: same as Listed under SIXAD,on next page.Source SpecificationsFrequencyRANGE:20 Hz to 100 kHz.RESOLUTION:0.3%ACCURACY:0.3% of setting.Output LevelRANGE:0.6 mV to 6 V open circuit.RESOLUTION:0.3% or better.ACCURACY (open circuit):2% of setting 60 mV to 6 V, 20 Hzto 50 kHz.3% of setting 6 mV to 6 V, 20 Hzto 100 kHz.5% of setting 0.6 mV to 6 mV, 20 Hzto 100 kHz.FLATNESS (1 kHz reference);±0.7% (±0.06 dB), 20 Hz to 20 kHz.±2.5% (±0.22 dB), 20 Hz to 100 kHz.DISTORTION AND NOISE (the higher of):80 kHz BW:–80 dB or 15 µV, 20 Hzto 20 kHz.500 kHz BW:–70 dB or 38 pV, 20 Hzto 50 kHz.-–65 dB or 38 µV, 50 kHz to 100 kHz.IMPEDANCE:600 Ω ±1% or 50 Ω ±2% front panel orHP-IB programmable (47 specialfunction).Supplemental CharacteristicsFrequency Switching SPEED: < 3 ms.(Does not include HP-IB programming time.)OUTPUT LEVEL Switching SPEED: 20 ms.(Does not include HP-IB programming time.)SWEEP MODE: log sweep with up to 500 points perdecade or 255 points total between`entered start and stop frequencies.(HP 8903B only, source and analyzer combined.)SPECIFICATIONS describe the instrument’s warranted performance.Supplemental Characteristics (shown in italics) are intended to provide information useful in applying the instrument by giving typical, but non-warranted performance parameters.Typical flatness of source and analyzer combined (source voltage set to 1V, 1 kHz reference).DistortionFUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY RANGE:20 Hz to 100 kHz.DISPLAY RANGE: 0.001% to 100% (–99.99 to 0 dB).ACCURACY:±1 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.±2 dB, 20 kHz to 100 kHz.INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE:50 mV to 300 V.RESIDUAL DISTORTION AND NOISE (the higher of):80 kHz BW:– 80 dB or 15 µV, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.500 kHz BW:– 70 dB or 45 µV, 20 Hz to 50 kHz.– 65 dB or 45 µV, 50 kHz to 100 kHz. Supplemental Characteristics3 dB Measurement BANDWIDTH: 10 Hzto 500 kHz.DETECTION: true rms or rms-calibrated average.DISPLAYED RESOLUTION:0.0001% (< 0.1% distortion).0.001% (0.1% to 3% distortion).0.01% (3% to 30% distortion).0.1% (> 30% distortion).TIME TO RETURN FIRST MEASUREMENT: 1.5s.MEASUREMENT RATE: 2 readings per second. SINADFUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY RANGE:20 Hz to 100 kHz.DISPLAY RANGE: 0 to 99.99 dB.RESIDUAL DISTORTION AND NOISE: same as listedunder distortion.ACCURACY:±1 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.±2 dB, 20 kHz to 100 kHz.INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE: 50 mV to 300 V. Supplemental CharacteristicsDETECTION: true-rms or rms-calibrated average.RESOLUTION:HP 8903B0.01 dB for SINAD ratios >25 dB. Forratios <25 dB the display is roundedto the nearest 0.5 dB to reduce digitFlick- ering of noisy signals (fullresolution is available via specialfunction 16.1).HP 8903E powers up with special function 16.1active for 0.01 dB resolution at allSINAD ratios,ANALOG METER (HP 8903B only)Active in SINAD mode only and forSINAD ratios up to 18 dB (24 dBusing special function 7.1). 1.0 dBtypical accuracy.TUNING:HP 8903B notch filter is tuned to the internalaudio source frequency.HP 8903E notch filter is tuned to the countedinput frequency.TIME TO RETURN FIRST MEASUREMENT: 1.5s.MEASUREMENTS RATE: 2 readings per second.AC LevelFULL RANGE DISPLAY: 300.0 V, 30.00 V, 3.000 V,.3000 V, 30.00 mV, 3.000 mV, 0.3000 mV.OVER RANGE:33% except on 300 V range.ACCURACY (rms and average detection):±2%, 50 mV to 300 V, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.±4%, 0.3 mV to 50 mV, 20 Hz to 100 kHz.±4%, 50 mV to 300 V, 20 kHz to100 kHz. Supplemental CharacteristicsAC CONVERTER: true-rms responding for signals withcrest factor up to 3, rms calibrated average detection,or quasi-peak detention.TIME TO RETURN FIRST MEASUREMENT: < 1.5s.MEASUREMENT RATE: > 2.5 readings per second.3 dB MEASUREMENT BANDWIDTH: > 500 kHz.QUASI-PEAK DETECTOR CHARACTERISTIC:Meets CCIR 468-4.QUASI-PEAK DETECTOR ACCURACY:(20 Hz to 20 kHz) ±6% typically. DCL levelFULL RANGE DISPLAY:300.0 V, 48.00 V, 16.00 V, 4.000 V.OVER RANGE: 33%, except on 300 V range.ACCURACY:±1.0% of reading (600 mV to 300 V).±6 mV (Vin< 600 mV). Supplemental CharacteristicsTIME TO RETURN FIRST MEASUREMENT: <1.5s.MEASUREMENT RATE: 3 readings per second Frequency MeasurementMEASUREMENT RANGE:20 Hz to 150 kHz. (20 Hz to 100 kHz indistortion and SINAD modes.) RESOLUTION:5 digits (0.01 Hz for input frequencies< 100 Hz).ACCURACY:±(0.004% +1 digit).SENSITIVITY:50 mV in distortion and SINAD modes.5 mV in ac-level and signal-to-noise(HP 8903B only) modes. Supplemental CharacteristicsMEASUREMENT RATE: same as measurement modeselected.COUNTING TECHNIQUE:reciprocal with 2 MHz timebase.9Standard Audio Filters30 kHz LOW-PASS FILTER3 dB Cutoff Frequency: 30 kHz ±2 kHz,Rolloff: Third-order Butterworth; 18 dBper octave or 60 dB per decade.80 kHz LOW-PASS FILTER3 dB Cutoff Frequency: 80 kHz ±4 kHz.Rolloff: Third-order Butterworth; 18 dBper octave or 60 dB per decade.Plug-in Audio Filters400 Hz HIGH-PASS FILTER3 dB Cutoff Frequency: 400 Hz ±40 Hz.Rolloff: Seventh-order Butterworth;42 dB per octave or 140 dB per decade. CCITT WEIGHTING FILTER (CCITT rec. P53)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.2 dB at 800 Hz.±1.0 dB, 300 Hz to 3 kHz.±2.0 dB, 50 Hz to 3.5 kHz.±3.0 dB, 3.5 kHz to 5 kHz.CCIR WEIGHTING FILTER (CCIR rec, 468-2)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.1 dB at 6.3 kHz.±0.2 dB, 6.3 kHz to 7.1 kHz.±0.4 dB, 7.1 kHz to 10 kHz.±0.5 dB, 200 Hz to 6.3 kHz.±1.0 dB, 31.5 Hz to 200 Hz, 10 kHz to20 kHz.±2.0 dB, 20 kHz to 31.5 kHz.C-MESSAGE WEIGHTING FILTER (Per BSTM 41004)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.1 dB at 1 kHz.±1.0 dB, 60 Hz to 5 kHz.Plug-in Audio FiltersCCIR/ARM WEIGHTING FILTER (CCIR rec. 468-2,average-responding meter, Dolby Labs Bulletin No. 19/4) Deviation from Ideal Response:Same as listed under CCIRWEIGHTING FILTER above.“A” WEIGHTING FILTER(IEC rec. 179 and ANSI S1.4,type 1 sound-level meter)Deviation from Ideal Response:±0.1 dB at 1 kHz.±0.5 dB, 20 Hz to 10 kHz.±1.0 dB, 10 kHz to 20 kHz.Plug-in Audio Filters1011Analyzer InputINPUT TYPE: Balanced (full differential).INPUT IMPEDANCE:100 k Ω ±1% shunted by<300 pF, each side to ground.(In dc-level made the input resistance is 101 k Ω ±1%.)MAXIMUM INPUT:Maximum peak input voltage,any combination of ac and dc:HP 8903B 425 volts peak, applied differentially orbetween either input and ground.HP 8903B and HP 8903E General SpecificationsHP 8903B REAR-PANEL FEATURESFront/Rear-Panel Outputs Supplemental CharacteristicsRECORDER OUTPUTS (HP 8903B only):X-axis:0-10 Vdc corresponding to logof oscillator frequency. Output resistance 1k Ω.Y-axis:0-10 Vdc corresponding todisplayed value and entered plot limits. Output resistance 1 k Ω.Penlift:TTL output.MONITOR OUTPUT:Output impedance 600Ω. AC- level mode: provides a scaled output of the input signal. SINAD, distortion, and distortion-level modes: provide ascaled output of the input signal with the fundamental removed.HP 8903E REAR-PANEL FEATURESHP 8903K42 volts peak, low side to ground, 425 volts peak,differentially or high side to ground.CMRR:> 60 dB, 20 Hz to 1 kHz, V in < 2V.> 45 dB, 20 Hz to1 kHz.> 30 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz.Supplemental CharacteristicsGeneralTEMPERATURE:operating, 0 o C to 55 o C; storage,– 55 o C to 75 o C.REMOTE OPERATION:HP-IB. All functions except the line switch, low-terminal ground switches,source output-impedance switch (HP 8903B only), and the X10- and ÷10-increment keys (HP 8903B only),are remotely controllable. TheHP 8903E has many special functions which can only be accessed via HP-IB commands.HP-IB COMPATIBILITY: SH1, AH1, T5, TE0, L3, LE0,SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0, E1.POWER:100, 120, 220, or 240 V (+5,–10%);48 –66 Hz.100 or 120 V (+5, –10%); 48 –440 Hz.100 VA maximum.WEIGHT:HP 8903B net 12.3 kg (27 lb.); shipping 16.4 kg (36 lb.).HP 8903Enet 11.8 kg (26 1b.); shipping 15.9 kg (35 lb.).DIMENSION:146 mm H x 425 mm W x 462 mm D (5.75 x 16.8 x 18.2 in.).HP SYSTEM II SIZE: 5-1/4 H x 1 MW x 17 D.EMI:Radiated interference is within therequirements of RE02 of MIL STD 461Band FTZ 526/527.6 volts.12CONDUCTED AND RADIATED SUSCEPTIBILITY:meets the requirements of methods CS01, CS02, and RS03 (1V/meter) of MIL STD 461B dated 1980.ORDERING INFORMATIONANALYZER MAINFRAMES HP 8903B AUDIO ANALYZEROption 001:rear panel input and output Option 910:provides additional operation/calibration manual [08903-90079) and two service manuals (08903-90062)Option 915:add service manual (08903-90062)Option W30:3-year return repair serviceHP 8903E DISTORTION ANALYZEROption 001:rear panel input and output Option 910:provides additional operation/calibration manual (08903-90053) and two service manuals (08903-90065)Option 915:add service manual (08903-90065)Option W30:3-year return repair serviceOPTIONS FOR BOTH HP 8903B AND HP 8903EOption 907:front handle kit Option 908:rack flange kitOption 909:rack flange kit with front handlesINTERNAL PLUG-IN Two band-limiting low-pass filters are standard. Optional high-pass and weighting filters can be fitted to match your requirements.Both the HP 8903B and HP 8903E have two plug-in fil-ter positions which can be loaded with any of six op-tional filters. The standard HP 8903B and HP 8903E come with no plug-in filters. You must order the appro-priate filter options if you wish to have any of the filters listed in the next column. Each filter option ordered adds additional cost to the instrument.FILTER OPTIONSPlug-in Filter Ording ExamplesHere are two examples of how the plug-in filters might be ordered:First Example HP 8903B OneOption 010Total $Explanation:This HP 8903B has a 400 Hz high-pass filter in the left slot and no filter in the right slot.Second Example HP 8903E One Option 012OneOption 055Total $Explanation:This HP 8903E has a CCIR weighting filter in the left slot and an “A” weighting filter in the right slot.United States:Hewlett-Packard Company Test and Measurement Call Center PO Box 4026Englewood, CO 80155-40261- 800-452-4844Canada:Hewlett-Packard Canada Ltd.5150 Spectrum Way Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5G1(905) 206-4725Europe:Hewlett-PackardEuropean Marketing Centre P.O. Box 9991180 AZ Amstelveen The NetherlandsJapan:Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd.Measurement Assistance 9-1, Takakura-cho, Hachioji-shi,Tokyo 192, Japan (81) 426 56 0732Fax (81) 426 56 7840Data subject to change ©Hewlett-Packard Company 1998Printed in U.S.A. 1/985953-8429Latin America:Hewlett-PackardLatin American Region Headquarters5200 Blue Lagoon Drive 9th FloorMiami, Florida 33126 U.S.A.(305) 267-4245/4220Australia/New Zealand:Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd.31-41 Joseph StreetBlackburn, Victoria 3130Australia 1 800 629 485Asia Pacific:Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Ltd.17-21/F Shell Tower,Times Square,1 Matheson Street,Causeway Bay,Hong KongTel: (852) 2599 7777For more information about Hewlett-Packard Test & Measure-ment products, applications, services and for a current sales office listing, visit our web site, /go/tmdir .You can also contact one of the following centers and ask for a test and measurement sales representative.Right 400 Hz high-pass CCITT weighting filter CCIR weighting filterC-MESSAGE weighting filter CCIR/ARM weighting filter “A ” weighting filterLeft 010011012013014015050051052053054055FiltersPriceOption Numbers Filter Positions。