

英美文学重点总结 第一章

英美文学重点总结 第一章

Introduction: Old and Medieval English Literature1. source of the rise and growth of English literature: the cultural influences of the Anglo-Sexons conquest and the Norman conquest.盎格鲁撒克逊征服与诺曼征服2. Old English literature: 450—1066medieval period in English literature: with the Norman Conquest starts,covers about 4 centurries,3. Beowulf主题分析:Beowulf,a typical example of Old English poetry,is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. Thematically the poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.The poem is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends.4. In the second half of the 14th century,English literature started to flourish with the appearance of writers like Geoffrey Chaucer (the greatest writer){Canterbury Tales}, William Langland (religious and social issues){Piers Plowman},John Gower (produces the best romance of the period){Sir Gawain and the Green Knight},and others.5. 骑士文学Romance which uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period.It has developed the characteristic medieval motifs(主题) of the quest,the test,the meeting with the evil giant and the encounter with the beautiful beloved.6. Chaucer bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new era to come.7. 乔叟,押尾韵及英雄双韵体.Chaucer introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types to English poetry to replace the Old English alliterative verse.And in The Canterbury Tales,Chaucer employed the heroic couplet with true ease and charm toe the first time in the history of English literature.8. 最早的现代小说: Chaucer’s Troilous and CriseydeJohn Dryden called Chaucer “the father of English poetry”. The English Homer.Chapter 1 The Renaissance Period1.RenaissanceIt refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th .It first started in Italy,with the flowering of painting,sculpture,and literature.The Renaissance,shich means rebirth or revival,is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events.Therefore,in essence,it is a historical period in which the European hunanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe,to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie.It was not until the reign of Henry VIII that the Renaissance really began to show its effect in England.2.HumanismRenaissance humanists found in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection,and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question,explore,and enjoy.Thus,by emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life,they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beautiful of this life,but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.3.人文主义者代表(best English humanists): Thomas More, Chistopher Marloweand William Shakespeare.4.By the middle of Elizabeth’s reign,Protestantism had been firmly established,witha certain compromise between Catholicism and Protestantism.5.引进印刷术的英国第一人: William Caxton.印刷了The Canterbury Tales(Chaucer), Morte Darthur(Malory)6.Petrarch was regarded as the fountainhead of literature by the English writers..7. Wyatt and Surrey engraved the forms and graces of Italian poetry. (Petrachan sonnet, blank verse)8.John Donne and George Herbert.(玄学派诗人)9. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.10.Lively,vivid native English material was put into the regular form of the Latincomedies of Plautus and Terence.Tragedies were in the style of Seneca.11. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance in England: Chistopher Marlowe,William Shakespeare,and Ben Jonson.12.Francis Bacon,the first important English essayist,was also the founder of modernscience inEngland.A.2 Shakespeare’s drama career:a.The first period,one of apprenticeship.5 histoty plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III, Richard III, and Titus Andronicus.4 comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Tamingof the Shrew, and Love’s Labour’s Lost.b.The second period,Shakespear’s style and approach became highlyindividualized.5 histories: Richard II, King John,Henry IV, Parts I, II, and Henry V.6 comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much AdoAbout Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor.2 tragedies: Romeo and Juliet, and Julius Caesar.c.The third period includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies.Tragedies: Hamlet(most popular), Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus.2 comedies: All’s Well That Ends Well and Measure for Measure.d.The last period of Shakespeare’s(there’s a prevalent Christian teaching ofatonement [赎罪] ) work includes his principal romantic tragicomedies: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest.2 final place: Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen.A.3 历史剧:Shakespeare’s history plays are mainly written under the priciple that national unity under a mighty and just sovereign is a necessity. The first and second parts of Henry IV are undoubtedly the most widely read among his history plays.A.4 The successful romantic tragedy is Romeo and Juliet, which eulogizes(赞美)the faithfulness of love and the spirit of pursuing happiness.A.5 四大悲剧的共性:(Greatest tragedies have some characteristic in common) Each portrays some noble hero,who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a dufficult situation and whose fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation. Each hero has his weakness of nature. Along with the portrayal of the weakness or bias of the hero,we see the sharp conflicts between the individual and the evil force in the society, which shows that Shakespeare is a great realist in the true sense.A.6 The Tempest is a typical example of his pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years.He affirms the importance of the feudal system in order to uphold social order. A.7 莎士比亚的学观Shakespeare has accepted the Renaissance views on literature.He holds that literature should be a combination of beauty, kindness and truth, and should reflect nature and reality. The end of the dramatic creation is to give faithful reflection of the social realities of the time. Shakespeare also states that literary words which have truly reflected nature and reality can reach immortality.A.8 莎士比亚的物刻画Shakespeare’s major characters are neither merely individual ones nor type ones; they are individuals representing certain types.Each character has his or her own personailities; meanwhile, they may share features with others.Shakespeare also protrays his characters in pairs.Contrasts are frequently used to bring vividness to his characters.A.9 莎士比亚的节设计Shakespeare’s plays are well-known for their adroit (巧妙的)plot constraction.He seldom invents his own plots.In order to play more lively and compact, he would shorten the time and intensify the story.A.10 莎士比亚的语言特色Shakespeare can write skillfully in different poetic forms.He has an amazing wealth of vocabulary and idiom.His coinage of new words and disortion of the meaning of the old ones also create stricking effects on the reader.B.1 米尔顿的三类文学成就Three groups:the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last great poems.B.2 Lycidas(early period)Lycidas is composed for a collection of elegies dedicated to Edward King.It begins with grief and a feeling of immaturity; then the grief is deepen by the sense of irrecoverable loss in the silencing of a young poet.With this bitter sense of loss,Milton asks why the just and good should suffer.The climax of the poem is the blistering attack on the clergy,who are corrupted by self-interest.B.3 Areopagitica(middle period)is a great plea for freedom of the press.B.4 three major poetical works:Paradise lost, Pparodise regained and Samson AgonistesB.5 Paradise regained shows how mankind, in the person of Christ, withstands thetemper and is established once more in the divine favor. Crist’s temptation in the wilderness in the theme, and Milton follows the account in the fourth chapter of Matthew’s gospel(福音).B.6 米尔顿的艺术特色a. Milton’s style is distinguished by its rich and complex texture, the multiplicityof its classical references, its wealth of ornament and decoration.b. Milton’s subjects are lofty and magnificent. The theme of Samson Agonistes istragic and sublime.c. The great epic, which resounds with the grandear and multiplicity of the world,is also a poem, the central actions of which take place inwardly.d. Finally, his endinds are lifelike.13.玄学派诗人MetaphysicalIt refers to the school of poets that appeared in the Revolutionary period in England by using quite unconventional and often surprising conceits; the metaphysical poets wrote poems full of wit and humor. John Donne and Andrew Marvell are the representative metaphysical poets.14. 十四行诗SonnetIt is a basic lyric form, consisting of 14 lines of iambic pentameter rhymed in various patterns. Milton made a new kind of use of the Petrarchan form, and the Romantic poets continued in the Miltonic tratition.。





一、文学流派解析1. 古典主义文学古典主义文学是英美文学史上的重要流派之一,其诞生于17世纪,充分借鉴了古希腊罗马文学的风格和理念。


2. 浪漫主义文学浪漫主义文学兴起于18世纪末至19世纪初,追求个性、情感和自然的恢弘力量。


3. 现实主义文学现实主义文学盛行于19世纪中叶至20世纪初,追求真实和客观的描写方式,反映社会问题和人民生活。


4. 自然主义文学自然主义文学是现实主义文学的延伸,强调人的行为和命运受到自然和社会环境的决定。


5. 现代主义文学现代主义文学兴起于20世纪初,以对传统文学形式的反叛和对意识流的运用为特点。


二、重要作品整理1. 威廉·莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚最著名的戏剧之一,被誉为西方文学史上最伟大的作品之一。





名词解释&简答BeowulfepicalliterationballadRomanceHeroic CoupletsBlank VerseChaucer and The Canterbuiy Tales WilliamShakespeare&his great works SonnetMetaphysical PoetsThe RenaissanceEnlightenment RomanticismCritical RealismImagismModernismThe Stream of Consciousness 诗歌格律韵式辨析John Milton and Paradise LostJohn Bunyan and The Pilgrim? sProgress HumanismEnlightenmentNeoclassicismSentimantalism浪漫主义的重要诗人和代表作Byronic HeroesDramatic MonologueCritical RealismOedipus Complex 论述ChaucerShakespeareJohn MiltonHenry FieldingCharles DickensJane AustenThomas HardyRenaissance特点:1. There was a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature and an expression of the general dissatisfaction at the Catholic and feudal ideas.2eHumanism is the key-note of the Renaissance.Representative Figures1) Thomas More Utopia2) Thomas Wyatt He was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.3) John Lyly the novel Eupheus gave rise to the term "euphuisrrT(绮丽体)euphuism refers to an affectedly elegant literary style of the late 16th and early 17th centuries, characterized by elaborate alliteration, antitheses(对照),and similes(明喻)•4) Christopher Marlowe Timur (《巾占木丿L》)he is known for his magnificent blank verse,《帖木儿》是一部英雄剧,塑造了一个叱咤风云却又野心勃勃的征服者形象,充分体现了文艺复兴时期的巨人精神。


<The Jew of Malta> 马尔他的犹太人 non-drama <The Passionate Shepherd to His Love> pastoral(田园的) life , the most beautiful lyrics(抒情诗) READING: 1. excerpt from Dr. Faustus 浮士德博士的悲剧 A play based on the German legend Content: Faustus is a scholar who has a strong desire to acquire knowledge. By conjuration(念咒 文召唤)he call up Mephistophilis, the Devil’s servant. He make a bond(契 约) to sell his soul to the Devil in returnfor 24 years of life in which Mephistophilis to give him ev erything he desires. Devil’s name is Lucifer. Dominant moral is human rather than religious 2. The Passionate(热情的) Shepherd to His Love this short poem is considered to be one of the most beautiful lyrics(抒情诗) in English literature. The shepherd(牧羊人) enjoy an ideal country life, cherishing(珍爱) a pastoral(田园 的) and pure affectionfor his love. Strong emotion is conveyed through the beauty of nature.






二、英美文学的重点解读1. 文学流派解析英美文学包括多种不同的流派,如古典文学、浪漫主义文学、现代主义文学等。



2. 代表作品解析英美文学中有一些经典的代表作品,如莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》、狄更斯的《远大前程》等。



3. 文学理论解读文学理论是英美文学研究的一个重要方面。




三、语言学的重点解读1. 语音学与音系学语音学是研究语音和语音系统的学科,而音系学是独立的语音学分支,研究语言的音素、音位和音系结构。



2. 词汇学与词法学词汇学是研究词汇的形态、构词以及词义等内容,而词法学则关注词汇的语法用法。



3. 句法学与语义学句法学研究句子的结构和成分,语义学则关注句子的意义和语用。




英美文学考试复习点重点整理1.现实主义、批判现实主义(代表人物、作品,以及每部作品讲了什么故事)P276—比如《匹克威克外传》主要讲什么?P281 《双城记》主要讲什么?P298 《大卫科波菲尔》主要讲什么?P2922.其中自传体形式的作品有哪些?3.傲慢与偏见的第一个名字:first impression(Pride and prejudice现)4.三姐妹指的是?5.19世纪有名小说名利场副标题:“A Novel Without a Hero”作者:William Makepeace Thackeray P3036.18th浪漫主义作家、代表作P211 反对什么,反抗什么思想?7.Pop代表作有哪些?P134 剪发记?8.玄学诗派有哪些人物组成?Leading Feature? P1169.乌托邦is written in form of ?P3310.Universal Wicks大学才子是谁?P5011.中世纪文学流行的是? 主题特征骑马精神P8?12.最著名作家:乔叟P1913.对于三次征服的概念(1)罗马征服P1 (2)英国人征服P2(3)诺曼征服P514.人民大宪章什么时候出现?时间:1837年1.John MiltonHe was born in London in 1608. He is a master of the blank verse, and a great stylist. And he is famous for his grand style.But his style is never exactly natural. He devoted almost twenty years of his best life to the fight for political, religious and personal liberty as a writer. His famous works are Paradise lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes.2.RomanceRomance was the most prevailing kind of literature of theupper class in feudal England in the Medieval Ages. It is a long composition in verse or in prose which describes the life and chivalric adventures of a noble hero. The central character of romances is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapon. The theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romances.3.the EnlightenmentIt is the philosophical and artistic movement growing out of the Renaissance and continuing until the nineteenth century. It was an optimistic belief that humanity could improve itself by applying logic and reasons to all things. Typically, these enlightenment writers would use satire to ridicule what they felt illogical errors in government, socialcustom, and religious belief.4.NeoclassicismThe neoclassical movement began in the mid-18th century and brought about a revival of interest in the old classical work. The neoclassicists held that forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be in judged in terms of its service to humanity./doc/0d16361832.html,ke poetsAlso called Lake School, it is a name applied to a group of poets in the 19th century, including Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey. They had lived in the Lake District in the northwest of England and shared a community of literary and social outlook in their works.6.MetaphysicalAbout the beginning of the 17th century appeared a schoolof poets called “Metaphysical”, including Donne, Herbert, Marvell, Vaughan, and Crashaw. The work of the metaphysical poets are characterized their wit, imaginative picturing, compressions, often cryptic expression and by generally speaking, by mysticism in content and fantasticality in form.7.Heroic coupletsA heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poems constructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines. The rhyme is always masculine. The use of the heroic couplet was first pioneered by Chaucer in The legend of Good Women and The Canterbury Tales.8.BalladsBallad was the most important department of English folk literature. A ballad is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed. They are anonymous narrative poems bearing the characteristics of folklore and designed for singing or oral recitation in various English and Scottish dialects. Ballad is mainly the literature of the common people and one is able to understand the outlook of the English common people in feudal society through the ballads. The subjects of ballad are various in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal—minded families, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, the criticism of the civil war, and the matters of class struggle. Usually a ballad deals with a single episode and the beginning is often abrupt, without any introduction to the characters and background information.回答问题1.撒旦为什么选择伊甸园作为复仇之地2.写一个关于傲慢与偏见的小结(作者、人物角色、情节、后果)和主题评价Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813.翻译题1.P103①Throw open all doors; let the re be light ; let every man think and bring his thoughts to the light;dread not any diversities of opinion.②Truth is compared in Scripture to a streaming fountain; if her waters flow not in a perpetual progression, they sicken into a muddy pool of conformity.③Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinion in good men is but knowledge in the marking.2.P193It was marked by a strong protest against the bondage of Classicism, by a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion, and by a renewedinterest in medieval literature.。

























考研英国文学复习要点(参照教材刘炳善《英国文学简史》)Part One: Early and Medieval English Literature1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements(此处可能会有填空,选择等小题)2. Romance(名词解释)3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story4. Ballad(名词解释)5. Character of Robin Hood6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)Part Two: The English Renaissance8. The Authorized Version of English Bible and its significance(填空选择)9. Renaissance(名词解释)10.Thomas More——Utopia11. Sonnet(名词解释)12. Blank verse(名词解释)13. Edmund Spenser“The Faerie Queene”; Amoretti (collection of his sonnets)Spenserian Stanza(名词解释)14. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读)15. Christopher Marlowe (“Doctor Faustus” and his achievements)16. William Shakespeare可以说是英国文学史中最重要的作家,一定要看熟了。



英美文学复习时期划分-—Early & Medieval literature 包括The Anglo-Saxon Period 和The Anglo-Norman Period--Renaissance 文艺复兴—-Revolution & Restoration 资产阶级革命与王权复辟——Enlightenment 启蒙运动-—Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期——Critical Realism 批判现实主义——20th Modernism 现代主义传统诗歌主题:nature, life, death, belief, time, youth, beauty, love, feelings of differen t kinds, reason(wisdom), moral lesson, morality。

修辞名称:meter格律, rhyme韵, sound assonance谐音, consonance和音, alliteration头韵, form of poetry诗歌形式, allusion典故, foot音步, iamb抑扬格, trochee扬抑格, anapest抑抑扬格, da ctyl扬抑抑格, pentameter五音步文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧novel起源:Christianity基督教Bible圣经myth神话The Roma nce of king Arthur and his knights亚瑟王和他的骑士(笔记)一、 1、The Anglo—Saxon period(496—1066)这个时期的文学作品分类:(pagan异教徒)(Christ ian基督徒)2、代表作:The song of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》(national epic)(民族史诗)采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved.To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、 The Anglo-Norman period(1066—1350)Canto 诗章受到法国影响 English literature is also a combination of French and Saxon element s。







1. 英美文学的发展脉络英美文学的发展可以从古代文学开始追溯,包括了中世纪文学、文艺复兴时期文学、启蒙时期文学等。


2. 代表作品在备考过程中,我们需要了解英美文学中的一些代表作品,包括但不限于莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》、乔治·奥威尔的《1984》、弗朗茨·卡夫卡的《变形记》等等。

3. 主要流派英美文学中有许多重要的流派,比如浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义等。




1. 语言学的基本概念语言学主要研究语言的起源、结构、性质等。


2. 重要理论在语言学中,有一些重要的理论需要我们掌握,比如结构主义语言学、生成语法等。


3. 语言学的应用语言学的研究不仅仅是理论层面的,还有许多实际应用。




1. 翻译学的基本概念翻译学主要研究语言之间的转换过程,包括文字翻译和口译。




一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf (national epic民族史诗)metaphor alliteration。

3、Angles, Saxons and Jutes.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)1、The Roman Conquest: In 1066, the Duke of Normandy William led the Norman army to invade England. The result of this war was William became the king of England. After the conquest, feudal system was established in English society. Chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight头韵2、传奇ramances:描写骑士的冒险精神和典雅爱情文学。

seek adventures , fighting for his lord in battle,humility,honor,sacrifice,brave,honesty,love with women三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)(反封建、反教会、追求个性自由)1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、purely English(the London dialect伦敦方言)3、heroic couplet英雄双韵体4、Writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.5、代表作:The Canterbury Tales (英国文学史的开端)内容:The pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.特点:Each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character. The story was endowed with what medieval romancelacked-interest of character as well as incident.观点:He believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions and a blind belief in fate.主要故事: ①The Knight’s Tale ②The Pardoner’s Tale ③The Merchant’s Tale④The Wife of Bath四、The Renaissance (16世纪)1、背景:14-17century,a period of the breaking of feudal relations and the establishing the foundations of capitalism. New monarchy. It is a revival of classical arts and sciences.2、主要文学成就:Poetry: Wyatt: first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.Sidney Spenser: the poet’s poet.Drama: Marlowe: blank verse(无韵诗) the principal vehicle of expression in drama. . William Shakespeare(1564-1616)Novels:John Lyly Thomas Loge Thomas NasheEssays /prose: Francis Bacon(1561-1626)、Thomas More(1478-1535)3 works of shakespeare:37palys ,tow narrative poems and 154sonnetsFirst period (1590-1600):comdies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜; <Twelfth Night>第十二夜; <A Midsummer Night’S Dream>仲夏夜之梦; <Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人Second period(1601—1608):tragedies<Hamlet>哈姆莱特; <Othello>奥赛罗; <King Lear>李尔王; <Macbeth>麦克白Third period(1609—1612)historiesLyric poem:Three quatrain and one couplet, ababcdcdefefggSonnet 18:Theme:The poet writes beautifully on the conventional theme that his poetry will bring eternity to the one he loves and eulogizes.Sonnet 29:Theme:①The poet complains of his own miseries and dissatisfaction in life and then becomes happy upon the thought of the one he loves. ②Here Shakespeare is supposed to reveal his own thoughts and feelings, especially in the first octet.The character of Hamlet:①Hamlet was a humanist, a man who is from medieval prejudices and superstitions.②Starting from his humanist love of man, he turns to those around him with the same eagerness.③His intellectual genius is outstanding.④Hamlet’s melancholy is not the negative, hair-splitting and fruitless kind. It is rather the result of his penetrating habit of mind.五、The Period of Revolution and Restoration (17C)1、文学特点concerned with the tremendous social upheavals, influence by puritan. 光荣革命意义the supremacy of parliament, beginning of modern England,final triumph of the political liberty2、代表人物:①John Donne“metaphysical poets玄学A. Metaphysical poetry is characterized by: verbal wit, irregular rhythms, ingenious structure and strange images or “conceits奇喻”.a kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two different things.B. A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning意象:compasses、golden beaten(金箔)union of body and soul,physically and spiritually②John MiltonThe indomitable Puritan sprit finds its noblest expression in him.诗歌:Paradise Lost失乐园freedom knowledge oppose to monarchy Paradise Regained复乐园戏剧:Samson Agonistes力士参孙Shorter poems: L‘Allegro Il Penseroso ;Lycidas ComusPrincipal pamphlets: Areopagitica: attacks the censorship of the press and appeals for the freedom of the pressEikonoklaste: justifies the execution of Charles IDefense for the English People: a defense of the Commonwealth and Revolution Sonnet: On His Deceased Wife(唯一的爱情诗) On His Blindness③John Bunyan(1628-1688)班扬:The Pilgrim’s Progress④John Dryden(1631-1700):critic、poet、playwright六、The Age of Enlightenment (18世纪)1、文学特点:The main literary stream of the 18th century was realism. The 18th century was an age of prose. Novel writing made a big advance in this century. In thisstage,staire was much used in writing.2. classicism(neoclassicism), (pre-romanticism), (modern novel and sentimentalism)3.emphsis on reason,order ,balance and harmony.4、文学名人及作品:①classicism/neoclassicism Richard Steele:The Spectator Addison Pope johnson②pre-romanticismWilliam Blake:Song of Innocence. London、The Tiger、The Chimney Sweeper均节选自Song of Experience经验之歌Poetical Sketches 诗的素描The Book of Thel 塞尔书The Marriage of Heaven and HellRobert Burns(1759-1796):用苏格兰方言书写, ,著有Poems Chiefly in Scottish Dialect苏格兰方言诗集 <A Red, Red Rose> My Heart’s in the n Highlands> <The Tree Of Liberty>③modern novelA. realistic novelDaniel Defoe、Henry Fielding、Jonathan SwiftB. sentimentalismLaurence Sterne: Sentimental Journey Tristram ShandyThomas Gray :Elegy, Written in a Country Churchyard墓园挽歌5、Daniel Defoe①英国小说之父②Robinson Crusoe全名:The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson CrusoeThe writers of the Enlightenment attached great importance to the molding of character and to education through the influence of varied environment.The character of Robinson Crusoe is representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development. He is most practical and exact, always religious and at the same time mindful of his own profit.③Captain Singleton Colonel Jack Moll Flanders A Journal of the Plague Year Roxana6、Henry Fielding: comic Epic 喜剧史诗The History of Tom Jones, a foundling主要人物:Tom Jones: frank, kind, disinterested, sterlingSophia Western: brave and admirableBlifil: sly, perfidiousJoseph Andrews the journal of a Voyage to Lisbon Amelia7、Jonathan Swift(irony反讽)A Tale of a Tub 桶The battle of the Books 书之战The Drapier’s Letter 信A Modest Proposal建议Gulliver’s Travels格列佛四部分A Voyage to Lilliput/ Brobdingnag/ Laputa/ Houyhnhnms七、1.The romantic period(1798-1832):beginning of with the publication of Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads,ending with Walter Scott’s death.2.Theme:sensibllity,love of nature,interest of past,mysticism,individualism,exoticpicture,strong-willed heroes,sometimes the romantics resort to symbolism.And symbols are objects used to represent abstract ideas and concepts.3.emphaize on emotion4.historical backgrounds:It was greatly influenced by the industrial revolution and the french revolution.5.romantuc writersThe first generation romantic writersBurns Blake----------pre-romantisWordsworth Coleridge--------negtiveThe second generation romantic writersByron Shelley and Keats-----active romanticsHistorical novelist-----Walter Scott6.WordsworthA..style:simplicity and purity of language and love of natureB.poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.①<Lyrical Ballads>抒情歌谣集(with Samuel Taylor Coleridge)<I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud> / Daffodils/ The DaffodilsTheme: 1. Nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstance. It is nature that gives him “strength and knowledge full of peace”2. It is bliss to recall the beauty of nature in poet mind while he is in solitude.Comment: The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poet’s philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.②Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey丁登寺杂咏③Ode: Intimations of Immortality 不朽颂④The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女⑤Lucy Poems 露西⑥<The Prelude>序曲The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 老水手之歌The Excursion 漫游7.Lord ByronA.Byron’s language is moody and vicid,and he covers vast ares,both geographically and moyionally.B.Byronic hero:dark romancesC.works①<Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage>恰尔德•哈罗德尔游记②<Don Juan>唐•璜③<Cain>该隐诗歌:<She Walks In Beauty>8.ShelleyA.the mask of anarchy 暴政的化的装游行B.the finest lyric poets in the English languageC.works<The Necessity of Atheism>无神论的必要性<Queen Mab>麦布女王<Revolt of Islam>伊斯兰的反叛<Prometheus Unbound>解放了的普罗米修斯Theme: the drama celebraies man’s victory over tyranny and oppression <The Cenci>钦契 <A Defence of Poetry>诗辩<Ode to the West Wind>西风颂To a Skylark>致云雀9.ScottA. a historical novelistB.worksIvanhoe 艾凡赫waverly 威弗利the lady of the lake 湖畔湖人Rob Roy罗布.罗衣10.Jane Austen作品:① <Sense and Sensibility>理智与感情②<Pride and Prejudic> 傲慢与偏见③<Mansfield Park>曼斯菲尔德庄园④<Emma>爱玛⑤<Persuasion>劝导⑥<Northanger Abbey>诺桑觉寺。



英语英美文学常识归纳篇一:英语专八英美文学常识归纳3专八人文知识:英国地理概况the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france and connects the atlantic ocean and north sea.英吉利海峡:英吉利海峡是一道狭长的海峡,分割英法两国,连接大西洋和北海。

the dee estuary: a small sea ( in irish sea) where the dee river enters.迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。

"the act of union of 1801": in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland, wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain.1801合并法:1801年英国议会通过法令,手册英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士根据法律合并成为大不列颠王国。

gaelic: it is one of the celtic language, and is spoken in parts of the highlands.盖尔语:是盖尔特语言的一种,在高地地区仍有人说这种语言。

the "backbone of england": it refers to the pennies, theboard ridge of hills.英格兰脊梁:指的是山脉的背脊。

lead ore: british lead ores have been worked since pre-roman times. it contains silver.铅矿:自前罗马时代开始,英国的铅矿就被开发了。






Chapter 1 Old and Medieval English Literature(450—1066—1340)1.Beowulf: a typical example of Old English poetry is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo—Saxons. It is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends.2.Romance:①It uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds is a popular literary form in the medieval period。

②It has developed the characteristic medieval motifs of the quest, the test, the meeting with the evil giant and the encounter with the beautiful beloved.③The hero is usually the knight, who sets out on a journey to accomplish some missions。



英美文学期末复习Chapter 1 The Old and Medieval Period 中古时期An Introduction :❖最早的英国居民:Celts❖In 43AD , Roman conquered Britain, making the latter a province of Roman Empire.公元43年,罗马征服英国,将其变成罗马帝国的一个省份。

❖In 449 Jutes came to Britain to settle there. Following the Jutes came Angles and Saxons. 449年,朱特人定居英国,紧跟着是安格鲁和撒克逊人。

❖Germanic means the Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes.日耳曼族包括了安格鲁、萨克逊和朱特人。

❖Anglo-Saxon poetry is bold and strong, mournful and elegiac in spirit.安格鲁撒克逊诗歌大胆而有力,悲伤且忧郁。

❖These tribes from Northern Europe together created the united kingdom--Anglo-Saxon England ("Angle-land").这些来自北欧的部落创建了联合王国--安格鲁撒克逊英格兰(in 449)❖Their dialects naturally grew into a single language called Angle-ish or English, the ancestor of the present-day English.他们的方言自然而然地成为了一种单一的语言--盎格鲁语或者英语。

❖The old English were divided into two groups: ①religious group ②secular group古英语诗歌被分成两类:①宗教②世俗❖The religious group is mainly on biblical theme.宗教诗歌通常以圣经为主题。



基础英语考研(英美文学简史)考研复习考点归纳一、《英国文学简史》考点笔记1.1 复习笔记早期英国文学Early English LiteratureⅠ.Background Knowledge—The Making of England(背景知识——英国的形成)1.The Roman Conquest (55B.C.-410A.D.) 罗马征服(公元前55年—公元410年)A. Brief Introduction(简介)Before the Roman Conquest, the early inhabitants in the island we call England were Britons, a tribe of Celts.In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar, the Roman conqueror. Britain was not completely subjugated to the Roman Empire until 78 A.D. But at the beginning of the fifth century, the Roman Empire was in the process of declining. In 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned.罗马征服之前,在英格兰岛上居住的早期居民被称为不列颠人(Britons),不列颠人是凯尔特(Celt)部落的一支。

公元前55年,该岛被罗马的朱利尤斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)侵略。



B. Influence(影响)①The Roman mode of life was brought into Britain while the native Britons were treated as slaves.②The Romans brought Christianity to the island and this religion was spread widely. (This is a profound religious effect up to today).③Roman road was built for military purposes.④Along the Roman roads, many towns grew up, London was one of them, and it became an important trading center.①罗马人的生活方式被带到了英国,而当地的不列颠人却沦为奴隶。



Unit One The Anglo-Saxon Period⏹I. Historical Background⏹II. Anglo-Saxon Poetry⏹III. Anglo-Saxon ProseI. Historical BackgroundThe English people are a complicated race.The first inhabitants of the island were commonly known as the Celts (or Kelts).⏹55 BC saw the invasion of the island headed by Julius Caesar.During the invasion these aborigines(土著人)Celts withdrew to the Welsh and Scottish mountains and left a great part of England to the Romans.⏹Not until the 5th century did the Romans withdrew. England had been made a Roman Provincesince 80 AD.As the Roman legions withdrew, the Celts came back.⏹Originally the name Anglo-Saxon denotes two of the three Germanic(日尔曼)tribes --- Angles,Saxons and Jutes -- who in the middle of the 5th century left their homes on the shores of the North Sea and the Baltic(波罗的海)to conquer and colonize distant Britain.They lived in the northern top of Germany and the southern part of Denmark at that time.⏹The historical date that is worth memorizing is 449 AD.⏹These three invading tribes came to settle down: Angles in the north of Thames, Jutes mainly in thesouthwest called Kent(英国东南部郡), and Saxons in the other places.English literature originated in the Angles and Saxons who formed a literary tradition of their own.⏹Important historical events:1. Heptarchy(七王国):⏹The informal confederation(联邦)of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms from the fifth to the ninth century,consisting of Kent, Sussex, Wessex, Essex, Northumbria, East Anglia, and Mercia.2. the Vikings invasion:⏹Vikings, collective designation of Nordic(北欧人)people—Danes, Swedes, Norwegians—whoexplored abroad during a period of dynamic Scandinavian expansion from about AD 800 to 1100.⏹Land shortage, improved iron production, and the need for new markets probably all played a partin Viking expansion.3. King Alfred the Great:⏹In 871, Ethelred of Wessex is defeated by Danish forces January 4 at Reading, gains a brilliant victory4 days later at Ashdown, is defeated January 22 at Basing, triumphs again March 2 at Marton inWiltshire, but dies in April.⏹His brother, 22, pays tribute(贡物)to the Danes but will reign until 899 and be called Alfred theGreat.4. Canute (994?-1035):⏹King of England(1016-1035), Denmark (1018-1035), and Norway (1028-1035) whose reign, at firstbrutal, was later marked by wisdom and temperance.⏹He is the subject of many legends.5. The Norman Conquest in 1066⏹The year 1066 was a turning point in English history. William I, the Conqueror, and his sons gaveEngland vigorous new leadership. Norman feudalism (封建制度) became the basis for redistributing the land among the conquerors, giving England a new French aristocracy and a new social and political structure. England turned away from Scandinavia toward France, an orientation (倾向性) that was to last for 400 years.6. St. Augustine:⏹Italian-born missionary and prelate (高级教士) who introduced Christianity to southern Britain 597and was ordained as the first archbishop (大主教) of Canterbury 598. Died c 604.II. Anglo-Saxon Poetry1. Beowulf --- the national epic⏹Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon epic poem, the most important work of Old English literature.The poem consists of 3183 lines, each line with four accents marked by alliteration and divided into two parts by a caesura (节律的停顿).⏹The structure of the typical Beowulf line comes through in modern translation, for example: Thencame from the moor under misted cliffs Grendel marching God's anger he bore . . .⏹The somber (昏暗的,忧郁的) story is told in vigorous, picturesque (独特的) language, with heavyuse of metaphor; a famous example is the term “whale-road”for sea.⏹The poem tells of a hero, a Scandinavian prince named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of the monsterGrendel, half man and half fiend (魔鬼) and Grendel's mother, who comes that evening to avenge Grendel's death.⏹Fifty years later Beowulf, now king of his native land, fights a dragon who has devastated his people.Both Beowulf and the dragon are mortally wounded in the fight.⏹The poem ends with Beowulf's funeral as his mourners chant his epitaph.⏹Beowulf is a long verse narrative on the theme of “arms and man”and as such belongs to thetradition of a national epic in European literature that can be traced back to Homer’s Iliad (荷马史市诗,描写特洛伊战争)and Virgil’s (古罗马诗人) Aeneid (埃涅伊德叙事诗).⏹The earliest poets, whose names have long since been forgotten performed as storytellers andminstrels before gatherings of listeners.Often a lyre (七弦琴) or some other simple stringed instrument was used to accompany the poet's tale or song.2. Secular (非宗教的) Poems(1) Narrative Poems(2) Lyrical Poems(3) Riddles⏹ 3. Religious poems:⏹(1) Caedmon (7th century): Died c. 680. The earliest English poet.⏹According to Bede, Caedmon was an elderly herdsman who received the power of song in a vision.⏹Caedmon was an illiterate herdsmen who had a vision one night and heard a voice commandinghim to sing of “the beginning of created things.”⏹Later Caedmon supposedly wrote the poem about the creation known as Caedmon's Hymn, whichBede recorded in prose.Cynewulf⏹(2) Cynewulf (8th century)⏹Cynewulf (flourished AD 750), Anglo-Saxon poet, possibly a Northumbrian minstrel.⏹In his poetry, he is revealed as a man of learning familiar with the religious literature of his day.⏹Cynewulf’s (基涅武甫,古诗诗稿公元十世纪被发现) poems are religious works in Old Englishentitled Ascension (耶稣升天), The Fates of the Apostles(使徒的命运), Juliana, and Elene; the latter two are legends about saints.III. Anglo-Saxon Prose⏹ 1. Anglo-Latin Prose⏹The Venerable Bede (673? –735): English Benedictine (天主教本笃会修士或修女) monk andscholar, Father of English history, chiefly known for his Ecclesiastical (教会)History of the English People, a history of England from the Roman occupation to 731, the year it was completed.⏹The Ecclesiastical History of the English People (55 BC -- 731):This work is the only source of information about the most momentous (重大的) period in English history -- the period of change from barbarism to civilization.⏹ 2. Anglo-Saxon Prose (Old English Prose)⏹(1) King Alfred (849 -- 901)a. Numerous translations from Latinb. The development of a natural style in Englishc. The launching of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (1 AD -- 1154 AD)⏹(2) Aelfric (c. 965 -- 1020)Anglo-Saxon abbot (修道士) who is considered the greatest Old English prose writer.His works include Catholic Homilies, Lives of the Saints, and a Latin grammar.Aelfric brought English prose to high cultivation before the Norman Conquest -- a clear, flexible and popular English prose.Unit Two The Late Middle AgesI. The Anglo-Norman PeriodII. The Age of ChaucerIII. Geoffrey ChaucerThe Middle Ages:In European history, the Middle Ages was the period between the end ofthe West Roman Empire in 476 AD and the beginning of Renaissance about 1500 AD, especiallythe later part of this period.I. The Anglo-Norman Period (1066-1350)History:(1) the Norman Conquest of 1066feudalism -- a strong centralized government(2) the Magna Carta (the great charter) of 1215: charter granted by KingJohn of England to the English barons (男爵,英国最低贵族爵位) in 1215, and considered the basis of English constitutional liberties.This is a document of concession made by King John to the feudal lordsThe charter covered a wide field of law and feudal rights, but the two mostimportant matters were :A. no tax should be made without the approval of the council,B. no freeman should be arrested or imprisoned except by the law of theland.(3) the Hundred Years’ WarHundred Years' War, series of armed conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453between England and France.The origin of the dispute lay in the fact that successive kings of Englandcontrolled large areas of France and thus posed a threat to the French monarchy.During the 12th and 13th centuries, the kings of France attempted tore-impose their authority over those territories.(4) the Black Death of 1348 -- 49outbreak of the plague, so called from the symptoms of internalhaemorrhage (内出血)which blackens the skin of the suffererThe Black Death struck England in 1349, reducing the population by asmuch as a third.A labour shortage resulted, and when attempts to freeze wages were made,unrest developed among serfs and workers, leading to the demise (瓦解) of serfdom in the next century.(5) the Statute of Pleading (辩护法令)Passed in 1362, according to which it was required that court proceedingsbe conducted in English2. Literature(1) Anglo-Latin literatureGeoffrey of Monmouth (c. 1100 -- c. 1155): English historian and ecclesiastic(牧师).He was the author of Historia Regum Britanniae (History of the Kings of Britain), a work purportingto delineate (描绘) the lives of British kings from Brutus the Trojan, the mythical progenitor(祖先)of the British people, to Caedwalla, king of North Wales (reigned about 625-34).Roger Bacon (1214?-1294), English Scholastic philosopher and scientist, one of the most influentialteachers of the 13th century.In the late 1260s Bacon wrote his Opus Majus, an encyclopedia of all science.He has been called Father of experimental science.(2) Anglo-Norman literatureromance (Chanson de Roland)--- fabliau (讽刺性寓言诗)(3) Folk literature in Middle AgesA few themes:Social satiresThe popular lyric, with nature and love as the theme(4) Religious work:The Pearl : a didactic poemThe Pearl is an allegorical (寓言的) poem of 101 stanzas of 12 lines each, with both alliteration andrhyme, and relates the vision of one who has lost a pearl of a daughter.(5) Romances in Middle EnglishThree themes:the matter of France;the matter of Britain;the matter of Rome.The most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend was the anonymous Sir Gawain andthe Green Knight......Two motifs (主题):(the tests of faith, courage and purity; the human weakness of self-preservation自卫本能).King Arthur and the Knights of the Round TableThe semi-legendary King Arthur is probably the most well-known king in all of English literature.Tales of Arthur and his knights span several centuries and many different languages. The so-called Round Table, the meeting place of Arthur and the knights, was round so that no one memberseemed favored over the others.In Arthurian legend, the Round Table at Camelot served as a gathering place for King Arthur’sknights.The table’s shape ensured that all who sat around it were equals.This replica of the Round Table can be seen at Winchester Castle in England.King Arthur’s Round TableArtistic merits:(1) careful interweaving of episodes;(2) the elements of suspense and surprise;(3) psychological analysis;(4) elaborate descriptions;(5) simple, straightforward languageII. The Age of Chaucer (1350 -- 1400)1. History:(1) the Peasants’ Uprising in 1381:led by Wat Tyler, Jack Straw and John Ball“When Adam delve and Eve span,Who was then the gentleman?”Wat Tyler, died in 1381English revolutionary who led the Peasants' Revolt against Richard II's poll tax in June 1381.The uprising ended when he was killed.(2) The Lollards: church reformers, John Wycliff and his followersLollards, members of a religious sect in 14th- and 15th-century England. They were led by theEnglish theologian (神学者) and religious reformer John Wycliffe and followed the doctrines he preached. Lollards held the Bible to be the only authentic rule of faith; exhorted the clergy to return to the simple life of the early church; and opposed war, the doctrine of transubstantiation(圣餐的变体), confession, and the use of images in worship.(3) the decline of feudalism in England2. Three important writers:(1) John Wycliff (1324 -- 84)Church reformer;Father of English Prose: earliest translation of the entire Bible(2) John Gower (1330 -- 1408)three chief works in three different languages(3) William Langland (1332?-1400?), English poet, who was supposedly the author of the religiousallegory The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman (written 1360?-1400?), better known as Piers Plowman.Piers the Plowman holds up a mirror to Langland’s England, showing on the one hand thecorruption prevalent among the ruling classes, both secular and clerical, and on the other hand the uprightness and worthiness of the labouring folk and the miseries of the poor and needy.In the form of allegory and vision, it is a “gospel of the poor”.III. Geoffrey ChaucerFather of English Literature, and Father of English Poetry. A great master of the English language1. Three periods:(1) The first period (1360 -- 1372): French influenceThe Book of Duchess(公爵夫人之书)(2) The second period (1372 -- 1385): Italian influenceThe House of Fame(声誉之堂);Troylus and Criseyde(特罗勒斯与克丽西斯);The Legend of Good Women(善良女子徇情记)(3) The third period (1386 -- 1400): English period or mature periodThe Canterbury Tales(坎特伯雷故事集)The Canterbury Tales, generally considered to be Chaucer’s masterpiece, was written chiefly in theyears 1386-1400.It begins with a general prologue that explains the occasion for the narration of the tales and gives adescription of the pilgrims who narrate the tales. 120 tales are intended, but only 24 are completed.The Canterbury TalesSignificancea comprehensive picture of the social reality of the poet’s daya framed storyanthology of medieval literaturehumour, satire, ironyChaucer, a master of the English languageUnit Three The Transitional Period (The 15th CenturyI. Popular BalladsII. Early English DramaIII. Chaucerian PoetsIV. Le Morte d’ArthurHistorical Background1. The 15th century was a period of transition for Britain from the medieval to the Renaissanceworld.2. The War of the Roses (1455 -- 85): The rival houses of Lancaster and York, which were bothdescended from Edward III, started a fight for power.The flag for Lancaster showed a red rose, and the flag for York showed a white rose, so the struggle between them became known as the War of the Roses.3. Printing press was introduced into England by William Caxton in 1476.William Caxton (1422?-1491), first English printer, born probably in Tenterden, Kent. His translation and print of The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye (1474?) was the first book printed in English.The more notable books from his press include The Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde byEnglish poet Geoffrey Chaucer and Confessio Amantis by English poet John Gower.Fewer than 40 of Caxton's publications still exist.Caxton printed nearly 100 publications, about 20 of which he also translated from French and Dutch.4. The literature of the 15th century was also in a transitional stage between the Age of Chaucerand the Renaissance.Themes:(1) Border ballads: popular ballads narrating incidents on theEnglish-Scottish border.(2) Robin Hood ballads(3) Arthurian legend and Biblical material(4) Domestic life: e.g. Get Up and Bar the Door(5) Love(6) Political treachery: e.g. Sir Patrick Spens(7) Intelligence of the common labouring peopleBallad Metres are four-line stanzas with the alteration of 4 and 3 feet verse to the odd and evennumbered lines, and rhyming usually on the 2nd and 4th lines.“The king sits in Dumferling touneDrinking the blude-reid wineO whar will I get guid sailor,To sail this schip of mine?”from Sir Patrick SpensRobin Hood balladsRobin Hood ballads are popular ballads dealing with the famous outlaw Robin Hood and his men and their activities.Robin Hood, hero of a group of English ballads of the late 14th or early 15th century.Robin Hood was portrayed as an outlaw who lived and poached in royal forests such as Sherwood Forest, in Nottinghamshire.Robin Hood robbed and killed those who represented government or church power, and he defended the needy and oppressed.His comrades included Little John, Will Scarlet, and Friar Tuck.Get Up and Bar the DoorIt fell about the Martinmas timeAnd a gay time it was then,When our goodwife got puddings to make,And she’s boild them in the pan.The wind sae cauld blew south and north,And blew into the floor;Quoth our goodman to our good wife,‘Gae out and bar te door.’II. Early English Drama1. Folk drama: sword dance, morris dance, murmurs’ plays2. Religious drama:(1) The mystery play: drama based directly on stories from the Bible.The best-known mystery play in England is the so-called Second Shepherds’ Play -- the second of the plays on the shepherds, in the Towneley Cycle. Its theme is to greet the newborn Christ.The Birth of Jesus(2) The miracle play: drama dealing with the legends of the Christian saints.(3) The morality play: drama presenting allegorically some objects, lesson, or warning by means ofabstract characters or generalized types of man’s spiritual good.The best known of the morality play is Everyman, produced in the last quarter of the 15th century,dealing with what is supposed to happen to Everyone at the close of his life.III. Chaucerian Poets1. English Chaucerian:John Lydgate (1370 -- 1450): English poet, born in Suffolk and educated at the monastery (修道院)of Bury Saint Edmunds, where he was ordained a priest in 1397.Lydgate may have been a friend and disciple (信徒,弟子) of the poet Geoffrey Chaucer, and the two were equally popular in their time.Some of Lydgate's work shows Chaucer's influence.Although Lydgate was a prolific and influential poet of his day, much of his work is now considered verbose (冗长的) and overly moralistic.His major poems include Troy Book (1412-1420), The Siege (围攻) of Thebes (1420-1422), and Fall ofPrinces (1430-1438).2. Scottish Chaucerians:(1) James I of Scotland(2) Robert Henryson(3) William Dunbar(4) Gavin DouglassIV. Le Morte d’ArthurIt is a kind of final summing-up of the Arthurian legend built up from the 12th century to the 15thcentury (21 books).The Passing of ArthurAccording to legend, King Arthur was seriously wounded in battle by his illegitimate son, Mordred.Arthur’s half sister Morgan le Fay and a group of women then took him away to the island of Avalon to heal.Le Morte d’Arthur may well be called the swan-song (最后的作品) of feudal knighthood and chivalrywhich were much idealized in the heyday (全盛时期) of feudalism.It is written in a lucid and simple style.Both the Arthurian legendary material and the simple style had their wide and lasting influenceupon the English literature of later centuries.Unit Four The Early Tudor Age and the Elizabethan AgeI. RenaissanceII. The Early Tudor AgeIII. The Elizabethan AgeI. RenaissanceRenaissance is a political and cultural epoch.The word “Renaissance”, meaning “rebirth”, is commonly applied to the movement or period whichmarks the transition from the medieval to the modern world in Western Europe.It is also called the revival of learning.1. Characteristics:(1) centralization of power(2) church reformation(3) geographical discoveries(4) bankruptcy of peasantry(5) emergence of bourgeoisie and proletariat(6) growth of a new cultureThe characteristics of the Renaissance1.Politically the feudal nobility lost their power and with the establishment of the great monarchies therewas the centralization of power necessary for the development of the bourgeoisie.2.The Catholic Church was either substituted by Protestantism(新教)as a result of the so-calledReformation (as in Germany and England) or weakened in its dictatorship(专制)over men’s minds (asin Italy and France and Spain).3.Geographical discoveries opened up colonial expansion and trade routes to distant parts of the worldand brought back gold and silver and other wealth and also broadened men’s mental horizons.4.In the countryside the peasants were terribly exploited and they either rose in uprisings or ran awayand flocked to the cities and added to the proletariat there.5.In the cities the merchants and the master artisans(工匠)grew in wealth and in power and becamethe bourgeoisie while handicraft turned gradually into manufacture and the modern proletariat sprang up among the employed workers in the factories.6.Culturally, as the interest in God and in the life after death was transformed into the exaltation of manand an absorption in earthly life and as materialistic philosophy and scientific thought gradually replaced the church dogmas and religious mysticism of the Middle Ages, a totally new culture rose out of the revival of the old culture of ancient Greece and Rome and out of the emergence of a new philosophy and science and art and literature through the exploration of the infinite capabilities of man.2. Three stages of development:(1) Early Tudor Age (1500 -- 1557)(2) Elizabethan Age (1558 -- 1603)(3) Jacobean Age (1603 -- 1625)3. Two trends:(1) Court literature(2) Bourgeois literatureII. The Early Tudor Age (1500-1557)1. The Oxford Reformers:William Grocyn (1446 -- 1519), Thomas Linacre (1460 -- 1524) and John Colet (1467 -- 1519) ---- allthree of them were students at Oxford University, travelled and studied in Italy and introduced the study of ancient Greek as well as the new science and philosophy of the time in opposition to the rigid church dogmas of medieval scholasticism (经院哲学).The Oxford Reformers helped to lay the foundations of the rise of a new literature in England in the later decades of the century.2. Thomas More (1478 -- 1535)Sir Thomas More was known for his intelligence and devotion to the Catholic church.That devotion put him at odds with his one-time friend, King Henry VIII, who had More beheaded for refusing to sanction (同意), as lord chancellor, Henry’s divorce from Ca therine of Aragu.Thomas More has chiefly been remembered for his Utopia (written in 1515).This book contains (1) a realistic picture of early 16th-century England: social evils are exposed and attacked; (2) the first sketch of the ideal commonwealth by an English writer. It affords (提供) a valuable document of Utopian socialism.UtopiaThomas More’s UtopiaThis woodcut, taken from the first edition of Sir Thomas More’s famous work Utopia, depicts theisland that symbolized More's concept of an ideal community. More, who was a statesman as well as a writer, used the fictional Utopia to satirize conditions in England.Limitations of the book Utopia:(1) His dream world did not have its sound political, economic and social bases;(2) His indifferent attitude toward slavery and his actual contempt for physical labour;(1) John Skelton (1460 -- 1529) (3) Contradictions in his world outlook.Limitations of Utopia1.Writing at the dawn of capitalism, More could not but build his dream of a communist society on thesocial foundations of handicrafts manufacture, and this limitation of his age when there were yet no big industries nor a ripened proletariat, necessarily made his conception of an oppressionless, exploitationless society a rather vague, dreamy world which did not have its sound political, economic and social base.2.More’s limitations as a member of the ruling and exploiting class himself manifest (证明) themselves inhis indifferent attitude toward salves and mercenary soldiers and in his actual contempt for physical labour—in spite of his insistence on the need of most utopians to participate in physical labour.3.When we compare More’s views in Utopia with his life as a courtier (朝臣) and especially as a fervent(狂热的) Catholic who chose rather to die than to give up his belief in the absolute authority of the Pope in Rome, we find curious but unmistakable contradictions in his world outlook.3. Court poets:a great satirist with a most effective verse metre,repeated attacks on the vices of the court and clergy(2) Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503 -- 42)He introduced into English poetry the sonnet form from the Italian. (The sonnet: a lyric poem of 14 lines.)Thomas Wyatt also introduced into English poetry other stanzaic form: terza rima (3-line stanzasrhyming aba bcb cdc ded ee; later employed by Shelley in Ode to the West Wind) and strambotti (also called ottava rima; octaves rhyming abababcc; later employed by Byron in Don Juan).Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1517 -- 47), English soldier and poet.Although not primarily a man of letters, Howard greatly enriched English literature by his introduction of new verse forms.His love poems, like those of his contemporary Sir Thomas Wyatt, show the influence of Italianmodels.Howard introduced into English poetry the English form of sonnet (abab cdcd efef gg).4. Religious drama:A Pleasant Satire of the Three Estates, a morality by David Lyndsay.An Interlude is a play brief enough to be presented in the interval of a dramatic performance.The chief representative playwright was John Heywood (1497?-1580?), known for his didactic andcomic interludes, such as The Four P's (c. 1520), and numerous epigrams (警句) and proverbs.III. The Elizabethan AgeElizabeth I (1533-1603), queen of England and Ireland (1558-1603), daughter of King Henry VIII andhis second wife, Anne Boleyn.England prospered under her, developing into a great maritime power.Elizabeth was the last of the Tudor rulers of England.The economy was stabilized, and foreign trade was encouraged.Elizabeth never married, but she was besieged (包围) by royal suitors, each of whom she favoredwhen it was in her political interest to do so.1. Court poetry(1) Sir Philip Sydney (1554 -- 1586) :Sydney earned his place of importance in English literature of his time as the earliest writer of a sonnet sequence (Astrophel and Stella), a prose pastoral romance (Arcadia) and a critical essay (The Defence of Poesie).(2) Edmund Spenser (1552 -- 1590), English poet, who is most famous for his long allegoricalromance, The Faerie Queene. Spenser was born in London.In 1579 he met English poet Sir Philip Sidney, to whom he dedicated his first major poem, The Shepheardes Calendar(1579). This work demonstrates the great poetic flexibility of the English language.Spenser’s Works:The Shepherd’s Calendar: a pastoral poem consisting of 12 eclogues(牧歌).Amoretti(爱情小唱) is a sonnet sequence of 88 love poems, written to celebrate his love andmarriage to his wife Elizabeth Boyle.The Faerie QueeneThe Faerie Queene has been regarded as Spenser’s masterpiece.It is one of the great poems in the English language.The poem is a literary epic, and according to the original plan was to consist 12 books but only sixbooks and two cantos of the 7th were completed.The Faerie Queene is written in Spenserian stanza: a 9-line stanzaic form with the rhyme scheme ofabab bcbcc and with the first 8 lines in iambic pentameter and the last or the 9th line an alexandrine(iambic hexameter).(Byron used this form in his Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage; Keats used this form in his Eve of St. Agnes;and Shelley used this form in his Revolt of Islam and Adonais).Spenser's lush and expansive imagination and vigorous approach to structure made him a powerfulinfluence on John Milton and the romantic poets, including John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2. Euphuistic style (绮丽体) in prose:The term euphuism takes its name from John Lyly’s two-part work: Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and His England.Eupheues is marked by(1) the use of balanced sentence construction and other artificial elaborations in language, including antithesis (对偶) and alliteration;(2) the employment of images and similes taken from ancient mythology and history, and also the use of quotations from and references to classical authors.绮丽体,也叫尤弗伊斯体euphuism,指一种矫揉造作,过分文雅的文体,由文艺复兴时期,英国大学才子派剧。



英语专业英美文学史复习要点I. Some Historical Facts ★★★The earliest inhabitants: Britons (a tribe of Celts)Britain: ―the land of Britons‖Now, the Three Famous Conquests:A. The Roman Conquest (55BC-410AD)1. Britain was invaded by the Romans under the leadership of Julius Caesar in 55 BC, and was completely subjugated to the Roman Empire in 78 A.D.2. Roman mode of life came across to Britain:Conqueror s→theaters; bathsnative Briton s→slaves3. Roman Empire began to decline at the beginning of the 5th C.In 410 A. D. all the Roman troops withdrew and never returned.B. The Anglo-Saxon Conquest (449-1066)In 449 A.D., Britain was invaded by three Germanic tribes from the Northeast of Europe:Angles(盎格鲁人)Saxons(撒克逊人)Jutes(朱特人)C. The Norman Conquest (1066-1485)French-speaking Normans, under the leadership of Duke William (William the Conqueror) came in 1066.After defeating the English at Hastings, William was crowned as the King of England. In the Anglo-Norman period, the prominent kind of literature, Romances, were at first all in French.At the end of the 14th century, English became dominant once more.II. Anglo-Saxon LiteratureAnglo-Saxon Poetry★★1. Pagan Poetry(世俗诗)Also called secular poetry, it does not contain any specific Christian doctrine. It was represented by Beowulf (贝奥武甫).2. Religious Poetry(宗教诗)Also called Christian poetry, it is mainly on biblical stories and sa ints’ lives. Butsometimes there is a mixture of Christian and pagan(异教徒)ideas. It is represented by Caedmon (凯德蒙)and Cynewulf (基涅武甫).National epic(民族史诗)★★National epic: epic written in vernacular(本国的)languages, namely, the languages of various national states that came into being in the Middle Ages.It was the starting point of a gradual transition of European literature from Latin culture to a culture that was the combination of a variety of national characteristics. Poetic Features of ―Beowulf‖ (贝奥武甫)★★★i. The use of alliteration (头韵) is one of its most striking features.In alliterative verse, certain stressed or accented words in a line begin with the same consonant. There are 4 stresses in a line generally, of which three or two show alliteration.ii. The use of kennings:Kenning (代喻): compound words that serve as metaphor, used in place of a name or noun, especially in Old English and Old Norse poetry.For example: ―storm of swords‖ is a kenning for ―battle‖.iii. The use of understatements(抑言陈述) or euphemism (委婉语) , e.g.:―not troublesome‖ > very welcome―need not praise‖ > a right to condemniv. The basically pagan poem has an evident Christian overlay.e.g.:(1) ―God‖ or ―Lord‖ is frequently mentioned as the omnipotent supreme being, along wit h such Christian concepts as the belief in ―future life‖.(2) Grendel is said to be descendant of the errant biblical figure, Cain.The Religious Poetry ★★The religious poetry is also called Christian poetry. It is mainly on biblical stories and saints’ lives. But sometimes there is a mixture of Christian and pagan ideas in these poems. It is represented by Caedmon and Cynewulf.Anglo-Saxon Prose(散文)★★Prose literature did not show its appearance until the 8th century.There were two famous prose writers:V enerable Bede (比德)Alfred the Great (阿尔弗烈德大王)Anglo-Norman Literature★★1066, the year of the Norman conquest, marks the beginning of Anglo-Norman period (1066-1485).Ca. 1200: the beginning of the Middle English Literature.A. Romance ★★★Romance (骑士文学), mostly in French, is the dominant kind of literature in the Anglo-Norman period.It is a long composition in verse or prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. It generally concerns knights and involves a large amount of fighting a s well as a number of miscellaneous adventures.E ssential features of the Romance★★★1. It lacks general resemblance(相似)to truth or reality.2. It exaggerates the vices(罪恶)of human nature and idealizes the virtues.3. It contains perilous(危险的)adventures more or less remote from ordinary life.4. It lays emphasis on supreme devotion to lady.5. The central character of the romance is the knight, a man of noble birth, skilled in the use of weapons. He is commonly described as riding forth to seek adventures, taking part in tournaments, or fighting for his lord in battle. He is devoted to the church and the king.The Matters of Britain★★★This Cycle mainly deals with the exploits(功绩)of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the culmination(高潮)of the Arthurian romances.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight★★Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》), a verse romance of 2530 lines, derived from Celtic legend. It was considered as the best of Arthurian romance.English Ballads (民歌)★★1. It is oral literature of the English people (esp. peasants).2. It is a story told in song, usu. in 4-line stanzas, with the 2nd and the 4th lines rhymed.3. Its subject matters: young lovers’ struggle against patriarchy(父权制); conflict between love and wealth; cruelty of jealousy; criticism of the civil war (1337~1453) between England and France.; matters of class struggle.Robin Hood Ballads: most noted.Translation of the Bible★★1. John Wycliffe (1320-1384), the first attempt to translate the Latin version of the Bible into Middle English.King James’ version (the Authorized V ersion) (1611)Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400)杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)★★★Father of English poetryThe first great poet writing in Middle EnglishFounder of English realismMain WorksThe Romance of the Rose《玫瑰传奇》The House of Fame 《声誉殿堂》Troilus and Criseide 《特罗伊拉斯和克莱西德》The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》Chaucer’s Contributions★★★i. Chaucer made the London dialect the standard for modern English language, and was the first to write in English. In doing so, established English as the literary language of the country.ii. He introduced ( from France and Italy) the rhymed stanza (诗节)of various types, esp. heroic couplet(英雄偶句诗), to take the place of the old alliterative verse. iii. His works give a comprehensive picture of Chau cer’s time; For his true-to-life (写实的)depictions, Chaucer is generally regarded as the forerunner of English realism.iv. Chaucer’s gentle satire(讽刺)and mild irony made him a pioneering English humorist writer.The Canterbury Tales(坎特伯雷故事集)(1387-1400)★★★1.The outline of the storyThe story opens with a general prologue telling that on a spring evening, at the Tabard Inn (泰巴旅店), at the South end of London Bridge, Chaucer meets 29 pilgrims ready for Canterburyand he joins them.Suggested by the host of the inn, each is to tell 2 stories going and 2 returning. The best teller will be treated with a fine supper, by the host.Clearly, the structure of The Canterbury Tales is indebted to Boccaccio's Decameron (《十日谈》).As a gigantic plan, 120 stories should be told but only 24 were written.But these tales cover practically all the major types of medieval literature: a. romance;b. folk tale;c. beast fable (神话);d. adventures;e. saint’s life;f. allegorical tale(寓言);g. sermon(训诫);h. alchemical account(炼丹术), etc.2. The General Prologue(总序言)The Canterbury Tales consists of three parts:The General Prologue,24 tales, four of which left unfinished,Separate prologues to each tale.The General Prologue was considered the best part of the whole work, which supplies a picture of people from all walks of life in the medieval England. It in essence serves as a guide.3.The charactersAll kinds of people except the highest and the lowest are represented by these thirty pilgrims(朝圣者):The gentle class (绅士阶层)is represented by the knight, the squire (骑士扈从), the monk, the prioress(女修道院院长),the Oxford scholar, and the Franklin(地主); The burgher class (市民阶层)is represented by the wealthy trademan, the haberdasher(服装店主), the carpenter, the landed proprietor(土地业主), the weaver, the tapestry-maker(挂毯商), and the Wife of Bath(巴斯夫人);The professionals are represented by the lawyer and the physician.Rhyme★★Alliteration(头韵):stressed words in a line begin with the same consonant, e.g.: great, grew Assonance(谐韵):stressed words in a line share the same vowel (谐元韵), e.g.: great, failRhyme(尾韵):Identity or sameness of terminal sounds in poetic lines or in words, e.g.: great, bait Feet(音步)feet: small groups of syllables(音节), i.e. the combination of a strong stress and one or two weak stresses.simply put(简言之):Combination of one stressed syllable(重读音节)& one or two unstressed syllables (非重读音节)e.g. hazel; to swell;The clock struck one.Four standard feet★★(1) iambic (抑扬格, n. iamb)an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable:defeat return(2) anapestic (抑抑扬格, n. anapest)two unstressed syllables → a stressed:understand with a leap(3) trochaic (扬抑格, n. trochee)a stressed → an unstressed:listen double(4) dactylic (扬抑抑格, n. dactyl)a stressed → two unstressed syllables:Here we go merrilyNumber of feet in a line★★★(1) monometer 单音步(one foot)(2) dimeter 二音步(two feet)(3) trimeter 三音步(three feet )(4) tetrameter 四音步(four feet )(5) pentameter 五音步(five feet )(6) hexameter 六音步(six feet)(7) heptameter 七音步(seven feet)(8) octameter 八音步(eight feet)Meter(韵律)The meter of a line(诗行的韵律)not only includes the predominant foot of the line, but also the number of feet that it contains.rhymed stanza (押<尾>韵诗节)Rhymed: correspondence of terminal sounds of words, or of lines of verse. Stanza: a group of lines in a repeated pattern that form a unit within a larger poem. List of stanza names according to number of lines:2 lines = Couplet(对联)3 lines = Tercet(三行诗)4 lines = Quatrain(四行诗)5 lines = Cinquain(五行诗)6 lines = Sestet(六行诗)7 lines = Septet(七行诗)8 lines = Octave(八行诗)heroic couplet (英雄诗体,英雄双韵句)It is a rhymed couplet (押韵对句):a pair of rhyming lines in iambic pentameter.rhyming scheme(韵法)英语诗歌的行与行之间的押韵格式称韵法。

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基础英语考研(英美文学简史)考研复习考点归纳一、《英国文学简史》考点笔记1.1 复习笔记早期英国文学Early English LiteratureⅠ.Background Knowledge—The Making of England(背景知识——英国的形成)1.The Roman Conquest (55B.C.-410A.D.) 罗马征服(公元前55年—公元410年)A. Brief Introduction(简介)Before the Roman Conquest, the early inhabitants in the island we call England were Britons, a tribe of Celts.In 55 B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar, the Roman conqueror. Britain was not completely subjugated to the Roman Empire until 78 A.D. But at the beginning of the fifth century, the Roman Empire was in the process of declining. In 410 A.D., all the Roman troops went back to the continent and never returned.罗马征服之前,在英格兰岛上居住的早期居民被称为不列颠人(Britons),不列颠人是凯尔特(Celt)部落的一支。

公元前55年,该岛被罗马的朱利尤斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)侵略。



B. Influence(影响)①The Roman mode of life was brought into Britain while the native Britons were treated as slaves.②The Romans brought Christianity to the island and this religion was spread widely. (This is a profound religious effect up to today).③Roman road was built for military purposes.④Along the Roman roads, many towns grew up, London was one of them, and it became an important trading center.①罗马人的生活方式被带到了英国,而当地的不列颠人却沦为奴隶。




2.The English Conquest(盎格鲁-撒克逊征服)A. Brief Introduction(简介)While the Romans retreated, the Britain was invaded by swarms of pirates. They were three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Before the conquest, they still lived in the tribal society.By the 7th century, a untied kingdom called England, or, the land of Angles was established.当罗马人撤离不列颠的同时,大群海盗入侵岛内。




B. Influence(影响)①The three tribes had developed into a whole people called English. And the three dialects had grown into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English.②The Britons experienced a transition from tribal society to feudalism because of the English Conquest.③The Anglo-Saxons were heathen people, believing in old mythology of Northern Europe. Later, The Anglo-Saxons were Christianized in the7th century.①这三支部落发展成一个统一的民族称为英国人。




Ⅱ. Literary Features of Early English Literature(早期英国文学的特征)The settlement of Anglo-Saxons in England marked the beginning of English literature. The early English literature mainly consisted of theAnglo-Saxon poetry, which was sung by the minstrels to the chiefs and warriors in praising of the old heroes’deeds in the feasting hall. The Old English regularly used alliterations and rhymes, at the same time, metaphors and understatements were also put into the poetry. Beowulf is the most widely spread early poem.英国文学始于盎格鲁-撒克逊人在英国定居时期。




Ⅲ.Literary Terms(文学术语)1.Anglo-Saxon poetry(盎格鲁-撒克逊诗歌)Poems or, songs by the Anglo-Saxon minstrels who sang of the heroic deeds of old time to the chiefs and warriors in the feasting hall. The typical work of Anglo-Saxon is Beowulf.是由盎格鲁-撒克逊游吟诗人吟唱的古代英雄事迹的诗歌或者歌曲。



2.Alliteration(头韵)It means the repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry. There are generally 4 accents in a line, three of which show alliteration. There is an obvious use of alliteration in Beowulf.就是诗歌里开头辅音字母的重复。



Ⅳ. Major Writers and Works(英国早期主要作家及作品)◆Beowulf《贝奥武甫》English literature began with the Anglo-Saxon settlement. Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poetry and the national epic of the English people.英国文学始于盎格鲁-撒克逊人的定居。


1.The Story of Beowulf(《贝奥武甫》主要情节)Beowulf tells a story of Beowulf fighting against monsters Grendel and his mother, winning the battle and protecting his people.该书讲述了贝奥武甫这位英勇的武士与怪物格兰戴和他母亲斗争取得胜利并保护了他的人民的故事。

2.Analysis of Its Content(《贝奥武甫》内容评析)Beowulf is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes. Its main stories are folk legends of primitive Northern tribes.Beowulf is a brave hero whose spirit and deeds reflect the life of tribal society on the continent. The historical significance of Beowulf lies in reflecting the features of the tribal society of ancient times.《贝奥武甫》是一部民间传说,由盎格鲁-撒克逊人从他们本土带到英格兰。
