冻干制剂检查指南 FDA
冻干粉针剂等非灭菌的无菌制剂检查要点1. 引言无菌制剂是指不含微生物污染的药剂,通常用于注射、外用和眼耳鼻等部位应用。
2. 检查要点2.1 包装外观检查•检查包装是否完整,无破损、变形或漏气现象。
2.2 冻干粉针剂外观检查•检查冻干粉针剂是否呈现均一的粉末状,无结块、结晶或变色现象。
2.3 渗透试验•根据产品规格要求,将制剂溶解在适当的溶剂中进行渗透试验。
2.4 抑菌试验•根据规范要求进行抑菌试验,使用适当的培养基和微生物菌株。
2.5 pH值测定•使用适当的pH试纸或pH计测定制剂的pH值。
2.6 纯度检查•检查制剂是否含有杂质或有机溶剂残留。
3. 检查报告模板# 冻干粉针剂等非灭菌的无菌制剂检查报告## 1. 基本信息- 药品名称:- 规格:- 批号:- 生产日期:- 有效期限:## 2. 检查结果### 2.1 包装外观检查- [ ] 完整无破损- [ ] 标签清晰完整- [ ] 无异味或异物### 2.2 冻干粉针剂外观检查- [ ] 粉末呈均一状- [ ] 无结块、结晶或变色- [ ] 针剂容器清洁无污染### 2.3 渗透试验- [ ] 制剂充分溶解- [ ] 溶液清澈无悬浮物或沉淀物### 2.4 抑菌试验- [ ] 有无菌落生长- [ ] 结果符合规范要求### 2.5 pH值测定- [ ] pH值符合规格要求### 2.6 纯度检查- [ ] 无杂质或有机溶剂残留- [ ] 分析结果符合规范要求## 4. 总结与建议- 总结检查结果,并给出必要的建议或改进措施。
GUIDE TO INSPECTIONS OFLYOPHILIZATION OF PARENTERALSNote: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any person(s).INTRODUCTIONLyophilization or freeze drying is a process in which water is removed from a product after it is frozen and placed under a vacuum, allowing the ice to change directly from solid to vapor without passing through a liquid phase. The process consists of three separate, unique, and interdependent processes; freezing, primary drying (sublimation), and secondary drying (desorption).冻干是将产品置于冷冻和真空的状态下,除去水分的过程。
The advantages of lyophilization include:冻干的优点:Ease of processing a liquid, which simplifies aseptic handling简单的液体过程,无菌处理简单。
目录表I. 导言 (1)II. 背景 (2)III. 分析方法的类型 (3)A. 法定分析方法 (3)B. 可选择分析方法 (3)3 C. 稳定性指示分析 (3)IV. 对照品 (4)A. 对照品的类型 (4)B. 分析报告单 (4)C. 对照品的界定 (4)V. IND中的分析方法验证 (6)VI. NDA, ANDA, BLA 和PLA中分析方法验证的内容和格式 (6)A. 原则 (6)B. 取样 (7)C. 仪器和仪器参数 (7)D. 试剂 (7)E. 系统适应性实验 (7)F. 对照品的制备 (7)G. 样品的制备 (8)H. 分析方法 (8)L. 计算 (8)J. 结果报告 (8)VII. NDA,ANDA,BLA和PLA中的分析方法验证 (9)A. 非法定分析方法 (9)1.验证项目 (9)2. 其它分析方法验证信息 (10)a. 耐用性 (11)b. 强降解实验 (11)c. 仪器输出/原始资料 (11)3.各类检测的建议验证项目 (13)B. 法定分析方法 (15)VIII. 统计分析 (15)A. 总则 (15)B. 比较研究 (16)C. 统计 (16)IX. 再验证 (16)X. 分析方法验证技术包:内容和过程 (17)A. 分析方法验证技术包 (17)B. 样品的选择和运输 (18)C. 各方责任 (19)XI. 方法 (20)A. 高效液相色谱(HPLC) (20)B. 气相色谱(GC) (22)C. 分光光度法,光谱学,光谱法和相关的物理方法 (23)D. 毛细管电泳 (23)E. 旋光度 (24)F. 粒径相关的分析方法 (25)G. 溶出度 (26)H. 其它仪器分析方法 (27)附件 A:NDA,ANDA,BLA和PLA申请的内容 (28)附件 B:分析方法验证的问题和延误 (29)参考文献 (30)术语表 (32)I. INTRODUCTIONThis guidance provides recommendations to applicants on submitting analyticalprocedures, validation data, and samples to support the documentation of the identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency of drug substances and drug products.1. 绪论本指南旨在为申请者提供建议,以帮助其提交分析方法,方法验证资料和样品用于支持原料药和制剂的认定,剂量,质量,纯度和效力方面的文件。
2. 厂房、设备与设施2.1厂房、设备与设施管理2.1.1厂房和设备设施应采用经过验证的工艺和规程进行生产操作,并应保持持续的验证状态。
2.1.2设备管理部门应切实履行维护和维修职责,制定厂房和设备设施的预防维护计划, 相应的维护和维修应有记录。
冻干制剂工艺验证方案1. 引言冻干制剂是一种干燥技术,通过控制温度和压力,将液体通过冻结和升华的方式将其转化成固体干粉。
2. 目标本工艺验证方案的目标是验证冻干制剂工艺以确保其满足以下要求:•制剂的理化性质稳定性良好;•制剂的活性成分保持稳定;•制剂的重构性能良好;•制剂的质量控制可靠。
3. 验证内容冻干制剂工艺验证主要包括以下内容:3.1 原料验证•确认原料的纯度和质量符合要求。
3.2 工艺参数验证•确定最佳的冻结速率和冻结温度。
3.3 制剂性能验证•测定制剂的水分含量。
4. 实验设计4.1 原料验证实验设计•首先,对原料进行药学评价,包括纯度、质量和稳定性检测。
4.2 工艺参数验证实验设计•首先,确定不同冻结速率和冻结温度的实验组。
4.3 制剂性能验证实验设计•首先,对制剂进行水分含量和粒径分布的测定。
5. 结论经过以上实验设计和验证,可以得出以下结论:•原料的质量符合要求,并确定最佳的使用浓度。
GUIDE TO INSPECTIONS OFLYOPHILIZATION OF PARENTERALSNote: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any person(s).INTRODUCTIONLyophilization or freeze drying is a process in which water is removed from a product after it is frozen and placed under a vacuum, allowing the ice to change directly from solid to vapor without passing through a liquid phase. The process consists of three separate, unique, and interdependent processes; freezing, primary drying (sublimation), and secondary drying (desorption).冻干是将产品置于冷冻和真空的状态下,除去水分的过程。
The advantages of lyophilization include:冻干的优点:Ease of processing a liquid, which simplifies aseptic handling简单的液体过程,无菌处理简单。
注射用冻干制剂新药申报中的药学常见问题和基本考虑注射用冻干制剂新药申报中的药学常见问题和基本考虑一、引言冻干制剂(lyophilized preparations)是指将药物溶液冷冻后,疏脱溶剂,得到固态制剂,再将制剂置于真空下加热,使水分直接从固态向气态转变而蒸发,最后封存得到的制剂。
二、冻干制剂申报中的关键问题1. 冻干工艺的优化和控制冻干工艺是制备冻干制剂的关键环节,对于制剂保持稳定、可复溶和成品合格至关重要。
2. 药物稳定性的评价和保护冻干制剂的稳定性直接影响制剂的质量和有效期。
3. 冻干制剂的复溶性和稳定性评价复溶性是指冻干制剂在溶液中的溶解度和稳定性。
4. 注射用冻干制剂的容器和封闭系统选择容器和封闭系统的选择对于冻干制剂的稳定性和有效性有重要影响。
三、基本考虑及个人观点1. 品质控制品质控制是冻干制剂申报中不可或缺的一环。
2. 存储条件和有效期的确定冻干制剂的存储条件和有效期是保证制剂质量和疗效的重要因素。
按照我们的需要,选择如下指南:一、GMP 7 篇1、联邦法规21条-210和211部分-美国GMP2、无菌药CGMP09193、Q7A-原料药GMP4、21条关于新药、抗生素、生物制品的部分5、COMD1-医疗气体GMP6、CH9-1关于DMF内容的指导7、怎样做文件-Q7A指导二、FDA检查指南16篇1、FDA生物药品达标检查指南2、达标指南-药物质量保证3、计算机系统检查指南4、生物技术检查指南5、FDA制剂厂检查指南6、病毒去除检查指南7、冻干检查指南8、高纯水检查指南9、国外药厂检查10、口服固体制剂检查指南11、清洁验证检查指南12、人药达标检查指南13、实验室控制检查指南14、无菌药检查指南15、药品生产检查指南16、药品生产检查-中试三、验证2篇1、工艺验证原理指南(1987)2、CH27-人兽药申请中的灭菌过程验证四、变更控制5篇1、CGD1-蛋白药物和生物制品变更指南2、CGD3-生产革新的框架和质量保证3、CH3-批准后的变更-生物技术和生物合成系统4、CH4-NDA和ANDA批准后变更5、CH25-SUPAC-SS:放大和批准后变更五、ICH——质量部分34篇1、Q1A(R)-新药的稳定性试验2、Q1B-新药的光学稳定性实验3、Q1C-新剂型的稳定性试验4、Q1D-新药稳定性试验设计的支架和基质5、Q1E6、Q1E稳定性数据7、Q1F8、Q1F0508249、Q1f稳定性数据包装10、Q1F-在气候带3、4注册申请的稳定数据包装11、Q2A-分析步骤验证中的课题12、Q2B-分析步骤的验证-方法学13、Q3A-新药中的杂质14、Q3B(R)-新产品的杂质15、Q3C(M)16、Q3CM17、Q3C杂质-残余溶剂18、Q3C杂质附录4一类溶剂的毒性数据19、q3c杂质附录5_2类溶剂的毒性数据20、q3c杂质附录6_3类溶剂的毒性数据21、Q3C-杂质清单一揽表22、Q5A-细胞来源产品的病毒安全性评价23、Q5B-基因产品的细胞表达结构分析24、Q5B-生物制品中细胞物质的起源和特征25、Q5C-生物制品的稳定性试验26、Q5D27、Q5E28、Q5E(升级版?)29、Q6A130、Q6A-新药物质的试验程序和接受标准31、Q6B生物制品的检验程序和接受标准32、Q7A-原料药GMP33、Q8pharm药品开发34、Q9质量风险管理六、ICH——安全性评价15篇1、S1A对药物进行啮齿类长期致癌力研究的必要性2、S1B-药物的致癌性3、S1C补充-致癌力的剂量研究4、S1C药物致癌力研究的剂量选择5、S2A药物遗传毒性研究的一些特定方面6、S2B-测定遗传毒性的一组标准方法7、S3A-毒性动力学8、S3B-重复剂量的组织分布研究9、S4A-动物实验的慢毒性试验10、s5a-药物的生殖毒性11、S5B-生殖毒性的补充12、S6-生物药品临床前的安全评价13、S7B延迟的非临床评价14、S7-安全药理学研究15、s8immuno毒性研究七、ICH文件汇编16篇1、ich guidelines2、ICH:手册3、iche2转移个别安全问题的电子表格4、ichm4CTD一般问题和答案5、m4m2普通电子文件标准6、m4-药品注册CTD文件的组织7、m4e模块2和模块5临床研究报告8、m4q-模块2模块3问题和答案9、m4q1-CTD质量问题和答案10、m4s-人用药品注册CTD11、m4sq-CTD安全问题和回答12、第6届ICH大会汇编13、用电子表格形式提供法规的一般思考14、ICH全球合作组15、生物制品工艺改变比较(变更控制)16、药效的问题和回答八、实验室控制和质量管理。
FDA 制剂生产厂检查指南
Dosage Form Drug Manufacturers cGMPs (10/93)FDA 制剂生产厂检查指南GUIDE TO INSPECTIONS OF DOSAGE FORM DRUG MANUFACTURER'S- CGMPR'SNote: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any person(s).注:此指南是FDA检查官和其工作人员的参考资料。
I. 简介This document is intended to be a general guide to inspections of drug manufacturers to determine their compliance with the drug CGMPR's. This guide should be used with instructions in the IOM, other drug inspection guides, and compliance programs.A list of the inspection guides is referenced in Chapter 10 of the IOM. Some of these guides are:该文件旨在为检查药品生产厂家提供一个总体性的指导,以决定他们是否符合药物生产的cGMP法规。
该指南应该与IOM(Investigations Operations Manual,即检查操作手册),其他的药品检查指南,及法规符合性程序中的指导一起使用。
(1)为了达到最终的无菌化,采用热灭菌工程。 (2)因为是灭菌、故可进行挑战性试验。 (3)最终灭菌后的污染可能性为0。
最终灭菌 无菌试验
SAL 10-3 SAL 10-6
(1)无菌化(灭菌、除均等)以后、需进行无菌操作. (2)不可进行挑战性试验 →(不得不依赖PST.)
预期结果到底是什么呢? 这才是验证之所在
所谓质量,就是保证[药品开发的漫长历史中所付出的辛劳在制造中得到反映] 所谓保证,就是证明[要求已经准确地反映到制造及工序管理中]
工程学 SOP构筑
陈凯东 ・日挥㈱ GMP技术部 担当科长 ・医师
以促进中国GMP的普及以及沈阳药科 大学普及和活动支援为目的、2005年 4月签订《GMP研究、推广及教育相关 协议》
在该大学内设置GMP研究室、定期举 办GMP讲座。2005年10月,举办了第一 次讲座。此外,同年12月,邀请该大 学药学院院长来日本的GMP讲座里发 表了「中国GMP现状」为题的报告。
更衣管理 操作管理 出状况时的处理 其他
设备的灭菌 灭菌操作
药品生产工艺 变质物污染
微生物污染 作业人员 生产环境
异物污染 原料 副原料 添加剂
1. 外观:冻干制品应具有均匀的外观,无异物、杂质和变质迹象。
2. 水分含量:水分含量应符合产品规定的范围,通常要求在2%以下。
3. 总菌落数:冻干制品的总菌落数应符合卫生标准要求,一般要求在1000 CFU/g以下。
4. 大肠菌群:大肠菌群数量应符合卫生标准要求,一般要求为不检出。
5. 沙门氏菌:沙门氏菌应不得检出。
6. 霉菌和酵母菌:霉菌和酵母菌数量应符合卫生标准要求,一般要求在100 CFU/g以下。
7. 添加剂残留物:冻干制品中的添加剂残留物不能超过国家或地区相关标准规定的限量。
8. 营养成分:冻干制品中的营养成分(如蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、维生素等)应符合产品规定的要求。
FDA《⾏业指南:注射产品可见颗粒的检查》,中英⽂对照版来了!⾏业指南:注射剂可见异物的检查》草案,该⽂件已完成翻译,现12⽉14⽇,FDA发布了《⾏业指南:注射剂可见异物的检查分享给⼤家,如下:Inspection of Injectable Productsfor Visible Particulates注射产品中可见颗粒的检查Guidance for Industry⾏业指南TABLE OFCONTENTS⽬录I. INTRODUCTION介绍II. STATUTORY AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK法律法规框架III. CLINICAL RISK OF VISIBLE PARTICULATES可见颗粒物的临床风险IV. QUALITY RISK ASSESSMENT质量风险评估V. VISUAL INSPECTION PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS⽬视检查的程序考虑A. 100% Inspection100%检查1. Components and Container Closure Systems部件和容器密封系统2. Facility and Equipment设施和设备3. Process⼯艺4. Special Injectable Product Considerations特殊注射产品的考虑B. Statistical Sampling统计学抽样C. Training and Qualification培训和确认D. Quality Assurance Through a Life Cycle Approach通过⽣命周期⽅法实现质量保证E. Actions To Address Nonconformance解决不符合问题的措施VI. REFERENCES参考⽂献I. INTRODUCTION介绍Visibleparticulates in injectable products can jeopardize patient safety. Thisguidanceaddresses the development and implementation of a holistic, risk-basedapproach to visibleparticulate control that incorporates product development,manufacturing controls, visualinspection techniques, particulate identification,investigation, and corrective actions designedto assess, correct, and preventthe risk of visible particulate contamination.2The guidance alsoclarifies that meeting an applicable United StatesPharmacopeia (USP)3compendialstandardalone is not generally sufficient for meeting the current goodmanufacturing practice (CGMP)requirements for the manufacture of injectableproducts. The guidance does not coversubvisible particulates4 or physical defects that products are typicallyinspected for along withinspection for visible particulates (e.g., containerintegrity flaws, fill volume, appearance of lyophilized cake/suspensionsolids).注射产品中的可见颗粒物会危及患者安全。
二、FDA检查要点1. 产品质量和安全性在进行FDA检查时,产品质量和安全性是首要考虑的要点。
2. 生产工艺和流程控制生产工艺和流程控制是FDA检查的关注焦点之一。
企业还需要做好生产记录的保存和管理工作,以便在FDA 检查时提供相关证据。
3. GMP和GDP要求良好的生产管理规范(GMP)和良好的分销规范(GDP)是FDA检查的重点内容。
4. 数据和文件管理在FDA检查中,数据和文件管理是一个重要的要点。
5. 控制措施和改进计划控制措施和改进计划是FDA检查的重要内容之一。
三、企业注意事项1. 重视合规意识企业在面对FDA检查时需要重视合规意识,建立并落实相关的质量管理体系和合规措施,确保产品的合规性和市场的可持续发展。
2. 建立完善的管理体系企业需要建立完善的管理体系,包括质量管理、生产管理、分销管理等,以确保产品在生产和分销环节符合FDA的要求。
FDA检查员手册的168个问题— 无菌企业自检清单
无菌企业自检清单— FDA检查员手册的168个问题常规问题1. 蒸汽灭菌柜(高压灭菌釜)的生产商是谁?2. 高压灭菌釜的型号,使用年限,内部容积是多少?3. 灭菌介质是什么(例如,蒸汽,高压,过热水,γ射线)?4. 如果是带夹层的,相对腔体内,夹层的压力/温度维持在什么水平?5. 使用什么类型的空气过滤器,多长时间检测一次完整性?6. 空气过滤器是疏水性的吗?滤壳是否带加热以预防冷凝水的产生?7. 灭菌周期是手动控制还是自动控制?8. 使用了什么类型的监测和控制传感器(例如汞-玻璃温度计,热电偶,热电阻,压力计)?9. 这些传感器是怎么校准的?适当时,美国国家标准与技术研究所(National Institute of Standards and Technology ,NIST)标准是否可追溯(或者海外公司可追溯至国家标准)?10. 该灭菌柜是否装有蒸汽分散器(对于这一类型灭菌柜,考虑带有多于一种类型的蒸汽入口线)?11. 如果该公司使用了一台以上的高压灭菌釜,当所有高压灭菌釜都同时运行时对应的系统的蒸汽产能是多少?12. 灭菌周期参数是什么?(应将受检药品的主工艺记录/SOP标准与已完成的工艺记录进行比较)13. 对于以下参数,该公司的标准和现场观察到的参数分别是多少:•时间•温度•压力(psi, 多少汞柱)14. 灭菌控制探头位置在哪儿?15. 问题13中的每个灭菌参数分别是如何监控的?与验证研究中达到的升温时间相比,灭菌过程中腔内温度的升温时间是否可重现?16. 每个高压灭菌周期内,每一个负载模式下监测的热点(冷点)是否最慢?17. 自上次现场检查以来,蒸汽灭菌系统是否有变更?是否对这些变更进行评估确认是否需要再验证?18. 是否使用了洁净蒸汽(控制细菌内毒素)?验证19. 该公司是否有书面验证规程并包括以下内容:•设计目标•设备的安装确认(Installation qualification ,IQ)•设备的运行确认(Operational qualification ,OQ)•产品的性能确认(Performance qualification ,PQ)(申请文件中提交的最大和最小负载,以及后续的所有变更)•关于该系统需要再验证的情况的描述•再验证的规程20. 验证文件是否包括了以下内容:A. 空载/负载热分布研究:•运行次数?•是否确定了冷点?•允许的偏差范围?•实际的偏差范围?•什么是最差情况的负载?B. 热穿透研究•是否对所使用的每种负载模式/每种尺寸的容器都做了热穿透?•每种负载模式做了几次实验?•是否确定了每种负载模式的冷点?•既定的负载配置是否在注册申请和/或后续报告变更(适用时)中提交?21. 使用的是何种温度测量系统?是否每一个热电偶都可以提供一个可独立印刷的读数?22. 使用的是何种类型的温度传感器,每次运行之前和之后是否对每个传感器进行了校准?23. 如果验证过程中使用了生物指示剂,请提供:•指示剂类型(子条,接种产品,安瓿)•指示剂来源•所使用的微生物,包括浓度和D值;•生物指示剂是否被用在“终点”或“数值下降”模式中?如果发现了任何阳性的生物指示剂(预期之外的),该公司是怎么处理的?23. 如果在研究过程中发现热分布或热穿透有偏差,该公司是怎么纠正或者允许这种偏差的?24. 该公司是否已经对各种尺寸/重量的容器,产品粘度等延迟时间都有确定,并对其灭菌周期进行了相应的调整?干热灭菌/除热原干热灭菌器主要用于盛装注射药品的玻璃容器的灭菌和除热原。
欧美对原料药的称呼有以下几种:Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical简称BPC。
现常用:Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient简称API,或Drug Substance。
欧美常把制剂药称作:Finished Pharmaceutical,Finished Product,Dosage Form,Finished Dosage Form或Drug product。
1. 产品名称:包括通用名称和品牌名称。
2. 主要成分:列出制剂中的主要活性成分和辅助成分。
3. 适应症:描述制剂的主要用途和治疗病症。
4. 储存条件:指定制剂的理想储存条件,例如温度、湿度和光照要求。
5. 使用方法:详细说明制剂的使用方法,包括剂型、剂量、使用频率和使用途径。
6. 禁忌症:列出对该制剂使用有禁忌的情况,如过敏、药物相互作用等。
7. 不良反应:描述制剂可能引起的不良反应和副作用,并列举常见的症状。
8. 注意事项:提醒使用者在使用制剂时需要注意的事项,如特
9. 药物相互作用:列出可能会发生的药物相互作用,并提醒在同时使用其他药物时应咨询医生或药师。
10. 药物过量:描述可能发生的药物过量症状和处理方法。
11. 产品包装:描述制剂的包装形式、规格和有效期。
12. 生产厂家信息:提供制剂的生产厂家信息,如名称、地址、联系方式等。
附件的范围在此附件中,已采纳和解释的原则适用于:已充分定性的蛋白质、多肽及其衍生物和由其组成的制品以及从组织、体液、细胞培养物中分离的或以 rDNA生物技术生产的制品。
1. 外观检查:冻干粉应为无色或白色结晶或粉末状,无明显异物。
2. 水分含量:根据所需产品的特点和用途,冻干粉中的水分含量应符合相应的要求。
3. 总灰分含量:冻干粉中的总灰分含量应符合相应的要求。
4. pH值:冻干粉的pH值应符合相应的要求。
5. 溶解性:冻干粉在指定溶剂中的溶解性应符合相应的要求。
6. 含量测定:针对具体的物质,可以根据其含量测定方法进行相关的检验。
7. 重金属含量:冻干粉中的重金属含量应符合相应的国家标准或行业标准。
8. 微生物检验:冻干粉应进行微生物检验,包括总菌落计数、大肠菌群、霉菌和酵母菌等指标。
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GUIDE TO INSPECTIONS OF LYOPHILIZATION OF PARENTERALSNote: This document is reference material for investigators and other FDA personnel. The document does not bind FDA, and does no confer any rights, privileges, benefits, or immunities for or on any person(s).INTRODUCTIONLyophilization or freeze drying is a process in which water is removed from a product after it is frozen and placed under a vacuum, allowing the ice to change directly from solid to vapor without passing through a liquid phase. The process consists of three separate, unique, and interdependent processes; freezing, primary drying(sublimation), and secondary drying (desorption).The advantages of lyophilization include:Ease of processing a liquid, which simplifies aseptic handlingEnhanced stability of a dry powderRemoval of water without excessive heating of the productEnhanced product stability in a dry stateRapid and easy dissolution of reconstituted productDisadvantages of lyophilization include:Increased handling and processing timeNeed for sterile diluent upon reconstitutionCost and complexity of equipmentThe lyophilization process generally includes the following steps:∙Dissolving the drug and excipients in a suitable solvent, generally water for injection (WFI).∙Sterilizing the bulk solution by passing it through a 0.22 micron bacteria-retentive filter.∙Filling into individual sterile containers and partially stoppering the containers under aseptic conditions.∙Transporting the partially stoppered containers to the lyophilizer and loading into the chamber under aseptic conditions.∙Freezing the solution by placing the partially stoppered containers on cooled shelves in a freeze-drying chamber or pre-freezing in another chamber.∙Applying a vacuum to the chamber and heating the shelves in order to evaporate the water from the frozen state.∙Complete stoppering of the vials usually by hydraulic or screw rod stoppering mechanisms installed in the lyophilizers.There are many new parenteral products, including anti-infectives, biotechnology derived products, and in-vitro diagnostics which are manufactured as lyophilized products. Additionally, inspections have disclosed potency, sterility and stabilityproblems associated with the manufacture and control of lyophilized products. In order to provide guidance and information to investigators, some industry procedures and deficiencies associated with lyophilized products are identified in this Inspection Guide.It is recognized that there is complex technology associated with the manufacture and control of a lyophilized pharmaceutical dosage form. Some of the important aspects of these operations include: the formulation of solutions; filling of vials and validation of the filling operation; sterilization and engineering aspects of the lyophilizer; scale-up and validation of the lyophilization cycle; and testing of the end product. This discussion will address some of the problems associated with the manufacture and control of a lyophilized dosage form.PRODUCT TYPE/FORMULATIONProducts are manufactured in the lyophilized form due to their instability when in solution. Many of the antibiotics, such as some of the semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, and also some of the salts of erythromycin, doxycycline and chloramphenicol are made by the lyophilization process. Because they are antibiotics, low bioburden of these formulations would be expected at the time of batching. However, some of the other dosage forms that are lyophilized, such as hydrocortisone sodium succinate, methylprednisolone sodium succinate and many of the biotechnology derived products, have no antibacterial effect when in solution.For these types of products, bioburden should be minimal and the bioburden should be determined prior to sterilization of these bulk solutions prior to filling. Obviously, the batching or compounding of these bulk solutions should be controlled in order to prevent any potential increase in microbiological levels that may occur up to the time that the bulk solutions are filtered (sterilized). The concern with any microbiological level is the possible increase in endotoxins that may develop. Good practice for the compounding of lyophilized products would also include batching in a controlled environment and in sealed tanks, particularly if the solution is to be held for any length of time prior to sterilization.In some cases, manufacturers have performed bioburden testing on bulk solutions after prefiltration and prior to final filtration. While the testing of such solutions may be meaningful in determining the bioburden for sterilization, it does not provide any information regarding the potential formation or presence of endotoxins. While the testing of 0.1 ml samples by LAL methods of bulk solution for endotoxins is of value, testing of at least 100 ml size samples prior to prefiltration, particularly for the presence of gram negative organisms, would be of greater value in evaluating the process. For example, the presence of Pseudomonas sp. in the bioburden of a bulk solution has been identified as an objectionable condition.FILLINGThe filling of vials that are to be lyophilized has some problems that are somewhat unique. The stopper is placed on top of the vial and is ultimately seated in the lyophilizer. As a result the contents of the vial are subject to contamination until they are actually sealed.Validation of filling operations should include media fills and the sampling of critical surfaces and air during active filling (dynamic conditions).Because of the active involvement of people in filling and aseptic manipulations, an environmental program should also include an evaluation of microbiological levels on people working in aseptic processing areas. One method of evaluation of the trainingof operators working in aseptic processing facilities includes the surface monitoring of gloves and/or gowns on a daily basis. Manufacturers are actively sampling the surfaces of personnel working in aseptic processing areas. A reference which provides for this type of monitoring is the USP XXII discussion of the Interpretation of Sterility Test Results. It states under the heading of "Interpretation of Quality Control Tests" that review consideration should be paid to environmental control data, including...microbial monitoring, records of operators, gowns, gloves, and garbing practices. In those situations in which manufacturers have failed to perform some type of personnel monitoring, or monitoring has shown unacceptable levels of contamination, regulatory situations have resulted.Typically, vials to be lyophilized are partially stoppered by machine. However, some filling lines have been noted which utilize an operator to place each stopper on top of the vial by hand. At this time, it would seem that it would be difficult for a manufacturer to justify a hand-stoppering operation, even if sterile forceps are employed, in any type of operation other than filling a clinical batch or very small number of units. Significant regulatory situations have resulted when some manufacturers havehand-stoppered vials. Again, the concern is the immediate avenue of contamination offered by the operator. It is well recognized that people are the major source of contamination in an aseptic processing filling operation. The longer a person works in an aseptic operation, the more microorganisms will be shed and the greater the probability of contamination.Once filled and partially stoppered, vials are transported and loaded into the lyophilizer. The transfer and handling, such as loading of the lyophilizer, should take place under primary barriers, such as the laminar flow hoods under which the vials were filled. Validation of this handling should also include the use media fills. Regarding the filling of sterile media, there are some manufacturers who carry out a partial lyophilization cycle and freeze the media. While this could seem to greater mimic the process, the freezing of media could reduce microbial levels of some contaminants. Since the purpose of the media fill is to evaluate and justify the aseptic capabilities of the process, the people and the system, the possible reduction of microbiological levels after aseptic manipulation by freezing would not be warranted. The purpose of a media fill is not to determine the lethality of freezing and its effect on any microbial contaminants that might be present.In an effort to identify the particular sections of filling and aseptic manipulation that might introduce contamination, several manufacturers have resorted to expanded media fills. That is, they have filled approximately 9000 vials during a media fill and segmented the fill into three stages. One stage has included filling of 3000 vials and stoppering on line; another stage included filling 3000 vials, transportation to the lyophilizer and then stoppering; a third stage included the filling of 3000 vials, loading in the lyophilizer, and exposure to a portion of the nitrogen flush and then stoppering. Since lyophilizer sterilization and sterilization of the nitrogen system used to backfill require separate validation, media fills should primarily validate the filling, transportation and loading aseptic operations.The question of the number of units needed for media fills when the capacity of the process is less than 3000 units is frequently asked, particularly for clinical products. Again, the purpose of the media fill is to assure that product can be aseptically processed without contamination under operating conditions. It would seem, therefore, that the maximum number of units of media filled be equivalent to the maximum batch size if it is less than 3000 units.After filling, dosage units are transported to the lyophilizer by metal trays. Usually, the bottom of the trays are removed after the dosage units are loaded into the lyophilizer. Thus, the dosage units lie directly on the lyophilizer shelf. There have been some situations in which manufacturers have loaded the dosage units on metal trays which were not removed. Unfortunately, at one manufacturer, the trays warped which caused a moisture problem in some dosage units in a batch.In the transport of vials to the lyophilizer, since they are not sealed, there is concern for the potential for contamination. During inspections and in the review of new facilities, the failure to provide laminar flow coverage or a primary barrier for the transport and loading areas of a lyophilizer has been regarded as an objectionable condition. One manufacturer as a means of correction developed a laminar flow cart to transport the vials from the filling line to the lyophilizer. Other manufacturers building new facilities have located the filling line close to the lyophilizer and have provided a primary barrier extending from the filling line to the lyophilizer.In order to correct this type of problem, another manufacturer installed a vertical laminar flow hood between the filling line and lyophilizer. Initially, high velocities with inadequate return caused a contamination problem in a media fill. It was speculated that new air currents resulted in rebound contamination off the floor. Fortunately, media fills and smoke studies provided enough meaningful information that the problem could be corrected prior to the manufacture of product. Typically, the lyophilization process includes the stoppering of vials in the chamber.Another major concern with the filling operation is assurance of fill volumes. Obviously, a low fill would represent a subpotency in the vial. Unlike a powder or liquid fill, a low fill would not be readily apparent after lyophilization particularly for a biopharmaceutical drug product where the active ingredient may be only a milligram. Because of the clinical significance, sub-potency in a vial potentially can be a very serious situation.For example, in the inspection of a lyophilization filling operation, it was noted that the firm was having a filling problem. The gate on the filling line was not coordinated with the filling syringes, and splashing and partial filling was occurring. It was also observed that some of the partially filled vials were loaded into the lyophilizer. This resulted in rejection of the batch.On occasion, it has been seen that production operators monitoring fill volumes record these fill volumes only after adjustments are made. Therefore, good practice and a good quality assurance program would include the frequent monitoring of the volume of fill, such as every 15 minutes. Good practice would also include provisions for the isolation of particular sections of filling operations when low or high fills are encountered.There are some atypical filling operations which have not been discussed. For example, there have also been some situations in which lyophilization is performed on trays of solution rather than in vials. Based on the current technology available, it would seem that for a sterile product, it would be difficult to justify this procedure. The dual chamber vial also presents additional requirements for aseptic manipulations. Media fills should include the filling of media in both chambers. Also, the diluent in these vials should contain a preservative. (Without a preservative, the filling of diluent would be analogous to the filling of media. In such cases, a 0% level of contamination would be expected.)LYOPHILIZATION CYCLE AND CONTROLSAfter sterilization of the lyophilizer and aseptic loading, the initial step is freezing the solution. In some cycles, the shelves are at the temperature needed for freezing, while for other cycles, the product is loaded and then the shelves are taken to the freezing temperature necessary for product freeze. In those cycles in which the shelves are precooled prior to loading, there is concern for any ice formation on shelves prior to loading. Ice on shelves prior to loading can cause partial or complete stoppering of vials prior to lyophilization of the product. A recent field complaint of a product in solution and not lyophilized was attributed to preliminary stoppering of a few vials prior to exposure to the lyophilization cycle. Unfortunately, the firm's 100% vial inspection failed to identify the defective vial.Typically, the product is frozen at a temperature well below the eutectic point.The scale-up and change of lyophilization cycles, including the freezing procedures, have presented some problems. Studies have shown the rate and manner of freezing may affect the quality of the lyophilized product. For example, slow freezing leads to the formation of larger ice crystals. This results in relatively large voids, which aid in the escape of water vapor during sublimation. On the other hand, slow freezing can increase concentration shifts of components. Also, the rate and manner of freezing has been shown to have an affect on the physical form (polymorph) of the drug substance.It is desirable after freezing and during primary drying to hold the drying temperature (in the product) at least 4-5o below the eutectic point. Obviously, the manufacturer should know the eutectic point and have the necessary instrumentation to assure the uniformity of product temperatures. The lyophilizer should also have the necessary instrumentation to control and record the key process parameters. These include: shelf temperature, product temperature, condenser temperature, chamber pressure and condenser pressure. The manufacturing directions should provide for time, temperature and pressure limits necessary for a lyophilization cycle for a product. The monitoring of product temperature is particularly important for those cycles for which there are atypical operating procedures, such as power failures or equipment breakdown.Electromechanical control of a lyophilization cycle has utilized cam-typerecorder-controllers. However, newer units provide for microcomputer control of the freeze drying process. A very basic requirement for a computer controlled process is a flow chart or logic. Typically, operator involvement in a computer controlledlyophilization cycle primarily occurs at the beginning. It consists of loading the chamber, inserting temperature probes in product vials, and entering cycle parameters such as shelf temperature for freezing, product freeze temperature, freezing soak time, primary drying shelf temperature and cabinet pressure, product temperature for establishment of fill vacuum, secondary drying shelf temperature, and secondary drying time.In some cases, manufacturers have had to continuously make adjustments in cycles as they were being run. In these situations, the lyophilization process was found to be non-validated.Validation of the software program of a lyophilizer follows the same criteria as that for other processes. Basic concerns include software development, modifications and security. The Guide to Inspection of Computerized Systems in Drug Processing contains a discussion on potential problem areas relating to computer systems. A Guide to the Inspection of Software Development Activities is a reference that provides a more detailed review of software requirements.Leakage into a lyophilizer may originate from various sources. As in any vacuum chamber, leakage can occur from the atmosphere into the vessel itself. Other sources are media employed within the system to perform the lyophilizing task. These would be the thermal fluid circulated through the shelves for product heating and cooling, the refrigerant employed inside the vapor condenser cooling surface and oil vapors that may migrate back from the vacuum pumping system.Any one, or a combination of all, can contribute to the leakage of gases and vapors into the system. It is necessary to monitor the leak rate periodically to maintain the integrity of the system. It is also necessary, should the leak rate exceed specified limits, to determine the actual leak site for purposes of repair.Thus, it would be beneficial to perform a leak test at some time after sterilization, possibly at the beginning of the cycle or prior to stoppering. The time and frequency for performing the leak test will vary and will depend on the data developed during the cycle validation. The pressure rise found acceptable at validation should be used to determine the acceptable pressure rise during production. A limit and what action is to be taken if excessive leakage is found should be addressed in some type of operating document.In order to minimize oil vapor migration, some lyophilizers are designed with a tortuous path between the vacuum pump and chamber. For example, one fabricator installed an oil trap in the line between the vacuum pump and chamber in a lyophilizer with an internal condenser. Leakage can also be identified by sampling surfaces in the chamber after lyophilization for contaminants. One could conclude that if contamination is found on a chamber surface after lyophilization, then dosage units in the chamber could also be contaminated. It is a good practice as part of the validation of cleaning of the lyophilization chamber to sample the surfaces both before and after cleaning.Because of the lengthy cycle runs and strain on machinery, it is not unusual to see equipment malfunction or fail during a lyophilization cycle. There should be provisions in place for the corrective action to be taken when these atypical situations occur. Inaddition to documentation of the malfunction, there should be an evaluation of the possible effects on the product (e.g., partial or complete meltback. Refer to subsequent discussion). Merely testing samples after the lyophilization cycle is concluded may be insufficient to justify the release of the remaining units. For example, the leakage of chamber shelf fluid into the chamber or a break in sterility would be cause for rejection of the batch.The review of Preventive Maintenance Logs, as well as Quality Assurance Alert Notices, Discrepancy Reports, and Investigation Reports will help to identify problem batches when there are equipment malfunctions or power failures. It is recommended that these records be reviewed early in the inspection.CYCLE VALIDATIONMany manufacturers file (in applications) their normal lyophilization cycles and validate the lyophilization process based on these cycles. Unfortunately, such data would be of little value to substantiate shorter or abnormal cycles. In some cases, manufacturers are unaware of the eutectic point. It would be difficult for a manufacturer to evaluate partial or abnormal cycles without knowing the eutectic point and the cycle parameters needed to facilitate primary drying.Scale-up for the lyophilized product requires a knowledge of the many variables that may have an effect on the product. Some of the variables would include freezing rate and temperature ramping rate. As with the scale-up of other drug products, there should be a development report that discusses the process and logic for the cycle. Probably more so than any other product, scale-up of the lyophilization cycle is very difficult.There are some manufacturers that market multiple strengths, vial sizes and have different batch sizes. It is conceivable and probable that each will have its own cycle parameters. A manufacturer that has one cycle for multiple strengths of the same product probably has done a poor job of developing the cycle and probably has not adequately validated their process. Investigators should review the reports and data that support the filed lyophilization cycle.LYOPHILIZER STERILIZATION/DESIGNThe sterilization of the lyophilizer is one of the more frequently encountered problems noted during inspections. Some of the older lyophilizers cannot tolerate steam under pressure, and sterilization is marginal at best. These lyophilizers can only have their inside surfaces wiped with a chemical agent that may be a sterilant but usually has been found to be a sanitizing agent. Unfortunately, piping such as that for the administration of inert gas (usually nitrogen) and sterile air for backfill or vacuum break is often inaccessible to such surface "sterilization" or treatment. It would seem very difficult for a manufacturer to be able to demonstrate satisfactory validation of sterilization of a lyophilizer by chemical "treatment".Another method of sterilization that has been practiced is the use of gaseous ethylene oxide. As with any ethylene oxide treatment, humidification is necessary. Providing a method for introducing the sterile moisture with uniformity has been found to be difficult.A manufacturer has been observed employing Water For Injection as a final wash or rinse of the lyophilizer. While the chamber was wet, it was then ethylene oxide gas sterilized. As discussed above, this may be satisfactory for the chamber but inadequate for associated plumbing.Another problem associated with ethylene oxide is the residue. One manufacturer had a common ethylene oxide/nitrogen supply line to a number of lyophilizers connected in parallel to the system. Thus, there could be some ethylene oxide in the nitrogen supply line during the backfilling step. Obviously, this type of system is objectionable.A generally recognized acceptable method of sterilizing the lyophilizer is through the use of moist steam under pressure. Sterilization procedures should parallel that of an autoclave, and a typical system should include two independent temperature sensing systems. One would be used to control and record temperatures of the cycle as with sterilizers, and the other would be in the cold spot of the chamber. As with autoclaves, lyophilizers should have drains with atmospheric breaks to prevent back siphonage. As discussed, there should also be provisions for sterilizing the inert gas or air and the supply lines. Some manufacturers have chosen to locate the sterilizing filters in a port of the chamber. The port is steam sterilized when the chamber is sterilized, and then the sterilizing filter, previously sterilized, is aseptically connected to the chamber. Some manufacturers have chosen to sterilize the filter and downstream piping to the chamber in place. Typical sterilization-in-place of filters may require steaming of both to obtain sufficient temperatures. In this type of system, there should be provisions for removing and/or draining condensate. The failure to sterilize nitrogen and air filters and the piping downstream leading into the chamber has been identified as a problem on a number of inspections.Since these filters are used to sterilize inert gas and/or air, there should be some assurance of their integrity. Some inspections have disclosed a lack of integrity testing of the inert gas and/or air filter. The question is frequently asked how often should the vent filter be tested for integrity? As with many decisions made by manufacturers, there is a level of risk associated with the operation, process or system, which only the manufacturer can decide. If the sterilizing filter is found to pass the integrity test after several uses or batches, then one could claim its integrity for the previous batches. However, if it is only tested after several batches have been processed and if found to fail the integrity test, then one could question the sterility of all of the previous batches processed. In an effort to minimize this risk, some manufacturers have resorted to redundant filtration.For most cycles, stoppering occurs within the lyophilizer. Typically, the lyophilizer has some type of rod or rods (ram) which enter the immediate chamber at the time of stoppering. Once the rod enters the chamber, there is the potential for contamination of the chamber. However, since the vials are stoppered, there is no avenue for contamination of the vials in the chamber which are now stoppered. Generally, lyophilizers should be sterilized after each cycle because of the potential for contamination of the shelf support rods. Additionally, the physical act of removing vials and cleaning the chamber can increase levels of contamination.In some of the larger units, the shelves are collapsed after sterilization to facilitate loading. Obviously, the portions of the ram entering the chamber to collapse the shelves enters from a non-sterile area. Attempts to minimize contamination have included wiping the ram with a sanitizing agent prior to loading. Control aspects have included testing the ram for microbiological contamination, testing it for residues of hydraulic fluid, and testing the fluid for its bacteriostatic effectiveness. One lyophilizer fabricator has proposed developing a flexible "skirt" to cover the ram.In addition to microbiological concerns with hydraulic fluid, there is also the concern with product contamination.During steam sterilization of the chamber, there should be space between shelves that permit passage of free flowing steam. Some manufacturers have placed "spacers" between shelves to prevent their total collapse. Others have resorted to a two phase sterilization of the chamber. The initial phase provides for sterilization of the shelves when they are separated. The second phase provides for sterilization of the chamber and piston with the shelves collapsed.Typically, biological indicators are used in lyophilizers to validate the steam sterilization cycle. One manufacturer of a Biopharmaceutical product was found to have a positive biological indicator after sterilization at 121oC for 45 minutes. During the chamber sterilization, trays used to transport vials from the filling line to the chamber were also sterilized. The trays were sterilized in an inverted position on shelves in the chamber. It is believed that the positive biological indicator is the result of poor steam penetration under these trays.The sterilization of condensers is also a major issue that warrants discussion. Most of the newer units provide for the capability of sterilization of the condenser along with the chamber, even if the condenser is external to the chamber. This provides a greater assurance of sterility, particularly in those situations in which there is some equipment malfunction and the vacuum in the chamber is deeper than in the condenser.Malfunctions that can occur, which would indicate that sterilization of the condenser is warranted, include vacuum pump breakdown, refrigeration system failures and the potential for contamination by the large valve between the condenser and chamber. This is particularly true for those units that have separate vacuum pumps for both the condenser and chamber. When there are problems with the systems in the lyophilizer, contamination could migrate from the condenser back to the chamber. It is recognized that the condenser is not able to be sterilized in many of the older units, and this represents a major problem, particularly in those cycles in which there is some equipment and/or operator failure.As referenced above, leakage during a lyophilization cycle can occur, and the door seal or gasket presents an avenue of entry for contaminants. For example, in an inspection, it was noted that during steam sterilization of a lyophilizer, steam was leaking from the unit. If steam could leak from a unit during sterilization, air could possibly enter the chamber during lyophilization.Some of the newer lyophilizers have double doors - one for loading and the other for unloading. The typical single door lyophilizer opens in the clean area only, and。