智课雅思词汇---⼗⼀、spect是什么意思智课雅思词汇---⼗⼀、spect是什么意思⼀、总结⼀句话总结:词根: = to look, to see 看1、port是什么意思?词根:【词根含义】:运输,携带;港⼝;门【词根来源】:“运输,携带;港⼝”的意义来源于原始印欧语por-(离去,通过)在拉丁语中派⽣的名词portus(港⼝)和动词porto, portare, portavi, portatus(运输,携带);“门”的意义来源于拉丁语名词porta, portae, f(门,⼊⼝)。
【同源单词】:, , , ,词根: = gate 门词根port来源于拉丁语 porta 意思是“门”。
它的同形异义词根是:port 运送携带;分,注意它们之间的区别。
词例:同源词:1.n. 港⼝,⼝岸2. [port 门→港⼝ + pass 通过→通过港⼝必须出⽰的证件→]n. 护照3. [port 门 + -al (n.) 名词后缀→]n.门户⽹站,⼤门,⼊⼝4.n. 门廊,柱廊5. [C(= 象形 ) 拱形→带拱形门的地⽅]n. ⼊⼝处,门廊,⾛廊6. [heli- 螺旋 + port 门 + →螺旋飞机停靠的门户]n. 直升机机场词根: = to carry(搬运)来⾃拉丁语的 portare 意为to carry 运送,携带。
异形同义词根有来⾃拉丁语的fer,lat,ger/gest,veh/vect 和来⾃希腊语的phor/pher。
它的同形异义词根是: port 门 / 分。
同源词:1. (不是搬运某物的时候的 in(=not) + op<ob(=toward) + port(=carry))adj.不合时宜的;不适当的Why do telemarketers always seem to call at the most inopportune moments?为什么电话销售似乎总是在最不合适的时间打电话呢?2. (向内搬 im<in(=in,into) + port(=carry))vt.sb + fro + sth 向...强求;纠缠importunate adj.胡搅蛮缠的importunity n.执拗;胡搅蛮缠I importuned the 911 operator to send an ambulance immediately. 我缠着911接线员要求⽴即派⼀辆救护车来。
考研英语:高频常考词根词缀及词汇整理Soph=wise,表示“智慧,聪明”sophist n博学之人;诡辩家(soph+ist)sophism n诡辩(soph+ism) sophisticate v使精致;使老于世故(sophist+icate→成为诡辩家→老于世故)sophisticatedv老于世故的;精致复杂的sophomoren大学二年级学生(sopho+more→[自以为]有更多智慧的人)philosophy n哲学(philo爱+sophy→爱智慧→哲学)pansophic a无所不知的(pan全部+soph+ic →全部智慧→无所不知)speci=look, kind,表示“外观,种类"special a特别的;专门的( speci种类+al→[属于]种类的—特别的)speciality n特点;特产(special+ity)specializev专门化,特殊化(special+ize)specific a具体的(speci+fic带来→带来外观的→具体的)specification n具体说明(specific+ation) species n种类,物种specimenn样本,标本(speci+men物品)conspecific a同种的(con共同+specific)specious a似是而非的(外观相似,而实质不是)Spect,spic= look,see,表示“看”aspect n样子,容貌;方面(a加强意义+spect→看的东西→外表,容貌)circumspect a慎重的(circum周围+spect→看周围→小心的)circumspection n慎重;细心expect v期待,盼望(ex出+spect一看出去→期待)expectation n期待,希望(expect+ation) inspectv检查;视察(in内+spect→看进去→视察)inspection n视察;认真看(inspect+ion) perspective n看法;眼界;透视(per 全部+spect+ive→全部看到→透视,看法)prospect n展望,前景(pro向前+spect→向前看→展望)prospective a将来的(prospect前景+ive)prospectusn计划书;大纲(pro+spect+us→向前看的东西→大纲)respect v/n尊敬(re再+spect→再看[一眼]→尊敬)respectable a可敬的(respect+able) respectful a充满敬意的(respect+ful)respective a各自的(re 回+spect+ive→回头看[自己]→各自的)retrospect v回顾,回想(retro向后+spect看→向后看→回顾)retrospective a回顾的;怀旧的suspect v怀疑(sus下面+spect→在下面看→怀疑)suspicion n怀疑(sus+spic+ion→在下面看一怀疑)suspicious a多疑的(sus+spic+ious)spectaclen奇观;状观;(spect+acle复)眼镜(spect+acle→看的东西→眼镜)spectacular a奇妙的;惊人的(spect+acular...的,来自spectacle奇观)spectator n观众,旁观者(spect+ator人→看的人→观众)speculate v思索;投机(spec+ulate→看准了→思考,投机)speculate v思索;投机(spectulate→看准了→思考,投机)speculation n思索;投机(spec+ulate→看准了→思考,投机)auspice n吉兆,前兆(au鸟+spice→看到鸟[喜鹊]→吉兆)auspicious a吉兆的(auspice+ious)cinspicuous a显眼的,引人注目的(con大家+spic+uous→大家都看见→显眼的)despicable a可鄙的(de向下+spic+able→向下看→看不起→可鄙视的)despise v轻视,看不起(spis=spic)perspicacious a有洞察力的(per 全部+spic+acious...的→全部都看到的)Sper=hope,表示“希望”desperate a绝望的(de去掉+sper+ate→去掉希望→绝望的)desperation n绝望;拼命(desperate+ion)desperado n亡命徒(de+sper+ado人→无希望之人→亡命徒)despair v绝望(de去掉+spair[=sper希望])prosper v繁荣( pro前面+sper→希望在前面→繁荣)prosperousa 繁荣的(prosper+ous) prosperity n繁荣昌盛(prosper+ity)asperity n粗糙;严厉(a无+sper+ity→无希望→不给人希望→租暴,严厉)Spers= scatter,表示“散开”disperse v散布,分散(dis 分开+sperse)dispersion n分散;驱散(disperse+ion)asperse v洒水;诽谤(a坏+sperse一散开坏话→诽谤)aspersion n诽谤;洒水interspersev点缀;散布(inter在...中间→在中间散开→点缀)interspersion n点缀;散布(inter在...中间→在中间散开→点缀)Spir=breathe,表示“呼吸”spirit n精神;情绪(有呼吸→有精神)spirited a精神饱满的spiritual a精神的;宗教的aspire v热望;立志(a加强+spire→看到渴望的东西加强呼吸→热望)aspiration n渴望,热望(aspire+ation)aspiring a有抱负的(aspire+ing)conspire v同谋(con共同+spire→同呼吸→同谋)conspiracy n共谋;反叛(conspire+acy)expire v断气;期满(ex出+spire→只出气不进气一断气)expiration n断气;期满(expire+ation)inspirev吸气;鼓励(in进+spire→吸气进去,引申为鼓励)inspiration n吸气;灵感(有灵气)perspirev出汗(per全部+spire→全身呼吸→出汗)perspiration n出汗respire v呼吸;恢复精神(re再+spire→再呼吸→恢复精神)respiration n呼吸transpire v泄露(trans交流+spire→互相呼吸→泄露)dispiritv使沮丧(dis去掉+spirit精神)>Spond,spons =promise,表示“承诺”despond v丧气(de去+spona→4行尔despondenta失望的(despond丧气+ent )respondv回答;反应(re回+spond→承诺回去→回答)respondent n被告a.被告的(回答原告的人)response n回答;答应(respond的名词)responsible a有责任的(response"o一负责任的)correspond v符合;通信(cor共同+respond回答→两人互相回答→通信)correspondence n通信;来往spontaneous a自愿的;自发的(Spont+aneous→BP承诺→自愿的)Stell=star,表示“星星”stellar a星的interstellar a星际的(inter在之间+stellar星星的)constellate v形成星座;群集(con 一起+stell+ate→星星到一起一形成星座)constellation n星座stellify v使成明星(stell+ify)tstelliforma星形的(stelli+form形状)satill=small drop。
玩转儿考研英语核心词汇 【-spect-】专题(李仁)
真题连线They should start by discarding California’s lame argument that exploring the contents of a smartphone—a vast storehouse of digital information — is similar to, say, going through a suspect’s purse.[2015-I-Text 2] Schwitzgebel suspects the greatest impact came from social influence-classmates or teaching assistants leading the discussions may have shared their own vegetarianism, showing it as achievable or more common.[2022-II-Text 4]二、了解单词构成方法考研核心单词一般由词缀和词根构成,词缀根据位置又可以细分为前缀、中缀和后缀。
Spect-词根讲解单词课件 2022届高考英语一轮复习
Spect-词根 : 看 第一关:Aspect 第二关: Respect 第三关: Expect 第四关: Inspect 第五关: Suspect 第六将: Spectator
Aspect n.方面 A一+spect看
One aspect VS all aspects
我们看事物要 全方面地看。 We should try to examine things in all
他对工作的所有方面都感兴趣。 He was interested in ___ _____of the work. (all aspects)
to be an important part of sporting culture (文化).
方面 尊重 期待 检查 怀疑 观众
Aspect Respec Expect Inspect Suspect spectator
观察课本单词,按照今天所学的词根方法,找 出几个拥有相同词根的单词,对它们进行中文 意思的比较。
Respect v.尊重 Re一再+spect看
If you want others to like and respect you, you have to start by liking yourself. (阅读 题)
派生词: respectful 表示尊敬的 (ful 形容词:careful,beautiful) Respectfully尊敬地 (ly 副词:carefully,beautifully)
*spek-Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to observe."来自于拉丁语specere to look, 词根包括:-spect-,-spex-,-spic-,-spis-, -scop-3500中包括12个: aspect, especially, inspect, respect, special, specialist, specific, suspect, microscope, telescope, sceptical, skeptical前缀:a-,a?-, a??-强调de-向下,分,使脱离epi-在上over后缀:-ion 名词后缀-ly 形容词或副词后缀-ness名词后缀aspect[ˈæspekt] n.方面;方向;外貌;形势a-强调+-spect-看,观,观察→强调看,强调观察→观察星星的相对位置→哪个星星在哪个方向→外貌,形势an astrological term, "relative position of the planets as they appear from earth" (i.e., how they "look at" one another); also "one of the ways of viewing something,"auspex ['ɔspɛks] n. 鸟卜者;占卜者[ 复数 auspices ]from Latin auspex "interpreter of omens given by birds,"鸟卜者from root *awi- "bird" + root *spek- "to observe."→观鸟的人observer of birds→从鸟的飞翔来占卜的人"one who observes flights of birds for the purpose of taking omens,"auspice['ɔspɪs] n. 吉兆,赞助,主办auspices [ˈɔːspɪsɪz] n. 赞助;保护;预兆(auspice 的复数)"observation of birds for the purpose of taking omens,"any indication of the future (especially favorable),benevolent influence of greater power, influence exerted on behalf of someone or something," originally in expression under the auspices of 由…赞助或主办,在……保护下;在…的主持下;在…保护下.auspicious[ɔːˈspɪʃəs] a. 吉祥的,吉利的;有助于成功的,有利的;富裕的biship [ˈbɪʃəp] n. (基督教的)主教;(国际象棋的)象from Late Latin episcopus, from Greek episkopos"watcher, (spiritual) overseer,"(epi-在上over+skopos "one that watches, one that looks after; a guardian, protector")The English strikes off the initial and terminal syllables, leaving only piscop, which the Saxon preference for the softer labial and hissing sounds modified into bishop.circumspect [ˈsɜːrkəmspekt] a. 小心谨慎的,考虑周到的,慎重的circum-四周+-spect-看→四周看→谨慎的circumspection [ˌsɜːrkəmˈspekʃn] n. 慎重;细心circumspectly ad.conspicuous [kənˈspɪkjuəs]a. 显著的;显而易见的con-强调+-spic-看+-u-连字符+-ous→强调看→明显的,显著的visible, open to view; attracting attention, striking,conspicuous consumption(consume动词消费的名词形式)炫耀性消费;摆阔,挥霍conspicuously ad.conspicuousness n.despise[dɪˈspaɪz] vt. 轻视,鄙视de-向下+-spis-看+-e动词后缀→向下看→看不起,鄙视,轻视look down upon, scorn, disdain, treat with contemptdespicable [dɪˈspɪkəbl]a.adj. 卑劣的;可鄙的de-向下+-spic-/-spis-看+-able形容词后缀,表能---的Despicable Me神偷奶爸/卑鄙的我species [ˈspiːʃiːz] n. [生物] 物种;种类adj. 物种上的[ 复数 species ]from Latin species,意思是a sight, look, view, appearance,hence also "a spectacle; mental appearance, idea, notion; a look; a pretext; a resemblance; a show or display," →From 1550s as "appearance, outward form;" 1560s as "distinct class (of something) based on common characteristics."special [ˈspeʃl] a. 特别的;重要的;特设的;专用的,特有的;特派的;格外的;(主题)研究深入的;特殊(教育)的;特殊(矩阵)的n. 特别的东西(活动、节目等);特价(品);特供菜;特派员;特产;专车spec-+-i-连字符+-al形容词或名词后缀specially ad.special+-ly 形容词或副词后缀speciality [ˌspeʃiˈæləti] n. 专业,专长;特性;特产special+-ity名词后缀,表抽象含义specialist[ˈspeʃəlɪst] n. 专家;专门医师adj. 专家的;专业的special+-ist名词后缀specialistic a.specialize/specialise [ˈspeʃəlaɪz]vi. 专门从事;详细说明;特化vt. 使专门化;使适应特殊情况;详细说明special+-ize动词后缀,表使动specialized a.specialization n.specific [spəˈsɪfɪk] adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药] 具有特效的n. 特性;细节;特效药a. having a special quality,definite, precise-spec-看+-i-+-fic做→看着做的→明确的,细节的especial[ɪˈspeʃl] a. 特殊的,特别的e-向外+-spec-看+-i-连字符+-al形容词或名词后缀→向外看→特别的,显著的especially ad.常常简写为esp.espionage[ˈespiənɑːʒ] n. 间谍;间谍活动;刺探espy[ɪˈspaɪ] vt. 看到;认出;发现early 13c., aspy, from Old French espiier "observe, watch closely, spy on; guard, keep in custody"spy [spaɪ]n. 间谍;密探;v. 从事间谍活动;突然看见;认出expect[ɪkˈspekt]ex-向外+-pect看→向外看,张望→期望,预料expectation n.expectant a. 期待的,预期中的,怀孕的n. 候选人,期待者expect + -ant 形容词或名词后缀expectancy n. 期待expectable [ɪk'spɛktəbl] a. 能预期的;意料中的inspect[ɪnˈspekt] vt. 检查;视察;检阅vi. 进行检查;进行视察in-往里+ -spect-看→往里看→检查,视察inspection n.inspector n.introspect[,ɪntrə'spɛkt] vi. 反省;内省vt. 对…进行自省intro-往心里+-spect看→往心里看→内省,反省introspection [ˌɪntrəˈspekʃn] n.introspective a.perspective [pərˈspektɪv] n. 观点;远景;透视图adj. 透视的per-through通过,穿过+ -spect-看+ -ive→看穿的,透视的,看透了的→观点prospect [ˈprɑːspekt] n. 前途;预期mental view or survey;景色extensive view of the landscapevi. 勘探,找矿vt. 勘探,勘察explore for gold, examine land with a view to a mining claim,spot giving prospects of ore.pro-往前+-spect-看→往前看→展望→前景prospective [prəˈspektɪv] a. 未来的;预期的 n.prospect+-ive形容词或名词后缀→prospectiveprospectiveness n.prospector n. 探矿者,采矿者,勘探者respect[rɪˈspekt] n. 尊敬,尊重;方面 vt. 尊敬,尊重;遵守re-back往回+-spect-看→往回看→重视,尊重respectful a. full of respect 恭敬的;有礼貌的respectable a. 值得尊敬的respecter n. 尊敬的人,势利的人disrespect v. 不尊敬dis-not 否定+respect →disrespectrespective a.regardful, observing or noting with attention, relating or pertaining severally each to each考虑到的,注意到的,各自的,分别的respect+-ive形容词后缀→respective a.retrospect [ˈretrəspekt] n. 回顾,追溯vi. 回顾,追溯;回想vt. 回顾;追忆retro-内心往回,formerly, in past times+-spect-看→往回看,往过去的时间看→追忆,回顾→追溯survey of past eventsscope[skoʊp] n. 视野;眼界;范围;余地;导弹射程vt. 审视from Italian scopo "aim, purpose, object, thing aimed at, mark, target," from Latin scopus, from Greek skopos "aim, target, object of attention; watcher, one who watches" ,distance the mind can reach, extent of viewmicroscope [ˈmaɪkrəskoʊp] n. 显微镜micro-微,微小+-scop-看+-e名词后缀→看微小的东西→看微小的东西的器具→显微镜telescope [ˈtelɪskoʊp] n. 望远镜v. 叠套缩短;精简,压缩;(车)相撞而嵌-tele-远+-scop-看+-e动词或名词后缀skeptic [ˈskeptɪk] n. (对一切都)持怀疑态度的人;怀疑论者,不可知论者;无神论者(等于sceptic)from Greek skeptikos (plural Skeptikoi "the Skeptics, followers of Pyrrho")skeptical/sceptical[ˈskeptɪkl] a. 怀疑的;(哲学)怀疑论的,不可知论的skeptic+ -al形容词或名词后缀specimen[ˈspesɪmən]n. 样品,样本;标本"pattern, model," from Latin specimen "indication, mark, example, sign, evidence; that by which a thing is known, means of knowing,"specious[ˈspiːʃəs] a.外表美观的;华而不实的;徒有其表的;似是而非的seemingly desirable, reasonable or probable, but not really so; superficially fair, just, or correct.spec看+-i-+-ous形容词后缀→看起来spectacle[ˈspektəkl]spect-看+-acle名词后缀→看到的东西,景象a strange or interesting sight.a grand and impressive event or performance.spectacles n. 眼镜glassesspectacular[spekˈtækjələr] a. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的spectacularly ad.spectrum[ˈspektrəm] n. 光谱;频谱;范围;余象[ 复数 spectrums或spectra ] visible band showing the successive colors, formed from a beam of light passed through a prism,entire range (of something)speculate[ˈspekjuleɪt] vi. 推测;投机;思索vt. 推断由speculation变来view mentally, contemplate;view as from a watchtower" (1610s). Intransitive sense of "pursue truth by conjecture or thinking","to invest money upon risk for the sake of profit"speculation n. "intelligent contemplation, consideration; act of looking," from Old French speculacion "close observation, rapt attention,"speculator n. 思索者,投机商speculativeˈspekjəleɪtɪv] a. 投机的;推测的;思索性的;speculum [ˈspekjələm] n. 金属镜;反射镜;[医] 窥器[ 复数 speculums或specula ]spice[spaɪs] n. 香料;情趣;调味品;少许vt. 加香料于…;使…增添趣味来自于species.suspectsu-,sub-,sup-在下,从下往上+-spect-看→在下面看,从下往上看→不信任的看look at secretly," hence, "look at distrustfullysuspicion n.suspect+-ion名词后缀suspicious a.suspect + -i-连字符+-ous 形容词后缀。
高中英语词汇12-spec-,spect-看*spek-Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to observe."来自于拉丁语specere to look, 词根包括:-spect-,-spex-,-spic-,-spis-, -scop-3500中包括12个: aspect, especially, inspect, respect, special, specialist, specific, suspect, microscope, telescope, sceptical, skeptical前缀:a-,a?-, a??-强调de-向下,分,使脱离epi-在上over后缀:-ion 名词后缀-ly 形容词或副词后缀-ness名词后缀aspect[??spekt] n.方面;方向;外貌;形势a-强调+-spect-看,观,观察→强调看,强调观察→观察星星的相对位置→哪个星星在哪个方向→外貌,形势an astrological term, "relative position of the planets as they appear from earth" (i.e., how they "look at" one another); also "one of the ways of viewing something,"auspex ['?sp?ks] n. 鸟卜者;占卜者[ 复数 auspices ]from Latin auspex "interpreter of omens given by birds,"鸟卜者from root *awi- "bird" + root *spek- "to observe."→观鸟的人observer of birds→从鸟的飞翔来占卜的人"one who observes flights of birds for the purpose of taking omens,"auspice['?sp?s] n. 吉兆,赞助,主办auspices [sp?s?z] n. 赞助;保护;预兆(auspice 的复数)"observation of birds for the purpose of taking omens,"anyindication of the future (especially favorable),benevolent influence of greater power, influence exerted on behalf of someone or something," originally in expression under the auspices of 由…赞助或主办,在……保护下;在…的主持下;在…保护下.auspicious[sps] a. 吉祥的,吉利的;有助于成功的,有利的;富裕的biship [?bp] n. (基督教的)主教;(国际象棋的)象from Late Latin episcopus, from Greek episkopos"watcher, (spiritual) overseer,"(epi-在上over+skopos "one that watches, one that looks after; a guardian, protector")The English strikes off the initial and terminal syllables, leaving only piscop, which the Saxon preference for the softer labial and hissing sounds modified into bishop.circumspect [?s??rk?mspekt] a. 小心谨慎的,考虑周到的,慎重的circum-四周+-spect-看→四周看→谨慎的circumspection [?s??rk?m?spek?n] n. 慎重;细心circumspectly ad.conspicuous [k?n?sp?kju?s]a. 显著的;显而易见的con-强调+-spic-看+-u-连字符+-ous→强调看→明显的,显著的visible, open to view; attracting attention, striking, conspicuous consumption(consume动词消费的名词形式)炫耀性消费;摆阔,挥霍conspicuously ad.conspicuousness n.despise[d??spa?z] vt. 轻视,鄙视de-向下+-spis-看+-e动词后缀→向下看→看不起,鄙视,轻视look down upon, scorn, disdain, treat with contemptdespicable [d??sp?k?bl]a.adj. 卑劣的;可鄙的de-向下+-spic-/-spis-看+-able形容词后缀,表能---的Despicable Me神偷奶爸/卑鄙的我species [?spi??i?z] n. [生物] 物种;种类adj. 物种上的[ 复数 species ]from Latin species,意思是 a sight, look, view, appearance,hence also "a spectacle; mental appearance, idea, notion; a look; a pretext; a resemblance; a show or display," →From 1550s as "appearance, outward form;" 1560s as "distinct class (of something) based on common characteristics."special [?spe?l] a. 特别的;重要的;特设的;专用的,特有的;特派的;格外的;(主题)研究深入的;特殊(教育)的;特殊(矩阵)的n. 特别的东西(活动、节目等);特价(品);特供菜;特派员;特产;专车spec-+-i-连字符+-al形容词或名词后缀specially ad.special+-ly 形容词或副词后缀speciality [?spe?i??l?ti] n. 专业,专长;特性;特产special+-ity名词后缀,表抽象含义specialist[?spe??l?st] n. 专家;专门医师adj. 专家的;专业的special+-ist名词后缀specialistic a.specialize/specialise [?spe??la?z]vi. 专门从事;详细说明;特化vt. 使专门化;使适应特殊情况;详细说明special+-ize动词后缀,表使动specialized a.specialization n.specific [sp??s?f?k] adj. 特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的n. 特性;细节;特效药a. having a special quality,definite, precise-spec-看+-i-+-fic做→看着做的→明确的,细节的especial[??spe?l] a. 特殊的,特别的e-向外+-spec-看+-i-连字符+-al形容词或名词后缀→向外看→特别的,显著的especially ad.常常简写为esp.espionage[?espi?nɑ??] n. 间谍;间谍活动;刺探espy[??spa?] vt. 看到;认出;发现early 13c., aspy, from Old French espiier "observe, watch closely, spy on; guard, keep in custody"spy [spa?]n. 间谍;密探;v. 从事间谍活动;突然看见;认出expect[?k?spekt]ex-向外+-pect看→向外看,张望→期望,预料expectation n.expectant a. 期待的,预期中的,怀孕的n. 候选人,期待者expect + -ant 形容词或名词后缀expectancy n. 期待expectable [?k'sp?kt?bl] a. 能预期的;意料中的inspect[?n?spekt] vt. 检查;视察;检阅vi. 进行检查;进行视察in-往里+ -spect-看→往里看→检查,视察inspection n.inspector n.introspect[,?ntr?'sp?kt] vi. 反省;内省vt. 对…进行自省intro-往心里+-spect看→往心里看→内省,反省introspection [??ntr??spek?n] n.introspective a.perspective [p?r?spekt?v] n. 观点;远景;透视图adj. 透视的per-through通过,穿过+ -spect-看+ -ive→看穿的,透视的,看透了的→观点prospect [?prɑ?spekt] n. 前途;预期mental view or survey;景色extensive view of the landscapevi. 勘探,找矿vt. 勘探,勘察explore for gold, examine land with a view to a mining claim,spot giving prospects of ore.pro-往前+-spect-看→往前看→展望→前景prospective [pr??spekt?v] a. 未来的;预期的 n.prospect+-ive形容词或名词后缀→prospectiveprospectiveness n.prospector n. 探矿者,采矿者,勘探者respect[r??spekt] n. 尊敬,尊重;方面 vt. 尊敬,尊重;遵守re-back往回+-spect-看→往回看→重视,尊重respectful a. full of respect 恭敬的;有礼貌的respectable a. 值得尊敬的respecter n. 尊敬的人,势利的人disrespect v. 不尊敬dis-not 否定+respect →disrespectrespective a.regardful, observing or noting with attention, relating or pertaining severally each to each考虑到的,注意到的,各自的,分别的respect+-ive形容词后缀→respective a.retrospect [?retr?spekt] n. 回顾,追溯vi. 回顾,追溯;回想vt. 回顾;追忆retro-内心往回,formerly, in past times+-spect-看→往回看,往过去的时间看→追忆,回顾→追溯survey of past events scope[sko?p] n. 视野;眼界;范围;余地;导弹射程vt. 审视from Italian scopo "aim, purpose, object, thing aimed at, mark, target," from Latin scopus, from Greek skopos "aim, target, object of attention; watcher, one who watches" ,distance the mind can reach, extent of viewmicroscope [?ma?kr?sko?p] n. 显微镜micro-微,微小+-scop-看+-e名词后缀→看微小的东西→看微小的东西的器具→显微镜telescope [?tel?sko?p] n. 望远镜v. 叠套缩短;精简,压缩;(车)相撞而嵌-tele-远+-scop-看+-e动词或名词后缀skeptic [?skept?k] n. (对一切都)持怀疑态度的人;怀疑论者,不可知论者;无神论者(等于sceptic)from Greek skeptikos (plural Skeptikoi "the Skeptics, followers of Pyrrho")skeptical/sceptical[?skept?kl] a. 怀疑的;(哲学)怀疑论的,不可知论的skeptic+ -al形容词或名词后缀specimen[?spes?m?n]n. 样品,样本;标本"pattern, model," from Latin specimen "indication, mark, example, sign, evidence; that by which a thing is known, means of knowing,"specious[?spis] a.外表美观的;华而不实的;徒有其表的;似是而非的seemingly desirable, reasonable or probable, but not really so; superficially fair, just, or correct.spec看+-i-+-ous形容词后缀→看起来spectacle[?spekt?kl]spect-看+-acle名词后缀→看到的东西,景象a strange or interesting sight.a grand and impressive event or performance.spectacles n. 眼镜glassesspectacular[spek?t?kj?l?r] a. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的spectacularly ad.spectrum[?spektr?m] n. 光谱;频谱;范围;余象[ 复数spectrums或spectra ] visible band showing the successive colors, formed from a beam of light passed through a prism,entire range (of something)speculate[?spekjule?t] vi. 推测;投机;思索vt. 推断由speculation变来view mentally, contemplate;view as from a watchtower" (1610s). Intransitive sense of "pursue truth by conjecture or thinking","to invest money upon risk for the sake of profit"speculation n. "intelligent contemplation, consideration; act of looking," from Old French speculacion "close observation, rapt attention,"speculator n. 思索者,投机商speculative?spekj?le?t?v] a. 投机的;推测的;思索性的;speculum [?spekj?l?m] n. 金属镜;反射镜;[医] 窥器[ 复数 speculums或specula ]spice[spa?s] n. 香料;情趣;调味品;少许vt. 加香料于…;使…增添趣味来自于species.suspectsu-,sub-,sup-在下,从下往上+-spect-看→在下面看,从下往上看→不信任的看look at secretly," hence, "look at distrustfully suspicion n.suspect+-ion名词后缀suspicious a.suspect + -i-连字符+-ous 形容词后缀。
以下是一些常见的英语六级词根和词缀的例子:常见词根:1.cogn - 知道(如:recognize 认识)2.spect - 看(如:inspect 检查)3.struct - 建造(如:construct 建造)4.dict - 说(如:predict 预言)5.port - 携带(如:export 出口)6.gress - 走(如:progress 进步)7.flu - 流动(如:influence 影响)8.scrib - 写(如:describe 描述)9.rupt - 断裂(如:bankrupt 破产)10.viv - 活,生存(如:survive 生存)常见词缀:前缀(Prefixes):1.anti- - 反对(如:antibiotic 抗生素)2.co- - 一起(如:coordinate 协调)3.de- - 向下,离开(如:decrease 减少)4.en- - 使...(如:enlarge 扩大)5.ex- - 出,前任(如:export 出口)6.fore- - 前面(如:foresee 预见)7.il- - 不(如:illegal 非法的)8.mal- - 坏(如:malfunction 故障)9.mis- - 错误(如:misunderstand 误解)10.non- - 无,非(如:nonexistent 不存在的)后缀(Suffixes):1.-able / -ible - 能够...的(如:comfortable, sensible)2.-ism - 制度,主义(如:feminism 女权主义)3.-ist - 从事...的人(如:scientist 科学家)4.-ity / -ty - 状态,性质(如:equality, reality)5.-ive - 倾向于...的(如:productive 生产的)6.-ous - 有...的(如:curious 好奇的)7.-ic - 与...有关的(如:economic 经济的)8.-al - 与...有关的(如:national 国家的)9.-en - 使成为(如:strengthen 加强)10.-less - 无...的(如:careless 粗心的)掌握这些词根和词缀有助于提高你的词汇量和理解力,尤其是在英语六级考试的阅读和词汇部分。
考研英语核心词汇详解1.speculate v.思索;推测;投机解析:spec(看)+culate(动词尾缀)2.prospect n. 前景,前途,展望;v 勘探,勘测解析:pro(向前)+spect(看) --- 向前看3. perspective n.透视图; 观点,看法解析:per(through)+spect(看)+ive --- 看穿了真题搭配:from sb’s perspective 从某人的观点来看4.inspect vt.检查,调查,视察解析:in(向内)+spect(看) --- 向内看引申:inspection: n 检查,视察5.suspect v. 怀疑 a.可疑的n.嫌疑犯解析:sus(向下)+spect(看) --- 向下看辨析:suspect--- 肯定的怀疑;doubt----- 否定的怀疑6.suspicion n.怀疑,猜疑;一点儿,少量真题搭配:a suspicion of: 一点儿7.retrospect v./n.回顾,回想,追溯解析:retro(back)+spect(看)--- 往回看8.sacred a.神圣的;宗教的;庄严的解析:sacr(神)—ed(形容词)9.sacrifice n.牺牲,牺牲品;祭品解析:sacri(神)—fice(做)-- 为神做的事---祭品10.necessity n.必要性,需要;必然性;(pl.)必需品解析:来源—necessary: adj 必须的1.tempt v.诱惑,引诱;吸引,使感兴趣真题搭配:be tempted to do: 不禁做(被诱惑做)2.temptation n.引诱,诱惑;诱惑物解析:tempt+ation(名词尾缀)3.witness n.目击者,证人;证据,证明v.目击,目睹;作证4.irony n.反话, 讽刺,讽刺之事引申:ironic: adj 讽刺的--- What an ironic picture!5.jealous a. 妒忌的;猜疑的,警惕的真题搭配:be jealous of6.undergo vt.遭受,经历,承受解析:under(下面)+go(走)--在下面走7.underlie vt.位于...之下, 成为...的基础解析:under(下面)+lie(躺)-- 躺在下面8.underline vt. 强调解析:under(下面)+line(划线)-- 在下面划线9.undermine v.暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;侵蚀…的基础解析:under(下面)+mine(开采,挖矿)-- 在下面挖10.hospitality n.好客,殷勤,款待解析:来源--host:n主人1. In Britain the move towards open access publishing has been driven by funding bodies. (2020 text 2 英语一)body熟义:僻义:2. More than half of all British scientific research is now published under open access terms. (2020 text 2 英语一)term熟义:僻义:往下翻,对对答案~~~1. In Britain the move towards open access publishing has been driven by funding bodies. (2020 text 2 英语一)body熟义:n.身体僻义:n.机构,组织译文:在英国,向开放获取出版(模式)的迈进是由资助机构所推动的。
spect-, spic = look, see 看1,circumspect [?s?:k?m?sp?kt] adj. 慎重的,谨慎小心的circum- (周围,学过circumstance 环境吧,注意环)spect(看)就是像四周看,你想象一下你看过的警匪片中罪犯小心谨慎,环顾四中的样子2, expect [?k?sp?kt] v. 期待,盼望 ex(表方向,向外。
想exit) pect(看)就是向外看,你想想你打车,等地铁,等公交,等人的时候,一直伸头向外看的样子。
3, inspect [?n'sp?kt] v.检查,视察in(表方向,向内) spect(看)向里看大家想想自己初高中的时候,老师趴在后门,后者窗户往里看的情况4, prospect ['prɑsp?kt] n. 前景,展望pro(表向前) spect(看)向前看,展望,前景5, retrospect ['r?tr?sp?kt] v. 回顾retro-(向后) spect(看)往回看,回顾6, suspect ['s?sp?kt] v. 怀疑sus( 下面) spect(看)向下看,你想想怀疑别人,上下打量的样子7, suspicious [s?'sps] adj. 可疑的sus(下面) spic(看) i ous(形容词后缀,比如famous)8, speculate ['sp?kj?'let] v.思索spec(看) ul ate(动词)盯着看,想知道怎么回事,思考。
9, conspicuous [k?n'。
8.microscope/ ˈmaɪkrəskəʊp /n.显微 镜
micro-微小的, -scop-=-spec-,look at
9.telescope/ ˈtelɪskəʊp / n.望远镜 tele-far,-scop-=-spec-,look at
respectable a.
respectful a.
7.suspect/ səˈspekt / v.怀疑
(ˈsʌspɛkt)n. a person who is under suspicion嫌疑人; suspicion/ səˈspɪʃ(ə)n / n.不好的预感, 猜想
suspicious/ səˈspɪʃəs / a.感觉可疑的,怀 疑的;
specificity / ˌspesɪˈfɪsəti / n. [免疫] 特异 性,专一性
5.inspect/ ɪnˈspekt /v.检查,审视
in-into,往里,-spect- to look, 往里看, 检查;
inspection n.
inspector n. inspectorate/ ɪnˈspektərət / .n检查员; 视察团;检查员的辖区a group of inspectors who work on the same issue or area. 检查团
1、their考察代词 2、noting考察现在分词 3、recently考察副词 4、achieving考察介词后+ing 5、cities考察复数 6、challenging考察形 容词 7、and考察并列 8、to identify考察不定式 9、estimated考察过去时 10、when 考察定语从句
英语词汇构词知识词根篇103:spect103、spect=look看spectacle [spect看,-acle名词后缀,表示物;’观看的东西”] 光景,景象,奇观,壮观prospect [pro-向前,spect看;’向前看”] 展望,期望,前景prospective [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 盼望中的,未来的retrospect [retro-向后,spect看;’向后看”] 回顾,追溯retrospection [见上,-ion名词后缀] 回顾,追溯retrospective [见上,-ive形容词后缀,…的] 回顾的,追溯的inspect [in-内,里,spect看;’向里面仔细看”] 检查,审查inspection [见上,-ion名词后缀] 检查,审查inspector [见上,-or表示人] 检查员expect [ex-外,(在x后省略s)pect=spect看;’向外望”] 盼望,期待,期望expectation [见上,-ation名词后缀] 盼望,期待,期望expectant [见上,-ant形容词后缀,…的] 盼望的,期待的;[-ant者] 期待者respect [re-再,重复,spect看;’再看”,’重复地看”→重视,看重] 尊重,尊敬respectable [见上,-able形容词后缀,可…的] 可敬的,值得尊敬的respectful [见上,-ful形容词后缀,…的] 尊敬人的,恭敬的suspect [sus-=sub-下,(s)pect看;’由下看”→偷偷地看,斜眼看] 怀疑,猜疑,疑心suspectable [见上,-able形容词后缀,…的] 可疑的suspicious [见spect→spic,-ious形容词后缀,…的] 多疑的,可疑的,疑心的suspicion [见上,-ion名词后缀] 怀疑,疑心,猜疑introspect [intro-向内,spect看] 内省,进行自我反省conspectus [con-共同,全,spect看,-us表示物’’全看到”→总览] 一览表,大纲,概况circumspect [circum-周围,四周,spect看;’向四周细看”] 谨慎的,小心的,慎重的,仔细的aspect [a-=ad-表示to,spect看→外观] 面貌,外表spectate [spect看,-ate动词后缀] 出席观看spectator [spect看,-ator表示人] 旁观者,观众conspicuous [con-共同,spic(-spect)看,-uous形容词后缀,…的;’共同看见的”→大家都能看见的,有目共睹的] 明显的,显著的,惹人注目的specious [spec=(spect)看,ious形容词后缀,…的;’中看的”] 外表美观的,华而不实的perspective [per-透过,spect看] 透视,透视的,透视图,透镜special [spec(=spect)看→外观,形状,形象;-ial形容词后缀,…的;容易被’看”出的,外观明显的,形状特别醒目的] 特殊的,特别的speciality [见上,-ity名词后缀] 特性,特质,特长,专业specialist [见上,-ist表示人;’特殊的人”有特别专长的人] 专家specialize [见上,-ize动词后缀] 特别指出。
1. spectacle ['spektəkəl] n.景象;场面;奇观;壮观;公开展示;表相,假相 ;(复)眼镜【词根速记】后缀acle、icle为名词后缀,表示物品,物件。
熟词如article,particle. spectacle: 看到(spect)的事物(acle),即奇观与景象。
spectacles: 看清(spect)事物的物品(acle)即眼镜。
★spectacular[spek'tækjʊlə] adj. 壮观的;精彩的;令人印象深刻的;惊人的;突如其来的【词根速记】后缀-acular/-icular 为形容词后缀,表示事物具有的性质。
spectacular: 看到(spect)令人耳目一新奇观的(-acular)即壮观的,令人惊呼的★spectator[spek'teɪtə]n. 观众;旁观者【词根速记】-or名词后缀,表示从事某事情、某职业的人。
)2. spite [spaɪt] n. 不顾;恶意;怨恨v. 刁难;使恼怒【词根速记】spect变体为spi。
★despite [dɪ'spaɪt] prep. 尽管;不管 n. 轻视【词根速记】前缀de-表示向下。
3. conspicuous [kən'spɪkjʊəs] adj.显著的;显眼的;引人注目的【词根速记】前缀con-/com-表示全部、共同。
spect词根1. Aspect - 方面2. Respect - 尊重3. Spectacle - 奇观4. Inspection - 检查5. Suspicion - 怀疑6. Spectator - 观众7. Specialist - 专家8. Prospect - 前景9. Retroactive - 追溯的10. Spectrum - 谱系11. Perspective - 视角12. Retrospect - 回顾13. Spectrometer - 光谱仪14. Respectable - 值得尊敬的15. Suspect - 嫌疑人16. Prospective - 预期的17. Inspect - 检查18. Prospector - 找矿工19. Introspection - 内省20. Spectrum analysis - 光谱分析21. Spectral - 光谱的22. Spectrality - 幽灵般的23. Spectrometry - 质谱测定24. Spectroscopy - 光谱学25. Spectrodesmy - 光波谐振26. Spectrograph - 光谱仪器27. Spectroheliograph - 日冕扫描仪28. Spectroscopic - 光谱分析的29. Spectrometric - 质谱测定的30. Spectacular - 壮观的31. Inspecting - 检查的32. Inspective - 视察的33. Inspectional - 检查的34. Inspectorate - 检查机构35. Respectability - 可尊敬性36. Respectively - 分别地37. Introspective - 内省的38. Prospectus - 资料介绍书39. Prospecting - 勘探40. Retroactive - 追溯的41. Retroactively - 追溯地42. Retrospection - 回忆43. Retrospective - 回顾性的44. Suspectful - 怀疑的45. Unsuspectful - 无怀疑的46. Anisotropic - 各向异性的47. Catastrophic - 灾难性的48. Conspicuous - 显著的49. Despondent - 绝望的50. Euphoric - 欣快的51. Hospitable - 好客的52. Insolvent - 无力偿付的53. Luminous - 发光的54. Menopause - 更年期55. Necrosis - 坏死56. Omnipotent - 无所不能的57. Parsimonious - 吝啬的58. Resplendent - 灿烂的59. Synchrony - 同步60. Vivacious - 活泼的61. Fascination - 魅力62. Historiography - 历史学63. Gymnosophy - 裸体哲学64. Hydrography - 海洋学65. Isomorphic - 同构的66. Jurisprudence - 法理学67. Kineticism - 运动主义68. Logarithm - 对数69. Monotheistic - 一神论的70. Nativity - 出生71. Omniscient - 无所不知的72. Parasitic - 寄生的73. Quixotic - 唐吉诃德式的74. Radiography - X光摄影75. Sophistication - 世故76. Teleology - 目的论77. Viscosity - 粘性78. Zoology - 动物学79. Anonymous - 匿名的80. Cacophony - 刺耳的声音81. Demography - 人口统计学82. Ecclesiastic - 教会的83. Fondest - 最喜欢的84. Gerontology - 老年学85. Harshness - 严酷86. Iconoclastic - 扫除偶像的87. Jurisdiction - 司法权88. Kinesthetic - 运动感知的89. Lyrical - 抒情的90. Megalomania - 自大狂91. Nihilism - 虚无主义92. Odious - 可憎的93. Psychosis - 精神病94. Quotidian - 通常的95. Radiant - 辐射的96. Somatic - 身体的97. Tactile - 触觉的98. Vegetarian - 素食主义的99. Wistful - 渴望的100. Xenophobic - 厌外的。
[转载]词根--spect原⽂地址:词根--spect作者:tina_yuan_tirespect由两部分构成,re-是⼀个前缀,意思是“again”,⼤家可以查⼀下《125个常⽤拉丁语词根》:re-, red- (Latin: back, backward, again; used as a prefix).-spect也是⼀个词根,意思是“look”,在《125个常⽤拉丁语词根》中也能查到:spec-, spic-, spect-, spectat-, spectro- -spectr, -spectful, -spection, -spective (Latin: see, sight, look, appear, behold, and examine).通过学习respect,我们可以认识两个词根,⼀个是re-,它经常作前缀,另⼀个是-spect:respect=re(again)+ spect(look)反复地看,作动词“尊敬”,作名词“尊敬;⽅⾯”。
respect[ris5pekt]n.尊敬, 敬重, 注意, 考虑, 尊重, 关系, 有关, 敬意,⽅⾯,着眼点vt.尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍respective[ris5pektiv]adj.分别的, 各⾃的友情提⽰:不要刻意去背词根,但你可以经常读⼀读,在学到某个单词中感觉⽤到某个词根的时候再去查⼀下,验证⼀下。
下⾯来看看⼏个与respect有关的例句,读⼀读,体会⼀下respect在句中是作什么词,什么意思?We respected our professor in many respects.我们在很多⽅⾯都尊敬我们的教授。
in many respects 在许多⽅⾯The students show great respect for their history teacher.学⽣对他们的历史⽼师表⽰出极⼤的尊重。
Expect 1)expect= ex (out) + (s)pect [提示]向外看,盼望归来→vt. 期待, 盼望
E.g. The couple is expecting their baby’s coming.。
2)expection=ex+(s)pec t+(t)ion (名词) n. 期待
Inspect inspect= in(into) + spect [提示]进入里面去看→ vt.仔细检查,深 入 调查=look into E.g. The policewoman is inspecting the baggage.
suspect 1) suspect= sus (sub下) + spect [提示]老师往桌子下面看,怀疑学生作弊→vt. 怀疑; n.嫌疑犯。
2)prospective=pro (forward)+spect (look)+ (t)ive (形容词) a. 预期的、未来的
spectacle 1)spectacle= spect + acle(名词) [提示] 看到的盛大景象→n.奇观, 景象; E.g. Viewed from the top of the mountain, the sunrise was indeed a spectacle.
Thank you for your listening.
Respect 1) respect= re(back) + spect [提示]礼貌性地相互看一眼→vt. 尊重 2)respect = re (again) + spect [提示]一再地看→n.着眼点,方面 with respect to 谈到… E.g.With respect to population explosion, different people may hold different views.
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高频核心词根第六组spect, spic, spis =look表示“看”高频白金词汇[提示] sp-是词根的根表示看,从一个单词spy 我们就可以记住它。
spy n.间碟(偷看) vt.发现(看到才叫发现) aspect = a + spect1) [助忆] 看了人一眼的印象→n.外貌,特征= outlook,featureA pleasing aspect 令人喜爱的模样.2) [助忆] 看到的一个方面→n.方面= facet [小翻译] 无论是什么事情,都有好的一面,也有坏的一面。
Everything has a good aspect and a bad aspect. (Every coin has two sides.)respect = re(back) + spect[助记]礼貌性地相互看一眼→vt. 尊重respect = re (again) + spect[助记]一再的看→n.着眼点,方面with respect to 谈到…= [口语]speaking of= [书面]when it comes to如何正确的使用?[小翻译1]谈到人口爆炸,不同的人持有不同的观点。
With respect to population explosion, different people may hold different views.[小翻译2]谈到私有汽车的猛增,人们的观点各不相同。
With respect to the sudden increase/sharp rise of private cars, different people may hold different views.[小翻译3]谈到安乐死, 不同的人持有不同的观点。
When it comes to the euthanasia, different people may hold different views.[辨析] respectable, respectfulrespectable a.令人尊敬的respectful a.充满敬意的[小翻译] 学生们充满敬意地与这位令人尊敬的教授谈话。
The students talk respectfully with the respectable professor.expect= ex (out) + (s)pect [助记]向外看,盼望爱人归来→vt. 期待, 盼望与“I’m waiting for you.”相比“I’m expecting you.”更有感情色彩,多了几分渴望的心态。
[单词组记] inspect, suspect, suspicious inspect = in(into) + spect[助记]进入里面去看→vt.仔细检查,深入调查=look intosuspect = sus (sub下) + spect[助记]老师往桌子下面看,怀疑学生作弊→vt.怀疑; n.嫌疑犯suspicious = sus + spic(=spect) + ious(形容词) a.可疑的, 怀疑的[高频短语] be suspicious of = suspect[小翻译]当一些女人怀疑自己丈夫有了婚外情,就会秘密地检查丈夫的手机,查找可疑短信。
[婚外情] extra-marital affairSome women secretly inspect their husband’s cell phones looking for suspicious messages when they suspect their husbands have extra-marital affairs.[辨析] spectator, audiencespectator = spect + ator(人)[助记]看大型演出和表演的人→n. 观众奥运会观众Olympic spectators电视节目观众Television audiences=viewersprospect = pro (forward )+ spect(look)[助记]向前看就充满了→n. 前景, 前途, 可能性[小翻译]由于Tom工作努力,他被提升为部门经理的希望很大。
Owing to his hardworking, Tom has a bright prospect of being promoted as a department manager.[小翻译]由于能源短缺,这种节能的迷你小汽车有着光明的前景.Because of energy shortage, this kind of energy-saving mini-car has a rosy prospect. [辨析] prospective, perspectiveprospective = pro(forward) + spect (look) +ive(形容词) →a.预期的,未来的= would-be, future, coming, anticipateda prospective buyer for the house潜在的购房者perspective = per (through穿过)+ spect + ive(名词)[助记] 看穿了→n.透视图画法;观点,看法= view[小翻译]从历史的角度from a historical perspective = from the viewpoint of historyspeculate=spec + ulate(动词)[助记]用心去看→v.推测, 思索; 投机[小翻译] 推测谁将在总统大选中获胜。
To speculate about who will win in the presidential election.[小翻译] 在房地产业投机To speculate in property industry.despise=de (down贬低) + spise[助记]往下看→vt.鄙视= look down upon/on [反] look up to, admiredespicable a.可鄙的;卑劣的[小翻译] “吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸.”People always pretend to despise those they do not have.spectacle= spect + acle(名词)[助记] 看到的盛大景象→n.奇观, 景象; spectacles眼镜[小翻译]从泰山顶上看去, 日出真是个奇观。
Viewed from the top of Mount Tai, the sunrise was indeed a spectacle.spectacular = spec + tacular (太酷了)[助记] 看了以后觉得太酷了→a.壮观的; n.盛大的演出.[小翻译] 壮观的奥运会的开幕式是真是一场盛大的演出。
The spectacular Olympic opening ceremony is indeed a spectacular.conspicuous = con (共同)+spic (看)+uous(形容词)[助记]大家都看得到的→a.显著的[近] obvious, noticeable[小翻译]一个来自江浙农村的贫困书生成功创办了一家在纽约证券交易所上市的私立学校,老俞是一个显著的例子。
“Lao Yu" is a conspicuous example of a country teacher who succeeded in starting up a private school listed on New York Securities Exchange. retrospect = retro(back) + spect[助记]往回看→n. v.回顾= look back respective = re(again) + spect + ive(形容词)[助记]再看一眼就能区分开了→a.分别的,各自的[小翻译] 他们回到各自的房间They went back to their respective rooms. irrespective = ir(not) + respect(尊重) + ive(形容词)[助记]不尊重的→不管的, 不顾的(of) irrespective of 是一个高分的写作表达方法,意思和用法完全= regardless of如何正确的使用?[小翻译1] 他不顾过去的失败,继续经营他的生意。
He continues to run his business, irrespective of(=regardless of) his past failures.[小翻译2] 这个保险业务员每周坚持发送信息,无论成功还是失败。
The insurance sales send information every week, irrespective of whether it’s successful or not.[小翻译3] 不顾被宝洁公司面试回绝了许多次,这个毕业生仍然坚持向这个公司投简历。
---- 典型的面霸This college graduate persists in sending Resume to P&G, irrespective of being rejected in the interview many times -- a typical master interviewee.[小翻译] 考霸master examinees高频黄金词汇espionage = e(ex) +sp (spy) + ionage(名词) [助记]派出间谍→n.侦察;间谍活动introspection = in (into) + spect + ion[助记]往内心里面看→反省,内省circumspect= circum(circle) +spect[助记]过马路前向四周看看→a.慎重的, 周到的conspectus = con (together)+ spect + us[助记]把看到的小标题放在一起→n.概论, 大纲spectrum = spect + rum(地方)[助记]看到的光排列在一个地方→n.光谱; (联想意义)entire range= 整个范围[小翻译] 价格上涨已经影响到了整个工业领域.Price hike has influenced the whole spectrum of industry.。