DA400AV FTW直驱转台






























二、结构和性能1. 结构杭州大天四轴加工中心采用整体铸造结构,具有良好的刚性和稳定性。




2. 性能杭州大天四轴加工中心具有以下性能特点:(1)高精度:采用进口精密滚珠丝杠和直线导轨,具有较高的定位精度和重复定位精度;(2)高效率:采用高功率主轴和快速刀库换刀系统,能够实现快速高效的加工;(3)多功能:具有铣削、镗削、钻削、攻丝等多种功能,适用于各种复杂形状的零件加工;(4)稳定性好:采用优质的传动件和控制系统,具有较高的工作稳定性和可靠性;(5)易操作:采用人机界面操作系统,操作简单、方便。

三、使用方法1. 准备工作(1)检查机床各部位的润滑情况,确保润滑油充足;(2)检查刀具和夹具的安装情况,确保固定牢固;(3)检查工件的装夹情况,确保工件安全可靠。

2. 加工操作(1)打开电源,启动机床;(2)根据加工需要,选择合适的切削工艺参数;(3)使用人机界面操作系统,输入加工程序和相关参数;(4)开始加工,监控加工过程,确保加工质量;(5)加工完成后,关闭机床,清理工作台和切屑。

四、维护保养1. 润滑维护(1)定期检查机床各部位的润滑情况,及时添加润滑油;(2)定期更换润滑油和润滑脂,确保润滑效果。

2. 清洁保养(1)定期清洁机床表面和内部,清除灰尘和切屑;(2)定期检查机床各部位的紧固件,确保紧固可靠。

3. 零部件维修(1)定期检查机床各部件的磨损情况,及时更换磨损严重的零部件;(2)定期检查传动系统和控制系统,确保其正常工作。

赛米控丹佛斯 SEMITRANS IGBT模块 SKM400GB12F4 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯 SEMITRANS IGBT模块 SKM400GB12F4 数据表

Rev. 1.0–29.01.20201SEMITRANS ®3GBHigh Speed IGBT4 ModulesSKM400GB12F4Features*•High speed trench and field-stop IGBT •CAL4 ultra-fast = soft switching 4. generation CAL-diode•Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper) •Increased power cycling capability •For higher switching frequencies above 15kHz•UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•UPS•Electronic welders •Inductive heating•Switched mode power suppliesRemarks•Case temperature limited to T c = 125°C max.•Recommended T op = -40 ... +150°C •Product reliability results valid for T j = 150°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitIGBT V CES T j =25°C 1200V I C T j =175°CT c =25°C 548A T c =80°C418A I Cnom 400A I CRMI CRM = 2 x I Cnom 800A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =800V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1200 V R G on/off ≥ 3 ΩT j =150°C10µs T j -40...175°C Inverse diodeV RRM T j =25°C 1200V I F T j =175°CT c =25°C 402A T c =80°C295A I Fnom 400A I FRM I FRM = 2xI Fnom800A I FSM t p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C1980A T j -40...175°C Module I t(RMS)500A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC sinus 50 Hz, t =1min4000VCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitIGBT V CE(sat)I C =400A V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 2.06 2.44V T j =150°C 2.59 2.97V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.10 1.28V T j =150°C 0.95 1.13V r CE V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 2.4 2.9m ΩT j =150°C4.14.6m ΩV GE(th)V GE =V CE , I C =15.2mA5.1 5.86.4V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1200V, T j =25°C 5mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0Vf =1MHz 24.6nF C oes f =1MHz 1.62nF C res f =1MHz1.38nF Q G V GE =- 8 V...+ 15 V 2268nC R Gint T j =25°C 1.6Ωt d(on)V CC =600V I C =400AV GE =+15/-15V R G on =2ΩR G off =1Ωdi/dt on =7960A/µs di/dt off =4430A/µs dv/dt =4530V/µs T j =150°C 110ns t r T j =150°C 55ns E on T j =150°C 28mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 415ns t f T j =150°C 75ns E off T j =150°C 32mJR th(j-c)per IGBT0.072K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.041K/W2Rev. 1.0–29.01.2020© by SEMIKRONSEMITRANS ®3GBHigh Speed IGBT4 ModulesSKM400GB12F4Features*•High speed trench and field-stop IGBT •CAL4 ultra-fast = soft switching 4. generation CAL-diode•Insulated copper baseplate using DBC technology (Direct Bonded Copper) •Increased power cycling capability •For higher switching frequencies above 15kHz•UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•UPS•Electronic welders •Inductive heating•Switched mode power suppliesRemarks•Case temperature limited to T c = 125°C max.•Recommended T op = -40 ... +150°C •Product reliability results valid for T j = 150°CCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse diodeV F = V EC I F =400AV GE =0V chiplevelT j =25°C 2.55 2.93V T j =150°C 2.44 2.80V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.51 1.75V T j =150°C 1.16 1.40V r FchiplevelT j =25°C 2.6 2.9m ΩT j =150°C3.2 3.5m ΩI RRM I F =400A di/dt off =7183A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =600VT j =150°C 424A Q rr T j=150°C51µC E rr T j =150°C 18.5mJR th(j-c)per diode0.14K/W R th(c-s)per diode (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.047K/W Module L CE 15nH R CC'+EE'measured per switchT C =25°C 0.55m ΩT C =125°C0.85m ΩR th(c-s)1calculated without thermal coupling 0.0109K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling, T s underneath module (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.017K/WM s to heat sink M635Nm M t to terminals M62.55Nm -Nm w325g© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–29.01.202034Rev. 1.0–29.01.2020© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 1.0–29.01.202056Rev. 1.0–29.01.2020© by SEMIKRONGBThis is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, chapter IX.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.7。

400NEDPV-3 3 孔终端装载洗衣机 萃取机规格说明书

400NEDPV-3 3 孔终端装载洗衣机 萃取机规格说明书

103" [2616mm]
54" [1372mm]
L1 L 2-LL 2-CL 2-R
! DAN GER A m p u t a t i o n hazard. T u r n i n g c y linder can t w i s t o ff ar m s.
Nev er r ea ch i nt o or p ull l i n e n fr o m a turning c yl in de r .
weight imbalance.
Shipping Weight
12,780 lbs [5,797 kg]
Operating Weight
15,630 lbs. [7,090kg]
Static Base Plate Loading
1464.9 lbs/sq.ft. [7,152 kg/m2]
Dynamic Base Plate Loading
D1 & D2 D3
4" [108mm] 23" [597mm]
27" [679mm]
88" [2248mm]
W1 W2 W3 W4
91" [2324mm]
47" [1194mm]
EL 400 – 3 POCKET (400NEDPV-3)
G.A. BRAUN, INC., P.O. BOX 3029, SYRACUSE, NY 13220, 315-475-3123



第一章WDZ-400系列微机厂用电综合保护测控装置综述1.概述WDZ-400 系列微机厂用电综合保护测控装置是我公司在总结具有丰富运行经验的WDZ-1 ,WDZ-2 ,WDZ-3 系列微机厂用电综合保护装置的基础上,吸收国外先进技术,向广大用户推出的集保护,测量,计量,控制,通讯于一体的高性能微机综合保护测控装置。


WDZ-400系列包含以下型号:WDZ-410 线路综合保护测控装置WDZ-430 电动机综合保护测控装置WDZ-431 电动机差动保护装置WDZ-440 低压变压器综合保护测控装置WDZ-441 低压变压器差动保护装置WDZ-485 单线路测控装置WDZ-486 双线路测控装置WDZ-487 多电流测控装置WDZ-488 双母线测控装置WDZ-489 多直流测控装置WDZ-491 电压互感器保护测控装置DCAP-4000M 主控单元上述各装置通过现场总线联网后构成DCAP-4000 分布式发电厂电气监控管理系统,如图1.1 所示。

DCAP-4000 发电厂电气监控管理系统参见《DCAP-4000 发电厂电气监控管理系统技术说明书》。

2.特点WDZ-400 系列微机厂用电综合保护测控装置具有以下显著特点:由WDZ-400 系列保护测控装置构成的DCAP-4000 发电厂电气监控管理系统是一个分层分布式系统,它采用一个元件(一个间隔)对应一个装置的分布式设计,可直 接安装在开关柜上, 各间隔功能独立,各装置之间仅通过网络联结, 网络组态灵活,使整个系统的可靠性得到很大提高,任一装置故障仅影响到相对应的元件。

由于使用了安全可靠的现场控制总线技术作为站内通讯层,各装置的信息在通讯层 共享,取消了大量的控制电缆,简化二次接线,减轻CT 、PT 负荷,减少施工难度及维护工作量,节省了大量的人力物力资源,从而大大降低了综合成本。






第二章:产品特点1. 高清显示:万利达40HD400采用高清液晶显示屏,支持1080p 的全高清分辨率,能够呈现细腻、清晰的图像,让您享受身临其境的观影体验。

2. 强大的音频效果:该电视机配备了立体声扬声器系统,能够提供清晰、逼真的音频效果,使您沉浸在音乐和电影的世界中。

3. 多种连接接口:万利达40HD400具备多种连接接口,包括HDMI、USB、AV等,用户可以轻松连接各种外部设备,如游戏机、蓝光播放器等,拓展娱乐选择。

4. 智能功能:该电视机内置智能平台,支持网络连接,用户可以通过内置的应用程序访问各种在线内容,如视频、音乐、新闻等,满足用户多样化的需求。

5. 节能环保:万利达40HD400采用了先进的节能技术,有效降低能耗,节省能源,减少对环境的影响。

第三章:使用方法1. 连接电源:将电视机插头插入电源插座,并按下电源按钮,待电视机亮起后,即可开始使用。

2. 连接天线:将天线线缆连接到电视机的天线接口上,确保连接牢固。

3. 连接外部设备:根据需要,使用相应的接口连接外部设备,如游戏机、DVD播放器等。

4. 调整图像和音频设置:通过菜单按钮进入设置界面,调整图像和音频效果,以获得更好的观影体验。

5. 使用智能功能:通过遥控器上的智能按钮或菜单按钮,进入智能平台,选择所需的应用程序或在线内容。

第四章:注意事项1. 请将电视机放置在通风良好、干燥的地方,避免阳光直射和潮湿环境,以免影响电视机的正常使用寿命。

2. 使用过程中请勿拆卸电视机外壳,以免触电或损坏内部零部件。



2 产品用途和使用范围 SZZ1000/400 型转载机用于中厚煤层综采工作面使用。该型转载机与工作面输送机、
采煤机和液压支架以及顺槽布置的破碎机、胶带输送机配套,施行采煤、破碎和运输。是 综合机械化采煤工作面的主要设备之一。
3 产品执行标准 MT/T106-1996 顺槽用刮板转载机通用技术条件
4 产口型号及配套设备 4.1 型号说明:

第一章 安全提示 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 第二章 概述-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 第三章 产品主要技术特征 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 第四章 产品结构和工作原理 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 第五章 安装调试和使用 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 第六章 使用注意事项和故障处理--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 第七章 安全措施 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 第八章 维护保养 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 第九章 贮存与运输 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 第十章 其它----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16



Soft Start-up ValveA V2000/3000/4000/5000Large effective area (mm ²)AV2000/ 20 (Body size: 1/4)AV3000/ 37 (Body size: 3/8)AV4000/ 61 (Body size: 1/2)AV5000/113 (Body size: 3/4)AV5000/122 (Body size: 1 )Low power consumption Manual supply/exhaust functionF.R.L. combinationsModular with F.R.L. combinationsAC2000AC2500AC3000∗AC4000AV2000AV3000AV4000AC5000AC6000AV5000F.R.L. combinationSoft start-up valve∗ Except AC4000-06Series AV5000 introduced!Soft start-upvalveNewCAT.ES40-39 BA start-up valve that gradually increases supply pressure during start up and rapidly exhausts system air when the supply air is shut offSoft Start-up ValveAV2000/3000/4000/5000How to Orderand electrical entry, etc.1SpecificationsPiston B switching pressure (Open→Closed)Symbol1(P)2(A)3(R)21Type Y DIN terminalType D DIN terminalNote 1) Use dry air when operating at a low temperature.Note 2) The grommet type can have a surge voltage suppressor (direct coupling type lead wire), butwithout indicator light.Soft Start-up Valve AV2000/3000/4000/50002AV2000/3000/4000/5000 Working Principle3Soft Start-up Valve AV2000/3000/4000/5000 Construction∗ Refer to page 1 for pilot valve assembly part number designations.4AV2000/3000/4000/5000 Dimensions5B210T B310T B410T B610TY20TY30T Y40TY60TAV2000AV3000AV4000AV5000T type bracket Spacer with T type bracketApplicable model B210L B310L B410L B610LY20L Y30L Y40L Y60LAV2000AV3000AV4000AV5000L type bracket Spacer with L type bracketApplicable model Y20Y30Y40Y60AV2000AV3000AV4000AV5000Applicable model Model SpacerL type bracketSpacer with L type bracket Spacer with L type bracketL type bracket T type bracketSpacer with T type bracketSpacer with T type bracket T type bracketINOUTR7Modular F.R.L. Combination SpacerSelect one of the spacers below when connecting to an F.R.L. combination unit (AC2000 to AC6000). (Spacers must be ordered separately.)Soft Start-up ValveAV2000/3000/4000/50006Series AV2000/3000/4000/5000Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent a hazardous situation and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by a label of "Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". To ensure safety, be sure to observe ISO 4414 Note 1), JIS B 8370 Note 2) and other safety practices.Note 1) ISO 4414 : Pneumatic fluid power -- Recommendations for the application of equipment to transmission andcontrol systems.Note 2) JIS B 8370 : General Rules for Pneumatic Equipment.7Indicator Light/Surge Voltage SuppressorCaution1. Preparation before pipingBefore piping is connected, it should be thoroughly blown out with air (flushing) or washed to remove chips, cutting oil and ot-her debris from inside the pipe.2. Wrapping of pipe tapeWhen connecting pipes and fittings, etc., be sure that chips from the pipe threads and sealing material do not get inside the valve.Further, when pipe tape is used, leave 1.5 to 2 thread ridges exposed at the end of the threads.PipingCaution3. Tighten threads with the proper tightening torque.When screwing fittings into valves, tighten with the torques gi-ven below.Tightening torque for pipingE x p . 2 t hr e a d s1. The valve has been lubricated for life at the factory, anddoes not require any further lubrication.2. In the event that it is lubricated, use Class 1 turbine oil (wit-hout additives), ISO VG32.However, once lubrication is applied it must be continued, as the original lubricant may be eliminated leading to mal-function.Contact SMC regarding Class 2 turbine oil (with additives), ISO VG32.LubricationCaution4. Connection of piping to productsWhen connecting piping to a product, refer to its instruction manual to avoid mistakes regarding the supply port, etc.5. F.R.L. module combinationWhen connecting to a modular F.R.L. combination (AC2000 to 6000), select one of the spacers, which are included. (Refer to page 6 for details.) However, modular combination with AC4000-06 is not possible.Furthermore, connect soft start-up valves to the secondary side of the F.R.L. combination.6. Primary side piping conditionsThe nominal size of the piping material's or equipment's bore should be equal to or larger than the soft start-up valve's port size. The composite effective area of the primary side's (P port side's) piping or equipment should be equal to or larger than the values below.When the piping is restricted or the supply pressure isinsufficient, the main valve will not switch and air leakage may occur from the R port.Terminal DIN terminal1+2–91. Use clean air.Do not use compressed air which contains chemicals, synthetic oils containing organic solvents, salts or corrosive gases, etc., as this can cause damage or malfunction.Air SupplyWarning1. Install air filters.Install air filters close to valves at their upstream side. A filtra-tion degree of 5µm or less should be selected.2. Install an after-cooler, air dryer or water sepa-rator, etc.Air that includes excessive drainage may cause malfunction of valves and other pneumatic equipment. To prevent this, install an after-cooler, air dryer or water separator, etc.Caution1. Perform maintenance procedures as shown in the instruction manual.If handled improperly, malfunction or damage of machinery or equipment may occur.2. Equipment removal and supply/exhaust of compressed airWhen equipment is removed, first confirm that measures are in place to prevent dropping of work pieces and run-away of equipment, etc. Then cut the supply pressure and power, and exhaust all compressed air from the system using its residual pressure release function.3. Low frequency operationValves should be switched at least once every 30 days to pre-vent malfunction. (Use caution regarding the air supply.)4. Manual override operationWhen the manual override is operated, connected equipment will be actuated. Confirm safety before operating.MaintenanceWarning1. Drainage removalRemove drainage from air filters regularly. (Refer to specifica-tions.)Caution1. Do not use valves in atmospheres of corrosi-ve gases, chemicals, salt water, water or steam, or where there is direct contact with any of these.2. Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.3. Do not use in locations subject to vibration or impact.4. A protective cover, etc., should be used to shield valves from direct sunlight.5. Shield valves from radiated heat generated by nearby heat sources.6. Employ suitable protective measures in loca-tions where there is contact with water dro-plets, oil or welding spatter, etc.7. In a dusty environment or when valve swit-ching noise is intrusive, take measures for the prevention of dust entry and for noise re-duction, such as mounting a silencer on the R port.Operating EnvironmentWarningChoke flow: when (P 2 + 0.1)/(P 1 + 0.1) ≤ 0.5Subsonic flow: when (P 2 + 0.1)/(P 1 + 0.1) > 0.5Q = 120 x S x (P 1 + 0.1) x —Q :Air flow rate [l /min (ANR)]S :Effective area (mm ²)P 1:Upstream pressure [MPa]P 2:Downstream pressure [MPa]t :Air temperature293273 + t Q = 240 x S x (P 1 – P 2)(P 2 + 0.1) x —293273 + tNote) Formulas above apply to compressed air only. Use conven-tional formulas for water and steam.AV2000/3000/4000/5000Specific Product Precautions 3Be sure to read before handling.Refer to page 7 for safety instructions.10。

歌林 DAS-400 200 卡拉OK功率放大器 使用说明书

歌林 DAS-400 200 卡拉OK功率放大器 使用说明书

使 用 说 明 书非常感谢您惠购我们的卡拉OK 功率放大器。



目录安全使用设备 ...............................................................2重要注意事项 ...............................................................5特点..............................................................................6连接前 ..........................................................................6前面板控制装置的名称及其功用...................................7后面板控制装置的名称及其功用...................................8系统连接.......................................................................10连接..............................................................................11基本操作.. (12)音频/视频信号测试模式 .............................................13视频转换.......................................................................13设定模式.......................................................................13故障排除.......................................................................14售后服务.......................................................................15使用者的风度 ...............................................................15知识产权.......................................................................15产品安全.......................................................................15规格 (16)卡拉OK 功率放大器KARAOKE A/V AMPLIFIERDAS-400/DAS-200安全使用设备•图形解释防止火灾、电击和人身伤害的说明图形符号示例--------------------请始终遵循以下指示--------------------一个三角形的图形里边有一个闪电形的箭头表明,警告设备里面有未绝缘的危险电压存在,该电压将足够让人有触电的危险。



IntroductionEZSAccessories InstallationEZC EZHC EZHP Accessories Installation DRL Accessories Installation DG Accessories InstallationMotorized Linear SlidesMotorized CylindersCompact Linear Actuators Hollow Rotary ActuatorsConnection and Operation■Names and Functions of Driver Parts●Power Input ConnectorMotorConnector□2□4□5□1□3Tables of each product settings Page ➜ D-154●With the high-resolution motor, the resolution is one-half the values specified below.●With the high-resolution motor, the resolution is one-half the values specified below.Notes:The resolutions are theoretical values.●The resolution is calculated by dividing the base resolution by the number of microstep.●The numbers of microsteps that can be specified by the●"Resolution Select" signal are limited to those selected in resolution 1 or resolution 2. Do not change the●"Resolution Select" signal input or resolution select switch while the actuator is operating. It may cause malfunction.IntroductionEZSAccessories Installation EZC EZHC EZHP Accessories Installation DRL Accessories Installation DG Accessories InstallationMotorized Linear SlidesMotorized Cylinders Compact Linear Actuators Hollow Rotary ActuatorsPower Supply◇Use a power supply that can supply sufficient input current.When power supply capacity is insufficient, a decrease in actuator output can cause the following malfunctions:Actuator does not move properly at high-speed (insufficient thrust). ●Slow actuator startup and stopping●C onnecting the Electromagnetic Brake to ◇Power SupplyConnect the red/white lead from the actuator to the ●+24 VDC terminal on the DC power supply and the black/white lead to the GND terminal. (The electromagnetic brake leads have polarity. The electromagnetic brake will not operate if the leads are connected in reverse polarity.)For the electromagnetic brake, use a power supply of 24 VDC ●±5%, 0.1 A or more for DRL42, or 24 VDC ±5%, 0.3 A or more for DRL60.To connect the electromagnetic brake to the DC power supply, use a ●shielded cable of AWG24 or thicker and keep the wiring distance to a minimum. Be sure to use the supplied surge suppressor to protect switch contact and suppress noise.Notes on Wiring◇Use twisted-pair wires of AWG24 to 22 and 2 m (6.6 ft.) ● or less in length for the signal lines.Note that as the length of the pulse signal line increases, the maximum ●transmission frequency decreases. Technical reference ➜ F-67Use wires of AWG22 for the power supply lines.●When assembling the connector, use the hand-operated crimp tool or the crimped driver lead wire set (sold separately). The crimp tool is not provided with the package. It must be purchased separately.Signal lines should be kept at least 2 cm (0.79 in.) away from power lines ●(power supply lines and motor lines). Do not wire the signal lines with the power lines in the same duct or bundle them together.Extension of the motor leads should be within 10 m (32.8 ft.).●If noise generated by the wiring and layout of motor cables and/or power ●cables causes a problem, try shielding the cables or insert ferrite cores.Incorrect connection of DC power input will lead to driver damage. Make ●sure that the polarity is correct before turning the power on.Connection Diagram●DriverController Input/Output Signal Connection◇Keep the input signal V ●0 between 5 VDC and 24 VDC.When V 0 is equal to 5 VDC, the external resistor R 1 is not necessary. When V 0 is above 5 VDC, connect R 1 to keep the current between 10 mA and 20 mA.Example: When V 0 is 24 VDC R 1: 1.5 to 2.2 k Ω, 0.5 W or moreKeep the output signal voltage V ●0 between 5 VDC and 24 VDC, current 10 mA or less. When V 0 is above 10 mA, connect R 2 to keep the current 10 mA or less.Description of Input/Output Signals●Pulse (CW) and Rotation Direction (CCW) Input SignalInput Circuit and Sample Connection◇Notes:Keep the input signal voltage V ●0 between 5 VDC and 24 VDC.When V ●0 is equal to 5 VDC, the external resistor R 1 is not necessary. When V 0 is above 5 VDC, connect R 1 to keep the current between 10 mA and 20 mA.Pulse Waveform Characteristics◇ON ON Pulse Input SignalRotation Direction Input Signal 2Pulse Duty: 50% and belowThe shaded area indicates when the photocoupler diode is ON. The actuator moves when the ✽photocoupler state changes from ON to OFF.The minimum interval time when changing rotation direction 10 ●μs is shown as a responsetime of circuit. This value varies greatly depending on the actuator type and load inertia.Pulse Input Mode ◇1-Pulse Input Mode●The 1-pulse input mode uses "Pulse" and "Rotation Direction" signals. When the "Pulse" input is switched from ON to OFF while the "Rotation Direction" input is ON, the screw shaft moves one step forward. When the "Pulse" input is switched from ON to OFF while the "Rotation Direction" input is OFF , the screw shaft moves onestep backward.ON OFFON OFFMovement of the Screw Shaft Pulse InputRotation Direction Backward DirectionForward Direction 2-Pulse Input Mode●The 2-pulse input mode uses "CW" and "CCW" pulse signals.When the "CW" input is switched from ON to OFF , the screw shaft moves one step forward. When the "CCW" input is switched from ON to OFF , the screw shaft moves one step backward.CW Input CCW InputScrew ShaftON ON All Windings Off (A.W.OFF)/Resolution Select (C/S)/Automatic Current Cutback Release (C.D.INH) Input SignalInput Circuit and Sample Connection◇Note:Keep the input signal voltage V ●0 between 5 VDC and 24 VDC. When V 0 is equal to 5 VDC, the external resistor R 1 is not necessary. When V 0 is above 5 VDC, connect R 1 to keep the current between 10 mA and 20 mA.All Windings Off (A.W.OFF) Input Signal ◇Pin No.⑤, ⑥This signal is used when moving the screw shaft for manual ●positioning.When the "All Windings Off" input is turned "ON," the motor ●current turns off and the actuator loses its holding torque.When the "All Windings Off" input is turned "OFF ," the motor ●current turns on and the actuator regains its holding torque.ON OFFAll Windings Off SignalMotor Current Motor Holding TorqueNote:When operating the actuator, this switch must be "OFF."●R esolution Select (C/S) Input Signal ◇Pin No.⑦,⑧This signal is used to switch between two resolutions set by ●resolution setting switch (DATA1, DATA2). When the "Resolution Select" input is in the "photocoupler OFF" state, the resolution set by resolution setting switch DATA1 is selected. When the "Resolution Select" input is in the "photocoupler ON" state, the resolution set by resolution setting switch DATA2 is selected.Example: C hanging the resolution from 0.0004 mm (0.000016 in.)(10 microsteps/step) to 0.004 mm (0.00016 in.) (1 microsteps/step) (DRL42P )CW PulseActuatorResolution Select Signal (DATA1)(DATA2)10 Pulses1 PulseON OFFA utomatic Current Cutback Release (C.D.INH) Input Signal ◇Pin No.⑨, ⑩Turning the "Automatic Current Cutback Release" input "ON" will ●disable the automatic current cutback function when the actuator is at standstill. Turning the "Automatic Current Cutback Release" input "OFF" will enable the automatic current cutback function. When the automatic current cutback function is enabled, the output current to the motor will be automatically reduced within approximately 0.1 second after the pulse input is stopped, thus suppressing heat generation from the motor and driver.IntroductionEZSAccessories Installation EZC EZHC EZHP Accessories Installation DRL Accessories Installation DG Accessories InstallationMotorized Linear SlidesMotorized Cylinders Compact Linear Actuators Hollow Rotary ActuatorsExcitation Timing (TIM.) Output SignalOutput Circuit and Sample Connection◇Note:Keep the output signal voltage V ●0 between 5 VDC and 24 VDC, current 10 mA or less.When V 0 is above 10 mA, connect the external resistor R 2 as shown in the figure to keep the current 10 mA or less.This signal is used for precise home detection, etc.●The "Excitation Timing" output comes on every particular amount Excitation Timing OutputON OFFMovement of the Screw Shaft Timing Chart●The shaded section indicates that the photocoupler is on.ActuatorDriver Power Input 2-Pulse Input Mode 1-Pulse Input ModeRotation Direction Input SignalPulse Input Signal CW Pulse Input SignalCCW Pulse Input SignalAll Windings Off Input Signal Resolution Select Input SignalON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFFElectromagnetic Brake Power InputONOFF ✽51 ✽ The minimum switching time to change rotation direction (1-pulse input mode), and switching time to change CW, CCW pulse (2-pulse input mode) 10 μs is shown as a response time of circuit.The actuator may need more time.2 ✽ Depends on load inertia, load torque and starting frequency.3 ✽ Never input a pulse signal immediately after switching the "All Windings Off" signal to the "photocoupler OFF" state. The actuator may not start.4 ✽ Wait at least five seconds before turning on the power again.5 ✽ Only for electromagnetic brake type。






1. 实验测定法实验测定法需要使用专业仪器进行测量,具体步骤如下:(1)将伺服电机安装在测试台上,并连接好测试仪器。




2. 理论计算法理论计算法主要基于物理学原理进行推导和计算,具体步骤如下:(1)确定伺服电机的几何形状和质量分布情况。



三、影响因素400w伺服电机转动惯量受多种因素的影响,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 电机质量分布情况伺服电机的质量分布情况是影响其转动惯量的重要因素。


2. 转轴直径和长度转轴直径和长度也是影响400w伺服电机转动惯量的重要因素。


3. 转速在相同条件下,伺服电机的转速越高,其转动惯量也会相应增大。

4. 温度温度对伺服电机的材料性能有很大影响。








直接驱动旋转电动机⏹直接驱动、无刷电机与编码器和轴承完全整合为一体⏹无齿槽转矩⏹低速和高速绕组⏹通过索引脉冲精确复位1. 终端至终端, 25摄氏度1. 终端至终端, 25摄氏度.1. 终端至终端, 25摄氏度2. 可选3. 受限于母线电压和编码器输出频率ADR110-A75ADR135-A90ADR175-A102ADR220-A120ADR360-A150ADR110-A75-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR110-A75-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR110-A98-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR110-A98-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR135-A90-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR135-A90-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR135-A115-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR135-A115-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR175-A102-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR175-A102-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR175-A138-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR175-A138-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR220-A120-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR220-A120-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR220-A165-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR220-A165-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR360-A150-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR360-A150-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VACADR360-A215-S Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC ADR360-A215-P Speed-Torque Curve@220VAC如何订购P20 = 轴向跳动20um, 径向跳动20umP15 = 轴向跳动15um, 径向跳动15umP10 = 轴向跳动10um, 径向跳动10umP5 = 轴向跳动5um, 径向跳动5umJ= 温控开关K= PT100 (热电阻)示例: ADR175-A138-S-J-3.0-MS-16384-40X-P10。

威力电气 ZBTZ、ZBTD、ZCTD 系列 调节型电动执行机构 使用说明书

威力电气 ZBTZ、ZBTD、ZCTD 系列 调节型电动执行机构 使用说明书

ZBTZ 直行程 ZBTD、ZCTD 多转式 系列 QBTJ、DQTJ 角行程调节型电动执行机构 使 用 说 明 书一、概述........................................................................................................................................... - 1 -二、型号表示方法........................................................................................................................... - 1 -三、工作环境和主要性能参数....................................................................................................... - 1 -四、规格和主要技术参数............................................................................................................... - 2 -五、工作原理和产品结构............................................................................................................... - 3 - 六.外形及连接尺寸....................................................................................................................... - 4 -七、电气原理和接线....................................................................................................................... - 9 -八、安装调试................................................................................................................................. - 13 -1、安装和接线........................................................................................................................ - 13 -2、行程控制机构的调整........................................................................................................ - 13 -3、力矩控制机构的调整........................................................................................................ - 14 -4、开度机构的调整................................................................................................................ - 16 -5、阀位变送器(BS-2)的调整............................................................................................ - 16 -6、死区和运动禁止时间的调整............................................................................................ - 17 -7、运行准备............................................................................................................................ - 17 -九、常见故障及排除..................................................................................................................... - 17 -十、注意事项................................................................................................................................. - 17 - 十一.订货须知............................................................................................................................. - 18 -调节型电动执行机构是ZB型、ZC型、QB型电动装置的派生产品。

Panasonic AV—HS400AMC多格式一体化切换台

Panasonic AV—HS400AMC多格式一体化切换台

Panasonic AV—HS400AMC多格式一体化切换台


PX298MC与Panasonic全国首台AV-HS切换台交付云南台签字仪式 [J],
2.Panasonic推出新款AV—HS410多格式现场切换台 [J],
3.Panasonic举办全国首台AV-HS6000切换台交付云南广播电视台签约仪式 [J],
4.Panasonic 推出新款 AV-HS410 多格式现场切换台 [J],
5.Panasonic全国首台AV-HS6000切换台交付云南广播电视台 [J],

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mm Ø400
YRT-type 260
bar 80-100
bar 250 rpm 100
kg 600 Nm 8000 Nm 5000
Nm 550 Nm 950
25% mm 0.006 mm 0.006
0.001 ±3
l/min minimum 10.3 bar 3-4
nominal turning moment peak moment power on-time Face plate wobble Concentricity Resolution, i.e. smallest fractional pitch in degree Dividing accuracy in arc sec Requested cooling flow rate Requested coolant pressure
hydraulic oil supply - triple nominal rotating speed Permissible transport load Permissible tilting moment in locked table pos. Permissible tangential moment in locked table position
NC-Rotary Table housing designed as mounting table (suitable for vertical axis, usable as positioning axis)
Size of table board clamping star with pallet clamping system Bearing of the table board on combined axial radial roller bearings Drive by Torquemotor Hydraulic-mechanical clamping device Required hydraulic pressure Pressure switch to contrf the costumer)
NC-Rotary Table
housing designed as mounting table (suitable for vertical axis, usable as positioning axis)
Size of table board clamping star with pallet clamping system Bearing of the table board on combined axial radial roller bearings Drive by Torquemotor Hydraulic-mechanical clamping device Required hydraulic pressure Pressure switch to control the clamping device (part of the costumer) Position measuring on the table shaft axis by encoder, made by Dr. Heidenhain RCN 226 5“ ENDAT hydraulic oil supply - triple nominal rotating speed Permissible transport load Permissible tilting moment in locked table pos. Permissible tangential moment in locked table position
nominal turning moment peak moment power on-time Face plate wobble Concentricity Resolution, i.e. smallest fractional pitch in degree Dividing accuracy in arc sec Requested cooling flow rate Requested coolant pressure