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竹叶黄酮是我国新开发的一种植物类黄酮制剂,由于其具有优良的抗自由基、 抗氧化、抗衰老、及保护心血管等方面的生物学功效,目前已受到国内外市场的 广泛关注。为了全面考察竹叶黄酮的性质,本论文采用天然的刚竹属毛竹叶为原 料,对竹叶黄酮的提取、含量检测、分离纯化、抗氧化活性及构-效关系等方面作 了较系统的研究,主要研究内容和实验结果如下:
the antioxidant activity-structure relationship of flavonoids. From the above series experiments, it was proved that the bamboo leaves
flavonoids was a excellent flavonoids prepration. The research provided important theoretical and pratical guidances for exploiting and using of bamboo resource. Key words: bamboo leaves flavonoids, extraction, enrichment, antioxidant,
近年来,自由基生命科学的进展,使具有强抗氧化和清除自由基作用的类黄 酮受到空前的重视。二十世纪 80 年代以来,有研究报导[4-5]从竹叶中提取食品防腐 剂、杀菌剂和叶绿素等;90 年代以来,人们开始关注竹叶中黄酮类化合物的存在 及其生物学活性[6-9]。1998 年,我国研究人员在借鉴国内外植物黄酮提取方面的各 种专利技术的基础上,结合竹叶中黄酮类化合物存在的特点,创造了经济、适用、 独特的提取工艺,获得了国家发明专利,并率先在浙江实现了产业化生产,至此, 竹叶黄酮提取物正式面世。同年,(淡)竹叶被卫生部正式批准列入了“药食两用的 天然植物名单”[10]。1999 年竹叶黄酮获国家级新产品证书,其衍生产品---竹康宁 胶囊获卫生部保健食品批文,竹叶啤酒和竹叶饮料等也纷纷上市[11]。
采用化学发光法测定了提取物清除 O2-.和·OH 的能力。结果表明竹叶提取物 抗氧化性能优良;同时发现黄酮并不是竹叶提取物中唯一的抗氧化有效成分,鞣 质、氨基酸也有相当强的抗氧化能力;竹叶提取物是一组复杂的、而又有相互协 同增效作用的混合物,进一步分离纯化并不一定能提高其抗氧化活性。
最后,讨论了黄酮类化合物的构-效关系。选取槲皮素为代表,用密度函数方 法对槲皮素分子及其自由基进行了理论计算,并从几何结构、前线轨道、单电子 分布、离解能等角度分析了影响黄酮类化合物抗氧化活性的结构因素。
activity-structure relationship
1.1 前言
竹子是禾本科竹亚科多年生常绿植物。全世界已记载的竹子约有 70 多属 1200 多种,广泛分布于东南亚地区、印度、中国南部、南美洲和日本等国。我国是世 界竹子中心产地之一,约有 30 个属 300 多种,主要分布在广东、广西、福建、浙 江、湖南、江西、四川、江苏、贵州和云南等省区,约 6000 多万亩。
竹叶在我国具有悠久的药用和食用历史,是中医一味著名的清热解毒药。《本 草求真》曰:“竹味据书载,凉心缓脾、清痰止渴,为治上焦风邪烦热、咳逆喘促、 呕岁吐血、一切中风惊痫等症,无非因其轻能解上、辛能散郁、甘能缓脾、凉能 入心、寒能疗热故耳。”《药品化义》载 “竹叶清香透心,微苦凉热,气味俱清。” 《经曰》:“治温以清,心清心气,味淡利窍,使心经热血分解。主治暑热消渴, 胸中热痰,伤寒虚烦,咳逆喘促,皆用为良剂也。又取清气入肺,是以清气分之 势,非叶不能……。”另据《中药大辞典》记载,淡竹叶功用主治:清热除烦,生 津利尿,治热病烦渴,小儿惊痫,咳逆吐血,面赤、小便短赤,口糜舌疮等[1]。竹 叶及其嫩茎是动物界活化石—大熊猫—的专一食料。阔叶竹的叶常被用来包裹食 物,如我国的粽子和日本的寿司等。在我国少数民族地区还有饮用竹筒茶、竹叶 茶,吃竹米饭的习惯[2]。 1977 年以来的历版《中华人民共和国药典》对淡竹叶均 有收载[3]。
1.2 竹叶的有效成分
近年来的研究表明,竹叶中含有大量的黄酮、酚酸、蒽醌类化合物[9]、生物活 性多糖[12]、香豆素类内酯[13]、特种氨基酸[14]、芳香成分[15]和锰、锌、硒等微量元 素[16]。
1.2.1 碳苷黄酮
对刚竹属的桂竹叶总黄酮进行分离,结果得黄酮类成分 21 种,其中 20 种为 黄酮苷,并以 C—糖苷为主。四种主要的竹叶碳苷黄酮分别是荭草苷(Orientin)、异 荭草苷(Homoorientin)、牡荆苷(Vitexin)和异牡荆苷(Isoviextin)。
选用了分光光度法和高效液相色谱法二种方法对竹叶提取物中的总黄酮含量 进行了检测,并对结果进行比较,确立了定量检测方法。
经单因素优选实验和正交实验,确定了竹叶黄酮的最佳提取工艺。最佳提取 条件为 70%乙醇,以 20:1 的液固比,提取三次,每次 1.5 个小时。
通过对几种树脂的考察,认为 AB-8 树脂的分离、纯化效果最好。经 AB-8 树 脂富集后,产品中总黄酮纯度为 28.94%,而上柱前样液中总黄酮纯度为 9.80%, 提高了 2.95 倍,达到了富集、分离的目的。且总黄酮含量高于张英等提出的用溶 剂萃取法的专利,此专利所得黄酮纯度为 24%。
The abilities of scavenging and O2-.and ·OH of the extract of bamboo was detected by chemiluminescence. The results showed that antioxidant activity of the extract was excellent; the flavonoids was not the only antioxidant effective position in the extract of bamboo, tannin and δ-OH-Lys had also quite strong antioxidant ability; the extract of bamboo leaves was a complex and synergistic mixture and it was no effective on antioxidant activity to purify further.
Finally, relationship between flavonoids structure and bioactivity was been discussed. Quercetin was selected to be a deputy. A DFT study was performed on quercetin and its possible radicals, and the geometry, the frontier orbitals, the distribution of unpaired electron and the dissociation energy were employed to elucidate
H异牡荆苷ຫໍສະໝຸດ HGluH
碳苷黄酮与普通的氧苷黄酮相比,具有以下几方面的突出优点:(1)结构稳定, 不易被降解;(2)能深入病灶部位,直接发挥药效;(3)亲水性增强,有利于食品和药 物的开发。国际学术界从 20 世纪 90 年代起开始关注碳苷黄酮,此领域属最新研究 前沿[18]。
HPLC and UV-VIS spectrophotometry were applied to detect the content of total flavonoids in the experiment and two detection results were compared . The method of quantitative detection was established
By reviewing for several resins, the separation and purification effect of AB-8 resin was best .After enriched by AB-8 resin, the total flavonoids content was enhanced greatly, from 9.80% to 28.94%, increased 2.95 times. The goal of enrichment and isolation was realized. The result was better than of the solvent extraction patent provided by Zhang Ying, in which the result was 24%.
图 1.1 竹叶碳苷黄酮的分子示意图 Fig 1.1 Molecular formula of C-flavonoids in bamboo leaves
式中各基团与 4 种竹叶碳苷黄酮的对应关系如表 1 所示:
表 1.1 式中各基团与 4 种竹叶碳苷黄酮对应关系表 Table 1.1 The relationship between each fragment and four C-flavonoids
通过以上一系列的实验证明,竹叶黄酮确实是一种优良的黄酮类制剂。本课 题的研究为竹叶资源的开发和利用提供了重要的理论和实践指导。
关键词: 竹叶黄酮,提取,富集,抗氧化,构-效关系
The bamboo leaves flavonoids is a new developing natural plant flavone prepration.It has many fine functions, such as anti-free radical, oxidation resistance and protecting vasular system etc. Nowadays, it has received broad attention from all over the world. In order to review roundly the characters of bamboo leaves flavonoids, the next systematical work had been done in the paper: taking the leaves of phyllostachys bamboo as raw material, studying on the extraction, purification, antioxidant activity and the relationship between the structure and antioxidant activity of flavonoids in the bamboo leaves. The main reseach contents and results are as follows:
By good single factor selecting experiment and Orthogonal Design, the best technology for extracting bamboo leaves was established.The best extraction conditions was 70% ethanol as solvent, three times of extraction, 1.5 hours per time and the 1:30(w/v) of material and alcohol ratio.
竹叶黄酮是我国新开发的一种植物类黄酮制剂,由于其具有优良的抗自由基、 抗氧化、抗衰老、及保护心血管等方面的生物学功效,目前已受到国内外市场的 广泛关注。为了全面考察竹叶黄酮的性质,本论文采用天然的刚竹属毛竹叶为原 料,对竹叶黄酮的提取、含量检测、分离纯化、抗氧化活性及构-效关系等方面作 了较系统的研究,主要研究内容和实验结果如下:
the antioxidant activity-structure relationship of flavonoids. From the above series experiments, it was proved that the bamboo leaves
flavonoids was a excellent flavonoids prepration. The research provided important theoretical and pratical guidances for exploiting and using of bamboo resource. Key words: bamboo leaves flavonoids, extraction, enrichment, antioxidant,
近年来,自由基生命科学的进展,使具有强抗氧化和清除自由基作用的类黄 酮受到空前的重视。二十世纪 80 年代以来,有研究报导[4-5]从竹叶中提取食品防腐 剂、杀菌剂和叶绿素等;90 年代以来,人们开始关注竹叶中黄酮类化合物的存在 及其生物学活性[6-9]。1998 年,我国研究人员在借鉴国内外植物黄酮提取方面的各 种专利技术的基础上,结合竹叶中黄酮类化合物存在的特点,创造了经济、适用、 独特的提取工艺,获得了国家发明专利,并率先在浙江实现了产业化生产,至此, 竹叶黄酮提取物正式面世。同年,(淡)竹叶被卫生部正式批准列入了“药食两用的 天然植物名单”[10]。1999 年竹叶黄酮获国家级新产品证书,其衍生产品---竹康宁 胶囊获卫生部保健食品批文,竹叶啤酒和竹叶饮料等也纷纷上市[11]。
采用化学发光法测定了提取物清除 O2-.和·OH 的能力。结果表明竹叶提取物 抗氧化性能优良;同时发现黄酮并不是竹叶提取物中唯一的抗氧化有效成分,鞣 质、氨基酸也有相当强的抗氧化能力;竹叶提取物是一组复杂的、而又有相互协 同增效作用的混合物,进一步分离纯化并不一定能提高其抗氧化活性。
最后,讨论了黄酮类化合物的构-效关系。选取槲皮素为代表,用密度函数方 法对槲皮素分子及其自由基进行了理论计算,并从几何结构、前线轨道、单电子 分布、离解能等角度分析了影响黄酮类化合物抗氧化活性的结构因素。
activity-structure relationship
1.1 前言
竹子是禾本科竹亚科多年生常绿植物。全世界已记载的竹子约有 70 多属 1200 多种,广泛分布于东南亚地区、印度、中国南部、南美洲和日本等国。我国是世 界竹子中心产地之一,约有 30 个属 300 多种,主要分布在广东、广西、福建、浙 江、湖南、江西、四川、江苏、贵州和云南等省区,约 6000 多万亩。
竹叶在我国具有悠久的药用和食用历史,是中医一味著名的清热解毒药。《本 草求真》曰:“竹味据书载,凉心缓脾、清痰止渴,为治上焦风邪烦热、咳逆喘促、 呕岁吐血、一切中风惊痫等症,无非因其轻能解上、辛能散郁、甘能缓脾、凉能 入心、寒能疗热故耳。”《药品化义》载 “竹叶清香透心,微苦凉热,气味俱清。” 《经曰》:“治温以清,心清心气,味淡利窍,使心经热血分解。主治暑热消渴, 胸中热痰,伤寒虚烦,咳逆喘促,皆用为良剂也。又取清气入肺,是以清气分之 势,非叶不能……。”另据《中药大辞典》记载,淡竹叶功用主治:清热除烦,生 津利尿,治热病烦渴,小儿惊痫,咳逆吐血,面赤、小便短赤,口糜舌疮等[1]。竹 叶及其嫩茎是动物界活化石—大熊猫—的专一食料。阔叶竹的叶常被用来包裹食 物,如我国的粽子和日本的寿司等。在我国少数民族地区还有饮用竹筒茶、竹叶 茶,吃竹米饭的习惯[2]。 1977 年以来的历版《中华人民共和国药典》对淡竹叶均 有收载[3]。
1.2 竹叶的有效成分
近年来的研究表明,竹叶中含有大量的黄酮、酚酸、蒽醌类化合物[9]、生物活 性多糖[12]、香豆素类内酯[13]、特种氨基酸[14]、芳香成分[15]和锰、锌、硒等微量元 素[16]。
1.2.1 碳苷黄酮
对刚竹属的桂竹叶总黄酮进行分离,结果得黄酮类成分 21 种,其中 20 种为 黄酮苷,并以 C—糖苷为主。四种主要的竹叶碳苷黄酮分别是荭草苷(Orientin)、异 荭草苷(Homoorientin)、牡荆苷(Vitexin)和异牡荆苷(Isoviextin)。
选用了分光光度法和高效液相色谱法二种方法对竹叶提取物中的总黄酮含量 进行了检测,并对结果进行比较,确立了定量检测方法。
经单因素优选实验和正交实验,确定了竹叶黄酮的最佳提取工艺。最佳提取 条件为 70%乙醇,以 20:1 的液固比,提取三次,每次 1.5 个小时。
通过对几种树脂的考察,认为 AB-8 树脂的分离、纯化效果最好。经 AB-8 树 脂富集后,产品中总黄酮纯度为 28.94%,而上柱前样液中总黄酮纯度为 9.80%, 提高了 2.95 倍,达到了富集、分离的目的。且总黄酮含量高于张英等提出的用溶 剂萃取法的专利,此专利所得黄酮纯度为 24%。
The abilities of scavenging and O2-.and ·OH of the extract of bamboo was detected by chemiluminescence. The results showed that antioxidant activity of the extract was excellent; the flavonoids was not the only antioxidant effective position in the extract of bamboo, tannin and δ-OH-Lys had also quite strong antioxidant ability; the extract of bamboo leaves was a complex and synergistic mixture and it was no effective on antioxidant activity to purify further.
Finally, relationship between flavonoids structure and bioactivity was been discussed. Quercetin was selected to be a deputy. A DFT study was performed on quercetin and its possible radicals, and the geometry, the frontier orbitals, the distribution of unpaired electron and the dissociation energy were employed to elucidate
H异牡荆苷ຫໍສະໝຸດ HGluH
碳苷黄酮与普通的氧苷黄酮相比,具有以下几方面的突出优点:(1)结构稳定, 不易被降解;(2)能深入病灶部位,直接发挥药效;(3)亲水性增强,有利于食品和药 物的开发。国际学术界从 20 世纪 90 年代起开始关注碳苷黄酮,此领域属最新研究 前沿[18]。
HPLC and UV-VIS spectrophotometry were applied to detect the content of total flavonoids in the experiment and two detection results were compared . The method of quantitative detection was established
By reviewing for several resins, the separation and purification effect of AB-8 resin was best .After enriched by AB-8 resin, the total flavonoids content was enhanced greatly, from 9.80% to 28.94%, increased 2.95 times. The goal of enrichment and isolation was realized. The result was better than of the solvent extraction patent provided by Zhang Ying, in which the result was 24%.
图 1.1 竹叶碳苷黄酮的分子示意图 Fig 1.1 Molecular formula of C-flavonoids in bamboo leaves
式中各基团与 4 种竹叶碳苷黄酮的对应关系如表 1 所示:
表 1.1 式中各基团与 4 种竹叶碳苷黄酮对应关系表 Table 1.1 The relationship between each fragment and four C-flavonoids
通过以上一系列的实验证明,竹叶黄酮确实是一种优良的黄酮类制剂。本课 题的研究为竹叶资源的开发和利用提供了重要的理论和实践指导。
关键词: 竹叶黄酮,提取,富集,抗氧化,构-效关系
The bamboo leaves flavonoids is a new developing natural plant flavone prepration.It has many fine functions, such as anti-free radical, oxidation resistance and protecting vasular system etc. Nowadays, it has received broad attention from all over the world. In order to review roundly the characters of bamboo leaves flavonoids, the next systematical work had been done in the paper: taking the leaves of phyllostachys bamboo as raw material, studying on the extraction, purification, antioxidant activity and the relationship between the structure and antioxidant activity of flavonoids in the bamboo leaves. The main reseach contents and results are as follows:
By good single factor selecting experiment and Orthogonal Design, the best technology for extracting bamboo leaves was established.The best extraction conditions was 70% ethanol as solvent, three times of extraction, 1.5 hours per time and the 1:30(w/v) of material and alcohol ratio.