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1.What’s your favourite sport?你最喜欢的运动是什么?

2.Ping-pong is my favourite sport.乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动。

3.I like basketball best.我最喜欢篮球。

4.Can you teach me to play ping-pong?你能教我打乒乓球吗?


6.I always wear a T-shirt to play ping-pong.我总是穿着体恤衫


7.Excuse me.Do you have any T-shirt?打扰一下。你们有体恤衫


8.Yes.I’ll show you.是的。我带你去。

9.Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?你是喜欢这个体恤衫


10.I want this one.我想这个。

11.A re you ready to learn to play basketball?你准备好学打篮球

了吗?12.I am throwing the basketball.我正在投球。

13.T his is too difficult.这太难了。

14.I am hitting the ball to Jenny.我正把球打给珍妮。

15.D id you have fun today?你们今天玩得开心吗?

16.Y es,we did.是的,我们玩得很开心。

17.L i Ming bought a T-shirt today.今天,李明买了一个体恤衫。

18.I taught Li Ming to throw and catch the ball.我叫李明投球和


19.I want to be a basketball player like him.我想成为像他一样


20.E veryone wants to be strong and healthy.每个人都想拥有强


21.D anny had breakfast once last week.丹尼上周吃了一次早饭。

22.W hen did he have breakfast?他什么时候吃的早饭?

23.H ow often do you eat vegetables?你多久吃一次蔬菜?

24.H ow often do you eat fruit?你多久吃一次水果?

25.A n apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,疾病远


26.H ow many minutes doyou walk?你走多少分钟?

27.H ow often do you exercise,Danny?你多久锻炼一次,丹尼。

28.R iding a bike is exercise.骑自行车是锻炼。

29.I always go to school on time.我总是按时去上学。

30.I clean my bedroom on Saturdays.在星期六我打扫我打卧室。

31.M any trees don’t have any leaves.许多树没有叶子。

32.I t’s hot in summer.Trees have green leaves.夏天天气炎热,树


33.I n summer,I like to swim.在夏天,我喜欢游泳。

34.I like to sit in the sun.我喜欢坐在太阳底下。

35.S ometimes I play sports with my friends.有时我和朋友一起


36.W hat will we do?我们将要干什么?

37.W e will go to the park.我们将要去公园。38.I will pick some flowers for my mother.我要给妈妈摘些花。

39.Y ou can’t pick the flowers in the park.你不能在花园里摘花。

40.I will not fly a kite.我不会放风筝。

41.Y es terday I went to school by bus.昨天我做公共汽车去学校。

42.I will be in China for the summer holiday.我要在中国过暑假。

43.W ill you swim in the sea?你要在海里游泳吗?

44.T hat will be fun.那很有趣。

45.T he wind is not too strong.风不是很大。

46.E veryone will look up at me。每个人都抬头看着我。

47.W hat will you do this summer?今年暑假你将要干什么?

48.W hen will you travel?你将要什么时候旅行?

49.W here will you go this summer?今年暑假你将要去哪里?

50.W ho will you travel with?你将要和谁去旅行?
