科技论文写作 how to write a scientific research article for an academic journal

1. State the main findings emphasising the new contributions to the research area and the important conclusions that follow from them. 2. Get rid of bad news by outlining the weaknesses of the study 3. But on other hand… outline the strengths of evidence. 4. Put the findings in context. Compare and contrast the findings by detailing the results from previous studies on the same topic. 5. Unanswered questions and outline future research. 6. Implications and take home message referring to study objectives.
1. Decide on the target audience and the journal you plan to submit your manuscript to. Each journal has specific requirements for writing style and these preferences should be followed.
This article details step-by-step instructions on how to write a scientific paper for publication in a medical journal. These instructions are based on a method devised by Tim Albert, a UK-based medical writing specialist who conducts writing and editing work-shops for health professionals (see for details). This method is outlined in Tim Albert’s highly commended books on medical writing1, 2 and details he imparted at the BMJ short course for medical journal editors in Christchurch August 5-6 2004. Relevant details from other writing guidelines compiled by the University of Otago Student Learning Centre3, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors4 and the Cochrane Organisation5 have also been included where appropriate.

Preferring a little bit of predigestion (简化)..
Avoid Redundancy
• Do not repeat, in words, what is already apparent to the reader from the examination of the figures and tables. • Do not make an actual presentation, in the text, of all or many of the data shown in the table or figures.
Potential somatic(躯体的) comorbidity in CDH has received less study than the psychological aspects. Hypertension,17-20 alcohol overuse,21 and sleep disturbances have been reported to be associated with CDH.22 What factors specifically contribute to the transformation from episodic into CM and to the de novo (再次) development of new daily persistent headache(NDPH acronym) remain largely unknown.
How to Handle Numbers
• Treat a few determinations(项) or data descriptively in words or in the text. • Tabulate or graph extensive determinations or data (e.g. variables) that are meaningful. • Define the negative aspects of your experiments. • State what you did NOT find under the conditions of your experiments.

Alternative Explanations of the Findings
Remember that the purpose of research is to discover and not to prove. Don’t fall into the trap – to prove
Relate to expectations and to literature Prove the hypotheses/Answered questions
The importance/significance of Your findings
Limitations Your conclusions/future works
The same information can have different meanings or significances to different people brainstorming
Diesults fit into a broader context?
What do the findings mean? Why are they important?
“That make perfect sense!” (Why didn’t I think of this?)
Always remember:
科技写作 Scientific Writng

y The Scope of Scientific Writing:
◦ Scientific papers ◦ Review papers ◦ Grant proposals ◦ Oral presentations ◦ Poster presentations
Scientific Writing Zhengzhou University
Scientific Writing Zhengzhou University
Approaching a Writing Project
y Doing the Writing
◦ Block out times to write Indicate on your calendar or in your personal organizer the times you have reserved for given writing projects
Scientific Writing Zhengzhou University
Approaching a Writing Project
y Follow the Instructions to Authors
◦ If instructions are lቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱng, underline or highlight the key points to remember
feedback, revise your writing some more
x Expert in your research specialty – technical problems
x Someone in your general field – note items that may unclear to readers

英语科技类作文范文English:In the realm of technology, innovations have vastly improved our daily lives, changing the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world. The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and automation have led to more efficient and convenient ways of completing tasks. For instance, the rise of smart devices like smartphones and virtual assistants has made information accessible at our fingertips, enabling us to stay connected and informed. Moreover, technological breakthroughs in healthcare have revolutionized the medical field, from precision medicine to robotic surgeries, enhancing patient care and outcomes. In addition, the integration of technology in education has transformed traditional teaching methods, providing interactive learning experiences and personalized instruction for students. As we continue to push the boundaries of technology, the future holds endless possibilities for further innovation and progress.Translated content:在科技领域,创新大大改善了我们的日常生活,改变了我们与世界沟通、工作和互动的方式。


阐述研究结果对理论或实践 的贡献
讨论结果对未来研究的启示 和影响
指出结果的局限性和不足之 处
清晰呈现研究结果 突出研究亮点和创新点 为结论和讨论提供依据 吸引读者并引导其理解论文的核心内容
明确研究目的和假设 简要介绍研究背景和意义 概述研究方法和实验设计 详细呈现实验结果和数据分析
研究背景:简要介绍研究领域的现状和问题说明研究的重要性和必要性。 研究目的:明确提出研究的主要问题或假设以及研究要达到的具体目标。
理论贡献:验证或挑战现有理 论推动学科发展
实践指导:为解决实际问题提 供思路和方法促进技术进步
政策建议:为政府决策提供科 学依据促进社会进步
学术交流:为同行提供研究素 材促进学术验结果:简要介绍实验的主要发现和数据。 对比分析:将实验结果与预期结果或相关研究进行比较。 结论一致性:确保结论与实验设计和假设相一致。 主要发现的意义:阐述实验结果对理论或实践的贡献和影响。
实验目的和意义 实验材料和设备 实验步骤和操作流程 实验结果和数据分析
表格:用于呈 现定量数据如 实验结果应简 洁明了避免过
图表:用于展 示趋势、比较 等使数据更直 观常用类型有 柱状图、折线
图表设计:颜 色、线条、标 签等应清晰易 读避免过于花
表格和图表应 与文字描述相 互补充共同呈
实验误差或偶然 性:对结果的解 释和讨论应考虑 到实验误差或偶
样本量或代表性: 讨论结果时应考 虑样本量是否足 够大以及样本是 否具有代表性。

图表的制作与说明(Figures and Tables)-3
图表说明 :
突出重点,明确差异。不是逐次重复图表的内容,而 是将一组数据与另一组作对比,把自己的结果同别人的结 果比,只择其重要者,能支持自己的论点的部分,加以重 点说明。对图表的说明既不应过分详细,也不应过分简单。
(6) 数字: 每一栏的阿拉伯数字应按位数对齐。
(7) 宽度: 表格宽度应略短语正文, 如超过页面可横过来,上面应在左侧。
(8)长度: 表格最好不要转页,如超过一页长度,可转第二页。在第二页上仍应列
出各栏的标题,并在右上方注明“Table5 (continued)”字样。
Tense Voice Useful sentences
Writing requirements of discussion
1. 对本次实验或观察结果做出理论解释和讨论 ; 2. 将本次结果,与过去及其他研究结果(不同时间、
不同地点、相同或不同的研究对象中的研究结果)相 比较,分析异同,解释产生差别的可能原因,并根据 自己或他人的文献资料,提出自己的见解,实事求是, 有根据地与其他作者商榷 ; 3. 突出本项研究中地新发现、新发明,提出可能原因 ; 4. 分析本次研究地不足,还存在哪些尚未解决地问题, 提出今后急需研究的方向和设想。
图表的制作与说明(Figures and Tables)-1
(1)名称: 各种绘图和照片通Figure,可缩写为Fig.,+复数为Figs.。第一个字母大
写, 按出现顺序用阿拉伯数码编号, 例如 Fig. 5
(2)图标题: 图标题与图表题不同,一般放在图的下端,上端与图隔开一行,下端与

如何快速写结论英文作文英文:When it comes to writing conclusions for English essays, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to restate your thesis statementin a clear and concise manner. This helps to remind your reader of the main point you were trying to make throughout your essay. Additionally, you may want to summarize some of your key supporting arguments or evidence, highlightingtheir importance in supporting your thesis.Another effective strategy for writing conclusions isto offer some sort of call to action or final thought. This could involve encouraging your reader to take action based on the information you've presented, or simply leaving them with a thought-provoking idea to ponder. Finally, it's always a good idea to end your essay on a strong note, whether that means using a memorable quote, a striking image, or a powerful statement that ties everythingtogether.中文:谈到如何快速写结论英文作文,有几个关键要点需要注意。

As a high school student with a keen interest in the sciences, Ive always been fascinated by the process of scientific discovery and the achievement of scientific results. The pursuit of knowledge in this field is not just about finding answers its about the journey of exploration, the methodical approach, and the perseverance that leads to breakthroughs. Heres my take on how one can achieve scientific results, based on my understanding and experiences.First and foremost, curiosity is the driving force behind any scientific endeavor. Its the itch that needs to be scratched, the question that begs to be answered. I remember being intrigued by the way plants grow towards the light, which led me to conduct a small experiment in my backyard. This curiosity is what propels us to delve deeper into the unknown.Secondly, a solid foundation in the relevant scientific principles is essential. Without understanding the basic laws and theories that govern the natural world, its impossible to make meaningful contributions to the field. My high school science classes provided me with the building blocks I needed to start constructing my own theories and hypotheses.Experimentation is the heart of scientific achievement. Its where theory meets practice, and where we can test our ideas against the real world. I recall the excitement of setting up my first controlled experiment to see if different types of soil affected plant growth. The process of designing the experiment, collecting data, and analyzing the results was both challenging and rewarding.Critical thinking is another key component. Its not enough to simply follow the methods of others we must question, analyze, and improve upon them. When I encountered unexpected results in my experiment, I had to think critically about what could have caused the discrepancy. Was it a flaw in my methodology, or was I onto something new?Persistence is also crucial. Scientific research is often a long and arduous process, filled with setbacks and failures. But its through these challenges that we learn and grow. Ive had my fair share of failed experiments, but each one has brought me closer to understanding the complexities of the scientific process.Collaboration is another aspect that cannot be overlooked. Science is a collective endeavor, and working with others can lead to insights that might not have been possible alone. Participating in group projects at school taught me the value of diverse perspectives and the power of teamwork.Finally, communication is vital. The ability to articulate our findings clearly and concisely is just as important as the research itself. Whether its writing a lab report or presenting at a science fair, being able to communicate our results effectively ensures that our work can be understood and built upon by others in the scientific community.In conclusion, achieving scientific results is a multifaceted process that requires curiosity, a strong foundation in science, experimentation, critical thinking, persistence, collaboration, and effective communication. Its ajourney that is as much about personal growth and learning as it is about contributing to the body of scientific knowledge. As I continue my education and delve deeper into the world of science, I am excited to see where this journey will take me and the discoveries I will make along the way.。

关于科学家研究成果的作文一分钟英文一、本文概述Title The Brilliance of Scientific Research A Glimpse into Groundbreaking DiscoveriesThis essay delves into the profound impact of scientific research and the remarkable achievements of scientists across various fields. It highlights the significance of their groundbreaking discoveries, which have not only revolutionized our understanding of the natural world but also paved the way for advancements in technology, medicine, and numerous other domains. The essay explores the rigorous processes involved in scientific research, emphasizing the role of creativity, perseverance, and collaboration in bringing these innovations to fruition. It also underscores the importance of funding and support systems in enabling scientists to pursue their passions and make meaningful contributions to humanity. Throughout, the essay aims to inspire and encourage future generations to embark on their own scientific journeys, driven by curiosity and a desire to contribute to the progress of knowledge.二、科学家研究成果的多样性Title The Diverse Achievements of ScientistsSection Two The Diversity of Scientists Research Outcomes The scientific community is a vibrant mosaic of diverse research outcomes, each reflecting the unique perspectives and passions of individual scientists. From the microscopic realm of quantum physics to the vast expanse of cosmology, the findings of scientists span a breathtaking range of topics. Some scientists delve into the mysteries of the human brain, unlocking secrets that could revolutionize our understanding of consciousness and disease. Others focus on environmental science, studying the intricate webs of life that support our planet and seeking solutions to pressing issues like climate change.Moreover, the applications of these research outcomes are as diverse as they are profound. Medical researchers develop innovative treatments that save lives and improve the quality of healthcare. Engineers harness the laws of physics to create technologies that make our lives easier and more connected.Ecologists provide insights that help us protect our natural resources and preserve biodiversity.The diversity of scientists research outcomes is not only a testament to the breadth and depth of human intellectual curiosity, but also a source of hope for the future. As we continue to explore and discover, the contributions of scientists will continue to shape our world in ways we can only imagine.三、科学家研究成果的积极影响The third aspect to consider is the profound positive impact of scientists research achievements. Firstly, scientific advancements have significantly improved our quality of life. Breakthroughs in medicine, such as the development of vaccines and new surgical techniques, have saved countless lives and reduced the burden of disease. Additionally, advancements in technology, like the invention of smartphones and the Internet, have made our lives more convenient and connected.Moreover, scientific research has expanded ourunderstanding of the universe and the natural world. Astronomers discoveries about the origins of the universe and biologists insights into the complexities of life have broadened our horizons and deepened our appreciation for the wonders of nature.Finally, the positive influence of scientific research extends to society and culture. Scientific knowledge and methods promote rational thinking and skepticism, fostering a culture of inquiry and innovation. This, in turn, leads to social progress and economic growth, as new ideas and technologies are translated into practical applications that benefit society at large.In conclusion, the positive impact of scientists research achievements is vast and multifaceted, ranging from improvements in our daily lives to advancements in our understanding of the world and the promotion of a culture of innovation and progress.四、科学家研究成果的挑战与未来展望Title The Challenges and Future Prospects of ScientificResearchSection IV Challenges and Future Prospects of Scientific ResearchThe journey of scientific discovery, though exciting and rewarding, is not without its challenges. Scientists often face the dual burden of funding constraints and the complexities of their research. Funding shortages can hamper the progress of experiments, leading to delays in achieving breakthroughs. Furthermore, the intricate nature of scientific inquiries often requires meticulous planning, extensive experimentation, and painstaking analysis. Despite these obstacles, the resilience and perseverance of scientists are what drive them to overcome these challenges.Looking ahead, the future of scientific research is promising. With the advancement of technology, scientists are now equipped with more powerful tools and techniques that allow them to delve deeper into the unknown. Fields like artificial intelligence and quantum computing are poised to revolutionize the scientific landscape, enabling faster and more accuratediscoveries.Moreover, the increasing awareness and appreciation of science in society are creating a more conducive environment for research. The publics hunger for knowledge and understanding is driving the demand for scientific advancements, which in turn, is motivating scientists to push the boundaries of their research.In conclusion, while the challenges of scientific research are numerous, the potential rewards are immense. As we continue to explore the vast unknown, the future of scientific discovery remains bright and full of promise. With the support of society and the relentless pursuit of knowledge by scientists, we are poised to make groundbreaking discoveries that will benefit humanity for generations to come.五、结论In conclusion, the scientists research achievements have had profound impacts on our understanding of the natural world and human progress. Their dedication and perseverance in the pursuit of scientific truth have been commendable, pushing theboundaries of knowledge and shaping the future of science. Moreover, these achievements have not only advanced scientific research but also benefited society at large, improving our lives in various ways. As we look ahead, it is exciting to imagine the new discoveries and innovations that future scientists will bring, building upon the solid foundation laid by their predecessors.。

在图10中,聚烯烃膜和非织造隔膜的LOI指数随温度增加而降低。在相同温度下, 由于芳纶纤维的优异的阻燃性特性,无纺布隔板的LOI指数是比聚烯烃膜的高。
Figure 10. The LOI of wet-laid nonwoven and polyolefin
专业英语(英语科技论 文results写法)
Table of Contents
Introduction of results
Description of imporesults
一般而言,结果部分的内容包含下列三个主要项目: 介绍研究结果,往往以一个句子指出反映完整研究结果的图表。 概述最重要的研究结果。 对研究结果作出评论或概括由这些结果得到的推论。
Example 3
From Figure 7, the tear index increases at first and then decreases as the PET fiber dosage increases. This is because, initially, the binder fibers lead to an increase of the bonding strength of the PPTA fibers and when the PET fiber content reaches a certain point, the bonding fibers form a low tear strength membrane itself. When the PET dosage is 20%, the tear index of the separator is 5.16 mN·m2·g-1, which is increased by 59% than that of the pure PPTA pulp.

科研成果英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Importance of Scientific Research AchievementsScientific research plays a crucial role in advancing human knowledge, solving complex problems, and improving the quality of life for people around the world. The development of new technologies, medicines, and solutions to pressing challenges all stem from the dedication and hard work of researchers in various fields. In this essay, we will explore some key aspects of scientific research achievements and their significance.First and foremost, scientific research achievements contribute to the growth and development of knowledge in a wide range of disciplines. Through rigorous experimentation, data analysis, and peer review, researchers are able to uncover new information about the world around us. These discoveries often lead to breakthroughs that shape the course of history and lay the foundation for future generations to build upon.Furthermore, scientific research achievements have a direct impact on society by driving innovation and progress. For example, the invention of the internet, medical breakthroughs such as vaccines and antibiotics, and advancements in renewable energy technologies have all been made possible through the dedication and ingenuity of researchers. These advancements not only improve the quality of life for individuals but also have the potential to address global challenges such as climate change, disease prevention, and access to clean water.In addition, scientific research achievements play a critical role in shaping public policy and decision-making. By providing evidence-based data and recommendations, researchers inform government officials, policymakers, and stakeholders on key issues such as health care, environmental protection, and economic development. This information is essential for making informed choices that benefit society as a whole.Moreover, scientific research achievements help to inspire and educate future generations of scientists and innovators. Through publications, conferences, and educational outreach programs, researchers share their findings and knowledge with the broader community. This exchange of information fosters aculture of collaboration, creativity, and curiosity that drives progress in science and technology.In conclusion, scientific research achievements are essential for advancing knowledge, driving innovation, shaping public policy, and inspiring future generations. The dedication and hard work of researchers in various fields have led to countless discoveries and breakthroughs that have transformed the world we live in. As we continue to invest in scientific research and support the efforts of scientists and innovators, we can look forward to a future filled with even more exciting advancements and solutions to the challenges we face.篇2Title: Breakthrough in Scientific Research: The Discovery of a New Treatment for CancerScientific research plays a crucial role in expanding our knowledge of the world and improving human lives. Recently, a team of researchers made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of oncology that has the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment. This discovery represents a significant advancement in the fight against cancer and offers hope to millions of patients worldwide.The research team, led by Dr. Sarah Johnson, spent several years investigating new ways to target cancer cells using a novel therapeutic approach. Through a series of experiments and clinical trials, they identified a compound that effectively inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissues. This compound, named CBT-100, works by targeting a specific pathway that is essential for the survival of cancer cells.The results of the research were published in a leading scientific journal, where they garnered widespread attention from the scientific community and the general public. The findings demonstrated the efficacy of CBT-100 in treating various types of cancer, including lung, breast, and colon cancer. In preclinical studies, the compound showed remarkable tumor regression and prolonged survival in animal models.In addition to its potent anticancer effects, CBT-100 also exhibited a favorable safety profile in animal studies andearly-stage clinical trials. This suggests that the compound has the potential to be developed into a safe and effective treatment for cancer patients. Dr. Johnson and her team are now working diligently to advance the development of CBT-100 and bring it to clinical use as quickly as possible.The discovery of CBT-100 represents a major step forward in the field of oncology and has the potential to significantly impact cancer treatment. If further research confirms its efficacy and safety in humans, CBT-100 could become a game-changing therapy for cancer patients, offering new hope and improving outcomes for those affected by this devastating disease.In conclusion, the breakthrough in scientific research led by Dr. Sarah Johnson and her team represents a significant advance in the fight against cancer. The discovery of CBT-100 has the potential to change the landscape of cancer treatment and provide new options for patients battling this deadly disease. As research continues to progress, we can look forward to a future where cancer is no longer a death sentence, but a manageable condition thanks to the tireless efforts of dedicated scientists and researchers.篇3Title: Breakthrough in Scientific ResearchIntroductionScientific research plays a crucial role in advancing knowledge, driving innovation, and solving complex problems. In recent years, there have been groundbreaking discoveries andadvancements in various fields of science. In this essay, we will explore some of the most notable scientific research achievements and their impact on society.Advancements in MedicineOne of the most significant breakthroughs in recent years has been the development of CRISPR technology, which has revolutionized the field of genetics and opened up new possibilities in gene editing. This technology has the potential to treat genetic diseases, improve agricultural productivity, and address environmental challenges. In addition, the development of mRNA vaccines, such as the COVID-19 vaccines, has demonstrated the power of modern science in responding to global health crises.Advancements in Space ExplorationAnother major area of scientific research is space exploration, with significant advancements in recent years. For example, the discovery of exoplanets and the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life has captured the imagination of scientists and the public alike. Furthermore, the successful landing of the Mars rover Perseverance has provided new insights into the Red Planet and the potential for human colonization in the future.Advancements in Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence (AI) has also seen remarkable progress in recent years, with applications in a wide range of industries, from healthcare to finance to transportation. Deep learning algorithms have improved the accuracy of image recognition and natural language processing, leading to advances in autonomous vehicles, medical diagnostics, and smart assistants. However, there are ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI, such as privacy issues and job displacement.ConclusionIn conclusion, scientific research continues to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation, with new discoveries and advancements being made across various disciplines. From medicine to space exploration to artificial intelligence, the impact of scientific research on society is profound andfar-reaching. It is essential to support and invest in scientific research to address pressing global challenges and create a better future for all.。
科技英语交流(第2版)Lecture 6 How to write Results

4. A 4-component model of Results
(1) Revisiting the research aim/existing research Revisiting the methodology General overview of results
(2) Invitation to view results Specific/key results in detail, with or without explanations Comparisons with results in other research Comparisons with model predictions
⑤After drug administration, the children
appeared unusually inactive, not simply less restless. ⑥STpehceifriec/wkeaysreasnulitnscirneadseteaiiln task-
①The children left the testing center 3 hours after medicRaetvioisnitoinrgptlhaecembeoth安od慰o剂loghy ad been administered; parents were asked to keep a diary record of behavior during the afternoon and evening. ②Behavioral and cognitive effects
② There was an increase in task-related descriptive speech and a decrease in speech not task-related, such as questions (Table 1).

关于科技的英文作文300字English:Technology has revolutionized our lives in countless ways, making tasks easier, improving communication, and increasing efficiency. From smartphones to artificial intelligence, technology has become an integral part of our daily routine. In the field of medicine, technology has led to advancements in treatments, diagnostics, and surgeries, saving countless lives. In education, technology has transformed the way students learn and teachers instruct, with online resources and distance learning making education more accessible. However, technology also brings challenges such as cybersecurity threats, job displacement, and privacy concerns. It is essential that we continue to innovate responsibly and ethically to harness the full potential of technology for the benefit of humanity.Translated content:科技以无数种方式彻底改变了我们的生活,使任务变得更容易,提高了沟通效率。

英语介绍中回科技成果作文China has long been a global leader in technological innovation and advancement. From the invention of groundbreaking technologies like gunpowder and the compass to the rapid development of modern industries, China has consistently demonstrated its prowess in the realm of science and technology. In recent decades, the country has experienced a remarkable surge in technological achievements, solidifying its position as a formidable player on the global stage.One of the most significant technological breakthroughs to emerge from China in recent years is the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Chinese tech giants like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have made significant strides in this field, creating cutting-edge AI-powered applications and services that are transforming various industries. For example, Baidu's autonomous driving technology has been at the forefront of the self-driving car revolution, with the company's Apollo platform leading the way in the development of advanced autonomous driving systems. Similarly, Alibaba's cloud computing and data analytics capabilities haveenabled businesses across China to harness the power of big data and AI to drive innovation and improve operational efficiency.Another area where China has excelled is in the field of renewable energy. The country has become a global leader in the production and deployment of renewable energy technologies, particularly in the solar and wind power sectors. China is the world's largest producer of solar panels, and its investment in solar energy has been instrumental in driving down the cost of this technology globally. Additionally, China's wind power industry has experienced exponential growth, with the country now boasting the largest installed wind power capacity in the world. This commitment to renewable energy has not only helped to address the country's pressing environmental challenges but has also positioned China as a key player in the global transition towards a sustainable energy future.The rapid development of China's digital infrastructure has also been a significant technological achievement. The country has invested heavily in the rollout of high-speed internet and 5G networks, enabling widespread access to advanced digital services and applications. This has had a transformative impact on various sectors, from e-commerce and fintech to healthcare and education. For instance, the widespread adoption of mobile payment systems like Alipay and WeChat Pay has revolutionized the way Chineseconsumers conduct financial transactions, making the country a global leader in the field of digital payments.China's advancements in the field of biotechnology and genomics have also been remarkable. The country has made significant strides in areas such as gene editing, stem cell research, and personalized medicine. Chinese researchers have been at the forefront of developing innovative treatments and therapies, including groundbreaking work in the field of cancer immunotherapy. Furthermore, China's investment in the development of its domestic pharmaceutical industry has enabled the country to become a major player in the global healthcare market, with the potential to make significant contributions to the advancement of medical science.In the realm of space exploration, China has also emerged as a formidable force. The country's space program has achieved a series of impressive milestones, including the successful landing of the Zhurong rover on Mars, the construction of the Tiangong space station, and the launch of the Chang'e-5 lunar mission, which brought back the first samples of lunar material since the 1970s. These achievements have not only demonstrated China's technical capabilities but have also reinforced the country's ambitions to become a leading space-faring nation, capable of advancing the frontiers of human exploration and discovery.Beyond these specific technological achievements, China has also made significant investments in developing a robust and vibrant innovation ecosystem. The country has established numerous science and technology parks, incubators, and accelerators, providing the necessary infrastructure and support to nurture the growth of innovative startups and entrepreneurs. Additionally, China has placed a strong emphasis on STEM education, with the goal of cultivating a highly skilled and talented workforce capable of driving future technological advancements.Overall, China's technological achievements in recent years have been truly remarkable, spanning a wide range of fields and industries. From artificial intelligence and renewable energy to digital infrastructure and biotechnology, the country has consistently demonstrated its ability to push the boundaries of innovation and technological progress. As China continues to invest in research and development, strengthen its innovation ecosystem, and foster a culture of scientific exploration, it is poised to play an increasingly pivotal role in shaping the technological landscape of the 21st century and beyond.。
如何撰写英文科技论文-How to Write a Scientific Paper

How to Write a Scientific Paper*By George M. WhitesidesDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University,Cambridge, MA 02138, USA科学论文写作*原著:George M. Whitesides (美国)译者:张希,林志宏What is a scientific paper? A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. Papers are a central part of research. If your research does not generate papers, it might just as well not have been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent.”什么是科技论文?科技论文是集假说、数据和结论为一体的概括性描述,以此向读者论述。
Realize that your objective in research is to formulate and test hypotheses, to draw conclusions from these tests, and to teach these conclusions to others. Your objective is not to “collect data.”要意识到研究的目的是为了形成并证实假说,从一些测试中得出结论,并把结论传授给别人。

自己对现代科技的亲身经历英语作文Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. As a young individual living in the digital age, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the remarkable advancements in technology and how they have impacted my personal and professional life. In this essay, I will share my own experiences and insights into the transformative power of modern technology.One of the most significant ways technology has influenced my life is through the realm of communication. Growing up in the era of smartphones and social media, I have come to rely heavily on these tools to stay connected with my friends, family, and the world around me. The ability to send instant messages, share photos and videos, and engage in video calls has made it easier than ever to maintain meaningful relationships despite physical distances. I can vividly remember the excitement I felt when I received my first smartphone, marveling at the endless possibilities it offered in terms of staying in touch and accessing information at my fingertips.Moreover, the rise of social media platforms has revolutionized the way I consume and share information. I can now effortlessly stay up-to-date on current events, follow the lives of my loved ones, and engage in discussions on a wide range of topics. The ability to connect with like-minded individuals from around the globe has broadened my perspective and exposed me to diverse cultures and viewpoints. While the rapid spread of information can sometimes be overwhelming, I have learned to navigate the digital landscape with a critical eye, carefully evaluating the reliability and credibility of the sources I encounter.Another area where technology has had a significant impact on my life is education. The integration of digital tools and resources into the classroom has transformed the learning experience. I have had the opportunity to participate in virtual classrooms, access a wealth of educational materials online, and collaborate with my peers through collaborative software. The convenience of being able to access course materials and complete assignments from the comfort of my own home has been particularly beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic, when in-person learning was disrupted.Furthermore, technology has also played a crucial role in my personal productivity and organization. The availability of various productivity apps and digital calendars has allowed me to streamline my daily tasks, set reminders, and maintain a better sense of work-life balance. I can now effortlessly manage my schedules, prioritize my responsibilities, and stay on top of my commitments with the help of these technological tools.In the realm of entertainment, technology has opened up a world of possibilities. Streaming platforms have revolutionized the way I consume media, granting me access to a vast library of movies, TV shows, and documentaries at my fingertips. I can now enjoy my favorite content anytime, anywhere, without the limitations of traditional cable or DVD rentals. Additionally, the rise of gaming consoles and virtual reality technology has provided me with immersive and engaging experiences, allowing me to explore new worlds and challenge myself in innovative ways.However, with the numerous benefits that technology has brought, I have also become acutely aware of the potential drawbacks and challenges that come with its widespread adoption. The constant connectivity and accessibility of information can sometimes lead to information overload, causing feelings of anxiety and stress. I have had to learn to strike a balance between embracing the conveniences of technology and maintaining a healthy relationship with it, setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care.Moreover, the rapid pace of technological change has also presented me with the need to continuously adapt and upskill. As newtechnologies emerge, I have had to be proactive in learning and acquiring the necessary skills to remain relevant and competitive in the job market. This has required me to be open-minded, curious, and willing to embrace lifelong learning, as the skills and knowledge I acquire today may become obsolete in the near future.Despite these challenges, I remain optimistic about the future of technology and its potential to positively impact our lives. I believe that as we navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape, it is crucial to approach technology with a balanced and responsible mindset. We must harness its power to enhance our lives, while also being mindful of its potential drawbacks and taking steps to mitigate them.In conclusion, my personal experiences with modern technology have been both transformative and thought-provoking. From the way I communicate and learn to how I entertain myself and manage my productivity, technology has become an integral part of my daily life. While there are certainly challenges and considerations to be addressed, I am excited to continue exploring the boundless possibilities that technology has to offer and to play a role in shaping its future.。

借助科技手段英文作文初中With the rapid development of technology, it has become an essential part of our daily lives. From smartphones to computers, technology has made our lives easier and more convenient. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of technology and how it has changed our lives.Firstly, technology has revolutionized communication. With the advent of smartphones, people can communicate with each other anytime, anywhere. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have made it easier for people to connect with each other, share ideas, and stay updated on current events. In addition, video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Skype have made it possible for people to hold virtual meetings and collaborate with others from different parts of the world.Secondly, technology has transformed the way we learn. With the internet, students can access a vast amount of information on any topic they want to learn about. Onlinecourses and tutorials have made it possible for people to learn new skills and acquire knowledge without leavingtheir homes. This has made education more accessible to people who may not have had the opportunity to attend traditional schools.Thirdly, technology has changed the way we work. With the rise of remote work, people can work from anywhere in the world as long as they have an internet connection. This has made it possible for people to achieve a better work-life balance and reduce commuting time. In addition, technology has made it easier for businesses to automate repetitive tasks, increase productivity, and reduce costs.Finally, technology has improved our overall quality of life. From healthcare to entertainment, technology has made significant advancements that have improved our well-being. Medical technologies such as MRI machines and robotic surgeries have made it possible for doctors to diagnose and treat diseases more accurately and efficiently. Entertainment technologies such as streaming services and video games have provided us with endless hours ofentertainment and relaxation.In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on our lives, making it easier, more convenient, and more enjoyable. While there are some drawbacks to technology, such as the potential for addiction and privacy concerns, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. As technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly continue to shape and improve our lives in ways we cannot yet imagine.。

插图的制作 图形是表格的直观化,对于可以用较短的文字清 图形是表格的直观化, 楚表述的数据, 就不要以图形的方式来表达; 楚表述的数据 就不要以图形的方式来表达; 不要因追求美术效果而将图形做得过于花哨 如 不要因追求美术效果而将图形做得过于花哨(如 增加不必要的阴影或立体效果等); 增加不必要的阴影或立体效果等 ; 坐标图的标值应尽量取 0.1–1000之间的数值;坐 坐标图的标值应尽量取0.1–1000之间的数值; 之间的数值 标轴的说明应清楚, 标轴的说明应清楚 量和单位缺一不可 照片图必须具备高清晰度,显微照片的放大倍数 照片图必须具备高清晰度, 应使用图示法(标尺刻度 表示,照片中的符号、 标尺刻度)表示 应使用图示法 标尺刻度 表示 ,照片中的符号 、 字母、数字等, 字母、数字等,必须在图注中详细说明
Strep Iso
8时 态 现在时 对研究结果的说明或由其得出的一般 现在时: 性推论、不同结果之间进行比较: 性推论、不同结果之间进行比较: ——The higher incidence of back pain in civilian pilots may be due to …. ——These results agree well with the findings of Smith…. 过去式:所叙述结果的内容为关于过去的事实: 过去式:所叙述结果的内容为关于过去的事实: ——After flights of less than two hours, 11% of the army pilots and 33% of the civilian pilots reported back pain.
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What did you observe? Briefly describe experiment without detail of methods section (a sentence or two). Report main results, supported by selected data: Representative: most common Best or worst case: best or worst example of ideal or exception
10-3×(6.36-10.2)a 10-3×(3.46-5.41)b 10-3×(6.38-10.5)a 10-3×(5.54-8.75)a 10-4×(8.52-13.7)c 10-4×(1.89-3.04)d
8.73+1.84x 8.85+1.68x 8.10+1.52x 8.76+1.76x 10.76+1.98x 12.20+1.95x
LD50 μg·aphid-1
95% FL a)
Regression equation
10-4×(3.69-6.18)a 10-4×(4.11-6.92)a 10-4×(3.50-5.78)a 10-4×(4.01-7.27)a 10-4×(1.62-2.63)b 10-4×(1.44-2.13)b
8.23+1.48x 8.59+1.80x 8.69+1.62x 7.25+1.22x 9.17+1.68x 13.2+2.2x
Use the same sequence and subheadings as in the M&M
Present the facts Clear, accurate, and precise
Use a conclusive sentence at the beginning of each section
Six materials 8.00+1.92x
Always provide the statistical parameters in comparison of two or more treatments
(F = xxxx; df = x, y; P =/</> xxxx) (t = xxxx, df = x; P =/</> xxxx) (X2 = xxxx, df = x; P =/</> xxxx) (G = xxxx, df = x; P =/</> xxxx)
variables: regression equation, 12.9+1.80x 15.2+2.22x
3.84×10-5 2.60×10-5
10-5×(2.99-4.93)b 10-5×(2.12-3.18)b
8.93+1.34x 14.2+2.04x
1.15×10-3 2.91×10-5
10-3×(0.82-1.61)b 10-5×(2.33-3.63)c
10-1×(0.14-0.22)a 10-1×(0.13-0.22)a 10-1×(0.05-0.09)b 10-1×(0.07-0.12)b 10-1×(0.02-0.03)c 10-5×(1.29-2.29)d
10-2×(4.43-7.41)ab 10-2×(5.74-9.07)a 10-2×(3.14-5.00)b 10-2×(5.62-9.28)a 10-3×(7.96-11.4)c 10-3×(0.97-1.56)d
Results - Tips
If a figure can be used to show the data, use the figure
Pure tables of numbers can be difficult to interpret
Don't present the same data in several ways, choose the best way
Tables Need exact values Complex data that were hard to show in figures
Table 1. Comparison of resistance of Aphis gossypii to six insecticides in five major cotton planting areas of Shandong, China in 1985, 1999 and 2004
It may be the second easiest part of the paper to write
Numerical data: How to handle “numbers” How to present “the numbers”
Descriptive data: Pictures Photos Flow charts Description
10-2×(5.17-8.47)a 10-2×(6.45-11.9)a 10-2×(4.35-7.06)a 10-2×(6.39-10.1)a 10-2×(0.87-1.50)b 10-3×(0.89-1.37)c
Binzhou Heze Liaocheng Dezhou Taian Susceptible
2.83×10-3 2.78×10-3 2.32×10-3
10-3×(1.96-4.09)a 10-3×(1.91-4.05)a 10-3×(1.73-3.12)a
Organizing and presenting data to promote better understanding of numerical results
Data can be presented in: Tables Figures: Graphs and histograms Maps Photographs Drawings Flow charts or diagram A combinations of more than one type New: Video/websites/database
Three years 13.2+1.98x 13.5+2.05x 13.3+2.03x
6.73×10-5 7.35×10-5 7.81×10-5
10-5×(5.34-8.47)a 10-5×(5.90-9.16)a 10-5×(6.25-9.76)a
8.12+1.23x 8.07+1.20x 9.04+1.53x
Binzhou Heze Liaocheng Dezhou Taian Susceptible
9.05+1.93x 9.77+2.02x 8.81+1.82x 9.26+1.98x 1.90x 11.9+1.90x
8.04×10-3 4.33×10-3 8.17×10-3 6.96×10-3 1.08×10-3 2.40×10-4
1999 LD50 μg·aphid-1 0.17×10-1 0.17×10-1 0.07×10-1 0.09×10-1 0.02×10-1 1.72×10-5
5.73×10-2 7.04×10-2 3.96×10-2 7.22×10-2 9.53×10-3 1.23×10-3
95% FL a)
Six locations 7.85+1.90x
3.16×10-2 4.22×10-3