英国文学课件 新古典主义——浪漫主义

The Renaissance Period marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world .It refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It first started in Italy ,with the flowering of painting , sculpture and literature. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe . The Renaissance which means rebirth or revival ,is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events ,such as the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture ,the new discoveries in geography and astrology(占星学),the religious reformation and the economic expansion .
⒈Old and Medieval English Literature (约 5C后期—1485) ⒉The Renaissance Period (15C后期--17C初) ⒊ The Neoclassical Period (17C中期—18C中 期) ⒋ The Romantic Period (1798—1832) ⒌ The Victorian Period (1836—1901) ⒍The Modern Period (1918—1945 ) ⒎ The Contemporary Period (1945– now)

新古典主义与浪漫主义的融合:在现代艺术中,新古典主义和浪漫主义经常相互融合,共同创 造出独特的艺术风格和表现形式。
价值与影响:新古典主义与浪漫主义在现代艺术中的运用,不仅丰富了艺术表现形式,还对现 代社会的审美观念和价值观念产生了深远的影响。
浪漫主义的定义和 特点
浪漫主义的起源 可以追溯到18世 纪末的欧洲,是 对启蒙运动的一 种反叛。
浪漫主义强调情 感、个性和自然, 与新古典主义的 理性、秩序和规 范形成鲜明对比。
浪漫主义文学、 音乐和艺术都表 现出对个人情感 和自由的追求, 以及对传统束缚 的反抗。
浪漫主义在19世 纪初达到高潮, 并对后世文化和 艺术产生了深远 的影响。
促进跨文化交流:新古典主义与浪漫主义在不同文化背景下的传播,有助于现代艺术在不同 文化间的交流与融合。
新古典主义与浪漫主义的艺术价值:丰富了世界艺术宝库,为现代艺术发展奠定基础。 新古典主义与浪漫主义的文化意义:反映了特定历史时期的社会思潮和文化氛围,对 现代人理解历史和人类文化有重要意义。
强调个人情感和个性表达 追求自由、无限和永恒 强调自然美和人与自然的和谐 重视想象力和创造力的发挥
文学:强调个人情感和想象力, 反对束缚和限制
音乐:注重情感表达和旋律, 创造了许多经典作品
英国文学浪漫主义时期 ppt课件

Historical Background
Politically: the French Revolution
"Declaration of Rights of Man" (1791-2), Thomas Paine
"Inquiry concerning Political Justice" (1793), William Godwin
a tendency to turn or escape from the tumultuous嘈杂的动乱的and confusing society
Characteristics of Romanticism
•Love of Nature: The Romantics greatly emphasized on the importance of nature, and one of the main characteristics of Romanticism in poetry is the beauty of nature found in the country life. This was mainly because the industrial revolution had taken man from the peaceful country life towards the city life, transforming man's natural order. Nature was not only appreciated for its physical beauty by the Romantics, but also for its ability to help the urban man find his true identity.

新古典主义是指 18 世纪末 19 世纪初,英国文学中一种复古的文学思潮。
浪漫主义则是 19 世纪初兴起的一种文学思潮,它反对新古典主义的复古思潮,主张以自然和人性作为文学创作的主题。

主题表现个人情感与理性的矛盾,个人 情感应该服从于理性、爱情,婚姻应该 接受国家政治调节,赞美理想的君主。
主要人物贵族青年罗德里格、贵族小姐 施曼娜,他们的冲突主要是爱情与家仇。
情 服 从
罗 德
国 家
五幕诗剧,取材于古希腊《荷马史诗》 特洛伊战争后赫克托尔之妻安德洛玛克 的命运。
剧本谴责失去理性的贵族,为了个人感 情不惜放弃对国家的责任,个人的荣誉。
主要形象:安德洛玛克,希腊联军爱比 尔国王皮罗斯,希腊公主爱弥奥娜,希 腊使臣奥雷斯。
喜 剧 大 师 莫
巴洛克文学的主要形式是诗歌和小说。诗歌 诗句华丽,讲究对偶。西班牙诗人贡戈拉为 代表,又称贡戈拉主义或夸饰主义。小说模 仿古罗马诗人维吉尔的田园诗《牧歌》代表 作家法国的于菲尔
题材狭窄,表现古代生活和神话题材,美化 古代生活和田园生活,具有唯美主义倾向, 和脱离现实生活的倾向。
高乃依——法国古典主义悲剧 的奠基人
主要文学作品:史诗《失乐园》《复乐 园》《力士参孙》
取材于《圣经》中亚当、夏娃被逐出乐 园和魔鬼反叛的故事
赞美魔鬼撒旦对上帝的反抗,体现强烈 的反封建精神和清教徒的革命思想
撒旦是一个具有反叛精神的斗志士形象 史诗气势磅礴,场面恢弘
模仿法国古典主义文学的痕迹明显,缺 乏独创性
德莱顿是古典主义的创导者和实践者。 蒲柏《批评短论》宣传布瓦洛的理论,
提出“优美趣味说” 文学表现清教思想,以弥尔顿、班扬为

☆ 关于《失乐园》的争议
撒旦:正义——非正义 上帝:反面形象——走向正面 人类:自身弱点造就不幸——理性照耀未来
——魔鬼撒旦反抗上帝,设计陷害人类 ——亚当与夏娃受诱惑,被逐出伊甸园
☆ 史诗内容(共12章)
第1部:全诗总纲,讲述了整个事件的起因和结果; 第2部:撒旦与众叛逆天使讨论如何同上帝作战,夺取天堂; …… 第4部:描述撒旦在天堂见到亚当和夏娃,撒旦在夏娃的梦中施展引诱; …… 第6部:描绘天使与撒旦一伙的战斗; …… 第9部:撒旦化身为蛇,躺在伊甸园里,并指引亚当和夏娃偷食禁果; …… 第12部:天使向他们叙述拯救之路,亚当和夏娃终于离开天堂,失去了乐园
让我们把所有力气,所有 甜蜜,滚成一个圆球,
粗鲁狂猛地夺取我们的快感 冲破一扇扇人生的铁栅栏:
这样,我们虽无法叫太阳 驻足,却可使他奔跑向前。
(1)John Milton , 1608-1674
1、(1608-1639)求学、隐居、游历, 写作了一些短小的诗歌;
☆ 新古典主义文学 法国古典主义影响与英国王权复辟现实结合的产物 文艺理论是其主要成就
☆ 资产阶级革命文学 文艺复兴时期人文主义的发展 资产阶级清教革命的产物 成就主要是史诗
【英】第三章 浪漫主义时期


10第五章 新古典主义、浪漫主义

《土耳其浴 室》 安格尔
画中所描绘 的人体是画家 多次画过的人 体,这幅画可 谓是画家晚年 集多年画女裸 体之大成的一 幅新作。
“浪漫主义”一词来源于中世纪的“浪漫传奇”一字, 意思是中古欧洲所盛行的英雄史诗和骑士传奇、抒情诗等。 我们这里所指的浪漫主义,一般是指18—19世纪欧洲一 些国家所产生的思想和艺术的运动,它反映在艺术的各个领 域:德国是诗和音乐;英国是诗、小说和风景画;法国是绘 画和雕刻。 浪漫主义产生的哲学基础,是这一时期流行的德国古典 哲学和深受启蒙思想影响的空想社会主义。它强调主观、天 才和灵感;强调人性的自由和解放。
画家以聚光画法, 明亮的人体在暗暖色的 天空衬托下更加鲜明突 出,用飘卷的布幔来增 强飞行的风动感。呈现 在受光处的少女圆浑丰 艳,身体的曲线变化富 有流动的韵律感,既充 满青春活力,又焕发出 一种脱俗的典雅光彩, 体态十分完美。
泰奥多尔· 席里柯出生在法国北部诺曼底卢昂的一个律师 家庭,少年时就热爱绘画,后全家移居巴黎。他热爱达维德 的革命精神和鲁本斯狂放且富激情的构图和造型,并研究过 富有浪漫主义精神的格罗和西班牙戈雅的艺术,逐渐显示出 浪漫主义雄姿。 代表作品有《美杜萨之筏》。
《普赛克第一次接受爱 神之吻》
这是一个富有浪漫主 义情趣的题材,为许多画 家画过。而热拉尔则着重 于表现两个纯洁的男女完 美的人体,并没有刻画出 富有个性的相貌与精神气 质,重艺术形式,造型规 范而类型化;在艺术表现 手法上,极端严谨的素描、 装饰性的色彩、流畅的线 条和均衡和谐的构图等是 画家着意要表现的一切。

Revolution exert great influence on English
• Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revolt against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc.
• English Romanticism is a revolt of the
English imagination against the
neoclassical reason. The French Revolution

三人哲学美学思想的影响 ★强调了天才﹑崇高和主观的能动性,提高了人
的尊严感和对自由的追求,给文学艺术插上了 驰骋想象的翅膀。 ★对主观作用的夸大,使人神同一,自然与精神 同一,使浪漫主义走向神秘主义。 (美国的超验主义)
北方 德国 土地贫瘠, 阴沉多雨,
较广的生活乐趣,较少的思想强 度,安于奴役,取偿于气候之美 和艺术爱好 滋长忧郁感和哲学的沉思,对痛 苦的关怀>对欢乐的关怀,想象 更加丰富,不能忍受奴役,女性 得到尊重
浪漫主义文学 浪漫主义的出现 德国﹑英国、法国的浪漫 主义 共同特征﹑评价及其影响
时间: 18世纪末到19世纪三四十年代 时代背景:
⊙政治革命:法国大革命 → “理性王国”未实 现 ⊙精神革命:德国古典哲学、空想社会主义思潮
具有资产阶级人道主义思想的作家不满现实, 寄希望于理想的世界,企图通过对理想世界和 理想人物的创造,寻求解决社会矛盾的途径。
济慈认为诗人笔下的形象必须平淡自然,要寓 形象之美于含蓄沉静之中,避免直露浅薄。 平淡自然是一种文学风格,毕竟不是文学本质, 有失偏颇。 创作中,诗人作为“主体”应当尽量少介入, 尽量从作品中把自己隐退,让诗歌本身的美学 价值表现自己。(审美距离) 通过减弱诗人的主体,强调了诗歌的抽象和纯 美的品性。对奥斯卡王尔德的唯美主义和艾 略特的“非个人化”理论产生了深远的影响
2. 他把诗歌看做是宗教的不同形式,写诗是为 了歌颂上帝。“即诗的题材就是通过世俗事 务而隐约地暗示较高的精神的世界的光辉”。
英国文学新古典主义文学 PPT

The Augustan Age
The new century threw aside the strange plots and ideas of heroic tragedy and turned to reasonable things. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) described the Great Plague of London in his Journal of the Plague Year (1722). His Robinson Crusoe (1719) is a better and more famous book. This story is based on a real event.
The midwife placed her hand on his thick skull, With this prophetic blessing: Be thou Dull.
John Dryden: literary critic
The first great age of English literary criticism. Dryden’s philosophy is clearly stated in the Essay on Satire:
The Augustan Age = Age of Pope 1700-1745
Pope’s delightful poem The Rape of the Lock [the stealing of the hair] takes a light subject and treats it as important. He also translated the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer. His other famous Essay on Man shows his perfection of the heroic couplet:

18世纪末至 19世纪初, 英国社会变 革剧烈,工 业革命、政 治改革等推 动了社会进 步
浪漫主义文 学反对古典 主义,强调 个性解放和 情感表达
浪漫主义文 学受到德国 古典哲学、 法国启蒙运 动等思想的 影响
浪漫主义文 学强调自然、 情感、想象 力和个性, 反对理性、 逻辑和传统
浪漫主义文 学的代表人 物有拜伦、 雪莱、济慈 等
艺术特色:浪漫主义风格, 充满激情和想象力
影响:对欧洲文学和思想 产生了深远影响
评价:被誉为英国浪漫主 义文学的代表作之一
作者:威廉·布莱克 创作背景:18世纪末,英国工业革命时期 主题:对工业革命的批判和对人类未来的思考 艺术特色:象征主义、寓言、神话和宗教元素 影响:对后世文学和艺术产生了深远影响
强调个人情感和内心世界的表达 追求自由、平等、博爱的价值观 反对理性主义和功利主义 强调自然和人性的和谐统一
影响:对英国浪漫主义文学产生了深远影响,被誉为“英国浪漫主义 文学的开山之作”
创作背景:19世纪初的 欧洲社会动荡
主题:追求自由、反抗压 迫
描绘自然风光,表达对自然的热 爱和赞美

英国⽂学课件新古典主义——浪漫主义Chapter 12 John MiltonParadise Lost(completed in 1667. In 1674, he published the final version of the epic. 12 books)Type of Work:Paradise Lost is an epic poem which —like the epic poems of Homer, Dante, Vergil, and Goethe—tells a story about momentous events while incorporating grand themes that are timeless and universal. Sources:Milton used the Bible, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Vergil's Aeneid, and the stories in Greco-Roman mythology as sources of information and as writing models. The Bible's Book of Genesis is the main source for his retelling of the story of creation and the first humans, Adam and Eve.Settings:The settings are heaven, hell, the firmament (苍穹) (Chaos), and earth.Characters:God the Father, God the Son: (trinity)Two of the three divine persons making up the all-powerful Godhead, the single deity(神性)that created and ruled all that exists outside of itself. The third divine person, the Holy Spirit, does not play a role in Paradise Lost. God the Father is portrayed as just but merciful, condemning (批判) the defiant (⽬中⽆⼈)and unrepentant (不后悔的) rebel angels but permitting redemption of the repentant Adam and Eve. God the Son volunteers to redeem them by becoming human and enduring suffering and death.Satan (Lucifer, Archfiend): Powerful and prideful angel who, with legions (众多的) of supporters, leads an unsuccessful rebellion against God and suffers eternal damnation. T o gain revenge, he devises a plan to corrupt God's newly created beings, Adam and Eve, through deceit. Modern readers often admire him for his steely defiance (藐视). He would rather rule in hell, he says, than serve in heaven. It was not Milton's intent, however, to create an admirable character; rather his intent was to create a character of colossal (巨⼤的) hatred — loathsome (令⼈讨厌的), execrable (恶劣的), incurably remorseless (冷酷⽆情的).Adam and Eve: The first human beings, created by God to fill the void(真空)that resulted when God cast Satan and his supporters out of the celestial realm. Adam and Eve live on the planet earth in utter happiness in a special garden where spring is the only season and love and godly living prevail. Though they have all that they want and need, cunning Satan tells them they can have knowledge and status beyond their reach if only they eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Eve can become a goddess, he says. Vanity overtakes her. She eats. Adam reluctantly does the same.Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Uriel: Powerful and fearless angels on the side of God.Beelzebub, Mammon, Belial, Moloch: Powerful leaders in Satan's army. In a great council in hell, each of them speaks his mind on what policy devil-kind should follow after losing paradise. Should they make a new war? Should they make peace?Ithuriel, Zephron: Angels who expel Satan from the Garden of Eden with the help of a sign from God. Satan returns to the garden later to complete his devious enterprise.Mulciber: Fallen angel who designs hell's capital city and seat of government, Pandemonium. In ancient Roman mythology, Mulciber is another name for Vulcan (Greek: Hephaestus), god of fire and the forge. As a blacksmith, he kept shop in burning mountains (volcanoes).Sin: Daughter of Satan. She was born from his head in the manner of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and war, who sprang from the forehead of Zeus, king of the gods.天动说的design rather than the Copernican design (哥⽩尼式设计). The former placed earth at the center of the solar system, with the sun and other celestial bodies orbiting it. Copernicus and other scientists later proved that the earth orbits the sun. Milton was aware of the Copernican theory, but he used the Ptolemaic design—either because he believed it was the more credible theory or because he believed it would better serve his literary purpose. In Paradise Lost, Adam inquires about the movements of celestial bodies—in particular, whether earth orbits the sun or vice versa—in his conversation with the archangel天使Raphael, but Raphael gives no definite answer. Raphael may have been speaking for Milton.Style and Verse FormatMilton wrote Paradise Lost in dignified, lofty, melodic English free of any colloquialisms and slangs that would have limited the work's timeliness and universality. The format, Milton says in an introductory note, is "English heroic verse without rhyme"—in other words, blank verse, the same verse form used by Shakespeare in his plays. Milton's strong religious faith infuses the poem with sincerity and moral purpose, but he does not allow his enthusiasm for his subject to overtake control of his writing. Though Milton frequently uses obscure allusions to mythology and history, as well as occasional difficult wordsand phrases, his language is never deliberately affected or ostentatious炫耀的. What is more, it does not preach and does not take the reader on circumlocutory迂回的expeditions. Like a symphony composer—mighty Beethoven, for example —Milton is always in control, tempering his creative genius with his technical discipline.With a good dictionary and an annotated有注解的text, a first-time reader of Milton can easily follow and understand the story while developing an appreciation for the exquisite writing.Epic ConventionsIn Paradise Lost, Milton used the classical epic conventions—literary practices, rules, or devices established by Homer that became commonplace in epic poetry. Some of these practices were also used in other genres ofliterature. Among the classical conventions Milton used are the following:(1) The invocation 祈祷of the muse, in which a writer requests divine help in composing his work.(2) Telling a story with which readers or listeners are already familiar; they know the characters, the plot, and the outcome. Most of the great writers of the ancient world—as well as many great writers in later times, including Shakespeare—frequently told stories already known to the public. Thus, in such stories, there were no unexpected plot twists, no surprise endings. If this sounds strange to you, the modern reader and theatergoer, consider that many of the most popular motion pictures today are about stories already known to the public.(3) Beginning the story in the middle, a literary convention known by its Latin term in media res资源(in the middle of things). Such a convention allows a writer to begin his story at an exciting part, then flash back to fill the reader in on details leading up to that exciting part.(4) Announcing or introducing a list of characters who play a major role in the story. They may speak at some length about how to resolve a problem (as the followers of Satan do early in Paradise Lost).(5) Conflict in the celestial realm. Divine beings fight and scheme against one another in the epics of Homer and Vergil, and they do so in Paradise Lost on a grand scale, with Satan and his forces opposing God and his forces. (6) Use of dramatic irony. Dramatic irony is a literary device in which a character in a story fails to see or understand what is obvious to the audience or readers. Dramatic irony appears frequently in the plays of the ancient Greeks. ImageryMilton's imagery is at times graceful and elegant, as in this memorable personification in Book 6 [Waked by the circling hours, with rosy hand Unbarred the gates of light. (lines 2-4)]At other times, the imagery is imposing and awe-inspiring, as in this description in Book 7In Book 8, Milton describes the commission of the first sin in simple, straightforward language, followed by a succinct personification summing up the terrible effects of the iniquityMilton also uses personification in Book 4 in this beautiful passage about a quiet night, the starry sky, and the ascendancy of the moonEnjambment跨⾏连续Milton uses frequently uses enjambment (also spelled enjambement) in the poem. It is a literary device in which a poet does not complete his sentence or phrase at the end of one line but allows it to carry over to the next line. Milton's use of enjambment helps the poem flow from one line to the next.Of man's first disobedience, and the fruitBrought death into the world. . .(Book 1, lines 1-3)Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tasteMain ThemeIn Book 1 of Paradise Lost, Milton reveals the central theme of the work: to justify the ways of God to man. Justify here means to explain and defend, and ultimately to vindicate澄清, God’s course of action in dealing with Adam and Eve after they succumbed to the temptation of Satan and ate forbidden fruit.Other ThemesInordinate 过度的pride: It leads to Satan's downfall and his continuing defiance of God.Envy: Arising from Satan's pride, it makes him jealous of God the Son, who is the favorite of God the Father. Revenge: It motivates Satan to corrupt Adam and Eve and thereby subvert God's plans.Vanity: It leads Eve to believe—under the temptation of Satan—that she can become godlike.Deceit: Satan appears in many disguises and tells many lies during his mission to trick Adam and Eve.Infidelity: Adam betrays God by siding with Eve and eating the forbidden fruit.Unbridled 不受约束的pursuit of knowledge: It leads Adam and Eve to seek knowledge beyond their ken, knowledge that will make them godlike.Volition意志: Angels and humans alike possess free will, enabling them to make decisions. Satan freely chooses to rebel against God, and Adam and Eve freely choose to eat forbidden fruit. The consequences of their actions are their own fault, not God's. Milton uses this theme to help support the central theme, "to justify the ways of God to man."Disobedience违抗: All sins are acts of disobedience against God, impairing or cutting off the sinner's relationship with God. Adam and Eve and all of the devils disobey God through their sins.Loyalty: Loyalty to God and his ways are necessary for eternal salvation. Loyalty requires obedience. All of the good angels exhibit loyalty.Repentance悔悟: Even though Adam and Eve have disobeyed God, their repentance makes them eligible for eventual salvation.Hope: At the end of Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve enter the imperfect world with hope; they can yet attain eternal salvation. Redemption赎回: Through the suffering and death of the Son of God, sinful man can reconcile himself with God if he is sincerely sorry for his sins.ClimaxThe climax, or turning point, of Paradise Lost occurs when Adam and Eve succumb to Satan's temptations and eat the forbidden fruit. This act of disobedience results in their downfall and eviction from Paradise.What Is an Angel?An angel is a supernatural being that serves God by praising and adoring Him and by carrying out special missions that assist humans. Angels have the additional task of opposing and punishing devils. Devils are angelscast out of heaven because they rebelled against God. The word angel derives from the Greek word angelos, meaning messenger. The major western religions—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—all accept the existence of angels. The rank of angels from highest to lowest is as follows:1. Seraphim (Seraph)2. Cherubim (Cherub)3. Thrones4. Dominations5. Virtues6. Powers7. Principalities8. Archangels9. AngelsChapter 13 The Seventeenth-Century Prose2007-11-12 13:53I. Bible1. The Bible is the name given to the revelation of God to man contained in sixty-six books or pamphlets, bound together and forming one book.2. The Books of the Bible:Old Testament(39 Books, written in the Hebrew language between 1400 and 400B.C. )About the creation of the world, the origin of the Jewish people, its history, religion, law, and poetry. New Testament(27 Books, written in the Greek language between 40 and 100 A.D.)About Jesus Christ’s life, his deeds and teachingsSon of an important official / Studied law, became a barrister and entered House of Commons, legal advisor to Elizabeth I / Attorney General and Lord Chancellor under James I; forced out of office in 1621 / Retired to his estate to write and study / Tried to convince Elizabeth I and James I to embrace natural philosophy as statecraft2. Major WorksEssays (1594)The Advancement of Learning (1605) Great Instauration and Novum Organum (1620) New Atlantis (posthumous)3. Important Baconian ideas●Reliance on the evidence of the senses and instruments●Progress through technology●Technological transformation of nature to make it useful to humanity●State Institutions of science: institutes, centralization, technocratic expertise4. Bacon’s Essays●Essay as a form of literature, the essay is a composition of moderate length, usually in prose, which deals in aneasy, cursory way with the external conditions of a subject, and, in strictness, with that subject, only as it affects the writer. The essay was invented by Montaigne.●Bacon’s essaysBacon offers his views on a whole smorgasbord of topics ranging from Truth, Death,' Adversitie', Marriage & the single life, Love, Boldness, Superstition, Friendship, Health, Ambition, Youth, Beauty to Anger & Fame.Features of Bacon’s essays●Bacon’s essays are the first example of that genre in English lit erature and have been recognized as animportant landmark in the development of English prose. The essays are famous for the pithy aphoristic style, which he had defended in principle in The Advancement of Learning as proper for the expression of tentative opinions.●There is an obvious stylistic change in the Essays. The sentences in the first edition are charged and crowdedwith symmetries. They are composed in a rather affected way. However, the final edition not only enlarges the range of theme, but also brings forth the looser and more persuasive style.●The essays are well arranged and enriched by Biblical allusions, metaphors and cadences. In general, Bacon’s literary style is noted for three prominent qualities: directness, terseness, and forcefulness.II. John Bunyan (1628-1688)1. Life and CareerHad very little schooling, but abnormally active imagination with dreams and fears of devils and hell-fire / Worked in the tinker's trade / Served in the parliamentary army / Married in 1649 / Joined a non-sectarian church / Was arrested and imprisoned for making illegal preaching in the surrounding villages / Wrote Pilgrim’s Progress in Prison2. Points of View●Religiously, a devout Christian, and a firm non-conformist of the Anglican Church, he believed that man’s final salvation could be achieved only by one’s own spiritual struggle.●Politically, with a deep hatred for the corrupted, hypocritical rich, he condemned oppression, falsehood,indulgence in pleasure seeking and many other vices of the money-corrupted upper class, but eulogized the truth-seeking Christian.3. The Pilgrim's Progress(1) Story : A tale of adventure on a perilous path, encountering giants, wild beasts, hobgoblins, etc. The tale based on human experience: e.g. the moving account of his death with Hopeful(2) Major charactersChristian Faithful Hopeful Giant Despair Ignorance Christiana(3) Major theme:●Spiritual salvation for mankind●The cost of salvation●The road to salvation is difficult and lonely ●Salvation is attainable by all who seek it. ●To grow in holiness is a daily battle, in which therewill be setbacks and encouragements, but which isa battle worth fighting(4) The basic metaphor: Life is a journey.●"Everyone sojourning in the flesh is passing through this earth to a mysterious state of future bliss .... thePilgrim's progress is toward no earthly destination.―●The journey is from this world to the next world.●Pilgrim, one who strives to obtain salvation of their soul through a physical journey in which love for God, and notlove for material things, drives them.●Pilgrimage: the journey to a distant sacred goal; it is found in all the great religions of the world. It is a journeyboth outwards to hallowed places and inwards to spiritual improvement; it can express penance for past evils, or the search for future good; the pilgrim may pursue spiritual ecstasy in the sacred sites of a particular faith, or seek a miracle through the medium of God or a saint.●Johnson praised John Bunyan highly. "His Pilgrim's Progress has great merit, both for invention, imagination,and the conduct of the story; and it has had the best evidence of its merit, the general and continued approbation of mankind. Few books, I believe, have had a more extensive sale. It is remarkable, that it begins very much like the poem of Dante; yet there was no translation of Dante when Bunyan wrote. There is reason to think that he had read Spenser."(5) Special features●The most successful religious allegory in English language●Vivid characterization: Travelers who represent states of the soul, or moral attitudes●Style: Modeled on the prose style of the English Bible; Simple diction; colloquial expressions; andstraightforward sentence structuresIII. John Dryden (1631-1700)1. Life and CareerBorn in a country g entry’s family / Received his education at Cambridge / Shifted to the royalist side after Restoration / Became a prominent poet, dramatist, and critic in his time2. Major WorksAbsalom and AchitophelAntony and Cleopatra: All for LoveAn Essay of Dramatic Poesy3. Influence on Literature●Dryden is the ―lock by which the waters of English poetry were let down from the mountains of Shakespeare andMilton to the plain of Pope.‖●His satire exerted a fruitful influence on the most brilliant verse satirists of the next century.●As a prose writer, Dryden had a very marked influence on English literature in shortening his sentences, andespecially in writing naturally, without depending on literary ornamentation to give effect to what he is saying.Primarily focusing on drama, the poetry of plays, he creates a dialogue between poet/critics of He chooses to review the existing, generally accepted conventions and decide in what respects they are being followed, or whether they should be followed by English writers.Chapter 14 Introduction to the 18th centuryI. Introductory Remarks:The period (1660-1798) began with the Restoration of Charles II, during whose reign the leading literary figure was John Dryden, with whom the neoclassical literature came into being, and concluded with the death of Samuel Johnson in 1784, the last important advocate of neoclassicism. By Johnson’s death, neoclassicism came to a decline the 18th century. Complacency (self-satisfaction) marked the beginning of the 18th century. The upper classes, in complete control now, wanted no religious enthusiasts and revolutionaries. They believed in reason. This rational approach to social and literary problems have given it the title of ―The Age of Reason‖, while the desire for perfect form which resulted in adaptations of Greek and Latin models has caused it to be called ―The Neoclassic Age.‖1. The Glorious Revolution (1688)1) James II (reactionary rule and ruthless suppression of the Protestant rebellion) / discontent from the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy / Mary and her husband, William were invited to be joint sovereigns of the English throne / James II was forced to abdicate and fled to France in 1688. / This was called the Glorious or Bloodless Revolution in England2) After that England gradually became a constitutional monarchy, and power passed from the king to the parliament and the cabinet.2. Religious ConflictsWith the triumph of the Glorious Revolution, the conflicts were very intense between the Anglican Church and its two adversaries – Protestant Dissenters and Roman Catholics. Finally England was firmly established as a dominantly Protestant nation. In the late 17th century, Deism⾃然神教admitted their belief in a Supreme Being or the God as the creator of the world, but they glorified reason and so rejected the so-called “revealed”religious truth.(reason underlying the so-called “revealed”religious truth)3. The Rapid Expanding of the British Empirethe defeat of the Holland navy; a series of victories over France / the Act of Union of 1707 – Great Britain / from Canada in the west to India in the east / Swift, Burke, Sheridan and Goldsmith (from Ireland); Thomson, Boswell, Hume and Burns (from Scotland).4. The Industrial Revolutionthe discovery of the Laws of Gravitation by Newton; steam engine (James Watt); te xtile machines… / the Enclosure 5. Two-Party Politics (The Tory and the Whig)the Tory (conservative) defended the kingship, the old traditions and the noble country families / the Whig (liberal) sought toincrease the powers of the Parliament and to advance commerce and education.6. Connection between Politics and Literaturepolitical pamphlets / literary men were eager to offer their services in shaping the government7. The American War of Independence and the French Revolution (1789-1794)The century closed, however, with revolutions, exploding in the American colonies and in France. Though these outbursts of revolutionar y movements did not change England’s position as a big industrial and capitalist power, they had the most far-reaching influences upon men’s thoughts and were left most deeply in literature, esp in the literature of the Age of Romanticism which followed.III. Enlightenment启蒙运动and its effects on English literature1. It was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th and Russia in the 19th centuries. The movement was, on the whole, an expression of the struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation停滞, prejudices and other feudal survivals.2. The enlightenment was so called because it considered the chief means for the betterment of the society was the―enlightenment‖ or ―education‖ of the people. In other words they believed in the power of reason and their watchword was ―common sense‖. That is why the 18th century in England has often been called ―the Age of Reason‖. Most of the enlightenment thinkers believed that social problems could not be solved by church doctrines or by the power of God but should be solved with human intelligence.3. Most of the important writers of the 18th century belonged to the enlightenment. In their works these writers criticized different aspects of contemporary England, discussed social problems and the management of the government, and some even partly defended the interests of the exploited laboring masses, the peasants, and the working people in the cities. The literature of the Enlightenment in England mainly appealed to the middle class readers.IV. Neo-Classicism1. Neoclassicism was a reaction against the intricacy 复杂and occasional obscurity晦涩, boldness and the extravagance of European literature of the late Renaissance, and in favor of simplicity, clarity, restraint, regularity and good sense. In England, neoclassicism was initiated by Dryden, culminated in Pope and continued by Johnson.2. The writers were considered neoclassic because they modeled themselves on classical Greek or Latin authors in order to achieve perfect form in literature. The general tendency of neoclassical literature was to look at social and political life critically, to emphasize intellect rather than imagination, the form rather than the content of a sentence.3. Chief characteristics of Neoclassic literature1) The neoclassic writers manifested a strong traditionalism, which was clearly shown in their immense respect for classical writers.2) The neoclassic believed that literature was primarily an ―art‖, which must be perfected by long study and practice. They laid much emphasis on the correct, the appropriate, on restraint and discipline, paid much attention to their style, and respected the established rules of their art.3) The neoclassic regarded poetry as imitation of human life –a mirror up to nature. Emphasis was placed on what human beings possess in common (共性)–representative characteristics, and widely shared experiences, thoughts, feelings and tastes.4) The neoclassic believed that the poet is the maker – the maker of the representative images of human actions and of the world, and the purpose for which he makes this image of life is to teach. In order to teach effectively, he must please the reader by his fictions, and by all the ornaments of language, metrics and rhetoric that belong to his craft. This concept of the nature of the poet inevitably determines the didactic, satirical, artificial and orderly qualities of neoclassicism.5) The neoclassic deduced 演绎rules from the practice of early masters and invented new rules of their own.In drama, they adhered to the three unities of time, place and action, regularity in construction, and the presentation of types rather than individuals.In di ction, they highly regarded ―witty‖ expressions. They preferred the use of artificial and stock diction. ?In poetry, they demanded it to follow the ancient divisions: lyric, epic, didactic, satiric or dramatic, and each class should be guided by its own principles.In versification诗律, the age was famous for its ―closed heroic couplet‖, that is, two rhyming lines of iambic pentameter which contains within itself a complete statement and so is closed by a semicolon, period, question mark, or exclamation point.The neoclassic poetry differs from that of the Elizabethan Age in three ways. First, it is more formal, with its demand to follow exact rules, while the Elizabethans wrote in a more natural style sometimes without regard to rules; second, it is more artificial, polished, prosaic单调的, and dull and lacks the creative vigor of the Elizabethans; third, the chief poetic form of neoclassicism is heroic couplet which replaced the variety of forms in the Elizabethan Age.4. The literature of the Neoclassic Age (1660-1784)1) the first, extending to the death of Dryden in 1700, may be thought of as the period in which English ―neoclassical‖literature came into being and its critical principles were formulated; the second, ending with the death of Pope in 1744 and of Swift in 1745, brought to its culmination the literary movement; the third, concluding with the death of Johnson in 1784 and the publication of William Cowper’s The Task in 1785, was a period in which neoclassical principles gradually petered out 耗尽and were replaced by the Romantic Movement.Chapter 15 The 18th Century PoetryI. Alexander Pope (1688-1744)1. Life StoryBorn in London of a successful merchant’s family, of Roman Catholic faith / weak and crippled from childhood / did not have regular schooling but was taught at home by a priest / his only amusement was reading and writing. He taught himself by reading and translating Latin, French, Italian, and Greek poets, with the help of dictionaries and grammar books. Pope began to write poems when he was only 12.2. His Poems1) the first groupdidactic and philosophical poems, including Essay on Criticism (1711); Moral Essays (1731); An Essay on Man (1734);2) The second group contains his poems of social satires, such as the Rape of the Lock (1714); An Heroic-Comical Poem and The Dunciad3) The third group is composed of his translations of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.3. His Influences1) He had a brilliant wit, a sharp critical sense, and a deadly pen. He brought the neoclassicism in England to its climax.2) In his hands, the heroic couplet achieved all the finish, elegance, wit and pointedness which the form invited.3) As a technician in English verse 韵⽂he has never been excelled, and he occupied such a prominent place in the literary world of his time that not infrequently the literary epoch of early 18th century has been named after him as “The Age of Pope”. After his time, esp since the 19th century, Pope has been much criticized and some critics have called him a versifier and not a poet, meaning that he wrote clever and standardized but very mechanical sort of verse which had not flights of poetic imagination. Bla ke summarized him as ―elegant formalism‖. Byron, however, thought highly of him, defended him, and was much under his influence. Nowadays he is rated by some critics as second only to Shakespeare and Milton, and the equal of Wordsworth.II. Thomas Gray (1716-1771)The most scholarly and well-balanced of all the early romantic poets and the most outstanding of the minor poets of the mid-18th century.1. Life StoryBorn in London / educated first at Eton and then at Cambridge / spend 2 years on a grand tour of the European Continent / after graduation he continued to live at Cambridge and was appointed professor at Cambridge.2. His WorksOn Spring;。

德拉克洛瓦的首件力作是1822年的《但丁小舟》 1824年德拉克洛瓦又创作了《希阿岛的屠杀》,被认为是向古典派的 一次挑战,标志着浪漫主义盛期的到来。 德拉克洛瓦的代表作是创作于1830年的《自由引导人民》,此作品被 当作浪漫主义的典型代表作。
(德拉克洛瓦) 《希阿岛的屠杀》 取材于19世纪30年代, 希腊人民反抗土耳其 统治而进行的一场举 世瞩目的事件,表现 希腊民族所遭受的凌 辱。 这件作品从内容到 形式大胆地破坏了古 典绘画的传统,把全 部注意力放在色彩与 构图的力度上,使用 豪放的大笔触,通过 明暗对比与人物的姿 态,古 典主义美的追求, 高贵、雅致,甚至 一种不凡的气质透 溢其间,《贝尔坦 肖像》最能体现这 种美学品格。贝尔 坦是一位精力充沛 的法国报界人士。 《贝尔坦肖像》
安格尔的名画《泉》令多少人 为之陶醉,奥秘在于画家抓住了 人体内部力的微妙关系:少女向 左倾斜的双肩和向右倾斜的胯部, 向上超拔的用力和向下倾倒的水 罐,前曲的右膝和后绷的左腿, 都体现了力的打破平衡和恢复平 衡;尤其是少女全裸的胴体,显 示着坦然开放的态度,而她紧紧 夹住的大腿和紧抓水罐的双手, 又暗示着内心的羞涩和拘谨,更 给人以妙不可言的力的对抗。它 在观众感觉上引起相应的紧张度 和轻松感,在一张一弛之间体验 着生命的活力。
新古典主义产生的原因有两方面: 一、以农业为基础的重商主义的君主政体。 二、考古发现与科学研究的推动。
18世纪下半叶,法国资产阶级和封建贵族 之间的矛盾日益尖锐,一场巨大的革命运 动即将来临,渴求改变现状的法国民众对 散发着没落贵族气息和华丽脂粉的18世纪 “罗可可”艺术越发反感。他们都期待庄 重严肃的新艺术风格作为宣传革命、号召 人民的有力武器,希望艺术能够发挥培植 人们的斗争勇气。资产阶级从古希腊,罗 马的历史中找到适合他们作为行动典范的 共和主义英雄题材,来为当时一触即发的 法国大革命服务。
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Chapter 12 John MiltonParadise Lost(completed in 1667. In 1674, he published the final version of the epic. 12 books)Type of Work:Paradise Lost is an epic poem which —like the epic poems of Homer, Dante, Vergil, and Goethe—tells a story about momentous events while incorporating grand themes that are timeless and universal. Sources:Milton used the Bible, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Vergil's Aeneid, and the stories in Greco-Roman mythology as sources of information and as writing models. The Bible's Book of Genesis is the main source for his retelling of the story of creation and the first humans, Adam and Eve.Settings:The settings are heaven, hell, the firmament (苍穹) (Chaos), and earth.Characters:• God the Father, God the Son: (trinity)Two of the three divine persons making up the all-powerful Godhead, the single deity(神性)that created and ruled all that exists outside of itself. The third divine person, the Holy Spirit, does not play a role in Paradise Lost. God the Father is portrayed as just but merciful, condemning (批判) the defiant (目中无人)and unrepentant (不后悔的) rebel angels but permitting redemption of the repentant Adam and Eve. God the Son volunteers to redeem them by becoming human and enduring suffering and death.• Satan (Lucifer, Archfiend): Powerful and prideful angel who, with legions (众多的) of supporters, leads an unsuccessful rebellion against God and suffers eternal damnation. T o gain revenge, he devises a plan to corrupt God's newly created beings, Adam and Eve, through deceit. Modern readers often admire him for his steely defiance (藐视). He would rather rule in hell, he says, than serve in heaven. It was not Milton's intent, however, to create an admirable character; rather his intent was to create a character of colossal (巨大的) hatred — loathsome (令人讨厌的), execrable (恶劣的), incurably remorseless (冷酷无情的).• Adam and Eve: The first human beings, created by God to fill the void(真空)that resulted when God cast Satan and his supporters out of the celestial realm. Adam and Eve live on the planet earth in utter happiness in a special garden where spring is the only season and love and godly living prevail. Though they have all that they want and need, cunning Satan tells them they can have knowledge and status beyond their reach if only they eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Eve can become a goddess, he says. Vanity overtakes her. She eats. Adam reluctantly does the same.• Gabriel, Raphael, Michael, Uriel: Powerful and fearless angels on the side of God.• Beelzebub, Mammon, Belial, Moloch: Powerful leaders in Satan's army. In a great council in hell, each of them speaks his mind on what policy devil-kind should follow after losing paradise. Should they make a new war? Should they make peace?• Ithuriel, Zephron: Angels who expel Satan from the Garden of Eden with the help of a sign from God. Satan returns to the garden later to complete his devious enterprise.• Mulciber: Fallen angel who designs hell's capital city and seat of government, Pandemonium. In ancient Roman mythology, Mulciber is another name for Vulcan (Greek: Hephaestus), god of fire and the forge. As a blacksmith, he kept shop in burning mountains (volcanoes).• Sin: Daughter of Satan. She was born from his head in the manner of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and war, who sprang from the forehead of Zeus, king of the gods.天动说的design rather than the Copernican design (哥白尼式设计). The former placed earth at the center of the solar system, with the sun and other celestial bodies orbiting it. Copernicus and other scientists later proved that the earth orbits the sun. Milton was aware of the Copernican theory, but he used the Ptolemaic design—either because he believed it was the more credible theory or because he believed it would better serve his literary purpose. In Paradise Lost, Adam inquires about the movements of celestial bodies—in particular, whether earth orbits the sun or vice versa—in his conversation with the archangel天使Raphael, but Raphael gives no definite answer. Raphael may have been speaking for Milton.Style and Verse FormatMilton wrote Paradise Lost in dignified, lofty, melodic English free of any colloquialisms and slangs that would have limited the work's timeliness and universality. The format, Milton says in an introductory note, is "English heroic verse without rhyme"—in other words, blank verse, the same verse form used by Shakespeare in his plays. Milton's strong religious faith infuses the poem with sincerity and moral purpose, but he does not allow his enthusiasm for his subject to overtake control of his writing. Though Milton frequently uses obscure allusions to mythology and history, as well as occasional difficult words and phrases, his language is never deliberately affected or ostentatious炫耀的. What is more, it does not preach and does not take the reader on circumlocutory迂回的expeditions. Like a symphony composer—mighty Beethoven, for example —Milton is always in control, tempering his creative genius with his technical discipline.With a good dictionary and an annotated有注解的text, a first-time reader of Milton can easily follow and understand the story while developing an appreciation for the exquisite writing.Epic ConventionsIn Paradise Lost, Milton used the classical epic conventions—literary practices, rules, or devices established by Homer that became commonplace in epic poetry. Some of these practices were also used in other genres ofliterature. Among the classical conventions Milton used are the following:(1) The invocation 祈祷of the muse, in which a writer requests divine help in composing his work.(2) Telling a story with which readers or listeners are already familiar; they know the characters, the plot, and the outcome. Most of the great writers of the ancient world—as well as many great writers in later times, including Shakespeare—frequently told stories already known to the public. Thus, in such stories, there were no unexpected plot twists, no surprise endings. If this sounds strange to you, the modern reader and theatergoer, consider that many of the most popular motion pictures today are about stories already known to the public.(3) Beginning the story in the middle, a literary convention known by its Latin term in media res资源(in the middle of things). Such a convention allows a writer to begin his story at an exciting part, then flash back to fill the reader in on details leading up to that exciting part.(4) Announcing or introducing a list of characters who play a major role in the story. They may speak at some length about how to resolve a problem (as the followers of Satan do early in Paradise Lost).(5) Conflict in the celestial realm. Divine beings fight and scheme against one another in the epics of Homer and Vergil, and they do so in Paradise Lost on a grand scale, with Satan and his forces opposing God and his forces. (6) Use of dramatic irony. Dramatic irony is a literary device in which a character in a story fails to see or understand what is obvious to the audience or readers. Dramatic irony appears frequently in the plays of the ancient Greeks. Imagery•Milton's imagery is at times graceful and elegant, as in this memorable personification in Book 6 [Waked by the circling hours, with rosy hand Unbarred the gates of light. (lines 2-4)]•At other times, the imagery is imposing and awe-inspiring, as in this description in Book 7•In Book 8, Milton describes the commission of the first sin in simple, straightforward language, followed by a succinct personification summing up the terrible effects of the iniquity•Milton also uses personification in Book 4 in this beautiful passage about a quiet night, the starry sky, and the ascendancy of the moonEnjambment跨行连续Milton uses frequently uses enjambment (also spelled enjambement) in the poem. It is a literary device in which a poet does not complete his sentence or phrase at the end of one line but allows it to carry over to the next line. Milton's use of enjambment helps the poem flow from one line to the next.Of man's first disobedience, and the fruitBrought death into the world. . .(Book 1, lines 1-3)Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal tasteMain ThemeIn Book 1 of Paradise Lost, Milton reveals the central theme of the work: to justify the ways of God to man. Justify here means to explain and defend, and ultimately to vindicate澄清, God’s course of action in dealing with Adam and Eve after they succumbed to the temptation of Satan and ate forbidden fruit.Other ThemesInordinate 过度的pride: It leads to Satan's downfall and his continuing defiance of God.Envy: Arising from Satan's pride, it makes him jealous of God the Son, who is the favorite of God the Father. Revenge: It motivates Satan to corrupt Adam and Eve and thereby subvert God's plans.Vanity: It leads Eve to believe—under the temptation of Satan—that she can become godlike.Deceit: Satan appears in many disguises and tells many lies during his mission to trick Adam and Eve.Infidelity: Adam betrays God by siding with Eve and eating the forbidden fruit.Unbridled 不受约束的pursuit of knowledge: It leads Adam and Eve to seek knowledge beyond their ken, knowledge that will make them godlike.Volition意志: Angels and humans alike possess free will, enabling them to make decisions. Satan freely chooses to rebel against God, and Adam and Eve freely choose to eat forbidden fruit. The consequences of their actions are their own fault, not God's. Milton uses this theme to help support the central theme, "to justify the ways of God to man."Disobedience违抗: All sins are acts of disobedience against God, impairing or cutting off the sinner's relationship with God. Adam and Eve and all of the devils disobey God through their sins.Loyalty: Loyalty to God and his ways are necessary for eternal salvation. Loyalty requires obedience. All of the good angels exhibit loyalty.Repentance悔悟: Even though Adam and Eve have disobeyed God, their repentance makes them eligible for eventual salvation.Hope: At the end of Paradise Lost, Adam and Eve enter the imperfect world with hope; they can yet attain eternal salvation.Redemption赎回: Through the suffering and death of the Son of God, sinful man can reconcile himself with God if he is sincerely sorry for his sins.ClimaxThe climax, or turning point, of Paradise Lost occurs when Adam and Eve succumb to Satan's temptations and eat the forbidden fruit. This act of disobedience results in their downfall and eviction from Paradise.What Is an Angel?An angel is a supernatural being that serves God by praising and adoring Him and by carrying out special missions that assist humans. Angels have the additional task of opposing and punishing devils. Devils are angelscast out of heaven because they rebelled against God. The word angel derives from the Greek word angelos, meaning messenger. The major western religions—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—all accept the existence of angels. The rank of angels from highest to lowest is as follows:1. Seraphim (Seraph)2. Cherubim (Cherub)3. Thrones4. Dominations5. Virtues6. Powers7. Principalities8. Archangels9. AngelsChapter 13 The Seventeenth-Century Prose2007-11-12 13:53I. Bible1. The Bible is the name given to the revelation of God to man contained in sixty-six books or pamphlets, bound together and forming one book.2. The Books of the Bible:Old Testament(39 Books, written in the Hebrew language between 1400 and 400B.C. )About the creation of the world, the origin of the Jewish people, its history, religion, law, and poetry. New Testament(27 Books, written in the Greek language between 40 and 100 A.D.)About Jesus Christ’s life, his deeds and teachingsSon of an important official / Studied law, became a barrister and entered House of Commons, legal advisor to Elizabeth I / Attorney General and Lord Chancellor under James I; forced out of office in 1621 / Retired to his estate to write and study / Tried to convince Elizabeth I and James I to embrace natural philosophy as statecraft2. Major WorksEssays (1594)The Advancement of Learning (1605) Great Instauration and Novum Organum (1620) New Atlantis (posthumous)3. Important Baconian ideas●Reliance on the evidence of the senses and instruments●Progress through technology●Technological transformation of nature to make it useful to humanity●State Institutions of science: institutes, centralization, technocratic expertise4. Bacon’s Essays●Essay as a form of literature, the essay is a composition of moderate length, usually in prose, which deals in aneasy, cursory way with the external conditions of a subject, and, in strictness, with that subject, only as it affects the writer.The essay was invented by Montaigne.●Bacon’s essaysBacon offers his views on a whole smorgasbord of topics ranging from Truth, Death,' Adversitie', Marriage & the single life, Love, Boldness, Superstition, Friendship, Health, Ambition, Youth, Beauty to Anger & Fame.Features of Bacon’s essays●Bacon’s essays are the first example of that genre in English lit erature and have been recognized as animportant landmark in the development of English prose. The essays are famous for the pithy aphoristic style, which he had defended in principle in The Advancement of Learning as proper for the expression of tentative opinions.●There is an obvious stylistic change in the Essays. The sentences in the first edition are charged and crowdedwith symmetries. They are composed in a rather affected way. However, the final edition not only enlarges the range of theme, but also brings forth the looser and more persuasive style.●The essays are well arranged and enriched by Biblical allusions, metaphors and cadences. In general, Bacon’sliterary style is noted for three prominent qualities: directness, terseness, and forcefulness.II. John Bunyan (1628-1688)1. Life and CareerHad very little schooling, but abnormally active imagination with dreams and fears of devils and hell-fire / Worked in the tinker's trade / Served in the parliamentary army / Married in 1649 / Joined a non-sectarian church / Was arrested and imprisoned for making illegal preaching in the surrounding villages / Wrote Pilgrim’s Progress in Prison2. Points of View●Religiously, a devout Christian, and a firm non-conformist of the Anglican Church, he believed that man’s finalsalvation could be achieved only by one’s own spiritual struggle.●Politically, with a deep hatred for the corrupted, hypocritical rich, he condemned oppression, falsehood,indulgence in pleasure seeking and many other vices of the money-corrupted upper class, but eulogized the truth-seeking Christian.3. The Pilgrim's Progress(1) Story : A tale of adventure on a perilous path, encountering giants, wild beasts, hobgoblins, etc. The tale based on human experience: e.g. the moving account of his death with Hopeful(2) Major charactersChristian Faithful Hopeful Giant Despair Ignorance Christiana(3) Major theme:●Spiritual salvation for mankind●The cost of salvation●The road to salvation is difficult and lonely ●Salvation is attainable by all who seek it. ●To grow in holiness is a daily battle, in which therewill be setbacks and encouragements, but which isa battle worth fighting(4) The basic metaphor: Life is a journey.●"Everyone sojourning in the flesh is passing through this earth to a mysterious state of future bliss .... thePilgrim's progress is toward no earthly destination.“●The journey is from this world to the next world.●Pilgrim, one who strives to obtain salvation of their soul through a physical journey in which love for God, and notlove for material things, drives them.●Pilgrimage: the journey to a distant sacred goal; it is found in all the great religions of the world. It is a journeyboth outwards to hallowed places and inwards to spiritual improvement; it can express penance for past evils, or the search for future good; the pilgrim may pursue spiritual ecstasy in the sacred sites of a particular faith, or seek a miracle through the medium of God or a saint.●Johnson praised John Bunyan highly. "His Pilgrim's Progress has great merit, both for invention, imagination,and the conduct of the story; and it has had the best evidence of its merit, the general and continued approbation of mankind. Few books, I believe, have had a more extensive sale. It is remarkable, that it begins very much like the poem of Dante; yet there was no translation of Dante when Bunyan wrote. There is reason to think that he had read Spenser."(5) Special features●The most successful religious allegory in English language●Vivid characterization: Travelers who represent states of the soul, or moral attitudes●Style: Modeled on the prose style of the English Bible; Simple diction; colloquial expressions; andstraightforward sentence structuresIII. John Dryden (1631-1700)1. Life and CareerBorn in a country g entry’s family / Received his education at Cambridge / Shifted to the royalist side after Restoration / Became a prominent poet, dramatist, and critic in his time2. Major WorksAbsalom and AchitophelAntony and Cleopatra: All for LoveAn Essay of Dramatic Poesy3. Influence on Literature●Dryden is the “lock by which the waters of English poetry were let down from the mountains of Shakespeare andMilton to the plain of Pope.”●His satire exerted a fruitful influence on the most brilliant verse satirists of the next century.●As a prose writer, Dryden had a very marked influence on English literature in shortening his sentences, andespecially in writing naturally, without depending on literary ornamentation to give effect to what he is saying.Primarily focusing on drama, the poetry of plays, he creates a dialogue between poet/critics of He chooses to review the existing, generally accepted conventions and decide in what respects they are being followed, or whether they should be followed by English writers.Chapter 14 Introduction to the 18th centuryI. Introductory Remarks:The period (1660-1798) began with the Restoration of Charles II, during whose reign the leading literary figure was John Dryden, with whom the neoclassical literature came into being, and concluded with the death of Samuel Johnson in 1784, the last important advocate of neoclassicism. By Johnson’s death, neoclassic ism came to a decline the 18th century. Complacency (self-satisfaction) marked the beginning of the 18th century. The upper classes, in complete control now, wanted no religious enthusiasts and revolutionaries. They believed in reason. This rational approach to social and literary problems have given it the title of “The Age of Reason”, while the desire for perfect form which resulted in adaptations of Greek and Latin models has caused it to be called “The Neoclassic Age.”1. The Glorious Revolution (1688)1) James II (reactionary rule and ruthless suppression of the Protestant rebellion) / discontent from the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy / Mary and her husband, William were invited to be joint sovereigns of the English throne / James II was forced to abdicate and fled to France in 1688. / This was called the Glorious or Bloodless Revolution in England2) After that England gradually became a constitutional monarchy, and power passed from the king to the parliament and the cabinet.2. Religious ConflictsWith the triumph of the Glorious Revolution, the conflicts were very intense between the Anglican Church and its two adversaries – Protestant Dissenters and Roman Catholics. Finally England was firmly established as a dominantly Protestant nation. In the late 17th century, Deism自然神教admitted their belief in a Supreme Being or the God as the creator of the world, but they glorified reason and so rejected the so-called “revealed”religious truth.(reason underlying the so-called “revealed”religious truth)3. The Rapid Expanding of the British Empirethe defeat of the Holland navy; a series of victories over France / the Act of Union of 1707 – Great Britain / from Canada in the west to India in the east / Swift, Burke, Sheridan and Goldsmith (from Ireland); Thomson, Boswell, Hume and Burns (from Scotland).4. The Industrial Revolutionthe discovery of the Laws of Gravitation by Newton; steam engine (James Watt); te xtile machines… / the Enclosure 5. Two-Party Politics (The Tory and the Whig)the Tory (conservative) defended the kingship, the old traditions and the noble country families / the Whig (liberal) sought to increase the powers of the Parliament and to advance commerce and education.6. Connection between Politics and Literaturepolitical pamphlets / literary men were eager to offer their services in shaping the government7. The American War of Independence and the French Revolution (1789-1794)The century closed, however, with revolutions, exploding in the American colonies and in France. Though these outbursts of revolutionar y movements did not change England’s position as a big industrial and capitalist power, they had the most far-reaching influences upon men’s thoughts and were left most deeply in literature, esp in the literature of the Age of Romanticism which followed.III. Enlightenment启蒙运动and its effects on English literature1. It was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th and Russia in the 19th centuries. The movement was, on the whole, an expression of the struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality, stagnation停滞, prejudices and other feudal survivals.2. The enlightenment was so called because it considered the chief means for the betterment of the society was the “enlightenment” or “education” of the people. In other words they believed in the power of reason and their watchword was “common sense”. That is why the 18th century in England has often been called “the Age of Reason”. Most of the enlightenment thinkers believed that social problems could not be solved by church doctrines or by the power of God but should be solved with human intelligence.3. Most of the important writers of the 18th century belonged to the enlightenment. In their works these writers criticized different aspects of contemporary England, discussed social problems and the management of the government, and some even partly defended the interests of the exploited laboring masses, the peasants, and the working people in the cities. The literature of the Enlightenment in England mainly appealed to the middle class readers.IV. Neo-Classicism1. Neoclassicism was a reaction against the intricacy 复杂and occasional obscurity晦涩, boldness and the extravagance of European literature of the late Renaissance, and in favor of simplicity, clarity, restraint, regularity and good sense. In England, neoclassicism was initiated by Dryden, culminated in Pope and continued by Johnson.2. The writers were considered neoclassic because they modeled themselves on classical Greek or Latin authors in order to achieve perfect form in literature. The general tendency of neoclassical literature was to look at social and political life critically, to emphasize intellect rather than imagination, the form rather than the content of a sentence.3. Chief characteristics of Neoclassic literature1) The neoclassic writers manifested a strong traditionalism, which was clearly shown in their immense respect for classical writers.2) The neoclassic believed that literature was primarily an “art”, which must be perfected by long study and practice. They laid much emphasis on the correct, the appropriate, on restraint and discipline, paid much attention to their style, and respected the established rules of their art.3) The neoclassic regarded poetry as imitation of human life –a mirror up to nature. Emphasis was placed on what human beings possess in common (共性)–representative characteristics, and widely shared experiences, thoughts, feelings and tastes.4) The neoclassic believed that the poet is the maker – the maker of the representative images of human actions and of the world, and the purpose for which he makes this image of life is to teach. In order to teach effectively, he must please the reader by his fictions, and by all the ornaments of language, metrics and rhetoric that belong to his craft. This concept of the nature of the poet inevitably determines the didactic, satirical, artificial and orderly qualities of neoclassicism.5) The neoclassic deduced 演绎rules from the practice of early masters and invented new rules of their own.•In drama, they adhered to the three unities of time, place and action, regularity in construction, and the presentation of types rather than individuals.•In di ction, they highly regarded “witty” expressions. They preferred the use of artificial and stock diction.•In poetry, they demanded it to follow the ancient divisions: lyric, epic, didactic, satiric or dramatic, and each class should be guided by its own principles.•In versification诗律, the age was famous for its “closed heroic couplet”, that is, two rhyming lines of iambic pentameter which contains within itself a complete statement and so is closed by a semicolon, period, question mark, or exclamation point.•The neoclassic poetry differs from that of the Elizabethan Age in three ways. First, it is more formal, with its demand to follow exact rules, while the Elizabethans wrote in a more natural style sometimes without regard to rules; second, it is more artificial, polished, prosaic单调的, and dull and lacks the creative vigor of the Elizabethans; third, the chief poetic form of neoclassicism is heroic couplet which replaced the variety of forms in the Elizabethan Age.4. The literature of the Neoclassic Age (1660-1784)1) the first, extending to the death of Dryden in 1700, may be thought of as the period in which English “neoclassical” literature came into being and its critical principles were formulated; the second, ending with the death of Pope in 1744 and of Swift in 1745, brought to its culmination the literary movement; the third, concluding with the death of Johnson in 1784 and the publication of William Cowper’s The Task in 1785, was a period in which neoclassical principles gradually petered out 耗尽and were replaced by the Romantic Movement.Chapter 15 The 18th Century PoetryI. Alexander Pope (1688-1744)1. Life StoryBorn in London of a successful merchant’s family, of Roman Catholic faith / weak and crippled from childhood / did not have regular schooling but was taught at home by a priest / his only amusement was reading and writing. He taught himself by reading and translating Latin, French, Italian, and Greek poets, with the help of dictionaries and grammar books. Pope began to write poems when he was only 12.2. His Poems1) the first groupdidactic and philosophical poems, including Essay on Criticism (1711); Moral Essays (1731); An Essay on Man (1734);2) The second group contains his poems of social satires, such as the Rape of the Lock (1714); An Heroic-Comical Poem and The Dunciad3) The third group is composed of his translations of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.3. His Influences1) He had a brilliant wit, a sharp critical sense, and a deadly pen. He brought the neoclassicism in England to its climax.2) In his hands, the heroic couplet achieved all the finish, elegance, wit and pointedness which the form invited.3) As a technician in English verse 韵文he has never been excelled, and he occupied such a prominent place in the literary world of his time that not infrequently the literary epoch of early 18th century has been named after him as “The Age of Pope”.After his time, esp since the 19th century, Pope has been much criticized and some critics have called him a versifier and not a poet, meaning that he wrote clever and standardized but very mechanical sort of verse which had not flights of poetic imagination. Bla ke summarized him as “elegant formalism”. Byron, however, thought highly of him, defended him, and was much under his influence. Nowadays he is rated by some critics as second only to Shakespeare and Milton, and the equal of Wordsworth.II. Thomas Gray (1716-1771)The most scholarly and well-balanced of all the early romantic poets and the most outstanding of the minor poets of the mid-18th century.1. Life StoryBorn in London / educated first at Eton and then at Cambridge / spend 2 years on a grand tour of the European Continent / after graduation he continued to live at Cambridge and was appointed professor at Cambridge.2. His WorksOn Spring;On a Distant Prospect of Eton College; On Adversity不幸(1742); Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard墓畔哀歌Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat (an elegy on Walpole)3. His Features1) Gray was familiar with all the intellectual interest of his age, and his works had much of the precision and polish of the classical school.2) His early poems belonged to the literary tradition of neoclassicism. But he also shared the reawakened interest in nature, in common men, and in medieval culture, so his later works were generally romantic both in style and in spirit.3) He also fell under the influence of sentimentalism感伤主义. His poetry reveals two suggestive things.●the appearance of that melancholy忧郁which characterizes the poetry of Romanticism;●the study of nature, not for its own beauty or truth, but rather as a suitable background for the play of humanemotions4. His InfluencesGray’s poetic output was small(around 10), but his Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard was given high praise by literary historians and critics almost unanimously. The Elegy was regarded as the acme 顶点of graveyard。