教你学术论文 毕业论文的写作教程 3
IntroductionGenerally speaking, the purpose of an introduction is to introduce the topic of the writing and to create interest on the part of the readers. It can be as short as a sentence or a paragraph and as long as an entire chapter, depending on the length andcomplexity of the writing. The introduction chapter of your dissertation or thesis is theone in which you provide all of the basic information that the reader will need to understand the dissertation which is to follow. Such things as the background of your research, how you came to research your topic, what your topic is and how it relates to the world around it, and what kind of general principles and methodology you will be using to research your topic and evaluate your hypothesis, are all aspects of what you will cover in the introduction chapter.I General functions of introduction1. introducing the subject:The author is here to supply sufficient background information to relieve the readers who are not well informed in this field of troubles in understanding and evaluating the results of the given study without referring to previous publications on the topic. Since the topic in this section is what the paper is going to deal with, the readers, then, can get a preliminary but overall impression before going on with the full text of the paper.2. limiting the research scope (Establish and Narrow the topic)Only when an introduction clearly defines the limits of the research scope (the limits within which you treat the subject) can readers retrieve the information efficiently provided that the subject is introduced correctly. Your introduction should direct the readers to a specific focus.There are a number of expressions used to limit the scope of work:The problem is within the scope of …The problem under discussion is within the scope of …Studies of these effects covered various aspects of …Our studies with this technique are confined to only one particular aspect …The problem described previously was directed to the example of…, which differsfrom …The subject is concerned chiefly with the study of …The author has limited his studies to the related aspects of …The approach under study is only applied to …The problem I have referred tofalls within thefield of …The theory cannot apply to other cases of …The emphasis of this paper is to survey …3. stating the general purposeThe task is to inform the reader of the general purpose of the paper and illustrate the primary objectives of his research. To start writing your introduction chapter, come up with a simple one sentence summary of the goal of your research. The reader will come to the first chapter of your thesis expecting a statement of purpose. This statement should tell the reader what the topic of the research paper is and what you hope to achieve.4. showing the writing arrangementThe logical arrangement of the writing enables the reader to understand the paper more easily when further reading is necessary. The best place for this information can be found at the end of the introduction.It is supposed to give the reader a sense of how the dissertation will be organized. Provide some kind of chapter by chapter breakdown to tell the reader what can be expected so that the reader will be able to scan the paper at first and have a good sense of what ended up happening. Use solid principles of organization throughout your paper, in addition to hitting all the above topics in your introductory paragraph, to make your dissertation as readable as possible.Expressions used to indicate the organization of the information include:This paper is divided intofive major sections asfollows …Sections one of this paper opens with …Section three develops the second hypotheses on …In this paper, data and results are presented under the major heading of …Sectionfour shows (introduces, reveals, treats, deals with, develops, etc) …The result of… is given in the last sectio n.Thefifth section provides an exposition that places the primary emphasis on …In thefollowing, a wide range of test data are reported …II. Structural features of introduction and some idiomatic expressions 1. starting with the research background (Literature review)To orient the reader, the pertinent(related) literature(文献) should be reviewed in writing a professional paper. The research background is usually given in the section of introduction accompanied by the recent development in this field. That is to answer the question“what have been done? ”You can talk about the background of the project. How did you choose the project? What kind of greater historical context does the research that you are engaged in exist within? You may want to talk about any related experiments or research that specific people have done in the past, including landmark research cases which are related to the topic at hand. This gives the reader a sense of how your research fits into the greater scheme of things, and lets the reader compare what you are about to present to the research which they may or may not already be familiar with from leading figures in the history of the field.Some expressions used to introduce the background of the subject in an introduction are:Over the past several decades, …Somebody reported …The previous work on … has indicated tha t …Recent experiments by … have suggeste d …In most studies of…, … has been emphasized with attention being given to …Industrial use of… is becoming increasingly common.There have been afew studies highlighting …It is well known that …2. transiting to the existing problem (investigation needed/gap )Authors usually transit to the main problem to be discussed or weak points remaining in the previous work to be further studied and/or improved. That is to answer the question“what have not been done? ”The following are expressions often used to present existing problems:Great progress has been made in thisfield, but (however, nevertheless, etc.) …Also, the consideration of … alone cannot explain the observedfact that …A part of the explanation could lie in … however, …The study of… gives rise to two main difficulties: one is …, the other i s …Despite the recent progress reviewed in …, there is no generally accepted theory concerning …From the above discussion, it appears that at present neither … nor … are known.Sofar there is not enough convincing evidence showing …The data available in literaturefailed to prove that …The theory of… did not explain how much modifications aros e.No direct outcome was then reported in …Until now, not any experiment in this area has suggested that …Until now, nofield experiments of … have been reported.No clear advancement has sofar been seen in …The methods we use differs greatlyfrom the one reported ten years ago.3. focusing on the present research (Purpose /value of your research)On the basis of reviewing the previous research, especially unfolding or displaying the weak points of the previous work to be overcome or existing problems to be solved, the author may gradually and naturally turn the reader’s attention to the present research, by stating his primary research objectives, novel ideas, advanced methods, new materials, fresh factors, etc. that is to answer the question“what am I going to d o? ”Now tell the reader what your hypothesis is, as well as your basic reasons for believing in the hypothesis. How does your knowledge of the reality of the field make you lean towards one hypothesis or another? Explain to the reader how you will be able to prove or disprove the hypothesis that you set out with through the course of your research. Talk about any particular relevant issues that could affect the course of the research, or any basic questions or problems that people might have regarding the topic and how you will go about your research process. Try to anticipate how people will react to your hypothesis and make sure that you are able to start your project on a strong heading. It may be best to have the opening paragraph of your thesis reviewed before you embark on the research process, to make sure that you are on the right track (or at least that the track makes sense to others) before you set off and put a lot of effort into collecting data.Expressions to be used to introduce the present work:In this paper, … is investigated(studied, discussed, presented, etc.)The present work deals mainly with …We repot here … in the presence of…This paper reports on …On the basis of existing literature data, we carried out studies in an effort to …The present study will thereforefocus on …The primary goal of this research is …The purpose of this paper is …In this paper, we aim at …III. ways to begin an introductionnarrative: to begin with an anecdote or a brief story that somehow illuminates the thesis, effective in catching the reader ’s attentio n descriptive: to provide an effective lead to the discussion of the subject by explaining ,illustrating or giving a bit of backgroundpreparatory: to begin with an explanation or definition of the subject to prepare for a discussion in detail in the body of the essay inquisitive: pose provocative questions to simulate the reader ’s interestcorrective: to put a common belief or show how the subject has been misunderstoods tating a problem: begin with the statement of the problem and proceed to discuss the solutiongiving a surprising fact or statistics: to grab the reader ’s attentionusing a striking quote: to use surprising quote from a well-known book or person and lead to the discussion of the topic。
What is an abstract? Types of abstracts Why write an abstract? What should the abstract include? How do you write an abstract? What is the style of an abstract? An outline for writing an abstract Common problems in writing an abstract Difference between an abstract and an introduction The Tricks, Conclusion of the lecture
Informative abstracts资料性摘要
The informative abstract, also known as the complete abstract, is a compendious summary of a paper's substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. Usually between 100 and 200 words, the informative abstract summarizes the paper's structure, its major topics and key points. A format for scientific short reports that is similar to an informative abstract has been proposed in recent years. Informative abstracts may be viewed as standalone documents.
二、摘要的分类(Classification of abstract)
根据内容的不同,摘要可分为以下三大类: 一是报道性摘要( informative abstract) :
次文献的主题范围及内容梗概的简明摘要, 相当于简介。
特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、 方法、主要数据和结论。通常这种摘要 可部分地取代阅读全文。
被动语态。以前强调多用被动语态,理由是科 技论文主要是说明事实经过,至于那件事是谁 做的,无须一一证明。事实上,在指示性摘要 中,为强调动作承受者,还是采用被动语态为 好。即使在报道性摘要中,有些情况下被动者 无关紧要,也必须用强调的事物做主语。 例如:In this case, a greater accuracy in measuring distance might be obtained.
⋯ (to be) contrary to ⋯ ⋯ (to be) in contrast with ⋯
常用的句型有: (1) Examples of …demonstrate that … (2) Statistics confirm that …
4. 结论( What conclusions can I draw?) :
To investigate ⋯. and ⋯;
To assess⋯; To determine
whether⋯; To study⋯; To examine ⋯;
To evaluate ⋯ and compare ⋯;
To improve⋯; To describe ⋯; To explore ⋯; To clarify; To identify ⋯。
How to Write an Abstract for a Research PaperWANG YanSchool of International StudiesUIBEIssues to address:1What is an abstract?2Functions of an abstract3Structure of an abstract4Principles of abstract writing1. What is an abstract?☐An abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the purpose and scope of the writing,and reviews the writing's contents inabbreviated form.⏹It is a concise and clear summary of acomplete research paper.⏹It tells the reader What you set out todo, and Why you did it,How you did it, What you found (recommendations).2. Functions of an abstract☐An abstract is used to communicate specific information from the article.☐It is aimed at introducing the subject to readers, who may then read the article to find out the author's results, conclusions, or recommendations.2. Functions of an abstract☐The practice of using key words in an abstract is vital because of today'selectronic information retrieval systems.⏹Titles and abstracts are filed electronically, andkey words are put in electronic storage.⏹When people search for information, they enterkey words related to the subject, and thecomputer prints out the titles of all the articlescontaining those key words.⏹An abstract must contain key words about whatis essential in an article so that someone elsecan retrieve information from it.3. Structure of an abstract☐The components of an abstract①Background Information②Subject Matter/Problem Statement③Purpose④Method (and Data)⑤Results / Findings⑥Conclusion / ImplicationsThe components of an abstract①Background information◆You may need to refer briefly to background toprovide a context.②Statement of the problem (subject matter):◆What problem(s) are you trying to solve?◆What is the author’s focus in this research?③Purpose of the research:◆What is the reason/purpose for doing this research?④Methods (approach and data):◆What is the main method used for the research?What is the theoretical framework?◆What is the subject scope? What data is analyzed?⑤Results (Findings):◆What did you find/invent/create?⑥Conclusion (Implications):◆What are the larger implications of your findings, esp.for the problem/gap identified in steps ①& ②?Exercise 1:A Sample Abstract(1) The dozens of studies on academic discourse carried out over the past 20 years have mostly focused on written academic prose or on academic lectures. (2) Other registers that may be more important for students adjusting to university life, such as textbooks, have received surprisingly little attention, and spoken registers such as study groups or on-campus service encounters have been virtually ignored. (3) To explain more fully the nature of the tasks that incoming international students encounter, this article undertakes a comprehensive linguistic description of the range of spoken and written registers at U.S. universities. (4) Specifically, the article describes a multidimensional analysis of register variation in the TOEFL 2000 Spoken and Written Academic Language Corpus. (5) The analysis shows that spoken registers are fundamentally different from written ones in university contexts, regardless of purpose. (6) Some of the register characterizations are particularly surprising. (7) The findings of this research may provide insights and have significant implications for pedagogy and further research.subject matter (1) The dozens of studies on academic discoursecarried out over the past 20 years have mostlyfocused on written academic prose or onacademic lectures.problem statement (2) Other registers that may be more important forstudents adjusting to university life, such astextbooks, have received surprisingly littleattention, and spoken registers such as studygroups or on-campus service encounters havebeen virtually ignored.background information(3) To explain more fully the nature of the tasks that incoming international students encounter, this article undertakes a comprehensive linguistic description of the range of spoken and written registers at U.S. universities.(4) Specifically, the article describes a multidimensional analysis of register variation in the TOEFL 2000 Spoken and Written Academic Language Corpus.purposemethod data(5) The analysis shows that spoken registers are fundamentally different from written ones in university contexts, regardless of purpose.(6) Some of the register characterizations are particularly surprising.(7) The findings of this research may provide insights and have significant implications for pedagogy and further research.findings implications Subject:written in the third person Length:short, usually 10% or less of the length of the original piece Audience:understandable to a wide audience Language:technical language of the discipline or profession Verbs:passive voice Tense:the present tense the past tense the present perfect tense 4. Principles of abstract writing4. Principles of abstract writing☐Requirements for the abstract of aBA thesis in UIBE⏹Length: 200-300 words⏹Key words: 3⏹One page of Chinese abstract and onepage of English abstractLanguage used in an abstract Background:(1) The dozens of studies on academicdiscourse carried out over the past 20years have mostly focused on writtenacademic prose or on academic lectures. (2) Other registers that may be moreimportant for students adjusting touniversity life, such as textbooks,have received surprisingly little attention, and spoken registers such as studygroups or on-campus service encountershave been virtually ignored.Language used in an abstract Background:☐Most studies in this field have addressed …☐In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in …☐… has received much attention in the field of …e.g.:As a newly developed interdisciplinary field of study, research on the development ofpragmatic competence is increasinglyattracting extensive academic interest.Purpose:(3) To explain more fully the nature of the tasks that incoming international students encounter, this article undertakes a comprehensive linguistic description ...This paperattempts to…The purpose of this paper is to …This paper isintended to…Language used in an abstract Language used in an abstract Purpose ☐The purpose/aim/objective/goal (of present study is/was to ☐The present study is /was designed/ devised/ intended to / aimed at ☐This study was performed/ conducted/ carried out/undertaken to ☐We aimed/sought to/attempted to e.g.:The aim of this study was to determine the protective function of …Methods:(4) Specifically, the article describes a multidimensional analysis of register variation...A …approach isused in this studyto examine.The study employsa … approach.Language used in an abstractMethods:☐Introduce the research process:⏹study, investigate, examine, discuss, analyze, emphasize, focus, explain☐Describe the research methods:⏹measure, estimate, calculate, test☐Introduce the uses or implications:⏹use, applyLanguage used in an abstract Results:(5) The analysis shows that spoken registers are fundamentally different from …(6) Some of the register characterizations are particularly surprising.It is found that …The resultsindicated that…The resultssuggest/show that …Language used in an abstract Results:☐Show the research results:⏹show, result, present, suggeste.g.:⏹Our results show that …⏹The results we obtained demonstrate that …⏹By means of informal mathematical arguments, simulations and a series of worked examples, we conclude that …Language used in an abstractConclusion/implications:(7) The findings of this research may provide insights and have significant implications for pedagogy and further research.It is suggested that …The paper suggests …It isrecommended that …It is concluded that …Language used in an abstract Conclusion/Implications:1) indicate the results:⏹These results suggest that …⏹These data confirm the presence of …2) support a point:⏹These results (do not) support the idea that …⏹These results fail to support the idea that …3) show uncertainty of an idea:⏹There is no evidence that …⏹It is likely/unlikely that …4) show significance of the findings:⏹be of great (some/little/no) clinical significance in …⏹It sheds light on future studies in this field.5) suggest further studies:⏹… remain to be further studied.⏹It remains to be proved that …Language used in an abstract Steps For Writing Effective Abstracts1.Reread your paper with the purpose of abstracting in mind. Look specifically for these main parts: purpose, methods, scope, results, conclusions, and recommendations.2.After you have finished rereading your paper, write a rough draft WITHOUT LOOKING BACK AT YOUR PAPER. Consider the main parts of the abstract listed in step 1. Do not merely copy key sentences from your paper.3.Revise your rough draft to correct weaknesses in organization and coherence, drop superfluous information, add important information originally left out, eliminate wordiness, and correct errors in grammar and mechanics.4.Carefully proofread your final copy.Four C's of Abstract Writing☐Complete—it covers the major parts of the project/case.☐Concise—it contains no excess wordiness or unnecessary information.☐Clear—it is readable, well organized, and not too jargon-laden.☐Cohesive—it flows smoothly between the parts.Qualities Of A Good AbstractAn effective abstract☐uses one or more well-developed paragraphs, which are unified, coherent, concise, and able tostand alone☐uses an introduction-body-conclusion structure in which the parts of the paper are discussed in order: purpose, methods, findings, conclusions☐follows strictly the chronology of the paper☐provides logical connections between materials included☐adds no new information but simply summarizes the research☐is intelligible to a wide audienceQualities Of A Good Abstract☐Accuracy —choose exact words for precise☐Specificity —be concrete☐Objectivity —succinctly summarize main points;☐Informativeness —what the research is about; how it was taken, what wasdiscovered☐Independency —must stand aloneSummary☐Writing an abstract is a sophisticated skill.To write a good abstract for your papersyou should follow a checklist consisting of: background, problem statement,purpose,method,results,and conclusion.☐Make sure that all the components of a good abstract are included in your paper.Summary☐The two main features of an abstract are its discourse structure and the language used for condensing the information.☐The secret of writing a successful abstract is in giving the most information in the leastnumber of words in a coherent structure.☐Because Readers want quick information.If it suits them, they will read on for thedetails.Exercise 2:☐Read the following abstract and find out the problems in terms ofstructure and language☐Revise the abstractDevelopmental changes in speakingvocabulary by English majorsI carried out a longitudinal study on the changes in speakingvocabulary by English majors through four years’learning, whichwas then compared with the native speakers’performance. TheEnglish learners involved in the study were 56 students who wereenrolled in a university in 2001. I asked them to complete an oraltask by producing a three-minute monologue after three minutes’preparation in a language lab. The native speakers were 15American college students who accomplished the same task asthe English learners. The developmental changes were measuredin terms of three indexes: fluency, word variations and lexicalfrequency profile. The performance on the three indexes of theEnglish majors across four years and the native speakers form acontinuum. However, Year Four students were significantly lowerin fluency and word variations than native speakers, but similar tothe native speakers in lexical frequency profile. The periodbetween Year Two and Year Three saw the most noticeableprogress. The students with different starting levels of the threeindexes varied in terms of their changes. The low-level groupmade greater progress than the middle-level group whichproduced slightly faster progress than the high-level group.Exercise 3:☐Read the selected abstracts fromsome published journal articles.☐Discuss the structure, content andlanguage of these abstracts.☐Make comments on these articles:⏹Are they well written?⏹If not, can you revise them?Assignment☐Write an abstract for your BAgraduation thesis11。
文摘要求对于科技期刊的文章,论文的 abstract 主要由三部分组成,即:研究的问题、过程和方法、结果。
因此必须对文献进行认真的主题分析, 找出文献的主题概念, 正确地组织好这些主题内容,简明准确完整地写出文摘来。
文摘长度一般不超过 150 words 。
(一).缩短文摘方法:1.取消不必要的字句:如 ”t is reported here ”、 “new ”、 “ mainly ” 也尽量不要。
2. 对物理单位及一些通用词可以适当进行简化;3. 取消或减少背景信息( Background Information );4. 不说无用的话,如“本文所谈的有关研究工作是对过去老工艺的一个极大的改进”, “本工作首次实现了 …” “经检索尚未发现与本文类似的文献”等词句切不可进入文摘;5. 作者在文献中谈及的未来计划不纳入文摘;6. 文摘第一句应避免与题目(Title )重复。
7. 尽量简化一些措辞和重复的单元,如:(二).文体风格 1. 文摘叙述要完整,清楚,简明;2. 尽量用短句子并避免句形单调;3. 用过去时态叙述作者工作,用现在时态叙述作者结论;如 “The structure of dislocation cores in GaP was investigated by weak-beam electron microscopy. Thedislocations are dissociated into two Shokley partials with separations of 80 edge and screw casesrespectively. The results show that... __________________________________ ”可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用 of 句型。
简明扼要(conciseness):去除文献中的次要 材料或辅助细节。
客观公正(objectivity):摘要中不应有原文中 没有的信息资料。
全面完整(completeness):要包括主题思想, 主要资料,结论或建议。
������ 字少、错选:提示 性、报道性、资料性 ������ 结构要素残缺:目 的,方法,结果,结论 ������ 丧失摘要特点������
· Omit obscure abbreviations.
· Write the paper before you write the abstract.
Feedback and assessment play an important role in teaching and learning of oral presentation skills. This study describes the implementation and evaluation of an innovative instruction that uses a Student Response System for peer assessment of oral presentations. A large number of oral presentations were assessed and students’ perceptions and learning what
有时由于篇幅的限制,摘要的内容不一定包括有五 个要素,因而需要缩减摘要的字数和内容。经过压 缩的摘要通常只能突出两个或三个要点,其中最重 要的应该是阐明研究的结果。简要的资料性摘要往 往省略背景知识。如果允许的字数范围内,摘要可 以在最后用一到两句话进行总结并提出建议。一篇 简要的资料性摘要的内容通常包括:
4个步骤教你如何写好abstract部分A b s t r a c t,就是对英文论文的一个简短总结,目的是为了告诉读者论文研究的是什么课题,以此来吸引读者。
一个好的a b s t r a c t,对英文论文的作用是非常大的,是论文的核心部分,所以一定得写好。
下面就给大家讲解一下如何写好a b s t r a c t部分。
1.无论任何学科,a b s t rac t需要包括以下几个重要组成部分和重要元素1)动机或问题的陈述:为什么我们对这个研究问题这么关心?你的研究针对的是实践性的,科学性的,理论性的还是艺术性的?有些a b s t r a c t 写作的时候,在写作动机之前要简要介绍相关的背景信息。
2.a b s t rac t中的语法特点和要求1)注意到细微的变化在陈述主要目标和调查范围的时候,多采用陈述性语言。
3.a b s t rac t s的类型a b s t r a c t s分为两种类型,i n f o r m a t i o n a l a b s t r a c t s和d e s c r i p t i v ea b s t r a c t s。
I n f o r m a t i o n a l A b s t r a c t s--针对r e p o r t s的相关内容进行沟通。
文摘只有写得正确,写的好, 才能起到帮助读者了解原文的作用。
文摘长度一般不超过150 words。
(一). 缩短文摘方法:1.取消不必要的字句:如”It is reported …”“Extensive investigations show that…”“The author discusses …”“This paper concerned with …”;一些不必要的修饰词,如“in detail”、“briefly”、“here”、“new”、“mainly”也尽量不要。
2. 对物理单位及一些通用词可以适当进行简化;3.取消或减少背景信息(Background Information);4.不说无用的话,如“本文所谈的有关研究工作是对过去老工艺的一个极大的改进”,“本工作首次实现了...”,“经检索尚未发现与本文类似的文献”等词句切不可进入文摘;5. 作者在文献中谈及的未来计划不纳入文摘;6.文摘第一句应避免与题目(Title)重复。
7. 尽量简化一些措辞和重复的单元,如:(二). 文体风格1. 文摘叙述要完整,清楚,简明;2. 尽量用短句子并避免句形单调;3. 用过去时态叙述作者工作,用现在时态叙述作者结论;如“The structure of dislocation cores in GaP was investigated by weak-beam electron microscopy. The dislocations are dissociated into two Shokley partials with separations of 80±10 and 40±10 A in the pure edge and screw cases respectively. The results show that...”4.能用名词做定语不要用动名词做定语,能用形容词做定语就不要用名词做定语。
How to write an abstract 怎么写摘要 英语作文论文 写作技巧
How to write an abstract如何写摘要Hey guys, welcome! In this article we are going to know how to write an abstract and complete a written text perfectly. Stay connected if you want to write the best abstract.If you need to know how to write an abstract for an academic or scientific paper, don’t panic! Your abstract is simply a short, stand-alone summary of the work or paper that others can use as an overview. You can get the ideas and gather information by experts to make it concise yet effective through assignment help. As far asthe other specifics are concerned, we will discuss them here.Before moving further let’s have an overview of this article to see what you are going to know:-What is an abstract?-How to write an abstract?-Why is it important to write an abstract?-How to write an abstract quickly?-The way to write an abstract for science?What is an abstract?Before moving to how to write an abstract, you should know the abstract meaning. An abstract describes what you do in your essay, whether it’s a scientific experiment or a literary analysis paper. It should help your reader understand the paper and help people searching for this paper decide whether it suits their purposes prior to reading.To write an abstract, finish your paper first, then type a summary that identifies the purpose, problem, methods, results, and conclusion of your work. After you get the details down, all that’s left is to format it correctly. Since an abstract is only a summary of the work you’ve already done, it’s e asy to accomplish!Majorly, there are three types of abstract:-Informative-Descriptive-CriticalHow to write an abstract?1. Write down the paper firstlyThe first thing to know how to write an abstract is : Even though an abstract goes at the beginning of the work, it acts as a summary of your entire paper. Rather than introducing your topic, it will be an overview of everything youwrite about in your paper. Save writing your abstract for last, after you have already finished your paper.-A thesis and an abstract are entirely different things. The thesis of a paper introduces the main idea or question, while the abstract works to review the entirety of the paper, including the methods and results.-Even if you think that you know what your paper is going to be about, always save the abstract for last. You will be able to give a much more accurate summary if you do just that –summarise what you’ve already written. Let’s move to the next step to know how to write an abstract.2. Review and understand any requirements for writing your abstractThe paper you’re writing probably has specific guidelines and requirements, whether it’s for publication in a journal, submission in a class, or part of a work project. Before you start writing, refer to the rubric or guidelines you were presented with to identify important issues to keep in mind. Answer the following questions before knowing how to write an abstract.-Is there a maximum or minimum length?-Are there style requirements?-re you writing for an instructor or a publication?3. Consider your targeted audienceAbstracts are written to help readers find your work. For example, in scientific journals, abstracts allow readers to quickly decide whether the research discussed is relevant to their own interests. Abstracts also help your readers get at your main argument quickly. Keep the needs of your readers in mind this is the best thing to know for how to write an abstract.-Will other academics in your field read this abstract?-Should it be accessible to a lay reader or somebody from another field?4. Determine the type of abstractBefore moving to the question how to write an abstract, focus on which type of abstract do you want to write. Although all abstracts accomplish essentially the same goal, there are two primary styles of abstract: descriptive and informative. You may have been assigned a specific style, but if you weren’t, you will have to determine which is right for you. Typically, informative abstracts are used for much longer and technical research while descriptive abstracts are best for shorter papers.Have a look at the types of abstracts againDescriptive abstracts explain the purpose, goal, and methods of your research but leave out theresults section. These are typically only 100-200 words.Informative abstracts are like a condensed version of your paper, giving an overview of everything in your research including the results. These are much longer than descriptive abstracts, and can be anywhere from a single paragraph to a whole page long.The basic information included in both styles of abstract is the same, with the main difference being that the results are only included in an informative abstract, and an informative abstract is much longer than a descriptive one.A critical abstract is not often used, but it may be required in some courses. A critical abstract accomplishes the same goals as the other typesof abstract, but will also relate the study or work being discussed to the writer’s own research. It may critique the research design or methods.5. Identify your motive of writing an abstractYou’re writing about a correlation between lack of lunches in schools and poor grades. So what? Why does this matter? The reader wants to know why your research is important, and what the purpose of it is. Start off your descriptive abstract by considering the following questions:How did you conduct your research?What did you find?Why is this research and your findings important?Why should someone read your entire essay? How to write an abstract6. Describe the problemAbstracts is something that expresses the “problem” behind your work. Think of this as the particular issue that your project addresses. You can sometimes combine the problem with your motivation, but it is best to be clear and separate the two.7. Describe your methodsMotivation – check. Problem – check. Methods? Now is the part where you give an overview of how you accomplished your study. If you didyour own work, include a description of it here. If you reviewed the work of others, it can be briefly explained.-Discuss your own research including the variables and your approach-Describe the evidence you have to support your claim-Give an overview of your most important sources.8. Describe your resultsThis is where you begin to make difference between your abstract between a descriptive and an informative abstract. You want to know how to write an abstract and this is somethingwhich should be in your priority list. In an informative abstract, you will be asked to provide the results of your study. What is it that you found?-What answer did you reach from your research or study?-Was your hypothesis or argument supported?-What are the general findings?9. Give the conclusion of abstractYou must finish up your summary and provide a closure to your abstract. In it, address the meaning of your findings as well as the importance of your overall paper. This format of having a conclusion can be used in bothdescriptive and informative abstracts, but you will only address some questions in an informative abstract.10. Keep the format rightIn the run to know how to write an abstract, format is a vital factor to consider. There are specific questions your abstract must provide answers for, but the answers must be kept in order as well. Ideally, it should be according to the overall format of your essay, with a general ‘introduction, ‘body,’ and ‘conclusion.’ Many journals have specific style guides for abstracts. If you’ve been given a set of rules or guidelines, follow them to the letter11. Provide helpful informationUnlike a topic paragraph, which may be intentionally vague, an abstract should provide a helpful explanation of your paper and your research. Word your abstract so that the reader knows exactly what you’re t alking about, and isn’t left hanging with ambiguous references or phrases.-Avoid using direct acronyms or abbreviations in the abstract, as these will need to be explained in order to make sense to the reader. That uses up precious writing room, and should generally be avoided.-If your topic is about something well-known enough, you can reference the names of people or places that your paper focuses on.-Don’t include tables, figures, sources, or long quotations in your abstract. These take up too much ro om and usually aren’t what your readers want from an abstract anyway. For making your abstract even better you gather relevant ideas, for doing so you can go to the expert writes through assignment help online12. Write it down from scratchA abstract is a summary of the main paper, yes, but it should be written completely separate from your paper. Don’t copy and paste direct quotes from yourself, and avoid simply paraphrasing your own sentences from elsewhere in your writing. Write your abstract using completely new vocabulary and phrases to keep itinteresting and redundancy-free. So, far we have gone through detailed information and steps to know how to write an abstract. But, what if someone is in a hurry and yet has to come up with a perfect abstract? Well, I have tips such people as well, continue to read and know how to write an abstract in lesser time.How to write an abstract quickly?Simply ace your abstract.An abstract is like a movie trailer. It offers a preview, highlights key points, and helps the audience decide whether to view the entire work. Abstracts are the pivot of a research paperbecause many journal editorial boards screen manuscripts only on the basis of the abstract.If your abstract doesn’t grab their attention and make a good fi rst impression, there’s a good chance your research paper will be rejected at the outset. Moreover, even after your research paper is published, your abstract will be the first, and possibly only, thing readers will access through electronic searches. They will only consider reading the rest of the manuscript if they find your abstract interesting.For studies in the humanities and social sciences, the abstract is typically descriptive. That is, it describes the topic of research and its findings but usuall y doesn’t give specific information about methods and results. These abstracts may also be seen in review articles orconference proceedings. In scientific writing, on the other hand, abstracts are usually structured to describe the background, methods, results, and conclusions, with or without subheadings.Make sure that your abstract does not constitutes the following-New information that is not present in the paper -Undefined abbreviations or group names-A discussion of previous literature or reference citations-Unnecessary details about the methods usedFollow these 10 steps to know how to write an abstract quicklyNow how do you go about fitting the essential points from your entire paper—why the research was conducted, what the aims were, how these were met, and what the main findings were—into a paragraph of just 200-300 words? It’s not an easy task, but here’s a 10-step guide that should make it easier:1. Begin writing the abstract after you have finished writing your paper.2. Pick out the major objectives/hypotheses and conclusions from your Introduction and Conclusion sections3. Select key sentences and phrases from your Methods section.4. Identify the major results from yourResults section.5. Now, arrange the sentences and phrases selected in all steps into a single paragraph in the following sequence: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.6. Confirm that there is consistency between the information presented in the abstract and in the paper.7. Ask a colleague to review your abstract and check if the purpose, aim, methods, and conclusions of the study are clearly stated.8. Check to see if the final abstract meets the guidelines of the target journal (word limit, type of abstract, recommended subheadings, etc.9. Remove all extra information and then link your sentences to ensure that the information flows well, preferably in the following order: purpose; basic study design, methodology and techniques used; major findings; summary of your interpretations, conclusions, and implications.10. Now revisit your abstract with these steps in mind, and I’m sure you’ll be able to revise it and make it more attractive.How to write an abstract for science?So, here is something for science buffs. We know that science students are less into writing and formatting. But, they are one of the students who are indulged in research papers to the most. So, here is a collection of vital information for all the students who are going to write down a scientific research paper. Want to know how to write an abstract for science? Continue to read..An abstract should be the shortest part of the abstract and should very briefly outline the following information:What is already known about the subject, related to the paper in questionWhat is not known about the subject and hence what the study intended to examine (or what the paper seeks to present)Things you should rememberIn most cases, the background can be framed in just 2–3 sentences, with each sentence describing a different aspect of the information referred to above; sometimes, even a single sentence may suffice. The purpose of the background, as the word itself indicates, is to provide the reader with a background to the study, and hence to smoothly lead into a description of the methods employed in the investigation.Usually authors publish papers the abstracts of which contain a lengthy background section.There are some situations, perhaps, where this may be justified. In most cases, however, a longer background section means that less space remains for the presentation of the results. This is unfortunate because the reader is interested in the paper because of its findings, and not because of its background.Why an abstract is needed?Most journals require authors to submit abstracts along with their articles, This requirement has two main needs-An abstract offers readers a helpful, succinct summary of the longer argument developed in the essay.-It identifies keywords that will make it easier for search engines to find the essay.Apart from these two main reasons it serves two other needs as well. They are:Showcases the perspectiveNotice that these rationales presuppose the publication of both abstract and essay and, in so doing, assume that the main audience for the abstract is prospective readers of the publishedessay. However, from the perspective of an author submitting work to a journal, there is another important audience to consider: the journal editor and the external reviewers to whom the editor send it.Keep the audience connectedThis audience looks at your abstract with their most pressing question in mind: is this article publishable in this journal? A good abstract tilts them toward an affirmative answer by leaving them well-disposed toward the longer argument in th e article. A bad abstract won’t by itself cause this audience to reject an article, but it does incline the audience toward an initial negative answer. In that way, an ineffectiveabstract becomes an obstacle that your article needs to overcome.ConclusionHope, you guys have understood each and every aspect of writing an abstract. In this article, we went into the detailed discussion to know how to write an abstract. We started with abstract meaning and then moved to the steps which essayed the right way to write down one. Next, we studied points on how to write an abstract quickly. So, that those who are in a hurry to prepare a written text can write aptly. Thereafter, we went to know how to write an abstract for science and ended up in knowing why an abstract is vital.。
《英语学术论文写作教程》教学课件 Unit 6 Abstract
Questions: 3. What tenses are used in this abstract? How are these
tenses used?
Past tense and present tense are used in this abstract. The opening statement and the purpose of the research are in the present. The past tense is used in the discussion about the methodology, results and conclusion.
Unit 6 Abstract
An abstract is an overview of a research paper. It always appears at the beginning of the paper, acting as the point-of-entry. An abstract may explicitly or implicitly give information about Research Background, Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, providing readers with brief preview about the whole study, upon which many readers depend to decide whether to read the entire paper or not. Therefore, as your first readers, publishers of some journals may determine a rejection of your manuscript by skimming the abstract alone.
Questions on the Abstract•What is the subject matter/area the research paper is dealing with?•What background information is provided by the author(s)?•What is the purpose of the present study?•How is the research to be done?•What are some of the important findings?•What are some of the implications of the study?Elements of structure in an Abstract•We can see that by asking a number of questions we can discover the structure of the Abstract.•We can refer to each section as an "element of stmcture"・ Tlie six elements of structure can then be refeiTed to as•Topic Specification (TS),•Background Information (BI),•Purpose Statement (PS),•Methodology and Data (MD),•Results/Findings (RF), and•Implications/Conclusions (IC).•An important issue here is the time for the writing of the Abstract・•Usually it is written after the study/research is completed but this is not always the case as, for example, people send abstracts of unfinishedpapers to conferences they would like to participate in.•Such abstracts are not totally different from those written for finished papers; they may include less information in some parts like in theResults and Implications sections・Information content of Abstracts•An obvious conclusion to be made at the beginning is that Abstracts are short pieces of writing・•Of course we can have long and short Abstracts but that is beside the point.•The information in an Abstract is condensed because of the summarizing nature of the Abstract・•There is no redundant information in an Abstract・•Getting rid of the redundancy in the Abstracts, however, is not always easy to achieve・Structure of an Abstract•An Abstract of a research paper is the first source of information for a would-be reade匚•Of course the title of the research paper would provide information about the topic of investigation but it is the Abstract that provides a bird^s eye view of the subject matter, the pmpose of the study, the way the research is carried out, some important findings, the implications, and a conclusion.• The Abstract summarizes the study for people who would like to spend no more than a few minutes on the pape匚Sample AbstractTitle: Analyzing Bush's Remarks to the Nation on the Terrorists Attacks from a Critical PerspectiveAbstract:(1) Critical discourse analysis is an important way of inteipreting rather than just describing the linguistic structure of texts. (2) It aims to reveal the relationship between language and ideology・(3) One of the great events that happened in the year 2001 is [was that] the U.S.A. was attacked on September 11th・(4) Right after the attack, President George Bush delivered a speech to the nation. (5) The New York Times ported [reported] his address on Sep, 12th.(6) Tliis paper tries to analyze Bush,s remarks from a critical perspective, focusing on revealing the hidden ideology of the American government.Sample Abstract2On Textual Equivalence of English-Chinese Translation in the Light of Theme/Rheme Theory(1) Translations "refer to the process and result of transfemng a text from the source language into the target language^・(2) One of the issues of translation is the format of equivalence・(3) This light on textual equivalence based on Halliday^ theme/rheme theoiy (4) This paper consists of five parts an introduction. (5) Pail I introduces Halliday^s notion of theme and rheme, theirfunction in a message organization and the main types of theme in English. (6) Part II, with Halliday's theoiy as reference, the paper lists many examples of English-Chinese translation as far as different types of theme is concerned, and then it analyzes the choice of theme in English and the choice of topic in Chinese version. (7) Part III, based on the data analysis of theme choice in English and the topic choice in Chinese in part II, the paper tries to make clear that English and Chinese, belonging to different language systems, have different ways of organizing a message. (8) Part IV suggests some possible ways for English-Chinese translation when them in English can not be taken as topic in Chinese version.(9) Part V is the conclusion, in which the paper points out that in English-Chinese translation, in which the paper points out that in English-Chinese translation, a competent translator should decide from the receiver^ perspective what (whether the theme or not) will be placed at the topic position for Chinese audience. (10) Through the theoretical view and the empirical analysis, this paper tries to assert that in translation, at the text level, no exact equivalence can always be found. (11) A translator^ task is to transfer one language into another in a more appropriate format in the target language, on condition that the information and the style of the source language are maintained and well received by the audience of the target language.Comments•The main problem with Abstract 2 is that a lot of the information given in the second paragraph, i.e. sentences 5-9 can be omitted・•Abstracts do not usually give detailed information about the content of each section of a research pape匚•By asking the 6 questions mentioned above, we get some idea of the elements of structure in the Abstract・•However, the information needed for establishing each element has to be sifted through the additional information that could have been put in the Introduction of the same paper.•The secret of a successful Abstract is in giving the most information in the least number of words in a coherent structure. This can be achieved by reading good Abstracts and then imitating them when you need to write one.。
Abstract Writing (论文摘要写作精简版)
Writing: AbstractWHAT IS AN ABSTRACT1. The Definition of an Abstract1 ) the objectives and scope of investigation;2) the methods used;3) the most important results;4) conclusion or recommendation.2. Features of AbstractsBrevity Accuracy Specificity Objectivity Informativeness IndependencyCLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACTS1.Indicative Abstractsrmative Abstractsrmative-indicative Abstracts4.Other Types of Abstracts 1) Critical Abstracts 2) Mini-abstractsFUNCTIONS OF ABSTRACTSA Screening Device of Documents: An abstract gives readers the idea of what the article is about.A Self-contained Text: We’ll know the information it contains, without seeing the article .A Helpful Preview: It "frames" the article and prepares the reader for the main points to come.To Facilitate Indexing: It will improve the chances of having it read by the right people.STYLISTIC FEATURES OF ABSTRACTS1. The Length of Abstracts1) In general, there is a 100-300 word limit to the number of words in an abstract.2) Do not confuse an abstract with a review. There should be no comment or evaluation.3) Give information only once.4) Do not repeat the information given in the title.5) Do not include any facts or ideas that are not in the text.6) For informative abstracts, include enough data to support the conclusions.7) If reference to procedure is essential, try to restrict it to identification of method or process.8) State results, conclusions, or findings in clear concise fashion.9) Organize the information in the way that is most useful to the reader. (a thesis-first abstract)2. Verbs and Tenses Used in Abstracts1) Active verbs: use active verbs rather than passive verbs.2) Present tense: background information, existing facts, what is in the paper and conclusion.3) Past tense /present perfect tense: completed research, methodology or major activities results.3. Words Used in Abstracts1) Avoid use of highly specialized words or abbreviations. Define unfamiliar words.2) Synthesize or rephrase the information into clear, concise statements.3) Avoid using jargon.4. Sentence Structures of Abstracts1) Use third person sentences.2) Use short sentences, but vary sentence structure.3) Use complete sentences.4) The first sentence should present the subject and scope of the report. The thesis or the writer's focus should be presented in the second sentence. The balance of the article is a summary of the important points of each section, including methods, procedures, results and conclusions.5) Good abstracts are sure to include a variety of pat phrases:a. Background Information (Research has shown... It has been proposed... Another proposed property... The search is on for... One of the promising new...)b. Statement of the Problem (The objective of the research is to prove / verify... The experiment was designed to determine...)e. Statement of Procedure (To investigate this .... A group of 10 specimens / subjects ... Measurementswere taken after... A second group was...)d. Conclusions (It was found that .... Results imply... This data suggests... In the experimental group... In the control group...)e. Relates the Experiment to the Words (This kind of research encourages the belief that... Similar to ...) HOW TO WRITE AN ABSTRACT (An abstract must be written last as it sums up the results)l) Locate the thesis statement, identify the main divisions of the document, find the main terms (key words) and statements in each section;2) Decide the degree of detail to include;3) Prepare a single paragraph including the crucial information gathered;4) Edit the draft, eliminate unnecessary background information, and reduce wordy phrases;5) Finally, revise the opening statement to emphasize the new information contained in the paper.Start out the abstract by telling exactly what you did and how you did it. Focus on the rationale and ideas of the study and why it is important in the first two sentences. In the next few lines, focus on the materials and methods, and the data generated from the study. Tell the reader how the data were collected, compiled, and state statistical significance(s). Mention any new tools developed.Avoid using bibliographic references in the abstract. However, if your article follows directly from a published work and is a major advance on that specific piece of work, do cite the paper in the abstract.The end of the abstract is just as important as the beginning. The concluding lines of the abstract should lead into the first paragraph of the introduction without repeating what has been said. State the implications of your studies to the field of scholarship in which you are working.1. How to Write Informative Abstracts1) An informative abstract should be orderly, succinct, and concrete, with the length of no mere than 10% of the essay.2) Plan to write an abstract that is in the first draft, note key facts, statistics, etc. on the organisms, materials and locations used.3) Do not include a statement of scope or a sentence like "this paper will look at .... ".4) Write selected details of the experimental methods, including the duration of the study, the treatments, methods and equipment used.5) Be sure to omit or condense lengthy examples, tables, and other supporting detail.6) Do not hedge or equivocate.7) Give the key results, with a description of them and some of the main figures and their statistical significance.8) Use active verbs such as "report", "propos ", and "analyze" rather than static verbs such as "is", "are" and "appears to be".9) Revise the draft into smooth, stand-alone prose; the abstract itself should be a mini-essay.10) Edit the revision. Be sure that the abstract is complete and accurate, with a brief note on the significance of the results.11) Double check that the abstract is written in the same voice as is the paper.2. How to Write Indicative Abstracts1) List the title of the research report after "Abstract of..." at the top of your page.2) Summarize the major thesis and supporting main ideas of the report without omitting any important ideas.3) Avoid wordiness and repetition.4) Condense source material in your own words, being careful not to directly borrow text. You should not use direct quotations in abstracts.5) Use good sentence structure, grammar, mechanics, and spelling.6) Adhere to the 100-word limit. (No fewer than 90, nor more than 110)3. How to write Abstracts for Engineering InformationBackground: A simple opening sentence or two ;Aims: One or two sentences giving the purpose, the development, the survey as well as the assignment and the scope of the research;Method(s): One or two sentences explaining what was done and what the principles, the theory, the condition, the objective, the techniques, the framework, the means, the equipment and the procedure, etc. used in the research are;Results: One or two sentences indicating the main findings, the result, the data, the relationship, the effect and the performance of the experiment and research;Conclusions: One sentence giving the most important consequence of the work, the results of the analysis, the research, the evaluation and the application, and the issues that are raised as well.4. How to Write Abstracts for DissertationsThere are two purposes in dissertation abstract writing: to inform your reader, and to market your product. Aside from the guidelines mentioned above, there are some others:1) a dissertation abstract should have three elements, and three elements alone:a. a section on the problem you examined;b. a section showing your method;c. a section showing your findings.2) you need not give the history of the problem, why you chose to study it, your philosophy, or your self-congratulatory but humble remarks about how your dissertation will change the world.3) be sure to use some key words for easy referencing, an accurate and specific summary of your findings, and as active a voice as you can muster.5. How to Write Abstracts for ConferencesIt is a competitive process, but one to be undertaken seriously.1) Look for "Call for Papers" notices.2) Title: The title should be informative and focused, indicating the problem, kind of data and your general approach.3) Make your abstract as brief as possible, within the word limit set by the "Call for Papers".4) Make sure to describe the general topic clearly.5) Try to make your abstract appeal to the concept for the conference as it is defined in the "Call for Papers".6) Describe your treatment of the topic, and how it relates to previous work on the same topic.7) Explain how you will justify your treatment, and quote crucial evidence.8) Consider your audience carefully. You are essentially writing a speech. Your sentence structures, use of specialized language and theories, etc., should take this into account. Also, in oral discourse, you might want to summarize and / or repeat ideas more often.6. How to Write Research Abstracts1)The purpose of a research abstract can be boiled down to providing the answers to the following questions:a. Why did you start?b. What did you do?c. What did you find?d. What does it mean?2) Title: Ideally about 10-12 words long, the title should include the scope of the investigation, the study design, and the goal. In general it is preferable to make the title a description of what was investigated. The title should be easy for the reader to understand and should not include jargon or 3) Introduction or Background: this should provide a brief context or explanation for doing the study, and state the aim of the study, and ideally should include a concise statement of the study' s hypothesis. A scientific study is "to find out whether it is true."4) Methods: In an abstract the description of the methods has to be concise, and much of the details of what was done must be omitted. However, in a few short sentences the reader can be given a good idea of the design of the study, the context in which it was done, and the types of patients or measurements that were included.5) Results: space is limited. Still, it is important to give the main results of the study not just in subjective terms but also in the form of the most important data. Do not include a table or figure unless it is necessary to convey your results.6) Conclusions: Keep your conclusions reasonable and supportable by the findings of your study.7) Follow the instructions7. Some Don'ts in Abstract Writing1) Do not commence with "this paper...", "this report..." or similar. It is better to write about the research. Similarly, do not explain the sections or parts of the paper.2) Avoid sentences that end in "... is described", "... is reported", "... is analyzed" or similar. These are simply too vague to be informative.3) Do not begin sentences with "it is suggested that...", "it is believed that... ", "it is felt that..." or similar, for the words can be omitted without damaging the essential message.4) Do not write in the first person. Not only should you avoid I, but also we , the author , the writer, etc., because the abstract should be about the research, not about the act of writing.5) Do not submit an abstract with the length exceeding the limit offered.6) Do not submit your abstract later than the given date.7) Do not write an imprecise abstract.SAMPLESSample 1:Microscopic characterization of a TiB2-carbon material composite:Raw materials and composite characterizationAbstract: Titanium diboride (TiB2) is a very attractive material for the aluminum industry, because it is readily wetted by molten aluminum and combines good physical properties (electrical conductivity), chemical (fairly resistant to dissolution by molten aluminum), and mechanical (wear resistance) properties.// In this article, both raw materials(anthracite, pitch, and TiB2powder) and TiB2-carbon composites (TCC) were characterized.//Inclusions of aluminosilicate and iron oxide types were found in the anthracity aggregates. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis allowed differentiation between two types of aggregates: stratified (L C=44 nm) and nonstratified (L C=15 nm). The principal impurity found in the TiB2 powder was TiCN and surface analysis of the particles revealed the presence of a contaminant layer composed of C, N, O, and Ti; the thickness of this layer varied from 5 to 15 nm.// Characterization of the TiB2particles in the composite showed important surface modifications compared to their initial state. Evidence seen on the particles’ surfaces showed that a TiC-(O traces) formed preferentially on the side of particles rather than on top surface. The thickness of this TiC-(O traces) layer was evaluated to 30 nm.TiB2碳基复合材料的微观特征:原材料和复合物特征硼化钛(TiB2)在制铝业中是一种很受欢迎的材料,由于它易于被熔融的铝润湿,而且具有好的物理性能(导电率),化学性能(很好地抵御被熔融的铝分解)和机械性能(耐磨性).在这篇文章中,讨论了原材料(无烟煤,沥青和TiB2粉末)及TiB2碳基复合材料(TCC)的特征.在无沿煤聚合体中发现了铝矽酸盐和铁的氧化物.由X 射线衍射分析(XRD)可得两种聚合物的区别:层积的(L C=44 nm)和未层积的(L C=15 nm). TiB2粉末中发现的主要杂质是TiCN,另外颗粒表面分析可见由C, N, O, 和Ti组成的污染层;这个污染层从长远来5直15 nm 不等.符合物中TiB2颗粒的特征表明了与初始状态相比而言很重要的表面修正.颗粒表面所见的迹象显示TiC-(O traces)优先在颗粒的边缘而不是顶表面形成.这个TiC-(O traces)层厚度据估计有30 nm.Sample 2:Establishing a knowledge management programme for competitive advantage in an enterprise Abstract: This article is concerned with the establishment of a knowledge management programme that will ensure sustainable competitive advantage within an enterprise//. The main problem under investigation is to assess the importance of knowledge management within an enterprise and to ascertain how it can ensure sustained competitive advantage in an enterprise.// An empirical survey was conducted in the Eskom Transmission Group, Johannesburg, South Africa to investigate understanding of the knowledge management concept amongst business leader, determine enablers and barriers to implement a knowledge management programme and to determine whether knowledge is seen as a source for competitive advantage.// It is suggested that enterprises should adopt a holistic and integrated approach when establishing such a programme. Broad recommendations for establishing a knowledge management programme that will be source of sustainable competitive advantage are proposed. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.为实现企业的竞争优势建立知识管理的程序这是一篇关于为确保企业持续性竞争优势建立知识管理程序的文章.调查的主要问题是评价企业中知识管理的重要性和确定知识管理怎样保证企业的持续性竞争优势.为了调查知识管理概念在商业领导者中的理解程度,确定实施知识经济管理程序的有利和不利因素以及确定是否知识被看作竞争优势的源泉,南美约翰内斯堡的埃斯克姆传播小组进行了一次实验性研究.文章建议在建立知识管理程序的时候,企业应该采用完整综合的方法.文章在作为持续性竞争优势源泉的知识管理程序的建立方面提出了狠多的建议.。
How to Write an Abstract一、什么是摘要Abstract?an abstract comprises one paragraph which describes the main content of a paper and appears at the very beginning of the paper.摘要是叙述文章主要内容的一个段落,并且位于文章的开头部分.摘要是以梗概形式呈现的一篇文章要点的总结,它强调了一篇文章所包含的重要的信息.它也可以帮助读者快速的了解到是否这篇文章是他们感兴趣的,是否他们需要来阅读整篇文章。
二、写作Abstract的目的对于科技论文的摘要,Abstract的目的有以下几点:1.Introduce journal articles.rm readers about article`s content.3.Help readers decide whether or not to read article.4.Overview conference programs,abstract collections,and book chapters.三、学习写作Abstract的必要性1。
Helps you present complex information in a clear,concise manner。
2.Helps you read abstracts more effectively.3。
Helps you conduct research.4.Helps you write abstracts for future publications。
5.Helps you condense report information into a short format for database searches。
How to Write an Abstract(最终版) - 副本
How to Write an AbstractGroup TwoMain contents1.Definition of the abstract2.Function and Purpose3.Abstract Types4.Structure5.Tense/Voice and person6.Examples and analysis1.Definition of the abstractAn abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding(会议论文集) or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or typescript.2.Function and PurposeAn abstract is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain(探知) the paper's purpose. acting as the point-of-entry for any given academic paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject.3.Abstract Types•InformativeThe informative abstract,also known as the complete abstract,is a compendious summary of a paper's substance, including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. Usually between 100 and 200 words, the informative abstract summarizes the paper's structure, its major topics and key points. Informative abstracts may be viewed as standalone documents.•DescriptiveThe descriptive abstract,also known as the limited abstract or the indicative abstract,provides a description of what the paper covers without delving into its substance. A descriptive abstract is akin to a table of contents in paragraph form.4.Structurea)Background, statement of the problems, research issues;b)The research methods used ,such as experimental research,case studies, questionnaires, etc.);c)The results/findings of the research;d)The main conclusions and recommendations.5. Tense/Voice and personTense:a)The present tenseb)The past tensec)The future tensed)The present perfect tense∙∙∙∙∙∙Voice and Person:►Voice: ►Person:a)The active voice a)The first personb)The passive voice b)The second personc)The third person6.Examples and analysis Abstract 1Abstract 2Abstract 3Abstract 4Abstract—GPS receiver tracking loop will loose lock easily in high dynamic environments.The velocity of INS(inertial navigation system)aided GPS receiver may advance the tracking loop in a high performance and improve anti-jamming capability.In this paper,the design of FPGA and DSPs based software receiver is described.In this system,The INS processor is embedded in the GPS receiver,so the velocity of INS would be used to aid the receiver in tracking loop.The digital signal processer was composed of one FPGA and two DSPs,the FPGA was receiver’s correlation channel,one DSPs is GPS navigation processor the other is INS processor,the two DSPs communicate by their HPI interface.The experiment indicates that this design has a high performance positioning result,and is significant for the realization of deep coupled SINS/GPS integration.(136words)•在高动态的环境中,GPS接收机的跟踪环路将很容易失锁。
六、撰写论文正文1. 引言部分:在引言部分,需要介绍研究的背景和动机,明确研究的目的和意义,并概括研究的内容和结构。
2. 文献综述部分:在文献综述部分,需要对已有的研究进行综述和评价,提出问题的研究价值,并指出本研究的创新点和不足之处。
3. 研究方法部分:在研究方法部分,需要详细描述研究的方法和步骤,包括数据采集方法、样本选择、实证模型和数据分析方法等。
4. 实证研究部分:在实证研究部分,需要呈现实证研究的结果,并进行统计和推理,展示研究的发现和结论。
5. 结果分析和讨论部分:在结果分析和讨论部分,需要对实证研究的结果进行分析和解释,讨论研究的发现与文献综述的差异,提出进一步的分析和研究方向。
6. 结论部分:在结论部分,需要总结研究的主要发现和结论,并对研究的局限性和不足进行评价和展望。
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Questions on the Abstract•What is the subject matter/area the research paper is dealing with?•What background information is provided by the author(s)?•What is the purpose of the present study?•How is the research to be done?•What are some of the important findings?•What are some of the implications of the study?Elements of structure in an Abstract•We can see that by asking a number of questions we can discover the structure of the Abstract.•We can refer to each section as an "element of stmcture"・ Tlie six elements of structure can then be refeiTed to as•Topic Specification (TS),•Background Information (BI),•Purpose Statement (PS),•Methodology and Data (MD),•Results/Findings (RF), and•Implications/Conclusions (IC).•An important issue here is the time for the writing of the Abstract・•Usually it is written after the study/research is completed but this is not always the case as, for example, people send abstracts of unfinishedpapers to conferences they would like to participate in.•Such abstracts are not totally different from those written for finished papers; they may include less information in some parts like in theResults and Implications sections・Information content of Abstracts•An obvious conclusion to be made at the beginning is that Abstracts are short pieces of writing・•Of course we can have long and short Abstracts but that is beside the point.•The information in an Abstract is condensed because of the summarizing nature of the Abstract・•There is no redundant information in an Abstract・•Getting rid of the redundancy in the Abstracts, however, is not always easy to achieve・Structure of an Abstract•An Abstract of a research paper is the first source of information for a would-be reade匚•Of course the title of the research paper would provide information about the topic of investigation but it is the Abstract that provides a bird^s eye view of the subject matter, the pmpose of the study, the way the research is carried out, some important findings, the implications, and a conclusion.• The Abstract summarizes the study for people who would like to spend no more than a few minutes on the pape匚Sample AbstractTitle: Analyzing Bush's Remarks to the Nation on the Terrorists Attacks from a Critical PerspectiveAbstract:(1) Critical discourse analysis is an important way of inteipreting rather than just describing the linguistic structure of texts. (2) It aims to reveal the relationship between language and ideology・(3) One of the great events that happened in the year 2001 is [was that] the U.S.A. was attacked on September 11th・(4) Right after the attack, President George Bush delivered a speech to the nation. (5) The New York Times ported [reported] his address on Sep, 12th.(6) Tliis paper tries to analyze Bush,s remarks from a critical perspective, focusing on revealing the hidden ideology of the American government.Sample Abstract2On Textual Equivalence of English-Chinese Translation in the Light of Theme/Rheme Theory(1) Translations "refer to the process and result of transfemng a text from the source language into the target language^・(2) One of the issues of translation is the format of equivalence・(3) This light on textual equivalence based on Halliday^ theme/rheme theoiy (4) This paper consists of five parts an introduction. (5) Pail I introduces Halliday^s notion of theme and rheme, theirfunction in a message organization and the main types of theme in English. (6) Part II, with Halliday's theoiy as reference, the paper lists many examples of English-Chinese translation as far as different types of theme is concerned, and then it analyzes the choice of theme in English and the choice of topic in Chinese version. (7) Part III, based on the data analysis of theme choice in English and the topic choice in Chinese in part II, the paper tries to make clear that English and Chinese, belonging to different language systems, have different ways of organizing a message. (8) Part IV suggests some possible ways for English-Chinese translation when them in English can not be taken as topic in Chinese version.(9) Part V is the conclusion, in which the paper points out that in English-Chinese translation, in which the paper points out that in English-Chinese translation, a competent translator should decide from the receiver^ perspective what (whether the theme or not) will be placed at the topic position for Chinese audience. (10) Through the theoretical view and the empirical analysis, this paper tries to assert that in translation, at the text level, no exact equivalence can always be found. (11) A translator^ task is to transfer one language into another in a more appropriate format in the target language, on condition that the information and the style of the source language are maintained and well received by the audience of the target language.Comments•The main problem with Abstract 2 is that a lot of the information given in the second paragraph, i.e. sentences 5-9 can be omitted・•Abstracts do not usually give detailed information about the content of each section of a research pape匚•By asking the 6 questions mentioned above, we get some idea of the elements of structure in the Abstract・•However, the information needed for establishing each element has to be sifted through the additional information that could have been put in the Introduction of the same paper.•The secret of a successful Abstract is in giving the most information in the least number of words in a coherent structure. This can be achieved by reading good Abstracts and then imitating them when you need to write one.。