
Kingdom of CambodiaNation, Religion, KingLease AgreementThis Lease Agreement is hereby entered into between Party A (Landlord / Co-Owner) and Party B (Tenant), who shall collectively be known herein as the Parties.Landlord / Co-Owner Name:Herein after referred as to Party AHead Tenant Name: China National Aero-technology international Engineering Corporation which represented by Mr. XIE FUKANG, Sex: Male, Passport No: G3*******Herein after referred as to Party BWhereas:A. Party A is the Officer Owner of Building No.777, St. Kampucheakrom (128), Sangkat Toek Laok 1, Khan Toulkort, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and agrees to Lease to Party B the Building floor 2th.B. The Term of the lease shall be 1 year and shall commence on 2-June-16 and terminate on 1-June-17C. Party A and Party B agree to lease the 2ed floor Unit within the Building for office purposes only.This Lease Agreement between Party A and Party B Co vers the Following Articles:Article 1: Definitions:In this Agreement:“Term” means the period of this Agreement which shall be from the commencement date to the termination date of this Lease Agreement (for greater certainty, this period shall include both the commencement date and the termination date as set out herein).“Extension” means an option of extension to this Lease Agreement to mutually agreeable terms and conditions outlined in this agreement. “Contents” means all furniture, furnishings and other items set out in the Inventory List attached to this Lease Agreement.Article 2: Rental FeeRental accommodation fee USD $1,600.Party B agrees to pay $1,6000 (US Dollars) per month to party A (Exclude WHT10%).The one year Rental Fee is due pay at once after sign the contract.If Party B makes late payment of the Rental Fee beyond seven (7) days or more after received invoice from Party A, Party B shall on demand made by Party A, become accountable to pay interest on all arrears at the rate of ten percent (10%) of rental fee per month, calculated from the date on which any outstanding amounts became due for payment, until the date of actual payment.Any renewal of this agreement will be based up on open and forthright negotiations between Party A and Party B that shall be calculated through bench marking open market rental rates. The ultimate authority to renew this lease agreement and any Rental Fee associated with any such renewal exists with Party A only.Article 3: Lease Agreement ExtensionParty B shall inform Party A about an intention to extend the Lease Agreement at least (two) 2 month befo re the specified termination date as stated in this Lease Agreement, and Party A shall at his/her own discretionagree or disagree on this request.Article 4: DepositUp on signing of this Lease Agreement by both Parties, Party B shall pay Party A the security deposit with amount of US$ 3,000 (Three Thousand US Dollars Only).The Deposit shall not be used to pay for rental fee, but will be refunded to Party B at the end of the Term as set -out herein. In the event that Party B cannot continuously rent or terminates renting during the Term of this Lease Agreement, This deposit money shall be forfeited by Party B.At the termination of this Lease Agreement, if any damage to the structure of the Premises or Building or the fixtures, furnishings or contents of the Premises exists, as a result of undeliberate or deliberate actions of Party B, then Party B is responsible to reinstate the Premises In any such case, Party B shall restore the Premises and/or Building as requested by Party A .Article 5: Landlord's ResponsibilitiesParty A shall be obliged to:(a) Transfer the Premises and its equipment, fixtures and fittings (as set out in the Inventory List) to Party B on the commencement day when this Lease Agreement becomes effective;(b) Ensure the right of private and use and peaceful enjoyment of the Premises for Party B;(c) Promptly repair any damage and/or structural defects to the Premises upon the reasonable request of PartyB; and(e) Provide guidance to Party B in complying with the Building Rules and Regulations on signing of the LeaseAgreement by both parties.Article 6: Tenant's ResponsibilitiesParty B shall be obliged to:(a) To pay the Rental Fee and other charges on time.(b) To pay the Utilities Bill on time. In case Tenant make late payment beyond (30) days after received the Invoice.(c) To use the Premises for office purposes only and comply with all Articles of this Lease Agreement and, if the Tenant wishes to repair or improve the Premises to meet the Tenant's requirements.(d) To bear responsibility for any damages; for the loss or damage of any internal equipment and facilities caused by Party B, guests or any persons under the responsibility of Party B; for any damage caused to any third party during the Term; and for keeping safe its valuables and personal property;(e) To comply with the Buildings Rules and Regulations and general security and safety.Article 7: ServicesParty A shall be responsible for the Management Service and Common Area Utility Costs that provides for garbage collection, security, cleaning (Public Area in De Castle Royal), car parking services, mechanical, electrical and equipment maintenance and common area services throughout the building but not including the private area inside the premises.Party B shall be responsible for the payment of private utility usage within the Premises relating to electricity and water consumption according to the bills provided from meter readings by the Property Managemen t Agent during the Lease period, at the following rates: (subject to the rules and regulations of the Building)1. Electricity: 0.25 USD / Kwh2. Water: 0.35 USD / m3Payment shall be made to the Property Management Company (G PROAV Co, Ltd.) located on the 4th floor of theBuilding at the Property Management Office.Party B is responsible for all costs and charges for services and utilities consumed that are not included as inclusive withi n thisLease Agreement as part of the Rental Fee. Party B shall be directly responsible to the utility companies, service providers andor the Property Management Company for payment of such services or utilities consumed by Party B.Party B is responsible for any outstanding payments remaining at the date of terminati on of this Lease Agreement for services or utilities enjoyed by Party B during the Term. Party A reserves the right to collect such overdue payments from Party B up to six (6) weeks after the termination date of this Lease Agreement.Article 8: Interior DecorationParty A agrees with Party B to add more furniture, personal items etc and decorate the interior but Party B shall not in any way damage or change the Premises in any permanent way. Party B shall be responsible for the Premises. In the event of any loss or damage to the Premises by Party B, Party B shall fairly and reasonably compensate Party A.Article 9: Reinstatement – Return to Original ConditionAt the expiration of this Lease Agreement or earlier as mutually agreed by both Parties, Party B shall return the Premises to the original condition of the commencement date of this Lease Agreement, subject to normal wear and tear. Party B shall deliver u p to the Landlord the Premises including the Landlord’s fixtures and fittings therein in good repair and condition (fair wear and tear excepted) and shall be responsible at its own cost for the reinstatement of the Premises to the satisfaction of Party B.Article 10: ParkingParty B is entitled to two car parking space at the Building at the discretion of Party A (subject to the internal parking rules and regulations of the Building).Should Party B be provided with one car parking space, Party B shall inform the Property Management Agent of the vehicle information including type, color and Registration number (following the internal parking rules and regulations of the Building).(One car parking space may be exchanged for two motorbike or scooter parking passes )Article 11: Moving-In and Moving-OutParty B shall give notice of moving-in and moving-out times and dates to the Property Management Agent at least one(1)Week prior to the intended date.(2)Article 15: Access to PremiseParty B shall occupy the Premises for residential purposes only, however, possession of the premises is retained by Party A who shall be provided unrestricted access to the premises given Party A provides Party B forty eight (48) hour’s written noti ce. Party B cannot unreasonably refuse to provide access to Party A or his/her authorized representatives provided forty eight (48) hours prior written notice has been provided.Article 12: Illegal or Immoral ActivitiesParty A will be not responsible for any illegal acts of Party B and Party B is fully responsible for its own actions in front of Cambodian Law.Party A and the Property Management Agent reserve the right to take legal action, involve the relevant authorities, restrict access and evict any parties undertaking illegal or immoral activities at the Premises or Building, including, but not limited to the; consumption, preparation or selling of illegal drugs, items or materials; solicitation or involvement of sex with minors ; illegal gambling activities or any other illegal or immoral activity. Article 13: TerminationThis Agreement shall terminate in the following cases:(a) The Term has expired on 1-June-2017(b) The Premises are destroyed or demolished according to the decisionof a competent Authority;(c) There has been a material breach or non-performance or non-observance of any of the Articles obligations, conditions or agreements (including the non-payment of rent) contained in this Lease Agreement on the part of the Tenant;(d) If unauthorized person/s are found to be permanently residing within the Premises;(e) The Tenant is transferred or removed from Cambodia or refused permission by the Cambodian Government to reside in Cambodia;(f) Building Rules and Regulations are broken on either three occasions or one occasion amounting to a material breach.Article 14: Dispute ResolutionIn the event that any disputes occur involving the Lease Agreement, both parties shall resolve such disputes in a peaceful manner with respect for the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia.Article 15: Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia and each party agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Phnom Penh as regards any claim or matter arising under this Agreement which cannot be peacefully resolved.Article 16: IndemnityThe tenant agrees to indemnify and keep Party A and the Property Management Company indemnified against all actions, proceeding, costs, claims, demands, damages, losses or expenses or other liability in respect of the use or occupation of the Premises or any breach or non-observance by Party B of the terms of this Agreement or any other act or default of Party B its employees, agents, guests or invitees in the Premises.Article 17: DisclaimerNeither party shall be responsible for any loss, accident or damage sustained at or originating from the Building, nor shall make any claim against the other party for non-performance of its obligations hereof due to a force majeure event (a force majeure event is any event beyond the reasonable control of a party including earthquake, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, national emergency, war, hostilities, riot, civil commotion.Article 18: Counterparts & SigningThis Agreement is made in English and Khmer. Party A, Party B shall each keep one copy of this Lease Agreement.。

条款对照一、合同的缔结1. 中文版:本合同系双方当事人经友好协商一致,自愿签订,具有法律效力。
英文版: This contract is made and entered into by the Parties through friendly negotiation and voluntary agreement, and it shall have legal effect.二、租赁物的描述1. 中文版:甲方同意出租给乙方使用的房产位于X街,房屋面积为100平方米。
英文版: The property rented by Party A to Party B is located at X Street, with a total area of 100 square meters.三、租金支付1. 中文版:乙方同意每月租金为人民币1000元,于每月1日前支付至甲方指定账户。
英文版: Party B agrees to pay a monthly rent of RMB1,000, which shall be pd to the designated account of Party A before the 1st day of each month.四、租赁期限1. 中文版:本租赁合同有效期为一年,自签订之日起生效,到期前一个月内,双方应协商续签或解除合同事宜。
英文版: This lease agreement is valid for one year, starting from the date of signature. Within one month before the expiration, the Parties shall negotiate the renewal or termination of the contract.五、违约责任1. 中文版:若任何一方未履行本租赁合同规定的义务,应承担违约责任,并赔偿因此给对方造成的损失。

While all terms and conditions shall be based on the Chinese version of Tenancy Agreement, this English version shall be for reference only.上海房屋租赁合同SHANGHAI MUNICIPALITY TENANCY AGREEMENT(合同编号:) (Contract No. _________ )本合同双方当事人:Parties to Contract(出租)出租人(甲方):Lessor (Party A) :承租方(乙方):Lessee (Party B) :根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《上海市房屋租赁条例》(以下简称:《条例》)的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,经协商一致,就乙方承租甲方可依出租(出租)的商品房(房屋/商品房)事宜,订立本合同。
In accordance with the Laws of Contract of the People’s Republic of China and the Tenancy Regulations of the Shanghai Municipality (hereinafter referred to as “the Provisions”), Party A and Party B, having reached an a greement based on the principles of equality, willingness and mutual benefit, hereby enter into this Contract on matters in relation to the Lease of the Property by Party A to Party B.一、出租房屋情况Condition of the Lease or Pre-Lease Property1-1甲方出租(出租)给乙方的房屋座落在本市区(区/县)弄(弄/新村)(号/幢)室(部位)(以下简称该房屋)。

全版租赁协议详解英文版Comprehensive Lease Agreement ExplainedA comprehensive lease agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. This document is essential for both parties to protect their rights and responsibilities throughout the leasing period.Key Components of a Lease Agreement1. Parties Involved: The lease agreement should clearly identify the landlord and tenant, including their contact information.2. Property Details: The agreement should specify the address and description of the rental property.3. Lease Term: This section outlines the duration of the lease, including the start and end dates.4. Rent Payment: The agreement should detail the amount of rent, due date, accepted payment methods, and consequences for late payments.5. Security Deposit: It should explain the amount of the security deposit, how it will be held, and the conditions for its return.6. Maintenance and Repairs: The responsibilities of both parties for maintenance and repairs should be clearly stated.7. Utilities and Services: The agreement should specify which utilities and services are included in the rent.8. Rules and Regulations: Any rules and regulations related to the rental property should be outlined in the agreement.9. Termination Clause: This section explains the process for terminating the lease, including notice requirements.Importance of a Detailed Lease AgreementA detailed lease agreement is crucial for both landlords and tenants to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. By clearly outlining the rights and responsibilities of each party, the agreement helps to establish a positive and transparent landlord-tenant relationship.ConclusionIn conclusion, a comprehensive lease agreement is a vital document that protects the interests of both landlords and tenants. By including key components and detailing important terms, this agreement sets the foundation for a successful and harmonious rental arrangement.。

Kingdom of CambodiaNation, Religion, KingLease AgreementThis Lease Agreement is hereby entered into between Party A (Landlord / Co-Owner) and Party B (Tenant), who shall collectively be known herein as the Parties.Landlord / Co-Owner Name:Herein after referred as to Party AHead Tenant Name: China National Aero-technology international Engineering Corporation which represented by Mr. XIE FUKANG, Sex: Male, Passport No: G3*******Herein after referred as to Party BWhereas:A. Party A is the Officer Owner of Building No.777, St. Kampucheakrom (128), Sangkat Toek Laok 1, Khan Toulkort, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and agrees to Lease to Party B the Building floor 2th.B. The Term of the lease shall be 1 year and shall commence on 2-June-16 and terminate on 1-June-17C. Party A and Party B agree to lease the 2ed floor Unit within the Building for office purposes only.This Lease Agreement between Party A and Party B Co vers the Following Articles:Article 1: Definitions:In this Agreement:“Term” means the period of this Agreement which shall be from the commencement date to the termination date of this Lease Agreement (for greater certainty, this period shall include both the commencement date and the termination date as set out herein).“Extension” means an option of extension to this Lease Agreement to mutually agreeable terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.“Contents” means all furniture, furnishings and other items set out in the Inventory List attached to this Lease Agreement.Article 2: Rental FeeRental accommodation fee USD $1,600.Party B agrees to pay $1,6000 (US Dollars) per month to party A (Exclude WHT10%).The one year Rental Fee is due pay at once after sign the contract.If Party B makes late payment of the Rental Fee beyond seven (7) days or more after received invoice from Party A, Party B shall on demand made by Party A, become accountable to pay interest on all arrears at the rate of ten percent(10%) of rental fee per month, calculated from the date on which any outstanding amounts became due for payment, until the date of actual payment.Any renewal of this agreement will be based up on open and forthright negotiations between Party A and Party B that shall be calculated through bench marking open market rental rates. The ultimate authority to renew this lease agreement and any Rental Fee associated with any such renewal exists with Party A only.Article 3: Lease Agreement ExtensionParty B shall inform Party A about an intention to extend the Lease Agreement at least (two) 2 month befo re the specified termination date as stated in this Lease Agreement, and Party A shall at his/her own discretion agree or disagree on this request.Article 4: DepositUp on signing of this Lease Agreement by both Parties, Party B shall pay Party A the security deposit with amount of US$ 3,000 (Three Thousand US Dollars Only).The Deposit shall not be used to pay for rental fee, but will be refunded to Party B at the end of the Term as set -out herein. In the event that Party B cannot continuously rent or terminates renting during the Term of this Lease Agreement, This deposit money shall be forfeited by Party B.At the termination of this Lease Agreement, if any damage to the structure of the Premises or Building or the fixtures, furnishings or contents of the Premises exists, as a result of undeliberate or deliberate actions of Party B, then Party B is responsible to reinstate the Premises In any such case, Party B shall restore the Premises and/or Building as requested by Party A .Article 5: Landlord's ResponsibilitiesParty A shall be obliged to:(a) Transfer the Premises and its equipment, fixtures and fittings (as set out in the Inventory List) to Party B on the commencement day when this Lease Agreement becomes effective;(b) Ensure the right of private and use and peaceful enjoyment of the Premises for Party B;(c) Promptly repair any damage and/or structural defects to the Premises upon the reasonable request of PartyB; and(e) Provide guidance to Party B in complying with the Building Rules and Regulations on signing of the LeaseAgreement by both parties.Article 6: Tenant's ResponsibilitiesParty B shall be obliged to:(a) To pay the Rental Fee and other charges on time.(b) To pay the Utilities Bill on time. In case Tenant make late payment beyond (30) days after received the Invoice.(c) To use the Premises for office purposes only and comply with all Articles of this Lease Agreement and, if the Tenant wishes to repair or improve the Premises to meet the Tenant's requirements.(d) To bear responsibility for any damages; for the loss or damage of any internal equipment and facilities caused by Party B, guests or any persons under the responsibility of Party B; for any damage caused to any third party during the Term; and for keeping safe its valuables and personal property;(e) To comply with the Buildings Rules and Regulations and general security and safety.Article 7: ServicesParty A shall be responsible for the Management Service and Common Area Utility Costs that provides for garbage collection, security, cleaning (Public Area in De Castle Royal), car parking services, mechanical, electrical and equipment maintenance and common area services throughout the building but not including the private area inside the premises.Party B shall be responsible for the payment of private utility usage within the Premises relating to electricity and water consumption according to the bills provided from meter readings by the Property Managemen t Agent during the Lease period, at the following rates: (subject to the rules and regulations of the Building)1. Electricity: 0.25 USD / Kwh2. Water: 0.35 USD / m3Payment shall be made to the Property Management Company (G PROAV Co, Ltd.) located on the 4th floor of theBuilding at the Property Management Office.Party B is responsible for all costs and charges for services and utilities consumed that are not included as inclusive withi n thisLease Agreement as part of the Rental Fee. Party B shall be directly responsible to the utility companies, service providers andor the Property Management Company for payment of such services or utilities consumed by Party B.Party B is responsible for any outstanding payments remaining at the date of terminati on of this Lease Agreement for services or utilities enjoyed by Party B during the Term. Party A reserves the right to collect such overdue payments from Party B up to six (6) weeks after the termination date of this Lease Agreement.Article 8: Interior DecorationParty A agrees with Party B to add more furniture, personal items etc and decorate the interior but Party B shall not in any way damage or change the Premises in any permanent way. Party B shall be responsible for the Premises. In the event of any loss or damage to the Premises by Party B, Party B shall fairly and reasonably compensate Party A.Article 9: Reinstatement – Return to Original ConditionAt the expiration of this Lease Agreement or earlier as mutually agreed by both Parties, Party B shall return the Premises to the original condition of the commencement date of this Lease Agreement, subject to normal wear and tear. Party B shall deliver u p to the Landlord the Premises including the Landlord’s fixtures and fittings therein in good repair and condition (fairwear and tear excepted) and shall be responsible at its own cost for the reinstatement of the Premises to the satisfaction of Party B.Article 10: ParkingParty B is entitled to two car parking space at the Building at the discretion of Party A (subject to the internal parking rules and regulations of the Building).Should Party B be provided with one car parking space, Party B shall inform the Property Management Agent of the vehicle information including type, color and Registration number (following the internal parking rules and regulations of the Building).(One car parking space may be exchanged for two motorbike or scooter parking passes )Article 11: Moving-In and Moving-OutParty B shall give notice of moving-in and moving-out times and dates to the Property Management Agent at least one(1)Week prior to the intended date.(2)Article 15: Access to PremiseParty B shall occupy the Premises for residential purposes only, however, possession of the premises is retained by Party A who shall be provided unrestricted access to the premises given Party A provides Party B forty eight (48) hour’s written noti ce. Party B cannot unreasonably refuse to p rovide access to Party A or his/her authorized representatives provided forty eight (48) hours prior written notice has been provided.Article 12: Illegal or Immoral ActivitiesParty A will be not responsible for any illegal acts of Party B and Party B is fully responsible for its own actions in front of Cambodian Law.Party A and the Property Management Agent reserve the right to take legal action, involve the relevant authorities, restrict access and evict any parties undertaking illegal or immoral activities at the Premises or Building, including, but not limited to the; consumption, preparation or selling of illegal drugs, items or materials; solicitation or involvement of sex with minors ; illegal gambling activities or any other illegal or immoral activity.Article 13: TerminationThis Agreement shall terminate in the following cases:(a) The Term has expired on 1-June-2017(b) The Premises are destroyed or demolished according to the decision of a competent Authority;(c) There has been a material breach or non-performance or non-observance of any of the Articles obligations, conditions or agreements (including the non-payment of rent) contained in this Lease Agreement on the part of the Tenant;(d) If unauthorized person/s are found to be permanently residing within the Premises;(e) The Tenant is transferred or removed from Cambodia or refused permission by the Cambodian Government to reside in Cambodia;(f) Building Rules and Regulations are broken on either three occasions or one occasion amounting to a material breach.Article 14: Dispute ResolutionIn the event that any disputes occur involving the Lease Agreement, both parties shall resolve such disputes in a peaceful manner with respect for the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia.Article 15: Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia and each party agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Phnom Penh as regards any claim or matter arising under this Agreement which cannot be peacefully resolved.Article 16: IndemnityThe tenant agrees to indemnify and keep Party A and the Property Management Company indemnified against all actions, proceeding, costs, claims, demands, damages, losses or expenses or other liability in respect of the use or occupation of the Premises or any breach or non-observance by Party B of the terms of this Agreement or any other act or default of Party B its employees, agents, guests or invitees in the Premises.Article 17: DisclaimerNeither party shall be responsible for any loss, accident or damage sustained at or originating from the Building, nor shall make any claim against the other party for non-performance of its obligations hereof due to a force majeure event (a force majeure event is any event beyond the reasonable control of a party including earthquake, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, national emergency, war, hostilities, riot, civil commotion.Article 18: Counterparts & SigningThis Agreement is made in English and Khmer. Party A, Party B shall each keep one copy of this Lease Agreement.精选资料THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考--精品文档--。

一、国际租赁合同的特点1. 跨越国界:国际租赁合同是跨越国界进行的商业活动,各方可能来自不同的国家,因此在合同的签订和执行过程中可能涉及不同的法律体系和文化习惯。
2. 资金投入少:相比于购买,租赁所需要的资金投入相对较少,可以降低企业的资金压力,提高资金利用效率。
3. 灵活性强:租赁合同通常具有较高的灵活性,各方可以根据实际情况调整合同条款,更好地满足双方的需求。
4. 风险相对较低:租赁合同通常会规定好责任和风险的分配,一旦出现纠纷,双方可以根据合同约定进行处理,降低了双方的经济损失。
二、国际租赁合同的解释1. 合同条款的明示解释:国际租赁合同中的条款通常会明确规定各方的权利和义务,合同的解释首先应该依据条款的明示含义进行解释。
2. 合同条款的暗示解释:如果合同中的条款存在不明确或者缺失的情况,解释人可以根据合同的内容、各方的意向、合同的目的等因素进行暗示解释。
3. 相对诚信原则:国际租赁合同的解释应遵循相对诚信原则,即根据合同当事人之间的诚实信用原则进行解释,保护合同当事人的合法权益,并维护合同的公平性。
三、国际租赁合同的分析1. 合同的风险与责任:在国际租赁合同中,各方应该清晰地界定各自的风险和责任,包括租赁物品的维修保养责任、保险责任、安全责任等。
2. 合同的解除和违约:合同中通常会规定各方的解除和违约条款,一旦合同发生违约,另一方可以依据合同的条款要求违约方承担相应的责任,包括赔偿损失等。
3. 合同的争议解决:国际租赁合同中的争议解决通常会规定争议解决的方式和程序,可以选择诉讼、仲裁等方式解决纠纷。

While all terms and conditions shall be based on the Chinese version of Tenancy Agreement, this English version shall be for reference only.上海房屋租赁合同SHANGHAI MUNICIPALITY TENANCY AGREEMENT(合同编号:) (Contract No. _________ )本合同双方当事人:Parties to Contract(出租)出租人(甲方):Lessor (Party A) :承租方(乙方):Lessee (Party B) :根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《上海市房屋租赁条例》(以下简称:《条例》)的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,经协商一致,就乙方承租甲方可依出租(出租)的商品房(房屋/商品房)事宜,订立本合同。
In accordance with the Laws of Contract of the People‟s Republic of China and the Tenancy Regulations of the Shanghai Municipality (hereinafter referred to as “the Provisions”), Party A and Party B, having reached an a greement based on the principles of equality, willingness and mutual benefit, hereby enter into this Contract on matters in relation to the Lease of the Property by Party A to Party B.一、出租房屋情况Condition of the Lease or Pre-Lease Property1-1甲方出租(出租)给乙方的房屋座落在本市区(区/县)弄(弄/新村)(号/幢)室(部位)(以下简称该房屋)。

三、国际租赁合同的解释原则在解释国际租赁合同时,应当遵循以下原则:1. 文字解释原则:首先应当根据合同的明文规定进行解释,不能随意扭曲合同条款的含义。
2. 交易习惯原则:应当考虑当事人行业的通常做法和交易习惯,以确定合同的实际含义。
3. 好意解释原则:应当假设当事人订立合同的出发点是合作和谅解,从而积极寻求双方之间的一致意见。
4. 公平原则:应当尽量使合同条款的解释符合公平原则,避免因一方解释过于苛刻而导致另一方权益受损。
四、国际租赁合同的争议解决国际租赁合同争议解决的方式通常有以下几种:1. 仲裁:当事人可以约定在合同中规定仲裁条款,即交由独立的仲裁机构进行调解。
2. 法院诉讼:当事人也可以选择通过诉讼的方式解决争议,即登记到有管辖权的法院进行诉讼。
3. 协商解决:当事人也可以通过友好协商的方式解决争议,双方自行协商达成解决方案。


Tenancy Agreement 房子租借合同租借人(以下简称甲方):Landlord:(hereinafter called”Party A”)身份证号码(Identity Card No.):电话(Tel):法定地址(Registered Addres)s:代理人(Agent):电话(Tel):法定地址(Registered Addres)s:署理人身份证号码( Identity Card No.):承租人(以下简称乙方):Tenant:(hereinafter called “Party B”)护照/身份证号码( Identity Card No.):电话(Tel):法定地址(Registered Addres)s:甲、乙两边就甲方乐意租借、乙方自愿承租物业事宜,以两边协商一致,同意签定本房产租借合约。
An Agreement made BETWEEN Party A of the one part and Party B of the otherpart WHEREBY IT IS:一、租借物业称号(以下称“该物业” ):Name & address of Property to be rente:d(hereinafter called “the saidpremises”):二、用处:该物业只供作住所运用。
Usage:for domestic use only.三、面积:该物业建筑面积为______________平方米。
Area:gross floor area is_________________ square meter.四、租约期限( Terms of Tenancy):___两__年固定租约由年月日至年月日Formal Tenancy:Fixed term from to五、租金(Rent):租借期租金:每月人民币 __________元整。

租赁合同中英文1. 背景介绍租赁合同是指当租赁一方(出租人)同意将具体物品或不动产等租赁给另一方(承租人)使用,并约定租赁期限、租金、维护责任等相关条款的合同文件。
2. 中文版合同租赁合同甲方(出租人):________________乙方(承租人):________________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律规定,甲乙双方达成以下租赁合同:1. 租赁物品描述1.1 出租物品:________________1.2 出租物品描述:________________2. 租赁期限2.1 租赁起始日期:________________2.2 租赁终止日期:________________3. 租金及支付方式3.1 租金金额:________________(大写:________________)3.2 租金支付方式:________________4. 押金4.1 押金金额:________________(大写:________________)4.2 押金退还方式:________________5. 使用权及限制5.1 承租人享有该物品在租赁期限内的合法使用权。
5.2 承租人不得将该物品转租、出借或以任何形式转让该物品的使用权。
6. 维护责任6.1 出租人负责维护该物品的正常运行和使用。
6.2 承租人应当妥善保管该物品,如有损坏或遗失,应承担相应的赔偿责任。
7. 违约责任7.1 任何一方违反合同约定,应承担相应的违约责任。
7.2 如因不可抗力等特殊情况导致合同无法履行,双方协商解决或按照法律规定处理。
8. 适用法律及争议解决8.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。
8.2 如发生任何争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交有管辖权的人民法院裁决。
9. 合同生效、变更与解除9.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

租房合同英文模板本范文包含合同主体+特殊应用场景说明+多方为主导下的附加条款合同主体:ThisRentalAgreement(the"Agreement"),datedasof[Date],is enteredintoandbetween[Landlord'sName],the"Landlord,"and[ Tenant'sName],the"Tenant."1.Property:LandlordhereagreestorenttoTenantandTenant hereagreestorentfromLandlordthefollowingdescribedpremise s(the"Premises"):[AddressofthePremises].3.Rent:TenantagreestopayLandlordthesumof[Amount](th e"Rent")onthefirstdayofeachmonthduringthetermofthisAgree ment.4.Utilities:Tenantshallberesponsibleforpayingallutilities,inc ludingbutnotlimitedtoelectricity,gas,water,andtrashremoval,u nlessotherwisespecifiedinwritingtheLandlord.5.Deposits:TenantshallpayLandlordasecuritydepositof[Am ount](the"SecurityDeposit")andapetdepositof[Amount](the"P etDeposit,"ifapplicable)upontheexecutionofthisAgreement.Th eSecurityDepositandPetDeposit,ifany,shallbeheldLandlordtosecureTenant'sperformanceofthisAgreementandtocoveranyda magetothePremisescausedTenantorTenant'sguests.TheSecurit yDepositandPetDeposit,ifany,shallbereturnedtoTenantwithin[ NumberofDays]daysaftertheterminationofthisAgreement,less anydeductionsfordamagetothePremises.eofPremises:TenantshallusethePremisesonlyforreside ntialpurposesandshallnotusethePremisesforanyillegalpurpose. TenantshallnotmakeanyalterationstothePremiseswithoutthepr iorwrittenconsentofLandlord.7.Mntenance:TenantshallkeepthePremisesinacleanandsaf econditionandshallpromptlynotifyLandlordofanydamageormn tenanceissuesthatmayarise.8.Default:IfTenantflstoperformanyofthetermsorcovenants ofthisAgreement,Landlordmay,atLandlord'soption,terminatet hisAgreementandrequireTenanttovacatethePremiseswithin[N umberofDays]daysafterwrittennoticeofsuchdefaultisgiventoTe nant.erningLaw:ThisAgreementshallbegovernedandconst ruedinaccordancewiththelawsoftheStateof[State],withoutgivin geffecttoanyprinciplesofconflictsoflaw.10.EntireAgreement:ThisAgreementconstitutestheentirea greementbetweenthepartiesandsupersedesallprioragreement sandunderstandings,whetherwrittenororal,relatingtothesubjec tmatterofthisAgreement.INWITNESSWHEREOF,thepartieshaveexecutedthisAgreem entasofthedatefirstabovewritten.LANDLORD:[Landlord'sName][Landlord'sSignature]TENANT:[Tenant'sName][Tenant'sSignature]特殊应用场景说明:多方为主导下的附加条款:IfLandlordsellsthePremisesduringthetermofthisAgreemen t,TenantagreestocooperatewithLandlordandthebuyerinthetra ndlordagreestoprovideTen antwithwrittennoticeofsuchsaleatleast[NumberofDays]dayspri ortothetransferofpossession.IfTenantwishestoterminatethisAgreementpriortotheendof theterm,TenantshallprovideLandlordwithwrittennoticeofsucht erminationatleast[NumberofDays]dayspriortothedesireddateo ftermination.Tenantshallberesponsibleforpayinganyoutstandi ngRentandanyadditionalfeesassociatedwithearlyterminationa sspecifiedLandlord.ThisAgreementmaybeamendedormodifiedthepartiesatan ytime,providedthatsuchamendmentormodificationisinwriting andsignedbothparties.附加条款:Thefollowingdocumentsareattachedheretoandmadeapart ofthisAgreement:1.ExhibitARulesandRegulations2.ExhibitBPetAddendum(ifapplicable)3.ExhibitCMove-InChecklist我们来看看这份租房合同的五种特殊应用场合:1.养宠物:如果你想养宠物,那么就需要仔细查看合同中的“宠物附加条款”(PetAddendum)。


2.国际租赁合同的要素一个国际租赁合同应当具备以下常见要素:2.1 当事人的身份对于国际租赁合同来说,当事人的身份显得十分重要,因为不同的主权国家对于当事人的身份有着不同的法律规定和限制。
2.2 租赁的对象租赁的对象可以是任何可供租赁的物品或财产,如房屋、机器设备、汽车等等。
2.3 租赁的期限和租金租赁合同必须明确租赁的期限和租金,租赁的期限可以是年、月、日等等,租赁的租金可以是定期支付或一次性支付。
2.4 租赁的用途和限制租赁合同通常会规定租赁物品的用途和限制,以防止租赁物品被用于违法犯罪或不合法的用途。
2.5 违约和解决纠纷的条款租赁合同中通常会规定违约和解决纠纷的条款,以确保当出现纠纷时有一个可以接受的解决方案。
以下是一些常见的解释和分析合同条款:3.1 解释合同条款在国际租赁合同中,合同条款的解释非常重要。
3.2 合同条款的分析在国际租赁合同中,需要对合同条款进行分析以确保各方的权益得到保护。

一、国际租赁合同的要素1. 合同主体:国际租赁合同的主体可以是跨国公司或个人,他们一方作为出租方,一方作为承租方。
2. 租赁物:国际租赁合同的租赁物可以是不动产或动产,包括但不限于土地、建筑物、机器设备、车辆等。
3. 租金:租金是承租方享受租赁物使用权的代价,可以以货币形式支付。
4. 使用期限:国际租赁合同约定的租赁期限。
5. 权利和义务:国际租赁合同中规定租赁双方的权利和义务,包括出租方提供租赁物的使用权和承租方支付租金的义务。
6. 保险和维修责任:国际租赁合同中通常会约定租赁物的保险责任和维修责任。
二、国际租赁合同的解释原则1. 合同一致原则:根据合同一致原则,合同的解释应当以合同条款的字面意思为准。
2. 合同解释的商业原则:合同的解释还应当参考商业习惯和通俗的语言。
3. 解释有利于消除矛盾和保护合同价值原则:如果合同的条款之间存在矛盾,应当采取解释的方法消除矛盾。
三、国际租赁合同的风险因素1. 法律和政策风险:国际租赁合同涉及的跨国法律规定和政策不同,可能会导致合同的履行受到限制或纠纷的发生。
2. 经济和市场风险:由于国际租赁合同的周期较长,合同期内的经济和市场变化可能会影响租赁双方的利益。
3. 汇率风险:国际租赁交易常涉及不同货币之间的支付和结算,汇率波动可能会导致租赁双方的损失。
四、国际租赁合同的分析1. 经济效益分析:在签订国际租赁合同之前,租赁双方应当进行经济效益分析,评估租赁交易的成本和收益。
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Kingdom of CambodiaNation, Religion, KingLease AgreementThis Lease Agreement is hereby entered into between Party A (Landlord / Co-Owner) and Party B (Tenant), who shall collectively be known herein as the Parties.Landlord / Co-Owner Name:Herein after referred as to Party AHead Tenant Name: China National Aero-technology international Engineering Corporation which represented by Mr. XIE FUKANG, Sex: Male, Passport No: G3*******Herein after referred as to Party BWhereas:A. Party A is the Officer Owner of Building No.777, St. Kampucheakrom (128), Sangkat Toek Laok 1, Khan Toulkort, Phnom Penh, Cambodia and agrees to Lease to Party B the Building floor 2th.B. The Term of the lease shall be 1 year and shall commence on 2-June-16 and terminate on 1-June-17C. Party A and Party B agree to lease the 2ed floor Unit within the Building for office purposes only.This Lease Agreement between Party A and Party B Co vers the Following Articles:Article 1: Definitions:In this Agreement:“Term” means the period of this Agreement which shall be from the commencement date to the termination date of this Lease Agreement (for greater certainty, this period shall include both the commencement date and the termination date as set out herein).“Extension” means an option of extension to this Lease Agreement to mutually agreeable terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.“Contents” means all furniture, furnishings and other items set out in the Inventory List attached to this Lease Agreement.Article 2: Rental FeeRental accommodation fee USD $1,600.Party B agrees to pay $1,6000 (US Dollars) per month to party A (Exclude WHT10%).The one year Rental Fee is due pay at once after sign the contract.If Party B makes late payment of the Rental Fee beyond seven (7) days or more after received invoice from Party A, Party B shall on demand made by Party A, become accountable to pay interest on all arrears at the rate of ten percent (10%) of rental fee per month, calculated from the date on which any outstanding amounts became due for payment, until the date of actual payment.Any renewal of this agreement will be based up on open and forthright negotiations between Party A and Party B that shall be calculated through bench marking open market rental rates. The ultimate authority to renew this lease agreement and any Rental Fee associated with any such renewal exists with Party A only.Article 3: Lease Agreement ExtensionParty B shall inform Party A about an intention to extend the Lease Agreement at least (two) 2 month befo re the specified termination date as stated in this Lease Agreement, and Party A shall at his/her own discretion agree or disagree on this request.Article 4: DepositUp on signing of this Lease Agreement by both Parties, Party B shall pay Party A the security deposit with amount of US$ 3,000 (Three Thousand US Dollars Only).The Deposit shall not be used to pay for rental fee, but will be refunded to Party B at the end of the Term as set -out herein. In the event that Party B cannot continuously rent or terminates renting during the Term of this Lease Agreement, This deposit money shall be forfeited by Party B.At the termination of this Lease Agreement, if any damage to the structure of the Premises or Building or the fixtures, furnishings or contents of the Premises exists, as a result of undeliberate or deliberate actions of Party B, then Party B is responsible to reinstate the Premises In any such case, Party B shall restore the Premises and/or Building as requested by Party A .Article 5: Landlord's ResponsibilitiesParty A shall be obliged to:(a) Transfer the Premises and its equipment, fixtures and fittings (as set out in the Inventory List) to Party B on the commencement day when this Lease Agreement becomes effective;(b) Ensure the right of private and use and peaceful enjoyment of the Premises for Party B;(c) Promptly repair any damage and/or structural defects to the Premises upon the reasonable request of PartyB; and(e) Provide guidance to Party B in complying with the Building Rules and Regulations on signing of the LeaseAgreement by both parties.Article 6: Tenant's ResponsibilitiesParty B shall be obliged to:(a) To pay the Rental Fee and other charges on time.(b) To pay the Utilities Bill on time. In case Tenant make late payment beyond (30) days after received the Invoice.(c) To use the Premises for office purposes only and comply with all Articles of this Lease Agreement and, if the Tenant wishes to repair or improve the Premises to meet the Tenant's requirements.(d) To bear responsibility for any damages; for the loss or damage of any internal equipment and facilities caused by Party B, guests or any persons under the responsibility of Party B; for any damage caused to any third party during the Term; and for keeping safe its valuables and personal property;(e) To comply with the Buildings Rules and Regulations and general security and safety.Article 7: ServicesParty A shall be responsible for the Management Service and Common Area Utility Costs that provides for garbage collection, security, cleaning (Public Area in De Castle Royal), car parking services, mechanical, electrical and equipment maintenance and common area services throughout the building but not including the private area inside the premises.Party B shall be responsible for the payment of private utility usage within the Premises relating to electricity and water consumption according to the bills provided from meter readings by the Property Managemen t Agent during the Lease period, at the following rates: (subject to the rules and regulations of the Building)1. Electricity: 0.25 USD / Kwh2. Water: 0.35 USD / m3Payment shall be made to the Property Management Company (G PROAV Co, Ltd.) located on the 4th floor of theBuilding at the Property Management Office.Party B is responsible for all costs and charges for services and utilities consumed that are not included as inclusive withi n thisLease Agreement as part of the Rental Fee. Party B shall be directly responsible to the utility companies, service providers andor the Property Management Company for payment of such services or utilities consumed by Party B.Party B is responsible for any outstanding payments remaining at the date of terminati on of this Lease Agreement for services or utilities enjoyed by Party B during the Term. Party A reserves the right to collect such overdue payments from Party B up to six (6) weeks after the termination date of this Lease Agreement.Article 8: Interior DecorationParty A agrees with Party B to add more furniture, personal items etc and decorate the interior but Party B shall not in any way damage or change the Premises in any permanent way. Party B shall be responsible for the Premises. In the event of any loss or damage to the Premises by Party B, Party B shall fairly and reasonably compensate Party A.Article 9: Reinstatement – Return to Original ConditionAt the expiration of this Lease Agreement or earlier as mutually agreed by both Parties, Party B shall return the Premises to the original condition of the commencement date of this Lease Agreement, subject to normal wear and tear. Party B shall deliver u p to the Landlord the Premises including the Landlord’s fixtures and fittings therein in good repair and condition (fair wear and tear excepted) and shall be responsible at its own costfor the reinstatement of the Premises to the satisfaction of Party B.Article 10: ParkingParty B is entitled to two car parking space at the Building at the discretion of Party A (subject to the internal parking rules and regulations of the Building).Should Party B be provided with one car parking space, Party B shall inform the Property Management Agent of the vehicle information including type, color and Registration number (following the internal parking rules and regulations of the Building).(One car parking space may be exchanged for two motorbike or scooter parking passes )Article 11: Moving-In and Moving-OutParty B shall give notice of moving-in and moving-out times and dates to the Property Management Agent at least one(1)Week prior to the intended date.(2)Article 15: Access to PremiseParty B shall occupy the Premises for residential purposes only, however, possession of the premises is retained by Party A who shall be provided unrestricted access to the premises given Party A provides Party B forty eight (48) hour’s written noti ce. Party B cannot unreasonably refu se to provide access to Party A or his/her authorized representatives provided forty eight (48) hours prior written notice has been provided.Article 12: Illegal or Immoral ActivitiesParty A will be not responsible for any illegal acts of Party B and Party B is fully responsible for its own actions in front of Cambodian Law.Party A and the Property Management Agent reserve the right to take legal action, involve the relevant authorities, restrict access and evict any parties undertaking illegal or immoral activities at the Premises or Building, including, but not limited to the; consumption, preparation or selling of illegal drugs, items or materials; solicitation or involvement of sex with minors ; illegal gambling activities or any other illegal or immoral activity.Article 13: TerminationThis Agreement shall terminate in the following cases:(a) The Term has expired on 1-June-2017(b) The Premises are destroyed or demolished according to the decision of a competent Authority;(c) There has been a material breach or non-performance or non-observance of any of the Articles obligations, conditions or agreements (including the non-payment of rent) contained in this Lease Agreement on the part of the Tenant;(d) If unauthorized person/s are found to be permanently residing within the Premises;(e) The Tenant is transferred or removed from Cambodia or refused permission by the Cambodian Government to reside in Cambodia;(f) Building Rules and Regulations are broken on either three occasions or one occasion amounting to a material breach.Article 14: Dispute ResolutionIn the event that any disputes occur involving the Lease Agreement, both parties shall resolve suchdisputes in a peaceful manner with respect for the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia.Article 15: Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia and each party agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Phnom Penh as regards any claim or matter arising under this Agreement which cannot be peacefully resolved.Article 16: IndemnityThe tenant agrees to indemnify and keep Party A and the Property Management Company indemnified against all actions, proceeding, costs, claims, demands, damages, losses or expenses or other liability in respect of the use or occupation of the Premises or any breach or non-observance by Party B of the terms of this Agreement or any other act or default of Party B its employees, agents, guests or invitees in the Premises.Article 17: DisclaimerNeither party shall be responsible for any loss, accident or damage sustained at or originating from the Building, nor shall make any claim against the other party for non-performance of its obligations hereof due to a force majeure event (a force majeure event is any event beyond the reasonable control of a party including earthquake, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, national emergency, war, hostilities, riot, civil commotion.Article 18: Counterparts & SigningThis Agreement is made in English and Khmer. Party A, Party B shall each keep one copy of this Lease Agreement.。