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小学英语阅读100 篇

1,Poor Man !

Look at this man ,What is he doing ? He's carrying a very big b,oTxhe box is full of big apples ,He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home,Can he do that ? No,I don't think so,Why not ? Because the box is too full and too hea,vLyook ! What's wrong ? He drops the bo,x Poor man !

New Words and Expressions



Kate is a new studen,t She is twelve,She is from America,She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chine,seShe is in Nanjing,Her parents are doctors ,Kate is studying in a school near her hom,e She has classes from Monday to Friday ,On Saturdays and Sundays , she often plays games with her Chinese friends ,She loves China and her Chinese friend,s New Words and Expressions

Parents,work,doctor,study,a little

3,Can You Find Bob ?

Hello , Betty,Please meet Bob at the station at nine o'clock tomorrow mornin,g Go to the big clock,Carry a green bag and wear a white h,at He's not very tall

but quite fat ,He has short black hair and brown eye,s He also has glass,es He likes wearing blue trousers and a red sweat,er Can you find him , Betty ?

New Words and Expressions



4,My Room

This is my room ,Near the window there is a desk,I often do my homework at it ,You can see some books , some flowers in a vase , a ruler and a,peOnn the wall near the desk there is a picture of a ca,t There is a clock above the end of my be,d I usually put my football under my bed,Of course here is a chair in front of the desk , I 'sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside

New Words and Expressions

Homework vase end of course

5,What Are They Doing ?

The White family is at home,

Mrs White is in the kitchen ,She is cooking,

Mr White is sitting in a chair and reading the newspape,r

Tom and his friend Dick are cleaning the bicycle,

Jane and her friend Mary are in Jane's bedroo,m

They are listening to a tape,

New Words and Expressions

Kitchen cook bicycle tape

6,My Family

I am Tom,I'm eleven years old,

I live near the schoo,l I go to school every day,

In my family there are three people,

My father , my mother and ,I My father is a bus-driver,

He is friendly,He has a lot of friends,

My mother is a teache,r She works at my school,

She does housework every d,ay I love them ,

New Words and Expressions

Busdriver friendly housework a lot of

7,An Outing

Father : Today is Sunda,y Tom , I would like to take you to the park,

Lucy : Can I come ,too ?

Father : Oh no , you must look after your sist,er And your mother is at work ,Lucy : I can take my sister to the park , too,

She can play games with other childre,n

Father : OK,Go to your bedroom and put on your new dress in the bo,x Lucy : OK ,

Father : It's about nine o'cloc,k Let's go ,

Lucy and Tom : All right,Let's go ,

New Words and Expressions

Outing bedroom dress would like to look after at work

8,Our Class

This is a picture of our class,
