高中化学方程式默写(High school chemistry equation dictation)






一、金属相关的化学方程式1、钠与水的反应:2Na + 2H₂O = 2NaOH + H₂↑这个反应现象十分明显,钠浮在水面上迅速游动,发出“嘶嘶”的响声,并熔化成一个闪亮的小球。

2、铁与水蒸气的反应:3Fe + 4H₂O(g) = Fe₃O₄+ 4H₂在高温条件下,铁与水蒸气发生反应,生成黑色的四氧化三铁和氢气。

3、铝与氢氧化钠溶液的反应:2Al + 2NaOH + 2H₂O =2NaAlO₂+ 3H₂↑铝既能与酸反应,又能与碱反应,这体现了铝的两性。

二、非金属相关的化学方程式1、氯气与水的反应:Cl₂+ H₂O = HCl + HClO氯气溶于水,一部分与水反应生成盐酸和次氯酸,次氯酸具有强氧化性,能杀菌消毒。

2、硅与氢氧化钠溶液的反应:Si + 2NaOH + H₂O = Na₂SiO₃+ 2H₂↑硅是一种半导体材料,在这个反应中表现出一定的化学活性。

3、二氧化硫与氧气的反应:2SO₂+ O₂⇌ 2SO₃这是工业上制取硫酸的重要步骤,也是一个可逆反应。

三、燃烧相关的化学方程式1、甲烷在空气中燃烧:CH₄+ 2O₂= CO₂+ 2H₂O甲烷是天然气的主要成分,燃烧产生二氧化碳和水。

2、乙醇的燃烧:C₂H₅OH + 3O₂= 2CO₂+ 3H₂O乙醇是常见的有机燃料。

3、氢气的燃烧:2H₂+ O₂= 2H₂O氢气燃烧产物只有水,是一种清洁能源。

四、酸碱中和反应1、盐酸与氢氧化钠的反应:HCl + NaOH = NaCl + H₂O这是典型的强酸强碱中和反应,生成盐和水。

2、硫酸与氢氧化钡的反应:H₂SO₄+ Ba(OH)₂= BaSO₄↓ +2H₂O这个反应不仅有酸碱中和,还生成了沉淀。

五、氧化还原反应1、铜与硝酸的反应(1)浓硝酸:Cu + 4HNO₃(浓) = Cu(NO₃)₂+ 2NO₂↑ +2H₂O(2)稀硝酸:3Cu + 8HNO₃(稀) = 3Cu(NO₃)₂+2NO↑ +4H₂O2、铁与硫酸铜溶液的反应:Fe + CuSO₄= FeSO₄+ Cu这是一个置换反应,也是氧化还原反应。

高中化学方程式123(High school chemistry equation 123)

高中化学方程式123(High school chemistry equation 123)

高中化学方程式123(High school chemistry equation 123)Equation:Test 1, sulfate ion: BaCl2 + Na2SO4 = BaSO4 +: 2NaClTest 2, carbonate ions: CaCl2 + Na2CO3 = CaCO3 +: 2NaCl3, sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid: Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + CO2 =4, charcoal copperoxide reduction: 2CuO + 2Cu + CO2 = C at high temperature5, iron and copper sulfate solution reaction: Fe + CuSO4 = FeSO4 + Cu6, calcium chloride and sodium carbonate solution reaction: CaCl2 + Na2CO3 = CaCO3 +: 2NaCl7, the combustion of sodium in air: 2Na + O2 Na2O2Reaction of sodium with oxygen: 4Na + O2 = 2Na2O8, reaction between sodium peroxide and water: 2Na2O2 + 2H2O = 4NaOH + O2 =9, the reaction between sodium peroxide and carbon dioxide: 2Na2O2 + 2CO2 = 2Na2CO3 + O210, sodium and water reaction: 2Na + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2 =11, iron and water vapor reaction (g): 3Fe + 4H2O = F3O4 + 4H2 =12, aluminum reacts with sodium hydroxide solution: 2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O = 2NaAlO2 + 3H2 =13. The reaction of calcium oxide with water: CaO + H2O = Ca (OH) 214. Reaction of iron oxide with hydrochloric acid: Fe2O3 + 6HCl = 2FeCl3 + 3H2O15, the reaction of alumina with hydrochloric acid: Al2O3 + 6HCl = 2AlCl3 + 3H2O16, the reaction of alumina with sodium hydroxide solution: Al2O3 + 2NaOH = 2NaAlO2 + H2O17, ferric chloride and sodium hydroxide solution reaction: FeCl3 + 3NaOH = Fe + 3 (OH): 3NaCl18, ferrous sulfate and sodium hydroxide solution reaction: FeSO4 + 2NaOH = Fe + 2 (OH): Na2SO419, ferrous hydroxide is oxidized to ferric hydroxide: 4Fe (OH) 2 + 2H2O + O2 = 4Fe (OH) 320, the thermal decomposition of ferric hydroxide: 2Fe (OH) Fe2O3 + 3H2O = 321, laboratory preparation of aluminum hydroxide: Al2 (SO4) 3+ 6NH3, H2O = 2Al (OH): 3 + 3 (NH3) 2SO422, aluminum hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid: Al (OH) 3 + 3HCl = AlCl3 + 3H2O23, aluminum hydroxide reacts with sodium hydroxide solution: Al (OH) 3 + NaOH = NaAlO2 + 2H2O24, the thermal decomposition of aluminum hydroxide (OH): 2Al 3 Al2O3 + 3H2O25, ferric chloride solution and iron powder reaction: 2FeCl3 + Fe = 3FeCl226. Chlorine gas in ferrous chloride: 2FeCl2 + Cl2 = 2FeCl327. Reaction of silica with hydrofluoric acid: SiO2 + 4HF = SiF4 + 2H2OSilicon reacted with hydrofluoric acid: Si + 4HF = SiF4 + 2H2 =28. High temperature reaction of silica and calcium oxide: SiO2 + CaO, high temperature CaSiO329. The reaction of silica with sodium hydroxide solution: SiO2 + 2NaOH = Na2SiO3 + H2O30, to the sodium silicate solution with carbon dioxide:Na2SiO3 + CO2 + H2O = Na2CO3 + H2SiO3:31, sodium silicate and hydrochloric acid: Na2SiO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2SiO3:32. Chlorine reacts with metal iron: 2Fe + 3Cl2 ignites 2FeCl333. Chlorine reacts with metal copper: Cu + Cl2 ignites CuCl234. Chlorine reacts with metal sodium: 2Na + Cl2 ignites 2NaCl35, chlorine reacts with water: Cl2 + H2O = HCl + HClO36, hypochlorous acid light decomposition: light 2HCl + O2 = 2HClO37, chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide solution: Cl2 + 2NaOH = NaCl + NaClO + H2O38 chlorine and slaked lime reaction: 2Cl2 + 2Ca (OH) 2 = CaCl2 + Ca (ClO) 2 + 2H2O39, hydrochloric acid and silver nitrate solution reaction: HCl + AgNO3 = AgCl +: HNO340, the long-term exposure of bleaching powder in the air: Ca (ClO) 2 + H2O + CO2 = CaCO3 +: 2HClO41, sulfur dioxide reacts with water: SO2 + H2O = H2SO342, nitrogen and oxygen discharge in the reaction: N2 + O2 discharge 2NO43, nitric oxide reacts with oxygen: 2NO + O2 = 2NO244, NO2 reacts with water: 3NO2 + H2O = 2HNO3 + NO45, sulfur dioxide and oxygen react under the action of catalyst: 2SO2 + O2 catalyst, 2SO346 and three sulfur oxides reacted with water: SO3 + H2O = H2SO447, concentrated sulfuric acid and copper reaction: Cu + 2H2SO4 (strong) Delta + 2H2O + SO2 = CuSO448, concentrated sulfuric acid and charcoal reaction: C +2H2SO4 (concentrated) CO2 = 2SO2 = delta + + 2H2O49, strong reaction with copper nitrate: Cu + 4HNO3 (concentrated) = Cu (NO3 + 2H2O + 2NO2 = 2)50, the reaction of nitric acid and dilute copper: 3Cu + 8HNO3 (diluted) 3Cu (NO3) + 4H2O + 2NO = 251, the ammonia thermal decomposition: NH3 - H2O + H2O = NH352, ammonia reacts with hydrogen chloride: NH3 + HCl = NH4Cl53, thermal decomposition of ammonium chloride: NH4Cl + HCl = NH3 = Delta54, thermal decomposition of ammonium hydrogen carbonate: NH4HCO3 + H2O = NH3 = a + CO2 =55, the reaction of ammonium nitrate and sodium hydroxide: NH4NO3 + NaOH + NaNO3 + H2O = NH3Preparation of laboratory 56, ammonia: 2NH4Cl + Ca (OH) 2 + 2H2O + 2NH3 = CaCl257. Chlorine reacts with hydrogen: Cl2 + H2 ignites 2HCl58, the reaction of ammonium sulfate and sodium hydroxide (NH4): 2SO4 + 2NaOH + Na2SO4 + 2H2O = 2NH359, SO2 + CaO = CaSO360, SO2 + 2NaOH = Na2SO3 + H2O61, SO2 + Ca (OH) = CaSO3 + H2O: 262, SO2 + Cl2 + 2H2O = 2HCl + H2SO463, SO2 + 2H2S = 3S + 2H2O64, NO, NO2 recycling: NO2 + NO + 2NaOH = 2NaNO2 + H2O65, Si + 2F 2 = SiF466, Si + 2NaOH + H2O = +2H2 = NaSiO3The laboratory production 67, silicon: preparing coarse silicon: SiO2 + 2C + 2CO Si high temperature furnace (quartz sand) (Jiao Tan) (coarse silicon)Coarse silicon into pure silicon: Si (coarse) + 2Cl2 SiCl4SiCl4 + 2H2, high temperature Si (pure) + 4HClChemical reaction1. Magnesium burns in air: 2Mg + O2 ignites 2MgO2. Iron burns in oxygen: 3Fe + 2O2 ignites Fe3O43 aluminum burning in the air: 4Al + 3O2 lit 2Al2O34. Hydrogen burns in the air: 2H2 + O2 ignites 2H2O5, the red phosphorus burn in the air: 4P + 5O2 light 2P2O56. Sulfur powder burns in air: S + O2 ignites SO27. Carbon burns fully in oxygen: C + O2 ignites CO28. Carbon does not burn sufficiently in oxygen: 2C + O2 ignites 2CO9, carbon dioxide through the hot carbon layer: C + CO2, high temperature 2CO10. Carbon monoxide burns in oxygen: 2CO + O2 ignites 2CO211, the reaction of carbon dioxide and water (carbon dioxide into the purple litmus test solution): CO2 + H2O = H2CO312, lime water soluble: CaO + H2O = Ca (OH) 213, anhydrous copper sulfate as a desiccant: CuSO4 + 5H2O = CuSO4 5H2O?14. Sodium burns in chlorine gas: 2Na + Cl2 ignites 2NaCldecomposition reaction15, the laboratory preparation of oxygen with hydrogen peroxide: 2H2O2 O2 = MnO2 2H2O+16, heating heating Potassium Permanganate: 2KMnO4 + MnO2 + O2 = K2MnO417, water decomposition under the effect of direct current: 2H2O + O2 = 2H2 = electricity18, the instability of carbonate decomposition: H2CO3 = H2O + CO2 =19, high temperature calcination of limestone (carbon dioxide industrial process): CO2 = CaO + CaCO3 at high temperatureDisplacement reaction20, iron and copper sulfate solution reaction: Fe + CuSO4 = FeSO4 + Cu21, zinc and sulfuric acid reaction (laboratory hydrogen): Zn + H2SO4 + H2 = = = ZnSO422, magnesium and dilute hydrochloric acid reaction: Mg+ + H2 = 2HCl = MgCl223, hydrogen reduction of copper oxide: H2 + CuO heating Cu + H2O24, charcoal copperoxide reduction: C+ CO2 = 2Cu + 2CuO at high temperature25 methane burning in the air: CH4 + 2O2 ignites CO2 + 2H2O26, water vapor through the hot carbon layer: H2O + C, high temperature H2 + CO27, the coke reduction of iron oxide: 3C+ 3CO2 = 4Fe + 2Fe2O3 at high temperatureOther28, sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate solution reaction: 2NaOH + CuSO4 = Cu + 2 (OH): Na2SO429 methane burning in the air: CH4 + 2O2 ignites CO2 + 2H2O30. Alcohol burns in the air: C2H5OH + 3O2 ignites 2CO2 + 3H2O31 carbon monoxide reduction of copper oxide: CO+ CuO heating Cu + CO232 carbon monoxide reduction iron oxide: 3CO+, Fe2O3, hightemperature 2Fe + 3CO233, carbon dioxide by clarifying lime water (carbon dioxide test): Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 + H2O: CaCO3 = = = =34, the reaction of sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide (CO2 removal): 2NaOH + CO2 = Na2CO3 + H2O35, (limestone or marble) reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid (preparation of carbon dioxide in laboratory): CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 =36, sodium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid (the principle of foam extinguishing): Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + CO2 =I. reaction of matter with oxygen:(1) reaction of simple substance with oxygen:1. magnesium burns in air: 2Mg + O2 ignites 2MgO2. iron burns in oxygen: 3Fe + 2O2 ignites Fe3O43. copper heated in the air: 2Cu + O2 heating 2CuO4. aluminum burning in the air: 4Al + 3O2 ignition 2Al2O35. hydrogen combustion in air: 2H2 + O2 ignition 2H2O6. red phosphorus burn in the air: 4P + 5O2 light 2P2O57. sulfur powder burns in air: S + O2 ignites SO28. carbon burns fully in oxygen: C + O2 ignites CO29. carbon does not burn sufficiently in oxygen: 2C + O2 ignites 2CO(2) the reaction of compound with oxygen:10. carbon monoxide burns in oxygen: 2CO + O2 ignites 2CO211. methane combustion in the air: CH4 + 2O2 ignites CO2 + 2H2O12. alcohol burns in the air: C2H5OH + 3O2 ignites 2CO2 + 3H2OTwo. Several decomposition reactions:13. water decomposition under the effect of direct current: 2H2O + O2 = 2H2 = electricity14. heating auragreen: Cu2 (OH) 2CO3 + H2O + CO2 = 2CuO heating15. heating potassium chlorate (a small amount of manganese dioxide): 2KClO3 = 2KCl + 3O2 =16. heating heating Potassium Permanganate: 2KMnO4 + MnO2 + O2 = K2MnO417. unstable carbonate decomposition: H2CO3 = H2O + CO2 =18. high temperature calcined limestone: CaO + CO2 = CaCO3 at high temperatureThree. Several redox reactions:19. hydrogen reduction of CuO: H2 + CuO heating Cu + H2O20.: C+ charcoal reduction of copper oxide high-temperature 2Cu + CO2 = 2CuO21. 3C+ 2Fe2O3 high temperature coke reduction iron oxide: 4Fe + 3CO2 =Twenty-two2C+ Fe3O4: high temperature coke reduction of Fe3O4 + 2CO2 = 3Fe23. carbon monoxide reduced copper oxide: CO+ CuO heating Cu + CO224. carbon monoxide reduction iron oxide: 3CO+, Fe2O3, high temperature 2Fe + 3CO225. carbon monoxide reduction magnetite: 4CO+, Fe3O4, high temperature 3Fe + 4CO2Four. The relation of simple substance, oxide, acid, alkali and salt(1) metal salt + + acid - hydrogen (reaction)26. zinc and dilute sulfuric acid Zn + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + H2 =27. iron and dilute sulfuric acid Fe + H2SO4 = FeSO4 + H2 =28. mg dilute sulfuric acid and Mg + H2SO4 = MgSO4 + H2 =29. aluminum and dilute sulfuric acid 2Al +3H2SO4 = Al2 (SO4) +3H2 = 330. zinc and dilute hydrochloric acid Zn + ZnCl2 + H2 = 2HCl = = =31. iron and dilute hydrochloric acid Fe + FeCl2 + H2 = 2HCl = = =32. mg and dilute hydrochloric acid MgCl2 + H2 = 2HCl = Mg+33. aluminum and dilute hydrochloric acid 2Al + 6HCl + 3H2 = = = 2AlCl3(2) metallic element + salt (solution) - another metal + another salt34. iron and copper sulfate solution reaction: Fe + CuSO4 = FeSO4 + Cu35. zinc and copper sulfate solution reaction: Zn + CuSO4 = ZnSO4 + Cu36. copper and mercury nitrate reaction: Cu + Hg (NO3) = 2 Cu(NO3) 2 + Hg(3) basic oxides + acid + water salt.37. iron oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid reaction: Fe2O3 + 6HCl = 2FeCl3 + 3H2OThirty-eightIron oxide and dilute sulfuric acid reaction: Fe2O3 + 3H2SO4 = Fe2 + 3H2O (SO4) 339. of copper oxide and hydrochloric acid reaction: CuO + 2HCl = CuCl2 + H2O40. of copper oxide and sulfuric acid reaction: CuO + H2SO4 = CuSO4 + H2OThe Magnesium Oxide 41. and dilute sulfuric acid reaction: MgO + H2SO4 = MgSO4 + H2O42. calcium oxide and hydrochloric acid reaction: CaO + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2O(4) acidic oxide + alkali salt + water.43. caustic soda in the air exposed metamorphic: 2NaOH + CO2 = Na2CO3 + H2O44. caustic soda to absorb SO2: 2NaOH + SO2 = Na2SO3 + H2O45. caustic soda absorbs three sulphur oxide gas: 2NaOH + SO3 = Na2SO4 + H2O46. of lime deterioration in the air: Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 + H2O: CaCO3 = = = =47. of lime sulfur dioxide absorption: Ca (OH) 2 + SO2 + H2O: CaSO3 = = = =(5) acid alkali salt + water +.48. hydrochloric acid and caustic soda react: HCl + NaOH = NaCl +H2O49. hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide reaction: HCl + KOH = KCl +H2O50. hydrochloric acid and copper hydroxide reaction: 2HCl + Cu = CuCl2 + 2 (OH) 2H2O51. hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide reaction: 2HCl + Ca = CaCl2 + 2 (OH) 2H2O52. hydrochloric acid and ferric hydroxide reaction: 3HCl + Fe = FeCl3 + 3 (OH) 3H2OThe 53. drugs in the treatment of aluminum hydroxide hyperchlorhydria: 3HCl + Al = AlCl3 + 3 (OH) 3H2OFifty-fourSulfuric acid and caustic soda reaction: H2SO4 + 2NaOH = Na2SO4 + 2H2O55. sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide reaction: H2SO4 + 2KOH = K2SO4 + 2H2O56. sulfuric acid and copper hydroxide reaction: H2SO4 + Cu = CuSO4 + 2 (OH) 2H2O57. sulfuric acid and ferric hydroxide reaction: 3H2SO4 + 2Fe (OH) 3==== Fe2 (SO4) 3 + 6H2O58. nitric acid and sodium hydroxide reaction: HNO3+ NaOH NaNO3 = +H2O(6) acid + salt - another acid + another salt59. marble reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 =60. sodium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + CO2 =61. magnesium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: MgCO3 + 2HCl = MgCl2 + H2O + CO2 =62. hydrochloric acid and silver nitrate solution reaction: HCl + AgNO3 = AgCl +: HNO363. sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate reaction: Na2CO3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2 =Reaction of 64. sulfuric acid and barium chloride solution: H2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4 +: 2HCl(7 +) - another alkali salt alkali and another salt65. sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate: 2NaOH + CuSO4 = Cu + 2 (OH): Na2SO466. sodium hydroxide and ferric chloride: 3NaOH + FeCl3 = Fe + 3 (OH): 3NaCl67. sodium hydroxide and magnesium chloride: 2NaOH + MgCl2 = Mg + 2 (OH): 2NaCl68. sodium hydroxide and copper chloride: 2NaOH + CuCl2 = Cu + 2 (OH): 2NaClSixty-nineCalcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate: Ca (OH) 2 + Na2CO3 + 2NaOH = CaCO3:(8) salt + salt ---- two new kinds of salt70. Sodium Chloride Solution and silver nitrate solution: NaCl + AgNO3 = AgCl +: NaNO371. sodium sulfate and barium chloride: Na2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4 +: 2NaClFive. Other reactions:72. carbon dioxide dissolved in water: CO2 + H2O = H2CO373. lime water soluble: CaO + H2O = Ca (OH) 274. sodium hydroxide dissolved in water: Na2O + H2O = 2NaOH75. three of sulfur dioxide dissolved in water: SO3 + H2O = H2SO476. copper sulfate crystal decomposition: CuSO4 5H2O heating CuSO4 + 5H2O77. anhydrous copper sulfate as a desiccant: CuSO4 + 5H2O = CuSO4 5H2?Chemical equation, reaction phenomenon, application2Mg+O2 ignite or ignite strongly at 2MgO. Dazzling white light. Producing white solid. Exothermic. Produces a large white smoke flare2Hg+O2 2HgO, a silver light or liquid form red solid Lavoisier experiment2Cu+O2 ignite or delta 2CuO red metal into black solid4Al+3O2 or 2Al2O3 light silvery white metal into a white solid3Fe+2O2 ignites Fe3O4, burns violently, Mars is radiant, producing black solids, exothermic 4Fe + 3O2, high temperature2Fe2O3C+O2 ignites CO2, burning violently, white light, releasing heat, and making lime water muddyS+O2 ignites SO2, burns violently, releases heat, stimulates the smell of gas, and burns light blue flames in the air. Blue and purple flames in oxygen2H2+O2 2H2O blue flame lit, exothermic, generated anhydrous CuSO4 blue liquid (water) high energy fuel4P+5O2 ignites 2P2O5, burns violently, produces large amounts of white smoke, releases heat, and produces white solids, demonstrating oxygen levels in the airCH4+2O2 ignites 2H2O+CO2 blue flames, exothermic, and generates liquid (water) methane that makes lime water turbid, gas and blue water, and the combustion of natural gas in CuSO42C2H2+5O2 2H2O+4CO2 light blue flame, heat release, black smoke, makes the limewater turbid gas and the anhydrous CuSO4 blue liquid (water), oxyacetylene flame welding and cutting metal2KClO3MnO2 +3O2 = Delta 2KCl generated with Mars, wood rekindled laboratory preparation of oxygen gas2KMnO4 K2MnO4+MnO2+O2 = purple generated glowing splint rekindled laboratory preparation of oxygen gas, black2HgO Delta 2Hg+O2 = red generation gas Lavoisier experimentwith Mars resurgence is silvery white, wood2H2O power 2H2 = +O2 = water power decomposition into hydrogen and oxygen in water electrolysisCu2 (OH) 2CO3 2CuO+H2O+CO2 green arrow, black tube wall, the liquid limewater turbid gas heating P.NH4HCO3 NH3 = H2O +CO2 = a + white solid liquid, tube wall has disappeared, the limewater turbid gas ammonium bicarbonate long-term exposure in the air will disappearZn+H2SO4=ZnSO4+H2 = have a large number of bubbles, zinc particles gradually dissolve the laboratory preparation of hydrogenFe+H2SO4=FeSO4+H2 = have a large number of bubbles, the metal particles gradually dissolvedMg+H2SO4 =MgSO4+H2 has a large number of bubbles increases, metal particles gradually dissolved3+3H2 = 2Al+3H2SO4=Al2 (SO4) has a large number of bubbles, the metal particles gradually dissolvedFe2O3+3H2 Delta 2Fe+3H2O red is gradually changed to silver white, with liquid metal smelting in test tube wall, and reduction of hydrogen gasFe3O4+4H2 Delta 3Fe+4H2O black gradually becomes silvery white, with liquid metal smelting in test tube wall and reduction ofhydrogenWO3+3H2, W, +3H2O, smelting of tungsten metal, reduction of hydrogenMoO3+3H2, Mo, +3H2O, smelting molybdenum metal, hydrogen reduction2Na+Cl2 delta or ignite 2NaCl, intense combustion, formation of yellow flame ion compounds,H2+Cl2 light or light 2HCl light pale flame and fog bottle covalent compounds formation, preparation of hydrochloric acidCuSO4+2NaOH=Cu (OH) 2: +Na2SO4 blue precipitate formation, upper solution mass conservation law clarification experiments2C +O2 ignites one of the common reactions, air pollutants and gas poisoning in 2CO coal stoves2C O+O2 ignite 2CO2 blue flame gas burningC + 2Cu+ = CO2 CuO high temperature gradually become black metal smelting gases make clear limewater turbid red,4Fe+ 3CO2 = 2Fe2O3+3C high temperature smelting metal2CO2 = 3Fe + Fe3O4+2C high temperature smelting metalC + CO2 high temperature 2COCO2 + H2O = H2CO3 carbonate make litmus red proof of carbonic acidH2CO3 CO2 = H2O + delta litmus red fadeCa (OH) 2 + CO2 + H2O = caco3↓ 澄清石灰水变浑浊应用co2检验和石灰浆粉刷墙壁CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 = Ca (HCO3) 2 白色沉淀逐渐溶解溶洞的形成, 石头的风化Ca (HCO3) 2Δ caco3↓ + H2O + co2↑ 白色沉淀、产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体水垢形成.钟乳石的形成2nahco3Δna2co3 + H2O + co2↑ 产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体小苏打蒸馒头CaCO3 高温CaO + co2↑ 工业制备二氧化碳和生石灰2HCl = CaCO3 + CaCl2 + H2O + co2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体实验室制备二氧化碳、除水垢Na2CO3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + H2O + co2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体泡沫灭火器原理Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2nacl + H2O + c o2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体泡沫灭火器原理MgCO3 + 2HCl = MgCl2 + H2O + co2↑ 固体逐渐溶解、有使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体CoΔ CuO + Cu + CO2 黑色逐渐变红色, 产生使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体冶炼金属Fe2O3 + 3co高温 2Fe + 3co2 冶炼金属原理Fe3O4 + 4co高温 3Fe + 4co2 冶炼金属原理3co高温 s 7o2 + W + 3co2 冶炼金属原理CH3COOH + NaOH + H2O = CH3COONa2ch3oh + 3o2点燃2co2 + 4H2OC2H5OH+3O2 ignites 2CO2+3H2O blue flames, producing gases that make lime water muddy, and ignite the burning of alcoholFe+CuSO4=Cu+FeSO4 silver white metal surface covered with a layer of red material, copper hydrometallurgyMg+FeSO4=, Fe+, MgSO4 solutions changed from pale green to colorless Cu+Hg (NO3) 2=Hg+, Cu (NO3) 2Cu+2AgNO3=2Ag+ Cu (NO3) 2, the red metal surface is covered with a silver white material, silver platedZn+CuSO4= Cu+ZnSO4 cyan metal surface covered with a red material copper platingFe2O3+6HCl=2FeCl3+3H2O rust is dissolved and the solution is yellow. Rust is removed by ironAl2O3+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2O white solid solutionNa2O+2HCl=2NaCl+H2O white solid solutionCuO+2HCl=CuCl2+H2O black solid solution, blue solutionZnO+2HCl=ZnCl2+ H2O white solid solutionMgO+2HCl=MgCl2+ H2O white solid solutionCaO+2HCl=CaCl2+ H2O white solid solutionNaOH+HCl=NaCl+ H2O white solid solutionCu (OH) 2+2HCl=CuCl2+2H2O Blue Solid dissolvesMg (OH) 2+2HCl=MgCl2+2H2O white solid dissolvedAl (OH) 3+3HCl=AlCl3+3H2O, white solid solution, Wei Shuping, treatment of gastric acid excessFe (OH) 3+3HCl=FeCl3+3H2O, reddish brown precipitate solution, yellow solutionCa (OH) 2+2HCl=CaCl2+2H2OHCl+AgNO3= AgCl: +HNO3 generation principle, a white precipitate is insoluble in dilute nitric acid test - ClFe2O3+3H2SO4= Fe2 (SO4) 3+3H2O rust solution, yellow rust solutionAl2O3+3H2SO4= Al2 (SO4) 3+3H2O white solid dissolvedCuO+H2SO4=CuSO4+H2O black solid solution, blue solutionZnO+H2SO4=ZnSO4+H2O white solid solutionMgO+H2SO4=MgSO4+H2O white solid solution2NaOH+H2SO4=Na2SO4+2H2OCu (OH) 2+H2SO4=CuSO4+2H2O Blue Solid dissolvesCa (OH) 2+H2SO4=CaSO4+2H2OMg (OH) 2+H2SO4=MgSO4+2H2O white solid dissolved2Al (OH) 3+3H2SO4=Al2 (SO4) 3+3H2O white solid dissolved2Fe (OH) 3+3H2SO4=Fe2 (SO4) 3+3H2O, reddish brown precipitate solution, yellow solutionBa (OH) 2+ H2SO4=BaSO4 +2H2O: principle, generation of white precipitate dissolved in dilute nitric acid test - SO42BaCl2+ H2SO4=BaSO4: +2HCl generation principle, a white precipitate is insoluble in dilute nitric acid test - SO42Ba (NO3) 2+H2SO4=BaSO4: +2HNO3 generation white precipitation principle, not soluble in dilute nitric acid test - SO42Na2O+2HNO3=2NaNO3+H2O white solid solutionCuO+2HNO3=Cu (NO3) 2+H2O black solid solution, blue solutionZnO+2HNO3=Zn (NO3) 2+ H2O white solid dissolvedMgO+2HNO3=Mg (NO3) 2+ H2O white solid dissolvedCaO+2HNO3=Ca (NO3) 2+ H2O white solid dissolvedNaOH+HNO3=NaNO3+ H2OCu (OH) 2+2HNO3=Cu (NO3) 2+2H2O blue solid dissolvedMg (OH) 2+2HNO3=Mg (NO3) 2+2H2O white solid dissolvedAl (OH) 3+3HNO3=Al (NO3) 3+3H2O white solid dissolvedca (oh) 2 + 2hno3 = ca (no3) 2 + 2h2ofe (oh) 3 and fe (no3) 3hno3 = 3 + 3h2o 红褐色沉淀溶解、溶液呈黄色3naoh + h3po4 = 3h2o + na3po43nh3 + h3po4, (nh4) 3po42naoh na2co3 + h2o + co2 = 吸收co、o2、h2中的co2、2naoh + so2 + h2o = na2so3 2naoh + so3 na2so4 + h2o = 处理硫酸工厂的尾气 (so2)fecl3 + 3naoh = fe (oh) 3↓ + 3nacl 溶液黄色褪去、有红褐色沉淀生成alcl3 and al (oh) 3↓ 3naoh = + 3nacl 有白色沉淀生成2naoh = mgcl2 +, mg (oh) 2↓ + 2nacl2naoh cucl2 + = cu (oh) 2↓ + 2nacl 溶液蓝色褪去、有蓝色沉淀生成cao + h2o = ca (oh) 2 白色块状固体变为粉末、生石灰制备石灰浆ca (oh) 2 + so2 + h2o = caso3↓ 有白色沉淀生成初中一般不用ca (oh) 2 + na2co3 = caco3↓ + 2naoh 有白色沉淀生成工业制烧碱、实验室制少量烧碱ba (oh) 2 + na2co3 = baco3↓ + 2naoh 有白色沉淀生成ca (oh) 2 + k2co3 = caco3↓ + 2koh 有白色沉淀生成cu + cu so4 5h2o =? 蓝色晶体变为白色粉末 h2o.cuso4? h2oΔ cuso4 5h2o 白色粉末变为蓝色检验物质中是否含有水 +agno3 nacl + na + (no3 白色不溶解于稀硝酸的沉淀= agcl↓ 应用于检验溶液中的氯离子其他氯化物类似反应)BaCl2 + Na2SO4 = BaSO4: +2NaCl white insoluble in dilute nitric acid precipitation (similar to other sulfate reaction) is applied to test for sulfate ionCaCl2+Na2CO3= CaCO3: +2NaCl has a white precipitateMgCl2+Ba (OH) 2=BaCl2+Mg (OH) 2: white precipitate= CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+H2O+CO2MgCO3+2HCl= CO2 = MgCl2+H2O+Ammonium ion NH4NO3+NaOH=NaNO3+NH3 = +H2O gas application wet litmus test to blue in solutionNH4Cl+ KOH= KCl+NH3 = +H2O gas generating wet litmus paper blue。




那么,高中生必背的化学方程式有哪些呢下面小编给大家整理了关于高中生必背化学方程式归纳的内容,欢迎阅读,内容仅供参考!高中生必背化学方程式归纳1金属氧化物类方程式1、低价态的还原性:6FeO+O2===2Fe3O4FeO+4HNO3===Fe(NO3)3+NO2+2H2OFeO+4H++NO3―=Fe3++NO2↑+2H2O2、氧化性:Na2O2+2Na2Na2O(此反应用于制备Na2O)MgO,Al2O3几乎没有氧化性,很难被还原为Mg,Al.一般通过电解制Mg和Al.Fe2O3+3H22Fe+3H2O(制还原铁粉)Fe3O4+4H23Fe+4H2OCuO+H2Cu+H2O2Fe3O4+16HI==6FeI2+8H2O+2I22Fe3O4+16H++4I―=6Fe2++8H2O+2I2Fe2O3+Fe3FeO(炼钢过程中加入废钢作氧化剂)FeO+CFe+CO(高温炼钢调节C含量)2FeO+Si2Fe+SiO2(高温炼钢调节Si含量)3、与水的作用:Na2O+H2O==2NaOHNa2O+H2O=2Na++2OH–2Na2O2+2H2O===4NaOH+O2↑2Na2O2+2H2O=4Na++4OH–+O2↑(此反应分两步:Na2O2+2H2O===2NaOH+H2O2;2H2O2===2H2O+O2H2O2的制备可利用类似的反应:BaO2+H2SO4(稀)===BaSO4+H2O2)MgO+H2O===Mg(OH)2(缓慢反应)4、与酸性物质的作用:Na2O+SO3==Na2SO4Na2O+CO2==Na2CO3MgO+SO3===MgSO4Na2O+2HCl==2NaCl+H2ONa2O+2H+=2Na++H2O2Na2O2+2CO2==2Na2CO3+O2↑Na2O2+H2SO4(冷,稀)===Na2SO4+H2O2MgO+H2SO4===MgSO4+H2OMgO+2H+=Mg2++H2OAl2O3+3H2SO4===Al2(SO4)3+3H2OAl2O3+6H+=2Al3++3H2OAl2O3+2NaOH===2NaAlO2+H2O(Al2O3两性氧化物)Al2O3+2OH―=2AlO2―+H2OFeO+2HCl===FeCl2+H2OFeO+2H+=Fe2++H2OFe2O3+6HCl===2FeCl3+3H2OFe2O3+6H+=2Fe3++3H2OFe3O4+8HCl===FeCl2+2FeCl3+4H2OFe3O4+8H+=2Fe3++Fe2++4H2O2含氧酸类方程式1、氧化性:4HClO3+3H2S===3H2SO4+4HClClO3–+3H2S=6H++SO42–+Cl–HClO3+HI===HIO3+HClClO3–+I–=IO3–+Cl–3HClO+HI===HIO3+3HCl3HClO+I-=IO3–+3H++Cl–HClO+H2SO3===H2SO4+HClHClO+H2SO3=3H++SO42–+Cl–HClO+H2O2===HCl+H2O+O2↑HClO+H2O2=H++Cl–+H2O+O2↑(氧化性:HClO HClO2 HClO3 HClO4,但浓,热的HClO4氧化性很强)2H2SO4(浓)+CCO2↑+2SO2↑+2H2O2H2SO4(浓)+S3SO2↑+2H2OH2SO4+Fe(Al)室温下钝化6H2SO4(浓)+2FeFe2(SO4)3+3SO2↑+6H2O2H2SO4(浓)+CuCuSO4+SO2↑+2H2OH2SO4(浓)+2HBr===SO2↑+Br2+2H2O(不能用浓硫酸与NaBr制取HBr)H2SO4(浓)+2HI===SO2↑+I2+2H2O(不能用浓硫酸与NaI制取HI)H2SO4(稀)+Fe===FeSO4+H2↑2H++Fe=Fe2++H2↑H2SO3+2H2S===3S↓+3H2O4HNO3(浓)+CCO2↑+4NO2↑+2H2O6HNO3(浓)+SH2SO4+6NO2↑+2H2O5HNO3(浓)+PH3PO4+5NO2↑+H2O5HNO3(稀)+3P+2H2O3H3PO4+5NO↑5H++5NO3-+3P+2H2O3H3PO4+5NO↑6HNO3(浓足)+Fe===Fe(NO3)3+3NO2↑+3H2O4HNO3(浓)+Fe(足)===Fe(NO3)2+NO2↑+2H2O(先得Fe3+,在Fe过量时再生成Fe2+的盐)4HNO3(稀足)+Fe===Fe(NO3)3+NO↑+2H2O4H++NO3-+Fe=Fe3++NO↑+2H2O30HNO3+8Fe===8Fe(NO3)3+3N2O↑+15H2O30H++6NO3–+8Fe=8Fe3++3N2O↑+15H2O36HNO3+10Fe===10Fe(NO3)3+3N2↑+18H2O36H++6NO3–+10Fe=8Fe3++3N2↑+18H2O30HNO3+8Fe===8Fe(NO3)3+3NH4NO3+9H2O30H++3NO3–+8Fe=8Fe3++3NH4++9H2O4Zn+10HNO3(稀)==4Zn(NO3)2+N2O↑+5H2O4Zn+10H++2NO3–=4Zn2++N2O↑+5H2O4Zn+10HNO3(稀)==4Zn(NO3)2+NH4NO3+3H2O4Zn+10H++NO3–=4Zn2++NH4++5H2O2、还原性:H2SO3+X2+H2O===H2SO4+2HX(X表示Cl2,Br2,I2)H2SO3+X2+H2O=4H++SO42-+X–2H2SO3+O2==2H2SO42H2SO3+O2=4H++SO42-H2SO3+H2O2===H2SO4+H2OH2SO3+H2O2=2H++SO42–+H2O5H2SO3+2KMnO4===2MnSO4+K2SO4+2H2SO4+3H2O5H2SO3+2MnO4–=2Mn2++4H++3SO42–+3H2OH2SO3+2FeCl3+H2O===H2SO4+2FeCl2+2HClH2SO3+2Fe3++H2O=4H++2Fe2++SO42–3、酸性:H2SO4(浓)+CaF2CaSO4+2HF↑(不挥发性酸制取挥发性酸)H2SO4(浓)+NaClNaHSO4+HCl↑(不挥发性酸制取挥发性酸) H2SO4(浓)+2NaClNa2SO4+2HCl↑(不挥发性酸制取挥发性酸) H2SO4(浓)+NaNO3NaHSO4+HNO3↑(不挥发性酸制取挥发性酸) 3H2SO4(浓)+Ca3(PO4)23CaSO4+2H3PO4(强酸制弱酸酸)2H2SO4(浓)+Ca3(PO4)22CaSO4+Ca(H2PO4)2(工业制磷肥)3HNO3+Ag3PO4==H3PO4+3AgNO33H++Ag3PO4=H3PO4+3Ag+2HNO3+CaCO3==Ca(NO3)2+H2O+CO2↑2H++CaCO3=Ca2++H2O+CO2↑(用HNO3和浓H2SO4不能制备H2S,HI,HBr,SO2等还原性气体)4H3PO4+Ca3(PO4)23Ca(H2PO4)2(重钙)H3PO4(浓)+NaBrNaH2PO4+HBr↑(不挥发性酸制取挥发性酸,磷酸是非氧化性酸)H3PO4(浓)+NaINaH2PO4+HI↑4、不稳定性:2HClO2HCl+O2↑(保存在棕色瓶中)4HNO34NO2↑+O2↑+2H2O(保存在棕色瓶中)H2SO3H2O+SO2↑(在加热或酸性条件下分解)H2CO3H2O+CO2↑(在加热或酸性条件下分解)H4SiO4H2SiO3+H2OH2SiO3SiO2↓+H2OH2S2O3H2O+S↓+SO2↑(在加热或酸性条件下分解)3碱类方程式1、低价态的还原性:4Fe(OH)2+O2+2H2O===4Fe(OH)32、与酸性物质的作用:2NaOH+SO2(少量)==Na2SO3+H2OOH–+SO2=SO32–+H2ONaOH+SO2(足)==NaHSO3OH-+SO2(足)=HSO3–2NaOH+SiO2==Na2SiO3+H2OOH-+SiO2=SiO32–+H2O2NaOH+Al2O3==2NaAlO2+H2O2OH-+Al2O3=2AlO2–+H2O2KOH+Cl2==KCl+KClO+H2OCl2+2OH–=Cl–+ClO–+H2ONaOH+HCl==NaCl+H2OH++OH=H2ONaOH+H2S(足)==NaHS+H2OOH–+H2S=HS–+H2O2NaOH+H2S(少量)==Na2S+2H2O2OH–+H2S=S2–+2H2O3NaOH+AlCl3==Al(OH)3↓+3NaCl3OH–+Al3+=Al(OH)3↓NaOH+Al(OH)3==NaAlO2+2H2O(AlCl3和Al(OH)3哪个酸性强)OH–+Al(OH)3=AlO2–+2H2OCa(OH)2+2NH4Cl2CaCl2+2NH3↑+2H2O(实验室制NH3)NaOH+NH4ClNaCl+NH3↑+H2OMg(OH)2+2NH4Cl==MgCl2+2NH3H2O(Al(OH)3+NH4Cl不溶解)Ba(OH)2+H2SO4==BaSO4↓+2H2O2H++2OH–+Ba2++SO42–=BaSO4↓2H2O3、不稳定性:Mg(OH)2MgO+H2O2Al(OH)3Al2O3+3H2O2Fe(OH)3Fe2O3+3H2OCu(OH)2CuO+H2O2AgOH==Ag2O+H2O4盐类方程式1、氧化性:(在水溶液中)2FeCl3+Fe==3FeCl22Fe3++Fe=3Fe2+2FeCl3+Cu===2FeCl2+CuCl2(用于雕刻铜线路版)2Fe3++Cu=2Fe2++Cu2+ 2FeCl3+Zn(少量)===2FeCl2+ZnCl22Fe3++Zn=2Fe2++Zn2+FeCl3+Ag===FeCl2+AgCl↓2Fe3++Cl-+2Ag=2Fe2++2AgCl↓Fe2(SO4)3+2Ag===FeSO4+Ag2SO4↓(较难反应)Fe(NO3)3+Ag不反应2FeCl3+H2S===2Fe Cl2+2HCl+S↓2Fe3++H2S=2Fe2++2H++S↓2FeCl3+2KI===2FeCl2+2KCl+I22Fe3++2I-=2Fe2++I2FeCl2+Mg===Fe+MgCl2Fe2++Mg=Fe+Mg2+NaNO2+NH4Cl==NaCl+N2↑+2H2O(实验室制氮气)NH4++NO2-=N2↑+2H2O 2、还原性:2FeCl2+3Cl2===2FeCl3(在水溶液中不需加热)2Fe2++3Cl2=2Fe3++6Cl-3Na2S+8HNO3(稀)===6NaNO3+2NO↑+3S+4H2O3S2-+8H++2NO3-=2NO↑+3S+4H2O3Na2SO3+2HNO3(稀)===3Na2SO4+2NO↑+H2O3SO32-+2H++2NO3-=3SO42-+2NO↑+H2O2Na2SO3+O2===2Na2SO4(Na2SO3在空气中易变质)Na2SO3+SNa2S2O3Na2S+Cl2==2NaCl+S↓(在水溶液中)S2-+Cl2=2Cl-+S↓3、与碱性物质的作用:Ca(OH)2+CuSO4==Cu(OH)2↓+CaSO4↓(波尔多液)MgCl2+2NH3H2O===Mg(OH)2↓+2NH4ClMg2++2NH3H2O=Mg(OH)2↓+2NH4+AlCl3+3NH3H2O===Al(OH)3↓+3NH4ClAl3++3NH3H2O=Al(OH)2↓+3NH4+FeCl3+3NH3H2O===Fe(OH)3↓+3NH4ClFe3++3NH3H2O=Fe(OH)3↓+3NH4+CuSO4+2NH3H2O(不足)==Cu(OH)2↓+(NH4)2SO4Cu2++2NH3H2O=Cu(OH)2↓+2NH4+Cu(OH)2+4NH3H2O=Cu(NH3)4(OH)2+4H2OCu(OH)2+4NH3H2O=[Cu(NH3)4]2++2OH-+4H2O铜氨溶液CuSO4+4NH3H2O(足)==Cu(NH3)4SO4+4H2O总方程式Cu2++4NH3H2O=[Cu(NH3)4]2++4H2O铜氨溶液AgNO3+NH3H2O==AgOH↓+NH4NO32AgOH=Ag2O(灰黑色)+H2OAg2O+4NH3H2O=2[Ag(NH3)2]++2OH-+3H2O银氨溶液AgNO3+2NH3H2O==Ag(NH3)2NO3+2H2OAg++2NH3H2O=[Ag(NH3)2]++2H2O总方程式ZnSO4+2NH3H2O(不足)==Zn(OH)2↓+(NH4)2SO4Zn2++2NH3H2O=Zn(OH)2↓+2NH4+Zn(OH)2+4NH3H2O=Zn(NH3)4(OH)2+4H2OZnSO4+4NH3H2O(足)==Zn(NH3)4SO4+4H2OZn2++4NH3H2O=[Zn(NH3)4]2++4H2O总方程式4、与酸性物质的作用:强酸制弱酸,或不挥发性酸制挥发性酸Na3PO4+2HCl===Na2HPO4+2NaClPO43-+2H+=H2PO4-Na2HPO4+HCl===NaH2PO4+NaClHPO42-+H+=H2PO4-NaH2PO4+HCl===H3PO4+NaClH2PO4-+H+=H3PO4Na2CO3+HCl===NaHCO3+NaClCO32-+H+=HCO3-NaHCO3+HCl===NaCl+H2O+CO2↑HCO3-+H+=CO2↑+H2O3Na2CO3+2AlCl3+3H2O==2Al(OH)3↓+3CO2↑+6NaCl(物质之间的双水解反应) 3CO32-+2Al3++3H2O=2Al(OH)3↓+3CO2↑3Na2CO3+2FeCl3+3H2O===2Fe(OH)3↓+3CO2+6NaCl(物质之间的双水解反应) 3CO32-+2Fe3++3H2O=2Fe(OH)3↓+3CO2↑3NaHCO3+A lCl3===Al(OH)3↓+3CO2↑(物质之间的双水解反应)3HCO3-+Al3+=2Al(OH)3↓+3CO2↑3NaHCO3+FeCl3===Fe(OH)3↓+3CO2↑(物质之间的双水解反应)3HCO3-+Fe3+=2Fe(OH)3↓+3CO2↑3Na2S+Al2(SO4)3+6H2O===2Al(OH)3↓+3H2S↑(物质之间的双水解反应)3S2-+2Al3++3H2O=2Al(OH)3↓+3H2S↑3NaAlO2+AlCl3+6H2O==4A l(OH)3↓+3NaCl(物质之间的双水解反应)3AlO2-+Al3++6H2O=4Al(OH)3↓3NaAlO2+FeCl3+6H2O==3Al(OH)3↓+Fe(OH)3↓+3NaCl3AlO2-+Fe3++6H2O=3Al(OH)3↓+Fe(OH)3↓NaAlO2+NH4Cl+2H2O==Al(OH)3↓+NH3H2O+NaClAlO2-+NH4++2H2O=Al(OH)3↓+NH3H2ONa2CO3+H2O+CO2===2NaHCO3CO32-+H2O+CO2=2HCO3-Na2CO3+H2O+2SO2==2NaHSO3+CO2↑(1:2)CO32-+H2O+2SO2=2HSO3-+CO2↑2Na2CO3(足)+H2O+SO2==Na2SO3+2NaHCO3(CO2中的SO2不能用Na2CO3洗气) 2CO32-+H2O+SO2=SO32-+2HCO3-(2:1)Na2CO3+SO2==Na2SO3+CO2(1:1)CO32-+SO2=SO32-+CO2NaHCO3+SO2===NaHSO3+CO2(CO2中的SO2可能用NaHCO3洗气)2HCO3-+SO2=2HSO3-+CO22NaHCO3+SO2==Na2SO3+2CO2+H2O2HCO3-+SO2=SO32-+2CO2+H2ONa2SiO3+2HCl===H2SiO3↓+NaCl或Na2SiO3+2HCl+H2O===H4SiO4↓+2NaClSiO32-+2H+=H2SiO3↓或SiO32-+2H++H2O=H4SiO4↓Na2SiO3+CO2+2H2O===H2SiO3↓+Na2CO3SiO32-+CO2+2H2O=H4SiO4↓+CO32-5、盐与盐复分解反应Na2SO4+BaCl2==BaSO4↓+2NaCl(沉淀不溶于盐酸、硝酸)SO32-+Ba2+=BaSO4↓Na2SO3+BaCl2==BaSO3↓+2NaCl(沉淀溶于盐酸,在硝酸中生成新的沉淀,沉淀不消失)SO32-+Ba2+=BaSO3↓Na2CO3+BaCl2==BaCO3↓+2NaCl(沉淀溶于盐酸、沉淀消失)CO32-+Ba2+=BaCO3↓N a2CO3+CaCl2==CaCO3↓+2NaCl(NaHCO3不反应)CO32-+Ca2+=CaCO3↓AgNO3+NaCl==AgCl↓+NaNO3Ag++Cl-=AgCl↓AgNO3+NaBr==AgBr↓+NaNO3Ag++Br-=AgBr↓AgNO3+KI==AgCl↓+KNO3Ag++I-=AgI↓3AgNO3+Na3PO4==Ag3PO4↓+3NaNO33Ag++PO43-=Ag3PO4↓CuSO4+Na2S==CuS↓+Na2SO4Cu2++S2-=CuS↓FeCl3+3KSCN==Fe(SCN)3+3KClFe3++3SCN-=Fe(SCN)3(血红色,用于Fe3+的特性检验)6、不稳定性:Na2S2O3+H2SO4===Na2SO4+S↓+SO2↑+H2OS2O32-+2H+=S↓+SO2↑+H2ONH4ClNH3↑+HCl↑NH4INH3↑+HI↑2HIH2+I2NH4INH3↑+H2↑+I2↑NH4HCO3NH3↑+H2O+CO2↑2KNO32KNO2+O2↑2Cu(NO3)32CuO+4NO2↑+O2↑2AgNO32Ag+2NO2↑+O2↑(保存在棕色瓶中)5NH4NO34N2↑+2HNO3+9H2O10NH4NO38N2↑+4NO2↑+O2↑+20H2O↑(硝酸铵爆炸反应)2KMnO4K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑2KClO32KCl+3O2↑2NaHCO3Na2CO3+H2O+CO2↑Ca(HCO3)2CaCO3+H2O+CO2↑CaCO3CaO+CO2↑MgCO3MgO+CO2↑高三化学复习的方法1、高三化学学习要巧妙听课,主动思考。





比如钠和水的反应,2Na +2H₂O = 2NaOH + H₂↑ 。


再看看铝和氢氧化钠溶液的反应,2Al + 2NaOH + 2H₂O =2NaAlO₂+ 3H₂↑ 。


还有氧化还原反应中的化学方程式,比如铜和稀硝酸的反应,3Cu+ 8HNO₃(稀) = 3Cu(NO₃)₂+2NO↑ + 4H₂O 。


我记得有一次在课堂上,老师让我们默写化学方程式,我因为粗心,把铁和氯气反应的化学方程式写成了 2Fe + 3Cl₂= 2FeCl₃,其实应该是 2Fe + 3Cl₂= 2FeCl₃。



说到酸碱中和反应,HCl + NaOH = NaCl + H₂O ,这就像是两个冤家碰头,最后和平共处,变成了氯化钠和水。

化学平衡相关的方程式也不能忽视,比如 N₂+ 3H₂⇌ 2NH₃。


还有有机化学里的化学方程式,比如乙醇的催化氧化,2CH₃CH₂OH + O₂ → 2CH₃CHO + 2H₂O 。




高中化学方程式(High school chemistry equation)

高中化学方程式(High school chemistry equation)

高中化学方程式(High school chemistry equation)I. reaction of matter with oxygen:(1) reaction of simple substance with oxygen:1. magnesium burns in air: 2Mg + O2 ignites 2MgO2. iron burns in oxygen: 3Fe + 2O2 ignites Fe3O43. copper heated in the air: 2Cu + O2 heating 2CuO4. aluminum burning in the air: 4Al + 3O2 ignition 2Al2O35. hydrogen combustion in air: 2H2 + O2 ignition 2H2O6. red phosphorus burn in the air: 4P + 5O2 light 2P2O57. sulfur powder burns in air: S + O2 ignites SO28. carbon burns fully in oxygen: C + O2 ignites CO29. carbon does not burn sufficiently in oxygen: 2C + O2 ignites 2CO(2) the reaction of compound with oxygen:10. carbon monoxide burns in oxygen: 2CO + O2 ignites 2CO211. methane combustion in the air: CH4 + 2O2 ignites CO2 + 2H2O12. alcohol burns in the air: C2H5OH + 3O2 ignites 2CO2 + 3H2OTwo. Several decomposition reactions:13. water decomposition under the effect of direct current: 2H2O + O2 = 2H2 = electricity14. heating auragreen: Cu2 (OH) 2CO3 + H2O + CO2 = 2CuO heating15. heating potassium chlorate (a small amount of manganese dioxide): 2KClO3 = 2KCl + 3O2 =16. heating heating Potassium Permanganate: 2KMnO4 + MnO2 + O2 = K2MnO417. unstable carbonate decomposition: H2CO3 = H2O + CO2 =18. high temperature calcined limestone: CaO + CO2 = CaCO3 at high temperatureThree. Several redox reactions:19. hydrogen reduction of CuO: H2 + CuO heating Cu + H2O20.: C+ charcoal reduction of copper oxide high-temperature 2Cu + CO2 = 2CuO21. 3C+ 2Fe2O3 high temperature coke reduction iron oxide: 4Fe + 3CO2 =22.: 2C+ Fe3O4 high temperature coke reduction of Fe3O4 + 2CO2 = 3Fe23. carbon monoxide reduced copper oxide: CO+ CuO heating Cu + CO224. carbon monoxide reduction iron oxide: 3CO+, Fe2O3, high temperature 2Fe + 3CO225. carbon monoxide reduction magnetite: 4CO+, Fe3O4, high temperature 3Fe + 4CO2Four. The relation of simple substance, oxide, acid, alkali and salt(1) metal salt + + acid - hydrogen (reaction)26. zinc and dilute sulfuric acid Zn + H2SO4 = ZnSO4 + H2 =27. iron and dilute sulfuric acid Fe + H2SO4 = FeSO4 + H2 =28. mg dilute sulfuric acid and Mg + H2SO4 = MgSO4 + H2 =29. aluminum and dilute sulfuric acid 2Al +3H2SO4 = Al2 (SO4) +3H2 = 330. zinc and dilute hydrochloric acid Zn + ZnCl2 + H2 = 2HCl = = =31. iron and dilute hydrochloric acid Fe + FeCl2 + H2 = 2HCl = = =32. mg and dilute hydrochloric acid MgCl2 + H2 = 2HCl = Mg+33. aluminum and dilute hydrochloric acid 2Al + 6HCl + 3H2 = = = 2AlCl3(2) metallic element + salt (solution) - another metal + another salt34. iron and copper sulfate solution reaction: Fe + CuSO4 = FeSO4 + Cu35. zinc and copper sulfate solution reaction: Zn + CuSO4 = ZnSO4 + Cu36. copper and mercury nitrate reaction: Cu + Hg (NO3) = 2 Cu (NO3) 2 + Hg(3) basic oxides + acid + water salt.37. iron oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid reaction: Fe2O3 + 6HCl = 2FeCl3 + 3H2O38. iron oxide and dilute sulfuric acid reaction: Fe2O3 + 3H2SO4 = Fe2 + 3H2O (SO4) 339. of copper oxide and hydrochloric acid reaction: CuO + 2HCl = CuCl2 + H2O40. of copper oxide and sulfuric acid reaction: CuO + H2SO4 = CuSO4 + H2OThe Magnesium Oxide 41. and dilute sulfuric acid reaction: MgO+ H2SO4 = MgSO4 + H2O42. calcium oxide and hydrochloric acid reaction: CaO + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2O(4) acidic oxide + alkali salt + water.43. caustic soda in the air exposed metamorphic: 2NaOH + CO2 = Na2CO3 + H2OForty-fourCaustic soda to absorb SO2: 2NaOH + SO2 = Na2SO3 + H2O45. caustic soda absorbs three sulphur oxide gas: 2NaOH + SO3 = Na2SO4 + H2O46. of lime deterioration in the air: Ca (OH) 2 + CO2 + H2O: CaCO3 = = = =47. of lime sulfur dioxide absorption: Ca (OH) 2 + SO2 + H2O: CaSO3 = = = =(5) acid alkali salt + water +.48. hydrochloric acid and caustic soda react: HCl + NaOH = NaCl +H2O49. hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide reaction: HCl + KOH = KCl +H2O50. hydrochloric acid and copper hydroxide reaction: 2HCl + Cu = CuCl2 + 2 (OH) 2H2O51. hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide reaction: 2HCl + Ca = CaCl2 + 2 (OH) 2H2O52. hydrochloric acid and ferric hydroxide reaction: 3HCl + Fe = FeCl3 + 3 (OH) 3H2OThe 53. drugs in the treatment of aluminum hydroxide hyperchlorhydria: 3HCl + Al = AlCl3 + 3 (OH) 3H2O54. sulfuric acid and caustic soda reaction: H2SO4 + 2NaOH = Na2SO4 + 2H2O55. sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide reaction: H2SO4 + 2KOH = K2SO4 + 2H2O56. sulfuric acid and copper hydroxide reaction: H2SO4 + Cu = CuSO4 + 2 (OH) 2H2O57. sulfuric acid and ferric hydroxide reaction: 3H2SO4 + 2Fe (OH) 3==== Fe2 (SO4) 3 + 6H2O58. nitric acid and sodium hydroxide reaction: HNO3+ NaOH NaNO3 = +H2O(6) acid + salt - another acid + another salt59. marble reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: CaCO3 + 2HCl = CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 =60. sodium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + CO2 =61. magnesium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid: MgCO3 + 2HCl = MgCl2 + H2O + CO2 =62. hydrochloric acid and silver nitrate solution reaction: HCl + AgNO3 = AgCl +: HNO363. sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate reaction: Na2CO3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2 =Reaction of 64. sulfuric acid and barium chloride solution: H2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4 +: 2HCl(7 +) - another alkali salt alkali and another salt65. sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate: 2NaOH + CuSO4 = Cu + 2 (OH): Na2SO466. sodium hydroxide and ferric chloride: 3NaOH + FeCl3 = Fe + 3 (OH): 3NaCl67. sodium hydroxide and magnesium chloride: 2NaOH + MgCl2 = Mg + 2 (OH): 2NaCl68. sodium hydroxide and copper chloride: 2NaOH + CuCl2 = Cu + 2 (OH): 2NaCl69. calcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate: Ca (OH) 2 + Na2CO3+ 2NaOH = CaCO3:(8) salt + salt ---- two new kinds of salt70. Sodium Chloride Solution and silver nitrate solution: NaCl + AgNO3 = AgCl +: NaNO371. sodium sulfate and barium chloride: Na2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4 +: 2NaClFive. Other reactions:72. carbon dioxide dissolved in water: CO2 + H2O = H2CO373. lime water soluble: CaO + H2O = Ca (OH) 274. sodium hydroxide dissolved in water: Na2O + H2O = 2NaOH75. three of sulfur dioxide dissolved in water: SO3 + H2O = H2SO476. copper sulfate crystal decomposition: CuSO4 5H2O heating CuSO4 + 5H2O77. anhydrous copper sulfate as a desiccant: CuSO4 + 5H2O = CuSO4 - 5H2OChemical equation, reaction phenomenon, application2Mg+O2 ignite or ignite strongly at 2MgO. Dazzling white light. Producing white solid. Exothermic. Produces a large white smoke flare2Hg+O2 2HgO, a silver light or liquid form red solid Lavoisier experiment2Cu+O2 ignite or delta 2CuO red metal into black solid4Al+3O2 or 2Al2O3 light silvery white metal into a white solid3Fe+2O2 ignites Fe3O4, burns violently, Mars is radiant, producing black solids, exothermic 4Fe + 3O2, high temperature 2Fe2O3C+O2 ignites CO2, burning violently, white light, releasing heat, and making lime water muddyS+O2 ignites SO2, burns violently, releases heat, stimulates the smell of gas, and burns light blue flames in the air. Blue and purple flames in oxygen2H2+O2 2H2O blue flame lit, exothermic, generated anhydrous CuSO4 blue liquid (water) high energy fuel4P+5O2 ignites 2P2O5, burns violently, produces large amounts of white smoke, releases heat, and produces white solids, demonstrating oxygen levels in the airCH4+2O2 ignites 2H2O+CO2 blue flames, exothermic, and generates liquid (water) methane that makes lime water turbid, gas and blue water, and the combustion of natural gas in CuSO42C2H2+5O2 2H2O+4CO2 light blue flame, heat release, black smoke,makes the limewater turbid gas and the anhydrous CuSO4 blue liquid (water), oxyacetylene flame welding and cutting metal2KClO3MnO2 +3O2 = Delta 2KCl generated with Mars, wood rekindled laboratory preparation of oxygen gas2KMnO4 K2MnO4+MnO2+O2 = purple generated glowing splint rekindled laboratory preparation of oxygen gas, black2HgO Delta 2Hg+O2 = red generation gas Lavoisier experiment with Mars resurgence is silvery white, wood2H2O power 2H2 = +O2 = water power decomposition into hydrogen and oxygen in water electrolysisCu2 (OH) 2CO3 2CuO+H2O+CO2 green arrow, black tube wall, the liquid limewater turbid gas heating P.NH4HCO3 NH3 = H2O +CO2 = a + white solid liquid, tube wall has disappeared, the limewater turbid gas ammonium bicarbonate long-term exposure in the air will disappearZn+H2SO4=ZnSO4+H2 = have a large number of bubbles, zinc particles gradually dissolve the laboratory preparation of hydrogenFe+H2SO4=FeSO4+H2 = have a large number of bubbles, the metal particles gradually dissolvedMg+H2SO4 =MgSO4+H2 has a large number of bubbles increases, metal particles gradually dissolved3+3H2 = 2Al+3H2SO4=Al2 (SO4) has a large number of bubbles, the metal particles gradually dissolvedFe2O3+3H2 Delta 2Fe+3H2O red is gradually changed to silver white, with liquid metal smelting in test tube wall, and reduction of hydrogen gasFe3O4+4H2 Delta 3Fe+4H2O black gradually becomes silvery white, with liquid metal smelting in test tube wall and reduction of hydrogenWO3+3H2, W, +3H2O, smelting of tungsten metal, reduction of hydrogenMoO3+3H2, Mo, +3H2O, smelting molybdenum metal, hydrogen reduction2Na+Cl2 delta or ignite 2NaCl, intense combustion, formation of yellow flame ion compounds,H2+Cl2 light or light 2HCl light pale flame and fog bottle covalent compounds formation, preparation of hydrochloric acidCuSO4+2NaOH=Cu (OH) 2: +Na2SO4 blue precipitate formation, upper solution mass conservation law clarification experiments2C +O2 ignites one of the common reactions, air pollutants and gas poisoning in 2CO coal stoves2C O+O2 ignite 2CO2 blue flame gas burningC + 2Cu+ = CO2 CuO high temperature gradually become black metal smelting gases make clear limewater turbid red,4Fe+ 3CO2 = 2Fe2O3+3C high temperature smelting metal2CO2 = 3Fe + Fe3O4+2C high temperature smelting metalC + CO2 high temperature 2COCO2 + H2O = H2CO3 carbonate make litmus red proof of carbonic acidH2CO3 CO2 = H2O + delta litmus red fadeCa (OH) 2+CO2= CaCO3: H2O + clear limewater cloudy with CO2 test and lime paint the wallsCaCO3+H2O+CO2 = Ca (HCO3) 2; white precipitate gradually dissolves; cavity formation; stone weatheringCa (HCO3) 2 CaCO3: +H2O+CO2 = white precipitate, make clear limewater turbid gasThe formation of the scale formation of stalactites.2NaHCO3 Na2CO3+H2O+CO2 = gas baking soda to make clear limewater cloudy vapor Steamed BunsCaCO3 high temperature CaO+ CO2 = industrial preparation of carbon dioxide and limeCaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+ H2O+CO2, a solid arrow gradually dissolved gas makes clear limewater turbidLaboratory preparation of carbon dioxide and descalingNa2CO3+H2SO4=Na2SO4+H2O+CO2 = solid gradually dissolve and gas make clear limewater turbidPrinciples of foam extinguisherNa2CO3+2HCl=2NaCl+ H2O+CO2, a solid arrow gradually dissolved gas makes clear limewater turbidPrinciples of foam extinguisherMgCO3+2HCl=MgCl2+H2O+CO2 = solid gradually dissolve and gas make clear limewater turbidCuO, +CO, CO2, Cu + Black gradually turns red, producing gases that clear the muddy lime water to smelt metalsFe2O3+3CO high temperature 2Fe+3CO2 smelting metal principleFe3O4+4CO high temperature 3Fe+4CO2 smelting metal principleWO3+3CO high temperature W+3CO2 smelting metal principleCH3COOH+NaOH=CH3COONa+H2O2CH3OH+3O2 ignite 2CO2+4H2OC2H5OH+3O2 ignites 2CO2+3H2O blue flames, producing gases that make lime water muddy, and ignite the burning of alcoholFe+CuSO4=Cu+FeSO4 silver white metal surface covered with a layer of red material, copper hydrometallurgyMg+FeSO4=, Fe+, MgSO4 solutions changed from pale green to colorless Cu+Hg (NO3) 2=Hg+, Cu (NO3) 2Cu+2AgNO3=2Ag+ Cu (NO3) 2, the red metal surface is covered with a silver white material, silver platedZn+CuSO4= Cu+ZnSO4 cyan metal surface covered with a red material copper platingFe2O3+6HCl=2FeCl3+3H2O rust is dissolved and the solution is yellow. Rust is removed by ironAl2O3+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2O white solid solutionNa2O+2HCl=2NaCl+H2O white solid solutionCuO+2HCl=CuCl2+H2O black solid solution, blue solutionZnO+2HCl=ZnCl2+ H2O white solid solutionMgO+2HCl=MgCl2+ H2O white solid solutionCaO+2HCl=CaCl2+ H2O white solid solutionNaOH+HCl=NaCl+ H2O white solid solutionCu (OH) 2+2HCl=CuCl2+2H2O Blue Solid dissolvesMg (OH) 2+2HCl=MgCl2+2H2O white solid dissolvedAl (OH) 3+3HCl=AlCl3+3H2O, white solid solution, Wei Shuping, treatment of gastric acid excessFe (OH) 3+3HCl=FeCl3+3H2O, reddish brown precipitate solution, yellow solutionCa (OH) 2+2HCl=CaCl2+2H2OHCl+AgNO3= AgCl: +HNO3 generation principle, a white precipitate is insoluble in dilute nitric acid test - ClFe2O3+3H2SO4= Fe2 (SO4) 3+3H2O rust solution, yellow rust solutionAl2O3+3H2SO4= Al2 (SO4) 3+3H2O white solid dissolvedCuO+H2SO4=CuSO4+H2O black solid solution, blue solutionZnO+H2SO4=ZnSO4+H2O white solid solutionMgO+H2SO4=MgSO4+H2O white solid solution2NaOH+H2SO4=Na2SO4+2H2OCu (OH) 2+H2SO4=CuSO4+2H2O Blue Solid dissolvesCa (OH) 2+H2SO4=CaSO4+2H2OMg (OH) 2+H2SO4=MgSO4+2H2O white solid dissolved2Al (OH) 3+3H2SO4=Al2 (SO4) 3+3H2O white solid dissolved2Fe (OH) 3+3H2SO4=Fe2 (SO4) 3+3H2O, reddish brown precipitate solution, yellow solutionBa (OH) 2+ H2SO4=BaSO4 +2H2O: principle, generation of white precipitate dissolved in dilute nitric acid test - SO42BaCl2+ H2SO4=BaSO4: +2HCl generation principle, a white precipitate is insoluble in dilute nitric acid test - SO42Ba (NO3) 2+H2SO4=BaSO4: +2HNO3 generation white precipitation principle, not soluble in dilute nitric acid test - SO42Na2O+2HNO3=2NaNO3+H2O white solid solutionCuO+2HNO3=Cu (NO3) 2+H2O black solid solution, blue solutionZnO+2HNO3=Zn (NO3) 2+ H2O white solid dissolvedMgO+2HNO3=Mg (NO3) 2+ H2O white solid dissolvedCaO+2HNO3=Ca (NO3) 2+ H2O white solid dissolvedNaOH+HNO3=NaNO3+ H2OCu (OH) 2+2HNO3=Cu (NO3) 2+2H2O blue solid dissolvedMg (OH) 2+2HNO3=Mg (NO3) 2+2H2O white solid dissolvedAl (OH) 3+3HNO3=Al (NO3) 3+3H2O white solid dissolvedCa (OH) 2+2HNO3=Ca (NO3) 2+2H2OFe (OH) 3+3HNO3=Fe (NO3) 3+3H2O, reddish brown precipitate solution, yellow solution3NaOH + H3PO4=3H2O + Na3PO43NH3+H3PO4= (NH4) 3PO42NaOH+CO2=Na2CO3+ H2O absorbs CO2 in CO, O2, and H2,2NaOH+SO2=Na2SO3+, H2O, 2NaOH+SO3=Na2SO4+, and H2O process tail gas (SO2) from sulphuric acid plantsFeCl3+3NaOH=Fe (OH) 3: +3NaCl solution, yellow fade reddish brown precipitateAlCl3+3NaOH=Al (OH) 3: +3NaCl white precipitateMgCl2+2NaOH = Mg (OH) 2: +2NaClCuCl2+2NaOH = Cu (OH) 2: +2NaCl solution, the blue precipitate faded blueCaO+ H2O = Ca (OH) 2 white massive solid into powder, lime forlime slurryCa (OH): 2+SO2=CaSO3 + H2O white precipitate is generally not in junior high schoolCa (OH) 2+Na2CO3=CaCO3: +2NaOH white precipitate made of caustic soda, caustic soda industry small laboratoryBa (OH) 2+Na2CO3=BaCO3: +2NaOH white precipitateCa (OH) 2+K2CO3=CaCO3: +2KOH white precipitateCuSO4+5H2O=, CuSO4, H2O blue crystals change to white powderCuSO4 H2O Delta CuSO4+5H2O white powder turns blue, does the test substance contain water?AgNO3+NaCl AgCl: +Na NO3 = white insoluble in dilute nitric acid precipitation (similar to other chloride reaction)Used to test chloride in the solutionBaCl2 + Na2SO4 = BaSO4: +2NaCl white insoluble in dilute nitric acid precipitation (similar to other sulfate reaction)Applied to the test of sulfate ionCaCl2+Na2CO3= CaCO3: +2NaCl has a white precipitateMgCl2+Ba (OH) 2=BaCl2+Mg (OH) 2: white precipitate= CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+H2O+CO2MgCO3+2HCl= CO2 = MgCl2+H2O+NH4NO3+NaOH=NaNO3+NH3 = +H2O gas wet litmus blue, ammonium ion in the solution used in the testNH4Cl+ KOH= KCl+NH3 = +H2O to generate ammonia gas wet litmus blue: NH3A compound produced by the substitution of hydrogen in the ammonia molecule by hydrocarbons.Classified according to the number of hydrogen substituted, divided into primary amines (amines) RNH2, two R2NH, three amine (Zhong An) amine (tertiary amine) R3N, four grade ammonium salt (quaternary ammonium salt) R4N+X-, such as CH3NH2, C6H5NH2, methylamine, two H2NCH2CH2NH2 aniline ethylenediamine isopropylamine [(CH3) 2CH] 2NH, triethanolamine (HOCH2CH2), Butyl Ammonium Bromide four 3N (CH3CH2CH2CH2) 4N+Br-.Ammonium derived from ammonia: a NH4+ ion or base NH4, also called "ammonium", it is a kind of positive complex chemistry, said. It is similar to one valence metal ion. It's called ammonium salts. Such as molecular chemical fertilizer and ammonium carbonate containing ammonium.organicFirst of all, hydrocarbons:Replace: CH4+CI2=CH3CI+HCICH3CI+CI2=CH2CI2+HCICH2CI2+CI2=CHCI3+HCICHCI3+CI2=CCI4+HCIC6H6+Br2=C6H5Br+HBrAddition reaction: CH2=CH2+H20==CH3CH2OHCH=- (triple key) CH+2H2=CH3CH3C6H6+3H2=C6H12Triple bond and double bond containing side chain benzene acid can make Potassium Permanganate fade, cheeks and three key make bromine carbon tetrachloride or water solution.The following are troublesome: derivatives of hydrocarbonsHalogenated hydrocarbons: insoluble in liquid or solid in water soluble in organic solvents, due to the extremely strong, so alive.Elimination reaction: CH3CH2CI+NaOH (alcohol solution) heats ==CH2=CH2+NaCL+H20 hydrolysis reaction (i.e., substitution reaction): CH3CH2CI+NaOH=CH3CH20H+NaCIAlcohols: hydroxyl groups (- OH) are linked to the alkyl group or the hydrocarbon group on the benzene ring.Because hydrogen bonds (protons, solvents) make it miscible with water and dissolve in proportion.A colorless liquid with a distinctive odorElimination reaction: CH3CH2OH (catalyzed by 170 degrees of concentrated sulfuric acid) ==CH2=CH2+H20Substitution reaction; CH3CH2OH+HBr=CH3CH2BR+H20Oxidation reaction: 2CH3CH2OH+O2=2CH3CHO+H20Phenol: the hydroxyl group is directly linked to the ring. A colorless crystalline compound with a distinctive odorNeutralization reaction: C6H5OH+NAOH=C6H5ONA+H20Substitution reaction: C6H5OH+3BR2=C6H2Br3OH+3HBrAlcohol and phenol can make acid Potassium Permanganate fade, phenol can make water fade.Aldehyde: the functional group is -CH=0Acetaldehyde: colorless liquid with a volatile, pungent odor, capable of being miscible with water and ethanol at any proportion.Addition reaction: CH3CHO+H2=CH3CH2OHOxidation reaction; 2CH3CHO+O2=2CH3C00H+H20Silver mirror reaction (oxidation), CH3CH0+2Ag (NH3),2OH=CH3COONH4+2Ag, +3NH3+H20Aldehydes and ketones can make Potassium Permanganate acid, bromine water fade.Carboxylic acid: a substance whose functional group is HO-C=0.Acetic acid, acetic acid, a colorless liquid with a pungent odor.Displacement reaction: 2CH3COOH+2Na=2CH3COONa+H2!Neutralization reaction: CH3COOH+NaOH=CH3COONa+H20Esterification (substitution reaction): the reaction of acid with alcohol to produce ester and waterCH3COOH+CH3CH2OH=CH3COOCH2CH3。









例如:2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O该方程式表示氢气和氧气反应生成水。

尖写下面的反应式:C + O₂ → CO₂二、物质的量物质的量用化学式n表示,单位是摩尔(mol)。



例如:1 mol H₂的质量是2g1 mol Na的质量是23g1 mol CuSO₄的质量是160g三、气体的化学计量气体的化学计量涉及到气体的体积和气体的质量。

在标准状况下,1 mol气体的体积是22.4L,称为摩尔体积(VM)。

例如:1 mol H₂气体的体积是22.4L1 mol O₂气体的体积是22.4L1 mol CO₂气体的体积是22.4L四、溶液的浓度和稀释溶液的浓度用溶质的物质的量和溶液的体积比例来表示。



例如:1L浓度为1mol/L的NaCl溶液中含有1 mol的NaCl五、氧化还原反应氧化还原反应是化学反应的一种,涉及到物质的氧化和还原。


例如:2Na + Cl₂ → 2NaCl在这个反应中,Na原子失去一个电子被氯原子接受,Na被氧化,氯被还原。





新课标高一必修2化学方程式默写第一章物质结构元素周期律1、Li与O2反应(点燃)P6Na与O2反应(点燃)P6Na与H2O反应:P6K与H2O反应:P6Na2O2与H2O反应:Na2O2与CO2反应:2、卤素单质F2、Cl2、Br2、I2与氢气反应P8 、、卤素单质与H2O反应:F2Cl2卤素单质与NaOH溶液反应:Cl23、卤素单质间的置换反应:(1)氯水与溴化钠溶液反应:P9(2)氯水与碘化钾溶液反应:P9(3)溴水与碘化钾溶液反应:P94、Mg与H2O反应:P165、Na与Cl2、反应(点燃):6、用电子式表示氯化钠的形成过程:P22用电子式表示氯分子的形成过程:P22用电子式表示氯化氢的形成过程:P22用电子式表示下列分子:P22H2N2H2OCO2CH4C2H4H2O2Na2O2NH4Cl Ba(OH)2第二章化学反应与能量1、Ba(OH)2·8H2O与NH4Cl的反应P342、稀盐酸与稀氢氧化钠溶液反应的热化学方程式3、原电池原理典型的原电池(Zn-Cu原电池),电子流动方向:由锌经过外电路流向铜。

负极(锌):(氧化反应)正极(铜):(还原反应)总反应离子方程式:P4134、H2O2在催化剂作用下受热分解:P485、高炉炼铁:P506、常用可逆反应:氮气、氢气合成氨NO2与N2O4的转化SO2的催化氧化H2与I2(g) 反应氯气与水反应第三章有机化合物1、甲烷的主要化学性质(1)氧化反应(与O2的反应):P61(2)取代反应(与Cl2在光照条件下的反应,生成四种不同的取代物):P62 ①②③④2、乙烯的主要化学性质(1)氧化反应(与O2的反应):P68(2)加成反应(与Br2的反应):P68生成物的名称(3)乙烯还可以和氢气、氯化氢、水等发生加成反应:P68①②③(4)聚合反应:(乙烯制聚乙烯) P97 ①(氯乙烯制聚氯乙烯)②3、苯的主要化学性质: P69~70(1)氧化反应(与O2的反应):(2)取代反应①与Br2的反应:②苯与硝酸(用HONO2表示)发生取代反应,生成无色、不溶于水、有苦杏仁气味、密度大于水的油状液体——硝基苯。

高中化学方程式大全 高中化学必背方程式

高中化学方程式大全 高中化学必背方程式

高中化学方程式大全高中化学必背方程式 学习高中化学最痛苦的地方不是不会做,而是明明知道用什幺原理,分数唾手可得的时候,却忘记化学方程式怎幺写了!下面小编整理了高中化学方程式大全,高中化学必背方程式,希望对你有帮助。

 高中化学必背方程式 1、铜片插入硝酸银溶液:2Ag++Cu=2Ag+Cu2+2、用氨水吸收少量SO2:SO2+2NH3+H2O=2NH4++SO32-3、用氨水吸收过量的SO¬2 :SO2+NH3+H2O=NH4++HSO3-4、稀硝酸中通入SO2:3SO2+2NO3-+2H2O=3SO42-+2NO↑+4H+5、浓硝酸中通入SO2:SO2+2NO3-=SO42-+2NO2↑ 高中化学方程式大全 1、氯化铵与氢氧化钠两种浓溶液混合加热:NH4++OH- NH3↑+H2O2、向次氯酸钙溶液中通入SO2:Ca2++SO2+ClO-+H2O=CaSO4↓+Cl-+2H+3、用碳酸钠溶液吸收过量SO2:CO32-+H2O+2SO2=CO2↑+2HSO3-4、硫酸铜溶液中通入硫化氢:H2S+Cu2+=CuS↓+2H+5、硫酸铜溶液中加入硫化钠溶液:S2-+Cu2+=CuS↓ 高中化学必背方程式 1、电解饱和食盐水:2Cl-+2H2O 2OH-+H2↑+Cl2↑2、电解硫酸铜溶液:2Cu2++2H2O 2Cu↓+O2↑+4H+3、电解氯化铜溶液:Cu2++2Cl- Cu↓+Cl2↑4、电解熔融氯化钠:2Na++2Cl-(熔融) 2Na+Cl2↑5、电解熔融氧化铝:4Al3+ +6O2- 4Al+3O2↑ 高中化学必背方程式 1、二氧化锰与浓盐酸共热:MnO2+2Cl-+4H+ Mn2++Cl2↑+2H2O2、氯气通入冷的氢氧化钠溶液中:Cl2+2OH-=Cl-+ClO-+H2O3、氯气通入热的氢氧化钾溶液中:3Cl2+6OH-=5Cl-+ClO3-+3H2O4、。



高考总复习之高中化学方程式总结化学 第一册第一章 卤素第一节 氯气1、NaCl 2Cl Na 22−−→−+点燃2、22CuClCl Cu −−→−+点燃3、32FeCl 2Cl 3Fe 2−−→−+点燃4、HCl 2Cl H 22−−−−→−+点燃(光照)5、32PCl 2Cl 3P 2−−→−+点燃6、523PCl ClPCl→+7、HClO HCl O H Cl 22+→+8、O H 2CaCl ClO Ca Cl 2OH Ca 222222++→+)()(9、HClO 2CaCOO H CO ClO Ca 3222+↓→++)(10、O H NaCl NaClO Cl NaOH 222++→+ 11、↑++−→−+∆2222ClO H 2MnClMnO HCl 412、O H 8Cl5KCl 2MnCl2HCl 16KMnO22224+↑++→+(浓)13、2O HCl 2HClO 2+−−→−见光第二节 氯化氢14、↑+→+HCl NaHSO SO H NaCl 442(浓)15、↑+−→−+∆HCl SONa NaCl NaHSO42416、↑+−→−+∆HCl 2SO Na SO H NaCl 24242(浓)(14、15结合)17、33HNOAgCl AgNO HCl +↓→+化学 第一册第一章 卤素第一节 氯气 1、−−→−+点燃2Cl Na 2、−−→−+点燃2Cl Cu 3、−−→−+点燃2Cl Fe 4、−−−−→−+点燃(光照)22Cl H 5、−−→−+点燃2Cl P 6、→+23Cl PCl7、→+O H Cl 22 8、→+22Cl OH Ca )( 9、→++O H CO ClO Ca 222)( 10、→+2Cl NaOH 11、−→−+∆2MnO HCl12、→+(浓)HCl KMnO413、−−→−见光HClO 第二节 氯化氢14、→+(浓)42SO H NaCl 15、−→−+∆NaCl NaHSO416、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H NaCl (14、15结合) 17、→+3AgNO HCl18、33NaNOAgCl AgNO NaCl +↓→+19、33KNO AgCl AgNO KCl +↓→+20、↑++→+2223COO H CaClCaCOHCl 2第三节 氧化还原反应21、O H Cu H CuO 22+−→−+∆22、O H 2NO4COHNO4C 2223+↑+↑→+23、O H 3NO NH NO Zn 4HNO 10Zn 4234233++−→−+∆)((极稀)24、4243324SO H 15POH 6P Cu 5O H 24CuSO 15P 11++→++25、O H 3KCl Cl3HCl 6KClO223+↑→+(浓)26、O H 3NO NH NO Mg 4HNO 10Mg 4234233++−→−+∆)((极稀)27、O H 31SO K SO Fe 9SO Cr SO H 31O Fe 6O Cr K 2423423424243722+++→++)()(28、↑+↑+→++2223CO3N S K S C 3KNO2第四节 卤族元素 29、HF 2F H 22→+ 30、HB r 2B r H 22→+ 31、HI 2I H 22→+32、22B r NaCl 2Cl NaB r 2+→+ 33、22I KCl 2Cl KI 2+→+ 34、22I KB r 2B r KI 2+→+ 35、33NaNOAgBr AgNO NaBr +↓→+36、33KNOAgI AgNOKI +↓→+37、2Br Ag 2AgBr 2+−−→−光照第二章 摩尔 反应热第一节 摩尔18、→+3AgNO NaCl19、→+3AgNO KCl 20、→+3CaCOHCl第三节 氧化还原反应21、−→−+∆2H CuO22、→+3HNOC23、−→−+∆(极稀)3HNO Zn 24、→++O H CuSO P 2425、→+(浓)HCl KClO326、−→−+∆(极稀)3HNO Mg 27、→++4243722SO H O Fe O Cr K 28、→++S C KNO3第四节 卤族元素 29、→+22F H 30、→+22Br H 31、→+22I H 32、→+2Cl NaBr 33、→+2Cl KI 34、→+2Br KI 35、→+3AgNO NaBr36、→+3AgNOKI37、−−→−光照AgBr 第二章 摩尔 反应热第一节 摩尔38、22CO O C →+ 39、↑+→+22H MgCl HCl 2Mg第二节 气体摩尔体积 40、22H ZnCl HCl 2Zn +→+第三节 物质的量浓度41、O H 2SO Na SO H NaOH 224242+→+ 第四节 反应热42、kJ 5.393CO O C 22+−−→−+(气)(气)(固)点燃43、kJ 6.483O H 2O H 2222+→+(气)(气)(气) 44、kJ 6.571O H 2O H 2222+→+(液)(气)(气) 45、kJ 3.131H CO O H C 22-+−→−+∆(气)(气)(气)(固) 第三章 硫 硫酸第一节 硫46、S Cu S Cu 22−→−+∆47、FeS S Fe −→−+∆48、S H H S 22−→−+∆49、2CS C S −−→−+高温50、22SO O S −−→−+点燃51、O H 3SO K S K 2KOH 6S 32422++−→−+∆第二节 硫的氢化物和氧化物52、↓+−→−∆S H S H 22 53、2222SO 2O H 2(O 3S H 2+−−→−+点燃足) 54、↓+−−→−+S 2O H 2(O S H 2222点燃不足) 55、↓+−−→−+S 3O H 2SOS H 2222点燃56、HBr 2S Br S H 22+↓→+38、→+2O C 39、→+HCl Mg 第二节 气体摩尔体积 40、→+HCl Zn第三节 物质的量浓度 41、→+42SO H NaOH 第四节 反应热42、−−→−+点燃(气)(固)2O C 43、→+(气)(气)22O H 44、→+(气)(气)22O H 45、−→−+∆(气)(固)O H C 2第三章 硫 硫酸第一节 硫46、−→−+∆S Cu47、−→−+∆S Fe 48、−→−+∆2H S 49、−−→−+高温C S 50、−−→−+点燃2O S 51、−→−+∆KOH S 第二节 硫的氢化物和氧化物52、−→−∆S H 2 53、−−→−+点燃足)(22O S H 54、−−→−+点燃不足)(22O S H 55、−−→−+点燃22SO S H 56、→+22Br S H 57、↑+→+S H FeClHCl 2FeS 2258、4224SO H CuS S H CuSO +↓→+ 59、HAc 2PbS S H PbAc22+↓→+60、O H NaHS NaOH S H 22+→+ 61、O H S Na NaOH NaHS 22+→+62、O H 2S Na NaOH 2S H 222+→+(60、61结合) 63、HCl 2FeCl2S FeCl2S H 232++↓→+64、↑+→+S H FeSO FeS SO H 2442(稀)65、3222SO H O H SO⇔+66、3O V 22SO 2O SO252∆−−→←+67、4223SO H O H SO →+ 68、↑++→+22424232SOO H SONa SOH SO Na69、O H SO Na NaOH 2SO 2322+→+ 70、32CaSOCaO SO →+71、O H CaSO OH Ca 2SO 2322+↓→+)(72、23232HSO Ca O H CaSOSO )(→++73、O H 2S 3S H 2SO 222+↓→+74、42222SO H HCl 2O H 2Cl SO +→++ 75、42222SO H HB r 2O H 2B r SO +→++ 76、42424422SO H 2SOK MnSOKMnO 2O H 2SO 5++→++第三节 硫酸的工业制法 77、↑+−−→−+23222SO8O Fe 2O 11FeS 4高温78、3O V 22SO 2O SO252∆−−→←+57、→+HCl FeS58、→+S H CuSO 2459、→+S H PbAc2260、→+NaOH S H 2 61、→+NaOH NaHS62、→+NaOH S H 2(60、61结合) 63、→+32FeClS H64、→+FeS SO H (稀)42 65、⇔+O H SO 22 66、∆−−→←+5222O V O SO 67、→+O H SO 23 68、→+4232SO H SO Na 69、→+NaOH SO 2 70、→+CaO SO 2 71、→+22)(OH Ca SO 72、→++O H CaSOSO 23273、→+S H SO 22 74、→++O H Cl SO 222 75、→++O H Br SO 222 76、→++422KMnO O H SO第三节 硫酸的工业制法 77、−−→−+高温22O FeS78、∆−−→←+5222O V O SO 79、4232SO H SO O H →+80、O H 2SO2CO SO H 2C 22242+↑+↑−→−+∆(浓)81、O H 2SO 3SO H 2S 2242+↑−→−+∆(浓)82、O H 2SOPO H SO H P 224342+↑+−→−+∆(浓)83、O H 2SO S SO H S H 22422++−→−+∆(浓) 84、O H 2SOCuSO SO H 2Cu 22442+↑+−→−+∆(浓)85、HCl 2BaSO SOH BaCl 4422+↓→+ 86、NaCl 2BaSOSO Na BaCl 4422+↓→+ 87、NaCl 2BaCOCONa BaCl 3322+↓→+88、↑++→+2223COO H BaClHCl 2BaCO89、↑++→+222333CO O H NO Ba HNO2BaCO)(90、↑++→+2223232COO H S Na SOH CONa91、42232SO H 2O SO H 2→+ 92、42232SO Na 2O SO Na 2→+ 93、423CaSO2O CaSO2→+94、O H 6SO 3SO Fe SO H 6Fe 22234242+↑+−→−+∆)((浓)95、O H SONa SO B r SO H 2NaB r 22422242++↑+−→−+∆(浓)96、↑+−→−+∆HCl 2SO Na SO H NaCl 24242(浓)97、O H 11C 12O H C 2SOH 11221142+−−−→−浓 第四章 碱金属第一节 钠98、O Na 2O Na 422→+ 99、222O Na O Na 2→+ 79、→+32SO O H80、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H C 81、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H S 82、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H P 83、−→−+∆(浓)422SO H S H 84、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H Cu 85、→+422SO H BaCl 86、→+422SO Na BaCl87、→+322CO Na BaCl88、→+HCl BaCO 389、→+33HNOBaCO90、→+3232SO H CO Na 91、→+232O SO H 92、→+232O SO Na 93、→+23O CaSO94、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H Fe 95、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H NaBr 96、−→−+∆(浓)42SO H NaCl 97、−−−→−42112211SO H O H C 浓 第四章 碱金属第一节 钠 98、→+2O Na 99、→+2O Na100、NaCl 2Cl Na 22−−→−+点燃101、S Na S Na 22−−→−+研磨102、↑+→+22H NaOH 2O H 2Na 2 103、↑++→++242242H SO Na OH Cu CuSO O H 2Na 2)(第二节 钠的氧化物104、NaOH 2O H O Na 22→+105、↑+→+2222O NaOH 4O H 2O Na 2 106、3222CO Na COO Na →+107、232222O CONa 2CO 2O Na 2+→+108、O H NaCl 2HCl 2O Na 22+→+109、↑++→+2222O O H 2NaCl 4HCl 4O Na 110、O H CO NaCl 2HCl 2CO Na 2232+↑+→+111、O H CO NaCl HCl NaHCO 223+↑+→+ 112、O H COCONa NaHCO 222323+↑+−→−∆113、O H CONa NaOH NaHCO 2323+−→−+∆114、O H 2CONa CaCO OH Ca NaHCO 2232323++↓→+(少量))(115、O H NaOH CaCO OH Ca NaHCO 2323++↓→+(足量))(116、NaCl 2BaCO BaCl CO Na 3232+↓→+ 117、NaCl 2CaCOCaClCONa 3232+↓→+118、O H 2CO2CaCl HCl 2HCO Ca 22223+↑+→+)(119、O H 2CONa CaCO NaOH 2HCO Ca 232323++↓→+)(120、O H SONaCl HCl NaHSO223+↑+→+第三节 碱金属元素100、−−→−+点燃2Cl Na101、−−→−+研磨S Na 102、→+O H Na 2 103、→++42CuSO O H Na第二节 钠的氧化物 104、→+O H O Na 22 105、→+O H O Na 222 106、→+22CO O Na 107、→+222CO O Na 108、→+HCl O Na 2 109、→+HCl O Na 22 110、→+HCl CO Na 32 111、→+HCl NaHCO 3112、−→−∆3NaHCO113、−→−+∆NaOH NaHCO 3114、→+(少量))(23OH Ca NaHCO 115、→+(足量))(23OH Ca NaHCO116、→+232BaCl CO Na 117、→+232CaClCO Na118、→+HCl HCO Ca 23)( 119、→+NaOH HCO Ca 23)( 120、HCl NaHSO+3第三节 碱金属元素121、O Li 2O Li 422−−→−+点燃122、22KO O K −−→−+点燃123、MX 2X M 22→+(M 表示氧族元素,X 代表卤族元素) 124、MH 2H M 22→+125、↑+→+22H MOH 2O H 2M 2第五章 物质结构 元素周期律本章内容、性质特殊,所有化学反应方程式均融在其他章节中。

高中化学方程式总结(High school chemistry equation summary)

高中化学方程式总结(High school chemistry equation summary)

高中化学方程式总结(High school chemistry equation summary)High school chemistry equation summaryBasic classNonmetallic elementary elements (F2, Cl2, O2, S, N2, P, C, Si)1, oxidation:F2 + H2 = 2HFF2 +Xe (excess) ===XeF22F2 (excess) +Xe===XeF4NF2 +2M===2MFn (representing most metals)2F2 +2H2O===4HF+O22F2 +2NaOH===2NaF+OF2 +H2OF2 +2NaCl===2NaF+Cl2F2 +2NaBr===2NaF+Br2F2+2NaI ===2NaF+I2F2, +Cl2 (equal volume) ===2ClF3F2 (excess) +Cl2===2ClF37F2 (excess) +I2 ===2IF7Cl2 +H2 ===2HCl3Cl2 +2P===2PCl3Cl2 +PCl3 ===PCl5Cl2 +2Na===2NaCl3Cl2 +2Fe===2FeCl3Cl2 +2FeCl2 ===2FeCl3Cl2+Cu===CuCl22Cl2+2NaBr===2NaCl+Br2Cl2 +2NaI ===2NaCl+I25Cl2+I2+6H2O===2HIO3+10HCl Cl2 +Na2S===2NaCl+SCl2 +H2S===2HCl+SCl2+SO2 +2H2O===H2SO4 +2HCl Cl2 +H2O2 ===2HCl+O22O2 +3Fe===Fe3O4O2+K===KO2S+H2===H2S2S+C===CS2S+Fe===FeSS+2Cu===Cu2S 3S+2Al===Al2S3 S+Zn===ZnSN2+3H2===2NH3 N2+3Mg===Mg3N2 N2+3Ca===Ca3N2 N2+3Ba===Ba3N2 N2+6Na===2Na3N N2+6K===2K3N N2+6Rb===2Rb3N P2+6H2===4PH3P+3Na===Na3P2P+3Zn===Zn3P22. reducibilityS+O2===SO2S+O2===SO2S+6HNO3 (thick) ===H2SO4+6NO2+2H2O3S+4 HNO3 (dilute) ===3SO2+4NO+2H2ON2+O2===2NO4P+5O2===P4O10 (often written as P2O5)2P+3X2===2PX3 (X stands for F2, Cl2, Br2) PX3+X2===PX5P4+20HNO3 (thick) ===4H3PO4+20NO2+4H2OC+2F2===CF4C+2Cl2===CCl42C+O2 (a small amount) ===2COC+O2 (adequate) ===CO2C+CO2===2COC+H2O===CO+H2 (generating water gas)2C+SiO2===Si+2CO (made from crude silicon)Si (coarse) +2Cl===SiCl4(SiCl4+2H2===Si (pure) +4HCl)Si (powder) +O2===SiO2Si+C===SiC (emery)Si+2NaOH+H2O===Na2SiO3+2H23, (base) disproportionationCl2+H2O===HCl+HClO(acid inhibition, disproportionation, addition of alkali or illumination to promote disproportionation)Cl2+2NaOH===NaCl+NaClO+H2O2Cl2+2Ca (OH) 2===CaCl2+Ca (ClO) 2+2H2O3Cl2+6KOH (hot, thick) ===5KCl+KClO3+3H2O3S+6NaOH===2Na2S+Na2SO3+3H2O4P+3KOH (thick) +3H2O===PH3+3KH2PO211P+15CuSO4+24H2O===5Cu3P+6H3PO4+15H2SO43C+CaO===CaC2+CO3C+SiO2===SiC+2COTwo, the reduction of metallic elements (Na, Mg, Al, Fe) 2Na+H2===2NaH4Na+O2===2Na2O2Na2O+O2===2Na2O22Na+O2===Na2O22Na+S===Na2S (explosion)2Na+2H2O===2NaOH+H22Na+2NH3===2NaNH2+H24Na+TiCl4 (molten) ===4NaCl+TiMg+Cl2===MgCl2Mg+Br2===MgBr22Mg+O2===2MgOMg+S===MgSMg+2H2O===Mg (OH) 2+H22Mg+TiCl4 (molten) ===Ti+2MgCl2Mg+2RbCl===MgCl2+2Rb2Mg+CO2===2MgO+C2Mg+SiO2===2MgO+SiMg+H2S===MgS+H2Mg+H2SO4===MgSO4+H22Al+3Cl2===2AlCl34Al+3O2===2Al2O3 (passivation)4Al (Hg) +3O2+2xH2O===2 (Al2O3.xH2O) +4Hg 4Al+3MnO2===2Al2O3+3Mn2Al+Cr2O3===Al2O3+2Cr2Al+Fe2O3===Al2O3+2Fe2Al+3FeO===Al2O3+3Fe2Al+6HCl===2AlCl3+3H22Al+3H2SO4===Al2 (SO4) 3+3H22Al+6H2SO4 (concentrated) ===Al2 (SO4) 3+3SO2+6H2O(Al, Fe is passivated in cold, dense H2SO4, HNO3)Al+4HNO (dilute) ===Al (NO3) 3+NO+2H2O2Al+2NaOH+2H2O===2NaAlO2+3H22Fe+3Br2===2FeBr3Fe+I2===FeI2Fe+S===FeS3Fe+4H2O (g) ===Fe3O4+4H2Fe+2HCl===FeCl2+H2Fe+CuCl2===FeCl2+CuFe+SnCl4===FeCl2+SnCl2(iron does not take four tin chloride completely in an acid environmentReduced to tin Fe+SnCl2==FeCl2+SnThree, non-metallic hydrides (HF, HCl, H2O, H2S, NH3) 1, reducibility:4HCl (thick) +MnO2===MnCl2+Cl2+2H2O4HCl (g) +O2===2Cl2+2H2O16HCl+2KMnO4===2KCl+2MnCl2+5Cl2+8H2O14HCl+K2Cr2O7===2KCl+2CrCl3+3Cl2+7H2O2H2O+2F2===4HF+O22H2S+3O2 (adequate) ===2SO2+2H2O2H2S+O2 (a small amount) ===2S+2H2O2H2S+SO2===3S+2H2OH2S+H2SO4 (thick) ===S+SO2+2H2O3H2S+2HNO (dilute) ===3S+2NO+4H2O5H2S+2KMnO4+3H2SO4===2MnSO4+K2SO4+5S+8H2O3H2S+K2Cr2O7+4H2SO4===Cr2 (SO4) 3+K2SO4+3S+7H2OH2S+4Na2O2+2H2O===Na2SO4+6NaOH2NH3+3CuO===3Cu+N2+3H2O2NH3+3Cl2===N2+6HCl8NH3+3Cl2===N2+6NH4Cl4NH3+3O2 (pure oxygen) ===2N2+6H2O4NH3+5O2===4NO+6H2O4NH3+6NO===5N2+6HO (removal of NO by ammonia)NaH+H2O===NaOH+H24NaH+TiCl4===Ti+4NaCl+2H2CaH2+2H2O===Ca (OH) 2+2H22, acidic:4HF+SiO2===SiF4+2H2O(the content of this reaction is widely used in the determination of SiO2 in steel samples or samples)2HF+CaCl2===CaF2+2HClH2S+Fe===FeS+H2H2S+CuCl2===CuS+2HClH2S+2AgNO3===Ag2S+2HNO3H2S+HgCl2===HgS+2HClH2S+Pb (NO3) 2===PbS+2HNO3H2S+FeCl2===2NH3+2Na==2NaNH2+H2(NaNH2+H2O===NaOH+NH3)3, alkaline:NH3+HCl===NH4ClNH3+HNO3===NH4NO32NH3+H2SO4=== (NH4) 2SO4NH3+NaCl+H2O+CO2===NaHCO3+NH4Cl(this reaction is used in industrial preparation of baking soda, soda)4, instability:2HF===H2+F22HCl===H2+Cl22H2O===2H2+O22H2O2===2H2O+O2H2S===H2+S2NH3===N2+3H2Four, non-metallic oxidesReducibility of low-priced states:2SO2+O2===2SO32SO2+O2+2H2O===2H2SO4(this is the slow environmental chemical reaction of SO2 occurring in the atmosphere.)SO2+Cl2+2H2O===H2SO4+2HClSO2+Br2+2H2O===H2SO4+2HBrSO2+I2+2H2O===H2SO4+2HISO2+NO2===SO3+NO2NO+O2===2NO2NO+NO2+2NaOH===2NaNO2(used in the nitric acid industry to absorb NO and NO2 in exhaust gases)2CO+O2===2CO2CO+CuO===Cu+CO23CO+Fe2O3===2Fe+3CO2CO+H2O===CO2+H2Oxidation:SO2+2H2S===3S+2H2OSO3+2KI===K2SO3+I2NO2+2KI+H2O===NO+I2+2KOH(no bromine vapor and NO2 can be identified with starch KI solution)4NO2+H2S===4NO+SO3+H2O2NO2+Cu===4CuO+N2CO2+2Mg===2MgO+C(CO2 cannot be used to extinguish burning fires such as Mg, Ca, Ba, Na, K, etc.)SiO2+2H2===Si+2H2OSiO2+2Mg===2MgO+Si3, with the role of water:SO2+H2O===H2SO3SO3+H2O===H2SO43NO2+H2O===2HNO3+NON2O5+H2O===2HNO3P2O5+H2O===2HPO3P2O5+3H2O===2H3PO4(P2O5 is highly absorbent and can be used as a gas drying agent P2O5+3H2SO4 (thick) ===2H3PO4+3SO3CO2+H2O===H2CO34, with the role of alkaline substances:SO2+2NH3+H2O=== (NH4) 2SO3SO2+ (NH4) 2SO3+H2O===2NH4HSO3(this is the reaction of the sulphuric acid plant to therecovery of SO2. First absorb SO2 with ammonia water,And then H2SO4 processing: 2NH4HSO3+H2SO4=== (NH4)2SO4+2H2O+2SO2The resulting ammonium sulfate is used as fertilizer and the SO2 is recycled as feedstock gasSO2+Ca (OH) 2===CaSO3+H2O(do not distinguish between clear lime and water, SO2 and CO2. can be identified with fuchsin.)SO3+MgO===MgSO4SO3+Ca (OH) 2===CaSO4+H2OCO2+2NaOH (excess) ===Na2CO3+H2OCO2 (excess) +NaOH===NaHCO3CO2+Ca (OH) 2 (excess) ===CaCO3+H2O2CO2 (excess) +Ca (OH) 2===Ca (HCO3) 2CO2+2NaAlO2+3H2O===2Al (OH) 3+Na2CO3CO2+C6H5ONa+H2O===C6H5OH+NaHCO3SiO2+CaO===CaSiO3SiO2+2NaOH===Na2SiO3+H2O(alkaline solution slowly corrosive glass at normal temperature)SiO2+Na2CO3===Na2SiO3+CO2SiO2+CaCO3===CaSiO3+CO2Five, metal oxide1, the low cost of reduction:6FeO+O2===2Fe3O4FeO+4HNO3===Fe (NO3) 3+NO2+2H2O2, oxidation:Na2O2+2Na===2Na2O(this reaction is used to prepare Na2O)MgO, Al2O3, is hardly oxidizing and can hardly be reduced to Mg, Al.Mg and Al. are usually made by electrolysisFe2O3+3H2===2Fe+3H2O (reduced iron powder)Fe3O4+4H2===3Fe+4H2O3, with the role of water:Na2O+H2O===2NaOH2Na2O2+2H2O===4NaOH+O2This reaction is divided into two steps:Na2O2+2H2O===2NaOH+H2O2;The preparation of 2H2O2===2H2O+O2. and H2O2 can utilize similar reactions:BaO2+H2SO4 (dilute) ===BaSO4+H2O2MgO+H2O===Mg (OH) 2 (slow response)4, with the role of acidic substances:Na2O+SO3===Na2SO4Na2O+CO2===Na2CO3Na2O+2HCl===2NaCl+H2O2Na2O2+2CO2===2Na2CO3+O2Na2O2+H2SO4 (cold, thin) ===Na2SO4+H2O2mgo + so3 = = = mgso4mgo + h2so4 = = = mgso4 + h2oal2o3 + 3h2so4 = = = al2 (so4) 3 + 3h2o(al2o3是两性氧化物:al2o3 + 2naoh = = = 2naalo2 + h2o)feo + 2hcl = = = fecl2 + 3h2ofe2o3 + 6hcl = = = 2fecl3 + 3h2ofe2o3 + 3h2s (g) = = = fe2s3 + 3h2ofe3o4 + 8hcl = = = fecl2 + 2fecl3 + mncl2.4h2o 六, 含氧酸1, 氧化性:4hclo3 + 3h2s = = = 3h2so4 + 4hclhclo3 + hi = = = hio3 + hcl3hclo + hi = = = hio3 + 3hclhclo + h2so3 = = = h2so4 + hclhclo + h2o2 = = = hcl + h2o + o2(氧化性: hclo hclo2 hclo3 > > > hclo4,但浓, 热的hclo4氧化性很强)2h2so4 (浓) + c = = = co2 + 2so2 + 2h2o2h2so4 (浓) + s = = = 3so2 + 2h2oh2so4 + fe (al) 室温下钝化6h2so4 (浓) + 2fe = = = fe2 (so4) 3 + 3so2 + 6h2o 2h2so4 (浓) + cu = = = cu + so2 + 2h2oh2so4 (浓) + 2hbr = = = so2 + br2 + 2h2oh2so4 (浓) + 2hi = = = so2 + i1 + 2h2oh2so4 (稀) + fe = = = feso4 + h22h2so3 + 2h2s = = = 3s + 2h2o4hno3 (浓) + c = = = co2 + 4no2 + 2h2o6hno3 (浓) + s = = = h2so4 + 6no2 + 2h2o5hno3 (浓) + p = = = h3po4 + 5no2 + h2o6hno3 + fe = = = fe (no3) 3 + 3no2 + 3h2o4hno3 + fe = = = fe (no3) 3 + no + 2h2o30hno3 + 8fe = = = 8fe (no3) 3 + 3n2o + 15h2o36hno3 + 10fe = = = 10fe (no3) 3 + 3n2 + 18h2o30hno3 + 8fe = = = 8fe (no3) 3 + 3nh4no3 + 9h2o2, 还原性:h2so3 + x2 + h2o = = = h2so4 + 2hx(x表示cl2, br2, i2)2h2so3 + o2 = = = 2h2so4h2so3 + h2o2 = = = h2so4 + h2o5h2so3 + 2kmno4 = = = 2mnso4 + k2so4 + 2h2so4 + 3h2o h2so3 + 2fecl3 + h2o = = = h2so4 + 2fecl2 + 2hcl3, 酸性:h2so4 (浓) + caf2 = = = caso4 + 2hfh2so4 (浓) + nacl = = = nahso4 + hclh2so4 (浓) + 2nacl = = = na2so4 + 2hclh2so4 (浓) + nano3 = = = nahso4 + hno33h2so4 (浓) + ca3 (po4) 2 = = = 3caso4 + 2h3po42h2so4 (浓) + ca3 (po4) 2 = = = 2caso4 + ca (h2po4) 2 3hno3 + ag3po4 = = = h3po4 + 3agno32hno3 + caco3 = = = ca (no3) 2 + h2o + co2(用hno3和浓h2so4不能制备h2s, hi, hbr, (so2)等还原性气体)4h3po4 + ca3 (po4) 2 = = = 3ca (h2po4) 2 (重钙)h3po4 (浓) + nabr = = = nah2po4 + hbrh3po4 (浓) + nai, = = = nah2po4 + hi4, 不稳定性:2hclo = = = 2hcl + o24hno3 = = = 4no2 + o2 + 2h2oh2so3 = = = h2o + so2h2co3 = = = h2o + co2h4sio4 = = = h2sio3 + h2o七, 碱低价态的还原性:4fe (oh) 2 + o2 + 2h2o = = = 4fe (oh) 3 与酸性物质的作用:2naoh + so2 (少量) = = = na2so3 + h2o naoh + so2 (足量) = = = nahso32naoh + sio2 = = = nasio3 + h2o2naoh + al2o3 = = = 2naalo2 + h2o2naoh + cl2 = = = nacl + naclo + h2o naoh + hcl nacl + h2o = = =naoh + h2s (足量) = = = nahs + h2o2naoh + h2s (少量) = = = na2s + 2h2o3naoh alcl3 = = = + al (oh) 3 + 3nacl naoh + al (oh) 3 = = = naalo2 + 2h2o (alcl3和al (oh) 3哪个酸性强?)naoh + nh4cl = = = + nh3 + h2o naclmg (oh) 2 + 2nh4cl = = = mgcl2 + 2nh3.h2oal (oh) 3 + nh4cl 不溶解3, 不稳定性:mg (oh) 2 and mgo + h2o = = =2al (oh) 3 = = = + al2o3 3h2o2fe (oh) 3 = = = fe2o3 + 3h2ocu (oh) 2 = = = cuo + h2o八, 盐1, 氧化性:2fecl3 + fe = = = 3fecl22fecl3 + cu = = = 2fecl2 + cucl2(用于雕刻铜线路版)2fecl3 + zn + zncl2 2fecl2 = = == = = fecl2 fec13 + ag + agcfe2 (so4) + 3 = = = 2ag feso4 + ag2so4 (较难反应) fe (no3) 3 +, ag 不反应2fecl3 + h2s + 2hcl = = = 2fecl2 + s2fecl3 2ki = = = + + + i2 2fecl2 2kclfecl2 = = = fe + mg + mgcl22, 还原性:2fecl2 + cl2 = = = 2fecl33na2s + 8hno3 (稀) = = = + + 3s + 4h2o 6nano3 2no 3na2so3 + 2hno3 (稀) = = = 2no 3na2so4 + + h2o2na2so3 + o2 = = = 2na2so43, 与碱性物质的作用:2nh3.h2o mgcl2 + = = = mg (oh) 2 + nh4clalcl3 3nh3.h2o = = = + al (oh) 3 + 3nh4cl3nh3.h2o fec13 + = = = fe (oh) 3 + 3nh4cl4, 与酸性物质的作用:na3po4 + = = = na2hpo4 + nacl hclna2hpo4 + nah2po4 + nacl hcl = = == = = h3po4 nah2po4 + hcl + naclna2co3 + nahco3 = = = + nacl hclhcl nacl + nahco3 = = = h2o + co2 +.3na2co3 + + 3h2o 2alcl3 = = = 2al (oh) 3 + + 6nacl 3co2 3na2co3 + + 3h2o 2fecl3 = = = 2fe (oh) 3 + + 6nacl 3co2 3nahco3 alcl3 = = = + al (oh) 3 + 3co23nahco3 fec13 + = = = fe (oh) 3 + 3co23na2s + al2 (so4) 3 + 6h2o = = = 2al (oh) 3 + 3h2s3naalo2 alcl3 6h2o + + = = = 4al (oh) 35, 不稳定性:na2s2o3 + h2so4 and na2so4 + = = = + so2 + h2onh4cl = = = nh3 + hclnh4hco3 = = = h2o + co2 + nh32kno3 2kno2 + o2 = = =2cu (no3) + 3 = = = 2cuo 4no2 + o22kmno4 = = = k2mno4 + o2 + mno22kclo3 = = = + 3 o2 2kcl2nahco3 = = = co2 + h2o + na2co3ca (hco3) 2 = = = caco3 + co2 + h2ocaco3, cao + co2 = = =mgco3 mgo + co2 = = =二、实验题检验类1、硫酸根离子的检验: bacl2 + na2so4 + = baso4↓ 2nacl2、碳酸根离子的检验: na2co3 + cacl2 + = caco3↓ 2nacl3、碳酸钠与盐酸反应: na2co3 + 2hcl = 2nacl + h2o + co2↑4、木炭还原氧化铜: 2cuo c + + 高温2cu co2↑5、铁片与硫酸铜溶液反应 cuso4, feso4, fe + + cu =6、氯化钙与碳酸钠溶液反应: na2co3 + cacl2 + = caco3↓ 2nacl7、钠在空气中燃烧: 2na + o2 △ na2o2钠与氧气反应: 4na + o2 = 2na2o8、过氧化钠与水反应: 2na2o2 4naoh o2↑ = + + 2h2o9、过氧化钠与二氧化碳反应: 2na2o2 + + o2 = 2na2co3 2co210, sodium and water reaction: 2Na + 2H2O = 2NaOH + H2 =11, iron and water vapor reaction (g): 3Fe + 4H2O = F3O4 + 4H2 =12, aluminum reacts with sodium hydroxide solution: 2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O = 2NaAlO2 + 3H2 =13. The reaction of calcium oxide with water: CaO + H2O = Ca (OH) 214. Reaction of iron oxide with hydrochloric acid: Fe2O3 + 6HCl = 2FeCl3 + 3H2O15, the reaction of alumina with hydrochloric acid: Al2O3 + 6HCl = 2AlCl3 + 3H2O16, the reaction of alumina with sodium hydroxide solution: Al2O3 + 2NaOH = 2NaAlO2 + H2O17, ferric chloride and sodium hydroxide solution reaction: FeCl3 + 3NaOH = Fe + 3 (OH): 3NaCl18, ferrous sulfate and sodium hydroxide solution reaction: FeSO4 + 2NaOH = Fe + 2 (OH): Na2SO419, ferrous hydroxide is oxidized to ferric hydroxide: 4Fe (OH) 2 + 2H2O + O2 = 4Fe (OH) 320, the thermal decomposition of ferric hydroxide: 2Fe (OH)Fe2O3 + 3H2O = 321, laboratory preparation of aluminum hydroxide: Al2 (SO4) 3 + 6NH3? H2O = 2Al (OH): 3 + 3 (NH3) 2SO422, aluminum hydroxide reacts with hydrochloric acid: Al (OH) 3 + 3HCl = AlCl3 + 3H2O23, aluminum hydroxide reacts with sodium hydroxide solution: Al (OH) 3 + NaOH = NaAlO2 + 2H2O24, the thermal decomposition of aluminum hydroxide (OH): 2Al 3 Al2O3 + 3H2O25, ferric chloride solution and iron powder reaction: 2FeCl3 + Fe = 3FeCl226. Chlorine gas in ferrous chloride: 2FeCl2 + Cl2 = 2FeCl327. Reaction of silica with hydrofluoric acid: SiO2 + 4HF = SiF4 + 2H2OSilicon reacted with hydrofluoric acid: Si + 4HF = SiF4 + 2H2 =28. High temperature reaction of silica and calcium oxide: SiO2 + CaO, high temperature CaSiO329. The reaction of silica with sodium hydroxide solution: SiO2 + 2NaOH = Na2SiO3 + H2O30, to the sodium silicate solution with carbon dioxide:Na2SiO3 + CO2 + H2O = Na2CO3 + H2SiO3:31, sodium silicate and hydrochloric acid: Na2SiO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2SiO3:32. Chlorine reacts with metal iron: 2Fe + 3Cl2 ignites 2FeCl333. Chlorine reacts with metal copper: Cu + Cl2 ignites CuCl234. Chlorine reacts with metal sodium: 2Na + Cl2 ignites 2NaCl35, chlorine reacts with water: Cl2 + H2O = HCl + HClO36, hypochlorous acid light decomposition: light 2HCl + O2 = 2HClO37, chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide solution: Cl2 + 2NaOH = NaCl + NaClO + H2O38 chlorine and slaked lime reaction: 2Cl2 + 2Ca (OH) 2 = CaCl2 + Ca (ClO) 2 + 2H2O39, hydrochloric acid and silver nitrate solution reaction: HCl + AgNO3 = AgCl +: HNO340, the long-term exposure of bleaching powder in the air: Ca (ClO) 2 + H2O + CO2 = CaCO3 +: 2HClO41, sulfur dioxide reacts with water: SO2 + H2O = H2SO342, nitrogen and oxygen discharge in the reaction: N2 + O2 discharge 2NO43, nitric oxide reacts with oxygen: 2NO + O2 = 2NO244, NO2 reacts with water: 3NO2 + H2O = 2HNO3 + NO45, sulfur dioxide and oxygen react under the action of catalyst: 2SO2 + O2 catalyst, 2SO346 and three sulfur oxides reacted with water: SO3 + H2O = H2SO447, concentrated sulfuric acid and copper reaction: Cu + 2H2SO4 (strong) Delta + 2H2O + SO2 = CuSO448, concentrated sulfuric acid and charcoal reaction: C +2H2SO4 (concentrated) CO2 = 2SO2 = delta + + 2H2O49, strong reaction with copper nitrate: Cu + 4HNO3 (concentrated) = Cu (NO3 + 2H2O + 2NO2 = 2)50, the reaction of nitric acid and dilute copper: 3Cu + 8HNO3 (diluted) 3Cu (NO3) + 4H2O + 2NO = 251, thermal decomposition of ammonia: NH3 H2O = H2O + NH3?52, ammonia reacts with hydrogen chloride: NH3 + HCl = NH4Cl53, thermal decomposition of ammonium chloride: NH4Cl + HCl = NH3 = Delta54, thermal decomposition of ammonium hydrogen carbonate: NH4HCO3 + H2O = NH3 = a + CO2 =55, the reaction of ammonium nitrate and sodium hydroxide: NH4NO3 + NaOH + NaNO3 + H2O = NH3Preparation of laboratory 56, ammonia: 2NH4Cl + Ca (OH) 2 + 2H2O + 2NH3 = CaCl257. Chlorine reacts with hydrogen: Cl2 + H2 ignites 2HCl58, the reaction of ammonium sulfate and sodium hydroxide (NH4): 2SO4 + 2NaOH = 2NH3 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O + 2NaOH = Na2SO3 + H2O62, SO2 + Ca (OH) = CaSO3 + H2O: 263, SO2 + Cl2 + 2H2O = 2HCl + H2SO464, SO2 + 2H2S = 3S + 2H2O65, NO, NO2 recycling: NO2 + NO + 2NaOH = 2NaNO2 + H2O66, Si + 2F2 = SiF467, Si + 2NaOH + H2O = +2H2 = NaSiO368. The laboratory method of silicon element:Preparation of crude silicon: SiO2 + 2C high temperature electric furnace Si + 2CO(quartz sand) (Jiao Tan) (coarse silicon)Coarse silicon into pure silicon: Si (coarse) + 2Cl2 SiCl4SiCl4 + 2H2, high temperature Si (pure) + 4HCl59, SO2 + CaO = CaSO360, SO2 + Na2O = NaSO361, SO2 + 2NaOH = Na2SO3 + H2O62, SO2 + Ca (OH) = CaSO3 + H2O: 263, SO2 + Cl2 + 2H2O = 2HCl + H2SO464, SO2 + 2H2S = 3S + 2H2O65, NO, NO2 recycling: NO2 + NO + 2NaOH = 2NaNO2 + H2O66, Si + 2F2 = SiF467, Si + 2NaOH + H2O = +2H2 = NaSiO368. The laboratory method of silicon element:Preparation of crude silicon: SiO2 + 2C high temperature electric furnace Si + 2CO(quartz sand) (Jiao Tan) (coarse silicon)Coarse silicon into pure silicon: Si (coarse) + 2Cl2 SiCl4SiCl4 + 2H2, high temperature Si (pure) + 4HClThree, replacement classDisplacement reactionSubstitution reaction is one of the basic types of inorganic chemical reactions, which refers to the reaction of a simple substance and a compound to produce another substance and another compound:A+BC to B+ACDisplacement relations are the elements that make up a compound and are replaced by elements that make up a single substance.First, according to the type of reactants and reactants in the product, the displacement reaction has the following 4 situations:The more active metal displaces the less active metal or hydrogen, for example:Fe+CuSO4=Cu+FeSO4Zn+2HCl=H2 = +ZnCl2Replacement of less active nonmetallic materials by reactive nonmetallic materials, such as:Cl2+2NaBr=Br2+2NaClO2+2H2S=2S: +2H2ONon-metal displacement of metal,The metal is displaced from the metal,A displacement reaction between a solution or gas is carried out at room temperature, and a displacement reaction between gas and solid or two solids is usually carried out at high temperaturesFor example: 2Mg+CO2= (Kindle) 2MgO+CTwo, according to the type of reaction environment, the replacement reaction has the following 2 cases(1) displacement of solid and solid or solid with gas under heating or high temperature.(2) replacement reaction of wet displacement in aqueous solution.The substitution of metals with acids is the reaction of metal atoms with hydrogen ions in acid solutions. Such as:Can not use concentrated sulfuric acid, nitric acid (with oxidation) to exclude K.Ca.Na= Zn+2HCl====ZnCl2+H2= Zn+H2SO4===ZnSO4+H22Al+3H2SO4 (thin) ====Al2 (SO4) = 3+3H2The substitution of metal with salt solution is the substitution of metal atom with cation of inactive metal in salt solution. Such as:Cu+Hg (NO3) 2====Hg+Cu (NO3) 2Three, according to the nature of the elements, the replacement of metals and non-metallic elements.1. The metal is changed into simple substance2Al+Fe2O3=Al2O3+2Fe (thermit reaction). Al can also be replaced with V2O5, CrO3, WO3, MnO2 and so onFe+CuSO4=FeSO4+Cu2, the replacement of non-metallic elements of metal elements2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2 2Mg+CO2=2MgO+C Mg+2H2O=Mg (OH) 2+H22Mg+SO2=2MgO+S 3Mg+SO2=2MgO+MgS3Fe+4H2O (g) =Fe3O4+4H2 (carried out under high temperature)3, non-metallic elements replacement of metal elementsH2+CuO=Cu+H2O C+FeO=Fe+COSi+2FeO=2Fe+SiO24, non-metallic elements replacement of non-metallic elements2F2+2H2O=4HF+O2 2C+SiO2=Si+2COC+H2O=CO+H2 2H2+SiCl4=Si+4HCl Cl2+2HI=2HCl+I2Four, according to the position of the elements in the periodic table, the replacement of the elements of the same family elements and the replacement of the elements of different family elements.1, the replacement of the elements of the same group elementsNa+KCl=NaCl+K 2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H22H2S+O2=2S+2H2O 2C+SiO2=Si+2COCl2+2HI=2HCl+I2 F2+2HCl=2HF+Cl22. Replacement of simple elements of different main group elementsMg+2HCl=MgCl2+H2 2Mg+CO2=2MgO+C2Al+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2 2F2+2H2O=4HF+O2C+H2O=CO+H2 2H2+SiCl4=Si+4HClH2S+Cl2=S+2HCl 3Cl2+8NH3=6NH4Cl+N24NH3+3O2=2N2+6H2O3, the main group elements, replacement of elements of the group elementsH2+CuO=Cu+H2O 2Al+Fe2O3=Al2O3+2FeC+CuO=Cu+CO 2Al+3Hg2+=2Al3++3HgNa+TiCl4=4NaCl+Ti4, the replacement of the elements of the group elements, the main elements of the elements3Fe+4H2O (g) =Fe3O4+4H2 Zn+2H+=Zn2++H25, the elements of the group elements replace the elements of the group elementsFe+CuSO4=FeSO4+CuFive, according to material categories, the replacement of simple and oxide, and between the replacement of non - and non - oxide.1, substitution reaction of elemental and oxide2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2 2Mg+CO2=2MgO+C3Fe+4H2O (g) =Fe3O4+4H2 H2+CuO=Cu+H2OC+FeO=Fe+CO 2F2+2H2O=4HF+O22C+SiO2=Si+2CO 2Al+Fe2O3=Al2O3+2FeC+H2O=CO+H2 2H2+SiCl4=Si+4HClSi+2FeO=2Fe+SiO2 3H2+Fe2O3=2Fe+3H2O2. Substitution reaction between elemental and non oxide2H2+SiCl4=Si+4HCl H2S+Cl2=S+2HCl3Cl2+8NH3=6NH4Cl+N2 4NH3+3O2=2N2+6H2OMg+2HCl=MgCl2+H2 2Al+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2The wet substitution follows the order of metallic activity.The displacement reaction must be a redox reaction, and the redox reaction is not necessarily a replacement reaction.。

高一化学 化学方程式默写(三)

高一化学 化学方程式默写(三)




高一化学必背的化学方程式汇总第一章化学反响及其能量变化〔1〕Fe2O3+3CO 2Fe+3CO2〔2〕CuO+H2Cu+H2O〔3〕C+H2O H2+CO 〔4〕C+2CuO2Cu+CO2↑〔5〕2KClO32KCl+3O2↑〔6〕4P+5O22P2O5〔7〕2KMnO4 K2MnO4+MnO2+O2↑〔8〕2HgO 高温2Hg+O2↑〔9〕WO3+3H2W+3H2O 〔10〕Mn(NO3)2MnO2+2NO2↑〔11〕NH4NO3N2O↑+2H2O 〔12〕NH4ClNH3↑+HCl↑〔13〕Cu2(OH)2CO32CuO+CO2↑+H2O〔14〕CuSO4+Ba(OH)2Cu(OH)2↓+BaSO4↓〔15〕2FeCl3+H2S 2FeCl2+S↓+2HCl〔16〕2KMnO4+16HCl 2KCl+2MnCl2+5Cl2↑+8H2O第二章碱金属〔1〕〔2〕〔3〕2Na +2H 2O =2NaOH +H 2↑〔4〕①2Na +Cl 2=2NaCl ②4Na +TiCl 4 Ti +4NaCl〔5〕2Na 2O 2+2CO 2=2Na 2CO 3+O 2〔6〕2Na 2O 2+2H 2O =4NaOH +O 2↑〔7〕Na 2O +CO 2=Na 2CO 3〔8〕Na 2O +H 2O =2NaOH〔9〕适量2NaOH +CO 2=Na 2CO 3+H 2O 〔10〕过量NaOH +CO 2=NaHCO 3 〔11〕NaOH +HCl =NaCl +H 2O 〔12〕2NaCl +2H 2O 2NaOH +H 2↑+Cl 2↑〔13〕Na 2CO 3+CO 2+H 2O =2NaHCO 3〔14〕2NaHCO 3 Na 2CO 3+CO 2↑+H 2O〔15〕Na 2CO 3+2HCl =2NaCl +H 2O +CO 2↑〔反响相对NaHCO 3慢〕〔16〕NaHCO 3+HCl =NaCl +H 2O +CO 2↑ 〔反响相对Na 2CO 3 快〕〔17〕①Ca(OH)2适量 Ca(OH)2+2NaHCO 3=CaCO 3↓+Na 2CO 3+2H 2O②Ca(OH)2过量 Ca(OH)2+NaHCO 3=CaCO 3↓+NaOH +H 2O〔18〕4Li +O 2 2Li 2O 〔19〕2K +高温 电解点燃2H 2O =2KOH +H 2↑〔20〕2Na +CuSO 4+2H 2O =Cu(OH)2↓+Na 2SO 4+H 2↑〔21〕NaH +H 2O =NaOH +H 2↑ 〔22〕2Na +S Na 2S〔22〕NH 4HCO 3 NH 3↑+H 2O ↑+CO 2↑〔23〕2NaCl 〔熔融〕 2Na +Cl 2↑〔24〕2NH 4Cl + Ca(OH)2 △ CaCl 2 + 2H 2O + 2NH 3↑第三章 物质的量第四章 卤 素〔1〕Cu +Cl 2CuCl 2 〔2〕2Fe +3Cl2 2FeCl3 〔3〕2P +3Cl 2 2PCl 32P +5Cl 2 2PCl 5〔4〕2Na +Cl 2=2NaCl 〔5〕2NaCl +2H 2O 2NaOH +H 2↑+Cl 2↑ 〔6〕H 2+Cl 2 2HCl〔7〕〔8〕〔9〕Cl 2+2NaOH =NaCl +NaClO +H 2O 〔10〕Cl 2+H 2O =HCl +HClO〔11〕Cl 2+2KI =I 2+2KCl〔12〕3Cl 2+2FeBr 2=2FeCl 3+2Br 2点燃电解 点燃 点燃 点燃 点燃 电解 点燃〔13〕NaCl(s)+H 2SO 4〔浓〕=NaHSO 4+HCl ↑ 2NaCl(s)+H 2SO 4〔浓〕 Na 2SO 4+2HCl ↑ 〔14〕NaOH +HCl =NaCl +H 2O 〔15〕Fe +2HCl =FeCl 2+H 2↑〔16〕CuO +2HCl =CuCl 2+H 2O 〔17〕CaCO 3+2HCl =CaCl 2+H 2O +CO 2↑〔18〕3Cl 2+6KOH 〔浓〕 5KCl +KClO 3+3H 2O 〔19〕5KCl +KClO 3+3H 2SO 4=3K 2SO 4+3Cl 2↑+3H 2O〔20〕2KClO 3+I 2=2KIO 3+Cl 2 〔21〕KClO 3+6HCl 〔浓〕=KCl +3H 2O +3Cl 2↑〔22〕4HCl +O 2 2Cl 2↑+2H 2O 〔23〕Ca(ClO)2+CO 2+H 2O =CaCO 3↓+2HClO 〔24〕H 2+F 2=2HF 〔25〕H 2+Br 2 2HBr 〔26〕H 2+I 2 2HI〔27〕2HClO 2HCl +O 2↑〔28〕2F 2+2H 2O =4HF +O 2〔29〕2NaBr +Cl 2=2NaCl +Br 2〔30〕Br 2+2KI =I 2+2KBr〔31〕KBr +AgNO 3=AgBr ↓+KNO 3〔32〕KI +AgNO 3=AgI ↓+KNO 3〔33〕2AgBr 2 2Ag +Br 2 〔34〕2NH 4Cl + Ca(OH)2 △ CaCl 2 + 2H 2O + 2NH 3↑ 〔35〕I 2+5Cl 2+6H 2O =2HIO 3+10HClC 450 ︒C 500 ︒光照 光照第五章 物质构造 元素周期律〔1〕Mg +2H 2O Mg(OH)2↓+H 2↑〔2〕Mg +2HCl =MgCl 2+H 2↑〔3〕2Al +6HCl =2AlCl 3+3H 2↑ 〔4〕2Al +2NaOH +2H 2O =2NaAlO 2+3H 2↑〔5〕Al 2O 3+6HCl =2AlCl 3+3H 2O 〔6〕Al 2O 3+2NaOH =2NaAlO 2+H 2O〔7〕NaOH 适量 AlCl 3+3NaOH =Al(OH)3↓+3NaCl NaOH 过量 AlCl 3+4NaOH =NaAlO 2+3NaCl +2H 2O 〔8〕Al(OH)3+3HCl =AlCl 3+3H 2O 〔9〕Al(OH)3+NaOH =NaAlO 2+2H 2O第六章 硫与硫的化合物 环境保护〔1〕S +H 2 H 2S 〔2〕2Na +S Na 2S〔3〕Fe +S FeS〔4〕2Cu +S Cu 2S 〔5〕Hg +SHgS 〔6〕S +O 2 SO 2〔7〕2H 2S +O 2 2S ↓+2H 2O 〔O 2缺乏〕2H 2S +3O 2 2SO 2+2H 2O 〔O 2足量〕〔8〕SO 2+2H 2S =3S ↓+2H 2O 〔9〕H 2S +X 2=2HX +S ↓〔X =Cl 、Br 、I 〕〔10〕FeS +2HCl =FeCl 2+H 2S ↑ 〔11〕Na 2S +FeCl 2=FeS ↓+2NaCl△ 点燃 点燃 点燃〔12〕Na 2S +2HCl =2NaCl +H 2S ↑ 〔13〕H 2S +2NaOH =Na 2S +2H 2O〔14〕H 2S +Hg(NO 3)2=HgS ↓+2HNO 3 〔15〕Na 2S +PbSO 4=Na 2SO 4+PbS ↓〔16〕Na 2S +CuCl 2=2NaCl +CuS ↓ 〔17〕Na 2S +2AgNO 3=2NaNO 3+Ag 2S ↓〔18〕H 2S +PbSO 4=H 2SO 4+PbS ↓ 〔19〕H 2S +CuCl 2=2HCl +CuS ↓〔20〕H 2S +2AgNO 3=2HNO 3+Ag 2S ↓ 〔21〕SO 2+H 2O H 2SO 3〔22〕〔SO 2适量〕SO 2+2NaOH =Na 2SO 3+H 2O ,〔SO 2过量〕SO 2+NaOH =NaHSO 3〔23〕SO 2+Na 2SO 3+H 2O =2NaHSO 3 〔24〕Na 2SO 3+2HCl =2NaCl +H 2O +SO 2↑〔25〕2Na 2SO 3+O 2=2Na 2SO 4 〔26〕2SO 2+O 2 2SO 3〔27〕SO 3+H 2O =H 2SO 4 〔28〕SO 2+X 2+2H 2O =H 2SO 4+2HX 〔X =Cl 、Br 、I 〕〔29〕5SO 2+2KMnO 4+2H 2O =K 2SO 4+2MnSO 4+2H 2SO 4〔30〕Na 2SO 3+X 2+H 2O =Na 2SO 4+2HX 〔X =Cl 、Br 、I 〕〔31〕Na 2SO 3+H 2SO4〔浓〕 Na 2SO 4+H 2O +SO 2↑ 〔32〕Cu +2H 2SO 4〔浓〕 CuSO 4+SO 2↑+2H 2O △ △ △〔33〕C +2H 2SO 4〔浓〕 CO 2↑+2SO 2↑+2H 2O 〔34〕S +2H 2SO 4〔浓〕 3SO 2↑+2H 2O〔35〕2HX +H 2SO 4〔浓〕 SO 2↑+X 2↑+2H 2O 〔X =Br 、I 〕〔36〕4FeS 2+11O 2 2Fe 2O 3+8SO 2〔37〕2NaHSO 3 Na 2SO 3+SO 2↑+H 2O〔38〕H 2S +H 2SO 4〔浓〕=S ↓+SO 2↑+2H 2O3H 2S +H 2SO 4〔浓〕=4S ↓+4H 2O 〔H 2S 过量〕 H 2S +3H 2SO 4〔浓〕 4SO 2↑+4H 2O 〔浓H 2SO 4过量〕 〔39〕H 2SO 4+2NaOH =Na 2SO 4+2H 2O 〔40〕H 2SO 4+Ba(OH)2=BaSO 4↓+2H 2O〔41〕H 2SO 4+Cu(OH)2=CuSO 4+2H 2O〔42〕CuSO 4+Ba(OH)2=Cu(OH)2↓+BaSO 4↓ 〔43〕3O 2 2O 3 〔44〕2H 2O 2 2H 2O +O 2↑〔45〕3S +6KOH 〔浓〕 2K 2S +K 2SO 3+3H 2O 〔46〕2K 2S +K 2SO 3+3H 2SO 4=3S ↓+3K 2SO 4+3H 2O 〔47〕H 2S +Na 2S =2NaHS 〔48〕NaHS +HCl =NaCl +H 2S ↑〔49〕NaHS +NaOH =Na 2S +H 2O 〔50〕SO 3+CaO =CaSO 4 〔51〕S +2KNO 3+3C K 2S +N 2↑+3CO 2↑〔52〕〔NH 4〕2SO 4 + 2NaOH △ 2NH 3↑ + Na 2SO 4 + 2H 2O△ △ 高温 △△ 放电2MnO△点燃第七章 硅与硅酸盐工业〔1〕C +O 2 CO 2 〔2〕CO 2+2Mg C +2MgO〔3〕2NaOH +CO 2=Na 2CO 3+H 2O 〔4〕Na 2CO 3+2HCl =2NaCl +H 2O +CO 2↑〔5〕Na 2CO 3+CO 2+H 2O =2NaHCO 3〔6〕2C +O 2 2CO〔7〕2NaHCO 3 Na 2CO 3+CO 2↑+H 2O ,NaHCO 3+NaOH =Na 2CO 3+H 2O〔8〕Na 2CO 3+Ca(OH)2=CaCO 3↓+2NaOH 〔9〕CO 2+C 2CO〔10〕2CO +O 2 2CO 2 〔11〕CaCO 3+2HCl =CaCl 2+CO 2↑+H 2O〔12〕CO 2+Ca(OH)2=CaCO 3↓+H 2O 〔CO 2适量〕2CO 2+Ca(OH)2=Ca(HCO 3)2〔CO 2过量〕 〔13〕CO 2+CaCO 3+H 2O =Ca(HCO 3)2〔14〕Na 2CO 3+Ba(OH)2=BaCO 3↓+2NaOH〔15〕Ca(HCO 3)2+2NaOH =CaCO 3↓+Na 2CO 3+2H 2O〔16〕C +Si SiC 〔17〕Si +2F 2=SiF 4 〔18〕Si +O 2 SiO 2〔19〕Si +2Cl 2 SiCl 4 〔20〕Si +4HF =SiF 4↑+2H 2↑△ 高温 点燃点燃 高温 △℃500400 高温〔21〕Si +2NaOH +H 2O =Na 2SiO 3+2H 2↑〔22〕SiO 2+2C Si +2CO ↑〔23〕SiO 2+3C SiC +2CO ↑ 〔24〕SiO 2+CaO CaSiO 3〔25〕SiO 2+2NaOH =Na 2SiO 3+H 2O 〔26〕SiO 2+4HF =SiF 4↑+2H 2O〔27〕Na 2SiO 3+2HCl +H 2O =2NaCl +H 4SiO 4↓ 〔28〕Na 2SiO 3+CO 2+2H 2O =Na 2CO 3+H 4SiO 4↓〔H 2O 过量〕〔29〕Na 2SiO 3+CO 2+H 2O =Na 2CO 3+H 2SiO 3↓〔30〕Na 2SiO 3+2CO 2+2H 2O =2NaHCO 3+H 2SiO 3↓〔CO 2过量〕〔31〕H 2SiO 4 2H 2O +SiO 2 〔32〕H 2SiO 3 H 2O +SiO 2〔33〕H 2SiO 3+2NaOH =Na 2SiO 3+2H 2O 〔34〕H 4SiO 4+2NaOH =Na 2SiO 3+3H 2O高温 高温 △。



高中化学必修一公式大总结( 全)一、金属钠投到硫酸铜溶液中的化学方程式:2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2↑CuSO4+2NaOH=Cu(OH) 2↓+ Na2SO4(先冒气泡再蓝色沉淀)二、金属钠与盐酸的化学方程式:2Na+2HCl=2NaCl+H2↑3、氢氧化钠方在空气中变质的化学方程式:2NaOH+CO2=Na2CO3+H2ONa2CO3+10H2O=Na2CO3·10H2O4、金属钠放在空气的氧化:4Na+O2=2Na2O (银白色变暗)五、金属钠在空气燃烧:2Na+O2=Na2O2 Δ(生成淡黄色粉末)六、过氧化钠在空气中变质:2Na2O2+2H2O=4NaOH+O2↑2Na2O2+2CO2=2Na2CO3+O27、过氧化钠与酸反映:2Na2O2+4HCl=4NaCl+2H2O+O2↑八、氧化钠在空气中变质:Na2O+H2O=2NaOHNa2O+CO2=Na2CO3九、氧化钠与酸反映:Na2O+2HCl=2NaCl+H2O10、氧化钠在空气中燃烧:2Na2O+O2=2Na2O2 Δ1一、氯气与铁的反映方程式:2Fe+3Cl2=2FeCl3 点燃(红棕色的烟)1二、氯气与铜的反映方程式:Cu+Cl2=CuCl2 点燃(棕黄色的烟)13、氯气与氢气的反映方程式:Cl2+H2=2HCl 点燃(惨白色火焰,生成白雾)14、氯气与钠单质的反映方程式:2Na+Cl2=2NaCl 点燃(淡黄色的烟)1五、工业制漂白粉:2Cl2+2Ca(OH) 2=CaCl2+Ca(ClO) 2+2H2O (为Ca(OH) 2石灰乳)1六、氯气与水的方程式:Cl2+H2O=HCl+HClO17、消毒、处置多余的氯气、制84消毒液:Cl2+2NaOH=NaClO+NaCl+H2O1八、次氯酸钠在空气中变质:2NaClO+CO2+H2O=2HClO+Na2CO3NaClO+CO2+H2O=HClO+NaHCO31九、漂白粉在空气中变质:Ca(ClO) 2+CO2+H2O=CaCO3↓+2HClO 20、次氯酸见光分解:2HClO=2HCl+O2↑光照2一、氯化铁通入滚水中制氢氧化铁胶体:FeCl3+3H2O=Fe(OH) 3 (胶体)+3HCl Δ2二、碳酸钠与盐酸的反映方程式:Na2CO3+2HCl(过)=2NaCl+CO2↑+H2ONa2CO3+HCl(少)=NaHCO3+NaCl23、碳酸氢钠与盐酸的反映方程式:NaHCO3+HCl=NaCl+H2O+CO2↑24、碳酸氢钠与碱反映方程式:NaHCO3+NaOH=Na2CO3+H2ONaHCO3+Ca(OH) 2=2H2O+Na2CO3+CaCO3↓2五、碳酸氢钠受热易分解:2NaHCO3=Na2CO3+CO2↑+H2O Δ2六、二氧化碳通入碳酸钠溶液中:Na2CO3+CO2+H2O=2NaHCO327、浑浊石灰水变澄清:CO2+CaCO3+H2O=Ca(HCO3) 22八、碳酸氢钙受热分解:Ca(HCO3) 2= CO2↑+CaCO3+H2O Δ2九、氢氧化亚铁在空气中变质:4Fe(OH) 2+O2+2H2O=4Fe(OH) 3(由白色沉淀变成灰绿色再变成红褐色沉淀)30、保留氯化亚铁溶液:2FeCl3+Fe=3FeCl2 2Fe3++Fe=3Fe2+3一、制造印刷线路板:2FeCl3+Cu=2FeCl2+CuCl22Fe3++Cu=2Fe2++Cu2+3二、2FeCl2+Cl2=2FeCl32Fe2++Cl2=2Fe3++2Cl-33、Fe2O3+3CO = 2Fe+3CO2高温34、Ba2++SO42+=BaSO4↓Ag++Cl-= AgCl↓3五、Zn+Cu2+= Zn2++Cu Zn+Fe2+= Zn2++Fe3六、溶洞的形成:CO2+CaCO3+H2O=Ca(HCO3)2Ca(HCO3)2=CO2↑+CaCO3+H2O Δ37、NaHCO3+BaCl2➜不反映(一般情况下,强酸才能制弱酸)3八、工业上制取水煤气:C+H2O(g)=CO+H2 高温3九、自然界通过放电把氮气转化为一氧化氮:N2+O22NO 放电(NO 无色、难溶于水)40、工业上制备氨气:N2+3H22NH3高温、高压、催化剂4一、一氧化氮在常温下被氧化:2NO+O2=2NO2(NO2红棕色、有刺激性气味的有毒气体、易溶于水)4二、工业上制取硝酸、二氧化氮溶于水生成硝酸和一氧化氮:3NO2+H2O=2HNO3+NO43、氨溶解于水:NH3+H2O NH3·H2O(一水合氨、弱碱性、能使酚酞溶液变红)44、一水合氨的电离:NH3·H2O NH4++OH-4五、氨与盐酸的反映:NH3+HCl=NH4Cl4六、工业上制备硝酸需要的一氧化氮的方程式:4NH3+5O2=4NO+6H2O 高温催化剂47、碳酸氢铵受热分解:NH4HCO3=NH3↑+CO2↑+H2O Δ(密封保留在阴凉处、施肥时埋在土下)4八、氯化铵受热分解:NH4Cl=NH3↑+HCl↑Δ4九、铵态氮肥不能与碱(如草木灰)混合施用:NH4++OH-=NH3↑+H2O Δ50、实验室制氨气:2NH4Cl+Ca(OH)2=2NH3↑+CaCl2+2H2O Δ(向上排空气法搜集、湿润的红色石蕊试纸)5一、硝酸受热分解:4HNO3=4NO2↑+O2↑+2H2O 受热或见光(应保留在棕色试剂瓶中、阴凉处)5二、铜与硝酸的反映:Cu +4HNO3(浓) =Cu(NO3)2+2NO2↑+2H2O (遇浓硝酸生成二氧化氮)3Cu+8HNO3(稀) =3Cu(NO3)2+2NO↑+4H2O (遇稀硝酸生成一氧化氮)53、浓硝酸与柴炭的反映:4HNO3(浓)+C=CO2↑+4NO2↑+2H2O Δ54、硫单质铁的反映:Fe+S=FeS Δ(硫单质的氧化性、S黄色或淡黄色固体,不溶水、微溶酒精、易溶CS2)5五、硫单质与氧气的反映:S+O2=SO2 点燃(硫单质的还原性、SO2有刺激性气味的有毒气体、易溶于水)5六、硫粉遇碱发生歧化反映:3S+6NaOH=2Na2S+Na2SO3+3H2O Δ57、黑火药爆炸的化学方程式:S+2KNO3+3C=K2S+3CO2↑+N2↑5八、二氧化硫被氧气氧化:2SO2+O22SO3催化剂Δ5九、二氧化硫与硫化氢发生归中反映:SO2+2H2S=3S↓+2H2O (H2S臭鸡蛋气味)60、浓硫酸与铜加热发生反映:2H2SO4(浓)+Cu=CuSO4+SO2↑+2H2O Δ6一、浓硫酸与柴炭加热发生反映:2H2SO4(浓)+C=2SO2↑+CO2↑+2H2O Δ6二、二氧化硫能使澄清石灰水变浑浊:SO2+Ca(OH)2=CaSO3↓+H2O63、二氧化硫与氯气发生氧化还原反映:SO2+Cl2+2H2O=H2SO4+2HCl64、酸雨的形成:2SO2+O22SO3 粉尘等催化SO3+H2O=H2SO4SO2+H2O H2SO32H2SO3+O2=2H2SO46五、海水提镁第一步:Mg+2H+=Mg2++H2↑(盐酸、稀硫酸)6六、镁与氮气的反映:3Mg+N2=Mg3N2 点燃67、镁与二氧化碳反映:2Mg+CO2=2MgO+C 点燃(镁着火不能用二氧化碳扑灭)6八、海水提溴单质:2Br-+Cl2=Br2+2Cl-6九、半导体硅与氧气的反映:Si+O2=SiO2 Δ(自然界没有游离态的硅)70、工业上制粗硅:SiO2+2C=Si+2CO↑高温(光导纤维、沙子和石英的主要成份是SiO2)77一、硅与氟气的反映:Si+2F2=SiF47二、硅与氢氟酸的反映:Si+4HF=SiF4+2H273、制作黏合剂:Si+2NaOH+H2O=Na2SiO3+2H2↑74、玻璃与烧碱反映:SiO2+2NaOH=Na2SiO3+H2O (Na2SiO3的水溶液称为水玻璃)7五、二氧化硅与碱性氧化物的反映:SiO2+CaO=CaSiO3 高温7六、刻蚀玻璃:SiO2+4HF=SiF4↑+2H2O77、工业制玻璃:CaCO3+SiO2=CaSiO3+CO2↑高温Na2CO3+SiO2=Na2SiO3+CO2↑高温7八、金属铝在氧气中燃烧:4Al+3O2=2Al2O3 点燃7九、铝热反映:2Al+Fe2O3=Al2O3+2Fe高温(铝粉与氧化铁粉的混合物称为铝热剂,用于焊接钢轨)80、金属铝与酸的反映:2Al+6HCl=2AlCl3+3H2↑8一、金属铝与碱的反映:2Al+2NaOH+6H2O=2Na[Al(OH)4]+3H2↑(四羟基合铝酸钠)8二、实验室制氢氧化铝:AlCl3+3NH3·H2O=Al(OH)3↓+3NH4Cl(白色沉淀)83、氢氧化铝溶于强酸中:Al(OH)3+3H+=Al3++3H2O84、氢氧化铝溶于强碱中:Al(OH)3+OH-=[Al(OH)4]- (四羟基合铝酸根离子)8五、氧化铝溶于强酸:Al2O3+6H+=2Al3++3H2O (氧化铝为两性氧化物)8六、氧化铝溶于强碱:Al2O3+2OH-+3H2O=2[Al(OH)4]-87、碱式碳酸铜的制取:2Cu+O2+H2O+CO2=Cu2(OH)2CO3 (绿色)8八、铜与氧气的反映:Cu+O2=2CuO Δ8九、铜与硫粉的反映:2Cu+S=Cu2S Δ90、4CuO=2Cu2O+O2↑高温(黑色物质变成红色物质)9一、CuSO4·5H2O=CuSO4+5H2O↑Δ(蓝色晶体变成白色粉末)9二、氯化铝与少量的氢氧化钠反映:Al3++3OH-=Al(OH)3↓93、氯化铝与过量的氢氧化钠反映:Al3++4OH-=[Al(OH)4]-94、四羟基合铝酸根离子与酸的反映:[Al(OH)4]-+H+=H2O+Al(OH)3↓9五、实验室制取氯气:4HCl(浓)+MnO2 =MnCl2+Cl2↑+2H2O Δ(黄绿色气体、有毒、密度比空气大)9六、实验室制取二氧化碳:CaCO3+2HCl=CaCl2+H2O+CO2↑(无色无味、密度比空气大,溶于水)。

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高中化学方程式默写(High school chemistry equation dictation)Write the following reaction (the chemical formula is ion reaction to write ion equation)1. sodium combustion in oxygen:2. sodium and oxygen at room temperature reaction3. sodium and water reaction4. sodium and water reaction6. reaction between sodium peroxide and waterThe reaction between sodium peroxide and 7. carbon dioxide8. sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid9. sodium bicarbonate reacts with hydrochloric acidThe reaction of 10. sodium bicarbonate and sodium hydroxideThe thermal decomposition of 11. sodium bicarbonate12. carbon dioxide into sodium carbonate solution13. calcium carbonate with hydrochloric acid14. sodium bicarbonate and excess calcium hydroxideA small amount of 15. sodium bicarbonate and calcium hydroxide16. sodium hydroxide pass into a small amount of carbon dioxide gasSodium hydroxide with carbon dioxide gas excess17. calcium hydroxide solution with carbon dioxide gas excess18. the addition of excessive calcium hydroxide19. the addition of excessive calcium hydroxide20. Laboratory of chlorine21. hydrochloric acid with Potassium Permanganate22. chlorine reacts with water23. fluorine gas and water reaction24. industry for bleaching powder (or bleach)25. chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide solution26. chlorine and iron reaction27. reaction of chlorine and copperThe reaction of chlorine and sodium 28.29. reaction of chlorine and sodium bromide30. chlorine and hydrogen iodide reaction31. bromine reacts with potassium iodide32. see the light decomposition of silver bromide33. under high temperature, iron oxide and carbon monoxide gas reaction34. sulfur and copper heating reaction35. sulfur and iron heating reaction36. hydrogen peroxide and manganese dioxide for oxygenDestroy 37. ozone layer38. sulfur dioxide reacts with hydrogen sulfide39. halogenelemental solution X2 (X = Cl, Br, I) in the SO241. chlorine and sodium sulfite solution reactionThe reaction of 42. copper and concentrated sulfuric acidReaction of 43. carbon and concentrated sulfuric acid44. sulfur dioxide three sulfur dioxideThree sulfur dioxide reacts with waterReaction of 45. hydrogen sulfide and concentrated sulfuric acid46. silicon reacts with sodium hydroxide solution47. silica and carbon reactionReaction of 48. silica and sodium hydroxide,49. silica and calcium carbonate reaction50. SiO2 reacted with hydrofluoric acidPreparation method of ammonia industry 51:52. in the discharge conditions of nitrogen and oxygen reaction53. gas nitric oxide meets the air become red brown:54.NO2 + O2 + H2O = HNO355.NO + O2 + H2O = HNO356.P+ O257.P2O5+ H2O H3PO458.P+ Cl2 (lack of)59.P+ Cl2 (enough)60. reasons of ammonia dissolution in water alkaline:61.NH3? H2O is not stable, heat decomposition:62. be dipped in concentrated ammonia water with hydrochloric acid to get the glass rod and the glass rod close to each other, resulting in a large number of white smoke:63. the catalytic oxidation of ammonia:64. NH4Cl crystal heating tube in the tube wall of the upper end of a white solid attachment, this process is the reaction:The thermal decomposition reaction of 65.NH4HCO3:66. (NH4) 2SO4 and NH4NO3 solid solid reaction, respectively with NaOH heating:The reaction principle of 67. laboratory production of ammonia:The 68. reason is the concentrated nitric acid yellow:69. copper and dilute nitric acid reaction,Release the colorless gas, when exposed to air, gas became red brown, write the reaction in the process of occurrence:70. charcoal and concentrated nitric acid reaction:71. CO2 will pass into the lime water, the first white precipitate, with CO2 to pass into the white precipitate,disappear, please write the chemical formula in the process of occurrence:72. iron oxide reduced by CO:Use the yellow iron ore industry 73. (mostly FeS2) to produce sulfuric acid, the main reaction:74. NO2 gas compressed gas, found pale:75. write the following electrolyte ionization equation:1. CH3COOH:The NH3 H2O?:The H3PO4:The Mg (OH) 2:The ionization NaHSO4 in the molten state:The ionization in water NaHSO4:The alum water soluble ionization:76. write the following the salt hydrolysis reaction equation:1. NH4NO3:Na2S:The Fe2 (SO4) 3:77.Na2CO3 dissolution in water alkaline (represented by ion equation):78. alum and FeCl3 can be used as purifying agent (represented by ion equation):79. foam containing Al2 (SO4) 3 and NaHCO3 solution, the use of ionic reaction equations:In 80. NH4Cl solution was added into magnesium will produce bubbles (represented by ion equation):81. soda solution by adding hydrochloric acid to excess (represented by the ion equation):The chemical formula 82. mg and CO2 reaction:83. laboratories from Al (OH) 3 ionic reaction equation:The 84. AlCl3 solution into ions in the solution of NaOH equation:The 85. NaOH solution was added drop wise AlCl3 solution to excess (represented by the ion equation):86.Al2O3 dissolved in NaOH solution (expressed by ion equation):87. the excess CO2 into sodium aluminate solution (by ion equation):88. CO2 into sodium aluminate solution in excess of (represented by the ion equation):89. drops of hydrochloric acid sodium metaaluminate solution to excess (represented by the ion equation):90. nitrogen and magnesium reaction:91. the excess iron and iron deficiency and ionic equation of dilute nitric acid reaction:Iron overload:Iron deficiency:92. heating in air FeO:93. put the Fe2O3 into the ion equation in hydrochloric acid:94. laboratories from Fe (OH) 2, observed a white precipitate produced, but precipitation immediately turns gray green, and finally changed to red brown, write about the chemical equation of this process:95.AlCl3 solution mixed with ammonia ion equation:Write the following 96. aluminothermic reaction:The aluminum and iron oxide:The aluminum powder and magnetic iron oxide:The aluminum and manganese dioxide:The equation of 97. aluminum ion and sodium hydroxide reaction:98.Al (OH) 3 can react with the acid and alkali and reaction (Al (OH) ionization formula 3) is:99. chemical solution of aluminum chloride adding excessive NaOH solution and ionic equation100. drops of sodium aluminate solution with hydrochloric acid until the phenomenon of excessive, ionic equation.101., aluminum chloride and sodium metaaluminate phenomenon after mixing ion equation.One hundred and twoThe red hot wire into a set of cylinders of chlorine Sheng, generation of brown smoke, water oscillation generated after the Yellow solution:103. red hot iron and water vapor reaction:104. to FeCl2 was added into the water, the solution becomes yellow, write related ionic equation:105. iron powder added in FeCl3 solution, the solution becomes shallow green, write the corresponding ionic equation:106. copper and ferric chloride solution, the ion equation related to write:How to test 107. part Fe2+ FeSO4 solution is oxidized? Write the corresponding ionic equation:Adding KSCN solution after the phenomenon, chemical formula 108.FeCl3 solutionThe reaction equation 109.FeCl3 solution into H2S gasThe reaction equation 110.FeCl3 solution into SO2 gas111. industry usually to produce metal aluminum and metal sodium by electrolysis of molten alumina and molten sodium chloride, write the corresponding chemical equation:112. write the electrode reaction of Cu Zn - sulfuric acid composed of primary cells and primary cell reaction:Anode cathode:Primary cell reaction:113. write the hydrogen electrode reaction caused by corrosion of steel:Anode cathode:Write the 114. electrode reaction caused by oxygen corrosion of iron and steel:Anode cathode:115. with alkaline solution as the electrode reaction of hydrogen oxygen fuel cell electrolyte and the primary cell reaction:Anode cathode:Primary cell reaction:116. in the acid solution as the electrode reaction of hydrogen oxygen fuel cell electrolyte and the primary cell reaction:Anode cathode:Primary cell reaction:117. with alkaline solution as the electrode reaction of methane fuel cell electrolyte and the primary cell reaction:Anode cathode:Primary cell reaction:The original power 119. Ag-Zn batteries used in micro electronic watches and electronic calculators, the electrodes are respectively Ag2O and Zn, the electrolyte solution of KOH,the original battery reaction: Ag2O + Zn = ZnO + 2Ag, write the reaction poles.Anode cathode:120.CH4 and Cl2 light reaction121. laboratory response to ethylene122. ethylene combustion123. ethylene and bromine (CCl4 solution or bromine)124. ethylene and water125. PE126. ethylene and hydrogen127. ethylene and hydrogen chloride128. acetylene129. acetylene combustion130. acetylene and bromine131. acetylene and hydrogen chloride132. preparation of polyvinyl chloride133. benzene combustion134. benzene reacted with bromineNitration of benzene 135.136. benzene sulfonation reaction137. reaction of benzene and hydrogen138. preparation of TNT by toluene.139. ethyl bromide and sodium hydroxide solution reaction:140. chloride with potassium hydroxide and ethanol heating reaction:The reaction of ethanol and 141. sodium142. alcohol burningThe oxidation of 143. ethanol as catalyst in the reaction of copper or silver144. ethanol elimination reaction145. phenol and sodium hydroxide146. phenol sodium solution with CO2147. phenol and bromine148. acetaldehyde and hydrogen149. catalytic oxidation of acetaldehyde 150. silver mirror reaction of acetaldehyde 151. acetaldehyde and new Cu (OH) 2One hundred and fifty-twoPreparation of ethyl acetate153. the hydrolysis of ethyl acetateThe silver mirror reaction of 154. glucose 155. glucose and Cu (OH) 2156. sucrose hydrolysis157. maltose hydrolysis158. starch hydrolysis159. glucose and alcohol160. cellulose hydrolysis161. preparation of nitrocelluloseThe hydrogenation of 162. oleic acid glyceride163. glyceryl stearate acid hydrolysis164. glycerol esters of fatty acids alkaline hydrolysis 165. by FeCl3 from Fe (OH) operation, equation 3 colloid:166. in 101KPa, H2 complete combustion in 1molO2, generating 2mol liquid water, the heat of combustion heat release of 571.6kJ, H2 is _________, write the thermochemical equation of hydrogen combustion.167. write that thermochemical equation reaction in sulfuric acid with sodium hydroxide neutralization heat.168. CuCl2 electrolytic solution:Anode cathode:Total reaction:169. Sodium Chloride Solution electrolysis:Anode cathode:Total reaction:170. of refined copper:Anode cathode:Total reaction:。
