二、海尔进入国际市场的策略1. 全球化战略海尔一直以来秉持着全球化战略,致力于将自身打造成为全球领先的家电品牌。
2. 市场细分和定位海尔在进入国际市场时,采取了市场细分和定位的策略。
3. 品牌建设海尔注重品牌建设,通过提升品牌知名度和美誉度,增强消费者对海尔产品的信任和认可。
4. 创新能力海尔一直以来注重产品创新和技术研发,不断推出具有竞争力的新产品。
三、海尔进入国际市场的成果1. 市场份额扩大海尔通过积极拓展国际市场,取得了显著的成绩。
2. 国际品牌认可度提高海尔在国际市场上的品牌认可度不断提高。
3. 产品销售增长海尔的产品销售在国际市场上呈现出良好的增长态势。
4. 品牌形象提升海尔在国际市场上的品牌形象得到了显著提升。
海尔在第二阶段1998年至今的发展,先 是去了技术、管理综合能力较低的印度尼西 亚、菲律宾进行跨国生产与销售,通过内部 化的生产,来维持所有权优势,并获得了当 地低成本劳动力的区位优势,使得海尔不断 的壮大,并在1999年4月以后,随着海尔的 技术、管理和资金等所有权优势的不断增加, 先后在美国、日本等发达国家建立生产基地, 并对全球家电巨头发起了冲击。
Байду номын сангаас
请选择合适的跨国公司投资理论来分析海尔的国际 化生产战略 海尔的国际化生产战略主要遵循着产品生命周期理 论、内部化理论以及国际生产折衷理论。以下来进 行具体分析: 一、产品生命周期理论 产品生命周期理论是由美国哈佛大 学教授雷蒙德 ·弗农(1931—)于 1966年在其《产品周期中的国际投 资和国际贸易》一文中首次提出的。 弗农将产品生命周期分为三个阶段, 即产品创新阶段、产品成熟阶段、 产品标准化阶段。
海尔生产战略按产品生命周期理论来划分, 主要有两个阶段第一阶段是1984—1998年属 于产品标准化阶段,主要是接受发达国家已进 行标准化生产的产品或技术。如在1984年引 进德国利勃尔四星电冰箱生产线,直接引进了 国外的先进技术,此时不得不屈服于先进国家 的所有权优势,故该阶段主要处于产品标准化 阶段。
补充资料: 海尔国际化战略中的国际化的原则
(一)流程再造化 从1999年开始,海尔进行了“以信息流为中心,带 动企业业务流程再造”的革命,形成企业内外部网络相 连的结构,实现了与用户的零距离。在组织结构上,改 变了以往不利于沟通的金字塔式垂直结构,形成了以定 单为中心、以市场链为纽带的扁平式结构,提高了企业 对市场的反应速度,增强了组织的柔性。海尔通过业务 流程再造与国际化企业进一步接轨,在企业里实行市场 链机制,强调每一个人都是一个创新源头,每个人可以 从企业获取资源,然后以自己的创新精神使企业增值, 个人从增值部分获取收益。
一、进入国际市场的策略:1. 多元化的产品线:海尔通过提供多元化的产品线,包括家电、电子设备、通信设备等,满足不同国家和地区的消费者需求。
2. 本地化生产和研发:海尔在进入国际市场时,注重本地化生产和研发。
3. 品牌建设和营销:海尔通过积极的品牌建设和营销活动,在国际市场中树立了良好的品牌形象。
二、进入国际市场的效果:1. 市场份额的增长:海尔的国际市场份额不断增长。
2. 收入的增加:随着海尔进入国际市场,其收入也相应增加。
3. 品牌价值的提升:海尔在国际市场中的成功进入,提升了其品牌价值。
三、面临的挑战和机遇:1. 挑战:a. 本地化需求:不同国家和地区的消费者需求存在差异,海尔需要根据当地市场的特点进行产品定位和调整,以满足消费者的需求。
b. 品牌竞争:国际市场竞争激烈,海尔需要与其他知名品牌竞争,提高自身的品牌知名度和竞争力。
c. 法律和政策限制:不同国家和地区的法律和政策对进入国际市场的企业有一定的限制和要求,海尔需要了解并遵守当地的法律和政策。
2. 机遇:a. 新兴市场:一些新兴市场对家电产品的需求不断增长,海尔可以利用这些机会扩大市场份额。
海尔在美国采用一些新的广告媒体,包括广告牌、汽车站和电视,将海尔最新的 DVD同麦克尔·乔丹的影片宜传联系在一起的电视广告已经在电视上播放。走在洛杉 矶、纽约、华盛顿的大街上,也可以看到巨大的广告:1一888一76HAIER,这是海尔在 美国推出的免费服务电话。海尔美国贸易公司的售后服务中心开通的免费热线电话服 务已覆盖全美。企业要创名牌,还必须和当地消费者的需求紧密结合,而且要超前满 足当地消费者的需求。海尔超级节能无氟冰箱就是一个典型的例证,它既解决了国际 社会对于环保的要求,又考虑到消费者的切身利益,在开发无氟冰箱的同时实现了节 能50%的目标,不但发明了一项世界领先的成果,还取得了巨大的市场效果。冰箱达 到了A级能耗标准,的果消费者凡购买海尔超级节能无氟冰箱克得到政府补贴。
为了实现海尔开拓市场的三个三分之一(三分之一国内生 产国内销售,三分之一国内生产国外销售,三分之一国外生产 国外销售)的目标,海尔在海外设立了10个信息站和6个设计分 部,专门开发适合当地人消费特点的家电产品,提高产品的竞 争能力。1996开始,海尔已在菲律宾,印度尼西亚,马来西亚, 美国等地建立海外生产厂。1999年初,海尔在美国南卡州的生 产制造基地的奠基标志着海尔团在海外第一个“三位一体本土 化”的海外海尔产生,即设计中心在洛杉矶,生产中心在南卡 州,销售中心在纽约。2002年3月4日,海尔在美国纽约百老汇 购买原格林尼治银行大厦这座标志性建筑作为北美的总部,此 举标志着海尔的“Байду номын сангаас位一体本土化”战略又上升到新阶段。张 瑞敏把海尔的这一思路概括位“思路全球化,行动本土化”。 行动本土化的目的在于加快品牌影响力的渗透过程。
海尔的国际化战略分析14市场营销1班朱琪 14414120103 在经济全球化的背景下,企业国际化已经成为一种必然。
1. 拓展市场海尔秉持着战术性快速发展和战略性稳健发展相结合的策略,不断寻找新的发展机会和拓展海外市场。
2. 加强品牌建设在国际化战略中,品牌建设是至关重要的一环。
3. 关注消费者需求海尔在全球市场中针对不同的消费者需求,不断推出符合当地文化和消费习惯的产品,以提高销售效益。
4. 优化营销策略海尔国际化经营战略中还注重营销策略的优化。
1. 适应当地文化和习惯海尔在全球市场中注重推行“根植当地,融合本土”战略,将当地的文化差异和习惯融入产品设计中,同时开展各种当地化的市场营销活动,增强品牌认知度。
2. 建立本地化的生产基地海尔在各个国家和地区建立本地化的生产基地,以适应当地市场需求和政策法规,并提供更快速、更高效的售后服务,为当地消费者提供更好的产品和服务体验。
3. 引入本土人才海尔在本地推行引入本土人才的战略,以使当地员工更好地了解当地市场需求和文化背景,并提供当地化的产品和服务。
海尔的国际化战略 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-海尔的国际化战略“国际化”这个概念在一些企业眼里就是出创汇,而且是给国外大公司做定牌,这种企业现在为数不少;“国际化”在另一些企业眼看来是自讨苦吃,“凭着12亿人口的中国市场的肥肉不吃,为什么要到国际市场去啃骨头?”而海尔人认为,国际化不仅仅是出口创汇,更重要的是出口创牌,这不是企业愿不愿意的问题,而是有没有这个能力的问题。
提高国内市 场占有率
进入新的 国外市场
提高分销效率 加强促销工作
削价并访问 大农场
• 可供选择的战略方案 • 产品投资组合战略方案
(一)可供选择的战略 方案
• 稳定战略 • 发展战略 • 紧缩战略 • 抽资战略
• 企业遵循与过去相同的战略目标 ,保持一贯的成长速度,同时不 改变基本的产品或经营范围
• 战略的实施阶段
建立组织结构 管理组织活动 监控战略的实施
• 企业观念:企业为其经营活动方 式所确立的价值观、信念和行动 准则。
• 企业宗旨:指明了企业的类型以 及现在和将来的企业活动方向与 范围。
IBM 的企业观念
• 尊重个人 • 我们希望在 企业市场营销管理过程
– 是市场营销管理的内容和程序的体 现,是指企业为达成自身的目标, 辨别、分析、选择和发展市场营销 机会,规划、执行和控制企业营销 活动的全过程。
• 营销管理过程的步骤
– 企业市场机会分析 – 研究与选择目标市场 – 制定战略性市场营销规划 – 规划与执行市场营销策略 – 实施与控制市场营销活动
• 长远性 • 全局性 • 指导性 • 抗争性 • 客观性 • 可调性 • 广泛性
企业战略规划程序 及内容
• 是对于企业战略规划各个方 面的设计、谋划、抉择和实 施、直至达成企业预期的总 体经营目标的全过程
• 战略的规划阶段
确定企业目标 制定方针
• 战略是企业以未来为主导,将其 主要目标、方针、策略和行动信 号构成一个协调的整体结构和总 体行动方案。我们教材的定义应 属于广义范畴。
海尔国际化所采取的策略是在美国、德国等经济发达国家当地建厂,绝大部分管理人员和工人都招用当地人,并提出了“三位一体”和“三融一创” 的本土化策略。
海尔这种国际化的思路,拿张瑞敏的话说,就是“首先要让当地消费者认识有这么一个品牌,然后再进一步通过质量、产品创新、当地设厂,让他们认知海尔,了解到我们产品的内涵” 。
一、海尔的国际市场战略1.1 多元化产品线海尔在国际市场推出了多元化的产品线,涵盖家电、智能家居、智能制造等领域,满足不同国家和地区的需求。
1.2 强大的研发能力海尔拥有强大的研发团队,不断推出创新产品和技术,提升产品竞争力,赢得国际市场的认可。
1.3 本土化营销策略海尔在国际市场采取本土化营销策略,根据当地文化和消费习惯进行产品定制和宣传,提升品牌知名度和市场份额。
二、海尔在国际市场的竞争优势2.1 优质的产品质量海尔一直注重产品质量,通过严格的质量控制和技术创新,赢得了国际消费者的信任和好评。
2.2 全球化生产布局海尔在全球范围内建立了生产基地和研发中心,实现了全球化生产和供应链管理,提高了生产效率和产品质量。
2.3 战略合作伙伴关系海尔与国际知名企业建立了战略合作伙伴关系,共同开发新产品和市场,拓展国际市场份额,提升品牌影响力。
三、海尔在国际市场的发展挑战3.1 本土化难题海尔在国际市场遇到了本土化难题,需要根据当地文化和法规进行产品定制和营销,增加了市场推广的难度。
3.2 品牌认知度海尔在国际市场的品牌认知度相对较低,需要加大市场宣传和推广力度,提升品牌知名度和市场份额。
3.3 市场竞争激烈海尔在国际市场面临激烈的竞争压力,需要不断提升产品质量和服务水平,以赢得消费者的青睐和市场份额。
四、海尔在国际市场的发展前景4.1 智能家居市场随着智能家居市场的快速发展,海尔在国际市场有望进一步拓展智能家居产品线,提升市场份额和品牌影响力。
4.2 智能制造领域海尔在智能制造领域拥有先进技术和研发实力,有望在国际市场引领智能制造潮流,实现更大的发展和突破。
4.3 生态链建设海尔在国际市场建立完善的生态链,与各行业合作伙伴共同发展,实现产业链协同和共赢,推动企业持续健康发展。
2.多元化战略阶段(1992年—1998年)特征:从一个产品向多个产品发展(1984 年只有冰箱,1998 年时已有几十种产品),从白色家电进入黑色家电领域,以“吃休克鱼”的方式进行资本运营,以无形资产盘活有形资产,在最短的时间里以最低的成本把规模做大,把企业做强。
3.国际化战略阶段(1998年—2005年)特征:产品批量销往全球主要经济区域市场,有自己的海外经销商网络与售后服务网络,Haier 品牌已经有了一定知名度、信誉度与美誉度。
在战略上,海尔采取先难后易的战略,主要采用全资公司为主的日韩模式。TCL采取先易后难的 战略,主要采用合资并购的美国模式。格兰仕则主要使用OEM方式。
(一)海尔面临的困 难:高成本模式能维持多久 (二)TCL面临的困境:核心技术能力不足 (三)格兰仕OEM战略面临的问题:品牌战略软弱,利润率较
O户---的-O动ve力ra。ll (全是方非位观) •E创---业-E创ve新ry的(o两ne创、精da神y、是t海hin尔g文) 每化人不、变每的天基、因每。事(发展观) •C人---单-C合on一tr双ol 赢Cle的a利r 控益制观和是清海理尔永续经营的保障。(利益观) 即:总账不漏项、事事有人管、人人都管事、管事凭效果、 管人凭考核。
• "人"即员工,"单"不是狭义的订单,而是用户需求。"人单合一"即让员工与用户 融为一体。而"双赢"则体现为员工在为用户创造价值的过程中实现自身价值。
• 海尔"人单合一双赢"模式是为适应互联网时代挑战而进行的创新,它兼具时代 性和国际性,是国际权威认可的方向。
• 海尔 • 卡萨帝 • 统帅 • 日日顺 • AQUA • 斐雪派克
国际化模式 国际化模式比较 国际化的困局
(一)海尔的国际化道路:先难后易 (二)TCL的国际化道路:先易后难 (三)格兰仕的国际化道路:贴牌战略(OEM)
相同之处 1.国际化的经营目标。 2.国际化的过程中注重产品的质量。 3.国际化的过程中重视服务。
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海尔国际化策略(英文)Introduction of Haier GroupHaier Group is China's ambassador to appliance stores worldwide. Once named Qingdao Refrigerator Plant, the company climbed from the verge of bankruptcy to establish itself as a world-renowned brand. China's largest appliance company manufactures refrigerators and freezers, air conditioners, dishwashers, microwaves, televisions, vacuums, mobile phones, computers, and more under more than 90 product categories. Haier Group exports goods and sells them to more than 100 countries. Since pulling itself up by its bootstraps, Haier has been busy inking joint ventures to branch out into other markets. Haier Group was named one of the world's 100 most recognizable brands in a global name-brand list edited by the World Brand Laboratory. The only Chinese brand on the list, the firm was ranked 86th after such household names as Google, Wal-Mart, and Microsoft, which were the top three.Success of Hair GroupØ The brand strategyThe company set out to establish itself as the country's leading brand, focusing upon reliability and product quality. Diversification would also allow Haier to spread out its risk among various product lines. So, in 1995 Haier bought out its chief rival in Qingdao, Red Star Electric Appliance Factory. In 1997, the company moved into television manufacturing with the acquisition of Huangshan Electronics Group. By the end of the 1990s, Haier was the most recognized brand in the country with products ranging from mobile phones to computers; it had also captured a dominant market share in its core white goods divisionØ International expansionIts place in the domestic market secure, Haier moved onto the international stage with the goal of building a global brand name. Haier's move into the U.S. market was cautious at first; it focused upon two niche markets in compact refrigerators and electric wine cellars. Both markets were underdeveloped, but Haier believed that they both had growth potential and were being largely neglected. The company's sales figures soon proved this belief correct, allowing Haier to firmly establish itself in its US niche.With this success, Haier looked to make further inroads in the North American market by moving into the full-sized refrigerator category. This would bring it into direct competition with established American giants: GE, Whirlpool, Frigidaire, and Maytag. As part of its strategy, Haier decided to build a production facility in the United States at Camden, South Carolina, opened in 2000.Haier continued its expansion into other international markets as well. Production facilities were constructed in Pakistan in 2002 and Jordan in 2003, greatly strengthening its position in the_ middle East market. In Africa, Haier has plants in five countries.The company also purchased a factory in Italy, as part of its continued drive into the European market. Haier has been successful in placing its products in most major European retail chains, either under its own brand or under OEM agreements with foreign partners.As of 2008, Haier has surpassed rival Whirlpool as the world's top refrigerator producer Its marketshare reached 6.3% globally.[5]Summary of Haier Strategy from start in 1984 to 2004[1]Domestic growthPositioning of Haier from the beginning onwards:- High quality product- Localised products, adapted to customer needs- Good serviceSince Haier doesn’t want to compete on price, but on the quality of its product, it will have to build a brand name of quality. With these extra values (quality, products adapted to customer needs, and good service) it can demand a premium price.Inside the company, to realize this, Haier has realized:- have a strong relation between knowing what the market wants (customer needs) and translating this into new products (or just small adaptations with large impact)- good management- smart distribution method (one distribution network for all its products) àfaster delivery and lower costsHaier has first built its brand in China, only for refrigerators. Once it had established a strong brand in refrigerators, it used the brand name also for other products, starting with air conditioners, other white products and later also black good products.As for the service part, Haier has a repair service, that comes to your house on short notice, either repairs the refrigerator directly, or gives you a replacement refrigerator, and repairs it offline. The cost of repair service are reasonable.Since Haier originally didn’t h ave the technology to produce high quality refrigerators, it also took an OEM role in order to first learn and later use the experience to develop fridges themselves.In 2001 with the admission of China to the WTO competition from international companies coming to China increased. Haier realized it should get expertise on level of foreign companies in order to survive. International expansion was the way to get this expertise.International expansionHaier decided that the key in its overseas expansion was not to go to the emerging markets first, but to the developed countries (markets). Their strategy was the following:- challenge the company to meet the highest quality standards (= developed countries) - choose a niche in which that is not served by the big competitors in order to create a reasonable opportunity (in the US market, this was the small refrigerator market for dormitorystudents)- be successful in this niche and thus create a reputation- use this reputation ton get into the big retailers (WalMart etc in the US) where Haier could also sell their other products.n get better entry (with a good reputation and high brand name) to the undeveloped countriesTo be successful overseas, Haier again applied its strategy of localization. For the overseas ventures they typically hired a local experienced person from a big competitor, who would set up the country business. In this way they would buy in local market knowledge, as well as local thinking, a key success factor. When a overseas office is successful, Haier finds it important to place their own (Chinese) people in those locations as well, in order to get better market intelligence.Evaluation of strategy w.r.t. concepts learnt in class- Don’t focus on price (war) but on value of product. Haier has decided and consistently kept to this strategy to stay out of the commodities, but to differentiate itself, in order to accept higher margins.- Product is more than just the product, customer needs go beyond: in the case of Haier, most white goods are quite similar (they almost tend to become common goods) so more value is created for the customer by adding a good (repair) service.- Know your customer needs, and apply these in the product. Haier is very successful at adaptation of products to local needs. This creates value (and differentiation) and thus a higher price can be asked.- What is happening with your product? Haier finds it very important to know what is happening with their products, how they are used, and to feedback this information in the design and promotion of their products. (e.g. the example that in some areas people used the washing machine also to clean sweet potatoes. In the marketing in this region, the washing machine was consequently also advertised for this usage). It has institutionalized this by a system where salesmen are encouraged (incentivized) to contact a manager with their insights, who is then bringing these insights to the R&D group. This is a very strong asset.- Keep a relation with your customer (both information and power value): Haier keeps a huge database with all its customers for repairs. Customers can call a Haier number in case there is a defect, and Haier will send local repairmain.- Know what is happening in your market (both information and power value): positioning of local Chinese Haier employees in overseas locations in order to make sure that the information is well gathered.- Grow your brand: the focus of Haier in niche market of students in dormitories might work out very positively in long term. These students will one day be owners of houses and in need of a refrigerator. They already know the company Haier then, and positive experiences as a student may translate into sales in a later phase of their life as well. (Product is Communication as well!)- Good repair service at reasonable price: this is not only value for the customer, but also is a way of promotion of the product. Or in other words, an alternative form of advertising. And often customers that have been well helped with a broken product, are more satisfied with the company (total of product + service) that those of which the product didn’t break at all!- Choose your fight: Although Haier choose to go for the developed (challenging) market, it chose its fight very well: a niche market (dorm fridges) that was not very well served, and didn’t have any of the major US competitors. In this way it could build up experience and sales, without getting into a fight with the big and powerful companies who would defeat them right away on their main markets.- Tao of Marketing – look at product through the eyes of the customers and their needs. E.g. the alternative usage of sweet potatoes and the good service (including replacement fridge!), as well as the product differentiation based on local or specific group needs. And most important: the system to flow customer information to R&D.- Outside marketing is reflected in inside: by being a quality brand, and putting high emphasis on quality (as the founder has done), as well as good management, this attracts also good people, that will further enhance the quality of the brand.III SWOT Analysis on the Haier:1. Strength:a) Good reputation of Brand: As the leading China brand, Haier brand is quite valuable to the customers. Obviously this advantages can make customer decision making easier, reduce the risks, gain the respect and create the preferred reality. Meanwhile the good quality of Haier products and services make the Haier brand rich and famous. Some customers purchased the Haier products for the past good experiences on the logistic and installation.b) The market leader position in Household Appliances: In the market segment of refrigerator and wash machine ( usually called as white household appliance) Haier has dominant market share and can have huge impact on the market. And in the other product portfolio such as television, telecommunication, computer and finance, Haier is growing faster and become an important market players in China.c) Diversified business including of household appliances, computer, mobile phone, healthcare and finance:: With the support of local government and huge retained earning, Haierentered the many business sector to expand business and lower the risk. Meanwhile the brand value of Haire was increased during this investment process.d) Innovation as the key competence: Haire’s innovation is focused in not only product R&D, but also the process reengineering and enterprise culture. Haire defined each employee as the SKU (strategic key unit) to maximize the production capacity.e) Strong marketing and sales team and network: The success of Haire black household appliance can be contr ibuted to Haire’s strong sales and market team. And Haire has strong dealership network around the country. The wide spread dealership network gave the Haire advantage to collect the real time information from market and give the feedback spontaneously.f) Wide located customer service centre: Haire’s service centres are located into every county and town in the China (some of them belong to freelance). This gave customers huge confidences and the service benchmark in the domestic household appliance industry.g) Call centre: Haire has huge customer database from the previous purchaser and potential purchasers. So the Haire call centre can do the compliant handling and presales consulting at the same time. In this way the call centre has shifted from a cost centre to the revenue centre.h) Quality control system on product and service: Haire’s QTM system is quite famous. So many customers can link haire brand to safety and good service.2. Weakness:a) Strong in tactics and weak in strategy: Haire is very strong in the marketing tactics. Its previous success can prove it. But its strategy is not so clear or well known. If Haire targeted to bea respectable MNC, it should stress on the strategy from now on.b) Di fferent positioning in different product portfolio: Haire’s refrigerator and wash machine is positioned as the high end product in China. But its television, mobile phone and computer is positioned as low end or_ middle end. It is comprehensible that Haire is too weak to compete with the giants in these industries such as HP and Nokia. But different positions can confuse the customers and destroy the brand value.c) No experiences on diversified business model, esp. on pharmaceutical and finance business: Haire has no experiences on these special industries. And different position and promotion can confuse the customers and arouse complaints.d) Lack international manager:Haire is entering the North American and other market. It is unrealistic to train the domestic employees for the overseas market in short time. If Haire hired many American manager, it is questionable whether so many new recruited manager can merge into t he Haire’s culture. And the shortage of qualified international managers can lead to difficult culture management in different countries.3. Opportunities:a) China has more impact on world economy in the financial crisis: it gave Haire good opportunities to enter the international market and merge the other countries companies. And it also provides an opportunities to purchase a mature brands in developed countries as sub-brand. b) Haier brand product can be Counter-cyclical: The product of Haire telecommunication, computer and television is very cost-advantages and can have good sales among the budgeted purchasers. Even the white household appliances which are expensive in China are not as expensive as the foreign brand. So the financial crisis can be an opportunity for Haire.c) Consume upgrading in China: With the home income increase and the development ofreal estate, more China family purchase new house or apartment which bring the upgrade consumption of the household appliance.d) More consumption in the countryside and west part of China:With the support of Central Government policies, the consumption upgrade is obvious in countryside and west part of China. The government will sponsor the sales of household appliance in the countryside with annual government budget.4. Threat:a) International rivalries: More MNCs will have the face-to-face competition with Haire. These MNCs have more marketing experiences and good brand. So Haire must convince the end users the unique value from Haire.b) Rivalries in other industries: When Haire enters the pharmaceutical and banking industry, Haire will face the different competitors. And the Haire brand in these new areas is quite weak.c) The price war will erode the profit and damage the brand of Haire. More competitors will cut prices as the survival. Haire is facing the dilemma whether to follow this strategy. The cut price has negative effect on the Haire brand. But maintaining price means losing the market share.d) Large PR activities and advertisement means huge investment and cost: As the licensed sponsor of Olympic Game, Haire spend a lot in the Public Relationship activities. And this sponsorship will conquer part of market budget of the daily marketing activities.RecommendationsIn oversea market Haier as a Chinese brand it is extremely difficult to overturn the “bad quality, low technology” perceptions. Although Haier did lots of effort to make people think it was local brand by made in U.S., people still have emotional rejection on the company they’ve never heard of. Through acquisition Haier could buy many local brands with history and also create thesub-brand to get rid of the bad Chinese image. Using different brand to focus on different segments set up ad campaign to promote the new local brand. Make everyone understand they are still buying U.S. brand appliance with better quality and service. Haier had done well on niche market especially university students, Haier should set up CRM system, send students product to experience through their different life cycle needs, convince them Haier have different product line which have same quality and service as what they have in university. Following new demographic research, the generation who use computer as daily routine will become the major decision maker for home appliance purchase. Product combine white goods with information technology become important, Haier is very competitive on its technology innovation, it should get the chance to produce “intelligent” refrigerator which might allow you to check food expiration date, healthy recipe and short message. By increasing its budget on product R&D, Haier also need put money on its marketing R&D, encourage innovation on marketing such as why not paint the white appliance into pink. Haier needs not only smart engineering talent to build the fascinating product but also need marketing genius to add more value on simple appliance. Because of corporate structure complexity, Haier need to empower enough to its brand manager on both budget and human resource. Make brand managers having enough resource and space to process their marketing tests. Reset the award standard for sales and marketing department not by sales per capita but by profit contributed.On the distribution channel, Haier could establish relationship with local real estate developer or home rental service agent, make sub brand under Haier become the major brand house owner or tenant could found on the house show room, information leaflet and even dis_count coupons. To manage its retail chains like Wal-Mart and Best Buy, it could give sales promotion like once bought one Haier appliance, the second piece appliance will be offered in discounted. These sales promotion attracted customers which make retail could not afford the risk of losing Haier. Such tricks only use to balance the power between Haier and increasingly powerful retailers.In the matured the market which other brand already take major market share, Haier should re-think its value and only emphasis its value to the customer. Not only give the customer reason to buy Haier, but also give the customer no reason to not buy Haier. Haier could talk more on the value. What’s the refrigerator’s value to the customer and how do Haier apply these values to the customer. For example if refrigerator’s value is providing food to customer continuously, customer don’t want refrigerator be empty when they open it. For this value proposition, Haie r could even arrange food deliver to follow customer’s daily purchasing pattern by forming partnership with local food supplier. Or the refrigerator should look like a piece of art, if this is the value to the customer, they should use oil painting or different skin texture even fur, if that can work.In domestic market, Haier’s competitive advantage like distribution, good quality and service will finally be caught up by other international competitors. The only way to sustain the success and survive was s till the same tricks which used millions of times, take customer’s perspective and give them the value they need. Haier could build some appliances that price is cheap but look expensive, usage is really simple but could fit the needs of different family size. There is still emerging market for some far away rural area in china. For these place quality and service is extremely important but because of the operation cost international company usually skip these areas. But by fast pace in urbanization trend, these market would become mature market, the emotional relationship between the customer and Haier could last for a very long time and word by mouth effect could also save expensive ad campaign on TV.Fast response was the most powerful weapon Haier had, with the expensive information infrastructure Haier build it could share the data efficiently internally. But the more complex the information systems Haier build the more difficult for Haier to share data with its distributors who don’t want to invest mone y to upgrade their information system. The only solution Haier could do is helping the channel to equip the information sharing platform, but not give to distributor for free, Haier could rent the facilities to channel members for free if they could reach some sales target and agree on some exclusive sales issues or other clauses to protect the other brand’s channel invasions. By efficient sharing data on the same platform, Haier get to know the new market trend and customers’ feedback which are important i nformation for company to take second move especially for Haier test its new marketing approach in small locations. Also these functions build channel’s dependency on Haier, Haier better help channel integrating information system which only compatible to Haier’s platform. Haier established its absolute power through these effort and it can punish the distributor by withdraw the platform which push Haier to the godfather position in its distribution channel, although to reach this step Haier still have long road to go through and huge money to invest, but when Haier look back on its concrete throne, the money may worth.For brand image in China, Haier is famous domestic brand comparing to its brand awareness overseas. Haier should focus on protecting its brand from intellectual piracy, many brand imitated product with terrible quality and service do hurt the customers feeling. Even they finally find out that is the counterfeit product, but emotional relationship could be built which is difficult to remove. More over domestic news could be easily spread out through the internet or other media which set blocks to Haier’s international expansion.For domestic market, sub brand strategy should also be used for segment differentiating purpose. Also sub brand could be used for different product line, Haier now also approach on small digital appliance such as laptop, cell phone. The digital product brand image is small and personalized which make conflict with white goods as refrigerators which is bulky and used by everyone in the family. Sub brand could be the best solution to break such connections, Haier’s sub brand digital product could be very tiny and cute with multiple colors beside boring white.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] Based on HBS Case: Haier: Taking a Chinese Company Global。