
Exercises P37-39 The Closing Diphthongs
Exercise 1:
No.13 No.14 No.15
No.16 No.17
[eI] tape bay name spade vague
[əu] toe boat nose spoke vote
[aI] tie buy night spy vice
An initial classification will divide the speech sounds in English into two broad categories: vowels and consonants. Here are two definitions of vowels:
monophthongs:单元音 ['mɔnəfθɔŋ]
① ② ③ ④
As in the production of vowels the air stream meets with no obstruction. Vowels are differentiated by the following factors: the position of the tongue the openness of the mouth the shape of the lips the length of the vowels
u & u:
ɔ: lower
ɔ &ɔ:
P21 P20
ɔ lowest æ & ɑ: ɑ:
Exercises P22-24 The Back Vowels
Exercise 1: Exercise 2: Exercise 3: Exercise 4: Exercise 5:

Front vowels
i y I Y e P E { œ a ” High front unrounded High front rounded Lowered high front unrounded Lowered high front rounded Higher mid front unrounded Higher mid front rounded Lower mid front unrounded Lower mid front rounded Raised low front unrounded Low front unrounded (IPA value of symbol) Low front rounded
Additional vowel symbols? • The cardinal vowel system does not include any central vowel prototypes - additional symbols (and auditory types) are required for these. • Separate phonetic symbols are also useful for some frequently encountered or ‘politically important’ vowel sounds that are different from cardinal qualities. • Each symbol represents vowels produced in a particular area of the ‘vowel space’.
Cardinal Vowels recorded by Jones in 1965 when he was 75.

▪ B: Bruce, you must choose for me. ▪ A: You wouldn’t like the black ones, would
you? ▪ B: No, they look gloomy. ▪ A:How about the blue ones? ▪ B:But this blue is too bright for me. ▪ A:Well, it’s really too difficult to choose
on my leg. ▪ A: Were you taken to the emergency room? ▪ B:Well, a person helped me get there. Then
the doctors and nurses were certainly concerned. So I survived. ▪ A: You were really lucky, weren’t you?
shoes for you.
▪ / :/ ▪ saw law more draw storm tall ▪/ / ▪ on job cost shock got song ▪ door doll talk top jaw job ▪ wore wash fall frost port pot
▪ First come, first served. ▪ The early bird catches the worm. ▪ A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ▪ Birds of a feather flock together.

英美音差异 英音中的/uː/与美音中的/u/对应。 在英音中,当/uː/出现在/t/,/d/,/s/和/n/ 之后时,多在/uː/前加上半元音/j/,读作 /juː/。如:tune /tjuːn/ due /djuː/ suit /sjuːt/ new /njuː/ 在美音中,当/u/出现在/t/,/d/,/s/和/n/之 后时,一般不加半元音/j/。如:tune /tun/ due /du/ suit /sut/ new /nu/。
Step one: 舌尖轻抵下 齿; Step two: 舌前部抬高, 但不接触硬腭; Step three: 上下齿间 约能放下一根中指。
发音特征: 音质短促清晰。 发音时,嘴唇、下颌的肌肉及整个口腔都 处于放松状态。
Step one:舌尖轻抵下 齿; Step two: 舌前部抬高, 舌高略低于/e/; Step three:嘴的开口 度比/e/大,上下齿之 间约能放下一根食指 加一根中指;
发音方法 step one:舌位有 向/ə/快速滑动,由高 到低; step two:不到/ə/的 舌位,发音就结束; step three:唇形由略 圆到扁平自然。
发 时,下颌肌肉和口腔一直处于放松 状态。
与美音中的/ur/对应, 但二者音质不同。 英音 发音时不卷舌;美音/ur/发 音时卷舌。
step one: 舌尖离开下齿; step two:舌的后部抬高, 舌位明显高于/ɔ/; step three: 嘴的开口度比 /ɔ/小得多; step four:双唇收得比/ɔ/ 圆,且向前突出。
2-2 Classification of English vowels 英语语言学ppt

ten girls
Word-final /s,z/ become palato-alveolar before palato-alveolar fricatives and the palatal frictionless continuant/;
This ship This year has she those young men
It does not necessarily distinguish meaning; some do, some don’t. For
example, in the words feel[fi:ł], leaf[li:f], tar[tha:], star[sta:],there are altogether 7
live bird v ß
Word-final /l/ is non-velarised if followed by an initial vowel;
fill it
Word-final /t/ become bilabial before bilabial consonants /p, b,m/;
4)the length of vowels
long vowels: They are usually marked with a colon such as[i:] and [ɑ:]
short vowels: other vowels in English are short vowels such as [e],[ə] and [æ].
that pen /..p pen/ that boy/..p b../ that man /..p m../
Word-final /d/ become voiced bilabial before bilabial consonants /p, b,m/;
Vowels 元音

/ / Bob forgot to lock the door.
The big doll costs two dollars. He is not doctor, but a boss.
father and mother
/ә:/ a nervous woearth
/ә/ What’s the other color? Studying abroad is very popular nowadays. Ancient China is famous for its silk and china.
/ / He is sure about the tour. He ensures every one that this tour will be insured.
Tongue Twisters
I can hear clearly many fierce animals are here.
Mary stared carefully at the rare bear.
/u:/ food move
/u/ book kookie
zoo room
wood cook
balloon school
put would
Phrases: /u:/ go to the zoo
full moon
/u/ a good-looking woman
look at the book
/i:/ Seeing is believing. A friend in need is a friend in deed. She likes to eat meat, especially beef.
英语语音教案第六单元后元音 unit6 back vowels

详细教学内容I.General introduction of Back vowelsIn this unit, we will learn the back vowels in English.There are six back vowels in English. Looking at the 舌位图, you’ll know why they are called back vowels.(The following is the description of the six English back vowels.) They are produced by shifted the body of the tongue back from its central position.II. Shows the correct methods of pronouncing these sounds./ u: /, /u / are both high, back, rounded vowels. The /u:/ marks the highest boundary for the back vowels, as /i:/ does for the front vowels. Therefore, the tongue is retracted from its rest position and raised toward the soft palate. This vowel is quite common in the languages of the world and appears without problem in most Chinese learners. 英语中最小的圆唇音,不要用力将嘴唇撅得老高loose food blue groupno moodbring food to schoolprove to be truerumor about the movie star/u / foot cook could goods开口比/ u: /大点Compare / u: / with / u /book a roomput in some sugarpull throughwalk through the woodsTo ensure correct pronunciation, it is important to make the following distinction between /u:/ and/ u /:1.the part of the tongue raised for / u / is not as back and as high as that for/u:/;2./u:/ has quite strong lip rounding while the lips are only slightly rounded for/u /./ ɔ:/, /ɔ /is a mid-back vowel. For its production, the tongue is retracted and almost flat in the mouth. The vowel is almost fully back and has quite strong lip-rounding. //ɔ / / is a low vowel. The lips are slightly rounded. /ɔ / is a difficult vowel for the Chinese learners. Many of them use a shortened version of/ ɔ:/as its substitution. To ensure correct pronunciation, it is important to make the following distinction between these two vowels:1./ɔ / is a low vowel while / :/ is a mid vowel, so the mouth is more open for /ɔ /,2./ ɔ:/ has quite strong lip rounding while the lips are only slightly rounded for /ɔ //ɒ /在发音时口的开张度大于/ ɔ:/,牙床近乎全开。

4.2 单元音的共振峰模式
每个单元音的频谱图上都有三个振幅比较 强的频率区,即“共振峰”。从低到高的顺 序,可以编号为第一共振峰、第二共振峰、 第三共振峰,简称F1,F2,F3。 元音的不同音色主要是由F1和F2的相对关 系决定的。
男[a] F0=100Hz F1,… = 100, 200, 300, …
4.1 共振峰
共振峰是指在声音的频谱中能量相对集中的一些 区域,共振峰不但是音质的决定因素,而且反映 了声道(共振腔)的物理特征。 声音在经过共振腔时,受到腔体的滤波作用,使 得频域中不同频率的能量重新分配,一部分因为 共振腔的共振作用得到强化,另一部分则受到衰 减,得到强化的那些频率在时频分析的语图上表 现为浓重的黑色条纹。由于能量分布不均匀,强 的部分犹如山峰一般,故而称之为共振峰。
舌头不前不后,不高不低,处于最自然的 状态。 只出现在轻音音节中,音长较短,肌肉比 较松弛。 例子: 他的[ t‘a tə ]
舌尖前 不圆唇 舌尖前伸靠近门齿 背,气流通路狭窄, 但不发生摩擦,嘴唇 不圆。 不能单独成音节,只 能在声母z,c,s之后
资 词 斯 自私 此次 次子 字词
舌尖后 不圆唇 舌尖上翘,对着硬腭前 部,气流通路狭窄,但 不发生摩擦,嘴唇不圆。 不能单独成音节,只能 在声母zh,ch,sh,r的 后面。
只 吃 诗 支持 日食 值日 实质
[ ] / [ər]
卷舌 央 中 不圆唇 舌位位于央元音[ə]的状态,舌尖向硬腭翘 起 国际音标[ə]后面的[r]表示卷舌作用。

[u:] tense long, close back rounded [u] lax short, close back rounded [D:] tense long, half-open back rounded [D] lax short, open back rounded [a:] lax long, open back unrounded
[i:] [i] [e]
[æ ]
[i:] beat meet
[i:] tense long close, front, unrounded
[i] hit bit pit
经典收小腹、 减肥急促短衣
[i] lax Short close, front, unrounded
[i:] and [i ]
★ Well, let’s tell Ted to get ready for the test. ★ I’m glad I am not married to that bad-tempered
better, best, ↗ Never let it rest; ↘ Till good is better, ↗ And better best. ↘
◆ Approximants : [w], [j], and [r] [l]
Place of articulation
★1. bi-labial: [p], [b], [m], [w] ★ 2. labio-dental: [f], [v] ★ 3. dental : [ø] [ð] ★ 4. alveolar: [t], [d], [s] [z], [n],[l] [r] ★5.palato-alveolar :[∫], [ζ], [t∫], [d3] ★ 6. palatal: [j] ★ 7. velar: [k], [g], [η]. ★ 8. glottal: [h]

理论精讲-语言学 1理论精讲-语言学1(讲义)题量1-4题Part1语言学概述1.语言学的分类2.语言的本质特征3.语言的主要功能01语言学的分类02语言的本质特征(Design features)语言的本质特性,指的是人类固有的,有别于任何其他动物交流系统的特质。
teacher(English)せんせい(Japanese)老师(Chinese)(叫啥都可以)2.二重性3.创造性4.移位性5.文化传播性6.互换性1.任意性2.二重性二重性(duality)二重性指语言在结构上存在两个层次:低层次:c-o-f-f-e-e高层次:coffee有读音有意义补充:递归性(Recursiveness)无限制地反复利用相同的规则They don't know that we know they know....3.创造性4.移位性5.文化传播性6.互换性1.任意性2.二重性3.创造性能产性/创造性(Productivity/Creativity)词语通过新的使用方法能表达新的意思,并能立刻被没有遇到过这种用法的人所理解。
①ungelievable不给力的②She bought a book which was written by a teacher who taught in a school which was known for its graduates who...4.移位性5.文化传播性6.互换性1.任意性2.二重性3.创造性4.移位性移位性(Displacement)人类语言可以谈论到时间上(time)和空间上(space)并不可及的物体、时间或观点。
孔子、Shakespeare5.文化传播性6.互换性1.任意性2.二重性3.创造性4.移位性5.文化传播性文化的传习性(Cultural transmission√)是指人类语言依靠文化或习俗传统得以代代相传(from generation togeneration),而不是靠遗传延续。

simple vowels / pure vowels (单元音)
classification of simple vowels: according to the part of the tongue which is raised:
front vowels / central vowels / back vowels
a — hand, sat, marry, champion
spellings in words:
[] following: alphabet, balcony, scalp /e/ vs. /{/
pet – pat; men – man; said – sad; merry – marry
spellings in words:
/ i: / spellings in words:
i — police, suite, machine ay — quay ey — key eo — people
[] following: feel, meal, field, eels long /i:/ ([i:]) vs. reduced /i:/ ([i]):
er — better, manner re — centre, metre or — doctor, effort our — colour, flavour ar — forward, particular ure — figure, nature
spellings in words:

Example and practice /i:/ e: me evening ; ee: see week ea: sea leave; i: machine police /i/ i: ship pig; y: happy daddy ui: build guilty; ie: field shield /e/ e: twelve second; a: any many ea: heavy breakfast ie: friend /æ / a: land matter family
The central Vowels
• There three central vowels in English: /ʌ/ , /ə:/ , /ə/ . /ʌ/ is a short, half-open, unrounded central vowel. It is a lax one. /ə:/ is a long, half-close and half-open, unrounded , tense central vowel. /ə/ is a short, half-open, unrounded, lax central vowel. It only occurs in unstressed syllables.
• 六星级单词奉送: 下面都是让你的英语一鸣惊人的高级单词! 第一组:interesting(有趣的) favorite(最喜爱的) impossible(不可能的) 第二组:spirit(精神) miss(想念) company(公司、 伙伴) 疯狂操练营: 1. My little sister lives in a very big city in America. 我的妹妹住在美国的一个很大的城市里. 2. There’re six universities in this district. 这个地区有6所大学. 3. How is your business going? 你的生意怎样了? 4. Can you give me a lift? 能载我一程吗?

Reading aloud / ə /, / ə : /
中元音: 发音时舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平。 发音时舌中部比发/ E /音时略高。
A better hair care cashier lover
B berg
hurt work
Reading aloud Contrasting /ɑ:/, / Λ /
Sentence Practice
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Look at the beautiful colour of the bill/bell. He gave me a pat/pet, which was quite a surprise. Can I use your red pins/pens? What are you going to do with the pen/pan? What is a seater/sitter? Who has got a bad roll/bed-roll? Be careful of the band/bend. Don’t drive so fast. He didn't say anything about the old man's will/well. They were interested in the beads/bids. What has he done to your cheeks/chicks?
• 发[a]时,舌尖抵下齿龈 (与[a:]区别) • 开口很大,但不紧张,自然放松。 • [i]音介于[e]和[i:]之间,自然滑动的动作是比较大的,区 别汉语的“爱” • 拼读
• [kait][ʃai] [trai] [gaid] [lait] [maind] • kite shy try guide light mind

3. Sentences
That’s a good wine. They became aware of it. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. No sweet without seat. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. He works for the union. Let’s try something new. It is her usual behavior. Yesterday I heard a beautiful tune.
Games and Activities
1. Words in comparison.
/w / & /v/: wood / value; wet / vet; work /verb; wine /vain; walk / vogue; one /van; wheat / village; weaver / river /j/: yard / yawn / year / yearn / yellow / usual few / queue / educate / suit /З/: measure / vision / pleasure / television leisure / seizure /i/: live / with / university / lady / very / silly minister / limit / district / rich
• • • • • • • • /p/ as in Pen /b/ as in Back /t/ as in Time /d/ as in Do /k/ as in Come /g/ as in Get /f/ as in Fat /v/ as in Voice /r / as in Run /h/ as in He /tʃ / as inTry /dr/ as in Try /ts/ as in Cats /dz/ as in Beds

[i:]: see, seed, seen [i]: seat, feet, piece
Simple vowels
simple vowels / pure vowels (单元音)
classification of simple vowels:
according to the part of the tongue which is raised:
front vowels / central vowels / back vowels
feel – fill; seen – sin, bead – bid
reduced /i:/ ([i]) & /I/:
reach – rich; sheep – ship; feet – fit
long /i:/ ([i:]), reduced /i:/ ([i]), /I/:
seed – seat – sit; league – leak – lick; bead – beat – bit
according to the tongue height:
close vowels / open vowels / mid vowels
according to the lip-rounding:
rounded vowels / spread vowels / neutral vowels
(according to the length) :
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Description of the vowels
根据舌高点的位置: 闭口(即舌位高)、半闭(半高)、 半开(半低)、开口(即舌位低) 根据舌位前后: 前、中、后 根据唇形: 圆唇、扁唇、常态唇(即非圆非扁唇状)
l l l l l l
Front & Central Vowels /:/ // /e/ /æ/ /:/ /ə/ high, front, unrounded vowel lower high, front, unrounded vowel mid, front, unrounded vowel low, front, unrounded vowel mid, central, unrounded vowel mid, central, unrounded vowel
l Diphthongs & triphthongs
II. The front-back position of the tongue – highest point of tongue (horizontal axis); III. The degree of lip rounding - lip posture
Description of the English vowels
Description of the English vowels
Three factors for the description of English vowels
l Pure vowels
I. The height of the body of the tongue – highest point of tongue (vertical axis);
l l l l l l
front high i:
The end of description
з: i:
mid α:
low æ
Vowel Charts: English Pure Vowels
Back Vowels /:/ // /:/ /u/ /u:/ // low, back, unrounded vowel low, back, rounded vowel mid-low, back, rounded vowel lower high, back, rounded vowel high, back, rounded vowel lower mid, back, unrounded vowel
English Pronunciation
In phonetics, a vowel is a sound in spoken language, such as English ah! [ɑː] or oh! [oʊ], pronounced with an open vocal tract so that there is no build-up of air pressure at any point above the glottis声门. This contrasts with consonants, such as English sh! [ʃː], where there is a constriction or closure at some point along the vocal tract. 最常用的区别元音和辅音的方法,是看一个音在它发 出的时候,是否受到发音器官的阻碍。