



PUJ1 富士電機工具机床用主轴驱动系统FRENIC5000MS5MCH569a①工具机床最适宜的驱动系统不同与普通变频调速主轴。


MS5系列还可选择带编码器反应的闭环控制方式,由于采用了d-q 矢量控制,所以到达了伺服主轴的控制特性,可以实现主轴多点定位、同步.宽调磁绕组切换、数字速度设定.机械变速换档控制等功能。

3.7KW/5.5KW 以下〔M5 型〕为一体化结构.5.5KW/7.5KW 以上〔M5型〕采用电源.驱动器别离结构。

独立的电源模块可选择PD5电阻制动方式(发电制动变流电元)或PR5 能量回馈电网制动方式〔电源再生制动变流单元)。










备有按Wind O WS95工作的计算机输入功能选件.能按照计算机画面进行所有功能的设定和运行状态监视等.操作简单。

型号代码表示驱动单元.变流器单元FRENIC5000 系列额定功率(50%ED)FRNJ Z T7 5 MC5- 2 4;400V系列2: 200V系列单元种类l~M5~lM5 一体化驱动单元IMC5 I M5驱动单元fPDSl发电制动变流器单元fPRTI电源再生变流器单元本资料的内容仅供选择机种用。




声明:本商标属日本富士电梯株式会社所有,未经授权不能擅自使用!目录1、公司简介......................................................2-52、日本授权书 (6)3、日本富士商标授权书.......................................7-94、资质证件...................................................10-195、荣誉证书...................................................20-216、电梯介绍...................................................22-247、电梯节能技术方案 (25)8、电梯主要部件一览表...................................26-279、公司业绩...................................................28-3510、富士服务 (36)11、服务体系 (37)12、附部分经典工程图示..................................38-41富士电梯(亚洲)有限公司一、公司简介(一)、富士电梯在中国日本富士电梯集团创立于1946年元月,现任日本电梯协会常务理事及各技术委员会常委。







9 50.00
OC1 TIME=xxxxxh EDC = xxxV TMPI= xxxx TMPF= xxxx
OC1 X2 X6
FWD X3 X7 REV X4 X8 X1 X5 X9
OC1 Y1 Y5 Y2 Y3 Y4
OC1 5=xxx 4=xxx 3=xxx 2=xxx
1. 2. 3. 4.I/O
X2 X6 FWD X3 X7 REV X4 X8 X1 X5 X9
Y1 Y5 Y2 Y3 Y4
X2 X6
X1 X5 X9
#1,#4 #6 #2 #7 #3 #5
#8,#9 #11 #10
PID #1,#2,#3,#6,#7
1 15
#1,#2 H20
1 1
G11S 50 400 Hz P11S 50 120 Hz
1 1
G11S 25 400 Hz
P+ N-
(*7) 1.5kW
13 12
11 FWD REV X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



项目三 富士变频器
(1) LCD数码屏显示
(2) LED液晶屏显示
电动机接触器切换控制端:由多功能输出端子Y5设定, E24=14;
复位端子:由多功能输入端子X2设定, 如E02=8;在 过电压、过热、短路等情况下报警解除后复位。
转矩矢量控制功能:F42=1; 多功能模拟输出端子FMA作为输出频率指示端子, F31=0;端子控制图如下图所示。
项目三 富士变频器
(3) 语种
(4) 灯指示
项目三 富士变频器 (5)键盘结构
项目三 富士变频器
2.运行控制设定 (1) 运行操作
项目三 富士变频器



功率因数改进用 电容器的撤销
即使在变频器的输入侧(初级侧)加入了功率因数改进用电容器也不会有效果,因 此请不要安装。变频器的功率因数改进可通过「直流电抗器」进行。
此外,请不要在变频器的输出侧(次级侧)加入功率因数改进用电容器。否则将会 发生「过电流跳闸」而无法运转。
浪涌抑制器的撤销 请不要在变频器的输出侧(次级侧)安装浪涌抑制器。
本操作说明书的著作权归富士电机机器制御株式会社所有。 本书中记载的公司名称和产品名称一般是各公司的商标或注册商标。 有时会在没有预告的情况下对规格进行变更。
非常感谢您选购本公司的通用变频器“FRENIC-Lift”系列。本产品是可使 3 相异步电动机(以下为异步电动机) 及永磁同步电动机进行可变速运转的装置,为上下搬运装置专用变频器。
〒141-0032 东京都品川区大崎一丁目 11 番 2 号(Gatecity 大崎 东塔) URL http://www.fujielectric.co.jp/fcs/
Copyright © 2004-2005 Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
y FRENIC-Lift 不可用于生命维持装置等与人体事故直接相关的用途。 y 本产品是在严格的质量管理监督下生产的,将其适用于可能因偶发的故障而导致重大事故或损失的设备时,请设
y 请安装在金属等不可燃物上。 y 请不要安装在可燃物附近。
























































(2) 端 口 数:1 个端口 (3) 通信、同步方式:4 线式 半双工 起止同步式 (4) 通 信 速 度:9.6k、19.2k、38.4k、57.6k、115.2k、
230.4kbps (5) 最大通信距离:MELSEC-Q 系列 1000m 以内
MELSEC-A 系列 500m 以内 MELSEC-FX 系列 500m 以内 (6) 推 荐 电 缆:KFPEV-SB 2P 0.5sq
· 事件输入输出模块 〔输入、输出各 8 点〕
3) 扩展通信模块:1 台
3. 模块间连接方法:侧向连接接头连接
( 电源、RS485 通信仅可连接至侧向连接
中的一个 )
4. 控制回路数、输入输出点数
1) 控 制 回 路:最多 64 回路
2) 输入输出点数:DI 128 点 /DO 128 点
扩展通信模块 规格
( 三菱电机制 PLC 无程序通信 )
1. 一般规格
(1) 电 源 电 压:DC24V±10%
(2) 功
耗:最大 3.2 W (135 mA)〔DC24V 时〕
(3) 绝 缘 电 阻:20MΩ 以上 (DC500V)
(4) 耐 电 压:电源 ⇔ 加载通信 AC1000V 1 分钟
电源 ⇔ RS-232C, RS-422/R485 (端子板)

RS-232C (D-sub 9P)

RS-232C (D-sub 9P)

RS-232C (D-sub 9P)

RS-485 (欧式端子板)



FUJI ELECTRIC技术资料FRENIC 5000VG5N升降机专用目录页号1.功能 (2)1—1功能表 (2)1—2功能说明 (9)(1) 速度设定 (9)(2) 加减速时间设定 (10)(3) 启动,停止功能 (10)(4) 转矩偏移功能 (16)(5) 停止模式下的移动距离的预测值表示 (19)2.加减速时间,移动时间的计算方法 (21)VG5N操作面板使用说明FUJI VG5N变频器可以通过控制板上的LED+按键的键盘部分及操纵面板部分对系统进行参数设定、状态监视、控制驱动器的运行/停止等操作。

熟悉键盘的功能与操作方法,是掌握调试FUJI VG5N变频器系统的前提,因此,建议调试之前仔细阅读本说明一、操作面板部分说明操纵面板的键盘,主要由LED数码管,LCD(液晶显示屏),按键三部分组成,其外形及功能区如图1所示:图1 操作面板示意图1、按键功能说明表1-1 操作面板功能表按键名称 功能ESCMENU 菜单键/退出键 停机/运行状态与菜单状态的切换;菜单操作时,回到前一个状态 DATAENTER 存储键 完成参数的存储确认;菜单操作时,进入下一个状态 增键 功能码、功能组或设定参数递增 减键 功能码、功能组或设定参数递减移位键在运行状态或停机状态时,可循环切换LED 显示参数;设定数据时,可以选择设定数据的修改位,相应选定的位处于闪烁状态。


STOP RESET停止/复位键在面板控制方式时,用于停机操作;在参数调谐过程中用于中断调谐;故障报警状态(任何操作方式下)用于复位操作。

JOG点动键保留FWD REV方向切换键 保留说明:操纵面板中,FWD/REV 和JOG 键无效。

STOP/RESET 键的停机功能只有在自动调谐运行过程中和面板控制的普通运行时才有效,其余情况无效。

在任何运行方式或停机状态,变频器有故障时,都可以通过STOP/RESET 键对故障进行复位。



Fuji操作标准1. 目的:为规范该作为流程,已达到正确操作,切实保养,合理利用之目的2. 规范仅供Fuji贴片机3. 具体内容:3.1操作按键说明3.1.1功能键(F1-F6)此功能键与多画面的提示菜单配合使用,在主菜单画面F1(Auto)生产,F2(STEP)代表单步运行,F3(LOADER)代表PCB装载控制,F4(PRGRAM)代表各程式管制,F5(SET)代表机器其它功能设定,F6(*)无意义。


3.1.3 方向键“→”“←”,移运X、Y、D轴(移动D轴时需加“*”键),红色“□”快速键,“↘”“↙”转动C轴用。


3.1.5 POWER OFF键:关机时请按EMERGENCY·STOP键后,在按此键即可关闭机器。

3.1.6 POWER ON键,按POWER ON键即可打开电源,此时POWER ON键亮灯。

3.1.7 CYCEL STOP键:按CYCEL STOP键,机器运行一个循环即停止。

3.1.8 RESET键:出现报警信息时,按此键消除报警3.1.9 FRONT/REAR开关,开关打到FRONT为前面操作,开关打到REAR为后面操作3.2.0 START键:需开机时按此键3.3开关机步骤:3.3.1检查机器后方气压表显示达到5-5.5Kg/cm^3,若气压不够开机后屏幕显示CHECKAIR急警信息。



3.3.4 按POWER ON键启动机器,其显示“PUSH”START后按START键,此时机器开始归零,归零完毕后,显示屏显示主菜单画面。


富士电机 PFMV5## 流量开关 使用说明书

富士电机 PFMV5## 流量开关 使用说明书

文件No. PF※※-OMK0003CN-E流量开关PFMV5##安全注意事项 2 型号表示・型号体系 10 产品各部位的名称和功能 12 用语说明 13 安装・设置 14 设置方法 14 配管方法 16 配线方法 17 故障原因分析 18 规格 19 规格表 19 特性数据 20 外形尺寸图 22安全注意事项此处所示的注意事项是为了确保您能安全正确地使用本产品,预先防止对您和他人造成危害和伤害而制定的。


无论哪个等级都是与安全相关的重要内容,所以除了遵守国际规格(ISO/IEC)、日本工业规格(JIS)*1)以及其他安全法规*2)外,这些内容也请务必遵守。*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements) ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industrial robots -- SafetyJIS B 8370: 空气压系统通则JIS B 8361: 油压系统通则JIS B 9960-1: 机械类的安全性、机械的电气装置(第1部:一般要求事项)JIS B 8433-1993: 产业用操作机器人-安全性等*2) 劳动安全卫生法等注意误操作时,有人员受伤的风险,以及物品破损的风险。警告误操作时,有人员受到重大伤害甚至死亡的风险。




富士电机 FRENIC 5000G11S P11S 操作说明书

富士电机 FRENIC 5000G11S P11S 操作说明书

5000G11S/P11S400V 0.4kW /FRN0.4G11S-4CX 400kW/FRN400G11S-4CX400V 7.5kW /FRN7.5P11S-4CX 500kW/FRN500P11S-4CXINR-Si47-0535cFRENIC5000G11SFRENIC5000P11SUVW P + N -ONSTOP STOP22kW P + N5 -30kW10 25V1.1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-51-11-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-35.5-1 5-25-15-1 5-66.6-1 6-26-16-1 6-22.2-1 2-2 2-3 2-3-1 2-3-2 2-3-3 2-3-4 2-3-52-12-1 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-5 2-10 2-15 2-167.7-1 7-27-17-1 7-58.8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-68-18-1 8-1 8-3 8-4 8-4 8-43.3-1 3-2 3-33-13-1 3-1 3-19. 4.4-1 4-2 4-2-1 4-2-2 4-3 4-3-1 4-3-2 4-3-3 LED 4-3-4 4-3-5 4-3-6 4-3-7 4-3-8 I/O 4-3-9 4-3-10 4-3-11 4-3-12 4-3-13 4-3-14 LCD 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-7 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-159-19-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 RS485 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-74-14-110.10-1 10-2 10-310-110-1 10-2 10-411.11-11.1-1TYPE : FRN 0.4 G11S-4 400V P11S 0.4 FRENIC5000 SOURCE OUTPUT SER.No. 4 G11SASSY0.4kW≤22kW RS4851/2W 120Ω11-21-31 1-3-11-3-122kW1-3-2 2 1(30kW) 1-3-31-3-322kW1-3-430kW)1-41-51-5-1 1-5-1 -10 +50 -25 +65 5 95%121 2330°C 70%2.2-12-1-1 2-1-1-10+50°C22kW,+402-1-25 ~ 95% 1000m 1000-1500m 1500-2000m 1000 1000 2-1-2 2m/S 2000-2500m 2500-3000m 3mm 2~9Hz 9.8m/S 9~20Hz 2m/ S 20Hz~55Hz G11S 90Kw P11S:110Kw 9Hz~55Hz 1m/ S 55Hz~200Hz 2-2 FRENIC5000G11S FRENIC5000P11S Y100m1.00 0.97 0.95 0.91 0.8822kW X Y=100mmX 2-2-1 FRN-G11SX G11S 30~220kW P11S 30~280kW X=50mm Y=100mm G11S 280kW P11S 315kW X=50mm Y=150mm90 Y100m 2-2-122kW 30kW 2-2-2 70% (30%)(70%)2-2-230kW2-2-3FRN30G11S-4 FRN75G11S-4 FRN30P11S-4 FRN90P11S-4 FRN90G11S-4 FRN110G11S-4 FRN110P11S-4 FRN132P11S-4 FRN132G11S-4 FRN160G11S-4 FRN160P11S-4 FRN200P11S-4 400V FRN200G11S-4 FRN220G11S-4 FRN220P11S-4 FRN280P11S-4 FRN280G11S-4 FRN315G11S-4 FRN315P11S-4 FRN400P11S-4 FRN355G11S-4 FRN400G11S-4 FRN450P11S-4 FRN500P11S-45(M6 7(M6 7(M6 6(M6 3) 6(M8 3) 3) 8(M8 3)20) 20) 20) 20) 20)5(M5 5(M5 7(M5 6(M516) 16) 16) 16) 1) 1)2) 20)1) 2) 3)M5×202-2-3 22kW 402 2-2-432-2-42-32-3-1L1/R L2/S L3/Ta. b. c. DC25VOFFFRENIC5000G11S 11kW FRENIC5000P11S 15kWFRENIC5000G11S 7.5kW FRENIC5000P11S 11kW(*2) (*4) DB (*2) (*5)2DB (*2) (*5)(CM) G P DB2(CM) (THR)PDB1(*2) (*4)G P G P DB N 2 P1 1 (THR) DBR(*8) (*9) P(+) [X X] DB1N(-)MCCB(*9) P1 P(+) N(-)BU (*2) (*6)ELCB *1 3 200 230V 50/60Hz 3 380 480V 50/60Hz*3SRL1/R L2/S L3/T(RO)U V WM G*7(TO)GG3 2[13] [12]+DC10VOV30A 30 30B 30C1(11) (CM) (CME)*21[11]2DC0 12 11 +10V 0 +5V(DCR)FRN30G11S-4~FRN400G11S-4 FRN30P11S-4~FRN500P11S-4(+)[C1][≤55kWC P1-P(+) DCR(≥75kW (DCR)OV]DC4 20mA(-)[FMA]DCO~10V +DC24V)0 60Hz FM(*2)(PLC)P1-P(+)(FWD) (REV) (CM)(*1) (*2) (*3) (*4) [P1 (*5)DC (*9) P(+)][P1 P(+)] 75kW(X1) (X2) (X3) (X4) (X5) (X6) <Y3> (X7) (X8) (X9) <Y2> <Y1> <Y5A> <Y5C>[ G11S 11kW DB] G11S 7.5kW (*6) (*7)<Y4>] P11S 15kW *8 [P +P 1 2 1.5kW+N-(CM)<CME>60Hz*2(FMP) (DX-) (DX+) (SD)RS4852-3-22-3-1 L1/R,L2/S,L3/T U,V,W R0,T0 P1,P(+) P(+),DB P(+),N(-) G 1 L1/R L2/S L1/R,L2/S,L3/T L3/T 3 3 3 ( 0.75kW )(7.5kW)FWD REVON/OFF STOPFWD REV ON/OFFUVW 3 U V WF10~F12A06~A083.7kW 100m OFL50m3.7kWL1 L2OFL L1 L25mL1+L2=50m ( 3.7kW) 100m (5.5kW ) 3.7kW 50 5.5kW100L1+L2=400m 400 400V 50m F26OFL400VPWM 400V 400VOFL 10-203R0 T0ACOFF 30A BC RO TORO 22kWTO RO 3 RO TO 2-3-2 B RO TO TOB2-3-24P1 P+75kW5 (G11S: 7.5kW G11S 7.5kW DBP + P11S:11kWDB ) P +2-3-3DCRP(+)DB P(+) DBP(+) DB 5 6 G11S P + N 11kW P11S 15kW G11S P(+) P(+) N(-) 5 N(-) 7.5kW2-3-4 P11S 11kWP+P + DB DB 10 P(+),N(-) P(+),N(-) 1 2DBDCRBU7G G G11S 11kW 2-3-5 P11S 15kW8 30kWCN UX 2-3-3 2-3-3 Hz 50 6030kW 2-3-3 U1 CN UX 2-3-8 U2V 380 380 398 430U (P(+),N(-))VW9 G11SCN RXTX 2-3-730kW RHC30kW 2-3-6 2-3-8 (CN RXTX) RO TO OH1 L1/R-L3/T CN RXTXAC RO-TO RO TO30KW75kW2-3-6PWM 30KWCN RXTX RO-TO 2-3-7A 22kW B 30kW 30kW RO TORHCB2-3-7B22kWA CNUXCNRXTXFRN30G11S-4CX FRN110G11S-4CX/FRN30P11S-4CX FRN132P11S-4CXFRN132G11S-4CXFRN400G11S-4CX/FRN160P11S-4CXFRN500P11S-4CX<A>CNUX U2 CNRXTX L1/R-L3/T<A>CN UXCN RXTXCNUX U2 CNRXTX L1/R-L3/T380 398V/50Hz 380 430V/60Hz2-3-830kW2-3-32-3-3 2-3-313 12(1 5k DC 0~ +10V/0~100%)(+10V dc)+10 0V/0 PID0 100%10V/0 100%P11S 22kΩ C1 DC 4~20mA DC/0~100% 20~4mA DC/0~100% PID PTC * 11 FWD REV X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 250ΩFWD-CM REV-CM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9(ON) (ON) X01 09 E01(OFF) (OFF)5-2 < > ON OFF ON OFF090V 22 -2V 24V 27 3.2mA 4.5mA 0.5mAPLC CMPLCPLC24V(2227V)DCFMA (110~+10VDC )PID PG AO 5kΩ FMP (CM: )FMP-CM 15.6[V] 0V VL:0.5V(MAX)FMA 10kΩFMP 0V Y1 4 5-2 Y2 Y3 Y4 (v) ON OFF < ON OFF > 1V 24V -0.5VE20232V 27V 50mA 0.1mACME CM 30A,30B,30C AC250V 0.3A COS =0.3 DC48V 0.5A 11Y5A,Y5C DX+,DXSDY1-Y4 RS485 31 /11312 C111 20m 1k 13 12 11VR 5kΩ11 11 2-3-92 C3 12 110.022uF 50V 2-3-102 /FWDREV X1-X9 PLC CM FWD REV X1-X9 CM ON/OFF ON/OFF PLC 2-3-11PLCFWD REV,... 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PRG⇒ F/D⇒LED 2. 3. 4.I/O 50.00 Fout=xxxx.xHz Iout= x.xxA Vout= xxxV TRQ= xxx%50.0050.00 SYN =xxxxxx LOD =xxxxxx LIN =xxxxxx r/min r/min m/min50.00 Fref=xxxx.xHz xxx xx xx xx FWD/REV: IL: VL: LU: TL:50.00 SV =xxxxx PV =xxxxx TLD= xxx% TLB= xxx% PID PID4-3-8 I/O4.I/O I/O 50.00 8 50.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 50.00 X2 X6 FWD X3 X7 REV X4 X8 X1 X5 X9 I/O / /OFFONPRG⇒ F/D⇒LED50.00 Y1 Y5 Y2 Y3 Y450.00 X2 X6 FWD X3 X7 REV X4 X8 X1 X5 X9 50.00 12 22 AIO 32 AIO C1= xx.xmA C2= xx.xmA C1 C2 AIOOFFONOFFON50.00 12= 22= 32= xx.xV xx.xV xx.xV50.00 AO= xx.xV CS= xx.xmA DI= xxxxH DO= xxHAO AIO CS AIO HEX DIO HEX DIO50.00FMA=xx.xV FMP=xx.xV FMP=xxxxp/sFMA FMP FMP50.00 P1= Z1= P2= Z2= xxxxx0p/s 0p/s xxxxx0p/s 0p/sPG/SY A/B A/B4-3-95. 550.0050.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 5.50.00 TIME=xxxxxh EDC = xxxV TMPI= xxxx TMPF= xxxx 1 DC 1PRG⇒ F/D⇒LED50.00 TCAP=xxxxxh (61000h) TFAN=xxxxxh (25000h) 50.00 Imax= x.xxA CAP =xxx.x% 150.00 NRK=xxxxx NRR=xxxxx NRO=xxxxx RS-48550.00 INV =Hxxxxx KEYPAD=Kxxxxx OPTION=Pxxxxx4-3-106.50.0050.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 5. 6.50.00 T=3600s Imax = 0.00A Iave = 0.00A BPave= 0.0%PRG⇒ F/D⇒LED50.00 T= 150s Imax = 0.00A Iave = 0.00A BPave= 0.0% O50.00 T= 600s Imax = 0.00A Iave = 0.00A BPave= 0.0% 60050.00 T=3600s Imax = 56.4A Iave = 23.5A BPave=10.4% /100%4-3-117. 9 50.00 50.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 5. 6. 7. OC1 TIME=xxxxxh EDC = xxxV TMPI= xxxx TMPF= xxxx DC OC1 Fout=xxxx.xHz Iout= x.xxA Vout= xxxV TRQ = xxx%PRG⇒ F/D⇒LEDOC1 Fref=xxxx.xHz xxx xx xx xx FWD/REV: IL: VL: LU: TL: OC1 NRK=xxxxx NRR=xxxxx NRO=xxxxx RS-485OC1 X2 X6 FWD X3 X7 REV X4 X8 X1 X5 X9 OFF ONOC1 X2 X6 FWD X3 X7 REV X4 X8 X1 X5 X9 OFF ONOC1 Y1 Y5 Y2 Y3 Y4OFFONOC1 1 2 3 0/1=xxx -1=xxx -2=xxx -3=xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxOC1 5=xxx 4=xxx 3=xxx 2=xxx 44-3-128.50.0050.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 5 6. 7 850.00PRG⇒ F/D⇒LED5=xxx 4=xxx 3=xxx 2=xxx 0/1=xxx -1=xxx -2=xxx -3=xxxOC1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx4-3-139. Verify (WRITE) 50.00 F00: P04,A13: o26:AIO 50.00 P02:A11: H03: H31:)PRG⇒ F/D⇒LED50.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.PRG⇒ F/D⇒LEDF03 F04 F051 1 1 1 1 1 1F26 F33 F34 F35 F37 H15 P 1 A1 2 2 150.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.F06 F09 F10 F11 F12 F13 DBROM F01 130G11S-430G11S-4READ30G11S-430G11S-430G11S-430G11S-4WRITE30G11S-450.001PRG⇒ F/D⇒LED50.00 1. 2. 3. 4.I/O 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.30G11S-4230G11S-43 30G11S-4VERIFY VERIFY30G11S-455G11S-4VERIFY30G11S-4VERIFYF25430G11S-4 30G11S-4WRITE4-3-141.OC1 1=xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx PRG⇒ RESETLED 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.LED 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 5 4 3 2 1 /6-1-15-1LCDLCDLCDsLCDLCD0X5-1-1*2 *1 *1 *2 *1 *1F11 E34 E37 A07 [A] FRN0.4G11S-4CX FRN0.75G11S-4CX FRN1.5G11S-4CX FRN2.2G11S-4CX FRN3.7G11S-4CX FRN5.5G11S-4CX FRN7.5G11S-4CX FRN11G11S-4CX FRN15G11S-4CX FRN18.5G11S-4CX FRN22G11S-4CX400V G11SP02 A11 [kW]*2P03 A12 [A]P06 A15 [A]P07 A16 [%]P08 A17 [%]11 .5 18 .1 31 .3 47 .1 76 .9 11 3 . 1. 49 2. 17 2. 85 3. 48 4. 06 5. 56 6. 77 8. 12 9. 98 136 162 196 234 284 351 384 487 539 607 684 1. 49 2. 17 2. 85 3. 48 4. 16 5. 56 6. 77 8. 12 9. 98 136 162 196 234 284 351 384 487 539 607 684 776 9180.40 0.75 1.50 2.20 3.70 5.50 7.50 11.00 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 37.00 45.00 55.00 75.00 90.00 110.00 132.00 160.00 200.00 220.00 280.00 315.00 355.00 400.00 75 .0 11 0 .0 15.00 18.50 22.00 30.00 37.00 45.00 55.00 75.00 90.00 1 10.00 132.00 160.00 200.00 220.00 280.00 315.00 355.00 400.00 450.00 500.0011 .5 18 .1 31 .3 47 .1 76 .9 1. 13 1. 49 2. 17 2. 85 3. 48 4. 06 5. 56 6. 77 8. 12 9. 98 136 162 196 234 284 351 384 487 539 607 684 1. 49 2. 17 2. 85 3. 48 4. 16 5. 56 6. 77 8. 12 9. 98 136 162 196 234 284 351 384 487 539 607 684 776 91807 .4 11 .2 14 .3 23 .1 36 .6 50 .8 59 .4 83 .6 95 .0 1. 04 1. 19 1. 85 1. 97 2. 51 3. 24 4. 22 4. 93 4. 29 5. 43 6. 30 6. 69 6. 84 8. 93 13 1 124 176 59 .4 83 .6 95 .0 1. 04 1. 19 1. 85 1. 97 2. 51 3. 24 4. 22 4. 93 4. 29 5. 43 6. 30 6. 69 6. 84 8. 93 13 1 124 176 223 25610.20 8.67 6.66 6.48 5.79 5.09 4.50 3.78 3.24 2.90 2.70 2.69 27 .6 25 .3 23 .7 19 .9 17 .5 19 .8 17 .3 16 .7 15 .6 15 .9 13 .7 08 .3 08 .3 07 .1 45 .0 37 .8 32 .4 29 .0 27 .0 26 .9 27 .6 25 .3 23 .7 19 .9 17 .5 19 .8 17 .3 16 .7 15 .6 15 .9 13 .7 08 .3 08 .3 07 .1 06 .1 05 .314.91 10.66 11.26 10.97 11.22 13.63 14.70 15.12 16.37 17.00 15.00 15.00 16.42 16.16 16.36 17.02 16.09 20.90 18.90 19.73 20.02 21.01 19.30 16.69 16.57 12.76 14.70 15.12 16.37 17.00 15.00 15.00 16.42 16.16 16.36 17.02 16.09 20.90 18.90 19.73 20.02 21.01 19.30 16.69 16.57 12.76 11 5 .9 13.05FRN30G11S-4CX FRN37G11S-4CX FRN45G11S-4CX FRN55G11S-4CX FRN75G11S-4CX FRN90G11S-4CX FRN110G11S-4CX FRN132G11S-4CX FRN160G11S-4CX FRN200G11S-4CX FRN220G11S-4CX FRN280G11S-4CX FRN315G11S-4CX FRN355G11S-4CX FRN400G11S-4CX FRN7.5P11S-4CX FRN11P11S-4CX FRN15P11S-4CX FRN18.5P11S-4CX FRN22P11S-4CX FRN30P11S-4CX FRN37P11S-4CX FRN45P11S-4CX FRN55P11S-4CX400V P11SFRN75P11S-4CX FRN90P11S-4CX FRN110P11S-4CX FRN132P11S-4CX FRN160P11S-4CX FRN200P11S-4CX FRN220P11S-4CX FRN280P11S-4CX FRN315P11S-4CX FRN355P11S-4CX FRN400P11S-4CX FRN450P11S-4CX FRN500P11S-4CX1 4 2 [] A 0.00 9.99 10.0 99.9 100 1000 999 9990400V.50Hz.4 *13P01 A10[] A 0.01 01 . 1 105-2F Fundamental function F001 3 4 50 1E01 0E09 19 1-10136010+10[V] [12]10104 5F011 E01 E09 17,18 C30E01E09 2121 0 1 2 370 +10 V 4 20 mA + 12 + C1 -10 +10 V +4 20 mA 12 C1 4 12 -10 +10 V 5 12 + OPC-G11S-AIO 22,32,C2 -10 +10 V 12 22,32,C212 C10 0 4 20[mA][C1]F020 ON ON ON FWD LOCAL REV FWD REMOTE FWD REV REMOTE/LOCAL REMOTE/ REVOPC-G11S-AIO 6 +10 7 8 20 / 4 mA UP/DOWN UP DOWN UP/DOWN 2 UP E01 10 C21 11 C28 DOWN E09 C21 C28 0 V C1 12 E01 E09 17,18 1/9/LOCALLEHz2/Hz1 #012#1,#4 #6 PIDC1#2 #7 #3 #1,#2,#3,#6,#7OPC-G11S-A10#5IVS UP #8,#9 DOWN D/I #11 #10#1,#2115H20SS1 SS2 SS4 SS8 JOG Hz/PIDF03 1 G11S P11S 1 50 400 Hz 50 120 Hz1F07 F08 0Hz 0Hz1 1F041/ / /1 1 1 0.01 3600 s 1 0.01 3600 s 331 1 G11S 25 400 Hz P11S 25 120 Hz 1 0.01 10.0 100 1000 9.99 99.9 999 3600S 0.01 0.1 1 10S1F06 1 F05 10F04 1F03 1F05 1 1 1 0,320∼480V 0 1 1 F061/ /AVR1 / 1 V 1 320 480 V F05 1 /0F09 11F10 V/F 0.0 P04 2 0.1 1.0 0.9 1.9 A13 150% 1 F12 F11 F121 1 12.0 20.0 (22kWV 1)V 11 0 1 2#0.9 #0.1 f#1.9 1 #1.0 f 111.1 2 O L 1 20F110=2<V 1>135#20.0 #2.0 f 1%30~45KW 0.2~22KW F10=1 F10=1(30kWV 1)V 1#0.9 #0.1 f 1#1.9 1 #1.0 f 55~90KW<V 1>#20.0 #2.0 f 1%F10=1110KW~%F10=1150% 0.5 75.0 1 0.1F12/×100 (%)F13D BO LG11S: 7.5kWP11S: 11kW G11S: 11kW P11S: 15kW 20 1 2 0 2 0DB***-2C/4C DB***-2C/4CU59 U59U59。

富士电机 FRC 说明书

富士电机 FRC 说明书

BEFORE USE ....Thank you very much for your purchase of the Fuji FRC Transmitter. Before use, please check contents of the pack-age you received as outlined below.If you have any problems or questions with the product,please contact Fuji's Sales Office or representatives.s PACKAGE INCLUDES:Transmitter.................................................................(1)Short bar .....................................................................(1)Outdoor enclosure (FRC1)..........................................(1)Mounting screws (FRC1)............................................(4)2-inch pipe mounting bracket (FRC1).................(1) set s MODEL NO.Check that model No. described on the specification label is exactly what you ordered.s SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThis manual describes necessary points of caution when you use this product, including installation, connection and basic maintenance procedures.Information that potentially raises safety issues is indicated messages before performing an operation preceded by this symbol.The following are general precautions when using this unit.The safety features and precautions specific to the hazardous locations are explained in Page 10.s POWER INPUT RATING• Use a stable power source. The FRC restarts with a power interruption for longer than 1 millisecond.s ENVIRONMENT• The model FRC0 is for indoor use.• When heavy dust or metal particles are present in the air,install the unit inside an outdoor enclosure.• Environmental (non-hazardous location) temperature must be within -40 to +85°C (-40 to 185°F) in order to ensure adequate life span and operation.• For installing the FRC0 in an environment with a high relative humidity exceeding 0 to 95% RH or in a condensing atmosphere, install the unit inside an outdoor enclosure.• Do not install the unit where it is subjected to continuous vibration. Do not subject the unit to physical impact.• For use in a hazardous location, be sure that the environ-mental temperature is within the temperature class required for the area.s WIRING• Do not install cables (input and output) close to noise sources (relay drive cable, high frequency line, etc.).• Do not bind the unit's cables together with cables where high noise levels are present. Do not install them in the same duct.s AND ....• The unit is designed to function as soon as power is supplied, however, a warm up for 10 minutes is required for satisfying complete performance described in the data sheet.COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONFigure 1. FRC0 exploded view and component identificationTransmitter ModuleLCD ModuleTerminal CoverScrewSpecification LabelSafety LabelLeverNEXT KeyENTER KeyMounting Screws (Not Included)Figure 2. FRC1 exploded view component identificationCaseLCD ModuleSpecification Label Transmitter ModuleScrewTerminal CoverENTER Key NEXT KeyGasketCoverLeverScrewInternal Earthing ScrewExternal Earthing ScrewFastener(ATEX flameproof)Cable Entry Conduit• Case DetailsEXTERNAL DIMENSIONS mm (inch)Figure 3. FRC0 external dimensionsWith LCD Module Without LCD Module(Terminal Assignments)Figure 4. FRC1 external dimensionsINSTALLATIONs LCD MODULE• For attaching the LCD module, hold the levers at the side and push into the connectors on top of the transmitter module.• When removing the module, hold the levers in the same manner and pull.s WALL MOUNTINGRefer to Figures 1 and 3.s OUTDOOR INSTALLATIONFor mounting the transmitter module inside the outdoor enclosure, refer to Figure 2.s MOUNTING THE ENCLOSURE ON A PIPE See Figures 5 below.Figure 5. Pipe mountings MOUNTING THE ENCLOSURE ON A WALL See Figures 4 and 6 (below).Figure 6. Wall mountingTERMINAL CONNECTIONSConnect the unit as in the diagram below. For use in a hazardous location, refer to "Installation Diagram" attached at the end of this manual.Figure 7. Connection diagram4-wire 3-wire 2-wire DC mVRTD*Ω forCHECKINGWhenever you need to measure voltage across the terminals or apply a simulated input signal to the termi-nals, make sure that there is no danger of explosion in the atmosphere.1)Terminal wiring: Check that all cables are correctly connected according to the connection diagram.2)Input type and range setting: Check that the input type and range are correctly set.3)Input: Check that the input signal is within 0 – 100% of the full-scale.If the thermocouple/RTD or its extension wires are bro-ken, the output goes over 100% (below 0% with downscale)due to the burnout function. Check leadwires in such a case.4)Output: Check that the load is within the permissible limit including wiring resistance.Load Resistance (Ω) =Supply Voltage (V) –␣12 (V)0.024 (A)(including leadwire resistance)ADJUSTMENT PROCEDUREs USING THE HART COMMUNICATIONRefer to the HART Setup Manual (EM-7451-FIC-B). For operating an HHC (Hand-Held Communicator), refer to its instruction manual.s USING THE LCD MODULEFigure 8 shows the display panel configuration of the LCD module, and Figure 9 shows the basic operation flow chart for programming the transmitter.• How to Input Numerical Figures on the LCDNumerical figures (numbers) can be set by combining NEXT and ENTER key operations.Pressing the NEXT key increases the value from 0 to 9 and back to 0 again. Pressing the ENTER key when a desired value is shown sets the value and then moves to the next less significant digit. Pressing the ENTER key at the least significant digit completes the input.For the most significant digit, numbers change from 0, 1, 2through 9, then -0, -1, -2, through -9, and then back to 0.•Basic OperationWhen the power supply is turned on, the "RUN" indicator on the LCD module flashes until communication with the trans-mitter module is established. Once established, the "RUN"indicator remains on.The LCD starts up in the Display Mode.The upper (first) row on the display indicates numerical figures, and the lower (second) row indicates messages.Pressing the NEXT key one or more times switches the module between the Configuration Mode, Calibration Mode and Display Mode.Pressing the ENTER key in the Configuration Mode or Calibration Mode calls up the first programming item (step).In this state, every time the NEXT key is pressed, the next item and current setting is displayed until it returns to the Display Mode after the last programming item.Whenever the type/value within a particular programming step can be changed, "PGM" is shown on the LCD. When each step is complete, the "PGM" indicator is turned off.•LCD Panel Indication in the Display Mode"Burnout State" includes not only a temperature sensor's wire breakdown but also an overrange input outside the physically set range for thermocouples or RTDs."Saturation State" is when an overrange input is applied outside the physically set range and proportional to the output smaller than 3.8mA or exceeding 21.6mA. Normal StateTop row Numerical figures Bottom row HART address*1BO OFF ERR OFF asterisk OFF Eng. unit ON*1Saturation StateTop row Numerical figures Bottom row HART address*1BO OFF ERR OFF asterisk ON Eng. unit ON*1Burnout StateTop row BlankBottom row HART address*1BO ON ERR OFF asterisk ON Eng. unitON*1*1. When an appropriate unit symbol is not available among the selections on the LCD, the bottom row indicates the unit and HART address alternately.• Programming Procedure in the Configuration Mode 1)Input Type (SelectInput)First choose the input type. Pressing the NEXT key one or more times switches between each of the available input types. Press ENTER to set a desired input type.When Thermocouple, RTD or potentiometer is selected,the display goes to the sensor type list. Use the NEXT and ENTER keys to choose a sensor type.See Table 1 through 3 for available input types.Table 1. Input typesInput type LCD bottom rowThermocouple TC 2-wire RTD 2-RTD 3-wire RTD 3-RTD 4-wire RTD4-RTD mVMVTable 2. ThermocouplesSensor type Bottom row Sensor type Bottom rowB TC/B T TC/TE TC/E W TC/W5J TC/J U TC/UK TC/K L TC/LN TC/N P TC/PR TC/R PR TC/PRS TC/STable 3. RTDsRTD type Top row Bottom row*2IEC Pt 100 100n-IPT *2. n = 2 : 2-wire, 3 : 3-wire, 4 : 4-wire2)Temperature Unit (SelectUnit)For a thermocouple or RTD input, the Temperature Unit can be specified.At the initial state, the LCD shows the current setting.Pressing the NEXT key one or more times switches be-tween the available temperature units. Stop when a desired selection is displayed, and press ENTER.For mV, resistance and potentiometer inputs, settings other than "mV", "Ω" and "%" respectively cannot be selected.See Table 4.Table 4. Temperature unitsTemperature unit LCD bottom rowDegree Celcius DEG CDegree Fahrenheit DEG FDegree Rankine DEG RDegree Kelvin DEG K3)Burnout (BurnoutDirection)At the initial state, the LCD shows the current setting.Pressing the NEXT key one or more times switches be-tween "High" (upscale), "Low" (downscale), and "Off" (no burnout). Stop when a desired selection is displayed, and press ENTER.4)Lower Range Input (InputLowerRange)Lower and Upper Input ranges can be specified.At the initial state, the LCD shows the current 0%* setting.Values are indicated in the selected temperature unit (T/C and RTD) or mV (DC mV).Set an actual value on the top row of the LCD.*For potentiometer input, enter the percentage of the total resistance for both the lower and upper ranges.5)Upper Range Input (InputUpperRange)Refer to the Lower Range Input.6)Display Item (SelectDisplay)Specifies the item to be monitored on the LCD in the Display Mode.At the initial state, the LCD shows the current setting.Pressing the NEXT key one or more times switches be-tween available selection items. Stop when a desired selection is displayed, and press ENTER.See Table 5 for available display items.Table 5. Display itemsItem Bottom row Input (unit as selected in SelectUnit)I ENGInput in %I PEROutput in %O PEROutput in mA O ENG Cold junction temperature (T/C only)CJM• Programming Procedure in the Calibration Mode1)Output Zero Adjustment (TrimOutput4mA)Used to fine tune 4mA output.At the initial state, the unit outputs 4mA regardless of actual input value.Set an actual measured value on the top row of the LCD.2)Output Span Adjustment (TrimOutput20mA)Used to fine tune 20mA output.At the initial state, the unit outputs 20mA regardless of actual input value.Set an actual measured value on the top row of the LCD.Figure 9. Programming operation flowchartFigure 8. LCD display panel configurationNext : Increment value (and sign for the MSD)•Key Operations in Entering Numerial ValueUnexplained symbols are unused for the B6U and B6U-B.。



niuicmrDeDe富士電機I數字控制驅動裝置fNIC5000G11UDnBD Lamm mi電梯速度,加速度實測數據螺€動速度 到零速度 的加速度1.2m/S T 電梯速度Om/SO^/S 2電梯加速速②最適合電梯運行的功能•對低速和中速等各種運行,可以自由設定S 字曲綫加减速。

•在常停電時爲保證平眉,把蓄電池運 行功能作爲標准配置。


• PG 反饋信號能分頻輸出。




•自整定功能可測定電動機參數實現高性 能運行。

•嶄新的在綫整定功能實現運行中電動機 在温度上升時,額定參數的自動補償。

這樣保證了與温度變化無關的高精度運 行。

④豐富的維護通信功能 •負載率測定 •轉矩輸出時,詳細數據顯示• RS485爲標准配置特長FRENIC5000G11UD II (FRN □□□ G11UD -4C3)系列是專用的數字化控制驅動裝置。

由於±/用了富士電機獨特的矢量控制方式和數字化AVR(數字化自動電壓調節器)等最新控制技術,使得電梯的運 行既平穩又舒適。

具有S 字曲綫加减速運行和化常停電時的蓄①最新控制技術使得電梯的運行既平穩又 速度舒適。

_ ‘‘• PG 反饋電路作爲標准功能内置其中,電高速…梯運行能進行矢量控制。

•富士電機獨特的數字化AVR 保證電梯在 極低速時也能平穩運行,故具有舒適的 低速■■■乘載感。

1標准規範型號FRN □□□ G11UD-4C3 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 m 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55額定輸出6.8 10.2 14 18 24 29 34 44 57 69 85 3相,380V,400V,415V/50Hz, 380V,400V,440V,460V/60HZ(10 秒)A (最大)A 9.0 13.5 18.5 24.5 32 39 45 58 75 91 11213.5 20.3 27.8 36.8 48.0 58.5 67.5 96 120 150 18217.0 24.5 34.0 46.5 52 69 80.5 105 131 159 19650, 60Hz輸入電源3相,380〜480V, 50/60Hz 3 相,380 〜440V/50HZ380〜480V/60Hz *10)圍電壓:+10〜-15% (相間不平衡率*4): 2%以内頻率:+55%*5) 310V以上時運行可繼| 賣。



■电源与机型 ●额定输入交流电压 输入电压 等级容量 输入交流电压 三相200V22kW 以下200V~230V 50/60Hz 30kW 以上200V~220V/50Hz200V~230V/50Hz 200V~230V/60Hz三相400V22kW 以下380V~480V 50/60Hz 30kW 以上380V~440V/50Hz 380V~480V/60Hz●输入电源容许波动电压 :+10% ~ -15% 频率 :+5% ~ -5%电压不平衡率:2%以内(IEC61800-3(5.2.3)为标准)●容量范围三相200V :0.2~90kW 三相400V :0.4~400kW■输出频率范围 G11S :0.1~400Hz■规格概要系列名称FRENIC5000G11S额定过载电流200%0.5秒 150%1分钟制动转矩再生制动150%以上 3%ED (0.75kw 以下) 100%以上 5~2%ED (1.5~7.5kw 以下)约20%(11~22kw)约10%~15%(30kw以上)直流制动制动开始频率0.1~60Hz(可变)制动时间0~30s(可变)制动电流0~100%(P11:0~80%)(可变)加速、减速时间0.01~3600s(可单独设定加减速时间,各4步)多步速度运转16步频率设定信号0~±5Vdc、0~±10Vdc、4~20mAdc保护功能失速防止、过电流、瞬时停电欠电压、过电压、变频器过热、外部报警(外部热继电器动作等)、电机过载(电子热继电器)、通信异常、CPU异常、存储器异常、短路、对地短路、熔断器短路、输入缺相保护、输出缺相保护异常输出接点1c接点保护结构全封闭自冷型[IP40] (0.75kw以下)全封闭强制风冷型 [IP40 风扇部分除外] (1.5~22kw)强迫风冷型[IP00] (30kw以上) 30kw以上封闭型[IP20]为选件型号说明FRN 0.4 G 11 S-4 CX0.4---适配电动机功率G---适用范围G表示一般工业用;P表示风机,泵用11---开发系列S---防护结构:标准型4---输入电压 2表示三相200V系列;4表示三相400V系列CX—版型 CX表示中,英,日文显示;JE表示西文,日文显示富士电机G11S系列变频器三相380V型号装置容量额定电流配接电机DC电抗器型号FRN0.4G11S-4CX 1.2KVA 1.5A 0.4KW DCR4-0.4 FRN0.75G11S-4CX 1.9KVA 2.5A 0.75KW DCR4-0.75 FRN1.5G11S-4CX 2.8KVA 3.7A 1.5KW DCR4-1.5 FRN2.2G11S-4CX 4.2KVA 5.5A 2.2KW DCR4-2.2 FRN3.7G11S-4CX 6.9KVA 9.0A 3.7KW DCR4-3.7 FRN5.5G11S-4CX 10KVA 13A 5.5KW DCR4-5.5 FRN7.5G11S-4CX 14KVA 18A 7.5KW DCR4-7.5 FRN11G11S-4CX 18KVA 24A 11KW DCR4-11 FRN15G11S-4CX 23KVA 30A 15KW DCR4-15 FRN18.5G11S-4CX 30KVA 39A 18.5KW DCR4-18.5 FRN22G11S-4CX 34KVA 45A 22KW DCR4-22A FRN30G11S-4CX 46KVA 60A 30KW DCR4-30B FRN37G11S-4CX 57KVA 75A 37KW DCR4-37B FRN45G11S-4CX 69KVA 91A 45KW DCR4-45B FRN55G11S-4CX 85KVA 112A 55KW DCR4-55B FRN75G11S-4CX 114KVA 150A 75KW DCR4-75B FRN90G11S-4CX 134KVA 176A 90KW DCR4-90B FRN110G11S-4CX 160KVA 210A 110KW DCR4-110B FRN132G11S-4CX 193KVA 253A 132KW DCR4-132B FRN160G11S-4CX 232KVA 304A 160KW DCR4-160B FRN200G11S-4CX 287KVA 377A 200KW DCR4-200B FRN220G11S-4CX 316KVA 415A 220KW DCR4-220B FRN280G11S-4CX 396KVA 520A 280KW DCR4-280B FRN315G11S-4CX 445KVA 585A 315KW DCR4-315B FRN335G11S-4CX 495KVA 650A 355KW DCR4-355B FRN400G11S-4CX 563KVA 740A 400KW DCR4-400B富士电机P11S系列变频器三相380V型号装置容量额定电流配接电机DC电抗器型号FRN7.5P11S-4CX 14KVA 16.5A 7.5KW DCR4-7.5 FRN11P11S-4CX 18KVA 23A 11KW DCR4-11 FRN15P11S-4CX 23KVA 30A 15KW DCR4-15 FRN18.5P11S-4CX 30KVA 37A 18.5KW DCR4-18.5 FRN22P11S-4CX 34KVA 44A 22KW DCR4-22A FRN30P11S-4CX 46KVA 60A 30KW DCR4-30B FRN37P11S-4CX 57KVA 75, A 37KW DCR4-37B FRN45P11S-4CX 69KVA 91A 45KW DCR4-45B FRN55P11S-4CX 85KVA 112A 55KW DCR4-55B FRN75P11S-4CX 114KVA 150A 75KW DCR4-75B FRN90P11S-4CX 134KVA 176A 90KW DCR4-90B FRN110P11S-4CX 160KVA 210A 110KW DCR4-110B FRN132P11S-4CX 193KVA 253A 132KW DCR4-132B FRN160P11S-4CX 232KVA 304A 160KW DCR4-160B FRN200P11S-4CX 287KVA 377A 200KW DCR4-200BFRN220P11S-4CX 316KVA 415A 220KW DCR4-220B FRN280P11S-4CX 400KVA 520A 280KW DCR4-280B FRN315P11S-4CX 445KVA 585A 315KW DCR4-315B FRN355P11S-4CX 495KVA 650A 355KW DCR4-355B FRN400P11S-4CX 563KVA 740A 400KW DCR4-400B FRN450P11S-4CX 640KVA 840A 450KW DCR4-450B FRN500P11S-4CX 731KVA 960A 500KW DCR4-500B富士FRN5.5G11S-4CX多功能变频器应用范围富士FRN5.5G11S-4CX多功能变频器技术参数推荐相关产品∙∙富士多功能变频器 FRN7.∙∙富士多功能变频器 FRN28∙∙富士多功能变频器 FRN11∙∙富士多功能变频器 FRN55∙∙富士多功能变频器 FRN37∙∙富士多功能变频器 FRN3.∙∙富士多功能变频器 FRN33。

富士胶片 CF 镜头适配器 使用说明书

富士胶片 CF 镜头适配器 使用说明书

User ManualCe texte dans votre langue? Utilisez “Google Translate” sur Internet.Diesen Text in Ihrer Sprache? Verwenden Sie “Google Translate” im Internet.Este texto en su idioma? El uso de “Google Translate” en Internet.Questo testo nella tua lingua? Utilizzare ‘Google Translate’ su Internet.Este texto na sua língua? Usar “Google Translate” na Internet.Denna text på ditt språk? Använd “Google Translate”på Internet.Deze tekst in uw taal? Gebruik ‘Google Translate’ op het internet.FRA DEU ESP ITA PRT SWE NLD JPNCHNINDRUSSAUThe CF Lens Adapter (3043500) allows the use of all C-type lenses from the V System on H cameras. Integral processors for data con-version bridge the two systems to access a number of the H-display and lens-control functions. The adapter allows:• light metering at full aperture.• electronic focus confirmation on viewfinder display.• exploitation of databus connection with CFE lenses.• access to shutter speeds (manually set on lens) from 1s–1/500s including B and T mode.Functions such as autofocus and continuous drive are an integral part of the H System only so they are therefore not available when C lenses are used. Likewise, as the light measuring and aperture/ shutter controls are also different between the two systems, then camera operation differs too. Some other restrictions also apply regarding specific lenses or combinations of lenses/converters. Operation of the adapter is not difficult but requires an awareness of certain points that contrast with regular H operation. You can use the adapter immediately by going through the procedures described under the Quick Start heading but a thorough reading of this manual is advised to ensure optimum performance.CF Lens Adapter compatibilityPlease make sure your camera has the latest firmware which you can find at .The H6D camera requires firmware 1.19.0 or later for CF Lens Adapter use.When using the CF lens Adapter together with an H6D camera, the function “My Lenses” is not available. Hence, all references to “My Lenses” is only valid for H5D cameras and earlier.F/FE type lenses and video with H6DFor still images it is not possible to use F/FE type lenses as they don’t have a built-in shutter. However, they can be used on the H6D for making video capture.Note that when attaching an FE 110 or FE 60-120 lens, there will be a message on the camera grip saying “Lens type not sup-ported” and the camera is blocked for still image captures. It is however, possible to activate video mode and recording from the Sensor Unit user interface. F type lenses will not generate this message and you can activate video mode and control re-cording from the grip.See H6D User Manual for more details.All Lenses screen with the H6D cameraThe illustration below shows the H6D grip screen that will ap-pear when a lens is mounted on the CF Lens Adapter. This cor-responds to illustration 5 on page 19.The figures beside the headings refer to the relevant illustrations for that section. Rotation directions are described as seen when facing the camera.Please note that the adapter requires firmware version 9.0.0 or later (H6D1.19.0 or later) installed in the camera! (see camera manual for details). Parts and Components 11. Lens locating index2. Connecting cable3. Databus connector for CFE lenses4. Lens cocking lever5. Adapter locating index6. Drive shaft7. Adapter release catch8. Camera databus connectorQuick start 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 C-type lenses from the V System have changed over the years in functionality and appearance. The illustrations therefore show some variations that might not match the lenses you are using. The later CFE/i models, for example, have a locking device on the PC flash con-nector whereas earlier models did not. Please see the relevant user manual for details.a. Align the red adapter locating index on the rear of the adapter with the redindex on the camera body (illus 2) and rotate the adapter clockwise until it clicks into place.b. Align the index on the lens with the red lens locating index on the adapter(illus 3) and rotate the lens clockwise until it clicks into place.c. Attach the connecting cable to the PC socket on the lens (illus 4).d. The grip LCD on the camera will automatically display the lens and converterchoice screen (such as in illus 5).e. Rotate the front control wheel to choose the lens and the rear control wheelto choose the converter (or No converter). For example, 150 mm lens with ‘No converter’, as in illus 6. Finally, press the button labelled “Save” to store the setting and automatically access the standard screen.f. The focal length of the lens chosen (illus 7) as well as a ’X’ symbol for a con-verter if chosen (illus 8) now appears on the LCD beneath the AF button.g. Ensure the depth-of-field button on the lens is in the off position, illus 9.h. When measuring the light, the camera will display setting informationwhich has to be transferred to the lens, for example 1/60s at f/11 as in illus10. See relevant lens user manual if you are not familiar with the settingson C lenses. This procedure varies according to the type of lens:C/CF/CFi lenses — Rotate the front control wheel on the grip to scrollthrough the list of aperture/shutter combinations visible on the grip LCD and the viewfinder LCD. Transfer the chosen shutter speed / aperture combi-nation settings (or EV visible on grip LCD) to the lens.CFE lenses — Pre-set the aperture of your choice on the lens. This setting will appear on the grip and viewfinder LCD alongside the shutter speedchosen by the camera. Transfer the shutter speed setting from the grip or viewfinder LCD (or EV visible on the grip LCD) to the lens.i. Make the exposure.j. The message ‘Cock the lens’ now appears on the grip LCD (illus 11) and on the viewfinder LCD together with a warning triangle. Before another expo-sure can be made, the lens shutter must be re-cocked by pushing the lens cocking lever all the way up until it stops (illus 12).Attaching the adapter 13 The adapter should be attached to the camera body first and then the lens to the adapter. When using a converter or extension tube see ‘Converter/ Extension tubes’ section for specific details.✐Any resistance experienced when attaching a lens should be assumed to be a fault in fitting. If the lens does not click into place then check to see whether the lens shutter has been inadvertently tripped thereby causing the drive shaft to be out of alignment for attachment.If this is the case, the lens shutter can be cocked again by inserting a small coin or similar in the slot on the drive shaft coupling and rotating it clockwise (about 4/5 turn) until it locks. See illus 13 for correct alignment.✐The connecting cable should be attached whether you intend to use flash or not as it not only conveys information about flash synchronisation but completion of the shutter action as well. The adapter/lens combinationwill work correctly (except for the lack of flash synchronisation) if the cable is not connected but film advance is consequently delayed by 1.5 seconds.Please note that with some older lens types there may be a delay anyway, even if the cable is correctly attached.Removing the adapterAfter exposure, you can remove the adapter from the camera without re-cocking the lens but you cannot remove a lens from the adapter without re-cocking the lens.Remove a lens from the adapter by pressing the lens adapter catch on the adapter and rotating the lens in an anticlockwise direction.Remove the adapter from the camera body as you would a lens by pressing the lens release button on the camera and rotating the adapter in an anticlockwise direction.Converters, extension tubes and lenses should be removed in reverse order to attachment, that is, lens first followed by the converter or extension tube. Avoid removing a lens and converter/extension tube as a combined unit as separation will cause the lens shutter to trip. See note above under ‘Attaching the adapter’ for details.Lens choice and H display 5, 6, 7, 8,16 Attachment of the adapter or adapter/lens combination auto-matically causes the camera to display the lens/converter choice screen on the grip LCD. The grip screen is scrollable or partly so, depending on lens type (see below). There are two possible screens (shown by the setting information on the lower row of the LCD), namely All lenses (as in illus 14) and My lenses.Toggle between these two screens by pressing the AF button (signified by the commands Next in the top row on the screen). The My lenses screen will provide access to a list you have already created (see below for details) while the All lenses will provide ac-cess to all lenses available.When a C/CF/CFi type lens is attached, all ‘C’ lenses are available (by scrolling) on the list.To simplify operation however, when a CFE lens is attached, only CFE lenses that share the same widest aperture appear on the list. For example, when attaching a CFE4/40 mm lens, the CFE4/120 mm and the CFE4/180 mm will also appear as they both have f/4 as their widest aperture. Therefore when attaching a CFE 2.8/80 mm lens, only that lens appears as it is the only f/2.8 lens in the CFE range. Please note that this feature functions by way of the databus connections and therefore will not work if the converter/extension tubes have no databus connectors.Whether choice is manual as in C/CF/CFi type lenses or semi-automatic with CFE lenses, a choice must still be made regarding a converter at least, and then saved. It is essential that the lens/ converter information is correct as failure to do so can cause er-rors in light metering while the camera will appear to behave normally.If you want to correct your choice afterwards then press the AF button in the standard screen mode to access the lens choice screen again.To set or reset a lens /converter choice proceed as follows:1. Press the AF button to access the lens choice screen.2. Toggle the AF button to access either the ‘My lenses’ or ‘All lenses’.3. Rotate the front control wheel to choose the lens attached and the rear con-trol wheel to choose converter (or No converter). For example, 150 mm lens with ‘No converter’, as in illus 6.4. Press the button labelled “Save” to store the setting and automaticallyaccess the standard screen. Note that the focal length of the lens attached now appears on the LCD beneath the AF button, illus 7, along with an ‘X’symbol to signify a chosen converter, illus 8.✐Remember to check and save the lens/converter settings when attaching a lens!✐Remember to check the lens/converter settings each time you change lenses or converters!The camera cannot recognize CFE or CF lenses when used in conjunction with converters or extension tubes without databus connectors so consequently manual settings must be made.Creating and using a ‘My lenses’ setting 14, 15, 16, 17 If you regularly use the same lenses, you might want to speed up lens choice when changing lenses by creating a personal My lenses list that matches your equipment. This method also helps to avoid errors in choice. Until you create such a list the My lenses screen will display the Empty! Select lenses in “My lenses” menu message. You can add to the list at any time by following the same procedure and you can delete any or all lenses at any time by using the same procedure simply by choos-ing No instead of Yes and saving. Note that CFE lenses will override a favourite list (see previous section) and automatically implement the correct setting (though the use of a converter still has to be set). How-ever, if you attach a CFE lens that is not on the My lenses list, the All lenses will display all the CFE lenses with the same maximum aper-ture instead.1. Press the ‘Menu’ button, illus 14.2. Rotate the front control wheel until screen 4 ‘Settings’ (illus 15) is displayedon the grip LCD and press the button labelled “Enter”.3. Rotate the front control wheel until screen4.5 ‘My lenses’, illus 16, appearsand press the button labelled “Enter”.4. Rotate the front control wheel until the desired lens appears, then rotatethe rear control wheel until ‘Yes’ appears, illus 17.5. When you have matched all lenses of your choice that you want on the listwith a ‘Yes’ and each lens you don’t want on the list has been matched witha ‘No’, finally press the button labelled “Save”.When accessed, the ‘Lens choice’ screen will now only display the lenses you have chosen when you rotate the front control wheel, allowing much faster choice. Please note that the correct lens still has to be chosen and the any converter must also be chosen before SAVE is pressed.✐Converters cannot be included on a favourite list and always remain asa choice that has to be set. “My Lenses“ is not applicable to the H6D. FocusingAlthough the autofocus function is not available with V System lenses, the H focus confirmation aid LEDs in the viewfinder func-tion as normal with exception of lenses slower than f/6.7. This function remains customizable in Custom Options #14. Operation is identical as with HC lenses. See the H user manual for full details.✐The focus confirmation function automatically shuts down with lenses slower than f/6.7 (as it does with HC lenses) on condition that the cor-rect lens/converter settings have been made. However, this automatic shutdown does not take place if extension tubes are fitted.Light metering 9 For all types of lenses, choice remains between metering meth-ods in the camera – average, centre weighted and spot – as well as exposure compensation.✐Remember to ensure the depth-of-field check/ stop down button is in the ‘off’ position when taking a light meter reading (illus 9).✐An error message -’Stopped down’ - appears on the grip LCD and a warning triangle appears in the viewfinder LCD if you have forgotten to open the aperture again after stopping down for a depth-of-field check, but only with CFE lenses. No warnings are possible with C/CF/CFi lenses as they have no databus connections.Exposure 18, 11 When the exposure button is pressed (or the remote release) the conventional sequence of events takes place. However, after exposure, the shutter in the lens remains closed and so conse-quently there is no image in the viewfinder.If you forget to re-cock the shutter, camera operation is blocked and the message ‘Cock the lens’ appears on the grip LCD (illus 11) and in the viewfinder LCD alongside a red warning triangle. The standard screen returns again on the grip LCD when the lens has been cocked.Avoid pushing up the lens cocking lever or holding it half way up when making an exposure as this will cause errors. An error message – ‘Lens cocking lever problem’ (illus 18)– appears to warn you of this.B- and T-release 19, 20 For B exposures, proceed as follows:1. Ensure the connecting cable is connected between the lens and adapter.2. Set the shutter on the lens to “B”.3. Program the USER button (AE-L button on H4D) to “B mode” by first pressingthe the MENU button and then the USER/AE-L button. Rotate the rear control wheel to set the function to “B mode”.4. Press the USER/AE-L button to activate “B mode”.5. Make the exposure (elapsed time shown on the grip LCD) as normal bymaintaining pressure on the exposure button or remote release cord for the desired amount of time.For T exposures, proceed as follows:1. Ensure the connecting cable is connected between the lens and adapter.2. Set the shutter on the lens to “B”.3. Program the USER button (AE-L button on H4D) to “T mode” by first pressingthe the MENU button and then the USER/AE-L button. Rotate the rear control wheel to set the function to “T mode”.4. Press the USER/AE-L button to activate “T mode”.5. Start the exposure (elapsed time shown on the grip LCD) by pressing the exposurebutton or remote release cord. The button can now be released. Stop the expo-sure by pressing the exposure button or remote release cord button again.In both cases, the Mirror Up function can be used as normal.✐An error message – ‘Set lens to B’ (illus 19) – appears if you made the wrong shutter setting on the lens (T exposures only).✐An error message – ‘Check cable’ (illus 20) – appears if you have omitted to attach the connecting cable (T exposures only).Converters / Extension tubesConverters or extension tubes are attached and removed in the conventional manner. They should be attached to the adapter first. When removing however, remove the lens first and then the converter/extension tube. If you remove the lens and converter/ extension tube together as a unit and then separate them, there is a possibility that the shutter in the lens will be tripped. In this case see the special note in the ‘Attaching the adapter’ section and illus 13 about how to re-cock the shutter when detached from the camera.✐If you remove a C/CF/CFi lens but leave the converter attached to the adapter which in turn is still attached to the camera, then you must manually make a new lens choice from the list and save it. This also applies to CFE lenses if the converter does not have databus connectors.✐Only V-series converters and extension tubes can be used with the adapter.✐When a converter or extension tube is attached, the camera cannot recognize lens changes when it is not active and therefore the semi-automatic choice facility normally available with CFE lenses is tem-porarily lost. The camera can only recall the information from the last lens change made when the camera was active. This means you should check settings carefully in these cases or simply ensure the camera is active when you make changes.Points to note• The camera must have firmware version 9.0.0 or later (H6D 1.19.0 or later) installed.• Continuous drive is disabled.• Interval timer is disabled.• Rear flash sync is disabled.• Bracketing is disabled.• The stop down button on the camera is disabled.• Ensure the stop down button on the lens is in the open position for light metering.• H System converters and extensions tubes cannot be used.Technical specificationsDimensions: approx. 86 x 112 x 20 mmWeight: 135 gCF Adapter.. 3.eps 040920DERS ENGSTRÖM LUSTRA TÖR 2112345678***********************To lensCOPYRIGHT ©2004ANDERS ENGSTRÖMANDERS ENGSTRÖM,ILLUSTRA TÖR Östra vägen 4643091HÖNÖtel/fax 031-968464***********************3501+3..41.eps 001206COPYRIGHT © 2000 ANDERS ENGSTRÖMANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR Östra vägen 46430 91 HÖNÖ tel/fax 031-96 84 64***********************4578CF Adapter.. 5.eps 041007TRÖM 6123COPYRIGHT © 2000 ANDERS ENGSTRÖANDERS ENGSTRÖM, ILLUSTRATÖR Östra vägen 46430 91 HÖNÖ tel/fax 031-96 84 64***********************9101112CF Adapter.. 4.ep ***********************131415S ENGSTRÖM,ILLUSTRA TÖR gen 46HÖNÖ31-968464***************16181917201600701 3043500 7 2018 2018 Item no:3043500。



1.外围线路配置1.1 数字量输入:端子FWD正向运行 C板:Y 4 F板:JP 10.4端子REV反向运行 C板:Y5 F板:JP10.5端子X1 E01=0 多段速频率选择SS1 F板:JP10.7端子X2 E02=1 多段速频率选择SS2 F板:JP10.8端子X3 E03=2 多段速频率选择SS4 F板:JP10.9端子CM 公共端 C板:COM2 F板:JP10.101.2 数字量输出(继电器):Y5C-Y5A 变频器运行信号可编程E24=0C板:串入抱闸接触器线圈回路 F板:JP2.1030A-30C 变频器故障C板:X13 F板:JP2.21.3 模拟量输入:12 - 11(0~10V - 0V) C板:V1-V0 F板:JP6.3-JP6.22.一些重要参数说明:F01=1 频率设定模拟量(电压型)F02=1 运行操作外部信号(FWD/REV正反向运行)F07 加速时间1 O13 S曲线1F08 减速时间1 O14 S曲线2E10 加减速时间3 O15 S曲线3bE11 加减速时间4 O16 S曲线4E12 加减速时间5 O17 S曲线5 数字量可调节参数值E13 加减速时间6 O18 S曲线6 模拟量不用,都为0E14 加减速时间7 O19 S曲线7E15 加减速时间8 O20 S曲线8O21 S曲线9O22 S曲线10F03 最高输出频率F04 基本频率此四个参数值须根据电机铭牌设F05 额定电压F06 最高输出电压F17 频率设定增益(模拟量)F18 频率偏置(模拟量)F26 载波频率 15KHz 一般不调,仅当电机动作正常,但声音尖锐异常时可调整(≤15KHz)E33=1 过负载预报按输出电流预报E34: OL预报值额定电流150%**E37 过负载预报额定电流150%**C07 爬行速度C08 检修速度数字量可调节参数值C09 单层速度模拟量不用,都为0C10 双层速度C11 多层速度C33 模拟量输入滤波时间 0.04P01 电机极数 P=120f/N (f-电机额定频率;N-电机额定转速)一般情况,N >1000rpm, P=4极N≤1000rpm, P=6极P02 电机功率此两个参数值须根据电机铭牌设P03 电机额定电流P04 电机空载电流初始值设为p04的40%,自整定后自动生成O01=1 (闭环); 0(开环)O03 编码器脉冲数(分频在PG卡上实现)O04 速度环P常数(高速时)O05 速度环I常数 0.5O06 速度检测滤波常数 0.003O07 速度环P常数切换频率1 5O08 速度环P常数切换频率2 10O09 速度环P常数(低速时)H03 数据初始化(一般不用)3. 特殊参数调试说明3.1 H03 数据初始化(一般不用)这个参数用法可参考第一章“3.1 A1-03=0 初始化”,与之用法类似。



Micro-controller XModel: PXR4/5/9Operation ManualECNO:406cTable of Contents1.Part Names and Functions (6)2.Operations (7)2-1 Parameter list (7)2-2 Basic operations (12)2-3 Parameter functions and method of settings (13)Standby setting (14)Local/remote operation setting (15)Ramp-soak control (16)Canceling the alarm latch (17)Auto-tuning function (18)Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers (19)Setting alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Upper limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Lower limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (20)Key lock (21)Proportional band (22)Integral time (23)Derivative time (24)Hysteresis range for ON/OFF control (25)Cooling-side proportional band coefficient (26)Cooling-side proportional band shift (Dead band/Overlap band) (27)Output offset value (28)Anti-reset windup (28)Control algorithm (29)PV (Measured value) stable range (33)HYS (Hysteresis) mode at ON/OFF control (34)Cycle time of control output 1 (35)Cycle time of control output 2 (Cooling-side) (36)Input signal code (37)Setting the measuring range (Input range) (38)Selection °C / °F (38)Decimal point position (40)PV (Measured value) offset (41)SV (Setting value) offset (42)Time constant of input filter (43)Alarm types (44)Selecting ramp-soak patterns (47)Ramp-soak status display (48)1st to 8th target SV (48)1st to 8th ramp segment time (48)1st to 8th soak segment time (48)Ramp-soak modes (48)2Specifying control action and output direction at input burn-out (51)SV (Setting value) lower limiter (52)SV (Setting value) upper limiter (52)The time of ON-delay alarm or timer function (53)Displaying current detector input (55)HB (Set value of heater break alarm) (55)Hysteresis alarm 1, 2 and 3 (57)Options of alarm 1, 2 and 3 (58)Upper and lower limits for control output 1 (60)Upper and lower limits for control output 2 (60)Output limit types (61)Output value display (62)RCJ (Cold junction compensation) (63)Adjusting the PV (Measured value) display (0%) (64)Adjusting the PV (Measured value) display (100%) (64)DI1/2 (Digital input 1/2) operation (65)Station No. for communication (68)Parity for communication (69)Communication protocol setting (70)Re-transmission output type setting (71)Re-transmission base and span scale (72)Remote SV input (0%) adjustment (73)Remote SV input (100%) adjustment (73)Remote SV input filter constant (74)Remote SV input value display (75)Parameter display mask (76)3.Troubleshooting (77)Index (79)3PXR4Note 1: Cannot be combined with heater break alarm.( 2, 3, 6, 7, H cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 2: Cannot be combined with alarm (1 pc.) + heater break alarm, alarm (2 pcs.), or alarm (3pcs.).( 3, 7, F, G, H, M, P cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 3: Cannot be combined with RS485 + 1-point digital input.(V and W cannot be specified on 11th digit.)Note 4: In the case of control output 2, either of heater break alarm or remote SV input can be selected.(A, C, E and R on the 7th digit, and 2,3,6,7,H, D and P on the 9th digit cannot be specified.)Input signal, measurement range, and set value at the time of deliver are as follows.When thermocouple is specified: Thermocouple K, Measurement range; 0 to 400°C, Set value; 0°CWhen resistance bulb is specified: Pt, Measurement range; 0 to 150°C, Set value; 0°CWhen voltage/current is specified: Scaling; 0 to 100%, Set value; 0%For the cases other than the above, specify input signal and measurement range.Input signal of the thermocouple and the resistance bulb can be switched by key operation on the front panel.The actuating method of the control output has been set to reverse for control output 1, and to direct for controloutput 2 at the time of delivery. Note that reverse and direct actuation can be switched by key operation on thefront panel.4PXR5/9Note 1: Cannot be combined with heater break alarm.( 2, 3, 6, 7, H cannot be specified on 9th digit.)Note 2: Cannot be combined with RS485 + 1-point digital input.(V and W cannot be specified on 11th digit.)Note 3: In the case of control output 2, either of heater break alarm or remote SV input can be selected.(A, C, E and R on the 7th digit, and 2,3,6,7,H, D and P on the 9th digit cannot be specified.)Input signal, measurement range, and set value at the time of deliver are as follows.When thermocouple is specified: Thermocouple K, Measurement range; 0 to 400°C, Set value; 0°CWhen resistance bulb is specified: Pt, Measurement range; 0 to 150°C, Set value; 0°CWhen voltage/current is specified: Scaling; 0 to 100%, Set value; 0%For the cases other than the above, specify input signal and measurement range.Input signal of the thermocouple and the resistance bulb can be switched by key operation on the front panel.The actuating method of the control output has been set to reverse for control output 1, and to direct for controloutput 2 at the time of delivery. Note that reverse and direct actuation can be switched by key operation on thefront panel.56This chapter explains the part names and functions on the face panel. The face panel has the PV and SV displays, the status indicating lamp, and the setting keys, etc. Those functions are explained below. Please read and understand them before using the PXR. For details about the setting of parameters, see Chapter 2.q Lamp for control output 1Lights up while control output 1 stays ON.w Lamp for control output 2Lights up while control output 2 stays ON.e Alarm lampLights up on detecting an alarm. The alarm output is turned ON at the same time.If the optional heater break alarm is provided, the AL3lamp lights up on detecting a heater break.r PV (Measured value) displayDisplays the PV. When setting a parameter, its name appears.t SV (Setting value) displayDisplays the SV. When setting a parameter, its value appears.y SEL keyUsed to select a parameter block and a parameter, and register a set value.uUsed to change the SV , call parameters, and change pa-rameter values.i SV lampLights up while the SV is displayed in the SV display.When parameters and data are displayed, the SV lamp goes out.!0Auto-tuning/self-tuning lampFlashes under an auto-tuning or self-tuning operation.q w e Alarm lampr PV (Measured value) displayt SV (Setting value) display y SEL ukeysi SV lamp1Part Names and Functionso Auto-tuning/self-tuning lamp2OperationsThis chapter explains how to set the SV (Setting value) and the parameters for the PXR.2-1 Parameter listParameters for the PXR are classified under three blocks according to the frequency of use. The parameters of the secondand third blocks are used at initialization or when they are of absolute necessity.Note:The parameters for which * is marked with the page number in Reference page are related to Remediesof “4” on page 77.78Parameters of the second blockNote:The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note 1:When a customer does not specify the settings while ordering, the following settings are selected as factory defaults.Thermocouple input: Thermocouple K Measured range: 0 to 400°CResistance bulb input:Measured range: 0 to 150°CV oltage/Current input:Scaling: 0 to 100%910Parameters of the third blockNote: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number inReference page are related to Remedies of “4” on page 77.Note 2:The following settings are selected as factory defaults depending on the model you order.Seventh digit = Y model: 0Seventh digit = A model: 4Note: The parameters for which * is marked with the page number in2-2 Basic operationsJust after power-on:The display below appears just after power-on.How to switch parameters:The figure below shows the basic operations for the PXR.If it has not been used for 30 seconds, the display returns to the one just after power-on (PV/SV displayed).How to set values:key:One press increases the value by 1.Press and hold this key to increase the value fast.key:One press decreases the value by 1.Press and hold this key to decrease the value fast.How to register the set data:By pressing the SELNote that the SV (SV0) will be registered in 3 seconds without any operation.2-3 Parameter functions and method of settingsMethod of setting the SV (Setting value)[Description]•The SV is a target value for control.•Any SV that is outside of the range set in the parameters of (lower limit) and (upper limit) of the third block cannot be set. (See page 52.)[Setting example] Changing the SV from 250°C to 1195°CRelated parameters:(page 52) (page 52)Standby setting (Settings: oFF/on)[Description]•This parameter switches the control between RUN and Standby.•During standby, the control output and the alarm output stay OFF, like the standby for ramp-soak operation.•While the alarm with a hold is selected, the hold function takes effect after changing the Standby setting from ON to OFF.•is displayed during the standby for ramp-soak operations or the controller changes to the standby state in case of the occurrence of errors.•The other operations are the same as those of the ramp-soak standby.•The setting of ON/OFF for standby is saved after power-off.[Setting example] Starting the control•When the standby is set to ON during the auto-tuning,self-tuning, and ramp-soak operations, those operations will stop. (The PID constant will not be renewed.) Even through it is set to OFF later, the auto-tuning, self-tuning,and ramp-soak operations will not be re-started.•During standby, the ON-delay timer is reset. When returning to RUN from the standby state, the timer will start from the beginning.[Description]•This parameter is used to switch between local and re-mote operations.[Setting example] Switching to remote operationRelated parameters:(page 73) (page 73) (page 74) (page 75)* Local operation:Control by SV set by the keys on the front face, ramp-soak operation, SV selection determined by digital input,and SV setting via communication* Remote operation:Control by SV determined by RemoteSV inputRamp-soak control (Settings: oFF/rUn/hLd) (Option)[Description]•This function automatically changes the SV (Setting value) according to the program pattern set in advance as shown in the right line graph. Up to eight pairs of ramp-soak operation can be programmed.•The first ramp starts at the PV (Measured value) that is the one just before running the program.•The program can also automatically run at power-on (Power-on starting function). Refer to the parameter of(page 45).Related parameters:(page 48) to (page 48) to (page 48) to (page 48) (page 48) (page 47)[Setting example] Starting the ramp-soak operationRamp: the section in which the SV changes toward the target value.Soak: the section in which the SV is the target value, and remains unchanged.TM1r TM2r TM3rCanceling the alarm latch (Setting range: 0/1) (Option)[Description]•This parameter cancels the alarm latch when it is latching.[Setting example] Opening up the alarm latchRelated parameters:to(page 58)Auto-tuning function (Settings: 0/1/2)[Description][Setting example] Setting the auto-tuning operation to 1[Note]If the controller is powered off during auto-tuning, this makes the auto-tuning ineffective with each parameter of , , and unchanged. To start the auto-tuning operation, set to “1” or “2” again.•To suspend the auto-tuning, set to “0”. This makes the auto-tuning cancel with each parameter of , , and unchanged.•Once the parameters of , , and are set automatically by the auto-tuning, those parameters are stored in the controller even after it is powered off. Therefore, it is not necessary to execute the auto-tuning again.•By setting to “1” or “2” , the auto-tuning operation starts, and at the end of the tuning, will be displayed automatically to .•After the auto-tuning operation, the controller starts to operate at the automatically set values of , , and .•A decimal point at the right end of the SV display flashes during auto-tuning.•There are two codes for AT:Setting code [1]:SV standard typePerforms the auto-tuning based on the SV.Setting code [2]:Low PV typePerforms the auto-tuning based on the SV-10%FS.[Note]Since ON/OFF control is performed during auto-tun-ing, overshoot against the SV may occur. To reduce the overshoot, execute the auto-tuning operation with the setting code [2] (Low PV) selected.•The auto-tuning can be executed both just after power-on and in a control or stable status.Related parameters:(page 22) (page 23) (page 24) (page 28) (page 26)Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers(unit: seconds) (Option)[Setting example] Displaying ON-delay alarm or the remaining time of timers[Description]•These parameters display the remaining time of Timers 1, 2 and 3.•The remaining time of the ON/OFF-delay timer is counted down. When the counter shows , the alarm relay is closed.•During count-down, if the PV changes to the value of the temperature at which the alarm is set to OFF, or if “DI”for the timer is set to OFF, the counter is reset, and thealarm relay is opened.Remaining time (seconds)•display parameter[Setting example] Setting the operation value of alarm 2 to -10°C[Description]•These parameters are used to for settings of alarm 1, 2and 3.•When the alarm type (,or ) is set to 0 to 15, alarms 1, 2 and 3 (, and ) can be set.•When the alarm type (,or) is set toany value other than 0 to 15, the upper and lower limitsof alarm 1, 2 and 3 (, , , , ,) can be set.[Note]Setting codes (12 to 15) cannot be selected in alarmtype 1 and 3 ( / ).Related parameters:, , (page 44), , (page 57), , (page 53),,(page 58)(Setting range:Absolute value alarm: 0 to 100%FS Deviation value alarm: -100 to 100%FS )(Option)}Setting alarm 1, 2 and 3Upper limit of alarm 1, 2 and 3Lower limit of alarm 1,2 and 3[Setting example] Setting the key lock to “2”Key lock (Setting range: 0−5)[Description]•This parameter makes the set values of parameters unchangeable. However, the parameter name and the set values can be displayed.•To reset the key lock, change to .•Even when the key lock is set, control and alarm functions can operate properly.•There are six levels of the key lock::Unlocked (reset):All settings are unchangeable from the controller, but changeable via communication.:Only the SV is changeable from the controller, and all settings are changeable via communication.:All settings are changeable from the controller, but unchangeable via communication.:All settings are unchangeable from the controller or via communication.:Only the SV is changeable from the controller, but all settings are unchangeable via communication.Proportional band (Setting range: 0.0 to 999.9% of the measured range)[Description]•To select the ON/OFF control (two-position control), setto 0.0. It is not necessary to set and .• can be automatically set by the auto-tuning operation.•When is too small, control will be unstable, and whenis too large, the response will be delayed.[Setting example] Changing the proportional band from 5.0% to 15.0%•Set the hysteresis of the ON/OFF control (two-positioncontrol) in the parameter.•If auto-tuning is run after the ON/OFF control is selected,the ON/OFF control changes to the PID control. To keep the ON/OFF control selected, do not execute the auto-tuning.Integral time (Setting range: 0 to 3200 seconds)[Description]• can be set automatically by the auto-tuning operation.•can also be set manually.[Setting example] Changing the integral time from 240 seconds to 600 seconds•When is set to 0, the integral operation does not start.•When is set to 0.0, this makes the setting of ineffec-tive.Derivative time (Setting range: 0.0 to 999.9 seconds)[Description]• can be set automatically by the auto-tuning operation.•can also be set manually.[Setting example] Changing the differential time from 60.0 seconds to 50.0 seconds•When is set to 0, the differential operation does not start.•When is set to 0.0, this makes the setting of ineffective.Hysteresis range for ON/OFF control (Setting range: 0 to 50%FS)[Description]•To select the ON/OFF control (two-position control), setto 0.0. It is not necessary to set and .•When the hysteresis range (Range of ON/OFF control) is too small, the output may switch the ON/OFF frequently.(This may affect the life of the device to be controlled,especially when contact output is selected.)•The unit of the set value of this parameter is ºC or ºF (engineering unit). The setting range varies according to the measured range of input.[Setting example] Changing the hysteresis range from 1˚C to 35˚C[Ex] Input Thermocouple K :At measured range of 0to 400 ºC, the setting range is 0 to 200 ºC.Resistance bulb :At measured range of 0to 150 ºC, the setting range is 0 to 75 ºC.Related parameters:(page 22)(page 34)Cooling-side proportional band coefficient (Option: Available for DUAL output only) (Setting range: 0.0 to 100.0)[Description]•This parameter is used for setting the cooling-side pro-portional band. (See the figure below.)[Setting example] Changing the cooling-side proportional band coefficient from 1.0 to 2.5•Before setting the cooling-side proportional band, set the heating-side proportional band to an optimum value. To select the two-position control for the cooling side, setto 0.0.Output•When is set to 0.0 and is set to 0.0 in the dualoutput type, the cooling output is as shown in the figure below. The hysteresis is fixed at 0.5%FS.Cooling-side proportional band=Proportional band (P)2× Coefficient Ex) When making the proportional band of 10% of thefull scale with the proportional band (P) being 50%:10% = × Coefficient50%2Consequently, the coefficient is 0.4.Related parameters:(page 25) (page 22) (page 27)Heating output (Output 1)ON 0.5%0.5% ONCooling output (Output 2)SVPVCooling-side proportional band shift (Dead band/Overlap band) (Option: Available for DUAL output only) (Setting range: -50.0 to +50.0)[Description]•This parameter is used for shifting the cooling-side pro-portional band from the set value. (See the figure below.)[Setting example] Shifting the cooling-side proportional band by 2.0•Related parameters:(page 22)•When is a positive value, it is called the "Dead band",and when it is a negative value, the "Overlap band".•Since the unit of is same one used for MV [%], if you want to set in the unit of deviation [%], must be converted using the equation below.OutputMV=50%Ex) When making a dead band with a deviation of1.0 [%] from the SV while the proportional band (P) is 5.0%:DB [%] = 1.0 × = 20 [%]1005.0100PDB [%] = Deviation × [%]Consequently, set the parameter to 20 [%].Output offset value (Setting range: -100.0 to 100.0 %)Anti-reset windup (Setting range: 0 to 100%FS)[Description]•The anti-reset windup ( ) is automatically set to anoptimum value by the auto-tuning operation.By setting , the amount of overshoot can be adjusted.[Note]By making use of the fuzzy control system equipped withPXR, the amount of overshoot can be minimized withoutsetting and .[Setting example] Changing the anti-reset windup from 60˚C to 80˚C.PVControl algorithm (Settings: PID/FUZY/SELF)[Description]•This parameter is used for selecting PID control, FUZZY -PID control, or PID control with self-tuning.•To select the PID control or FUZZY-PID control, it is necessary to set the parameters of , ,, and manually or by the auto-tuning in advance.[Setting example] Changing the control system from PID to FUZZY•For the ON/OFF control (Two-position control), select the PID control and then set to 0.0. For detailed infor-mation, refer to (page 22).•Refer to the next page for the PID control with self-tuning.[Self-tuning]1Function:With the self-tuning function, PID parameters are automatically re-optimised depending on the actual condition of device to be controlled and the setting temperature (SV).2How to execute:Follow the procedure shown below to set and execute the self-tuning. The self-tuning starts to run at the appropriate conditions. (See page 31)*1: How to set the parameter of :*2: Display during self-tuning is shown below:3Conditions under which the self-tuning runs:q At power-on:The self-tuning runs when all of the following conditions are met.•The SV that appears at power-on is not the same one when the , , , and were set previously. (i.e. the , , , and set by the self-tuning, auto-tuning, manual setting, and writing by communications tools at previous time)•The (SV-PV) at power-on is larger than (the value of × input range) or (the set value of ).w When the SV is changed:The self-tuning runs when all the conditions below are met.•The changed SV is larger than the SV that was set when the , , , and were selected previously.•The changed amount of the SV is larger than 0.•The changed amount of the SV is larger than (the set value of × input range) or (the set value of ).e When output becomes unstable:The self-tuning runs when control becomes unstable and the hunting of the operating output (MV) occurs. (The self-tuning runs only once as long as the SV is not changed.)r When the control standby mode is cancelled:The self-tuning runs by the same reason as "q At power-on" are met.* Only when the PXR is set to standby mode at power-on.4Conditions under which the self-tuning does not run:q During control standby modew During two-position control (Parameter of = 0)e During auto-tuning operationr During ramp-soak operationt Error display ( or is displayed.)y During dual output (The set value of the parameter of is larger than 4.)u When setting the parameters of , ,, and manually (including the setting written by communications tools)5Conditions under which the self-tuning is suspended:q At the condition described in 4shown abovew When the SV is changed during self-tuning operatione When the self-tuning operation can not be completed within approx. 9 hours6Cautionq Once the PID constant is set, the self-tuning does not operate at next power-on as long as the SV is not changed.w For an accurate tuning, be sure to power on the device to be controlled before or at the same time as the PXR is powered on. If the PXR has to be powered on first for reasons of the system configuration, perform the auto-tuning with the PID or FUZZY control.e If the device to be controlled is powered on under temperature change (especially when it rises), accuratetunings can not be performed. Be sure to power on the PYX when the temperature of device to be controlled is stabilized.r The self-tuning does not run for cooling system control under Direct Action output (Parameter = 2 or 3). t In case the control is not stable after performing the self-tuning, change the algorithm to the PID or FUZZY control and perform the auto-tuning.7Reference [About the self-tuning method]The PID constant is calculated in one of the following two methods.The method is selected automatically depending on the characteristics of the device to be controlled.• Step response method• Limit cycle methodThe following figures show the operations at power-on and changing the SV, and under unstable control. q Operations at power-onw Operations at changing the SVe Operation under unstable controlPV (Measured value) stable range (Setting range: 0 to 100%FS)[Description]•Self-tuning logic recognizes that control is stable if PV is staying within the SV ± .[Setting example] Changing the PV stable range from 2 to 3•It is not necessary to set this parameter under normal con-ditions.HYS (Hysteresis) mode at ON/OFF control (Settings: oFF/on)[Description]• This parameter is used for selecting the hysteresis opera-tion mode at ON/OFF control.• Default setting: ONStarts the ON/OFF control at the values ofSV+ and SV- .Starts the ON/OFF control at the values ofSV and SV+HYS, or SV and SV-HYS.HYS 2HYS 2::[Setting example] Setting the hysteresis mode to ONCycle time of control output 1 (Setting range: 1 to 150 seconds) [Description]•This parameter is applicable for to the contact output and SSR-driving output.•While input is within the proportional band, output changes between ON and OFF in cycles. These cycles are called cycle time.For contact output:The higher the frequency of output is, the more precise the control becomes. However a high frequency of out-put may shorten the life of the contacts and the device to be controlled. Be sure to adjust the proportional cycles considering controllability and the life of the device and the contacts.Typical: 30 secondsFor SSR-driving output:Use in short cycles if there is no problem with the device to be controlled.Typical: 1 to 2 secondstimetime[Setting example] Setting the cycle time from 30 seconds to 20 seconds•Do not set this parameter to "0".Cycle time of control output 2 (Cooling-side)(Setting range: 1 to 150 seconds) (Option: Available for DUAL output only) [Description]•By this parameter is set, the cycle time of control output 2.•While input is within the proportional band, outputchanges between ON and OFF in cycles. These cyclesare called cycle time.[Setting example] Setting the cooling-side cycle time from 30 seconds to 20 secondstimetimeFor contact output:The higher the frequency of output is, the more precisethe control becomes. However a high frequency of out-put may shorten the life of the contacts and the device tobe controlled. Be sure to adjust the proportional cyclesconsidering controllability and the life of the device andthe contacts.Typical: 30 seconds•Do not set this parameter to "0".Input signal code (Setting range: 0 to 16)[Description]•This parameter is used for selecting input signals. Input signal varies depending on the sensors (2 types below).Set a code that corresponds to the sensor you use.Type I :Thermocouples (9 kinds of signals)Resistance bulbs (1 kind of signal)Type II :V oltage, current•Input signals can be selected within the same type. It is impossible to select input signals of a different type.•For type II, to change from the voltage input to the cur-rent input, connect the supplied resistance of 250Ω be-tween terminals !7 and !8 (in the case of PXR4), and between terminals #5 and #6 (in the case of PXR5/9), in addition to changing the code.When changing from the current input to the voltage in-put, remove the resistance of 250 Ω as well as changing the code.[Note]After changing the codes, power off the PXR, and then power it on again.[Setting example] Changing from thermocouple K to thermocouple T in T ype I•Input signals and codes q Input signals code table。

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●使用高速CPU 能快速响应急变负载和及时检知再生功率,设有控制减速时间的再生回避功能,实现无跳闸自动减速过程。

●采用富士独自开发的控制方式,在0.5Hz 能输出200%高起动转矩(≤22kW)。

* 30kW 以上时为180%。


●使用PG 反馈卡(选件)构成带PG 反馈的矢量控制系统, 实现更高性能、更高精度的运行。

·速度控制范围: 1 : 1200·速度控制精度: ±0.02%
速度响应 : 40Hz
电动机低转速(1Hz)运行时的转速脉动比以前机种减小 1/2以上。

●在电动机运行过程中常时进行自整定,常时核对电动机特 性变化,实现高精度速度控制。


1台变频器切换运行2台电 动机时,保证2台电动机都能高精度运行。

●采用低噪声控制电源系统,大大减小对周围传感器等设 备的噪声干扰影响。

●标准装有连接抑制高次谐波电流的DC 电抗器端子。

●连接选件EMC 滤波器后,能符合欧洲EMC 指令。


采用使电动 机损耗降至最小的新控制方式,取得更好的节能效果。

●标准设有复写功能,能容易地将1台变频器的功能码数 据复写至其他变频器。

●显示器标准可选择3种语言(中文、英文和日文),便於 国内外配套使用。

●可简单地由键盘面板或外部接点信号进行点动(JOG)运 行操作。


●对≤22kW 标准产品采用全封闭结构IP40,耐环境性好。

●对≤22kW 变频器,允许横向密集安装,节省控制盘的安 装空间。

另外对≤7.5kW,变频器的高度统一为260mm, 使用多台不同容量的变频器时,安装盘设计容易。

●提供可选防水型IP65(≤7.5kW)和IP54(11~22kW),适用 於食品机械、木工机械、化工机械等有粉尘和水份的环 境。


●I/O 端子检查功能●主电路电容器寿命●变频器负载率测定
●运行状态(变频器输出电流、散热板温度、消耗功率等) 监视

●标准内装接口RS485,由此可由个人计算机向变频器输入 运行命令和设定功能码数据等。

●设有万用DI/DO功能,变频器的输入/输出端子状态(接 点信号的有无)能传送至上位机和受其监控,这样可简化 FA 系统。

●可连接现场总线:Profibus-DP、Interbus-S、Device Net、 Modbus Plus (选件)等。

用於风机、泵等………PID 控制功能
变频器风扇ON/OFF 控制商用电切换顺序
●标准装有(≥1.5kW)控制电源辅助输入电路,因此断开 主电源时,能保持异常输出信号。

●接点输入控制端子(9点)、开路集电极晶体管输出(4点)、 继电器输出(1点)等可根据用途任意设定其端子功能。

●设有主动驱动过程,该功能判断变频器的负载状态,为防 止跳闸,自动延长加速时间,继续加速运行,保证强有力


●能设定电子热继电器的热时间常数,因此电子热继电器能 适用於各种电动机。


●能用PTC 热敏电阻保护电动机。


■3相400V FRENIC 5000 G11S 系列标准规范

■3相400V FRENIC 5000 P11S系列标准规范

■FRENIC5000G11S 11kW 以上
FRENIC5000P11S 15kW 以上
■FRENIC5000G11S 7.5kW 以下
FRENIC5000P11S 11kW 以下
外部制动电阻 DB(*2)(*5)
外部制动电阻 DB(*2)(*5)
电源(*1)3相380~480V 50/60Hz
不用电位器,由端子12-11输入电压信号DC0~+10V 或0~+5V
频率设定电流输入DC4~20mA 模拟频率计0~60Hz FM(*2)



变频器型号FRN30G11S -4CX~FRN400G11S-4CX FRN30P11S -4CX~FRN500P11S-4CX (≤55kW)
·取去P1- P(+)短路片后,连接DCR (≥75kW)
·必须连接至P1- P(+)端子


对≥75kW 变频器在P1和P(+)间无短路

*对G11S:≥11kW,P11S ≥15kW 必须和外置“制动单元(选件)(*6)”一起使用。

*对G11S:≤7.5kW,P11S ≤11kW 将P (+)和DB端子上的内装制动电阻(*8)连接线取下,并包好绝缘,再於P(+)和DB 上连接外部制动电阻。

(*6)“制动单元(选件)”连接至P (+)、N (-),

(*7)对≥1.5kW 机种,标准装有此两端子,不

