第一卷(三部分,共 115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.15.C.9.18.答案是B。
1.What do we learn about the man?A.He slept well on the plane.B.He had a long trip.C.He had a meeting.2.Why will the woman stay home in the evening?A.To wait for a call.B.To watch a ball game on TV.C.To have dinner with a friend.3.What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?A.A school bag.B.A record.C.A theatre ticket.4.What does the man mainly do in his spare time?A.Learn a language.B.Do some sports.C.Play the piano.5.What did the woman like doing when she was young?A.Riding a bicycle with friends.B.Travelling the country.C.Reading alone.第二节(共15小题海小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
1.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷) 英语试题及参考答案 [J],
2.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(山东卷)英语试题及参考答案 [J],
3.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(全国卷Ⅱ) [J],
4.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(湖南试卷)英语试题(英文) [J], 思思
5.注重基础强化语境突出语篇强调应用——2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(山东卷)英语试题分析 [J], 徐汉东
( ),( ),( ), ( ),( )。
列车防火系统也很先进,重要设施都附有防火装置①并与地面通讯,实现地面对列车的监控②能实现对动车组各个系统的控制③一旦出现异常情况,动车组即可自动减速或停车④同时对系统进行监视和故障诊断⑤无需人为干预A.②①⑤④③ B.②④①③⑤ C.⑤④③②① D.⑤④①③②二、(9分,每小题3分)阅读下面的文字,完成5~7题。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.15C. £9.18答案是B1.What is the weather like?A. It’s raining.B. It’s clou dy.C. It’s sunny.2. Who will go to China next month?A. LucyB. AliceC. Richard3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The man’s sisterB. A filmC. An actor4. Where will the speakers meet?A. In Room 340B. In Room XXXC. In Room 2235. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurantB. In an officeC. At home第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分;满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试文科数学(江西卷)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求.1.设集合{|3,}I x x x Z =<∈,{1,2}A =,{2,1,2}B =--,则()I A C B = A .{1} B .{1,2} C .{2} D .{0,1,2} 2.已知tan32α=,则cos α=A .54B .45-C .154D .35-3.123)(x x +的展开式中,含x 的正整数次幂的项共有A .4项B .3项C .2项D .1项 4.函数)34(log 1)(22-+-=x x x f 的定义域为 A .(1,2)(2,3) B .(,1)(3,)-∞+∞ C .(1,3) D .[1,3] 5.设函数()sin3sin3f x x x =+,则()f x 为 A .周期函数,最小正周期为3πB .周期函数,最小正周期为32πC .周期函数,数小正周期为π2D .非周期函数 6.已知向量(1,2)a =,(2,4)b =--,5c =,若5()2a b c +⋅=,则a 与c 的夹角为A .30B .60C .120D .1507.将9个人(含甲、乙)平均分成三组,甲、乙分在同一组,则不同分组方法的种数为A .70B .140C .280D .8408.在ABC ∆中,设命题p :sin sin sin a b cB C A ==,命题q :ABC ∆是等边三角形,那么命题p 是命题q 的A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分又不必要条件9.矩形ABCD 中,4AB =,3BC =,沿AC 将矩形ABCD 折成一个直二面角B -AC D -,则四面体ABCD 的外接球的体积为 A .π12125 B .π9125 C .π6125 D .π312510.已知实数a ,b 满足等式11()()23a b =,下列五个关系式①0b a << ②0a b << ③0a b << ④0b a << ⑤a b =其中不可能...成立的关系式有 A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个11.在O A B ∆中,O 为坐标原点,(1,cos )A θ,(sin ,1)B θ,(0,]2πθ∈,则O A B ∆的面积达到最大值时,=θA .6πB .4πC .3πD .2π12.为了解某校高三学生的视力情况,随机地抽查了该校100名高三学生的视力情况,得到频率分布直方图,如右,由于不慎将部分数据丢失,但知道前4组的频数成等比数列,后6组的频数成等差数列,设最大频率为a ,视力在4.6到5.0之间的学生数为b ,则a ,b 的值分别为A .0.27,78B .0.27,83C .2.7,78D .2.7,83二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分,请将答案填在答题卡上. 13.若函数()log (a f x x =是奇函数,则a = .14.设实数,x y 满足20240230x y x y y --≤⎧⎪+->⎨⎪-≤⎩,则y x 的最大值是 .15.如图,在直三棱锥P ABC -中,PA PB PC BC ===,2BAC π∠=,则PA 与底面ABC 所成角为 .ACP16.以下同个关于圆锥曲线的命题中①设A 、B 为两个定点,k 为非零常数,PA PB k -=,则动点P 的轨迹为双曲线;②设定圆C 上一定点A 作圆的动点弦AB ,O 为坐标原点,若1()2OP OA OB =+,则动点P 的轨迹为椭圆;③方程22520x x -+=的两根可分别作为椭圆和双曲线的离心率;④双曲线13519252222=+=-y x y x 与椭圆有相同的焦点. 其中真命题的序号为 .(写出所有真命题的序号)三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共74分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17.(本小题满分12分)已知函数b ax x x f +=2)((a ,b 为常数)且方程()120f x x -+=f 有两个实根为13x =,24x =.(Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的解析式;(Ⅱ)设1k >,解关于x 的不等式;xkx k x f --+<2)1()(.18.(本小题满分12分)已知向量(2cos ,tan())224x x a π=+,(2sin(),tan())2424x x b ππ=+-,令()f x a b =⋅,求函数()f x 的最大值,最小正周期,并写出()f x 在[0,]π上的单调区间. 19.(本小题满分12分)A 、B 两位同学各有五张卡片,现以投掷均匀硬币的形式进行游戏,当出现正面朝上时A 赢得B 一张卡片,否则B 赢得A 一张卡片.规定掷硬币的次数达9次时,或在此前某人已赢得所有卡片时游戏终止.求掷硬币的次数不大于7次时游戏终止的概率.20.(本小题满分12分)如图,在长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,11AD AA ==,2AB =,点E 在棱AD 上移动.(Ⅰ)证明:11D E A D ⊥;(Ⅱ)当E 为AB 的中点时,求点E 到面1ACD 的距离; (Ⅲ)AE 等于何值时,二面角1D EC D --的大小为4π.21.(本小题满分12分)如图,M 是抛物线上2y x =上的一点,动弦ME 、MF 分别交x 轴于A 、B 两点,且MA MB =.(Ⅰ)若M 为定点,证明:直线EF 的斜率为定值;(Ⅱ)若M 为动点,且90EMF ∠=,求EMF ∆的重心G 的轨迹方程. 22.(本小题满分14分)已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和n S 满足1213()2n n n S S ---=-(3n ≥), 且11S =,232S =-,求数列{}n a 的通项公式.ABCD A 1EB 1C 1D 12005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江西卷)文科数学参考答案一、选择题1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 二、填空题 13.22 14.23 15.3π16.③④ 三、解答题17.解:(1)将0124,3221=+-+==x bax x x x 分别代入方程得 ).2(2)(,2184169392≠-=⎩⎨⎧=-=⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧-=+-=+x x x x f b a ba ba 所以解得 (2)不等式即为02)1(,2)1(222<-++---+<-xkx k x x k x k x x 可化为 即.0))(1)(2(>---k x x x①当1<k<2时,解集(1,k )∪(2,+∞);②当);,2()2,1(0)1()2(,22+∞⋃∈>--=x x x k 解集为不等式为时 ③),()2,1(,2+∞⋃∈>k x k 解集为时当.18.解:)42tan()42tan()42sin(2cos 22)(πππ--++=⋅=x x x x x f12cos 22cos 2sin 22tan112tan 2tan 12tan1)2cos 222sin 22(2cos 222-+=+-⋅-+++=x x x x xx x x x xx x cos sin +==)4sin(2π+x .所以2)(的最大值为x f ,最小正周期为]4,0[)(,2ππ在x f 上单调增加,]4,0[π上单调减少.19.解:(1)设ξ表示游戏终止时掷硬币的次数,设正面出现的次数为m ,反面出现的次数为n ,则⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≤=+=-715||ξξn m n m ,可得:.7,5:;7,6,11,6;5,5,00,5的取值为所以时或当时或当ξξξ==========n m n m n m n m.649645322)21(2)21(2)7()5()7(7155=+=+⨯==+==≤C P P P ξξξ20.解法(一)(1)证明:∵AE ⊥平面AA 1DD 1,A 1D ⊥AD 1,∴D 1E ⊥A 1D(2)设点E 到面ACD 1的距离为h ,在△ACD 1中,AC=CD 1=5,AD 1=2, 故.21,231==∆∆ACE C AD S S 而 .31,23121,3131111=∴⨯=⨯∴⋅=⋅=∴∆∆-h h h S DD S V C AD AEC AEC D(3)过D 作DH ⊥CE 于H ,连D 1H 、DE ,则D 1H ⊥CE , ∴∠DHD 1为二面角D 1—EC —D 的平面角. 设AE=x ,则BE=2-x,,,1,.1,4,211x EH DHE Rt x DE ADE Rt DH DHD DH D Rt =∆∴+=∆=∴=∠∆中在中在中在 π.4,32.32543.54,3122π的大小为二面角时中在中在D EC D AE x x x x x x CE CBE Rt CH DHC Rt ---=∴-=⇒+-=+∴+-=∆=∆解法(二):以D 为坐标原点,直线DA ,DC ,DD 1分别为x,y,z 轴,建立空间直角坐标系,设AE=x ,则A 1(1,0,1),D 1(0,0,1),E (1,x ,0),A (1,0,0)C (0,2,0)(1).,0)1,,1(),1,0,1(,1111E D DA x E D DA ⊥=-=所以因为即DA 1⊥D 1E. (2)因为E 为AB 的中点,则)0,2,1(),1,1,1(),0,1,1(1--=D E 从而.⎩⎨⎧=+-=+-⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=⋅=⋅=-=002,00),,,().1,0,1(111c a b a AD n c b a n ACD AD 也即则的法向量为设平面,)2,1,2(,2=⎩⎨⎧==ca ba 从而得,所以点E 到平面AD 1C 的距离为 .313212||1=-+==n h (3)设平面D 1EC 的法向量),,(c b a n =,∴),1,0,0(),1,2,0(),0,2,1(11=-=-=DD D x由⎩⎨⎧=-+=-⇒⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=⋅=⋅.0)2(02,0,01x b a c b D 令b=1, ∴c=2,a=2-x , ∴).2,1,2(x -= 依题意.225)2(222||||4cos211=+-⇒=⋅=x DD n π ∴321+=x (不合,舍去),.322-=x ∴AE=32-时,二面角D 1—EC —D 的大小为4π. 21.解:(1)设M (y 20,y 0),直线ME 的斜率为k(l>0)则直线MF 的斜率为-k ,).(200y x k y y ME -=-∴的方程为直线⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=-∴xy y x k y y 2200)(由消0)1(002=-+-ky y y ky x 得 2200)1(,1kky x k ky y F F -=∴-=解得).(2142)1()1(1102022022000定值y k ky k k ky k ky k ky k ky x x y y k F E F E EF-=-=+---+--=--=∴所以直线EF 的斜率为定值(2),1,45,90==∠=∠k MAB EMF 所以时当).(200y x k y y ME -=-∴的方程为直线).1,)1((,0202200y y E xy y x y y --⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=-得由 同理可得)).1(,)1((020y y F +-+设重心G (x, y ),则有⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧-=+--+=++=+=++-+=++=33)1()1(33323)1()1(3000020202020y y y y x x x x y y y y x x x x F E M F E M).32(2729120>-=x x y y 得消去参数 22.解:方法一:先考虑偶数项有:1212222)21(3)21(3---⋅-=-⋅=-n n n n S S32324222)21(3)21(3----⋅-=-⋅=-n n n n S S……….)21(3)21(23324⋅-=-⋅=-S S).1()21(2])41(2121[4411)41(21213]21)21()21()21[(3])21()21()21[(312332123321222≥+-=⋅--=--⋅-=++++-=+++-=∴-----n S S n n n n n n n n同理考虑奇数项有:.)21(3)21(3221212n n n n S S ⋅=-=---22223212)21(3)21(3----⋅=-⋅=-n n n n S S……….)21(3)21(32213⋅=-⋅=-S S.1).1()21(34))21(2()21(2).1()21(34))21(2()21(2).1()21(2])21()21()21[(31112122122221222121222222112==≥⋅+-=--+-=-=≥⋅-=+---=-=∴≥-=++++=∴----++-+S a n S S a n S S a n S S n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n综合可得⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅+-⋅-=--.,)21(34,,)21(3411为偶数为奇数n n a n n n方法二:因为),3()21(31112≥-⋅=++=-----n a a a a S S n n n n n n n 所以两边同乘以n )1(-,可得:.)21(3)21()1(3)1()1(1111----⋅-=-⋅-⋅=---n n n n n n n a a令).3()21(3,)1(11≥-⋅-=-∴-=--n b b a b n n n n n n所以,)21(311---⋅-=-n n n b b,)21(3221----⋅-=-n n n b b………,)21(3223-⋅-=-b b211)21(41413])21()21()21[(3222212-⋅-⨯-=+++-=∴---n n n n b b b ).3()21(32312≥⋅+-=-n b n⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⋅+-⋅-=⋅-⋅+--=-=∴≥⋅+-=⋅+--=∴-=-=-=-=∴-=--=-===-----.,)21(34,,)21(34)21()1(3)1(4)1().1()21(34)21(32325.25)1(,1)1(,25123,11311122211112211为偶数为奇数又n n b a n b a b a b S S a S a n n n n n n n n n n n。
全 国 卷(Ⅰ) (河北、河南、安徽、山西、海南等地区) 第一卷第一卷注意事项注意事项1. 答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30(分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
第一节第一节 (共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 51. 5分) 听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
例:How much is the shirt? A. £19. 15. B. £9. 15. C. £9. 18. 答案是B. 1. How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts? A. $18. B. $19. C. $20. 2. What will the speakers discuss? A. A report. B. A computer. C. A report on computer. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. A child. B. A room. C. A present. 4. What can we learn from this conversation? A. The woman does not get along well with the man. B. The woman does not get along well with her roommate. C. The man will talk with the woman’s roommate.5. Where are the two speakers now? A. On the first floor. B. On the fourth floor. C. On the fifth floor. 第二节 (共15小题;每题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 第二节听下面5段对话。
2005江西卷听力(同全国卷I,略)单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. —Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?—Thank you. ____.【2005江西】A. It couldn’t be better.B. Of course you can.C. If you like.D. It’s up to you.22. —Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?—Something ____ to him.【2005江西】A. must happenB. should have happenedC. could have happenedD. must have happened23. —Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Jerry Jackson. I am afraid I won’t be able to arrive on time for the meeting in your office.—____. We’ll wait for you.【2005江西】A. Hurry upB. No doubtC. Cheer upD. Tha t’s all right24. Cars do cause us some health problems—in fact far more serious____ than mobile phones do.【2005江西】A. oneB. onesC. itD. those25. The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs ____ they are being trained.【2005江西】A. in thatB. for thatC. in whichD. for which26. My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever. ____, He could neither eat nor sleep.【2005江西】A. as a resultB. after allC. any wayD. otherwise27. If you grow up in ____large family, you are more likely to develop ____ ability to get on well with ____ others.【2005江西】A. /; an; theB. a; the; /C. the; an; theD. a; the; the28. Please tell me how the accident ____. I am still in the dark.【2005江西】A. came byB. came uponC. came toD. came about29. ____ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctor’s help to end her life.【2005江西】A. Having given up hope of cureB. With no hope for cureC. There being hope for cureD. In the hope of cure30. I think you’ll grow ____ him when you know him better.【2005江西】A. likingB. to be likeC. to likeD. to be liking31. The manager, ____ it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us, left the meeting room.【2005江西】A. who has madeB. having madeC. madeD. making32. Y our uncle seems to be a good driver; ____, I wouldn’t dare to travel in his car.【2005江西】A. even soB. even thoughC. thereforeD. so33. The way he did it was different ____ we were used to.【2005江西】A. in whichB. in whatC. from whatD. from which34. —Must I turn off the gas after cooking?—Of course. Y ou can never be ____ careful with that.【2005江西】A. enoughB. tooC. soD. very35. —Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.—Oh! I thought they ____ without me.【2005江西】A. wentB. are goingC. have goneD. had gone完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In the summer vacation of 1997, I was fixed with a job. I worked as a(n) (36) ____ at Mr. Breen’s fruit shop. The fruit shop did (37) ____ business. Most of the trade came from the housewives who lived in the neighbourhood, (38) ____ he also had regular customers who arrived outside the shop in care. Mr. Breen (39) ____ them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up, always (40) ____ me to carry it out to their car. They were clearly long-standing customers, and I (41) ____ they must have stayed faithful to him (42) ____ he had promised to sell good quality (43) ____. He had a way with them—I had to (44) ____ that. He called every woman “madam” for a start, (45) ____ those who clearly were not, but when he (46) ____ it, it did not sound like flattery(奉承). It just sounded (47) ____ in an old-fashioned way. He was a great chatter (48) ____. If he did not know them, he would greet them with a few (49) ____ about the weather, (50) ____ he did, he would ask about their families or make (51) ____, always cutting his cloth (52) ____ his customers. Whatever their bills came to, he (53) ____ gave them back the few odd pence(零钱), and I am sure they thought he was very generous(慷慨). But I thought he was the opposite. He never (54) ____ anything away. He was always looking for (55) ____ for nothing.36. A. operator B. assistant C. waiter D. secretary37. A. good B. poor C. big D. usual38. A. so B. when C. therefore D. but39. A. sold B. knew C. gave D. sent40. A. making B. letting C. getting D. keeping41. A. wish B. insist C. declare D. suppose42. A. when B. if C. because D. though43. A. food B. fruit C. vegetables D. drinks44. A. admit B. expect C. announce D. practice45. A. yet B. only C. just D. even46. A. told B. said C. spoke D. talked47. A. serious B. strange C. polite D. familiar48. A. as well B. as usual C. either D. also49. A. sayings B. questions C. words D. speeches50. A. and then B. and so C. even if D. but if51. A. preparations B. jokes C. repairs D. friends52. A. according to B. due to C. instead of D. up to53. A. never B. ever C. seldom D. always54. A. took B. moved C. threw D. turned55. A. something B. anything C. somebody D. anybody阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AHe wishes the holiday season would end already. His back aches, his red suit feels like a spacesuit, his cheeks have gone tight from smiling for 12 hours—and still the kids keep coming and coming, like ants at a picnic. As Christmas becomes more commercialized(商业化) across the U.S. and Canada, so must Santas. As the holiday begins earlier each year, so most its spokesmen.The questions from children these days are harder than ever. Now, with thousands of children expecting a father or mother serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, the questions are as heart-breaking as they are unanswerable. For example, “Can you please bring Daddy home from the war in time for Christmas morning?”Santas also have a pretty good chance of getting sued(指控). A professional Santa Claus in Canada told a story: A Santa had a girl on his knee, and he commented, “Y ou have nice eyes and nice hair.” the girl later said it was sexual harassment(骚扰). When a Santa feels anxious, he often shows it in the same ways ordinary people do: The Santas were always seen to hang around at the dinner table when the show ended. Many of them just sleep in bed for several days and don’t see other children again.56. In the first paragraph, “spokesmen” refers to ____.A. businessmenB. political leadersC. organizers of the activitiesD. Santa Clauses57. The passage implies that the job of Santa Claus is ____.A. well-paidB. very hardC. worth doingD. dangerous58. According to the third paragraph, Santas may sometimes be blamed for ____.A. doing something against the lawB. hanging around the dinner tableC. being lazy and sleeping in bed for daysD. not playing their roles as expected59. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Christmas: Not a Good Festival for SantasB. Is Santa Claus Really Alive?C. A Christmas StoryD. What does Santa Claus Do for Children?BWhen a rather dirty, poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg for a few coins, do you hurry on, not knowing what to do, or do you feel sad and hurriedly hand over some money? What should our attitude to beggars be? There can be no question that the world is full of terribly sad stories. It must be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to come from. It seems cruel not to give some money to beggars.Certainly, most of the world’s great religious(宗教) order us to be open-hearted and share what we have with those less fortunate than ourselves. But has the world changed? Maybe what was morally(道德方面) right in the old days, when one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help, is no longer the best idea. quite a few people will not give to beggars. Let us look at their arguments.First, some believe that many city beggars dress up on purpose to look pitiable and actually make a good living from begging. Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil(恶行). Secondly, there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beer, wine or drugs. Thirdly, there is the opinion that there is no real excuse for begging. One might be poor, but that is no reason for losing one’s sense of pride and self-dependence.Related to this is the opinion that the problem should be dealt with by the government rather than ordinary people. Some peop le think beggars should go to the local government department and receive help.It is hard to come to any final conclusion; there are various cases and we must deal with them differently. A few coins can savea life in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver.60. What is mainly discussed in the passage?A. Moral deeds of people.B. Religious activities of the church.C. Moral goodness of the giver.D. Arguments on giving to beggars.61. What can we infer from the sentence “But has the world changed?” in the second paragraph?A. People no longer know who suffers misfortune in the village.B. Some people will not do what was morally right in the past.C. We don’t’ meet with those who need help any more.D. Now it is the government’s duty to help the beggars.62. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Some people dress up to pretend to be beggars.B. Some beggars want money to help their children go to school.C. Some beggars use the money to buy drugs.D. Some beggars have no excuse for begging.63. In the last paragraph, the writer thinks that it is hard to come to any final conclusion, because ____.A. the cases can be so differentB. there are so many beggarsC. there is so much money wastedD. there are so many different argumentsCYOUR KIDS ARE AMAZING—especially compared with everybody else’s (who seem to cry all the time). How do you showyour love for your kids this holiday season? With toys that are smooth and colorful, interactive and exciting. And with ones that have educational value—because you are the boss.1. FLAZ AR T HOSPITAL PUZZLE AND PLAY SETHere is a toy that doesn’t need power—and the kids have to put it together themselves. This 50-piece puzzle set is made of soft-edged hardwood and makes a complete hospital, with an X-ray room. It also includes eight patients, a car and a driver. $135, —.2. TINY LOE ACTIVITY BALLSure, it’s cool, but this colorful baby toy also develops problem solving and motor skills. It has a head and legs, a magnetic(磁性的) hand and a tail. suitable for little ones from 6 to 36 months. $19.95; .3. ROBOSAPLENThis small, remote-control robot is really powered. It performs 67 preprogrammed functions(功能), including throwing, kicking, picking up and dancing. Y ou can even program your own function—which, sadly, does not include doing windows. @99; .4. MINI PEDAL CARWant a Mini Cooper but can’t fit the family inside? Get one for the kids. They can jump into this Mini car, which comes in hot orange with a single adjustable(可调的) seat, and ride away. But it could spoil them for that used car they’ll be driving when they turn 16. for ages 3 to 5. @189; (click on “gear up”, then “Mini motoring gear”).64. Which toy is said to have the special design for children’s safety?A. ROBOSAPIENB. MINI PEDAL CARC. FLAX ART HOSPITAL PUZZLE AND PLAY SETd. TINY LOVE ACTIVITY BALL65. Which toys are fit for three-year-old kids?A. 1 and 3.B. 2 and 4.C. 1 and 2.D. 3 and 4.66. Educational value is mentioned in all the toys EXCEPT ____.A. FLAX AR T HOSPITAL PUZZLE AND PLAY SETB. TINY LOVE ACTIVITY BALLC. ROBOSAPIEND. MINI PEDAL CAR67. This passage is written for ____.A. parentsB. childrenC. the writerD. the bossDThe two gardens in Sri Lanka are actually large estates(种植园). The best tea usually comes from plants grown on high grounds, the cool hilltops with rows and rows of tea plants. The plants are about one metre apart. The plant is often pruned so that it remains only 60 to 90 centimetres high. Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots, or young leaves. It is from these shoots that the best tea is got.Practically all the tea pickers are women. The estates prefer to employ women pickers because they are more careful.Their thin fingers can easily remove the twin leaves and new shoots from the plant, which are the parts used for processing(加工) tea. The pickers carry large baskets into which they throw their pickings. A skilled worker can harvest between 9 to 14 kilogrammes of tea leaves a day. Usually new shoots can be picked from the plants about every ten or fifteen days.Processing tea shoots into the familiar dry tea leaves requires great care and skill. There are various methods of processing depending on the type of tea required. For black tea, the young green leaves are first spread out on shelves to dry. This process removes much of its water and the leaves become soft. After this, the leaves are passed through heavy rollers. This operation will press the leaves for juices which give the tea both its colour and taste. Then the leaves are spread out on floors and left to ferment(发酵) under wet conditions. Fermentation develops the rich taste of black tea. The fermented leaves are then dried with a hot-air blower until they become rolled-up black leaves. The final step is to sort and grade them before the black tea is ready for sale to countries all over the world.68. In the first paragraph, the word “pruning” means ____.A. regular cutting of the plantsB. frequent wateringC. regular use of chemicalsD. growing the plants high in the mountain69. One of the reasons why women are employed to do the picking is that ____.A. they work harder than men do in the pickingB. they can throw their pickings more easily into the basketsC. their fingers fit them better for the jobD. they can more easily find the twin leaves70. How many processing steps are mentioned in the last paragraph?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six.71. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?A. To introduce various methods of tea processing.B. To persuade readers to buy tea from Sri Lanka.C. To tell a story that had happened in the tea gardens.D. To inform readers of tea growing, picking and processing.EDo you have any strong opinion on co-educational or single-sex schools?A supporter of co=educational schools would probably say that schools should be like the societies they belong to. In Hong Kong, men and women mix socially on a day-to-day basis. In many fields men are even likely to have female bosses. It is, therefore, desirable that boys and girls grow up together, go to school together, and prepare themselves for a society that does not value sexual separation.Some would go on to argue further that growing up with members of the opposite sex is important for personal development. Regular contact(接触) can remove the strange ideas about the opposite sex and lead to more natural relationships. Single-sex conditions are seen as leading to more extreme op inions, and possibly even as encouraging homosexuality(同性恋), though there is no proof that this is the case.Those who are against co-education often also fix their attention on the sexual side. Some parents fear that close contact with members of the opposite sex is dangerous for teenagers. They want their children to be attentive to their studies. Such parents feel uncomfortable with modern ways and the free mixing of the sexes.A stronger argument comes from research into school results. Girls grow up earlier than boys, tend to be more orderly and are likely to be better at languages. In a mixed class, boys who might do well in a single-sex class become discouraged and take on the role of troublemaker. Certainly in the UK, this situation has greatly alarmed(惊动) the government for it to be encouraging co-educational schools to have some single-sex classes. In the UK the best schools are all single-sex, strongly suggesting that co-education is not the best answer. This may, however, not be so simple as it looks. It may simply be that the famous old schools that attract the best students happen to be single-sex, rather than that being single-sex makes them better schools.72. In the third paragraph, by saying “though there is no proof that this is the case”, the writer means that ____.A. students in single-sex schools will certainly become homosexualB. students in co-educational schools cannot have extreme opinionsC. student sin co-educational schools are likely to be homosexualD. single-sex school conditions may or may not have effects on the students73. All the following arguments can be found in the passage EXCEPT that ____.A. co-education can produce a society-like situationB. co-educational schools may lead to love affairs between boys and girlsC. co-education will help develop a better understanding about the opposite sexD. co-education can make boys perform well in mixed classes74. Alarmed by the situation, the UK government encourages ____.A. co-educationB. single-sex educationC. single-sex classes in co-educational schoolsD. co-educational classes in single-sex schools75. At the end of the passage the writer suggests that ____.A. single-sex schools are the best schools in the UKB. being single-sex does not necessarily make a school betterC. co-educational schools are better for both sexes in personal developmentD. because boys cannot compete with girls in study, they go to single-sex schools短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)My car just wouldn’t move any further. It was complete 76. ____________dead, and I was a few miles far away from anywhere on a cold, 77. ____________wet night. I decided walk around a little before accepting I’d 78. ____________have to spend the night in the car. Maybe I can find a 79. ____________telephone. Actually, I didn’t have to walk far before I 80. ____________found a small house standing on a field with a light 81. ____________shone from the sitting room. I knocked at the door and 82. ____________was delighting when a pleasant old man opened the 83. ____________door but listened to my story carefully. He said he had 84. ____________no telephone, and it wasn’t one within walking distance, 85. ____________but offered to come and look at my car.书面表达(满分25分)人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。
例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.A.however B.whateverC.whchever D.whenever答案是B。
21.- Can l speak to Mr.Wang,Please?- ________.A.Who are you? B. I’m Wang.C.Speaking. D. Are you John?22.No one helped me.I did it all ______ myself.A.for B.by C.from D.to23.Mary wrote an article on ______ the team had failed to win the game.A.why B.what C.who D.that24.I have many friends,some _____ are businessmen.A.of them B.from whichC.who of D.of whom25.We haven’t enou gh books for ______ ;some of you will have to share.A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody26.Tom,you _______ leave all your clothes on the floor like this!A.Wouldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not27.They wanted to charge $5,000 for the car, _______ we managed bring the price down.A.but B.so C.when D.since28.—What would you do if it _____ tomorrow?- We have to Carry it on,since we’ve got everything ready.A.rain B.rains C.will min D.is raining29.My parents will move back into town in a year or _____. .A.later B.after C.so D.about30.It wasn’t until nearly a month late ______ I rec eived the manager’s reply.A.since B.when C.as D.that31.-0h dear! I’ve just broken a window.-______.It can’t be helped.A.Never mind B.All right C.That’s fine D.Not at all32.The storm left,____a lot of damage to this area.A. caused B.to have caused C.to cause D.having caused33.The hero’s story__ differently in the newspapers.A.was reported B.was reporting C.reports D. reported34.The coffee is wonderful! I t doesn’t taste like anything I ______ before.A.was having B.have C.have ever had D.had ever had35.The chairman thought _______ necessary to invite Professor Smith to spe ak at the meeting.A. that B.it C. this D.him第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
亲爱的小朋友,你们好! 经过两个月的学习,你们一定有不小的收获吧,用你的自信和智慧,认真答题,相信你一定会闯关成功。
相信你是最棒的!12024年江西高考英语真题及答案考生注意:1. 答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在试题卷和答题纸规定的位置上。
2. 答题时,请按照答题纸上“注意事项”的要求,在答题纸相应的位置上规范作答,在本试题卷上的作答一律无效。
例:How much hi the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.15C. £9.18答案是B。
1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend?A. Go out with her friendB. Work on her paperC. Make some plans2. What was the normal price of the T-shin?A. $15B. $30C. $503. What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?A. To attend a weddingB. To visit an exhibitionC. To meet a friend4. When does the bank close on Saturday?A. At 1:00 pmB. At 3:00 pmC. At 4:00 pm5.Where are the speakers?A. In a storeB. In a classroomC. At a hotel第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一试卷(江西卷)语文一、(18分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()A.悖(bâi)谬翎(lín)毛赧(nǎn)然咬文嚼(jiáo)字B.脉(mî)脉提(dī)防吮(shǔn)吸模棱(lãng)两可C.福祉(zhǐ) 重(zhîng)听怔(zhâng)怔虚与委蛇(shã)D.游说(suì) 破绽(zhàn) 斡(wî)旋少不更(gēng)事2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组()A.禅让震撼针砭惩前毖后 B.荟萃蕴籍屠戮天花乱坠C.糟塌疲惫寒暄标新立异 D.怄气伫立痉孪远见卓识3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①王晓华外语能力和攻关能力很强,被学校到国际交流处负责外籍教师的引进和管理工作。
A.委任不管推却 B.委派尽管推却 C.委任尽管推诿 D.委派不管推诿4.下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是A.张之才一见自己的父亲受了这样大的委屈,忍俊不禁,拿起菜刀追出门去,要和渔霸算帐。
1.Where is the boy going to meet the girl?A.At the cafe.B. At the bus stop.C. At the pool.2.What is the woman going to do?A.Do some typing.B. Complete her paper.C. Have lunch.3.How will the woman help the man?A.By buying him a book.B.By driving him to the bookstore.C.By showing him the way to the bookstore.4.Why didn’t the woman buy the coat?A.It was expensive.B.Her friend has the same one.C.She wanted to buy it on the Internet.5.What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. A doctor.B. A classmate.C. A country.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2005-2012年江西高考数学试题集(理科8套)2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江西卷)理科数学本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.第I卷1至2页,第Ⅱ卷3至4页,共150分.第I卷注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的准考证号、姓名填写在答题卡上,考生要认真核对答题卡粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名、考试科目”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致.2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,第Ⅱ卷用黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写作答,在试题卷上作答,答案无效.3.考试结束,临考员将试题卷、答题卡一并收回.参考公式:如果事件A、B互斥,那么球的表面积公式P(A+B)=P(A)+P(B)如果事件A、B相互独立,那么其中R表示球的半径P(A•B)=P(A)•P(B)如果事件A在一次试验中发生的概率是球的体积公式P,那么n次独立重复试验中恰好发生k次的概率其中R表示球的半径一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设集合(IB)=()A.{1}B.{1,2}C.{2}D.{0,1,2}2.设复数:为实数,则x=()A.-2B.-1C.1D.23.“a=b”是“直线”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分又不必要条件4.的展开式中,含x的正整数次幂的项共有()A.4项B.3项C.2项D.1项5.设函数为()A.周期函数,最小正周期为B.周期函数,最小正周期为C.周期函数,数小正周期为D.非周期函数6.已知向量()A.30°B.60°C.120°D.150°7.已知函数,下面四个图象中的图象大致是()8.()A.-1B.1C.-D.9.矩形ABCD中,AB=4,BC=3,沿AC将矩形ABCD折成一个直二面角B-AC-D,则四面体ABCD的外接球的体积为()A.B.C.D.10.已知实数a,b满足等式下列五个关系式①0其中不可能成立的关系式有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个11.在△OAB中,O为坐标原点,,则△OAB的面积达到最大值时,()A.B.C.D.12.将1,2,…,9这9个数平均分成三组,则每组的三个数都成等差数列的概率为()A.B.C.D.第Ⅱ卷二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共15分,请将答案填在答题卡上.13.若函数是奇函数,则a=.14.设实数x,y满足.15.如图,在直三棱柱ABC—A1B1C1中,AB=BC=,BB1=2,,E、F分别为AA1、C1B1的中点,沿棱柱的表面从E到F两点的最短路径的长度为.16.以下同个关于圆锥曲线的命题中①设A、B为两个定点,k为非零常数,,则动点P的轨迹为双曲线;②设定圆C上一定点A作圆的动点弦AB,O为坐标原点,若则动点P 的轨迹为椭圆;③方程的两根可分别作为椭圆和双曲线的离心率;④双曲线有相同的焦点.其中真命题的序号为(写出所有真命题的序号)三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共74分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17.(本小题满分12分)已知函数(a,b为常数)且方程f(x)-x+12=0有两个实根为x1=3,x2=4. (1)求函数f(x)的解析式;(2)设k>1,解关于x的不等式;18.(本小题满分12分)已知向量.是否存在实数若存在,则求出x的值;若不存在,则证明之. 19.(本小题满分12分)A、B两位同学各有五张卡片,现以投掷均匀硬币的形式进行游戏,当出现正面朝上时A赢得B一张卡片,否则B赢得A一张卡片.规定掷硬币的次数达9次时,或在此前某人已赢得所有卡片时游戏终止.设表示游戏终止时掷硬币的次数.(1)求的取值范围;(2)求的数学期望E.20.(本小题满分12分)如图,在长方体ABCD—A1B1C1D1,中,AD=AA1=1,AB=2,点E在棱AD上移动.(1)证明:D1E⊥A1D;(2)当E为AB的中点时,求点E到面ACD1的距离;(3)AE等于何值时,二面角D1—EC—D的大小为.21.(本小题满分12分)已知数列(1)证明(2)求数列的通项公式an.22.(本小题满分14分)如图,设抛物线的焦点为F,动点P在直线上运动,过P作抛物线C 的两条切线PA、PB,且与抛物线C分别相切于A、B两点.(1)求△APB的重心G的轨迹方程.(2)证明∠PFA=∠PFB.2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江西卷)理科数学参考答案一、选择题1.D2.A3.A4.B5.B6.C7.C8.C9.C10.B11.D12.A二、填空题13.14.15.16.③④三、解答题17.解:(1)将得(2)不等式即为即①当②当③.18.解:19.解:(1)设正面出现的次数为m,反面出现的次数为n,则,可得:(2)20.解法(一)(1)证明:∵AE⊥平面AA1DD1,A1D⊥AD1,∴A1D⊥D1E(2)设点E到面ACD1的距离为h,在△ACD1中,AC=CD1=,AD1=,故(3)过D作DH⊥CE于H,连D1H、DE,则D1H⊥CE,∴∠DHD1为二面角D1—EC—D的平面角.设AE=x,则BE=2-x解法(二):以D为坐标原点,直线DA,DC,DD1分别为x,y,z轴,建立空间直角坐标系,设AE=x,则A1(1,0,1),D1(0,0,1),E(1,x,0),A(1,0,0)C(0,2,0)(1)(2)因为E为AB的中点,则E(1,1,0),从而,,设平面ACD1的法向量为,则也即,得,从而,所以点E到平面AD1C的距离为(3)设平面D1EC的法向量,∴由令b=1,∴c=2,a=2-x,∴依题意∴(不合,舍去),.∴AE=时,二面角D1—EC—D的大小为.21.解:(1)方法一用数学归纳法证明:1°当n=1时,∴,命题正确.2°假设n=k时有则而又∴时命题正确.由1°、2°知,对一切n∈N时有方法二:用数学归纳法证明:1°当n=1时,∴;2°假设n=k时有成立,令,在0,2]上单调递增,所以由假设有:即也即当n=k+1时成立,所以对一切(2)下面来求数列的通项:所以,又bn=-1,所以22.解:(1)设切点A、B坐标分别为,∴切线AP的方程为:切线BP的方程为:解得P点的坐标为:所以△APB的重心G的坐标为,所以,由点P在直线l上运动,从而得到重心G的轨迹方程为:(2)方法1:因为由于P点在抛物线外,则∴同理有∴∠AFP=∠PFB.方法2:①当所以P点坐标为,则P点到直线AF的距离为:即所以P点到直线BF的距离为:所以d1=d2,即得∠AFP=∠PFB.②当时,直线AF的方程:直线BF的方程:所以P点到直线AF的距离为:,同理可得到P点到直线BF的距离,因此由d1=d2,可得到∠AFP=∠PFB.。
2005 年江西卷英语试卷评析高考结束,江西考生一片哗然。
体现了江西单独命题“平稳过渡”这一特点一、试题总体特征1. 较好地把握了考试大纲命题者很好地把握了考试大纲的要求,突出了能力与实际运用的有机结合。
2. 难度系数下调没有偏题、怪题的出现。
3. 试卷选材得体很多话题都是学生生活的真实情景或与学生生活有关的情景再现。
如听力题中的第一节,基本都是生活中随处可发生的事件,听力材料6 、10 篇、完形填空、阅读理解的选材以及书面表达等则更是体现了这一特色。
二、试卷全面分析1. 听力测试:贴近生活、清晰易懂。
2. 单项选择:语篇突出,知识面广很好地将“语法和词汇知识”有机地融入语段之中。
如21 题,考查语言交际;22 题考查情态动词表推测性用法;23 题交际性习惯搭配;24 题替代词用法;25 题定语从句;26 题习惯搭配;27 题冠词用法;28 题动词词组辨析;29 题结构性用法;30 题非谓语动词;31 题分词用法;32 题副词用法;33 题宾语从句;34 题副词辨析;35 题时态用法。
3. 完形填空由“我”在1997 年暑假的生活体验,告诉了考生对待生活和社会的真实感受,从而为学生提供了生活新启示。
考查的重点还体现在实词为先的特点:如实词测试有:名词:36 、43 、49 、51 等4 个;动词39 、40 、41 、44 、46 、54 等6 个;形容词37 、47 等2 个;副词45 、48 、50 、53 等4 个;代词:55 题、连词:42 和介词52 各一个。
2005年江西省三校生英语高考试卷Ⅰ、单项填空题(每小题1分,共25分)从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1. —You look beautiful in this dress. — .A. Thank youB. No, not so beautifulC. I don’t careD. You are more beautiful 2. Who is pretty girl under the tree over there? A. a B. an C. the D. 不填3. The picture on the left is mine, and the one on the right is . A. Turner B. Mr. Turner C. Mr. Turner’s D. Turners4. I invited Peter and Lily to dinner, but of them came. A. none B. neither C. either D. both5. Which do you like , tea or coffee?A. wellB. betterC. bestD. good 6. —Who is knocking at the door? —It’s .A. mineB. IC. myselfD. me 7. —You don’t look very today. Are you ill? —No. I’m just a little tired.A. goodB. strongC. wellD. healthy 8. — Why did you prefer to buy this house?—Houses of this kind are good small families like mine.A. atB. forC. toD. in 9. — Must we finish the job before dark?— No, you leave part of it for tomorrow.A. mustB. needC. mayD. will 10. I here since I was six years old.A. livedB. have livedC. liveD. will live11. Will you please my baby? I have to go out for a while.A. look upB. look afterC. look onD. look out 12. Many people in our country enjoy in large cities. A. living B. to live C. live D. being lived13. At last they found they had been looking for. A. that B. what C. where D. when14. Give me one more week, I will finish the hard work. A. and B. or C. but D. so 15. My mother told me football in the street.A. don’t playB. not playC. not playingD. not to play 16. Mr. Smith drove fast that he soon arrived at the school. A. so B. very C. too D. quite17. I have not enough money to buy the book. Can you me some?A. makeB. keepC. saveD. lend18. is not easy for us to know what will happen in the future. A. It B. This C. That D. There19. I am sorry I can’t go with you because I have some letters . A. to write B. writing C. written D. write20. If you watch a snake, you will see its going in and out all the time.A. teethB. eyesC. legsD. tongue21. When I entered the classroom, I found some children games. A. played B. play C. to play D. playing 22. — have you learned English? —For six years.A. How farB. How longC. How oftenD. How soon 23. He’s worked in that company for a long time, ?A. isn’t heB. hasn’t heC. doesn’t heD. wasn’t he 24. A new factory here. It is said to be finished next month. A. is building B. will build C. will be built D. has been built 25. He is the man lives next door.A. whoseB. whomC. whichD. who Ⅱ、完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
年江西省高考英语试卷2005分)共115第一卷(选择题分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)分,满分7.5第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5三个选项CB、听下面5段对话。
How much is the shirt? 例:9.18 C. ££9.15 A. £19.15 B.B。
答案是 1. How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts?C. $20 B. $19 A. $182. What will the speakers discuss?C. A report on computer B. A computer A. A report3. What are the speakers talking about?C. A present B. A room A. A child4. What can we learn from this conversation?A. The woman does not get along well with the man.B. The woman does not get along well with her roommate.C. The man will talk with the woman's roommate.5. Where are the two speakers now?On C. B. On the fourth floor A. On the first floorthe fifth floor分)分,满分22.5 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5三个选项、C段对话。
每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B 听下面5你将有时间阅读各个并标在试卷的相应位置。
例:How much is the shirt?A.£19.15. B.£9.15. C.£9.18.答案是B。
1.Where does this conversation probably take place?A.In a bookstore. B.In a classroom. C.In a library.2.At what time will the film begin?A.7:20. B.7:15. C.7:00.3.What are the two speakers mainly talk about?A.Their friend Jane. B.A weekend trip. C.A radio program. 4.What will the woman probably do?A.Catch a train. B.See the man off. C.Go shopping.5.Why did the woman apologize?A.She made a late delivery.B.She went to the wrong place.C.She couldn’t take the cake back.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15B. £9.15C. £9.18答案是B。
1. How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts?A. $18B. $19C. $202. What will the speakers discuss?A. A reportB. A computerC. A report on computer3. What are the speakers talking about?A. A childB. A roomC. A present4. What can we learn from this conversation?A. The woman does not get along well with the man.B. The woman does not get along well with her roommate.C. The man will talk with the woman’s roommate.5. Where are the two speakers now?A. On the first floorB. On the fourth floorC. On the fifth floor第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。
2010-2023历年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试江西卷英语试题第1卷一.参考题库(共20题)1.Topping the class academically was certainly an advantage. Studying was a breeze for Nigel. The reward was certainly incomparable to the little effort that he had to put it. It begin when he was selected to help the teachers in the computer laboratories.The peak of his school career came not when he topped the school but when he was selected for the nationwide competition. Unlike everyone else, Nigel wanted to join the contest because he liked playing with the Lego sets and making something out of them. Nigel spent the next two months rebuilding the robot. It was during the time that Nigel found out about the prizes for the competition. Its well us auspices competitor. Alicia, from a neighboring school. His early intentions were forgotten. Getting the thousand-dollar prize was more important than anything else. Nigel decided to befriend Alicia. Unaware of his intentions, she told him all about the robot that she had been building for the competition. He even helped her to put the finishing branches to her robot. He was glad with the way things had progressed. His robot looked even better than Alicia’s and it was able to become a ball with its arms, something Alicia had failed to do.On the day of the competition, he says Alicia. Everything dawned on her the minute she saw him among the competition. She stared at him, puzzled at first, then angry and finally a look of helplessness came over her.The flashbulbs of the camera exploded in Nigel’s try. Th e robot bird performed actions so unique and different that the specialist judgments were the same. Nigel was so personal with himself that he did not even notice the girl standing a few feet away from him. Without her, he would never win the competition.【小题1】What reward did Nigel receive for doing well in his school work?A.He was offered a part-time jobB.He was honored with a scholarshipC.He helped his teacher construct a robotD.He helped in the computer laboratories【小题2】Nigel’s original intention of joining the contest was to ___.A.be the top student of the schoolB.being great honor to his schoolC.constructs a robot with the Lego setsD.wins the thousand-dollar prize【小题3】Why did Nigel help Alicia finish her robot?A.He tried to make friends with herB.He was fond of building robotsC.He intended to help herD.He didn’t want her to suspect him【小题4】What is the author’s attitude towards Nigel’s actions?A.He is mildly criticalB.He is strongly criticalC.He is in favor of themD.His attitude is not clear2.Despite the fact that it has never been seen almost everyone is familiar with the legendaryunicorn(独角兽). Descriptions of unicorns have been found dating from ancient times. The great philosopher Aristotle theorized that there were two types of unicorn--- the so-called Indian Ass and the Oryx, a kind of antelope. Unicorns are often used in the logo of a noble family, town council or university as their special sign. Even Scotland is represented by a unicorn.According to the legend, anyone attempting to catch a unicorn had to be extremely cautiousas it has a reputation for being very fierce. A clever trick suggested by unicorn-trappers, in order to catch this magnificent beast without being hurt by its horn, was for the hunter to stand in front of a tree and then to move quickly behind it as the unicorn charged. Hopefully, the creature could then be captured when its horn was stuck in the tree.When hollowed out and used as a drinking-cup, the unicorn’s horn was said to have the power to offer protection against person. It was believed that nobody could be harmed-by drinking the contents of a unicorn’s horn. Right up until the French Revolution in 1789, the French court was said to have used cups made of “unicorn” horn in order to protect the king. In addition, the horn was said to have medicinal value, so much so that it could be sold for more than ten times the price of the same weight of gold. What, then, was “unicorn” horn? We know at times the rhino(犀牛) was confused with this legendary creature. A drinking-cup supposedly made of “unicorn” horn was discovered to be made of the horn of a rhino.【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE of the unicorn?A.It was not historically recordedB.Its horn was first used in FranceC.It was similar to the Indian Ass and the OryxD.It could be the symbol of a university【小题2】To catch a unicorn, the unicorn-trappers had to try all of the following EXCEPT ____.A.tempting the unicorn to attackB.making use of the tree as a protectionC.hiding quickly behind the unicornD.having the unicorn horn stuck in the tree【小题3】The last paragraph is mainly about ____.A.the properties of the unicorn hornB.the users of the unicorn hornC.the price of the unicorn hornD.the comparison between the unicorn horn and the rhino horn【小题4】In the last paragraph, the word “unicorn ” is in quotation marks(引号)because _____.A.the cup is designed only for a royal familyB.the unicorn does not exist in realityC.the unicorn is the rarest animal in the worldD.the medicinal value of the horn is appreciated3.We finished the run in less than half the time ____.A.allowingB.to allowC.allowedD.allows4.New archaeological discovers suggest that trade between Europe and Asia along the SilkRoad probably began in some form many countries earlier than once thought. The findings,coupledwith a widening range of scientific and historical research, could add a fascinating newpage to the epic of the Silk Road.The latest and most surprising discovery is pieces of silk found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy from about 1000 BC, long before regular traffic on the Silk Road and at least one thousand years before silk was previously thought to be used in Egypt. Other research may extend human activity along this route back even further, perhaps a million years to the migration of human ancestors into eastern Asia.The official origin of East-West commerce along the road is usually placed in the late 2nd century BC when an agent of the Chinese Emperor Wu-di returned from a dangerous secret mission(使命)across the desert into the remote high country of Central Asia. The agent, Zhang Qian, travelled as far as Afghanistan and brought back knowledge of even more distant lands such as Persia, Syria and a place known as Lijien,perhaps Rome. Historians have called this one of the most important journeys in ancient times. His journey opened the way for what have been thought to be the first indirect contacts between the ancient world’s two superpowers, China and Rome. Chinese silk, first traded to central Asian tribes for war horses and to the Parthians of old Persia in exchange for acrobats and ostrich eggs, was soon finding its way through a network of merchants to the luxury markets of Rome.But the new discoveries show that Chinese silk was apparently present in the West long before the Han emperor started organized trade over the Silk Road. The research could change thinking about the early history of world trade and provide insights into the mystery of just how and when Europe and the Mediterranean lands first became aware of the glorious culture at the other end of Eurasia.【小题1】The word “coupled” in the first paragraph could best be replaced by ______. A.producedB.contributedC.doubledD.combined【小题2】The silk thread found in the hair of an Egyptian mummy suggests that______.A.Egyptians had probably travelled to China to buy silkB.trade along the Silk Road began earlier than once thoughtC.historical research often achieves fascinating resultsD.new light can now be thrown on ancient trading practices【小题3】 Until recently most historians believed that trade along the Silk Road_______.A.originated in the 2nd century BCB.extended human migration into eastern AsiaC.began a million years agoD.primarily benefited the Egyptians【小题4】Historians have always considered Zhang Qian’s mission important because they believe ______.A.be brought back knowledge of Rome to the emperorB.be discovered the Silk RoadC.be helped establish East-West tradeD.be travelled as far as Afghanistanter in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers __ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.A.whereB.whenC.whoD.which6.Outside her shabby cottage, old Mrs. Tailor was hanging out laundry on a wire line, unaware that some children lay hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree watching her every move. They were determined to find out if she really was a witch.They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps. But, much to their disappointment, she did not mount the broomstick and take flight. Suddenly, the old lady’s work was interrupted by the cackling of her hen—a signal that an egg had been laid in the warm nest on top of the haystack.The old broomstick was put aside as she hobbled off towards the haystack followed by Sooty, a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap some time back. With only three legs, it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady. The cat provided proof—the children were sure that only a witch could own a black cat with three legs.There, standing on a wooden box, was Mrs. Tailor, stretching out to gather her precious egg. Taking the egg in one of her hands, she began to climb down when, without warning, the box broke and the old lady fell.“We have to got and help her,” whispered Amy.“What if it is a trick?” replied Ben.“Don’t be silly, Ben. If she were a witch, she would have turned us into frogs already,” reasoned Meg. “Come on Amy, let’s go.” The girls climbed down the tree and ran all the way to the haystack.Approaching carefully, they could see a wound on the old lady’s face. She had knocked her head on a stone and her ankle was definitely broken. “Go and get Dad,” Amy yelled to her broth er. “Tell him about the accident.”The boys did not need another excuse to leave. They ran as fast as they could for help, hoping that Mrs. Tailor would not wake and turn the girls into frogs.【小题1】. Why were the children hiding in the tree?A.They wanted to watch Mrs. Tailor do her housework closely.B.They were playing a hide-and-seek gameC.They wanted to find out if the rumors about Mrs. Tailor were trueD.They were pretending to be spies【小题2】. Mrs. Tailor stopped sweeping when____A.her front steps were cleanB.she noticed the children in the treeC.she was ready to take a flightD.she heard the hen cackling【小题3】. Ben did not rush in help Mrs. Tailor because_____A.he thought that she could be tricking themB.he knew that they could not have been in the treeC.he did not see the old lady fall downD.he was afraid of the three-legged cat【小题4】. Which of these old sayings best suits the story’s lesson for us? A.Make hay while the sun shines.B.Never judge a book by its cover.C.People in glasshouses should not throw stones.D.A bird in the hands worth two in the bush.7.Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in _______ weather around the world.A./; theB.the; /C.an; theD.the; a8.--- I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.--- It is not your fault. With __ rush-hour traffic and __ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.A.a; aB.the; theC./; /D./; a9.–I think you’d better type this letter again before Mr. Smith see it.-- Oh, dear!A.Who cares?B.No problemC.I don’t mind at allD.Is it as bad as that?10.At present, one of the apartments in favor of the new airport ________ that it will going a lot jobs to the area.A.isB.areC.will beD.were11.According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer_________ a woman.A.thanB.suchC.soD.as12.I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t mention _____ when we talked on the phone.A.to promoteB.having been promotedC.having promotedD.to be promoted13.----Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll get Mary to take it to you soon.----___________. I’ve bought a new one.A.No senseB.No hurryC.No wayD.No use14.书面表达(满分25分)学校计划举行英语作文竞赛,主题为“We need Advice from Older Generations”。
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A $18. B $19. C $20. 2. What will the speakers discuss ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(A) A A report . B A computer . C A report on computer . 3. What are the speakers talking about ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(C) A A child . B A room . C A present . 4. What can we learn from this conversation ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(B) A The woman does not get along well with the man . B The woman does not get along well with her roommate . C The man will talk with the woman’s roommate . 5. Where are the two speakers now ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(C) A On the first floor . B On the fourth floor . C On the fifth floor.
15. Where does the woman come from ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(A) A Pennsylvania . B San Francisco . C China .
16. What does the woman think of the man’s English ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(A) A Excellent . B Acceptable . C Strange .
14. Why does the woman like San Francisco ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(B) A It has less traffic . B It has the best food and music . C People there are fdo in their spare time ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(C) A Go to movies . B Read books . C Watch TV.
13. Where does this conversation take place ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(A) A At the airport . B In a restaurant . C On the street .
听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Why does the man feel surprised ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(A)
A The woman has found a new job . B The woman doesn’t feel like leaving . C The woman disagrees with him .
11. How did the woman do the research ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(A) A She talked to people . B She sent letters to people . C She collected information from newspapers .
9. What does the woman say about her department ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(B) A there is a lack of trust . B There are serious problems . C There is too much pressure .
试卷总分:150 答题时间:120分钟
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
10. What are the speakers talking about ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(C) A Popular sports events . B TV programs people like best . C Things people do after work .
A Typing a report . B Rewriting a report . C Reviewing a report . 7. Where did the woman have her dinner ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(B) A In a restaurant . B In her office . C At home .
第二节 (共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两 遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What was the woman doing before she went home ?[1.5分]-----正确答案(A)