

译林版六年级英语下册 6B U1-U4重点知识

译林版六年级英语下册 6B U1-U4重点知识

rge and strong又大又壮2.small and weak 又小又弱3.some day 某一天4.walk by 路过5.wake up 叫醒;醒来6.with a large net 用一张大网7.just then 就在那时8.from then on 从那时起9.become friends 成为朋友10.with his sharp teeth用他的锋利牙齿11.the next day 第二天12.get out from.... 从......中出来13.be good at... 擅长...... 14.do well in...擅长......15.cheer for... 为......欢呼16.hit the ball hard 用力击打球17.too deep 太深18.pour...into... 倒......进入......里19.run quickly 跑地快20.cry sadly 伤心地哭21.look sad 看起来伤心22.go to him 走到他身边23.help him up 帮助他起来24.take...to... 带......去....地方1. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse.这只狮子很生气想要吃那只老鼠。

2.He let the mouse go. 他让老鼠走了。

3.From then on, the lion and the mouse become friends.从那以后,这只狮子和那只老鼠成了朋友。

4.The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net.第二天,两个男人用一张大网抓住了那只狮子。

5. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball bard.山姆太激动了,她用力地击打球。



译林版译林英语六年级下册全册教案及教学反思一、教学内容1. Unit 1 The lion and the mouseStory time: 学习故事《狮子和老鼠》,理解寓意。

Grammar time: 学习一般过去时态,掌握动词过去式变化。

Fun time: 通过趣味活动,巩固一般过去时态。

2. Unit 2 What a wasteStory time: 学习故事《浪费》,了解环保重要性。

Grammar time: 学习情态动词can,理解其用法。

Fun time: 创编对话,运用情态动词can。

3. Unit 3 Who's the winner?Story time: 学习故事《谁是赢家?》,培养竞争意识。

Grammar time: 学习现在分词,掌握动词ing形式。

Fun time: 通过游戏,巩固现在分词用法。

4. Unit 4 Review and check复习前三个单元的语言点,进行听说读写综合训练。

二、教学目标1. 掌握一般过去时态,能运用动词过去式描述过去发生的事情。

2. 学会情态动词can的用法,能运用can表达能力或请求。

3. 理解现在分词,能正确使用动词ing形式描述正在进行的动作。

4. 通过故事学习,培养学生的道德品质和环保意识。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:一般过去时态、情态动词can和现在分词的运用。

2. 教学重点:动词过去式、can的用法、动词ing形式的掌握。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、故事卡片、游戏道具。

2. 学具:英语课本、练习本、彩色笔。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过趣味故事或游戏,引入新课。

2. 新课展示:呈现故事内容,引导学生学习。

3. 语言点讲解:详细讲解一般过去时态、情态动词can和现在分词。

4. 例题讲解:分析例题,解释解题思路。

5. 随堂练习:布置练习题,巩固所学知识。

6. 小组活动:分组讨论,创编对话或故事,运用所学语言点。



译林版六年级下册知识点梳理Unit 1 The lion and the mouse一.单词(四会单词标红色)mouse 老鼠large 大的strong 强大的quietly 小声地Weak 弱的loudly 大声地net 网bite 咬Sharp 锋利的sadly 难过地soon 不久,很快happily 开心地Cheer 欢呼hit 打,击deep 深的reach 够得着quickly迅速地,快地二.重点词组Walk by 走过,路过wake...up吵醒,叫醒let...go 释放,走开The next day 第二天just then 就在那时from then on 从那时起Pour...into 把。

倒入go out 出去some day 某一天In the forest 在森林里large and strong 又大又强壮small and weak 又小又弱Cheer for...为。

而欢呼with his teeth 用他的牙齿laugh loudly 大声地笑In the ground 在地里have an idea 有一个主意hit...hard 用力击打三.重点句型1.The lion laughed loudly.2.The mouse said quietly.3.I can help you some day.4.How can I get out?5.The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth.6.The next day, two men caught lion with a large net.7.Soon,the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.8.From then on,the lion and the mouse became friends.四.语法形容词和副词excited------excitedly quiet-------quietlyloud-------loudly sad---------sadlyhappy-------happily不规则过去式bite------bit let-------let wake-----wokeUnit 2 Good habits一.单词(四会单词标红色)Habit 习惯never 从不late 迟的finish 完成Tidy 干净的fast 快地Bad 坏的sleepy 困的slowly 慢地badly 差二.重点词组Get up early起床早go to bed late 睡觉迟at night 在夜晚Feel sleepy 感觉困last night 昨夜many good habits 许多好习惯Brush one’s teeth刷牙put...in order 把。



1,老鼠2,大的3,强大的,强壮的4,走过,路过5,吵醒,叫醒6,某一天7,小声的,安静地8,弱的,软弱的9,大声的10,释放,放开11,第二天12,网13,咬14,锋利的,尖的15,难过地,伤心地16,就在那时17,不久,很快18,开心地,高兴地19,从那时起20,欢呼21,打,击22,深的23,够得着24,迅速地,快地25,把……倒入26,走路穿过森林27,一张大网28,一只强壮的老虎29,把狮子吵醒30,轻声地说31,两只弱的老鼠32,大声地笑33,用网抓住狐狸34,用尖锐的牙齿咬网35,伤心的问36,从房子里出来37,变成好朋友38,兴奋地唱歌39,没关系40,一根甜的棒棒糖42,许多动物故事43,一本中国成语故事书44,打乒乓球45,擅长跳舞46,大声为他们欢呼47,用力击打球48,找不到球49,在地上找到一个洞50,太深51,够到苹果52,一个好主意53,把水倒入洞里54,快速带来一些水55,上周日56,一个购物中心57,看上去伤心58,把他带到办公室59,给他一个糖果60,喜欢帮助人,助人为乐61,给我写一封邮件62,让老鼠走63,有一个主意64,在语文方面好65,在网上做一个洞66,咬(原形-过去式)67,醒(原形-过去式)68,让(原形-过去式)69,一本成语书70, 把他吵醒1,老鼠mouse2,大的large3,强大的,强壮的strong4,走过,路过walk by5,吵醒,叫醒wake…up6,某一天some day7,小声的,安静地quietly8,弱的,软弱的weak9,大声的loudly10,释放,放开let…go11,第二天the next day12,网net13,咬bite14,锋利的,尖的sharp15,难过地,伤心地sadly16,就在那时just then17,不久,很快soon18,开心地,高兴地happily19,从那时起from then on20,欢呼cheer21,打,击hit22,深的deep23,够得着reach24,迅速地,快地quickly25,把……倒入pour…into26,走路穿过森林walk through the forest27,一张大网a large net28,一只强壮的老虎a strong tiger 29,把狮子吵醒wake the lion upwake up the lion 30,轻声地说say quietly31,两只弱的老鼠two weak mice 32,大声地笑laugh loudly33,用网抓住狐狸catch the fox with the net34,用尖锐的牙齿咬网bite the net with sharp teeth35,伤心的问ask sadly36,从房子里出来get out from the house37,变成好朋友become good friends 38,兴奋地唱歌sing excitedly 40,一根甜的棒棒糖a sweet lollipop 41,伊索寓言Aesop’s Fables42,许多动物故事many animal stories 43,一本中国成语故事书a Chinese idion book44,打乒乓球play table tennis45,擅长跳舞be good at dancingdo well in dancing46,大声为他们欢呼cheer for them loudly47,用力击打球hit the ball hard48,找不到球can’t find the ball49,在地上找到一个洞find a hole in the ground50,太深too deep51,够到苹果reach the apple52,一个好主意a good idea53,把水倒入洞里pour the water into the hole54,快速带来一些水bring some water quickly55,上周日last Sunday56,一个购物中心a shopping centre 57,看上去伤心look sad58,把他带到办公室take him to the office59,给他一个糖果give a sweet to himgive him a sweet 60,喜欢帮助人,助人为乐like helping people61,给我写一封邮件write an email to me62,让老鼠走let the mouse go63,有一个主意have an idea64,在语文方面好be good at Chinesedo well in Chinese 65,在网上做一个洞make a hole in the net66,咬(原形-过去式)bite--bit67,醒(原形-过去式)wake--woke 68,让(原形-过去式)let--let69,一本成语书an idiom book70, 把他吵醒wake him up1,习惯2,从不3,迟、晚4,把……整理得井井有条5,完成6,干净的,整齐的7,不好的、坏的8,困的,困倦的9,昨夜10,快地11,走进,走入12,慢速地13,差地,不好14,许多好习惯15,起床早16,从不晚睡觉17,刷牙18,在睡觉前19,把玩具整理的井井有条20,完成我的回家作业21,晚餐后22,认真听老师23,在家表现好24,保持干净整洁25,帮助我们的父母26,在夜晚27,感觉困的28,很了解我的朋友29,昨天晚上30,走的快31,一个乱七八糟的房间32,小学毕业33,准时吃早饭34,四匹矮马35,跑步穿越草地36,洗脸37,带她参观长城38,进入客厅39,在地板上40,谁的房间41,在床底下42,慢慢地走43,唱的难听44,干得好!45,有时候46,通常47,经常48,总是49,上学迟到晚到学校50,步行去上学(两种)51,骑车回家(两种)52,乘公车去电影院(两种)53,学的差54,保持健康55,一点面包1,习惯habit2,从不never3,迟、晚late4,把……整理得井井有条put…in order5,完成finish6,干净的,整齐的tidy7,不好的、坏的bad8,困的,困倦的sleepy9,昨夜last night10,快地fast11,走进,走入go into12,慢速地slowly13,差地,不好badly14,许多好习惯many good habits 15,起床早get up early16,从不晚睡觉never go to bed late 17,刷牙brush one’s teeth18,在睡觉前before bedtime19,把玩具整理的井井有条put the toys in order20,完成我的回家作业finish my homework21,晚餐后after dinner22,认真听老师listen to the teacher carefully23,在家表现好do well at home24,保持干净整洁keep clean and tidy 25,帮助我们的父母help our parents 26,在夜晚at night27,感觉困的feel sleepy28,很了解我的朋友know my friend well29,昨天晚上last nightyesterday evening30,走的快walk fast/quickly31,一个乱七八糟的房间a messy room 32,小学毕业finish primary school 33,准时吃早饭have breakfast on time 34,四匹矮马four short horses35,跑步穿越草地run through the grass 36,带她参观长城show her around the Great Wall 37, 洗脸wash one’s face38,进入客厅go into the living room 39,在地板上on the floor40,谁的房间whose room41,在床底下under the bed42,慢慢地走walk slowly43,唱的难听sing badly44,干得好!well done45,有时候sometimes46,通常usually47,经常often48,总是always49,上学迟到be late for school晚到学校go to school late50,步行去上学(两种)go to school on footwalk to school51,骑车回家(两种)ride homego home by bike52,乘公车去电影院(两种)go to the cinema by bustake a bus to the cinema53,学的差learn badly54,保持健康keep healthy55,一点面包a little bread1,健康的2,饮食3,一点4,几个5,一次6,可乐7,需要8,一个健康的饮食9,喜欢吃冰淇淋10,喝些水11,只喝一点果汁12,每天13,早饭吃面包14,许多米饭15,一些肉16,几只鸡蛋17,每周18,吃些面条19,一些蔬菜汤20,喜欢甜食21,一次吃一点22,喝粥23,馒头24,西方人25,许多麦片26,几根香肠27,在冰箱里28,去超市29,和我一起来30,对你的身体有好处31,对我们的身体有好处32,对你的健康有坏处33,在健康的饮食中34,对我们的牙齿有害处35,牙齿(单-复)36,拿一个小瓶的37,喝太多可乐38,想要这条大鱼39,需要一些牛奶40,需要扫地41,太重42,休息43,好好休息44,多休息45,用餐46,买一些水果47,多少芒果48,一些土豆49,许多番茄50,三张照片51,记住这些单词52,你早饭吃什么?(两种) 53,不得不打扫图书馆1,健康的healthy2,饮食diet3,一点a little4,几个a few5,一次at a time6,可乐cola7,需要need8,一个健康的饮食a healthy diet9,喜欢吃冰淇淋like eating ice creams 10,喝些水drink some water11,只喝一点果汁only drink a little juice12,每天every day13,早饭吃面包have bread for breakfast 14,许多米饭a lot of rice1 5,一些肉some meat16,几只鸡蛋a few eggs17,每周every week18,吃些面条have some noodles19,一些蔬菜汤some vegetable soup 20,喜欢甜食like sweet food21,一次吃一点eat a little at a time 22,喝粥have porridge23,馒头steamed buns24,西方人western people25,许多麦片much cereal26,几根香肠a few sausages27,在冰箱里in the fridge28,去超市go to the supermarket 29,和我一起来come with me30,对你的身体有好处be good for your body31,对我们的身体有好处be good for our bodies32,对你的健康有坏处be bad for your health33,在健康的饮食中in a healthy diet 34,对我们的牙齿有害处be bad for our teeth35,牙齿(单-复)tooth--teeth36,拿一个小瓶的take a small bottle 38,想要这条大鱼want this big fish 39,需要一些牛奶need some milk 40,需要扫地need to sweep the floor 41,太重too heavy42,休息have a rest43,好好休息have a good rest44,多休息have a lot of rest45,用餐have meals46,买一些水果buy some fruit 47,多少芒果how many mangoes 48,一些土豆some potatoes49,许多番茄many tomatoes50,三张照片three photos51,记住这些单词remember these words52,你早饭吃什么?(两种)What’s for your breakfast?What do you have for breakfast? 53,不得不打扫图书馆have to clean the library1,马路,公路2,安全3,穿过,穿行4,安全地5,必须6,斑马线7,安全的8,人行道9,当心,提防10,容易地11,遵守12,规则13,保持14,灯15,道路安全16,许多繁忙的马路17,在城市里18,安全地穿越马路19,寻找斑马线20,看交通信号灯21,等待绿灯22,穿马路23,必须遵守规则24,为了保持安全25,在人行道上等26,当心汽车和自行车27,和其他人一起28,一条安全的马路29,一些安全的游戏30,很容易地看见你31,一些孩子32,绝对不要在马路上跑或玩33,班级规则34,学校规则35,交通规则36,在十字路口37,在第二个十字路口38,在马路的左边开车39,除了香港和澳门40,在你的左边41,看望他们的阿姨42,我们怎么到达你家?43,你怎么样能到达公园?44,乘汽车(动词短语)45,乘9路车46,上车47,下车48,一些大象49,停下来等50,看医生51,病人52,做一个好学生53,一个简单的问题54,很容易放风筝55,到达学校56,到达家里57,找到斑马线58,拜访我的老师59,再一次停下1,马路,公路road2,安全safety3,穿过,穿行cross4,安全地safely5,必须must6,斑马线zebra crossing7,安全的safe8,人行道pavement9,当心,提防look out for10,容易地easily11,遵守follow12,规则rule13,保持stay14,灯light15,道路安全road safety16,许多繁忙的马路many busy roads 17,在城市里in the city18,安全地穿越马路cross the road safely19,寻找斑马线look for the zebra crossing20,看交通信号灯look at the traffic lights21,等待绿灯wait for the green man 22,穿马路cross the road23,必须遵守规则must follow the rules 24,为了保持安全to keep safe25,在人行道上等wait on the pavement 26,当心汽车和自行车look out for cars and bikes27,和其他人一起with other people 28,一条安全的马路a safe road29,一些安全的游戏some safe games 30,很容易地看见你see you easily 31,一些孩子some children32,绝对不要在马路上跑或玩mustn’t play or run on the road 33,班级规则class rules34,学校规则school rules35,交通规则traffic rules36,在十字路口at the crossing37,在第二个十字路口at the second crossing 38,在马路的左边开车drive on the left side of the road 39,除了香港和澳门except Hong Kong and Macau40,在你的左边on your left41,看望他们的阿姨see their aunt 42,我们怎么到达你家?How do we get to your house?43,你怎么样能到达公园?How can you get to the park?44,乘汽车(动词短语)take a bus 45,乘9路车take bus No.946,上车get on the bus47,下车get off the bus48,一些大象some elephants49,停下来等stop and wait50,看医生see a doctor51,病人sick people52,做一个好学生be a good studentmake a good student 53,一个简单的问题an easy question 54,很容易放风筝It’s easy to fly kiets 55,到达学校get to school56,到达家里get home57,找到斑马线find the zebra crossing 58,拜访我的老师visit my teacher 59,再一次停下stop againUnit 词汇1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,。




(听两遍)(10分)()1.A. holiday B. healthy C. help()2.A. mangoes B. tomatoes C. potatoes()3.A. meal B. milk C . much()4.A. bread B. drinks C. juice()5.A. radio B. read C. really()6.A. ride B. road C. read()7.A. safe B. safely C. safety()8.A. deep B. sweet C. sleep()9. A. traffic lights B. zebra crossing C. pavement()10. A. lesson B. letter C. litter二、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。

(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A. Play on the road. B. Look left and right. C. Run on the road.( ) 2. A. No, I can’t. B. Thank you. C. Yes, I do.( ) 3. A. Yes, let’s go. B. Good ideas. C. Take a metro.( ) 4. A. I have a panda. B. I have some porridge. C. I have some stickers.( ) 5. A. On the right side . B. On the right or left. C. On the left side.三、听录音,完成短文。

(听两遍)(10分)How can you ______ the road ______? You ______look for the ______ crossing.Then , you must look at the _____ ______ and _____ for the green man. You must notrun ______ on the road and you _____ can’t play on the road , ______ there manycars and bikes.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉词组互译。

译林小学英语六下U1~4 知识点

译林小学英语六下U1~4 知识点

Unit 1 The Lion and the mouse一、音调Intonation 降调:特殊疑问句的句尾用降调。

二、单词(四会) rge 大的2.strong 强壮的3. quietly 安静地4.weak 虚弱的5.loudly 大声地6. happily 高兴地 (三会) 6. mouse 老鼠7. net 网 8. bite 咬 9. sharp 锋利的 10. sadly 悲伤地 11. soon 不久12. cheer 向……欢呼 13. hit 击 14. deep 深的 15. reach 到达 16. quickly 快速地三、词组(四会) 1. large and strong 又大又强壮3. walk by 走过5. say quietly 小声地说7. laugh loudly 大声地笑9. ask sadly 悲伤地问11. say happily 开心地说13. just then 就在那时15. from then on 从那以后(三会)17. play table tennis happily 开心地打乒乓 19.cheer for them loudly 为他们大声欢呼 21. hit the ball hard 用力地击打球23. too deep 太深 25. have an idea 有一个主意 27. pour it into the hole 把它倒进洞里 29. Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言 31. help him up 扶他起来 33. become happy 变得开心 四、句型 (四会) 1.One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up.一天,一个老鼠路过并弄醒了狮子。

2. The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net.第二天,两人个男用一个大网捉住了狮子。

译林版六年级下册1-4 单元知识点

译林版六年级下册1-4 单元知识点

六年级知识点Unit 1 The lion and the mouse一、四会单词 rge大的 2. strong强壮的 3. quietly安静地;小声地4. Weak虚弱的5. loudly大声地6. happily开心地;高兴地二、三会单词老鼠mouse 复数mice 走过,路过walk by 吵醒,叫醒,弄醒,醒醒wake up某一天some day 释放不能,放开 let go 第二天the next day 网net咬 bite 锋利的,尖的 sharp 难过地,伤心地sadly 就在那时just then 不久,很快soon 从那时起from then on 欢呼cheer 打,击hit深的deep 够得着reach 迅速地,快地quickly 把….倒入pour….into 三、短语积累狮子和老虎 the lion and the mouse mouse: 复数 mice 辨析 mouth嘴巴 month月份又大又强壮 large and strong又小又弱 small and weak走过… walk by 走过森林 walk by the forest把狮子叫醒 wake the lion up (代词宾格放中间) wake me up我能在某一天帮助你 I can help you some day将来不确定的某一天 Some day:安静地说 say quietly quiet→quietly大声地笑道 laugh loudly loud→loudly让狮子走 let the mouse go let sb do第二天the next day用一个大网抓住狮子catch the lion with a large net catch过去式:caught用他的锋利的牙齿咬网 bite the net with his sharp teeth (tooth) bite过去式: bit出来 get out伤心地问道 ask sadly sad→sadly就在那个时候 just then在网里弄了个大洞 make a big hole in the net开心地说say happily happy→happily从那时起 from then on成为好朋友 become good friends become +形容词变得如何…糖果店 sweet shop 一个棒棒糖a lollipop他会说什么? what will he say?没关系 It doesn’t matter.伊索寓言 Aesop’s Fables 一本中文成语书 a Chinese idiom book开心地打乒乓 play table tennis happily擅长 be good at+名词 // be good at +动词ing大声地为他们欢呼 cheer for them loudly cheer for为…欢呼击球用力hit the ball hard hit打,击 (过去式: hit):最后finally 近意: at last太深too deep我够不到 I can’t reach it reach到达 reach my school迅速地拿一些水来 bring some water quickly把它倒进洞里pour it in the hole干得好! Well done!四、四会句子The mouse said quietly. 老鼠小声地说。



六年级英语下册U1-4单元知识点汇总1.mouse老鼠,复数mice特殊的名词变复数:child-children 儿童tooth-teeth 牙齿foot-feet 脚2.几对形容词、副词反义词形容词:large 大的-small 小的strong 强壮的-weak软弱的sharp 锋利的-blunt 钝的healthy健康的-unhealthy 不健康的safe 安全的-dangerous 危险的副词:quietly小声地-loudly 大声地sadly伤心地-happily开心地angrily生气地-happily 开心地quickly/fast快地-slowly 慢速地well好地-badly差地late迟地,晚地-early 早早地注意:形容词+ly 副词形容词修饰名词和代词,放在be动词后,名词前。

He is tall./a tall man 副词修饰动词,放在动词后。

The dog run quickly.3. wake sb. up 叫醒某人walk by 走过weak 软弱的注意:wake sb. up 里的sb.若是代词,要用代词宾格(me us you him her it them)简称动宾。


例如:What about him?他呢?/Do you come with me?你跟我来?4.with 用The mouse bit the net with its teeth.与...一起I always play with my cousin. 常和动词搭配5.cheer for sb. 为...欢呼6.hard一词多义hard 副词用力地;努力地hit hard 用力打形容词硬的The table is hard. 桌子硬7. excite 动词使...兴奋,激动excited 形容词兴奋的,激动的修饰人He is excited about this film.exciting 形容词兴奋的,激动的修饰物This is an exciting film.excitedly 副词兴奋地I jumped excitedly.8.let sb./sth. go里的sb./sth.若是代词,要用代词宾格(me us you him her it them)。



译林版译林英语六年级下册全册教案及教学反思一、教学内容Unit 1 The lion and the mouseUnit 2 What a wonder!Unit 3 A matter of tasteUnit 4 Road safetyUnit 5 A party for Wu YifanUnit 6 An interesting country二、教学目标1. 掌握并运用本册书中的重点词汇和句型,提升学生的英语表达能力。

2. 培养学生合作学习的能力,通过小组活动提高学生的交流沟通技巧。

3. 拓展学生的文化视野,通过学习不同的文化背景,培养学生的跨文化意识。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:时态的运用,特别是一般将来时和一般过去时。

2. 教学重点:词汇的扩展和句型的运用。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT展示、卡片、录音机、磁带。

2. 学具:英语课本、练习本、彩色笔。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过呈现与单元主题相关的图片或视频,引发学生的兴趣,导入新课。

2. 新课呈现:展示PPT,讲解新词汇和句型,并进行例句演示。

3. 实践情景引入:设置情景,让学生分角色扮演,进行对话练习。

4. 例题讲解:针对难点,进行详细讲解,解答学生的疑问。

5. 随堂练习:布置练习题,巩固所学知识。

6. 小组活动:分组进行讨论和交流,培养学生的合作学习能力。

六、板书设计新词汇和句型重点语法点对话示例七、作业设计1. 作业题目:a. 根据所给图片,完成对话。

b. 写一篇关于本单元主题的短文。

2. 答案:见附件。

八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:布置相关的阅读材料和实践活动,帮助学生巩固所学知识,提高语言运用能力。






1,老鼠2,大的3,强大的,强壮的4,走过,路过5,吵醒,叫醒6,某一天7,小声的,安静地8,弱的,软弱的9,大声的10,释放,放开11,第二天12,网13,咬14,锋利的,尖的15,难过地,伤心地16,就在那时17,不久,很快18,开心地,高兴地19,从那时起20,欢呼21,打,击22,深的23,够得着24,迅速地,快地25,把……倒入26,走路穿过森林27,一张大网28,一只强壮的老虎29,把狮子吵醒30,轻声地说31,两只弱的老鼠32,大声地笑33,用网抓住狐狸34,用尖锐的牙齿咬网35,伤心的问36,从房子里出来37,变成好朋友38,兴奋地唱歌39,没关系40,一根甜的棒棒糖42,许多动物故事43,一本中国成语故事书44,打乒乓球45,擅长跳舞46,大声为他们欢呼47,用力击打球48,找不到球49,在地上找到一个洞50,太深51,够到苹果52,一个好主意53,把水倒入洞里54,快速带来一些水55,上周日56,一个购物中心57,看上去伤心58,把他带到办公室59,给他一个糖果60,喜欢帮助人,助人为乐61,给我写一封邮件62,让老鼠走63,有一个主意64,在语文方面好65,在网上做一个洞66,咬(原形-过去式)67,醒(原形-过去式)68,让(原形-过去式)69,一本成语书70, 把他吵醒1,老鼠mouse2,大的large3,强大的,强壮的strong4,走过,路过walk by5,吵醒,叫醒wake…up6,某一天some day7,小声的,安静地quietly8,弱的,软弱的weak9,大声的loudly10,释放,放开let…go11,第二天the next day12,网net13,咬bite14,锋利的,尖的sharp15,难过地,伤心地sadly16,就在那时just then17,不久,很快soon18,开心地,高兴地happily19,从那时起from then on20,欢呼cheer21,打,击hit22,深的deep23,够得着reach24,迅速地,快地quickly25,把……倒入pour…into26,走路穿过森林walk through the forest27,一张大网a large net28,一只强壮的老虎a strong tiger 29,把狮子吵醒wake the lion upwake up the lion 30,轻声地说say quietly31,两只弱的老鼠two weak mice 32,大声地笑laugh loudly33,用网抓住狐狸catch the fox with the net34,用尖锐的牙齿咬网bite the net with sharp teeth35,伤心的问ask sadly36,从房子里出来get out from the house37,变成好朋友become good friends 38,兴奋地唱歌sing excitedly 40,一根甜的棒棒糖a sweet lollipop 41,伊索寓言Aesop’s Fables42,许多动物故事many animal stories 43,一本中国成语故事书a Chinese idion book44,打乒乓球play table tennis45,擅长跳舞be good at dancingdo well in dancing46,大声为他们欢呼cheer for them loudly47,用力击打球hit the ball hard48,找不到球can’t find the ball49,在地上找到一个洞find a hole in the ground50,太深too deep51,够到苹果reach the apple52,一个好主意a good idea53,把水倒入洞里pour the water into the hole54,快速带来一些水bring some water quickly55,上周日last Sunday56,一个购物中心a shopping centre 57,看上去伤心look sad58,把他带到办公室take him to the office59,给他一个糖果give a sweet to himgive him a sweet 60,喜欢帮助人,助人为乐like helping people61,给我写一封邮件write an email to me62,让老鼠走let the mouse go63,有一个主意have an idea64,在语文方面好be good at Chinesedo well in Chinese 65,在网上做一个洞make a hole in the net66,咬(原形-过去式)bite--bit67,醒(原形-过去式)wake--woke 68,让(原形-过去式)let--let69,一本成语书an idiom book70, 把他吵醒wake him up1,习惯2,从不3,迟、晚4,把……整理得井井有条5,完成6,干净的,整齐的7,不好的、坏的8,困的,困倦的9,昨夜10,快地11,走进,走入12,慢速地13,差地,不好14,许多好习惯15,起床早16,从不晚睡觉17,刷牙18,在睡觉前19,把玩具整理的井井有条20,完成我的回家作业21,晚餐后22,认真听老师23,在家表现好24,保持干净整洁25,帮助我们的父母26,在夜晚27,感觉困的28,很了解我的朋友29,昨天晚上30,走的快31,一个乱七八糟的房间32,小学毕业33,准时吃早饭34,四匹矮马35,跑步穿越草地36,洗脸37,带她参观长城38,进入客厅39,在地板上40,谁的房间41,在床底下42,慢慢地走43,唱的难听44,干得好!45,有时候46,通常47,经常48,总是49,上学迟到晚到学校50,步行去上学(两种)51,骑车回家(两种)52,乘公车去电影院(两种)53,学的差54,保持健康55,一点面包1,习惯habit2,从不never3,迟、晚late4,把……整理得井井有条put…in order5,完成finish6,干净的,整齐的tidy7,不好的、坏的bad8,困的,困倦的sleepy9,昨夜last night10,快地fast11,走进,走入go into12,慢速地slowly13,差地,不好badly14,许多好习惯many good habits 15,起床早get up early16,从不晚睡觉never go to bed late 17,刷牙brush one’s teeth18,在睡觉前before bedtime19,把玩具整理的井井有条put the toys in order20,完成我的回家作业finish my homework21,晚餐后after dinner22,认真听老师listen to the teacher carefully23,在家表现好do well at home24,保持干净整洁keep clean and tidy 25,帮助我们的父母help our parents 26,在夜晚at night27,感觉困的feel sleepy28,很了解我的朋友know my friend well29,昨天晚上last nightyesterday evening30,走的快walk fast/quickly31,一个乱七八糟的房间a messy room 32,小学毕业finish primary school 33,准时吃早饭have breakfast on time 34,四匹矮马four short horses35,跑步穿越草地run through the grass 36,带她参观长城show her around the Great Wall 37, 洗脸wash one’s face38,进入客厅go into the living room 39,在地板上on the floor40,谁的房间whose room41,在床底下under the bed42,慢慢地走walk slowly43,唱的难听sing badly44,干得好!well done45,有时候sometimes46,通常usually47,经常often48,总是always49,上学迟到be late for school晚到学校go to school late50,步行去上学(两种)go to school on footwalk to school51,骑车回家(两种)ride homego home by bike52,乘公车去电影院(两种)go to the cinema by bustake a bus to the cinema53,学的差learn badly54,保持健康keep healthy55,一点面包a little bread1,健康的2,饮食3,一点4,几个5,一次6,可乐7,需要8,一个健康的饮食9,喜欢吃冰淇淋10,喝些水11,只喝一点果汁12,每天13,早饭吃面包14,许多米饭15,一些肉16,几只鸡蛋17,每周18,吃些面条19,一些蔬菜汤20,喜欢甜食21,一次吃一点22,喝粥23,馒头24,西方人25,许多麦片26,几根香肠27,在冰箱里28,去超市29,和我一起来30,对你的身体有好处31,对我们的身体有好处32,对你的健康有坏处33,在健康的饮食中34,对我们的牙齿有害处35,牙齿(单-复)36,拿一个小瓶的37,喝太多可乐38,想要这条大鱼39,需要一些牛奶40,需要扫地41,太重42,休息43,好好休息44,多休息45,用餐46,买一些水果47,多少芒果48,一些土豆49,许多番茄50,三张照片51,记住这些单词52,你早饭吃什么?(两种) 53,不得不打扫图书馆1,健康的healthy2,饮食diet3,一点a little4,几个a few5,一次at a time6,可乐cola7,需要need8,一个健康的饮食a healthy diet9,喜欢吃冰淇淋like eating ice creams 10,喝些水drink some water11,只喝一点果汁only drink a little juice12,每天every day13,早饭吃面包have bread for breakfast 14,许多米饭a lot of rice1 5,一些肉some meat16,几只鸡蛋a few eggs17,每周every week18,吃些面条have some noodles19,一些蔬菜汤some vegetable soup 20,喜欢甜食like sweet food21,一次吃一点eat a little at a time 22,喝粥have porridge23,馒头steamed buns24,西方人western people25,许多麦片much cereal26,几根香肠a few sausages27,在冰箱里in the fridge28,去超市go to the supermarket 29,和我一起来come with me30,对你的身体有好处be good for your body31,对我们的身体有好处be good for our bodies32,对你的健康有坏处be bad for your health33,在健康的饮食中in a healthy diet 34,对我们的牙齿有害处be bad for our teeth35,牙齿(单-复)tooth--teeth36,拿一个小瓶的take a small bottle 38,想要这条大鱼want this big fish 39,需要一些牛奶need some milk 40,需要扫地need to sweep the floor 41,太重too heavy42,休息have a rest43,好好休息have a good rest44,多休息have a lot of rest45,用餐have meals46,买一些水果buy some fruit 47,多少芒果how many mangoes 48,一些土豆some potatoes49,许多番茄many tomatoes50,三张照片three photos51,记住这些单词remember these words52,你早饭吃什么?(两种)What’s for your breakfast?What do you have for breakfast? 53,不得不打扫图书馆have to clean the library1,马路,公路2,安全3,穿过,穿行4,安全地5,必须6,斑马线7,安全的8,人行道9,当心,提防10,容易地11,遵守12,规则13,保持14,灯15,道路安全16,许多繁忙的马路17,在城市里18,安全地穿越马路19,寻找斑马线20,看交通信号灯21,等待绿灯22,穿马路23,必须遵守规则24,为了保持安全25,在人行道上等26,当心汽车和自行车27,和其他人一起28,一条安全的马路29,一些安全的游戏30,很容易地看见你31,一些孩子32,绝对不要在马路上跑或玩33,班级规则34,学校规则35,交通规则36,在十字路口37,在第二个十字路口38,在马路的左边开车39,除了香港和澳门40,在你的左边41,看望他们的阿姨42,我们怎么到达你家?43,你怎么样能到达公园?44,乘汽车(动词短语)45,乘9路车46,上车47,下车48,一些大象49,停下来等50,看医生51,病人52,做一个好学生53,一个简单的问题54,很容易放风筝55,到达学校56,到达家里57,找到斑马线58,拜访我的老师59,再一次停下1,马路,公路road2,安全safety3,穿过,穿行cross4,安全地safely5,必须must6,斑马线zebra crossing7,安全的safe8,人行道pavement9,当心,提防look out for10,容易地easily11,遵守follow12,规则rule13,保持stay14,灯light15,道路安全road safety16,许多繁忙的马路many busy roads 17,在城市里in the city18,安全地穿越马路cross the road safely19,寻找斑马线look for the zebra crossing20,看交通信号灯look at the traffic lights21,等待绿灯wait for the green man 22,穿马路cross the road23,必须遵守规则must follow the rules 24,为了保持安全to keep safe25,在人行道上等wait on the pavement 26,当心汽车和自行车look out for cars and bikes27,和其他人一起with other people 28,一条安全的马路a safe road29,一些安全的游戏some safe games 30,很容易地看见你see you easily 31,一些孩子some children32,绝对不要在马路上跑或玩mustn’t play or run on the road 33,班级规则class rules34,学校规则school rules35,交通规则traffic rules36,在十字路口at the crossing37,在第二个十字路口at the second crossing 38,在马路的左边开车drive on the left side of the road 39,除了香港和澳门except Hong Kong and Macau40,在你的左边on your left41,看望他们的阿姨see their aunt 42,我们怎么到达你家?How do we get to your house?43,你怎么样能到达公园?How can you get to the park?44,乘汽车(动词短语)take a bus 45,乘9路车take bus No.946,上车get on the bus47,下车get off the bus48,一些大象some elephants49,停下来等stop and wait50,看医生see a doctor51,病人sick people52,做一个好学生be a good studentmake a good student 53,一个简单的问题an easy question 54,很容易放风筝It’s easy to fly kiets 55,到达学校get to school56,到达家里get home57,找到斑马线find the zebra crossing 58,拜访我的老师visit my teacher 59,再一次停下stop againUnit 词汇1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,。



译林版]六年级英语下册U1-4单元知识点汇总1.Mouse is the singular form of the noun。

while the plural form is mice。

Some nouns have special plural forms。

such as child-children。


and foot-feet.2.There are several pairs of XXX。

For example。





and safe-XXX-loudly。






can also have antonyms。

Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns and come after the verb to be。

For example。

"He is tall" or "a tall man." Adverbs modify verbs and come after the verb。

For example。

"The dog runs quickly."3.Wake someone up means to rouse them from sleep。

Walkby means to pass by XXX or power。

When using pronouns as the object of a verb or n。

use the object form (me。






them).4.With is a n that can be used to indicate the means by which something is done。


1.能复述和进一步理解The lion and the mouse的故事和其中的寓意。

[20 – 20学年度第__学期]
Unit1 The lion and the mouse(Ticking time &复习)

1. Free talk.师生交流
2. Review story time
Step 3: Practice& Production(15分钟)
Ticking time



译林版译林英语六年级下册全册教案及教学反思一、教学内容详细内容:1.<Unit 1>:讲述故事《狮子和老鼠》,学习一般过去时态,掌握相关词汇和句型。

2.<Unit 2>:探索自然奇观,学习描述事物的形容词,运用There be句型表达存在。

3.<Unit 3>:讨论健康饮食,学习相关词汇,了解均衡饮食的重要性。

4.<Unit 4>:回顾过去与现在,学习现在完成时态,描述变化。

5.<Unit 5>:学习标识和规则,掌握祈使句,了解公共秩序。

6.<Unit 6>:了解老舍茶馆,学习过去进行时态,描述过去正在进行的动作。



















Unit 1 The lion and the mouse一、四会单词大的 2. strong强壮的 3. quietly安静地;小声地4. Weak虚弱的5. loudly大声地6. happily开心地;高兴地二、三会单词老鼠mouse 复数mice 走过,路过walk by 吵醒,叫醒,弄醒,醒醒wake …up某一天same day 释放不能,放开let… go 第二天the next day 网net 咬bite 锋利的,尖的sharp难过地,伤心地sadly 就在那时just then 不久,很快soon 从那时起from then on 欢呼cheer 打,击hit 深的deep 够得着reach迅速地,快地quickly 把……倒入pour …into三、短语积累狮子和老虎 the lion and the mouse mouse: 复数 mice 辨析 mouth嘴巴 month月份又大又强壮large and strong又小又弱small and weak走过… walk by 走过森林walk by the forest把狮子叫醒 wake the lion up (代词宾格放中间) wake me up我能在某一天帮助你I can help you some day将来不确定的某一天Some day:安静地说say quietly quiet→quietly大声地笑道laugh loudly loud→loudly让狮子走let the mouse go let sb do第二天the next day用一个大网抓住狮子catch the lion with a large net catch过去式:caught 用他的锋利的牙齿咬网 bite the net with his sharp teeth (tooth) bite过去式: bit出来get out伤心地问道ask sadly sad→sadly就在那个时候just then在网里弄了个大洞make a big hole in the net开心地说say happily happy→happily从那时起from then on成为好朋友 become good friends become +形容词变得如何… 糖果店sweet shop一个棒棒糖a lollipop他会说什么? what will he say?没关系It doesn’t matter.伊索寓言Aesop’s Fables一本中文成语书a Chinese idiom book开心地打乒乓play table tennis happily擅长be good at+名词老鼠小声地说。

新版-牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit1 第4课时课件

新版-牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit1 第4课时课件


Cartoon time ……………….......
Is the ball in the hole?
Finally, Sam and Bobby find a hole in the ground.
Yes! I can see it. But it’s too deep. I can’t reach it.
Unit1 The lion and the mouse
Cartoon time

Let’s review

Answer these questions …………...……………............... What are they doing in picture 1? They are playing table tennis. What happens in picture 2? They cannot find the ball. What are they looking for in picture 3? They are looking for a ball. What do they find in picture 4? 答案 They find many balls.

Cartoon time ……………….......
Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard. Then, they cannot find the ball.

[14573856]译林版小学《英语》六年级下册Unit1-4 综合复习(二)课件(共14张PPT)

[14573856]译林版小学《英语》六年级下册Unit1-4 综合复习(二)课件(共14张PPT)
In warm waters, there is a lot of colourful coral (珊瑚). Many fish live in this coral. They find food and shelter (住处) ther(e3.) _D_i_v_e_r_s_s_h_o_u__ld_n_’_t_t_o_u_c_h__th__e_c_o_r_a_l_. _T_h_e__c_o_r_a_l_c_a_n__b_re_a_k__(_破_碎__)_e_a_s_i_ly_. It takes a lot of time to grow.
( A ) 1. A. run
( B ) 2. A. early ( C ) 3. A. heavy ( B ) 4. A. too many ( D ) 5. A. be ( B ) 6. A. we
B. to run B. late B. heavily B. too much B. do B. us
( √ ) 2. Tim and Judy eat a lot of rice and drink a lot of water.
( × ) 3. Tim and Judy eat mlitutcleh sweet food. They are not strong.
) 4. Lily and Bob drink a lot of cola.
T__h_e_r_e_a_r_e_m__a_n_y__r_u_le_s__a_t_h_o_m__e_. Parents say, “Clean your room. Study hard.” They also say, “Don’t play games too much. Be nice to your brothers and sisters.” Parents want their kids to be kind and diligent. T__h_e_r_e_a_r_e_m__a_n_y__r_u_l_e_s_i_n_l_i_fe_._People say,(2“) _L_o_o_k__b_e_f_o_r_e_y_o_u__c_r_o_s_s_t_h_e__ro__a_d_.” They also say,(3“) _R_e_s_p_e_c_t_o_t_h_e_r_ _p_e_o_p_l_e_.” These rules help us live happy lives!

译林版(三起)英语六年级下册Unit1-4 Revision课件

译林版(三起)英语六年级下册Unit1-4 Revision课件

– –
fast high
5. He keeps his room clean an形d t副id同y. 形
He also does well at home.
Study habits Living habits
1. He gets up early in the morning.
2. He never goes to bed late. 3. He brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. 4. He makes the bed. 5. He puts his things in order.
“What should I eat then?”
mdao“yrF.niYriosntug, .mitT’ashyegnochoyodooufsoemr eyaogyughsta,ovbedrerdaiinfdfk,essroeannmdtewchmicoihilckeeEhses,avaeetbvriyenitrgsy
Living habits
பைடு நூலகம்
Study habits
To be better
Exercise habits
Safety habits
Eating habits

1 must; 2 mustn’t; 3 can; 4 can’t;
·We 1 must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man.
head. You need to keep safe when you are riding a bike. You need to be careful
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(听两遍)(10分)()1.A. holiday B. healthy C. help()2.A. mangoes B. tomatoes C. potatoes()3.A. meal B. milk C . much()4.A. bread B. drinks C. juice()5.A. radio B. read C. really()6.A. ride B. road C. read()7.A. safe B. safely C. safety()8.A. deep B. sweet C. sleep()9. A. traffic lights B. zebra crossing C. pavement()10. A. lesson B. letter C. litter二、听录音,根据所听内容选择合适的答句。

(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A. Play on the road. B. Look left and right. C. Run on the road.( ) 2. A. No, I can’t. B. Thank you. C. Yes, I do.( ) 3. A. Yes, let’s go. B. Good ideas. C. Take a metro.( ) 4. A. I have a panda. B. I have some porridge. C. I have some stickers.( ) 5. A. On the right side . B. On the right or left. C. On the left side.三、听录音,完成短文。

(听两遍)(10分)How can you ______ the road ______? You ______look for the ______ crossing. Then , you must look at the _____ ______ and _____ for the green man. You must not run ______ on the road andyou _____ can’t play on the road , ______ there many cars and bikes.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉词组互译。

(10分)1. 等待绿灯________________2. 遵守规则________________3. 保持安全________________4. 如此小和弱 ________________5. 喜欢喝水________________6. take a small bottle________________7. a healthy diet __________8. traffic lights__________9.一些好习惯 10.吃一点儿食物__________二、选择题。

(15分)()1. Why is the bus ______ again?A. stopingB. stopC. stopping()2. He lost his bike. He felt _______.A. excitedlyB. sadC. happily()3.We should eat ______ every day.A. a little vegetableB. some vegetablesC. a few vegetables ()4. What _____ he ______ this morning?A. does; eatB. did; eatC. did; ate()5. They saw ______ monkeys around them.A. so manyB. many tooC. so much()6. Playing on the road is not _______.A. safeB. safetyC. safely()7. May I have_________ apple juice? —OK.A. anyB. manyC. some()8. Look! The old man _______ the road.A. crossB. crossesC. is crossing()9. You _____ watch TV after finishing your homework.A. canB. shouldC. must()10. She ______ a _______ diet.A. have; healthB. has; healthyC. have; healthy( ) 11. The _______ boy is laughing _________.A. excitedly, excitedB. excited, excitedlyC. excited, excited( ) 12. Please __________ draw on the wall.A. notB. can’tC. don’t( ) 13. Sam looks _______, because he has a new car.A. happyB. happilyC. sadD. sadly( ) 14. I have breakfast 7:00 the morning.A. at; onB. in; inC. at; inD. in; at( )15. I like drinking tea, but my sister_______A. isn’tB. doesn’tC. don’t三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

(12分)1.You shouldn’t ______ (run) in the street.2. It means “ No ______(smoke)”. You can’t ______(smoke).3.Please don’t ______ (throw) rubbish on the road.4. My mother ______ (wash) clothes yesterday afternoon.5. You shouldn’t speak______(loud) in the library.6.My friend ______(see) a play tomorrow.7. We must cross the road (safe).8.She is good at ____________(play) football.9. I’d like ______ to the party.(go)10. She does her homework ______(careful).11. You should listen ______(she).四、按要求完成句子。

(10分)1. Helen is going to have a picnic.(改为否定句)He _____ _____ to have a picnic.2.He gets to the park by bus.(改为同义句)He ______ ______ _______ to the park.3.They are going to the cinema tomorrow. (用last week改写句子)They _______ the cinema last week4. You should get up early. (改为同义句)You _____ get up late.5. I have some noodles for breakfast. (对画线部分提问)What ______ you ______ for breakfast?五、中译英(8分)1. 司机可以很容易看见你。

The_________can see you______ .2. —些孩子在马路上骑自行车。

Some________are riding_______on the_______.3.为了过马路安全,我们首先必须寻找斑马线。

________ ________ a road________ , we must first look for a zebra___4.我妈妈从不晚睡。

My mother ________ ________ to bed ________ .5.Sam没有健康的饮食,他总是吃太多的肉,他现在太胖了。

Sam_________have a healthy diet,he_______ has_______ _______ _______.He is toofat now.六、阅读理解,选出最佳答案。

(10分)A.The Road family often does housework together at the weekends. Pam oftencleans bedrooms. Her father buys groceries (食品杂货) for the next week. Her mumwashes the clothes. John, Pam’s brother, helps to cut grass in their garden.The Roads often ride a bike to the park nearby. In the park, they can playbasketball and football. They always have a good time there.It is happy when a family works and plays together.( ) 1. How many people are there in the Road family? __________A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.( ) 2. The Road family likes to __________________.A. go on a picnicB. go shoppingC. have a restD. go to the park( ) 3. When the family work together, they feel________.A. tiredB. happyC. angryD. sad( ) 4. ____________ cuts the grass in the garden.A. FatherB. MotherC. PamD. John( ) 5. A good title (标题) for the passage is ___________.A. A family works and plays togetherB. Cleaning the roomsC. A big familyD. Pam and her parentsB.When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because thetraffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look at theright first and then the left.go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always rememberthe traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a lookfirst or you will go to the wrong way.In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on thesecond floor. From there you can see the city very well.It’s very interesting.( )1.In British cities,the traffic drives on the right likeChina.( )2.When you cross the street, you must look at the right firstthen left.busy because the people g( )4.It is not dangerous to go across the street in the morningand in the evening.( )5.You have to step upstairs on the big buses when you want tosee the city well.七、写话(5分)以“Road safety”为题写一篇英语作文,不少于5句话。
