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Chunyang Palace(纯阳宫)
太原的五一广场西北隅,红墙 环绕楼台错落,这就是闻名 并州的道观-纯阳宫。 纯阳宫“纯阳”二字,为洞宾 之号,“宫”为祀奉神仙的 宫殿。纯阳宫,因供奉吕洞 宾而得名。又名吕祖庙。
Taiyuan Wuyi Square northwest corner, surrounded by red walls and towers scattered, and the state which is famous Taoist temple - Chunyang Palace. Chunyang Palace "Chunyang" word, as Lu's number, "Palace" as enshrined fairy palace. Chunyang Palace, named after the bad one because of worship. Also Minglv Zu Temple.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Now Taiyuan is one of China's heavy industrial cities and accounts for more than half the national coal mining output
Jin temple(晋祠)
Jin temple is located in the southwest of taiyuan hanging urn hill, is the collection of ancient Chinese buildings, gardens, sculptures, murals, stone inscription art as one of the unique and precious historical and cultural heritage。 晋祠位于山西太原市西南悬 瓮山麓,是集中国古代祭祀 建筑、园林、雕塑、壁画、 碑刻艺术为一体的唯一而珍 贵的历史文化遗产。
Shanxi museum(山西博物馆)
Founded in 1919, in 2005, a modern new museum opened in the West Bank in Taiyuan Fen。Shanxi Museum is the province's largest cultural relics collection, conservation, research and exhibition center,Meta Shanxi Cultural Relics。Shows China five thousand years of civilization unique contribution to the process of Shanxi.
Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province, is bounded on three sides by mountains. It has 2500-year history and in ancient times was an important military town.
Fen Park(汾河公园)
special local product
头脑为汤状食品,有“八珍汤” 之称。在一碗汤糊里,放上三大 块肥羊肉,一块莲菜,一条长山 药,既醇香唯美,又具有滋补、 活血的功能
驰名三晋的美味佳肴。用猪肉、牛肉或羊 肉、小米及各种作料煎煮而成的,肉味纯 正,软烂可口。阳城肉罐肉不仅制作工艺 独特,味纯喷香,最特别的是制作中所用 到的罐子还兼有工艺美术品的特质,深受 人们的喜爱。 刀削面以刀工、削技绝妙而被称 为飞刀削面。工艺精巧的厨师削 出的面条一根落汤锅,一根空中 飘,一根刚出刀,根根削面如鱼 儿跃。吃起来内虚、外筋,柔软 光滑,容易消化。