
语言学期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究语言的科学,其主要研究对象是语言的()。
A. 历史演变B. 社会功能C. 结构系统D. 所有选项答案:D2. 以下哪项不是语言学的分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语义学C. 心理学D. 句法学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是()。
A. 音素B. 词C. 词素D. 语素答案:A4. 语言学家索绪尔认为语言符号是由哪两个部分组成的?A. 语义和语法B. 语音和语义C. 能指和所指D. 形式和内容5. 以下哪个选项是语言的交际功能?A. 信息传递B. 表达情感C. 思考工具D. 所有选项答案:D6. 语言的音位系统是由()决定的。
A. 社会约定B. 个人习惯C. 物理属性D. 语法规则答案:A7. 以下哪个不是语言的变异现象?A. 方言B. 社会方言C. 语言混合D. 语言的稳定性答案:D8. 语言的词汇系统包括()。
A. 词根B. 词缀C. 词D. 所有选项答案:D9. 语言的语法系统包括()。
B. 词法C. 音位学D. 所有选项答案:D10. 以下哪项是语言的内部因素?A. 社会因素B. 心理因素C. 语言接触D. 语言的规则性答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的对象是______,研究的方法是______。
答案:语言;科学的方法2. 语言的音位系统是由______决定的,而词义系统是由______决定的。
答案:社会约定;社会约定3. 语言的最小意义单位是______,而最小的语音单位是______。
答案:语素;音素4. 索绪尔将语言符号分为两个部分:______和______。
答案:能指;所指5. 语言的交际功能包括信息传递、表达情感和______。
答案:思考工具6. 语言的变异现象包括方言、社会方言和______。
答案:语言混合7. 语言的词汇系统包括______和______。
答案:词根;词缀8. 语言的语法系统包括______和______。


认知语言学的创立者普遍被认为是乔治·雷可夫(George Lakoff)、马克·约翰逊(Mark Johnson)及朗奴·兰盖克。
认知语言学主要理论方法有:Fillmore、Goldberg 等人的“构式语法”(Construction Grammar);Langacker 的“认知语法”(Cognitive Grammar);Lakoff、Talmy 等人的“认知语义学”(Cognitive Semantics);以及S. Lamb 的神经"认知语言学"(Neurocognitive Linguistics)等。

西方语言学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学研究的主要对象是什么?A. 文学作品B. 语言C. 社会现象D. 历史事件答案:B2. 以下哪个选项不属于语言学的分支学科?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 心理学D. 语义学答案:C3. 语言学研究的基本原则是什么?A. 描述性B. 规范性C. 历史性D. 以上都是答案:A4. 索绪尔是哪种语言学理论的代表人物?A. 历史语言学B. 结构主义语言学C. 形式语言学D. 功能语言学答案:B5. 以下哪个术语与“语言变化”无关?A. 语言演变B. 语言借用C. 语言死亡D. 语言创造答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学中,“______”是指语言的最小意义单位。
答案:语素2. 根据乔姆斯基的理论,人类天生具有一种语言能力,这种能力被称为“______”。
答案:语言习得装置3. 在语言学中,“______”是指语言的发音方式。
答案:音位4. “______”是指语言在特定社会和文化背景下的使用。
答案:语用学5. “______”是指语言的语法结构。
答案:句法三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述语言学的主要研究方法。
2. 描述一下什么是语言的双重性。
3. 解释一下什么是语言的变异。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. 论述语言和文化之间的关系。
2. 论述乔姆斯基的生成语法理论对现代语言学的影响。


期末语言学试题及答案第一部分:选择题1. 下列哪个属于语言学的研究范畴?a) 文学作品的分析b) 语言文字的演变c) 心理学的实验d) 数学公式的推导答案:b) 语言文字的演变2. “语言是人类所特有的交流工具”这句话表达了以下哪个语言学观点?a) 脱离人类语言的存在b) 语言的多样性c) 语言与文化的关联性d) 语言的外在表现形式答案:a) 脱离人类语言的存在3. 以下哪个属于双关语?a) “有钱人终成眷属”b) “真理只能通过实践来证明”c) “独立自主,自由自在”d) “一叶知秋”答案:c) “独立自主,自由自在”4. 以下哪个是语义学的研究范畴?a) 语音学b) 词汇学c) 句法学d) 语用学答案:b) 词汇学5. 下列哪个不属于语言学基本假设?a) 语言是有限的b) 语言与思维密切相关c) 语言学研究应遵循科学原则d) 语言的起源来自上帝的创造答案:d) 语言的起源来自上帝的创造第二部分:简答题1. 解释语言变体的概念,并举例说明。
2. 请介绍一下语音学的研究内容。

每小题3分,共60分)1.The pair of words “lend”and “borrow”are ___.()A.gradable oppositesB.relational oppositesC.co-hyponymsD.synonyms2.The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar .( )A.Jacob GrimmB.Rasmus RaskC.Franz BoppD.Sir William Jones3.A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( )A.unusualB.something to be fearedC.abnormalD.natural4.__produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense,often as unintelligible.( )A.Broca's aphasicB.The linguistic deprivationC.The damage on the angular gyrusD.Wernicke's aphasic5.Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night” as “light”.This shows:.( )A.They cannot pronounce/n/B.Interlangue interference because there is notthe sound /n/in their mother tongueC.The teachers do not have a good teaching methodD.They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds6.A word with several meanings is called __word.( )A.a polysemousB.a synonymousC.an abnormalD.a multiple7.The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it?”is __.()rmativeB.phaticC.directiveD.performative8.The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in __ and vocabulary.( )ageB.grammarC.pronunciationD.structure9.__deals with the way in which a language varies through geographical space.( )A.Linguistic geographyB.LexicologyC.LexicographyD.Sociolinguistics10.The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.()A.+animate,+male,+human,-adultB.+animate,+male,+human,+adultC.+animate,-male,+human,-adultD.+animate,-male,+human,+adult11.The famous quotation from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet” ‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’ well illustrates _______.()A.the conventional nature of languageB.the creative nature of languageC.the universality of languageD.the big difference between human language and animal communication12.Of the following sound combinations, only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )A.kiblB.bkilC.ilkbD.ilbk13.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula "S→NP VP".()A.hierarchicalB.linearC.tree diagramD.vertical14.It is the _______ on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.( )A.Case ConditionB.parameterC.Adjacent ConditionD.Adjacent Parameter15.Predication analysis is a way to analyze _______ meaning.A.phonemeB.wordC.phraseD.sentence16.According to Searle,those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _______.( )misivesB.directivesC.expressivesD.declaratives17.The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages.A.synchronicB.diachronicparativeD.historical comparative18.The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+last name, _______,and kin term.A.title+first nameB.title+titleC.title aloneD.first name+last name+titlenguage and thought may be viewed as two independent circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as "subvocal speech," and speech as "_______".( )A.vocal thoughtB.subvocal thoughtC.covert thoughtD.overt thought20.Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child languageacquisition?_______.( )nguage acquisition is a process of habit formationnguage acquisition is the species-specific property of human beingsC.Children are born with an innate ability to acquire languageD.Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use二、判断说明题(判断下列各小题,正确的在题后括号内写“T”,错的写“F”,并说明理由。

1. 印度最古老的文献《吠陀》2. 著名的《波你尼经》正是当时从解说《吠陀》语言开始、进而研究梵语的整个结构的产物。
3. 古希腊、古印度、古代中国的语言研究,是世界语言研究的三个主要发源地。
4. 语文学与纯粹意义上的语言学之间,存在着一种相互为用的关系:语文学孕育了语言学,它为语言学提供了不少材料,而语言学也为语文学服务。
5. 西方语言学是从古希腊发源的。
6. 古希腊最早接触语言问题的是一批哲学家,他们把语言问题当做哲学问题的一部分看待,从哲学角度分析语言现象。
7. 高尔吉亚也许是最早提出语言与现实世界的关系问题的学者,尽管他对这两者之间的认识还是相当模糊的。
8. P159. 柏拉图《克拉底洛篇》被认为词源学的创始人。
10. 古希腊哲学家在建立语法范畴方面也做了不少贡献,从而初步确立了传统语法的范畴体系。
11. 与柏拉图相比,亚里士多德的发展首先在于他把词分为三类,除了名字和动词之外,增加了第三类词,即连接词。
12. 马可•泰伦梯乌斯•瓦罗是真正地拉丁语法学家。
13. 巴拉斯蒙发现了叹词。
14. 中世纪语言研究的一个显著特点是受到基督教的巨大影响。
15. 意大利著名的诗人但丁十分重视民族语言问题,并认真地研究过意大利方言,他第一次提出了民族语言理论。
16. 思辨语法就是哲学语法,它的产生和发展就跟当时经院哲学中实在论与唯名论的争论密切相关的。


语言学期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 语言学是研究什么的学科?A. 语言的起源B. 语言的本质和结构C. 语言的演变D. 语言的运用答案:B2. 下列哪项不是语言学的分支?A. 语音学B. 语法学C. 心理学D. 语义学答案:C3. 语言的最小意义单位是?A. 音素B. 词C. 语素D. 句子答案:C4. 以下哪个术语描述的是语言的规则性?A. 语法B. 语义C. 语音D. 词汇5. 语言的交际功能指的是什么?A. 语言的内部结构B. 语言的外部形式C. 语言的社会功能D. 语言的个人表达答案:C6. 语言的哪一部分负责表达概念?A. 语音B. 语法C. 语义D. 词汇答案:C7. 下列哪项是语言的物理表现形式?A. 语法B. 语义C. 语音D. 语用答案:C8. 语言的哪一部分负责表达关系?A. 语法B. 语义C. 语音D. 词汇答案:A9. 语言的哪一部分负责表达情感?B. 语用C. 语音D. 词汇答案:B10. 以下哪个术语描述的是语言的变异?A. 语言变异B. 语言变化C. 语言演化D. 语言发展答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. 语言学的主要研究对象是______。
答案:语言2. 语言的三个基本功能包括表达、______和交际。
答案:指称3. 语音学研究的是语言的______方面。
答案:声音4. 语法学研究的是语言的______方面。
答案:结构5. 语义学研究的是语言的______方面。
答案:意义6. 词汇学研究的是语言的______方面。
答案:词汇7. 语用学研究的是语言的______方面。
答案:使用8. 语言的最小意义单位是______。
答案:语素9. 语言的最小声音单位是______。
答案:音素10. 语言的最小结构单位是______。
答案:词三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 请简述语言学的主要研究内容。

二、单项选择题(本大题共26小题,每题1分)1、下列关于“语言”和“言语”的表述中,不正确的一项是【】A.语言是社会的,言语是个人的B.语言是主要的,言语是从属的C.语言是抽象的,言语是具体的D.语言是书面的,言语是口头的答案:D2、下列关于一般语汇总体特点的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.构词能力强B.使用范围窄C.产生历史长D. 大多很稳定答案:B 解析:根据词在语汇系统中的重要程度,可以分为基本语汇和非基本语汇(一般语汇)两大类。
3、区分“单纯词”和“合成词”所依据的是【】A.词的音节数量B.词的语素数量C.词的音形关系D.词的地位用途4、语法规则的“系统性”是指【】A.对语言的结构和成分进行类的概括B.相同规则可在一个结构里重复使用C.语法规则之间可以相互推导和解释D.语法规则的发展变化过程十分缓慢答案:C 解析:ABD三项分别对应的是语法规则的“抽象性”、“递归性”、“稳定性”。
5、语音的四个物理要素中,区别不同的意义起着最为重要的作用的是【】A、音高B、音强C、音长D、音色6、元音和辅音本质区别是【】A、元音的发音可以延长,辅音不可以B、元音发音响亮,辅音不响亮C、元音发音时气流不受阻,辅音一定受阻D、发元音时,发音器官的各个部分均衡紧张;辅音则不然7、[ε]的发音特征是【】A、舌面前高不圆唇B、舌面后高不圆唇C、舌面前半高不圆唇D、舌面前半低不圆唇8、下列关于语义民族性的表述中,正确的一项是【】A.词义上的民族特点并不明显B.词的多义化不受民族特点的制约C.不同的民族语言在词的理性意义上并无差异D.不同的民族语言在词的非理性意义上会有所不同答案:D解析:不同民族对客观事物的认识不同,因而语义的民族特点也不同,词的多义化也会受制约,非理性意义也会有所不同,比如汉语中“狗”字常含贬义,像“走狗”;可在英语里,“dog”常含褒义,像“a lucky dog”(幸运儿)。


自然说 vs.约定俗成说
中世纪的突出成就就是在经院哲学影响下的思辨语法sepculative grammar



[资料] 英语语言学期末考试试卷及答案 - 副本
![[资料] 英语语言学期末考试试卷及答案 - 副本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/16ba2028910ef12d2bf9e70a.png)
英语语言学期末考试试卷第一部分选择题I.Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%X10=20%)1. Saussure’s distinction and Chomsky’s are very similar, but they differ in that ____________.A. Saussure took a sociological view of language while Chomsky took a psychological point of viewB. Saussure took a psychological view of language while Chomsky took a sociological point of viewC. Saussure took a pragmatic view of language while Chomsky took a semantic point of viewD. Saussure took a structural view of language while Chomsky took a pragmatic point of view2. Language is a system of ____________ vocal symbols used for human communication.A. unnaturalB. artificialC. superficialD. arbitrary3. We are born with the ability to acquire language, _______________.A. and the details of any language system are genetically transmittedB. therefore, we needn’t learn the details of our mother tongueC. but the details of language have to be learnt.D. and the details are acquired by instinct4. A(n)________ is a phonological unit of distinctive value. It is a collection of distinctive phonetic features.A. phoneB. allophoneC. phonemeD. sound5. The morpheme –ed in the word “worked” is a(n) __________ morpheme.A. derivationalB. inflectionalC. freeD. word-forming6. WH-movement is __________ in English which changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.A. obligatoryB. optionalC. selectionalD. arbitrary7. Naming theory, one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, was proposed by _________.A. GriceB. PlatoC. SaussureD. Ogden and Richards8. “John married a blond heiress.”__________ “John married a blond.”A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes9. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called _______, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.A. utteranceB. referenceC. predicationD. morpheme10. In Austin’s speech act theory, ___________ is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something.A. a perlocutionary actB. a locutionary actC. a constative actD. an illocutionary act第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. P___________ relates the study of language to psychology. It aims to answer such questions as how thehuman mind works when people use language.12. A d_________ study of language is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.13. Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. At the lower level, there is astructure of meaningless sounds, which can be combined into a large number of meaningful units at the higher level. This design feature is called d___________.14. The articulatory apparatus of a human being is contained in three important areas: the pharyngeal cavity,the o_________ cavity and the nasal cavity.15. The localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is calledl_____________.16. S_____________ features such as stress, tone and intonation can influence the interpretation of meaning.17. Phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentences with infinite length,due to their r_________ properties.18. H__________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings are identical in sound orspelling, or in both.19. Some important missions of historical linguists are to identify and classify families of related languages in agenealogical family tree, and to reconstruct the p____________, the original form of a language family that has ceased to exist.20. In Sociolinguistics, speakers are treated as members of social groups. The social group isolated for anygiven study is called the speech c___________.III. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%×10=20%)( ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between words and what these words actually refer to.( ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can be generalized into the study of another language.( ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in English because English, unlike Chinese, is a typical tone language.( ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend.( ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in our mind’s eye every time we come across a linguistic symbol.( ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Good morning!” can be restored to “I wish you a good morning.”( ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the same regional dialect may speak differently because of a number of social factors.( ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English is not as systematic as standard English.( ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capable of acquiring any human language spontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%×10=30%)31. parole:32. broad transcription:33. allophones:34. phrase structure rules:35. context36. Historical Linguistics:37. standard language:38. linguistic taboo:39. acculturation:40. care-taker speech:V. Answer the following questions. (10%×2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to the systematic occurrence of errors in second language acquisition andgive your examples.42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the major periods in itshistorical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.参考答案第一部分选择题I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%)1. A2. D3. C4. C5.B6. A7. B8. C9. C 10. D第二部分非选择题II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)11. Psycholinguistics12. diachronic13. duality14. oral15. lateralization16. Suprasegmental17. recursive18. Homonymy19. protolanguage20. communityIII. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. (2%X10=20%)( T ) 21. Linguists believe that whatever occurs in the language people use should be described and analyzed in their investigation.( T ) 22. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between words and what these words actually refer to.( F ) 23. The conclusions we reach about the phonology of one language can be generalized into the study of another language.( F ) 24. The meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in English because English, unlike Chinese, is a typical tone language.( T ) 25. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend.( F ) 26. When we think of a concept, we actually try to see the image of something in our mind’s eye every time we come across a linguistic symbol.( F ) 27. All utterances can be restored to complete sentences. For example, “Good morning!” can be restored to “I wish you a good morning.”( T ) 28. Two people who are born and brought up in the same town and speak the same regional dialectmay speak differently because of a number of social factors.( F ) 29. Black English is linguistically inferior to standard English because Black English is not as systematic as standard English.( T ) 30. Any child who is capable of acquiring some particular human language is capable of acquiring any human language spontaneously and effortlessly.IV. Directions: Explain the following terms. (3%X10=30%)31. parole: It refers to the realization of langue in actual use. It is concrete and varies with context.32. Broad transcription is the transcription with letter symbols only. It is the transcription normally used in dictionaries and teaching textbooks.33. Allophones are the different phones that represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments.34. Phrase structure rules are the rewrite rules which allow for the possible combination of words to form phrases and sentences.35. Context is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer.36. Historical linguistics studies language change ( or historical development of language).37. Standard language is a superposed, socially prestigious dialect of language. It is the language employed by the government and the judiciary system, used by the mass media and taught in educational institutions.38. Linguistic taboo refers to a word or expression that is prohibited by the “polite” society from general use.39. Acculturation is a process of adapting to the culture and value system of the second language community.40. It is simple and modified speech used by parents, baby-sitter, etc. when they talk to young children who are acquiring their native language.V. Answer the following questions. (10%X2=20%)41. Enumerate three causes that lead to the systematic occurrence of errors in second language acquisition and give your examples.1) Mother tongue interference2) interlingual interference3) Overgeneralization42. English has undergone tremendous changes since its Anglo-Saxon days. Identify the major periods in itshistorical development and name major historical events that led to the transition from one period to the next.Major periods: Old English (449-1100)Middle English (1100-1500)Modern English (1500-present)Historical events: The old English period began with the invasion of the British Isles by English-speaking Anglo-Saxons from Europe, and ended with the arrival of Norman French invaders historically known as the Norman Conquest. The Middle English period is distinguished from the Old English period by the Norman Conquest. The European renaissance movement marked the beginning of the Modern English period.面对强大的对手,明知不敌,也要毅然亮剑,即使倒下,也要化成一座山。

【优质】语言学期末考试试卷1. 围绕SFL,TG Grammar, FSP, Saussure 四个知识点,结合课本367及368页相关问答题准备复习。
2.理解并一定识记以下相关概念和名词:categorization ,interpersonal function,duality,semantics,recursiveness,language linguistics,image schema,competence,allophone,inflection,syntax3. 会自己分析诸如课本368页22题,367页14题的题型。
1.Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modern linguistics?Saussure was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a system of signs. To communicate ideas, signs must be part of a system of signs, called conventions. He held that the sign is the union of a form (signifier) and an idea (signified), and it is the central fact of language. By providing answers to questions concerning many aspects of language, Saussure made clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. His ideas on the arbitrary nature of sign, on the relational nature of linguistic units, on the distinction of langue and parole and of synchronic and diachronic linguistics, etc. pushed linguistics into a brand new stage.2.What are the three important points of the Prague School?First, it stressed that the synchronic study of language is fully justified as it can draw on complete and controllable material for investigation. Second, it emphasized the systemic character of language, arguing that no element of any language can be satisfactorily analyzed or evaluated if viewed in isolation. In other words, elements are held to be in functional contrast or opposition. Third, it looked on language as a tool performing anumber of essential functions or tasks for the community using it.3.What is the Prague School best known for?The Prague School is best known and remembered for its contribution to phonology and the distinction between phonetics and phonology. Following Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole, Trubetzkoy argued that phonetics belonged to parole whereas phonology belonged to langue. On this basis he developed the noti on of “phoneme”as an abstract unit of the sound system as distinct from the sounds actually produced. In classifying distinctive features, he proposed three criteria: (1) their relation to the whole contrastive system; (2) relations between the opposing elements; and (3) their power of discrimination. These oppositions can be summarised as: a) bilateral opposition; b) multilateral opposition; c) proportional opposition; d) isolated opposition; e) privative opposition; f) gradual opposition; g) equippolent opposition; h) neutralisable opposition; and i) constant opposition.4.What is the essence of Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP)? FSP is a theory that refers to a linguistic analysis of utterances (or texts) in terms of the information they contain. The principle is that the role of each utterance part is evaluated for its semantic contribution to the whole. From a functional point of view, some Czechoslovak linguists believed that a sentence contains a point of departure and a goal of discourse. The point of departure is equally present to the speaker and to the hearer –it is their rallying point, the ground on which they meet. This is called the Theme. The goal of discourse presents the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer. This is called the Rheme. It is believed that the movement from the Theme to theRheme reveals the movement of the mind itself. Language may use different syntactic structures, but the order of ideas remains basically the same. Based on these observations, they created the notion ofFunctional Sentence Perspective (FSP) to describe how information is distributed in sentences. FSP deals particularly with the effect of the distribution of known (or given) information and new information in discourse. The known information refers to information that is not new to the reader or hearer, and the new information is what is to be transmitted to the reader or hearer. 5. What is the tradition of the London School? The London School has a tradition of laying stress on the functions of language and attaching great importance tocontexts of situation and the system aspect of language. It is these features that have made this school of thought known as systemic linguistics and functional linguistics. It is an important and admirable part of the London School tradition to believe that different types of linguistic description may be appropriate for different purposes.6. What is the difference between Malinowski and Firth on context of situation? Malinowski distinguished three types of context of situation: situations in which speech interrelates with bodily activity, narrative situations, and phatic situations. Firth defined the context of situation as including the entire cultural setting of speech and the personal history of the participants rather than as simply the context of human activity going on at the moment. Recognising that sentences can vary infinitely, Firth used the notion of “typical context of situation”, meaning that social situations determine the social roles participants are obliged to play; since the total number of typical contexts of situation they will encounter is finite, the total number of socialroles is also finite. He put forward the idea that in analysing a typical context of situation, one has to take into consideration both the situational context and the linguistic context of a text. 7. What is important about Firth’s prosodic analysis? Prosodic analysis, or prosodic phonology, is Firth’s second important contribution to linguistics. Since any human utterance is a continuous speech flow made up of at least one syllable, it cannot be cut into independent units. Phonological description only deals with paradigmatic relations, leaving syntagmatic relations out of consideration. Firth pointed out that in actual speech, it is not phonemes that make up the paradigmatic relations, but phonematic units. There are fewer features in phonematic units than in phonemes, because some features are common to phonemes of a syllable or a phrase (even a sentence). When these features are considered in syntagmatic relations, they are all called prosodic units, which include features such as stress, length, nasalisation, palatalisation, and aspiration. In any case, these features cannot be found in one phonematic unit alone.8.What is the relation between Systemic Grammar and Functional Grammar?Systemic Grammar and Functional Grammar are two inseparable components for an integral framework of Systemic-Functional linguistic theory. Systemic Grammar aims to explain the internal relations in language as a system network, or meaning potential. This network consists of subsystems from which language users make choices. Functional grammar aims to reveal that language is a means of social interaction, based on the position that language system and the forms that make it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions which theyserve.Systemic Grammar contains a functional component, and the theory behind Functional Grammar is systemic..9What is special about Systemic-Functional linguistics?Systemic-Functional linguistics aims to provide taxonomy for sentences, a means of descriptively classifying particular sentences. Although it may not seem as influential as Chomsky’s transformational-generative theory in some parts of the world, it is much more relevant to the needs of various groups of people who deal with language. Halliday believesthat language is what it is because it has to serve certain functions. In other words, social demand on language has helped to shape its structure. Systemic-Functional linguistics is based on two facts: (1) language users are actually making choices in a system of systems and trying to realise different semantic functions in social interaction; and (2) language is inseparable from social activities of man. Thus, it takes actual uses of language as the object of study, in opposition to Chomsky’s approach that takes the ideal speaker’s linguistic competence as the object of study.11.(1) she (Person: third person; Number: singular) (2) we (Person: first person; Number: plural) (3) always (Modality: frequency) (4) a perception process (Transitivity: mental process: internalized process) (5) an action process (Transitivity: material process)12.Analyze the following Relational-process sentences according to their mode and type. (1) Linguistics is a difficult course. (Type: intensive; Mode: attributive) (2) This laptop is Professor Huang’s. (Type: possessive; Mode: identifying)15.What are the special features of American structuralism? American Structuralism is a branch of synchronic linguistics thatdeveloped in a very different style from that of Europe. While linguistics in Europe started more than two thousand years ago, linguistics in America started at the end of the nineteenth century. While traditional grammar plays a dominating role in Europe, it has little influence in America. While many European languages have their own historical traditions and cultures, English is the dominating language in America, where there is no such a tradition as in Europe. In addition, the pioneer scholars in America were faced with the urgent task of recording the rapidly perishing native American Indian languages because there was no written record of them. However, these languages were characterised by features of vast diversity and differences which are rarely found in other parts of the world. To record and describe these exotic languages, it is probably better not to have any presuppositions about the nature of language in general. This explains why there was not much development in linguistic theory during this period but a lot of discussion on descriptive procedures. Structuralism is based on the assumption that grammatical categories should be defined not in terms of meaning but in terms of distribution, and that the structure of each language should be described without reference to the alleged universality of such categories as tense, mood and parts of speech. Firstly, structural grammar describes everything that is found in a language instead of laying down rules. However, its aim is confined to the description of languages, without explaining why language operates the way it does. Secondly, structural grammar is empirical, aiming at objectivity in the sense that all definitions and statements should be verifiable or refutable. However, it has produced almost no complete grammars comparable to any comprehensive traditionalgrammars. Thirdly, structural grammar examines all languages, recognising and doing justice to the uniqueness of each language. But it does not give an adequate treatment of meaning. Lastly, structural grammar describes even the smallest contrasts that underlie any construction or use of a language, not only those discoverable in some particular use.16. How is behaviourist psychology related to linguistics? For Bloomfield, linguistics is a branch of psychology, and specifically of the positivistic brand of psychology known as “behaviourism”. Behaviourism is a principle of scientific method, based on the belief that human beings cannot know anything they have not experienced. Behaviourism in linguistics holds that children learn language through a chain of “stimulus-response reinforcement”, and the adult’s use of language is also a process of “stimulus-response”. When the behaviourist methodology ent ered linguistics via Bloomfield’s writings, the popular practice in linguistic studies was to accept what a native speaker says in his language and to discard what he says about it. This is because of the belief that a linguistic description was reliable when based on observation of unstudied utterances by speakers; it was unreliable if the analyst had resorted to asking speakers questions such as “Can you say …in youlanguage?”17. What is Harris’s most important contribution to linguistics? Harris’s Methods in Structural Linguistics (1951) makes the maturity of American descriptive linguistics, for he gave the fullest and most interesting expression of the “discovery procedure”approach characterised by accurate analytical procedures and high degree of formalisation. He formulated a set of strict descriptive procedures which took the logic of distributional relations as the basis of structuralanalysis. This method has greatly influenced American descriptive linguistics and Harris is therefore regarded as one of the most distinguished linguists in the post-Bloomfieldian era. 18. What is the theoretical importance of Tagmemics? Tagmemics is a special name for the technique of linguistic analysis developed by Pike, the most significant figure in continuing the structuralist tradition. For Pike, a language has its own hierarchical systems independent of meaning. Not only are there hierarchies in language, but that everything in the world is hierarchical, consisting of different layers in the system from small to big, from bottom to top, from simple to complex, from part to whole. The ultimate aim of tagmemics is to provide a theory which integrates lexical, grammatical, and phonological information. This theory is based on the assumption that there are various relations in language, and these relations can be analysed into different units. However, to believe that language is part of human behaviour, one needs to recognise that language cannot be strictly formalised. Since no representational system can account for all the relevant facts of language, tagmemics accepts various different modes of representation for different purposes, and does not insist that there is only one correct grammar or linguistic theory.19. What are the main features of Stratificational Grammar? Lamb’s Stratificational Grammar consists of three levels: phoneme, morpheme, and morphophoneme. It sees the complex relationship in language as series of connected stratal systems on the assumption that while the system of relationships are not directly observable, it is generalizable. In this grammar, there is no direct relation between a concept and its sounds, and that there are various strata that make up a number of stratal systems.Among these, the four principal ones are the sememic, lexemic, morphemic, and the phonemic, from top to bottom.20.How many stages of development has Chomsky’s TG Grammar undergone?Chomsky’s TG Grammar has seen five stages of development. The Classical Theory aims to make linguistics a science. The Standard Theory deals with how semantics should be studied in a linguistics theory. The Extended Standard Theory focuses discussion on language universals and universal grammar. The Revised Extended Standard Theory (or GB) focuses discussion on government and binding. The latest is the Minimalist Program, a further revision of the previous theory. The development of TG Grammar can be regarded as a process of constantly minimalising theories and controlling the generative powers. Although TG Grammar has involved putting forward, revising, and cancelling of many specific rules, hypotheses, mechanisms, and theoretical models, its aims and purposes have been consistent, i.e. to explore the nature, origin and the uses of human knowledge on language.21. What does Chomsky mean by Language Acquisition Device? Chomsky believes that languageis somewhat innate, and that children are born with what he calls a Language Acquisition Device (LAD), which is a unique kind of knowledge that fits them for language learning. He argues the child comes into the world with specific innate endowment, not only with general tendencies or potentialities, but also with knowledge25. What is special about TG Grammar?The starting point of Chomsky’s TG Grammar is his innateness hypothesis, based on his observations that someimportant facts can never be otherwise explained adequately. Chomsky’s TG Grammar has the following features. First, Chomsky defines language as a set of rules or principles. Second, Chomsky believes that the aim of linguistics is to produce a generative grammar which captures the tacit knowledge of the native speaker of his language. This concerns the question of learning theory and the question of linguistic universals. Third, Chomsky and his followers are interested in any data that can reveal the native speaker’s tacit knowledge. They seldom use what native speakers actually say; they rely on their own intuition. Fourth, Chomsky’s methodology is hypothesis-deductive, which operates at two levels: (a) the linguist formulates a hypothesis about language structure –a general linguistic theory; this is tested by grammars for particular languages, and (b) each such grammar is a hypothesis on the general linguistic theory. Finally, Chomsky follows rationalism in philosophy and mentalism in psychology.- 高氯酸对阿胶进行湿法消化后, 用导数火焰原子吸收光谱技术测定阿胶中的铜、“中药三大宝, 人参、鹿茸和阿胶。
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5. 乔姆斯基革命1957年,美国语言学家乔姆斯基出版了《句法结构》一书,提出了转换生成语法理论。
8. 认知语言学是一门新兴的、跨领域的学科,它将认知科学和语言科学结合,以身体经验和认知为出发点,以概念结构和意义研究为中心,寻求语言事实背后的认知方式,并通过认知方式和知识结构等对语言作出统一解释。
第三时期(1951- 1956)是美国描写语言学派的成熟时期,以“美国新语言学的发言人”海里斯的《结构语言学的方法》(1951)的出版为标志。