



9.warm and cold
目的:练习单词 pen 把一支钢笔事先放在某个同学的抽屉中,让 其中一个人来找,其他同学可以提示帮助齐 声朗读“pen”,当寻找者接近目标时,同学 们的朗读声就变得响亮;当寻找者远离目标 时,同学们的朗读声就变得越来越弱,直到 寻找者找到目标为止。
10.Magic Box 魔术盒子
12.Guessing Game
游戏规则: (1)分别呈现图片,让学生熟悉、并齐读。 (2)分别图片顺序,并翻转过来,让学生猜面向 老师的图片是哪个英语单词;
(3)一次猜中者盖大笑脸;第二次猜中者盖 小笑脸;第三次猜中者口头表扬一次;超过四次未 中,老师公布答案。 3、游戏功能:适用课前、课中,操练,复习各类 新单词。 4、游戏举例: 学习文具单词后,此游戏帮助学生 高频率、大面积巩固所学新知识。
在学习句子中,要慢读,必要时分解读 。在跟读几遍后,可以让学生补全老师 没说完的部分。比如:This is a boy.可让 学生补 boy、is a boy、a boy。这是个反 应练习,可让学生熟练掌握句子。一排,老师随意指, 指到谁,谁就一边跳一边 说出手里的单词。
4. 抱抱游戏(Hug together)
• 时间:5—8分钟 • 类型:半输出性单词游戏 • 对象:3-6年级 • 目的:学生能半输出单词 • 特点:该游戏有一定趣味性和竞争性 • 加分方式:小组加分 • 说明:老师请上若干同学,同学们围成圈后开始转
圈,此时可边唱歌曲边转圈。当老师说道数字几 时,同学便要几个人抱到一起。如没有抱对的小 组就被淘汰。
• 注:可提示学生说含有爆破音的单词。



What’s missing?
适用类型:单词教学 适用年龄:4-12岁 游戏目的:培养幼儿的记忆力。通过知识点在空间变化,达到幼儿在高度兴趣 中将已学单词巩固。 游戏准备:实物或单词卡、黑板、神秘袋。 游戏玩法:首先,将准备游戏的单词图卡贴上黑板上或实物摆放在地上,通过 阅读或指读的方式与幼儿一起过目。之后,请幼儿闭上眼睛,将贴在黑板上的 任一个词卡或实物抽走一个,藏在黑色神秘袋中。再次,请幼儿睁开眼睛,看 一看,猜出哪个不见了。如回答正确将卡片或实物暂时送给幼儿并给予及时的 表扬。 游戏参考用语:
对话 --- 惟妙惟肖最重要
1.结对交谈 2.相互问答 3.角色表演 4.替换仿编
How old are you?
How old are you ? One .two. three. How old are you? Four .five. six. How old are you? Seven. eight. nine. I’m nine today. Birthday, birthday. Birthday, happy birthday.
在知识上对学生公平:有的游戏难度不一,且学生 水平参差不齐,要求教师具体情况具体分析,同时教师 要注意到学生的个体差异,实施不同的游戏。
有的游戏在进行时,由于其本身的对抗性较 强,学生好胜心切,群情激昂时会导致课堂纪律 混乱。老师做游戏应该心中有数,能有效控制课 堂纪律。



Байду номын сангаас
Scenario dialogue card game
Listening games
Cultivate students' concentration and listening comprehension abilities
The teacher prepares an English listening material, plays it, and asks the students to retell and spell it out. Finally, they combine all the students' answers to form a complete sentence or paragraph.
Letter relay
To help students memorize letters and words
Divide students into two groups, each group holding a stack of letter cards, and use the combination of letter cards to spell words. The group that first spells the specified number of words wins.
Teachers should ensure that the provided word list is suitable for the age and English level of students, and ensure that the game difficulty is moderate.



Grammar relay
Improving Students' Grammar Response Speed
Detailed description
Divide students into several small groups, and each group of students relay a grammar sentence. Each student needs to quickly complete the grammar tasks in the sentence, such as tense conversion and part of speech conversion, before the relay baton is passed.
Learning English songs helps students improve their promotion and listening skills, as well as their ability to understand and use English in different contexts It also helps develop their confidence in speaking English in public
English story relay
The English story relay is a group activity that helps improve English speaking skills In this game, students take turns relaying a story or pass in English to the rest of the group



手机游戏英语作文模板英文回答:Mobile Game。

Mobile games, also known as mobile phone games, are video games played on mobile devices such as smartphonesand tablets. They are designed to be played on the go and are typically designed for short bursts of play.Mobile games are a relatively new phenomenon, with the first mobile game being released in 1997. However, theyhave quickly become one of the most popular forms of gaming, with over 2.5 billion people playing mobile games worldwide.There are many different types of mobile games,including puzzle games, action games, racing games, androle-playing games. Mobile games can be played online or offline, and many games offer both single-player and multiplayer modes.Mobile games are typically free to download and play,but some games offer in-app purchases that can give players access to additional content or features. In-app purchases can range from small items, such as new characters or levels, to large items, such as new game modes or expansions.Advantages of Mobile Games。


If a player makes a mistake, they are out of the game The last player retaining wins
Role Playing
• Game Description: Players take on different roles in a scenario and act out a conversation or story This can be based on real life situations or imaging scenarios
If a player answers incorrectly, they lose a point
Players should answer questions as quickly and accurately as possible
The player with the most points at the end of the game wins
Enhance students' interest in learning English
Increase engagement
Games add an element of fun and exception to the learning process, making it more enjoyable and less like a choice
English classroom game ppt version 2
• The purpose and significance of the game
• Introduction to Game Types and Rules



This game is designed to improve students' vocabulary retention and promotion Players are divided into teams and given a list of words to memorize They then take turns relaying the words back to the team in the correct promotion The team with the most accurate and fast relay wins
Improving the graphics and visuals to make the game more engaging
Enhancing the audio quality to improve immersion in the game
Game Cases
The combination of vocabulary memory and oral expression
The teacher sets up the classroom with any necessary props or equipment to enhance the game's immersion
Setting the Scene
In game Learning
Adding more variety to the types of games and activities
More Variety
Enhanced Graphics
Audio Improvements



12,How many fingers how many times
操练方式:老师带读单词时,伸出几个手指 头,学生就读几遍。如老师伸出两根手指头指 单词,学生必须读两遍,次数从0—3,如果 学生多读少读,老师得一分。如果学生按要 求读了三次,学生得一分。也可以采取男女 生比赛的方式。 训练的目的:避免在学习新单词中机械重复, 枯燥乏味,集中学生的注意力。 注意事项:老师指单词的速度不宜过慢,掌 握游戏的竞争性。
16.Golden touch(words world)
操练方式:先将单词板书在黑板上,多次操练带读, 带学生对所有单词比较熟悉后开始游戏。叫两个学 生到讲台上,背对黑板,老师读一个单词。学生转 身指出老师所读单词,先指出者胜,也可以采出分 组方式,两学生分别代表男生和女生,或者两大组。 注意事项:此游戏竞争性强,要特别注意组织教学, 每次进行的每个学生只能用手指一次,游戏的单词 量要适当控制,新课一般在10个,复习课在20个左 右,板书要注意让学生有序地读单词,不可乱喊乱 叫。 训练目的:快速识记所学单词,利用学生好胜心理, 调动学生积极性,竞争激烈,课堂气氛好,学生非 常感兴趣,且巩固量大。
Come out
操练方式:叫几个学生站在讲台上,面向同学,每 人发给一张写有单词的卡片,知道自己手中的单词 后就不准再看手中的单词,老师读一个单词,持有 该单词的同学马上跳出队列,说出该单词,也可以 分组比赛,每组选一个代表,该代表得分,则全组 得分,调动集体的积极性。 注意事项:同学读单词声音要响亮,注意课堂纪律。 理论依据:学生对特有的单词产生特别的亲切感, 以后不易忘记,有意识地训练学生的听词能力。
第二章 单词游戏总汇
Read after the teacher(with gestures)



13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭
超级实用的英人的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)

英语课堂小游戏82849 ppt课件

英语课堂小游戏82849 ppt课件
Spring 春 Summer 夏 Autumn(Fall) 秋 Winter 冬
Number 3
Tasks: write down the names
of 12 Countries on the blackboard one by one and answer as many questions as possible while doing this.
Every student should design 3 questions. For each question answered correctly, you will get 5 points.
英语课堂小游如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
8. Translate the sentence “ 我 们能在独处中找到灵感”into English.
We can find inspiration in living alone.
9. Introduce your English teacher Amy to the class.
Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn't stop the pain
Names of some countries
America(美国) Australia(澳大利亚) Brazil(巴西) Canada(加拿大) China(中 国) Egypt(埃及) England(英国) France (法国) French(法语) Germany(德国 Greece(希腊) India(印度) Ireland(爱尔 兰) Irish(爱尔兰语 Italy(意大利) Japan (日本) Holland/the Netherlands(荷兰) Portugal(葡萄牙) Russia(俄国 Scotland( 苏格兰) Spain(西班牙 Sweden(瑞典 ) Switzerland(瑞士) Wales(威尔士)



手机游戏的英语作文加翻译Title: The Impact of Mobile Games。

In today's digital era, mobile games have become an integral part of our daily lives. With the advancement of technology, these games have evolved from simple pixelated designs to immersive experiences that captivate millions of players worldwide. In this essay, we will explore the impact of mobile games on individuals and society.Firstly, let us delve into the personal impact of mobile games. One of the most significant effects is their influence on mental health. Many individuals use mobile games as a means of relaxation and stress relief. Engaging in gameplay can provide a temporary escape from the pressures of everyday life, allowing players to unwind and recharge. However, excessive gaming can also lead to addiction and dependency, adversely affecting one's mental well-being.Moreover, mobile games have reshaped social interactions. Through multiplayer features and online communities, players can connect with others who share similar interests and passions. These virtual connections foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among players, transcending geographical boundaries. Nevertheless, excessive gaming can also lead to social isolation and detachment from the real world, as players become engrossed in their virtual environments at the expense of face-to-face interactions.On a societal level, the impact of mobile games is profound. The gaming industry has emerged as a lucrative economic sector, generating billions of dollars in revenue annually. This growth has spurred innovation and competition, leading to the development of groundbreaking technologies and gaming experiences. Furthermore, mobile games have become a cultural phenomenon, influencing various forms of entertainment such as movies, music, and merchandise.However, the widespread availability of mobile gameshas raised concerns about their impact on productivity and education. With smartphones becoming ubiquitous,individuals are increasingly prone to distractions from gaming during work or study hours. This phenomenon has sparked debates about the need for stricter regulations and self-discipline measures to balance entertainment with responsibilities.In conclusion, mobile games have revolutionized the way we entertain ourselves and interact with others. While they offer numerous benefits such as stress relief and social connectivity, they also pose challenges such as addiction and productivity loss. As technology continues to advance, it is imperative to strike a balance between enjoying mobile games responsibly and fulfilling our obligations in the real world.移动游戏的影响。



介绍手机中文游戏英语作文Title: The Rise of Chinese Mobile Games: A Global Phenomenon。

In recent years, the world has witnessed a remarkable surge in the popularity of Chinese mobile games. These games have transcended borders, captivating audiences not only in China but also around the globe. This essay delves into the reasons behind the global appeal of Chinese mobile games and their impact on the gaming industry.One of the primary factors contributing to the success of Chinese mobile games is their diverse range of genres and themes. From immersive role-playing games (RPGs) tofast-paced multiplayer battle arenas, Chinese developers have demonstrated their versatility in catering to various preferences. This diversity ensures that there is something for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or gaming experience.Moreover, Chinese mobile games often boast stunning graphics and innovative gameplay mechanics. Developers leverage advanced technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver unparalleled gaming experiences. Whether it's exploring vast open worlds or engaging in strategic combat, players are constantly drawn in by the visual splendor and engaging gameplay offered by Chinese titles.Another key factor driving the global success of Chinese mobile games is their accessibility and affordability. Unlike traditional gaming platforms that require expensive hardware and software, mobile games can be easily downloaded and played on smartphones or tablets. This accessibility has democratized gaming, allowing people from all walks of life to enjoy high-quality gaming experiences without breaking the bank.Furthermore, Chinese developers have mastered the art of monetization, effectively balancing free-to-play models with in-game purchases. While the initial download may be free, players are often enticed to spend money on virtualitems, cosmetics, or in-game currency to enhance their gaming experience. This freemium model not only generates substantial revenue for developers but also ensures that games remain accessible to a wide audience.The social aspect of Chinese mobile games also plays a significant role in their global popularity. Many titles incorporate social features such as multiplayer modes, guilds, and in-game chat systems, fostering a sense of community among players. Whether teaming up with friends or competing against rivals, these social interactions enhance the overall gaming experience and keep players coming back for more.Additionally, Chinese developers are adept at adapting their games to suit international audiences. Localization efforts such as translating text, redesigning characters, and incorporating cultural references help bridge the gap between different regions. By catering to the unique preferences and sensibilities of global players, Chinese mobile games can resonate with audiences worldwide.The impact of Chinese mobile games on the gaming industry cannot be overstated. Not only have they redefined the mobile gaming landscape, but they have also influenced design trends, business models, and player expectations on a global scale. As Chinese developers continue to innovate and push boundaries, the influence of their games is likely to grow even further in the years to come.In conclusion, Chinese mobile games have emerged as a global phenomenon, captivating audiences with their diverse genres, stunning graphics, accessibility, and social features. By leveraging advanced technologies and embracing innovative business models, Chinese developers have successfully captured the hearts and minds of gamers worldwide. As the industry continues to evolve, the influence of Chinese mobile games is poised to shape the future of gaming for years to come.。

手机游戏 英语作文

手机游戏 英语作文

手机游戏英语作文I love playing mobile games. It's a great way to pass the time and relax. There are so many different types of games to choose from, whether it's puzzle games, strategy games, or action games. I can always find something that suits my mood.One of my favorite types of mobile games is puzzle games. I love the challenge of trying to solve different puzzles and riddles. It's a great way to keep my mind sharp and entertained at the same time. Plus, it's always satisfying to finally figure out the solution after struggling for a while.Another type of mobile game that I enjoy is strategy games. I like the feeling of being in control and making decisions that can impact the game. It's a great way totest my strategic thinking and planning skills. Plus, it's always exciting to see my tactics pay off and lead to victory.Of course, I also enjoy playing action games on my phone. It's a great way to get my adrenaline pumping and immerse myself in a thrilling adventure. The fast-paced gameplay and intense action always keep me on the edge of my seat.Overall, mobile games are a fun and convenient way to entertain myself. Whether I'm at home, on the go, or waiting in line, I can always pull out my phone and enjoy a game. It's a great way to escape reality for a bit and have some fun.。

盘点2022年最热门的手机游戏下载排行榜 【精讲课件】-学前班安全公开课教案 第10课《hospit

盘点2022年最热门的手机游戏下载排行榜 【精讲课件】-学前班安全公开课教案 第10课《hospit

《hospital Post office》活动目标1、通过活动复习五种水果单词:2、进一步学习句型:I3、巩固幼儿对秋天几种水果的认识,培养幼儿对英语活动的兴趣,鼓励幼儿大胆开口表达。

活动准备幼儿人手一个奶粉筒(上面有笑脸图)活动过程②、基础部分○ 引导幼儿学习踮脚、下蹲、后跳的动作,注意幼儿动作的准确性。

○ 教幼儿游戏的儿歌。


○ 讲解游戏规则。


○ 引导幼儿边念儿歌边玩游戏。



激发了幼儿参与活动的兴趣,安卓游戏内购破解版37游社下载 37游社综合游戏门户网站使幼儿无心的好奇转化成了有意的求知动力,促使幼儿对活动的探索欲望。













手机游戏英语作文I love playing mobile games. They are a great way to pass the time and have some fun. Whether I'm waiting forthe bus or just relaxing at home, I always have a few games on my phone to keep me entertained.One of my favorite mobile games is a puzzle game that challenges me to think strategically and solve complex problems. It's a great way to keep my mind sharp and engaged, and I love the feeling of accomplishment when I finally figure out a particularly tricky level.I also enjoy playing action games that get myadrenaline pumping. There's nothing like the thrill oftaking down enemies and completing missions in a fast-paced, immersive world. The graphics and gameplay in these games are so realistic that it feels like I'm right in the middle of the action.In addition to puzzle and action games, I also like toplay simulation games that allow me to build and manage virtual cities, farms, or businesses. It's a great way to satisfy my creative side and see the fruits of my labor as my virtual world grows and prospers.Overall, mobile games are a big part of my life and I can't imagine not having them to turn to for entertainment. Whether I'm in the mood for a mental challenge, an adrenaline rush, or a creative outlet, there's always a game on my phone that can provide exactly what I'm looking for.。

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《水果忍者》是一款简 单的休闲游戏。目的只 有一个——砍水果!屏 幕上会不断跳出各种水 果,还要在水果掉落之 前要快速的全部砍掉! 千万别砍到炸弹!不然 游戏就结束了。
Fruit Ninja is full of interesting but exciting elements. 2D combined with 3D picture performance, realize the visual effects of the game quite well. Knife down like water fruit juice splash. The game does not have a unique soundtrack, sound only cut open the fruit and crisp sound of birds.
"Fruit Ninja" is a simple casual game. Only one purpose - to cut the fruit! Will continue to pop up on the screen a variety of fruit ,even before the fall of the fruit to be fast all the cut! Do not cut to the bomb! Otherwise the game is over.
愤怒的小鸟的游戏画面卡通可爱、 充满趣味性,但是也不乏难度和挑 战,这让此款游戏在很短的时内赢 得了很高的人气,成为了最近人气 最火爆的益智游戏。
Running,Running!——Temple Run
Temple fled Andrews escape game is a very fun, a little taste of Parkour inside game 3D effect gives a real dynamic experience, players need to escape the monster monkey kill something to escape the heavy obstacles to escape a certain degree of difficulty.
Fruit Ninja水果忍者充满了有趣却 又紧张刺激的元素。2D结合3D的画 面表现方式,让游戏的视觉效果变 现得相当不错。像一些水分多的水 果,一刀下去,汁液飞溅。游戏没 有独特的配乐,只有斩开水果的声 音和清脆的鸟叫声。
神庙逃亡是一款十分好玩的安卓逃跑类 游戏,有点跑酷的味道在里面,游戏为 3D效果 给人一种超真实的动感体验,玩 家需要躲避怪物猴的追杀 有得躲过重重 障碍 逃出有一定的难度。
Game content and most Parkour games are very similar to many substantial obstacles and traps, constantly flying forward. The characters are automatically continue flying forward, players will need to control him to avoid the dangers encountered by the escape road. However, and most parkour game, the game is not to common 2D horizontal version of the picture, replaced by a full 3D thirdperson perspective.
游戏内容和大多数跑酷游戏都 非常相似,越过重重障碍和陷 阱,不断向前飞奔。人物是自 动不断向前飞奔的,而玩家则 需要控制他避开逃亡路上遇到 的各种危险。不过和大多数跑 酷游戏不同的是,游戏并未采 用常见的2D横版画面,取而代 之的是全3D的第三人称视角。
Just To Cut——Fruit ninja
Angry Birds game screen cartoon cute, full of fun, but there are some difficulties and challenges, which makes this game won a high popularity in a very short time, has become the most popular puzzle games in the recent popularity.
Childhood Memories——Tetris
Do you remember the oncepopular Tetris? It is the shared memories of an era.
还记得曾经风靡一时的俄罗 斯方块吗?它是一个时代共 同的回忆。
The basic rules of Tetris is moved, rotated and placed the game automatically output box, arranged in a complete one or more lines and eliminate the score. Simple to use, all ages, so well-known, popular in the world.
俄罗斯方块的基本规则 是移动、旋转和摆放游 戏自动输出的各种方块, 使之排列成完整的一行 或多行并且消除得分。 由于上手简单、老少皆 宜,从而家喻户晓,风 靡世界。
Toward The Enemy——Angry Birds
Angames, hot cute, gently pull the slingshot shooting.And recapture this group of bungy stolen eggs, the game has a certain amount of skill to make reasonable use of the principles of mechanics, there are those who bomb containers. 愤怒的小鸟是一款很耐 玩的安卓游戏,火热的 让人见人爱,轻拉弹弓 来射击。夺回别这一群 笨猪偷走的鸟蛋,游戏 有一定的技巧要合理利 用力学原理还有那些炸 弹箱.