高级英语 一些翻译




高级英语5全部句子翻译U11) (drive something home)在举出许多事例并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。

After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.2) (more or less)差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那研究项目。

It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.3) (subtle)他说的话如此微妙我们很难理解他的真实意图。

What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.4) (squarely)他的新书明确无误地审视当代的社会问题。

His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.5) (be alive to)今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最行新信息很敏感The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.6) (a matter of)外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。

It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise.7) (take courage )在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。



lesson8-10 ⼈⽣的⼀课 快⼀年了,⼤部分时间我都泡在家⾥、店铺、学校和教堂⾥,就像⼀块旧饼⼲,⼜脏⼜难以下咽。

For nearly a year, I sopped around the house, the Store, the school and the church, like an old biscuit, dirty and inedible. 这时我遇到或者说认识了抛给我第⼀根救⽣索的那位夫⼈。

Then I met, or rather got to know, the lady who threw me first lifeline. 波萨?弗劳尔斯夫⼈是斯坦普司⿊⼈区中的出类拔萃的⼈物。

Mrs. Bertha Flowers was the aristocrat of Black Stamps. 她动作优雅,即使在最冷的天⽓⾥也不缩⼿缩脚,⽽在阿肯⾊州的夏⽇⾥,她似乎⼜有属于⾃⼰的微风环绕在她的⾝旁,给她带来凉爽。

She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and one the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her. 她的⽪肤深⿊迷⼈,如果被挂住就会像李⼦⽪⼀样剥落,但没有⼈敢离她近点,碰皱她的⾐服,更不要说挂住她的⽪肤了。

Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged, but then no one would have thought of getting close enough to Mrs. Flowers to ruffle her dress, let alone snag her skin. 她不太喜欢亲近,另外她还带着⼿套。



1. However intricate the ways in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulgein anything that deserves the name of conversation.不管动物之间的交流方式多么复杂,它们不能参与到称得上是交谈的任何活动中。

2. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation.争论会经常出现于交谈中,但争论的目的不是为了说服。


3. Perhaps it is because of my upbringing in English pubs that I think bar conversation has a charm of its own.或许我从小就混迹于英国酒吧缘故,我认为酒吧里的闲聊别有韵味。

4. I do not remember what made one of our companions say it ---she clearly had not come into the bar to say it , it was not something that was pressing on her mind---but her remark fell quite naturally into the talk.我不记得是什么使得我的一个同伴说起它来的---她显然不是来酒吧说这个的,这不是她事先想好的话题----但她的话相当自然地插入到了交谈中。

5. There is always resistance in the lower classes to any attempt by an upper class to lay down rules for “English as it should be spoken .”下层社会总会抵制上层社会企图给“标准英语”制定得规则。



《高级英语》句子翻译(英译汉)及参考答案1.This is a NATO matter and any comment on it should appropriately come from NATO.这是北约的问题,关于此问题的评论应由北约做出,这才是适宜的。

2.Law enforcement cannot responsibly stand aloof.司法部门对此不闻不问,那就是失责。

3.In the late 14th century, Marco Polo famously made his way along trade routes from Italy to China.十四世纪后半叶,马可•波罗从意大利沿贸易通道来到中国,因而一举成名。

4.Their commander wisely judged to be safer in their works than in the field.他们的指挥官认为留在战场上不如呆在工事里安全,这是很明智的。

5.Chimpanzees are the animals closest biologically to humans.从生物学角度看,大猩猩与人的关系最亲近。

6.Tami said it was possible, just statistically unlikely.泰米说有这样的可能,但是从统计的角度来看又不太可能。

7.The second child she dreamed of might now be medically impossible.她本来还想要一个孩子,从医学角度来看,现在是不可能了。

8.Only 18 percent are officially unemployed. 据官方统计,只有18%的人是失业者。

9.Real-estate prices in downtown Manhattan looked prohibitively expensive.市中心曼哈顿的房价贵得使人望而生畏。



(下)I 我工作的公司* I , .我工作的公司里,每个人都至少害怕一个人。

* , . 职位越低,所惧怕的人越多。

* .所有的人都害怕那十二位顶层上司,他们帮助创建了这个公司,而且现在仍然大权在握。

* 歲月滄桑. 所有这十二位都已经上了年纪,而且岁月的沧桑和对成功的执著追求使他们心力交瘁。

* , I (有禮貌的) 沉默不語的). 他们中很多人在这儿干了一辈子。

当我在大厅里遇见他们时,他们看上去非常友善、沉稳而心满意足,而且他们与别人一起乘坐公共电梯时又总是彬彬有礼、沉默不语* ( ) , . 没有人知道谁真正经营这家公司(甚至连人们认为现在经营着这家公司的那些人都不知道),然而公司的确在运转。

* 他有时会向我表示他希望我的部门的每一项工作在其他部门知道前要先让他知道。

* I . 我会将大部分工作绕过格林并直接交给需要它们的人,而不愿意占他的时间。

* , , (鎖事). 毕竟我们部门绝大部分工作只是微不足道的。

* (惱羞成怒) . 如果他从未看见或听到过的话,就更是恼羞成怒。

* . . ,, . 公司里非常惧怕大多数人的人是销售人员,他们都生活和工作在极大压力之下,当情况不好时,对销售人员来说就会更糟。


* , , , ; 工作努力, ; . , , a a . 不论是从整体上还是个人,他们总是在接受检查,总是处于不合格的边缘。



* . 这些数字被复印后发到公司的每位员工和与销售有关的部门。

*公開審查. 这样做的结果是公司几乎一直在对每一个分公司的销售办事处中的销售人员在某一既定时间内的工作业绩进行公开审查和评论。

* , , . , . a a , , a a . 当销售人员业绩好时,他们因为要开始使工作做得更好,以免不如以前,从而感到压力重重。



Unit 1 The Fourth of July1)我第一次去华盛顿是在那年刚入夏,这个夏天也是我从此告别孩提时代的开始。























青年⼈的四种选择 Lesson 2 Four Choices for Young People 在毕业前不久,斯坦福⼤学四年级主席吉姆?宾司给我写了⼀封信,信中谈及他的⼀些不安。

Shortly before his graduation, Jim Binns, president of the senior class at Stanford University, wrote me about some of his misgivings. 他写道:“与其他任何⼀代⼈相⽐,我们这⼀代⼈在看待成⼈世界时抱有更⼤的疑虑……同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成⼈世界。

” “More than any other generation,” he said, “our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.” 很明显,他的话代表了许多同龄⼈的看法。

Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries. 在过去的⼏年⾥,我倾听过许多年轻⼈的谈话,他们有的还在⼤学读书,有的已经毕业,他们对于成⼈的世界同样感到不安。

During the last few years, I have listened to scores of young people, in college and out, who were just as nervous about the grown world. ⼤致来说,他们的态度可归纳如下:“这个世界乱糟糟的,到处充满了不平等、贫困和战争。





Lesson 17.不到七点钟,天就黑了.,狂风暴雨拍打着屋子。











19 467户人家和709家小商号不是完全被毁,便是遭到严重破坏。











26 大一点的孩子趴在地板上,小一点的一层层地压在大的身上,大人们都弯下身子罩住他们。











高级英语第六册翻译Unit 2 A Class Act1.成长在二战期间战火连天的曼彻斯特意味着生活艰辛,金钱紧缺,整日焦虑不安,当铺成了大多数家庭经常去的地方,当然也包括我家。






































(完整word版)高级英语Paraphrase 和翻译

(完整word版)高级英语Paraphrase 和翻译

Lesson 1.Paraphrase:1. We're elevated 23 feet. (para 3)We' re 23 feet above sea level.2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. (para 3) 2. The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3.We can batten down and ride it out. (para 4) 3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. (para 9) 4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody out the back door to the cars! (para 10) 5. Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars.6. The electrical systems had been killed by water. (para 11) 6. The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. (para 17) 7. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. Get us through this mess, will You? (para 17) 8. ()h God, please help us to get through this storm safely.9. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. (para 21) 9. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis had just one delayed reaction. (para 34) 10. Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.1.Simile: 1. The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a fire brigade. (comparingthe passing of children to the passing of buckets of water in a fire brigade when fighting a fire)2. The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. (comparing the soundof the wind to the roar of a passing train)Metaphor : 1. We can batten down and ride it out. ( comparing the house in a hurricane to a ship fighting a storm at sea) 2. Wind and rain now whipped the house. (Strong wind and rain was lashing the house as if with a whip.)Translation1) 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。



翻译翻译1.He had the brains, the ambition, the good looks. 他有才智,雄心勃勃,又一表人才。


2.They learned, among other things, that he was holding three job offers, two in New York and one in Chicago. 他们还了解到他得到了三份工作,两份在纽约,一份在芝加哥。


3.With three jobs from three of most prestigious firms in the country, he did not need the interview, this firm. 他根本就不需有了3个全国最有声望的公司提供的工作,个全国最有声望的公司提供的工作,他根本就不需要来参加这次面试,来这家事务所。


4. He had never met Lamar Quin and had no idea who would appear on behalf of the firm and conduct the interview. 他与拉马尔·奎恩从未谋面,而且并不知道谁将代表事务所来进行面试。


5This meant they had reached the point in interview where the interview was supposed to ask one or two intelligent questions. 这表明面试到了应聘者问一两个聪明问题的时候了。


6.We We’’ll send you all over the country to fax seminars. 我们会派你去全国各地参加税务研讨会。



2021年《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(9)Lesson Nine The Trouble with Television 电视的弊端The Trouble with Television要摆脱电视的影响是困难的。

It is difficult to escape the influence of television.假如统计的平均数字适用于你的话,那么你到20岁的时候就至少看过2万个小时的电视了,从那以后每生活10年就会增加1万小时。

If you fit the statistical averages,by the age of 20 you will have been exposed to at least 20,000 hours of television. You can add 10,000 hours for each decade you have lived after the age of 20.笔起看电视,美国人只有在工作和睡眠上花时间更多。

The only things Americans do more than watch television are work and sleep.稍微计算一下,使用这些时间的一部分能够做些什么。

Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours.听说一个大学生仅用5000小时就可以获得学士学位。

Five thousand hours,I am told,are what a typical college undergraduate spends working on a bachelor’s degree.在1万个小时内你能学成一个天文学家或工程师,流利掌握几门外语。

In 10,000 hours you could have learned enough to become an astronomer or engineer. You could have learned several languages fluently.如果你感兴趣的话,你可能读希腊原文的荷马史诗或俄文版的陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品;如果对此不感兴趣,那你可以徒步周游世界,撰写一本游记。



对贫困的担心使他忧心忡忡He was obsessed with fear of poverty洞庭湖盛产鱼虾Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上的第一名学生Tom was every bit as bright as the top student in his class我认识他,但我们说不上是朋友He is an acquaintance of mine,but not a friend在压力下,他别无办法,只好辞职Under suh pressure,he had no other choice but quit office 最后他被她说服了,决定改变原计划At last,he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan那时候许多儿童死于天花A lot of children succumbed to small pox then他发现船舱里进了很多水,十分惊恐Much to his horror,he found the cabin flooded@孩子们考试成绩优异,家长和教师都很满意To the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers,the kids did extremely well in their exam彼得的特点正是如此That's Peter all over直到半夜医生才做完手术Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation历史课使我对古文明有所了解The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilization老作家根据这个民间故事写成了一个电影剧本The old writer shaped the folktale into a film scenario新上演的那出话剧充分表现了中国人民大无畏的革命精神The dauntless revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people finds full expression in the new play当时形而上学十分猖獗Metaphysics was rampant at that time:我没有预料到会卷入这场争端I did not anticipate that I would get involved in this dispute如果你想学到一些东西,那你就应该自己参加到这项工作中去If you want to learn something you must involve yourself in the work陪审团裁决他有罪,法官判了他三年徒刑The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and the judge sentenced him to three years'imprisonment虽然种族隔离是违法的,但种族歧视在美国仍然以不同形式存在着Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the United States though racial segregation is against the law他认为这两个观点是可以一致起来的I think we can reconcile the two views他好像也接受这个主意了He seemed reconciled to the idea观众对被告充满了同情心The spectators'hearts went out to the defndant当时伦敦的报纸认为纳粹德国即将垮台The London papers expressed the view that the collapse of Nazi Germany was at hand^他估计手头的侦查员只有三至五人He estimated the number of scouts on hand as ranging from three to five合同签订后不久,工程就开始进行了The project got under way soon after the signing of the contract我们骑车去香山好吗What about riding to the Fragrant Hills只有在妈妈去世之后,女儿才意识到自己开始更了解母亲了Only after her mother's death did the daughter realize that she was beginning to understand her mother better她沉默寡言,总爱独自一人行动She is a quiet person who does not enjoy others' company看到他脸上那副滑稽的样子,他禁不住大笑起来Seeing the funny look on his face,she couldn't help laughing这笔款子不是他的,是他向朋友借的The money does not velong to borrowed it from a friend -这些移民第二代仍感到处于主流文化的边缘,无论是在白人社会还是在华人社会中他们都找不到恰当的位置The second generation of immigrants still feel marginalized,belonging neither among the white society,nor among the Chinese American community这一对美国夫妇让他在客厅的沙发上睡了一夜The American couple put him up on the sofa in the living room for the night她张开嘴,但没说什么,口张得圆圆的,好像要唱一支歌似的She opened her mouth but said mouth was round as if she wanted to sing a song他问我他应如何着手学习第二门外语He asked me how to set about learning a second foreign language这条法规已于去年停止生效了This decree ceased to be valid last year这些重要消息没有在报上登出来This important news didn't find its way into the news paper我觉得很难说服他改变主意I had trouble in persuading him to change his mind;石油是许多中东国家国民经济的主要命脉Oil is the vital lifeline of the national economy in many Middle Eastern countries.第三世界国家决心独立发展自己的工业The Third World countries are bent on developing their industries independently.一些西方国家担心产油国会用削价的办法把他们的生意挤垮Some Western countries were afraid that the oil—producing countries would drive them out of business by undercutting them.英国政府答应提供解决失业问题所急需的钱The British government promised to put up the money needed to solve the problem 0f unemployment.沙特阿拉伯已知石油储存量在世界上是遥遥领先的Saudi Arabia’s proved reserves of on are by far the greatest in the world.中国人们经受了文化大革命的严峻考验The Chinese people stood the test of the Cultural Revolution.这些老战士饱经了二次大战多次战役的考验These veteran soldiers have all weathered the test of many battles during the Second World War.我们离四个现代化目标还有很大的差距We are still a long way from the goal of the four modernizations.!许多科技人员正努力学习外语,以便阅读第一手参考资料Many scientists and technicians are out to learn foreign languages so as to be able to read first-hand reference materials.一座新的电报大楼即将完工并交付使用A new telegraph building will be completed and put into service soon.伊拉克的扩张主意受到了世界各国报纸的抨击Iraq's expansionism was under attack from the press all over the World.这个国家的军备开支每年以百分之四到百分之五的比率增长The military expenditures of that country increase at a rate of 4% to 5% every year.美国国会批准了这项条约,使它立即生效The US Congress has ratified the treaty and brought it into force at once我们相信胜利在望We believe that victory is in sight.他们警告说还没有明显的解决办法They warn there is no obvious remedy in sight.!宾主祝酒完毕,乐队开始演奏一首美国民歌After the toasts by the host and guest,the band struck up an American folk song.他们第一次见面之后就建立了友谊They struck up a friendship right after their first meeting.为了提高选词的能力,你要注意词义上细微的差别To improve your diction,you must pay attention to the shades of meaning of words.非洲国家可能要求采取更严厉的制裁措施The African nations might press for more stringent sanctions.我没有要求他做进一步的解释I didn't press him for further explanation世界各报的注意力都集中在日内瓦举行的最高级会议上The world newspapers are focusing their attention on the summit conference being held in Geneva.数以千计的示威者走上了街头Demonstrators took to the streets by the thousands.记者们的印象是这一公报具有重大的历史意义The communique struck the reporters as one of historical significance[上周美国总统从中东回来,发现国内能源战线上在进行一场新的激烈战斗The U.S.president returned from the Mideast last week,only to find a new war raging on the domestic energy front.将军又累又失望,休息得比往常早,结果刚过午夜就被叫醒了Disappointed and exhausted,the general retired earlier than usual,only to be awakened soon after midnight.这次投票的意义绝不仅仅是关于运河的条约There is more to the vote than approval of the canal treaty.我们更仔细地看了看,看看是否有什么我们过去没有看出的含义We 100ked at it more carefully to see whether there was more to it than we assumed in the past.这个山涧发出的声音很像琴奏的乐声,因此得名玉琴山泉This mountain stream makes sounds similar to those of a guitar.Hence the name “The Spring of Jade Guitar"他对水彩画很有鉴赏力He has a good eye for water-colours.女儿大胆地表示不同意父母对她婚事的安排The daughter ventured to object to her parents's arrangement of her marriage.…由于贫困的逼迫,他开始进行偷窃活动Pressed by poverty, he took to stealing.在旅途中,我看小说以消磨时间My long journey was beguiled with novels.我想你一定度过MT的书I suppose you have read Mark Twain.他的全部注意力都集中在这个问题上,而不顾其他的问题He concentrated all his attention on this problem to the exclusion of all others.不立刻做出正确的决定将会使整个事情很困难,如果不是不可能的话Failure to make the right decision at once will make the whole thing very difficult if not impossible.问题堆积如山,我们必须尽快地解决Our problems are piling up. We must solve them as quicklyas we can.哨兵每四个小时换一次岗The sentries are relieved every four hours.他的话里带有一点讽刺的味道There was a touch of irony in his remark.童年的回忆渐渐淡漠了Memories of childhood are gradually receding.。






4、Someofusgetdippedinflat,someinsatin,someingloss. Buteveryonceinawhileyoufindsomeonewho’siridescent, andwhenyoudo,nothingwillevercompare.有人住高楼,有人住深沟,有人光芒万丈,有人一身绣,世人千万种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。











15、IfIshouldmeetyou,afterlongyears,howshouldIgreetyou,withsile ncewithtears.若我见到你,事隔经年。




Tome,lovewhichisn’tjustkissingandtouchingoreatingforsurviv e,isthedesirenottodieandakindofheroicdreamintheexhaustedlif e.爱之于我,不是肌肤之亲,不是一蔬一饭,它是一种不死的欲望,是颓败生活中的英雄梦想。

高级英语 一些翻译

高级英语 一些翻译

About seven years ago, I accepted an invitation to participate in a seminar on the ethical and moral problems of American society that was sponsored by the Aspen Institute in Colorado. Among the other invited guests were business executives, college presidents, judges, government officials, managing editors, professors and theologians.大概七年前,我应邀参加一个由科罗拉多阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)赞助的研讨会,探讨有关美国社会道德伦理问题。


Although there was no conflict or controversy in the discussions, one of the largest presentations has had a profound, almost obsessive, impact upon my thoughts about the character and quality of American life[1]虽然本次讨论中无意见冲突和争议,但较为重要的几个发言中有一个让我印象深刻,它甚至强烈地影响了我对美国生活特性和质量的看法。

In a rather quiet voice, a recently retired vice-president of one of the largest corporations in America told the group that one of the persistent problems faced by his office was how to keep the accounting records of the corporation in such a way that they would be accurate and would also obscure the fact that regular operating expenses were payoffs to municipal official to expedite the installation of new construction in the large cities throughout the United States. [2] Casually, this participant cited this as another example of a prevailing functional immorality with which big business had to come to terms.一个刚从美国的一个大公司退休的副总经理,平静地告诉了我们一个他们公司正面临着的问题:如何记录公司的运营历程才能保证记录准确并且能够掩盖这样的事实——正常的运营耗费其实是市政官员用在美国大城市的构建中的资费。



unit 91,The other was……The other was a newspaperman through and through uncompromising,energetic,and intelligent about how to report reliable news based on facts.2,The news media seem to……The different ways of providing news,i.e,the newspaper,television,and radio seem all to follow the belief that all news is bad news.Why is this so ?Could it be because people are used to dwelling on negative news as a rule and because newspaper people are generally sensitive to such news when facing everyday happening?3,I am not suggesting that……I do not mean to propose that we make up somegood news and use it as a remedy for the catastrophies reported on the front page.Neither do I consider good news as a thorough and detailed news story about how the local YMCA operates.4,News people provide us with……What the news media report on us and on the world is the only information about ourselves and about the world we get.Such reportage had better be faithful to our life and not be a discision because we must rely on the truthful picture of our life to make our decision and plan our future. 5,"The acquire culture is not……The knowledge that you come to possess by your own efforts over a long period of time does not become part of your inborn character.You may be able to earn the good life in a good society,but such good life cannot be yours permanently.If the understanding of the good life in a good society is not passed on,you will lose what you have earned.unit 101,Little girls adore Barbie……The reason why Barbie appeals so much to little girls is that she looks just like a real person in real life who can be dressed up in the way they wish.2.Moreover,Mattel made public that,for the first time,all girls desirous of buying a Barbie from its company were to be given the right of turning in their old dolls in exchange for new models ata reduced price.3.But increasingly,it is……But more and more, man-made public form a very important part in the lives of people .en4,man-made things enter into……Technologically produced things come to be accepted by people and are begining to shape their mentality.5,Their number is expanding……There has been a tremendous increase in machine-produced things in terms of their actual amount as well as their physical size in proportion to our natural environment.6,Nothing could be more dramatic……This difference seems most noticeable between the modern throw-away-oriented girls who,on the one hand,are delighted in replacing their out-of-date Barbies for up-to-date ones,and their old-fashioned counterparts,on the other hand,who,like their mothers and grandmothers are reluctant to part with their dear little dolls until they are timeworn and broken/until they fall apart. 7,The idea of using a product ……The practice whereby people use a product and then quickly discard it may readily be rejected bythose accustomed by scarcity to holding on to their old possession.unit121,The life history of the individual……A person's life is,above all else,shaped by conformity to the custom s passed down in his society. 2,Until we are intellignt ……We cannot understand the complexities of human life unless we know the role of custom in all its manifestations.3,……any scientific study requires ……If we conduct any systematic inquiry,it is essential for us to be unbiased/we need to be unbiased hat towards every componpent part of the subject under examination.4,Anthropology was by definition……While people were convinced that differences between themselves on the one hand and aboriginal and backward people on the other hand were irreconcilable,the scientific study of the human race as such was not possible.unit 14Such is my outlook.……This is how I look at the world.I am optimistic about a future when man shall be engaged not in something merely to keep himself alive with,but in something to benefit the whole society with,and a future when man is motivated to strive for a task loftier than the satisfaction of being fed.I have faith in the virtue of mankind.I am confident that human love and devotion will take the place of the widespread insatiable greed of today and be triumphant.And last of all,I have my trust in the working class.I agree with the Frenchman who talks of the stairway of history echoing to the rise of the governed and the fall of the governors.unit 151,One hundred years later……One hundred years later after the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamtion,black people in the US. still remain on the edges of society and are treated as outcasts in their homeland.2,When the architecs of ……When the founders of the U.S drew up the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,they were making a promise to the American people that each and every one of them would be ensured freedom and justice/equality and liberty.3,We have also come to ……We have come to this scared place to call our government's attention to the compelling necessity of immediate action.4,You have been the veterans of ……You have long experienced untold miseries and anguish.Go on fighting for your rights with the conviction that the miseries and anguish brought upon you unjustly will give birth to a better life. ParaphraseUnit 21 Moses pleaded a -----to pharaohMoses justified his unwillingness to pass jehovah’s order to pharaoh,saying that he was “ slow of speech”2 yet for all the ---- creative soulDeley leads to problems . however ,in many cases , it can often stimunate the creativity in anartist .3he notes ----costlyHe points out that hastiness may give rise to decisions which turn out to be humiliating or expensive .4 bureaucratization ,which ---- being made.Excessive red-tape developed because public administration was expanding in scope and because society was growing more and more complicated. In his sense ,red-tape helped those in charge of policy to be fully engaged in an enormous amount of paper work and judgement ,thus making it impossible for an immature decison to result .5many of my friends =-----blank pagemany of my friends have a hard tie the moment they attempt to put pen to paper.Unit 151 Most previous ----to teachingAmost none of the analogied that have been used so far fully can decribe waht teaching is all about. In this case ,none of them serves as an apt analogy for teaching .2 rather than ----his clientsEach of these popular analogies sees the teacher and his students not as an organic nuit tied together in a joint effort ,but as being isolated from each other .3 the teacher as ----by large numbersThe teacher ,seen in the role of the actor ,would be simply lecturing to an audience who do no participate ,and he would evaluate his performace not by their involvement in class activities , but by the size of the class .4 the mountaineer ------of the groupThe mountaineer knows his own function as a leader and is well aware ,too that whether they can climb to the top is decided by how well each member can cooperate with the others and how far each member is ready tto involve himself in the endeavour.5 essential skills -----ominous possibility .For a good journey ,basic skills form an indispensable part ,without which one is likely to encounter misfortune.1.Moses pleaded a speech defect to rationalize his reluctance to deliver...2.Yet for the trouble procrastination may incur,delay can often inspire...3.He notes that speedy action can be embarrassing or extremely costly.4.Bureaucratization, which flourished amid the growing burdens of government and...5....many of my friends go through agonies when they face a blank page.1.如果对器械有什么不清楚的地方,你可以写信到我们公司去询问。



《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(11)lesson11谈睡眠Lesson Eleven On Getting off to Sleep人真是充满矛盾啊!毫无疑问,幽默是惟一帮助我们摆脱矛盾的办法,要是没有它,我们就会死于烦恼。

What a bundle of contradictions is a man!Surety,humour is the saving grace of us,for without it we should die of vexation.在我看来,没有什么比睡眠更能说明事物间的矛盾。

With me,nothing illustrates the contrariness of things better than the matter of sleep.比如,我打算写一篇文章,面前放好了笔、墨和几张白纸,准保没写几个字我就会困得要命,无论当时是几点都会那样。

If,for example,my intention is to write an essay,and 1 have before me ink and pens and several sheets of virgin paper,you may depend upon it that before I have gone very far I feel an overpowering desire for sleep,no matter what time of the day it is.我瞪着那似乎在谴责我的白纸,直到眼前一片模糊,声音也难以辨清,只有靠意志力才能勉强坚持。

I stare at the reproachfully blank paper until sights and sounds become dim and confused,and it is only by an effort of will that I can continue at all.即使这时,我也会迷迷糊糊地像在做梦一样继续坚持工作。




He is obsessed with fear of poverty.2)洞庭湖盛产鱼虾。

Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.3)汤姆的聪慧丝毫不亚于班上第一名的学生。

Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class.4)我相识他,但我们说不上是挚友。

He is an acquaintance of mine, but not a friend.5)在压力下,他别无方法,只好离职。

Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office.6)最终他被她劝服了,确定变更原安排。

In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan. 7)那时很多儿童死于天花。

Many children succumbed to small pox then.8)他发觉船舱里进了很多水,非常惊恐。

Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded.9)孩子们考试成果优异,家长和老师都很满足。

The kids did extremely well in their exam, to the great satisfaction of both parents and teachers.10)彼得的特点正是如此。

That’s Peter all over.11)直到半夜医生才做完手术。

Not until midnight did the surgeon finish the operation.12)历史课使我们对古代文明有所了解。

The history course has acquainted me with ancient civilizations.13)老作家依据这个民间故事写成了一个电影剧本。


1、我能免去今年的常规体格检查吗?三个月前我进夏令营时已经体检过。(be exempt from ) .
Can I be exempt from the regular physical examination this year, I just had one three months ago before I went to the summer camp.
3、Mary试图找到恰当的语言来表达对老师的感激。(grope )
Mary groped for the appropriate words to express her indebtedness to her teacher.
The school principal’s plain words conveyed a message of challenge to the young people.
Unit 3
1、他按了喇叭以引起路上行人的警觉。(alert )
He honked destrians.
2、信息工程的迅速发展是人类尝试的一个突出事例。(endeavor )
The fast development of IT is a outstanding example of human endeavor.
2、他正在为他的考试结果担忧,因此他对访问教授的讲课毫不在意。(not in the least) Being worryabout his exam results, he was not in the least attentive to the visiting professor's lecture.
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About seven years ago, I accepted an invitation to participate in a seminar on the ethical and moral problems of American society that was sponsored by the Aspen Institute in Colorado. Among the other invited guests were business executives, college presidents, judges, government officials, managing editors, professors and theologians.大概七年前,我应邀参加一个由科罗拉多阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)赞助的研讨会,探讨有关美国社会道德伦理问题。


Although there was no conflict or controversy in the discussions, one of the largest presentations has had a profound, almost obsessive, impact upon my thoughts about the character and quality of American life[1]虽然本次讨论中无意见冲突和争议,但较为重要的几个发言中有一个让我印象深刻,它甚至强烈地影响了我对美国生活特性和质量的看法。

In a rather quiet voice, a recently retired vice-president of one of the largest corporations in America told the group that one of the persistent problems faced by his office was how to keep the accounting records of the corporation in such a way that they would be accurate and would also obscure the fact that regular operating expenses were payoffs to municipal official to expedite the installation of new construction in the large cities throughout the United States. [2] Casually, this participant cited this as another example of a prevailing functional immorality with which big business had to come to terms.一个刚从美国的一个大公司退休的副总经理,平静地告诉了我们一个他们公司正面临着的问题:如何记录公司的运营历程才能保证记录准确并且能够掩盖这样的事实——正常的运营耗费其实是市政官员用在美国大城市的构建中的资费。

When none of the other participants raised a question about the ethical implication of this practice, I eventually asked why this powerful corporation did not bring this matter to local and Federal law-enforcement officials. My colleagues clearly considered my question na?ve. They reacted to my persistent questions as if I were an unrealistic child who did not understand the economic and political rules of the great American game.当其他参会者都没有对这个伦理内涵的运用提出质疑时,我最后问了一个问题:为什么这个强大的公司没有将这样的问题上报给当地或者联邦的法律执行官?很显然,同事认为我很天真。


Now I was shocked not only by the disclosure but equally shocked at the fact that my fellow seminar participants were not shocked. They thought themselves realistic in not permitting an academic discussion of ethical and moral values to be confused by “minor” specific examples of generally accepted institutionalized immorality.[3]让我感到吃惊的不仅是这个问题的暴露,还有各参会者对此不表示惊诧这一事实。


??What is the basic systemic problem---the fundamental problem of perspective, value and character ---that seems to be inherent in the chronic crises plaguing American society?Obviously the answer to this question is not to be found in deprivation and poverty of resources. 视角、价值观和特性的最为基本的问题出在哪里???这个内在且积累已久的问题困扰着整个美国社会。

When dishonesty appears to work, it’s difficult to argue persuas ively for honesty.当“不诚实”出现在工作里的时候,我们就很难去为“诚实”做有力的辩护。

Many American under the banner of democratic egalitarianism will argue and insist upon their right to keep less desirable, “less equal,” Americium out of their communities and schools.很多美国人打着“民主平均主义”的旗号,坚持将一些较为“无用、低等”的美国人挡在自己的社区和校门外。

They also seem to have the courage to risk the repeated expressions of their concern and thereby serve as a gnawing and irritating conscience to those who have attained success.In the final analysis only these individuals provide the hope for that ultimate type of realism that is defined by the capacity of a society to survive rather than to be destroyed eventually on the altar of human barbarity.他们貌似很有勇气去冒险表达自己的忧虑。




Night walker 翻译My first victim was a woman—white, welldressed, probabaly in her early twenties. I came upon her late one evening on a deserted street in Hyde Park, a relatively affluent neighborhood in an otherwise mean, impoverished section of Chicago….我的第一个受害者是个妇女——白种人,穿着华丽,大概20出头。











It’s clear that she thought herself the quarry of a mugger, a rapist, or worse.显然,她以为自己成了抢劫者、强奸犯甚至更可恶的人的追逐目标。

失眠了一段日子,我??It also made it clear that I was indistinguishable from the muggers who occasionally seeped into the area from the surrounding ghetto.显然,我和那些偶然从贫民窟涌入城市的抢劫者没什么区别。
