



from from from 2013.9. 2014.9. 2016.9. 目前实际 1 1 1 目前 stage1 stage2 stage3 光通量 EEI(等级) (lm)
145 253 242 306 322
0.395(B) 0.341(B) 120° 光输 0.431(B) 出有多 少% 0.296(B) 0.348(B)
Calculation EEI-Index Correctio Lumen90/ ns factor 1 120 145.00 EEI 0.395
光通量(lm)Ф use=非定向灯总光通量,Ф 120º,Ф 90º 定向灯能 额定功率(W) Pcor 效等级计 Pref(W)=0.88*SQRT(Ф use)+0.049*Ф use (Ф use<1300LM ) 算 Pref(W)=0.07341*Ф use(Ф use≥1300LM ) EEI=Pcor/Pref
Regulation 1194_2012 EU 序号 1 类别 实施阶段要求
( DIM 2 ) 具体描述
【内部表格】 备注 2013.9.1起实施。
120°内有80%光输 出(配光曲线测试 结果)。
能效EEI 计算要求
EEI 计算公式,其 中需要知道90°或 120°的光通量值。
CFL Prated 7
编制人:徐仙峰 日期:2013.1.24
2 1.414214 4 24功能要求功能测试要求与非 定向灯基本相同。
GU10-3 7W GU10-5 9W GU10-5 11W ER-8 9W ER-8 11W



CFLs合伙人协议的ENERGY STAR 适用标准应用单位:CFLs(紧凑型荧光灯)的生产商和分销商协议:以下为ENERGY STAR(能源之星)合作协议的条款,适用于ENERGY STAR 合格的CFLS的生产和/或交付。

ENERGY STAR的合伙人必须遵循以下要求:遵循现有的ENERGY STAR合格标准(阐述了在CFLS上使用ENERGY STAR认证标记和CFLS测试标准必须符合性能标准)。


遵循现有的ENERGY STAR鉴定指导(描述了如何使用ENERGY STAR标记和名称)。


凡ENERGY STAR合格的CFL型号,在协议中CFL部分的1年有效期内进行鉴定或打标。


一旦合伙人递交了首次合格型号给ENERGY STAR,合伙人组织名称须作为ENERGY STAR合伙人()列出。


ENERGY STAR认证标志应清晰的显示在合格产品包装上,在合伙人的网站上和合格产品的文字说明中(即目录,说明书,产品规格等等)。

给出其ENERGY STAR合格的产品型号。

同时要求ENERGY STAR认证标记在合格产品的包装正面标记。

在DOE季刊上,列出ENERGY STAR合格CFLs的更新清单。


合伙人应提供季刊以列明ENERGY STAR CFL合伙人的清单;如合格专用标签CFLs的指定供应商有改变,应在30天内通知DOE。




美国能源之星测试方法及记录表格(2013年标准中文)此份测试方法指引根据《ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Water Coolers-Test Method(Rev.Sept-201如有疑问,请参考原版《ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Water Coolers-Test Method(Rev.Sept-201测试方法指引(第一版1、适用对象:本指引只针对冷热(含冷、温、热)、温冷、单冷型饮水机;POU (管线机)、即热、即冷型饮水2、测试要求:2.1、输入电压:电压(AC)电压误差频率频率误差市场电压(AC)115V ±1.0%60Hz ±1.0%北美、台湾115V 230V ±1.0%50Hz ±1.0%欧、澳、新西兰230V 100V ±1.0%50/60Hz ±1.0%日本100V 2.3、功率计精度:10W~100W 测试范围精确度为0.1W ,>100W 精确度为1W ,>1500W 精确度为10W 2.4、测试过程中水温要求:冷水温度不高于50°F (10℃),热水温度不低于165°F (73.9°C )。

(说明:这个无视产品规格,如果产品规格出水水温要求低于此,必须调整使出水水温达到此要求然后测试2.5、带冰箱机型:冰箱温度不超过7.8℃(说明同2.4)3、试验准备:3.1、机器的摆放:机器离墙的距离最大为6英寸(152.4mm ),墙高至少7英尺(2.1米),机器两侧墙至少3.2、机器装上5加仑水桶,关闭加热开关,(打开制冷开关),通电让机器运行至少12小时至稳态。





美国“能源之星”建筑能效比对工具介绍李淑芸;李鑫;魏征【摘要】本文介绍了国外的建筑节能软件应用情况,主要介绍美国环保局推出的建筑能效评价工具“能源之星”Energy Star软件项目开发背景、基本情况、技术路线,并对我国已开展的建筑能效比对方面的工作做论述.该文章建议我国在开发建筑物能效基准比对工具时要多渠道扩大建筑物能效基础数据库,并确定适合我国的建筑物能效比对的基础数据,建立基于互联网的中国建筑能效基准比对工具.【期刊名称】《土木建筑工程信息技术》【年(卷),期】2015(007)003【总页数】4页(P104-107)【关键词】能源之星;Energy Star;能效对比;建筑节能【作者】李淑芸;李鑫;魏征【作者单位】山西阳泉市建筑设计院,阳泉045000;建研科技股份有限公司,北京100013;中国建筑科学研究院,北京 100013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU201.5;TP311.521 引言随着近几十年国内外对建筑节能的日益重视,节能型建筑越多的出现,老旧的建筑如何改造已达到节能减排的要求,节能建筑能否达到前期设计的节能效果。


本文以下对美国的“能源之星”Energy Star做概要论述,并针对国内的建筑能效基准比对方面的工作开展做简单对比分析。

2 项目背景根据美国Lawrence Berkeley 国家实验室的“Class of 1999,2000,and 2001”基于对4 000 栋建筑物的调查研究表明:建筑物中,技术并不是提高能源利用效率的主要因素;很多建筑制冷设备的设计容量超出实际需求50%-200%;60%的风机系统设计能力超出实际需求60%;在良好设计的建筑物中,由于安装不当、维护不到位而导致的建筑物能效过低的现象非常明显。


• GU24 Based Two-Piece Lamp: Gu24分体式灯泡A term for a lamp-ballast unit that includes a ballast with the ANSI standardized GU24 base type paired with a standard pin based lamp. The ballast and lamp are separable, with the ballast designed to accept replacement pin based lamps.
• 发光效能、光输出、区域光输出密度要求 -------------定向性 商业照明灯具
• 光源寿命要求
• 光输出流明维持要求
-------------定向 和非定向 灯具
• 色温要求
• 显色要求
• not include street and area, wall packs, canopy, high bay, recessed troffers • or other types employed for general office illumination, adapters or
converters. • Questions: luminaires@
------定向 和非定向 灯具
• 光源可替换要求(Replaceability)
• 调光要求(dimming)
• 功率因数要求(PF)
----定向 和非定向 灯具

能效六_Level 6_与能效五_Level 5_比较

能效六_Level 6_与能效五_Level 5_比较

直接使用型外置电源能效标准Direct Operation External Power Supply Efficiency Standards图一新标准DoE VI从上图中,首先可以了解到能效等级更新的里程碑,可以知道2014年2月,美国能源部(DOE)发布新的外部电源(EPS)标准,并要求在两年后即2016年2月10日实施。

新的要求是强制性的,所有在美国生产, 或进口到美国的相关产品必需要符合新修订的标准要求。


图二回顾旧标准限值(PS:AC-AC未列出)图三 能效标准VI 限值增加增加的的外接电源外接电源要求要求对比图二与图三新旧标准,首先发现内容增多。

新增内容为: 1-Multiple-voltage external power supply (多电压输出的EPS )。

2-输出功率大于250W 的EPS 。

提高效率要求1-空载效率要求图四以low-voltage AC-DC EPS 为例,在0-49W 的要求中,Level V 无负载的功耗要求小于0.3W ,而新标准Level VI 要求小于0.1W 。


2-负载效率要求图六 单路输出Vo≥6V 为例,系列1为level VI ,系列2为level V从曲线图可以看出,随着功率的增大,新旧版的差异越来小,相差在1%。







间接工作产品不受更严的新要求影响,它们只须在2016年2月后符合现行的EISA 2007效率限值。



AC-AC电源AC-DC电源0.5W 0.3W 0.5W0.5WAC-AC电源(低压外部电源除外)≥0.48*Po+0.14≥0.49*Po W≥0.87WAC-DC电源(低压外部电源除外)≥0.497*Po+0.067≥0.86W工作模式下最低平均能效0.5*Po W 0.09*Ln(Po)+0.5 W0.85W空载模式下最大功率0.5W工作模式下最低平均能效≥0.075*Ln(Po)+0.561低压外部电源0.3W 不合适≥0.063*Ln(Po)+0.6221.美国加州能效CEC外置Power能效标准要求:标称输出功率(Po)Po<1W 1W≤Po≤51W Po>51WPo≤250W注:Ln(Po)=Po的自然对数2.欧洲ErP外置电源能效指标: 1).空载消耗不得大于下列值:输出功率Po Po≤51W Po>51W注:低压外部电源是指标称输出电压小于6V,并且输出电流大于等于550mA的电源供应器。

2).平均工作效率不应小于以下值:标称输出功率PoPo<1W 1W≤Po≤51W Po>51W注:Ln(Po)=Po的自然对数平均工作效率是指产品在标称输出功率的25%,50%,75%和100%四种情况下的平均效率。

3.澳洲单电压外置AC-DC,AC-AC电源供应器MEPS能效要求:1).外置电源的标准要求(能效标志III的要求)标称输出功率(Po)0W≤Po<1W≥0.09*Ln(Po)+0.5 W≥0.09*Ln(Po)+0.49 W≥0.84W 工作模式下最低平均能效≥0.5*Po W 无要求空载模式下最大功率≤0.75WAC-DCAC-AC ≤0.5W 无要求≥0.85W 空载模式下最大功率AC-DCAC-AC ≤0.5W无要求对数工作模式下最低平均能效≥0.497*Po W+0.067≥0.0626*Ln(Po)+0.622 W≥0.87W≥0.075*Ln(Po)+0.561 W≥0.86W工作模式下最低平均能效≥0.480*Po W+0.141W≤Po≤49W 49W<Po≤250W0W≤Po≤10W 10W<Po≤250W注:Ln(Po)=Po的自然对数2.外置电源最高能效要求(能效表示Ⅳ要求)标称输出功率(Po)0W≤Po<1W 1W≤Po≤51W 51W<Po≤250W0W≤Po≤250W注:Ln(Po)=Po的自然3.外置电源最高能效要求(能效表示Ⅴ要求)输出电压小于6V,输出电流大于等于0.55mA,要求如下:标称输出功率(Po)0W≤Po<1W 1W≤Po≤49W 49W<Po≤250W除输出电压小于6V,输出电流大于等于0.55mA之外的要求如下:标称输出功率(Po)0W≤Po<1W 1W≤Po≤49W 49W<Po≤250W。




在这一大背景下,“能源之星”(ENERGY STAR)这个国际认证品牌应运而生。



根据美国“能源之星”计划的标准,能源之星认证设备必须比同类设备低20%以上的能耗,同时还需满足以下一些具体的要求:1. 功能不降低能源之星认证的办公设备在能效方面做到了更优秀的表现,但同时也要求设备在各项功能上不得降低。


2. 可靠性和性能优良能源之星认证的设备在能效方面做到了更优秀的表现,但是在设备的可靠性和性能上也要求更高。


3. EEPA认证EEPA(Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STARPurchasing)可支持组织节能采购计划,对于公共机构和企业,购买经过认证的能源之星设备有可能得到财政上的支持,同时也能为组织降低能耗费用。

根据美国“能源之星”计划的标准,针对办公设备的能效要求,我们建议企业应采取以下措施:1. 尽量使用能源之星认证的设备和器材,这些设备的能效更优秀,效率更高。

2. 科学合理的使用设备。


3. 强化对企业员工的能效意识培养。




日期:七月三十一日 演讲者: Keith Wu (工程师– Intertek Testing Services)
- 积分球
- 光谱辐射计
- 流明表
- 6位半数字万用表
- 电流分流器
Fluorescent Lamps
• IESNA LM40-2001 – Approved Method for life Performance
Testing of Fluorescent Lamps
• IESNA LM65-2001 – Life Testing of Single-ended Compact
4. 产品测试审核:一旦在NVLAP认可的实验室完成了所有测试,请马上把测试报告,完整 5. 能源之星标志的使用:通过了能源之星审核的节能灯将会在能源之星网站
IEC/EN 60969 • 测试条件:
– 环境:25 +/- 1 oC;R.H. 65% max.; 无风;寿试期间: 15-40 oC – 测试电压:稳定期间:+/-0.5%; 测试期间: +/-0.2%; 寿 试期间: +/-2%; 总谐波含量不大于3% – 除非工厂特别指定,所有测试时灯头向上位置
• 平均额定灯寿命: E26及E12產品至少6000小时,以工厂递交的包装或
申请表为准;合作伙伴必须完成包装上所指定的寿命时间。 (在02/12/2009, E26裸灯產品需要至少8000小时) • 以上项目, 10个测试样品,5个朝上,5个朝下,由NVLAP实验室进行




1) 定义:

罗马数字: I、II、III、IV、V或VI。

Times Roman字体(或其它 plain serif字体)。








2. In product literature (i.e., user manuals, spec sheets, etc.);3. On product packaging for products sold at retail; and4. On the manufacturer’s Internet site where information about ENERGY STAR qualified models isdisplayed:− If information concerning ENERGY STAR is provided on the Partner Web site, as specified by the ENERGY STAR Web Linking Policy (this document can be found in the PartnerResources section on the ENERGY STAR Web site at ), EPA mayprovide links where appropriate to the Partner Web site;• agree to complete steps to educate users of their products about the benefits of power management by including the following information, in addition to that described in the User InformationRequirements found in the ENERGY STAR Eligibility Criteria (Section 3.A.3), with each computer (i.e., in the user manual or on a box insert):1. Energy saving potential;2. Financial saving potential;3. E nvironmental benefits4. Information on ENERGY STAR and a link to ; and5. ENERGY STAR logo (used in accordance with "The ENERGY STAR Identity Guidelines"available at /logos).In addition to the information contained with the product, the manufacturer will have similar information with a link to /powermanagement on the company Web site, readily accessible from computer product pages, product specifications, and related content pages.At the manufacturer’s request, EPA will supply suggested facts and figures related to the abovecriteria, template elements, or a complete template suitable for use in user guides or box inserts.EPA's goal is to achieve a 40% power management enabling rate nationally by 2010; 60% by 2012;and > 80% by 2014. EPA recognizes the importance of documenting enabling rates and encourages industry to develop a collective strategy for securing and funding this research, and sharing findings with EPA and the public.• provide to EPA, on an annual basis, an updated list of ENERGY STAR qualified computer models.Once the Partner submits its first list of ENERGY STAR qualified computer models, the Partner will be listed as an ENERGY STAR Partner. Partner must provide annual updates in order to remain on the list of participating product manufacturers;• provide to EPA, on an annual basis, unit shipment data or other market indicators to assist in determining the market penetration of ENERGY STAR. Specifically, Partner must submit the total number of ENERGY STAR qualified computers shipped (in units by model) or an equivalentmeasurement as agreed to in advance by EPA and Partner. Partner is also encouraged to provide ENERGY STAR qualified unit shipment data segmented by meaningful product characteristics (e.g., capacity, size, speed, or other as relevant), total unit shipments for each model in its product line, and percent of total unit shipments that qualify as ENERGY STAR. The data for each calendar yearshould be submitted to EPA, preferably in electronic format, no later than the following March and may be provided directly from the Partner or through a third party. The data will be used by EPA only for program evaluation purposes and will be closely controlled. Any information used will be masked by EPA so as to protect the confidentiality of the Partner;• notify EPA of a change in the designated responsible party or contacts for computers within 30 days.Performance for Special DistinctionIn order to receive additional recognition and/or support from EPA for its efforts within the Partnership, the ENERGY STAR Partner may consider the following voluntary measures and should keep EPA informed on the progress of these efforts:• consider energy efficiency improvements in company facilities and pursue the ENERGY STAR mark for buildings;• purchase ENERGY STAR qualified products. Revise the company purchasing or procurement specifications to include ENERGY STAR. Provide procurement officials’ contact information to EPA for periodic updates and coordination. Circulate general ENERGY STAR qualified product information to employees for use when purchasing products for their homes;• ensure the power management feature is enabled on all ENERGY STAR qualified monitors and computers in use in company facilities, particularly upon installation and after service is performed; • provide general information about the ENERGY STAR program to employees whose jobs are relevant to the development, marketing, sales, and service of current ENERGY STAR qualified productmodels;• provide a simple plan to EPA outlining specific measures Partner plans to undertake beyond the program requirements listed above. By doing so, EPA may be able to coordinate, communicate, and/or promote Partner’s activities, provide an EPA representative, or include news about the event in the ENERGY STAR newsletter, on the ENERGY STAR Web pages, etc. The plan may be as simple as providing a list of planned activities or planned milestones that Partner would like EPA to be aware of. For example, activities may include: (1) increase the availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products by converting the entire product line within two years to meet ENERGY STAR guidelines; (2) demonstrate the economic and environmental benefits of energy efficiency through special in-store displays twice a year; (3) provide information to users (via the Web site and user’s manual) about energy-saving features and operating characteristics of ENERGY STAR qualified products: and (4) build awareness of the ENERGY STAR Partnership and brand identity by collaborating with EPA on one print advertorial and one live press event;• provide quarterly, written updates to EPA as to the efforts undertaken by Partner to increase availability of ENERGY STAR qualified products, and to promote awareness of ENERGY STAR and its message.Below is the Version 4.0 product specification for ENERGY STAR qualified computers. A product mustF. D esktop-Derived Server: A desktop-derived server is a computer that typically uses desktopcomponents in a tower form factor, but is designed explicitly to be a host for other computers or applications. For the purposes of this specification, a computer must be marketed as a server and have the following characteristics to be considered a desktop-derived server:• Designed and placed on the market as a Class B product per EuroNorm EN55022:1998 under the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and has no more than single processor capability (1 socket on board);• Designed in a pedestal, tower, or other form factor similar to those of desktop computers such that all data processing, storage, and network interfacing is contained within one box/product;• Designed to operate in a high-reliability, high-availability application environment where the computer must be operational 24 hours/day and 7 days/week, and unscheduled downtime is extremely low (on the order of hours/year);• Capable of operating in a simultaneous multi-user environment serving several users through networked client units; and• Shipped with an industry accepted operating system for standard server applications (e.g., Windows NT, Windows 2003 Server, Mac OS X Server, OS/400, OS/390, Linux, Unix andSolaris).Desktop-derived servers are designed to perform functions such as processing information for other systems, providing network infrastructure services (e.g., archiving), data hosting and running web servers.This specification does not cover mid-range or large servers, defined for purposes of thisspecification as:• Designed and placed on the market as a Class A product per EuroNorm EN55022:1998 under the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and designed and capable of having a single or dualprocessor capability (1 or greater sockets on board);• Placed on the market as a Class B product, but hardware upgraded from a Class A product, per EuroNorm EN55022:1998 under the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and designed capable of having a single or dual processor capability (1 or greater sockets on board); and • Designed and placed on the market as a Class B product per EuroNorm EN55022:1998 under the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and designed and capable of having a minimum dualprocessor capability (2 sockets on board).G. Game Consoles: Stand alone computers whose primary use is to play video games. For thepurposes of this specification, game consoles must use a hardware architecture based on typical computer components (e.g., processors, system memory, video architecture, optical and/or hard drives, etc.). The primary input for game consoles are special hand held controllers rather than the mouse and keyboard used by more conventional computer types. Game consoles are also equipped with audio visual outputs for use with televisions as the primary display, rather than an external monitor or integrated display. These devices do not typically use a conventionaloperating system, but often perform a variety of multimedia functions such as: DVD/CD playback, digital picture viewing, and digital music playback.H. Integrated Computer: A desktop system in which the computer and display function as a singleunit which receives its ac power through a single cable. Integrated computers come in one of twopossible forms: (1) a system where the display and computer are physically combined into a single unit; or (2) a system packaged as a single system where the display is separate but is connected to the main chassis by a dc power cord and both the computer and display arepowered from a single power supply. As a subset of desktop computers, integrated computers are typically designed to provide similar functionality as desktop systems.I. Notebook and Tablet Computers: A computer designed specifically for portability and to beoperated for extended periods of time without a direct connection to an ac power source.Notebooks and tablets must utilize an integrated monitor and be capable of operation off an integrated battery or other portable power source. In addition, most notebooks and tablets use an external power supply and have an integrated keyboard and pointing device, though tablets use touch-sensitive screens. Notebook and tablet computers are typically designed to provide similar functionality to desktops except within a portable device. For the purposes of this specification, docking stations are considered accessories and therefore, the performance levels associated with notebooks presented in Table 1 of Section 3, below, do not include them.J. W orkstation: For the purposes of this specification, to qualify as a workstation, a computer must: • Be marketed as a workstation;• Have a mean time between failures (MTBF) of at least 15,000 hours based on either Bellcore TR-NWT-000332, issue 6, 12/97 or field collected data; and• Support error-correcting code (ECC) and/or buffered memory.In addition, a workstation must meet three of the following six optional characteristics:• Have supplemental power support for high-end graphics (i.e., PCI-E 6-pin 12V supplemental power feed);• System is wired for greater than x4 PCI-E on the motherboard in addition to the graphics slot(s) and/or PCI-X support;• Does not support Uniform Memory Access (UMA) graphics;• Includes 5 or more PCI, PCIe or PCI-X slots;• Capable of multi-processor support for two or more processors (must support physically separate processor packages/sockets, i.e., not met with support for a single multi coreprocessor); and/or• Be qualified by at least 2 Independent Software Vendor (ISV) product certifications; these certifications can be in process, but must be completed within 3 months of qualification. Operational ModesK. Idle State: For purposes of testing and qualifying computers under this specification, this is the state in which the operating system and other software have completed loading, the machine is not asleep, and activity is limited to those basic applications that the system starts by default.L. S leep Mode: A low power state that the computer is capable of entering automatically after a period of inactivity or by manual selection. A computer with sleep capability can quickly “wake” in response to network connections or user interface devices. For the purposes of this specification, Sleep mode correlates to ACPI System Level S3 (suspend to RAM) state, where applicable.M. Standby Level (Off Mode): The power consumption level in the lowest power mode which cannot be switched off (influenced) by the user and that may persist for an indefinite time when the appliance is connected to the main electricity supply and used in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions. For purposes of this specification, Standby correlates to ACPISystem Level S4 or S5 states, where applicable.Networking and Power ManagementN. Network Interface: The components (hardware and software) whose primary function is to makethe computer capable of communicating over one or more network technologies. For purposes of testing to this specification, Network Interface refers to the IEEE 802.3 wired Ethernet interface. O. Wake Event: A user, programmed, or external event or stimulus that causes the computer totransition from Sleep or Standby to active mode of operation. Examples of wake events include, but are not limited to: movement of the mouse, keyboard activity, or a button press on the chassis, and in the case of external events, stimulus conveyed via a remote control, network, modem, etc. P. Wake On LAN (WOL): Functionality which allows a computer to wake from Sleep or Standbywhen directed by a network request.2) Qualifying Products: Computers must meet the computer definition as well as one of theproduct type definitions provided in Section 1, above, to qualify as ENERGY STAR. Please note that EPA will explore additional computer types, such as thin clients, for potential Tier 2requirements. The following table provides a list of the types of computers that are (and are not) eligible for ENERGY STAR.Products Covered by Version 4.0SpecificationProducts Not Covered by Version 4.0 Specification a. b. c. d. e. f. Desktop ComputersGame ConsolesIntegrated Computer SystemsNotebook Computers/Tablet PCsDesktop-Derived ServersWorkstations g. Mid-Range and Large Servers (as defined in Section 1F) h. Thin Clients/Blade PCs i. Handhelds and PDAs3) Energy Efficiency and Power Management Criteria: Computers must meet therequirements below to qualify as ENERGY STAR. Effective dates for Tier 1 and Tier 2 are covered in Section 5 of this specification.A) Tier 1 Requirements - Effective July 20, 2007(1) Power Supply Efficiency RequirementsComputers Using an Internal Power Supply: 80% minimum efficiency at 20%, 50%, and 100% of rated output and Power Factor > 0.9 at 100% of rated output.Computers Using an External Power Supply: Must be ENERGY STAR qualified or meet the no-load and active mode efficiency levels provided in the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Single Voltage Ac-Ac and Ac-Dc External Power Supplies. The ENERGY STAR specification and qualified product list can be found at /powersupplies . Note: This performance requirement also applies to multiple voltage output external power supplies as tested in accordance to the Internal Power Supply test method referenced in Section 4, below.(2) Operational Mode Efficiency RequirementsDesktop Categories for Idle Criteria: For the purposes of determining Idle state levels, desktops (including integrated computers, desktop-derived servers and game consoles) must qualify under Categories A, B, or C as defined below:Category A: All desktop computers that do not meet the definition of either Category B orCategory C below will be considered under Category A for ENERGY STAR qualification.Category B: To qualify under Category B desktops must have:•Multi-core processor(s) or greater than 1 discrete processor; and•Minimum of 1 gigabyte of system memory.Category C: To qualify under Category C desktops must have:•Multi-core processor(s) or greater than 1 discrete processor; and• A GPU with greater than 128 megabytes of dedicated, non-shared memory.In addition to the requirements above, models qualifying under Category C must be configured with a minimum of 2 of the following 3 characteristics:•Minimum of 2 gigabytes of system memory;•TV tuner and/or video capture capability with high definition support; and/or•Minimum of 2 hard disk drives.Notebook Categories for Idle Criteria: For the purposes of determining Idle state levels, notebooks and tablets must qualify under Categories A or B as defined below:Category A: All notebook computers that do not meet the definition of Category B below will be considered under Category A for ENERGY STAR qualification.Category B: To qualify under Category B notebooks must have:• A GPU with a minimum of 128 megabytes of dedicated, non-shared memory.Workstation Levels: Workstation levels will be determined using a simplified Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) approach to allow manufacturers energy trade offs between different operating modes, based on a given weighting factor for each mode. The final level will be based on the TEC power level (P TEC) which will be determined by the following formula:P TEC = 0.1 * P Standby + 0.2 * P Sleep + 0.7 * P Idlewhere, P Standby is the power measured in Standby, P Sleep is the power measured in Sleep, and in P Idle is the power measured in Idle. This P TEC value will then be compared to the TEC budget which is determined by a fixed percentage of the maximum power of the system, including an adder for installed hard drives as indicated in the equation in Table 1. The test procedure for determining the maximum power of workstations can be found in Section 4 of Appendix A.Power Level Requirements: The following tables indicate the required power allowances for the Tier 1 specification. Table 1 gives the baseline requirements, while Table 2 gives additional power allowances for WOL. For those products that meet the WOL enabling requirement for either Sleep or Standby, a model must meet the energy level provided in Table 1 summed with the appropriate allowances from Table 2. Note: Products whose Sleep levels meet the Standby power requirements do not need to have a distinct Standby (Off mode), and may qualify for this specification using only Sleep mode.Table 1: Tier 1 Energy Efficiency Requirements Product Type Tier 1 RequirementsDesktops, Integrated Computers, Desktop-Derived Servers and GamingConsoles Standby (Off Mode): ≤ 2.0 WSleep Mode: ≤ 4.0 WIdle State:Category A: ≤ 50.0 WCategory B: ≤ 65.0 WCategory C: ≤ 95.0 WNote: Desktop-derived servers (as defined in section 1. F) are exempt from the Sleep level above.Notebooks and Tablets Standby (Off Mode): ≤ 1.0 W Sleep Mode: ≤ 1.7 WIdle State:Category A: ≤ 14.0 WCategory B: ≤ 22.0 WWorkstations TEC Power (P TEC):≤ 0.35 * [P Max + (# HDDs * 5)] WNote: Where P max is the maximumpower drawn by the system as testedper the test procedure in Section 4 ofAppendix A, and #HDD is the number of installed hard drives in the system.Table 2: Tier 1 Capability Adder for Sleep and StandbyCapability Additional Power Allowance Wake On LAN (WOL) + 0.7 W for Sleep+ 0.7 W for StandbyQualifying Computers with Power Management Capabilities: The following requirements should be followed when determining whether models should be qualified with or without WOL:Standby: Computers should be tested and reported as shipped for Standby. Models that will be shipped with WOL enabled for Standby should be tested with WOL enabled and will qualify using the extra allowance for Standby found in Table 2 above. Likewise, products shipped with WOL disabled for Standby must be tested with WOL disabled and must meet the baseline requirement for Standby found in Table 1.Sleep: Computers should be tested and reported as shipped for Sleep. Models sold through enterprise channels, as defined in the Tier 1 Power Management Requirements (Section 3.A.3), shall be tested, qualified, and shipped WOL enabled. Products going directly to consumers through normal retail channels are not required to be shipped with WOL enabled from Sleep, and may be tested, qualified, and shipped with WOL either enabled or disabled. Those models soldboth through enterprise channels and directly to consumers must test and meet both the levelswith and without WOL.Systems where any additional management services are, at the customer’s request, pre-provisioned by the manufacturer, do not need to test the systems with these functions in an active state providing the function is not actually activated until there is specific action by the end user (i.e., manufacturer should test in pre-provisioned state and does not have to consider the power use after full provisioning occurs on site).(3) Power Management RequirementsShipment Requirement: Products must be shipped with the display’s Sleep mode set to activate within 15 minutes of user inactivity. All products, except for desktop-derived servers which are exempt from this requirement, must be shipped with a Sleep mode which is set to activate within 30 minutes of user inactivity. Products may have more than one low power mode but these proposed criteriaaddress Sleep mode as defined in this specification. Computers shall reduce the speed of any active1 Gb/s Ethernet network links when transitioning to Sleep or Standby.All computers, regardless of distribution channel, shall have the ability to enable and disable WOL for Sleep mode. Systems shipped through enterprise channels must have Wake On LAN (WOL) enabled from the Sleep mode when operating on ac power (i.e. notebooks may automatically disable WOL when operating on their portable power sources). For the purpose of this specification, “enterprise channels” are defined as sales channels normally used by large and medium-sized business,government organizations, and educational institutions, with the intent of identifying machines that will be used in managed client/server environments. For all computers with WOL enabled any directed packet filters shall be enabled and set to an industry standard default configuration. Until one (or more) standards are agreed upon, partners are asked to provide their direct packet filter configurations to EPA for publication on the Website to stimulate discussion and development of standardconfigurations. Systems in which the Sleep mode maintains full network connectivity, providing the same fully connected network state found in Idle, can be considered to meet the WOL enablingrequirement and may qualify using the corresponding WOL capability adder.All machines shipped to enterprise customers shall be capable of both remote and scheduled wake events from Sleep mode. Manufacturers shall ensure, where the manufacturer has control (i.e.,configured through hardware settings rather than software settings), that these settings can bemanaged centrally, as the client wishes, with tools provided by the manufacturer.User Information Requirement: In order to ensure that purchasers/users are properly informed on the benefits of power management, the manufacturer will include with each computer, one of the following:• Information on ENERGY STAR and the benefits of power management in either a hard copy or electronic copy of the user manual. This information should be near the front of the user guide; or • A package or box insert on ENERGY STAR and the benefits of power management.Either option must at least include the following information:• Notice that the computer has been shipped enabled for power management and what the time settings are; and• How to properly wake the computer from Sleep mode;(B) Tier 2 Requirements - Effective January 1, 2009(1a) Tier 2 Energy Efficiency Performance Metric. All computers will be required to meet thefollowing minimum performance per unit energy metric:Energy Efficiency Performance Software and Associated Levels: TBD- OR -(1b) Provisional Tier 2 Idle State Requirements. If an energy efficiency performance metric and associated performance levels are not ready to go into effect by January 1, 2009, a provisional Tier 2 specification will automatically go into effect and will remain in effect until such a benchmark isestablished. This provisional Tier 2 will include revised Idle state levels for all computer types (those included in Tier 1 as well as others as appropriate [e.g., thin clients]) with the intention of capturing the top 25% performers in energy efficiency.Additional topics, including the following, will also be re-examined under a provisional Tier 2:• Idle levels for notebooks and integrated computers that incorporate the energy use of the displays;• Quantitative distinctions between desktop categories (e.g., megabytes of video memory, number of processor cores, megabytes of system memory) to ensure that these distinctions remaincurrent;• Sleep levels for desktop-derived servers; and• Allowances for additional management tools, such as service processors in Sleep and Standby, which may aid in the adoption of computer power management.In the case of the implementation of a provisional Tier 2, EPA and the European Commission will re­examine these new topics and finalize new levels at least six months prior to the effective date for Tier2.(2) Power Management Requirements: In addition to the requirements provided under Tier 1,above, ENERGY STAR qualified computers must maintain full network connectivity while in Sleep mode, according to a platform-independent industry standard. All computers shall reduce theirnetwork link speeds during times of low data traffic levels in accordance with any industry standards that provide for quick transitions among link rates.C) Voluntary RequirementsUser Interface: Although not mandatory, manufacturers are strongly recommended to designproducts in accordance with the Power Control User Interface Standard — IEEE 1621 (formally known as “Standard for User Interface Elements in Power Control of Electronic Devices Employed inOffice/Consumer Environments”). Compliance with IEEE 1621 will make power controls moreconsistent and intuitive across all electronic devices. For more information on the standard see/Controls.4) Test Procedures: Manufacturers are required to perform tests and self-certify those models thatmeet the ENERGY STAR guidelines.• In performing these tests, partner agrees to use the test procedures provided in Table 3, below.• The test results must be reported to EPA or the European Commission, as appropriate.Additional testing and reporting requirements are provided below.A. Number of Units Required for Idle Testing: Manufacturers may initially test a single unit forqualification. If the initial unit tested meets the maximum power level for Idle but falls within 10% of that level, one additional unit of the same model with an identical configuration must also be tested. Manufacturers shall report Idle values for both units. To qualify as ENERGY STAR, both units must meet the maximum Idle level for that product category. Note: This additional testing is only required for Idle qualification – only one unit is required to be tested for Sleep and Standby.The following example further illustrates this approach:Category A desktops must meet an Idle level of 50 watts or less, making 45 Watts the 10%threshold for additional testing. The following scenarios could then occur when testing amodel for qualification:• If the first unit is measured at 44 watts, no more testing is needed and the model qualifies (44 watts is 12% more efficient than the specification and is therefore “outside” the 10%threshold).• If the first unit is measured at 45 watts, no more testing is needed and the model qualifies (45 watts is exactly 10% more efficient than the specification).• If the first unit is measured at 47 watts, then an additional unit must be tested to determine qualification (47 Watts is only 6% more efficient than the specification and is “within” the 10% threshold).• If the two units are then tested at 47 and 51 watts, the model does not qualify as ENERGY STAR—even though the average is 49 watts— because one of the values (51) exceeds theENERGY STAR specification.• If the two units are then tested at 47 and 49 watts, the model does qualify as ENERGY STAR because both values meet the ENERGY STAR specification of 50 watts.B. Models Capable of Operating at Multiple Voltage/Frequency Combinations: Manufacturers shalltest their products based on the market(s) in which the models will be sold and promoted asENERGY STAR qualified. EPA and its ENERGY STAR Country Partners have agreed upon a table with three voltage/frequency combinations for testing purposes. Please refer to the Test Conditions in the Test Procedure (Appendix A) for details regarding internationalvoltage/frequency combinations for each market.For products that are sold as ENERGY STAR in multiple international markets and, therefore, rated at multiple input voltages, the manufacturer must test at and report the required powerconsumption or efficiency values at all relevant voltage/frequency combinations. For example, a manufacturer that is shipping the same model to the United States and Europe must measure, meet the specification, and report test values at both 115 Volts/60 Hz and 230 Volts/50 Hz in order to qualify the model as ENERGY STAR in both markets. If a model qualifies as ENERGY STAR at only one voltage/frequency combination (e.g., 115 Volts/60 Hz), then it may only be qualified and promoted as ENERGY STAR in those regions that support the tested voltage/frequencycombination (e.g., North America and Taiwan).Table 3: Test Procedures for Measuring Operational Modes SpecificationRequirementTest Protocol SourceStandby (Off Mode), Sleep Mode, Idle State and Maximum Power ENERGY STAR ComputerTest Method (Version 4.0)Appendix A。

开关电源、LED PSU的能效计算公式

开关电源、LED PSU的能效计算公式

≧550mA)国际能效水1W~49W 34567149101112152024364850W~250W 区间所有功率Version 2≧ 0.9#NUM!#NUM!注:在输出额定功率栏写入功率大小 ,可以自动算出平均>=0.8电源类能源之星V2.0版能效计算标准公式(2008年#NUM!电源类五级能效计算标准公式#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!0.820940.8463280.864337#NUM!0.7721080.7775550.7915230.80953输出额定功率(W)0.7438130.7872040.7595460.7661410.7087820.6907730.7227500.734164#NUM!最小平均效率(1/4,1/2,3/434567891034550W~250W<6V & ≧550mA 区间所有功率50W~250W,其他区间所有功率#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!>=0.86,大于100#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!注:在输出额定功率栏写入功率大小 ,可以自动算出平均1W~49W,<6V & ≧550mA 1W~49W,其他>=0.87,大于100#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!0.6907730.7087820.7227500.733693#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!0.6649720.6817070.695380.7069430.7169580.7257910.643395输出额定功率(W)最小平均效率(1/4,1/2,3/4edited by: eric.wen备注待机<=0.5W待机<=0.3W≧#NUM!#NUM!出平均效率>=0.87008年11月强制实行,现在主要的效率依据)#NUM!准公式(2011年强制实行)#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!820946174632828664337183#NUM!721082447755515691523943809532844381397587204989595462596614182708782027907731292275081334164143#NUM!,3/4,100 负载时平均效率)备注待机<=0.5W 待机<=0.5W#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!于100W,PF>=0.9#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!出平均效率待机<=0.3W于100W,PF>=0.9#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!90773129087820272275081333693882#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!#NUM!64972077817078436953819606943261169581162579184343395922,3/4,100 负载时平均效率)。


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
.4能源之星要求【LED灯泡】 要求 分2700、3000、3500K 6000小时不超过±0.007 大于80 3年以上 5W以下无要求,>5W≥0.7 —20° ≥120HZ FCC Class A 小于10W,≥50lm/W,≥10W要求≥55lm/W ≥200lm ≥25000h 寿命小时的一半 PAR20及以下,≥40lm/W,PAR20以上,≥45lm/W, ≥10*代替传统光源 ≥25000h 寿命小时的一半 80%的光在120°角内 指令Directive 2009/125/EC-1194/2012 要求 一阶段2013-9-1,二阶段2014-9-1,三阶段2016-9-1 段≤0.5,三阶段≤0.2 EEI=Pcor修正功率值/Pref有效光通量 二阶段≤1W,三阶段≤0.5W,>250W则≤P/250W 三阶段≤0.5W 二阶段≥0.9 二阶段≥0.8 寿命小时数一半,寿命>30000h,则超过15000次 <0.5s <2s 1000h,≤5% ≥80,户外或工业用≥65 6步MacAdam椭圆 求,2W≤P≤5W,PF>0.4,5W<P≤25W,PF>0.5,P>25W,PF≥0.9



输出电压(V )
输出电流(A )
输出功率(W )额定值0.00项目100%输出时70%输出时50%输出时25%输出时平均值额定输出电流(mA )0.0000.0000.0000.0000.000额定输出功率
(W )0.000
(A )#DIV/0!实测输入功率
(W )#DIV/0!实测输出功率
(W )#DIV/0!
(Pno )
0<Pno ≤1W N/A N/A 1<Pno ≤49W
N/A N/A ≥49W
标准信息:能源之星_单路输出ACDC 外部电源合格标准2.0
0<Pno ≤1W N/A N/A 1<Pno ≤49W
N/A N/A ≥49W



技术规范(要求值) 全年能源消耗效率(W·h/W·h)
能效指标(实测值) 全年能源消耗效率(W·h/W·h)
1 广东美的制冷设备有限公司 KFR-51LW/BP3DN8Y-YB202(B1)
2 广东美的制冷设备有限公司 KFR-51LW/BP3DN8Y-YB303(B1)
8 吸油烟机
CXW-220-J689AHE CXW-230-TT9056-GR
1 海信(山东)冰箱有限公司 2 海信科龙电器股份有限公司 3 海信(山东)冰箱有限公司 4 海信科龙电器股份有限公司 5 海信科龙电器股份有限公司 6 海信(山东)冰箱有限公司
5.4 家用电冰箱:其他
BD-86/A BD-86KTE BD-202WTU BD-252WY BD/BC-310MS BD/BC-308NU/A
4.1 房间空气调节器:热泵型转速可控型分体式(CC≤4500W)
技术规范(要求值) 全年能源消耗效率(W·h/W·h)
能效指标(实测值) 全年能源消耗效率(W·h/W·h)
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