大连枫叶国际学校--高一入学测试模拟题(英语)Name ______________ Score_________/40Part one:Passage one: Words: 201 Readability: 4.0Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. For example, children need ten hours’ sleep every night. If we do not go to bed early, we cannot have enough sleep. Then we cannot think or do our work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life.Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms of exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise helps blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The brains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!A. Write T for true F for false beside the following statements. (2.5’)____ 1.The passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.____ 2.Early to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.____ 3.To keep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.____ 4.Daylight is the time for exercise.____ 5.Blood moves to all parts of our bodies.B. Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words.(2’)1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage.________________________________________________________________________2. You must have some habits which are good for your health. What are they?_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________3. Give a proper title to the passage. (0.5’)________________________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 231 Readability: 3.8SealA man moved his boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the other rested in a tree. Both watched the man.They knew the man was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. The two birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t have any confidence in himself. His house was small because he was not sure he could build a larger one. He didn’t cook his food because he was afraid he would burn it. The man did not run fast because he was afraid offalling. One bird said, “How will he succeed?” “He needs to find the tale nts that he had inside himself,” the other answered. “We must choose the correct time and chance carefully,” said the first one. One day, his daughter fell into the water. The man jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changed him into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could change himself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that no other person could do.The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have special ability. It’s just waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only we have the courage to try.Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (5’)1. What was the man afraid of when he wanted to swim? (1’)________________________________________________________________________2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself. (1’)_________________________________________________________________3. Why did the man jump into the sea one day? (1’)________________________________________________________________________4. How did the two birds help him? Which kind of animal is a seal? (1’)________________________________________________________________________5. What does the story want to tell us? (1’)________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part two:Passage one: Words: 242 Readability: 4.9Fiery Visitors from Outer Space1. On the next clear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a “shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.2. But shooting stars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”. There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal. When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all. But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth. As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finally it begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.3. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups called swarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earth every year.A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earth in summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarm fall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.4. Most meteors are small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried in the ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. The biggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.A. Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.(0.5’)1. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.2. Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.3. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.4. August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.B. Match the word on the left with the phrase on the right that fits best by writing letters. (1’)1. ______meteor a. a famous swarm of meteors2. ______swarm b. a meteor that has reached the earth3. ______Perseid c. The real name for a shooting star4. ______Meteorite d. a group of meteorsC. Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.1. Why is Augusta good month to watch shooting stars? 1’_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________2. Where is the bi ggest meteorite? 0.5’________________________________________________________________________3. There is an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make? Why? 2’_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 270 Readability: 4.2ZanOn the island of Crete, the Great Earth Mother had a child called Zan. The bees of the forest brought honey for little Zan, and the wild goats gave him milk. But children must have toys. So the five servants of the Great Earth Mother made toys for him. Zan played happily on the mountains with his toys and with the animals in the forest.When he grew up into a strong, kind man, Zan wanted to reward his animal friends. So he made a law that the goats could go wherever they wished. He made hives for the bees to protect them from the cold winds and snow. Then, Zan put the toys he had saved in a secret cave where they would be safe. He asked the bees to guard the cave.One day three bad men climbed up the mountain to find treasure. They put on armor to protect themselves from the bees, and they crept through the bushes until they reached the mouth of the cave. The bees buzzed around to attack the men, but their armor protected them and they went inside.Suddenly Zan appeared in the cave. “Stop!” He shouted. “You have come here to rob and kill. I must let you live, for this is the cave of life. But from now on, you will never be able to tell other people where my wonderful cave is.”As Zan finished speaking, the men turned into birds. One turned into a woodpecker, one became a thrush, and one became an owl. That’s why even today, when the birds speak, no one can understand them.A. Number the events below in the order that they happened. (0.5’*4)__________ Three bad men tried to steal Zan’s toys.__________ The Earth Mother had a child named Zan.__________ Zan turned the men into birds.__________ Zan rewarded his animal friends.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (1’*3)1. Why did the three men come to the mountain?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What happened to the three men at last?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What kind of person do you think Zen is? ( At least 3 adjectives )________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part three:Passage One: Words 312 Readability 6.8Marie CurieMarie Curie was a great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Both of her parents were teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.Marie was a very good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sister Bronya wanted to go to college, but in those days, only men could go to college in Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough money for both sisters to go, so Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent money to Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, she helped Marie.When she was 24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Even with her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small room near college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.Marie studied hard and graduated (finished school) in 1894. A year later, she married Pierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked hard together for many years. Their most important discovery was radium. Today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive this award.When Marie Curie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work. Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, years of working with radium harmed her health. She died of cancer in 1934. Her daughter Irene continued Curie’s work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irene also got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of family was Marie born in?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________2. What kind of life did Marie Curie have when she studied at university in Paris?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________3. How many times did Marie Curie get the Nobel Prize?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________4. Marie was born in Poland. Why did she become the first woman professor in France?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________5. What kind of person do you think Marie Currie is? Give examples to support your ideas._______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 412 Readability: 5.6The Choking DogJoanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 p.m., and at 6:30 she was expected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.At last, the traffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home. After she parked her car, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked down Sheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.She bent down to stroke the large Alsatian dog's head, "I have to go now” Sheba was coughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviously in real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examined the dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it is necessary to take her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet's surgery is not far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to the vet.As soon as she arrived at Dr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office."Something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne."Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergent meeting. I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK?""Sure,” said the doctor.Joanne hurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang.“This is Dr.Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outside for us.” said the doctor with fear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.When she ran into the street, two policemen were getting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne was completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived."Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shouted Joanne."She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her."Why are the police in my house?"。

枫叶国际学校秋季入学试题八年级数学试A 卷姓名:__________成绩:___________/75一、选择题(每题4分,共20分)1、如果m>n ,下列各式不正确的是_________.A.m-5>n-5B.m+4>n+4C.6m<6nD.n m 3131-<-2、如果两条平行线被第三条直线所截,那么内错角的平分线()A.互相平行 B.互相垂直 C.交角是锐角 D.交角是钝角.3、三角形A ’B ’C ’是由三角形ABC 平移得到的,点A(-1,-4)的对应点为A ’(1,-1),则点B (1,1)的对应点B ’、点C (-1,4)的对应点C ’的坐标分别为()A、(2,2)(3,4)B、(3,4)(1,7)C、(-2,2)(1,7)D、(3,4)(2,-2)4、在平面直角坐标系中,点P (-1,㎡+1)一定在第()象限。
A 、一B 、二C 、三D 、四5、如右图,∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F 的度数是()A、180°B、360°C、540°D、不确定二、填空题(每题4分,共20分)6、某宾馆在重新装修后,准备在大厅主楼梯上铺设某种红色地毯,已知这种地毯每平方米售价30元,主楼梯道宽2米,其侧面如图所示,则购买地毯至少需要_____元.(6题图)(7题图)7、如图,AB∥CD,∠A=40°,∠D=45°,则∠E=__________°8、三角形三边长分别为4,a,7,则a 的取值范围是9、已知(2-m)32-m x +y=0是二元一次方程,则m=______.B F ED C A A B EDC10、一个正多边形,它的一个外角等于与它相邻的内角的21,则这个多边形是正边形.三、解答题(11题、12题各8分,13题7分,14题12分,共35分)11、解方程组⎩⎨⎧=+=-+5301335y x y x 12、解不等式组()43321311522x x x x -<+⎧⎪⎨->-⎪⎩并把它的解集在数轴上表示出来.13、已知:如图,已知∠A=∠F,∠C=∠D.求证:BD∥CE14、一些书分给几个学生,每人3本余下8本,如果前面每人分5本,则最后1人就分不到3本,问共有多少书?多少学生?。

Name ______________ Score_________/40Part one:Passage one: Words: 201 Readability: 4.0_________________Early to bed, early to rise,Makesa man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. It means that we mustgo to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must haveenough sleep. For example, children need ten hours’sleep every night. If we donot go to bed early, we can not have enough sleep. Then we can not think or doour work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life.Some people go to bed late at night and get uplate in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise.Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms ofexercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise helps blood to move around inside thebody. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. Thebrains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep ourbodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!A.Write T for true F for false beside the following statements. (2.5’)____ 1.The passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.____ 2.Early to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.____ 3. Tokeep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.____ 4.Daylight is the time for exercise.____ 5.Blood moves to all parts of our bodies.B.Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words. (2’)1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage.________________________________________________________________________2. You must have some habits which are good foryour health. What are they?________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Give aproper title to the passage. (0.5’)________________________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 231 Readability: 3.8SealA man movedhis boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the otherrested in a tree. Both watched the man.They knew theman was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. Thetwo birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t have anyconfidence in himself. His house was small because he was not sure he couldbuild a larger one. He didn’t cook his food because he was afraid he wouldburnit. The man did not run fast because he was afraid of falling. One bird said,“How will he succeed?”“He needs to find the talents that he had insidehimself,”the other answered. “We must choose the correct time and chancecarefully,”said the first one. One day, his daughter fell into the water. Theman jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changedhim into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could changehimself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that noother person could do.The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have specialability. It’s just waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only wehave the courage to try. Answer the following questions in completesentences. (5’)1. What was the man afraid of when he wantedto swim? (1’)________________________________________________________________________2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself.(1’)________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________3. Why did the man jump into the sea one day? (1’)________________________________________________________________________4. How did the two birds help him? Which kind of animal is aseal? (1’)________________________________________________________________________5. What does the story want to tell us? (1’)________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part two:Passage one: Words: 242 Readability: 4.9Fiery Visitors from Outer Space1. On the nextclear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a“shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.2. But shootingstars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”.There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal.When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all.But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth.As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finallyit begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.3. Sometimesmeteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups calledswarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earthevery year. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earthin summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarmfall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.4. Most meteorsare small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried inthe ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. Thebiggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.A. Circle the main idea of paragraph 3. (0.5’)1. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.2. Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.3. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.4. August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.B. Match the word on the left with the phrase on theright that fits best by writing letters. (1’)1. ______meteor a. a famous swarm of meteors2. ______swarm b. a meteor that has reached the earth3. ______Perseid c. The real name for a shooting star4. ______Meteorite d. a group of meteorsC. Answerquestions in complete sentences and in your own words.1. Why is Augusta good month to watch shooting stars? 1’________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________2.Whereis the biggest meteorite? 0.5’________________________________________________________________________3.Thereis an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, yourwish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make?Why? 2’________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words:270 Readability: 4.2ZanOn the islandof Crete, the Great Earth Mother had a child called Zan. The bees of the forestbrought honey for little Zan, and the wild goats gave him milk. But childrenmust have toys. So the five servants of the Great Earth Mother made toys forhim. Zan played happily on the mountains with his toys and with the animals inthe forest.When he grew upinto a strong, kind man, Zan wanted to reward his animal friends. So he made alaw that the goats could go wherever they wished. He made hives for the bees toprotect them from the cold winds and snow. Then, Zan put the toys he had savedin a secret cave where they would be safe. He asked the bees to guard the cave.One day threebad men climbed up the mountain to find treasure. They put on armor to protectthemselves from the bees, and they crept through the bushes until they reachedthe mouth of the cave. The bees buzzed around to attack the men, but theirarmor protected them and they went inside.Suddenly Zanappeared in the cave. “Stop!” Heshouted. “You have come here to rob and kill. I must let you live, for this isthe cave of life. But from now on, you will never be able to tell other peoplewhere my wonderful cave is.”As Zanfinished speaking, the men turned into birds. One turned into a woodpecker, onebecame a thrush, and one became an owl. That’s why even today, when the birdsspeak, no one can understand them.A. Number theevents below in the order that they happened.(0.5’*4)__________ Three bad men tried to steal Zan’s toys.__________ The Earth Mother had a child named Zan.__________ Zan turned the men into birds.__________ Zan rewarded his animal friends.B. Answer thefollowing questions in complete sentences.(1’*3)1. Why did the three men come to the mountain?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What happened to the three men at last?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1. What kind of person do you think Zen is ?( At least 3adjectives )________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part three:Passage One: Words 312 Readability 6.8Marie CurieMarie Curie wasa great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Both of her parentswere teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.Marie was avery good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sisterBronya wanted to go to college, but in those days, only men could goto collegein Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough moneyfor both sisters to go, so Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent moneyto Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, shehelped Marie.When she was24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Evenwith her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small roomnear college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only hadbread and tea to eat.Marie studiedhard and graduated (finished school) in 1894. A year later, she marriedPierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked hard together for manyyears. Their most importantdiscovery was radium. Today, doctorsusethe rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a NobelPrize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. MarieCurie was the first woman to receive this award.When MarieCurie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work.Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a secondNobel Prize. Unfortunately, years ofworking with radium harmed her health. She died of cancer in 1934. Her daughterIrene continued Curie’s work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irenealso got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.Answer the followingquestions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of family was Marie born in?________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________2. What kind oflife did Marie Curie have when she studied at university in Paris? ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________3. How many timesdid Marie Curie get the Nobel Prize?________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________4. Marie was bornin Poland. Why did she become the first woman professor in France?________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________5. What kind ofperson do you think Marie Currie is? Give examples to support your ideas.________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________Passage Two: Words:412 Readability: 5.6The Choking DogJoanne beatimpatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuckin a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 p.m., and at 6:30 she wasexpected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.At last, thetraffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home. After she parked her car, she leapt out ofthe car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked downSheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.She bent downto stroke the large Alsatian dog's head, "I have to go now”Sheba wascoughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviouslyin real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examinedthe dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it isnecessary to take her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet's surgery isnot far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to thevet.As soon as she arrived atDr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office."Somethingis stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne."Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergentmeeting. I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK?""Sure,”said the doctor.Joannehurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang. “This is Dr.Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outside for us.”said the doctor withfear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.When she ran into the street, two policemen weregetting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of thehouse, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne wascompletely confused and very frightened.Then the doctor arrived."Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shoutedJoanne."She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thingwhich was choking her.”Why are the police in my house?"Just then, the two policemen reappeared from thehouse, half-carrying a white-faced man who could hardly walk and with blood allover him."How did he get in there?”"I think he must be a burglar," saidthe doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what wasstuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't thinkhe's a very happy burglar."I. Circle the correct letter of the answer. (2’)1. Why was Joanneimpatient at the beginning of the story?a. She waslost.b. She had losta client at work.b. She was stuckin a traffic jam. d. Her dog was sick.2. Why did Joanne take the dog to Dr. Sterne's surgery?a. It was timefor Sheba's checkup.b. The dogcouldn't breathe properly.c. She wanted toget her out of the house.d. The doctor hadasked to see her.3. What happened as she arrived home for the second time?a. The policearrived.b. The phonerang.c. The dog died.d. A burglar wasjust escaping.4. The story says that the dog "gazed at Joannehelplessly". "Gazed" meansa. staredb. criedc. barkedd. laughedII. Answer the following questions in complete sentencesand in your own words. (3’)1.Why did the doctor ask Joanne to wait outside her house?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________e two or three sentences to describe what happened between the dogand the burglar.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1.What are the consequences of burgling?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part Four:Passage One: Words:358 Readability: 7.5DrumsWhen we thinkof a drum we usually think of a musical instrument. The drum has also been usedfor years as an important tool for communication. The human voice is very goodfor communication, but it cannot be heard very far. As early humans began tolive in groups, runners were sent from village to village with importantmessages, but that took a lot of time. It was discovered that beating on hollowlogs could be heard for greater distances, and so a new form of communicationcalled “talking drums”was born.In many earlycommunities, a large drum was set in the middle of the village to help sendmessages to nearby tribes. The drums could be hit with hands and sticks. Someof the larger drums could be heard up to sixteen miles away!A group in WestAfrica made an amazing talking drum system. Their drums were made of roundpieces of wood that were four to five feet long. A skin (often an elephant ear)was stretched over one end of the wood and was held in place by a rope. Theskin was tightened or loosened to make higher and lower sounds. They hadlearned to use the drums so well that they could actually copy the languagethat they spoke! The drums sounded like a person speaking in a voice loudenough to be heard far away.Most systems ofdrum communication used a series of beats that meant something. The messagesusually told of danger, death, war, or other news of great importance. Themessage could be sent very far by a relay system. That is, one village wouldsend a message and a nearby village would hear it. They would then repeat themessage on their drums, sending it to their neighbors. Some relay systemsworked so well that they could send a message about 200 miles very quickly.Although“talking drums”became a good system of communicating over distances, it hadone very big problem. Their enemies could understand the drum messages, so theywould know what was being said or planned. Communication by drums certainlywasn’t perfect!A. True or False.Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2’) _______1.The main idea of the passage is that drums can be heard over great distances._______2. Drums are only used as a musical instrument._______3.People in West Africa tightened the skin over the drum to make a lower sound._______4. Drums made by people in West Africa could speak.B. Answer the followingquestions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. What is a drum “relay system”? (1’)________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________.2. Name 4 other forms of communication and which one doyou like best and why (2’)________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________.Passage Two: Words360 Readability: 6.0We Like to ShareGeorge andEllen were successful owners of a restaurant which they kept clean and spotlesswhile serving good inexpensive food. They were very friendly with all their faithful customers who dined attheir cafébecause they enjoyed being friendly and helpful.One day anunfamiliar elderly couple came into the thrivingrestaurant. Although the old man ordered a hamburger andsome French fries, his grey-haired wife didn’t order anything to eat. George prepared the food and served it to theman.The old fellowand his wife sat at a dining table and the man cut the hamburger in half. Then he divided the French fries into twoequal parts. He put half of thehamburger and half of the French fries in front of his wife. Then he began to eat his half of thehamburger and fries. His wife relaxedand watched while he ate.Ellen observedthe old couple. She thought that perhapsthey couldn’t afford another hamburger. She felt sorry for them, so she went over to their table and offeredthem another meal free of charge.The old man wastoo busy eating to reply, but his wife said, “Oh, No! Don’t worry about us. We like to share. We share everything.”The old fellownodded and said, “Everything,”before he stuffed more French fries into hismouth.Ellen smiled atthem and returned to the counter. She tooksome orders from other waiting customers and then watched the old coupleagain. She noticed that the woman wasstill not eating. Her half of thecooling burger and fries remained sitting on the plate on the table in front ofher. She reasoned that perhaps the man’swife intended to give her share to her husband if he was still hungry aftereating his share. Ellen frowned inconfusion. She hastily returned to theirtable.The old womansaw her and commenced telling her not to worry because they had always sharedeverything.“I know,”responded Ellen. “You’ve already told methat. I was just wondering why you arenot eating your half.”“Oh,”said thewoman. “I’m just waiting for my turnwith the false teeth.”(6.0)Answer the followingquestions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of food did George and Ellen’s restaurantserve?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Why did Ellen think the old couple couldn’t affordanother hamburger?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What is the meaning of intended?a. plannedb. wonderedc. noticedd. wanted4. Write an adjective in each blank._____________________ customers ______________________hamburger5. Why was Ellen so confused by the behavior of theoldpeople? ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)。

大连枫叶国际初中入学试题初中预备班英语姓名:成绩: /75一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内:(15’)1. What would you like ______ a birthday present?A. forB. asC. with2. –What’s your name? —________.A. ClarkB. I’m OK.C. Thank you3. These are ________.A. feetB. footC. foots4. ----What does it mean?----It means you shouldn’t _______.A. smokingB. smokedC.smoke5. ______ you ______ your grandparents last weekend?A.Did, visitedB.Did, visitC.Do, visited6. —________ ? —It’s red.A. What’s thisB. What colour is itC. How are you7. —What’s this? —________ a key.A. He’sB. This’sC. It’s8. ---______ did you put your bike?----Under the tree.A. WhenB.WhatC.Where9. —________ are you? —Fine, thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. How10. There’s a book on the desk. ________ book is blue.A. TheB. /C. A11. What’s your favourite sport? I like _________A. swimingB. televisionC. swimming12. Miss. Zhang is ____ Chinese teacher. She teaches _____ English.A.our, our , usC.our , us13. Hello! Can you play the piano? ________.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can.C. No, it isn’t.14. What’s ________ like in autumn?A. weatherB. the weatherC. a weather15. ________ do you spell “green”?A. whatB. HowC. How many二、句型转换:(10’)1. His family are from Japan. (划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)_____________________________________________________________3. I have some books in my backpack.( 否定句)____________________________________________________________4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)_____________________________________________________________5. The little boy goes to school at 7:30. ( 划线提问)_____________________________________________________________三、Reading (20’)(A)My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother, Mrs Green. She is a nurse.I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His (他的)job is a policeman. Mary’s mother is a nurse. Tony is Mary’s brother. We all like him.判断对( T ), 错( F )( )1.My mother and Mary’s mother are nurses.( )2. Tony is Peter’s cousin.( )3. Bob is Peter’s father.( )4. Peter’s father is a teacher.( )5. Mary is Peter’s sister.(B)What’s this? It’s lette r(字母) P. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this and what colour is it? It’s letter E. It’s yellow. What’s this letter? It’s letter N. It’s red. P-E-N. Is it “pen”? Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil case(铅笔盒). My pencil case is orange. This is my book. It’s my Chinese book. It’s in my bag. My bag is black. Look! The bag is in the desk.. The chair is yellow. It’s my chair. It’s nice. I like it.根据短文选择正确的答案:()1. what colour is letter P?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue()2. Which letter is red?A. PB. EC. ND. C()3. What’s in the pencil case?A. An orange caseB. A blue penC. A black bagD. A yellow chair()4. Where is my English book?A. It’s in my bag.B. It’s in my desk.C. It’s on my chair.D. Sorry, I don’t know.(我不知道)()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it?A. My pen.B. My desk.C. My bag.D. My pencil case.四. 完型填空(15’)Dear Li Ming,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me ___1____ you something about us. My brother and I are in ___2___ school. We have classes ___3___ Monday to Friday.____4__ weekends, we don’t have ___5_____ classes. We ____6___ many American friends now. We often play games together ____7____ school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you __8____ ___9____ week? Do you like them?Please __10___ me soon.( )1. A.say B. speak C.tell( )2. A.different B.same C.the same( )3. A.from B. on C.between( )4. A.At B.On C.Between( )5. A.some B.many C.any( )6.A.are having B.have C.has( )7. A.behind B.after C.from( )8.A. teach B.play C.have( )9.A.every B.the C.an( )10.A.speak to B.tell C.write to六、写作。

大连枫叶国际初中入学试题初中预备班英语姓名:成绩: /75一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内:(15’)1. What would you like ______ a birthday present?A. forB. asC. with2. –What’s your name? —________.A. ClarkB. I’m OK.C. Thank you3. These are ________.A. feetB. footC. foots4. ----What does it mean?----It means you shouldn’t _______.A. smokingB. smokedC.smoke5. ______ you ______ your grandparents last weekend?A.Did, visitedB.Did, visitC.Do, visited6. —________ ? —It’s red.A. What’s thisB. What colour is itC. How are you7. —What’s this? —________ a key.A. He’sB. This’sC. It’s8. ---______ did you put your bike?----Under the tree.A. WhenB.WhatC.Where9. —________ are you? —Fine, thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. How10. There’s a book on the desk. ________ book is blue.A. TheB. /C. A11. What’s your favourite sport? I like _________A. swimingB. televisionC. swimming12. Miss. Zhang is ____ Chinese teacher. She teaches _____ English.A.our, our , usC.our , us13. Hello! Can you play the piano? ________.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can.C. No, it isn’t.14. What’s ________ like in autumn?A. weatherB. the weatherC. a weather15. ________ do you spell “green”?A. whatB. HowC. How many二、句型转换:(10’)1. His family are from Japan. (划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)_____________________________________________________________3. I have some books in my backpack.( 否定句)____________________________________________________________4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)_____________________________________________________________5. The little boy goes to school at 7:30. ( 划线提问)_____________________________________________________________三、Reading (20’)(A)My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother, Mrs Green. She is a nurse.I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His (他的)job is a policeman. Mary’s mother is a nurse. Tony is Mary’s brother. We all like him.判断对( T ), 错( F )( )1.My mother and Mary’s mother are nurses.( )2. Tony is Peter’s cousin.( )3. Bob is Peter’s father.( )4. Peter’s father is a teacher.( )5. Mary is Pet er’s sister.(B)What’s this? It’s letter(字母) P. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this and what colour is it? It’s letter E. It’s yellow. What’s this letter? It’s letter N. It’s red. P-E-N. Is it “pen”? Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil case(铅笔盒). My pencil case is orange. This is my book. It’s my Chinese book. It’s in my bag. My bag is black. Look! The bag is in the desk.. The chair is yellow. It’s my chair. It’s nice. I like it.根据短文选择正确的答案:()1. what colour is letter P?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue()2. Which letter is red?A. PB. EC. ND. C()3. What’s in the pencil case?A. An orange caseB. A blue penC. A black bagD. A yellow chair()4. Where is my English book?A. It’s in my bag.B. It’s in my desk.C. It’s on my chair.D. Sorry, I don’t know.(我不知道)()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it?A. My pen.B. My desk.C. My bag.D. My pencil case.四. 完型填空(15’)Dear Li Ming,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me ___1____ you something about us. My brother and I are in ___2___ school. We have classes ___3___ Monday to Friday.____4__ weekends, we don’t have ___5_____ classes. We ____6___ many American friends now. We often play games together ____7____ school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you __8____ ___9____ week? Do you like them?Please __10___ me soon.( )1. A.say B. speak C.tell( )2. A.different B.same C.the same( )3. A.from B. on C.between( )4. A.At B.On C.Between( )5. A.some B.many C.any( )6.A.are having B.have C.has( )7. A.behind B.after C.from( )8.A. teach B.play C.have( )9.A.every B.the C.an( )10.A.speak to B.tell C.write to六、写作。

大连枫叶国际初中入学试题初中预备班英语姓名:成绩: /75一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内:(15’)1. What would you like ______ a birthday present?A. forB. asC. with2. –What’s your name? —________.A. ClarkB. I’m OK.C. Thank you3. These are ________.A. feetB. footC. foots4. ----What does it mean?----It means you shouldn’t _______.A. smokingB. smokedC.smoke5. ______ you ______ your grandparents last weekend?A.Did, visitedB.Did, visitC.Do, visited6. —________ ? —It’s red.A. What’s thisB. What colour is itC. How are you7. —What’s this? —________ a key.A. He’sB. This’sC. It’s8. ---______ did you put your bike?----Under the tree.A. WhenB.WhatC.Where9. —________ are you? —Fine, thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. How10. There’s a book on the desk. ________ book is blue.A. TheB. /C. A11. What’s your favourite sport? I like _________A. swimingB. televisionC. swimming12. Miss. Zhang is ____ Chinese teacher. She teaches _____ English.A.our, our , usC.our , us13. Hello! Can you play the piano? ________.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can.C. No, it isn’t.14. What’s ________ like in autumn?A. weatherB. the weatherC. a weather15. ________ do you spell “green”?A. whatB. HowC. How many二、句型转换:(10’)1. His family are from Japan. (划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)_____________________________________________________________3. I have some books in my backpack.( 否定句)____________________________________________________________4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)_____________________________________________________________5. The little boy goes to school at 7:30. ( 划线提问)_____________________________________________________________三、Reading (20’)(A)My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother, Mrs Green. She is a nurse.I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His (他的)job is a policeman. Mary’s mother is a nurse. Tony is Mary’s brother. We all like him.判断对( T ), 错( F )( )1.My mother and Mary’s mother are nurses.( )2. Tony is Peter’s cousin.( )3. Bob is Peter’s father.( )4. Peter’s father is a teacher.( )5. Mary is Peter’s sister.(B)What’s this? It’s letter(字母) P. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this and what colour is it? It’s letter E. It’s yellow. What’s this letter? It’s letter N. It’s red. P-E-N. Is it “pen”? Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil case(铅笔盒). My pencil case is orange. This is my book. It’s my Chinese book. It’s in my bag. My bag is black. Look! The bag is in the desk.. The chair is yellow. It’s my chair. It’s nice. I like it.根据短文选择正确的答案:()1. what colour is letter P?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue()2. Which letter is red?A. PB. EC. ND. C()3. What’s in the pencil case?A. An orange caseB. A blue penC. A black bagD. A yellow chair()4. Where is my English book?A. It’s in my bag.B. It’s in my desk.C. It’s on my chair.D. Sorry, I don’t know.(我不知道)()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it?A. My pen.B. My desk.C. My bag.D. My pencil case.四. 完型填空(15’)Dear Li Ming,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me ___1____ you something about us. My brother and I are in ___2___ school. We have classes ___3___ Monday to Friday.____4__ weekends, we don’t have ___5_____ classes. We ____6___ many American friends now. We often play games together ____7____ school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you __8____ ___9____ week? Do you like them?Please __10___ me soon.( )1. A.say B. speak C.tell( )2. A.different B.same C.the same( )3. A.from B. on C.between( )4. A.At B.On C.Between( )5. A.some B.many C.any( )6.A.are having B.have C.has( )7. A.behind B.after C.from( )8.A. teach B.play C.have( )9.A.every B.the C.an( )10.A.speak to B.tell C.write to六、写作。

枫叶国际学校--高一入学测试模拟题(英语)Name ______________ Score_________/40Part one:Passage one: Words: 201 Readability: 4.0Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. For example, children need ten ho urs’ sleep every night. If we do not go to bed early, we cannot have enough sleep. Then we cannot think or do our work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life.Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms of exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise helps blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The brains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!A. Write T for true F for false beside the following statements. (2.5’)____ 1.The passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.____ 2.Early to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.____ 3.To keep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.____ 4.Daylight is the time for exercise.____ 5.Blood moves to all parts of our bodies.B. Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words.(2’)1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage.________________________________________________________________________2. You must have some habits which are good for your health. What are they?_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________3. Give a proper title to the passage. (0.5’)________________________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 231 Readability: 3.8SealA man moved his boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the other rested in a tree. Both watched the man.They knew the man was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. The two birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t have any confidence in himself. His hou se was small because he was not sure he could build a larger one. He didn’t cook his food because he was afraid he would burn it. The man did not run fast because he was afraid of falling. One bird said, “How will he succeed?” “He needs to find the talents that he had inside himself,” the other answered. “We must choose the correct time and chance carefully,” said the first one. One day, his daughter fell into the water. The man jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changed him into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could change himself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that no other person could do.The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have special ability. It’s j ust waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only we have the courage to try.Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (5’)1. What was the man afraid of when he wanted to swim? (1’)________________________________________________________________________2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself. (1’)_________________________________________________________________3. Why did the man jump into the sea one day? (1’)________________________________________________________________________4. How did the two birds help him? Which kind of animal is a seal? (1’)________________________________________________________________________5. What does the story want to tell us? (1’)________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part two:Passage one: Words: 242 Readability: 4.9Fiery Visitors from Outer Space1. On the next clear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a “shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.2. But shooting stars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”. There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal. When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all. But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth. As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finally it begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.3. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups called swarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earth every year.A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earth in summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarm fall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.4. Most meteors are small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried in the ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. The biggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.A. Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.(0.5’)1. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.2. Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.3. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.4. August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.B. Match the word on the left with the phrase on the right that fits best by writing letters. (1’)1. ______meteor a. a famous swarm of meteors2. ______swarm b. a meteor that has reached the earth3. ______Perseid c. The real name for a shooting star4. ______Meteorite d. a group of meteorsC. Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.1. Why is Augusta good month to watch shooting stars? 1’_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________2. Where is the bigge st meteorite? 0.5’________________________________________________________________________3. There is an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make? Why? 2’_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 270 Readability: 4.2ZanOn the island of Crete, the Great Earth Mother had a child called Zan. The bees of the forest brought honey for little Zan, and the wild goats gave him milk. But children must have toys. So the five servants of the Great Earth Mother made toys for him. Zan played happily on the mountains with his toys and with the animals in the forest.When he grew up into a strong, kind man, Zan wanted to reward his animal friends. So he made a law that the goats could go wherever they wished. He made hives for the bees to protect them from the cold winds and snow. Then, Zan put the toys he had saved in a secret cave where they would be safe. He asked the bees to guard the cave.One day three bad men climbed up the mountain to find treasure. They put on armor to protect themselves from the bees, and they crept through the bushes until they reached the mouth of the cave. The bees buzzed around to attack the men, but their armor protected them and they went inside.Suddenly Zan appeared in the cave. “Stop!”He shouted. “You have come here to rob and kill. I must let you live, for this is the cave of life. But from now on, you will never be able to tell other people where my wonderful cave is.”As Zan finished speaking, the men turned into birds. One turned into a woodpecker, one became a thrush, and one became an owl. That’s why even today, when the birds speak, no one can understand them.A. Number the events below in the order that they happened. (0.5’*4)__________ Three bad men tried to steal Zan’s toys.__________ The Earth Mother had a child named Zan.__________ Zan turned the men into birds.__________ Zan rewarded his animal friends.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (1’*3)1. Why did the three men come to the mountain?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What happened to the three men at last?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What kind of person do you think Zen is? ( At least 3 adjectives )________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part three:Passage One: Words 312 Readability 6.8Marie CurieMarie Curie was a great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Both of her parents were teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.Marie was a very good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sister Bronya wanted to go to college, but in those days, only men could go to college in Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough money for both sisters to go, so Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent money to Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, she helped Marie.When she was 24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Even with her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a s mall room near college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.Marie studied hard and graduated (finished school) in 1894. A year later, she married Pierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked hard together for many years. Their most important discovery was radium. Today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive this award.When Marie Curie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work. Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, years of working with radium harmed her health. She died of cancer in 1934. Herdaughter Irene continued Curie’s work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irene also got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of family was Marie born in?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________2. What kind of life did Marie Curie have when she studied at university in Paris?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________3. How many times did Marie Curie get the Nobel Prize?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________4. Marie was born in Poland. Why did she become the first woman professor in France?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________5. What kind of person do you think Marie Currie is? Give examples to support your ideas._______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 412 Readability: 5.6The Choking DogJoanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 p.m., and at 6:30 she was expected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.At last, the traffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home. After she parked her car, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked down Sheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.She bent down to stroke the large Alsatian dog's head, "I have to go now” Sheba was coughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviously in real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examined the dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it is necessary to take her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet's surgery is not far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to the vet.As soon as she arrived at Dr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office."Something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne."Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergent meeting. I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK?""Sure,” said the doctor.Joanne hurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang.“This is Dr. Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outside for us.” said the doctor with fear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.When she ran into the street, two policemen were getting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne was completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived."Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shouted Joanne."She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her."Why are the police in my house?"Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced man who could hardly walk and with blood all over him."How did he get in there?”"I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't think he's a very happy burglar."I. Circle the correct letter of the answer. (2’)1. Why was Joanne impatient at the beginning of the story?a. She was lost.b. She had lost a client at work.c. She was stuck in a traffic jam.d. Her dog was sick.2. Why did Joanne take the dog to Dr. Sterne's surgery?a. It was time for Sheba's checkup.b. The dog couldn't breathe properly.c. She wanted to get her out of the house.d. The doctor had asked to see her.3. What happened as she arrived home for the second time?a. The police arrived.b. The phone rang.c. The dog died.d. A burglar was just escaping.4. The story says that the dog "gazed at Joanne helplessly". "Gazed" meansa. staredb. criedc. barkedd. laughedII. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. Why did the doctor ask Joanne to wait outside her house?_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________2. Use two or three sentences to describe what happened between the dog and the burglar._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________3. What are the consequences of burgling?_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ %Correct ____________ =Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part Four:Passage One: Words: 358 Readability: 7.5DrumsWhen we think of a drum we usually think of a musical instrument. The drum has also been used for years as an important tool for communication. The human voice is very good for communication, but it cannot be heard very far. As early humans began to live in groups, runners were sent from village to village with important messages, but that took a lot of time. It was discovered that beating on hollow logs could be heard for greater distances, and so a new form of communication called “talking drums” was born.In many early communities, a large drum was set in the middle of the village to help send messages to nearby tribes. The drums could be hit with hands and sticks. Some of the larger drums could be heard up to sixteen miles away!A group in West Africa made an amazing talking drum system. Their drums were made of round pieces of wood that were four to five feet long. A skin (often an elephant ear) was stretched over one end of the wood and was held in place by a rope. The skin was tightened or loosened to make higher and lower sounds. They had learned to use the drums so well that they could actually copy the language that they spoke! The drums sounded like a person speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard far away.Most systems of drum communication used a series of beats that meant something. The messages usually told of danger, death, war, or other news of great importance. The message could be sent very far by a relay system. That is, one village would send a message and a nearby village would hear it. They would then repeat the message on their drums, sending it to their neighbors. Some relay systems worked so well that they could send a message about 200 miles very quickly.Although “talking drums” became a good system of communicating over distances, it had one very big problem. Their enemies could understand the drum messages, so they would know what was being said or planned. Communication by drums certainly wasn’t perfect!A. True or False. Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2’)_______1. The main idea of the passage is that drums can be heard over great distances._______2. Drums are only used as a musical instrument._______3. People in West Africa tightened the skin over the drum to make a lower sound._______4. Drums made by people in West Africa could speak.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. What is a drum “relay system”? (1’)_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________.2. Name 4 other forms of communication and which one do you like best and why (2’)_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________.Passage Two: Words 360 Readability: 6.0We Like to ShareGeorge and Ellen were successful owners of a restaurant which they kept clean and spotless while serving good inexpensive food. They were very friendly with all their faithful customers who dined at their café because they enjoyed being friendly and helpful.One day an unfamiliar elderly couple came into the thriving restaurant. Although the old man ordered a hamburger and some French fries, his grey-hai red wife didn’t order anything to eat. George prepared the food and served it to the man.The old fellow and his wife sat at a dining table and the man cut the hamburger in half. Then he divided the French fries into two equal parts. He put half of the hamburger and half of the French fries in front of his wife. Then he began to eat his half of the hamburger and fries. His wife relaxed and watched while he ate.Ellen observed the old couple. She thought that perhaps they couldn’t afford another hamburger. She felt sorry for them, so she went over to their table and offered them another meal free of charge.The old man was too busy eating to reply, but his wife said, “Oh, No!Don’t worry about us. We like to share. We share everything.”The old fello w nodded and said, “Everything,” before he stuffed more French fries into his mouth.Ellen smiled at them and returned to the counter. She took some orders from other waiting customers and then watched the old couple again. She noticed that the woman was still not eating. Her half of the cooling burger and fries remained sitting on the plate on the table in front of her. She reasoned that perhaps the man’s wife intended to give her share to her husband if he was still hungry after eating his share. Ellen frowned in confusion. She hastily returned to their table.The old woman saw her and commenced telling her not to worry because they had always shared everything.“I know,” responded Ellen.“You’ve already told me that. I was just wondering why you are not eating your half.”“Oh,” said the woman.“I’m just waiting for my turn with the false teeth.” (6.0)Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of food did George and Ellen’s restaurant serve?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Why did Ellen think the old couple couldn’t afford another hamburger?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What is the meaning of intended?a. plannedb. wonderedc. noticedd. wanted4. Write an adjective in each blank._____________________ customers ______________________hamburger5. Why was Ellen so confused by the behavior of the oldpeople?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)。

大连枫叶国际初中入学试题初中预备班英语姓名:成绩: /75一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内:(15’)1. What would you like ______ a birthday present?A. forB. asC. with2. –What’s your name? —________.A. ClarkB. I’m OK.C. Thank you3. These are ________.A. feetB. footC. foots4. ----What does it mean?----It means you shouldn’t _______.A. smokingB. smokedC.smoke5. ______ you ______ your grandparents last weekend?A.Did, visitedB.Did, visitC.Do, visited6. —________ ? —It’s red.A. What’s thisB. What colour is itC. How are you7. —What’s this? —________ a key.A. He’sB. This’sC. It’s8. ---______ did you put your bike?----Under the tree.A. WhenB.WhatC.Where9. —________ are you? —Fine, thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. How10. There’s a book on the desk. ________ book is blue.A. TheB. /C. A11. What’s your favourite sport? I like _________A. swimingB. televisionC. swimming12. Miss. Zhang is ____ Chinese teacher. She teaches _____ English.A.our, our , usC.our , us13. Hello! Can you play the piano? ________.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can.C. No, it isn’t.14. What’s ________ like in autumn?A. weatherB. the weatherC. a weather15. ________ do you spell “green”?A. whatB. HowC. How many二、句型转换:(10’)1. His family are from Japan. (划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)_____________________________________________________________3. I have some books in my backpack.( 否定句)____________________________________________________________4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)_____________________________________________________________5. The little boy goes to school at 7:30. ( 划线提问)_____________________________________________________________三、Reading (20’)(A)My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother, Mrs Green. She is a nurse.I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His (他的)job is a policeman. Mary’s mother is a nurse. Tony is Mary’s brother. We all like him.判断对( T ), 错( F )( )1.My mother and Mary’s mother are nurses.( )2. Tony is Peter’s cousin.( )3. Bob is Peter’s father.( )4. Peter’s father is a teacher.( )5. Mary is Peter’s sister.(B)What’s this? It’s letter(字母) P. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this and what colour is it? It’s letter E. It’s yellow. What’s this letter? It’s letter N. It’s red. P-E-N. Is it “pen”? Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil ca se(铅笔盒). My pencil case is orange. This is my book. It’s my Chinese book. It’s in my bag. My bag is black. Look! The bag is in the desk.. The chair is yellow. It’s my chair. It’s nice. I like it.根据短文选择正确的答案:()1. what colour is letter P?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue()2. Which letter is red?A. PB. EC. ND. C()3. What’s in the pencil case?A. An orange caseB. A blue penC. A black bagD. A yellow chair()4. Where is my English book?A. It’s in my bag.B. It’s in my desk.C. It’s on my chair.D. Sorry, I don’t know.(我不知道)()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it?A. My pen.B. My desk.C. My bag.D. My pencil case.四. 完型填空(15’)Dear Li Ming,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me ___1____ you something about us. My brother and I are in ___2___ school. We have classes ___3___ Monday to Friday.____4__ weekends, we don’t have ___5_____ classes. We ____6___ many American friends now. We often play games together ____7____ school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you __8____ ___9____ week? Do you like them?Please __10___ me soon.( )1. A.say B. speak C.tell( )2. A.different B.same C.the same( )3. A.from B. on C.between( )4. A.At B.On C.Between( )5. A.some B.many C.any( ) having B.have C.has( )7. A.behind B.after C.from( )8.A. teach B.play C.have( ) B.the C.an( )to B.tell C.write to六、写作。

大连枫叶国际学校--高一入学测试模拟题(英语)Name______________ Score_________/40 Part one:Passage one: Words: 201 Readability: 4.0Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. For example, children need ten hours’ sleep every night. If we do not go to bed early, we cannot have enough sleep. Then we cannot think or do our work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life.Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms of exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise helps blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The brains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!A. Write T for true F for false beside the following statements. (2.5’)____ 1.The passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.____ 2.Early to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.____ 3.To keep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.____ 4.Daylight is the time for exercise.____ 5.Blood moves to all parts of our bodies.B. Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words.(2’)1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage.________________________________________________________________________2. You must have some habits which are good for your health. What are they?_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________3. Give a proper title to the passage. (0.5’)________________________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 231 Readability: 3.8SealA man moved his boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the other rested in a tree. Both watched the man.They knew the man was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. The two birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t have any confidence in himself. His house was small because he was not sure he could build a larger one. He didn’t cook his f ood because he was afraid he would burn it. The man did not run fast because he was afraid of falling. One bird said, “How will he succeed?” “He needs to find the talents that he had inside himself,” the other answered. “We must choose the correct time and chance carefully,” said the first one. One day, his daughter fell into the water. The man jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changed him into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could change himself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that no other person could do.The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have special ability. It’s just waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only we have the courage to try.Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (5’)1. What was the man afraid of when he wanted to swim? (1’)________________________________________________________________________2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself. (1’)_________________________________________________________________3. Why did the man jump into the sea one day? (1’)________________________________________________________________________4. How did the two birds help him? Which kind of animal is a seal? (1’)________________________________________________________________________5. What does the story want to tell us? (1’)________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part two:Passage one: Words: 242 Readability: 4.9Fiery Visitors from Outer Space1. On the next clear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a “shooting star”. They look just like stars falli ng down from the sky.2. But shooting stars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”. There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal. When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all. But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth. As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finally it begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.3. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups called swarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earth every year. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earth in summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarm fall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.4. Most meteors are small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried in the ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. The biggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.A. Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.(0.5’)1. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.2. Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.3. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.4. August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.B. Match the word on the left with the phrase on the right that fits best by writing letters. (1’)1. ______meteor a. a famous swarm of meteors2. ______swarm b. a meteor that has reached the earth3. ______Perseid c. The real name for a shooting star4. ______Meteorite d. a group of meteorsC. Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.1. Why is Augusta good month to watch shooting stars? 1’_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________2. Where is the biggest meteorite? 0.5’________________________________________________________________________3. There is an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make? Why? 2’_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 270 Readability: 4.2ZanOn the island of Crete, the Great Earth Mother had a child called Zan. The bees of the forest brought honey for little Zan, and the wild goats gave him milk. But children must have toys. So the five servants of the Great Earth Mother made toys for him. Zan played happily on the mountains with his toys and with the animals in the forest.When he grew up into a strong, kind man, Zan wanted to reward his animal friends. So he made a law that the goats could go wherever they wished. He made hives for the bees to protect them from the cold winds and snow. Then, Zan put the toys he had saved in a secret cave where they would be safe. He asked the bees to guard the cave.One day three bad men climbed up the mountain to find treasure. They put on armor to protect themselves from the bees, and they crept through the bushes until they reached the mouth of the cave. The bees buzzed around to attack the men, but their armor protected them and they went inside.Suddenly Zan appeared in the cave. “Stop!”He shouted. “You have come here to rob and kill. I must let you live, for this is the cave of life. But from now on, you will never be able to tell other people where my wonderful cave is.”As Zan finished speaking, the men turned into birds. One turned into a woodpecker, one became a thrush, and one became an owl. That’s why even today, when the birds speak, no one can understand them.A. Number the events below in the order that they happened. (0.5’*4)__________ Three bad men tried to steal Zan’s toys.__________ The Earth Mother had a child named Zan.__________ Zan turned the men into birds.__________ Zan rewarded his animal friends.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (1’*3)1. Why did the three men come to the mountain?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What happened to the three men at last?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What kind of person do you think Zen is? ( At least 3 adjectives )________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part three:Passage One: Words 312 Readability 6.8Marie CurieMarie Curie was a great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Both of her parents were teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.Marie was a very good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sister Bronya wanted to go to college, but in those days, only men could go to college in Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough moneyfor both sisters to go, so Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent money to Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, she helped Marie.When she was 24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Even with her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small room near college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.Marie studied hard and graduated (finished school) in 1894. A year later, she married Pierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked hard together for many years. Their most important discovery was radium. Today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive this award.When Marie Curie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work. Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, years of working with radium harmed her health. She died of cancer in 1934. Her daughter Irene continued Curie’s work. She also receive d a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irene also got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of family was Marie born in?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________2. What kind of life did Marie Curie have when she studied at university in Paris? _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________3. How many times did Marie Curie get the Nobel Prize?_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________4. Marie was born in Poland. Why did she become the first woman professor in France? _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________5. What kind of person do you think Marie Currie is? Give examples to support your ideas._______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________Passage Two: Words: 412 Readability: 5.6The Choking DogJoanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 p.m., and at 6:30 she was expected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.At last, the traffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home. After she parked her car, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked down Sheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.She bent down to stroke the lar ge Alsatian dog's head, "I have to go now” Sheba was coughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviously in real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examined the dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it is necessary to take her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet's surgery is not far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to the vet.As soon as she arrived at Dr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office."Something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne."Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergent meeting. I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK?""Sure,” said the doctor.Joanne hurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang.“This is Dr.Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outside for us.” said the doctor with fear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.When she ran into the street, two policemen were getting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne was completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived."Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shouted Joanne."She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her."Why are the police in my house?"Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced man who could hardly walk and with blood all over him."How did he get in there?”"I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't think he's a very happy burglar."I. Circle the correct letter of the answer. (2’)1. Why was Joanne impatient at the beginning of the story?a. She was lost.b. She had lost a client at work.c. She was stuck in a traffic jam.d. Her dog was sick.2. Why did Joanne take the dog to Dr. Sterne's surgery?a. It was time for Sheba's checkup.b. The dog couldn't breathe properly.c. She wanted to get her out of the house.d. The doctor had asked to see her.3. What happened as she arrived home for the second time?a. The police arrived.b. The phone rang.c. The dog died.d. A burglar was just escaping.4. The story says that the dog "gazed at Joanne helplessly". "Gazed" meansa. staredb. criedc. barkedd. laughedII. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. Why did the doctor ask Joanne to wait outside her house?_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Use two or three sentences to describe what happened between the dog and the burglar._______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the consequences of burgling?_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ %Correct ____________ =Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part Four:Passage One: Words: 358 Readability: 7.5DrumsWhen we think of a drum we usually think of a musical instrument. The drum has also been used for years as an important tool for communication. The human voice is very good for communication, but it cannot be heard very far. As early humans began to live in groups, runners were sent from village to village with important messages, but that took a lot of time. It was discovered that beating on hollow logs could be heard for greater distances, and so a new form of communication called “talking drums” was born.In many early communities, a large drum was set in the middle of the village to help send messages to nearby tribes. The drums could be hit with hands and sticks. Some of the larger drums could be heard up to sixteen miles away!A group in West Africa made an amazing talking drum system. Their drums were made of round pieces of wood that were four to five feet long. A skin (often an elephant ear)was stretched over one end of the wood and was held in place by a rope. The skin was tightened or loosened to make higher and lower sounds. They had learned to use the drums so well that they could actually copy the language that they spoke! The drums sounded like a person speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard far away.Most systems of drum communication used a series of beats that meant something. The messages usually told of danger, death, war, or other news of great importance. The message could be sent very far by a relay system. That is, one village would send a message and a nearby village would hear it. They would then repeat the message on their drums, sending it to their neighbors. Some relay systems worked so well that they could send a message about 200 miles very quickly.Although “talking drums” became a good system of communicating over distances, it had one very big problem. Their enemies could understand the drum messages, so they would know what was being said or planned. Communication by drums certainly wasn’t perfect!A. True or False. Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2’)_______1. The main idea of the passage is that drums can be heard over great distances._______2. Drums are only used as a musical instrument._______3. People in West Africa tightened the skin over the drum to make a lower sound._______4. Drums made by people in West Africa could speak.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. What is a drum “relay system”? (1’)_______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________.2. Name 4 other forms of communication and which one do you like best and why (2’) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________.Passage Two: Words 360 Readability: 6.0We Like to ShareGeorge and Ellen were successful owners of a restaurant which they kept clean and spotless while serving good inexpensive food. They were very friendly with all their faithful customers who dined at their café because they enjoyed being friendly and helpful.One day an unfamiliar elderly couple came into the thriving restaurant. Although the old man ordered a hamburger and some French fries, his grey-haired wife didn’t order anything to eat.George prepared the food and served it to the man.The old fellow and his wife sat at a dining table and the man cut the hamburger in half. Then he divided the French fries into two equal parts. He put half of the hamburger and half of the French fries in front of his wife. Then he began to eat his half of the hamburger and fries. His wife relaxed and watched while he ate.Ellen observed the old couple. She thought that perhaps they couldn’t afford another hamburger. She felt sorry for them, so she went over to their table and offered them another meal free of charge.The old man was too busy eating to reply, but his wife said, “Oh, No!Don’t worry about us. We like to share. We share everything.”The old fellow nodded and said, “Everything,” before he stuffed more French fries into his mouth.Ellen smiled at them and returned to the counter. She took some orders from other waiting customers and then watched the old couple again. She noticed that the woman was still not eating. Her half of the cooling burger and fries remained sitting on the plate on the table in front of her. She reasoned that perhaps the man’s wife intended to give her share to her husband if he was still hungry after eating his share. Ellen frowned in confusion. She hastily returned to their table.The old woman saw her and commenced telling her not to worry because they had always shared everything.“I know,” responded Ellen. “You’ve already told me that. I was just wondering why you are not eating your half.”“Oh,” said the woman. “I’m just waiting for my turn with the false teeth.” (6.0)Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of food did George and Ellen’s restaurant serve?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Why did Ellen think the old couple couldn’t afford another hamburger?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. What is the meaning of intended?a. plannedb. wonderedc. noticedd. wanted4. Write an adjective in each blank._____________________ customers ______________________hamburger 5. Why was Ellen so confused by the behavior of the oldpeople?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No) .。

大连枫叶国际学校入学测试Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】Name ______________ Score_________/40Part one:Passage one: Words: 201 Readability: 4.0Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.Is this true Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. For example, children need ten hours’ sleep every n ight. If we do not go to bed early, we cannot have enough sleep. Then we cannot think or do our work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life.Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms of exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise helps blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The brains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!A. Write T for true F for false beside the following statements.(2.5’)____ 1.The passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.____ 2.Early to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.____ 3.To keep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.____ 4.Daylight is the time for exercise.____ 5.Blood moves to all parts of our bodies.B. Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words.(2’)1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage._____________________________________________________________________ ___2. You must have some habits which are good for your health. What are they_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______3. Give a proper title to the passage. (0.5’)_____________________________________________________________________ ___Passage Two:Words: 231 Readability: 3.8SealA man moved his boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the other rested in a tree. Both watched the man.They knew the man was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. The two birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t have any confidence in himself. His house was small because he was not sure he could build a larger one. He didn’t cook his food because he was afraid he would burn it. The man did not run fast because he was afraid of falling. One bird said, “How will he succeed” “He needs to find the talents that he had inside himself,” the other answered. “We must choose the correct time and chance carefully,” said the first one. One day, his daughter fell into the water. The man jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changed him into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could change himself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that no other person could do.The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have special ability. It’s just waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only we have the courage to try.Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (5’)1. What was the man afraid of when he wanted to swim (1’)_____________________________________________________________________ ___2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself. (1’)_________________________________________________________________3. Why did the man jump into the sea one day (1’)_____________________________________________________________________ ___4. How did the two birds help him Which kind of animal is a seal (1’)_____________________________________________________________________ ___5. What does the story want to tell us (1’)_____________________________________________________________________ ___%Correct ____________=Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part two:Passage one: Words: 242 Readability: 4.9Fiery Visitors from Outer Space1. On the next clear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a “shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.2. But shooting stars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”. There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal. When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all. But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth. As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finally it begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.3. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups called swarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earth every year. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earth in summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarm fall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.4. Most meteors are small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried in the ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. The biggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.A.Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.(0.5’)1. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.2. Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.3. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.4. August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.B. Match the word on the left with the phrase on the right that fits best by writing letters. (1’)1. ______meteor a. a famous swarm of meteors2. ______swarm b. a meteor that has reached the earth3. ______Perseid c. The real name for a shooting star4. ______Meteorite d. a group of meteorsC. Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.1.Why is Augusta good month to watch shooting stars1’_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______2. Where is the biggest meteorite 0.5’_____________________________________________________________________ ___3. There is an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make Why2’_____________________________________________________________________ ______Passage Two: Words: 270 Readability: 4.2ZanOn the island of Crete, the Great Earth Mother had a child called Zan. The bees of the forest brought honey for little Zan, and thewild goats gave him milk. But children must have toys. So the five servants of the Great Earth Mother made toys for him. Zan played happily on the mountains with his toys and with the animals in the forest.When he grew up into a strong, kind man, Zan wanted to reward his animal friends. So he made a law that the goats could go wherever they wished. He made hives for the bees to protect them from the cold winds and snow. Then, Zan put the toys he had saved in a secret cave where they would be safe. He asked the bees to guard the cave.One day three bad men climbed up the mountain to find treasure. They put on armor to protect themselves from the bees, and they crept through the bushes until they reached the mouth of the cave. The bees buzzed around to attack the men, but their armor protected them and they went inside.Suddenly Zan appeared in the cave. “Stop!”He shouted. “You have come here to rob and kill. I must let you live, for this is the cave of life. But from now on, you will never be able to tell other people where my wonderful cave is.”As Zan finished speaking, the men turned into birds. One turned into a woodpecker, one became a thrush, and one became an owl.That’s why even to day, when the birds speak, no one can understand them.A. Number the events below in the order that they happened. (0.5’*4) __________ Three bad men tried to steal Zan’s toys.__________ The Earth Mother had a child named Zan.__________ Zan turned the men into birds.__________ Zan rewarded his animal friends.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (1’*3)1. Why did the three men come to the mountain_____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___2. What happened to the three men at last_____________________________________________________________________ ______3. What kind of person do you think Zen is ( At least 3 adjectives ) _____________________________________________________________________ ___%Correct ____________=Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part three:Passage One: Words 312 Readability 6.8Marie CurieMarie Curie was a great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Both of her parents were teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.Marie was a very good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sister Bronya wanted to go to college, but in those days, only men could go to college in Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough money for both sisters to go, so Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent money to Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, she helped Marie.When she was 24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Even with her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small room near college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.Marie studied hard and graduated (finished school) in 1894. A year later, she married Pierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked hard together for many years. Their most important discovery was radium. Today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. Marie Curie was the first woman to receivethis award.When Marie Curie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work. Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize. Unfortunately,years of working with radium harmed her health. She died of cancer in 1934. Her daughter Irene continued Curie’s work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irene also got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1.What kind of family was Marie born in_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.What kind of life did Marie Curie have when she studied at university in Paris_____________________________________________________________________ 3.How many times did Marie Curie get the Nobel Prize_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4.Marie was born in Poland. Why did she become the first woman professor in France_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5.What kind of person do you think Marie Currie is Give examples to support your ideas._____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Passage Two: Words: 412 Readability: 5.6The Choking DogJoanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birminghamat 5:30 p.m., and at 6:30 she was expected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.At last, the traffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home.After she parked her car, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked down Sheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.She bent down to stroke the large Alsatian dog's head, "I have to go now” Sheba was coughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviously in real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examined the dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it is necessary totake her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet's surgery isnot far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to the vet.As soon as she arrived at Dr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office."Something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne."Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergent meeting. I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK""Sure,” said the doctor.Joanne hurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang.“This is Dr. Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outsidefor us.” said t he doctor with fear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.When she ran into the street, two policemen were getting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne was completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived."Where's Sheba Is she OK" shouted Joanne."She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her."Why are the police in my house"Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced man who could hardly walk and with blood all over him."How did he get in there”"I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't think he's a very happy burglar."I.Circle the correct letter of the answer. (2’)1.Why was Joanne impatient at the beginning of the storya.She was lost.b. She had lost a client at work.c.She was stuck in a traffic jam.d. Her dog was sick.2.Why did Joanne take the dog to Dr. Sterne's surgerya.It was time for Sheba's checkup.b.The dog couldn't breathe properly.c.She wanted to get her out of the house.d.The doctor had asked to see her.3.What happened as she arrived home for the second timea.The police arrived.b.The phone rang.c.The dog died.d.A burglar was just escaping.4.The story says that the dog "gazed at Joanne helplessly". "Gazed" meansa. staredb. criedc. barkedd. laughedII. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. Why did?the doctor ask Joanne to wait outside her house_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________2. Use twoor three sentences to describe what happened between thedog and theburglar._____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________3. What are?the consequences of burgling_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________%Correct ____________=Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part Four:Passage One: Words: 358? Readability: 7.5DrumsWhen we think of a drum we usually think of a musical instrument. The drum has also been used for years as an important tool for communication. The human voice is very good for communication, but it cannot be heard very far. As early humans began to live in groups, runners were sent from village to village with important messages, but that took a lot of time. It was discovered that beating on hollow logs could be heard for greater distances, and so a new form of communication called “talking drums” was born.In many early communities, a large drum was set in the middle of the village to help send messages to nearby tribes. The drums could be hit with hands and sticks. Some of the larger drums could be heard up to sixteen miles away!A group in West Africa made an amazing talking drum system. Their drums were made of round pieces of wood that were four to five feet long. A skin (often an elephant ear) was stretched over one end of the wood and was held in place by a rope. The skin was tightened or loosened to make higher and lower sounds. They had learned to use the drums so well that they could actually copy the language that they spoke! The drums sounded like a person speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard far away.Most systems of drum communication used a series of beats that meant something. The messages usually told of danger, death, war, or other news of great importance. The message could be sent very far by a relay system. That is, one village would send a message and a nearby village would hear it. They would then repeat the message on their drums, sending it to their neighbors. Some relay systems worked so well that they could send a message about 200 miles very quickly. Although “talking drums” became a good system of communicating over distances, it had one very big problem. Their enemies could understand the drum messages, so they would know what was being said or planned. Communication by drums certainly wasn’t perfect!A. True or False. Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2’)_______1. The main idea of the passage is that drums can be heard over great distances._______2. Drums are only used as a musical instrument._______3. People in West Africa tightened the skin over the drum to make a lower sound._______4. Drums made by people in West Africa could speak.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. What is a drum “relay system” (1’)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ___.2. Name 4 other forms of communication and which one do you like best and why (2’)_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____.Passage Two: Words 360 Readability: 6.0We Like to ShareGeorge and Ellen were successful owners of a restaurant which they kept clean and spotless while serving good inexpensive food. They were very friendly with all their faithful customers who dined at their café because they enjoyed being friendly and helpful.One day an unfamiliar elderly couple came into the thriving restaurant.Although the old man ordered a hamburger and some French fries, his grey-haired wife didn’t order anything to eat.George prepared the food and served it to the man.The old fellow and his wife sat at a dining table and the man cut the hamburger in half.Then he divided the French fries into two equal parts.He put half of the hamburger and half of the French fries infront of his wife.Then he began to eat his half of the hamburger and fries.His wife relaxed and watched while he ate.Ellen observed the old couple.She thought that perhaps they couldn’t afford another hamburger. She felt sorry for them, so she went over to their table and offered them another meal free of charge.The old man was too busy eating to reply, but his wife said, “Oh, No!Don’t worry about us.We like to share.We share everything.”The old fellow nodded and said, “Everything,” before he stuffed more French fries into his mouth.Ellen smiled at them and returned to the counter.She took some orders from other waiting customers and then watched the old couple again.She noticed that the woman was still not eating.Her half of the cooling burger and fries remained sitting on the plate on the table in front of her.She reasoned that perhaps the man’s wife intended to give her share to her husband if he was still hungry after eating his share.Ellen frowned in confusion.She hastily returned to their table.The old woman saw her and commenced telling her not to worry because they had always shared everything.“I know,” responded Ellen.“You’ve already told me that.I was just wondering why you are not eating your half.”“Oh,” said the woman.“I’m just waiting for my turn with the false teeth.” (6.0) Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of food did George and Ellen’s restaurant serve_____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___2. Why did Ellen think the old couple couldn’t afford another hamburger_____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___3. What is the meaning of intendeda.plannedb.wonderedc. noticedd. wanted4. Write an adjective in each blank._____________________customers ______________________hamburger5. Why was Ellen so confused by the behavior of the oldpeople?_____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___%Correct ____________=Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)。
大连枫叶国际学校入学模拟试题七年级数学姓名 成绩 75

大连枫叶国际学校入学模拟试题七年级数学姓名: 成绩: /75一、选择题:(每小题3分,共15分)1、用一个放大100倍的放大镜来观察一个30度的角,则观察到的角( )。
A 、大小不变B 、缩小了100倍C 、放大了100倍2、一个三角形的三个内角度数比是2:3:5,这个三角形是( )。
A 、锐角三角形B 、钝角三角形C 、直角三角形3、b 是大于10的自然数,下列分数中分数值最小的是( )。
A 、5bB 、b 10C 、11b 4、一种商品,原价600元,现按九折出售,现在的价格比原来便宜( )。
A 、530元B 、40元C 、60元5、用一条长200厘米的铁丝围成以下图形,面积最大的是( )。
A 、正方形B 、圆C 、长方形二、填空题:(每小题3分,共21分)6、从一个边长为20厘米的正方形纸片中,剪出一个最大的圆,这个圆的面积是( )平方厘米。
7、一个蛋糕生2千克,把它平均分给10个小朋友,分得的重量是( )千克。
8、0.006千克=( )克9、六(1)班今天出勤48人,有2人因病请假,今天六(1)班学生的出勤率是( )10、把一根木料锯成4段要用12分钟,照这样,如果要锯成6段,一共需要( )分钟。
11、一个圆柱和一个圆锥的底面积和体积分别相等,圆锥的高是1.8分米,圆柱的高是( )分米。
12、盒中有规格相同的5个白球、3个蓝球和2个黄球,现从中随意摸出1个球,摸到蓝球的可能性是( ).三、解答题:(第13题10分,14题10分,15题4分,16题5分,17题10分共39分)13、计算:(1)25.03225.1⨯⨯ (2)32)]4121(1[⨯--14、解方程:(1)9.241.10=-x (2)2(1)4x +=15、甲、乙两港相距140千米,一艘轮船从甲港驶往乙港用了4.5小时,返回时因为是逆行,比去时多用了1小时,求这艘轮船往返的平均速度?16、一种手机,现在售价是1200元,比原来降低了400元。

枫叶国际学校秋季入学试题英语试A卷姓名:__________成绩:___________/75I. Grammar and Vocabulary语法和词汇(35’)(1)Fill in the blanks with the right forms. 用所给词组的恰当形式填空.(10’) took part in;arrived at;bad for;had a cold;good for;the number of;broke the record;all over the worl d;l eave for;grow up1.My uncl e__________ the Party in1988.2.What are you going to be when you__________?3.They__________the bus stop early this morning.4.He__________and won a gol d medal in the Athens Olympic.5. I'm sure that eating too much is __________you.6.Because it makes me strong and it is popular__________.7.Running is__________ l egs, heart and lungs, and it makes us healthy.8.We d on’t know __________the stars in the sky.9.I__________and felt so bad all the day.10.We will __________ Beijing at the end of the month.(2)Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the giving verbs.动词填空。

大连枫叶国际学校初中部入学模拟试题九年级语文 答案姓名: 成绩: /50一、语言积累与运用(25分)1、将下列字抄在田字格中,要求规范、端正、整洁。
(2分)觅.食( m ì ) 黝.黑( y ǒu ) 广袤.无垠(m ào ) 孤陋.寡闻( l òu ) 3、在括号里改正错字,在横线上填写汉字。
(2分)引经据点(典 ) 冥思暇想( 遐 )n áng ( 囊 )萤映雪 盛气l íng ( 盛 )人 4 在你认为有语病的地方划横线,在括号里写出修改意见。
( 将“感到”与“十分”对调 )5、给下面这则新闻拟一个标题。
(不超过15个字)(3分)由团中央、教育部、国家邮政局和全国少工委主办的第二届全国少年儿童书信文化活动近日在北京启动,此次活动“以爸爸妈妈,我想对您说”为主题,旨在通过组织少年儿童开展丰富多彩的活动,引导少年儿童加深与父母的情感沟通,增强家庭责任感和社会责任感;6、请仿照句子再写几句话(2分)如果你是一颗星,就照亮夜空一角;如果你是 你是一滴水, 就滋润干涸的土地 ;7、文学常识填空(2分)鲁迅,原名 鲁迅 , 浙江绍兴 人。
我国伟大的文学家、 思想家 、革命家。
1918年第一次用鲁迅的笔名发表中国现代文学史上第一篇白话小说 《狂人日记》 。
8、默写填空(10分)①今日听君歌一曲, 暂凭杯酒长精神 。
(《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》) ② 停杯投箸不能食, 拔剑四顾心茫然 。
(李白《行路难》)③落红不是无情物, 化作春泥更护花 。
(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》) ④ 人有悲欢离合 , 月有阴晴圆缺 ,此事古难全。
(苏轼《水调歌头》) ⑤ 人生自古谁无死 ,留取丹心照汗青。
(文天祥《过零丁洋》)二、作文(25分)题目: 的新鲜事在你的生活学习中,经常会发生很多新鲜事,给你的生活学习带来一丝惬意,一丝温馨,也许还有一丝感动,一点快乐,请把当时的场景细致的描绘出来,让大家一起分享。

Name ______________ Score_________/40Part one:Passage one: Words: 201 Readability: 4.0_________________Early to bed, early to rise,Makesa man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. It means that we mustgo to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must haveenough sleep. For example, children need ten hours’ sleep every night. If we donot go to bed early, we can not have enough sleep. Then we can not think or doour work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life. Some people go to bed late at night and get uplate in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise.Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms ofexercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise helps blood to move around inside thebody. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. Thebrains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep ourbodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!A.Write T for true F for false beside the following statements. (2.5’)____ 1.The passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.____ 2.Early to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.____ 3. Tokeep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.____ 4.Daylight is the time for exercise.____ 5.Blood moves to all parts of our bodies.B.Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words.(2’)1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage.________________________________________________________________________ 2. You must have some habits which are good foryour health. What are they?________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Give aproper title to the passage. (0.5’)________________________________________________________________________ Passage Two: Words: 231 Readability: 3.8SealA man movedhis boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the otherrested in a tree. Both watched the man.They knew theman was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. Thetwo birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t have anyconfidence in himself. His house was small because he was not sure he couldbuild a larger one. He didn’t cook his food because he was afraid he woul d burnit. The man did not run fast because he was afraid of falling. One bird said,“How will he succeed?” “He needs to find the talents that he had insidehimself,” the other answered. “We must choose thecorrect time and chancecarefully,” said the first on e. One day, his daughter fell into the water. Theman jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changedhim into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could changehimself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that noother person could do.The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have specialability. It’s just waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only wehave the courage to try.Answer the following questions in completesentences. (5’)1. What was the man afraid of when he wantedto swim? (1’)________________________________________________________________________ 2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself.(1’)________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did the man jump into the sea one day? (1’)________________________________________________________________________ 4. H ow did the two birds help him? Which kind of animal is aseal? (1’)________________________________________________________________________ 5. What does the story want to tell us? (1’)________________________________________________________________________ %Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part two:Passage one: Words: 242 Readability: 4.9Fiery Visitors from Outer Space1. On the nextclear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may seea“shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.2. But shootingstars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”.There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal.When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all.But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth.As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finallyit begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.3. Sometimesmeteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups calledswarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earthevery year. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earthin summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarmfall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.4. Most meteorsare small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried inthe ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. Thebiggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.A. Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.(0.5’)1. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.2. Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.3. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.4. August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.B. Match the word on the left with the phrase on theright that fits best by writing letters. (1’)1. ______meteor a. a famous swarm of meteors2. ______swarm b. a meteor that has reached the earth3. ______Perseid c. The real name for a shooting star4. ______Meteorite d. a group of meteorsC. Answerquestions in complete sentences and in your own words.1. Why is Augusta good month to watch shooting stars? 1’________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.Whereis the biggest meteorite? 0.5’______________________________________________________________ __________3.Thereis an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, yourwish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make?Why? 2’________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Passage Two: Words:270 Readability: 4.2ZanOn the islandof Crete, the Great Earth Mother had a child called Zan. The bees of the forestbrought honey for little Zan, and the wild goats gave him milk. But childrenmust have toys. So the five servants of the Great Earth Mother made toys forhim. Zan played happily on the mountains with his toys and with the animals inthe forest.When he grew upinto a strong, kind man, Zan wanted to reward his animal friends. So he made alaw that the goats could go wherever they wished. He made hives for the bees toprotect them from the cold winds and snow. Then, Zan put the toys he had savedin a secret cave where they would be safe. He asked the bees to guard the cave.One day threebad men climbed up the mountain to find treasure. They put on armor to protectthemselves from the bees, and they crept through the bushes until they reachedthe mouth of the cave. The bees buzzed around to attack the men, but theirarmor protected them and they went inside.Suddenly Zanappeared in the cave. “Stop!”Heshouted. “You have come here to rob and kill. I must let you live, for this isthe cave of life. But from now on, you will never be able to tell other peoplewhere my wonderful cave is.”As Zanfinished speaking, the men turned into birds. One turned into a woodpecker, onebecame a thrush, and one became an owl. That’s why even today, when the birdsspeak, no one can understand them.A. Number theevents below in the order that they happened.(0.5’*4)__________ Three bad men tried to steal Zan’s toys.__________ The Earth Mother had a child named Zan.__________ Zan turned the men into birds.__________ Zan rewarded his animal friends.B. Answer thefollowing questions in complete sentences.(1’*3)1. Why did the three men come to the mountain?______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________2. What happened to the three men at last?______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________1. What kind of person do you think Zen is ?( At least 3adjectives )______________________________________________________________ __________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part three:Passage One: Words 312 Readability 6.8Marie CurieMarie Curie wasa great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Both of her parentswere teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.Marie was avery good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sisterBronya wanted to go to college, but in those days, only men could go to collegein Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough moneyfor both sisters to go, so Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent moneyto Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, shehelped Marie.When she was24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Evenwith her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small roomnear college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only hadbread and tea to eat.Marie studiedhard and graduated (finished school) in 1894. A year later, she marriedPierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked hard together for manyyears. Their most importantdiscovery was radium. Today, doctorsuse the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a NobelPrize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. MarieCurie was the first woman to receive this award.When MarieCurie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work.Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a secondNobel Prize. Unfortunately, years ofworking with radium harmed herhealth. She died of cancer in 1934. Her daughterIre ne continued Curie’s work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irenealso got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.Answer the followingquestions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of family was Marie born in?________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________2. What kind oflife did Marie Curie have when she studied at university in Paris?________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________3. How many timesdid Marie Curie get the Nobel Prize?________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________4. Marie was bornin Poland. Why did she become the first woman professor in France? ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________5. What kind ofperson do you think Marie Currie is? Give examples to support your ideas.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Passage Two: Words:412 Readability: 5.6The Choking DogJoanne beatimpatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuckin a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 p.m., and at 6:30 she wasexpected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.At last, thetraffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home. After she parked her car, she leapt out ofthe car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked downSheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.She bent downto stroke the large Alsatian dog's head, "I have to go now” Sheba wascoughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviouslyin real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examinedthe dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it isnecessary to take her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet's surgery isnot far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to thevet.As soon as she arrived atDr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office. "Somethingis stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne."Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergentmeeting. I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK?""Sure,” said the doctor.Joannehurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang. “This is Dr.Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outside for us.” said the doctor withfear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.When she ran into the street, two policemen weregetting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of thehouse, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne wascompletely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived. "Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shoutedJoanne."She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thingwhich was choking her.”Why are the police in my house?"Just then, the two policemen reappeared from thehouse, half-carrying a white-faced man who could hardly walk and with blood allover him."How did he get in there?”"I think he must be a burglar," saidthe doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what wasstuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers.I don't thinkhe's a very happy burglar."I. Circle the correct letter of the answer. (2’)1. Why was Joanneimpatient at the beginning of the story?a. She waslost.b. She had losta client at work.b. She was stuckin a traffic jam. d. Her dog was sick.2. Why did Joanne take the dog to Dr. Sterne's surgery?a. It was timefor Sheba's checkup.b. The dogcouldn't breathe properly.c. She wanted toget her out of the house.d. The doctor hadasked to see her.3. What happened as she arrived home for the second time?a. The policearrived.b. The phonerang.c. The dog died.d. A burglar wasjust escaping.4. The story says that the dog "gazed at Joannehelplessly". "Gazed" meansa. staredb. criedc. barkedd. laughedII. Answer the following questions in complete sentencesand in your own words. (3’)1.Why did the doctor ask Joanne to wait outside her house?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________e two or three sentences to describe what happened between thedog and the burglar.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1.What are the consequences of burgling?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part Four:Passage One: Words:358 Readability: 7.5DrumsWhen we thinkof a drum we usually think of a musical instrument. The drum has also been usedfor years as an important tool for communication. The human voice is very goodfor communication, but it cannot be heard very far. As early humans began tolive in groups, runners were sent from village to village with importantmessages, but that took a lot of time. It was discovered that beating on hollowlogs could be heard for greater distances, and so a new form of communicationcalled “talking drums” was born.In many earlycommunities, a large drum was set in the middle of the village to help sendmessages to nearby tribes. The drums could be hit with hands and sticks. Someof the larger drums could be heard up to sixteen miles away!A group in WestAfrica made an amazing talking drum system. Their drums were made of roundpieces of wood that were four to five feet long. A skin (often an elephant ear)was stretched over one end of the wood and was held in place by a rope. Theskin was tightened or loosened to make higher and lower sounds. They hadlearned to use the drums so well that they could actually copy the languagethat they spoke! The drums sounded like a person speaking in a voice loudenough to be heard far away.Most systems ofdrum communication used a series of beats that meant something. The messagesusually told of danger, death, war, or other news of great importance. Themessage could be sent very far by a relay system. That is, one village wouldsend a message and a nearby village would hear it. They would then repeat themessage on their drums, sending it to their neighbors. Some relay systemsworked so well that they could send a message about 200 miles very quickly.Although“talking drums” became a good system of communicating over distances, it hadone very big problem. Their enemies could understand the drum messages, so theywould know what was being said or planned. Communication by drums certainlywasn’t perfect!A. True or False.Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2’) _______1.The main idea of the passage is that drums can be heard over great distances. _______2. Drums are only used as a musical instrument._______3.People in West Africa tightened the skin over the drum to make a lower sound. _______4. Drums made by people in West Africa could speak.B. Answer the followingquestions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. What is a drum “relay system”? (1’)________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. 2. Name 4 other forms of communication and which one doyou like best and why (2’)________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. Passage Two: Words360 Readability: 6.0We Like to ShareGeorge andEllen were successful owners of a restaurant which they kept clean and spotlesswhile serving good inexpensive food. They were very friendly with all their faithful customers who dined attheir café because they enjoyed being friendly and helpful.One day anunfamiliar elderly couple came into the thrivingrestaurant. Although the old man ordered a hamburger andsome French fries, his grey-haired wife didn’t order anything to eat. George prepared the food and served it to theman.The old fellowand his wife sat at a dining table and the man cut the hamburger in half. Then he divided the French fries into twoequal parts. He put half of thehamburger and half of the French fries in front of his wife. Then he began to eat his half of thehamburger and fries. His wife relaxedand watched while he ate.Ellen observedthe old couple. She thought that perhapsthey couldn’t afford another hamburger. She felt sorry for them, so she went over to their table and offeredthem another meal free of charge.The old man wastoo busy eating to reply, but his wife said, “Oh, No!Don’t worry about us. We like to share. We share everything.”The old fellownodded and said, “Everything,” before he stuffed more French fries into hismouth.Ellen smiled atthem and returned to the counter. She tooksome orders from other waiting customers and then watched the old coupleagain. She noticed that the woman wasstill not eating. Her half of thecooling burger and fries remained sitting on the plate on the table in front ofher. She reasoned that perhaps the man’swife intended to give her share to her husband if he was still hungry aftereating his share. Ellen frowned inconfusion. She hastily returned to theirtable.The old womansaw her and commenced telling her not to worry because they had always sharedeverything.“I know,”responded Ellen.“You’ve already told methat. I was just wondering why you arenot eating your half.”“Oh,” said thewoman.“I’m just waiting for my turnwith the false teeth.”(6.0)Answer the followingquestions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of food did George and Ellen’s restaurantserve?______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________2. Why did Ellen think the old couple couldn’t affordanother hamburger?______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________3. What is the meaning of intended?a. plannedb. wonderedc. noticedd. wanted4. Write an adjective in each blank._____________________ customers ______________________h amburger5. Why was Ellen so confused by the behavior of theoldpeople? ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________%Correct ____________ =Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)。

大连枫叶国际初中入学试题初中预备班英语姓名:成绩: /75一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内:(15’)1. What would you like ______ a birthday present?A. forB. asC. with2. –What’s your name? —________.A. ClarkB. I’m OK.C. Thank you3. These are ________.A. feetB. footC. foots4. ----What does it mean?----It means you shouldn’t _______.A. smokingB. smokedC.smoke5. ______ you ______ your grandparents last weekend?A.Did, visitedB.Did, visitC.Do, visited6. —________ ? —It’s red.A. What’s thisB. What colour is itC. How are you7. —What’s this? —________ a key.A. He’sB. This’sC. It’s8. ---______ did you put your bike?----Under the tree.A. WhenB.WhatC.Where9. —________ are you? —Fine, thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. How10. There’s a book on the desk. ________ book is blue.A. TheB. /C. A11. What’s your favourite sport? I like _________A. swimingB. televisionC. swimming12. Miss. Zhang is ____ Chinese teacher. She teaches _____ English.A.our, our , usC.our , us13. Hello! Can you play the piano? ________.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can.C. No, it isn’t.14. What’s ________ like in autumn?A. weatherB. the weatherC. a weather15. ________ do you spell “green”?A. whatB. HowC. How many二、句型转换:(10’)1. His family are from Japan. (划线部分提问)_____________________________________________________________2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)_____________________________________________________________3. I have some books in my backpack.( 否定句)____________________________________________________________4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)_____________________________________________________________5. The little boy goes to school at 7:30. ( 划线提问)_____________________________________________________________三、Reading (20’)(A)My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother, Mrs Green. She is a nurse.I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His (他的)job is a policeman. Mary’s mother is a nurse. Tony is Mary’s brother. We all like him.判断对( T ), 错( F )( )1.My mother and Mary’s mother are nurses.( )2. Tony is Peter’s cousin.( )3. Bob is Peter’s father.( )4. Peter’s father is a teacher.( )5. Mary is Pet er’s sister.(B)What’s this? It’s letter(字母) P. What colour is it? It’s green. What’s this and what colour is it? It’s letter E. It’s yellow. What’s this letter? It’s letter N. It’s red. P-E-N. Is it “pen”? Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil case(铅笔盒). My pencil case is orange. This is my book. It’s my Chinese book. It’s in my bag. My bag is black. Look! The bag is in the desk.. The chair is yellow. It’s my chair. It’s nice. I like it.根据短文选择正确的答案:()1. what colour is letter P?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue()2. Which letter is red?A. PB. EC. ND. C()3. What’s in the pencil case?A. An orange caseB. A blue penC. A black bagD. A yellow chair()4. Where is my English book?A. It’s in my bag.B. It’s in my desk.C. It’s on my chair.D. Sorry, I don’t know.(我不知道)()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it?A. My pen.B. My desk.C. My bag.D. My pencil case.四. 完型填空(15’)Dear Li Ming,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me ___1____ you something about us. My brother and I are in ___2___ school. We have classes ___3___ Monday to Friday.____4__ weekends, we don’t have ___5_____ classes. We ____6___ many American friends now. We often play games together ____7____ school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you __8____ ___9____ week? Do you like them?Please __10___ me soon.( )1. A.say B. speak C.tell( )2. A.different B.same C.the same( )3. A.from B. on C.between( )4. A.At B.On C.Between( )5. A.some B.many C.any( )6.A.are having B.have C.has( )7. A.behind B.after C.from( )8.A. teach B.play C.have( )9.A.every B.the C.an( )10.A.speak to B.tell C.write to六、写作。
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Name ______________ Score_________/40Part one:Passage one: Words: 201 Readability:Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. It means that we must go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning.Is this true Perhaps it is. The body must have enough sleep. For example, children need ten hours’ sleep every night. If we do not go to bed early, we cannot have enough sleep. Then we cannot think or do our work well. We will not be wise or live a comfortable life.Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when itis dark. When daylight comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games are all good forms of exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise helps blood to move around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our bodies. The brains in our heads also need blood. We think with our brains. If we keep our bodies healthy, and do exercises, we can think better!A. Write T for true F for false beside the following statements. ’)____ passage tells the readers why it is important to be healthy.____ to bed and early to rise helps us think and work well.____ keep healthy, everybody must sleep ten hours a day.____ is the time for exercise.____ moves to all parts of our bodies.B. Answer the following questions incomplete sentences and in your own words.(2’)1. Give some forms of exercise from the passage.______________________________________________________________________ __2. You must have some habits which are good for your health. What are they______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____3. Give a proper title to the passage. ’)______________________________________________________________________ __Passage Two:Words: 231 Readability:SealA man moved his boat across the lake. Over his head, a bird flew in the wind and the other rested in a tree. Both watched the man.They knew the man was afraid of the sea. He wanted to swim but he was afraid of drowning. The two birds watched the man return to his home. They saw he didn’t haveany confidence in himself. His house was small because he was not sure he could build a larger one. He didn’t cook his food because he was afraid he would burn it. The man did not run fast because he was afraid of falling. One bird said, “How will he succeed” “He needs to find the talents that he had inside himself,” the other answered. “We must choose the correct time and chance carefully,” said the first one. One day, his daughter fell into the water. The man jumped into the sea without thinking. At that time, the two birds changed him into a seal. He saved his daughter. From that day on, the man could change himself into a seal whenever he wanted. He could swim and do things that no other person could do.The two birds were happy. Just like the man, all of us have special ability. It’s just waiting to be changed from dreams into reality, if only we have the courage to try. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (5’)1. What was the man afraid of when he wanted to swim (1’)______________________________________________________________________ __2. Give 2 examples to show the man has no confidence in himself. (1’)_________________________________________________________________3. Why did the man jump into the sea one day (1’)______________________________________________________________________ __4. How did the two birds help him Which kind of animal is a seal (1’)______________________________________________________________________ __5. What does the story want to tell us (1’)______________________________________________________________________ __%Correct ____________=Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part two:Passage one: Words: 242 Readability:Fiery Visitors from Outer Space1. On the next clear summer night, look up into the sky. If you are lucky, you may see a “shooting star”. They look just like stars falling down from the sky.2. But shooting stars are not stars at all. The real name for a shooting star is “meteor”. There are millions of meteors out in space. They are pieces of rock and metal. When they are in space, meteors do not glow. In fact, we can’t see them at all.But when a meteor comes close to the earth, it starts to fall toward the earth. As it passes through the air, it gets very hot. It starts to glow, and finally it begins to burn. We see the burning meteor as a shooting star.3. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space. But many meteors travel in groups called swarms. The swarms have orbits like planets have. They pass close to the earth every year. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm. It passes close to the earth in summer, usually in August. Each year a few meteors from the Perseid swarm fall to the earth, so August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.4. Most meteors are small, so they burn up before they crash into the earth and are buried in the ground. Once a meteor reaches the earth, we call it a meteorite. The biggest meteorite, which weighs seventy tons, landed in Africa.A.Circle the main idea of paragraph 3.’)1. Sometimes meteors travel by themselves in space.2. Sometimes meteors travel in swarms.3. A famous swarm is the Perseid swarm.4. August is a good month to watch for shooting stars.B. Match the word on the left with the phrase on the right that fits best by writing letters. (1’)1. ______meteor a. a famous swarm of meteors2. ______swarm b. a meteor that has reached the earth3. ______Perseid c. The real name for a shooting star4. ______Meteorite d. a group of meteorsC. Answer questions in complete sentences and in your own words.1.Why is Augusta good month to watch shooting stars1’______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____2. Where is the biggest meteorite ’______________________________________________________________________ __3. There is an old saying that if you make a wish when you see a shooting star, your wish will come true. So when you see a shooting star, what wish will you make Why2’______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____Passage Two: Words: 270 Readability:ZanOn the island of Crete, the Great Earth Mother had a child called Zan. The bees of the forest brought honey for little Zan, and the wild goats gave him milk. But children must have toys. So the five servants of the Great Earth Mother made toys for him. Zan played happily on the mountains with his toys and with the animals in the forest.When he grew up into a strong, kind man, Zan wanted to reward his animal friends. So he made a law that the goats could go wherever they wished. He made hives for the bees to protect them from the cold winds and snow. Then, Zan put the toys he had saved in a secret cave where they would be safe. He asked the bees to guard the cave.One day three bad men climbed up the mountain to find treasure. They put on armor to protect themselves from the bees, and they crept through the bushes until they reached the mouth of the cave. The bees buzzed around to attack the men, but their armor protected them and they went inside.Suddenly Zan appeared in the cave. “Stop!”He shouted. “You have come here to rob and kill. I must let you live, for this is the cave of life. But from now on, you will never be able to tell other people where my wonderful cave is.”As Zan finished speaking, the men turned into birds. One turned into a woodpecker, one became a thrush, and one became an owl. That’s why even today, when the birds speak, no one can understand them.A. Number the events below in the order that they happened. ’*4)__________ Three bad men tried to steal Zan’s toys.__________ The Earth Mother had a child named Zan.__________ Zan turned the men into birds.__________ Zan rewarded his animal friends.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. (1’*3)1. Why did the three men come to the mountain______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __2. What happened to the three men at last______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __3. What kind of person do you think Zen is ( At least 3 adjectives )______________________________________________________________________ __%Correct ____________=Mastery ofLevel_________(Yes/No)Part three:Passage One: Words 312 ReadabilityMarie CurieMarie Curie was a great scientist. She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. Both of her parents were teachers. When Marie was only 10 years old, her mother died.Marie was a very good student. She loved science, math, and languages. She and her sister Bronya wanted to go to college, but in those days, only men could go to college in Poland. The girls had to go to France to study. There was not enough money for both sisters to go, so Marie worked as a teacher in Poland. She sent money to Bronya to pay for medical school in Paris. After Bronya became a doctor, she helped Marie.When she was 24, Marie became a science student at the Sorbonne, a university in Paris. Even with her sister’s help, she did not have much money. She lived in a small room near college. It had no lights, no water, and no heat. Sometimes Marie only had bread and tea to eat.Marie studied hard and graduated(finished school) in 1894. A year later, she married Pierre Curie. He was also a scientist. They worked hard together for many years. Their most important discovery was radium. Today, doctors use the rays from radium to treat cancer. The Curies won a Nobel Prize for their discovery. This is the highest award for a scientist. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive this award.When Marie Curie was 39, Pierre died in a road accident. But she continued their work. Curie became the first woman professor in France. In 1911, she won a secondNobel Prize. Unfortunately,years of working with radium harmed her health. She died of cancer in 1934. Her daughter Irene continued Curie’s work. She also received a Nobel Prize. Sadly, Irene also got cancer and died young. Both women gave their lives for their work.Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1.What kind of family was Marie born in______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2.What kind of life did Marie Curie have when she studied at university in Paris______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3.How many times did Marie Curie get the Nobel Prize______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4.Marie was born in Poland. Why did she become the first woman professor in France ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5.What kind of person do you think Marie Currie is Give examples to support your ideas.______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Passage Two: Words: 412 Readability:The Choking DogJoanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. Now she was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30 ., and at 6:30 she was expected to hold a meeting of the tennis club.At last, the traffic was moving, and she switched quickly to the fast lane to get home.After she parked her car, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she almost knocked down Sheba, her dog, who was standing behind it.She bent down to stroke the large Alsatian dog's head, "I have to go now” Sheba was coughing or choking as if she was trying to vomit something. She was obviously in real discomfort, and her sad eyes gazed at Joanne helplessly. Joanne examined the dog closely, and Sheba did look very sick. Joanne realized that it is necessary to take her to the vet immediately. Fortunately, the vet's surgery is not far. Joanne quickly loaded the coughing and choking dog and took her to the vet.? ? As soon as she arrived at Dr. Sterne’s place, he brought her immediately into his office."Something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne.?"Doctor, I have to go back to get changed for an emergent meeting. I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, OK""Sure,” said the doctor.Joanne hurriedly went back to her home. As she entered the door, the phone rang.“This is Dr.Sterne. I'm coming with the police. Wait outs ide for us.” said the doctor with fear in his voice. Joanne was confused and also a little frightened.??When she ran into the street, two policemen were getting out of their car. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house, they ran into the house, without explaining anything. Joanne was completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived.? ???"Where's Sheba Is she OK" shouted Joanne.? ???"She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her.? ???"Why are the police in my house"? ???Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced man who could hardly walk and with blood all over him.? ???"How did he get in there”? ???"I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't think he's a very happy burglar."I.?Circle the correct letter of the answer.? ?(2’)1.?Why was Joanne impatient at the beginning of the storya.?She was lost.? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???b. She had lost a client at work.c.?She was stuck in a traffic jam.? ?d. Her dog was sick.2.?Why did Joanne take the dog to Dr. Sterne's surgerya.?It was time for Sheba's checkup.b.?The dog couldn't breathe properly.c.?She wanted to get her out of the house.d.?The doctor had asked to see her.3.?What happened as she arrived home for the second timea.?The police arrived.b.?The phone rang.c.?The dog died.d.?A burglar was just escaping.4.?The story says that the dog "gazed at Joanne helplessly". "Gazed" meansa. stared? ?? ?b. cried? ?? ?c. barked? ?d. laughedII. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. Why did?the doctor ask Joanne to wait outside her house______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________2. Use two?or three sentences to describe what happened between the dog and the?burglar.______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________________3. What are?the consequences of burgling______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________%Correct ____________??=Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)Part Four:Passage One: Words: 358?? Readability:Drums? ?? ?When we think of a drum we usually think of a musical instrument. The drum has also been used for years as an important tool for communication. The human voice is very good for communication, but it cannot be heard very far. As early humans began to live in groups, runners were sent from village to village with important messages, but that took a lot of time. It was discovered that beating on hollow logs could be heard for greater distances, and so a new form of communication called “talking drums” was born.? ?? ?In many early communities, a large drum was set in the middle of the village to help send messages to nearby tribes. The drums could be hit with hands and sticks. Some of the larger drums could be heard up to sixteen miles away!? ?? ?A group in West Africa made an amazing talking drum system. Their drums were made of round pieces of wood that were four to five feet long. A skin (often an elephant ear) was stretched over one end of the wood and was held in place by a rope. The skin was tightened or loosened to make higher and lower sounds. They had learned to use the drums so well that they could actually copy the language that they spoke! The drums sounded like a person speaking in a voice loud enough to be heard far away.? ?? ?Most systems of drum communication used a series of beats that meant something. The messages usually told of danger, death, war, or other news of great importance. The message could be sent very far by a relay system. That is, one village would send a message and a nearby village would hear it. They would then repeat the message on their drums, sending it to their neighbors. Some relay systems worked so well that they could send a message about 200 miles very quickly.? ?? ?Although “talking drums” became a good system of communicating over distances, it had one very big problem. Their enemies could understand the drum messages, so they would know what was being said or planned. Communication by drums certainly wasn’t perfect!A.? ?True or False. Decide the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (2’)_______1. The main idea of the passage is that drums can be heard over great distances. _______2. Drums are only used as a musical instrument._______3. People in West Africa tightened the skin over the drum to make a lower sound._______4. Drums made by people in West Africa could speak.B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences and in your own words. (3’)1. What is a drum “relay system” (1’)______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _.2. Name 4 other forms of communication and which one do you like best and why (2’)______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __.Passage Two: Words 360? ? Readability:We Like to ShareGeorge and Ellen were successful owners of a restaurant which they kept clean and spotless while serving good inexpensive food. They were very friendly with all their faithful customers who dined at their café because they enjoyed being friendly and helpful.One day an unfamiliar elderly couple came into the thriving restaurant.??Although the old man ordered a hamburger and some French fries, his grey-haired wife didn’t order anything to eat.??George prepared the food and served it to the man.The old fellow and his wife sat at a dining table and the man cut the hamburger in half.??Then he divided the French fries into two equal parts.??He put half of the hamburger and half of the French fries in front of his wife.??Then he began to eat his half of the hamburger and fries.??His wife relaxed and watched while he ate.Ellen observed the old couple.??She thought that perhaps they couldn’t afford another hamburger. She felt sorry for them, so she went over to their table and offered them another meal free of charge.The old man was too busy eating to reply, but his wife said, “Oh, No!??Don’t worry about us.??We like to share.??We share everything.”The old fellow nodded and said, “Everything,” before he stuffed more French fries into his mouth.Ellen smiled at them and returned to the counter.??She took some orders from other waiting customers and then watched the old couple again.??She noticed that the woman was still not eating.?Her half of the cooling burger and fries remained sitting on the plate on the table in front of her.?She reasoned that perhaps the man’s wife intended to give her share to her husband if he was still hungry after eating his share.??Ellen frowned in confusion.??She hastily returned to their table.The old woman saw her and commenced telling her not to worry because they had always shared everything.“I know,”responded Ellen.??“You’ve already told me that.??I was just wondering why you are not eating your half.”“Oh,” said the woman.??“I’m just waiting for my turn with the false teeth.” Answer the following questions in complete sentences in your own words. 5’1. What kind of food did George and Ellen’s restaurant serve______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __2. Why did Ellen think the old couple couldn’t afford another hamburger______________________________________________________________________ ____3. What is the meaning of intendeda.?planned? ? ??b.?wondered? ? ??c. noticed? ?? ?d. wanted4. Write an adjective in each blank._____________________??customers? ?? ?______________________hamburger 5. Why was Ellen so confused by the behavior of the oldpeople?______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __%Correct ____________??=Mastery of Level_________(Yes/No)。