









每小题2分,共30分)1.下列变化中术语化学变化的是( )A.汽油挥发B.食物腐败C.瓷碗破碎D.干冰升华2.下列物质的用途与其化学性质相关的是( )A.氮气用于磁悬浮列车B.氮气用于制造超低温环境C.氧气可用于医疗急救D.稀有气体制成霓虹灯3.下列物质中属于纯净物的是( )A.液态氧B.汽水C.清净空气D.水泥砂浆4.汽车安全气囊内的物质,在碰撞瞬间能生成一种空气中体积含量最多的气体,该气体是( )A.氮气B.氧气C.稀有气体D.二氧化碳5.下图是地球和火星的大气组成(体积分数)示意图。

下列说法正确的是( )A.地球和火星的大气中氧气的体积分数相同B.地球和火星的大气中都含有氧气C.地球和火星的大气中二氧化碳的体积分数相同D.地球和火星的大气组成完全相同6.A.建筑工地经常■水■■B.加强工业废弃和汽车尾气的净化处理C.室内提倡不吸或全吸■)D.农村露天焚烧秸秆7.下列化学实验操作不正确的是( )A.液体的倾倒B.液体的量取C.点燃酒精灯D.滴加液体8.试管在化学实验中常与其他一起和药品同时使用(图中其他一起和药品略去)。

下列试管的朝向与实验项目相对应且正确的是( )A.加热高能酸钾制氧气B.向试管中假如粉末状药品的初始阶段C.排空气法收集氧气D.给液体加热9.下列关于氧气的说法中正确的是( )A.氧气在低温、高压的条件下可以转变为液体或固体B.空气中含有氧气,所以细铁丝在引燃的条件下可以在空气中燃烧C.氧气的化学性质比较活泼,是可燃物D.因为氧气与氮气的密度不同,所以工业上常用分离液态空气的方法制取氧气10.下列实验操作中,“先”与“后”的顺序不正确的是( )A.制备气体时,先装药品,后检查装置的气密性B.用试管加热时,先使试管底部均匀受热,后用酒精灯的外焰固定加热C.用量筒量取10mL液体时,先倒入接近10mL的液体,后用胶头滴管滴至刻度线D.用托盘天平称量物质时,先加质量大的砝码,再如质量小的砝码,最后移动筹码11.下列是某同学对一些生活现象的分析,其中错误的是( )A.酥脆的饼干放置在空气中一段时间会变软,说明空气中含有水蒸气;B.夏天吃剩下的食物要及时放入冰箱,因为食物缓慢氧化后会变质;C.填充气球时,常用氦气代替氢气,因为氦气密度比氢气小;D.膨化食品中通常充有氮气作保护气,因为氮气在通常情况下化学性质稳定。



南京一中2015—2016学年度第一次阶段性检测试卷高一物理一、单项选择题(本题共6个小题,每题3分,共18分,每题只有一个选项符合题意)1. 如图所示,某质点沿半径为r 的半圆弧由a 点运动到b 点,则它通过的位移和路程分别是( ) A .0;0 B .2r ,向东;πrC .r ,向东;πrD .2r ,向东;2r2. 以下关于质点的说法中正确的是( )A .研究“神舟六号”宇宙飞船绕地球运动的周期,飞船可以视为质点B .研究汽车车轮上的一点如何运动时,车轮可以视为质点C .研究乒乓球旋转情况对发球效果的影响时,乒乓球可以视为质点D .原子体积很小,研究原子运动可以将原子视为质点3. 一个以初速度0v 沿直线运动的物体,t 秒末速度为t v ,如图所示,则关于t 秒内物体运动的平均速度v 和加速度a 说法中正确的是( ) A .0()2t v v v += B .0()2t v v v +>C .a 恒定D .a 随时间逐渐增大4. 甲、乙两车沿平直公路通过同样的位移,甲车在前一半位移上以140km/h v =的速度运动,后一半位移上以260km/h v =的速度运动;乙车在前一半时间内以140km/h v =的速度运动,在后一半时间内以260km/h v =的速度运动,则甲、乙两车在整个位移中的平均速度的大小关系是( ) A .v v =甲乙B .v v >甲乙C .v v <甲乙D .无法比较5. 汽车以大小为20m /s 的速度做匀速直线运动,刹车后,获得的加速度的大小为25m /s ,那么刹车后2s 内与刹车后6s 内汽车通过的路程之比为( ) A .1:1 B .3:1 C .4:3 D .3:4 6. 一物体做匀加速直线运动,通过一段位移x △所用的时间为1t ,紧接着通过下一段位移x △所用时间为2t .则物体运动的加速度为( ) A .1212122()()x t t t t t t ∆-+B .121212()()x t t t t t t ∆-+C .1212122()()x t t t t t t ∆+-D .121212()()x t t t t t t ∆+-二、多项选择题(共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分,选不全得2分,错选得0分)7. 一辆汽车在4s 内做匀加速直线运动,初速为2m /s ,末速为10m /s ,在这段时间内( ) A .汽车的加速度为22m /s B .汽车的加速度为28m /s C .汽车前进的距离为24m D .汽车的平均速度为6m /s 8. 下面说法正确的是( )A .沿直线运动的物体,位移的大小和路程是相等的B .速度是描述位置变化快慢的物理量C .设向右为正,4m /s v =-甲,2m /s v =乙,则v v >甲乙D .物体的速度大小保持不变时,其加速度为零9. 如图为质量相等的两个质点A 、B 在同一直线上运动的v t -图象,由图可知( ) A .在t 时刻两个质点在同一位置 B .在t 时刻两个质点速度相等 C .在0t 时间内质点B 比质点A 位移大 D .在0t 时间内质点A 和B 平均速度相等10.物体甲的x t -图象和物体乙的v t -图象分别如下图所示,则这两个物体的运动情况是( ) A .甲在整个6s t =时间内有来回运动,它通过的总位移为零 B .甲在整个6s t =时间内运动方向一直不变,它通过的总位移大小为4m C .乙在整个6s t =时间内有来回运动,它通过的总位移为零 D .乙在整个6s t =时间内运动方向一直不变,它通过的总位移大小为4m11.一人看到闪电12.3s 后又听到雷声.已知空气中的声速约为330m /340m/s s ,光速为3310m /s ⨯,于是他用12.3除以3很快估算..出闪电发生位置到他的距离为4.1km .根据你所学的物理知识可以判断( )A .这种估算方法是错误的是,不可采用B .这种估算方法可以比较准确地估算出闪电发生位置与观察考间的距离C .这种估算方法没有考虑光的传播时间,结果误差很大D .即使声速增大2倍,本题的估算结果依然正确三、填空题(本题共2个小题,合计18分) 12.(8分)A 、B 、C 三个物体同时、同地出发,沿同一直线运动. ⑴v t -图象如图所示,则在00t 这段时间内,平均速度的大小关系为A vB vC v ;路程的大小关系为A l B l C l⑵x t -图象如图所示,则在00t 这段时间内,平均速度的大小关系为A v B v C v ;路程的大小关系为A l B l C l .13.(10分)⑴电火花打点计时器使用 V 的 电源(填“交流”或“直流”).⑵在“练习使用打点计时器”的实验中,利用重物牵引小车, 用打点计时器打点,电源频率50Hz f =,得到一条清晰的纸带.取其中的A 、B 、C 、……七个点进行研究,这七个点和刻度尺标度的对应如图所示.①小车向 运动(相对图中方位填“左”或“右”);②A 点到D 点的平均速度是 m /s ,F 点瞬时速度是 m /s ;(保留三位小数)⑶如果当时交变电流的频率是51Hz f =,而计算时仍按50Hz f =,那么速度的测量值 (选填:偏大、偏小或相等)四、计算题(本题共3个小题,合计44分)14.一辆汽车从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,已知在2s 内依次经过相距27m 的A 、B 两点,汽车经过B 点时的速度为15m /s .求:⑴汽车经过A 点时的速度大小;⑵A 点与出发点的距离.15.卡车原来发010m /s v =的速度匀速在平直公路上行驶,因为道口出现红灯,司机从较远的地方即开始刹车,使卡车匀减速前进,当车减速到2m /s v =时,交通灯转为绿灯,司机当即放开刹车,并且只用了减速过程的一半时间卡车就加速到原来的速度,从刹车开始到恢复原速度的过程用了12s t =.求:⑴减速与加速过程中的加速度各位多大;⑵开始刹车后2s 末及10s 末的瞬时速度.16.“10米折返跑”的成绩反应了人体的灵敏素质.测定时,在平直跑道上,受试者以站立式起跑姿势站在起点终点线前,当听到“跑”的口令后,全力跑向正前方10米处的折返线,测试员同时开始计时,受试者到达折返线处时,用手触摸折返线处的物体(如木箱),再转身跑向起点终点线,当胸部到达起点终点线的垂直面时,测试员停表,所用时间即为“10米折返跑”的成绩.设受试者起跑的加速度为24m /s ,运动过程中的最大速度为4m /s ,快到达折返线处时需减速到零,加速度的大小为28m/s,返回时达到最大速度后不需减速,保持最大速度冲线.受试者在加速和减速阶段运动均可视为匀变速直线运动.求该受试者“10米折返跑”的成绩为多少.。



2015-2016学年南京市扬子一中中考化学第一次模拟试题班级姓名一、单项填空1.下列物质俗名与化学式相对应的是A.纯碱—NaOH B.食盐—NaCl C.小苏打—Na2CO3D.双氧水—H2O 2.下列说法错误的是A.垃圾是放错了地方的资源B.低碳生活、节能减排,可减少温室气体排放C.工业盐NaNO2有咸味,也可以用来食品调味D.合理使用化肥,提高农作物产量,缓解粮食危机34.下列有关除去粗盐中泥沙的实验基本操作中错误的是A.取粗盐B.溶解C.过滤D.蒸发5.下列粒子结构示意图中,表示阴离子的是A B CD6.下列说法正确的是A.化学家拉瓦锡利用红磷和氧气的反应研究了空气的成分B.在稀释浓硫酸时,一定要把水沿器壁慢慢注入浓硫酸中C.向滴有红墨水的水中投入几块木炭,振荡后液体红色变浅D.将紫色的鲜花插入白醋的稀溶液中,几天后鲜花变为蓝色7.下图所示的情况中,铁钉最容易生锈的是8.有X、Y、Z三种金属,把足量X放入Y(NO3)2和Z(NO3)2的混合溶液中,充分反应后过滤,滤渣中只有X、Z。

据此判断这三种金属的活动性由强到弱的顺序为A.Y>X>Z B.Y>Z>X C.X>Y>Z D.X>Z>YA B C D9.下列各组离子在水中一定能大量共存,并形成无色透明溶液的是A .Na +、Fe 3+、NO 3-、OH -B .H +、K +、NO 3-、HCO 3-C .K +、Ba 2+、MnO 4-、SO 42-D .H +、NH 4+、Cl -、SO 42-1011.尿素[CO(NH 2) 2]是蛋白质代谢的产物。

下列关于尿素的说法中不正确的是A .尿素是一种氮肥B .尿素由1个碳原子、1个氧原子、2个氮原子和4个氢原子构成C .尿素中碳、氧两种元素的质量比为3︰4D .尿素中氮元素的质量分数为46.7%A .①②B .②③C .①④D . ②④ 1314.下列物质的转化关系均能一步实现的是A .①③B .②③C .③D .①②③15.在NaOH 和Na 2CO 3的混合物9.3g 中加入一定量的10.0%的稀盐酸,恰好完全反应,将生成的气体全部通入足量的澄清石灰水中,产生5.0g 沉淀。




( ) 1. -Why not ask your father to draw_______ map for you?-A good idea, then I can get to_______ Sunshine Town?A. a; theB. /; anC. the; aD. a; /( )2. -They didn't know_______ to do with the problem-They could ask their teacher for help.A. howB. whatC. whichD. where( )3. -Pardon? I didn't hear you just now.-I asked_______.A. that Michelle Obama came to China in MarchB. how long did Michelle Obama stay in ChinaC. when did Michelle Obama visit ChengduD. who Michelle Obama came to China with( )4. -Daniel was_______ a bad mood and couldn't find anybody to _______.-Sorry to hear that.A. on; tell aboutB. on; talk withC in; talk to D. in; tell with( )5. -When will the railway that connects the two cities open?-_______ next year. Only two thirds_______ been built.A. Until; hasB. Until; haveC. Not until; hasD. Not until; have( )6. -Thank you for your gift, the colour of the scarf is my favourite.-_______.A No, don't thank me B. I'm glad you like itC. Please don't say soD. No, it isn't good( )7. You will find this map of great ______ in helping you to get round London.A. priceB. costC. valueD. useful( )8. We each ______ strong points and each of us on the other hand ______ weak pints.A. have; haveB. has; haveC. has; hasD. have; has( )9. ______ someone’s health, you raise your glass.A. Drink toB. To drink toC. If you drink toD. Drunk to( )10. — Could you tell me_______? — Certainly. In half an hour.A when will the high speed train arrive B. when the high speed train will arriveC. when would the high speed train arriveD. when the high speed train would arrive ( )11. —Alex Honnold is planning to climb the mountain, without even using a rope.—What? I’ve never heard of ______ idea before.A. a crazierB. the crazierC. a craziestD. the craziest ( )12. Another two months will be needed before the new bridge ______.A. completesB. is completedC. has completedD. will be completed( )13. —Jack, is there anything else you want to know about Guilin?—East or west, Guilin landscape is the best. But I am still wondering ______.A. what was the best time for visitors to go to this beautiful cityB. that mountains stand in different shapes all around the cityC. why is the Reed Flue Cave praised as the “Art Palace of Nature”D. whether it lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River( )14. —Have you heard that Kobe scored 60 points in the Los Angeles Lakers’ over the Uta h Jazz?—______ unbelievable NBA game! His farewell victory will always stay in my mind.A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an ( )15. —Are you willing to live on Mars one day?—It sounds exciting, but it still worries me.A. Of course I am.B. I’m not sure.C. Why not?D. Are you joking?二、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



江苏省南京市扬子二中2015-2016学年高三上期初英语测试卷一、单项选择1. —Will you come over to Beijing next summer?—I‟d like to, but my family ______ London that summer.A. are visitingB. are to visitC. will be visitingD. will visit2. The traditional view is ______ we slee p because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so.A. whenB. whyC. whetherD. that3. I don‟t like people who try to _______ you with how much money they‟ve got.A. strengthenB. showC. pressD. impress4. He didn‟t make ______ clear when and where the meeting would be held.A. thisB. itC. thatD. these5. Across the Yangtze River ______ more than one bridge, the Nanjing Changjiang Bridge beingthe first one.A. layB. liesC. lieD. laid6. —Was ______ Bill, ______ played basketball very well, ______ helped the blind man cross theroad?—Yes, of course. He is always ready to help others.A. it; who; thatB. this; who; thatC. which; that; thatD. it; that; who7. She was the first woman ______ to the board.A. to be appointedB. having been appointedC. appointingD. to appoint8. —Where did you lose your bicycle?—It was in the playground______ I played basketball.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when9.These problems, ,will seriou sly affect the growth of teenagers and even the nation‟s future.A.not if solved properlyB.if solved properlyC.not if properly solvedD.if not solved properly10.Choosing the right dictionary depends on ______ you want to use it for.A. whyB. whatC. howD. whether11. The ground is wet all over, so I‟m sure it must have rained last night, _____ it?A. hasn‟tB. didn‟tC. mustn‟tD. wasn‟t12. --- What do you know made Susan so upset?--- ______ giving away state secrets.A. Charged withB. Being charged withC. Accusing ofD. To be accused of13. Mr. Mike didn‟t understand ______ made his wife so upset this morning.A. what was it thatB. why it was thisC. how that wasD. what it was that14. Not until _____ on TV ____ that Ben Latin, the No. 1 terrorist in the world, was shot to death.A. did I turn; did I learnB. did I turn; I learnedC. I turned; did I learnD. I turned; I had learned15. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. ______, neither of them could swim.A. FairlyB. LuckilyC. UnfortunatelyD. Naturally二、完形填空Most shoplifters (商店扒手) agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard-working thief. 1 the shops so crowded and the staff so busy, it does not require any extraordinary talent to help you to take one or two little things and escape 2 . It is known, inthe business, as “hoisting”.But the hoisting game is not 3 it used to be. Even at the height of the sales, shoplifters today never know 4 they are being watched by one of those evil little balls that hang from the ceilings of so many department stores above the most desirable goods.As if that was not trouble enough for them, they can now be filmed 5 and obliged to attend a showing of their performance in court.Selfridges was the first big London store to install closed-circuit videotape equipment to watch its sales floors. In October last year the store won its first court 6 for shoplifting using an evidence of a videotape clearly showing a couple 7 dresses. It was an important test case which 8 other stores to install similar equipment.When the balls, called sputniks, first make a(n) 9 in shops, it was widely believed that their only function was to 10 shoplifters. Their 11 ridiculous appearances, the curious holes and red lights going on and off, certainly make the theory believable.It did not take long, 12 , for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable 13 . Soon after the equipment was 14 at Selfridges, store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting in the control room watching a woman 15 putting bottles of perfume into her bag.“As she turned to go,” Chadwick 16 , “she suddenly looked up at the …sputnik‟ and stopped. She could not 17 have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden, but she 18 have had a feeling that I was looking at her.”“For a moment she paused, but then she 19 to counter and started putting everything 20 . When she had finished, she opened her bag towards the camera to show it was empty and hurried out of the store.”1. A. As B. With C. For D. Since2. A. noticed B. noticing C. unnoticed D. unnoticing3. A. how B. that C. which D. what4. A. if B. that C. how D. why5. A. at rest B. at attention C. at work D. at shock6. A. case B. theft C. discussion D. conversation7. A. trying B. wearing C. stealing D. packaging8. A. stopped B. kept C. encouraged D. called9. A. difference B. influence C. appearance D. function10. A. attack B. calm C. excite D. frighten11. A. somehow B. somewhat C. anyhow D. somewhere12. A. however B. thus C. therefore D. anyway13. A. respect B. interest C. fright D. courage14. A. in operation B. in case C. in trouble D. in advance15. A. publicly B. bravely C. quickly D. secretly16. A. replied B. repeated C. recalled D. requested17. A. possibly B. politely C. pleasantly D. patiently18. A. could B. would C. should D. must19. A. came B. left C. returned D. rushed20. A. off B. in C. up D. back三、阅读理解ASports is not only physically challenging, but it can also mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches,parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create too much anxiety or stress for young athletes. Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological, and research has showed that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents‟ and coaches‟ critici sms to heart and find a flaw in themselves.Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today‟s youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngsters‟ performances. Positive reinforcement should be provided in spite of the outcome. Research shows that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.1. According to the passage sport is positive for young people in that _____.A. it can help them learn more about societyB. it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselvesC. it can provide them with valuable experiencesD. it enables them to find flaws in themselves2. According to the passage parents and coaches should _____.A. help children to win every gameB. enable children to understand the positive aspect of sportsC. pay more attention to letting children enjoy sportsD. train children to deal with stress3. The author‟s purpose in writing the passage is _____.A. to emphasize the importance of positive reinforcement to childrenB. to persuade young children not to worry about criticismC. to discuss the skill of combing criticism with encouragementD. to teach young athletes how to avoid burnoutBThe healthy adolescent boy or girl likes to do the real things in life, to do the things that matter. He would rather be a plumber‟s mate and do a real job th at requires doing than learn about hydrostatics(流体静力学) sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be. A girl would rather look after the baby than learn about child care. Logically we should learn about things before doing them and that is probably why the experts enforce this in our educational system. But it is not the natural way —nor, in my view, the best way. The adolescent wants to do things first for only then does he appreciate the problems involved andwant to learn more about them.They do these things better in primitive life, for there at puberty(青春期) the boy joins his father in making canoes, patching huts, going out fishing or hunting. He is serving his apprenticeship in the actual accomplishments of life. It is not surprising that anthropologists(人类学家) find that the adolescents of primitive communities do not suffer from the same neurotic(神经质的) “difficulties”as those of civilized life. This is not, as some assume, because they are permitted more sexual freedom, but because they are given more natural outlets for their native interests and powers and are allowed to grow up freely into a full life of responsibility in the community.In the 19th century this was recognized in the apprenticeship system, which allowed the boy to go out with the master carpenter, or ploughman, to engage in the actual work of carpentry or roof-mending, and so to learn his trade. In some agricultural colleges at the present time young men have to do a year‟s work on a farm bef ore their theoretical training at college. The great advantage of this system is that it lets the apprentice see the practical problems before he sets to work learning how to solve them, and he can therefore take a more intelligent interest in his theoretical work.Since more knowledge of more things is now required in order to cope with the adult world, the period of growing-up to independence takes much longer than it did in a more primitive community, and the responsibility for such education, which formerly was in the hands of the parents, is now necessarily undertaken by experts at school. But that should not make us lose sight of the basic principle, namely the need and the desire of the adolescent to engage responsibly in the real pursuits of life and then to learn how—to learn through responsibility, not to learn before responsibility.4. According to the author, what is the natural way of education?A. Doing things while learning.B. Doing things as an apprentice.C. Doing things before learning.D. Learning practical knowledge first.5. The main advantage of the natural way of education, whether in primitive or modern times, is that learners ________.A. can learn the trade through solving problems at workB. can work with their masters throughout their learningC. are given more freedom in doing things and learningD. are given opportunities to develop their interest first6. According to the context, “this” in the third paragraph refers to ________.A. the way of learning in primitive communitiesB. the difficulties modern adolescents experienceC. the amount of freedom in learning in primitive lifeD. the kind of skills boys learned from their father7. Which of the following sums up th e author‟s main point?A. The apprenticeship system was effective in learning.B. Students should be given more freedom in learning.C. Students develop their interest through learning.D. Learning to solve problems is learning through responsibility.CIn some urban centers, workholism is so common that people do not consider it unusual: they accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D. C., for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don‟t do this because they have to; they do it because they want to.Workholism can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics (工作狂) would rather work than do anything else, they probably don‟t know how to relax.Is workholism always dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work well under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in life. Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment keep them busy and creative.Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several advantages to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers more than financial security. It provides people with self-c onfidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction when they‟ve produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say, “I made that.” Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity through participation in work, they get a sense of self and individualism. In addition, most jobs provide people with a socially acceptable way to meet others. Perhaps some people are compulsive about their work, but their addiction seems to be a safe-even an advantageous-one.8. The passage indicates that workaholics ______.A. just know work but nothing elseB. find their work provide them more satisfaction and self-confidence than how much they arepaidC. are willing to work hard for long hours without payD. has the work with more responsibility than others9. One of the reasons that some people are not willing to quit their jobs even in their eighties and nineties is that ______.A. they are in the need of financial securityB. they long for a sense of identity and being accomplishedC. they would rather work than be disturbed by domestic affairsD. they may have health problems from sheer boredom10. This passage is mainly about ______.A. people who are absorbed in their work may enjoy movies, sports and other kinds ofentertainmentB. workaholics are usually successful people, but their lives are in a messC. workholism can lead to serious problems but it can also create a joyful lifeD. those who work even under difficult conditions may be very happy11. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A. in the eyes of all the common people workaholics are peculiarB. workaholics are as addicted to their job as other people are to drugs or alcoholC. a piece of challenging work may provide the workaholics a sense of satisfactionD. to workaholics, work is the sole source of happinessDA friend of mine, in response to a conversation we were having about the injustices of life, asked me the question, “Who said life was going to be fair, or that it was even meant to be fair?” Her question was a good one. It reminded m e of something I was taught as a youngster: Life isn‟t fair. It‟s disappointing, but it‟s absolutely true. One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry for ourselves, or for others, thinking that life should be fair, or that someday it will be. It‟s not and it won‟t.One of the nice things about surrendering(屈从) to the fact that life isn‟t fair is that it keeps us from feeling sorry for ourselves by encouraging us to do the very best we can with what we have. We know it‟s not “life‟s job” to make everything perfect, it‟s our own challenge. Surrendering to this fact also keeps us from feeling sorry for others because we are reminded that everyone is dealt a different hand; everyone has unique strengths and problems in the process of growing up, facing the reality and making decisions; and everyone has those times that they feel victimized or unfairly treated.The fact that life isn‟t fair doesn‟t mean we shouldn‟t do everything in our power to improve our own lives or the world as a whole. To the contrary, it suggests that we should. When we don‟t recognize or admit that life isn‟t fair, we tend to feel pity for others and for ourselves. Pity, of course, is a self-defeating emotion that does nothing for anyone, except to make everyone feel worse th an they already do. When we do recognize that life isn‟t fair, however, we feel compassion(热情) for others and for ourselves. And compassion is a heartfelt emotion that delivers loving-kindness to everyone it touches. The next time you find yourself thinking about the injustices of the world, try reminding yourself of this very basic fact. You may be surprised that it can persuade you out of self-pity and into helpful action.12. The writer thought of his friend‟s question as a good one because _______.A. he also wanted to know who held such an opinionB. it made him recall something during his childhoodC. like his friend, he also thought life was unfairD. he learned something from the question as a youngster13. Surrendering to the fact that life isn‟t fair will ________.A. keep us from making everything perfectB. keep us from doing everything in our powerC. make us face unfair treatment bravelyD. make us know it‟s our duty to perfect things14. The second paragraph of the passage mainly tells us that ________.A. it‟s nice to accept the injustice of lifeB. it‟s nice to surrender to the lifeC. we should not surrender to the lifeD. we should not feel sorry for everything15. In the last paragraph, “this very basic fact” refers to the fact that _______.A. you should not pity for othersB. life isn‟t and won‟t be fairC. compassion is heartfelt emotionD. pity is a self-defeating emotion四、任务型阅读Do you love traveling? If the answer is yes, then have you ever thought about why? You may maintain that traveling can help you expand your scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. It will provide more chances for you to enjoy food and try on clothes that you otherwise cannot possible have. A famous English author Francis Bacon (1561-1626) makes a point when he says that, “Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.”Evidence of leisure travel can be traced as far back as ancient Babylon. This year, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council, the 1 billionth tourist will cross an international boundary before the end of this month. That means that one in seven people on the planet traveled this year, something that would not have been possible a few decades ago. Around 20 years ago only the rich could travel.While the US and France remain the two largest destinations for world travel, experts say much of the explosive growth in tourism has been to countries like Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and the Ivory Coast, which wer en‟t even on the world tourism map a decade ago. The top five destinations in the world, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, are Paris, London, New York, the Mediterranean, Turkey.Several factors have led to the boom in world travel. The prosperity (富裕) of people in Asia is one factor. People in Asian developing countries have lifted their incomes above middle-class levels in the past few years. And a lot of them have used their new wealth to travel. In addition, travel costs have been reduced thanks to the rapid development of transportation, and competition between airlines to give customers the best prices.五、书面表达请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150 词左右的文章。



12(第6题)2015-2016学年南京市扬子一中 七年级下二元一次方程同步测试卷一、选择题 1、解方程组⎩⎨⎧=-=+534734y x y x 时,较为简单的方法是( )A 、代入法B 、加减法C 、试值法D 、无法确定 2、某商店有两进价不同的耳机都卖64元,其中一个盈利60%,另一个亏本20%,在这次买卖中,这家商店( )A 、赔8元B 、赚32元C 、不赔不赚D 、赚8元 3、方程3x+2y=5的非负整数解的个数为( )A 、1个B 、2个C 、3个D 、4个4、李勇购买80分与100分的邮票共16枚,花了14元6角,购买80分与100分的邮票的枚数分别是( )A 、6,10B 、7,9C 、8,8D 、9,7 5、由方程组⎩⎨⎧=-=+34m y m x ,可得出x 与y 的关系是( )A 、1x y +=B 、 1x y +=-C 、 7x y +=D 、 7x y +=-3、一副三角板按如图摆放,且∠1的度数比∠2的度数大50°,若设∠1=x °,∠2=y °,则可得到的方程组为( )A 、⎩⎨⎧=+-=18050y x y xB 、⎩⎨⎧=++=18050y x y xC 、⎩⎨⎧=+-=9050y x y xD 、⎩⎨⎧=++=9050y x y x7、如果2)5(-+y x 和1023+-x y 互为相反数,那么x 、y 的值为( ) A 、x=3,y=2 B 、x=2,y=3 C 、x=0,y=5 D 、x=5,y=0 8、已知1)(2011-=+b a ,a-b=1,则20102010b a +的值为( )A 、2B 、1C 、0D 、-19、某校运动员分组训练,若每组7人,余3人;若每组8人,则缺5人;设运动员人数为x 人,组数为y 组,则列方程组为( ) A 、⎩⎨⎧+=-=5837x y x y B 、⎩⎨⎧=-+=x y x y 5837 C 、⎩⎨⎧=++=x y x y 5837 D 、 ⎩⎨⎧+=+=5837x y x y10、甲、乙二人从同一地点出发,同向而行,甲骑车乙步行,若乙先行12千米,那么甲1小时追上乙;如果乙先走2小时,甲只用1小时追上乙,则乙的速度是( )千米/时 A 、2 B 、 3 C 、 6 D 、12 二、填空题1、由方程3x -2y -6=0可得到用x 表示y 的式子是_________。



第4题2015-2016学年南京市扬子一中中考物理第二次模拟试题班级 姓名一、单项填空1.人类对微观物理世界的认识和探索中,下列有关说法中正确的是A .摩擦起电创造了电荷B .自然界只存在正、负两种电荷C .同种电荷相吸引,异种电荷相排斥D .从静电现象认识到原子核是可分的2.小明利用天平和量杯测量某种液体的密度,得到的数据如下表,他根据实验数据绘出的图象如图所示。

则量杯的质量与液体的密度分别是A. 20 g 0.8×l03 kg/m 3B. 60 g 0.8×l03 kg/mgC. 60 g l.0×l03 kg/m 3D. 20 g l.0×l03 kg/m 33.如图所示,杠杆处于平衡状态,如果将物体A 和B 同时向靠近支点的方向移动相同的距离,下列判断正确的是A. 杠杆仍能平衡B .杠杆不能平衡,右端下沉C .杠杆不能平衡,左端下沉D .无法判断4.用相同的酒精灯分别对a 、b 两液体加热(如图甲),根据测得数据分别描绘出两液体的温度随加热时间变化的图像(如图乙)。

在相同的时间内两液体吸收的热量相等,不计液体热量散失,分别用m a 、m b 、c a 、c b 表示a 、b 两液体的质量和比热容,则结合图中信息作出的下列推断正确的是A .若m a =m b ,则c a >c bB .若m a =m b ,则c a <c bC .若c a =c b ,则m a >m bD .以上判断都不正确5.下列与体育项目相关的物理知识中,分析正确的是( )A .抛出去的实心球离开手后继续运动,是由于实心球受到惯性的作用B .立定跳远时,脚要用力向后蹬地,说明物体间力的作用是相互的C .抛出去的实心球在空中运动到最高点时,机械能最大D .人双手握住单杠静止时,人对杠的拉力与杠对人的拉力是一对平衡力6.已知酒精的密度为0.8 g /cm 3。

下列说法能够成立的是 ( )A .能装下500g 纯净水的瓶子一定能装下 600g 酒精B .能装下500g 酒精的瓶子一定能装下600g 纯净水C .同体积的水和酒精质量之比是4:5D .同质量的水和酒精体积之比是5:4 7.下列研究物理问题的方法相同的是 ()(1)根据电流所产生的效应认识电流(2)研究电流时把它比作水流第3题图(3)利用磁铁产生的作用来感知磁场(4)利用磁感受线来描述磁场A.(1)与(3)B.(1)与(2)C.(3)与(4)D.(2)与(4)8.如图所示,关于液体中a 、b 、c 、d 四点压强的说法中正确的是( )A .d 点的压强最大B .c 点的压强最大C .b 点的压强最大D .a 点的压强最大9.小华是一名普通的中学生,下列估算值恰当的是()A .小华步行时的速度约为5m/sB .小华5s 内从一楼上到二楼的功率约为300WC .小华受到的重力约为50N D. 小华站立时对地面的压强约为103Pa10. 如图,所示电路,电源电压保持不变,当开关S 由闭合到断开时,电压表和电流表的示数将( )A .电压表示数减小,电流表示数增大B .电压表示数不变,电流表示数增大C .电压表示数增大,电流表示数减小D .电压表示数不变,电流表示数减小11.人类在探索自然规律的过程中,总结出了许多科学研究方法,如:“控制变量法”、“等效替代法”、“类比法”、“理想模型法”等。



江苏省南京市扬子一中2015-2016学年九年级上英语月考试卷(12月份)班级姓名一、选择题( )1. — So many people are standing outside the hall. ________ will the concert begin?— ________ seven o'clock.A. How soon; UntilB. How long; UntilC. How long; Not untilD. How soon; Not until( )2. — What do you think________ if the car________?A. can we do; is brokenB. can we do; breaks downC. we can do; breaks downD. we can do; is broken down( )3.He has _______ little money that he can’t even afford to buy__________ little sheep.A. so; soB. such; suchC. so; suchD. such; so( )4. —Which of these shirts do you like best?—I’ll take . They are both expensive and out of fashion.A. neitherB. eitherC. noneD. both( )5. Wendy is my best friend. To me, our friendship is _______price.A. offB. beyondC. underD. within( )6. –Why did Miss. Wang look so worried when we saw her.--Because she wondered ______________________.A. what she will do during the tripB. when would the policeman comeC. if her students survived the earthquakeD. where did the other students go( )7. It was her ___________ performance, but the memory was ____________.A. last; lastingB. last; lastedC. lasted; lastingD. lasted; last( )8. It is well known _______ all people that Beijing is known _______ the capital of China.A. to; asB. to; forC. for; asD. for; for( )9. The number of the classes in our school is _______ than _______ of any other school in Wuxi.A. larger; the oneB. more; thatC. larger; thatD. more; the one ( )10. You could hardly imagine ______________ amazing the Great Wall was _______________ you saw it with your own eyes.A. how, unlessB. what, unlessC. how, ifD. what, until( )11. My teacher was so angry at _______________ he walked out of the office without a word.A. what he did andB. what did he thatC. he did what thatD. what he did that ( )12. The Smith are considering _________ to England because they __________ the cold weather there.A. not moving, aren’t used toB. not moving, didn’t use toC. not to move, didn’t use toD. not to move, aren’t used to( )13. She _________her lovely pet dog last week. She was very sad for the _________of the dog..A. lose, lossB. lost, losingC. lost, lossD. lost, lost( )14. —I really want to give up my dream of being a singer.—_________. You are so young that you still have more chances.A. Don’t do it like that.B. It’s a good idea.C. Why not start again.D. How lovely you are!( )15.— Mum, when shall we go to the zoo?— Sorry, I will have a meeting today. But________ Saturday ________ Sunday is OK.A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; norC. Either; orD. Both; and ( )16. ——Why did Tan become interested in the sounds of nature?——__________he thinks the best music comes from nature.A. SinceB. AsC. BecauseD. For( )17. The singer from Taiwan is __________ as the person who may get the champion in the singing competition by many people.A. directedB. consideredC. knownD. announced( )18 She plays a role in a film_____________ a true story.A. is based onB. base uponC. was based uponD. based upon ( )19. —I don’t like reading newspapers —__________________________.A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So I doD. Neither I do( )20. — I hope that I will have millions of dollars and I can buy my private (私人的) plane. — ________.A. You are welcomeB. That’s very kind of youC. In your dreamsD. Thank you all the same三、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

苏科版数学九年级上册 第一章《一元二次方程》南京市扬子一中单元测试卷(含答案)

苏科版数学九年级上册 第一章《一元二次方程》南京市扬子一中单元测试卷(含答案)

2015-2016学年南京市扬子一中九年级上数学一元二次方程单元测试卷班级 姓名一、选择题 1.若(m +1)x m(m +2﹣1)+2mx ﹣1=0是关于x 的一元二次方程,则m 的值是 .2.若a +b +c =0,且a ≠0,则一元二次方程ax 2+bx +c =0必有一个定根,它是 . 3. 2013年国家扶贫开发工作重点县农村居民人均纯收入为2027元,2015年增长到3985元.若设年平均增长率为x ,则根据题意可列方程为 . 4.如果21x-2x -8=0,则1x 的值是________. 5.关于x 的方程(m 2-1)x 2+(m -1)x +2m -1=0是一元二次方程的条件是________. 6.关于x 的一元二次方程x 2-x -3m =0•有两个不相等的实数根,则m •的取值范围是定______________.7.x 2-5│x │+4=0的所有实数根的和是________.8.方程x 4-5x 2+6=0,设y =x 2,则原方程变形为___________________,原方程的根为________.9、以-3和7为根且二次项系数为1的一元二次方程是 。

10、关于x 的一元二次方程0322=+++m m x mx 有一个根为零,那m 的值等于 。

二、选择题11.用配方法解方程2420x x -+=,下列配方正确的是( )A .2(2)2x -=B .2(2)2x +=C .2(2)2x -=-D .2(2)6x -=12.已知一元二次方程210x x +-=,下列判断的是( )A .该方程有两个相等的实数根B .该方程有两不个相等的实数根C .该方程无实数根D .该方程根的情况不确定13.使分式2561x x x --+的值等于零的x 的值是( )A .6B .1-或6C .1-D .6-14.某超市一月份的营业额为200万元,三月份的营业额为288万元,如果每月比上月增长的百分数相同,则平均每月的增长率为( )A 、%10B 、%15C 、%20D 、%2515.已知α,β是方程x 2+2006x +1=0的两个根,则(1+2008α+α2)(1+2008β+β2)的值为( ). A .1 B .2 C .3 D .416.三角形两边长分别为2和4,第三边是方程x 2-6x +8=0的解,•则这个三角形的周长是( ).A .8B .8或10C .10D .8和10 三、用适当的方法解方程17.(1)2(x +2)2-8=0; (2)x (x -3)=x ;(32=6x (4)(x +3)2+3(x +3)-4=0.四、解答题18.如果x 2-10x +y 2-16y +89=0,求xy的值.19.阅读下面的材料,回答问题:解方程x4-5x2+4=0,这是一个一元四次方程,根据该方程的特点,它的解法通常是: 设x2=y,那么x4=y2,于是原方程可变为y2-5y+4=0 ①,解得y1=1,y2=4.当y=1时,x2=1,∴x=±1;当y=4时,x2=4,∴x=±2;∴原方程有四个根:x1=1,x2=-1,x3=2,x4=-2.(1)在由原方程得到方程①的过程中,利用___________法达到________的目的,•体现了数学的转化思想.(2)解方程(x2+x)2-4(x2+x)-12=0.20.山西特产专卖店销售核桃,其进价为每千克40元,按每千克60元出售,平均每天可售出100千克,后来经过市场调查发现,单价每降低2元,则平均每天的销售可增加20千克,若该专卖店销售这种核桃要想平均每天获利2240元,请回答:(1)每千克核桃应降价多少元?(2)在平均每天获利不变的情况下,为尽可能让利于顾客,赢得市场,该店应按原售价的几折出售?21.一个广告公司制作广告的收费标准是:以面积为单位,在不超过规定面积A(m2)的范围内,每张广告收费1 000元,若超过Am2,则除了要交这1 000元的基本广告费以外,超过部分还要按每平方米50A元缴费.下表是该公司对两家用户广告的面积及相应收费情况的记载:红星公司要制作一张大型公益广告,其材料形状是矩形,它的四周是空白,如果上、下各空0.25m,左、右各空0.5m,那么空白部分的面积为6m2.已知矩形材料的长比宽多1m,并且空白部分不收广告费,那么这张广告的费用是多少?22.设a,b,c是△ABC的三条边,关于x的方程12x2+c-12a=0有两个相等的实数根,•方程3cx+2b=2a的根为x=0.(1)试判断△ABC的形状.(2)若a,b为方程x2+mx-3m=0的两个根,求m的值.23.已知关于x的方程a2x2+(2a-1)x+1=0有两个不相等的实数根x1,x2.(1)求a的取值范围;(2)是否存在实数a,使方程的两个实数根互为相反数?如果存在,求出a的值;如果不存在,说明理由.解:(1)根据题意,得△=(2a-1)2-4a2>0,解得a<14.∴当a<0时,方程有两个不相等的实数根.(2)存在,如果方程的两个实数根x1,x2互为相反数,则x1+x2=-(2a—1)/a.a=0 ①,解得a=12,经检验,a=12是方程①的根.∴当a=12时,方程的两个实数根x1与x2互为相反数.上述解答过程是否有错误?如果有,请指出错误之处,并解答.24.将一块长18米,宽15米的矩形荒地修建成一个花园(阴影部分)所占的面积为原来荒地面积的三分之二.(精确到0.1m)(1)设计方案1(如图2)花园中修两条互相垂直且宽度相等的小路.(2)设计方案2(如图3)花园中每个角的扇形都相同.以上两种方案是否都能符合条件?若能,请计算出图2中的小路的宽和图3中扇形的半径;若不能符合条件,请说明理由.图2QPB图4图325.如图4所示,在△ABC 中,∠C =90°,AC =6cm ,BC =8cm ,点P 从点A 出发沿边AC 向点C 以1cm /s 的速度移动,点Q 从C 点出发沿CB 边向点B 以2cm /s 的速度移动.(1)如果P 、Q 同时出发,几秒钟后,可使△PCQ 的面积为8平方厘米?(2)点P 、Q 在移动过程中,是否存在某一时刻,使得△PCQ 的面积等于△ABC 的面积的一半.若存在,求出运动的时间;若不存在,说明理由.26.如图5所示,我海军基地位于A 处,在其正南方向200海里处有一重要目标B ,在B 的正东方向200海里处有一重要目标C ,小岛D 恰好位于AC 的中点,岛上有一补给码头;小岛F 位于BC 上且恰好处于小岛D 的正南方向,一艘军舰从A 出发,经B 到C 匀速巡航.一艘补给船同时从D 出发,沿南偏西方向匀速直线航行,欲将一批物品送往军舰.(1)小岛D 和小岛F 相距多少海里?(2)已知军舰的速度是补给船的2倍,军舰在由B 到C 的途中与补给船相遇于E 处,那么相遇时补给船航行了多少海里?(精确到0.1海里)F EDC B A图5参考答案一、填空题1.m=1或m=﹣22.13.2027(1+x)2=3985.4.4 -2 点拨:把1x看做一个整体.5.m≠±16.m>-112点拨:理解定义是关键.7.0 点拨:绝对值方程的解法要掌握分类讨论的思想.8.y2-5y+6=0 x1x2=x3x4= 9.x2-4x-21=010.-3二、选择题11.A12.B13.A14.C15.D16.C三、用适当的方法解方程17.(1)整理得(x+2)2=4,即(x+2)=±2,∴x1=0,x2=-4(2)x(x-3)-x=0,x(x-3-1)=0,x(x-4)=0,∴x1=0,x2=4.(326x=0,x2-+1=0,由求根公式得x1x2(4)设x+3=y,原式可变为y2+3y-4=0,解得y1=-4,y2=1,即x+3=-4,x=-7.由x+3=1,得x=-2.∴原方程的解为x1=-7,x2=-2.四、解答题18.由已知x2-10x+y2-16y+89=0,得(x-5)2+(y-8)2=0,∴x=5,y=8,∴xy=58.19.(1)换元降次(2)设x2+x=y,原方程可化为y2-4y-12=0,解得y1=6,y2=-2.由x2+x=6,得x1=-3,x2=2.由x2+x=-2,得方程x2+x+2=0,b2-4ac=1-4×2=-7<0,此时方程无解.所以原方程的解为x1=-3,x2=2.20.(1)解:设每千克核桃应降价x元.根据题意,得(60﹣x﹣40)(100+×20)=2240.化简,得x2﹣10x+24=0 解得x1=4,x2=6.答:每千克核桃应降价4元或6元.(2)解:由(1)可知每千克核桃可降价4元或6元.因为要尽可能让利于顾客,所以每千克核桃应降价6元.此时,售价为:60﹣6=54(元),.答:该店应按原售价的九折出售.…10分21.解:由表可知,3≤A<6,根据题意,得1000+50A(6﹣A)=1400,解得A1=4,A2=2(舍去),∴A=4.设矩形材料的宽为xm,长为(x+1)m,由题意,得2×0.25(x +1)+2×0.5(x ﹣0.25×2)=6, 解得x =4.所以矩形材料的长为5m ,宽为4m , 广告部分的面积为5×4﹣6=14m 2,广告的费用为1000+50×4×(14﹣4)=1000+2000=3000(元). 答:这张广告的费用是3000元.22.∵12x 2+c -12a =0有两个相等的实数根,∴判别式=2-4×12(c -12a )=0,整理得a +b -2c =0 ①, 又∵3cx +2b =2a 的根为x =0, ∴a =b ②. 把②代入①得a =c ,∴a =b =c ,∴△ABC 为等边三角形. (2)a ,b 是方程x 2+mx -3m =0的两个根, 所以m 2-4×(-3m )=0,即m 2+12m =0, ∴m 1=0,m 2=-12.当m =0时,原方程的解为x =0(不符合题意,舍去), ∴m =12. 23.上述解答有错误.(1)若方程有两个不相等实数根,则方程首先满足是一元二次方程, ∴a 2≠0且满足(2a -1)2-4a 2>0,∴a <14且a ≠0. (2)a 不可能等于12. ∵(1)中求得方程有两个不相等实数根,同时a 的取值范围是a <14且a ≠0, 而a =12>14(不符合题意) 所以不存在这样的a 值,使方程的两个实数根互为相反数. 24.解 都能.(1)设小路宽为x ,则18x +16x -x 2=23×18×15,即x 2-34x +180=0,解这个方程,得x =342x ≈6.6. (2)设扇形半径为r ,则3.14r 2=23×18×15,即r 2≈57.32,所以r ≈7.6.25.解 因为∠C =90°,所以AB 10(cm ).(1)设xs 后,可使△PCQ 的面积为8cm 2,所以 AP =xcm ,PC =(6-x )cm ,CQ =2xcm . 则根据题意,得12·(6-x )·2x =8.整理,得x 2-6x +8=0,解这个方程, 得x 1=2,x 2=4.所以P 、Q 同时出发,2s 或4s 后可使△PCQ 的面积为8cm 2. (2)设点P 出发x 秒后,△PCQ 的面积等于△ABC 面积的一半. 则根据题意,得12(6-x )·2x =12×12×6×8.整理,得x 2-6x +12=0. 由于此方程没有实数根,所以不存在使△PCQ 的面积等于ABC 面积一半的时刻. 26.解(1)F 位于D 的正南方向,则DF ⊥B C.因为AB ⊥BC ,D 为AC 的中点,所以DF =12AB =100海里,所以,小岛D 与小岛F 相距100海里.(2)设相遇时补给船航行了x 海里,那么DE =x 海里,AB +BE =2x 海里,EF =AB +BC -(AB +BE )-CF =(300-2x )海里.在Rt △DEF 中,根据勾股定理可得方程x 2=1002+(300-2x )2, 整理,得3x 2-1200x +100000=0.解这个方程,得x 1=200-3,x 2=200+3.所以,相遇时补给船大约航行了118.4海里.。



2015-2016学年南京市扬子一中 中考化学第二次模拟试题班级 姓名 一、单项填空1.人体内的下列体液中,呈酸性的是A .血浆(pH 7.35~7.45) B. 胃液(pH 0.9~1.5) C .胆汁(pH 7.1~7.3) D .胰液(pH 7. 5~8.0) 2.下列说法正确的是A .化学家拉瓦锡利用红磷和氧气的反应研究了空气的成分B .在稀释浓硫酸时,一定要把水沿器壁慢慢注入浓硫酸中C .向滴有红墨水的水中投入几块木炭,振荡后液体红色变浅D .将紫色的鲜花插入白醋的稀溶液中,几天后鲜花变为蓝色 3.下列粒子结构示意图中,表示阳离子是4.下列实验操作中,不正确...的是A .稀释浓硫酸B .蒸发食盐水C .称量粗盐质量D .测雨水pH 5.下列说法不正确...的是 A .白磷在空气中燃烧会产生大量的白烟B .打开盛有浓盐酸的试剂瓶盖,瓶口会出现白雾C .一氧化碳通过灼热氧化铁,固体由红色变为黑色D .水通电后,与正极相连的电极上产生的气体是氢气6.下列各组离子在水中一定能大量共存,并形成无色透明溶液的是A .Na +、Fe 3+、NO 3-、OH -B .H +、K +、NO 3-、HCO 3-C .K +、Ba 2+、MnO 4-、SO 42-D .H +、NH 4+、Cl -、SO 42-7. 钒被誉为“合金的维生素”,钒元素的相关信息如下。

下列有关钒的说法正确的是A .属于非金属元素B .原子核内中子数为23C .原子核外电子数为23D .相对原子质量为50.94g8. 下列属于复合肥料的是A. NaNO 3B. K 2SO 4C. NH 4H 2PO 4D. Ca 3(PO 4)29. 婴儿“尿不湿”最关键的材料是聚丙烯酸钠,其吸水性是棉花、纸张的数十倍。

它是由丙烯酸(C 3H 4O 2)与氢氧化钠经过一系列的复杂反应而制得。

下列有关丙烯酸的说法中,正确的是A .它是有机高分子化合物B .其中氧元素与氢元素的质量比为9:1C .其中碳元素的质量分数为50%D .一个丙烯酸分子由3个碳原子、4个氢原子和1个氧分子构成 10. 下图是关于氧气化学性质的部分知识网络,关于该图说法正确的是A . S 、P 在氧气中燃烧均会产生大量白烟B . Fe 在I 、II 两类反应中的产物相同C . I 类反应放出热量,II 类反应吸收热量D . I 、II 两类反应均体现了氧气的氧化性11. 下列有关课外实验的说法不正确...的是 A .加入熟石灰并研磨,可区分氯化铵和硫酸铵B .在靠近蜡烛火焰的上方放一只冷碟子,一段时间后可收集到炭黑C .用灼烧并闻气味的方法,可区分羊毛纤维和棉纤维D .在制作叶脉书签时,一般选用10%的氢氧化钠溶液 12. 下列各组中的四种离子,在同一水溶液中一定能大量共存的是A .NH 4+、H +、Cl -、NO 3-B .Cu 2+、Na + 、SO 42-、OH -C .K +、H +、Cl -、HCO 3-D .Ba 2+、Na +、CO 32-、Cl -13. 除去下列物质中的少量杂质(括号内为杂质),所用试剂及操作均正确的是A .KNO 3(NaCl ): 加适量水溶解、过滤、蒸发、结晶B .FeCl 2溶液(CuCl 2): 加入过量铁粉、过滤C .CO 2(HCl 、水蒸气): 依次通过足量氢氧化钠溶液和浓硫酸D .NaOH 溶液(Na 2CO 3): 加入适量氯化钙、过滤14.甲、乙两种不含结晶水的固体的溶解度曲线如图所示。



2015-2016学年江苏省南京市扬子一中九年级(上)月考化学试卷一、选择题1.储存烟花爆竹的仓库应贴上的标志是()A.B.C. D.2.氧气是空气的主要成分之一,有关氧气说法错误的是()A.用带火星的木条可以检验氧气B.用加热高锰酸钾的方法可以制取氧气C.鱼类能在水中生活,证明氧气易溶于水D.红磷在氧气中燃烧,产生大量白烟3.分类是学习化学的一种重要科学方法.下列物质分类正确的是()A.蒸馏水﹣﹣单质B.二氧化碳﹣﹣纯净物C.空气﹣﹣化合物D.氯酸钾﹣﹣氧化物4.下列实验现象描述正确的是()A.白磷燃烧产生大量的白雾B.点燃纯净氢气产生蓝紫色火焰C.铁丝在空气中燃烧火星四射D.镁条在空气中燃烧发出耀眼白光5.下列叙述正确的是()A.物质与氧发生的反应属于氧化反应B.人体呼出的气体中含量最多的是二氧化碳C.能用点燃的方法除去二氧化碳中混有的少量一氧化碳D.在化学反应中只有燃烧能够放出热量6.下列课外实验不能成功的是()A.用6B铅笔芯做石墨导电性实验B.向洗净碎蛋壳中加入醋精有气泡产生C.用自制净水器来降低水的硬度D.用冷瓷碟罩在蜡烛火焰上方制炭黑7.宏观与微观相互联系是化学重要的思维方式.下列对宏观现象的微观解释错误的是()A.氧化汞分解成汞和氧气﹣﹣分子可以再分B.物体的热胀冷缩﹣﹣分子的大小发生变化C.二氧化碳和一氧化碳性质不同﹣﹣分子构成不同D.金刚石和石墨物理性质不同﹣﹣原子排列方式不同8.绿原酸(C16H18O9)被誉为“第七类营养素”,它可以从栽种较广的杜仲中提取.下列有关绿原酸的说法错误的是()A.绿原酸含有33个原子B.该绿原酸中C、H、O的原子个数比为16:18:9C.在一定条件下,可燃烧生成CO2和H2OD.绿原酸(C16H18O9)相对分子质量为3549.鉴别日常生活中的下列各组物质,正确的是()A.硬水和软水:滴加食盐水B.氮气和二氧化碳:燃着的小木条C.水和过氧化氢溶液:加入二氧化锰D.甲烷和一氧化碳:滴加澄清石灰水10.请根据你的生活经验和所学的化学知识判断,下列做法合理的是()A.因用电器断路着火,立即用水扑灭B.在冰箱里放入活性炭,除去冰箱里的异味C.室内烤火取暖放一盆水,防止CO中毒D.在食品袋里充入氧气,延长食品的保质期11.下列说法正确的组合是()①煤、石油、天然气属于不可再生的化石燃料;②所谓“低碳”就是较低的二氧化碳排放;③在火场的浓烟中逃生,可用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,低姿势前行;④利用碳的还原性冶炼金属.A.①②③B.①③④C.①②③④ D.②③④12.一根蘸有浓盐酸的玻璃棒与另一根蘸有浓氨水的玻璃棒靠近时(未接触),产生大量白烟,其反应的微观示意图如图所示.下列说法不正确的是()A.反应前后原子的种类和个数不变B.两根玻璃棒未接触就反应,说明分子是在不停运动的C.反应产生的白烟是氯化铵固体小颗粒D.产生白烟的化学方程式为:NH3+HCl=NH3Cl13.根据如图提供的信息,下列说法正确的是()A.钠原子最外层有11个电子B.钠的相对原子质量是22.99gC.钠属于非金属元素 D.钠的原子序数为1114.已调平的托盘天平(高灵敏度)两边各放一个等质量的烧杯,向烧杯中倒入质量相等、质量分数也相等的足量的稀硫酸,然后在左边的烧杯中放入一定质量的铁粉,同时在右边的烧杯中放入等质量的锌粉,在反应过程中天平指针的偏转情况为()A.先左后右 B.先右后左 C.不偏转D.无法确定15.CO与O2的混合气体48g,在一定条件下充分反应后,生成44gCO2,则原混合气体中CO与O2的质量比可能是()A.2:1 B.7:4 C.8:5 D.7:8二、填空题16.(2015秋•南京校级月考)现有H、C、O三种常见的元素,请选用其中的元素写出符合下列要求的物质各一种(用化学式表示):①具有还原性的气体化合物;②天然气的主要成分;③含氧量最高的氧化物;④汽水中含有的一种酸.17.(2015秋•南京校级月考)(1)酸雨给人类生活和社会发展带来了严重危害.汽车尾气是导致酸雨的重要原因,为减少有害气体的排放,人们在汽车排气管上安装“催化转化器”,使尾气中的一氧化碳和一氧化氮转化为空气中体积分数最多的气体(填化学式)和CO2.(2)化学反应中,元素的化合价升高,则该元素所在的反应物是还原剂,反之则为氧化剂.那么上述反应中的NO是剂.(3)上述反应产生的CO2大量排放会导致,植树造林、低碳环保刻不容缓.实验室用澄清石灰水来检验二氧化碳气体,写出反应的化学方程式:.18.(2015秋•南京校级月考)写出下列反应的化学方程式,并在括号内注明反应基本类型:(1)铁丝在氧气中燃烧,(2)实验室用氯酸钾为原料制取氧气,(3)二氧化碳与金属钠反应生成金刚石和碳酸钠.19.(2015秋•南京校级月考)水是一切生物生存所必需的,我们应该了解有关水的一些知识.(1)洪泽湖是我国著名的淡水湖.某同学对洪泽湖的水样进行了相关的研究.洪泽湖水属于(填“纯净物”或“混合物”),为了检验湖水是软水还是硬水,可向水样中加入,搅拌.在日常生活中,常采用的方法降低水的硬度.(2)我国是淡水资源非常有限的国家,爱护水资源是每个公民的责任和义务.下列行为属于浪费水的是(填字母编号);A.洗手擦香皂时不关上水龙头 B.用洗菜水浇花C.用洗衣水冲厕所 D.用自来水不断为西瓜冲水降温(3)学习化学以后,我们对水有了一些新的认识.①知道了水的微观结构.构成水的粒子可表示为(填序号).②了解了水的宏观组成.水中氢元素、氧元素的质量比是.③认识了水的化学性质.写出下列化学反应方程式:水中通直流电水中通入二氧化碳.20.(2015秋•南京校级月考)小聪同学家新换了水龙头,从说明书上了解到该水龙头是铜质镀铬.好奇的小聪想探究铬(Cr)与常见金属铁、铜的活动性强弱,邀请你一同参加.知识回放:填写对应金属的元素符号.金属活动性顺序:K Ca Na Mg Al Zn Sn Pb(H)Hg Ag Pt Au,请你在横线上作出猜想:猜想1.Cr>Fe>Cu;猜想2.Fe>Cu>Cr;猜想3.你的猜想是.查阅资料:(1)铬是银白色有光泽的金属,在空气中其表面能生成抗腐蚀的致密的氧化膜.(2)铬能与稀硫酸反应,生成蓝色的硫酸亚铬(CrSO4)溶液.设计与实验:小聪同学取大小相等的三种金属片,用砂纸打磨光亮;再取三支试管,分别放入等量的同种稀硫酸.实验试管1 试管2 试管3实验操作实验现象铁片表面产生气泡较慢,溶液变为浅绿色铬片表面产生气泡较快,溶液变成为蓝色结论与解释:(1)小聪得到的结论是猜想正确.(2)实验前用砂纸打磨金属片的目的是.知识运用:将铬片投入FeSO4溶液中,反应(填“能”或“不能”)进行.若能进行,请你写出反应的化学方程式.21.(2013•泰州)新型材料纳米级 Fe 粉具有广泛的用途,它比普通 Fe 粉更易与氧气反应,其制备工艺流程如图所示:请回答下列问题:(1)纳米级 Fe 粉在氧气中能自发燃烧生成黑色固体,此黑色固体的化学式为.(2)请补充完成上述制备工艺的化学方程式:H2+FeCl2Fe+ .在制备纳米级 Fe 粉的工艺流程中,N2的作用是.(3)研究人员发现最后制得的纳米级 Fe 粉样品中混有少量的 FeCl2杂质.①为除去样品中的杂质,在无氧环境下,先加溶解,然后再、洗涤、烘干.②取样品20g,加入足量的盐酸,生成氢气 0.7g.请计算该样品中单质 Fe 的质量分数.(请写出计算过程).三、实验与探究题22.如图是初中化学部分重要实验的装置图,试回答下列问题:(1)写出一种用图一装置可以制取的气体,验满方法为;检查该装置气密性的方法是:.(2)图二是测定空气中氧气含量的实验.将锥形瓶底部放入热水中,白磷被引燃,说明燃烧不能缺少的一个条件是,足量的白磷在锥形瓶中未能全部燃烧,说明瓶内剩余气体燃烧(填“支持”或“不支持”).写出白磷燃烧的化学方程式:.(3)图三可以用来检验二氧化碳,使用时瓶中装的试剂是(写名称),二氧化碳从(填字母编号)管口通入.(4)图四是模拟工业炼铁的实验装置,玻璃管中的现象是,反应方程式是,装置后面气球的作用.23.(2015秋•南京校级月考)根据下列装置图回答问题(装置图用序号填空).(1)写出编号①和②仪器的名称:①②(2)实验室加热KMnO4制O2时,应选用做气体发生装置.反应的化学方程式为;,可用装置E收集氧气的原因是.(3)有一名同学欲用F装置收集H2,则H2应从导管口通入.另一同学欲用G装置收集氧气,则O2应从导管口通入.(4)实验室若用B装置来制取二氧化碳时,往长颈漏斗中应加入,反应的化学方程式为,若用F来收集二氧化碳,二氧化碳应从进入(选“a”或“b”).检验二氧化碳的方法是,其反应的化学方程式是.24.(2015•凉州区校级一模)某研究小组发现,维C泡腾片(保健药品,主要成分见图1)溶于水,有许多气泡产生(如图2).该小组同学探究该气体的成分.【猜想与假设】小华说:该气体可能是CO2、O2、CO、H2、N2.小明说:不可能含有N2,因为.小芳说:不可能含有CO和H2,因为从药品安全角度考虑,H2、CO易燃易爆,同时CO也.该小组同学认为:该气体可能含有CO2、O2中的一种或两种.【进行试验】实验编号实验操作实验现象①将气体通入澄清的石灰水中澄清石灰水变浑浊②将带火星的木条伸入该气体中带火星的木条没有复燃【得出结论】(1)由实验①可知,该气体中肯定含有,写出该反应的化学方程式.(2)由实验②(填“能”或“不能”)确定该气体中不含氧气,理由是.四、计算题25.(2011秋•惠山区期末)今年全国人大和政协会议使用了一种含碳酸钙的“石头纸”:为测定其中碳酸钙的含量,课外活动小组的同学称取50g碎纸样品.分别在5只烧杯中进行了实验,实验数据见下表(假设纸张其他成分既不溶于水,也不与水反应):烧杯①烧杯②烧杯③烧杯④烧杯⑤加入样品的质量/g 10 10 10 10 10加入稀盐酸的质量/g 10 20 30 40 50充分反应后生成气体的质量/g 0.88 1.76 X 3.52 3.52(1)表中X的值为;(2)求样品中碳酸钙的质量分数.26.(2015秋•南京校级月考)工业上,高温煅烧石灰石,可制得生石灰(CaO)和二氧化碳,计算解答:若煅烧50t含碳酸钙80%的石灰石,制得氧化钙多少吨?2015-2016学年江苏省南京市扬子一中九年级(上)月考化学试卷(12月份)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题1.储存烟花爆竹的仓库应贴上的标志是()A.B.C. D.【考点】几种常见的与化学有关的图标.【专题】分析比较法.【分析】根据与燃烧和爆炸有关的以及腐蚀品、可回收标志、节水标志等几种常见的图标含义判断.【解答】解:储存烟花爆竹的仓库,为了防止燃烧和爆炸,应贴上禁止烟火的标志.A、图为禁止烟火标志,所以正确.B、图为废旧塑料回收标志,所以错误.C、图为节约用水标志,所以错误.D、图为剧毒品标志,所以错误.故选A.【点评】图标的含义对我们的日常生活有指导作用,特别是与燃烧和爆炸有关的以及腐蚀品、剧毒品可回收标志、节水标志等几种常见的图标,在化学实验室和其他危险场合最常见,明白它的含义,不但能保障我们的人身安全,该知识也是化学考查的热点之一.2.氧气是空气的主要成分之一,有关氧气说法错误的是()A.用带火星的木条可以检验氧气B.用加热高锰酸钾的方法可以制取氧气C.鱼类能在水中生活,证明氧气易溶于水D.红磷在氧气中燃烧,产生大量白烟【考点】氧气的化学性质;氧气的物理性质;实验室制取氧气的反应原理;氧气的检验和验满.【专题】结合课本知识的信息;氧气、氢气的性质与用途.【分析】A、氧气可以助燃,能使带火星的木条复燃;B、实验室常用加热高锰酸钾的方法制取氧气;C、氧气不易溶于水;D、根据红磷在空气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断.【解答】解:A、氧气能使带火星的木条复燃,利用这一性质可以检验氧气;故A说法正确;B、实验室常用加热高锰酸钾的方法制取氧气,故B说法正确;C、鱼能在水中生存说明水中肯定有一定量的氧气,而不能确定氧气易溶于水的,故C说法错误;D、红磷在空气中燃烧,放热,产生大量的白烟,故D说法正确.故选:C.【点评】本题难度不大,考查了氧气的性质和氧气的制取等知识,属于基础性考查题.3.分类是学习化学的一种重要科学方法.下列物质分类正确的是()A.蒸馏水﹣﹣单质B.二氧化碳﹣﹣纯净物C.空气﹣﹣化合物D.氯酸钾﹣﹣氧化物【考点】单质和化合物的判别;从组成上识别氧化物;纯净物和混合物的判别.【专题】物质的分类.【分析】由一种物质组成的物质属于纯净物,由两种或两种以上物质组成的物质属于混合物.由一种元素组成的纯净物属于单质,由不同元素组成的纯净物属于化合物.由两种元素组成,一种元素是氧元素的化合物属于氧化物.【解答】解:A、蒸馏水是由氢元素和氧元素组成,属于氧化物,故A错;B、二氧化碳是由一种物质组成,属于纯净物,故B正确;C、空气中含有氧气、氮气、二氧化碳等物质,属于混合物,故C错;D、氯酸钾是由三种元素组成,属于化合物,不属于氧化物,故D错.故选B.【点评】纯净物与混合物的区别:是否由一种物质组成,单质和化合物的区别是:是否由同种元素组成,氧化物是由两种元素组成、一种是氧元素.4.下列实验现象描述正确的是()A.白磷燃烧产生大量的白雾B.点燃纯净氢气产生蓝紫色火焰C.铁丝在空气中燃烧火星四射D.镁条在空气中燃烧发出耀眼白光【考点】氧气与碳、磷、硫、铁等物质的反应现象.【专题】实验现象的观察和记录.【分析】A、根据白磷燃烧的现象进行分析判断.B、根据镁在空气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断.C、根据铁丝在氧气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断.D、根据硫在氧气中燃烧的现象进行分析判断.【解答】解:A、白磷在空气中燃烧,产生大量的白烟,而不是白雾,故选项说法错误.B、点燃纯净氢气产生淡蓝色火焰,故选项说法错误.C、铁丝在空气中不能燃烧,故选项说法错误.D、镁在空气中燃烧燃烧发出耀眼白光,故选项说法正确.故选:D.【点评】本题难度不大,掌握常见物质燃烧的现象即可正确解答;在描述物质燃烧的现象时,需要注意光和火焰、烟和雾、实验结论和实验现象的区别.5.下列叙述正确的是()A.物质与氧发生的反应属于氧化反应B.人体呼出的气体中含量最多的是二氧化碳C.能用点燃的方法除去二氧化碳中混有的少量一氧化碳D.在化学反应中只有燃烧能够放出热量【考点】氧化反应;常见气体的检验与除杂方法;吸入空气与呼出气体的比较;物质发生化学变化时的能量变化.【专题】化学反应的基本类型和能量变化;空气与水.【分析】A、根据氧化反应的含义进行解答;B、根据空气的成分进行解答;C、根据在二氧化碳中一氧化碳难以燃烧进行解答;D、根据在化学反应中不只有燃烧能够放出热量进行解答.【解答】解:A、物质与氧发生的反应属于氧化反应,故A正确;B、空气中含量最多的气体是氮气,所以人体呼出的气体中含量最多的是氮气,故B错误;C、虽然一氧化碳能燃烧,但由于二氧化碳气体中混有少量一氧化碳,二氧化碳不支持燃烧,所以根本就不能点燃一氧化碳,故C错误;D、在化学反应中不只有燃烧能够放出热量,例如酸和金属反应也会放出热量,故D错误.故选:A.【点评】本题难度不大,掌握氧化反应的含义、二氧化碳以及一氧化碳化学性质是正确解题的关键.6.下列课外实验不能成功的是()A.用6B铅笔芯做石墨导电性实验B.向洗净碎蛋壳中加入醋精有气泡产生C.用自制净水器来降低水的硬度D.用冷瓷碟罩在蜡烛火焰上方制炭黑【考点】化学实验方案设计与评价;蜡烛燃烧实验;硬水与软水;酸的化学性质;碳单质的物理性质及用途.【专题】简单实验方案的设计与评价.【分析】A、根据石墨具有导电性进行解答;B、根据蛋壳的主要成分是碳酸钙,碳酸钙和醋酸反应生成二氧化碳气体进行解答;C、根据软水和硬水的不同进行解答;D、根据蜡烛燃烧会由于燃烧不充分而生成炭黑进行解答.【解答】解:A、石墨具有导电性,所以可用6B铅笔芯做石墨导电性实验,故A正确;B、蛋壳的主要成分是碳酸钙,碳酸钙和醋酸反应生成二氧化碳气体,故B正确;C、软水和硬水的不同是所含的钙镁离子的含量不同,用自制净水器不能降低水的硬度,故C错误;D、蜡烛燃烧会由于燃烧不充分而生成炭黑,所以可用冷瓷碟罩在蜡烛火焰上方制炭黑,故D正确.故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查物质的性质和用途,物质具有多种性质,解答时应该理解物质的用途是由物质的哪种性质决定的.7.宏观与微观相互联系是化学重要的思维方式.下列对宏观现象的微观解释错误的是()A.氧化汞分解成汞和氧气﹣﹣分子可以再分B.物体的热胀冷缩﹣﹣分子的大小发生变化C.二氧化碳和一氧化碳性质不同﹣﹣分子构成不同D.金刚石和石墨物理性质不同﹣﹣原子排列方式不同【考点】利用分子与原子的性质分析和解决问题.【专题】物质的微观构成与物质的宏观组成.【分析】根据分子的基本特征:分子质量和体积都很小;分子之间有间隔;分子是在不断运动的;同种物质的分子性质相同,不同物质的分子性质不同,结合事实进行分析判断即可.【解答】解:A、氧化汞分解成汞和氧气,是因为氧化汞分子分裂成了汞原子和氧原子,然后氧原子重新组合形成氧分子,大量的氧分子聚集成氧气,汞原子直接聚集成金属汞,该事实说明分子是可以再分的,故选项解释正确.B、物体的热胀冷缩,是因为分子间的间隔(而不是大小)随温度改变而改变,故选项解释错误.C、二氧化碳和一氧化碳性质不同,是因为它们分子的构成不同,不同种物质的分子性质不同,故选项解释正确.D、金刚石和石墨物理性质不同,是因为金刚石和石墨中碳原子排列方式不同,故选项解释正确.故选:B.【点评】本题难度不大,掌握分子的基本性质及利用分子的基本性质分析和解决问题的方法是解答此类题的关键.8.绿原酸(C16H18O9)被誉为“第七类营养素”,它可以从栽种较广的杜仲中提取.下列有关绿原酸的说法错误的是()A.绿原酸含有33个原子B.该绿原酸中C、H、O的原子个数比为16:18:9C.在一定条件下,可燃烧生成CO2和H2OD.绿原酸(C16H18O9)相对分子质量为354【考点】化学式的书写及意义;相对分子质量的概念及其计算;质量守恒定律及其应用.【专题】化学式的计算;物质的微观构成与物质的宏观组成;化学用语和质量守恒定律;有关化学式的计算.【分析】A.根据绿原酸的微观构成进行分析判断.B.根据1个绿原酸分子的构成进行分析判断.C.根据绿原酸(C6H18O9)完全燃烧的产物进行分析判断.D.根据相对分子质量为构成分子的各原子的相对原子质量之和,进行分析判断.【解答】解:A.绿原酸是由绿原酸分子构成的,1个绿原酸分子中含有43个原子,故选项说法错误.B.1个绿原酸分子中含有6个碳原子、18个氢原子、9个氧原子,该绿原酸中C、H、O的原子个数比为16:18:9,故选项说法正确.C.由质量守恒定律,反应前后元素种类不变,绿原酸(C6H18O9)在一定条件下,完全燃烧生成CO2和H2O,故选项说法正确.D.绿原酸的相对分子质量为12×16+1×18+16×9=354,故选项说法正确.故选:A.【点评】本题难度不大,考查同学们结合新信息、灵活运用化学式的含义与有关计算进行分析问题、解决问题的能力.9.鉴别日常生活中的下列各组物质,正确的是()A.硬水和软水:滴加食盐水B.氮气和二氧化碳:燃着的小木条C.水和过氧化氢溶液:加入二氧化锰D.甲烷和一氧化碳:滴加澄清石灰水【考点】物质的鉴别、推断;常见气体的检验与除杂方法;目前环境污染问题;催化剂的特点与催化作用.【专题】结合课本知识的信息;物质的鉴别题;物质的检验、鉴别与推断.【分析】A、含有较多钙离子、镁离子的水属于硬水,含有较少或不含有钙离子、镁离子的水属于软水;B、一般情况下,氮气和二氧化碳都不能支持燃烧;C、过氧化氢在二氧化锰催化作用下分解生成水和氧气;D、甲烷、一氧化碳都不能和氢氧化钙反应,并且都不溶于水.【解答】解:A、向水中滴加食盐水时,无论是硬水,还是软水,都无明显现象,因此不能用食盐水鉴别硬水和软水,该选项不正确;B、氮气和二氧化碳都能够使软水的木条熄灭,因此不能用燃烧的木条鉴别氮气和二氧化碳,该选项不正确;C、向水和过氧化氢溶液中分别加入二氧化锰时,有气泡产生的液体是过氧化氢溶液,无明显现象的液体是水,因此可以用二氧化锰鉴别水和过氧化氢溶液,该选项正确;D、向甲烷和一氧化碳中分别滴加澄清石灰水时,都无明显现象,因此不能用澄清石灰水鉴别甲烷和一氧化碳,该选项不正确.故选:C.【点评】向水中加入肥皂水时,如果产生的泡沫较多,是软水,如果产生大量浮渣,是硬水,因此可以用肥皂水鉴别硬水和软水.10.请根据你的生活经验和所学的化学知识判断,下列做法合理的是()A.因用电器断路着火,立即用水扑灭B.在冰箱里放入活性炭,除去冰箱里的异味C.室内烤火取暖放一盆水,防止CO中毒D.在食品袋里充入氧气,延长食品的保质期【考点】灭火的原理和方法;常见气体的用途;一氧化碳的毒性;碳单质的物理性质及用途.【专题】化学与生活.【分析】A、根据防止触电的情况判断,用水浇灭容易导致触电,进行解答;B、根据活性炭具有吸附性进行解答;C、根据一氧化碳难溶于水进行解答;D、根据氧气的性质进行回答.【解答】解:A、防止触电的情况判断,用水浇灭容易导致触电,故A错误;B、活性炭具有吸附性,可以吸附色素和异味,所以在冰箱里放入活性炭,除去冰箱里异味,故B正确;C、一氧化碳难溶于水,所以室内烤火取暖,放一盆水不能防止CO中毒,故C错误;D、在食品袋里充入氧气,会加速食品的氧化,故D错误.故选:B.【点评】此题是对多个知识点的考查,题目难度不大,解题的重点是能够对各个相关的基础知识有较好的掌握,属基础性知识考查题.11.下列说法正确的组合是()①煤、石油、天然气属于不可再生的化石燃料;②所谓“低碳”就是较低的二氧化碳排放;③在火场的浓烟中逃生,可用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,低姿势前行;④利用碳的还原性冶炼金属.A.①②③B.①③④C.①②③④ D.②③④【考点】化石燃料及其综合利用;二氧化碳对环境的影响;碳的化学性质;常见能源的种类、能源的分类.【专题】化学与能源;性质决定用途;化学知识生活化;物质的分类;碳单质与含碳化合物的性质与用途.【分析】①根据化石燃料形成特点分析;。




()1. —When shall we go to watch the basketball match?—Tomorrow, only if the work ________.A. will be finishedB. is finishedC. finishesD. has finished()2. — Our school is so big. We must clean it up as soon as possible.—Don’t worry. ________.A. Better to be safe than sorryB. It’s raining cats and dogsC. Each dog has its dayD. Many hands make light work()3. —Can you understand what I said, Ben? —No problem. I can _______ follow you.A. slowlyB. easilyC. hardlyD. probably()4. —Shall we watch the popular TV programme “Super Brain” now?—___________. The news report is on.A. Better notB. Sounds greatC. I think soD. Good idea()5. —I’d like to know ___________. — Maybe in the forest.A. whether we will go campingB. where will we go campingC. whether to go campingD. where we will go camping()6. ---Did you enjoy yourself at the concert?---Yes. I have never been to _____ one before.A. a more excitingB. the most excitedC. a more excitedD. the most exciting()7. --- There’s somebody at the door. Who _____ it be? Is it the postman?--- No, it _____ be him. It’s just seven o’clock. It’s too early.A. may; can’tB. will; won’tC. may; mustn’tD. must; may not()8. ---Li Xin thinks Yao Ming is becoming the most famous basketball player in the world.--- ________________.A. So am IB. So do IC. so I doD. So I am()9. ---______ is the population of China?---It’s reported that China has the _____ population in the world.A. How much; mostB. What; mostC. How big; biggestD. What; largest()10. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _____ down too many trees.A. keep people cuttingB. prevent people from cuttingC. stop people to cuttingD. all the above()11. Mr. Green will give us a talk about the people and the company ______ he visited last week.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. where()12. ---How about going hiking this weekend? ---Sorry, I prefer _______ to _________.A. to stay at home; go outB. going out; staying at homeC. staying at home; going outD. to go out, stay at home()13. --- What did he ask on the phone just now? --- He wanted to know______________.A. when the meeting will startB. what he was going to say at the meetingC. how long would the meeting lastD. who is the host of the meeting()14. --- Jim didn’t go to the party yesterday, did he?--- _____, all the students except Jim ______ to the party.A. Yes; were invitedB. No; was invitedC. No; were invitedD. Yes; was invited ()15. --- I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s.--- _______ .A. It’s a pleasureB. Yes, that’s all rightC. Oh, I’m glad to hear thatD. Oh, that’s very nice of you()16. The girls ______ how to dance a month ago and now they can dance well.A. taughtB. were taughtC. will teachD. will be taught()17. —Do you know ______ second-hand smoke?—To protect our health and memory.A. how we should preventB. how should we preventC. why we should preventD. why should we prevent()18. —How did the warm-hearted lady find you and return your lost bag?—She said that she ______ my bag on the bench with my name card in it.A. is noticingB. was noticingC. noticedD. has noticed()19. Jack is a dishonest boy. He always ______ some excuses for doing something wrong.A. picks upB. gives upC. takes upD. makes up()20. —You shouldn’t stay up too late. It’s not good for your health. —_______A. Thank you all the same.B. I’ll take your advice.C. Of course not.D. It doesn’t matter.二、完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

江苏省南京市扬子一中2015-2016学年八年级物理上学期期中试题(含解析) 新人教版

江苏省南京市扬子一中2015-2016学年八年级物理上学期期中试题(含解析) 新人教版

2015-2016学年江苏省南京市扬子一中八年级(上)期中物理试卷一、选择题1.关于声现象,说法正确的是( )A.只要物体振动,我们就能听到声音B.声音的传播速度是340m/sC.声音是一种波,它具有能量D.“禁鸣喇叭”,是在声音传播过程中减弱噪声2.噪声严重影响着人们的生活和工作,以下防治噪声的办法中可行的是( )A.通过科学研究,使噪声源不发生振动B.将所有噪声源隔离在真空容器中,以避免噪声干扰C.城市里在穿过住宅区的高速公路两旁建隔音墙、一般道路两旁植树种花D.建筑工地不允许使用大型机械3.如图所示是某种物质熔化时温度随时间变化的曲线图,下列说法中正确的是( )A.AB段表示该物质温度逐渐升高,它的熔点也在升高B.BC段表示该物质有一定的熔点,因此它是晶体C.BC段表示该物质温度不随时间改变,说明该物质已经完全熔化D.该曲线可能是蜡熔化时温度随时间变化的图象4.以下物态变化的事例中,属于凝华的是( )A.冬天池塘的水面上结了一层薄冰B.北方的冬天,冰冻的衣服在﹣10℃时也能晾干C.刚从冰箱取出的冰棍,在其表面上附着一层“白霜”D.刚从冰箱取出的冰棒,在其表面周围“冒”出的“白气”5.下列现象发生的过程中,放出热量的一组是( )①冰雪消融②积水干涸③滴水成冰④霜满枝头.A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④6.生活中我们会看到这样的现象:现象一,剥开棒冰纸时.棒冰周围冒“白气”;现象二,在寒冷的冬天户外的人不断呼出“白气”以上两种现象产生的原因分别是( )A.冰棒局部升华:呼出的水蒸气液化B.棒冰局部升华;户外空气中的水蒸气液化C.冰棒周围空气中的水蒸气液化;呼出的水蒸气液化D.冰棒周围空气中的水蒸气液化;户外空气中的水蒸气液化7.下表为一些物质的凝固点和沸点,由此判断,在我国各个地区都能测量气温的温度计应选用)下表为一些物质的凝固点和沸点,根据下表判断,在我国各个地区都能测量气温的温8.同学们体育课上用的“铅球”实际上是一个铁球,它是将铁熔化成“铁水”直接倒入“模子”浇铸而成.在下列各图中,能正确描述“铅球”在铸造过程中温度变化的是( )A.B. C.D.9.如图是色光三原色示意图,图中区域1、区域2分别应标颜色是( )A.绿色、白色B.黄色、白色C.绿色、黑色D.黄色、黑色10.如图中,a、b、c三条图线表示三种质量相等的固体同时同等条件下加热时的熔化图象,由图可知( )A.a、b、c肯定都是晶体B.a、b、c的熔点相同C.c比a熔化的快D.a比c的熔点高11.下面的图中,正确表示水沸腾时杯底气泡向上升的图示是( )A. B.C. D.12.“缥缈的雾,晶莹的露,凝重的霜,轻柔的雪,同样的水分子,装扮着我们生活的时空”.这是一首描述物理现象的抒情诗.对这首诗中所描述的物理现象理解正确的是( ) A.“缥缈的雾”是汽化现象B.“晶莹的露”升华现象C.“凝重的霜”是凝华现象D.“轻柔的雪”是熔化现象二、填空13.小华在演奏古筝时,弹拨琴弦,使琴弦__________而发声;小华手指按压琴弦的位置在不断改变,这样做的目的是为了改变声音的__________;悠扬的声音是通过__________传播到我们耳中的;小明在旁边轻声伴唱是指声音的__________小.14.小华和小兵同学用薄塑料片在具有疏密不同的梳子梳齿上划过,如图所示.小华在图(a)中的梳子上用塑料片轻轻划过与用力划过,是为了探究声音的__________与__________ 的关系;小兵在图(a)和图(b)两个梳子上用同一个塑料片以相同的速度划过,是为了探究声音的__________与__________的关系.15.用酒精灯对碘锤加热,碘锤内整个空间出现大量紫色碘蒸气,停止加热,并在碘锤上部凹槽内滴入适量冷水后,碘锤内碘蒸气减少,而碘锤__________(“上部”、“下部”或“整个玻璃壁”)出现大量碘粒,凹槽内的水变热,说明__________.16.取一支注射器,吸入少量乙醚,用橡皮帽堵住注射器小孔,进行推、拉活塞操作,同时观察筒内乙醚变化.当进行图示方向操作活塞式,观察到的现象是__________(“液态乙醚消失”或“出现液态乙醚”),此现象说明__________.17.小红在做“探究水的沸腾”实验时,绘制的水的温度随时间变化的图象图所示,由图象知:水的沸点为__________℃,实验时要使水持续沸腾,则应该__________.由表可知,18.太阳光在通过三棱镜后分解为__________、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫等色光,这表明,白光包含__________色光(选填:“一种”或“多种”).电视遥控器用__________(选填:“红外线”或“紫外线”)来遥控电视机的.19.夜间,在蓝色的灯光下,切开一个熟西瓜,则瓜瓤看上去是呈__________色.20.大气中的臭氧层能吸收来自太阳的__________,而使地球上的生物免遭伤害.下列现象中:①小孔成像、②影子、③日食、④彩虹,其中能说明光的直线传播__________.三.解答题21.小丽等同学“探究声音的产生”的装置如图所示,将系在细线上的乒乓球靠近音叉.(1)当小丽同学用小锤敲击音叉的时候,既能听到音叉发出的声音,又能观察到__________.通过实验现象得出的结论是__________.(2)乒乓球在实验中起到什么作用?__________.这种思维方法叫做__________(等效法/控制变量法/转换法类比法).(3)若实验过程中小丽同学加大敲击音叉的变化:①听到和看到的现象会有什么样的变化?__________.②根据实验现象的变化,你又可以总结出什么结论?__________.22.随着社会的发展,城市里各种噪声污染越来越严重地影响着我们的生活和身心健康.请你为我市创建宜居城市,提出两条控制或减弱噪声的合理措施.(要求:措施要结合相关物理原理)(1)__________(2)__________.23.(1)图中的温度计甲的示数为__________;温度计乙的示数为__________.(2)有一种能反映空气水蒸气含量的装置叫做干湿泡温度计,它是由两个相同的温度计并列制成的,其中一个温度计湿布包起来了,两个温度计的读数不一样,湿泡温度计的读数较__________(填“高”或“低”),这是由于湿布的水在__________时要吸热,在一定温度下,两个温度计读数的差别越小,表示空气中的水蒸气含量越__________(填“多”或“少”).24.请根据下列四幅插图,回答对应的问题:(a)图1中烛焰在音乐声中摇曳说明了__________.(b)中乒乓球的作用是__________.(c)水中敲击石块,可以得出结论__________.(d)改变钢尺伸出桌面长度,用相同力拨动钢尺,是为了探究__________.25.研究声学问题时,老师让大家做了几个实验:(1)用手摸自己的喉咙处,并发声“啊”(2)用手抖动一张白纸,听白纸发出的声音(3)将敲响的音叉迅速接触水面,观察到水花四溅对上述现象进行__________(选填“推理”或“归纳”),可以得到的结论是__________.26.如图所示,用酒精灯对烧瓶加热一段时间后,发现瓶中水量减少.这是由于水__________ 造成的(填物态变化名称);而金属盘底部出现水滴,这是由于金属盘的温度__________,使水蒸气发生__________ 而形成的.27.在做“观察水沸腾”的实验时,(1)小明同学用的是如图甲所示装置,他们测出的水温__________(选填“偏高”、“偏低”或“没问题”).(2)图乙是小红同学在实验某时刻温度计的示数,此时水的温度是__________℃.(3)小明、小红两同学虽然选用的实验装置相同,但将水加热到沸腾用的时间不同,他们绘制的温度随时间变化的图象如图丙所示.分析图象可知:水的沸点是__________℃;小红从给水加热到水沸腾,所用时间较长的原因是__________.(4)水沸腾时水中气泡在上升过程中__________(“由大变小”、“由小变大”),气泡内放出的__________在烧杯内壁形成小水珠,观察最图丁中烧杯内壁a、b两处,可以发现__________处出现的水珠较多,这是因为__________.28.小华设计了如图所示的甲、乙两种装置来探究“冰熔化时温度变化规律”.(1)实验室常用温度汁是利用液体的__________性质制成的,小华某一时刻观察到温度计示数如图丙所示,该温度值为__________℃;(2)该实验应选用__________(“大冰块”或“碎冰块”)来进行实验,效果更好些;(3)有同学认为乙图并未用酒精灯加热,冰也熔化了,于是他认为冰熔化不需要吸收热量,他的想法__________(选填“正确”或“不正确”).29.在“探究甲乙两种物质熔化规律”的实验中,某小组同学记录的实验数据如表所示,请(1)该组同学在某一次观察中记录明显错误的数据是__________;(2)在甲和乙这两种物质中,属于晶体的是__________(选填“甲”或“乙”);(3)该晶体的熔点是__________℃;(4)该晶体在76℃时,处于__________(选填“固体”、“液体”或“固液共存”)状态;(5)固体在熔化过程中需要__________(选填“吸收”或“放出”)热量.30.将点燃的蜡烛置于自制的小孔成像仪前,调节二者的位置,在屏上得到如图所示的蜡烛清晰倒立的像,请在图中确定成像仪上小孔O的位置(画出光路图,保留作图痕迹).若将蜡烛靠近成像仪少许,蜡烛的像将__________(选填“变大”、“变小”或“不变”).将蜡烛在孔前绕顺时针旋转,则它在塑料薄膜上所成的像是__________(选填“顺”或“逆”)时针旋转的;31.夏天,在南京的大街上漫步时,我们会发现透过法国梧桐树叶缝隙的阳光在地面上会呈现出光斑.如图所示,在一块硬纸板上挖一边长为5厘米的正方形的“孔”.把这块挖有方孔的纸板对准太阳光,当纸板和地面像距很近时,在地面上能观察到__________亮斑(选填“正方形状”、“圆形”或“三角形”),这是__________造成的;逐渐增大纸板与地面间的距离,你会发现地面上亮斑会变成__________亮斑(选填“树叶形状”、“圆形”或“方形”),而且光斑的大小将变__________(选填“大”或“小”).32.小明想比较阻燃型保温材料和普通保温材料的保温性能.他用厚度相同的两种材料的板材制成大小相同的两只盒子,盒盖上开有插温度计的小孔.首先在阻燃型材料的盒内放一烧杯,烧杯中倒入适量的热水,盖上盖子,测得温度如图所示,并记录温度计示数下降10℃所用的时间t1.然后将烧杯移至普通保温材料的盒内,盖上盖子,记录温度下降10℃所用的时间t2.上述实验再重复做两次.(1)图示温度计示数为__________℃.处填写的物理量是__________,其单位是__________.(3)小明实验方案中存在明显问题,请你帮他指出来.答:__________.(4)小华针对小明方案中存在的问题,对方案进行修改.简要写出修改后正确的实验方案.答:__________.33.小明同学做“比较两种材料保温性能”的实验,他取泡沫塑料(1)和卫生纸(2)两种材料作保温材料,两根相同的温度计,两个相同的大玻璃烧杯,钟表和热开水,以及细线、硬纸片、剪刀.他做两个相同的硬纸外壳,装置如图a所示.把盛有热水的烧杯放入不同保温材料的硬纸盒中自然冷却.根据实验测得的数据绘得图b所示“水温与时间关系”的图象,实验过程室温基本不变,请回答:(1)为了比较两种材料的保温性能,你认为小明在实验操作时,应该注意哪些问题?请写出其中一点:__________.(2)根据实验图象提供信息,保温性能较好的材料是__________.(选填①或②)(3)分析实验图象数据,你认为热水放在房间里降温时,温度自然降低的规律是__________:A.先快后慢;B.先慢后快;C.均匀降低;D.基本不变(4)当时的室温大约是__________℃(5)根据描绘的热水冷却图象,如果你要喝一杯奶咖啡,可以有两种方式供你选择:方式1:先将烧开的热咖啡倒入杯中,冷却5min,然后加一匙冷牛奶方式2:先将烧开的热咖啡倒入杯中,立即将一匙冷牛奶加进杯中,然后冷却5min,那么你认为方式__________的冷却效果更好.(选填“1”或“2”)2015-2016学年江苏省南京市扬子一中八年级(上)期中物理试卷一、选择题1.关于声现象,说法正确的是( )A.只要物体振动,我们就能听到声音B.声音的传播速度是340m/sC.声音是一种波,它具有能量D.“禁鸣喇叭”,是在声音传播过程中减弱噪声【考点】声与能量;声音的产生;声音在不同介质中的传播速度;防治噪声的途径.【专题】声现象.【分析】通过课本中对关于声音的产生和传播、声音的利用、减弱噪声的方法等基础知识的记忆,可以得到答案.【解答】解:A、声音是物体振动产生的,声音的传播需要介质,无介质传播声音我们就不能听到,故A错误;B、声音在不同介质中的传播速度不同,声音在15℃的空气中的传播速度是340m/s,故B错误;C、声音是波的一种,声音具有能量,故C正确;D、“禁鸣喇叭”,是在声源处减弱噪声,故D错误;故选:C.【点评】强化对课本基础知识的记忆是解决识记性题目的基础.2.噪声严重影响着人们的生活和工作,以下防治噪声的办法中可行的是( )A.通过科学研究,使噪声源不发生振动B.将所有噪声源隔离在真空容器中,以避免噪声干扰C.城市里在穿过住宅区的高速公路两旁建隔音墙、一般道路两旁植树种花D.建筑工地不允许使用大型机械【考点】防治噪声的途径.【分析】解决此题的关键是知道防治噪声污染可以从噪声的产生、噪声的传播及噪声的接收这三个环节进行防治.【解答】解:A、在噪声的产生处可以减弱噪声,物体只要振动就会发出声音,不振动就不能工作,不符合题意;B、所有的噪声源都隔离在真空容器里不现实,不符合题意;C、在高速公路两旁建隔音墙、道路两旁植树种花都可以在声音的传播途中减弱噪声,办法可行,符合题意;D、工地没有大型机械工作无法进行,不符合题意;故选C.【点评】解决此类题目要结合防治噪声的途径进行解答,噪声的减弱办法是针对声音的产生、传播、接收这三个过程来采取措施的.3.如图所示是某种物质熔化时温度随时间变化的曲线图,下列说法中正确的是( )A.AB段表示该物质温度逐渐升高,它的熔点也在升高B.BC段表示该物质有一定的熔点,因此它是晶体C.BC段表示该物质温度不随时间改变,说明该物质已经完全熔化D.该曲线可能是蜡熔化时温度随时间变化的图象【考点】晶体的熔化和凝固图像.【专题】图析法.【分析】要解决此题,需要掌握:①晶体在熔化过程中的特点:吸热,但温度保持不变.②在熔化图象中,若有一段时间温度保持不变,则为晶体,此时的温度为熔点.从开始熔化到完全熔化完为熔化过程.在熔化之前为固态;熔化过程中为固液混合态;完全熔化完后为液态.【解答】解:A、从图象上看,AB段表示该物质温度逐渐升高,但不能表示它的熔点也在升高,故本选项说法错误.B、BC段为晶体的熔化过程,所以处于固液混合态,故本选项说法正确.C、BC段表示该物质温度不随时间改变,说明该物质正在熔化,故本选项说法错误.D、该曲线是晶体熔化时温度随时间变化的图象,蜡不是晶体,所以不可能是蜡熔化时温度随时间变化的图象,故本选项说法错误.故选B.【点评】此题主要考查了晶体的熔化图象.要学会从图象中找出与晶体有关的信息.关键是掌握晶体的熔化特点:吸热但温度保持不变.4.以下物态变化的事例中,属于凝华的是( )A.冬天池塘的水面上结了一层薄冰B.北方的冬天,冰冻的衣服在﹣10℃时也能晾干C.刚从冰箱取出的冰棍,在其表面上附着一层“白霜”D.刚从冰箱取出的冰棒,在其表面周围“冒”出的“白气”【考点】生活中的凝华现象.【专题】汽化和液化、升华和凝华.【分析】物质由气态直接变成固态的现象叫做凝华,霜、雪、雾凇等都是水蒸气遇冷凝华而成的.【解答】解:冬天池塘的水面上结了一厚冰,属于凝固现象,故A错误;北方的冬天,冰冻的衣服在﹣10℃时也能晾干,属于升华现象,故B错误;刚从冰箱取出的冰棍,在其表面上附着一层白霜属于凝华现象,故C正确;刚从冰箱取出的冰棒,在其表面周围“冒”出的白气属于液化现象,故D错误.故选:C.【点评】本题考查的是生活中物态变化现象的判断,是中考必考的知识点,需要掌握.5.下列现象发生的过程中,放出热量的一组是( )①冰雪消融②积水干涸③滴水成冰④霜满枝头.A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④【考点】熔化与熔化吸热特点;凝固与凝固放热特点;汽化及汽化吸热的特点;生活中的凝华现象.【专题】温度计、熔化和凝固;汽化和液化、升华和凝华.【分析】物体从固态变为液态的过程叫熔化,熔化要吸热;物体从液态变为固态的过程叫凝固,凝固要放热;物体从气态变为液态的过程叫液化,液化要放热;物体由气态直接变为固态叫凝华,凝华要放热.【解答】解:春天,冰雪消融,是熔化过程,需要吸收热量;积水干枯是由液体变为气态,需要吸热;滴水成冰是由液体变为固态,需要放热,霜满枝头是由气态变为固态,属于凝华现象,需要放热.故选:D.【点评】此题考查的是物态变化的判断和物态变化伴随的吸放热情况,熟记概念是解决本题的关键.6.生活中我们会看到这样的现象:现象一,剥开棒冰纸时.棒冰周围冒“白气”;现象二,在寒冷的冬天户外的人不断呼出“白气”以上两种现象产生的原因分别是( )A.冰棒局部升华:呼出的水蒸气液化B.棒冰局部升华;户外空气中的水蒸气液化C.冰棒周围空气中的水蒸气液化;呼出的水蒸气液化D.冰棒周围空气中的水蒸气液化;户外空气中的水蒸气液化【考点】液化及液化现象.【专题】汽化和液化、升华和凝华.【分析】要解答本题需掌握:生活中的液化现象,以及它们的成因.【解答】解:剥开棒冰纸时.棒冰周围冒“白气“,这是空气中的水蒸气液化而成的;在寒冷的冬天户外的人不断呼出“白气”这是呼出的水蒸气液化而形成的.故选C【点评】本题主要考查学生对液化现象的理解和掌握.是中考的热点.7.下表为一些物质的凝固点和沸点,由此判断,在我国各个地区都能测量气温的温度计应选用)下表为一些物质的凝固点和沸点,根据下表判断,在我国各个地区都能测量气温的温【考点】熔点和凝固点;液体温度计的构造与工作原理.【专题】温度计、熔化和凝固.【分析】测气温的温度计的是利用液体热胀冷缩的性质来工作的,液体的凝固点和沸点决定了这种液体温度计的测量范围.【解答】解:水温度计的测量范围是0℃~100℃;水银温度计的测量范围是﹣39℃~357℃;酒精温度计的测量范围是﹣117℃~78℃;乙醚温度计的测量范围是﹣114℃~35℃.因为我国寒冷地区的气温会达到﹣50℃,最高气温达到40℃,所以应选用凝固点比﹣50℃低、沸点比40℃高的酒精温度计.故选A.【点评】此题考查的是温度计的原理(液体的热胀冷缩).选择温度计就要根据物质的凝固点和沸点.8.同学们体育课上用的“铅球”实际上是一个铁球,它是将铁熔化成“铁水”直接倒入“模子”浇铸而成.在下列各图中,能正确描述“铅球”在铸造过程中温度变化的是( )A.B. C.D.【考点】晶体的熔化和凝固图像.【专题】温度计、熔化和凝固.【分析】铁是金属,是晶体,在铸造铁轨的过程中,应先将铁熔化,达到一定温度后进行浇铸,并重新使其凝固成固体.据晶体的熔化和凝固特点,可对以上选项进行分析.【解答】解:A、是晶体先凝固降温,后熔化升温的过程,不合题意;B、是晶体先熔化升温,后凝固降温的过程,符合题意;C、是非晶体先凝固降温,后熔化升温的过程,不合题意;D、是非晶体先熔化升温,后凝固降温的过程,不合题意;故选B.【点评】首先要明确,铁是一种晶体,再根据晶体熔化与凝固的特点,结合铸造铁轨的实际过程,对图象进行分析判断.9.如图是色光三原色示意图,图中区域1、区域2分别应标颜色是( )A.绿色、白色B.黄色、白色C.绿色、黑色D.黄色、黑色【考点】色光的三原色和颜料的三原色.【专题】应用题.【分析】红、绿、蓝是光的三原色,红、黄、蓝是颜料的三基色.红、绿、蓝三色光混合在一起可得到白光.【解答】解:实验表明:自然界中的红、绿、蓝三种颜色的光无法用其它颜色的光混合而成,而其它颜色光可用红、绿、蓝光适当混合而得到.故图中区域1和2分别应标上绿色、白色.故选A.【点评】本题主要考查学生对光的三原色,以及颜料的三基色的认识和了解.光的三原色和颜料的三原色容易混淆,注意区分,光的三原色能合成白光,颜料的三原色能合成黑色.10.如图中,a、b、c三条图线表示三种质量相等的固体同时同等条件下加热时的熔化图象,由图可知( )A.a、b、c肯定都是晶体B.a、b、c的熔点相同C.c比a熔化的快D.a比c的熔点高【考点】晶体的熔化和凝固图像.【专题】温度计、熔化和凝固.【分析】要解决此题,需要掌握晶体和非晶体在熔化过程中的区别:晶体有一定的熔点,而非晶体没有一定的熔点.同时要掌握熔点的概念.【解答】解:(1)从图中可以看出a、c在熔化过程中有一段时间温度保持不变,所以a、c 是晶体,b在整个过程中温度不断升高,所以b是非晶体,非晶体没有熔点,故AB错误.(2)从图中还可以看出,a的熔点高于c的熔点.a比c物质熔化要快,故C错误,D正确.故选D.【点评】此题主要通过图象考查了学生的识图能力,同时考查了晶体和非晶体的区别,知道晶体有固定的熔点,而非晶体没有固定的熔点.11.下面的图中,正确表示水沸腾时杯底气泡向上升的图示是( )A. B.C. D.【考点】沸腾及沸腾条件.【专题】汽化和液化、升华和凝华.【分析】水受热沸腾前,水的下方温度较高,上层的水温度较低,气泡上升时,遇到上层温度低的水,液化且气泡变小;沸腾时整个容器中的水温度都相同,气泡上升的过程中,气泡在水中的深度越来越浅,所受的压强越来越小,气泡越来越大.【解答】解:水沸腾前,由于上层水温较低,气泡在上升过程中液化而变小;水沸腾时,整个容器中的水温相同,气泡上升,水压变小,气泡变大.故选:A.【点评】水沸腾前气泡在上升过程中液化而变小;水沸腾时,气泡上升,水压变小,气泡变大.在平时要注意观察、思考,发现身边的物理现象,总结包含的物理道理.12.“缥缈的雾,晶莹的露,凝重的霜,轻柔的雪,同样的水分子,装扮着我们生活的时空”.这是一首描述物理现象的抒情诗.对这首诗中所描述的物理现象理解正确的是( )A.“缥缈的雾”是汽化现象B.“晶莹的露”升华现象C.“凝重的霜”是凝华现象D.“轻柔的雪”是熔化现象【考点】液化及液化现象;生活中的凝华现象.【专题】汽化和液化、升华和凝华.【分析】物体由气态变为液态的现象叫液化,由气态变为固态的现象叫凝华;根据我们对于液化和凝华的了解来作答.【解答】解:雾、露是液态的,是由空气中的水蒸气遇冷液化形成的;霜、雪是固态的,是由空气中的水蒸气遇冷凝华形成的.故选C.【点评】此题考查的是自然现象中雾、露、霜、雪的形成过程,判断物态变化,先看变化前后的状态,再根据定义确定.二、填空13.小华在演奏古筝时,弹拨琴弦,使琴弦振动而发声;小华手指按压琴弦的位置在不断改变,这样做的目的是为了改变声音的音调;悠扬的声音是通过空气传播到我们耳中的;小明在旁边轻声伴唱是指声音的响度小.【考点】声音的产生;声音的传播条件;频率及音调的关系;响度.【专题】声现象.【分析】①声音是由物体的振动产生的;②音调的高低与发声体振动快慢有关,物体振动越快,音调就越高;③声音的传播是需要介质的,它既可以在气体中传播,也可以在固体和液体中传播;真空不能传声;④响度是指声音的大小,与物体振动的振幅有关,振幅越大,响度越大.【解答】解:(1)弹拨琴弦,琴弦会振动而发声;(2)当用手指去控制琴弦长度时,琴弦振动的快慢会不一样,所以变声音的音调就会发生变化;不断用手指去控制琴弦的长度,这样做的目的是为了改变声音的音调;(3)琴弦发出的声音会通过空气传到我们的耳朵里;(4)小明在旁边轻声伴唱是指声音的响度小.故答案为:振动;音调;空气;响度.【点评】本题考查的知识点比较全面,有声音的产生、传播、音调、响度等知识点,主要考查学生应用物理知识解决实际问题的能力.14.小华和小兵同学用薄塑料片在具有疏密不同的梳子梳齿上划过,如图所示.小华在图(a)中的梳子上用塑料片轻轻划过与用力划过,是为了探究声音的响度与振幅的关系;小兵在图(a)和图(b)两个梳子上用同一个塑料片以相同的速度划过,是为了探究声音的音调与频率的关系.【考点】响度与振幅的关系;频率及音调的关系.【专题】实验题.【分析】(1)声音响度跟振幅有关;振幅越大,响度越大;.。



2015-2016学年南京市扬子一中八年级下英语第五单元测试卷班级姓名一、选择题( ) 1. The new kind of mobile phone is_______ expensive, I don't have _______ money.A too much; much too B. much too; too muchC. too much; too muchD. much too; much too( ) 2. The workers in the Emei Mountains have to ____ rubbish to keep the mountains clean.A. turn upB. pick upC. mix upD. give up( )3. -Remember to turn off the air-conditioRer when you leave home.-_______.A. OK. I willB. Sorry, I won'tC. Thank youD. I know that( )4. If you study hard, your dream will_______ soon.A. come outB. come trueC. achieveD. come up( )5. Wilson can't explain things well, what he says can't be understood very_______.A quietly B. carefully C. slowly D. clearly( )6. The boy pushed me away as I was_______ his way.A onB inC byD at( ) 7. Linda was un happy because Liz________ her conversation with Dad.A push inB cut inC bump intoD drop in( ) 8. Jack is ______funny_______ make us happy after class.A so; thatB too; toC / ; enough toD enough; to( )9. The fans were so excited that they _______ their hands .A. could’t stop clappingB. couldn’t stop to clapC. can’t stop clappingD. can’t stop to clap( )10.------Boy, didn’t you see people were waiting in line? Don’t______ in!------I’m sorry, sirA pushB pullC putD carry( )11.------Mum, can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table? ------Well, I do have some advice.______, please keep quiet while eating.A in allB of allC At allD Above all( )12.Can you tell me how ________ the problem ?A. did solveB. to solveC. solvingD. solved( )13.I have spent______ on this job. I think I can finish it______ this afternoon.A sometime; sometimeB sometimes; some timeC some time; sometimeD some times; sometime( )14.------Mrs Green. Do you think I can get an “A” in the final exam if I start working hard now?-------Of course!__________A Better late than neverB Many hands make light workC You cannot burn the candle at both sidesD Action speak louder than words( )15.-----Jane got an “A” in the maths test.-----_______. She works the hardest in our class.A Many hands make light workB It never rains but it poursC Don’t put all your eggs in one basketD No pain, no gain二、完形填空We are lucky to live in a rich country where we have many things. However, most of us usually 1 some things.Electricity is one thing that we waste ___2_. Lights, TVs, 3 and other things are often kept on even when no one is using them. We should turn them off when we do not need them. It 4 less than a second to do it. Anyhow, not wasting electricity save money, because we do not have to 5 the electricity we do not use.The second thing that we often waste is water. Fresh water is precious(宝贵的), 6 it shouldn’t be wasted. It is only a simple matter of turning off a tap*.I am sure 7 can do this easily if he wants to.8 big waste is food. My mother 9 cook so much food that much of it was thrown away. I told her we had wasted so much 10 . She thought I was right and now cooks __11_ what we can eat.It is not 12 to be wasteful. I find there is a simple 13 of not wasting things. That is to use only what we 14 . Do not touch what we do not need. 15 this way we can stop being wasteful.( )1. A. use B. wash C. waste D. forget .( )2. A. little B. most C. few D. least( )3. A. radios B. apples C. bikes D. doors( )4. A. brings B. costs C. keeps D. takes( )5. A. afford B. save C. pay for D. care for( )6. A. though B. because C. so D. but( )7. A. nobody B. something C. everybody D. nothing( )8. A. Others B. Other C. Another D. The other( )9. A. planned to B. used to C. was able to D. was afraid to ( )10. A. electricity B. water C. food D. money ( )11. A. mainly B. only C. mostly D. specially( )12. A. right B. fine C. bad D. necessary ( )13. A. way B. thing C. plan D. project( )14. A. buy B. need C. bring D. get( )15. A. On B. In C. For D. At三、阅读理解AThe date was like any other day in his life. After school Bill walked past the shop on the street corner(角落). He stopped to look at the front row of the shoes. And he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday. He sadly walked away and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and he didn't want to make his motherworry about it. So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass. Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair (轮椅). He found that the girl moved the wheels with her hands. Bill looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet. He looked down at his own feet. "It is much better to be without shoes than without feet," he thought. It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled , thinking he was luckier in life.( )1. Bill was sorry that ______.A. The shoes in the shop were not the right size for himB. He forgot to bring any money with himC. He walked past the shoe shopD. His shoes were old( )2. Which of the following is right?A. Bill's mother had much money.B. Bill's mother was a kind -hearted woman.C. Bill's mother wouldn't buy him anything.D. Bill's mother often bought presents for Bill's birthday.( )3. Why didn't Bill go home at once?A . Because his mother was at work.B. Because he wanted to sit on the grass in the park.C. Because his mother wouldn't give him any money.D. Because he didn't want to give his mother any trouble.BWhen you cough or sneeze, please turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. Afterwards, you should say, "Excuse me.”This is a rule I set for my students.It is so simple, but many kids have never been told to do this. In fact, I notice adults cough and sneeze in public without putting a hand over the mouth. I hate travelling by subway(地铁)in New York during cold and flu season, because it is certain that someone is going to stand right behind me and cough or sneeze on my neck.One important thing I point out to the kids is that after they sneeze or cough on their hand, they should wash their hands as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will be passing those germs(病菌)along to everything and everyone they touch. In order to help the kids remember this rule, I tell them about an old story. It says that when you sneeze, evil spirits jump into your body. If you don't cover your mouth, the spirits will enter, but if you cover your mouth, you will keep them out, We say "God bless you" when someone sneezes, and in Germany you should say "Gesundheit". That means "Good health to you." Both expressions are said just in case you didn't cover your mouth in time and the spirits were able to enter your body. The kids love finding out the origins(起源)of these expressions and it encourages them to put the advice to use more often.( )4. After coughing or sneezing on their hand, students are advised to_______.A. say "God bless you"B. wash their hands as soon as possibleC. go to see a doctor as soon as possibleD. go home and have a good rest( )5. What does the underline word "this" mean?A. Don't cough or sneeze in front of people.B. Don't stand beside someone who coughs or sneezes.C. Many people cough or sneeze on the underground train. .D. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and say sorry.( )6. From the passage we can know the writer of this article must be_______.A. a reporterB. a teacherC. a doctorD. an officer( )7. According to the article, the writer would like the kids_______.A. to be polite to adultsB. to be in better healthC. to have good mannersD. to do well in examsCNow QQ coins are popular among Chinese teenagers. People use real money to buy Web money. Then they buy clothes for their online characters or services for their online pets with it. And these fancy things will cost QQ fans more in the future.The government will put a tax(税) of 3% on online sales. For example, if QQ users pay 100 yuan for 110 QQ coins, they will have to spend 103 yuan in the future. The extra three yuan is tax.Beijing was the first city to carry out the policy(政策). Online games have to pay the tax, too. A number of players make money by spending a lot of time on the games to gain(获得) powers, and then selling them online.Experts said that online trade(贸易) grew fast. There is more than 10 billion yuan of real money in online trade a year in China.However, the government's new move has become a hot topic among Internet users around the country. In a survey by www. sina. com. more than 70% of about 3, 000 surveyed were against it. They said that the tax was too heavy.But supporters said the government's better management (管理) of the Internet would help it become healthier. They believe the new move would help stop online identity(身份) theft.( )8. We can learn from the passage that QQ coins are_______.A. a kind of game softwareB. a kind of Web moneyC. some fancy clothesD. some online pets( )9. The underlined word "move" means "_______ " in Chinese.A. 移动B. 搬家C. 措施D. 迁移( )10. We can learn from the passage that_______.A. the players don't have to pay the taxB. many Internet users think the tax is too heavyC. only 20% of about 3, 000 Internet users are against this policyD. the new move will cause online identity theftDHave you ever noticed how busy our roads are becoming? Every year more and more cars are using them. Already in such countries as America, almost every family has a car. Many accidents happen because cars are now made to travel very fast. Also, people waste time and money every day as long lines of cars move slowly into townsand cities. In most big towns it is very hard to find parking spaces.Wide, smooth(平的), straight(直的) roads must be built now in place of the old and narrow roads. These roads must not pass through towns and cities. They must not be crossed by other roads.Today such roads are being built in many countries in the world. These roads have at least two lanes, one for slow-moving traffic and the other for fast-moving traffic.These roads do not pass through towns and cities, horses and bikes are not allowed on them. Accidents do not usually happen. Cars can travel hundreds of miles without having to stop.But these modern roads often cannot be built in towns and cities. Before a road in a town can be made wider, many buildings have to be pulled down.Some people feel that more car-parks should be built outside a city, then the drivers should leave their cars and catch a bus or take a taxi to their offices. ( ) 11.The writer thinks that many accidents(事故) happen because _____.A. roads are old and narrowB. roads go across each otherC. people drive their cars too fastD. all of the above( ) 12.How are the new roads different from old roads?A. They have at least two lanes.B. They cross over one another.C. They have no fast cars.D. They pass through towns.( ) 13.New roads must be built because_____.A. cars can not travel any longerB. people are very busyC. the old roads are too straightD. the old roads are too busy( )14.It is hard to build new roads in towns because_____.A. horses and bikes go thereB. there are too many carsC. there are too many peopleD. many buildings have to be pulled down ( ) 15.The passage(文章)is mainly(主要的) about_____.A. the old roadsB. roads of the futureC. how to build the modern roadsD. roads in towns and in the country四. 填空A. 根据所给汉语意思或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

南京市扬子一中2015-2016学年八年级下册:Unit7 International charities单元测试

南京市扬子一中2015-2016学年八年级下册:Unit7 International charities单元测试

南京市扬子一中八年级下Unit7单元测试一、单项填空( )1. — How did you learn to cook this dish?— I learnt it ______. a video. I have learnt to cook many dishes ______.watching videos.A. on; onB. by; forC. on; byD. for; by( )2. — Can you tell me what Tiangong 1 is?— Tiangong 1 is used ______.a space laboratory (实验室). It has worked well in space for over two years.A. byB. withC. asD. of( )3. — Can you tell me something about ORBIS?— It is a ______. working for blind people. It has helped over 19 million people in the past30 years.A. bankB. schoolC. businessD. charity( )4. —Ann is really the apple in her parents’ eyes.— So she is. And they looked very ______.when Ann got good grades.A. proudB. nervousC. worriedD. sad( )5. — Because of pollution, many fish here have lost their______. areas.— Yes. And some even have lost their ______.A. lives; liveB. lives; livingC. life; livingD. living; lives( )6. Do you have________ to say about your study?special anything B. special something C. anything special D. something special ( )7. You’d better buy some magazines before you get on the train. You know you will spend 24 hours __________.A. in boardB. in the boardC. on boardD. on the board ( )8. —She’s told to write the report instead of you, ____________? — Yes. She has to hand it in tomorrow.A. isn’t sheB. doesn’t sheC. hasn’t sheD. is she( )9. Smart phones can be used to ________ for information. But I am not used to _________ information on such a small screen.A. search; readingB. searching; readingC. search; readD. searching; read ( )10. The World Cup _______ every four years. Football fans are all looking forward to it this summer.A. takes placeB. is taken placeC. has taken placeD. is taking place ( )11. Last spring, there were over 100 cases of H7N9. Luckily, most of them _________.A. were curedB. curedC. have curedD. were curing( )12. The United Nations has done a lot for the peace of the world since it was ____ in 1945.A. set offB. set onC. set upD. set away( )13. Tom by his classmates because he made a careless mistake.A. laughed atB. was laughed atC. laughedD. was laughed ( )14. — __________ the charity show organized? — We organize it once a year.A. When isB. How often doesC. When willD. How often is ( )15. —You don’t look yourself today. ____________?—Nothing much. It’s just a slight cold.A. What’s the matterB. How are you goingC. Are you seriousD. How is the matter( )16. — What happened to Mrs Lee?— She was badly hurt in the accident. Luckily, she ________in time.A. operated onB. was operatedC. was operated onD. was operating on ( )17. — Are you getting on well with your project?— Well, it is hard for me to ________ with it. But I will never give it up.A. carry outB. carry onC. carry awayD. carry off( )18. When the big ship “Titanic” fell down into the sea, there were over 2,200 people ________And only about 700 of them survived.A. in boardB. on the boardC. in the boardD. on board( )19. — Must these old people pay for the medicine?—________. The medicine is offered to them for free.A. No, they needn’tB. No, they mustn’tC. Yes, they mustD. Yes, they need ( )20.-Is your sister ill? -No, _______, only a little cold.A. serious anythingB. nothing seriousC. serious nothingD. anything serious二、完形填空Antarctica is in the most ___1___ part of the world. It’s like nowhere else ___2___ the earth. It’s nearly twice the size of Australia, much ___3___ than Europe. Antarctica is the___4___and windiest place in the world, even colder and windier than the Arctic. In summer, the sun shines for twenty-four hours a day. 5 in winter, it’s completely dark for about three months. Very 6 plants grow there, but there is some wildlife, like sea lions and penguins (企鹅).When Captain James Cook traveled around Antarctica by ship 7 , he found nobody living there. Today, a few 8 are studying the Ozone Hole (臭氧空洞) in Antarctica. The ozone layer (臭氧层) is getting thinner and thinner. The biggest “hole” is over Antarctica, and the 9there is becoming warmer. These scientists are thinking about ways to 10 Antarctica. Maybe they will find some useful methods soon.( )1. A. southern B. northern C. eastern D. western( )2. A. over B. at C. on D. above( )3. A. smaller B. larger C. smallest D. largest( )4. A. coldest B. hottest C. wettest D. driest( )5. A. So B. But C. Because D. Since( )6. A. few B. little C. many D. much( )7. A. in 1770s B. in the 1770 C. in the 1770s D. in the 1770s’( )8. A. scientists B. teachers C. doctors D. policemen( )9. A. water B. weather C. surface D. area( )10. A. present B. tour C. increase D. protect三、阅读理解(A)Perhaps your childhood piano lessons made you never want to play the piano again. Perhapsa piano is too expensive for you to buy. Now thanks to a program in Sydney called "Play Me, I'm Yours", people are able to play the piano in public places. for free. They share beautiful music and the program also helps them communicate with each other.Thirty pianos have been placed in different parts of the city including in several parks, at a bus stop and on some streets. The pianos have the logo "Play Me, I'm Yours" on them. People arc invited to play music or sing songs with the pianos. Lots of people have been attracted (吸引) to the program and stopped to watch or play the pianos."Play Me, I'm Yours" is a part of the Sydney Festival. It is a project of the British artist Luck Jerram. He wants to help people in the city connect with each other. He thinks that so many people are sitting in front of computers and busy with their work all hours and they almost have no chance to enjoy music. So the purpose of the project is to help them relax and make new friends.The program "Play Me, I'm yours" has also reached England and Brazil (巴西) before. It was warmly welcomed there. But its greatest success seems to come at the Sydney Festival. "It's a chance for people to connect with strangers (陌生人) and just have some fun, " Jerram said. ( ) 1. According to the first sentence of the passage, your childhood piano lessons may be _______.A. boringB. wonderfulC. interestingD. meaningful( ) 2. Thirty pianos are placed in parts of the city except _______.A. in parksB. at a bus stopC. on streetsD. in a school( ) 3. The purpose of the project is to help people _______.A. sing songsB. play the piano for freeC. relax and make friendsD. enjoy beautiful music( ) 4._______ countries have had the program.A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five( )5. What can be the title(标题)for the passage?A. Beautiful MusicB. A British Artist, Luck JerramC. The Sydney FestivalD. A Program "Play Me, I'm Yours"(B)Come to Austria(奥地利)Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria. And the Post Hotel is clean and not expensive. It is opened by a local family. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forests and the mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20 to 25 in the daytime, but much cooler by evening.Enjoy Thailand!When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, don't miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating Market just outside the city. There you will find-many kinds of fruit and vegetables. And you can pay for them when you sit in your boat. Don't forget your hat: the sun can-be strong and it may be as hot as 40 at noon.Visit Hawaii!Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but don't be surprised if it rains in the centre of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24 to 26 by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening.( ) 6. The advertisements above are about _______.A. shoppingB. foodC. travelD. hotels( )7. If you go to Bangkok, you can_______.A.climb mountainsB. enjoy the scenery(景色)of the forestsC.live in the Post HotelD. buy fruit while sitting in your boat( )8. _______ is one way to prevent the strong sunshine in Bangkok.A. Going to the sandy beachesB. Wearing a hatC. Climbing up the mountainsD. Staying in the forests( ) 9. Which place will you choose if you wan-t to visit both mountains and beaches?A. Soll in Austria.B. Bangkok in Thailand.C. The Floating Market.D. Kauai in Hawaii.( )10. According to(根据)the advertisements, we know that _______.A. the hottest travel place is SollB. maybe it often rains in the centre of KauaiC. the Floating Market is in the middle of BangkokD. the temperature isn't very high in these placesCOne afternoon, on my way home, I saw an accident: a car hit an old man!I shouted to people nearby for help, but no one stopped. When the car driver saw this, he quickly closed the window of the car and drove away. "What shall I do? The old man needs help."I thought.At that time, a truck(卡车) stopped and the driver came out. "What's wrong with the old man, boy? What can I do?" the driver asked me, "Sir, please help the old man. A car hit him and he is badly hurt!" I said. "Well, don't worry. Let me take him to the hospital first," the driver said.A few minutes later, the driver took the old man to the hospital and I called the police. I told the whole story to the police and I also told them the number of the car. The police said to me, "Well done, boy! Leave it to us. He must be punished!"When I got home, it was 7:30. I think what I did was great.( )11. One afternoon, a car hit_______.A. a young manB. a boyC. a truckD. an old man( )12. _______ didn't help the old man.A. People nearbyB. The car driverC. The truck driverD. Both A and B( )13. The truck driver_______.A. drove away quicklyB. stopped for a while and then drove awayC. took the old man to the hospitalD. called the police( )14. What does "punish" mean?A.奖励B.惩罚C.表扬D.批评( )15. Which of the following is NOT true in the passage?A. When the car driver saw the accident, he quickly drove away.B. After a long time, the car driver took the old man to the hospital.C. The writer told the whole story to the police.D. The writer thought what he did was great.四、填空A. 根据所给汉语意思或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

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江苏省南京市扬子一中2015-2016学年九年级上英语月考试卷(12月份)班级姓名一、选择题( )1. — So many people are standing outside the hall. ________ will the concert begin?— ________ seven o'clock.A. How soon; UntilB. How long; UntilC. How long; Not untilD. How soon; Not until( )2. — What do you think________ if the car________?A. can we do; is brokenB. can we do; breaks downC. we can do; breaks downD. we can do; is broken down( )3.He has _______ little money that he can’t even afford to buy__________ little sheep.A. so; soB. such; suchC. so; suchD. such; so( )4. —Which of these shirts do you like best?—I’ll take . They are both expensive and out of fashion.A. neitherB. eitherC. noneD. both( )5. Wendy is my best friend. To me, our friendship is _______price.A. offB. beyondC. underD. within( )6. –Why did Miss. Wang look so worried when we saw her.--Because she wondered ______________________.A. what she will do during the tripB. when would the policeman comeC. if her students survived the earthquakeD. where did the other students go( )7. It was her ___________ performance, but the memory was ____________.A. last; lastingB. last; lastedC. lasted; lastingD. lasted; last( )8. It is well known _______ all people that Beijing is known _______ the capital of China.A. to; asB. to; forC. for; asD. for; for( )9. The number of the classes in our school is _______ than _______ of any other school in Wuxi.A. larger; the oneB. more; thatC. larger; thatD. more; the one ( )10. You could hardly imagine ______________ amazing the Great Wall was _______________ you saw it with your own eyes.A. how, unlessB. what, unlessC. how, ifD. what, until( )11. My teacher was so angry at _______________ he walked out of the office without a word.A. what he did andB. what did he thatC. he did what thatD. what he did that ( )12. The Smith are considering _________ to England because they __________ the cold weather there.A. not moving, aren’t used toB. not moving, didn’t use toC. not to move, didn’t use toD. not to move, aren’t used to( )13. She _________her lovely pet dog last week. She was very sad for the _________of the dog..A. lose, lossB. lost, losingC. lost, lossD. lost, lost( )14. —I really want to give up my dream of being a singer.—_________. You are so young that you still have more chances.A. Don’t do it like that.B. It’s a good idea.C. Why not start again.D. How lovely you are!( )15.— Mum, when shall we go to the zoo?— Sorry, I will have a meeting today. But________ Saturday ________ Sunday is OK.A. Not only; but alsoB. Neither; norC. Either; orD. Both; and ( )16. ——Why did Tan become interested in the sounds of nature?——__________he thinks the best music comes from nature.A. SinceB. AsC. BecauseD. For( )17. The singer from Taiwan is __________ as the person who may get the champion in the singing competition by many people.A. directedB. consideredC. knownD. announced( )18 She plays a role in a film_____________ a true story.A. is based onB. base uponC. was based uponD. based upon ( )19. —I don’t like reading newspapers —__________________________.A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So I doD. Neither I do( )20. — I hope that I will have millions of dollars and I can buy my private (私人的) plane. — ________.A. You are welcomeB. That’s very kind of youC. In your dreamsD. Thank you all the same三、完形填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Most parents, I suppose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story 1 their children. And they must have realized how difficult it is to writ e a good children’s book. Either the author has aimed too 2 , so that children can’t follow what is in his ( or more often, her ) story, 3 the story seems to be talking to the readers.The best children’s books are 4 very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy the child who hears the story and the adult who reads it. Unfortunately, there are in fact few books like this, 5 the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not 6 to solve. This may be why many of the books regarded as works of children’s literature were in fact written for 7 . “Alice in Wonderland” is perhaps the most obvious(明显)of this.Children, left for themselves, often 8 the worst possible interest in literature. Just leave a child in a bookshop or a library and he will more willingly choose the books written in an unimaginative way, or have a look at the most children’s comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the rejections of teachers and righting-thinking parents.Perhaps we parents should stop 9 to brainwash(洗脑)children into accepting our taste in literature. After all, children and adults are so 10 that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. So I suppose we’ll just have to compromise over the bedtime story.1. A. to B. in C. with D. around2. A. easy B. short C. high D. difficult3. A. and B. but C. or D. so4. A. both B. neither C. either D. very5. A. but B. however C. so D. because6. A. hard B. easy C. enough D. fast7.A. grown-ups B. girls C. boys D. children8. A. are B. show C. find D. add9. A. going B. liking C. trying D. preferring10. A. same B. friendly C. different D. common三、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
