



高级英语5全部句子翻译U11) (drive something home)在举出许多事例并列出一些统计数字后,他终于把他的论点说清楚了。

After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.2) (more or less)差不多花了半年功夫,我们才完成了那研究项目。

It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.3) (subtle)他说的话如此微妙我们很难理解他的真实意图。

What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.4) (squarely)他的新书明确无误地审视当代的社会问题。

His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.5) (be alive to)今日的年轻一代对互联网上的最行新信息很敏感The younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet.6) (a matter of)外语是不是在童年更容易学好?这是一个观点问题。

It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise.7) (take courage )在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地去克服它。

新闻原文及翻译 (5)

新闻原文及翻译 (5)

Scripts for the News Cited in This LectureNews item 1China's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 6.8% during the first half of 2018 to 41.8961 trillion yuan, or some 6.27 trillion U.S. dollars. (CRI)2018年上半年,中国国内生产总值增长了6.8%,达到41.8961万亿元人民币,约合6.27万亿美元。

News item 2A tour boat turned over off the coast of Nicaragua, killing at least 13 people and leaving more passengers missing, officials said. (CET4)据官方表示,一艘观光船在尼加拉瓜的海岸附近翻了船,造成至少13人死亡,有更多的乘客失联。

News item 3The company spent the last five years developing solar panels that are only about a quarter of inch thick. (CET4)在过去的五年里,Colas公司一直致力于研发一种太阳能电池板,该板只有四分之一英寸厚。

News item 4Germany is out of the World Cup. The defending champions lost to South Korea 2-0 on Wednesday. (VOA Special)德国队无缘世界杯。


New Item 5The area's average temperature for the month of July was 42.28 degrees Celsius. (VOA Special)该地区7月份的平均温度是42.28摄氏度。

lecture 5 汉英词语翻译

lecture 5 汉英词语翻译

7). 昨天看电影我没有买到好票:
* I did not buy a good ticket for yesterday’s film. I did not buy a good seat for yesterday’s film.
8). 这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批人才
(batches of )。 * The national heavy university has sent/transported batches of qualified talents to the society. The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. 9). 他们省吃俭用,为的是攒钱买房子。 * They save food and expenses to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment. They live frugally/economically/thriftily to accumulate more funds to buy an apartment.
Appropriateness in word selection-ii
To choose word according to the collocation 2). 好: 好教徒 好父母 好儿女 好妻子 好丈夫 3). 水平: 英语水平 生活水平 游泳水平
2) good a faithful/devout/pious/sincere/ devoted Christian/believer a loving/caring parent an obedient/filial child a virtuous/devoted wife a dutiful/responsible husband 3) level English proficiency/ level living standard swimming skill





lecturecathedra讲座的相关短语学术讲座academic forum ; Academic lecture ; Academic Seminar ; Lecture系列讲座series of lectures ; Lecture Series ; Seminar Series ; Series (or set) of lectures做讲座give lectures ; give a lecture ; Do lectures ; A lecture 研究讲座Faculty Research Lecturer ; Research Chair Professor ; Research Seminar大师讲座Master Class ; Daryls New Millennium World Tour Lecture国家讲座national chair professors ; national chair professorship;national chair professors讲座通知Report Notice知识讲座Lecture ; Knowledge Lectures ; Chiar ; knowledge lecture稀有讲座The Ali Bongo Lecture ; Michael Weber - International Lecture讲座的英语例句1. He was much in demand as a lecturer in the US.他的讲座在美国很受欢迎。

2. This year's event consisted of readings, lectures and workshops.今年的活动包括读书会、讲座和研讨会。





lecture的意思n. 演讲,训斥,教训vi. 作演讲vt. 给…作演讲,教训(通常是长篇大论的)变形:过去式: lectured; 现在分词:lecturing; 过去分词:lectured;lecture用法lecture可以用作名词lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或责备”。

lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或about ,意为“关于…的演讲”“就…做演讲”“因…训斥或责备某人”。



lecture用作名词的用法例句She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.她讲课前把讲稿匆忙看了一遍。

His lecture covered various aspects of language.他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。

They could not follow the lecture.他们听不懂这次演讲。





“因…而受到训斥”可说lecture sb for n./v -ing。

lecture用作动词的用法例句It was a shame for me to be lectured in front of the whole class.当着整个班级的面被训斥了一顿,真让我感到羞辱。



Unit6 Where Is the News Leading Us?不久前我应邀参加了一次有关美国报业的作用的公众研讨会。


一位是知名的电视节目主持人,另一位是美国一家主要报纸的编辑,他是一位彻头彻尾的新闻工作者---- 在据实报道的方式上坚忍不拔、积极进取且见识过人。


















Lecture 5旅游翻译 (1)

Lecture 5旅游翻译 (1)
城市介绍I 城市介绍
梧州的灵气来自三条江。桂江、浔江与西江汇合处, 梧州的灵气来自三条江。桂江、浔江与西江汇合处,一浊 一清,恰似戏水鸳鸯,苏东坡赞曰: 鸳鸯秀水世无双” 一清,恰似戏水鸳鸯,苏东坡赞曰:“鸳鸯秀水世无双”。 鸳鸯 秀水世无双 The clear Guijiang River mingles with the turbid main stream of the West River and Xunjiang River in Wuzhou, suggesting the dark and light, female and male elements exhibited so happily by the duck and drake . As the famous poet Su Dongpo in Song Dynasty once wrote, “There is, no equal in the world, the streams seem as a pair of lovebird.”
因而建筑华美、设施齐全、井井有条。古城占地约 公顷 公顷, 因而建筑华美、设施齐全、井井有条。古城占地约60公顷, 建筑华美 有城墙和八座城门,主要街道呈十字交叉,纵横交错。 有城墙和八座城门,主要街道呈十字交叉,纵横交错。 十字交叉 解析:英汉翻译中,词汇多用四字词组或是成语,句式对称, 解析:英汉翻译中,词汇多用四字词组或是成语,句式对称, 多用对偶、排比等修辞方法。结构松散,讲求意合。 多用对偶、排比等修辞方法。结构松散,讲求意合。 Lecture 4
类比法: 类比法:将银川与伊斯兰教的圣地麦加进行类比 改译法, 改译法,词性转换法
Lecture 4

Lecture 4 对外新闻报道翻_附译文

Lecture 4 对外新闻报道翻_附译文

Lecture 4 对外新闻报道翻译新闻报道作为一种特殊的文体,属于“信息类语篇”。


英汉新闻报道在语言表达方面存在差异:汉英新闻标题对比1.概括程度不同2. 措辞手法各异3. 时间表达有别翻译要点:1.注意把握词语的政治内涵和情感色彩示例:1)“宣传”:publicity。

“对外宣传”新华社的译文是publicize China overseas 或international communication;“对外宣传报道”译为reporting on China for audience abroad.2)politics:get involved in government 或go into the government.3)“精神文明建设”:promote cultural and ethical progress.4)必须广泛开展优生优育知识的宣传工作* There must be extensive promotion of and publicity about the knowledge of having healthier babies and better upbringing of children.5)豆腐渣工程* jerry-built project6)两岸三地* Greater China7)中国大陆* the mainland of China* Chinese mainland8)对外开放* opening up/opening up to the outside world9) 台湾省* Taiwan2.增加背景信息示例:1)“铁饭碗”如今已被一个新出现的词“跳槽”代替。

* The phrase “iron-rice-bowl”, which refers to the job-for-life system, has been replaced by a new term, Tiao Cao, meaning “to seek better troughs.”2)“五讲四美”* five merits to advocate—civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic conditions, proper discipline and public morality; and four virtues to promote –lofty sentiments, polite language, good manners and environmental awareness.3)全国人民代表大会The National People’s Congress, China’s legislature.4)希望工程Project Hope, a program to aid poor children who are unable to continue their studies5)海峡两岸的“三通”Three direct link across the Taiwan Straits, namely, the link of trade, travel and post.3.释义示例:1)863计划* The State March 1986 High-tech Program2)老区* old revolutionary bases3)鼓励对口支援西部* to encourage industries in advanced regions to assist their counterparts in western regions.4)在今日中国,最引人注目的是农民企业家的出现。

lecture 翻译

lecture 翻译

lecture 翻译Lecture:演讲Lecture 指公开场合、集中时间,有一个或几个演讲者,向听众(多为教学机构的学生或大众)介绍某个主题等内容的演讲。

例句:1. 今晚,我们有幸有一位优秀的演讲人来做一场精彩的演讲。

We are privileged to have an outstanding speaker giving a wonderful lecture tonight.2. 明天的演讲内容将围绕未来技术发展趋势展开。

The lecture tomorrow will revolve around the trends of future technological development.3. 我们今天听的演讲非常有趣和有启发性的。

We havelistened to a very interesting and inspiring lecture today.4. 今天演讲者和观众之间的互动十分活跃。

The interaction between the speaker and the audience was very active today.5. 这次演讲给我们带来了很多新的思考。

This lecture has brought us a lot of new thinking.6. 我们能够听到授课老师讲课时非常开心。

We were delighted to hear the teacher's lecture.7. 演讲带给大家很多新的想法。

The lecture brought a lot of new ideas to everyone.8. 我们应该积极主动参与演讲,发表意见和看法。

We should take an active part in lectures and express our opinions and views.9. 演讲者的精神赞扬和比喻使听众印象深刻。



Unit5Suicide on Campus在校园内自杀Anchor: Good morning, everybody. I’m expecting all of you to gather here for the half-hour Early Show. Today, parents and students alike are constantly reminded of the problems like drug and alcohol abuse, and unsafe sex on college campuses. But relatively few are warned about suicide. And suicide is second only to accidents as a leading cause of death among college students.主持人:早上好,大家。





Our Early Show correspondent Tracy Smith reports on this very real danger that often goes undiscussed. Hello, Tracy. 我们早期的节目记者特雷西史密斯报道这个经常讨论的非常现实的危险。


Tracy Smith: Hi, Teresa. I know that today’s topic -campus suicides -is obviously weightier than the others we have talked about before. But we cannot give up eating for fear of choking. It is high time we looked at the issue face to face. A study by the American College Health Association showed that 15 percent of students meet the criteria for clinical depression. Although it’s a topic cloaked in stigma and shame, more colleges and universities are choosing to confront it, rather than wait until it’s too late. They have begun to look seriously into the reasons and seek solutions to the problem and actively intervene. Now let’s watch a short film and get some hint of a young college guy’s tragedy.特雷西:嗨,特蕾莎。



新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照(之一【新闻学】)新闻传播学专业词汇英汉对照II. 报纸版面各部分名称1.报耳(ear)2.报头(flag/masterhead/nameplate)3.标题(headline)4.版口(head margin)5.当日新闻提要(index)6.插图(cut)7.图片说明(cutline)8.标题之一行(deck)9.署名(by-line)10.新闻导言(lead)11.引题(kicker)12.头版(frontpage)III 报纸常见栏目名称一、常见新闻栏目1.City / Local / City Edition/ City Page/ Region 城市2.National/ Around The Nation/ Domestic/ Home News 国内新闻3.International / Global 国际新闻4.Brief / In Brief / Briefing / Bulletin 摘要5.Recap 简明新闻6.Pony Report 每日新闻摘要7.Newsline 新闻经纬8.Events And Trends 事件/ 动向9.Exclusive 独家报道10.Expose 新闻曝光11.Issue In The News/ Focus/ Hot News 新闻热点12.Update / Latest News 最新报道13.Feature / News Features / General Features 特写(可囊括除新闻以外的一切报道)mentary / Editorial / Opinion / Column / Letters To The Editors 评论15.Advertisement: Display Advertising / Classified Advertising--- (Jobs/Auto/Real Estate/ For Sale/ Help Wanted) 广告二、常见其他栏目名称1.agony column 答读者问专栏2.anecdote 趣闻轶事3.candid camera 抓拍镜头4.caricature漫画、讽刺画5.cartoon漫画6.chitchat column 闲话栏ic strip 连环漫画8.continued story 连载故事9.correspondence column 读者来信栏10.critique 评论11.crossword 猜字游戏/纵横填字字谜12.digest 文摘13.document 文件摘要14.editor’s note 编者按15.essay杂文、随笔、小品文16.going out guide 旅游指南17.gossip 社会新闻18.how-to-stories 常识指导19.interview 访谈录20.leader社论21.light literature 通俗文学22.mini-torial 短评23.note 随笔24.notice 启事25.obit 讣告26.pegging 新闻背景27.personal / personal column 私人广告/ 人事要闻28.profile 人物专访29.readers’forum 读者论坛30.review 评论31.round-up综合报道/综述32.running story/ serials 连载故事33.shirttail 社论栏/ 附注34.side story / sidebar / sidelight 花絮新闻/趣闻35.situations vacant / situations wanted 招聘广告36.sponsored section特约专版37.squib小品文/随笔38.strip cartoon / strip 连环漫画/连环画39.Supplement 增刊40.Think piece 时事短评41.Titbit 花絮42.Travelogue/ travels游记43.What’s on 影视指南44.Wise saying 至理名言IV. 常见报纸类型1.daily 日报2.morning edition 晨报3.evening edition 晚报4.quality paper 高级报纸5.popular paper 大众报纸6.evening paper 晚报ernment organ 官报8.part organ 党报9.trade paper 商界报纸10.Chinese paper 中文报纸11.English newspaper 英文报纸12.vernacular paper 本国文报纸13.political news 政治报纸14.Newspaper Week 新闻周刊V. 各类记者名称accredited journalist n. 特派记者publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家VI 其他bulldog edition 晨版article 记事banner headline 头号大标题big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻general news column 一般消息栏public notice 公告calssified ad 分类广告flash-news 大新闻extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊newsbeat 记者采访地区news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版newspaper office 报社news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源newspaper campaign 新闻战free-lancer writer 自由招待会press box 记者席news conference,press conference 记者招待会International Press Association 国际新闻协会distribution 发行circulation 发行份数newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处newsboy 报童subscription (rate) 报费newsprint 新闻用纸Fleet Street 舰队街advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻assignment n.采写任务back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。

lecture 5

lecture 5
• trunk line v.s. branches & sub-branches
返回章重点 退出
有个年轻人,名叫颜回,家里很穷, 有个年轻人,名叫颜回,家里很穷,缺吃少 住的房子又小又破。 穿,住的房子又小又破。 There was a young man named Yanhui, who was so poor that his family lived in a small, dilapidated house with insufficient food and clothing.
返回章重点 退出
汉语句子的语序一般以思维程 序展开,而中国人的思维方式多 是先考虑事物的环境和外围因 素,再考虑具体事物和中心事件. 反映到句式上,就是状语总放在 谓语或句子主体的前边,定语无 论长短,都要置于中心词之前.这 样就使得单句的状语部分长,主 谓部分短;主语部分长,谓语部分 短;修饰成分长,中心词短.整体上 形成头大尾小的狮子头形状.
他去年为完成一个项目在实验室用计算机努力地干了十个月. Last year in order to complete a project, in the lab with computers he worked hard for ten months. ? He worked hard with computers in the lab for ten months in order to complete a project last year. 那个饥饿的,疲倦的,瞌睡的卖火柴的小女孩 that hungry, tired and sleepy little march girl ? that little match girl who was so hungry, tired and sleepy.





lecture的意思n. 演讲,训斥,教训vi. 作演讲vt. 给…作演讲,教训(通常是长篇大论的)变形:过去式: lectured; 现在分词:lecturing; 过去分词:lectured;lecture用法lecture可以用作名词lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或谴责”。

lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或about ,意为“关于…的演讲”“就…做演讲”“因…训斥或谴责某人”。



lecture用作名词的用法例句She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.她讲课前把讲稿匆匆看了一遍。

His lecture covered various aspects of language.他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。

They could not follow the lecture.他们听不懂这次演讲。





“因…而受到训斥”可说lecture sb for n./v -ing。

lecture用作动词的用法例句It was a shame for me to be lectured in front of the whole class.当着整个班级的面被训斥了一顿,真让我感到羞辱。

Lecture 5

Lecture 5
• She promptly shepherded them out of the crowded living room and into the privacy of the library. • 她迅速把他们领出拥挤的客厅,带到了人少的图 书馆。
• One should be psychologically as well as physically sound.
Please have a try!
• An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.
• 熟悉一些世界史有助于学习时事。 • He urged upon citizens of the country the necessity of persisting in participation in political controversies. • 他告诫全国人民,必须坚持参加政治论战。
• 老年人什么都相信;中年人什么都怀疑;青年人 什么都懂。 • Under given condition, the harmful can be transformed into the beneficial. • 在一定条件下,坏事可以变成好事。
3、n → adj
• I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries. • 我认识到通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚蠢的。
Lecture 5
• • • • • 转性与变态 增补与省略 正译与反译 抽象与具体 分句与合句

新概念英语第三册讲义:Lesson 5 The facts

新概念英语第三册讲义:Lesson 5 The facts

§Lesson 5 The facts 确切数字【New words and expressions】生词和短语◆editor n。

编辑◆extreme n. 极端◆statistics n. 统计数字◆journalist n。

新闻记者◆president n. 总统◆palace n.王宫;宏伟的住宅◆publish v。

出版◆fax n. 传真◆impatient adj。

不耐烦的◆fire v. 解雇◆originally a dv。

起初,原先,从前★editor n。

编辑edit vt。

编辑edition n。

编辑editorial adj。

编辑的,主编的;n. 社论,评论★extreme n。

极端go to extreme(s)to do 走极端Eg: He went to extreme to say that the play was the best one。

He went to extremes to say that his girlfriend was the most beautiful in the world。

go from one extreme to the other★statistics n。

统计数字★journalist n。

新闻记者journalist (杂志)新闻记者reproter (电视台) 记者correspondent (电台)记者,通讯员★president n。

总统★palace n。

王宫;宏伟的住宅★publish v. 出版Eg: They have already published the magazine. = print vt。

Eg: the book has already been published. The book has gone to press。

★fax n. 传真sent a fax★impatient adj。

新闻英语视听说(Unit 5) 听力文本与练习答案

新闻英语视听说(Unit 5) 听力文本与练习答案

Global Warming1Task One: Greenhouse EffectThe “greenhouse effect” is a widely used phrase these days. We all know that it means the general phenomenon of rising temperatures. Today, our world is hotter thanit has been for 2000 years. By the end of the century, if current trend continues, the global temperature will be likely to climb higher than at any time in the past 2 Million years.Firstly we will investigate in detail global warming caused by the greenhouse effect. But before we start, let me fill you in on some basics concerning the greenhouse effect.Solar radiation interacts with the surface of the Earth in several ways. Some portion of this energy is reflected back into space by the earth atmosphere. Another portion is dispersed and scattered by the molecules in the atmosphere and a large portion penetrates the atmosphere to reach the surface of the earth.The radiation reaching the Earth surface is largely absorbed resulting in surface warming. As they leave the earth, and once again interact with the atmosphere. Some of the reradiated energy escapes into space but most of it is reflected back to the earth surface by molecules in the earth atmosphere. This phenomenon is similar to the warming and cursing of a car that is parked outside on the sunny day. The molecules responsible for this phenomenon are called green house gases. In essence, green house gases act likean insulator or blanket above the earth keeping the heat in. Increasingly concentrationof these gases increases atmosphere’s ability t o grow or escape the infrared radiation.In other words, the earth’s insulator gases get thicker. That is what we called the “greenhouse effect”.Task Two: Climate Change2 An environmental studies professor at Stanford University says, “(Quote) There’s no w ay. There’s anything natural that can explain it.” A professor of atmospheric sciences at MIT says, it’s part of the natural warming and cooling a planet goes through. Well, they’re talking about transitions in the earth’s temperature, something Carl Azuz now boils down to the basics.(Carl Azuz)In a world that’s always changing,there’s one thing that ma ny folks want to staythe same: the temperature. A change of just a couple degrees, can make a world of difference, and not necessarily a good one. The Ea rth’s average temperature fluctuates, going through both warming and cooling periods.The last cooling off period was between 1945 and 1975.Since then, though, things have been steadily heating up. And most scientists point to Arctic ice melting as proof; something Anderson Cooper saw firsthand.(Anderson Cooper)Already in the last 30 years, at least 400,000 square miles of sea ice has melted. That’s about the size of Texas and California combined. And as the ice melts it affects sea levels around the world, which impacts tens of millions of people.(Azuz)What’s controversial about climate change is whether peop le have anything to do with it. A change in the Earth’s orbit or the sun’s radiation could cause global warming.But so could an increase in greenhouse gases. The Earth needs these gasesto maintain a warm, livable environment. But they contain carbon dioxide, which has increased dramatically over the last couple centuries. This may be due to car emissions, burning fossil fuels, deforestation. Many scientists blame all of it for causing the world to warm up. But is it all just theory, another planetary “summer” before “fall”,or are we headed for severe drought, consuming fires and melted ice caps?Task Three: Cracks in the Ice3 (Carl Azuz)Hi, I’m Ca rl Azuz. However you are watching this edition of CNN Student News, we’re glad you are. Thanks for tuning in this Thursday.(Azuz)First up, we’re heading south to Antarctica, where it’s cold, but apparently not cold enough. A huge chunk of ice broke away from the continent this week, and some scientists are blaming it. on the changing climate. Now, since Antarctica is south ofthe equator, summer just ended down there. So, this is the time when major events like this are most likely to happen. Emily Chang has more details now on the icy breakup.(Emily Chang)Scientists fly over a giant chunk of Antarctic ice as it cracks and collapses. The chunk is enormous, about 7 times the size of Manhattan, 160 square miles. It was partof the Wilkins ice shelf, the biggest on Antarctica yet, scientists say, to fall victim to global warming.(David Vaughn, British Antarctic Survey)Watching Wilkins ice shelf disappear at the moment, we learn a lot more about how ice responds to climate change.(Chang)The ice is just a small fraction of the Antarctic ice sheet, but it broke off well before scientists predicted, a sign they say that climate change might be happening faster than expected. One expert told us last year.(Lonnie Thompson, Glaciologist)I think what we do know is that ice is probably the best sensor of these large scale changes taking place. And in many ways, I think we’re in uncharted territory.(Chang)Ice plays a vital role in cooling the Earth’s temperature and regul ating sea levels.As it’s lost,the planet gets warmer, sea levels rise and more ice is threatened. A vicious environmental circle!By the end of the century, many experts project sea levels will rise between 7 and4 23 inches, and temperatures could increase by up to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. But some say those estimates are too conservative.(James Hansen, NASA Climate Scientist)There are glaciologists now who are getting very worried. B ut they haven’t really come out and said what they think.(Chang)This part of the Antarctic is warming about five times faster than the rest of the world. Six other ice shelves have been lost entirely, and scientists say the Wilkins shelf could be next.Urgent Plea over Global WarmingLakes of melted water on Greenland’s ice sheet are expanding at a massive rate. Environmental campaigners say greenhouse gases are to be blamed. There is no timeto lose to avoid disaster. “It’s become very apparent that Greenland is in crisis and we absolutely have to do something meaningful to stop global warming.”NASA-funded researcher, Jason Box Says Greenland summer ice melted nearlya third in less than two decades. “We know the temperatures have gone up but to see this rapid response has been a surprise to the scientific community.”The latest survey came as representative of 23 nations met in Greenland for informal talks on how to tackle global warming. There have been deadlocks since Washington pulled out of the UN Kyoto protocol in 2001. Host nation Denmark saysthe squabbling have to be replaced by action urgently.练习答案5 Unit Five Global WarmingPartⅡ. View, Listen and SpeakTask One: Greenhouse effectExercises: 1) B 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) ASpot dictation:(1) reflected (2)dispersed (3)surface (4)interact (5)molecules (6)sunny(7) responsible (8)essence (9)blanket above the Earth keeping the heat in(10) concentration of these gases increases atmosphere’s ability to grow or escape the infraredradiationQuestions for discussion:(1) Solar radiation interacts with the surface of the Earth in several ways. Some portion of this energyis reflected back into space by the earth atmosphere. Another portion is dispersed and scattered bythe molecules in the atmosphere and a large portion penetrates the atmosphere to reach the surface ofthe earth. The radiation reaching the Earth surface is largely absorbed resulting in surface warming.As they leave the earth, and once again interact with the atmosphere. Some of the reradiated energy escaped into space but most of it is reflected back to the earth surface by molecules in the earth atmosphere.(2) carbon dioxide emitted in human activities(3) yes. It will reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases.Task Two: Climate changeExercises: 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) A 5) DQuestions:1) The Earth’s average temperature fluctuates, going through both warming and cooling periods.What’s controversial about climate change is whether people have anything to do with it.2)This is an open question.3) This is an open question.Task Three: Cracks in the IceExercises: 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) ASpot dictation:(1) 160 (2) biggest (3) responds (4) expected (5)sensor (6) territory(7) cooling (8) regulating(9) the planet gets warmer, sea levels rise and more ice is threatened: a vicious environmental circle(10) many experts predict sea levels will rise between 7 and 23 inchesPart Ⅲ. Rock your mindPair work:A: Hi Jim. How are you?B: Fine. Thanks. What about you?A: I’m fine too. The weather is getting hotter and hotter in the summer.6 B: Yes, t hat’s because the environment has been so badly damaged, such as global warming, the damaged ozone and all the different kinds of pollution.A: en, But fortunately people have realized all these problems and have taken measures to improve the earth’s envir onment.B: It seems that the USA started to protect the environment ever since 1970. And the USA decided to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd.A: Isn’t the World Earth Day also on this day? ?B: Yes. More and more countries are joining in protecting the environment, so the World Earth Day was fixed for this day.A: I hope that our environment will become better and better.。



新闻专业英语(2007-03-20 14:14:53)转载accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息back grounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。

banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写范围blank vt. "开天窗"body n. 新闻正文boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n. 花边新闻brief n. 简讯bulletin n.新闻简报byline n. 署名文章caption n.图片说明caricature n.漫画carry vt.刊登cartoon n.漫画censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版clipping n.剪报column n.专栏;栏目columnist n.专栏作家continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.文字编辑correction n.更正(启事)correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写cover girl n. 封面女郎covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图片)crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图vt.删减(字数)cut line n.插图说明daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);"挖"(新闻) digest n.文摘editorial n.社论editorial office 编辑部editor's notes 编者按exclusive n.独家新闻expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光extra n.号外eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻faxed photo 传真照片feature n.特写;专稿feedback n.信息反馈file n.发送消息;发稿filler n.补白First Amendment(美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由five "W's" of news 新闻五要素flag n.报头;报名folo (=follow-up) n.连续报道Fourth Estate 第四等级(新闻界的别称) freedom of the Press 新闻自由free-lancer n.自由撰稿人full position 醒目位置Good news comes on crutches. 好事不出门。

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为了能突出重点,新闻报导中常用被动语态强调 行动或事件的结果,这特别适用于对天灾人祸的 报导(如:地震,火山爆发,特大洪灾,严重交通事故 等等)以及有关犯罪,谋杀的新闻。比如: Nine people were killed and seven injured in an oil tank explosion on Tuesday night in Jiangsu Province. (周二夜间江苏省境内发生油车爆炸事件,造成九 人死亡,七人受伤。) Russian officials have said 10 federal troops have been killed so far and a further 27 injured. (俄官员声称到目前为止,共有十名联邦军人被杀, 另有二十七人受伤。)

2.较多使用扩展的简单句。 扩展的简单句,即通过使用定语、状语、同位语 等成分对简单句加以扩展。 简单句的使用有助于清楚地表述事情的发展,方 便读者阅读和理解,也易于记者写作。 然而,记者有时因字数限制或为了节省版面,会向 简单句中塞入尽可能多的信息,这就可能改变句 子的句型结构,使看似简单的句子变得复杂,也给 翻译造成了困难。为了适应汉语读者的阅读习惯, 充分发挥汉语精炼的优势,翻译时,可以将冗长的 扩展简单句拆开来,分成几句话表述。

4.使用“小词”。 小词即有限, 用小词可以免于 移行, 此外, 由于小词的词义范畴很宽, 一般比 较生动灵活。 如 back( 支持), ban( 禁止) 等。

5.广泛使用缩略语 缩略语在英语新闻标题中常被运用,它包括:缩写词( i n i t i a l s ) 和简写词 (abbreviations)。使用缩略语可以尽可能地减少字母 数,节省刊头空间,避免移行。 NATO to Seek New Secretary General (NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织,简称北约)北约寻求新任秘书长。 Bush Confuses IDs of Two Terrorists (ID=Identity) 布什混淆恐怖分子的身份

Father Time (时间老人), Mother Nature (自然之母) 在某种意义上来说,掌握约定俗成的行业套语,可 以保证新闻工作的效率。同时,在翻 译此类语汇时,也有约定俗成的表达方式。例如: No comments (无可奉告), according to eyewitness/AP reports, etc (据目击者/美联社等报道), with guarded reserve (持审慎态度)。

space race (太空竞争), Space travel (太空旅行)等。 与时俱进 keeping pace with the times 廉政建设 to build a clean and honest government 经济适用房 economically affordable houses 丁克一族.DINK (Double Income No Kids) 3.约定俗成的语汇 新词层出不穷,新词与套语及陈俗词并存的情况是由新 闻业务的特点决定的。一方面,为了吸引读者的注意力, 用词必须求新;另一方面,为了保证新闻的可理解性,新闻 撰写者必须采用人们熟悉的表达、叙事方式,并遵循一 定的写作程式。常用的约定俗成的语汇如:
第 五 讲

新闻英语概述 新闻英语(Newspaper English or News English)主要指英文报刊上常见的各类文章, 体裁多样, 内容涉及广泛, 如: 时事报道、特写、广告、公报、文艺作品、 述评、访谈、学术介绍等等, 其题材广泛, 内 容包罗万象。
新闻英语的主要功能是最快和最大限度地传递信 息。它和科技文体、公文文体和广告文体等构成 了英语中常见的实用文体,但它与讲究生动形象、 含蓄温馨和追求各种艺术效果的文学语言相比, 或者同以表义和移情为商业目的、实现劝说功能 的广告语言相比,也具有自身鲜明的语言特色和 文体特点。 新闻有其独特的文体特征, 新闻报导的翻译, 除遵 循一般的翻译原则外, 还应遵循新闻翻译的基本 规律。

4.语态的使用 4.1频繁地使用被动语态 英语新闻报刊文体一方面倾向于用主动语态,这 样可以给读者一种直接感,使叙述具有直言不讳 的效果; 另一方面,被动语态越来越频繁地出现。因为新 闻报道中读者所关心的往往是施动者(动作的发 出者)的情况,比如在有关灾难、战争、事故等报 道中,读者关心的是伤亡人员、与之相关的具体 数字或进展等。因此,被动语态在新闻文体中的 使用频率多于其他文体。翻译中,可以灵活处理 新闻报刊文体的被动语态,除非有必要突出受动 者(动作的接收者),否则不要译成被动语态。

新闻英语的文体特点 成功的新闻报导不但应符合新闻的标准格式: 明白迅速地描述事实,客观清晰地提供信息,且 须百分之百地遵守ABC原则 即内容准确无误(accuracy), 语言精炼(brevity), 思路明晰(clarity),所以新闻报导必须及时、迅 速、客观、公平、可信。
一、新闻英语的词汇特点及其翻译 1.名词化现象 比如: Gearing up for the Spring Festival ( 准备春节), Fighting Blizzard, Going Home ( 抗击暴雪, 返回家乡), China in new phase of world integration (中国在世界一体化的新阶段), 例如:Japanese government noed the U.S. request of opening the auto market to the U.S. car market. (美国要求日本开放其汽车市场,日本政府说 “不”。)

The Bush administration has no objection to a trip to China by former president Bill Clinton who was briefed by senior officials. (据高级官员透露,前总统比尔· 克林顿将出访中国, 布什政府对此未予以反对。) The Queen closed the boycott-hit, rainaffected Common-wealth Games(联邦运动会) 如果把“the boycott-hit, rain-affected Common-wealth Games”单纯译成“受各联邦 国联合抵制的及大雨影响的联邦运动会”,则会 使中国的读者感到不适。因此应改变其形式,译 为 “…女王宣布了联邦运动会的闭幕,此次运动会
3 )助动词通常省略 India Mending Fences(=India is Mending Fences) 印度正在改善与邻国的关系 4 )连词通常省略,并用逗号代替 US,Vietnam Resume Talks (= US And Vietnam Resume Talks) 美越恢复会谈

如:“More than 50 million acres of farmland have been submerged and grain store damaged. Thousand of peasants have been shown on television trying to save their grain by loading sacks into boats or trying to move them to higher ground.” 可译为: “五千多万亩粮田被淹,许多粮仓被毁。电视报道 了成千上万的农民在设法抢救粮食,他们或把麻 袋装的粮食运到船上,或者把它们转移到高处。”

标题中虚词的省略是它的重要特点之一,一般而言,标 题中虚词省略现象主要表现在以下几个方面。 1 )冠词基本省略 Three Gorges Flooded By 'Farewell' Tourists (= The Three Gorges Flooded By 'Farewell' Tourists) 惜别之情难挡 游客蜂拥至三峡 2 )联系动词通常省略 Clinton Inauguration Most Expensive Ever (=Clinton Inauguration Is Most Expensive Ever) 克林顿就职典礼花费空前巨大

综上所述,被动语态的使用不仅可有效地突出新 闻报导的重点删除不重要的信息,还可提高客观 性、制造悬念、激发读者的好奇心,这也是阅读 新闻的动力之一。 如: Fifteen dissident students have been arrested in another day of student demonstrations in South Korea. Seven youths were arrested for trying to attack the US Embassy in Seoul. Eight others were detained about fifty kilometers south of Seoul after a group of students stormed an office of the ruling party. At least two policemen and two other people were injured in the two incidents.
三、新闻英语的句法特点及翻译 1, 时态的使用。 在英语新闻中现在时被广泛使用。为了造成事件 正在进行中的效果, 给人以真实感, 无论是标题或 是正文都常常采用现在时代替过去时, 这可对读 者产生一种“某事正在发生”的印象, 从而增强其真实感和现实感。英语新闻标题常用 一般现在时从形式上来增强报道的新鲜感, 现实感,和直接感,使读者在阅读时如置身于新 闻事件的发生现场之中, 这叫“新闻现在 时 ”。