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./如果偏差在10% 以内,可视为模穴 平衡,如果冷流道 模超过10%,需修 改流道以达平衡, 如果热流道模,需 校进胶口直径.用 热探针来调整 4) Not for use on Valve Gate Systems/不适用 于阀控系统.
3. Weigh each part and record the part weights./ 称每个产品重并记 录下重量
4. Reduce the shot size to produce parts which are "visually" 50% full/ 减少料量
5. Mold 5 consecutive shots that are "visually 50% full/啤出50% 短射产品. 6. Weigh each part and record the part weights/ 称重并记录重量.
7. If the difference (between the Maximum and Minimum average 50% full
weights) is less than the acceptable cavity variation % the cavities are balanced./如果 50%短射产品最大 与最小平均值之差 大于可接受的差值 (%),模穴不平衡.
A. Balance the mold cavities./平 衡模穴
B. Repeat the cavity balance study/重新进行模 穴分析.
1) Enter data only in shaded cells/仅在阴影部 分输入数据 2) Calculations are completed automatically upon entering data in shaded cells/无需计算,此 表设有自动计算公 式 3) Balance is considered good if within 10%. If over 10% on Cold runner tooling, Modify Runner to balance.If Hot Runner, verify gate diameter. Balance by Temperature Probe adjustment
If the difference is greater than the acceptable cavity variation % the cavities are not balanced.
8. If cavities are not balanced the mold requires cavity balancing/ 如果模穴不平衡;
Shot 5
Grand Average /总平均
Minimu m
Average /最小平 均值 =
Maximu m
Average /最大平 均值 =
If the differenc e between Max and Min is equal to or greater/ 如果最 大平均 值与最 大平均 值之差 大于等 于5%,需 有模穴 要求
5% cavity
g will be
Cavity Balance Verificatio n Procedure/ 模穴平衡校 正程序
1. Enter maximum acceptable cavity variation in the "0%" shaded cell. 输入模穴上偏差于 阴影表
Date/日期: 1900/1/0 Molder/啤工: 0 Material/原料: 0 Material Lot/原料
Part Name/产品名称: Part Number/产品号码:
Revision/版本: Cavities/模穴数: Process Engineer/成型工程师:
Difference between
Maximum and
Minimum Averages/ 最大与最小 平均值之差
Percent Difference
between Max and
Min Averages/ 最大值与最 小值百分比
2. Mold 5 consecutive "visually" full shots./啤连续5啤 完整产品
Machine #: Tons:
Mold #: Proj. Eng
Samples: 不适用
Cavity 1 Cavity 2 Cavity 3 Cavity 4 Cavity 5 Cavity 6 Cavity 7 Cavity 8
Shot 1
Shot 2
Full Part Weights /完整产 品重
Shot 3 Shot 4
Shot 5
Cavity 1 Cavity 2 Cavity 3 Cavity 4 Cavity 5 Cavity 6 Cavity 7 Cavity 8
Shot 1
Shot 2
50% Full Part Weights /50%产 品重
Shot 3 Shot 4