


JUNIPER NETWORKS 平台的接口通常位于PIC,而PIC 又位于路由器底盘的FPC 上.
1.M5/M10 享有相同的底盘,FPC 插槽从上自下进行编号,其中M5 只支持一个FPC 插槽(0);而M10 支持
两个FPC 插槽(0-1).
2.M20 的FPC 插槽编号也是自上而下的,支持4 个FPC 插槽(0-3).
3.M40/M40e/M160/T320/T640 的FPC 插槽编号是从左至右,最大支持8 个FPC 插槽(0-7).
at ATM 接口
ds DS0 接口(包含多信道化DS-3 接口)
e1 E1 接口(包含信道化STM-1 到E1 接口)
e3 E3 接口
es 加密接口
fe 快速以太网接口
fxp 管理以太网接口和内部以太网接口
ge 千兆以太网接口
gr GRE 隧道接口 源自ip IP-over-IP 隧道接口
lo 回环接口
t1 T1 接口(包含信道化DS-3 接口)
t3 T3 接口(包含信道化OC-12 接口)
FPC Slot Numbers
FPC 插槽号是以0 为起始号,每个路由器型号包含特性的插槽数,范围从1 到8.FPC 的插槽号标识在路由器
3.pic:FPC 上的插槽.
4.port:PIC 上的接口位置.



juniper交换机命令juniper 交换机配置命令整理导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“juniper 交换机配置命令整理”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对 的支持!设置交换机名字set system host-name BaoGaoTing端口镜像set ethernet-switching-options analyzer debug input ingress interface ge-0/0/0.0set ethernet-switching-options analyzer debug input egress interface ge-0/0/0.0set ethernet-switching-options analyzer debug output interface ge-0/0/4.0Dual-partition的主要目的:解决异常断电设备无法启动的问题request system snapshot media internal slice alternate request system snapshot slice alternate //主备之间备份request system reboot slice alternate media internal // 指定从另外一个分区启动,下一次启动就会默认从上次启动的分区启动junos os,记忆功能QinQ 配置基本的set ethernet-switching-options dot1q-tunneling ether-type 0x8100 封装协议set vlans qinqvlan vlan-id 2821set vlans qinqvlan dot1q-tunnelingset interfaces ge-0/0/28 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 2821 上行端口set ethernet-switching-options dot1q-tunneling ether-type 0x8100set vlans cust1 vlan-id 100set vlans cust1 interface ge-0/0/1.0set vlans cust1 interface ge-0/0/2.0灵活的set ethernet-switching-options dot1q-tunneling ether-type 0x8100 ##set interfaces ge-0/0/27 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access ##下行端口set interfaces ge-0/0/27 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members qinq ##用户Vlan为qinq 管理Vlan为Vlan600是透传上去的set interfaces ge-0/0/27 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members vlan600 ** 注意点:一般情况下是不可以同时两个access的,--那样就做成trunk模式** 除非有一个vlan是dot1q-tunnel,而且需要tunnel vlan必须得有customer-vlan的,没有customer-vlan是无法提交成功的set vlans qinq vlan-id 4000 ##//灵活qinq,对于内层标签2-150的tag加上外层4000set vlans qinq interface ge-0/0/27.0set vlans qinq dot1q-tunneling customer-vlans 2-150接入交换机配置setinterfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunkset interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 2set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id 600 **由于上联汇聚交换机的端口为Access口所以要透传的Vlan为native-Vlan##root用户名密码set system root-authentication encrypted-password "$1$z2Z28Ixe$AScMP7uMvMHY3fy8dgtm11" ##用户idset system login user juniper uid 2100 ##设置root用户为超级用户set system login user juniper class super-user##远程用户名和密码set system login user juniper authentication encrypted-password "$1$qUdu0s0Z$vGS88V0jrjhsPnQOTF9oy/" ##启用telnet set system services telnet connection-limit 10 set system services telnet rate-limit 10##端口模式为accesset interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access ##端口加入Vlan为600 set interfaces ge-0/0/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 600 ##端口为trunkset interfaces ge-0/1/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk ##允许通过Vlan为600 set interfaces ge-0/1/0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 600 ##设置Vlan600的ip地址set interfaces vlan unit 600 family inet address ##设置默认网关set routing-options static route next-hop ##开启Vlan的三层接口set vlans default l3-interface vlan.0 ##创建Vlan 名字为mgt id 为600 set vlans mgt vlan-id 600 ##开启Vlans mgt的三层接口set vlans mgt l3-interface vlan.600 ##开启Vlans mgt的三层接口set poe interface all X配置VLAN的L3接口地址set vlans name l3-interface vlan.xxset interface vlan xx unit xx family inet address x.x.x.x/24将某个交换端口添加到创建好的VLAN中set interface ge-0/0/x unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access vlan members name 配置TRUNK端口set interface ge-0/0/23 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk native-vlan-id 1 vlan member xx预提交commit check清除LED灯报警clear alarm trafficclear alarm eventEX2200 ALARM告警灯亮红灯:show chassis alarmshow system alarmrequest system configuration rescue save/delete set chassis alarmmanagement-ethernet link-down ignore 管理口状态警告信息灯关闭set chassis alarm ethernet link-down ignore 交换机端口状态警告信息灯关闭igmp 开启set protocols igmp-snooping vlan alldeactivate protocols igmp-snooping开启生成树Set protocol stp恢复出厂设置load factory defaultDual-partition的主要目的:解决异常断电设备无法启动的问题request system snapshot media internal slice alternate //主备之间备份request system reboot slice alternate media internal // 指定从另外一个分区启动,下一次启动就会默认从上次启动的分区启动junos os,记忆功能dhcp 配置set system services dhcp pool address-range low system services dhcp pool address-range high system services dhcp pool default-lease-time 7200set system services dhcp pool router将端口设置为三层模式。



层级子层级systemrouting-options loopbackPOSGEinterfaceprotocolISISOSPFBGPMPLS-RSVP/LDP MPLS-FRRMPBGPMPLS-VPN COS功能项set system hostname hostnameset system root-authentication plain-text-passwordset system login user lab class super-user authentication plain-text-passwordset system services telnet/ftp/name-ser dns-adds et interface lo0 description descriptionset interface lo0 unit 0 family inet address ip-addressset interface lo0 unit 0 family iso address iso-addressset interface so-slot/pic/port description descriptionset interface so-slot/pic/port mtu mtu-numberset interface so-slot/pic/port hold-time up ms down msset interface so-slot/pic/port encapsultation pppset interface so-slot/pic/port sonet-options fcs [32|16]set interface so-slot/pic/port sonet-options payload-scrambler set interface so-slot/pic/port sonet-options rfc-2615set interface so-slot/pic/port unit 0 family inet address ip-addressset interface so-slot/pic/port unit 0 family isoset interface so-slot/pic/port unit 0 family mplsset interface ge-slot/pic/port description descriptionset interface so-slot/pic/port mtu mtu-numberset interface so-slot/pic/port hold-time up ms down msset interface ge-slot/pic/port unit 0 family inet address ip-addressset interface ge-slot/pic/port unit 0 family isoset interface ge-slot/pic/port unit 0 family mplsset routing-options router-id router-idset routing-options autonomous-system as-numberset routing-options static route network/mask next-hop addressset protocols isis level [ 1 | 2 ] interfaceinterface.logical-numberset protocols isis lsp-lifetime secondsset protocols isis export export-policyset protocols isis spf-delay msset protocols isis rib-group inet rg-nameset protocols isis traffic-engineering shortcutsset protocols isis level [ 1 | 2 ] wide-metrics-onlyset protocols isis level [ 1 | 2 ] preference numberset protocols isis level [ 1 | 2 ] external-preference number set protocols isis level [ 1 | 2 ] disableset protocols isis interface interface-name lsp-interval msset protocols isis interface interface-nam level [ 1 | 2 ] metric numberset protocols isis interface interface-nam level [ 1 | 2 ]hello-interval secondsset protocols isis interface interface-nam level [ 1 | 2 ]hold-time secondsset protocols isis interface interface interface-nam passive set protocols ospf area XX interface interface.logical-number set protocols ospf interface interface.logical-number metric numberset protocols ospf interface interface interface.logical-number passivset protocols ospf traffic-engineeringset protocols bgp interface interface.logical-numberset protocols bgp group group-nameset protocols bgp group group-name type external/internalset protocols bgp group group-name peer-as 1234set protocols bgp group group-name neighbor X.X.X.Xset protocols bgp hold-time secondsset protocols bgp mtu-discoveryset protocols bgp out-delay secondsset protocols bgp log-updownset protocols bgp dampingset protocols bgp group group-name description descriptionet protocols bgp group group-name local-address group-namelocal-address addressset protocols bgp group group-name family inet anyset protocols bgp group group-name neighbor address description descriptionset interfaces interface.logical-number family mplsset protocols mpls interface.logical-numberset protocols ldp interface.logical-numberset protocols rsvp interface.logical-numberset protocols mpls label-switched-path test to protocols mpls label-switched-path test ldp-tunnelingset protocols mpls label-switched-path test link-protectionset protocols rsvp interface so-0/0/3.0 link-protectionset protocols bgp group group-name family [inet|inet-vpn|inet6|inet6-vpn|l2vpn]set routing-instances instance-nameset routing-instances instance-name instance-type VRFset routing-instances instance-name interface interface-number set routing-instances instance-name route-distinguisher xxxx set routing-instances instance-name vrf-target target:xxxx:yyyy set routing-instances instance-name routing-options static route x.x.x.x/z next-hop x.x.x.xset routing-instances instance-name protocols ospf area XX interface interface-name.logical-numberset routing-instances instance-name protocols ospf export bgp-ospfset policy-options policy-statement bgp-ospf term 1 from protocol bgpset policy-options policy-statement bgp-ospf term 1 then accept命令解释备注配置设备名必选为root帐户设置密码新建用户名为lab的帐户,并设定密码配置路由器Telnet/ftp/dns服务配置端口描述配置IP地址配置ISO地址配置端口描述配置端口MTU配置端口up/down的damping时间配置端口封装为PPP配置端口FCS的位数配置端口打开payload-scrambler配置端口FCS 32,打开payload-scrambler,C2字节为0x16配置IP地址端口允许运行ISIS端口允许运行mpls配置端口描述配置端口MTU配置端口up/down的damping时间配置IP地址端口允许运行ISIS端口允许运行mpls配置路由器Router-ID配置路由器的AS号码配置静态路由配置聚合路由配置ISIS接口并将接口加入到相应的ISIS LEVEL里必选配置IS-IS的存活时间,LSP的refresh 时间为lsp-lifetime-317秒配置IS-IS的路由分发策略配置IS-IS的SPF的延迟配置IS-IS使用的路由组配置IS-IS使用TE的shortcuts配置IS-IS的Level使用wide-metric---支持TE必选配置IS-IS内部路由的管理距离配置IS-IS外部路由的管理距离配置IS-IS禁止运行Leve 1或者2配置IS-IS端口发送LSP的间隔配置IS-IS端口的Metric值配置IS-IS端口的IIH的间隔时间配置IS-IS端口的Hold时间配置IS-IS端口运行Passive模式配置OSPF接口并将接口加入到相应的OSPF AREA里必选配置OSPF端口的Metric值配置OSPF端口运行Passive模式配置OSPF支持流量工程(启用OPAQUE LSA)配置o spf端口的IIH的间隔时间配置BGP接口必选配置BGP组必选设定BGP组为EBGP或IBGP必选设定本组内的neighbor的AS号码必选设定本组内neighbor的session IP地址必选配置BGP的Hold-timer时间,Hello时间自动调整为Hold-time的1/3配置BGP的TCP进程的MSS为路径的最大值配置BGP的的路由发送延迟配置路由器纪录BGP的邻居up/down的变化配置BGP路由启用Damping算法配置BGP的组的描述配置和BGP的组内的邻居进行通讯的时候使用的本地地址配置BGP的Group内的邻居允许运行unicast 和multicast配置BGP的邻居的描述端口允许运行mpls配置将接口加到MPLS协议组里配置将接口加到LDP协议组里配置将接口加到rsvp协议组里配置名称为test的RSVP signaled LSP, 此LSP终结点为10.0.9.7在LDP TUNNEL的路由器上配置名称为test的RSVPsignaled, LSP使得LDP能够穿越RSVP LSP启用保护的LSP保护选项在RSVP协议里,启用保护选项配置本group下的BGP session的属性,inet是启用IP路由支持,此项为默认启用,inet-vpn是启用l3mbgp-vpn路由支持,启用任意非INET属性,会将inet禁用配置routing-instances配置routing-instances的VRF将逻辑接口加入到routing-instances里配置RD,确认RD在整个routing-instance里是唯一的配置RT,确认RT在整个routing-instance里是唯一的,并且同一个routing-instance里的多个PE上RT要相同配置PE-CE之间的静态路由,这里要注意,在PE-CE之间为以太网连接的情况下,一定要加一个特定的静态路由,目的地址为PE-CE之间的互联的IP子网,下一跳地址为对端CE的接口IP地址配置PE-CE之间的OSPF路由,这里要注意,一定要加一个特定的POLICY,目的是为了将从对端PE学到的VPN路由注入PE-CE之间运行的OSPF协议,使得两端的CE互相能学到对方的路由。



Juniper常用配置Juniper 常用配置一、基本操作1、登录设备系统初始化用户名是roo t,密码是空。


2、设置用户名:set host-name EX4200。

3、配置模式下运行用户模式命令,则需要在命令前面加一个run,如:run show interface 。

4、在show 后面使用管道符号加上display set将其转换成set 格式命令show protocols ospf | display set 。

5、在需要让配置生效需要使用commit命令,在commit之前使用commit check来对配置进行语法检查。

如果提交之后,可以使用rollback进行回滚,rollback 1回滚上一次提前之前的配置,rollback 2则是回滚上 2 次提交之前的配置。

6、交换机重启:request system reboot7、交换机关机:request system halt二、交换机基本操作2.1 设置root密码交换机初始化用户名是root 是没有密码的,在进行commit 之前必须修改root 密码。


实例:明文修改方式:lab@EX4200-1# top[edit]lab@EX4200-1# edit system[edit system]lab@EX4200-1# set root-authentication plain-text-password2.2 设置删除主机名实例:#"设置主机名为EX4200"lab@EX4200-1# edit system[edit system]lab@EX4200-1# set host-name EX4200#”删除命令”#lab@EX4200-1# edit system[edit system]lab@EX4200-1# delete host-name EX42002.3 开启Telnet登陆服务说明:在默认缺省配置下,EX 交换机只是开放了http 远程登陆方式,因此如果想通过telnet登陆到交换机上,必须在系统中打开telnet 服务。



Juniper简单入门介绍(配置端口,静态路由,配置防火墙策略)登陆Juniper设备后,需输入edit或者configuration 命令进入系统配置模式Juniper 系统自带命令和变量可按“空格”键补齐Juniper 系统“用户自定义”变量可按TAB键补齐一、配置端口Juniper配置端口是基于物理端口下的逻辑端口进行配置,例如set interfaces ge-0/0/5 unit 0 family inet address以上命令为ge-0/0/5口添加一个ip地址为192.168.1.1,其中unit为逻辑端口单元,范围0~16385,若再执行命令set interfaces ge-0/0/5 unit 1 family inet address则ge-0/0/5现在有两个ip分别为192.168.1.1和192.168.2.1以上命令也可以写成set interfaces ge-0/0/5.0 family inet address其中.0代表unit 0二、配置静态路由举例:现有网段125.39.91.240/28Juniper ge-0/0/0.0 设置ip为192.168.88.1set routing-options static route next-hop其中0.0.0.0/0 表示任意目标地址,为路由器直连网关。

再举例:让所有访问192.168.77.X的路由走192.168.99.1set routing-options static route next-hop以上192.168.77段,掩码为24,而192.168.99.1为路由器直连网关。




点击此处可以查 看策略日志
Copyright © 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential

配置完成后: 1. Ping测试,使用内网PC用Ping192.168.1.1地址进行连通测试.
Copyright © 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential
E 0/2
E 0/0
Copyright © 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential

编辑缺省 外网接口
Copyright © 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc.
Copyright © 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc.
Proprietary and Confidential

TRUNK模式下的透明模式 下面结合具体环境说明一下

配置用于管理的VLAN 1 IP地址
配置与缺省地址的 不同私有地址用于 管理
Copyright © 2008 Juniper Networks, Inc.



Juniper防火墙基本命令Getinteth某/某查看指定接口配置信息Getmip查看映射ip关系Getroute查看路由表Getpolicyid某查看指定策略Getnrp查看nrp信息,后可接参数查看具体vd组、端口监控设置等Getpercpude查看cpu利用率信息Getpereionde查看每秒新建会话信息Geteion查看当前会话信息,后可匹配源地址、源端口、目的地址、目的端口、协议等选项Geteioninfo查看当前会话数量Getytem查看系统信息,包括当前o版本,接口信息,设备运行时间等Getchai查看设备及板卡序列号,查看设备运行温度Getcountertat查看所有接口计数信息Getcountertateth某/某查看指定接口计数信息Getcounterflowzonetrut/untrut查看指定区域数据流信息Getcountercreenzoneuntrut/trut查看指定区域攻击防护统计信息Gettech-upport查看设备状态命令集,一般在出现故障时,收集该信息寻求JTAC支持常用设置命令Setinteth某/某zonetrut/untrut/dmz/ha配置指定接口进入指定区域(trut/untrut/dmz/ha等)Setinteth某/某ip某.某.某.某/某某配置指定接口ip地址Setinteth某/某manage配置指定接口管理选项,打开所有管理选项Setinteth某/某manageweb/telnet/l/h配置指定接口指定管理选项Setinteth某/某phyfull100mb配置指定接口速率及双工方式Setinteth 某/某phylink-down配置指定接口hutdownSetnrpvdid0monitorinterfaceeth某/某配置ha监控端口,如此端口断开,则设备发生主/备切换E某ecnrpvd0modebackup手工进行设备主/备切换,在当前的主设备上执行etroute0.0.0.0/0interfaceethernet1/3gateway222.92.116.33配置路由,需同时指定下一跳接口及ip地址所有et命令,都可以通过unet命令来取消,相当于cico中的no所有命令都可以通过“TAB”键进行命令补全,通过“”来查看后续支持的命令防火墙基本配置createaccount[admin|uer](创建账户)回车输入密码:再次输入密码:configureaccountadmin(配置账户)回车输入密码:再次输入密码:2.port配置configportautooff{peed[10|100|1000]}duple某[half|full]autooff配置端口的限速和工作模式(全和半)3.Vlan配置无论是核心还是接入层,都要先创建三个Vlan,并且将所有归于DefaultVlan的端口删除:configvlandefaultdelportall清除默认VLAN 里面所有端口createvlanServercreatevlanUer创建vlanerveruer和mangercreatevlanManger定义802.1q标记configvlanServertag10configvlanUertag20configvlanMangertag30设定Vlan网关地址:configvlanServeripa192.168.41.1/24configvlanUeripa192.168.40.1/ 24configvlanMangeripa192.168.某.某/24Enableipforwarding启用ip路由转发,即vlan间路由Trunk配置configvlanServeraddport1-3tconfigvlanUeraddport1-3tconfigvlanmangeraddport1-3t4.VRRP配置enablevrrp开启虚拟路由冗余协议configurevrrpaddvlanUerVlan在VLAN里面添加vrrpconfigurevrrpvlanUerVlanaddmatervrid10192.168.6.254configure vrrpvlanUerVlanauthenticationimple-paworde某tremeconfigurevrrpvlanUerVlanvrid10priority200configurevrrpvlanUerVlanvrid10advertiement-interval15configurevrrpvlanUerVlanvrid10preempt5.端口镜像配置首先将端口从VLAN中删除enablemirroringtoport3#选择3作为镜像口configmirroringaddport1#把端口1的流量发送到3configmirroringaddport1vlandefault#把1和vlandefault的流量都发送到36.port-channel配置enableharinggrouping{port-baed|addre-baed|round-robin}howportharing//查看配置7.tp配置enabletpd//启动生成树createtpdtp-name//创建一个生成树configuretpdaddvlan{port[dot1d|emitp|pvt-plu]} configuretpdtpd1priority16384configurevlanmarketingaddport2-3tpdtpd1emitp8.DHCP中继配置enablebootprelayconfigbootprelayadd9.NAT配置Enablenat#启用natStaticNATRuleE某ampleconfignataddout_vlan_1mapource192.168.1.12/32to216.52.8.32/3 2DynamicNATRuleE某ampleconfignataddout_vlan_1mapource192.168.1.0/24to216.52.8.1-某ampleconfignataddout_vlan_2mapource192.168.2.0/25to216.52.8.32/28 bothportmapPortmapMin-Ma某E某ampleconfignataddout_vlan_2mapource192.168.2.128/25to216.52.8.64/ 28tcpportmap1024-819210.OSPF配置enableopf启用OSPF进程createopfarea创建OSPF区域configureopfrouterid[automatic|]配置Routeridconfigureopfaddvlan[|all]area{paive}把某个vlan加到某个Area 中去,相当于Cico中的network的作用configureopfareaaddrange[advertie|noadvertie]{type-3|type-7}把某个网段加到某个Area中去,相当于Cico中的network的作用configureopfvlanneighboraddOSPF中路由重发布配置enableopfe某portdirect[cot[ae-type-1|ae-type-2]{tag}|]enableopfe某porttatic[cot[ae-type-1|ae-type-2]{tag}|]enableopforiginate-default{alway}cot[ae-type-1|ae-type-2]{tag}enableopforiginate-router-id11.SNMP配置enablenmpacce启用SNMP访问enablenmptrap启用SNMP限制createacce-profiletype[ipaddre|vlan]confignmpacce-profilereadonly[|none]配置nmp的只读访问列表,none是去除confignmpacce-profilereadwrite[|none]这是控制读写控制confignmpaddtrapreceiver{port}diableip-optionlooe-ource-route禁止散发源路由diableip-optiontrict-ource-route禁止静态源路由diableip-optionrecord-route禁用路由记录。



j u n i p e r交换机基本操作手册work Information Technology Company.2020YEARjuniper交换机操作手册信息中心网络产品开发部一、Juniper管理界面说明: (5)二、典型配置 (5)2.1系统配置模式典型配置 (5)2.1.1 configure (5)2.1.2 Monitor (5)2.1.3 Ping (6)2.1.4 telnet (6)2.1.5 Traceroute (6)2.1.6 Restart (6)2.1.7 Request (6) 系统重启 (6) 保存救援配置 (6) 系统软件升级: (6)2.1.8 Show (7)查看系统硬件信息: (7)查看系统硬件警告: (7)查看系统硬件环境信息 (7)查看板卡cpu和内存情况 (8)查看交换机硬件的注册及型号 (8)查看插槽具体信息 (8)查看路由引擎的CPU/内存/启动时间等信息: (8)查看当前系统配置 (9) 查看poe口的供电情况: (10) 查看系统信息: (10)查看系统备份配置 (11) 查看系统保存操作的基本信息 (11) 查看系统当前时间及启动时间 (11)查看系统传输层连接情况 (11)查看系统进程占用资源情况 (12)查看系统各类软件版本情况 (12)2.2管理配置模式典型配置 (13)2.2.1配置模式介绍 (13)使用set命令 (13)使用edit命令 (14)2.2.2 相关注意事项 (14)2.2.3配置二层端口 (15)2.2.4 配置三层端口 (15)2.2.5配置基本接口参数: (16)2.2.6 vlan的相关配置 (16)配置vlan (16) 将vlan部署到接口上 (16)配置三层vlan端口 (17)将三层vlan接口与vlan匹配 (17)2.2.7三层协议配置 (17)静态路由相关配置 (17) OSPF协议相关配置 (18) 区域配置 (18) 配置末节及nssa区域 (18) ospf类型配置 (18) ospf邻居参数配置 (18)2.2.8 链路聚合配置 (18) 配置链路聚合参数 (19) 配置接口进入链路聚合接口 (19) 配置聚合接口参数 (19)2.2.9 日常保障配置 (20) 密码恢复 (20) 恢复出厂设置 (20)一、Juniper管理界面说明:Juniper交换机一共有两种管理界面:传统CLI界面与J-web界面。



Juniper路由器配置命令介绍Juniper路由器配置命令介绍⒈系统配置命令⑴ `set system hostname`:设置设备的主机名。

⑵ `set system domn-name`:设置设备的域名。

⑶ `set system login user`:设置设备的登录用户信息。

⒉接口配置命令⑴ `set interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet address ip-address/subnet-mask`:配置接口的IP地址和子网掩码。

⑵ `set interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number family inet6 address ipv6-address/prefix-length`:配置接口的IPv6地址和前缀长度。

⑶ `set interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number vlan-id vlan-tagged`:配置接口的VLAN标签。

⒊路由配置命令⑴ `set routing-options static route destination next-hop`:配置静态路由。

⑵ `set protocols ospf area area-id`:配置OSPF路由协议。

⒋安全配置命令⑴ `set security zones security-zone zone-nameinterfaces interface-name`:将接口分配给安全区域。

⑵ `set security policies from-zone source-zone to-zone destination-zone policy policy-name then permit`:配置安全策略以允许数据流动。

⒌ VPN配置命令⑴ `set security ike proposal proposal-name authentication-method pre-shared-keys`:配置IKE提议的预共享密钥认证方法。



Junip‎e r的防火‎墙管理方式‎有许多种:http,https‎,telne‎t,ssh。

在默认的情‎况下Jun‎i per防‎火墙都是使‎用这些协议‎的默认端口‎,当然你也可‎以根据你的‎需要修改成‎你想要的端‎口。

如果用户的‎局域网中有‎服务器启用‎H TTP服‎务(使用80端‎口),并且通过此‎防火墙上网‎,那么就必须‎更改防火墙‎的管理端口‎。


进入Web‎界面,在Conf‎i gura‎t ion > Admin‎> Manag‎e ment‎页面,如下图所示‎:
Enabl‎e Web Manag‎e ment‎Idle Timeo‎u t 这是指登陆‎防火墙多长‎时间后没有‎操作自动登‎出的选项,默认时间为‎10分钟,如果设置为‎0的话就是‎没有时间限‎制。

HTTP Port 就是通过w‎e b访问防‎火墙使用的‎端口,强烈建议修‎改为非80‎的端口,更改后访问‎防火墙就需‎要通过ht‎t p://IP地址:端口号,的方式来访‎问防火墙了‎。

Redir‎e ct HTTP to HTTPS‎通过htt‎p访问自动‎跳转到ht‎t ps,这对防火墙‎的安全也很‎重要。

通过截图可‎以看到,https‎、telne‎t的端口也‎都是可以修‎改的,还可以开启‎s sh 功能‎,这样远程登‎录操作会比‎t elne‎t安全许多‎。



Juniper防火墙简单配置说明Netscreen-25从左向右依次为Trust Interface、DMZ Interface、Untrust Interface、Null。

其中Trust Interface相当于HUB口,下行连接内部网络设备。

Untrust Interface相当于主机口,上行连接上公网的路由器等外部网关设备;两端口速率自适应(10M/100M)。

DMZ Interface、 Null介绍从略。




配置前的准备1.先更改控制终端(如果用自己笔记本调试自己笔记本就是控制终端)的IP地址为192.168.1.X,子网255.255.255.0控制终端通过直通网线与Trust Interface相连(也就是第一个口),用IE登录设备主页(最好用IE,其他浏览器可能会出现不兼容的状况)。


出现下图:跳跃过初始化防火墙步骤. 选择第三行,点击next.输入缺省登陆帐号: netscreen 密码:netscreen登陆后出现主页面展开左边资源树,单击Interface后,出现下图界面。



选择Static IP输入ethernet1端口的配置地址192.168.1.243/24后点击Apply 后单击OK。






juniper交换机配置一、设备启动login: rootPassword:Terminal type? [vt100] yroot%cliroot>二、设备重启user@host> request system reboot三、设置ROOT密码root# set system root-authentication plain-text-password四、将配置转换成set命令lab@EX4200# show protocols ospf | display set五、设置主机名set system host-name EX4200-1 //EX4200-1为主机名六、时间设置set system time-zone Asia/Shanghai //设置时区set date 200810301407.00 //设置时间,在用户模式下配置,YYYYMMDDhhmm.ss格式七、开启远程登录set system services telnet删除命令:delete system services telnet八、创建用户set system login user zte class super-user //添加zte用户为超级用户类别set system login user zte authentication plain-text-password //设置zte密码New password:Retype new password: set system login user zte class read-only //修改zte用户为只读用户set system login user zte class read-only //修改zte用户为只读用户delete system login user zte //删除zte用户九、vlan设置创建一个VLAN,指定VLAN名称和ID号set vlans “zte_vlan” vlan id 10将交换机端口修改为access模式加入到新创建的VLAN中set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode accessset interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 10创建3层VLAN子端口,并且将子端口和VLAN关联:set interfaces vlan unit 10 family inet address set vlans vlan l3-interface vlan.10 //vlan子端口和VLAN对应起来十、trunk设置允许vlan id为10和20的VLAN通过Trunkset interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members [10 20]delete interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk允许vlan id为10和20的VLAN通过Trunkset interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members [10 20]禁止VLAN通过:不允许vlan 10通过delete interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 10十一、三层端口修改修改端口为L3模式delete interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching //删除端口L2参数set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet //设置端口为L3模式set interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address //设置端口IP地址修改端口为L2模式delete interfaces ge-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet //删除端口为L3模式参数set interfaces ge-0/0/15 unit 0 family ethernet-switching //将端口设置为L2模式十二、静态路由设置172.16.1.0/24网段指向下一跳地址192.168.1.253set routing-options static route next-hop routing-options static route。



Juniper交换机配置⼿册Juniper交换机配置⼿册⼀、交换机配置部分1.使⽤console线连接⾄交换机COM参数:2.使⽤root账号登陆,默认为空密码login: root--- JUNOS 9.1R2.10 built 2008-07-01 04:34:43 UTCroot@%开启交换机命令⾏:root@% cli //%为unix shell提⽰符root> //>为cli提⽰符3.进⼊configuration模式root> configure[edit]root#juniper 交换机有3种命令⾏模式Root模式:当以root密码登陆console时默认进⼊该模式⽤户模式:在root模式中输⼊cli命令进⼊该模式,该模式主要⽤于检查交换机配置、状态使⽤。

配置模式:在⽤户模式中输⼊configure 进⼊。


4.设置交换机root账号密码[edit]root# set system root-authentication plain-text-passwordNew password:Retype new password:5.配置⽹络管理参数[edit]root# edit system[edit system]root# set services telnet //配置使⽤telnet服务登陆交换机[edit system]root# set services ssh[edit system]root# set services web-management http[edit system]root# commit and-quitcommit completeExiting configuration moderoot@switch>6.配置其他管理员账号密码,以添加⼀个admin账号为例[edit]Set system login user admin class super-user authentication plain-text-passwordNew password:Retype new password:7.提交配置⽂件使配置⽣效[edit]commit8. 配置VLAN,三层VLAN虚拟地址及VLAN接⼝以配置valn10 为例,下⾯为配置命令:[edit]set vlans vlan_10vlan-id10set vlans vlan_10 l3-interface vlan.10set interface vlan unit10family inet address192.192.0.167/24将接⼝划⼊到VLAN中set interface ge-0/0/10 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members vlan_10 将接⼝配置成trunk ⽅法Set interface ge-0/0/23 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk vlan members all //将ge-0/0/23接⼝配置成为VLAN,并允许所有VLAN数据通过9. 配置链路捆绑具体命令如下:set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 5 //配置链路聚合端⼝数⽬为5个(ae0-ae4)set interface ae0 aggregated-ether-options lacp active //配置ae0接⼝链路聚合的模式set interface ae0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port mode trunk vlan members all //配置ae0 为trunk并允许所有VLAN通过delete interface ge-0/0/4 //删除ge-0/0/4的默认配置delete interface ge-1/0/4set interface ge-0/0/4 ether-options 802.3ad ae0 //将ge-0/0/4接⼝绑定⾄ae0 set interface ge-1/0/4 ether-option 802.3ad ae0对端⼆层交换机配置使⽤相同⽅法ae接⼝后链路捆绑即⽣效10.配置路由添加⼀条默认路由⾄JUNIPER ISG1000set routing-options static route next-hop;在hillstone防⽕墙上VPN切换时将分⽀点⽹段路由指向hillstone 5020Set routing-options static route next-hop //这条路由必须在切换VPN时添加,在切换前添加会造成VPN⽆法访问。


set ap auto radio {1 | 2} radio-profile profile-name mode {enable | disable}
set radius server server-name [address ip-address] [key string]
set ap auto mode {enable | disable}
set ap auto persistent {apnum | all}
set ap apnum radio {1 | 2} channel channel-number
set ap apnum radio {1 | 2} channel channel-number
set authentication web {ssid ssid-name | wired} user-glob method1 [method2] [method3] [method4]
set authentication mac {ssid ssid-name | wired} mac-address-glob method1 [method2] [method3] [method4]
set service-profile name rsn-ie {enable | disable}
change the fallthru method
set service-profile <profile-name> auth-fallthru {last-resort | none | web-portal}

Juniper 路由器接口解析

Juniper 路由器接口解析

Juniper 路由器接口解析1.juniper路由器的接口类型permanent interf ace 固定接口管理口处在f xp0上,提供带外管理,f xp1提供路由引擎到爆转发引擎之间的连接transient interface 临时接口PIC卡,junos软件容许你去配置还不在物理机架上的接口卡2. interface namingf pc-物理槽位-pic-接口卡-port-端口-unit-单元3.槽位的位置在以下的设备:m40\m40E\m160\T320\T640上是从左边向右,从0开始8个槽位M20为4槽的设备,从上到下M5和M10共用一种机箱,不过m5是单槽的,m10是双槽的PIC槽位的命名假设有一个OC-3的物理接口卡插在FPC1的slot 0和slo1上,每一个oc-3接口卡上有2个端口则:so-1/0/0.0so-1/0/1.0so-1/1/0.0s0-1/1/1.0当有四个单端口OC-12的ATM PICs插在FPC slot 3时候则:at-3/0/0.0at-3/1/0.0at-3/2/0.0at-3/3/0.0当一个OC-48 sonet f pc接在m40路由器时,连在slot6上,只有一个单接口so-6/0/0.0接口属性description 描述文字,通常用来描述端口功能diagnostic characteristics 线路测试,bert bit error rate test BERT 可以通过配置来实现encapsulation 封装成不同的协议类型FCS f rame check sequence 帧校验interface clock source 点到点接口需要始终源做同步interface mtu size 最大传输单元keepalives 检测接口是否可用A TM接口默认打开payload scrambling 不规则载荷长传输时候容错使用逻辑属性所有的接口在junos里至少有一个逻辑单元unit,默认是0。



j u n i p e r交换机基本操作手册work Information Technology Company.2020YEARjuniper交换机操作手册信息中心网络产品开发部一、Juniper管理界面说明: (5)二、典型配置 (5)2.1系统配置模式典型配置 (5)2.1.1 configure (5)2.1.2 Monitor (5)2.1.3 Ping (6)2.1.4 telnet (6)2.1.5 Traceroute (6)2.1.6 Restart (6)2.1.7 Request (6) 系统重启 (6) 保存救援配置 (6) 系统软件升级: (6)2.1.8 Show (7)查看系统硬件信息: (7)查看系统硬件警告: (7)查看系统硬件环境信息 (7)查看板卡cpu和内存情况 (8)查看交换机硬件的注册及型号 (8)查看插槽具体信息 (8)查看路由引擎的CPU/内存/启动时间等信息: (8)查看当前系统配置 (9) 查看poe口的供电情况: (10) 查看系统信息: (10)查看系统备份配置 (11) 查看系统保存操作的基本信息 (11) 查看系统当前时间及启动时间 (11)查看系统传输层连接情况 (11)查看系统进程占用资源情况 (12)查看系统各类软件版本情况 (12)2.2管理配置模式典型配置 (13)2.2.1配置模式介绍 (13)使用set命令 (13)使用edit命令 (14)2.2.2 相关注意事项 (14)2.2.3配置二层端口 (15)2.2.4 配置三层端口 (15)2.2.5配置基本接口参数: (16)2.2.6 vlan的相关配置 (16)配置vlan (16) 将vlan部署到接口上 (16)配置三层vlan端口 (17)将三层vlan接口与vlan匹配 (17)2.2.7三层协议配置 (17)静态路由相关配置 (17) OSPF协议相关配置 (18) 区域配置 (18) 配置末节及nssa区域 (18) ospf类型配置 (18) ospf邻居参数配置 (18)2.2.8 链路聚合配置 (18) 配置链路聚合参数 (19) 配置接口进入链路聚合接口 (19) 配置聚合接口参数 (19)2.2.9 日常保障配置 (20) 密码恢复 (20) 恢复出厂设置 (20)一、Juniper管理界面说明:Juniper交换机一共有两种管理界面:传统CLI界面与J-web界面。



规格对照之SSG 20
规格对照之SSG 140
防火墙性能(大型数据包) 350+ Mbps • 防火墙性能(IMIX) 300Mbps • 每秒处理的防火墙数据包数量 100,000PPS • 3DES+SHA-1 VPN性能 100 Mbps • 并发VPN隧道数 500 ,最大并发会话数 48,000 • 新会话/秒 8,000 最大安全策略数1,000 最大安全区数量 40 • 最大虚拟路由器数量 6 最大虚拟局域网数量 100 • 固定I/O 8x10/100,2x10/100/1000 • 物理接口模块(PIM)扩展插槽 (I/O) 4 • 无802.11 a/b/g
• SSG 5 & SSG20 (ssg20有2个Mini插槽的)
o o 160 Mbps FW / 40 Mbps VPN 会话数:8000,加license可扩展到16000 350+ Mbps FW / 100 Mbps VPN 8 FE + 2 GE Interfaces + 4 PIM slots 会话数:48000
• 特点二:防火墙整合路由功能 效益 结合安全防御和 LAN/WAN路由功能,并能够阻止内部网络与应用层 中出现的攻击,以保护企业内部网络,降低 IT的费用支出
• 特点三:提供各种不同的LAN和WAN 接口选项 效益 包括T1/E1, Serial, DS3/E3, ADSL, Ethernet, SFP等
• Web UI
network->DHCP->选择端口 Edit 设置DHCP模式,DHCP网关、掩码,DHCP的DNS Networ->DHCP->选择端口 address 设置DHCP地址范围



Juniper 防火墙端口映射以下操作均通过WEB用户管理界面进行:一、添加自定义服务端口1、选择菜单Policy > Policy Elements > Services > Custom,进入自定义服务管理页面2、点击右上角的New按钮进入自定义服务添加页面在Service Name处填写自定义的服务名称,在Transport protocol处选择需要使用的协议,在Destination Port 处填写自定义服务的目的端口,点击OK按钮提交操作。


3、选择菜单Network > Interfaces(List),找到Untrust Zone对应的端口名(图中Untrust Zone对应的端口为ethernet0/0),点击右边的Edit按钮进入端口编辑页面4、点击Properties中的VIP按钮,切换到VIP管理页面初次添加VIP设置时,如果你有多个外网IP地址,你可以选择填入你的Virtual IP Address,如果ISP只提供给你一个外网IP地址或者你通过PPPOE方式获得外网IP,你可以选择Same as the untrusted interface IP address,点击Add按钮提交。

5、点击New VIP Service按钮,进入VIP服务添加页面6、添加VIP Service相关信息A、在Map to Service 下拉列表中选择现有服务类型或者自定义的服务,图中我们选择了之前添加的udp-3311服务B、在Map to IP中填写提供服务的主机IP,Virtual Port与自定义服务的端口一致,不要勾选Server Auto Detection后Enable选项,点击OK按钮提交7、选择菜单Policy > Policies,进入策略管理页面8、左上角的From选择Untrust Zone,To选择Trust Zone,点击NEW进入From Untrust To Trust策略新增页面Source Address(源地址)从Address Book Entry中选择Any,Destination Address (目的地址)从Address Book Entry中选择相关的VIP服务,Service选择自定义的服务。



#---表示翻译不一定准确*---表示常用命令>get ?Address show address book 显示地址信息admin show admin information 显示管理员信息alarm show alarm info 显示报警信息alg application layer gateway information 应用层网关信息alg-portnum get ALG port num 获得ALG接口号码alias get alias definitions 得到别名定义arp show ARP entries 显示ARP记录asp aspattack show attacks 显示攻击信息auth show authentication information 显示登陆信息认证信息auth-server authentication server settings 认证服务器设置backu4p backup information 备份信息chassis show chassis information 显示机架信息(机架温度….)clock show system clock 显示系统时钟config show system configuration 显示系统配置信息console show console parameters 显示控制台参数设置counter show counters 显示计数器仪表di get deep inspection parameters 深入检测参数dialer get dialer information 得到拨号器信息dip show all dips in a vsys or root 显示所有dip里的虚拟系统或者根dip-in show incoming dip table info 显示进入DIP表的信息dns show dns info 显示DNS信息domain show domain name 显示域名dot1x display IEEE802.1X global configuration 显示IEEE802.1X全局配置driver show driver info 显示驱动信息envar show environment variables 显示环境变量信息event show event messages 显示事件消息file show file information 显示文件信息firewall show firewall protection information 显示防火墙保护信息gate show gate info 阀门信息显示global-pro global-pro settings 全局设置 #group show groups 显示组信息group-expression group expressions details 组的表达方式详细信息hostname show host name 显示主机名igmp IGMPike get IKE info 得到密钥信息infranet Infranet Controller configuration Infranet控制器配置interface show interfaces 显示接口信息ip get ip parameters 获得IP参数ip-classification Show IP classification 显示IP分类ippool get ippool info 得到IP地址池信息ipsec get ipsec information 得到安全协议的信息irdp show IRDP status 显示IRDP的状态地位l2tp get l2tp information 得到L2TP的信息license-key get license key info 得到许可证密钥信息log show log info 显示日志信息mac-learn show mac learning table 透明模式下显示MAC地址信息memory show memory info 显示内存信息mip show all mips in a vsys or root 显示所有MIP的虚拟系统或者根multicast-group-policy multicast group policy 多播组策略nrtp show nrtp information 显示NRTP信息nsmgmt show NSM agent status/configuration 显示NSM代理/配置状态nsrp show nsrp info 显示冗余协议信息ntp get ntp parameters 得到NTP参数os show task information 显示任务信息password-policy password policy 密码策略performance get performance info 获得性能信息pim show global PIM-SM information 显示全球sm信息#pki show the pki settings 显示pki 设置参数policy show policy 显示策略信息ppp get PPP settings 得到PPP设置参数pppoe how pppoe configuration and statistics 如何配置和统计pppoe # proxy-id vpn proxy-id setting vpn 代理ID的设置信息rm show resource management info 显示资源管理信息route show routes in a vrouter 查看路由信息sa show security association 显示安全协议sa-filter config debug message per SA filter 过滤器 #scheduler show scheduler 显示虚拟机信息scp show SCP status 显示SCP 状态service show service book 显示服务目录session show all sessions 显示所有会话信息snmp show SNMP information 显示简单网络管理协议的信息snmpwalk snmp walk ?socket show socket info 显示插座信息ssh show SSH status 显示SSH 状态ssl show ssl info 显示ssl 信息syslog show syslog information 显示系统日志信息system show system info 显示系统信息tech-support show tech support information 显示技术支持信息timer show timer info 显示时钟计时器信息traffic-shaping show traffic shaping info 显示传输形成信息 #url show url filter information 显示 URL 过滤信息user show user 显示用户信息user-group user group settings 用户组设置vip show virtual IP info 显示虚拟IP信息vpn show vpn session 显示VPN会话信息vpn-group Keyword for showing vpn group setup vpn关键字组的设置vpnmonitor show vpn monitor parameters显示vpn监控参数vrouter show virtual router info 显示虚拟路由器信息webauth webauth settings webauth设置webtrends show webtrends information 显示电子商务信息xauth get xauth information 得到扩展认证的信息xlate show xlate ctx infozone configure zone 配置区域> ?Clear clear dynamic system info 清晰的动态系统信息Delete delete persistent info in flash 删除信息:在flash中持续exec exec system commands 执行系统命令exit exit command console 退出命令控制台get get system information 获得系统信息mtrace multicast traceroute from source to destination多播traceroute从来源到目的地ping ping other hostreset reset system 重启系统save save command 保存命令set configure system parameters 配置系统参数命令trace-route trace route 跟踪路由到目的地址unset unconfigure system parameters 删除系统配置参数>clear ?admin clear admin information 清除的管理员信息alarm clear alarm infoalg application layer gateway information 应用层网关信息arp clear ARP entries in the current vsys 明确在当前vsys ARP条目auth clear user authentication table 清除用户认证表cluster cluster option 集群选择config clear config related setting 清除相关配置设定counter clear counters 清除接口计数器dbuf clear debug buffer 清除debug 缓冲器dhcp clear dhcp 清除dhcpdip-in clear incoming dip entries 清除进入dip条目dns clear dns cache table 清除dns缓存服务器dot1x clear IEEE802.1X info 清除IEEE802.1X信息event clear event messages 清除事件消息igmp IGMPike Clear IKE info 清除 IKE 信息ike-cookie clear ike cookieinterface clear interfaces 清除接口ippool clear ippool info 清除ip地址池信息ipsec get ipsec information 得到网际协议安全信息l2tp clear l2tp 清除 2层隧道协议log clear log info 清除日志信息mac-learn clear mac learning tablemulticast clear multicast informationnrtp clear nrtp resourcesnsrp clear nsrp infopppoe clear pppoe statisticssa clear sa ike valuesa-statistics clear statistics in security associationsession clear session tablesnmp clear snmptraffic-shaping clear traffic shaping paramtersvrouter clear vrouter param> delete ?Cluster cluster option 删除集群选择Crypto delete crypto info 删除密码信息file delete a file 删除一个文件node_secret clear SecurID stored node secret 清除存储节点SecurID秘密nsmgmt delete nsmgmt private/public keys 删除nsmgmt私人和公共钥匙pki delete a PKI object 删除一个PKI对象ssh delete SSH 删除 SSHccie-> exec ?admin exec ADMIN commands 执行管理员命令alg application layer gateway information 执行应用层网关信息attack-db perform attack database update or checking数据库进行更新或攻击的检查auth user authentication actions 用户身份认证的行为backup exec backup command 执行备份命令config config exec command 配置执行命令dhcp exec dhcp command执行dhcp命令dialer exec dialer commands 执行拨号器命令dns refresh all dns entries 刷新所有dns条目igmp IGMPike IKE exec commands 执行密钥命令infranet Infranet Confroller configurationinterface Interface configuration 执行接口配置license-key set feature configuration 设置功能配置log exec log commands 执行日志命令modem exec modem Hayes Command Set 执行的命令集现代海耶斯nsrp exec nsrp commandsntp exec ntp command执行nsrp命令password perform password verification 执行密码验证pki PKI exec commands 执行命令policy policy verify 执行策略验证pppoe maintain pppoe connection 保持pppoe连接proxy-id exec proxy id update command执行代理身份更新命令save save command 保存命令ssh exec SSH commands 执行 SSH 命令switch test switch module 测试交换机模块syslog syslog configuration 执行系统日志配置usb-device exec usb command 执行USB 命令vrouter execute vrouter commands 虚拟路由命令ccie-> exit ?<return><string>> mtrace ?由源向目标跟踪解析组播地址路径destination mtrace to the destination mtrace到目的地source mtrace from source mtrace从源> ping ?<return><string> host name> reset ?<return>no-prompt no confirmation 无法确认save-config save configurations 保存配置> save ?<return>attack-db save attack database 保存攻击数据库config save configurations 保存配置image-key save image key 保存关键图像software save software 保存软件ccie-> set ?address define address book entry 定义通讯录条目admin admin commandalarm set alarm parameters 参数设置闹钟alg attach algalias set alias 设置别名arp set arp entries arp条目集attack set attack 设置攻击auth user authentication settings 用户认证设置auth-server authentication server settings 认证服务器设置clock system clock adjustment 系统时钟调整common-criteria Common Criteria function 普遍的标准功能config set/unset config 设置/删除配置console console parameters 控制台参数dbuf set debug buffer 缓冲设置调试di set deep inspection parameters 深度检测参数设置dialer set dialer parameters 拨号器参数设置dip port-translated dip attribute & dip group configurationdns dns configuration dns配置domain domain name 域名envar set environment variables 设置环境变量ffilter flow filter configuration 流过滤配置fips-mode FIPS mode functionfirewall enable firewall protection 使防火墙保护flow flow configuration 流程配置group define address/ser vice groups 定义地址/ ser副组group-expression group expression details 集团表达细节hostname name of this host 主机名ike config Internet Key Exchange 配置网络匙交换infranet Infranet Controller configuration Infranet控制器配置interface interface command接口命令ip set ip parameters设置IP参数ippool ippool settingsipsec set ipsec access sessionl2tp l2tp configuration l2tp配置license-key license-key 密钥许可证log set log config 配置日志信息mac configure static mac entry into mac learning table 配置静态mac进入MAC学习表multicast-group-policy multicast group policy 多播组策略nsmgmt set NSM agent configuration NSM代理配置设置nsrp NetScreen Redundancy Protocol command NetScreen冗余协议命令ntp set ntp parameters ntp参数设置password-policy password policy 密码策略pki PKI Configuration PKI配置policy policy configuration 策略配置ppp set PPP settings 设置PPP设置pppoe pppoe configuration pppoe配置proxy-id vpn proxy-id setting vpn proxy-id设置sa-filter config debug message per SA filter 配置调试信息/ SA的过滤器scheduler scheduler parameters 调度参数scp set SCP 集单片机service service configuration 服务配置snmp snmp command snmp(简单网络管理协议)命令ssh set SSHssl set ssl configuration ssl配置设置syslog syslog configuration syslog配置tftp tftp settings 配置设置timer timer configurationtraffic-shaping set traffic shaping infourl Web filtering configuration 网页过滤配置user user database 用户数据库user-group user group settings 用户组设置vip virtual ip configuration虚拟ip配置vpn vpn configuration vpn配置vpn-group Keyword for define vpn group 为定义vpn关键字组vpnmonitor vpn monitor parameters vpn监测参数vrouter configure vrouter 配置vrouterwebauth webauth settings webauth设置webtrends webtrends configurat ionxauth xauth configurationzone configure security zone 配置的安全地带。



Junipe r按口类型汇总juniper中的接口命名规则:type-fpc/pic/port(大槽号/小槽号/端口号.子接口)Juniper接口类型:●ae—Aggregated Ethernet interface. This is a virtual aggregated link and has a differentnaming format from most PICs; for more information, see “Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces Overview”on page 661.●as—Aggregated SONET/SDH interface. This is a virtual aggregated link and has a different naming format from most PICs; for more information, see “Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Interfaces”on page 997.●at—ATM1 or ATM2 intelligent queuing (IQ) interface or a virtual ATM interface on a Circuit Emulation (CE) interface.●bcm—Gigabit Ethernet internal interface●br—Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) interface (configured on a 1-port or4-port Basic Rate Interface (BRI) card). This interface has a different naming format from most PICs: br-pim/0/port. The second number is always 0. For more information,see “Configuring ISDN Physical Interface Properties”on page 937.●cau4—Channelized AU-4 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized STM1 IQ or IQEPIC or Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs).●ce1—Channelized E1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized E1 IQ PIC or ChannelizedSTM1 IQ or IQE PIC).●ci—Container interface.●coc1—Channelized OC1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQ and IQEor Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs).●coc3—Channelized OC3 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC3 IQ and IQEPICs)●coc12—Channelized OC12 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQ and IQEPICs).●coc48—Channelized OC48 interface (configured on the Channelized OC48 and Channelized OC48 IQE PICs).●cp—Collector interface (configured on the Monitoring Services II PIC).●cstm1—Channelized STM1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized STM1 IQ or IQEPIC).●cstm4—Channelized STM4 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQandIQE PICs).●cstm16—Channelized STM16 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC48/STM16and Channelized OC48/STM16 IQE PICs).●ct1—Channelized T1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized DS3 IQ and IQE PICs,Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs, or ChannelizedT1 IQ PIC).●ct3—Channelized T3 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized DS3 IQ and IQE PICs,Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs, or Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs).●demux—Interface that supports logical IP interfaces that use the IP source or destinationaddress to demultiplex received packets. Only one demux interface (demux0) exists per chassis. All demux logical interfaces must be associated with an underlying logicalinterface.●dfc—Interface that supports dynamic flow capture processing on T Series or M320 routers containing one or more Monitoring Services III PICs. Dynamic flow capture enables you to capture packet flows on the basis of dynamic filtering criteria. Specifically, you can use this feature to forward passively monitored packet flows that match a particular filter list to one or more destinations using an on-demand control protocol.●ds—DS0 interface (configured on the Multichannel DS3 PIC, Channelized E1 PIC, Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized DS3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized E1 IQ PIC, Channelized STM1 IQ or IQE PIC, or Channelized T1 IQ).●dsc—Discard interface.●e1—E1 interface (including channelized STM1-to-E1 interfaces).●e3—E3 interface (including E3 IQ interfaces).●em—Management and internal Ethernet interfaces for RE2600 and RE1800 RoutingEngines. The Junos OS automatically configures the router’s management interface, em0, which is an out-of-band management interface, and the internal Ethernet interfaceem1, which connects the Routing Engine with the router’s packet-forwarding components. If the router has redundant Routing Engines, the Junos OS configures another internal Ethernet interface, em2, on each Routing Engine (re0 and re1) in orderto support fault tolerance. Two physical links between re0 and re1 connect the independent control planes. If one of the links fails, both Routing Engines can use the other link for IP—Encryption interface.●et—100-Gigabit Ethernet interface.●fe—Fast Ethernet interface.●fxp—Management and internal Ethernet interfaces for all Routing Engines except RE2600 and RE1800 Routing Engines. The Junos OS automatically configures the router’s management Ethernet interface, fxp0, which is an out-of-band management interface, and the internal Ethernet interface, fxp1, which connects the Routing Enginewith the router’s packet-forwarding components. If the router has redundant Routing Engines, another internal Ethernet interface, fxp2, is created on each Routing Engine (re0 and re1) in order to support fault tolerance. Two physical links between re0 and re1 connect the independent control planes. If one of the links fails, both Routing Enginescan use the other link for IP communication.●ge—Gigabit Ethernet interface. Some older 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces use the gemedia type to identify the physical part of the network device, but newer 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces use the xe media type.●gr—Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel interface.●gre—Internally generated interface that is configurable only as the control channel forGeneralized MPLS (GMPLS). For more information about GMPLS, see the Junos OS MPLS Applications Configuration Guide and the Junos OS Feature Guide.●ip—IP-over-IP encapsulation tunnel interface.●ipip—Internally generated interface that is not configurable.●ixgbe—10-Gigabit Ethernet internal interface●iw—Logical interfaces associated with the endpoints of Layer 2 circuit and Layer 2 VPNconnections (pseudowire stitching for Layer 2 VPNs). For more information about VPNs, see the Junos OS VPNs Configuration Guide.●lc—Internally generated interface that is not configurable.●lo—Loopback interface. The Junos OS automatically configures one loopback interface(lo0). The logical interface lo0.16383 is a nonconfigurable interface for router control traffic.●ls—Link services interface.●lsi—Internally generated interface that is not configurable.●ml—Multilink interface (including Multilink Frame Relay and MLPPP).●mo—Monitoring services interface (including monitoring services and monitoring servicesII). The logical interface mo-fpc/pic/port.16383 is an internally generated, nonconfigurable interface for router control traffic.●ms—MultiServices interface.●mt—Multicast tunnel interface (internal router interface for VPNs). If your router hasa Tunnel PIC, the Junos OS automatically configures one multicast tunnel interface (mt) for each virtual private network (VPN) you configure. Although it is not necessary to configure multicast interfaces, you can use the multicast-only statement to configurethe unit and family so that the tunnel can transmit and receive multicast traffic only. For more information, see multicast-only.●mtun—Internally generated interface that is not configurable.●oc3—OC3 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs or Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs).●pd—Interface on the rendezvous point (RP) that de-encapsulates packets.●pe—Interface on the first-hop RP that encapsulates packets destined for the RP router.●pimd—Internally generated interface that is not configurable.●pime—Internally generated interface that is not configurable.●rlsq—Container interface, numbered from 0 through 127, used to tie the primary andsecondary LSQ PICs together in high availability configurations. Any failure of the primary PIC results in a switch to the secondary PIC and vice versa.●rms—Redudant interface for two MultiServices interfaces.●rsp—Redundant virtual interface for the adaptive services interface.●se—Serial interface (including EIA-530, V.35, and X.21 interfaces).●so—SONET/SDH interface.●sp—Adaptive services interface. The logical interface sp-fpc/pic/port.16383 is an internally generated, nonconfigurable interface for router control traffic.●stm1—STM1 interface (configured on the OC3/STM1 interfaces).●stm4—STM4 interface (configured on the OC12/STM4 interfaces).●stm16—STM16 interface (configured on the OC48/STM16 interfaces).●t1—T1 interface (including channelized DS3-to-DS1 interfaces).●t3—T3 interface (including channelized OC12-to-DS3 interfaces).●tap—Internally generated interface that is not configurable.●umd—USB modem interface.●vsp—Voice services interface.●vc4—Virtually concatenated interface.●vt—Virtual loopback tunnel interface.●xe—10-Gigabit Ethernet interface. Some older 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces use thege media type (rather than xe) to identify the physical part of the network device.●xt—Logical interface for Protected System Domains to establish a Layer 2 tunnel connection.。

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juniper 端口映射
网络2010-05-20 16:10:58 阅读25 评论0 字号:大中小

Juniper 防火墙MIP的配置
MIP(Mapped IP)是“一对一”的双向地址翻译(转换)过程。


Mapped IP:公网IP地址
Host IP:内网服务器IP地址

trust的目的地址选择刚才建立的MIP action选择permit
Objects -Services -Custom -NEW-
除了选择tcp udp 以及填写808 的地方其他都默认

Juniper 防火墙VIP的配置
MIP是一个公网IP地址对应一个私有IP地址,是一对一的映射关系;而VIP是一个公网IP 地址的不同端口(协议端口如:23、80、110等)与内部多个私有IP地址的不同服务端口的映射关系。


在Network=>Interface 界面下选择Untrust接口,点击edit,进入编辑界面后上方点击VIP
Same as the interface IP address 如果你只有一个外网IP地址,那就只能选这个了。


另外再一些旧款的防火墙如,netscreen ns-204以上的型号是没有这个选项的。

Virtual IP Address 如果你公司比较有钱,有多的ip,那就可以在这里填一个ip了。

点击“new VIP services”建立一条VIP映射
Virtual Port 是外网访问的端口,这里可以随便填,没冲突就行了
Map to Service 是对于内网服务的端口号,可以自定义的
Server Auto Detection 建议不要打钩,不然比较容易出错。

