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be angry at(about)因某事而生气;be astonished at 对某事感到惊讶;be best at非常擅长;

be clever at 在某方面聪明(擅长);be disappointed at 听(看)到……而失望;be good at善于;

be pleased at听(看)到……而高兴;be present at出席,到场;be shocked at因……而感到震惊;

be surprised at因……而吃惊


be active in 在…活跃、积极;be busy in(doing sth.)忙于做某事;be deep in…埋头于,深陷于;

be disappointed in/with 对...感到失望;be dressed in穿着…;be fortunate in在某方面很幸运;

be interested in对……感兴趣;be poor in在某方面薄弱;be quick in在某方面反应快;

be rich in在……方面富有(丰富);be right in在某方面正确;be skilled in(at)熟练、有技巧;

be strict in在某方面认真;be weak in在某方面差(弱)


be afraid of害怕;be ashamed of感到惭愧;be aware of 意识到;be certain of/about确信,有把握;

be careful of当心,小心(含警告之意);be fond of爱好、喜欢;be free of(from)免受;无……的be frightened of非常害怕…;be full of充满;be proud of为…自豪、骄傲;be short of缺乏,不足;

be sure of(about)确信,有把握;be tired of厌烦做某事;be worthy of值得...;


be anxious for渴望(得到)…;be good/bad for对……有利/有害;be eager for 急切地想得到…;

be famous for因…而出名;be fit for适合,胜任;渴望…;be late for迟到, 晚;

be prepared/ready for为……做好准备;be sorry for(about)为…后悔、惋惜;

be suitable for适合于…;be thirsty for渴望;be unfit for不称职,不胜任


be angry with(at) 生某人气;be bored with 对……感到厌烦;be busy with忙于某事;

be careful with注意、细心;be connected with与……有联系;be crowded with 挤满了;

be familiar with 熟悉……;be lined with排列;be marked with做上标志;

be patient with对某人有耐心;be pleased with对……感到满意;be popular with受欢迎;

be satisfied with对…感到满意;be strict with sb.对某人严格要求;be wrong with不顺心,出毛病


be anxious about (for)为…担心;be clear about(理解得)清楚、明白;be curious about 对…好奇;

be mad about(on)狂热地迷恋…;be mistaken about弄错,误会;be nervous about为...心中忐忑不安;

be serious about对…很认真;be silent about对某事默不作声;be worried about为…担心


be blind to视而不见,盲目的;be cruel to对某人残酷无情;be devoted to忠诚于……;

be equal to相等于;be faithful to 对…忠诚;be friendly to对某人友好;be helpful to对…有帮助;

be kind to 对某人仁慈友爱;be known to为人所知;be married to与某人结婚;be next to 紧挨;

be opposite to相对立的;be polite to对人有礼貌;be similar to与…相似;be thankful to感激某人;be unknown to不为人所知;be used to sth/doing习惯于


be based on基于……;be keen on 热衷于;be hard on对某人苛刻


be different from于……不同;be distant towards对某人冷淡;be famous as作为……而出名;



a (good) knowledge of/about …的(丰富)知识; a relationship with 与…的联系、关系;

advice on 关于…的建议;because of…因为…;belief in相信,对...的信仰;

dependence on…依靠…;discussion about/on关于……的讨论;effect on对……的影响;

explanation to…对……的解释half of…的一半;hundreds of数以百计的;interest in …的兴趣;

lack of…缺乏……;one’s opinion of/ on/ about 某人有关……的观点;proof of…的证据;

reason for…的原因;success in在…方面成功;thousands of…数以千计的;the idea of…的主意;

the solution to the problem 解决问题的方式;



at every step每走一步;at a price of以……的价格;at the speed of以……的速度;at work在工作;

at war处于战争状态;at ease轻松;at all costs无论如何,不惜一切代价;at a loss不知所措;

at any moment随时;at dawn拂晓时;at first sight一见就…;at one time曾经;at peace和好;

at table在吃饭;at sea在航海中;at sixes and sevens乱七八糟的;at the age of在……年龄时;
