




测试环境列表:服务器端(target):服务器型号:NP370D2光纤卡:1块,型号QLA 2460内核版本:Linux 2.6.24所需软件包:scst- core )scstadmin-1.0.6 (简化scst配置的工具软件)qla_isp-1.0.2(针对SCST core的FC卡驱动) 客户端(Initiator):服务器型号:AS500N2光纤卡:1块,型号QLA2460内核版本:Red Hat 企业版5 (kernel 2.6.18)所需软件包:qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3 (FC卡驱动)standalone_sansurfer5.0.1b57_linux(FC卡管理软件)环境搭建详细过程:一.Target端配置以下是target端的配置方法:(1)首先配置target 端,给内核打补丁:Type: patch -p0 scst_exec_req_fifo-2.6.X.patchpatch -p0 io_context-2.6.X.patch内核必须关闭HIGHMEM(通过make menuconfig中配置),否则scst_user模块是无法加载上去的(2)编译和安装SCST模块进入到scst-目录中Type: makemake install(3)加载SCST模块(scst.ko)Type: cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.e15/extramodprobe scst(4)加载所需要的device handlers模块测试实验中加载scst_vdisk.ko模块,所以可以用如下的命令进行加载:Type: cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.e15/extra/Devicehandlersmodprobe scst_vdisk(5)编译和安装qla_isp-1.0.1。


光 驱: ≥52倍速
声 卡:Soundblaster 兼容声卡
音 箱
中文 Windows 2000/XP
光域网 搜集了常用的光域网文件
材质库 书中部分实例使用的材质库文件
多媒体 书中部分实例的多媒体教学
(1)图片文件(如 .tif,.jpg,.tga,.psd 等)通过图形图像软件打开
1. 硬件要求
CPU :Intel Pentium(英特尔-奔腾) 1G以上
内 存:256M(SD或DDR)内存
显 示 器:17英寸,分辨率设为1152X864或1280X960, 刷新设为85Hz(赫兹)
显 卡:32M(SD或DDR)以上显存的显卡
(如 Photoshop、Acdsee32 等软件)。
(2) 场景文件或项目文件(.MAX),在 3DS MAX 中打开。
(3)声音电影及视频剪辑文件用 Windows 的媒体播放器或其更新版本、或


7、把生成的service.txt复制到C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\License10.0\bin\文件下,替换同名文件即可。有的破解说明中没有强调非C盘不可,但是安全起见还是装在默认的C盘吧。不过我的很奇怪,desktop装在了C盘,engine装在了E盘,照样使用。
8.打开License Server Administrator,启动服务。
FEATURE ArcView3 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 ADBC8EF1F28B9DC18F96 \
vendor_info=TXDH42L7EY6Z4X4JE221 ck=174
FEATURE ArcView31 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 FDCC4EB18017443D6297 \
vendor_info=H2T570H3D291F1TGH254 ck=55
FEATURE ArcReader ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 0D9CBE710E5695C37E6E \
vendor_info=758Y1G82MC96F90LD184 ck=78



解决方法二: 用管理员可以运行,即在本应用程序(全国数模竞赛上传客户端.exe)文件上右键点"以管理员身份运行".

python项目readme模板 -回复

python项目readme模板 -回复




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pythonimport myproject# 使用说明myproject.function(args)功能特性在这里列出你的项目的主要功能特点,可以使用项目的截图或示例来说明。

- 功能1:- 描述功能1的特点和使用方法- 功能2:- 描述功能2的特点和使用方法示例在这里列出一些示例,展示你的项目在不同场景下的使用方法。

pythonimport myproject# 示例1myproject.function(args)# 示例2myproject.function(args)贡献欢迎其他开发者为本项目做出贡献。

如果你愿意加入项目开发,请遵循以下步骤:1. Fork项目2. 创建你的分支(`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)3. 提交你的变更(`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)4. 推送到分支(`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)5. 提交拉取请求版权和许可在这里说明你的项目的版权和许可方式。





测试环境列表:服务器端(target):服务器型号:NP370D2光纤卡:1块,型号QLA 2460内核版本:Linux 2.6.24所需软件包:scst- core )scstadmin-1.0.6 (简化scst配置的工具软件)qla_isp-1.0.2(针对SCST core的FC卡驱动) 客户端(Initiator):服务器型号:AS500N2光纤卡:1块,型号QLA2460内核版本:Red Hat 企业版5 (kernel 2.6.18)所需软件包:qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3 (FC卡驱动)standalone_sansurfer5.0.1b57_linux(FC卡管理软件)环境搭建详细过程:一.Target端配置以下是target端的配置方法:(1)首先配置target 端,给内核打补丁:Type: patch -p0 scst_exec_req_fifo-2.6.X.patchpatch -p0 io_context-2.6.X.patch内核必须关闭HIGHMEM(通过make menuconfig中配置),否则scst_user模块是无法加载上去的(2)编译和安装SCST模块进入到scst-目录中Type: makemake install(3)加载SCST模块(scst.ko)Type: cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.e15/extramodprobe scst(4)加载所需要的device handlers模块测试实验中加载scst_vdisk.ko模块,所以可以用如下的命令进行加载:Type: cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.e15/extra/Devicehandlersmodprobe scst_vdisk(5)编译和安装qla_isp-1.0.1。



Business Edition商业版本,可在Server服务器操作系统上安装。
ID更新时间:2009-4-19 15:58:20
病毒库最新版本:v4019 (20090418)
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一、用途用于修改使用RPG MAKER XP、VX、VX ACE制作的游戏的存档。

二、操作说明1、程序初始窗体2、将需要修改的存档拖拽到窗体内(也可以点击加载存档打开需要修改的存档),存档不要移动位置,如果能够识别该存档则会出现以下界面3、武器、防具、物品修改功能4、角色部分修改金钱5、开关技能部分,把需要的技能打上勾即可,有的游戏只有在战斗中才能看见新增的技能6、变量7、参数设置程序的参数设置8、保存存档三、注意事项1、本工具为RM XP 、Vx 、Vx Ace 通用,自动备份原始存档,多次修改不会覆盖之前的备份。




四、版本 V1.6.51、解除了人物修改功能各属性修正值正负10000的限制2、修正了游戏BLOODY VIRGIN 部分存档弹框“无法识别的元素类型”的问题3、增加参数设置模块,碰到“达到StaticLinker 上限”问题,可以在参数设置中手动设置该数值 V1.6.41、提高了数据库读取时StaticLinker 上限 V1.6.31、修正了导致存档加密类游戏读档崩溃的bug V1.6.21、对使用Gallery-EX(wfgallery.dll)加密的存档文件进行解密修改时有些游戏会崩溃,已修正2、可以对使用wfcrypt.dll 加密的存档文件进行解密修改了3、修正了人物修改时,部分修正值最大值为1000的问题4、增加了批量插入新物品的功能 V1.6.11、对存档读取代码进行了一次修正2、增加了显示所有角色信息的功能修改完毕后点击保存存档即可V1.61、重写数据库和存档信息的读写代码2、增加了队友信息修改功能3、人物信息修正值可以是负值4、龙头人物的经验值可以自动计算,使用的是游戏默认计算公式5、存档备份更改为只保存原始存档,多次修改不再覆盖之前的备份V1.5.11、修正了读取部分龙头游戏变量后会导致保存存档错误的问题2、修正了同一存档多次存档时会发生存档错误的问题3、修正多次载入存档时引发程序崩溃的bugV1.51、可以从使用WF-RGSS Scripts(wfpcrypt.dll版本:加密的加密档(即data.rpack)中提取数据2、修正了读取变量错误导致存档修改失败的问题V1.41、可以对使用WF-RGSS Scripts(版本:rev-26 (2012-10-7))中的Gallery-EX加密的存档文件进行解密修改2、修正了可能导致主角信息读取失败的bugV1.31、重写了数据库信息的读写代码2、增加了对变量的修改3、修正了不会自动解压数据库文件的问题4、修正了几处不会引起崩溃的bugV1.21、修正经验值和经验关系值2、龙头可以设置能否调换队形3、修正部分游戏读取物品库时崩溃的问题4、增加对开关的状态修改(可解锁回想)V1.11、增加对主角的基本信息和技能方面的修改2、修正部分游戏名称显示错误问题V1.0该版本能修改金钱、武器、防具、物品等公共信息。

超玄翻译管理器版本9.3.1 Readme说明书

超玄翻译管理器版本9.3.1 Readme说明书

Hyperion® Translation ManagerRelease 9.3.1ReadmeReadme FileThis file contains the following sections:Purpose (1)What is Translation Manager 9.3.1? (1)Compatible Software (2)Supported International Operating Systems (2)Installation Updates (2)Upgrading (2)Supported Upgrade Paths (2)Hyperion License Compliance (3)Configuration (3)Known Installation Issue (3)Other Known Issues (3)Tips and Troubleshooting (4)PurposeThe purpose of this document is to outline the known issues and general considerations for this release of Hyperion® Translation Manager. You should review all of the information in this document before you begin using this release of Translation Manager.Top What is Translation Manager 9.3.1?Translation Manager is a Web-based data mapping application that enables users to build and maintain data mapping rules quickly and easily outside the Hyperion® Application Linkintegration design environment. These rules are then utilized at integration runtime through the use of Translation Adapter.Translation Manager provides functionality to minimize the time needed to develop, manage, and maintain the data mapping rules that are required to integrate a variety of external data sources with Hyperion’s Business Performance Management suite of applications.TopCompatible SoftwareThis release of Translation Manager is compatible with the following software releases:•Translation Adapter 9.2.2•Application Link 9.2 and 7.0•Hyperion® Shared Services 9.3.1Top Supported International Operating SystemsThis release of Translation Manager is certified on the following international operatingsystems:French Windows NT4.0 SP5+, Windows 2003,Windows 2000, Windows XPJapanese Windows NT4.0 SP5+, Windows 2003,Windows 2000, Windows XPTop Installation UpdatesUpgradingIf you upgrade any Hyperion product to release 9.3.1, you must also upgrade Hyperion Shared Services to release 9.3.1.Supported Upgrade PathsIf you are upgrading from a previous release of Hyperion products, note the following supported upgrade paths:• to 9.3.1Note: Upgrading from 9.2 releases prior to will be supported in an upcomingservice pack.•9.3.0.x to 9.3.1If you are using a release prior to, you must first upgrade to one of the versions noted above, and then upgrade to 9.3.1. See the product installation guides for the products you are using for upgrade procedures.Hyperion License ComplianceHyperion no longer ships or requires Hyperion® License Server™ (or standalone license files)for use with Hyperion products.To ensure compliance with your license agreement, Hyperion recommends that you implementan auditing process. In addition, during product configuration with Hyperion Configuration Utility, you activate only the features you purchased. After you configure each product, youmust open the file—in <Hyperion_Home>\common\config on the server on which you ran Hyperion Configuration Utility—to review and edit the product options. You must complete this step to ensure you comply with your license agreement and to activate features you are licensed to use. For more information, see “Hyperion License Compliance” in Hyperion Installation Start Here.ConfigurationConfiguration of Translation Manager has been standardized by means of Hyperion®Configuration Utility. This utility enables the configuration of multiple Hyperion products at the same time. User provisioning is done through the Shared Services User Management Console.Note: On UNIX platforms,it is recommended that all Hyperion applications be installed withthe same user name. All Hyperion products install common third-party and internal components under HYPERION_HOME. Installing them under the same user account ensures that installers have the permissions required to modify the HYPERION_HOME location on UNIX platforms.Please refer to these documents:•Hyperion Installation Start Here for system requirements information•The Hyperion Shared Services Installation Guide for Shared Services installation and configuration instructions.•The Hyperion User Management Guide for instructions on provisioning users.Top Known Installation IssueTranslation Manager 9.3.1 cannot be auto-deployed to WebSphere ND. If WebSphere isinstalled with the Network Deployment option, the auto-deployment process for Translation Manager does not run correctly. For installation in such an environment, use the manualdeployment option to create the necessary Web archive or Enterprise archive, depending on the application, and use the WebSphere application deployment tool to deploy the application to the required instance.Top Other Known Issues•When managing Shared Services models and naming applications, you cannot use the forward slash (/), backslash (\), or double quotation (“) characters. All other alphanumeric and special characters can be used in application names.•Using Hyperion Configuration Utility to redeploy an existing Web application to WebLogic8.1.x does not work properly. A workaround is to first undeploy the Web application usingthe application server admin console, and then use Hyperion Configuration Utility to deploy the Web application fresh.•Translation Manager stores the password for database connectivity in file in encrypted form. Ensure this file is secure and is not universallyaccessible or readable.•Microsoft SQL Server databases with hyphens ( - ) in their names are not supported.•On UNIX platforms, the configuration tool script ( throws an error that the name file does not exist or is not readable. This happens only if the host name has repeating characters (for example, the "ll" in scplng2-install or the "pp" inguppy). The workaround for this issue is to remove the following statement from script before running it:| tr -s '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'•When you export a rules table, the file download dialog box displays a corrupted default file name if the file name contains non-Latin characters. You can type a new export file name to override the default.•Translation Manager does not provide supplemental progress feedback for long-running processes such as data import, data export, and translation table validation. The defaultbrowser (Internet Explorer 6) status bar progress indicator is the only sign that a long-running process is active.•Some of the rule syntax reserved characters do not migrate properly when the TMMigrate utility is run. As a result, the rule is not saved properly during a rule import into Translation Manager. Please review the migrated rule file before importing it into Translation Manager, and use the correct escape character for any reserved characters. See the HyperionTranslation Manager User’s Guide for a list of reserved characters and the correct escapecharacter.•On HP-UX systems, when the Hyperion Home Migration Utility is used to copy Hyperion Home components to a new location, the migration utility sometimes does not removecomponents from the old location.•On UNIX platforms, Application Server Deployment or Web Server Configuration tasks may fail if the temporary folder (as defined by the TEMP environment variable) contains *-build.xml files created by another user. Ensure that *-build.xml files do not exist in the temporary folder before running Hyperion Configuration Utility.•If you are using Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 with Hyperion products, your system may experience an abnormal shutdown. To prevent this, install the update from Microsoft by going to: /kb/923996/Top Tips and Troubleshooting•The Translation Manager repository database user name, password, and database name must be created in English.•Translation Manager does not support repository database access through native Windows NT user authentication. A native database username must be created foraccess to the Translation Manager repository, and it must be in English.•Imported translation tables are not automatically saved. When you import a translation table, a reminder is displayed in the page information area, and you are given theopportunity to save the imported information.•The maximum length of a member list folder name is 80 characters. Member list folder names longer than approximately 20 characters are truncated, and scrolling is required.•Translation rule reserved characters (*,?, \, and so on) must be typed using the English (single-byte) representation of the characters. For instance, Japanese platforms support both single-byte and double-byte representations of these characters, but TranslationManager does not recognize double-byte representations during the validation ortranslation process.•The search capability on the Edit Rule page shares the same wildcard rule syntax as any translation rule. When you search by wildcard, escape all reserved characters with a “\”notation. For example, to search for all range rules beginning with “500~” use thefollowing syntax: 500\~*•Translation Manager information and error log messages are output to the default application server console. Tomcat 5.0.28 console log information is not saved to diskand is only available in the foreground console window. Because this information may be required to debug installation, configuration, or login issues, Hyperion recommends that you run the Tomcat application server as a foreground process during the installationvalidation process. After the installation and access to the system is confirmed, you can configure Tomcat to run as a Windows NT/2000 service.•Translation tables are locked whenever a user edits or validates a rule table. These locks prevent two users from editing the same table and the translation adapter from using a table if it is being edited. Table locks are removed in the following events:•Whenever you leave the edit, design, import, or validate pages using an application menu or buttonNote: The lock is not removed if you use the browser’s Back button.•Whenever you log off Translation Manager•If you close the browser during a table edit session, after your Translation Manager Web application session times outTo ensure that all table locks are properly released, Hyperion recommends that youalways use the Logoff link to end a Translation Manager session.•The Translation Manager Web application session timeout length is controlled and maintained by your application server. To alter the timeout parameter for Tomcat, JRun, WebLogic, and WebSphere, please use the respective administrative consoles for those products.•Application Server Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size settings can also impact rule table save performance. Hyperion recommends an application server JVM heap size of 128MB for optimum performance.You can change heap size using the application server-specific procedures described in the following table:Tomcat 5.0.28 Modify the file for your operating system:•Windows$HYPERION_HOME\deployments\Tomcat5\bin\setCustomParamsHTMServer.bat•UNIX$HYPERION_HOME/deployments/Tomcat5/bin/setCustomParamsHTMServer.shChange the JAVA_OPTS entry:set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms128m -Xmx128mWebLogic 8.1.6 or 9.1 Modify the file in your WebLogic deployment folder for your WebLogic version and operating system:•WebLogic 8.1.6o Windows$HYPERION_HOME\TranslationManager\9.3\AppServer\InstalledApps\WebLogic\8.1\HTMServerDomain\startHTMServerDomain.cmd o UNIX$HYPERION_HOME/TranslationManager/9.3/AppServer/InstalledApps/WebLogic/8.1/HTMServerDomain/ •WebLogic 9.1o Windows$HYPERION_HOME\deployments\Weblogic91\bin\ to UNIX$HYPERION_HOME/deployments/Weblogic91/bin/setCustomParamsHTMServer.shChange the set MEM_ARGS entry:set MEM_ARGS=–Xms128m –Xmx128mWebSphere 6.1 Use the WebSphere admin console, Application Server ->HTMServer -> Process Definition -> Java Virtual Machine;change Initial Heap Size and Maximum Heap Size to 128m.You can use the following internal table save test results as a guideline:•Hardware: 1 500mHz CPU, 486MB RAM•Software: BEA WebLogic 8.1 Application Server, 128MB Heap Size•Rule Table: 1 Input and 1 Output fields (each 20 characters in length)1,000 0:035,000 0:1510,000 0:3250,000 2:33100,000 5:18Tables that contain more input or output fields take longer to save.TopAccessing Hyperion Product DocumentationThe most recent version of each Hyperion product guide is available for download from theDocumentation area of the Oracle Technical Network (OTN) Web site(/technology/index.html).Documentation is also available from the Oracle E-Delivery Web site(/EPD/WelcomePage/get_form). Please note that individualproduct guides are available for download on the Oracle Technical Network (OTN) Web siteonly.TopCopyright © 1999, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.。






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- 1 -。






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Avago MPT3SAS Linux driver 的 README 文件说明书

Avago MPT3SAS Linux driver 的 README 文件说明书

Linux driver - Binary rpm/source rpm user guide and known limitationT A B L E O F C O N T E N T S1.OVERVIEW (2)2.D RIVER COMPILATION STEPS (2)3.OS S UPPORT M ATRIX (2)4.RELEASE CONTENTS (5)5.E RRATA/N OTES AND KNOWN LIMITATIONS (5)6.I NSTALL/R EMOVE/U PGRADE DRIVER PACKAGE (6)7.S TEPS TO GENERATE BINARY RPM FROM SOURCE RPM (7)8.NO TES (10)Page 1 of 141.OVERVIEWThis README covers Avago’s MPT3SAS Linux driver specific limitation and information. For any OS Distro specific limitation andinformation please check with OS Vendor support.2.D RIVER COMPILATION STEPSDriver source code is placed inside released driver package.Driver source tarball should be with name –mpt3sas-<driver_version>-src.tar.gz1) Untar driver source tarball-#tar -zxvf mpt3sas-<driver_version>-src.tar.gz2) Go to driver source directory-#cd mpt3sas3) To compile the driver for distro use the helper script"" bundled inside source code-#./compile.sh4)To load and unload the driver for distro use the helper script“” and “” bundled ins ide source code-#./ SUPPORT MATRIXFollowing are the List of supported Distro and their corresponding kernel flavors:####################################################################### SuSE:####################################################################### SLES12 SP1Gold (3.12.49-11) (default, xen)SLES12 SP2Gold (4.4.21-69) (default)SLES12 SP3Gold (4.4.73-5) (default)SLES12 SP4Gold (4.14.94-41) (default)SLES15 GMGold (4.12.14-23) (default)####################################################################### Red Hat, Cent OS, Oracle Enterprise Linux :#######################################################################Note: As the OS kernel is same for corresponding version of RHEL,OEL & CentOS so the driver binaries of RHEL will work for corresponding OEL & CentOS. Hence we will be providing unified binary support for RHEL,OEL & CentOS(i,e.,No separate binaries for OEL & CENTOS, will be provided instead corresponding RHEL binaries should be used).i686RHEL6Update 8 (2.6.32-642) (el6)Update 9 (2.6.32-696) (el6)Update 10(2.6.32-754) (el6)x86_64RHEL6Update 8 (2.6.32-642) (el6)Update 9 (2.6.32-696) (el6)Update 10(2.6.32-754) (el6)RHEL7Update 3 (3.10.0-514) (e17)Update 4 (3.10.0-693) (e17)Update 5 (3.10.0-862) (e17)Update 6 (3.10.0-957) (e17)####################################################################### Oracle Enterprise Linux:#######################################################################i686OEL6Update 8UEK (2.6.39-400.278.2) (el6uek)Update 9UEK (2.6.39-400.294.3) (el6uek)Update 10UEK (2.6.39-400.299.3) (el6uek)x86_64OEL6Update 8UEK (4.1.12-37.4.1) (el6uek)Update 9UEK (4.1.12-61.1.28) (el6uek)Update 10UEK (4.1.12-124.16.4) (el6uek)OEL7Update 4UEK (4.1.12-94.3.9) (el7uek)Update 5UEK (4.1.12-112.16.4) (el7uek)Update 6UEK (4.14.35-1818.3.3) (el7uek) Note:With respect to UEK kernels don’t confuse with driver rpm names. For example driver rpm name for UEKR3_U4 on oel6 OS is kmod-mpt3sas-DriverVersrion_oel6.6_UEKR3_U4-ReleseVersion.x86_64.rpm and one can assume that UEKR3_U4 kernel rpms needs to be installed only on OEL6.6 base OS, but that is not true, one can install these UEK3_U4 kernel rpms on any other OEL6 OS (e.g. OEL6.5 OS) and after booting into this UEKR3_U4 kernel, one can install the above driver rpm on this kernel.####################################################################### Citrix:####################################################################### Note:CitrixXenserver7.2 mpt3sas driver RPM will support bothCitrixXenServer7.6 and CitrixXenServer7.4 as well. Since kernel version is same from XenServer7.2 to XenServer7.6 (4.4.0+10) mpt3sas driver RPM “avago-mpt3sas” CitrixX en7.2 will work from XenServer 7.2 to 7.6.Citrix7.1 (4.4.0+2)Citrix7.2 (4.4.0+10)Citrix7.4 (4.4.0+10)Citrix7.6 (4.4.0+10)####################################################################### Ubuntu:####################################################################### i686Ubuntu16.04 (4.4.0-21-generic)x86_64Ubuntu16.04 (4.4.0-21-generic)Ubuntu18.04 (4.15.0-20-generic)4.RELEASE CONTENTS:For any queries on supported OS matrix, please refer above SECTION #3 contents. OS Support list in SECTION #3 list out test coverage executed by Avago. MPT3SAS driver is GPLv2 open source driver and source code level support is possible for many linux kernelversions. If you do not find binary level support for yourdistribution in release contents, please use source rpm method.For any distribution or supported kernel version, there can be three possible packages –-Driver update disk (Available under folder disks-xx)-Precompiled binary (kmod/kmp/rpms).(Available under folder rpms-xx)-Source rpm. (Available under folder rpms-xx)5.E RRATA/N OTES AND KNOWN LIMITATIONSa.Oracle Linux Installation errata:Installing Driver during Installing for UEK from CD:For UEK kernels, only the KMODs RPMs are provided, not the DUDs. The reasoning behind this is the OEL installation is using the native Red Hat kernels, not UEK. UEK kernel RPMS can be installed after the basic installation is completed. Please check with Oracle support team w.r.t UEK kernel installation process, limitation and other technical queries which is more of generic and not related to MR Drivers.b.RPM install dependency issues:If driver RPM installation fails with kABI checks dependency failure message, installing RPM package the user will need to use the "--nodeps" switch when installing the binary."Example: rpm -ivh --nodeps"If "rpm -ivh throw any dependency warning/error"RPM uses KMOD packaging dependency data to ensure the dependencies are met before installing the binary RPM.Red Hat maintains a whitelist of kernel symbols which RPM uses to validate against the KMOD binaries. Some symbols may be in the kernel but not on the whitelist which results in a failed binary RPM install. User can use the "--nodeps" switch when installing the binary to skip those whitelist symbol checks or any other dependency."c.Kernel crash observed on kernels with version >= 4.11.Kernel crash observed while creating a second RAID volume.Issue: Kernel gets crashed while creating 2nd RAID volume.Hence this issue has impact on IR card and not on IT card.Steps to Reproduce:>>Boot into OS/kernel with its inbox/out-of-box driver, after discoveringHBA and the devices connected to HBA successfully.>>Launch utility (Ex:SAS3IRCU) and create a RAID volume(RAID0/RAID1/RAID10).volume gets created successfully and will be listedfrom utility.>>Similarly try to create second RAID volume (RAID0/RAID1/RAID10), Kernelcrash is observed while creating second RAID volume.Expected: One should be able to create MAX 2 RAID volumeswith IR card at any point of time successfully , withoutany kernel crash.BZ link: Below link has complete details,https:///ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/15813262.Kernel crash observed while unloading the driver keepingenclosure attached.Issue: Kernel gets crashed while unloading driver keepingenclosure attached. This issue impacts on both IT and IRcard.Steps to Reproduce:>>Boot into OS/kernel with its inbox/out-of-box driver, after discoveringHBA and enclosure with set of drives connected to HBA successfully.>>Try unloading driver “modprobe –r mpt3sas”, kernel crash is observed.Expected: Driver should unload successfully irrespective ofwhether enclosure is connected behind IT/IR card.Workaround S olution: As this issue is due to some “ses”module patch , user may have to unload “ses”(rmmod ses)module first followed by driver unload. Then driver unloadssuccessfully.BZ link: Below link has complete details,https:///bugzilla/show_bug.cgi BUG:155216.I NSTALL/R EMOVE/U PGRADE DRIVER PACKAGEThere are two packaging formats for binary rpms –1) RPM(RHEL/SLES/Fedora/OEL uses RPM package)2) DEB(Ubuntu/Debian uses DEB package) in which driver binary supportis provided. More info –https:///wiki/Deb_%28file_format%29Please note that after install/remove driver package, system needs to be rebooted to get intended driver loaded or manually remove module and insert (read man page “rmmod” and “modprobe” for more info)Whenever driver package is installed/uninstalled/upgraded, it is good practice to check output of command #modinfo mpt3sas.Output should always have updated driver version.Steps for Driver install/remove/upgrade for .rpm package1.To install driver RPM, type below command-# rpm –ivh <DRIVER_PACKAGE>.rpm2.To uninstall driver RPM, type below command to check installeddriver package name-# rpm –qa | grep mpt3sasOutput will give installed mpt3sas RPM packages.Now type # rpm –e <package to be uninstalled>3.To upgrade driver RPM, type below command-#rpm –Uvh <DRIVER_PACAKGE>.rpmSteps for Driver install/remove/upgrade for .deb package1.To install .deb package, execute following command,#dpkg -i <DRIVER_PACKAGE>.deb2.To verify the status of installed packages then type followingcommand#dpkg -s mpt3sas3.After installing mpt3sas driver, type below#modinfo mpt3sasIt should show the currently installed version of mpt3sas4.To use installed DEB driver loaded, restart the machine and typefollowing command to get currently loaded driver version- #cat /sys/modules/mpt3sas/versionThis version should be same as driver version of installed driver DEB package.5.To uninstall mpt3sas package, type below command-#dpkg -r mpt3sas6.Verify "modinfo mpt3sas" mpt3sas version should be in-boxversion.7.S TEPS TO GENERATE BINARY RPM FROM SOURCE RPMThere are three variant of source rpms available in this package –a.Source rpm which use kmodtool interface (RHEL based)/Packaging/KernelModules/Kmods2b.Source rpm which use kmp build interface (SLES based)https:///Kernel_Module_Packagesc.Source rpm which use generic build interface (Create initramfsinternally and does not depend upon any external tool)See NOTES section for sample naming convention used for these three flavor of source rpm.If user doesn’t know which source rpm is better for theirenvironment, we recommend trying #c (for any other distro other than Redhat/Novell)Quick search of “rpm –qa |grep kmod” can provide hint, if kmod tool support is available or not.To generate binary rpm from source rpm, user should havecompilation/build environment to create kernel module, utilities to build RPM(e.g. rpmbuild..).Install “kernel-devel” or “linux-headers”depending on distro for compilation environment. E.a system where user has yum repo configured, use below.# yum groupinstall “Development Tools”E.a on Ubuntu user can try installing below missing components.apt-get install rpmapt-get install makeapt-get install gccapt-get install alienExact commands to create build environment would be different across distros so this document is not right place to cover those details. Please refer OS vendor document if needed how to createbuild/compilation environment for specific OS distro.Below are steps to generate binary RPM from source RPM-1. Install source RPM using command <rpm>. Example below-#rpm -ivvh mpt3sas-<driver_version>.src.rpmInstalling above RPM will copy driver SPEC file to specificlocation (configured as part of rpm package. This path can bedifferent for each OS distribution.)To locate SPEC file, check output logs of above source RPMinstallation (see blue marked gives SPEC file location).e.g.[root@localhost tmp]# rpm -ivvvh mpt3sas-06.810.00.02-98.src.rpmD: ============== mpt3sas-06.810.00.02-98.src.rpm..Updating / installing...1:mpt3sas-06.810.00.02-98 ################################# [100%]D: ========== Directories not explicitly included in package:D: 0 /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/D: 1 /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/D: ==========D: unknown 100755 1 ( 0, 0) 25/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/Module.supported;55a756c8D: unknown 100644 1 ( 0, 0)120552/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/mpt3sas-06.810.00.02.tar.gz;55a756c8D: unknown 100644 1 ( 0, 0) 6783/root/rpmbuild/SPECS/mpt3sas.spec;55a756c8GZDIO: 17 reads, 127888 total bytes in 0.000585 secsD: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/NameD: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/PackagesD: closed db environment /var/lib/rpm2. Go to directory where driver SPEC file is copied as part of #1.There must be SPEC file e.g. mpt3sas.spec/lsi-mpt3sas ormpt3sas.spec(driver SPEC file name could be different fordifferent distros, so check SPEC file with megaraid string in itsname).Check spec file name in above command. It provides the locationand spec filename.3. Build binary RPM from source RPM. Below is command to do same-#rpmbuild -ba <DRIVER_SPEC_FILE>For Fedora23 onwards:#rpmbuild –ba --define "debug_package %{nil}"<DRIVER_SPEC_FILE> (where “debug_package”(debuginfo) is mandatory on Fed ora23 and later versions)4. Binary RPMs will be available if #3 exits without any error. Goto directory where new binary RPM is generated.E.a Snippet of working case –--Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/SRPMS/mpt3sas-06.810.00.02-98.src.rpmWrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/mpt3sas-06.810.00.02-98.x86_64.rpmWrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/mpt3sas-debuginfo-06.810.00.02-98.x86_64.rpmExecuting(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.ZbHbmH+ umask 022+ cd /root/rpmbuild/BUILD+ cd mpt3sas-06.810.00.02+ /usr/bin/rm -rf /root/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/mpt3sas-06.810.00.02-98.x86_64+ exit 0--Step #5 is applicable only for deb package based OS distribution(Ubuntu/Debian).5. Create driver .deb package from binary RPM, Execute below commandto achieve the same-# alien -k --to-deb --scripts <GENRATED_DRIVER_RPM>Now, Install generated binary rpms using steps mentioned at“Install/Remove/Upgrade driver binary package”It is always recommended to verify initramfs image to confirm updated mpt3sas driver is packaged correctly before system reboot. Do not assume that latest driver is loaded after installing rpm generated from source rpm. See OS distribution specific documentation on how to verify initramfs image. E.a FC21 user guide link for reference.https:///en-US/Fedora/21/html/System_Administrators_Guide/sec-Verifying_the_Initial_RAM_Disk_Image.html#bh-Verifying_the_Initial_RAM_Disk_Image_and_Kernel_on_IBM_eServer_System_i8.NOTES1.In case of SuSE and similar OS distribution which use kmp tool forinitramfs, we recommend to edit file - /etc/sysconfig/kernel. Append <mpt3sas> before installing binary rpm.INITRD_MODULES="ata_piix ata_generic mpt3sas"2.If you see initramfs failure while rpm installation, try generatinginird manually. Just make sure that <modinfo mpt3sas> provide theexpected driver version.3.Do not try to install/upgrade from source rpm generated rpm binariesalong with pre-compiled binary provided by Avago. Naming convention as part of precompiled binary and source rpm based rpm differs, and that is reason user should stick with one method to avoidcompatibility issue.Source rpm is quickest method to deploy driver on many supported kernel versions, whereas precompiled binary is specific to kernel version or set of kernel versions.Example –Source rpm based binary will be generated in below format -kmp_rpm:lsi-mpt3sas-kmp-default- System with large number of CPU core and LSI’s SAS3 controllers,on repeated load and unload of mpt3sas driver module, if kernelfails to allocate the memory requested for higher queue depth, we can observe that the loading of mpt3sas module fails. Below messages will be logged to /var/log/messages,mpt3sas0: chain_lookup: __get_free_pages failedmpt3sas0: Reduce the module parameter max_queue_depth to a value lower than (“CURRENT_VALUE_OF_QUEUE_DEPTH”) and retry.The work-around for this issue is to load mpt3sas driver with module parameter max_queue_depth set to value less thanCURRENT_VALUE_OF_QUEUE_DEPTH.The max_queue_depth module parameter could be set as followsa. While loading the drivermodprobe mpt3sas max_queue_depth=NEW_VALUE_OF_QUEUE_DEPTH (if driverrpm is already installed)(Or)insmod mpt3sas.ko max_queue_depth=NEW_VALUE_OF_QUEUE_DEPTH (if you have a mpt3sas.ko file)b. If driver is in ramdisk, then in RHEL5/SLES/OEL5 OS, followingline has to be added in /etc/modprobe.conf and reboot the system options mpt3sas max_queue_depth=NEW_VALUE_OF_QUEUE_DEPTH(Or)Add below word at the end of kernel module parameters line in/boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.conf file and reboot thesystemmpt3sas.max_queue_depth=NEW_VALUE_OF_QUEUE_DEPTH5.When Target Reset is issued using below command to DIF type2 drivepresent in the topology then kernel panic is observed on fewkernels.echo 4 > sys/class/scsi_host/host(number)/task_managementThe users can apply below patch if applicable otherwise can check with the kernel vendors for the appropriate patch/?l=linux-scsi&m=135186352200668&q=raw6.By default mpt3sas driver will disable DIX support(prot_mask =0x07),user can enable this feature by setting “prot_mask = 0x7f” module parameter while driver load.The “prot_mask” module parameter could be set as follows:a.While loading the drivermodprobe mpt3sas prot_mask=0x7f (if driver rpm is already installed) (Or)insmod mpt3sas.ko prot_mask=0x7f (if you have a mpt3sas.ko file)b. If driver is in ramdisk, then in RHEL/SLES/OEL OS, following linehas to be added in /etc/modprobe.conf and reboot the system options mpt3sas prot_mask=0x7f(Or)Add below word at the end of kernel module parameters line in/boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.conf file and reboot thesystemmpt3sas.prot_mask=0x7f7.On some kernels when mq is enabled then the user may observe kernelpanic such as ‘NULL pointer dereference’, ‘protection fault’ etc.when user perform expander reset or driver unload operations. This is a kernel issue as ‘scsi_host_find_tag’ API is providing somestale requests pointers when driver loops from smid one to hba queue depth after some drives are removed and added back. Below patch will fix this issue,https:///lists/linux-scsi/msg126041.html-------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes for This Build:-------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.i) This release order will include binaries which compiled withretpolined GCC options,* On OS GA release for which retpoline was not supported andalso on retpoline patched kernels which are released post OSGA(RH 7.4/7.3/7.2, SLES12.x/11.x, OEL6.x/7.x) driver iscompiled with GCC options"-mindirect-branch=thunk-inline -mindirect-branch-register"* On OS GA release for which retpoline was supported(RHEL7.5), SLES15 BRCM doesn't add any extra retpoline GCC flags duringdriver compilation, since OS itself will add"-mindirect-branch=thunk-extern" GCC option by default.ii) Some information on driver binaries built for OS GAkernels(which were released before retpoline support):* Both driver RPMs and DUDs are compiled with GCC option:"-mindirect-branch=thunk-inline -mindirect-branch-register"They are safe from Spectre v2 vulnerabilities.* "modinfo mpt3sas.ko" will show "retpoline :Y" fordriver module built with retpoline support.* Retpoline kernels have "CONFIG_RETPOLINE=y" in kernel configfile.* Driver binaries (DUD and RPM) will work for both OS GA aswell as retpoline kernels.iii) SLES 15 OS installation with mpt3sas Driver:* While installing the SLES15 OS, If Broadcom's IT HBA is notattached to the system then mpt3sas.ko binary won't be part ofthe initrd image.* If user installs the driver rpm on this environment theninstalled mpt3sas.ko won't be part of initrd image.* So it recommended attaching the IT HBA card while installingthe SLES15 OS.iv) Installing rpm in OEL 6.10.There is an OS (Oracle Linux 6.10) issue found in one of the installer scripts "weak-modules".During driver installation updated initramfs with latestdriver is not getting generated. Due to this after rebootstill old driver is getting loaded.As a workaround, after installationregenerate new initramfs manually using below commands:a) First make a backup of the existing initramfs# cp /boot/initramfs-4.1.12-124.16.4.el6uek.x86_64.img/boot/initramfs-4.1.12-124.16.4.el6uek.x86_64.img.backb) Create new initramfs:# dracut -f。



UBUNTU12.04.2 64位 VHD系统(基于vloop3)使用说明1.下载文件一共5个:vbuntu.exe vboot2.exe (7z自解压文件。

解压密码是 niumao )vmlinuz-3.2.0-23-genericinitrd.img-3.2.0-23-genericreadme2.双击vbuntu.exe,将其解压到一个ntfs分区,这个分区应该有至少16G的空闲空间。

就得到一个名为vbuntu.vhd 的文件。



目前解压以后是9.79 GB (10,521,917,440 字节);最大容量是16G。

UBUNTU系统的内核有两个版本:3.5.0-27 与 3.2.0-23.用户名与密码都是niumao3.如果你的系统已经安装了virtualbox,则可以建立一个新的虚拟机,在选择虚拟磁盘时选择已存在的磁盘,选择vbuntu.vhd。




注意:在virtualbox 虚拟机设置--系统--硬件加速--硬件虚拟两个选项都要选中。






解压后是两个文件:vbootldr vbootldr.mbr 与一个目录 vboot。

制作启动引导分两步:第一步,修改vboot目录的子目录grub中的grub.cfg文件的信息,使得vboot2可以引导vhd UBUNTU系统。


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Command line:
sinahigh [-43|add7|md5|eb|tri|nobug] sourceflv [outputflge file contents to change md5 hash
-nobug: Not add H.263 Bug Head
-eb: Add End black timestamp
-tri: Make speed to 3x